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I don't believe we ever formally established a posting order. So, for the moment, it's just been everyone taking a turn.
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You can post in whichever order you like when it comes to Alexis/Hellena.
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There ya go..hopefully that was enough to work with..I didn't want to overstep the story
BAAH MY ALERTS THEY FAILED ME!! I get off work in 3 hours I'll get my post out then I AM SO SORRY!

So I am dead set on starting Frazer elsewhere. Should I consider the starter being him in some settlement on his mission, perhaps a settlement the main party will come across later on in the rp?
I would suggest having him rendezvousing with the party with the temple after they failed to meet him in time.
I would suggest having him rendezvousing with the party with the temple after they failed to meet him in time.
Alrighty then! So we shall cut out the previous notion to have Frazer elsewhere for the group to come across at another time?

Second question: on a Druid's second form how long can they maintain that form? Is it based on the amount of energy like if they tire out they revert to their human form? If that's the case would they be able to maintain that form as long as they don't tire out from combat or injuries?

Obviously Frazer might avoid using his second form being a politician under the dark god's all seeing eye.. But when he does become his wolfish self.. What are the rules behind that concept?
Alrighty then! So we shall cut out the previous notion to have Frazer elsewhere for the group to come across at another time?

Second question: on a Druid's second form how long can they maintain that form? Is it based on the amount of energy like if they tire out they revert to their human form? If that's the case would they be able to maintain that form as long as they don't tire out from combat or injuries?

Obviously Frazer might avoid using his second form being a politician under the dark god's all seeing eye.. But when he does become his wolfish self.. What are the rules behind that concept?
I imagine it can last as long as they have energy to have it. The main rule is that they lose some control of their actions, relenting to their primal instincts. So yes, we would cut the previous notion.
I imagine it can last as long as they have energy to have it. The main rule is that they lose some control of their actions, relenting to their primal instincts. So yes, we would cut the previous notion.
Alright and Frazer will have prior knowledge of the temple, yes? Final question before I get to hardcore brainstorming
Alright and Frazer will have prior knowledge of the temple, yes? Final question before I get to hardcore brainstorming
That he will, due to the Oracle's visions.
Brom is unconscious and will be until they return to a village, so you all have the reigns for now.
I got my post out! Hope it helps make up for my MIA
Goddamn Iwaku didn't notify me. I had been waiting for Ace but I'll have a post up soon.
I posted. Took longer than I liked but work kicked my ass.
What's the rule on the NPC? Are we going to have some creative freedom in the matter or do you wish to post the responses to actions our characters make?
You can be creative with it. Have fun :D
Okey. I shall hold off on posting till the others post.. And do not worry! Frazer will do what he can to help slay this massive beast!
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Power was out all day yesterday so I couldn't post until now. Sorry :c.

Decided to try and wrap things up so we could get to the point where Ace can actually be active. Also, having a pissed off Dragon with a grudge showing up later can be fun.
coolio! Sounds like its gonna be up to @PoetLore to decide what our dragon shall do. Hopefully we will be lucky! Only 2 people remain standing and of those 2 only 1 is holding a sword XD
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