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Taking place in and around an inn or bed and breakfast and dealing with the dynamics of guests and the proprietors.
  1. AstralOkami

    Hallow's Inn - Fairy Tail Roleplay

    Halloween Inn : Fairy Tail receives a request to investigate a strange inn where people supposedly go missing after performing what should be an innocent ritual of telling ghost stories. only for the veil between the human world and the Spirit World (AKA the realm Momiji the Kitsune originated...
  2. G

    Neuter Haunt - Light and Darkness Fantasy Inn ADD

    SUMMARY Neuter Haunt is an inn, resort, hotel, tavern... A place where both demons and angels, along with other races, come to rest and socialize, but yes, fights and even death can happen. Two clans, two sides. You choose one. Light characters prefer peace, help others, respects all foms of...
  3. G

    Neuter Haunt - Light and Darkness Fantasy Inn

    SUMMARY Neuter Haunt is an inn, resort, tavern... A place where both demons and angels, along with other races, come to rest and socialize, but yes, fights and even death can happen. TOPIC The world has always been ruled by two sides. Darkness and light. So, to commemorate those two sides, I...
  4. D

    Yori-Yori Inn

    Yori-Yori Inn is a large, three story building found on the road between Machi City and the village of Tagunda. The dirt path is wide enough for two carriages to ride side by side and is otherwise surrounded by a large forest. The building itself is mainly made of bricks for the lower level and...
  5. L

    The Hallows Inn [Fantasy Inn Role-Play]

    The Hallows Inn You find yourself sprinting, as fast as you can, pushing every muscle in your body to the limit. The dirt track in front of you, so bogged down by rain water has become nothing more than a sludge path of sodden muck. With every step you feel as if your boots are about to be...
  6. Legens Legentis

    The Shadow Over Keresberg (OOC)

    "Oh, you're new here, aren't you? Not many folk wind up in this old town, willingly, that is..." "Hmm? This is Keresberg. I'm sorry your car broke down, but you can stay here for as long as necessary." "Hehe, I also happen to run the local inn. I have a room set up for you already, free of...
  7. G

    Neuter - Light and Darkness

    The world has also been ruled by two sides. Good and bad. Darkness and light. God and Satan... Call it simple luck and disgrace if you wish. The thing is, that no matter how we call it, there is the good choice, and the bad one, the path of light, and the darkness one, there are good people, and...
  8. B

    The Strumpet Inn (Open)

    THE STRUMPET'S INN "Come one, come all. Ye scurvy mongrels!" The bartender called as he posted the newest listing on the bounty board. Every no good, two tongued creature and human in the joint bolted for the board. They knew if they wanted stay and some good grub they'd get a job or...
  9. B

    The Strumpet Inn OOC

    THE STRUMPET'S INN "Come one, come all. Ye scurvy mongrels!" The bartender called as he posted the newest listing on the bounty board. Every no good, two tongued creature and human in the joint bolted for the board. They knew if they wanted stay and some good grub they'd get a job or...
  10. B

    The Strumpet Inn (Fantasy Tavern)

    THE STRUMPET'S INN "Come one, come all. Ye scurvy mongrels!" The bartender called as he posted the newest listing on the bounty board. Every no good, two tongued creature and human in the joint bolted for the board. They knew if they wanted stay and some good grub they'd get a job or...
  11. AshenAngel

    Twilight Guild

    "Twilight... The end and the beginning. Light giving way to darkness, and light reclaiming it's hold once more. It is what you make of it that presents the beauty of the struggle." - Guild Master Leone Magic has existed since ancient times. It is the output of a connection between a human's...
  12. M

    Spirit Gate Inn

    It was much farther down than Mayumi had thought at first. So much farther. Even while climbing up to the fifth floor of the abandoned business building she hadn't realized just how far it truly was down to the ground until her feet teetered on the edge of the broken, full-length window. Down...
  13. Der Außenseiter

    Welcome to the Inn of the Sable Bear!

    Come one, come all! The Inn of the Sable Bear is a unique place. It's a roleplaying chat in which any and all character types can interact. The base environment is medieval fantasy, but the room allows for all time periods and all tech levels. The Inn of the Sable Bear is the main...
  14. M

    The Spirit Gate Inn: A home for displaced mythical

    Currently I am going to close this to people who have not already expressed interest in the thread. If there is an opening, this message will self-destruct disappear. Here is the IC thread. Story: A small group of humans and monsters band together to keep the inn running and try to...
  15. AshenAngel

    Tilly's Tavern & Inn IC

    OPEN SIGNUPS - Tilly's Tavern & Inn OOC It was turning out to be a slow afternoon, considering that the place was empty. Leone was in charge of the music playing softly in the background, which was currently a mellow piano piece. He was quietly cleaning the bar counter, deciding that a tedious...
  16. AshenAngel

    Tilly's Tavern & Inn OOC

    The fresh smell of cinnamon, freshly baked apple pies, pinecones, and alcohol all mixed together in a wondrous scent rush into your nose was you swing open a wooden door with a iron door knocker in the style of a lion's head. Oddly, the building seems gigantic compared to it's tiny appearance on...