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"Do you guys have to fight...?" Ren mumbled quietly, almost to himself.
We arrive at the Colosseum, Kheire sighing at the mischievous students he has been put in charge of managing. "Here we are. Both of you get on the opposite sides of the arena and prepare for battle. I will announce when to start." Kheire sets both contestants down and guides the others to the stands for a better, safer view.
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She quirked an eyebrow at the dismissive behavior, but turned her attention onto the bottle in her hand. she uncorked it with her teeth and spat it at the vent so that it would land on the couch. The note fell out with a little finagling and she unfurled the crinkled sheet to read its contents
When the sea Gods bring this to you make sure to give thanks!

Of course, she thought with a fond smile, Argent was always praying to Gods or a Goddess...
Since you have been able to contact us we must be destined to meet again, bring any compion friends when you meet us here, Yuli and I want to meet them! Last time we saw each other you were so cute, I bet you've made many friends by now... Don't forget about your dear brother okay?? I've met someone important to me and I don't want to leave her alone, so come over for a visit okay??
Honestly, Argent has no subtlety. Renya, there's a lot we need to catch up on. He seems to have forgotten to give you a location, typical forgetful dolt. Well that's what I'm here for. That girl he mentioned...when you come here I want to talk in private about her. Just, don't trust his judgment that much on her okay? - Love, Yulius and Argent
The back had the realm's name in neat cursive, obviously Yuli's work. She smiled to herself and put the message back in its container, following the others to the Colosseum.

Vivi had ran off to one of the rooms behind her, sneaking in and changing to her battle clothes that were just black sweats and a black t shirt with chains to hold her pens. She started to set some bombs into her belt and put up her hair into a sloppy braid, stretching her arms and legs to make sure nothing slacks.
Valentina was nervous. She didn't mean to actually start a fight. That was not her forte at all. She was also nervous to actually use her abilities. Still, she let her father's influence in her come out, and the feathers poked through her flesh and wings grew painfully out of her back. She grabs her knives and tucks them each in between her fingers. Her dragon comes out onto her shoulder and spits onto her blade. "Uh, ew, but thanks buddy."

Ren took a seat by Kheire as the two rushed off to get ready.
"Um... Are they going to be okay?" he asked. "This doesn't happen often, right...?"

"It happens often enough for us to make a building dedicated to it. But don't worry, they will be perfectly fine after the battle. They will even grow stronger from it, and hopefully closer as well. It would not do to have enemies and quarreling within the team." Kheire pats Ren's head, smiling reassuringly.

Ren lightly touched the spot on his head where Kheire's hand had been, rubbing it a little himself to preserve the sensation as long as he could.
"But what if one of them gets hurt?" he asked.

"Then their bodies will be returned to a state of perfect health after the battle. No damage taken in the Colosseum is permanent. The creators of the school knew that there would be conflict among the students, and so created this place to stop any needless death. Don't worry, I wouldn't let anything happen to my charges even if that weren't the case." Kheire replied, happy to see his apprentice is such a caring individual.

Ren's eyes lit up with wonder as his mentor explained the building's properties, looking around curiously. He made a mental note to visit again later; the magic here must have been absurdly strong compared to what he had encountered in the past.

Valentina was full of blood-lust now in this form, and was losing control quickly. Her dragon bites her shoulder to help her ground herself.
"Thank you hun." She says, scratching him behind his ears.
The Nekomata grabbed an orange and an apple from her pen, munching on them slowly as to not cause stomach problems or a leave of absence to the restroom during a fight. God, that would be really embarrassing. Lying down on the floor, she looked at the ceiling for a minute to calm her thoughts and settle down.
Suddenly, Valentina couldn't hold it back anymore. She burst through into the arena, running and screeching. Her dragon was still wrapped around her shoulders.

Ren blinked in astonishment as she entered. She was certainly energetic, but...
Wait a second.
"H-hey, she looks completely different!"

"Having multiple forms is pretty common from what I hear." Renya spoke suddenly, and with no real prompting.

Ren almost leapt several feet into the air in shock. "How long have you been there?!"

With a hiss, Vivi got up and brought out her battle axe and calmly walked in to the arena. "AND BITCHES CALL ME CRAZY AS FUCK. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. SQUAWK SQUAWK PA TOO MOTHERFUCKER!" she screeched at the psychotic bird flipping out around the arena.

"Rude." Valentina growled.

"Well. I suppose that is as good a start as any." Kheire shrugged, watching closely to moderate.

Valentina flaps her large wings and takes off into the air, throwing a venom covered throwing knife at her midsection.
The Nekomata hissed as the dagger pierced her side and lodged into it. Without thinking about it much, she ignored said blade and left it there, running to the left side of the feral Veela and setting down two runic bombs that were just waiting to set off at any moment. She then equipped her axe back into her pen, using a wind platform to jump up on to the top of a column, a flash grenade ready in her belt.

Valentina stayed aloft, looking for her. Once she had found the Nekomata, however she grabbed her normal dagger and swooped in to stab her arm.
Quickly taking out her axe again from her pen, Vivi used the flat part of her blade to block the attack. At the block, the Nekomata grinned at the one moment that Valentina would be open. She just didn't have enough time to get anything to use.

Valentina laughed and moved to a high ledge away from Vivi. She whispers something to her dragon and it wraps its tail around her midriff so the scales were like armor.

With a smirk, the Nekomata brought out her flash bomb and threw it straight at Valentina, the bomb that was strong enough to at least stun someone for a good solid two minutes. "CATCH IT!" she taunted.
Valentina jerks and tries to avoid it. She got too cocky; she'll have to be careful. Sadly, poor little Sammy gets caught too.

Vivi let out a load roar of triumph as she quickly jumped towards the stunned Veela, using another wind platform to continue said jump. Raising her axe above her head, she brought it down harshly to slash at Valentina's entire front, hoping to at least make great damage albeit her dragon being there to block some of it.
A moment after that the stun wears off and the Veela squeaks a little at the pain as she holds her dear friend and flies to the other side of the coliseum.

The Nekomata landed on the floor as light as she could, chuckling lightly to herself. "Bitch, fucking please..." she muttered softly, "I'LL KICK YO ASS ALL THE WAY TO THE NEXT REALM, HAHAHA!" she howled in laughter, practically dying at her stupid joke.

Valentina smirks at her as she shoots a fireball the size of the Nekomata girl at her. She was enraged over her friend, and her contender wasn't going to get away with it.

With a shriek, Vivi quickly moved to the side and flipped out, the shock of how close it was to hitting her frazzled her nerves. "WHAT IN THE- WHAT THE FUCK- JUST NO! NO! THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMAN!?" she screeched out, completely pissed as she activated the runic bombs she left in the start of the match, one exploding into a big pink mist and the other being a casual-like grenade with a big blast.

The Veela is still enraged, and she flies directly towards Vivi and blows another large fireball at her.
She grinned and dodged to the right, "Do you really think I'll just sit there and take it?" she said while raising her shoulders and shaking her head.

"No, but you took this." Valentina says, flinging a second venom covered blade at her neck.
Vivi let out a loud roar and ran quickly to Valentina, dragging her axe against the stone floor as she did a right uppercut strike to her torso, bring down the flat of the axe to hit the side of her head.
The flat edge made contact, with a loud crack, sending the Veela flying into the ground. Her wings, feathers, and talons melted into dust, and she looked like herself once more.
The battle was over. Vivi had won.
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With a tired sigh, she flipped everyone the bird, including the unconscious enlarged pigeon, and went back to the dorms. When she had made it past the door, she quickly went to her room and greeting her 4 animal friends, the capricorn, the hellcat, the earth cat, and the white fox. the capricorn and fox played while Vivi snuggled up in her pile with her two sleepy kittens, a nap very much needed.
When fully rested from her one hour nap, she got out of the dorms and walked all 4 animals to the martial artist training grounds, playing with them while she trained and fought the dummies. The capricorn was trying to slap a dummy with it tail, the fox was running around it in a huge fit for some weird reason, and honey and bunny decided to go and tear up their own dummies.
She sighed at the expected behavior of the Nekomata. As... inspiring, as that fight had been it didn't change the fact that Vivi was... well, Vivi. She stood up from her seat behind her new male flatmate and left to study with her Druid classmates.
When Valentina woke up, her wounds were healed and she was tucked into a bed. She wasn't sure who's bed, because she didn't have a dorm here yet. Her little dragon friend was at the foot of the bed and her bat was hanging on the banister, and both were fast asleep.

The tired Veela stood, and realized she was in her pajamas. Whoever was so kind to take care of her she'd have to find out. She walks over to the chair that her clothes are on, and finds her knife belt/jacket. Her bag was also sitting next to it. Valentina grabs her dagger and puts it in her hoodie pocket.

There's some slippers to wear, and they're a little too big, but she puts them on anyway.
Just as she's about to leave the room, her bat wakes up and flies to her head. It must be getting dark. Luckily, Sammy the baby dragon is still asleep.
Valentina leaves the room to try to find the group from before.
The first thing she found was Ren, curled up in a ball outside her door.
Upon seeing Valentina up and about, he immediately sprang to his feet.

He then proceeded to take a few moments to blink away the head rush from immediately springing to his feet.

"Uehh..." he mumbled, before shaking his head and returning to his senses. "A-are you okay? I saw what happened back in the arena... Would you like anything?"
Her eyes brighten a bit at the young male.
"Ah! It's you! The one the cat bitch was being mean to! How are you?" She moves closer to him and pokes his cheeks, "Ah how adorable you are!"
She then realizes she never introduced herself to anyone, "Ah, my name is Valentina D'maris. What is yours?"
His eyes squeezed shut at being poked, and his face began to glow a little, but he managed a smile anyway.
"My name's Ren," he replied. "But I just got here, so you probably haven't heard of me before."
He played with the hem of his sari a little sheepishly as he spoke.
"How are you feeling? Kheire said none of the damage is permanent in the Colosseum, but that looked like it really hurt..."
"I'm new here too!" Valentina states, pausing a moment before continuing, "It did hurt. It hurt like hell, but I'm okay now!"
She notices the slight blush on the boys face and giggles to herself. How cute!
A little bit Ren's tension left him.
It was a relief to know he was on similar footing to her, and it made it a lot easier to talk to her.
"I'm glad," he smiled, and then began to flush a little brighter all of a sudden as he looked down at his feet. "Um... Now that I think about it... Um... When you... went into the arena... your, um... your wings..."
"Yes? What about them?" Valentina asks, cocking her head to the side. Why did he blush further too?
"I-I was just wondering if I... um..." he said quietly, reaching into his satchel and producing a mahogany-coloured notebook out of many others of different colours. "Um... You see, I like to keep lots of notes on new things I find, but I haven't been exploring for very long... and I-I've never really seen... um... someone who can grow wings... before... and I was just wondering... D-do you mind if I...?"
"Do as you wish,-------" She says kindly, and maybe a little shyly. She calls him something in a strange language, but from her tone it's obvious it was kind.
Ren quite obviously suppressed an enormous grin of excitement as she spoke, flipping through pages in his notebook until he found what looked to be an odd-looking pencil, and turned to the earliest blank page.
From what Valentina could see of the pages, they were covered in a strange combination of beautifully precise diagrams and total chicken-scratch.

"Uh... Maybe the hallway is a bad place for this..." he noted. "W-where would you be most comfortable doing this?"
"Who's room is that?" Valentina asks pointing to the dorm she just came out of, "Maybe that would be a good place?"
Ren peered inside curiously. It wasn't decorated, much like his own, and it looked like only the bed had been touched.
"I... think that might be yours now..." he observed a little uncertainly. "I-if you're fine with in there, we can."