"Nah, these ants make use of their enormous size, strength, and their environment to subdue, capture, and consume their prey. Now, do you have any method of harvesting the carapace at your disposal? Any sort of cutting technique of some sort? If not, that's fine. Tankh here could probably harvest it, but it is important for a craftsman's apprentice such as yourself to be able to harvest crafting materials." Kheire's grin widens and he winks, patting Ren on the head. "I probably have a tool you could use, if you would like."
Ren made a sort of guilty, meek smile.
The only way he had survived encounters with creatures like these was knowledge of their weak points and hitting them really, really hard.
Not wanting to admit it, he held his hands up as if to show he was unarmed, breaking eye contact.
Sure, he had a small knife, but that was for carving fruit with. He didn't want bug innards on it.
Kheire puts a cutting tool in his hand powered by Exin, created for cutting through hard surfaces with a laser-like cutting edge. "Consider this a gift, I would be happy for you to keep it and be able to harvest monster materials. Do you need help using it? I won't be able to assist you while absorbing the Halophage or my concentration would be broken."

Glinda raises an eyebrow as she reads over the profile of the academy's newest addition, a student that is transferring over from Midgard. Luckily she doesn't have any problems speaking the native language, as she seems to be an avid student when it comes to learning new tongues. "You may come in now, Miss D'maris. Everything seems to be in order. Unfortunately, our dorm adviser is out on a business trip at the moment, so living conditions shall be provided at the local inn. I trust that won't be a problem?"
Valentina walked into the room, glancing around. She tried to seem indifferent, but in truth the Veela was a bundle of nervous excitement.
She was a little distraught at the sudden change in the plans, but Valentina didn't let it show.
"Of course" She purred.
She went to look around the school, half hoping to run into someone worth while.
Renya wandered around the market stalls, holding a canvas sack of varying reagents for later experiments. The brunette held on to a tome sized pine-cone as she returned to the school grounds. She felt the familiar fog of dense Exin encompass her and felt her skin hum under its touch. Renya greeted her passing classmates, peering around to see a girl, looking around at her surroundings. "Hello," she looked the girl up and down, noting her own faint reflection in her flesh, "are you new? My apologies but you have a lost air about you." @Birbthebirbest
Her calm confident demeanor was briefly broken long enough for her to stumble and seem nervous. Valentina quickly regained it and graciously smiled at the other.
"Ah, yes, I am. I'm afraid I have no idea where I am." She says in an light accent no one is sure where to place, "Care to assist me?"

She tried to not seem nervous in front of the other student, weaving a strand of hair between her fingers.
Ren smiled, looking down at the tool and internally screaming "what do I do".
"T-thank you," he said quietly, flushing a little. "Ah, um... I should be okay, but what bits do you need?"
"Just channel Exin into it and cut away whatever parts seem like they would be good for armor or crafting. I'll keep whatever parts you can give me. Think you'll be okay for a little bit while I absorb this?" Kheire nods towards the Halophage floating above the corpse, wondering what effect it will have on one of his spirits. "Shouldn't take too long."
A fairly unremarkable white-blue light illuminated the blade edge, and Ren nodded, finally with a hint of confidence.
Looking uneasily at the dead ant, he steeled himself and climbed in where Kheire had come out.
Ants were too small for him to normally dissect, but he'd looked at enough bugs and desert monsters before to know roughly where to begin.

The first thing he was looking for was a gland.
Playing with hair, habitually or out of worry, is she fucking nervous I wonder? Renya gave a small smile when she spoke.


"We're next to the recreational facilities, you might have heard the school's craftsmen in the smithy" The Selkie pointed at a nearby building with a large circular chimney protruding out of its walls. "May I ask where you are going?"
Kheire smiled at the sight of his new apprentice friend going to work. He will need to get used to situations like these. Kheire couldn't even remember the amount of giant monster corpses he had crawled into to get good crafting materials. He takes a deep breath and concentrates, falling into a trance-like state to absorb the Halophage. This should give him a breakthrough of sorts with one of his spirits. He should most likely alter his exoskeleton later to ensure each part is unique to each spirit. His current one was only meant for practice anyway.
"Ah, well there lies the problem. You see, I am not sure where I'd like to go. I wanted to do something to take my mind of some things, and of course meet some lovely people such as yourself." the Veela answered, all signs of worrying gone, "Perhaps the recreational facility would be good?"
Waking up, the nekomata adjusted the fox in her arms and took it to the kitchen to eat some strawberries. She rustled through the fridge and got out her special strawberries and laid it on the floor for the sleepy creature. 'they've never been gone for so long...its almost been 5 days already...' Vivi had thought to herself with a sigh. 'fucking nerds' . Rushing to Kheire's room, she got out a few of his heavy metals and tied them to her back, doing pushups until it was a full hour.
When Kheire finished absorbing the halophage from the giant sand ant, he noticed Ren's slime covered condition and used his air manipulating pet and spirit to rectify it along with his water pet to wash him off.
Feeling the water and wind rush over him, Ren leapt in surprise, rabidly looking around as if he had been touched inappropriately, before realising what was happening. Stifling an awkward giggle, he laid down the last of the fruits of his labours and smiled.
"I found a ton of stuff, Kheire! There's a whole pheromone gland in there we can use to make potions!" he exclaimed, clearly very pleased with himself.
"Good job, my boy, we can create useful tools, weapons, and armor with the exoskeleton as well. I'm proud of you for being able to crawl inside a huge monstrosity like that with minimal fear."
Kheire pet Ren's head affectionately and smiled.
"Feel free to keep that cutting tool for your own use."
"Thank you," the boy smiled happily at the praise, opting to go a little further. "That wasn't so bad. Once I got eaten by an ice dragon! Luckily I had some wine with me from before, so I got out. Did you know ice dragons are actually really sticky inside?"
"I would imagine so, the insides of most monsters are quite sticky."
"It's like getting your tongue stuck on an icicle. But with your hands."
Suddenly seeming to have an epiphany, Ren looked over at the now-disembodied mandibles of the ant, mumbling something almost silently. "How are we going to get all of this back to... um...?"

And so, our two young heroes set off back towards the Academy, Kheire using both his pets, bandages vines, and wires in alternating times throughout the trip to transport the carcass. Kheire took the time to explain where they were going, what he was doing in the desert, who will be his classmates at the Academy, all while learning more about Ren and sharing information about himself as well. Periodically along the way, Kheire would stop Ren to teach him how to harvest a certain material they came across, allowing him to keep a few more tools for the jobs, and each time his new apprentice would dutifully take notes in one notebook or another. When they finally arrived, Kheire rushed them towards the main academy building to introduce Ren to the headmistress...

"...And that is how we got here and how I met my new apprentice here, Ren."
Kheire reached out and ruffled Ren's hair, smiling to the unamused headmistress.
Ren shuffled awkwardly in place, saying nothing, his face illuminated by his already-familiar glowing blush as he stared at the floor anxiously.

"So... To clarify, you expect me to accept this young man whose capabilities I do not even know into my school? ... Good job, Kheire, you know me so well already."
The headmistress giggled like a schoolgirl, ironically, and pulled out some paperwork for Ren to sign.
"Sign here and initial here."
She pointed to a couple places on the paper.
Ren looked over the paper, presumably speed-reading it, but apparently finding nothing objectionable, he tentatively did as he was asked. This was surprisingly painless for something that seemed like such an official affair.
Kheire grinned, wrapping an arm around his new friend/apprentice.
"Time to take you to the dorms. There aren't many taken rooms, so just enter whichever one you find isn't locked or decorated."
He nodded slightly, seeming to weigh up some options for a moment. "Would it be best if I picked one near yours? I don't want to, um... impose, but I'm worried I might mess up if I try to make things with materials I don't know much about like the ones from the desert..."
"That is perfectly fine, let's go ahead and get you moved in then. I would be happy to help you in any way I possibly can. I do not sleep much, so do not hesitate to come and get me if ever you require my assistance." Kheire turned around and began to guide his apprentice out the door and over to the dorms.
Clearly, Ren was not quite all there, as he blinked in surprise as Kheire started to walk, and it took a small jog on his part to catch up, clutching his satchel strap closely. As the pair walked, he made a point of looking around, memorising the layout of the corridors they traversed and the rooms they passed.
When they arrived at the dorms, Kheire guided him to the room closest to his, pointing out his own room for reference.
Making a mental note, his apprentice nodded, opening the door to the empty room and looking around inside it. It was bigger than his other shelters-- no, it wasn't a shelter. It was a home. Something important. Something permanent. Beaming, he made another mental note.
"Thank you, Kheire," he bowed gratefully. "I'm sorry to have caused you trouble."
"It was no trouble at all, I am quite glad to have met you, actually. So stop bowing, we have work to do. But first, my senses are tingling. Someone has taken my materials and I think I know who..."
"W-wait, how do you...?"
Kheire started going in the direction his antennae were pointing, happening to be directed at an unconscious catgirl...
"Never question my antennae when it comes to finding good crafting materials!"
The pale boy followed suit, peering in through the door sheepishly. Clearly panicking a little, he made his way over, crouching by the girl's side. "S-she's breathing..." he mumbled, squishing her cheek with his index finger as if she were some kind of exotic specimen. All things considered, she probably was as far as Ren was concerned. "Is she going to be okay?"
The Selkie gave a theatrical wave of her hands and walked backwards towards one of the buildings, "Alright, this is the smithy, when Dorm Advisor gets back you'll find him in here most of the time. When he does get here, remember to knock unless you want to feel love via explosion." Renya dragged a finger along one of the mounted blades, watching as it lit a fiery green and give an ungodly shriek. "Ooh, that's new. I wonder who made thi-!" The slack tub had caught her eye, as the twinkle of glass showed itself.
With a jolt, Vivi had thrown the metals to the side and picked up the new guy quickly, standing up and sniffing him as she held him a foot off the air.
Valentina glanced around. She reached in her bag to pet her sleeping friend. She sees a couple of blades that were interesting, but none really keep her attention.
"Do you have any friends here?"
Ren squirmed a little, letting out a tiny peep of surprise as his face burned like a searchlight.
"I-I'm sorry!" he squeaked, squeezing his eyes shut flusteredly.
The half asleep nekomata pulled back with a feral grin. "You're gonna have a bad time if you don't run..." she left the threat hang in the air.