colonization (sci-fi)

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Taking place in the early days of humanity's expansion into space and dealing with life on colonized planets.
  1. flowercatt

    1x1. Looking to explore a specific dynamic between a scientist and their robot.

    Hello everyone! So I have a little bit of an itch for a certain dynamic I've been wanting to explore. I want to explore the dynamic between a scientist and his robot beginning to corrupt and gain sentience. I want to explore the dynamic where the scientist knows their creation is getting...
  2. Nessuno

    Freelancer Legends

    The Freelancer Legends This story is going to be about a far future human race who has begun to spread across the galaxy. Progress was slow at first but has recently developed at an alarming rate due to the development of "Space-Time Tears". (See * for more information) This new rapid...
  3. Nothingness

    The Recreation Of Eden

    For hundreds of years, everyone knew it was coming already. One way or another, it was sure to come; whether it was going to be their star exploding, the ozone layer completely breaking, the oceans rising to flood the land, even a possible meteor coming to crush the cities; the end of the Earth...
  4. Black_Swallow

    Inter-dimensional Bunnies and Snuggles (Multiple Genres, not just sci-fi [Also the Witcher, cause I'm really craving it])

    To start at the beginning, Hi there! How are ya? Just call me Mea, it's easier that way. My full name is Tímea though if you are interested. I hope the title was catchy enough to bait you into clicking on this so I'll cut to the chase. To start it all off I am a 19 year old gal studying graphics...
  5. neptune

    some cravings.

    hello i'm neptune and i'm looking to possibly knock out some cravings that have been floating around in my head for a while. i have to warn you that i'm garbage and i never come with fully formed ideas. i can offer you an aesthetic, some feelings that will (hopefully) inspire an eventual plot...
  6. Black_Swallow

    Anything goes, really [1v1, Long-Term preferred]

    Hello, so this will be a short post since I lost patience with writing long posts as they never really seem to work out for me. So, I'll just be straight forward in this one and will only bring up the most important points without sugarcoating anything. I'm an adult, so I would prefer to write...
  7. Nothingness

    Light Hearted Sci-Fi Roleplay -- S.S Destiny: Universal Exploration -- (?Open Roleplay?)

    The year is 3538, humanity has advanced greatly in the field of technology to the point that the long awaited dream of having space stations and interstellar travel eventually became a reality. Soon after the construction of a warp gate was completed and large distances could be reached with the...
  8. M

    Utopia/The Idealist Network (colonising new world)

    Hello! I've not been around for some time as an active member but have been sort of lurking and reading forums. Occasionally something grabs my interest but it seems the few RP's I choose to follow don't get very far. Thus why I bring forward an idea I've been working on for some time now...
  9. noodle

    The Deep- OOC

    The year was 3037. Humans had expanded their horizons far into the cosmos in their search for proof that they weren't alone in the universe. So far, they had been majorly unsuccessful- all they'd found were formerly-habitated planets reduced to nothing but ruins. Now desperate in their search...