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@Sinopa Just letting you know that me @SoleStride & @DustBunny are working on the collab post of our four characters, going great and probably will be up soon^^. Just giving u a heads up so you don't have to wonder XD.

and Sole and Dust going to get Twins parts up tomorrow night since I have work early tomorrow and I tried to get the parts up tonight but they started to become a big long in my head and I don't want to post half of it and not have the other half match since I am half-asleep right now, but tomorrow night or wednesday night since I get out of work early on wednesday, for once.
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If you go to the font color selector thing and choose the box with the X in the middle that says no color, any color scheme can read it.
I just wanted to stop by and say I'm still planning on coming into the fold at some point. It'ss just I have been under a lot of stress as of late. Family getting arrested, having to come up with 3000 dollars for bail, as well as the chronic and severe pain I have to take potent painkillers for, not responding well to my dose. So I've just had my hands full and been posting when and where I can.

But if anyone can PM me a summary of what's happened so far, I'd be grateful.
Ahh sorry! It slipped my mind. I guess I was too tired (posted it in class ahaha) I'll edit it right now to fit it better!
Yes, much better, thank you! Yeah, it's just the super bright colors I can't see (white, that super bright yellow, and the neon green, for instance). @Crowley
I just wanted to stop by and say I'm still planning on coming into the fold at some point. It'ss just I have been under a lot of stress as of late. Family getting arrested, having to come up with 3000 dollars for bail, as well as the chronic and severe pain I have to take potent painkillers for, not responding well to my dose. So I've just had my hands full and been posting when and where I can.

But if anyone can PM me a summary of what's happened so far, I'd be grateful.
Did anyone hit you back on this?
Not yet they haven't.
Okay, well instead of doing it in PM, I'm just gonna do it open here so other people can add in. Honestly we're still barely just started so you can pretty much just begin your post with Aaron's reaction to this Corrupted invasion.

I highly recommend reading the very first post in the thread if you haven't yet. That's pretty much the only thing we used besides the basic world info to get ourselves started, and then we've sort of teamed up as we've gone along.

To put everything as simply as possible, red orbs (only the red ones) are flying all over the planet turning people into Corrupted. Start of game is like 7 at night. All our characters have some sort of odd tattoo that just sort of appeared somewhere on their bodies (some of our characters don't know it yet...). You can pick your own tattoo. It has to be relevant to your power, but not something obvious. Generally the mark is itchy for right now.

Remy, Jason and Mason ran into each other while they were escaping Corrupted in South Tully by the hospital. Remy found out that Corrupted do respond to tranq meds, and they all discovered that getting bit by a Corrupted will turn you. They piled into Remy's truck last we heard from them. Their players are plotting some massive thing in PMs where they're going to save Axel (who is stuck under a car surrounded by Corrupted) and that'll be a four person team thing for the time being.

Will holed up in his weapon shed in his house in North Tully and texted Alby to come get him. Amber (who lives in his neighborhood) was on her way to the park to try to escape zombies and stumbled on Will's shed getting attacked. She helped, then they made nice until Alby got there, who has just saved Will from another zombie and Will is having a momentary crisis moment. They have discovered that Corrupted can get severely wounded and (probably) die from wounds that would kill a normal human, but it takes a lot longer to kill them by any other means than just destroying the brain (aka, GM has confirmed that Corrupted can be killed in normal ways, but it's generally better to go for head shots because it's instant whereas other wounds take quite a bit longer to effect the zombie critter. The characters are just now starting to discover this).

Letizia is running around in the streets somewhere in South Tully, and nearly ran into Aimery who just left a park that was being invaded by orbs turning people in to zombies. Note - Aimery is a complete dickface and I love him.

Roxy passed out in a bathroom also in South Tully.

Arima's whole family (as in, like, the Mania fam) got like instantly melted (gross). Kid's kinda in shock. Her bff Charlotte went to go hang out with her just as all the shit went down and got to the Mania corp building just to see that everybody there is all scorched and dead in the whole building (.....which I only just realized that Alby was in there working when Will texted him, and he pretty much got out just before whatever it was that burned everyone happened.....so that means Will actually kinda accidentally saved Alby's life...I am remembering this for later, lol). Char finds Arima trying to clean blood off her parents' half melted faces in their home at the top of the corp building and now there are tears.

And everyone who has a plan of where to go seems to think Mania is the safest place to be, so several of our characters are headed in that direction.

If I remember correctly, you were going to have Aaron have to kill his whole family 'cause they get turned into Corrupted? That's probably a great place to start.
lmao. I don't know why that was so funny, but it struck me.
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Just a question for you guys. Do you guys have a plan as to when you'll reveal your powers?
Just a question for you guys. Do you guys have a plan as to when you'll reveal your powers?
Well for my twins, Mason and Jason's powers will come out at the same time. When one brother gets into deep trouble and the other brother like gets angry and upset and his powers are unlocked, unlocking his brothers since The Twins Manipulations work together to make them both stronger.

Need to think of the perfect moment for the power to unlock and which brother would make more sense to have his power come out first, either Jason's Telekinesis, since Telekinesis would make a bigger impact showing first or Mason's Aura Manipulations since him loosing control of his emotions would have his power show up without his control, don't know yet.
Just a question for you guys. Do you guys have a plan as to when you'll reveal your powers?
I'm basically waiting for someone to get mildly injured. My chara will probably try to tend to the wound and it'll happen then.
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I figured @Sinopa would let us know when. She told us we don't quite have access to our powers just yet so we had to rely on our own survival skills.
I figured @Sinopa would let us know when. She told us we don't quite have access to our powers just yet so we had to rely on our own survival skills.
the "minor goal" for day 1 was to learn about your powers. Everyone obtains the ability the midnight before this all starts.
"Minor Goal: Learn about your manipulation"
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Also remember to stick to the restrictions. for now you guys are going to have to rely on your physical strengths to survive, either that or hiding.
Ah. I was going by this on page...9 of OOC. So I figured she'd cue us in when we can officially discover that we have these powers.
Ah. I was going by this on page...9 of OOC. So I figured she'd cue us in when we can officially discover that we have these powers.
Ah... I thought that was just code for "Your powers are mega-weak right now so no fancy shit, learn to survive like normal human beings first".
I was going off the first page of the IC.
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I was in the old rp of this and my guy used his powers in his first fight with a corrupted, it was weak like what Sole is saying but he used it, he just didn't know he had the power, and the old one I had to leave because life so never got to the part where he realizes his power. So if @Sinopa is going that route, I think people can used their powers at a way weak state, not even knowing about it at first.
Lol, so confused. Okay. I will just....follow everyone's lead, lol. Not sure what sort of plant life Will is going to come across around Mania, but I take it probably not much, so it might take a lil while before I can have him tinker with his shit anyway.
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