
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Speculative scifi where the predominant technology functions on steam power, especially associated with influences and fashion from the Victorian era.
  1. Renose

    OPEN SIGNUPS Kingdom Hearts: Darkness Origins

    Prologue Assemble the Keys Peace. That is what had been achieved in the part of the universe that Sora's journey had touched. While this part was probably just a tiny part compared to the much more significant whole, it was still peace. With the creation of the World Defense System, or WDS, a...
  2. Huntress

    Trying to shake off the rust

    Hello everyone, Huntress here! I am attempting to slowly come back into this, cause, well...I've missed it a little. So first things first, I'd like to thank you for checking my thread and I do hope that you are interested in some of the things I have to offer. Alrighty, so, onto the first...
  3. CanaryCry

    Breath of Fresh Air

    His lungs were burning. Noah Harn coughed and staggered through a pile of copper and metal debris, unintentionally kicking pieces aside before sinking against a nearby wall. Only a few minutes ago, the brunette had been sneaking around an old space cruiser complex. It was rumored to be...
  4. Absyinthe_Artica

    Clockwork Hearts

    Clockwork Hearts Interest Check Whoever you were before, that no longer matters. For the Clockwork Creator has plucked you from your original universe, plane, or dimension and has brought you to this unknown land. They explain that you and others will undergo a special surgery to replace your...
  5. Space Cowboy

    Seeking a writing partner! M4F Redstar-friendly

    I am an old-hand when it comes to writing and role-play. I can be somewhat playful and cavalier with my writing but I will treat whatever we end up writing together over with the respect it and it’s genre is due. I’m fairly open minded and I enjoy all sorts of genres and topics, so please don’t...
  6. Shayla

    Resurgence of the Fallen Empire

    Rise of the Fallen Empire The power of Europe is divided between two great empires. To the south, encompassing parts of Africa and up through Italy and France is the Atlantean Empire. A land ruled from the island kingdom of Atlantis, this power has outlasted all those who wished to overthrow...
  7. Nim

    Wanted in Melgarde

    Welcome to the City of Melgarde! The capital of the glorious Empire of Galwor, founded two centuries ago and having served the role of the capital for the last 70 years. The City of Melgarde has seen many changes and expansion over the 200 years since its creation. Starting out as a small, land...
  8. Nim

    Wanted in Melgarde

    Welcome to the City of Melgarde! The capital of the glorious Empire of Galwor, founded two centuries ago and having served the role of the capital for the last 70 years. The City of Melgarde has seen many changes and expansion over the 200 years since its creation. Starting out as a small, land...
  9. P

    1x1 Seeking Partner

    So anyone down to get a good muse session going and develop something that the two of us could enjoy. It takes two to tango and I reeeeeeaaally like to tango. I'm also pretty decent at the cha cha too.
  10. SaarahWolffe

    Quasite Expanse and Chronicles of the Thirteen ; Anthem (Two custom settings - magitek steamfantasy and mecha sci-fi ; One Fandom)

    Quasite Expanse 70 years ago, the Arelian race that calls the system of Arelia in the galaxy The Flowing Starsea discovered a new material that expanded their horizons beyond anything they had found before. Quasite, a complex material that carries immense energy naturally for eons, allowed the...
  11. Sketching101

    Map & Compass, Part 2: Irve

    Credit to ivanlaliashvili Are you looking for an action filled adventure? Do you want to cast reality bending magic with your pastry skills, or become a dragon? Do you want to explore how societies can be built? Or perhaps you simply want to have a magical jailbreak? Well, then, do I have...
  12. ThatGuyOverThere

    Double Feature: Hic Sunt Dracones and A Gentleman's Game (Rated PG13)

    So I have two group rp ideas to be played on discord or on here that I would like to see if there would be any interest for. Both have potential to be pretty epic. There will be action, there will be romance, the will be intrigue, and there will be drama in both ideas. I would prefer potential...
  13. 4

    Changing Gears [Private with Lithël Aelfwine]

    Name (& pronunciation): Born Vixis Nytokuna, adopted the name Vincent Strauss, nicknamed Vince Date of Birth (& age): Donard 17th, Tempen, 19 y/o Place of Birth: Nearby Laedry Gender: Male Species/Racial Origin: Mix between a Nyss father and human mother Social Class/Community Status: Street...
  14. ThatGuyOverThere

    Hic Sunt Dracones and A Gentleman's Game (Discord RPs)

    So I have two group rp ideas to be played on discord that I would like to see if there would be any interest for. Both have potential to be pretty epic. There will be action, there will be romance, the will be intrigue, and there will be drama in both ideas. I would prefer potential partners be...
  15. junebug

    Pirates, fantasy, and crime! – 18+ Only – Male Characters Wanted

    Hey everyone! I'm Kat and I've been roleplaying for over seven years now. Over the years, I've found a great love and passion for some generic cliché pairings, as well as crime drama, fantasy, (dark) mature themes, and romance! I'd like my partner to be 18+ only and okay playing females and...
  16. 88 Fingers Edward

    From the war that slew all, rose from the ashes those who will change the future (The realms of Anoici)

    A faded light finally extinguishes as a torch who had not seen life ignites War. The cancer that cannot be cured by any doctor, and is spread only by those who do not understand it. Those who see it never want to see it again, and yet those who never see it call for its revival. Death...
  17. Astrometry

    Astrometry's Partner Search [ ww1/ww2 alternate history, fandom, fantasy, scifi, etc, original world stuffs! ]

    Hey, I'm Astrometry, and I'm searching for partners because I don't have many active roleplays. I'm looking for this in a partner: Fast to Normal speed. If you are the "slow as molassas" type, I am looking at around 3 posts a week. Open to OOC, I really love chatting about our characters...
  18. Sketching101

    Map & Compass [IC]

    || Lore || IC || Character Index || OOC || Credit to Min-Nguen The Pious Wayfarer - Léonard Thibault The Pious Wayfarer shuddered and rumbled as it trudged its way through the clouds. The Templars’ prized galleon had taken damage during the previous night, when...
  19. Sketching101

    Map & Compass | OOC

    || Lore || IC || Character Index || OOC || Credit to tyleredlinart Rules Follow the CS guidelines on the bottom. If you need any clarification, don't shy away from asking. Color-code dialogues "like this" in any colour you want. (However, keep in mind that most people use the default layout...