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Based on or borrowing elements from the Warhammer or Warhammer 40k settings.
  1. S

    ALWAYS OPEN Warhammer 40K: Deathwatch

    Hello, I am looking for anyone interested in playing a trio of Space Marines who work in the Deatwatch. This could be set at any point in the series. We can also be a little loose with the rules if you'd like. But I will say this, I will be playing Space Wolves in this roleplay. If you'd like...
  2. BlueFlameNikku

    Descent to Ascension (Warhammer 40k)

    "We are judged in death by the path we walked in life." https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/attachments/daniel-schmelling-desert-planet-1-jpg.191464/?hash=b38bf4fd99a7e38cdb72d71f06de8cf2...
  3. BlueFlameNikku

    Descent to Ascension (Warhammer 40k)

    "We are judged in death by the path we walked in life." https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/attachments/daniel-schmelling-desert-planet-1-jpg.191464/?hash=b38bf4fd99a7e38cdb72d71f06de8cf2...
  4. BlueFlameNikku

    Humble Beginnings (Warhammer 40k)

    Link to the Sign Ups: OPEN SIGNUPS Descent to Ascension (Warhammer 40k) Hook: You are a citizen of the Imperium of man. A humble servant of the God Emperor as you live out your days as one of countless cogs in the living breathing machine of the empire. You may wish for the day when your...
  5. MagnoliaSweet

    Warhammer Inspired Science Fantasy RP

    So I and my friend @Uncle Legens Legentis (mostly him) had brewed up a really awesome setting that we both enjoy writing stories in. It was originally an RP on iwaku but I been really wanting to do some more stuff with it RP wise so I am going to link you a doc with the doc of setting but when I...
  6. Ysolde

    Seeking Female Characters for Female Love Interests

    Hello there I am redoing my seeking thread to entice new players and request older players to see if they might be interested in playing with me again. About me: - I am a 44 year old transgender lesbian woman. - I only write FxF plotlines - I usually post at least once per day - However I...
  7. Supremacy

    Looking for someone who wants to create stories together.

    A Friendly welcome to all who clicked on this post. Hello, My name is Supremacy. I am looking for a partner to create some wonderful stories with, if the title wasn't obvious enough as it is. Before we talk about all the little details, I will first talk a bit about myself to start...
  8. C

    Warhammer 40,000: Sentinels of Haelstrum

    Warhammer 40,000: Sentinels of Haelstrum The reward of doing the Emperor's will is reward enough. All men must die. Hail to true servants of the Imperium. May coward-traitors stand shame before the Emperor. -- Haelstrum Sentinel Principalum 10: 3: 6-10 (Section 10, Block 3, Sentence 6-10)...
  9. R

    The Warlord and the Impaler [Non-Canon]

    Located South of the Bottomless Canyon and accessible by the Hoshidan sea lies Castle Memorium. A monument to the peace between the traditional warring kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido, now friends after so long. Brought together by the fair princess Corrin, this castle was created as an emblem of...
  10. G

    Dark Heresy: Cell Achates

    Segmentum: Pacificus Sector: Clusius Subsector: Tiber System: Scaevola Location: Aboard Light Cruiser Plentiful Emptiness, in orbit over Scaevola Prime The journey to the Scaevola system was longer than expected. What should have taken a week lasted almost twice as long. Still, the trip was...
  11. T

    Warhammer 40,000: Cataclysm of Albion

    Ah, Albion. Center of Imperial pleasure and relaxation. From the holiest of Cardinals to the lowliest of rogue traders, this great world is a beauty in its complexity. From the underground casino caverns to the skyscraper brothels, to even airborne bars, Albion is, among Imperial Pleasure...
  12. G

    WH40k Dark Heresy: Cell Achates

    +Decrypting Transmission... Complete+ ++IMPERATOR PROTEGIT++ Orders for Cell Achates The Scaevola system has had a recent increase in the number of people reported missing. While this is normally a task beneath His Majesty's Holy Ordos, there is an alarming trend among the observed cases...
  13. G

    WH40k Dark Heresy

    Anyone interested in a game of Dark Heresy? What is Dark Heresy? Dark Heresy is a Roleplaying Game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The players assume the roles of members of the Inquisition, specifically an Inquisitor's acolytes. The game is played using ten-sided dice and a very large...
  14. Lurcolm

    Warhammer 40k please.

    As the title said. Anything and everything 40k. I've recently undergone a binge or research about this world, and I'd very much like to rp. All I ask is a decent knowledge of the 40k universe and the passion to rp it in any way, shape or form. There really isn't anything I don't like about...
  15. K

    From the Dust (Warhammer 40'000 Post-Heresy Counci

    Following the Horus Heresy, the Imperium was torn apart and would now be rebuilt. Not as it was. But by the actions of the new Lords of Terra. You, players, will effect, and manipulate the direction of the Imperium, for the Imperium's own good. And you do so collectively. Each 'turn' of the RP...
  16. G

    Warhammer 40k: Activated Tactical 492 IC

    Segmentum: Obscurus Sector: Calixis Sub-Sector: The Pereiphery Location: Universe Class Mass Conveyor Salvation of Pergamon, Subdeck 13 Status: In Warp Transit, En route to Nox System ETA: 6-8 Weeks “ATTENTION!” The sound of hundreds of feet stepping to attention was ragged and disjointed...
  17. G

    Warhammer 40k: Activated Tactical 492

    RIP detail, an acronym for Retraining, Indoctrination and Punishment, is a program for Guardsmen who don't make the cut. Anyone found lacking in training or discipline is sent there for six weeks of grueling grunt work and basic combat education, after which they are returned to their Regiments...
  18. G

    Warhammer 40k anyone?

    I'm itching to do a 40k RP, but knowing that the few 40k fans here have rather diverse tastes, I don't know what kind of RP. I'm leaning towards Inquisition/Rogue Trader because it's one of the more inclusive entries, but I'm open to pretty much anything.
  19. P

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader: The Interex Valhalla

    This is the place where PCs will sign up and we can discuss things OOCly. Campaign Overview: A deadly Warp-storm killed everything organic on the Interex Valhalla, except one man who was in Cryostasis-Apollo Torque. When he awoke from cyrostasis, he found his whole crew dead and he was not...
  20. P

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (with a twist)

    So, I had an idea for a Rogue Trader Campaign. The "Rogue Trader", and his ship, would be from Interex, displaced in time. (IE, his ship was dislodged from a space hulk and he was in cryostasis or his ship was caught in a warpstorm). He wouldn't know much about what's happened in the last few...