historical fantasy

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Taking place in a historical setting with added fantasy elements such as magic or fantasy races.
  1. RiverNotch


    Introduction. This project was inspired by this silly little thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare%27s_Star_Wars I agree with that work's central thesis that Star Wars is very Shakespearean, but I dislike its approach of rewriting the films in Shakespeare's language. It...
  2. CherryKoi

    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖 𝙍𝙋

    Hello! Im looking for someone who wants to do a Vinland Saga based rp with me. Im rewatching it and im remembering how much I love the show. I myself am a Bluestar with 4 years of experience, most of it was on Quotev but after the updates I switched to this platform. I do not mind whether you...
  3. CherryKoi

    ALWAYS OPEN PARTNER REQUEST A x A F x F F x M F x NB Looking For Long Term Rp Partners

    Hey, im looking for people to rp with. I have 5+ years of experience and prefer to play female characters (with exceptions) i am too lazy to write about my way in a organized way so these are the basics: 3+ Paragraph Responses Prefers non-fandom rps More than 3 responses per day Lgbtq+...
  4. dreaming endless

    Advanced-Lit, Detailed, Long-term, Multiple Stories and Characters

    Hi there, I am hilariously terrible with introductions, so I'll keep this part short and appropriately, awkwardly weird. I have been writing for what feels like forever, it is my safe harbor from the stress of real life, but also serves as a creative outlet for my passion for creative story...
  5. RiverNotch


    It is the year after creation 6,074, or 566 years after the Incarnation. You are either a visitor to or a resident of the village of Eugenia, near the heart of the province of Phrygia Saloutaris. The village is known for the fountain around which it was founded: one spout produces pink water...
  6. edevanes

    looking for 𝟭𝗫𝟭 fandom 𝗢𝗥 original roleplay(s)!

    greetings! ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ hello everyone! my name is chase, i am eighteen years old, and i use it/they pronouns! forgive me if this looks a little sloppy as this is my first time posting here! anyways, before you read any further, please take a look at my carrd and go through my roleplay rules...
  7. Diana


    THE OBSIDIAN SIREN ON IWAKU'S DISCORD 2023-09-04T12:00:00-5 YO HO TRAVELLER! You've wandered into the Obsidian Siren, a bawdy little tavern in the hidden pirate port of Meria's Town. Hanging right on the water for seafolk and sailor alike to swim on up into the cove and spend a night with...
  8. UnicornBunny

    Can I be your villain?

    Disclaimer I am not good at all this forum stuff so this will look very sad… I am also on my phone… just desperate. I don’t have any pre-made chars I will be creating specifically a char for you or your char. I can play male or female I enjoy both. Also I post at least 2 smaller paragraphs...
  9. Wotanaz

    Broacien: Wotanaz' Search

    The world of Broacien, as far as we know it. There exists more lands to the north, east, south and west, but this is as far as the titular kingdom has explored it's surrounding realms. Where will you strike your mark? This RP will be based off of Broacien, so reading the linked thread is...
  10. Nemopedia

    Somewhere in Between

    Mei Ahyu Naen Ahjin "These are all for the princess?" Mei's voice echoed through the wood and stone structure that was to be her residence, a whistle following as her hand glided over the smooth plaster that kept the structure together and gave it a polished look. "Even little...
  11. CanaryCry

    Of Land and Sea

    Name: Korin Age: 25 Personality: Korin is independent, as he's felt he always needed to be. He's confident enough in his own strength but would always prefer to avoid causing other creatures, of any sorts, pain or injury. Beyond that, despite his willingness to be friends and give someone the...
  12. Diana

    Days of Victoria - Tuesday March 15th @ 2pm to 5pm Central

    DAYS OF VICTORIA 2022-03-15T14:00:00-5 Victoria is a charming high class town just outside of London known for it's gorgeous landscapes and being host to the fabulous parties by Sir and Lady Wellington. Several families are in town for the spring season all in a twitter hoping they receive...
  13. Peregrine

    Green Mung Beans & Red Dates (Peregrine x Nemopedia)

    Lin Jingyi had always considered himself like the breeze. Gentle and unaffected, he had drifted through life with grace and contentment. He had never been one to burn with the passion of ambition, to desperately claim ownership over every opportunity that passed in front of him. And his...
  14. XIII

    The Blood of the Coven | XIII && Reina

    This is a roleplay between XIII && Reina. Posting is prohibited. Stalking is encouraged. Premise: In 1740's England, a war was in full swing. Vampires and werewolves had been fighting for what seemed like centuries, keeping to the shadows, a world long forgotten. No one knows how the war...
  15. UndeadMarshmallowLambie

    Monsters Beyond the Fog [p]

    In the kingdom of Lakhmotr there was town of Morganar, a small village by outskirts of Draken Forest. The people are simple folk here they make there coin from gathering wood and farming. Inside the forest lived what most humans would consider monsters. Monsters of all shapes and sizes that...
  16. Absyinthe_Artica

    Aspects of the Gods IC

    Aspects of the Gods IC I. Unearthing a Prophecy Chapter The world of Castraia is home to a pantheon of deities who watch over the lands and people who inhabit them. They have been the prevailing rulers from the heavens for as long as anyone can remember. The deity Huran decides who rules on...
  17. cam

    The Sword-Scholar from Khitai

    An old man straightened at the edge of a field, and shielded his eyes from the morning sun. In the pale halo, a rider approached. The silhouette was slender and unfamiliar. His weathered thumb twitched reflexively. Nobody ever approached from the east, as Turan stretched beyond with scorching...
  18. S

    The Seven Deadly Sins (IC)

    I want to make a roleplay about the Seven Princes of Hell / The Seven Deadly Sins. The list of Princes goes: 1. Lucifer: Pride 2. Beelzebub (Belzebub): gluttony (glotouns)- 3. Satan (Sathanas): Wrath (wraþþe) 4. Leviathan (Leviathan): Envy (envous)- 5. Mammon: Greed (Auarouse) 6. Belphegor...
  19. cam

    Seeking F/F partners. Original plots and obscure, outdated fandoms inside! [Updated 12/12]

    Introduction I'm Cam. Been roleplaying since the AOL chatroom days. I have fond memories of staying up late with close online friends and getting lost in our worlds together. Would love to find that connection again, and I have come close a few times, but sometimes the cookie crumbles just so...