dark ages

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Taking place in or heavily influenced by the events, social behaviors, and/or fashion of the Dark Ages, an era that lasted from the fall of Rome in 476 for around 500-700 years and which characterizes the bulk of the Middle Ages as a period of intellectual darkness.
  1. The Mood is Write

    A Concerningly Cumbersome Chronicle Collection

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody. I'm thirty two years old and have been roleplaying since I was thirteen. When I'm not writing or working on character information, I play My Time At Portia or browse for memes to share with my friends, usually while in a voice chat. Hope to hear...
  2. A

    Wings Of Freedom

    100 years ago, there was a war between the shadows of the kingdom of Ikana and the kingdom of Elmer. The smoke from the fires reaches for the heavens as it clouded the clear blue skies. The emerald grass tainted with the blood of the innocents. Two other kingdoms one of the elves and one of the...
  3. Astrometry

    Cowboy and Indians?

    So, i have a fantasy world that i am working with. I am a pretty aggressive partner when it comes to story telling. This is what I am looking for: A guy character from the real world, who wakes up on what appears to be a tropical island. I would prefer if he is some sort of war survivor from...
  4. The Mood is Write

    A Particularly Painful Partner Probe

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody, but you could also call me Modwri. I am thirty-one years old and have been independently studying writing and roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live at home with my mother and pets, and play games or read manga (or manhua sometimes) when I'm not...
  5. BlakeLake

    Time Walk; A Partner Request Thread

    Hello fellow role player~ It seems you've found yourself in the chaos of my new thread. Well, while you're here, please do give it all a read; you might just find something you like. First off, I've been role playing for almost ten years now in one form or another. Text based role playing is my...
  6. Pahn

    Bells of Notre-Dame: Paris is Burning (INT CH)

    Bells of Notre-Dame Now here is a riddle to guess if you can Who is the monster and who is the man? Paris is Burning Gypsies are being hunted in Paris like never before, as a coup de grâce from the Minister of Justice, Judge Claude Frollo. His religious fanaticism is reaching its...
  7. B

    Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust - A Fallout AU 1x1

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- War. War never changes. Neolithic cavemen murdered each other out of cold blood like the tales of Cain and Abel. Napoleon led the French in a ensuing battle against the entirety of Europe. Hitler and the Axis Powers...
  8. Astrometry

    Seeking characters on the alignment spectrum!

    Hi, I'm nij. I play a lot of different characters, but I am looking for characters that do fit on the alignment spectrum. I play male and female, but for some of these roleplays I am looking specifically for a female or specifically a male depending on the story line. The reason I am...
  9. Veria

    Seeking Roleplay Partner (Medieval/Fantasy Theme Roleplay)

    MEDIEVAL FANTASY I'm looking for a roleplay partner for a Medieval Fantasy Roleplay- heavy on plot and romance. I'm only interested in one on one roleplay, and I'm looking for an experienced roleplay partner willing to portray the male muse. I promise I'm more fun than this request form, but I...
  10. Saber


    Hello again! Firstly I usually only do fxf RPS and I tend to be the more dominate. With that out of the way I'm looking for more partners that would be willing to do FxF RPs! With that said, I usually play the more dominate character, though I don't have a preference to what my partner would...
  11. Astrometry

    Lawful / Chaotic ships?

    So, I am here because I am looking for two very specific storylines. I usually just make a huge ad, but this time I'd like something else. I absolutely love these types of ships, either where I play the lawful or chaotic side. Usually, I pick up some males but I am exclusively looking to...
  12. Sir Basil

    ᛡ W I T C H H U N T ᛡ [ IC ]

    Interest Check | Character Thread | IC Thread http://t09.deviantart.net/NHDkQOIVQna0Ohqb_BEyFJs60k0=/fit-in/300x900/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre08/e219/th/pre/f/2015/097/3/a/gwendolyn_valleau_by_creusa-d8ou9wl.png SUMMER ᛡ YEAR 10 QC. ᛡ LACUS ACRE, LODAIN Nine women stood against nine...
  13. Sir Basil

    ᛡ W I T C H H U N T ᛡ [ OOC ]

    Interest Check | Character Thread |IC Thread W I T C H ᛡ H U N T ‘You are blood and to blood you shall return.’W E L ᛡ C O M EWelcome to the world of Donegal! Donegal is an island of rich history, complicated magic, demons, angels, and complex politics. In Donegal, your character will...
  14. Sir Basil

    WITCH HUNT : Dark Fantasy RP

    ᛡ W I T C H H U N T ᛡ http://67.media.tumblr.com/5088e4ed1355ae9e99175a0901dd65b3/tumblr_nomcx7lJqV1taunpno5_1280.jpg The witch hunt has begun. Ten years ago, the Lodainic Imperatrix Regina Deorum converted to the Church of All, and issued a demand that the people of Lodain - and indeed, all...
  15. The Mood is Write

    A Sensational Set of Several Scenarios (Updated Feb 10)

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody, but you can also call me Modwri, if you prefer. I am twenty-seven years old and have spent roughly the past dozen years independently studying writing and roleplaying. I live at home with my mother, and during the day I babysit for a family friend...
  16. Mowkie

    The Mercy of Inhalla ~ Dragon Riders of Kabola [CLOSED]

    CLOSED First, I have to say that I MISS SCROLLING ADS! Seriously, those things were the bomb, whether I was searching for something new and spiffy or putting up something for myself. Second, I'd like to say hi and thank you for taking a moment to look this over! I'm currently looking for...