
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Focusing on characters traveling to unfamiliar lands/worlds, whether unfamiliar only to them or to civilization in general.
  1. DarkMoon

    OPEN SIGNUPS Experimented Chaos Rp

    Ellawese Gale|25|LE Leader|Location: Lab|Open->Alex Ellawese's body twitched within the confines of the pods she'd been resting in for years now. Her body slowly but surely grew more warm, her pod had been created a bit differently from others since her abilities dealt with fire. They had worked...
  2. Absyinthe_Artica

    The Eventyde Festival OOC

    https://i.imgur.com/V5h9tM6.png OOC Signups [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] Be weary, be ready, and watch your back as you travel through the realm of the Eventyde Festival. {/slide} [slide] [slide] Sinister Intentions With these two factions...
  3. DarkMoon

    Experimented Chaos ~ Interest Check

    Amidst chaos, death, and destruction on Earth, two distinct groups emerged among the survivors. Both groups shared a common trait: they were no longer truly human. These experiments consisted of adding nanotech, plants, animals, or chemicals of all sorts, anything and everything to advance...
  4. K

    Bedlam: Sifting the Gorbage

    Hi! Hello! This is the thread I guess. Soliciting feedback and gauging interest for the amorphous blob of brain detritus that is...Bedlam. I think there's enough for other people to start cooking things up with now, but I'm not sure and maybe the mise en place isn't all there yet. I can prep...
  5. conjuration

    The Roads We Take | a Wanderhome game

    {tab=1}:dragonfly:{/tab}{tab=2}:scroll:{/tab}{tab=3}:clover:{/tab}{tab=4}:quill:{/tab} 🙦 . 2 / 6 slots . 🙥 Most books contain stories within them, and they often know where the story will go and what, exactly, will happen. But one must be careful with stories — they are violent and cruel things...
  6. conjuration

    The Roads We Take | a Wanderhome game

    🙦 Wanderhome 🙥Check out the signup thread for more info! While this will be my first here on Iwaku, I'm no stranger to running smaller-knit group roleplays! I do want to keep this limited to about 3 to 6 active players at a time, but anyone will be able to come and go as they please due to how...
  7. Reverie

    Songs of the Sea {OOC}

    •·················•·················• No one remembers when the world ended. No one even remembers how. All that remains are the legends of the elders and the vast world beneath the waters. Whatever it was that sunk the old world decentralized the new one. Civilizations became scarce and...
  8. Reverie

    Songs of the Sea {IC}

    A thin layer of clouds turned the golden day into silvery grey and a particularly fickle wind left a cold bite in the air. Morning slipped toward noon, and the bustle of daily life overcame the city. The docks, however, had been alight with activity since the first rays of sunlight peeked over...
  9. Nessuno

    Freelancer Legends

    The Freelancer Legends This story is going to be about a far future human race who has begun to spread across the galaxy. Progress was slow at first but has recently developed at an alarming rate due to the development of "Space-Time Tears". (See * for more information) This new rapid...
  10. Pigiron

    The Phoenix Nebula - A Scifi Game about discovery & exploration

    The main thread is up! Click here. Main thread | Interest thread | Test/drafting thread | Profile thread @muffinphobia and I are putting together a group for a game. We have a bare bones plot starting point, but are open to input and more people to make it lively! It's going to be about a race...
  11. Reverie

    Songs of the Sea

    •·················•·················• No one remembers when the world ended. No one even remembers how. All that remains are the legends of the elders and the vast world beneath the waters. Whatever it was that sunk the old world decentralized the new one. Civilizations became scarce and...
  12. ThePotatoGod

    The Only Way To Go Is Up! || RP Proper

    The Omniverse... An Amalgamation of concepts that stemmed from mankind. Possibilities and different outcomes dictated by the mind Many Ideas turned into worlds; many worlds then bear inhabitants Unaware of the truth behind their existence who hides behind the mask of 'Gods' However, these ideas...
  13. Absyinthe_Artica

    Adhara's Expedition

    Adhara's Expedition Interest Check The Adhara; is a magnificent space vessel that's fully equipped for interstellar space travel, and within it are many gadgets and tools to document its Expedition through the stars. Its sole purpose: to keep a record of every planet in the known universe. The...
  14. thatguyinthestore

    ArcRift I: It's So Wonderful

    How you died didn't matter. You could have been the most evil son of a bitch on Earth, or the modern equivalent to Gandhi. What mattered was that you died. And you knew that you died, too. No one else knew how you died, though, not yet. Only you knew that information. Some of you may have...
  15. The Mood is Write

    A Concerningly Cumbersome Chronicle Collection

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...