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Kameron watched as everybody went their separate ways. He didn't bring any other luggage along and his backpack wasn't especially heavy so he was alright with waiting before going to his room. Instead, he waited for the old man to either start the tour or dismiss the group.
Aaron walked towards the building labeled "quarters." "I'll go umm... get the room ready, I'll get to the cafeteria later." Aaron walked into the building and into his room, 702. It wasn't much, a bunk bed and a metal desk with some lights here and there. He had a plan to replace this furniture with things from Gilgamesh's treasury, but the fact that the desk was bolted to the floor didn't help at all. Since he was in his own room, he decided it would be fine to get a little help from Ragna.


Hell yeah. - Ragna

Aaron then proceeded to turn one of his hands into that of the 'Black Beast'. He placed his claws at the back edge of the desk and prepared to rip it out of its place. He jerked his hand back and the desk flew back against the other wall. Aaron's hand turned back to its normal form and he carried the desk out in front of the building with a piece of paper taped to it that said "scrap". Aaron went back in and opened several small golden portals, the Gate of Babylon. He summoned a few items: a table made out of the finest mahogany, a couple matching chairs, bedding worthy of a king enough for both bunks, a golden jug of wine highly superior to most of the modern day, and two golden chalices. Aaron closed the portals and arranged the items. The table and chairs where the desk used to be, the bedding on the bunks, and the wine and chalices on the table. "Phew, much better."

"I approve. It was horribly plain before, well done." - Gilgamesh

Thanks, but that noble phantasm takes way too much energy to use, even though I only summoned household items.

Aaron walked out and to the cafeteria, relieved to have gotten that over with. He would be glad to get some food after that.
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Janus Island

"I suppose 'Beholder' has left the path offered... well then, the rest of you might be hungry so come get some food, I'll dispense with the information once everyone has gotten theirs."

The old man walked into the cafeteria and sat down in a chair beside a table, awaiting the group of young awakened.
((The cafeteria serves a buffet style menu, just so you all know))
Seeing that the tour would not be starting anytime soon, Kameron decided that he should do some exploring of his own. Heading in the general direction that Emperor had gone, Kameron came across the "Quarters" building. In front of the building sat a lonely metal table.
Claw marks, observed Kameron. In metal no less. Whatever did this has a tight grip.
And strength. The table was bolted to something by the looks of the legs.
Shrugging, the teen continued in to his designated room. Needless to say, he was pleasantly surprised with the room's fancy furniture. Kameron wasn't sure if it was his roommate who redecorated the room but he was certain that the original furniture would not be this grand. He turned around, ready to leave but stopped when he saw the crack on the wall opposite of the desk. He decided to check the floor and, as he expected, found holes where the legs of a table would be bolted to.
I guess we know who's desk was left outside. No point in dropping my backpack off yet so where to next?
I'm hungry.
Good morning, Hulk. To the cafeteria then?
The response could only be described as mental growling.
After loitering around for a while, Kamerom finally arrived to the cafeteria to join the rest of the group.
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The first highly Evelyn noticed as she entered room 701 was that it's ...kinda shitty.

Well, not shitty, really. Spartan was more the right word. A bunk bed, a table, some light. All metal. It was functional, but far from homely.

Evelyn liked to see herself as more than just a sheltered, All-Amerian princess brat, but she did have a soft spot for luxury. Some wooden furnitures, thick mattresses that you can sink into, double blankets, etc. Just some modern comfort.

As she jumped into her bunk and for a feel for the rather mediocre bed, she made a note to ask the manage on purchasing new furnitures for her dorm. Money was never a problem for her, not when the global economy remained predictable...for her, at least.

Jumping off her, Evelyn left her room and made for the cafeteria. The place remained purely functional, but the buffet was nice enough. Were she a more culinary inclined person, she would have been more excited.

Still, it was a step in the right direction, at least. Really, if these people wanted her help, they really need to step up the catering
Better make this quick, Sebastian thought to himself as he hauled his luggage to the dorms, I'll just leave this in my room and then i'll grab something to eat. ...Hopefully I'll be able to get some answers.

It'll be alright, I'm sure of it.

If you say so, Madoka...
There was a mental sigh in his mind as he headed over to the dorms and tried to find his rooms. Truthfully, hauling his luggage up seven flights of stairs was exhausting and he would have given up if it weren't for Triss' insistence to keep going. Finally reaching the floor to where his room was, he dragged his luggage down the hallway until he came upon his room. "Guess this is it," he murmured as he entered the premises.

It was a very plain room, bunk beds and some desks opposite of it. There was a dresser right behind the bunk beds, where he would be able to store his clothes, and a closet. He blinked in surprise at the bare room before moving his luggage over to the beds. ...I think my apartment is better than this.

Why's that? Allen asked.

It's so...bare.

Wait, let me see. There was a pause before he heard him stifle a laugh. Well, at least its better than that black box I was in before. There was nothing in there. Sebastian cracked a smile.

Guess I should be thankful for what I have.

You should. With a sigh, he leaned his luggage to the side of the bed and began making his way to the cafeteria. He was getting hungry.
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Jojo groaned. So she hadn't been dreaming. She definitely got a letter to receive training. It humored her. She thought it must be some kind of hoax, but she wasn't going to pass up a chance to go to Florida. She couldn't wait to tell all of her friends back home how awesome America was. For once she was thankful her parents had forced her to study English so hard. Otherwise, there would be no way for her to talk to anyone.

She got off the ship albeit rather late and she saw a group of people arguing. She should be thankful. If they hadn't been so loud she would still be sleeping. JoJo's belongings were in a backpack and she carried her personal health care companion B-1. The letter had made it clear that no one know her real name, but that was already true for the most part. She preferred to go by JoJo, a nickname she rather enjoyed.

Let's get to it already!

JoJo stopped in her tracks. Was she hearing voices? Her eyes widened. There was just no way. Tracer?


Nope she was crazy. JoJo ignored the Tracer voice in her head and continued her way down. Where was everyone going? Then she smelled it... FOOD. She hadn't good food in so long. She followed her nose taking her belongings and personal healthcare companion with her to the cafeteria. It was a buffet... A buffet of food. JoJo found herself wondering if she had died.
Nope she was crazy. JoJo ignored the Tracer voice in her head and continued her way down. Where was everyone going? Then she smelled it... FOOD. She hadn't good food in so long. She followed her nose taking her belongings and personal healthcare companion with her to the cafeteria. It was a buffet... A buffet of food. JoJo found herself wondering if she had died.

Evelyn turned and, upon spotting the newcomer, grinned.

"Hi there!" She greeted enthusiastically. "I didn't know there was another girl. I thought this sausage fest never end!"
Evelyn turned and, upon spotting the newcomer, grinned.

"Hi there!" She greeted enthusiastically. "I didn't know there was another girl. I thought this sausage fest never end!"
"Hiya, the name's JoJo pleasure to meet you, uh..." JoJo laughed nervously, "Sorry didn't catch your name! Let's make it a goal to make them look bad eh?"
"Hiya, the name's JoJo pleasure to meet you, uh..." JoJo laughed nervously, "Sorry didn't catch your name! Let's make it a goal to make them look bad eh?"
Evelyn smiled and shook the other girl's hand.

"Jojo, huh? I guess that's your code name? There's a weird rule about not letting anyone know your real name, like this is a superhero story or something. Any how, mine is, heh, Transcendence. Just call me Evelyn, I don't really care.

Do you have a room? I think my roommate just jumped off the dock."
Evelyn smiled and shook the other girl's hand.

"Jojo, huh? I guess that's your code name? There's a weird rule about not letting anyone know your real name, like this is a superhero story or something. Any how, mine is, heh, Transcendence. Just call me Evelyn, I don't really care.

Do you have a room? I think my roommate just jumped off the dock."
"Code name? Sure I guess? I mean, I've been going by JoJo for a long time now, but since it's not my real name it must be alright," JoJo just shrugged and then made her way to the buffet of food, "I'm hungry, so I'm gonna grab some food. Sorry about your roommate jumping off the dock. Must have gotten cold feet."
"Code name? Sure I guess? I mean, I've been going by JoJo for a long time now, but since it's not my real name it must be alright," JoJo just shrugged and then made her way to the buffet of food, "I'm hungry, so I'm gonna grab some food. Sorry about your roommate jumping off the dock. Must have gotten cold feet."
Evelyn laughed and waved it off.

"Nah, I like getting my own room. He was a guy anyway, so it would have been awkward anyway. I'm sure he's fine. Anyway, mind if I join? Hadn't rated anything since morning."
Evelyn laughed and waved it off.

"Nah, I like getting my own room. He was a guy anyway, so it would have been awkward anyway. I'm sure he's fine. Anyway, mind if I join? Hadn't rated anything since morning."
"Well I guess it worked out then," JoJo said with a nod, "Sure you can join me, if your stomach can keep up."

JoJo didn't know what to eat first and she began piling her plate, a plate that soon became a second and then a third before she sat down.

"This place has everything!!" She said happily, digging in and stuffing her face.
"Well I guess it worked out then," JoJo said with a nod, "Sure you can join me, if your stomach can keep up."

JoJo didn't know what to eat first and she began piling her plate, a plate that soon became a second and then a third before she sat down.

"This place has everything!!" She said happily, digging in and stuffing her face.
Evelyn watched, fascinated as Jojo practically inhaled the platters in front of her.

Evelyn's meal was much, much more modest. A plate of green, soup, a baked potato, and some bread. Some would call it rabbit food, but she call it a healthy meal. Still, her nibbling pace allowed her to keep up.

"Holly hell..." She whispered as Jojo finished the second plate. "Where do you even keep that?"
Janus Island: Cafeteria

Douglas sat up and watched as the group got their food. "Right, we appear to have a new awakened joining us." He looked down at a small list for the code name. "Jojo, is it? Well then, I'll get on with the answers for you all." He took a breath.

"You are all here because you exhibit signs that your past lives can be manifested in the form of your powers. The reason I gathered you all here to this island is to train you so that you may hone your skills to defeat a great evil that threatens the world as we know it. Sadly, I cannot tell you everything about this matter at the moment. However, just know that we have a very good reason for calling you all here to a secluded island for training. Any questions?"
"I'm going to head to my room and put my luggage there. You wanna come with me, Bio Hell? Or are you going to grab something to eat?" he asked.
"Hmm? Yea I'll come with you" Marcus replied after a second, after all, listening in to his voices talk about what's the name for a pizza is quite engaging. Pushing his glasses up he walks after 'Win' into the bland building that should be where the rooms are.
JoJo swallowed a large bite of food, "Where do I keep what?"

She finished her three plates of food with a smile. It looked as though plates had been licked clean. JoJo let out a burp, excused herself and then sighed happily.

"Yes I have a-" JoJo hiccuped mid sentence, "question. How do you plan to train us? I mean, I really like doing nothing, so I'd like to know how much effort is needed."
Janus Island: Cafeteria

Douglas sat up and watched as the group got their food. "Right, we appear to have a new awakened joining us." He looked down at a small list for the code name. "Jojo, is it? Well then, I'll get on with the answers for you all." He took a breath.

"You are all here because you exhibit signs that your past lives can be manifested in the form of your powers. The reason I gathered you all here to this island is to train you so that you may hone your skills to defeat a great evil that threatens the world as we know it. Sadly, I cannot tell you everything about this matter at the moment. However, just know that we have a very good reason for calling you all here to a secluded island for training. Any questions?"
You should hurry, I think there's something going on in the cafeteria. Sebastian's expression morphed into one of confusion before going back into his neutral look.

Why the rush? But if you insist, Madoka. With that he raced out of the room and made a beeline for the cafeteria. He could hear his protagonists in his head discussing something with each other, but he wasn't sure what. Ah well, he'll figure it out later.

When he arrived at the cafeteria, he noticed that there was a group of people conversing with each other at one of the tables. He didn't think twice before grabbing to get some food and heading over to them. "Mind if I sit here?" he murmured as he sat down, just as Douglas began to explain why they were in this place anyway. He frowned as his food was left untouched.

"Are you...sure about the past lives and the powers thing?" he asked incredulously, "I can understand voices in one's head being different characters, that's what the soulbonding and the tulpa community is for." He blushed when he realized what he just said before trying to dismiss it. "It's, um...people creating characters that come to life in their heads. A-Anyway, are you sure about this? I don't think I have any powers so to speak..."

Guys? Um...he said that you are my past lives and that I can get powers from you all. What do you make of it? There was silence for a moment before he was bombarded with incredulous words from all sides. He winced as he was bombarded by their opinions before looking over at Douglas. "Even my protagonists seem a little incredulous about the whole thing. I...can you show us an example of those powers? I won't believe it until I see it."
"Mind if I sit here?" he murmured as he sat down, just as Douglas began to explain why they were in this place anyway. He frowned as his food was left untouched.
Evelyn shrugged and scooted aside, making room for him.

Janus Island: Cafeteria

Douglas sat up and watched as the group got their food. "Right, we appear to have a new awakened joining us." He looked down at a small list for the code name. "Jojo, is it? Well then, I'll get on with the answers for you all." He took a breath.

"You are all here because you exhibit signs that your past lives can be manifested in the form of your powers. The reason I gathered you all here to this island is to train you so that you may hone your skills to defeat a great evil that threatens the world as we know it. Sadly, I cannot tell you everything about this matter at the moment. However, just know that we have a very good reason for calling you all here to a secluded island for training. Any questions?"
"You know what, I think I can bite that." The grey-haired girl said with a laugh. "I literally started hearing voices, and they gave me programming tips that worked too well. Last week, I plotted out a course of global domination, and I had yet to find a flaw in it after over a week of careful scrutiny. I think sanity had just turned in its resignation.

I only have two questions: How do I buy furniture here? Is there a workshop I can borrow?"