posting speed: daily

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Indicating that the author expects or requires one post per day.
  1. WipeoutXL

    If you like reading character bios, this search is for you! (Modern, semi-lit, OC)

    Hello, there! I've taken a break from RPing for about two years now, and now I'm trying to get into it again! If you'd like to know more about me, I like listening to music and playing video games occasionally. I don't have a favorite band or anything, but apparently Faith No More is my most...
  2. jadedness

    RP partner for fairly new girl? ^.^

    Hello! The names Jade, nice to meet you! I've been looking around for new RP partners and a friend recommended here! So I'll give it a shot, i am shy so i may but slow to warm up to it. So what I'm looking for is someone who: Writes in first person Writes a few sentences a bit detailed but...
  3. The Mood is Write

    A Concerningly Cumbersome Chronicle Collection

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...
  4. PhantomThief715

    Hey You! Yes, you. Click Me!

    About Me I see you have wondered over into my little domain have you? Oh the joy! The adventure! The crazy! I will show you just what my mind is made of but I should warn you. Entering my mind can be a very dangerous place so grab your weapons and prepare to enter. PhantomTheif715 as my name is...
  5. D

    Kindred Cometh|Dark Vampire Mystery RP

    Kindred Cometh In a different time Jorrik was a prosperous county. A land on the rise. It's people happy and numbers ever-growing. Then the war came. The shores that had delivered so much wealth gave access to misery. Three times Jorrik was blockaded and fired upon from the water. Parts of...
  6. Cheek

      * summertime searching | plots & fandom galore

    * status: 0/? * craving: fandom * updated: 7/2/18 * summertime searching.Hello there, my name is Cheek and I am a twenty-two-year-old loser with a non-existent sleeping schedule and a severe gaming addiction. I have been in the role-playing business for about twelve years now so it is safe to...
  7. H

    Looking for some 1x1s

    I am back from a long break and I have missed rping more than anything. I am ready to have my outlet back, and jump back into writing. I am looking for partners to play primarily Male characters. I can play Male, but I am much better with my female characters. I will respond at least once a...
  8. Mahou-Shoujo

    Fantasy Kingdom Sim, Create Your Empire!

    Hello! This rp is the culmination of my experiments with GM style 1x1 rps, here, rather than play one character each, you will work with me to create an entire kingdom from the ground up and have control over it's actions and expansion, while I play as the rest of the world, creating adventures...
  9. Bandit

    A Twist in Time

    Elizabeth sat at a table near a river, gazing at the many people walking around the bazaar. She sips her tea and takes a bite of her croissant "mmm~ delicious as always" She hums to herself and keeps watching the small bazaar she sat near. after awhile she got up and started walking around the...
  10. Captainsassypants

    Not My First Rodeo: Me at My Second Rodeo

    Hello all, I'm CaptainSassypants you can call me Captin, sas, or Sassy, or whatever wild nickname you can come up with. I already made a thread in the Redstar section but I'm just going to post here too to cover all my basis. So I'm finally free from the prison that is college, for winter break...
  11. S

    Starlit Void (IC)

    Signups & Info OOC Thread Scarsi sector The habitual goings on are interrupted when The Ship drops out of FTL with a rumble and shake, screeching and groaning with its rusty joints. The turbulence is nothing too bad, sure a few loose objects got slung around and anyone standing must have...
  12. G

    Please...? (M for F)

    Alright, I'm going to be completely honest here. I haven't been in the best of places emotionally and mentally. I'm lonely and slowly losing interest in literally everything... except for roleplay. It's the only thing I enjoy nowadays, but nobody wants me or sticks around for very long for...
  13. ᴛᴏᴄᴋᴀ

    Long-Term partners wanted: Fantasy Search (F for M)

    Greetings! I'm Nydanna, but you can call me Ny. I'm an advanced writer who has been roleplaying for the past sixteen years. Currently, most of my partners are suffering through real life, and I've got a bit of free time on my hands, so I am once again on the hunt for at least one partner...