Hey. back at it again with this kind of post. but this time, I made it more neat.
Also, I'll try to update this one with what I get interested into as I go.
It was about time I cleaned up my thread anyways.
Welp. DM me or smthn if you're interested.
Discord: realfurswapchara
my time: Pacific...
Editor's notes: I kinda stole from KatherinWinter, but they weren't using their thread, and I wanted to save these to reuse for my own RPs, so... sorry not sorry. 😼
I'm Chara.I have been bored as of late and I would looooooooooove to do some kind of roleplay with people here.
Reply to me if...
The Call of the Wordbinder
Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...
The Call of the Wordbinder
Hello! I'm Moody, but you could also call me Modwri. I am thirty-one years old and have been independently studying writing and roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live at home with my mother and pets, and play games or read manga (or manhua sometimes) when I'm not...
Pahndora's Box of Horrors
To whomever receives this,
The Nightmare world is worse than I imagined. The horrors I see at every turn, the screams that resonate through my skull, the eyes looking at me through holes in the walls... I don't know how much longer I...
Hello! Glad you could make it, you can call me Vuro. I'm just some woman looking to write collaboratively on the topics mentioned above and below. I hope you find something that interests you. Please PM me if you have any questions.
Goal: I've been wanting to play something that skirts the...
80% of these ideas are expected to contain sex at some point! This can range from sweet romance to straight out smut. Please, do not roleplay with me if you aren't comfortable performing sexual content.
-MxF, MxM and FxF. Mostly MxM though.
-Can play canon characters for fandoms.
1. The Valkyries
Kinks: Corruption, Mind Break, Rape, non/dub-con, FxF, FxFuta(can be removed), Latex, BDSM, Exhibitionism, Romance, Sensuality, Vanilla, (optional) Wax, liquid(no pee, mostly chems and water) play, possibly(and probably) more.
Plot/Set up: Once, Maiden City was known as a Haven...
~Looking for partners for MxM story plotting~
I'm looking for more aggressive style partners, people who are equally willing to help shape the plot with me and who can write at least a paragraph for each reply. Maturity is a big deal as well, since I enjoy roleplays that delve into...
Humanity has entered a new era of prosperity. Magical and technological advances have led to many wonders that would have been thought impossible. Space travel is at an all-time high, and colonies have been founded on or around many worlds in the solar system. Mankind had truly begun to...
Hello! I'm currently looking for smut-heavy/smut-centric RPs, though of course they don't have to lack a plot by any means; whether they do or they don't doesn't matter all that much to me.
Diving right in, here's a small list of criteria I'm looking for in a partner:
Able to respond...
Mankind had entered an era of uncommon prosperity. Advances in cybernetics and neural interface technology have brought about incredible leaps in medical prosthesis, and continued advances promise the freedom of augmentations, not simply replacing parts of the body, but improving upon them...
Part of me hates doing this sort of "I have multiple ideas" thread, but I can't quite make up my own mind, so it's probably for the best. Lets me collect at least some input on things, before just running. I'm thinking of trying to get an RP going, but I'm not sure which option to pursue, so...
Hiiiiiiii! I'm Pei! Rhymes with 'pay' which can be yours if you come work aboard my spaceship!
The Feline Purrsuasion needs your patronage! And no that's not a new restaurant, it's a state of the art interstellar bombercraft I mean pacifistcraft and wow is it empty right now! I need you to...
The Call of the Wordbinder
Hello! I'm Moody, but you can also call me Modwri, if you prefer. I am twenty-seven years old and have spent roughly the past dozen years independently studying writing and roleplaying. I live at home with my mother, and during the day I babysit for a family friend...