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"Don't worry Ren! I'm sure that Kheire and I can protect you if you don't want to fight!" She beams, then turns to Kheire, "And thank you, that'd be lovely."
Quin smiles to himself "I think I made a good impression.... could've gone better if I actually looked nice...." Quin says walking into the bathrooms to shower
Kheire dips his hand into his amulet, withdrawing a long object. "You have heard of rifles, right? This is a new kind I have invented called a sniper rifle. You look through the glass cylinder on top and line up the part where the lines cross to aim, then pull the small curved bit right here to fire it. You can either pre-charge it with a certain amount of Exin or you can have it drain you upon firing. It shoots at long ranges, many times farther than normal rifles, with high accuracy." He motions to each part to demonstrate, shooting at a nearby tree to give an example of how it is done. The sound isn't as loud since it is not powered by an explosion. He hands the magic gun off to her. "Ren, you won't have to fight if I have a say in the matter. I will protect you." He hugs his apprentice, smiling.
Valentina squeals and hoists it up to her shoulder and looks through it.
"Thank you!"
Quin gets out of the shower feeling refreshed... he quickly shaves and cuts his hair a little bit so it looks long but right.... he gets on a new suit but can't decide what tie to ware... "Ren I have a question for you" Quin calls waking out of the bathroom dressed with out a tie
Ren smiled brightly through the hug, glowing a little again.
"Oh! I almost forgot. What kind of place are we going to?" he asked.
Once again, his curiosity was sparked, and it would be difficult at best to sate.

Ren pointed at himself, blinking in surprise. "M-me?"
"Oh oh! I'll protect you too!" Valentina says enthusiasticly.
Renya pushed open her door, hearing as the others hadn't move yet and that Kheire was right there she had packed quickly and made sure she had all her things before announcing loudly, "Headmistress Phantoia is letting us use the Portal Station to get into the realm. We should go before my authority expires."
"Yes you Ren, Can you come here for a second I don't know what color to pick"
Quin sits there in intense thought thinking
"Somewhere tropical and wet. I hope you know how to swim, if not, I can teach you. I am glad you like your gift, Valentina. I am exhausted, but completely prepared for the trip. Ren, take a few of these. If anything happens and you feel in danger, smash it. Throw one on the ground or something. Try to conserve them, these are all I have." Kheire hands Ren a bag of marble-looking items. "A protective bubble will be created around you to protect you from harm." Kheire turns to Renya, "Alright, let's get going then."
Ren nodded dutifully, taking special care as if he were handling priceless antiques.
He had been through a jungle before, but only once. The humidity had made it hard to take many notes as well, so he couldn't help but feel a little underprepared.
Quin walked outside to the group "guys can you help me pick a tie.... red or blue" Quin holds each of them up as he says them
Sammy climbs into Val's backpack and falls asleep.
"Well I'm ready when you guys are." She yawns.
Kheire turns to Quin, looking between the two. "Red, the bloodstains won't be as prominent if your food spills." Kheire pointed at the red one.
"Thanks Kheire..." Quin smiles putting it on and walking to the cafeteria to grab a blood bag
Kheire follows after Renya when he finishes choosing a tie for Quin. He was ready to get going and maybe find a few interesting monsters to fight and harvest. He has been neglecting the growth of spirits in favor of treating them like friends. He will seek to rectify that as soon as he can.
Quin grabs a blood bag and starts to drink it... "feeling better all ready" he smiled and started to walk to the cafeteria couch and layed down on it falling asleep drinking blood
Vivi, now awake from her long sleep, sneaked up on Quin and jumped on top of him as a cat again, falling asleep once again. 'Fucking teddy bear should be illegal to be this comfy...' was her last thought before she sank into slumber.
Quin snores lightly sipping along from the blood bag as he slept
The nekomata woke up at the sipping sounds, stretching and pressing her front paws against Quin's cheeks.