
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Dealing with or focusing on the practice of alchemical science and/or magic.
  1. Pahn

    Heart of Alchemy

    Tap-tap. Lysander tapped his long-dried pen against his notes. The meeting dragged on. Lysander had been here early too, hoping he would be able to give his report (No, nothing new. No new illnesses for him to cure despite the early arrival of winter. No, no new antidotes to any new poison. No...
  2. The Mood is Write

    A Concerningly Cumbersome Chronicle Collection

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...
  3. The Mood is Write

    A Particularly Painful Partner Probe

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody, but you could also call me Modwri. I am thirty-one years old and have been independently studying writing and roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live at home with my mother and pets, and play games or read manga (or manhua sometimes) when I'm not...
  4. guywithlaptop

    Raising a farm roleplay

    Hello strangers, the roleplay revolves around farmers who lost a big fragment of their general population and they aim to rebuild their home facing all the obstacles hindering their outcomes. Everyone may start in any age group, you can be elders and they all are great farmers with real...
  5. X

    Anyone here post daily?

    I post daily or even hourly. I like some logic in my fantasy roleplay. I like to think that I'm creative in the plot and the world. But my writing is not so good. My grammar is weak and I know little english words. I write maybe a couple of paragraphs per post. I check into the thread that I'm...
  6. X

    Science Fantasy RP

    I got a plot that I think is good but my writing is bad. I would deeply appreciate it if people give me an idea how to make it more interesting. Check the posts down below for the plot. The stage will be set on a world where myriad collosal creatures roam the sky, sea, and earth. Magic is...
  7. L

    New Age: Fairy Tail

    Life as a wizard in Fiore is a dream - a dream few get to experience in their lives. As a wizard, you find it your duty to learn and gain more magical knowledge, while helping those around you with task a human might find difficult to complete themselves. Up until this moment, you were a...
  8. Peregrine

    (Peregrine x Jackalope)

    The North American Trade Convention took place in the same location every year. Right in the heart of downtown Toronto resided a massive structure, a behemoth made up almost entirely of glass and triangles. Even at a passing glance, anyone would be able to see that the architects had tried to...
  9. Lillian Gray

    Affinity - Interest

    A F F I N I T Y Interest Check Interest Check | Lore | Sign-ups | OOC | IC The year is 1286. The country of Netima is breaking. The Republic is on the cusp of fracturing by the hands of the Insurgency, those who have deserted from the militant forces decades ago. Centuries of...
  10. Lillian Gray

    Affinity - Information

    A F F I N I T Y Information and Lore Interest Check 1 2 | Lore | Sign-ups | OOC | IC The year is 1286. The country of Netima is breaking. The Republic is on the cusp of fracturing by the hands of the Insurgency, those who have deserted from the militant forces decades ago. Centuries...
  11. L

    Fairy Tail: New Age

    Info Thread | OOC | Character Index This rp is based around the world of Fairy Tail but, will contain none of the original plot and characters. Life as a wizard in Fiore is a dream. As a wizard, you find it your duty to learn and gain more magical knowledge, while helping those around you with...
  12. L

    Fairy Tail: New Age

    Life as a wizard in Fiore is a dream. As a wizard, you find it your duty to learn and gain more magical knowledge, while helping those around you with task a human might find difficult to complete themselves. Up until this moment, you were a guildless wizard, one without a home or emblem. As...
  13. DarinValore

    The Tales of Aikanah

    Here's to my first group thread. I am nervous about posting this but here it goes. Plot: Since the Elemental War 427 years ago, peace has flourished under the leadership of the Covenant, five of the most powerful magi in all the land. Under their guidance, five families have risen to power...
  14. C

    The Seven Dreaded (Sword & Sorcery RP)

    The Great Lands of Khartouma are fraught with hardship, strife and war. Split among the sands are small kingdoms and tribes...but at the heart of it all is the Empire Of Argos. In legend it is known as the birthplace of civilization itself. To the outlying realms it goes by many names..."Eye Of...
  15. Dahrinn (Groucho)

    Something About Magic

    Magic, what's a fantasy setting without it? Hello, and thank you for checking this out. I've been holding onto a system of magic I've been developing for some while now, and perhaps you've seen or played less advanced forms in my previous RPs. This is the latest and most in depth version, and...
  16. X

    1x1 (FxF) Post-Apocalypse Sci-Fi Craziness?!

    3/12/2017 - Original Posted 3/12/2017 - Changed some of the layout to make reading easier. Made the roleplay more obvious. Removed/changed some roleplay desires/requirements to allow more flexibility for the partner. Added 'Primary Premise' 3/13/2017 - Made what the races are more apparent...