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Lemme know when you do slow down

Narratively, you and I can explain harry and sun operating solo by having them each doing something off screen. ..example being that Harry could be gathering intel on his own and suns presence would draw too much attention

I was planning, in my next post, for Agamede to actually notice something or take an action that could lead to meeting another group or whatnot. Should she/Tristan be distracted by some shenanigans by Wukong (I'd wait for a post by Random before doing that), or would Harry like to observe the duo from a distance? Should she catch sight of the other duo instead?

Either way, Wukong causing a general mess or something like that could cause Sylvia/Gawain to investigate as well, which could lead to them meeting Aga/Tristan at the same time. Perhaps the 3 groups could all meet at once? Whatever you guys prefer.
I'm down for that. From my end I wanted to keep harry unknown unless either Tristan or agamede has some kind of enhanced way of detecting him. He's going for stealth. Depending on how random does things, I imagine sun might be easier to spot?
As far as I know, neither of the Golden Goons have any particular detection, so spotting mini king kong rampaging around the city or whatever sounds be a good way to start the team's interactions with one another.

I'll probably wait for Random's post beforehand, if he's cool with doing it that way.
There's also the possibility of Sunshine Squad stumbling on Team #StayGold, as they're both just kind of wandering the streets, and then that meeting getting interrupted by Primate Problems. I'm cool with any of the options, I figured I'd just throw that out there.
Maybe they meet up at some fancy cafe and are pressured by the environment to pretend that they're double dating. And then Monkey Trouble happens.
Maybe they meet up at some fancy cafe and are pressured by the environment to pretend that they're double dating. And then Monkey Trouble happens.

Now THAT is an idea.
I like the steady evolution of team names, not gonna lie.

Also, double date shenanigans here we go.
Alright, uh, so I guess shenanigans have been engaged?

I hope that was an okay way to go about doing that.
Shit. You took me seriously.

Welp, time for Fate/Stay Home.
Did I mention that the Personal Skill, Maiden's Knight, is actually superior to Diarmund's Love Spot in terms of making him fabulous?
May be a useful watch as well.
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@Random how do you want to do Sun Wukong making some chaos? I figured a docks-like setting would be ideal, because there's usually lots of ships, freighter crates, cranes, and -- most importantly -- space to move around in.

@all seems like everyone's down with using Sun's antics as a trigger. seems like a good way to shake up the "double date" shenanigans the other Master-Servant teams found themselves in.

maybe Sun's antics get shown on TV news while the other servants/master are eating?
Post is up.
For Agamede/Tristan & Syvlia/Gawain, post is mainly to set up the scene. Go on as you were.

For Wukong, do what you will.

For Harry. Buckle up.
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I'm assuming these eight year olds are more like eight hundred and are probably some horrific combination of (insert favorite Loli) and (insert favorite Nasuverse monster).

@Asuras @Random
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