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Name: Frederick Heindall

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Guild: Red Dawn
Occupation: Wandering Bard/ Wizard
Tier: C-Class

Birthday: May 7th

Gemstone: Gemstone

Zodiac Sign: Taurus


Defining Characteristics:
-Stands at 6'1
-Has to wear his jacket mainly to cover up various scars that dot his arms
-His eyes are a deep crimson that get many people talking.
- His jeans do carry a few rips, but they were voluntary so he doesn't mind them as much.
-Has strange symbols that dot the backs of his gloves that seem to form magical runes.

Guild Mark/Location?:
The back of his right hand

Frederick typically loves to keep a casual appearance both for himself and to keep a relaxing air about him for others. His hair is usually allowed to hang free and wild, but whenever he gets really into writing he ties it back into a mockery of a ponytail. His jacket isn't only worn for the simple reason of covering up his scars, but he makes sure to wear one of the only gifts granted to him in his lifetime. His gloves, as many notice, are quite odd because of the runes seemingly stitched into the fabric, but whenever asked he either hides his hands or switches the conversation.

A simple and humble musician that seeks to spread his music worldwide...at least thats the intended plan anyway. Many speculate that Frederick's modest nature about his works and life in general to be one thing holding him back from achieving his dreams. Though he may be carefree with his own Frederick holds the musical arts close to his heart, and dreams of one day being able to hold a candle to great musicians across the land. Hailing from a poor background Frederick knows the importance of empathy and kindness, and strives to offer such qualities towards others as he owes his very life to such morals. A slave to his emotions, as many artist tend to turn out, he has no trouble with expressing himself fully which gives him the advantage of knowing no shame for the way he acts.

Ever the understanding fellow Frederick has been a goto man whenever someone needed to get anything off their chest, as he would sit for hours simply listening to their worries before throwing in his own input after he was sure they were finshed. He can be found to be extremely shy whenever he gets praised for helping out, or someone takes interest in his music. A loyal friend that shall stick with you until the ends of the world Frederick stands ever ready with paper, quil, and violin on hand to document the tales of growing legends.

- Kind Hearted
- Strategic
- Good Memory
- Loyal

- Too trusting
- Sympathetic
- Self-loathing

- Can juggle expertly
-Knows how to play a wide variety of instruments.
-Great at picking pockets and locks
- Has a wide vocal range that he can use for singing and voice impersonations.

-That people will hate his music.
- He will fail one of his allies
- Losing anyone close to him
- Pears...its a long story.

None that he is consciously aware.

Red Dawn

Technically Hiraeth Seis, but doesn't hate any of the members personally.


Harmonic Symphonia:
A rather plain magic that draws upon the talents of a musically inclined wizard. Frederick uses this magic to enhance his natural talents of song and violin to preform rousing triumphs towards his allies, but weave terrible discord within enemy ranks. Much of his offense relies upon distracting the opponent, disorienting their senses, or simpy lulling them towards an eternal slumber. His supportive magics invoke temporary magical boost for his allies, an amp to create power unison strikes, and the likes of restoring the morale and vigor of his guildmates with soul stirring scores.

Spells (Shall add more as he plays more of his personal works):
Stirring Spirits
Rosuing Dawn
Golden Glow
Flowing Will
Standard Bearer
The Thousand Year Parade

"I'm great at singing, dancing, and playing various instruments...that's about it. Oh wait! I can juggle real good just wait while I go grab my balls!"

"Do my hands count?"

"You mean other than my personality?"

"Don't really need it as my goal is typically not get hit at all if possible."

-Has penned at least 30 personal scores currently, but hides many of them.
- Has a strange affinity for animals, and can be regularly seen with at least one in tow.
- Has an impressive memory as he can remember most of anything he's shown.
- Loves to spend much of his time alone as this allows his mind to run away with no responsibility weighing him down.


The ongoing tale of the young lad, Frederick Heindall,begins on the ever busy streets of Cinderidge where he currently made his wages like many other orphans: begging, preforming, or thievery. He was lucky enough to be within the small percentage of the middle option as he had fashioned a crude, but functional violin to play within the streets and earn his living. One day by luck it would seem a man from the local guild happened to stop by and was enthralled by the playing of this young street urchin, and simply had to see what he could do if guided properly. After leaving a heafty tip within his hat the man allowed him 2 options: Take the money and buy a better life, or earn it while also honing his natrual gifts. Anyone else would have seen which would be the easiest and more obvious choice, but sadly or thankfully Frederick was not like most people as he slid the money back, and simply asked when his first lesson was to begin.

It has been a great deal of years since that days as young Frederick grew into a respectable man who now was also counted amoung the ranks of wizards. His mentor, Dailen, taught the young lad all that he knew about his trade, his magical abilities, and the world as a whole and just what to do to survive as long as possible. By his 20th birthday Dailen had decided that he had nothing left to teach, and split ways with his newly raised son prefering to travel their owm roads of life and meet back up later on down the road to swap stories. Finally out and off on his own for the second time in his life Frederick was hesitant to go alone, but soon mustered up the courage to carry on in the hopes of doing his "father" proud for their next meeting.

Deciding to at the very least follow in his footsteps a tiny bit more Frederick sought out a guild to join and hopefully make new friends, stories, and jobs since playing for tips only earns you so much once your older. Not being toexperienced with dealing with random strangers he drew upon the knowledge that Dailen had gifted him with, and choose a guild that feels like home within his heart. Now lucky Mr. Average, as he's grown accustomed to being called, serves as a proud member of one Red Dawn to this day and hopefully more to come.
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Name: Frederick Heindall

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Guild: Red Dawn
Occupation: Wandering Bard/ Wizard
Tier: C-Class

Birthday: May 7th

Gemstone: Gemstone

Zodiac Sign: Taurus


Defining Characteristics:
-Stands at 6'1
-Has to wear his jacket mainly to cover up various scars that dot his arms
-His eyes are a deep crimson that get many people talking.
- His jeans do carry a few rips, but they were voluntary so he doesn't mind them as much.
-Has strange symbols that dot the backs of his gloves that seem to form magical runes.

Guild Mark/Location?:
The back of his right hand

Frederick typically loves to keep a casual appearance both for himself and to keep a relaxing air about him for others. His hair is usually allowed to hang free and wild, but whenever he gets really into writing he ties it back into a mockery of a ponytail. His jacket isn't only worn for the simple reason of covering up his scars, but he makes sure to wear one of the only gifts granted to him in his lifetime. His gloves, as many notice, are quite odd because of the runes seemingly stitched into the fabric, but whenever asked he either hides his hands or switches the conversation.

A simple and humble musician that seeks to spread his music worldwide...at least thats the intended plan anyway. Many speculate that Frederick's modest nature about his works and life in general to be one thing holding him back from achieving his dreams. Though he may be carefree with his own Frederick holds the musical arts close to his heart, and dreams of one day being able to hold a candle to great musicians across the land. Hailing from a poor background Frederick knows the importance of empathy and kindness, and strives to offer such qualities towards others as he owes his very life to such morals. A slave to his emotions, as many artist tend to turn out, he has no trouble with expressing himself fully which gives him the advantage of knowing no shame for the way he acts.

Ever the understanding fellow Frederick has been a goto man whenever someone needed to get anything off their chest, as he would sit for hours simply listening to their worries before throwing in his own input after he was sure they were finshed. He can be found to be extremely shy whenever he gets praised for helping out, or someone takes interest in his music. A loyal friend that shall stick with you until the ends of the world Frederick stands ever ready with paper, quil, and violin on hand to document the tales of growing legends.

- Kind Hearted
- Strategic
- Good Memory
- Loyal

- Too trusting
- Sympathetic
- Self-loathing

- Can juggle expertly
-Knows how to play a wide variety of instruments.
-Great at picking pockets and locks
- Has a wide vocal range that he can use for singing and voice impersonations.

-That people will hate his music.
- He will fail one of his allies
- Losing anyone close to him
- Pears...its a long story.

None that he is consciously aware.

Red Dawn

Technically Hiraeth Seis, but doesn't hate any of the members personally.


Harmonic Symphonia:
A rather plain magic that draws upon the talents of a musically inclined wizard. Frederick uses this magic to enhance his natural talents of song and violin to preform rousing triumphs towards his allies, but weave terrible discord within enemy ranks. Much of his offense relies upon distracting the opponent, disorienting their senses, or simpy lulling them towards an eternal slumber. His supportive magics invoke temporary magical boost for his allies, an amp to create power unison strikes, and the likes of restoring the morale and vigor of his guildmates with soul stirring scores.

Spells (Shall add more as he plays more of his personal works):
Stirring Spirits
Rosuing Dawn
Golden Glow
Flowing Will
Standard Bearer
The Thousand Year Parade

"I'm great at singing, dancing, and playing various instruments...that's about it. Oh wait! I can juggle real good just wait while I go grab my balls!"

"Do my hands count?"

"You mean other than my personality?"

"Don't really need it as my goal is typically not get hit at all if possible."

-Has penned at least 30 personal scores currently, but hides many of them.
- Has a strange affinity for animals, and can be regularly seen with at least one in tow.
- Has an impressive memory as he can remember most of anything he's shown.
- Loves to spend much of his time alone as this allows his mind to run away with no responsibility weighing him down.


The ongoing tale of the young lad, Frederick Heindall,begins on the ever busy streets of Cinderidge where he currently made his wages like many other orphans: begging, preforming, or thievery. He was lucky enough to be within the small percentage of the middle option as he had fashioned a crude, but functional violin to play within the streets and earn his living. One day by luck it would seem a man from the local guild happened to stop by and was enthralled by the playing of this young street urchin, and simply had to see what he could do if guided properly. After leaving a heafty tip within his hat the man allowed him 2 options: Take the money and buy a better life, or earn it while also honing his natrual gifts. Anyone else would have seen which would be the easiest and more obvious choice, but sadly or thankfully Frederick was not like most people as he slid the money back, and simply asked when his first lesson was to begin.

It has been a great deal of years since that days as young Frederick grew into a respectable man who now was also counted amoung the ranks of wizards. His mentor, Dailen, taught the young lad all that he knew about his trade, his magical abilities, and the world as a whole and just what to do to survive as long as possible. By his 20th birthday Dailen had decided that he had nothing left to teach, and split ways with his newly raised son prefering to travel their owm roads of life and meet back up later on down the road to swap stories. Finally out and off on his own for the second time in his life Frederick was hesitant to go alone, but soon mustered up the courage to carry on in the hopes of doing his "father" proud for their next meeting.

Deciding to at the very least follow in his footsteps a tiny bit more Frederick sought out a guild to join and hopefully make new friends, stories, and jobs since playing for tips only earns you so much once your older. Not being toexperienced with dealing with random strangers he drew upon the knowledge that Dailen had gifted him with, and choose a guild that feels like home within his heart. Now lucky Mr. Average, as he's grown accustomed to being called, serves as a proud member of one Red Dawn to this day and hopefully more to come.
The return of Eliarte's companion. It's a shame I've stuck her in Red Dawn's rival guild x'D
Hey ya never know he doesn't hate anyone remember. So maybe they'll be cross-guild friends, or she'll shank him for money either or.
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Misaka Mikoto, from a Certain Scientific Railgun

"I'm not afraid of you. Bring it on, loser."

Misaka "Saka" Jane
Also goes by "Jane"



Human, Dragon Slayer

Hiraeth Seis


Greentier, A rank

July 27th​


Zodiac Sign:


"Well, I guess we could be friends. I'm not going to baby you, though."
Defining Characteristics:
Her brownish hair is always held in by a small purple clip. She never goes anywhere without her suit and skirt, colored similarly to the image above. She thinks it looks classy and wears it everywhere.

Guild Mark/Location?:
Upper Right Arm, is the of Sea Green.


Brown hair and brown eyes make her look pretty plain. She's not particularly large chested or curvy. She's more built to be wiry and tough. She's of average height and tends to not mind looking plain to avoid drawing attention to herself.


Misaka has a rough personality, and doesn't really care for others. She's crude and ruthless, but she can really care for others once she warms up to them. However, her time to warm up to others is long and often times people brush her off for it. She's stubborn and wants nothing more than to find the dragon that taught her magic, but most people assume that she's always eager to fight and prove her worth. While she does like fighting, she mostly likes that she can get stronger through it.

She believes that being strong is more important than anything, and being strong means that people won't hurt her anymore. She also figures that now she has become a monster with her power, so she keeps a majority of her power under wraps so that people don't hate her.

Most Efficient at Getting Jobs Done
Careful with Money

Lone Wolf
Distracted by Shiny Things
Orphans (she will give them money and help them)
No empathy
Charge First, Ask Questions Later

Playing Music (secret)

Not Being Strong Enough To Meet Her Dragon Again

To Hold Back
To Say No
Let People In

Hiraeth Seis

Red Dawn


"I know. I'm a monster. Don't worry about it. I was born to kill the very dragon I loved. Whatever, life's a tragedy and all that."
Air Dragon Slayer

Air Dragon Roar- Saka absorbs air infused with magic, and then magnifies and expels it out, making the air sharp enough to cut through skin or bone.

Race The Wind- by casting this, her already high agility and speed increase by two and she gains the ability to fly up to twenty feet in the air. Her legs are surrounded by small cyclones that have a similar effect as her Roar.

Air Dragon's Scythe- by surrounding her arms with wind sickles, her arms and hands gain claws as sharp as her roar. While it may not slice through steel, it'll cut through unarmored people just fine.

Wind Arena- By summoning a wall of wind around her and her opponent, she can use the wall to strike her foe from any angle. In the wind wall, her Race the Wind ability increases her speed by four instead of two. However, she can't fly due to the high speed winds.

Wind Armor- A rarely used ability, she surrounds herself with cyclones. Her defense goes up but her speed decreases. Anyone attempting to punch or hit get blasted back and hit with similar effects to Dragon Roar.

Black Wind- By stirring up all the ground with her wind, she creates a black looking wind that can chew through anything, it is far more powerful than her roar.

Wind Eater- any magical wind, or air with magic in it can be used to replenish her energy. In an extreme case, she can eat other elements, but causes her to be sick for days afterward. She can't eat her own wind magic.

Close range combat.

Her hairclip, it doesn't do anything but she considers it a lucky charm.


"I won't show a crying face to anyone ever again. I'll be strong enough to stand on my own two feet."

"Monster, monster, are you out here? If you are... please eat me."

Misaka was born unwanted. Ditched upon an orphanage step and left behind, Misaka was known among the caretakers as a monster. She would lash out with magic, unformed and uncertain but more than enough to hurt anyone who made her upset. So adults avoided her, and the children laughed at her behind her back. Sometimes they'd laugh even at her face. But she didn't want to hurt anyone so she held it in.

Until she walked into the office and saw the note she'd been left with.

"Take this child. She's a burden to me. She's a burden to everyone she meets. She will continue to do so, it's a family curse. I love her, but I won't be a burden to her as well as burden myself."

Upset, she tore the note to shreds using magic and fled into the forest. Her magic exploded around her as she went deeper and deeper into the dark forest. The children had a story about the forest, that a monster lived there that would take away those who gave up on being adopted. It was uncertain if it would eat them or not, but Misaka didn't care. Once she walked into a clearing she yelled out the chant to summon the monster.

That was when the dragon showed up. It grabbed Misaka and took her away, without a single word to her. When they arrived at the dragon's cave, the dragon explained that it was now her mother and would be taking care of her. Misaka tried to explain that she was a burden, but the dragon wouldn't hear of it. Years went by and Misaka would take care of cooking and cleaning, and also learn from the dragon.

Those days were so happy, that when it ended and the dragon that she loved so disappeared, she decided that instead of crying and breaking down again, she'd go out and find her dragon. She'd stand on her own two feet and use what she learned from the dragon to find the dragon. To that end, she recently joined Hiraeth Seis to use their status to help her search.

Theme Song:
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(Ciel Phantomhive - Black Butler)


Name: Siyah Tinuviel
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Guild: Silver Crux
Occupation: Guild Mage
Tier: C-Class
Birthday: January 17
Gemstone: Verdite
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (Doesn't put much faith in superstitions)

Defining Characteristics: Missing right eye which he covers with an eye patch. He has a tendency to be cruel and sadistic to those he consider evil and deserving of it. He can also be snarky without noticing it which will have people think of him as a
pretentious brat.

Guild Mark/Location?: His guild mark is located on the back side of his left wrist in gold.

At first glance, Siyah appears to be a young man of a high upbringing shown by his choice of clothing, But really he just enjoys the finer things in life. He has short jet black hair and one deep blue eye. He wears an eye patch over his left eye to hide a gaping hole where an eye should be. He is about 5'3 foot nothing and weighs 120 pounds. He is slim all around with a narrow waist. Most people would say he is an handsome or baby face.

Siyah is a smart kid that acts older than what he is but is still a child at heart. He has the tendency to speak before thinking when frustrated which is not like him. He can come off quite rude and pretentious at times. Siyah Also enjoys teasing his friends. He is fond of playing practical jokes like sneaking up on and scaring others. He is, however, a loyal friend and will protect his loved ones with his life. He isn't the type that would harm someone who didn't deserve it. He is easily annoyed and doesn't like being treated like a child. He can have tunnel vision which means he'll become focused a single goal and refuse to let anything get in his way. He is not the type to give up even when he is clearly defeated. He hates bullies and people who just enjoy hurting others. He is a vengeful child and will strike down anyone who try to stop him from getting his revenge.

Robust (Mentally)


Good at math
Mastery of hide and seek
The Death Glare

Dark rooms

Can not cook
Terrible fighter


Ability: Shadow Magic
He has the ability to manipulate his shadow for offensive and defensive purposes. This magic allows him to be flexible in battle. His shadows can be made into anything his mind can imagine. The weakness in this magic is it is weak against light magic, Needs a light source and his shadows aren't that durable. The fewer the shadows, the more durable they are.

Shadow Form: Siyah melds with his shadow and is, therefore, able to travel as a shadow moving on all surfaces which a shadow can exist. He can enter and leave this form freely. He can use this form to hide in others shadows.

Shield Shadow: A move that focused solely on defense. His shadow extends in front of him and creates a wall. This was is uses to guard himself against oncoming frontal attacks.

Knuckle Shadow: He shapes his fist from his shadow to punch his opponent from any direction. He can make multiple fists.

Pulling Shadow: He shapes his shadow into a giant hand that can travel great distances to retrieve targets. His target is pulled into the shadow and then brought back to him.

Pushing Shadow: He shapes his shadow into a giant hand that pushes his target away like a moving wall.

Blade Shadow: He shapes his shadow into a blade which is able to slice and stab his opponent. He can create multiple blades.

Spike Trap Shadow: Extends his shadow to a small area and once stepped on turns into a bed of large shadow spikes.

Tendril Shadow: He shapes his shadow into multiple tendrils to whip, bind and picks up his opponent.


Siyah was born into a dark guild known as "Bleak Vision" lead by his Father. This dark guild is as sadistic as they come torturing people and even their own members to punish them. Being the son of the leader he was expected to be powerful. He started learning Magic at a very young age. He was harmed plenty of times as a child during training. At one point his Father in a fit of rage tore his eye out for failing to react to an attack quickly enough. His poor treatment by his father defined him as he grew older. He slowly began to despise his Father and the very guild he was born into and saw them as the devils they were.

One day he decided to escape his guild. Her plotted for a month learning the placement of traps and such. He saw his chance when his Father went out with the best of the guilds wizards to fulfill a high paying contract. During that night he sneaked out the door of his guild and carefully dodged their traps. Once he was far away he made his way across Fiore until he found himself in the mountains and at the door of Silver Crux. He knew what they could help him achieve. They would make him strong and give him a place to hide from his Father's guild until he attains enough power to destroy them. His history is known to people he trusted enough to tell and the Guild Master. He has been a member of Silver Crux for 2 years now.​
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Did this rp start? and are you going to have a limit on how many players you allow?
Beware da' thunda'!



Name: Ivan Zahariev
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Guild: Silver Crux
Current occupation: Silver Crux Guild Mage
Former occupation: Wanderer
Alias (as given by other wizards/clients): "Lightning's Flash"
Alias (as given to himself by himself): "The Thunder King"
Tier: AA
Birthday: 28/12
Zodiac Sign: Pisces​


Guild Mark/Location: On his palm

Slightly long, light black hair, scruffy beard and moustache that have seldom, if ever, had a close encounter with a razorblade. I mean, who has the time, while being constantly on the road, right?! Thick, dark eyebrows, and lively blue eyes look at you, usually coming along with either a mischievous half-smile or a "I'm tired of this shit" facial expression. He would usually wear a simple black shirt (don't ask how that smells after a week on the road!) and a traveller's cloak. But what's with the suit, then? Well, you see, after becoming a member of the esteemed Silved Crux, Ivan decided he needed to look the part. After all, an AA class mage from one of the most respectable guilds of Fiore ought to look respectable and professional when meeting his clients. I mean, he is representing both himself and the guild by doing so, right?

He's pretty chill.

Unlike most mages of Fiore, Ivan is not out there looking for a fight, or to prove himself, although he is actively looking for new and unknown things or items of lore, which do happen to often carry danger. Many a folk say they never back away from a challenge, but unless absolutely compelled to by circumstances, Ivan is more than happy to walk away from a fight, back down from a challenge or look for some form of reconciliation. This habit of his had left many smaller guild wizards in speechless awe, as a highly ranked member the esteemed Second Pillar would happily concede defeat in the challenge they've extended, without even fighting. "I give up, you would definitely win. Could you please let me just walk away now?" is what he'd often say before strolling off.

Ivan is not one to hold grudges and not one to uphold some fictive personal honour, he can be misjudged as meek or even cowardly by the inexperienced beholder and, as long as that doesn't really affect him seriously, he couldn't care less.

Most people in a guild, let alone a highly esteemed guild as his, would put their heart and soul in that guild, but Ivan's not like that: he would, of course, fight for his guild if needs be, but he doesn't really feel a deep connection to the members of Silver Crux – for him being a member is more of a status thing, something that gives him a chance to explore his passion while making a buck in the same time. It also removes lots of obstacles from his daily life, for which he repays with good work. Nevertheless, it's more of a professional relationship, not even close to a family.

If so far Ivan might have seemed a little stiff and by the book, that is only because he sees those things as unimportant drag in his daily existence. What he's really involved with is exploring the world, meeting strange new people and creatures as well as uncovering secret lore of magic and folk. He's the embodiment of wonderlust and can talk for hours of his travels and future destination plans. After all, why is life worth living if not for exploring the splendour of the world!

High physical endurance, good at both melee and ranged combat, excellent intuition and perception

Speed: All of Ivan`s spells, apart from Thunder Strikes Twice, are skillshots that need to be aimed, and therefore can be dodged by a swift and skilled opponent, terrible sense of direction, gross overestimation of his personal power, lack of significant bonds with his guild

Climbing, walking vast distances, drinking, negotiating

Nothing and no one! No, for real, he's not really "afraid" of this per se, but he strongly prefers not to disappoint his family and not to betray the lessons they taught him and, as such, he is quote on quote afraid of becoming a fighter, as in someone who keeps fighting for the sake of fighting and gets addicted to gathering power and using it on others. Not that he had been in any danger of doing it, just something constantly in the back of his mind.

He's a talentless piece of shit when it comes to any sort of art, which is part of the reason for his failure as a blacksmith. Not only that, but he also lacks any appreciation for most, if not all forms of art apart from some rare instances of heroic literature. He is more than likely to mock and openly make fun of different forms of art or the people who do appreciate it and call them names for it.

Allies/Enemies: TBD


Ability: Thunder magic (caster/holder type)


Charge types: those types reflect the Static Charges that his other spells can afflict and what can be done with them.

Static charge: Each of Ivan's spells THAT MANAGES TO HIT, applies a Static Charge to the enemy and/or the ground or any other inanimate objects they hit. Static charges can also be accumulated on himself in the same way. When Thunderschild is activated, Ivan's melee attacks also stack a Static charge each, as thunder is flowing through him. Those static charges can stack up to a total of six on an enemy and three on him. Static charges are almost unfelt by the target that has contracted them, until enough are amassed, at which point they may see small yellow sparks around themselves at times. A Static Charge can be dispelled either with a very powerful spell, or by releasing a large amount of magical energy to cleanse one's body.

Static Charge may be dispelled with a powerful thunder-type grounding spell, time-reversing Lost magic, Wish spell or a very high-level cleansing spell. Alternatively, if the person is affected with more than one Static Charge, they can expel raw magical power, in an amount equal to or greater than the amount of static charges they need to dispel. Dispelling a static charge in such a way would cause a mild electrocuting effect. The system for calculating both the energy needed to be spent and the damage taken is as follows:

2-3: low, low power, low damage
3-4: medium power, medium damage
5-6: high power, medium damage

Active charge: Ivan releases a small charge which begins to fly towards the nearest enemy. The speed is not great, approximately similar to a fit person's walking pace, but it ramps up, as it approaches its target. If it hits, it deals little to no damage, depending on the enemy's endurance, but it applies two Static Charges.

Living charge: Ivan can consciously choose to explode the Static Charges from enemy(enemies) around him, dealing AoE damage in a large radius and applying little to no damage, depending on the enemy(enemies)'s endurance, as well as a Static Charge to each enemy hit.

Overcharge: Upon contracting four Static Charges, Ivan can choose to activate them and get the target stunned, or otherwise rendered incoherent for five seconds. While Overcharged, the target cannot move, speak or cast spells.

Hypercharge: Unpon contracting 6 Static Charges, the target has received so much foreign electrical energy as a field around it, that it messes with the normal electrical impulses of the body. The target's movements slow down dramatically and it's feet become unable to move.

Electrical field: Upon placing a total of seven electrical charges on the ground around a certain area, an electric field is created between them, however small it may be. Any target that enters the field instantly destroys it, gaining 1 static charge and receiving low to medium danage in the process.

Casting types: These spells consume most energy, but apart from their energy requirement, they are only limited by how rapid he can make the gestures required for them. Each spell requires a specific motion in order for it to happen and some need channeling.

Lightning whip: Ivan swiftly cracks a long Lightning Whip across the floor, inflicting Static charge to enemies in front of him and dealing moderate damage. This effect can be avoided by avoided by jumping over it. Long range skill.
  • Casting motion: opening his hand and making a whipping motion across the floor, the whip is almost literal material things, so it is visible.
Thunderlord's decree: Ivan calls forth the clouds in the sky to assemble at his chosen location, dealing a devastating lightning strike at the chosen location after a short period of time. This applies a Static Charge, unless Thunder Strikes Twice is used to pinpoint it, in which case it consumes a Static Charge instead of giving one, when hitting. Extremely long range skill.
  • Casting motion: closing his arm into a fist and bringing the fist from up to down.
Thunder strikes twice: If the target is afflicted with at least one Static Charge, then Ivan can choose to pinpoint the next Thunderlord's Decree towards that target, consuming the charge upon the direct hit. After the delay, when this spell lands, its speed is literally the speed of the electrical charge connecting (sub-light speed), so dodging would be insanely difficult. Nevertheless, if the target does manage to somehow move faster than the speed of the connecting charge, it would be possible to dodge. Keep in mind, though, it is literally a lightning falling from the sky, which directly pinpoints towards the target's location, even if the latter is moving, so it should be near impossible to avoid. Even if the target was to stealth, hide or even clone itself, the spell always follows the Static Charge, so it can not be fooled like this. Same would go for a teleport spell, unless the replacement is literally done in the very moment before the thunder hitting. Blocking it off, on the other hand, is far more realistic, although it would require a very, very powerful spell to stop or to absorb such a hit. Think, for example, of Jura's Earth Defender vs Gerrard's Chariot spell in the grand magic tournament.
  • Casting motion: Same as Thunderlord's Decree, but after that his hand points towards the chosen enemy.

Burnt Flesh: after taking a direct hit from Thunderlord's Decree, the target experiences a searing pain from the place the lightning had struck flesh, which can go as far as to incapacitate the more fail characters. The area is burnt-out and, unless healed properly, is more vulnerable to further attacks, while weakening the body around the entire spot.

Deflect lightning: Ivan can absorb any lightning effect and, after retaining it for a portion of a second, shoot it back towards an enemy. As wide a range as the lightning he had received.
  • Casting motion: using one hand to receive the lightning and another one to throw it. Also involves rapid inhaling when receiving and exhaling when discharging. Ivan gains a Static Charge in the process.
Lightning bolt: A lightning bolt, dealing low to medium damage, depending on the velocity and the endurance of the target, forms in Ivan's hand, so he can throw it an enemy. Long ranged skill.
  • Casting motion: the same motion as with throwing a snowball.
Bouncing thunder: Ivan discharges an array of lightning rays, each weaker than a lightning bolt, but jumping a number of times from enemy to environment and back to an enemy, prioritising targets afflicted with Static Charge.
  • Casting motion: Extending a hand forwards for a few seconds.
Purge: After a channelling period, Ivan summons a powrful lightning storm which hits all enemies in his sight and around him, with very powerful lightnings coming from the sky. There is no limit in the number of enemies which can be hit.
  • Casting motion: Requires complete concentration and at least fifteen second of channelling, with both hands extended upwards towards the sky.
Lightning ball: Ivan discharges a flying ball of thunder, which shoots out lightning bolts around itself periodically at random directions. Requires channelling for a few seconds. The ball itself can also collide with an enemy, afflicting them with a Static Charge, but dealing little to no damage. It moves at a slow speed and shoots more lightning bolts the bigger it is.
  • Casting motion: He places his two hands against each other, channelling and charging the ball, slowly expanding the radius of his hand, thus enlarging the ball. It can be as big as he decided to make it.
Overwhelming power: Ivan consumes all Static Charges from the battlefield, effectively restoring his magical power, for either a small, medium or large amount of energy, depending on the amount of charges scattered.
  • Casting motion: A prolongued inhaling motion, with both of his hands open around his chest.

Physical types: While not particularly draining, with the exception of Fury of the Thunder, of course, these spells require, grand or use Static Charges that are applied to himself.
  • Thunderchild: Ivan imbues his body with the power of thunder, granding him a large bonus in endurance, strength, dexterity and speed. He also gains a Static Charge when activating this ability. Ivan's melee strikes while Thunderchild apply Static Charges upon hit. While Tunderchild is active, Ivan can wield Thunderbolts and Lightning Whip as weapons, instead of casting or trowing them at an enemy. This means he can use this as an alternative melee spellcasting method. Since he is holding the electric charge as a weapon, it can also be used to parry or block melee weapons. When used for this (to parry or block a melee weapon), the hit is being grounded by the weapon's halt therefore no static charge is gained by the enemy.
  • Thunder rider: Ivan needs to consume at least two Static Charges (3 for a slightly longer effect) and already be in the Thunderchild state, in order to activate this ability. Once active, his speed is incredibly enchanted (like, insanely enhanced, think the speed of the lightning falling, even before the thunder is heard) and he gains the ability to fly. His limps literally flow on lightning. That state is extremely taxing on his magical energy pool and can only be maintained for about a minute than a minute.
  • Gone with a bang: Ivan transforms himself into a lightning, gaining a Static Charge in the process and can fly for a short amount of time. His speed is the same as the speed of a falling lightning, but he cannot cast other spells while in this state. If Ivan hits an enemy, the enemy instantly gains a Static Charge and is pushed back, but little damage is received, unless especially physically frail or susceptible to lightning spells.
  • Electroshock therapy: Ivan can voluntarily electrocute himself, thus effectively cleansing himself from any impairing effects, be they related to movement (snares, slows, etc.) or mind (illusions, fears, charms, linking magic, etc.). He receives a little damage and gains a static charge in the process. If there is a friend or foe in immediate proximity or making physical contact with him while he casts this spell, they acquire the same effects as Ivan, though the damage may be amplified, depending on their own resistances and weaknesses.
  • Lightning shield: Ivan calls forth a lightning barrier in a short range around his body, which costs energy to maintain, but it also slows the attack speed and a applies Static Charge to each enemy that enters it. If the enemies stay inside longer, they get another static charge applied and so on. Ivan can choose to empower the shield to deal medium damage to the enemies, at the expense of using more of his magical power, of course.
  • Discharge!: Ivan releases a small electrostatic explosion around himself, effectively losing all his Static Charges, but applying one Static Charge to each enemy hit in a medium area around his body. Also applies low to medium amount of damage.

A single, large, hard iron crowbar – it doesn't look like something he's skilled at using, just a slightly rusty iron piece he probably picked up from some junkyard somewhere, strapped in a custom-made leather handle, resting on his back. Some would say that handle has more worth than the object itself.

Silver Crux insignia, hanging on a silver thread from his neck​

For some reason, armoured boots.​

I've been told I could add a theme song, therefore:

--------- (8 years ago) ---------

"Mum, dad…" Ivan had paused for dramatic effect, the pause being exacerbated by the long time it took him to swallow the big chunk of meat he had gorged himself on before beginning to speak "…I think you both know what this is about." He finished and looked at them decisively, while demonstratively wiping the rich, brown grease on his pants.
"Mhm." – his mother's silver voice courteously confirmed, as she was chewing on a potato
"Yeees. You want to leave our home, huh?" – his father joined his wife with a deep, husky voice
They both had given those exact same replies as often as Ivan had raised the issue, but this was the first time that the young boy felt his parents were actually taking him seriously. Valchan Chernev was looking at him, judgingly, underneath his large, hairy eyebrows, smiling nefariously, as if he was measuring his offspring. Maria Cherneva had also graced her son with an ominous half-smile.
"But what is going to become of my blacksmith business? Without an heir my workshop will surely perish, is that what you want for my legacy?" – Valchan spoke in a deliberately thin voice that resembled a saddened half-cry, but it was clear to everyone in the table that the father was only jokingly pretending, as opposed to being truly saddened.
"Maya can take care of it! She has more talent than me anyways." Ivan hastily shot out the same rebuttal he had given a thousand times already
"But you are our firstborn son, how are we ever going to live should something happen to you?" Maria also joined her husband's pretend lament
"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm not going to deliberately run into danger, I will-" but he failed to finish the sentence, as Ivan spoke out:
"Then what are you going to be doing exactly? Why do you want to be a wizard?" – Valchan sounded serious this time, for the first time since the start of the conversation
"I…" Ivan paused, unprepared for what to say "I don't know yet. But I have this power for a reason, I want to see it grow. I want to see what I can accomplish with it."
"No." his father solemnly said and took a sip out of the now cold chicken soup in front of him "You don't want to "explore your power". You want to grow your power. In other words: you want to go fight and you want to go out of this town, because there is nobody for you here to fight. What?" he briskly rose his tune of voice "Do you think I didn't know about how you trashed the neighbourhood kids in your little magical battles?"
"Dad, I… It's not about that…" he said quickly, his voice losing traction the further he went. Or was it really? "…I think." He added after a brief pause, staring down his knees. His previous enthusiasm was now gone without a trace.
"Oh, you're not sure, are you? It feels good, doesn't it? To overpower someone, to bring him down against his will, to break his force with a force of your own. There is nothing like the surge of a victory, no riches, not even the ecstasy of being with a woman can compare to it. Victory is the best drug ever. And just like any drug, you need to heighten the dosage and the purity." Valchan was adamant and relentless… yet there was no anger or disappointment in his voice "There no need to feel ashamed, son, I am not mocking you and I'm not yelling at you. I am simply making you aware. And if that's the kind of man you want to be, I wouldn't bother trying to stop you."
"Ivan, I think it's time you heard a story." Maria smiled from across the table, breaking with her pleasant demeanour the somewhat stiff atmosphere. "…Honey?"
"Ahm, yes, yes. It's long overdue, actually." Valchan quickly rasped, clearing his throat and breaking his intensive stare. "So, son, I think I'd begin by admitting something to ya. You see, what I just told you, I know from experience."
"But how could you? You're not a mage…" – Ivan raised his head to look at his father
"Oooh?" Valchan grinned widely underneath his large moustache and rose up his soup bowl, producing a roaring flames all around it, which completely surrounded the dish and begun rapidly heating it.
"WHAT?!" Ivan yelled, wide-eyed "WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"
"Well, because it's my business secret!" his father laughed "And because the time wasn't right."
"Plus, we wouldn't want to upset your sister." Maria added, referring to the younger child sleeping in the next room "It's inevitable that a child of a magical parents would feel kind of left out, if it is the only one which didn't inherit any magical powers."
"But… still, I could have kept a secret. You could teach me, you could-"
"I could, what?" Valchan spoke out again, smiling kind-heartedly "I did try to teach you, but you wouldn't pay attention to me work. And that's really about the extent to which I know my magic – the extent of applying it to make all sorts of magical and non-magical objects."
"But… why? I don't understand, if you had magic, why wouldn't you join a guild, why wouldn't you develop it?" Ivan asked fervently
"Oh, I most certainly did." His father smiled and looked at Maria- "But then I… happened to meet her."
"You see, Ivan, your father was a mage under Twiling Ogre, a small, local mage guild. One day he happened to be called upon to clear some wild animals from my village area where we met and… well, in a few month he was asking my family for permission to marry me."
"Yes, but your grandfather was not that nice as he is now. You see, the old punk had a condition – he wanted me to learn at least one craft or skill, which didn't consist in punching people. I told him it was ridiculous, I pointed out I was living quite a good life being a guild mage and that we wouldn't have anything to worry about, but he was adamant. Of course, it would have felt wrong to just disregard her father's will like that. Plus, I thought, it would be a piece of cake for someone like me to learn something as simple as a craft. I would pick up, uhm..., smiting or smelting, something that I would just naturally excel at, due to my fire magic advantage. I thought I'd go study for a week and be done with it. Heh. I studies for a month, I wanted to be excellent, you see, and then I brought a shovel I had made for the old bastard to see. He had a blacksmith fiend over to judge, though, and that guy said what I had made was absolute garbage. "I'm sorry, you can't have my daughter yet, then" the bastard said "come back when you manage to actually learn a craft" he said." His father paused, leaving the now boiling soup on the table and taking a sip with spoon.
"My father, you see, had been a guild mage himself." Maria benevolently clarified "He had spent every single coin he ever got on drinking and whoring, so when he and my mother finally got married, it was quite difficult for them. He didn't want the same lifestyle for me."
"I stormed out of his house in what I thought was righteous fury – why would this old, fat fuck impair our happiness with his idiotism, I thought. But you'd never guess who exited that house along with me – it was that same blacksmith friend. He asked me if I knew I had half-assed that shovel. Hah! Of course I knew! I could barely smelt metals at the time! Fuck, I hardly knew what metal was! I just wanted to be done with it, I told him. Then he asked me why I disliked smiting so much and I told him that it had no adventure and no thrill in it. The workshop was no place for a wizard, I insisted. He laughed in my face and asked him if I thought any wizard could easily beat a blacksmith. Of course I did, I was a prick at the time! He then asked me to attack him. I didn't want to hurt him, but the bastard was relentless and finally I agreed. That guy stopped both my fire-engulfed firsts with one hand and extinguished my flames in the same time. He then turned to go home and I couldn't get him to say a word, even though he would never shut up before! He finally agreed to teach me magic, if only I learned blacksmithing with him. I agreed and while I studied your mother benevolently agreed to wait for me."
"Well, I was doing a particularly demanding study of my own, anyway, so I thought "why not?"" Maria smirked nefariously, causing a slight straining in her husband's face and throat
"I studied for four years, before I was allowed to open my own shop." Ivan went on "And even though I was, I still visited the old geezer every week. Hell, if he'd been alive, I'd still pay him a visit every now and then, that guy was amazing! He was a fire mage as well, if it isn't obvious, and he had found a way to use it in blacksmithing to make marvels. Moreover, we both knew how mages thought and they looked for, so we were able to make items specially tailored to their needs and make a huge buck. That's why my business is so popular now, hehe!"
"But didn't you miss the adventure of being a guild mage?" Ivan asked
"At first, yes. At first all I wanted to learn from him was hot to fight better. He insisted I could only understand his way of fighting throughout his work… and he was right. It was there and then that I understood. I didn't want adventures, I wanted power. The injuries and cuts were the small price I paid for the ecstasy of combat. I sought better opponents because the weaker one were no longer enough of a fix. I acquired power in order to fight more and I fought more to acquire more power in a vicious cycle that would only end with my death. I was a fighter, in other words. And as I created things with my fire, I quickly discovered that it was not the man I wanted to be." Valchan finished his speech and look at his son
"You see, son, there is a difference between a warrior and a fighter. The fighter fights for the sake of fighting – he makes it his profession and it consumes everything he is. The warrior know how to fight, but he consciously chooses not to, when that is not necessary. It is not to say he doesn't wield the skills for combat, it is to say he knows when there is no need for combat. It takes much more courage and restraint to be a warrior and it feels much better to give yourself to becoming a fighter. Because only a few possess the courage to sheathe their swords once out." Maria eloquently finished her husband's story and smiled, touching his son's arm "We are not against you leaving. We just want you to think carefully over what you want to do with your life. Don't rush, you have ample time. "

It took a few months, until Ivan once again spoke out about leaving on the dining table.

"I understand your concerns and I've thought about it as well." He firmly addressed his parents "Initially, I too thought I only wanted to go into the world, because I craved to increase power and after your lecture I was ready to give up on that wish. But…, you see… I couldn't! Even if I was weaker than anyone else in the world, I would still want to wee it. It's not power that I crave and it's not fighting that I truly enjoy. I thought they were, but they weren't! Mastery over others was never my goal. Only the splendour. Only the lore. Only… the magic!" he spoke quickly and passionately, switching his gaze from either of his parents' faces.
There was a small, awkward silence around the dinner table that night, after which his father's strong, loud laughter poured like a river.
"Damn, ma boy! You really got the brains from your mother! It took me fifty years to figure out who I was and you did it in a few weeks!" - he yelled out
"Ivan…," Maria leaned over and touched his cheek "We had known you weren't the one for a cozy, calm and comfortable life since the moment you started walking. We just wanted you to be aware of why you're making your choices. It's our duty as parents, you see."
"Mhmm, yes, yes." – Valchan passionately added – "Fire can be many things, and one of them can be the warm and cozy fire that heats up your meal and warms your house, but thunder - hehe, thunder is something else! Thunder can never be satisfied with sitting still! Go out there and see the world for yourself. And be sure to help out whoever you can!"
"But remember, my son, - you can't help anyone if you can't help yourself. Be careful who you are and what you do." Maria warmly reminded him

In a few days, Ivan had left the small town where he'd spent his entire life up to this point, taking the dirt road to Magnolia. (Of course, with his sense of direction, it would take many more years before he would actually lay eyes upon the city…)


A guild would once bemoan and sing
About how from her sacred veil did spring
Of storm and flash, a monstrous thing!
His name - Ivan, the Thunder King.

His thunder roared across the land,
And none who dared and fought could stand -
Against the wizard's mighty hand.

Lightning he had being firmly taken
To his voice, Thunder has always awakened.

Gather heroes, sound the drums!
The Thunder King comes!
The Thunder King comes....
Last edited:
Beware da' thunda'!



Name: Ivan Zahariev
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Guild: Silver Crux
Current occupation: Silver Crux Guild Mage
Former occupation: Wanderer
Alias (as given by other wizards/clients): "Lightning's Flash"
Alias (as given to himself by himself): "The Thunder King"
Tier: AA
Birthday: 28/12
Zodiac Sign: Pisces​


Guild Mark/Location: On his palm

Slightly long, light black hair, scruffy beard and moustache that have seldom, if ever, had a close encounter with a razorblade. I mean, who has the time, while being constantly on the road, right?! Thick, dark eyebrows, and lively blue eyes look at you, usually coming along with either a mischievous half-smile or a "I'm tired of this shit" facial expression. He would usually wear a simple black shirt (don't ask how that smells after a week on the road!) and a traveller's cloak. But what's with the suit, then? Well, you see, after becoming a member of the esteemed Silved Crux, Ivan decided he needed to look the part. After all, an AA class mage from one of the most respectable guilds of Fiore ought to look respectable and professional when meeting his clients. I mean, he is representing both himself and the guild by doing so, right?

He's pretty chill.

Unlike most mages of Fiore, Ivan is not out there looking for a fight, or to prove himself, although he is actively looking for new and unknown things or items of lore, which do happen to often carry danger. Many a folk say they never back away from a challenge, but unless absolutely compelled to by circumstances, Ivan is more than happy to walk away from a fight, back down from a challenge or look for some form of reconciliation. This habit of his had left many smaller guild wizards in speechless awe, as a highly ranked member the esteemed Second Pillar would happily concede defeat in the challenge they've extended, without even fighting. "I give up, you would definitely win. Could you please let me just walk away now?" is what he'd often say before strolling off.

Ivan is not one to hold grudges and not one to uphold some fictive personal honour, he can be misjudged as meek or even cowardly by the inexperienced beholder and, as long as that doesn't really affect him seriously, he couldn't care less.

Most people in a guild, let alone a highly esteemed guild as his, would put their heart and soul in that guild, but Ivan's not like that: he would, of course, fight for his guild if needs be, but he doesn't really feel a deep connection to the members of Silver Crux – for him being a member is more of a status thing, something that gives him a chance to explore his passion while making a buck in the same time. It also removes lots of obstacles from his daily life, for which he repays with good work. Nevertheless, it's more of a professional relationship, not even close to a family.

If so far Ivan might have seemed a little stiff and by the book, that is only because he sees those things as unimportant drag in his daily existence. What he's really involved with is exploring the world, meeting strange new people and creatures as well as uncovering secret lore of magic and folk. He's the embodiment of wonderlust and can talk for hours of his travels and future destination plans. After all, why is life worth living if not for exploring the splendour of the world!

High physical endurance, good at both melee and ranged combat, excellent intuition and perception

Speed: All of Ivan`s spells, apart from Thunder Strikes Twice, are skillshots that need to be aimed, and therefore can be dodged by a swift and skilled opponent, terrible sense of direction, gross overestimation of his personal power, lack of significant bonds with his guild

Climbing, walking vast distances, drinking, negotiating

Nothing and no one! No, for real, he's not really "afraid" of this per se, but he strongly prefers not to disappoint his family and not to betray the lessons they taught him and, as such, he is quote on quote afraid of becoming a fighter, as in someone who keeps fighting for the sake of fighting and gets addicted to gathering power and using it on others. Not that he had been in any danger of doing it, just something constantly in the back of his mind.

He's a talentless piece of shit when it comes to any sort of art, which is part of the reason for his failure as a blacksmith. Not only that, but he also lacks any appreciation for most, if not all forms of art apart from some rare instances of heroic literature. He is more than likely to mock and openly make fun of different forms of art or the people who do appreciate it and call them names for it.

Allies/Enemies: TBD


Ability: Thunder magic (caster/holder type)


Charge types: those types reflect the Static Charges that his other spells can afflict and what can be done with them.

Static charge: Each of Ivan's spells THAT MANAGES TO HIT, applies a Static Charge to the enemy and/or the ground or any other inanimate objects they hit. Static charges can also be accumulated on himself in the same way. When Thunderschild is activated, Ivan's melee attacks also stack a Static charge each, as thunder is flowing through him. Those static charges can stack up to a total of six on an enemy and three on him. Static charges are almost unfelt by the target that has contracted them, until enough are amassed, at which point they may see small yellow sparks around themselves at times. A Static Charge can be dispelled either with a very powerful spell, or by releasing a large amount of magical energy to cleanse one's body.

Static Charge may be dispelled with a powerful thunder-type grounding spell, time-reversing Lost magic, Wish spell or a very high-level cleansing spell. Alternatively, if the person is affected with more than one Static Charge, they can expel raw magical power, in an amount equal to or greater than the amount of static charges they need to dispel. Dispelling a static charge in such a way would cause a mild electrocuting effect. The system for calculating both the energy needed to be spent and the damage taken is as follows:

2-3: low, low power, low damage
3-4: medium power, medium damage
5-6: high power, medium damage

Active charge: Ivan releases a small charge which begins to fly towards the nearest enemy. The speed is not great, approximately similar to a fit person's walking pace, but it ramps up, as it approaches its target. If it hits, it deals little to no damage, depending on the enemy's endurance, but it applies two Static Charges.

Living charge: Ivan can consciously choose to explode the Static Charges from enemy(enemies) around him, dealing AoE damage in a large radius and applying little to no damage, depending on the enemy(enemies)'s endurance, as well as a Static Charge to each enemy hit.

Overcharge: Upon contracting four Static Charges, Ivan can choose to activate them and get the target stunned, or otherwise rendered incoherent for five seconds. While Overcharged, the target cannot move, speak or cast spells.

Hypercharge: Unpon contracting 6 Static Charges, the target has received so much foreign electrical energy as a field around it, that it messes with the normal electrical impulses of the body. The target's movements slow down dramatically and it's feet become unable to move.

Electrical field: Upon placing a total of seven electrical charges on the ground around a certain area, an electric field is created between them, however small it may be. Any target that enters the field instantly destroys it, gaining 1 static charge and receiving low to medium danage in the process.

Casting types: These spells consume most energy, but apart from their energy requirement, they are only limited by how rapid he can make the gestures required for them. Each spell requires a specific motion in order for it to happen and some need channeling.

Lightning whip: Ivan swiftly cracks a long Lightning Whip across the floor, inflicting Static charge to enemies in front of him and dealing moderate damage. This effect can be avoided by avoided by jumping over it. Long range skill.
  • Casting motion: opening his hand and making a whipping motion across the floor, the whip is almost literal material things, so it is visible.
Thunderlord's decree: Ivan calls forth the clouds in the sky to assemble at his chosen location, dealing a devastating lightning strike at the chosen location after a short period of time. This applies a Static Charge, unless Thunder Strikes Twice is used to pinpoint it, in which case it consumes a Static Charge instead of giving one, when hitting. Extremely long range skill.
  • Casting motion: closing his arm into a fist and bringing the fist from up to down.
Thunder strikes twice: If the target is afflicted with at least one Static Charge, then Ivan can choose to pinpoint the next Thunderlord's Decree towards that target, consuming the charge upon the direct hit. After the delay, when this spell lands, its speed is literally the speed of the electrical charge connecting (sub-light speed), so dodging would be insanely difficult. Nevertheless, if the target does manage to somehow move faster than the speed of the connecting charge, it would be possible to dodge. Keep in mind, though, it is literally a lightning falling from the sky, which directly pinpoints towards the target's location, even if the latter is moving, so it should be near impossible to avoid. Even if the target was to stealth, hide or even clone itself, the spell always follows the Static Charge, so it can not be fooled like this. Same would go for a teleport spell, unless the replacement is literally done in the very moment before the thunder hitting. Blocking it off, on the other hand, is far more realistic, although it would require a very, very powerful spell to stop or to absorb such a hit. Think, for example, of Jura's Earth Defender vs Gerrard's Chariot spell in the grand magic tournament.
  • Casting motion: Same as Thunderlord's Decree, but after that his hand points towards the chosen enemy.

Burnt Flesh: after taking a direct hit from Thunderlord's Decree, the target experiences a searing pain from the place the lightning had struck flesh, which can go as far as to incapacitate the more fail characters. The area is burnt-out and, unless healed properly, is more vulnerable to further attacks, while weakening the body around the entire spot.

Deflect lightning: Ivan can absorb any lightning effect and, after retaining it for a portion of a second, shoot it back towards an enemy. As wide a range as the lightning he had received.
  • Casting motion: using one hand to receive the lightning and another one to throw it. Also involves rapid inhaling when receiving and exhaling when discharging. Ivan gains a Static Charge in the process.
Lightning bolt: A lightning bolt, dealing low to medium damage, depending on the velocity and the endurance of the target, forms in Ivan's hand, so he can throw it an enemy. Long ranged skill.
  • Casting motion: the same motion as with throwing a snowball.
Bouncing thunder: Ivan discharges an array of lightning rays, each weaker than a lightning bolt, but jumping a number of times from enemy to environment and back to an enemy, prioritising targets afflicted with Static Charge.
  • Casting motion: Extending a hand forwards for a few seconds.
Purge: After a channelling period, Ivan summons a powrful lightning storm which hits all enemies in his sight and around him, with very powerful lightnings coming from the sky. There is no limit in the number of enemies which can be hit.
  • Casting motion: Requires complete concentration and at least fifteen second of channelling, with both hands extended upwards towards the sky.
Lightning ball: Ivan discharges a flying ball of thunder, which shoots out lightning bolts around itself periodically at random directions. Requires channelling for a few seconds. The ball itself can also collide with an enemy, afflicting them with a Static Charge, but dealing little to no damage. It moves at a slow speed and shoots more lightning bolts the bigger it is.
  • Casting motion: He places his two hands against each other, channelling and charging the ball, slowly expanding the radius of his hand, thus enlarging the ball. It can be as big as he decided to make it.
Overwhelming power: Ivan consumes all Static Charges from the battlefield, effectively restoring his magical power, for either a small, medium or large amount of energy, depending on the amount of charges scattered.
  • Casting motion: A prolongued inhaling motion, with both of his hands open around his chest.

Physical types: While not particularly draining, with the exception of Fury of the Thunder, of course, these spells require, grand or use Static Charges that are applied to himself.
  • Thunderchild: Ivan imbues his body with the power of thunder, granding him a large bonus in endurance, strength, dexterity and speed. He also gains a Static Charge when activating this ability. Ivan's melee strikes while Thunderchild apply Static Charges upon hit. While Tunderchild is active, Ivan can wield Thunderbolts and Lightning Whip as weapons, instead of casting or trowing them at an enemy. This means he can use this as an alternative melee spellcasting method. Since he is holding the electric charge as a weapon, it can also be used to parry or block melee weapons. When used for this (to parry or block a melee weapon), the hit is being grounded by the weapon's halt therefore no static charge is gained by the enemy.
  • Thunder rider: Ivan needs to consume at least two Static Charges (3 for a slightly longer effect) and already be in the Thunderchild state, in order to activate this ability. Once active, his speed is incredibly enchanted (like, insanely enhanced, think the speed of the lightning falling, even before the thunder is heard) and he gains the ability to fly. His limps literally flow on lightning. That state is extremely taxing on his magical energy pool and can only be maintained for about a minute than a minute.
  • Gone with a bang: Ivan transforms himself into a lightning, gaining a Static Charge in the process and can fly for a short amount of time. His speed is the same as the speed of a falling lightning, but he cannot cast other spells while in this state. If Ivan hits an enemy, the enemy instantly gains a Static Charge and is pushed back, but little damage is received, unless especially physically frail or susceptible to lightning spells.
  • Electroshock therapy: Ivan can voluntarily electrocute himself, thus effectively cleansing himself from any impairing effects, be they related to movement (snares, slows, etc.) or mind (illusions, fears, charms, linking magic, etc.). He receives a little damage and gains a static charge in the process. If there is a friend or foe in immediate proximity or making physical contact with him while he casts this spell, they acquire the same effects as Ivan, though the damage may be amplified, depending on their own resistances and weaknesses.
  • Lightning shield: Ivan calls forth a lightning barrier in a short range around his body, which costs energy to maintain, but it also slows the attack speed and a applies Static Charge to each enemy that enters it. If the enemies stay inside longer, they get another static charge applied and so on. Ivan can choose to empower the shield to deal medium damage to the enemies, at the expense of using more of his magical power, of course.
  • Discharge!: Ivan releases a small electrostatic explosion around himself, effectively losing all his Static Charges, but applying one Static Charge to each enemy hit in a medium area around his body. Also applies low to medium amount of damage.

A single, large, hard iron crowbar – it doesn't look like something he's skilled at using, just a slightly rusty iron piece he probably picked up from some junkyard somewhere, strapped in a custom-made leather handle, resting on his back. Some would say that handle has more worth than the object itself.

Silver Crux insignia, hanging on a silver thread from his neck​

For some reason, armoured boots.​

I've been told I could add a theme song, therefore:

--------- (5 years ago) ---------

"Mum, dad…" Ivan had paused for dramatic effect, the pause being exacerbated by the long time it took him to swallow the big chunk of meat he had gorged himself on before beginning to speak "…I think you both know what this is about." He finished and looked at them decisively, while demonstratively wiping the rich, brown grease on his pants.
"Mhm." – his mother's silver voice courteously confirmed, as she was chewing on a potato
"Yeees. You want to leave our home, huh?" – his father joined his wife with a deep, husky voice
They both had given those exact same replies as often as Ivan had raised the issue, but this was the first time that the young boy felt his parents were actually taking him seriously. Valchan Chernev was looking at him, judgingly, underneath his large, hairy eyebrows, smiling nefariously, as if he was measuring his offspring. Maria Cherneva had also graced her son with an ominous half-smile.
"But what is going to become of my blacksmith business? Without an heir my workshop will surely perish, is that what you want for my legacy?" – Valchan spoke in a deliberately thin voice that resembled a saddened half-cry, but it was clear to everyone in the table that the father was only jokingly pretending, as opposed to being truly saddened.
"Maya can take care of it! She has more talent than me anyways." Ivan hastily shot out the same rebuttal he had given a thousand times already
"But you are our firstborn son, how are we ever going to live should something happen to you?" Maria also joined her husband's pretend lament
"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm not going to deliberately run into danger, I will-" but he failed to finish the sentence, as Ivan spoke out:
"Then what are you going to be doing exactly? Why do you want to be a wizard?" – Valchan sounded serious this time, for the first time since the start of the conversation
"I…" Ivan paused, unprepared for what to say "I don't know yet. But I have this power for a reason, I want to see it grow. I want to see what I can accomplish with it."
"No." his father solemnly said and took a sip out of the now cold chicken soup in front of him "You don't want to "explore your power". You want to grow your power. In other words: you want to go fight and you want to go out of this town, because there is nobody for you here to fight. What?" he briskly rose his tune of voice "Do you think I didn't know about how you trashed the neighbourhood kids in your little magical battles?"
"Dad, I… It's not about that…" he said quickly, his voice losing traction the further he went. Or was it really? "…I think." He added after a brief pause, staring down his knees. His previous enthusiasm was now gone without a trace.
"Oh, you're not sure, are you? It feels good, doesn't it? To overpower someone, to bring him down against his will, to break his force with a force of your own. There is nothing like the surge of a victory, no riches, not even the ecstasy of being with a woman can compare to it. Victory is the best drug ever. And just like any drug, you need to heighten the dosage and the purity." Valchan was adamant and relentless… yet there was no anger or disappointment in his voice "There no need to feel ashamed, son, I am not mocking you and I'm not yelling at you. I am simply making you aware. And if that's the kind of man you want to be, I wouldn't bother trying to stop you."
"Ivan, I think it's time you heard a story." Maria smiled from across the table, breaking with her pleasant demeanour the somewhat stiff atmosphere. "…Honey?"
"Ahm, yes, yes. It's long overdue, actually." Valchan quickly rasped, clearing his throat and breaking his intensive stare. "So, son, I think I'd begin by admitting something to ya. You see, what I just told you, I know from experience."
"But how could you? You're not a mage…" – Ivan raised his head to look at his father
"Oooh?" Valchan grinned widely underneath his large moustache and rose up his soup bowl, producing a roaring flames all around it, which completely surrounded the dish and begun rapidly heating it.
"WHAT?!" Ivan yelled, wide-eyed "WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"
"Well, because it's my business secret!" his father laughed "And because the time wasn't right."
"Plus, we wouldn't want to upset your sister." Maria added, referring to the younger child sleeping in the next room "It's inevitable that a child of a magical parents would feel kind of left out, if it is the only one which didn't inherit any magical powers."
"But… still, I could have kept a secret. You could teach me, you could-"
"I could, what?" Valchan spoke out again, smiling kind-heartedly "I did try to teach you, but you wouldn't pay attention to me work. And that's really about the extent to which I know my magic – the extent of applying it to make all sorts of magical and non-magical objects."
"But… why? I don't understand, if you had magic, why wouldn't you join a guild, why wouldn't you develop it?" Ivan asked fervently
"Oh, I most certainly did." His father smiled and looked at Maria- "But then I… happened to meet her."
"You see, Ivan, your father was a mage under Twiling Ogre, a small, local mage guild. One day he happened to be called upon to clear some wild animals from my village area where we met and… well, in a few month he was asking my family for permission to marry me."
"Yes, but your grandfather was not that nice as he is now. You see, the old punk had a condition – he wanted me to learn at least one craft or skill, which didn't consist in punching people. I told him it was ridiculous, I pointed out I was living quite a good life being a guild mage and that we wouldn't have anything to worry about, but he was adamant. Of course, it would have felt wrong to just disregard her father's will like that. Plus, I thought, it would be a piece of cake for someone like me to learn something as simple as a craft. I would pick up, uhm..., smiting or smelting, something that I would just naturally excel at, due to my fire magic advantage. I thought I'd go study for a week and be done with it. Heh. I studies for a month, I wanted to be excellent, you see, and then I brought a shovel I had made for the old bastard to see. He had a blacksmith fiend over to judge, though, and that guy said what I had made was absolute garbage. "I'm sorry, you can't have my daughter yet, then" the bastard said "come back when you manage to actually learn a craft" he said." His father paused, leaving the now boiling soup on the table and taking a sip with spoon.
"My father, you see, had been a guild mage himself." Maria benevolently clarified "He had spent every single coin he ever got on drinking and whoring, so when he and my mother finally got married, it was quite difficult for them. He didn't want the same lifestyle for me."
"I stormed out of his house in what I thought was righteous fury – why would this old, fat fuck impair our happiness with his idiotism, I thought. But you'd never guess who exited that house along with me – it was that same blacksmith friend. He asked me if I knew I had half-assed that shovel. Hah! Of course I knew! I could barely smelt metals at the time! Fuck, I hardly knew what metal was! I just wanted to be done with it, I told him. Then he asked me why I disliked smiting so much and I told him that it had no adventure and no thrill in it. The workshop was no place for a wizard, I insisted. He laughed in my face and asked him if I thought any wizard could easily beat a blacksmith. Of course I did, I was a prick at the time! He then asked me to attack him. I didn't want to hurt him, but the bastard was relentless and finally I agreed. That guy stopped both my fire-engulfed firsts with one hand and extinguished my flames in the same time. He then turned to go home and I couldn't get him to say a word, even though he would never shut up before! He finally agreed to teach me magic, if only I learned blacksmithing with him. I agreed and while I studied your mother benevolently agreed to wait for me."
"Well, I was doing a particularly demanding study of my own, anyway, so I thought "why not?"" Maria smirked nefariously, causing a slight straining in her husband's face and throat
"I studied for four years, before I was allowed to open my own shop." Ivan went on "And even though I was, I still visited the old geezer every week. Hell, if he'd been alive, I'd still pay him a visit every now and then, that guy was amazing! He was a fire mage as well, if it isn't obvious, and he had found a way to use it in blacksmithing to make marvels. Moreover, we both knew how mages thought and they looked for, so we were able to make items specially tailored to their needs and make a huge buck. That's why my business is so popular now, hehe!"
"But didn't you miss the adventure of being a guild mage?" Ivan asked
"At first, yes. At first all I wanted to learn from him was hot to fight better. He insisted I could only understand his way of fighting throughout his work… and he was right. It was there and then that I understood. I didn't want adventures, I wanted power. The injuries and cuts were the small price I paid for the ecstasy of combat. I sought better opponents because the weaker one were no longer enough of a fix. I acquired power in order to fight more and I fought more to acquire more power in a vicious cycle that would only end with my death. I was a fighter, in other words. And as I created things with my fire, I quickly discovered that it was not the man I wanted to be." Valchan finished his speech and look at his son
"You see, son, there is a difference between a warrior and a fighter. The fighter fights for the sake of fighting – he makes it his profession and it consumes everything he is. The warrior know how to fight, but he consciously chooses not to, when that is not necessary. It is not to say he doesn't wield the skills for combat, it is to say he knows when there is no need for combat. It takes much more courage and restraint to be a warrior and it feels much better to give yourself to becoming a fighter. Because only a few possess the courage to sheathe their swords once out." Maria eloquently finished her husband's story and smiled, touching his son's arm "We are not against you leaving. We just want you to think carefully over what you want to do with your life. Don't rush, you have ample time. "

It took a few months, until Ivan once again spoke out about leaving on the dining table.

"I understand your concerns and I've thought about it as well." He firmly addressed his parents "Initially, I too thought I only wanted to go into the world, because I craved to increase power and after your lecture I was ready to give up on that wish. But…, you see… I couldn't! Even if I was weaker than anyone else in the world, I would still want to wee it. It's not power that I crave and it's not fighting that I truly enjoy. I thought they were, but they weren't! Mastery over others was never my goal. Only the splendour. Only the lore. Only… the magic!" he spoke quickly and passionately, switching his gaze from either of his parents' faces.
There was a small, awkward silence around the dinner table that night, after which his father's strong, loud laughter poured like a river.
"Damn, ma boy! You really got the brains from your mother! It took me fifty years to figure out who I was and you did it in a few weeks!" - he yelled out
"Ivan…," Maria leaned over and touched his cheek "We had known you weren't the one for a cozy, calm and comfortable life since the moment you started walking. We just wanted you to be aware of why you're making your choices. It's our duty as parents, you see."
"Mhmm, yes, yes." – Valchan passionately added – "Fire can be many things, and one of them can be the warm and cozy fire that heats up your meal and warms your house, but thunder - hehe, thunder is something else! Thunder can never be satisfied with sitting still! Go out there and see the world for yourself. And be sure to help out whoever you can!"
"But remember, my son, - you can't help anyone if you can't help yourself. Be careful who you are and what you do." Maria warmly reminded him

In a few days, Ivan had left the small town where he'd spent his entire life up to this point, taking the dirt road to Magnolia. (Of course, with his sense of direction, it would take many more years before he would actually lay eyes upon the city…)


A guild would once bemoan or sings
About how from her sacred veil did spring
Of storm and flash, a monstrous thing!
His name - Ivan, the Thunder King.

His thunder roared across the land,
And none who dared and fought could stand -
Against the wizard's mighty hand.

Lightning in hands being firmly taken
To his voice has always Thunder has awakened.

Gather heroes, sound the drums!
The Thunder King comes!
The Thunder King comes....

This guy looks so much older than 21.
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How does Silver Crux keep getting so many members????? The protagonist and antagonist guilds, I can understand how they've got a lot of members. But Titanos so far only has me and one other person! Where's the love for Titanos???


Rosalie Ann Keller (Nickname Rose)




Red Dawn


C class

June 9


(OP)Zodiac Sign


(OP)Defining Characteristics

Guild Mark/Location?
Upper Right thigh

Rosalie stands at 5' 1" and weighs 104 lbs. Her orange hair reaches her chin while her brown eye's sparkle with hope and excitement. Soft features adorn her face giving her a gentle look. Usually you will find Rosalie in a dress that reaches just above her knees with flats. In the winter and fall though she switches to long sleeved shirts, jeans, and sneakers.

Out-going||Nice||Kind||Emotional||Hyper Active||Athletic||Hot-Headed||

Fast - Rosalie is light on her feet and very fast. She tends to out run most people.
Above Average Sword Skill - Rosalie trained for months to be able to wield a sword at an above average skill.
Intelligent - Though not the smartest person Rosalie does have a slightly above average intelligence.

Weak Body Strength - Even with her sword training Rosalie never really focused on strength but instead focused on speed.
Too kind - Rosalie will easily let an enemy even if they are pure evil. If they saw they will never do it again or that they only did it for someone else Rosalie will let them go out of pity.
Emotional - Rosalie's can go from being really happy to sad in a matter of seconds. You push the right buttons and Rosalie might just drop her guard.
Hot-Headed - Even if she's kind Rosalie has a quick temper and can get mad very fast if you do one thing wrong.


Losing her loved ones
Forgetting everything she knows





Celestial Spirit Magic - Rosalie is able to summon celestial spirits from the celestial realm to either fight with her or help her with certain tasks.

Celestial Summons - At the moment Rosalie has two golden keys and 5 silver keys.​
Gold Key's - Leo the Lion and Sagittarius the Archer
Silver Key's - Draco the dragon, Lupus the Wolf, Leo Minor the Lion Cub, Vulpeculae the Fox, and Caeli the Sculptor's Chisel​
Multiple Summon's - Rosalie is currently able to have one Gold key and 2 silver key's open at a time.
Urano Metria - Currently Rosalie only knows the spell but, she is working on getting stronger enable to cast it.​






Quest armor



Rosalie doesn't remember her past. The first thing she remember's is showing up at the guild in her armor with a sword and set of key's on her hips. As well as a bow and quiver on her back.


Leo the Lion


Regulus - A type of Caster Magic related to his Celestial Spirit powers which allows him to produce the element of light from his body, Regulus is mainly used to boost Loke's melee performance, empowering his physical attacks with wakes of destructive light, which are produced from his unarmed blows in a fashion similar to a lion clawing at its prey. Light can also be employed in other ways, with Loke being capable of emitting it in vast amounts, enough to cover a wide area, and shape it into various forms. (From Wiki)
Sagittarius the Archer


Sagittarius is a master archer, having no real magic other than being a celestial spirit. He uses a bow and arrows.

Draco the Dragon

Dragon Form

Draco has two forms. His dragon one and his human one. He is able to switch between these at will, but his dragon form takes more magic from the Celestial Mage than his human one. The first time you summon Draco he will appear in his dragon form, but will either switch to his human form or stay as a dragon.

Dragon Form - In this form Draco is like and actual dragon, just not a powerful. He can breath fire, fly, and use fire in all ways a normal dragon can.

Human Form - In this form Draco is like a fire dragon slayer, just no where near as powerful. He's unable to eat fire, but he can both breath fire and use it the same way dragon slayers do.

Human Form

Lupus the Wolf


Lupus is able to manipulate shadows to his will. He can attack and use them to maek himself and other's disappear. Though he, like all other spirits, is only as strong as his owner. He can only use the shadows to disappear for 5 minutes before he reappears and he can only make those touching him disappear.
Caelum the Sculptor's Chisel


Caelum has multiple forms. His normal form (Seen above), his dual sword form, and his long sword form. In his normal form he's uses long ranged attacks, shooting a beam of green light at the opponent. His dual sword form allows the owner to use them like normal swords only the right sword can absorb magic shot at it while the left sword shoots the absorbed magic at an opponent. The long sword form is used like a normal long sword having no magic ability.
Leo Minor the Lion Cub


Leo minor like her older brother, Leo, can use light magic. Though hers aren't as strong she can still do a fair amount of damage. She is also able to transform into a lioness giving her all the speed and strength of a lioness.

Lioness Form

Vulpeculae the Fox


Vulpeculae has the power of seduction. She can create an seduce and man with a weak heart who isn't madly in love. She puts the man into a trance like state where she is able to make them do anything she say's. Though even this has it's limits. The trance only lasts a minute and she can only cause minor damage to the opponent.
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
How does Silver Crux keep getting so many members????? The protagonist and antagonist guilds, I can understand how they've got a lot of members. But Titanos so far only has me and one other person! Where's the love for Titanos???

Because Silver Crux just sounds cool! Literally that is the only reason for me.
Because Silver Crux just sounds cool! Literally that is the only reason for me.
Hehe~ Guess I picked a great guild to run then! A cool name with a cool guild master! ;D
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Tobias Malcore

Age: 31
Gender: Male

Colomba Guild Master

Birthday: April 22
Gemstone: Diamond
Zodiac Sign: Taurus


Irritable, Perfectionist, Kind

Guild Mark Location: Sky blue on his upper bicep of his right arm

Tobius always dresses to impress. Never seen outside his room without looking like he works in an office and not running a guild. Another thing he never leaves his room without is some kind of book, spanning from a dusty tome to the newest book in a young adult series. He only wears his black wire frame glasses when he is reading or working in his office any other time they're tucked neatly in his breast pocket.

Tobias is not what you call a fun loving guy. Irritable when he's bothered in his office or people start to get rowdy. He much rather enjoy the peace and quiet of when his members are gone on their missions.
Tobious is a perfectionist, working hard to make sure everything is neat and organized around his guild. He has even gone so far as to kick someone out of the guild for being so messy, at least that's how the rumor goes.
Really though most of his members think he's too lazy to kick anyone out of the guild. Which is true in a sense, Tobias isn't the one to start a fight or anything for that matter unless he really has to. He doesn't really do much in the sense of inspiring his members. Push him to far or if something is important enough, and you get to see why he's the guild master of the fifth pillar.





Gravity Magic has a large range of offensive and defensive properties. The user can freely increase or decrease the gravity of anything around them, rendering most frontal assaults virtually useless. This Magic is strong enough to easily crush solid earth, and can even be used to destroy other Magics. It is also capable of suspending people or objects in midair, or to divert the course of natural phenomena around the user, such as rain.

Tobias has mastered this magic able to effect an area up to 200 hundred meters around himself with a change in gravity. He can change and keep up 15 different gravity fields while still being able to fight and can control who is affected by his magic. Tobias is known for destroying a dark guild single handedly and unscathed, never allowing an opponent to land a single blow.

Specialties: Fighting multiple opponents / Hand to Hand combat
Did A thing
Well, Tobias will have a hard time against Arba <3

And you will find that out when my CS is up.
Well, Tobias will have a hard time against Arba <3

And you will find that out when my CS is up.
Can't wait! ^^I love destroying a challenging opponent.
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Well then I guess my next guy shall go to Titanos instead.
I did say this so i must be a man of my word.
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