collaborative plot

This roleplay has no set GM, but instead is controlled collaboratively by the player group.
  1. The Mood is Write

    A Particularly Painful Partner Probe

    The Call of the Wordbinder Hello! I'm Moody, but you could also call me Modwri. I am thirty-one years old and have been independently studying writing and roleplaying since I was thirteen. I live at home with my mother and pets, and play games or read manga (or manhua sometimes) when I'm not...
  2. Apollyon

    Virtual Gaming

    I've been having a Sword Art Online itch I haven't been able to scratch. Although, I don't want to create SAO exactly--just the premise. Two people--a girl and a boy--get trapped inside a VR, wherein death in the game results in death in person, and through their journies together, fall in love...
  3. Mollisol

    RWBY AU + System (CLOSED)

    Hello all, My friend @Boredbrain and I want to do a RWBY RP using a system called Primetime Adventures - a tabletop story game that plays very much like collaboratively creating a TV show, and is said to "do TV better than television does TV". My goal is to create a lasting RWBY RP full of...