comic fantasy

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Humorous and lighthearted fantasy, often poking fun at staples of the fantasy genre or parodying other works.
  1. Bixir

    DC: World of Tomorrow (A DC Comics Universe Roleplay)

    You know them. You love them. Probably. This thread exists to solve that question. I have far too many ideas for fandom RPs I’d love to pitch, but there are few things in this world I love more than DC Comics. Action Comics, the handful of imprints that are now officially under their umbrella...
  2. Huntress

    Looking for partners, FxF or FxM. Werewolves...for the most part, maybe a superhuman or two.

    Hello everyone, Huntress here. First I'd like to thank you for checking my thread and I do hope that you are interested in some of the things I have to offer. ABOUT ME: So, we've established that my name is Huntress. I never really get called anything else other than my real name so lets keep...
  3. Foxfire_

    dead thread

  4. Black_Swallow

    Inter-dimensional Bunnies and Snuggles (Multiple Genres, not just sci-fi [Also the Witcher, cause I'm really craving it])

    To start at the beginning, Hi there! How are ya? Just call me Mea, it's easier that way. My full name is Tímea though if you are interested. I hope the title was catchy enough to bait you into clicking on this so I'll cut to the chase. To start it all off I am a 19 year old gal studying graphics...
  5. A

    the Girl from the Forbidden Kingdom

    There was a place called the forbidden kingdom that was said to be the home of the people who had transformed into monsters do to the effects of some form of dark magic. Few dared to travel into the forbidden kingdom and even fewer returned to tell the tale of what they saw. Those who did told...
  6. Huntress

    Werewolf...for the most part...

    Hello everyone, Huntress here. First I'd like to thank you for checking my thread and I do hope that you are interested in some of the things I have to offer. ABOUT ME: So, we've established that my name is Huntress. I never really get called anything else other than my real name so lets keep...
  7. Michale CS

    Epic Crossover: Superheroic Mashup

    A very cool video that captures the essence of Epic Crossover (though not necessarily the plot) Player characters will not be allowed to be "Villains" except on a case by case basis after being vetted by the admins and clan owner. I am aware some really disparate comics are under the umbrella...
  8. AsItIspunkrock

    Green Arrow Rp! My Character bio in Thread (looking for a Green Arrow)

    Name: Serena Palkitrov Secret Identity name: Osiris Age: 23 Role: Vigilante Personality: typically she is out going, smart, tends to be a daredevil but when she is working at night she is cold calculating and smart. Bio: When she was born her parents were so proud and happy that she was...
  9. Michale CS

    Epic Crossover - Schrödinger's Universe

    Those who heeded the call from Psi-Lord arrive at the Baxter Building... Where they are met by a strange - or not so strange for New York - escort. "Greetings. I am HERBIE. The Master is not in at the moment but please, join us inside..." The robot returns to its VW bug form and drives into...
  10. Pahn

    Alladading and the Four Tea Thieves IC

    The only hope the kingdom has rests with a beautiful witch, a very loud princess, a clumsy thief, and a fairy that likes to set things on fire. Silence. That is what Leilankro Vrajjin heard, or did not hear, when she stepped out of her little cottage. Sure, she could hear the birds and...
  11. Pahn

    Alladading and the Four Tea Thieves OOC

    The only hope the kingdom has rests with a beautiful witch, a very loud princess, a clumsy thief, and a fairy that likes to set things on fire. Someone put a curse on Kingdom Wrachuning and everyone is asleep! Save for four random folks: a princess from another kingdom, a witch with a...
  12. CaptainObvious

    X-Men/Xaviers Institute.

    Before I flesh out this RP any further, I thought I'd see which of these two sounds most appealing. (A) Original characters and/or legacy characters or (B) Canon characters I'm willing to blend the two, but I think it might be more interesting if we go either totally canon or totally original...
  13. conman2163

    Isle of Sanctuary Character Dump

    OPEN SIGNUPS - Isle of Sanctuary OOC A dump for the characters in Isle of Sanctuary. Any characters posted here will be kept as NPCs and held in reserve in the event their owners no longer roleplay with them.
  14. conman2163

    Isle of Sanctuary OOC

    THIS RP IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING MORE MEMBERS As the premise says, this is an RP exploring the "what if" that exists regarding supernatural powers existing, but the users then being seized by the government and shunned by the people of the world as monsters. The RP centers around what is known...
  15. conman2163

    The Island of Sanctuary, for all those who have been hunted for being strange.

    As the premise says, this is an RP exploring the "what if" that exists regarding supernatural powers existing, but the users then being seized by the government and shunned by the people of the world as monsters. It is originally an idea I came up with several years ago, but I never really put...
  16. Tempest


    Fort Whimsy's history was always a bit colourful in the times before Sovereign. It had been the seat of power for the Eventide King, reknowned as a wisened ruler and peacekeeper of the north. Before its fall, the specifics of which are largely lost to the general populace, it was known as Palace...
  17. C

    Requesting Partners

    Hello, and thank you for checking out my ad. Hopefully something below will grab your attention, and we can enjoy a roleplay together. I am Crafter...just Craft is fine. My name is actually not a reference to StarCraft, just in case anyone thought that, and wanted to ask. Stuff I do; (RP...
  18. Tempest


    SLAGS! "Worthless sacks o' slime, the lot of ya. An' lookit me, jus' some ninny-sitter for ya snivellin' excuses for conscripts! Was one o' the Sov'reign's Generals, and now, I'm nuddin' but the Slag Sargeant. Wot? Ya don't know me? Tcha! Wot do y'know, ya lot o' dunder-heade--HRMF-- Lookit...