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"What?" Quin asked as he felt something touching him. "Can I help you with something?" Quin asks keeping his eyes closed.
Traveling through the Portal Station was like an out of body experience accompanied by the lurch of the stomach. The group of five stumbled onto a stone platform, feeling the immediate change of humidity and temperature. The salty air tickled their noses and clung to their skin in a thick sheen.

Vivi quickly ran to the nearest flower pot and threw up. Her head felt fine but her stomach was weak against such weird movement. "WE COULDN'T HAVE JUST WALKED HERE?" she had whined loudly, cleaning her mouth from the remains of strawberry pancakes.
Valentina scowled, picking a couple feathers off of her face that came from the surprise of going through the Portal Station. She did not know they were going yet. She also shook her head, trying to regain her bearings, and fell down on her ass.

Ren, on the other hand, besides looking a little out-of-it, was mostly fine. He had done this lots before, so he was as used to it as he could be.
Renya blinked the orbs of light from her eyes and stumbled slightly but managed to stay upright for the most part. "Kheire is so fucking lucky to pass out during the move..." she turned to the sleeping Faerie who was being supported by one of his pets.

After recovering from the painful experience, Vivi jumped on top of Renya's head as a cat and shivered. "You smell fishy and you're cold...damn fish..." she muttered under her breath.

"Sorry if my sweat is cold, be glad I don't excrete mucus like my brothers." she looked at their surroundings, the dark gray wharf was joined to the white sandy beaches, locals were sparse and paid them no mind.

With a pout, the Nekomata pressed her front paws to Renya's head. "Renyaaa I'm hunngrrrryy. Can we get some food before the mission?"
"I agree, I would greatly appreciate food." Valentina says excitedly.

Vivi caught a sizzling scent from the front right of their location, pawing at Renya's head more. "Renya I smell fish! Can we get some? Pleeease?" She begged.
"We need to check in at the inn first, the headmistress needs to know we've made it safely. We can ask the owner for good places to eat after. This settlement is pretty monster friendly, so we don't need to have Glamours." Renya wiped the sweat drop her face and moved forwards.

The little dragon in Valentina's bag was hungry too, and whimpering.
The Nekomata hissed at the dragon, fur standing on end. Their last meeting didn't go so well and Vivi was still pissed at the little shit.
Sammy growled back, trying to get out of the bag to go kill the Nekomata, but Valentina pushed him back down and closed the pack.

"Ren, do you have any extra food with you?" she pointed at the fuming dragon and the ball of fluff on her head.
"Ah... A little... Hold on..." he replied, shuffling through his bag.
With a whine, Vivi squirmed. "Come oooon. I'm not that bad."

Kheire's pet Kirin, Sasuke, was still carrying its passed-out master, loaded up with his luggage.

"No, Vivi, I believe you are that bad." Valentina half-joked, her bat's head sticking out of her hat and yawning.
The Nekomata winked at Valentina. "I couldn't have been so bad, Renya made a contract with me." she said in a sing song voice.

Ren produced three full loaves of bread from his satchel, each wrapped in cloth.
"Here," he said, offering it out to nobody in particular. "Split it between everyone, but don't have it all at once, okay?"

Vivi patted Renya's head with her paws, mewing for the Selkie to get it for her.
"I promise I won't leave crumbs!" she swore.

Meanwhile, the young dragon had found the meat in Valentina's bag and popped his head out of it, chewing happily.
"Ugh, fine Sam." She says

The Selkie sighed and thanked Ren for the food, putting the morsel on her head, still standing on the beach. "We should get moving soon."
With a thankful mew, Vivi dug into her small slice of the bread, fulfilling her promise of not leaving any crumbs. In reality, she was ignoring everything Renya said and favored for listening to her hum with each word.

"Where are we going?" Ren asked inquisitively. The last time he had been somewhere remotely warm... Well, besides the particular desert that didn't technically count by virtue of being a tundra... He hadn't considered that a place like this could exist so close to a portal.

"You know,"
The smell of freshly grilled food wafted through the streets, "You know," Renya drawled, "if you were in a human form and had money, you could stop at one of the stands along the shitty way."

The Nekomata's ears raised as she let out a tiny gasp. She quickly jumped off of Renya's head and turned human, taking out her money from one of her purple pens.
"I'll get two for the both of us!" she said happily as she went to a grilled salmon stand.

Ren's eyes lit up with curiosity as he hurried after her.
"Hey, wait!" he called.
Seafood would be new for him, at least for the most part, so he wanted to find out everything he could about this newfound delicacy.

The merchant, a fair middle aged lady with faded brown hair in a bun, faced the two young teens and greeted them nicely.
"What may I get you two children?" She said with her soft voice.
Vivi's eyes brightened up quickly, purring loudly as her ears perked up. "Two grilled salmons with mitarashi sauce please!" the Nekomata asked nicely.
"And! And! Um..." Ren's eyes darted over the counter rapidly as he tried to decide what to get. "That one, that one, that one, and... that one!"

The mid aged woman quickly got to the orders, telling her husband to grill the salmon as she got the young boy's orders together.
"That will be one sliver plate my dear." she smiled as she gave Ren his order.
Ren's smile didn't fade. It seemed to be out of shock more than anything.
"Um. What's that?"
Vivi, who overheard quickly gave the woman a silver plate and 5 silver coins. "I'm sorry! I forgot to say I would be paying for the both of us!"
The old woman nodded in understanding and took the silver plate and coins, giving the young ones their orders.
"E-eh? Don't we barter?" Ren mumbled, half to himself.
Renya walked over to the two, "What's taking so long you guys?"
Vivi quickly gave Renya her mitarashi sauced coated grilled salmon to calm the beast, "Nothing! Ren just forgot his money!" she said happily.
"People use that?!" the pale boy spluttered. "B-but I just...!"
He produced a few small glass bottles from his satchel, each full to the brim with a differently coloured powder.
"What...Whitey, what is that?"
"This one is ginger, this one is cinnamon, this is vanilla, and this one is coriander," he explained enthusiastically.
Vivi decided to zone out, cutting her food up into tiny pieces and capturing them in her pen as she turned into a cat while jumping onto Renya's head. Grabbing out her pen again once snuggley on Renya's head, she grabbed out her pen and ate small salmon pieces.
"C-can I look at the vanilla for a bit?"
"Of course!" he smiled, handing it over to her.
Renya uncorked the bottle and took a deep breath as she smelled its contents, "Do you know how rare this is?! This is tahitian orchid vanilla! If you sell this you could easily nab a couple gold coins!"
He folded his arms, puffing up his chest with pride. "Heheheh. I found a whole grove of it last time I was in Maias. I have a few bottles of it left over. I can barter for most things with these. That's why I haven't really needed money before," he explained. "I didn't think people used it nowadays..."
Renya resisted the urge to grab the short male or stab him with her salmon skewer. Homicide is a no go in public. Deep breaths now... "Whitey. You poor, poor, adorable, but incredibly naive child."
"...Did I say something wrong...?" he asked anxiously.
The Nekomata started choking, stomach clenching and unclenching as she tried to keep from coughing on Renya.
"Oh poor, sweet, absolutely precious Ren." Valentina said, emphasizing Renya's words. Actually, she just wasn't listening to the conversation and thought everyone was complimenting him.
Ren, on the other hand, was convinced he had somehow broken something, and was looking increasingly worried.
"Vanilla's not that bad, is it...?" he asked, latching onto what seemed to be the reason for everyone's concern.
"Why would vanilla be bad?" Valentina asks, confused on why he was mentioning vanilla when they were complimenting him.
"I... thought that was what I was doing wrong..." he said sheepishly.
"Why would you have done something wrong? I thought you had done something good?" She is very confused.
"I did too, but... Miss Renya, are you mad at me?" he asked apologetically.
"No, just... incredibly surprised by how out of touch you are... We should keep moving, we're taking up room..." She gave an apologetic look to the woman behind the stand and continued moving with the sound of Vivi chewing on her head ringing in her ears.
Suddenly, Sammy jumps out of Valentina's bag and takes off through the people.
"Samandriel! NO!" She shouts, anxiety peaking.
Ren's eyes widened, and he took a stance.
A firing hammer pulled back.
You can't.
That power was something to be restrained.
If he used it carelessly, he would simply lose all discipline.
That was not just unacceptable.
It was dangerous.
"We have to catch him!" was all he could say.
"SAMMY YOU BETTER GET YOUR LITTLE SCALY ASS BACK HERE" Valentina screamed, obviously panicking.
Ren blinked in surprise. She was surprisingly loud when she wanted to be.
Renya sighed and reached into her messenger bag, pulling out a disc of malleable clay, "Open up you stupid beast." She threw the disc, forcing it to take the shape of her golem. It soared through the air with surprising ease and splattered against the dragon's scales. It squeaked in discomfort and the clay took advantage of its open mouth to shove itself into it, muffling its sound.
"Sammy?? Renya what are you doing to him??" Valentina said, a few feather's jumping out onto her skin where she frustratedly brushed them away.
"Don't worry. All I did was imbue it the command to Capture, it should bring your pet back soon enough." Renya flexed her Exin into an aura, making the crowd part for the blob that was, surely enough, steadily making its way back to them.
Valentina breathed deeply, trying to calm herself down.
Ren thought for a moment, and then settled for reaching up to pet Valentina's head, standing up on his toes.
"There, there," he smiled. "Sammy will be fine. That's happened to me before too."
Valentina smiled and giggled at his comfort attempts. She hugs him "Ahh you're so cuuuute, -----."
"You keep saying that," he smiled. "It sounds really nice. What does it mean?"
She blushed profusely, "Uh, uhm, it's just some little affectionate word I heard my aunt say."
She was avoiding the meaning and who she heard her aunt say it to. Also, she doesn't have an aunt.
Ren just beamed. "I haven't heard a language like that before. Where's it from?"
"Ah, it's one of my two languages I learnt very young. My mother taught it to me. I'm sorry I can't tell you where it came from, 'cause I'm not sure where she came from."
"Maybe we'll find out!" he suggested excitably. "Oh, but then I might not be able to talk to people who speak it..."
"I can teach you!' Valentina says, very enthusiastic.
"Really? Would you?" he smiled, as joyous as anyone had seen him in months.
She was so happy seeing his face, "------ ---- ---. That means of course, by the way."
"Of cows?" he attempted to echo her.
She giggled at his attempt, "We'll get there! I'm sure one day you'll speak it as well as me! You're smart, you can do it."
He flushed a little in response.

"We're here." The Selkie stopped in front of a large row of straw buildings, obviously old and well used. She gestured for the others to wait for her while she got their room keys.
"Oooh..." murmured Ren. This was certainly new. He had seen mud-huts in hot places before, but a straw inn in a tropical environment was a new one.
Renya exited the building, passing out a key to Ren, "The girls are sharing a room, so you're going with Kheire. Pray that I don't kill Vivi when she does something stupid."
"Something.. stupid...?" he echoed. He didn't mind sharing with Kheire, but what on earth did she-- "O-oh. Um. I will."
"Pray I don't kill Vivi, period." Valentina groans.
"No offense Valentina, but Vivi would have a better chance of killing you, if she actually tried."
"Eh, I think I could out-wit her. I don't care about her having two brains, they're both stupid." Valentina.
"I don't know..." Ren muttered. "Cats are sassy and lazy, but they're really crafty... Finding a weakness in her black fluffy armour might prove difficulty. M-minus the 'y'," he quickly added.
"Nah, you haven't met many Veela have you?" She asks rhetorically, booping his nose, much to his amusement.
"You haven't met her family, but her aunt is even more insane than her and unlike Vivi, she has little restraint." Renya grimaced at the thought.
Ren's eyes lit up at the prospect of finding such an exotic specimen, but opted not to say anything lest it came out wrong.
"Hm, as much as I hate to admit it, maybe Vivi and I don't get along well because we're too similar." Valentina says, grudgingly.
"Don't say that! I'm sure you two can make friends!" Ren insisted.
"Hm, maybe." She says, not wanting to disappoint him with what she believed to be the truth.
"You're a really nice person, and I'm sure Vivi is too. Do your best!" he told her, sounding a little too much like a tiny wannabe wingman.
"Alright, get on with the generic pep talk, go unpack and we'll meet back here in a bit. Vivi, come the fuck on!" She shook the Nekomata as she walked to their shared room.
Noting his mentor was still out cold, Ren smiled comfortably, taking his bags up to the boys' room for him.
Valentina sighed, and climbed up a nearby tree. She didn't feel like dealing with Vivi in a small room quite yet. Sam flies up to her and snuggles into her hair.
The five students woke up the next day, planning to search the forest for the missing nymph. The weather was humid, in a way that can only be described as unbearable and going through the thick foliage only made it worse.

"Well I can see why those two would like this fucking place," Renya grumbled to no-one in particular, "It's like walking through muddy water."

"Ugh." Valentina groans, although her dragon was very happy with the weather, "Why here? Why now? Why meeee?"

"Stop your whining, it isn't that bad. You can always think of it as training." Kheire marches on through the muck.

Kheire casually picked up Ren and threw him over his shoulder. "Lightweight." He pats his back and carries him.
"Muuuuuu..." he grumbled, still only half-awake.

Val' makes a sound of frustration when a large leaf hits her face, "I hate this place."

"That's it, small triangle shaped huts in a line. That's the place my brothers should be."

"Good, I am glad that we can get closer to finishing this up. Valentina, would you like to spar when we return to the academy?" Kheire turns to look at Val.

"Uh, uh, sure." Valentina says, fairly

Renya stopped the others by the entrance of the closest hut, waiting for nothing in particular. A tall figure appeared in the doorway and stopped to stare at them from the shadows, not making a move.

"Hello there. My name is Kheire, it is a pleasure to meet you. Who might you be?" Kheire looks up at him.

The man stared
and stared
and stared

Valentina stared at him back.

he sighed and stepped outside. "Argent, Sis is here!" he spoke in a surprising loud voice for his lanky build.
And equally tall man made his way out of another triangular "Ren!~" he made a wild beeline towards the Selkie and gave her a bone crushing hug, lifting her up in the process. "Thank you Yuli~ say hello to them!"

Kheire pointed to the small silvery boy over his shoulder and mutters, "But... This is Ren..."
Ren, still not all there, was looking between Renya, her brothers, and himself, utterly bewildered.

The lankier male, 'Yuli,' stared at all of them, his eyes landed on Kheire and he stared
and stared
and stared.

"As much as we enjoy your... eye contact, do you think you could maybe just tell us hello?" Valentina says, very much not enjoying the eye contact.

"You. You're a Craftsman, right?" His eyes were still dark and lifeless.

Kheire grinned a big, wide, malicious, cheshire grin. "Why, yes, yes I am. Would you happen to be one as well?"

Yuli mimicked his smile, showing nothing but teeth. "You don't get a wish then..."

"What wish would I have? I would earn my dreams and craft my way to prosperity. Can you say the same?" Kheire's eyes burned with a fiery, undying passion.

He had lost interest in the short males and turned to leer over the girl, "You have one wish, give me the means to make your wish reality, if you wish for anything it will become the-!" Argent had body slammed Yuli and sent him into a tree.

"Uhm... What was that about?" Valentina asks, thoroughly spooked, but also intrigued. She looks at Vivi maliciously.

"Don't even think about it, you wouldn't be able to afford his shitty wish anyways." Renya scoffed and didn't turn to look at the sprawled body behind her.

"What was the cost?"

The Selkie looked at him, as if giving a mental message, "To kill someone? Hard to say, normally it's insanity that causes them to have a pseudo public execution." Yuli shrugged nonchalantly as he answered.

"Nah, I'll do it on my own. Thank you for the offer though." Valentina grins.

"Honestly," Argent huffed, "try to not kill Ren's friends for once."
"Yeah! You even convinced my pet turtle to make a deal with you. We can't even understand fucking turtles!"
"I think it's more important to worry about your sister's friends than my friends," Ren said quietly, before pausing. "Wait. Um. Oh."

"Why a turtle?" Valentina wondered.
"Maybe turtles have delicious souls. One time a djinn tried to make me make three wishes, and it turned out he was going to eat my soul," recounted Ren. "I've never had a turtle soul before though. Maybe Mr. Yuli is a djinn..."
"Maybe! Good thinking, Ren!" Valentina exclaimed.
"Well... Maybe... I think I'm wrong. Djinn don't give up souls very often because nobody likes them very much," the small boy explained. "Probably because they won't stop eating people's souls..."
"You sure do know a lot about monster species, don't you? I've always been interested, but I've never really learnt much about them." Valentina said, excited.
Ren held up his satchel proudly. "I've been to a lot of places, and I made lots of friends. You have to always remember to take notes. Djinn are pretty common in the treasure caves around Luralia, and that's the first place I remember being, so I met a lot."
Valentina thinks about it for a moment, "I mostly learnt languages from the places I've been. I usually made little dictionaries but after a certain point I just stored all the information in my brain."
"I'm jealous. My memory is really bad for facts... It's good for faces and names, though... But that's not very useful..."
"I'm jealous of you! I can't remember names for the life of me."
"Really? I think remembering facts and languages is a lot more helpful," he said.
"Well, it's good for languages. Languages are easy if you can converse with someone in them." She pondered, "Hey, the way you say 'I'm jealous' is ---- -------- -- -, by the way."
He frowned for a moment, clearly thinking hard. "Does that mean -- - is 'I am'?" he wondered aloud.
"Vaguely. It's more of a concept for being. Like, how you introduce yourself uses the same words, or you say your race. Saying physical attributes uses a different word though."
"'I have'?" he guessed.
"Pretty much. It's not that far from this one." She said, glad that he's genuinely interested.
Ren seemed to consider something for a few seconds. "Would it be I'm jealous, of course or of course I'm jealous?"
"It would matter as to what you were trying to convey. A matter of fact tone or a sarcastic one?" She says, "Your accent is getting a lot better too."

Argent smiled jovially, "Ren, introduce your friends? You were never good with names I hope you can remember them..."
"Of course I fucking can! That's Vivi, Kheire, Valentina, and he is... what was your name?"
"Um..." the boy looked around awkwardly. "...Ren."

"Did you seriously forget the person who shares half a name with you...?" Valentina said in bewilderment.

"I never asked okay?!"

Kheire just stands there, eyes burning with craftsman passion.

Argent smiled apologetically, "Well it's nice to meet you all but I would like to talk to Ren... uhm, Ren Ren for a bit. Alone."

Ren blinked. "Um. That's not me, right?"

"No, that is not you." Kheire pats his head gently.

"Must we have strange nicknames that can be recognized as their names by two people?" Valentina questioned.

"He was never the most creative person." Yulius said sagely. "Would you like some tea? Any resources? Maybe something a bit more challenging for the Craftsman?"

"Any good cores, alchemy blueprints, mithril-mercury alloy, various aligned ectoplasm samples..." the conversation evolved from there, and none of the others could understand the jargon coming from the pair's mouths in rapid fire.
Valentina and Ren look at each other, very confused, and Vivi yawns and takes a nap.

Renya and Argent made their way through the brush and came to the light of a small clearing.
"Where the fuck are we going?"
"Almost there, the girl I met, remember? I want to introduce you." He stepped over a vine covered log without even looking.
He stopped suddenly in front of a stumpy tree, causing Renya to run into him.
"This is her!" Argent gave a wave of his hand to the tree smiling dreamily,
"B-brother?" On closer inspection the tree had a head, two in fact. The frontal one smiled broadly at the attention and made a creaking noise. "She...she's not...She's fucking dead!" and true to her words the second head was lifeless, showing only roots jutting into her gaping mouth and a glassy eye.
"What are you saying Ren Ren? Look she just said 'hi' isn't she beautiful?" A single fruit grew from the branches, it pulsed like a heart and gave a soft thrum.
"Brother, I need you to look right there," she pointed to the purplish fruit, "look right there and don't look away, focus real hard on it." A normal person would question this, but Argent complied wordlessly.

Renya sighed and began folding a piece of paper, taking far longer to crease the square sheet then needed. A small dragon darted forwards to the tree, stopping to hover near the fruit.
It turned to Renya as if asking for permission.
"I'm sorry." The paper dragon let loose a steam of fire, charring the pulsating sac.
The tree, Aliine, screamed. It screamed like any other being having it's heart roasted to a deep black. It cried out in pain and begged to be saved, and Argent, whom had fallen for her charms, did it without hesitation.
His large webbed hand made themselves well acquainted with her neck, pressing down to cut off her airways.

"Ren Ren stop playing around, can't you see you're hurting her?!" He began shaking her roughly, letting her limbs whip around as she struggled.
"Hey, come on, she might get hurt really bad!" Spots of white lights appeared in her vision, and she could see the leaves turning into embers. The shrieking was continued, as did the streams of flames.

The screaming stopped, sending hazy green mist into the air. Snap.

Valentina cocks her head to the side, "Did you guys hear that?"

Yulius turned to the forest and could see the wisps of smoke filtering their way through the air. "I... I think you need to leave. Renya... won't be joining you. If you take this route you can make it back to the Portal Station before Brother gets here." He pointed a shaky hand in a direction, bringing a beaten path to their attention. "Hurry and leave!"
The fear in his eyes and the tone of his voice gave them no room for protest. The remaining four ran along the path, and made their way to the Portal Station in record time.
The island was removed from their vision with a flash of blue and the accompanying sound of an explosion, before they found themselves back at the academy.
The Veela was shaking as they returned.
"Renya is dead."
She was certain about this. Did her brother kill her? Why did the other one seem so scared and sad? He must have known, but why would he be afraid?
Quin started to wake up from his nap feeling energized. "I've never felt this way before!!!" Quin shouts and puts his hand over his heart. "Good I'm still dead...." Quin stood up and started walking. "Why am I full of so much Energy?!?" Quin yelled as he started to run around the dorms. Quin eventually made his way outside and started to gather sticks and rocks, for he was going to make a fire for when everyone got back.
As Valentina sat on the ground to regain her bearings she feels the crinkling of the letter in her pocket.

A little old lady gave it to her when she was heading inside while the rest were in their rooms. She hasn't read it yet.

Well, now is a good time as ever. As Valentina reads through it shock hits her. Her father? A girl? She runs a hand through her hair. This is far too much stress. She folds the letter and puts it back in her pocket, standing and walking back to the group. If she looks upset she can just blame it on the rocky stomach from the travel and the loss of Renya.
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Quin set down a ton of sticks and put the rocks into a circle on the ground away from trees. "That's big enough...." Quin smiled while he set the sticks in building a little tent to set fire to. Quin ran a hand through his hair and smiled once he finished the fire. "This'll be great, I'll get to talk to everyone, and I'll get to meet the new people."
Vivi, had been staying in the vents as much as possible. Depression had settled in but she didn't want to bother anyone. The nekomata only kept this to herself, and let herself be swallowed by sadness when alone. 'Why couldn't I wake up...I could've stayed with her...and maybe keep her alive...' she thought to herself, mewling to herself in cat form. She only came out to eat and study now a days, and felt no need to talk to anyone. 'She was a good master for that short amount of time being contracted...' she continued. getting up, she wondered to the vents that were inbetween Val and Renya's room, mewing as she pawed at the vent to Renya's room, internally thinking of the responses that she would get.
Valentina decided to go to her room to put her stuff away. However, while she was doing so she heard sad mewling.
Setting her stuff down, Sammy curling up on her bed, she walked out into the hall.

"Vivi, is that you?"
Quin smiled looking for a way to light the fire. "How do I do this?" Quin laughed and breathed lightning on it. Soon a rawr of flames shot up and Quin sat down and watched the fire burn to the sounds of wood crackaling.
Vivi continued to paw at the vent opening to Renya's room, her mewls becoming louder for someone who wasn't there to listen. 'renyaaa...please...come baaack...' she meowed more loudly at the vent, attempting to bite the metal now.
Vivi layed down in the vent, on her back as she attempted to stretch out but only managing to let her small feet push through the cracks of val's vent entrance to her room.
There was a little white ball of a person curled up in the corner of a dark room in the colosseum.

A small glass bottle of vanilla was besides him.

"What happened, Miss Renya?" Ren wondered quietly.
Val walks back into her room and sees her little dragon trying to get in the vents.

"Sam no!" She scolds him, picking him up and putting him back on the bed. She then opens the vent and picks Vivi up, petting her.

"I'm sorry this happened. I know you guys were close."
The nekomata choked softly on her sobs, yowling loudly as she pawed at val's chest. Tears bubbled up in her eyes, pouring down her cat face fast. 'Renyaaaa! come baaack! p-pleeaaase!' she continued her pleas, squirming.
Valentina just continued to hold the nekomata, "I'm sorry."

"I've lost someone close to me too. I understand." She said, her own voice breaking a little.
Vivi turned human and quickly cuddled up to Val, clinging to her shirt and sniffling as she tried to calm down. "If I had just been more powerful enough to overcome her...I could've saved Renya..."
Quin smiled as the fire crackles and burns. "When will everyone be back?" Quin asked the air.... strangely he felt like he wasn't alone. "Oh silly mind trying to scare me again." Quin laughs at himself and continues to watch the colors of the fire. Quin thought to himself for a moment. "Should I just go and look for them? Nope I'll stay out and watch the dorms." Quin smiled and listened to the fire.
"Don't blame yourself. She wouldn't have let you come with her anyway." Valentina states sternly.