Last Updated: 04-08-2023
Iwaku is a roleplay community. We don't just write stories - we live them! Roleplaying is the art of playing a role or pretend. It's stepping into the life of a character and experiencing what they experience. Here on Iwaku, we're all about developing stories, designing characters, worlds, and amazing plots through the arts of writing; while giving you a community of people to hang out with in a safe and friendly out of character environment. Our site contains forum roleplay, chat roleplay, group roleplay, private roleplay, as well as other methods for living your stories.
Every roleplay community is different, and we understand that some people will like us and some people won't. Our community atmosphere is designed with keeping a relaxed, fun, and friendly tone in mind! We welcome roleplayers of all skill levels, styles, habits, and interests. We do not like the term "literate", don't enforce word counts, or believe there is a "right and wrong" way to roleplay. Iwaku encourages members to play for the sheer enjoyment of playing, while also providing tools to help members improve their writing skills, exercise their creative muscles, and find other players who match their styles or interests. If this sounds like just the thing you need, register and give us a try!
1. You must be 13 years old or older to be a member of this website.
Iwaku is not an appropriate place for children. By joining this site, you consent that you are at least 13 years of age.
2. You must use your REAL AGE on your account.
Iwaku allows ALL members from age 13 and upwards to participate in mature content as long as they are from the same age group. Access to Star Groups is automatically given based on the age of the account and visibility can be turned off in the profile settings. If you need to correct your age, please contact the Security Staff Through Private Conversations (PCs) or the
Contact Us form to fix your birth date. If you are caught lying about you age, disciplinary action will and can be taken against you. Trying to age circumvent by abusing the PM system or other means will result in a ban.
3. We do not allow multiple accounts or shared accounts for any reason.
If there is something wrong with your account, please contact the Security Staff through Private Conversations or the
Multiple Account Merge Form to have your account fixed. Multiple accounts are merged when found; the staff does not delete accounts. Accounts being used for malicious or deceptive purposes will be banned.
4. Do not steal content or plagiarize from Iwaku members or other websites.
Plagiarism is passing work or ideas of another off as your own. Stealing content is taking someone's plot or character and changing the words around to try and get around the "plagiarism" rule, or it can be taking artwork or pictures without permissions. We understand that often people want to revive dead roleplays or are inspired by other plots. And we understand that sometimes it is hard to source images. Make sure you get permissions or give credit where it is due and when it is possible. Accidents might be a slap on the wrist, but willful plagiarism of writing or artwork will earn you an immediate ban. You can read more about this on our
Plagiarism Guide.
Iwaku always encourages respect between users, especially regarding creative content. However, unlike words, which can be arranged in almost infinite combinations, there are a very limited number of ways BBcode can be arranged to achieve a desired result. This can make it hard to tell when something is "referenced", "stolen", or simply "similar".
- If someone has copy-pasted your code and the stuff inside the code (character sheet, templates, etc.) without notable changes (more than just a few color tweaks and different info filled into the template) it's probably plagiarism.
- If the stuff inside is completely different but the code is identical, it's technically not plagiarism. Although you arranged it, the code itself isn't something you created, because you're using a known, public coding language to do it. However, if there's notable complexity to the code, out of respect for how much work that takes, we request people to give credit where credit is due. We will ask you to credit or take down any code at the request of the original coder.
- If the outside result looks the same, but the code is arranged differently and the stuff inside the code is different, then it's either a reference, or it could even be merely coincidence. That's where the "limited methods to achieve a desired result" comes in. Having a picture over or next to a scrolling box is something lots of people could do. At that point, we'd probably rule "nothing stolen or plagiarized".
5. Avatars & Signatures Size Requirements
Only .jpg, .gif, and .png formats are allowed in avatars. Signatures are the text or graphics under a users post. Please keep signatures SMALL. Incredibly large images, or lots of text in a signature causes the messages to load extremely slow. Max signature dimensions are as follows:
- 800 px
- Total file size of 3mb
- 35 lines standard size text
We do not allow "Not safe for school or work" content in avatars or signatures. You can review our
NSFW Content Guide.
6. Inactive threads will be archived.
To keep the forums organized, all threads and roleplays that have not had a new post within the time allotted for the section that they are in are moved to the Archives. If you need a thread moved back to the active forums, you can use the
Request Thread Moderation Form and they will move it for you.
Archival Dates in our Most Popular Areas:
- 30 Days of No New Posts in most Non-Roleplay sections.
- 90 Days of no New Posts in Roleplay sections.
7. Do not spam or flood the forums or chats.
"Spamming" is the posting of anything of a senseless nature, inappropriate content, or misplaced content in a place it does not belong. (Examples: Posting fifty time in on day just to boost your post count OR repeat posting of a message to try and get attention.) This can also be called "Flooding", or filling the room/board with the same content over and over again. Posts such as "Bump!" are also considered spam. You can review our guide on
Spam and Bumping.
8. Advertising of sites outside of Iwaku belong in the Off-site Ads
Advertising is allowed if it is done in the appropriate way! You may post a link to a website outside of Iwaku in the advertisement forum. Please don't "mass spam" members with Private Conversations. You are allowed to post your link in the Discord, but you are not allowed to constantly post it every five minutes and annoy the same group of people. Off-site advertisements on the forum go through staff-approval first before publication.
9. Use Spoiler Codes to hide risque content.
Iwaku allows roleplays and stories to develop naturally, and that will occasionally include sexual or violent content. When you are posting a scene, story, or image that has questionable content, please use the (spoiler) code to hide it with a content warning. That way people will be prepared. If you are running a roleplay that is purely filled with sexual content, it must be posted in the Redstar/Bluestar Roleplay sections.
10. We do not allow pornographic images, even in our age-locked areas.
Many people use Iwaku from public locations. Images are VERY easy for people to see over a shoulder. Outside of age-locked sections, mild nudity and foxy images that fall in to the "grey area" should be hidden with a thumbnail or with spoiler tags just to be safe. Inside age-locked sections, the rules are more lenient. Refer to
this NSFW guide for more details.
11. We are an English speaking site.
Iwaku has members from all over the world, but we require all members to speak in English while using the site. We are unable to moderate content in multiple languages. You are allowed to create other language roleplays, or chat in other languages on the public forums/chats as long as you also post a translation.
12. Iwaku is not a dating service, booty call, or masturbatory tool.
We allow mature content in roleplays as a tool of creative expression. We do not allow "cyber sex" or "child porn" under any circumstances and members who exhibit behavior that suggest they are only after masturbatory tools instead of creative writing will be removed from this site with extreme prejudice. Sexual roleplays with characters under the age of 13 will be locked as this constitutes as child porn. We are not a dating site or sex hookup site.
13. Iwaku is a place of entertainment and socializing. We are not here to handle your life problems.
We understand that members need to occasionally vent or get some basic advice on an issue. We encourage people to use the Counseling forum as a healthy way to work through simple problems. If your problem is with another roleplayer, we ask that you express frustrations privately to avoid the "Dirty Laundry" issue. What we are NOT here for is constant ranting or melodrama. Nor are we capable of helping you through or serious emotional issues. Please do not use Iwaku as a constant sounding board for general complaining. If you have issues like suicide, depression or abuse SEEK A PROFESSIONAL or support website that trained to offer you educated advice.
14. Respect Authority.
The Administration & Staff are here to help keep Iwaku running smooth and happy. They are volunteering their time to aid members when they have problems, providing fun, amusing content as well as forum maintenance. Harassing a member of the staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If you feel a staff member has crossed the line with their behavior or disagree with a mod action they have taken, contact a member of the Administration via the Report Staff Dispute form. Never insult or call out staff in public as this causes unneeded drama on the forums. The Staff cannot do their jobs properly if they constantly have to worry about an individual attacking them.
The Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated.
Respect your fellow members and they will respect you in return! We wish for all members to be content in their stay here, and that requires every individual to use good manners when they participate in forums or chat.
1. We follow Flexibility of Speech not Freedom of Speech.
The U.S. laws for Freedom of Speech do not apply here. You have the freedom to voice your opinions, HOWEVER; you do not have the freedom to force your opinions on others, say malicious comments (such as racism, bigotry, sexism, etc), or attack another member and their opinions. Just as you wish to be respected, others must be respected. Iwaku may be a public forum, but we are not a public service or business. Thus all members are expected to follow the rules of our home. We will put a stop to any behavior we feel is being disruptive or damaging to the mood of our community.
2. What is Harassment?
Harassment is the badgering of a person for ANY reason, even after they tell you to leave them alone. If you continue to bother a person after someone asks you to stop, that is considered harassment. Harassment includes things such as pestering a person in Personal Conversations, Visitor Messages, constantly being rude in chat or forum, sexual harassment, and deliberately causing fights. This also includes "airing dirty laundry" by ranting about a person in any public area of the site. If we receive complaints by more than one citizen of your behavior towards them, you will be warned and possibly even suspended for an undetermined period of time. Different types of harassment will receive different time frames of punishments. Extreme harassment can result in banning from the site altogether.
3. REMEMBER: We have thousands of members. We do not expect all members to get along. Personalities will clash.
Sometimes you just HATE someone. But that someone may not be breaking site rules at all. You just have conflicting personalities. In these cases, we implore members to use the ignore features and avoid interacting with other members they do not like. You will be happier for it, and other members will not have to deal with arguments that could have been avoided.
4. Post Likes, Loves, and other Post Ratings.
The Post Ratings System is a handy way to discreetly give someone props or let them know there is typos in their post. All members can alter points in the system. These ratings absolutely do not matter and have zero affect on anything in Iwaku, they are purely for fun. However, this does not mean you can use ratings for spiteful reasons. Abusers will receive warnings.
5. Use "in public" manners when it comes to risque topics of discussion.
Iwaku is aimed towards teenagers and adults. Know that the content and feel is at a general PG-13 rating. (That means content is only viewable for those 13 and older. NOT FOR KIDS!) Cursing is allowed. Sex and related subjects are bound to be discussed in forums and chat. However, please use decorum and common sense! Not all members are comfortable with this sort of conduct, so respect the wishes of others if they ask for you to tone it down.
6. Helping Newbies and Inexperienced.
Newbies and Inexperienced users are members of this community just like you are. Remember, you too were once brand new to Iwaku, and not everyone can pick up things at the same pace. Instead of picking on these people, please be a good citizen and help these people get acquainted with the rules and ways of Iwaku. They won't learn unless you teach them! Becoming a mentor is an excellent way to help them along.
7. Do not "Spite Delete" your roleplay threads or posts.
This means deleting an entire roleplay thread that contains the content written by other members, or deleting all of your roleplay posts from another member's thread. Roleplay is a COLLABORATIVE effort. Once you share your content with the group, it's part of that group-effort and you cannot take it back. People can't claim it as theirs, repost it, etc, without your permission - BUT you cannot revoke it once it's up or you'll be destroying other people's work as well.
8. Respect the theme and tone of Discussions and Stay on Topic.
Be it a topic in our General Chatting area, the Content forums, or chat, please stay on topic and refrain from hijacking a thread to an unrelated subject OR from trashing a thread you do not like by spamming it. Everyone has different interests and style of discussion and they would like the chance to have them. If you do not like a thread simply do not participate. If you feel a topic has gone off the rails, becoming toxic, or is inappropriate for Iwaku, please use the Report button to alert staffers to the problem. Those that make a habit of topic hijacking may receive warnings or have their privileges revoked.
9. Respect the rules of the Iwaku Discord.
The Discord rules can be found in the
Official Discord Server of Iwaku.
Iwaku feels freedom of expression is important. No restrictions! That means we allow cursing, violence, and sexual material in roleplays. However, in order to allow this content in a way that is safe and respectful for all of our members, we have strict guidelines on where this content can be posted, who it is posted with, and we review the
context of the content.
1. Explicit Sex scenes can only be posted in our "Star Sections".
In order to allow our teen members to explore this kind of content in a safe environment we've create Age Gated sections.
Red Star is for our 18+ Adult members.
Blue Star is for our 17 and under members. Adults and Teens are
not allowed to write sex scenes with each other. Members caught circumventing this will be banned. Our
Legalities of Smut guide goes in depth on how we developed these policies.
2. A Game Master's Word is Law. Please have respect for the owner of a roleplay.
A "Game Master" is the owner, creator, or thread starter of a roleplay. It is THEIR roleplay. They have a vision they want to accomplish. When you join their roleplay, you are agreeing to adhere by their rules and participate in a manner that accomplishes their goals. A Game Master has every right to kick a player out of their roleplay if a player is not following their rules.
3. A Player's ownership over their contributed content should be respected.
Roleplays are a collaborative work, which means any contributions by a Player is still
theirs. They can take and reuse their own characters, ideas, settings, and worldbuilding for use in other roleplay projects. It is not permission to delete a player's content without giving them the chance to save it. Nor is it allowable to take a player's work or plagiarize to claim it as your own.
Iwaku practices the Flexibility of Speech rule and encourages the creative freedom to write anything within the boundaries of the policies of Iwaku. Important is the intent that is expressed within the text of the author as the context of the writing. Iwaku does draw a hard line against the following:
- Minor characters involved in sexual scenes below the age of 13.
Here the intent of the author weighs heavier than the age mentioned. If the age of the characters is deliberately kept ambiguous, or if they obviously read as younger than 13, immediate action will be taken often resulting in a ban.
- The glorification of themes surrounding (child) abuse, racism, and discrimination.
While writing about these themes may not be against the rules necessarily, the distribution of harmful ideologies that aims to alienate or deny the pain or existence of a targeted group will be immediately shut down when found, followed by possible disciplinary actions.
- Above also includes fetishizations and the promotion of violence against targeted groups.
Iwaku aims to be a safe environment where everyone should feel safe enough to express who they are until that expression aims to be a threat and disrespect against another.
Staff Members handle every situation on a case by case basis. Each issue is looked over based on the individuals and the incident at hand, then it is decided what to do about any bad behaviors. Immediate threats and violations to major rules might be met with swift punishment, but most issues are discussed and members involved contacted for information before things are decided. You might receive a warning notice or have your account suspended or banned depending on the situation and previous infractions.
1. Age Circumvention (Account Age) - Putting the wrong age on your account.
2. Age Circumvention (Sexual Content Outside of Age Group) - Soliciting sexual content outside of your age group.
3. Art Theft/Plagiarism - Taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own.
4. Avatar/Signature Issues - Avatars or siggies that are too large or contain inappropriate content.
5. Bump Spamming - Bumping threads with spam posts.
6. Disruptive Behavior - Miscellaneous disruptive behavior that creates drama or issues.
7. Harassment - Harrassing or stalking of another member even after requests to leave them alone.
8. Inflammatory Hate Speech - Racism, bigotry, sexism, or other sorts of hate speach directed towards members or being disruptive.
9. Multiple Accounts - Use of more than on Iwaku account.
10. Rating System Abuse - Using ratings to spite rate other members.
11. Spam Content - Miscellaneous spamming.
12. Spiteful Deletion of Content - Deleting of posts from roleplays to damage the roleplay or harm another member's content.
13. Trolling - Deliberate hassling of members or threads to get people riled up.
14. Underage Characters/Content - The use of characters under 13 in sexual roleplays.
15. Unflagged NSFW Content - Forgetting to warn people about Not Safe For Work stuff.
16. Unsolicited Advertising - Sending or posting advertisements where it is not appropriate.
We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.
These terms may be changed at any time without notice.
If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register. Use of the Site constitutes acceptance of these terms.