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That's cool with me.
Ahhhhh sorry sorry I got busy with mothers day on sunday. Also had a job interview today (although I will admit I spent the morning playing overwatch instead).
Haha, those priorities are pretty good. What's the job?
Its a summer camp kinda thing where I'm gonna be watching over some kiddos. It's some kinda "high class" summer camp thing with gourmet food or some shit, all I know is these parents are paying about 96 dollars a day, so I'm expecting some nice pay myself. Interview was this super informal group interview / get together in the private room of some brewery.
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So, Insomnant, you want the upperclass trio to just be doing whatever? Just fluffy cake and tea shenanigans?
So, Insomnant, you want the upperclass trio to just be doing whatever? Just fluffy cake and tea shenanigans?
Yeah, go for it! It's either that or some steamy three-way action, obviously. :3

EDIT: Looks like dice says tea, so go for it! xD
Damn it... I want shmex! D:

Pasted btw~
I'll wait on a description of Ellen's home before posting. Makes things easier when I have an idea how it looks.
Things are slowing down (all over the site) because exams are coming up for dem college students. :3
Things are slowing down (all over the site) because exams are coming up for dem college students. :3
Oh! I was wondering. xD

Okay good, I don't feel so bad now~

I one time had an RP die on the first page after a very strong opening because I accidentally started the IC thread a couple days before Elder Scrolls V came out, and my entire playerbase disappeared into Skyrim. >.< At least Exams have an actual end date~
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I feel pretty terrible today, speaking of exams. Had to get up too early to proctor. I'll probably have a post up tomorrow, but not sure today is likely.

And if some of you guys are waiting on me to set up Ellen's house, I probably do need to get something up soon.
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I feel pretty terrible today, speaking of exams. Had to get up too early to proctor. I'll probably have a post up tomorrow, but not sure today is likely.

And if some of you guys are waiting on me to set up Ellen's house, I probably do need to get something up soon.
Hey don't worry about it! Take some time and relax, this RP isn't going anywhere~ I just appreciate the heads up. =)
I got two more weeks of school personally, many tests and essays to write.
It's that time of year, yeah.

I just realized another way in which being horrible magical girl idols might be useful. We could get our fans to help form an underground support network, tweeting about events in progress and so-on, so we could have a better chance at getting to them.
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I still think being idols makes no senses IC-ly... :( Akni personally at least since she has access to the CDF's network.
Well, yeah, it completely silly and really not a good idea in any way, shape or form. There's probably another way we could set the club up, though. I haven't had any brilliant ideas yet, though. Cosplay club? Occult and summer afternoon nap research society? Light music? Heavy music? Tea and cake?
Well, yeah, it completely silly and really not a good idea in any way, shape or form. There's probably another way we could set the club up, though. I haven't had any brilliant ideas yet, though. Cosplay club? Occult and summer afternoon nap research society? Light music? Heavy music? Tea and cake?
VR Node decorating? Drone piloting? Martial arts?

I feel like you guys are giving this decision waaaay too much thought. xD There are muuuch bigger fish to fry. :3
We're teenage girls. There's no bigger fish to fry than each other's reputations at school.
It really is just a cover for actually spending time together. Outside of being on the paperwork and the bare minimum of participation, Yuri could probably just ditch entirely if she needed or wanted to.
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