
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Taking place in or heavily influenced by the events, social behaviors, and/or fashion of the 1800's.
  1. Diana

    Days of Victoria - Tuesday March 15th @ 2pm to 5pm Central

    DAYS OF VICTORIA 2022-03-15T14:00:00-5 Victoria is a charming high class town just outside of London known for it's gorgeous landscapes and being host to the fabulous parties by Sir and Lady Wellington. Several families are in town for the spring season all in a twitter hoping they receive...
  2. The Mood is Write

    A Concerningly Cumbersome Chronicle Collection

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...
  3. affection

    gingerbread bakery (partner search)

    hello everyone ! my name is taffy and i go by they/them pronouns. i'm looking for a couple casual roleplays and a few rad partners but...that's providing nearly as much detail for what i'm looking for, is it ? nope. so read on ahead ! i'm from somewhere in south asia so english isn't my first...
  4. A

    The Child From The Sky

    You had gotten lost on your trip to the capital of kingdom , well more like got left behind on the road. Left with little more than a horse drawn cart and some supplies you set off in the direction you were heading on the road in hopes of reaching the next town. It wasn't long before you...
  5. Doctor Jax

    CLOSED SIGNUPS e s o t e r i c a || DRY SEASON

    IT BEGINS ON THE WATER https://i.imgur.com/aOoiG7U.jpg?2https://i.imgur.com/E6tJmHA.jpg?2 The stars are bright. She stares up at them, and they are such a multitude. Ever had she heard them referred to as a sea, but she found this description lacking. No. It more resembled a still and quiet...
  6. J

    Manifest Destiny (A Supernatural Western)

    "It's quite simple, chief," the man in black said, "You want the white man gone. I can help you. I can give you guns, sure, but anyone can give you guns. What I can give you...what I can give you will make the white man's guns obsolete. What I can give you will make you a god." Jaxon County...
  7. Ky

    historical RP request!

    hey guys! i'm super new to iwaku so i'm currently trying to branch out and meet more roleplayers with similar interests that i could possibly start something with. i don't have any specific plot ideas, so i'll keep it vague in order to attract anyone who might be interested. i only rp M/M and...
  8. H

    The Last Werecats

    Huddled up uncomfortably in the darkest corner of a small, windowless metal room, surrounded and obscured (cramped, even) by barrels and crates, Mia gave a heavy sigh through her pout. "Blimey, was I not thinkin' at all... Prob'ly on our way t' Timbuktu by now." The runaway ragamuffin's remark...
  9. Yanaike

    Plot/Character Match involving my Favorite Character [Adventure/Fantasy]

    Hello there! Thank you for taking your time to read my roleplay request thread. I’m specifically looking to start a roleplay, using my favorite character Yanaike. She’s a very adaptable character and I can easily include her in a broad variety of settings: from medieval fantasy to a more modern...
  10. ~Abigail Adams~

    Welcome~ (Seeking Male and Female Partners) [Added Characters]

    Hello! About me: My name is Abigail Adams, but you can call me Abby. I have been role playing for 5 to 6 years now and it has become a hobby of mine. I am a soon to be junior in high school, but for now my school has let out for the summer and will start again july 31st. I have been writing...
  11. C

    The Ordained (Civil War era Vampire RP)

    "And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God. The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled...
  12. Y

    Crystals of Arcana [Dishonored-inspired fantasy RP]

    I've been planning to do a story-driven RP for a small group of people or a while now, and I've only just managed to iron out enough details to put into an interest check. It'll probably be high casual/low advanced, and I'd prefer a small number of dedicated and active players over a large group...
  13. Necropolis

    (Western Fantasy) Deadrock Town IC

    "Well hello there newcomer! Come to take up the sheriff job are we? Wow, you got balls kid. Haven't you heard this little town is infested with outlaws of all kinds? Even the legendary Grim?! Eh, no? Well you already signed the contract... To late to turn back now I suppose! Here's your badge...
  14. Dawn

    Chameleon [OOC & Sign-up]

    It is good to hear from you, friend. I'm glad you've decided to take me up on my offer. I assure you the evening will be enjoyable. For at least one of us. Do you like games, friend? Are you a good investigator? How well do you know your fellow dinner guests? Shall we...
  15. Jack Shade


    This Roleplay is currently open to Five participants. If the spots are filled and you still want to be a part of the rp, express interest. I may have room for more. <object width="466" height="105"> <param name="movie"...