
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Includes romantic or sexual situations between characters who are related by blood.
  1. James1

    Family Fun [M4F]

    I have a rare few days to myself, in which I can start a new roleplay, and I'm looking for anyone interested in an incest story. I'm definitely free until Thursday, 9/12, so I'm mostly looking for something shorter term, but still realistic over the next few days. But I'm open to continuing if...
  2. Skella Rose

    Daddy x daughter (all characters are 20 or over)

    (Heavy smut) Warnings: Contains some dark themes (ask me about them) Cheating Pregnancy Drama (lots of it) No interracial Daughter is in love with her daddy and seduces him one night when him and her mother get into a fight. But daddy has an obsession with daughters best friend and is just...
  3. The Mood is Write

    A Concerningly Cumbersome Chronicle Collection

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...
  4. A

    MxM Lots of plots to choose from...

    Looking for a very chill (2-5 paragraphs) MxM roleplay that is more fixated on character development and plot rather than right-off-the-bat smut (unless the plot calls for it). I’m into all kinds of themes and genres aside from those set in the 16-1900s and such. I just fail at them so unless...
  5. The Mood is Write

    A Particularly Painful Partner Probe

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody, but you could also call me Modwri. I am thirty-one years old and have been independently studying writing and roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live at home with my mother and pets, and play games or read manga (or manhua sometimes) when I'm not...
  6. P

    Some Gender Bending, Alittle Horror, a Pinch of Incest

    PLEASE PM me don't message on this thread! Hello Everyone, and I thank you for your time. As you probably already know roleplaying is about escape, or playing out situations that are either impossible or taboo in real life or at least that is how i see it, it is a form of creative expression...
  7. TotallyMe

    List of Ideas

    Hey all! So, obviously, I am looking for some male characters for my rps below! As for a roleplayer, I'm searching for someone who can rp decently, and is a cool person that can talk to me outside of rp if they want or need to! I myself am always up for conversation (if it's desired that is)...
  8. S

    Hot incest (Male seeking female)

    You are the older sister to a young boy born with some rather strange defects. For some reason your younger sibling was born with pale skin and ruby red eyes. This caused him to become inclusive and rarely left the house except to go to School. You loved him of course and did everything you...
  9. A

    Lots of MxM plots to choose from....

    Looking for a very chill (2-5 paragraphs) MxM roleplay that is more fixated on character development and plot rather than right-off-the-bat smut (unless the plot calls for it). I’m into all kinds of themes and genres aside from those set in the 16-1900s and such. I just fail at them so unless...
  10. C

    Incest MxM RPs Please!!

    Alright so I usually do fandom rps and haven't done one with OCs in years, but my rps have been dead as of latelyand no one quite seems interested in the pairing I'm looking for so.... I'll give it a shot again. Just as a quick note, I play bottom characters, I am willing to double and play a...
  11. ivoryknight22

    MXM incest is wincest

    So, I'm in the mood to write Incest. It hits me rather rarely, this weird urge. Requests of the RP I play only Doms/tops/whatever word you use. I would prefer a few (2 or 3) paragraphs in a response. As long as I know what you're saying and don't have to run your post through spellcheck I'm...
  12. C

    Requesting Partners

    Hello, and thank you for checking out my ad. Hopefully something below will grab your attention, and we can enjoy a roleplay together. I am Crafter...just Craft is fine. My name is actually not a reference to StarCraft, just in case anyone thought that, and wanted to ask. Stuff I do; (RP...
  13. SatanicBamnana

    Blade's Partner Search

    ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════╕ ❃ Blade's 1x1 Partner Search ❃ ╘════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Hello there! If you've stumbled into this thread then you are, much like myself, looking for some roleplay partners. So, instead of a long, drawn-out introduction...
  14. Bryce

    Despite the Royal Family Relation MxF

    They are only half siblings. Both the same father however they remain close despite their father's unfaithfulness to his mother all those years ago. Vlad and [Your Character] still remained close... However their two emotion escalate when she finally lives with them. -Character Sheet- Name...