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Blurgh, site update, lol. I had to wait all day just to fix that post! But it's good now. Just a regular red zombie. :)
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@Sinopa I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop this. I feel bad that I'm holding things back even if just a tiny bit due to my not getting a character up yet. I'm just too busy in rl to give this the attention that it deserves.
@Kade oh shit boi you noticed //hides
ye it would be nice to have them meet up. for now she's alone so any help would really be nice xD
Of course I noticed! I try to pay attention to any and all details so I can play off things appropriately. I'm also kind of the Queen Bee of dropping teensy, tinsy little hints for potential events to maybe prompt other people to play off of them, but most of the time they don't get noticed, lol. I haven't done that just yet though. Or I sort of did....it's more like I've intentionally omitted a piece of information that I intend to play off of later. ;)
@DangoYumi Can I...? Can I tweak a few things? I'm not being an ass. I have a mild form of actual OCD that goes in and out and details are...a thing. But you can totally ignore me if you want. I'm capable of just making the adjustments in my own head and ignoring the actual wording if it's not actually that important (which none of this is, lol).

First, not an apartment. Will has an actual house. Nothing big by any means, but it is a house with a yard at the end of a street right by a park. And it's a full on detached work shed, not a garage, and it is most definitely not open. The zombies didn't make it into the doors because Will's trap crushed one of them, and the other one with the spikes sticking out of it is now breaking in through his window since it couldn't get the door open. If I can make a suggestion, maybe Amber was just running towards the park in hopes there would be less zombie traffic there, and that's when she noticed the chaos going on around the shed. It would be safe to assume that someone alive was inside if the zombies are trying to get in (which is why other zombies would then be attracted to the situation as well), so then either Amber (being the sweet person that she is) just up and decides to help for entirely non-selfish reasons, or for slightly selfish reasons she decides to help because having somebody with her would be better than running around the city by herself.

But, yeah, just little things, but I can totally post without any of that being fixed. The biggest thing was that I didn't want you having Amber just running into the building because it is locked down tight (minus the now broken window).
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@Kade No no I can edit it. Give me a few minutes and I'll have an edited post up and running. Thank you for the information. I'd much prefer if people tell me straight up when something is wrong or when I don't understand 8D
Oh, yes, much better, thank you! I'm always afraid of overstepping my bounds. People are sensitive about that sometimes, and I don't want to piss anyone off. I'll pretty much always ignore it if it's info between other players' interactions, but if my character is involved, it's harder for me to let things slide. I write for a production company, which usually means writing with a group of people, and it's like imperative that we correct each other if we start confusing details. So, yeah, it's really hard for me to not do that in more relaxed venues like this where it isn't critical, but I try not to because I get that most people aren't accustomed to having someone point out that sort of little shit.
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Oooh thats cool! But thank you though. I appreciate someone who is honest.
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Hello, was wondering if anyone wanted to make character connections. I plan to post my character soon, but wanted to know if anyone was interested beforehand.
@Bie how's your character like? maybe I can help you out
@Kade ye as if I'm not addicted xD this is the best group roleplay i've ever been in so far
Yeah, I'm still sorry if my details weren't on point 100%, I had to make my post while still sick. ^_^
Omg, Will is totally a crazy person, lol.

No offense intended to Amber, btw (not by me anyway. Will means every offense, but he didn't say it out loud so give him points for that, lol).
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This interesting developed was ripped from his focus as Will sent another spasm of agitation through his brain, exclaiming about how one of the creatures was still 'alive'. Then Will used "The Tone", it was a bit whiny and insistent, a very pleading one that Albatross was convinced Will didn't even know he used when he wanted Albatross to pander to or comply with a request, which always failed. "No. I didn't travel all this way for a science project." He stated with a gruff and mild agitation.

Omg. You write the best things about Will. You get him. You really, really do, lol.

Just a note though, I don't have a dark theme so I couldn't read any of your post without highlighting the entire thing (except the dialogue 'cause you did that in a darker color). I can't have the dark theme because it literally hurts my eyes. I'm not being picky. My eyes just don't adjust to light text on dark colors without giving me a strain headache.

@DangoYumi I'm glad you talked about your mark. I was going to ask you about that. That's actually the very thing I told you I was intentionally omitting from my posts thus far. Because reasons, lol. But you gave me an opportunity to steer in the right direction. :) Buuuut, one thing to note -- be careful of "god modding" characters. You just puppeteered Will towards the car without my permission and I actually have actions planned in response to Alby telling Will to pack his things. I don't want Will to be heading towards the car just yet, so I'm gonna intentionally ignore that part of your post, okay?
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