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Location: Hara Island → "Le Petite Morte" (Brothel)

While she did listen to Jack's subtle cries for help- or at least that's what Runali took out of it- she moreso listened to her crew. Alicia had a good point. They weren't starving to death but the idea of a nicer meal was tempting. Since Nolan went back home, their on-ship meals came down to experimenting with cookbooks taken from different islands and simple go-to meals that were easy to make. While some of the meals were pretty decent, there were a few times failed attempts were dumped into the ocean. Needless to say, someone with more experience manning the kitchen did sound much better than their situation at hand. At least food wouldn't be wasted if they had a professional in the kitchen. Luro furthered Alicia's point as he listed his daily rum intake. "Aye Luro, very... healthy."

Luro's reason for Jack to join was… well a little less convincing and somehow still all the more reason for Jack to join. It didn't make sense. But neither did Luro, so she didn't question it too much. "I was unconscious most of that time on Yakone remember? I wasn't there for that part where he 'wasn't suspicious'." She looked over at Ray and Kadi for their opinion on the matter, only to realize their navigator was nowhere to be seen. ''Wonder what he's gotten himself into.' The captain didn't think too much of their navigator's disappearance. He was the smarter one of the bunch, he knew how to avoid being tangled up in trouble. But he was also a Stardusk so that seemingly negated her first point. Well, he'd be alright. More or less. She'd check on him later.

Turning her attention back to Jack, the captain used her foot to push his chair back a bit in order to stand straight with her arms crossed. "Alright, Jack. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. My crew thinks it's a good idea, and we owe you for the close save so-"

Luro's outburst made her pause and turn her head to him. Before she could be too confused as to why Luro addressed them the way he did, she realized he was reading from some script the doctor was giving him. 'Wonder if she's mute… Or maybe she just doesn't like her voice. I knew a guy like that before. But to be fair his voice was awfully squeaky. Could break glass probably. Wonder if he outgrew that- Her train of thought halted in order for her to focus on what the doctor was trying to relay. She also held in a small laugh as she watched the doctor slowly become more frustrated as she had to change words around for Luro.

"The intention was," Runali took a seat on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb Thorn. "If Alicia there won the fight she'd have to join my crew. That or she'd try to take our bounties. But Thorn here decided that she'd try to get out of a bet by… well, dying." The captain shook her head. "No honor among bets, you know? Shoulda expected it considering fighting to the death was a typical thing for her." The doctor had also brought up something about keeping her warm and she covered her mouth, stifling a laugh at Luro's offer.

"S'not as nice as it sounds when we're standing around in a brothel." She wondered who'd take up that mantle. And while they discussed it, Runali reached over and felt Thorn's cheek. She was definitely cold- not that she didn't believe the doctor to begin with. The captain was the one that agreed to the fight, so she would have offered to be that extra warmth had Ray not picked up the job himself. "How...noble of you Ray. Even after she swindled you out of a dinner. A true gentleman. Well," Runali simply shrugged. "If you get cold feet, I'll take up the responsibility since I was the one who may have jumped the gun on accepting the brawl anyway."

Her gaze fell over to Alicia and the woman at work again. "Say, doc what's your name? More importantly, I don't recall illegal death matches having on call doctors. So, do you 'owe' the fighter over here as well, like our cook?" She was well aware that she casually used the term 'our', having not realized she didn't get to formally induct Jack into their merry band of pirates.

As the doctor answered the questions, she rolled onto the next. "So far you seem pretty good at what you do, but I can't be the judge of that." She gestured to Alicia and Thorn. "That's for them to judge. I'm sure we'll be here at least for the night since Thorn's out for the count. But it's best not to over welcome a stay where we're not welcome ya know? And we gotta find our navigator before that or we'll be going in circles for days." Her thoughts trailed for a moment. "We're probably gonna need to restock the food supply too- hey Luro go ahead and give Jackie here one of those coin pouches we won. He's in charge of restocking, you can show him where Lady Luck is docked too." She had half a mind to just take the rest of the money, in fear that he'd spend all their earnings on alcohol, until she turned her attention to Ray. "Ray, actually, gonna trade jobs with you. I'll take to being the 'doctor's helper'. You go on and help the boys- or find our navigator and make sure he isn't off robbing the Tileans. Either one's fine so long as none of you spend all of our winnings."

She looked over at Thorn and Alicia, knowing it'd be best not to have the latter traveling around so much after recently being bandaged and fixed up. "Hm, take your time though. We'll start fresh in the morning! And by fresh I mean, we'll be setting sail some time in the morning."

Before they could separate for the night, the captain slipped out of the room to find Renee, only to find one of the ladies that worked there instead. While the group couldn't stay there overnight, save for the injured and necessary company, she did recommend the inn that wasn't too far from the brothel. It was typically the first place drunks staggered to after their visits in the brothel after all. With the new information in mind, the captain let the rest of her crew venture off for the rest of the evening.

The woman assisting them, with the Madame's blessing, offered a second room for the doctor and Alicia. "Or however you want to split up, if you want to of course." She added as she offered. The Madame had mentioned that they couldn't take up too many rooms, for obvious reasons, but it was fine with the captain. Not that the ship was uncomfortable, but it wasn't often they got to sleep in actual beds. It wasn't often she slept next to a half dead person either, but to be fair she hadn't had flaming wines before so there were first times for everything as well.
"I'd appreciate very much if you'd check her in the morning as well. If willing? If need be, I'd be happy to pay for the service! It's not often we get a doctor to help us out. Also thank you by the way. As the captain, I'm very grateful." Runali grinned, and with a few parting words, she allowed Zilia to make her choice on what she'd decide to do.


Next Morning

With a comfortable bed, came the desire not to get out of bed- that was until she heard the feverish cleaning of a woman trying to do her job. "Blergh, I don't want lookout duty make Ray- Oh right." She sat up and looked over at Thorn, replaying the day before. "Hm. Right. Right." Just to be on the safe side, Runali checked Thorn's wrist for a pulse. "Still beating. Good." She felt Thorn's face too. "Not ice cold either. Nice." And since that was the extent of her doctoring knowledge, she decided to wait a bit longer in hopes the fighter would wake up before she had to hunt the rest of her crew down.
Sara shivered and shuddered, not even having the strength to toss and turn, utterly unaware of the surrounding world. The introduction of a warmer body, provided generously by Runali, eased the fighter's suffering, reducing the effects of the fever ever so slightly. Throughout the night, Runali heard occasional faint mumbling and felt the many tosses and turns of the ordeal that Sara was undergoing. From the fluttering of her eye-lids to the rapid shakiness of her breathing, it was clear that she was gripped by the fever and shaken around violently through her sleep, entering into her dreams.

One might ask, what would she dream?

"Ooh! Majestic! A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream!"
- Micolash, Host of the Nightmare

Sara found herself standing in the middle of an arena, torches casting a vain and flickering light into the abyss, the light reflecting upon the distorted faces of the crowd. When did she get here, she wondered to herself. What she meant to be fighting someone. As if to answer the question, a figure stepped onto the ring.

It was impossible to define something that could not exist, yet this being of pure shadow and smoke, carved in the rough shape of a man, with a black sword by its side and a glowing orb where the being's left eye would be.

This thing was fast, faster than Sara had ever seen before, its strength beyond anything she ever met. Any strikes that Sara could muster under its onslaught passed through the specter as if they were nothing. Never once did the specter relent in its attack, driving Sara further and further back away from the light of the arena into the blackness of the nightmare. No matter what she did. No matter what she did, or she did it, her opponent did not stop.

After a final heavy strike that knocked Sara away, the specter paused, its sword glowing a malevolent blue, before charging back in. Before she could even react, the glowing sword penetrated her body, piercing through to the other side. With this, the monster made of smoke and shadows expanded, filling her perception with nothing but the stab in her belly and the growing inky blackness.

Sara found herself standing in the middle of an arena, torches casting a vain and flickering light into the abyss, the light reflecting upon the distorted faces of the crowd. When did she get here, she wondered to herself. What she meant to be fighting someone. As if to answer the question, a figure stepped onto the ring.

And so it began, again and again. Each time, Sara losing the bout, marked with the pain in her stomach, and each time it began again, never ending, never ceaseless, fight in which her fate was always met with her doom.


Next Morning

By the time Runali awoke, Sara had slipped into the comforting embrace of a deep, natural, sleep. Her nightmare, and her fever, had come to pass.

Alicia was unsure if Luro was messing with her as he responded with an explination about his so called 'compliments' but she was too exhausted to pursue the conversation, opting for a roll of her eyes before turning her attention elsewhere, primarily the doctor who approached her offering her medical aid. The swordswoman didn't try to argue, but instead welcomed the help with a soft smile as she offered the girl her arm to inspect, "I do not intend to make your job more difficult, but I am grateful for your help and it is most appreciated" she replied to the mute girl with a respectful incline of her head, despite the pain it caused her in doing so. The white haired woman watched the doctor work, her arm being cast and strapped to her waist for support to heal alongside her rib. Alicia cocked her head to the side as she noticed the doctor seemed to almost drift into a daydream. She placed her free hand gently on the shoulder of the mute girl, giving a small smile. "Are you alright?" she asked, tilting her head in order to peer under the hood.

~~~ That Night ~~~​

Alicia set herself down for the night in another room suggested by the captain, having slipped out of her torn and bloodied kimono which she left in a pile at the foot of the bed. The keeper of the brothel had generously provided some other clothing similar to her tastes, though it was clear that it was not to the same standard of material of the previous. She'd placed the offered clothing beside the bed neatly folded before having climbed into the bed, allowing her body to rest as she fell into a deep sleep.

"That was quite a show" her eyes opened to see Anduin sitting upon a large rock upon a small patch of grass surrounded by a moat of crystal clear water which seemed to sit adjacent to a river. She herself sat opposite the rock on the grass, the two seeming to be sitting in the middle of a beautiful meadow, the trees shedding beautiful cherry blossom petals with each stroke of the cool breeze that weaved through the warm humid air. "Was it worth it?" the spirit asked as he rotated himself on the rock to face her, his seated position taking form of what you'd expect from one who meditates frequently.

"The worth of the fight was Irrelevant, I engaged merely as an obligation to the captain" Alicia replied factually and simply, remaining seated cross legged with her hands neatly on her lap. Anduin exhaled a sigh, "Still relying on that sharp mind of yours I see" he spoke with a degree of jesting sarcasm as he watched her with vibrant blue eyes which contrasted against his dark hair and seemingly perfect complexion. "Are you even aware of what could have happened?" the spirit didn't wait for a response, "You could have been killed, Alicia" the swordswoman furrowed her brow, "As I could have many times before" she replied.

Anduin rolled his eyes and nimbly hopped down from the rock to stand before her, offering her a hand which she took without question as he helped her to her feet. "Look around you and tell me what you see" he said before turning to motion out towards the beautiful meadow, the petals swirling in the air and around them as if nature itself were coordinating a dance through them. Alicia closed her eyes before exhaling herself, "I see nature in it's most purest of beauties" she responded honestly, earning a small sincere smile from the spirit. "Indeed, but you see you must look closer".

He waved his hand in the air before them, causing the meadow to almost burst into life as if it'd been on pause till the spirit allowed it to be set in motion. Animals moved in and out of the tree's and the swordsman only now noticed the intricate sounds of nature moving around them. "What you see is life, the most extraordinary anomaly of all existence, sacred to all and to no one" Alicia didn't respond but gave a polite nod as she listened, "It exists within the mightiest of animals" he motioned to a large elk male nimbly weaving between the trees, "To the smallest of creatures" a butterfly landed on his finger, beautiful vibrant blue wings beating steadily.

The spirit placed the butterfly on Alicia's hand as she held it out towards him. "All life is important, equally in the world and beyond and you are no different" he said as he held his hands behind his back, watching Alicia as she tended to the small butterfly carefully. "Do not be so reckless as to throw your life away so quickly Alicia, there are few so lucky as to receive it's gift twice" Anduin paused, prompting Alicia to offer something in response. "I understand Anduin" Alicia sighed, "Perhaps I have allowed myself to become complacent with the gift you gave me all those years ago" she raised her hand for the butterfly to take flight once more.

"But you must trust me, for I do not seek my fate... not yet" she met the gaze of the spirit who watched her closely as she spoke those words before giving a single nod. "This much I know Alicia, I am merely reminding you of what is important... it can be easy to neglect the self at times, I believe I told you as such on our first meeting" Alicia nodded, "I won't forget, you have my word" she replied. The spirit gave a nod and a smile, "I'm pleased to hear it... now I believe it's time for you to be getting back... oh and... good luck with the new girl..." he said before giving her a gentle push. Alicia's eyes fell wide as she fell backwards towards the moat, only to wake in the bed back in the brothel.

~~~ The Morning ~~~​

Alicia had gotten herself dressed, which was surprisingly more difficult with one arm strapped to her waist. Never the less she managed to get by, leaving one of the long kimono sleeves to hang freely by herself in similar fashion to what some would do when they had one arm amputated. She spent the majority of the morning alone, cleaning her sword thoroughly from the previous nights fight, using a bucket of water requested from the brothel keeper as she took special care and time in washing the blood from the fibers in the hilt. The blade itself remained unstained by the blood which had slipped off with a flick of the blade when the fight was over, a testament to the quality of the sword. Once the cleaning was over she tied it to her waist before she would seek out the others.

Luro brought a hand to his chin letting his thoughts drift back to Yakone for a moment, after a bit of thought he realized the captain was correct, she had been asleep through most of that. He gave a small nod feeling bad for her, it was fun dealing with Simon. If Jack ended up betraying them he was sure she'd get the chance to participate this time, there was no reason not to take Jack in now. If he was a good person they'd have another cook and friend on the ship, if he wasn't then they'd get to have fun and the captain could join in. Hearing the captain's decision Luro laughed and pumped his fist into the air, with a small chuckle he tossed a pouch to Jack before walking over and throwing an arm around his shoulder leading him towards the door.
"This is going to be great! Now there's a bunch of stuff I want to add to her, but she's not a bad ship," Luro said to Jack. "Oh man I really hope you don't betray us, I like your face."
Hearing Ray was going to accompany them Luro stopped and removing his arm from Jack waited for Ray to see what he was going to do, after a few moments he ended up leaving anyway wanting to hurry and show Jack the ship.

Luro wasted no time showing Jack Lady Luck, almost not stopping to let the man buy food for the ship, with a wide grin on his face he motioned towards their ship before turning to it himself. He had given her enough maintenance to put her a little further ahead of average ships which wasn't too hard since she was a good ship, but with the materials he'd pick up here he'd be able to add some personal touches to her.
"It's good to have someone handle the food, I got a bunch of weapons and materials to mess with the ship, if you want me to make any changes to the kitchen or something just ask, I'm always willing to help a member of the crew."
Luro reached over and pat the man on the back before laughing and turning back towards the town.
"I'm going to head back now, if you have extra from buying the food just get whatever you want okay. Don't steal the ship!"
With that Luro turned and walked away from the man.

Morning in the Brothel

"Good morning Captain!" Luro said throwing open the door to her room.
Luro wasted no time returning to the room paying little mind to the brothel and its business, with two new members he was excited to know what was next, they were supposed to set out today and he couldn't wait to get back on the sea. Though he wanted to learn more about the new people first and since he knew the least about Sara she was the first one he wanted to question, though now that he was inside he wasn't sure if she was awake.
"Aww...is she still sleeping?" Luro questioned looking over at his captain.



Zilia wasn't too surprised when Ray offered to assist her with Thorn, she only responded with a nod to his offer trusting him over Luro by a considerable margin. What did surprise her was the hand on her shoulder from Alicia, she was pulled back into reality by the touch and raised her head slightly, a single amber eye locked with Alicia's before she promptly lowered her head again to hide her face. Stopping for a moment she promptly wrote on another piece of paper, Alicia's wounds were already taken care of anyway, at this point she was just going over what she could do in the time she would be with them to make their injuries easier to heal in the future.
"...I am fine thank you, your cooperation is also very appreciated."
Lowering the piece of paper from Alicia's face she stepped away from her and brushed off her hands, she grabbed another piece of paper and started to write once more but stopped as Runali started asking her questions. A small sigh escaped from her as she expected that, Jack had been questioned and she had a feeling it would come around to her at some point. Admittedly she was still surprised at the reason Stardusk chose to fight Thorn, they had one of her own fight her in a deathmatch just to recruit her? She could understand why they'd want her Thorn was quite the fighter and she could see why Thorn went to such extremes during that fight, she supposed she might be angry at her for saving her life but that was something to deal with later.
These were random thoughts however, Runali had asked her a few questions and she supposed answering them had to happen eventually. Writing down on her piece of paper she handed the paper to Runali.

"My name is Zilia Vilimar Miss Lev, most call me Zil. My circumstances with Miss Thorn are...different. She is the reason I am stranded on this island as she killed the fighter I was supposed to doctor...she is the cause of my continuous misfortune. I took a job patching up fighters who survived their bouts to make enough money to leave...but since no one survives Miss Thorn's fights and I'm assigned to them mostly I don't get paid, the fact she walks away basically unharmed doesn't help either...so no...I don't owe her, thanks to her I live on the street. However Miss Thorn is merely surviving and fighting like everyone else, not saving her life because she's ruined mine is a bad mindset...and I feel like she's a good person and didn't do it on purpose. Besides...I like the idea of her waking up tomorrow as a Stardusk pirate."
Feeling she answered all her questions Zilia turned to grab her bag stopping to glance back at the captain at her comment on her skills as a doctor, throwing the bag over her shoulder she turned and departed raising a hand to decline the offer of a room. She felt uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as a patient, she might end up checking her in the middle of night out of worry if she was that close. When Runali spoke to her thanking her for her services Zilia gave a small nod to the captain as a response, most of her patients weren't conscious to thank her and no one else had no inclination too, it was strange to hear those words again.
She wasn't sure if it was those words or her job as a doctor that made her want to return the following day.

The following Morning

Adjusting the hood on her head Zilia walked into the brothel already feeling uncomfortable at purposely entering the establishment, she made sure to inform someone of her presence and reason for being there before heading upstairs. She came early since Stardusk was supposed to leave today, and she it'd be best to check on the condition of Thorn and Alicia. She also had to give the captain the medicine for Alicia to help deal with the pain. It would also be a good idea to avoid any extraneous activity until it healed which she also had to inform her of, and that went for Thorn as well.

Walking into the room Zilia closed the door behind her and immediately went to check on Thorn. Reaching down she felt touched Thorn in random spots on her body for a moment. Her mouth twitched to the side and leaning down she listened to her breathing before backing away a relieved sigh escaping from her. She seemed back to normal which was something, she'd probably be fine from here. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a small container and started writing on a piece of paper, tossing the container to Runali she held the paper out to her.
"Okay Miss Lev...these two should avoid anything too active. Basic movement is fine and light training is okay which I'm sure Miss Thorn may attempt but too much heavy lifting or...well any stunts from their fights and their wounds could open back up. If what you said yesterday is true about not having a doctor to deal with situations like that quickly, they'll end up in big trouble out on the open sea. You may keep this note as a doctor's reminder not to do that. Now Miss Tashigi is good but not fully recovered, she's going to experience pain especially from those ribs, Miss Thorn probably will as well. So make sure you give them this amount of dosage."
On the paper were a mess of calculations and dosages that could be confused for scribbles, the measurements were strange to say the least. Trying to read the notes was akin to staring into the sun trying to look at one's reflection.
"Did you get all that? You don't want a large dosage or it'll numb her whole body, too little and it'll just hurt more."

Ray smiled despite rolling his eyes at Runali's ice pun, "You didn't jump the gun, you issued an order. I'm just trying to carry it out, regardless of personal opinion." He glanced at the unconscious Thorn. "I may not like her much, but we do want her in the crew, no? Remember, you've got a crew that you can boss around, Captain, and they're here because they want to be." He glanced back at Thorn again. "Or have to." He shrugged at his self-defeating logic before moving to get into bed with Thorn, which the Captain forestalled, taking his place. "Aye, Captain," he smiled.

Ray would have preferred to go with Luro to make sure Jack didn't get scared off, or killed, by Luro, but figured someone had to look for Kadi, so he did what he could to insure Jack's safe return. "Luro, make sure Jack comes back alive and in one piece from your shopping trip and I'll buy you a drink. Two if Jack comes back willingly." Certain that Luro was properly motivated, Ray asked around the brothel for Kadi's whereabouts. The inquiries were concluded in short order once someone pointed him towards the Brothel's bar. Kadi was day-drinking himself into oblivion in silent introspection. Ray quietly sat himself down in the nearly empty bar next to Arcadius and ordered a drink. He waited until after he got his drink and finished it before he he said anything.

"So, what's our heading, Navigator?"

<> <> <>​

Ray awoke the next morning under one of the brothel beds, thoroughly hungover and fuzzy on the previous night's details. Pulling himself out from under it, he delicately made his way to the rest of the crew, clutching his head. "Mornin'," he slurred, softly groaning at his throbbing head. "I didn't, uh, I didn't do anything stupid last night, did I?"
"Just...like that?" Jack flipped between Alicia and Luro and Runali, stunned that it had been that easy. He'd been accepted onto the crew.

A clinking pouch suddenly landed his lap, and before he knew it he was being dragged out by Luro. "This is going to be great! Now there's a bunch of stuff I want to add to her, but she's not a bad ship," Luro said to Jack.

"Uh...okay, sure. Wow you sure are big. Where are we going exactly?" Jack found himself rambling as he was led from the room.

Jack threw a fearful look in Ray's direction as he promised Luro a drink if he brought back their new cook in one piece before they left. Once he realized they were going to stock food supplies for the ship, and see the Lady Luck herself, he relaxed and enjoyed listening to Luro ramble on about her. Jack hadn't realized the man was a carpenter. His talent proved itself once they arrived on the ship. They made a quick tour, starting from the helm, working down, until the got to the kitchen. That's where Luro left him yet Jack hardly noticed when the half-giant left. Three months he'd been apart from the sea. He couldn't remember being ashore for that long since he began sailing.

Jack ran a hand over an iron-cast pot. The kitchen was typical for a ship this size, but that only made it feel more at home to him. "Well then," he spoke to the empty air, "I wonder how long my bad luck will hold off this time?"

Following Morning

Jack hummed an old bard tune as he busied himself in the Morte's kitchen. He'd been up with the dawn, finishing shopping for Lady Luck's food stores since most shops had been closed last night. He also took the liberty of buying enough to make a lavish breakfast for his new crew, the Madame and her girls, figuring it the best way to show his gratitude. The Madame herself sat behind him, watching as he worked and sipping a hot cup of mulled cider. She had shed her costume for last night, replacing her outfit with a simple cotton dress and leaving her face bare with her hair tied neatly in a plaited braid. She purred over her cup. "I'd never pegged you for a cook, Jack."

"No?" He smiled as he chopped some fruit and threw it into a large cauldron of oats and cream.

"You're always so...shuttered," she sighed, cupping her mug and swirling it gently, "Polite as a duchess's boy with your manners but after three months, I can say I don't know you well at all."

"I'm sorry to leave that impression."

"Oh?" the Madame stared at him doubtfully until Jack shrugged and busied himself with preparing breakfast.

She shook her head, though smiling. "I'll go get your new friends, shall I?"

Getting up to leave, Jack suddenly grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Thank you, Madame. Your hospitality has been much too kind."

She patted his hand. "You're welcome, my dear. It's the least I can do for one of Madame Song's own."

Leaving him to finish preparations, the madame went to the room where she knew the captain had been staying with an injured Thorn, only to find most her crew there as well. She cleared her throat and smiled at them. "Good morning, darlings. Jack has a meal readying for you, if you wish to come downstairs? I can have something for Thorn brought up when she awakes."
Collab: Capt. Blu, @Eastwood, @Winter



Location: Brothel → 'Sara's Room'

"Sure you haven't gotten enough sleep?" The captain huffed as she sat cross legged on the bed. Her back was to Thorn, but not feeling any movement behind her was a clear indication that she was still asleep. It had only been around ten minutes, but Runali was already bored of waiting. She spared the fighter the annoyance of trying to wake her, in order for her to get as much rest as possible. Those kinds of injuries were no joke after all. So, instead of waiting, she started to slip her shoes on only for Luro to burst in as gleeful as ever.

The captain would have jumped out of her skin if she could've. "GOOD-!? ...morning to you too Luro." Her shoes had fallen back onto the floor with a small 'thud'. With no intention of picking them back up, Runali returned to her cross legged position. Towards Luro's question, she gave Thorn another once over before nodding. "Out like a broken light."

It wasn't long after that did the doctor and Alicia make their way into the room to join them. "Ah, doctor what a nice surprise! I suppose you're looking for the payment I promised? Not a problem at all. And Alicia, you're up and walking! Good to see." She would have further questioned Alicia's wounds had Zilia not tossed a container her way. And of course, it followed with a note. "Ah...avoid- uh huh, yeah sure. No heavy lifting or stunts. Got it, got it. Trouble, yeah that's a pirate for you. And dosages..." Her voice trailed off as she tried to decipher the notes and numbers sprawled across the notes. She stared in silence for a few moments, scratched her head, and then quickly shook it before handing the paper back to Zilia. "I appreciate all your hard work. Really, I do but uhhh- yeah I can't read any of that. Your handwriting is," Her hands waved back in forth as she tried to think of a word for it. "Well, the point is, a doctor's note'll get lost faster than these two get injured again. One's not even awake. The other- as tough as she is- is outta commission." Like a light switching on in Runali's head, she immediately grinned and followed up with, "Say, why don't you, I dunno stick around and just do the doctoring thing yourself? A buncha pirates like us are better at making messes than fixing them after all." She laughed a little. "And ya wouldn't have to worry about Thorn over here stealing your money because you'd be making your own! Whaddya say?"

Alicia offered a small smile in greeting as she entered the room, her serene nature disguising the pain she was currently feeling as her body complained and ached. It was nothing she hadn't been through before, but pain was never something she intended to get used to and she generally believed that those who do risked a crucial piece of mind. "Good morning captain" she said as she took a few steps out from behind the doctor, walking across the room to take a seat by a table. Her arm remained strapped to her waist beneath the plain kimono which made things more difficult, but the swordswoman got by well enough with one free arm.

After having pulled the seat out she set herself down gently before taking her sword tied to her waist onto her lap, her thumb rubbing against the freshly cleaned saya of Shusui. "How fares the newest member of the crew" she asked, her eyes briefly looking to Thorn before refocusing on Runali.

All this commotion was loud enough to awaken Sara, the last vestiges of her nightmare completely forgotten. Her eyes, blinking to adjust to the light, winced as pain came shooting through her entire body. Raising a feeble hand to block out the light, she groaned softly with the pain, the room being one big blur. Eventually, once everything came to focus, did she try to sit up. This was a bad call, with Sara clutching the wound on her side and gasped with the pain. She laid back down, her eyes weakly moving around the room until they came into contact with Alicia. Recognition, and with it came shock, lit up her eyes.

"Oh shit." She muttered weakly, unable to lift her voice, the realization sinking in. "You're still alive, fuck."

While, Zilia pondered over the captain's bright-eyed offer, the captain scooted to the furthest edge of the bed in order to stay out of the doctor's way. Slowly but surely, the others found their way into the room and took up space. Runali greeted them all. "What? Stupid, you Ray? Oh no of couuurse not." She refrained from laughing and nodded to Kadi. "And nice to see you weren't caught up in a bar fight without us and stayed in one piece." She continued her small talk with the crew, wondering more about the progress of the restock than their personal adventures outside of 'chores'. She had to do her "captain-ly duties" sometimes after all. The captain questioned Jack's whereabouts when he didn't file in with the rest, only for the Madame to peek in. "Oh, nice! We'll be right out Miss."

She didn't pay much attention to the sleeping figure behind her, of course not until she moved. Runali waited patiently, giving Sara time to sit up and readjust to her surroundings. Waking up from the dead was never a pleasant experience- she could vouch for it. However, the first words Sara uttered made the captain laugh. "Welcome back to the land of the living Thorn. Glad to have you back! Though, doesn't sound like you're too happy about it."

Alicia had her question answered for her when Thorn began to stir from her long sleep, remaining silent as she turned and realised what had happened. "Good morning" she replied in her usual soft tone, edged with an essence of her refined nature.

"No shit." Sara growled weakly, at what was essentially her new master. "I got a fucking hole in my stomach, how do you think I feel?." Even in her state, she still somehow found the will to be sarcastic. In the meantime, she laid back, closing her eyes and struggling with the pain.

Okay, deep breath Sara. With this thought out of the way, she cleared her mind instantly. There was pain, yes. She acknowledged this truth but she didn't push it aside. She let it roll over her, full-heartedly embracing and dominating it. Within a few moments, she was able to wrangle it, and her breathing, under control. The pain was still there but at least it was manageable, its distant pulse still making its presence.

Almost instantly, despite the injury her feisty nature returned and the captain lazily put her head in one hand and huffed. "Well, yeah. But last I recall, you were a sore loser trying to get out of a bet. Fight wasn't to the death ya know. By the way, you should thank the doctor here. She saved you from a trip to Davy. Trust me, it's not a place you really wanna be. At least not yet anyway." Runali pulled her mini rambles into a coherent focus. "Anyway, you probably feel absolutely shitty yeah? But, it's better than being dead! Maybe Alicia'll allow you a rematch some time on our travels-" Looking at the doctor, she put her hands up with a laugh. "Not any time soon of course don't worry!"

Sara looked upon Runali with an expression that could only be described with someone being asked a very stupid question.

"I wasn't trying to get out of the bet, why would I die to do such a pointless thing? I was trying to win." With a soft sigh and a feeble shrug of her shoulders. "Or at least draw." She muttered to herself. When reminded of the person who saved her life, she responded with a very sarcastic growl gritting through her teeth.

"Thank you very much for reminding me, under different circumstances I would've done it sooner."

And for that matter, what the hell was a Davy? It sounded like some stupid barbarian faith, so now she was in the involuntary servitude of a person who believed in this mythical Davy.

"And thank you doctor." She added, not forgetting whatever medic saved her life this time.

Alicia had characteristically kept quiet as she watched the interactions, however she raised her eyebrow when Runali mentioned a rematch before giving a small shake of her head. "I will not be consenting to another duel. The fight was won and we have what we wanted, profit included" she responded. Even if Runali had asked her, she wouldn't have entered the arena without there being a good enough reason. "That being said, you fought well Thorn, but I believe it falls to you to hold your end of the deal in regards to our wager" the eyes of the swordswoman watched Thorn carefully, curious for her response.

With her suggestion shot down, the captain puffed up and frowned. "Aww- yeah okay. That's fair." Almost instantly she was over the denied future fight. She didn't seem very bothered by Sara's previous statements either, curious as to how Sara would respond. "S'nothing wrong with being a pirate. You get freedom and treasure! That's like the two best things in life- maybe. Depends on who you ask. But you wouldn't have to fight for money-" She paused and shrugged. "Well, okay maybe you might. But not in tournaments that are rigged for you to win."

Sara's expression darkened ever so slightly at the revelation that Alicia would not agree to another fight but it gradually relaxed back to her natural expression, although a tad annoyed.

"Of course." Sara said stiffly. "I lost, didn't I?" She paused for just a moment before adding.

"And my name is Sara Masuma."

The captain's hands clasped together and she grinned. "Sara, nice to formally meet you!" She held her hand out to the fighter. "And welcome to the Stardusk Crew! Nice to have another girl around the ship too, might I add."

Alicia merely nodded in response. She'd wondered if she was going to argue or put up a fight about it. Honestly if she had done there was nothing that Alicia would have done, except perhaps have been disappointed that she'd wasted her time and effort. But knowing that she'd make good on her end of the deal was welcome news. "We'll find you a job aboard the ship and quarters for your belongings, you'll fit right in I'm sure" she said with a small smile before adding, "Welcome to the crew, Sara".

Sara's response was less enthusiastic than the others would've liked. With merely a resigned sigh and the turn of her head. She sat up, leaning against the bed rest, her sheets falling back down to her waist. With her top utterly destroyed because of the fight, and all the blood, the only thing covering her chest were the bandages that were wrapped around her body. She seemed distant, staring out of the window and onto the sea, a tinge of melancholy on her expression.

"I'd think I'd like to be alone, for a little bit." She said, not turning to the others. As they gathered to leave, Sara reached out and grabbed onto Alicia's wrist with a weak grip, a determined expression on her face. "Not you, I need to talk to you."

The swordswoman noticed the look of disappointment and although she could some what understand it, she was confident that her thoughts and feelings on the matter would change the more she got to know them. Besides it wasn't like Sara had no choice in the matter after all, although Runali could certainly be persistent when she wanted something.

Alicia gave a single nod and used her free hand to brace herself as she stood to leave with the others, stopping only when her wrist was grabbed causing her to look down toward Sara with a slightly raised eyebrow before giving a small nod. She would turn back to her seat, pulling it forwards closer to the bed before sitting down.

Once again she pushed through the pain of her movements, wondering if it might be better if she held onto her own medication from the doctor, given that Runali could either make this worse or make her unable to feel at all... neither of which appealed to her. "You have my attention" she spoke, prompting Sara to speak her mind.

Sara stared at Alicia as she took her seat, silent until everybody else was outside the room. Before she began though, she cleared her throat and said in a hoarse voice. "Can you pour me a glass of water?" She pointed towards the nearby jug and glasses. Once it was done, she took it gratefully and sipped it carefully. "Thanks."

With her thirst sated, and a little bit more strength coming back, she set it back on the table and turned to face Alicia, as determined as she was in the arena.

"Do you understand why I have to duel you again?" Sara asked, her determination and ego both shining through.

Alicia gave a single nod and stood as she walked to the table, taking a glass and setting it down before lifting the jug to pour the water before taking the glass to Sara, all of which was done with one handed precision, each movement every bit as measured and controlled as everything that fell within the realms of the swordswoman's control. She took her seat once more and listened before taking in a larger breath, exhaling before she would give her response. "I see no reason why we need to fight again" she replied simply, "The purpose of it was to gain you as a member for this crew, which is why you're here" she paused, "And I have little interest in fighting over pride".

Sara nodded softly in understanding, her eyes once again taking in the smooth action, but she added quickly.

"But that's exactly why. When I lost the fight and the bet, I became the property of your boss. You might not see it like that, that I'm your 'friend' or something, but that's not the reality here. If my servitude was the cost of the bet, then I will gladly make that bet again. For me to go free, I must duel you, and win. I've earned my freedom once, and I will do it again."

She scoffed, looking away. "Besides, I do want to fight you again, if only to beat you and your supernatural bullshit."

Alicia's expression never changed nor betrayed her thoughts as she listened to what Sara explained. She would wait for her to finish before using her free arm to adjust herself in her seat. "There is nothing and no one keeping you here, if you wish to leave then do so" Alicia replied simply, "None of us have any interest in slavery". She paused to let that sink in before the swordswoman would continue, "I strongly recommend that as an alternative to fighting me Sara and I'll tell you why".

Alicia's tone would change with her next words as she spoke, "I will not lose, no matter how many times you try and the next time I won't be fulfilling an obligation to my friend and captain. By that I mean I won't be holding back to ensure you don't die... I will kill you, Sara, not because I want to... but because the threat you pose is enough for me to ensure you don't get the chance to kill me first" Alicia was deadly honest in what she was saying.

It'd make sense to anyone who had ever raised a weapon to protect themselves. The brutal truth was Alicia would cut down Sara with the fullest extent of her strength if required, because to hold back and tempt death again would be too great a risk and not one she was willing to take. No one intended to die, not even Alicia, but if her fate called for her she would not meet it at the hands of this girl and not before she reached her own ambitions.

Sara paused, letting it sink in before letting out a bark of laughter, not before wincing at the pain of it. "Hah! Good answer! If that's the case, then I look very forward to our next and last duel." It looked like the point of the threat flew right over her head. "Besides, I honor my debts. If I run away now, then I'll just be a slave to my own weakness. No, Alicia, I'll stay as long as I have to." She laid back, onto the bed rest, smiling softly to herself, a little bit tired out after that exertion.

Alicia exhaled a sigh as she stood up, "You will only find your death" she said before taking the chair back to the table, sliding it neatly under it. "You will not convince me to fight you again, so I suggest you either find a good enough reason to make me think otherwise or take the wiser path and let it go" she could see that the gladiator was tired, still recovering from her injuries. "Get some rest, you'll need it, trust me" she was used to the life of a Stardusk but she couldn't really say she was prepared for it.

Alicia could hear the same bark of laughter and wince of pain as she passed through the door. "And what a memorable death that might be!" Sara called out to her, still chuckling to herself as she closed her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

The captain had herded everyone out of the room and to the bar wondering things about breakfast and other plans. Fortunately, Jack was already one step ahead of them with breakfast at the ready. "Nice to see you made it through a night with them Jack. Well on your way!" When Alicia returned without Sara in tow, the captain nodded to the Madame "Probably best to have something sent to the sleeper. At this rate, we'll have to tow her onto the ship if she won't wake up."

Location: The bar of "Le Petit Morte"
Time: It's dark outside

The Navigator turned to Ray, expression of total and absolute drunken confusion on his face. "Frankly, shrr, I am absholutely offended! A pershon... a pershop... a..." His breath was smelling like a liquor factory. The cheap kind of liquor factory. He downed the rest of his glass, and refilled it from bottle that was standing next to him. The bottle lacked any kind of markings, and the liquid inside changed from green to red to green again, every dozen or so seconds. He clumsily refilled his glass, spilling around about as much as he managed to pour into the glass. A faint smell of something distant and sweet filled the space around Arc and Ray. "We hev... heve..." He tried to touch Ray and instead fell of the chair.

The man picked himself up with more precision and vigour than he anticipated. The sudden change of height made his head spin, and he landed back on the chair, clutching the table as if it was the last anchor in existence. He focused his eyes on Ray, or possibly something slightly to the left of the swordsman. "He... ey! You's... Ray!" He took a sip from the glass to steady his nerves for the arduous task of conversation. "Ray! You... make iceshhhhh..." He twirled the glass in front of his eyes, almost spilling the drink again. "Ray... the iceshhman... hee... hee..." He grinned and proceeded to maniacally laugh for a short moment, suddenly stopping and looking at Ray. "It drags you... under the water... hehe... but what if... what if... what if... what happens when you can't sing... sink! Sink any lower under the sea? Eh?" He forgot about his half full glass and took a swig from the bottle directly. "What... happenssh... if you are under the sea? Liter... ally... When you can only sink up? Doesh it drag you up?"

Somewhere in the alcohol-laden halls of his brain, the something made him realize he perhaps said too much. He pulled himself up on his legs. "The seash... are bit rough... today!" he muttered as he failed to properly stabilize. "I bid you... a good night... fair lady!" he whooped, perhaps too loud. "I go now... to shing the songsh of my... people!" He grabbed the bottle and quickly staggered away out of the bar into the night, heading in the general direction of Lady Luck. Even hammered drunk, a good navigator, after all, always knew where he left his ship.

Location: Gunnel of "Lady Luck"
Time: Light is pain

The sea gently sloshed and foamed against the ship's rudder and the nearby jetty, and the morning's air was still cool from the night. The sun's rays were landing at sharp angle against the face of the Navigator, hanging over the gunnel, head and upper half of the body off the side of the ship. The dehydrated brain and hungover mind were unable to form complicated thoughts, so they kept it simple. Existence was pain.

Location: The Crew's room in "Le Petit Morte"
Time: Light is slightly less pain

The huge mug in his hands offered some comfort. The combination of hot black tea ("One spoon per cup, one for pot." Whoever wrote the label that was on the wrapping of the brick of compressed black tea was Kadi's man, the Navigator assumed, as he picked up the soup spoon), sliced citrus fruits, honey and black tar rum was quite successfully at melting the hangover away. Still, his presence in the room was rather physical, so to say. People talked around him, and luckily seemed to handle the conversation to their satisfaction without his input.

"What?" he blurted out over the rim of the mug. "No, Cap'n... no bar fights, as far as I know. I imagine I would be aware of that occurring.

When they left the two warrior women alone, Arcadius turned his bloodshot eyes to Runail. "Well, boss. Guess we technically own a person, now. I reckon' we ought to write a slave contract, or something. Have her sign in with her blood, too. Can't have people telling around we don't know how to put up a show." He took a long drink of the tea. It was hot, but not hot enough to burn his mouth, just hot enough to accentuate the mellow bitter of the tea, sweet sourness of the lemon and honey, and a hint of spiced bite the black rum added. "Seems to be a poor loser, too."
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Luro grinned at the response of his captain and folded his hands behind his head his attention moving to Thorn, she was their newest member he wanted to hurry and learn about her. He wasn't sure where Jack was but he'd have time for all of that later, that and Thorn went toe to toe with Alicia she had to have interesting stories to tell. Seeing Alicia enter he raised a hand to her his eyes moving to her cast for a moment, it was weird seeing Alicia injured, at least to this point. Ray could get his arm blown off and grow it back, granted he knew he'd be in the same boat if his arm got bent out of shape, though he could shoot with either arm so he wasn't too worried about it. He was sure Alicia could fight with one arm but she'd definitely be a little weaker. Seeing a friend in such a state caused him to ruffle his hair slightly before turning back to Thorn as she woke up.
"Good morning Thorn!" Luro said raising a hand.

When Ray and Kadi entered Luro lowered his hand and shrugged his shoulders, he expected Ray to cause a little trouble but with the captain's response he found himself only more confused. They weren't being thrown out so if he did do something it couldn't have been that bad. It was Kadi however that really drew Luro's attention, a small grin found its way onto his face seeing his comrade shuffle into the room, he knew the look of a man who drank just the right amount the night before. Turning he walked over to Kadi and slapped him on the shoulder
"Good morning Kadi! You got the look of a man who had plenty of drink! Don't you just feel great the day after, like the whole world's shining a little brighter?!" Luro exclaimed before laughing.

When the Madame poked her head in Luro removed his hand from Kadi's shoulder and raised it to her as a sign of thanks before turning to Ray and holding up two fingers as Thorn whose name was Sara apparently spoke.
"That's two drinks Ray, I didn't kill him and he came back. I mean I had the opportunity but I didn't…cause the captain would get upset...and the drinks," Luro said.
Luro seemed serious on both fronts so it was probably hard to figure out which one was more important at the moment, though there was probably a reason drinks was the last thing he said.
"Nice to meet you Masu!" Luro said as Sara was formally welcomed. "You'll have fun here, especially if that's how you try to win, you'll do great. I'll bring you with me next time I go chair shopping...well if I remember."
At the request of Sara Luro didn't immediately leave staring at her with a small smile, though a tug from Zilia eventually got him out of the room.

Once outside he lingered near the door for a moment before following the captain downstairs, he wasn't sure but conversation seemed serious and he wasn't in the mood to think at the moment. Once downstairs Luro's attention moved over to Kadi at his comment and Luro tilted his head to the side.
"Bah there's no need for that Kadi, besides we're pirates, official stuff is for the navy. Word of mouth is good enough, I mean if someone breaks their word over something this serious, we kill or hurt them, that's generally how it goes...kind of and Masu seems pretty decent. She is a crewmate now so..."
Luro dug in his sleeve for a moment and flipped through his notebook, stopping on a page he read what was in it.
"Yeah no killing her is bad, so yeah a promise seems fine," Luro said putting the book away.


Zilia lowered her head seeing Runali look over her notes, the captain's facial expressions gave away that this information was lost on her. She felt a little insulted at the comment of her handwriting but she couldn't deny that she scribbled. All this information was memorized after all she had no need to write it down, thinking about it she probably just wrote it down without taking into consideration if Runali could read it as it was. She took the piece of paper back and sighed trying to figure out a way to write it without the complicated parts, however at Runali's offer she raised her head to her. Though it wasn't visible through the hood her eyes had widened at the kind captain's offer, she wasn't sure what to really say to her in response. Runali not only thanked her, and was intent on paying her but if she took her offer she'd have a ride off the island. While she thought on the offer Thorn awoke causing her to jump a little, she had been paying little attention only to realize the rest of Stardusk had gathered as well.

The moment Thorn was up Zilia looked in her direction her hidden eyes moving along her body for a moment, thankfully nothing outward was wrong but as the woman said there was a hole in her after all, to leave her without proper care and Alicia as well would be a bad thing. Crossing her arms she brought a hand to her chin, her head leaning to the side slightly. Her mouth twitched slightly as she found it hard to decline Runali's offer, minus the fact her life could be in danger, not that it wasn't just being in this town, it was a free ride and she really didn't want someone she took the time to treat to die. Hearing Thorn whose name seemed to be Sara thank her Zilia looked over at her, she gave her a small nod glad she wasn't too upset about being brought back to life.
Plenty of those who lost preferred to go into the dark beyond than deal with the people who lost their bets on them.

Zilia left the room at Thorn's request pulling Luro along with her before she went to join the others downstairs, she wasn't sure if the breakfast offer extended to her as well but she saw no harm in inquiring, she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday anyway. The mere mention of food caused her stomach to grumble. Though she put her focus on answering Runali's question as she honestly didn't have to think about it, perhaps it was the fact she was dealing with pirates again that made her hesitate. Walking up to Runali she wrote on a piece of paper before holding it out to her.

"I will take you up on your offer Runali Lev, you can consider my ride as the payment for my services. Once your friends are better you can drop me off wherever."

"Aye… 'own' a person. When do ya think she'll realize that's... not the case? By the way, ya look like you've risen from the dead."

"Aha, yeah? Drop you off? That sure would be an option wouldn't it?"

Location: Aboard Lady Luck

The next few hours went by in a blur of relaxed energy- well, as relaxed an energy it could be when the Stardusk were involved. And like all their adventures, it ended with the crew standing on the deck of Lady Luck.

"Alright crew!" As per usual- or at least, a familiar sight, the captain hopped onto a nearby barrel as all eyes fell on her. "We got a bit lucky with this 'restocking' trip we went on, yeah? From supply shopping to getting three new members! So, I'd like to officially welcome them, Sara, Jack, and Zilia to the Stardusk crew! Nice to have a cook, a doctor, annnd well a fighter is always handy for the trouble we cause." She grinned and saluted the three before hopping off the barrel. "It's like a two for one special! Well, three for one technically? Either way, our small crew is growing!" She was walking off at this point, making random comments more to herself than the rest of the crew. And as she got closer to the edge of the ship, she noticed a note nailed to the side. "Hm?"

She sat on the edge of the ship and looked it over:

A bit of an abrupt departure, sure. Uncharacteristic? Necessary.

A deal was a deal, Lev. I was able to find somewhat familiar land and friendly faces, so I took my leave. I will not deny the treatment was more hospitable than I expected, but my opinion on you lot hasn't changed.

Judging by your little adventure in Tilea, you'll have until nightfall before the navy finds where your ship is docked and calls for reinforcements.

I would suggest you move quick, but I'm sure I'll see you and your crew back in Kane'Artem in the future.


The captain read the note a few times over before looking out towards Harbor island's docks where she had seen the navy ships last. Quietly, she folded the piece of paper and slipped it into her pocket. Runali let out a small huff before looking back at her crew with a smile. "Let's get going. We're wasting the last bits of daylight sitting around here!"

Soon enough, Tilea was yet another place the Stardusk crew stamped on their map. Like every other island they had adventured to, who knew if they'd come back to visit.


Location → Lady Luck

Two weeks of ocean water and getting acquainted with new crewmates had passed. She pestered Sara about different fighting styles she knew, saying she'd be curious about the demonstrations when she was fully healed. She sat with Jack while he cooked, making sure to compliment said chef and make it clear that he wouldn't be fed to any sharks because the food was great. The captain took care to ask Zilia shorter and simpler questions to save her the need to write so much, although she did question how much paper she had. Runali never questioned her being mute however. Obviously if she had to write everything down, she wasn't able to talk. "Oh man, but who will yell at us about things that are a bad idea- well we have Kadi for that still."

Speaking of the navigator, she wandered to where he was at the helm of the ship and leaned on his shoulder to see the map. "Smooth sailing so far, that's great. As expected from an ace navigator, but uh, I feel like I should ask, just where are we going?" For the most part, their adventure had been to sail in one direction and hope to get into trouble- at least that was the captain's idea. She was still trying to figure out a plan of action when it came to that kind of thing.

As the navigator explained his suggestions and gave his response, Runali stared at the names on the map. She was listening- for the most part. "I mean, you know better than me abo-" The wind picked up, causing the map to flutter for a brief moment and when it finally settled, one particular island caught her attention. "...Sunter?" For a brief moment, she stared at where Kadi had said the ship was, trailing her finger to the island labelled Sunter. They weren't too far from it.

The captain stood straight and put her hand on her head in disbelief. "Holy...hell. I can't believe it!" She started pacing in circles, murmuring different places they had been, trying to connect imaginary dots. "We've gone full circle! Oh hell, she's gonna kill me it's been about two years- maybe more. I died like twice too- ya know what I'm leaving that part out. Shoot am I forgetting something? Ah man, it's near rain season too of course we end up there now." The captain stepped into high gear. "Set sail to that island Kadi! Full speed!" Without stopping she began to help change the course and rig the sails with the rest of the crew until she stopped in her tracks towards the curious eyes.

Runali ran fingers through her hair and laughed. "I- uh, well it's been awhile since I've been… well home. If you guys don't mind… a slight detour?"



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Location: La Petite Morte

Sara, after her conversation with Alicia, was still fast asleep, tossing and turning, no longer in critical condition. When someone came to eventually wake her up, she slowly rolled out of bed and onto her feet, her legs shaking and unable to support her weight. She was still very pale but had enough strength to support herself using her spear as a makeshift walking stick. But that was the limits of her strength, someone else would have to carry her other weapons and her rather heavy carrying sack.

"And I'm going to need new clothes too." She asked, narrowing her eyes slightly as she became more aware that she was essentially wearing nothing but bandages.

Once fully clothed she, with great difficulty, stepped out of her room and looked around, slowly realizing where she was. An expression of disgust flickered but quickly suppressed, if only for politeness out of the fact that they saved her life. So with her eyes down, she slowly made her way out, muttering in Tilean under her breath. Sara walked with the rest of the group, one hand on her spear to support herself, the other clutching at her stab wound. She was pallid, with heavy sweat marks glistening feverishly on her forehead, a shot of pain ran down her side every time she took a step. Yet she did not complain or ask for help. But she didn't refuse any offers to help.

Location: Aboard Lady Luck

Sara could only look upon her new captain with what could be described as a withering look. Despite only taking in every second word, Sara understood enough to realize that she was babbling on about nothing. When Runali dismissed everyone, she sighed to herself, turning to face the sea, her expression turned to gloom. She was unable to appreciate the beautiful sight of the moonlit sky and stars reflected in the waters, or how it would be impossible to see where the sky ends and the sea begins. Instead, worried and anxious thoughts drifted across her mind. These thoughts still remained, even when she eventually found a place to sleep within the doctor's room.

Location: Aboard Lady Luck

Sara did not emerge from the doctor's office for all the first week, recovering her strength and listening to Zillia's instructions. Surprisingly, she didn't try to overexert herself physically, instead focusing on resting and getting back in working condition. It wasn't until the dawn of the first week, when the calm coastal seas had shifted to the rougher ocean waves, did the doctor's office burst open and Sara ran out, still in her patient's garbs, with hand over her mouth. She ran towards the boat's edge and, leaning out, vomited into the sea. It was only when she had nothing left in her stomach to vomit out was when she finally stopped to sit down on the wooden planks and lean against the railing. Her face, whilst not as pale as it was before, now had an unhealthy green tinge.

"Up and down, up and down." She moaned, rubbing her temples and circling her head. "Does it ever stop?!"

The ocean was still relatively calm, so the only conclusion one could make is that Sara is in for rougher times. She lurched back to the office and slammed the door behind her. It wasn't until the next day that she came out again, still green, but with control of her stomach. She avoided looking at the sea and only stepped out to move to the canteen, eating close to the center so the waves would not affect her as much. When pestered by the captain, Sara, still rather green, shooed her away, saying "Not now! Not now!".

She was sitting on deck, at the center, when she heard the captain's announcement. "Dry land?" Sara responded. "Sure, anything to get off this leaky tub!" As if karma struck her down, a particularly hard wave hit the ship that moment, rolling it about. With a green face, she slowly stood up and made her way towards the nearest edge.

Good ol fashioned Bonding
Location: Aboard Lady Luck.

Luro took in a deep breath once they were back aboard the Lady Luck, cheering as the new crewmates were introduced, ignoring Zilia's clear disagreement with the captain's comment.
They went to a new place and now had new crewmates, it was hard not to be excited. The moment they were out on the water he wasted no time asking the three new members all manners of questions. He asked Sara random questions generally about herself, how many people she's killed, why she takes their weapons and the weird words she says, he asked Jack how good he was with the ladies and random questions about his favorite fish and drink, a plethora of other random questions like his favorite wood also came up. Zilia answered four out of the fifty-nine questions since she only had time to write a response to them and a request to stop.

Time passed on the ship and though Luro was happy to be back on the sea something had been on his mind since they set off. He had sat and watched the sea and taken his gun apart hundreds of times, but he couldn't get back into his usual flows. His head hurt because he was thinking too much and he couldn't stop thinking because he wanted answers. He knew what this feeling was, his chest felt tight and he couldn't get the same thoughts out of his head. He didn't like it but he had to confront this, and standing up he made his way to the person making him feel this way.

"Alicia can we talk for a moment?"
Luro rubbed the back of his neck offering a small grin to his crewmate.
"In private...I'd rather not talk about this openly...if that's okay."

Being aboard the Lady Luck again felt good despite the pain and aches, her body continuing to complain and remind her of the consequences of being mortal. When Runali gave orders to set sail, Alicia gave a firm nod before turning towards the others. "You heard the captain! let's get our fair lady back on the ocean. Kadi at the helm, release the main sail at half mast, batten down the hatches and secure the cargo" unfortunately Alicia wouldn't be able to take care of the main sail herself, due to her arm. So she'd approach Ray for help, "Raymond, if you'd please see to the main sail... I'm afraid I'm in no physical condition to do it myself" she said apologetic smile, motioning to the limp sleeve of her kimono as her arm was still bound to her waist for support. Before long they would be on the ocean once more, the sea in their hair and the land at their backs.

The following two weeks Alicia primarily focused on getting better, giving her body time for bruises to heal and the break of her arm to mend. It'd be a further two weeks before she was able to use it again and even then she'd have to be careful not ot put it under too much strain.

Sitting at the bow of the ship where she'd usually be found, the swordswoman spent her time painting symbols from her home land, beautiful symbols of the Yula Fey culture. She paused only when Luro approached her, looking up with a small smile which fell slowly into one of concern when Luro asked to speak privately. "Of course, Luro" she said before slowly managing herself to her feet after placing the brush she'd been using to pain with into a small cup of water. She motioned for Luro to follow her further towards the bow away from the others, ensuring that they were alone before she gave Luro another concerned glance. "Is everything alright?" she asked.

Luro followed Alicia in silence rubbing his arm slightly as they walked away, though he was happy for the alone time this was still an awkward thing to bring up, but it was something that needed to be said so he took a few breaths mentally preparing himself. He slapped his cheeks a few times and stopped when Alicia did. He stared at her for a moment moving his hands into his sleeves as he averted his gaze from her, he was surprisingly more docile than usual, somehow being his normal forward self was hard at this moment. He wasn't even sure where to start with this so he supposed the beginning was the only real option.

"Alicia…" he said still refusing to look her in the eye.

He trailed off for a moment shifting around uncomfortably, shutting his eyes he hesitated for a moment before letting out a small sigh and turning to look at her.

"I've been…bothered by a few things lately. It happened after seeing your fight. I've been thinking about the past a lot, I mean…we've known each other a long time. I still remember the days of Utsukushi clearly, fighting together like we'd done so for years already."
Luro laughed a little at this but cleared his throat since he was focusing too much on the past.

"In that time I've seen you almost die…a bunch of times. I never doubted you'd get out of it though, you're strong after all…there wasn't a moment I expected you to actually fall. Yet two years ago when we all separated I worried for the first time and then…again in the arena. Seeing you bloody and beaten I was proud of you as you earned that victory as Alicia Tashigi. I've never seen you beaten in such a way though and it made my heart hurt….it made it hurt a lot."
Luro reached up and gripped his chest for a moment at this as if reliving the moment caused that familiar pain to return, he went silent for a moment shaking his head as that wasn't all he needed to say.

"Alicia there's something I have to say to you," Luro said with a firm nod.
Reaching forward he took his friends free hand in both of his and stared into her eyes with a strong but determination.
"…it might be a little selfish…and probably a little awkward but…would you hear what I have to say. I need to make my feelings known to you…I fear it might tear me apart if I don't say it."

Alicia listened as Luro explained, blinking as she realised that she had never really considered how her actions might affect others in terms of their worry for her safety, feeling some what guilty as he explained further. Her look of concern only deepened as he continued, his hands taking hers which prompted her to listen further. When he finished explaining she had more than a few questions, but stopped herself as she simply gave a nod. "Luro if there's something bothering you then of course I want to hear it, especially if I am in some way the cause of your upset. What's wrong?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at him.

Luro seemed to visibly relax at Alicia's response, though he was grateful he still wasn't sure how to say what was bothering him, and now that he was staring at her there was a feeling in the pit of his stomach, like something was bouncing around uncontrollably. He opened his mouth to speak but ultimately closed it and released Alicia's hand. Crossing his arms across his chest he took a small step back hating how hard it was to say a few simple words.

"I mean...Alicia you know I think you're great right? You're cool, you can fight well and I mean look at you."
Luro unfolded his arms and motioned towards Alicia to make his point.
"I know I call you manly but I think of you in other ways too...that's a big part of it but...no wait that's...that's not what I'm trying to say...hmm."
Luro ruffled his hair a long exasperated sigh escaping from him, he kept talking about other things and not what he wanted to really say.
"I mean...looking at you how can I not think that way right...but...Alicia I feel if I tell you this it'll change...this."
Luro made a motion to himself and Alicia with his hand before his gaze move to the wooden floorboards of the ship.
"I don't...want to lose...this...but...it's agonizing not to say something...just...promise me no matter your answer...this won't go anywhere...I mean...I like...this...but I...hm.."

The more Luro spoke the more the young swordswoman became more and more confused, at least at first. She thought she might have an idea of what he wanted to say, but with Luro that really could be anything as he was very much the most unpredictable member of the crew. Her eyes watched him as he spoke, noting his body language and the look of frustration painted across his features as he struggle to speak to her. Alicia gave a small steadying exhale before she reached forward and gently took both of Luro's hands, bringing them between them, letting his hands rest on hers as she held them flat with her thumbs on the backs of his hands. "Relax, take a deep breath" she breathed in one herself, prompting him to copy her. "Then breath out" she exhaled softly. "Now, think about what you want to say and then when you think you have it in your mind, try and put words to it".

Luro's eyes seemed to wander everywhere but the person in front of him, he wanted to pace, to move, to do something, a part of him wanted to walk away but that wouldn't be good, that wouldn't solve anything. His head hurt with all the thoughts forming in his head, his heart hurt, his stomach felt weird nothing felt right. Feeling something touch him though pulled him from himself causing his attention to focus back on Alicia, he blinked a few times and not sure what else to do gave a small nod and mimicked Alicia. After a moment of this he seemed to regain his bearings a little. He was silent for a moment taking Alicia's advice as he formed the words in his mind, not stepping away or removing his hands to remind himself she was still there.

"I think I got it," he said looking back at her. "Alicia...do you...still think of me as your rival?"

Luro was silent for a moment after this his whole form seeming to relax to its former state now that he had said what was bothering him.

"I mean...after that fight with Thorn, uh I mean Masu! You guys colliding all that stuff going on, it was amazing. I mean I watch you all the time Alicia. I can tell when you're tense, when you're happy, when you do that thing, you know push your sword out of it's sheath so you can draw it at a moment's notice, the steps you take before you make a move with your sword, the movement of your butt during some of your strikes. All of it...but...watching that fight was like on a whole other level! I always try to become stronger, to be a worthy rival but we're miles apart, you and Masu are much closer...so you know...it bothered me. If you don't want me to be your rival anymore I understand...but I needed to say something."

Alicia listened intently as Luro explained, unable to hide the smallest of blushes when he mentioned how he'd noticed her preparation methods within her technique and specifically her rear, which she thought to question before deciding it might be better to leave that for another time, given what he'd said next. She thought got a moment before giving a small nod, "I see" she began, "Let me see if I can explain things" she stepped back, letting Luro's hands fall to his sides as she took her free hand to her waist and withdrew her sword.

She stepped towards the guard rail of the bow, lifting the sword up above her head before flicking it towards the water, causing a small explosion of water to whip upwards beside them. Alicia stuck her sword into the water that fell back towards the ocean, collecting droplets onto the blade which she carefully brought back to Luro. "People are much like droplets of water" she said softly. "They appear the same" she said before flicking her blade towards the wood between them, the water droplets splashing into individual marks on the dry surface. "But each one takes it's own shape, unique and independent from any other" she motioned to the differences in the marks, some larger, some smaller and each differently splashed against the floorboards.

"Yet still, though they're all different, they're all made of water" she twirled the blade nimbly before sliding it back into her saya. "Much like people, Luro. We are all different but on the inside" she pressed two fingers to Luro's chest gently, "We are all made of the same thing" she smiled, "I see neither you nor Sara as my rival, for I do not seek a rival in anyone that I meet" she paused for a moment to think about what she was saying. "When I look at you, when I look at the others. I see people that I would lay down my life for, that I would trust to have beside me in any given situation, from here and beyond" she smiled again, "I would never call people I value so highly and hold so dearly, a rival".

Luro watched Alicia in silence his eyes moving to her sword as she drew it and watching the powerful yet graceful movement as she collected the droplets. His head tilted to the side slightly but he listened nonetheless trying to understand what Alicia was trying to say. He closed his eyes, his eyes twitching slightly during her explanations the words seemed to fly over his head as he opened his eyes to stare at the droplets. His gaze moved back over to Alicia as she touched her fingers to his chest and he stared down at the droplets once more, at her comment on their state as rivals however he sighed a little.
"Aw man...I try really hard to be you rival Alicia...that hurts a little," Luro said rubbing the back of his neck.
He laughed a little and grinned his familiar grin to show he was only joking, at least a little.
"I get what ya saying though...someone told me something similar a long time ago…"

Luro raised his arms and folded them behind his head as it was his turn to explain things, he wasn't sure he could use fancy stuff like Alicia did but he would do his best. Reaching back he grabbed the rifle off his back and held it in his hands.
"Hmmm it's hard for me not to see you as a rival though...I mean everyone else yeah but when I look at you it's hard not to view you as someone to meet on even footing. I feel that way towards the others too, but with you...I see it differently. Probably cause we tried to fight each other before we were crewmates I can just get in that mindset...well the captain too but...you're still different."

Luro flipped the rifle in his hands and turning towards the ocean rested it on his shoulder before he cocked it a bullet falling into the chamber.

"I don't wanna beat you as a rival...it'd be cool if I became stronger but that's not what I want. Probably want Masu wants but I want to stand by your side. There's so much malice out there ya know, hate and power. Powerful people are everywhere, and if a day comes when you find yourself up against something that your strength can't beat alone I'll be standing right there by your side adding my strength to yours...but if I'm not strong enough that won't matter, why I get stronger."

Luro reached up and touched the Stardusk symbol on his chest with his fingers, there was a clearness in his eyes, almost like a fog had lifted from his vision for a moment.
"I'll stand by all your sides taking on the strongest with everything I have, if you're not strong enough then I'll give you mine, if I'm not strong enough...well I'll probably die but that comes with it ya know. We're Stardusk, we stand together...I think. I'll always try to meet your strength Alicia, I'll get more powerful and I'll stand side by side with you against anything, same with everyone else cause you guys are dear to me...I think."
Luro reached down and picked up a rum bottle and hurled it high towards the sky letting it spin in the air, turning towards Alicia he grinned at her and made a motion towards the horizon with his head.

"If you had one shot, if you had to pull the trigger once wouldn't you want to hit what you aimed at?"

Luro raised his gun sideways and closing his eyes exhaled before pulling the trigger, when he did the bullet hit the falling bottle shattering it into pieces. Opening his eyes he rested his gun on his shoulder.

"I'm not allowed to miss Alicia, I got too many people behind me not to hit what I'm aiming at. For those people I'll be the strength they need if they need it. You guys are pretty strong already though but I'll match you, and I'll be your wall if you need me to be. I'll die a Stardusk that I intend on doing."
Luro sighed and moved his gun behind his head resting his arms on it, the clearness in his eyes seemed to fade replaced by the familiar carefree gaze behind it.
"Really though you guys are really strong, Ray's got powers, the Captain can punch things with style, Kadi's all smart, Masu's got good adaptability, and I can look at Jack and see he knows how to defend himself. I'm sorry though Alicia you're gonna be my rival for a bit longer I'm afraid. I need something to aim towards, just know it's out of love I promise, I won't try to kill ya or nothin."
Luro chuckled a little at this and moved his gun to his back.
"Still though if Masu's not your rival then that means I'm naturally still yours, that's science Kadi style right? I think he's starting to rub off on me."
A toothy grin formed on Luro's face as he stared at Alicia, almost as if he had missed everything the woman had said moments before.

Alicia listened as Luro replied and spoke his piece, even giving a small clap as he bullseyed the bottle out of the air with precision she could never hope to achieve with a projectile weapon. She smiled and respectfully inclined her head as Luro expressed his desire to add his strength to hers. "That means a lot to hear Luro, thank you" she replied, her eyes focusing on him as he eventually went on to explain that he would still consider her his rival. She gave a soft laugh, "If it is necessary for you to see me in such a way then I won't endeavor to change your mind. However just try to remember what I said before and know that... while you do aggravate me at times with your favored insult, I cherish you dearly, and my blade will always be available to you, whether it be in defence or vengeance in your name" she inhaled the fresh sea air and exhaled. "If there is one thing I would ask of you Luro" she looked up to the side at him with a smile, "Never change who you are".

Luro couldn't help but smile a little wider glad to see his friend would lean on him if need be, he did the same for everyone else after all, thanks to the captain and Kadi he didn't have to think at all, and with Ray, Alicia and now Masu and Jack he didn't have to fight alone. It was always more fun fighting with friends then by oneself, that was one truth he knew very well, not that it wasn't fun to fight by oneself.
"Eh he he thanks Alicia, know that I would commit genocide of an entire people if it meant your safety and everyone else's, you need my gun you say the word," Luro said with a firm nod. "I'll always be Luro Makachi Alicia, the carpenter of Stardusk, best in the south sea ya know."
Luro chuckled a little at this before he blinked his smile fading a little.
"Though I've never insulted you Alicia, I only ever say nice things. I mean you got a real nice body, and when I look at your face it makes me think of those goddesses I keep hearing about everywhere. Hah...if we weren't crewmates and you weren't the epitome of manliness I'd take a shot at you. Oh I learned that word from Kadi, I asked him how to describe how manly you were with fancy words. Hah...it almost makes me sad...the captain's the captain, and Sara's too feminine for me I keep worrying I'll offend her somehow, but with you it's not a problem, cause your manliness is almost godly Alicia, I'm envious I'll reach that level one day."

Alicia's smile started to fade as Luro did that thing he usually did, which was to talk more and not think about what he was saying. His words started off flattering but quickly descended into more insults, leaving the white haired swordswoman with a frown. "There it is, you just did it again!" she crossed her arm under her bound one instead of doing what she usually did, which was to clip him round the head or hit him with something heavy. "You keep calling me manly and that's exactly what I'm talking about" she continued to frown up at him, "How do you not see that calling me a man is insulting, I am not a man!" she replied, her tone firm, "I do not enjoy being compared to one physically and frankly it's hurtful!" she said before exhaling.

Seeing the movement of Alicia's hand Luro's entire body tensed, the pain normally followed at this point but when nothing came his body relaxed slightly. His head tilted to the side slightly and reaching up he scratched his cheek as Alicia commented on something surprisingly strange. Luro shut his eyes and gave a small nod, he understood what was making Alicia upset, he was surprised he didn't catch it before.
"...I understand Alicia, how could I be so heartless, please accept my apologies," Luro said.
Reaching forward he put a hand on Alicia's shoulder giving her a thumbs up with his other hand.
"Don't worry, your manliness doesn't hide the erotic parts of you, from a glance you're clearly a woman just manly. Don't beat yourself up over it, manliness is a good thing for you. I'll always respect your manitude Alicia."
Luro grinned and removed his hand from her shoulder.
"See taken care of, goodness Alicia just because you're manly doesn't mean you're not still a lady, the manliness just fills out the feminine parts, why you're not as feminine as Masu, she's not manly at all!"
Luro gave a firm nod and pat Alicia on the head.
"Don't worry, if I had to choose between you and Masu, I'd choose you anytime, but we're crewmates so that's wrong keep your mind out of the gutter Alicia. Anyway I got stuff to do, thanks for listening to me, I'd hug you but I don't wanna hurt your arm. Bye Alicia!"
Luro grinned and waving walked away from his comrade.



Location: Lady Luck

Zilia adjusted her things as she climbed aboard the Lady Luck, the name of the ship that would be her temporary home.
Moving her gloved hand along the side of the ship she sighed and sat down on a nearby crate. Reaching up she grabbed her hood and lowered it from her head shaking her head slightly. Reaching up she pulled on her bangs a little her amber eyes staring up at the blue sky for a moment. Reaching back she ran a hand along the edges of her short hair and looked back at the town, she had forgotten how long she'd stayed there. Her hair had grown out at least twice so that's all she had as a reminder of the time, pulling on the edges of her long side bangs she couldn't help but feel a small sadness. The place wasn't the greatest and she had suffered immensely but for a bit it was her home. Now that she thought about it she got tired of people judging her by her looks and kept her hood up most of the time, most of the pirates didn't think she knew how to wrap a wound much less treat a broken arm once they looked at her face. She was thankful that wasn't the case here, and since the captain herself looked young she was sure her youthful appearance wouldn't cast judgement on her ability, at least for the little time she'd be here.
"Speaking of which...what Miss Runali said bothered me earlier...why was she so facetious about dropping me off...the lack of a direct answer to that matter bothers me a little....it's because of matters like that my hair is already grey..."

Zilia put the matter aside as Runali seemed to address her people, she started to pull her hood back on but stopped and walked forward keeping it lowered. She supposed it was time to leave, as the captain spoke Zilia pulled out her book opening it so she could ask questions should they come up. She knew very little about the ship after all and wanted to know where she would be sleeping.
"It's important to eat healthy as well, Mr. Jack is the cook correct I should...wait what did she just say?!"
Zilia's gaze shot up to Runali when her name got added to the list of Stardusk crew, she quickly shook her head from side to side and started vehemently writing down on the paper.
"Whoa wait no! I'm not a member, I'm not a pirate! I'm just helping Miss Thorn and Miss Alicia please do not call me a member of Stardusk! Oi are you listening to me! I mean reading! Agh don't just continue-"
Zilia continued to write but Runali was already walking off talking to herself as she moved away from the group.
"Please listen to me!"


Two weeks later aboard Lady Luck.

Zilia sat on the side of the ship feet over the edge her face in her hands, this couldn't be real...this was some kind of weird joke right? She had been continuing to treat Alicia and Thorn and the two were thankfully recovering but there was no sign of Stardusk just...letting her leave. Runali had spoken to her asking her all kinds of questions like she was just naturally a crew member, she answered not sure what else to do but the girl had her own flow to things she couldn't find an opening to question why she was suddenly a 'member'. There was no one she could ask for help, each one was a Stardusk member! She would go to Miss Thorn but she was bound by some strange code, asking her would be selfish and Jack...she wasn't sure what to even think about him. The giant redhead kept trying to get her drink saying she looked too depressed so that didn't help either.
"...I've been kidnapped again haven't I...I willingly walked onto a pirate ship, what did I expect was going to happen? The only difference was last time it was at gunpoint, I just walked on. Gah! I walked onto a pirate ship! Everytime I say it I realize my own stupidity! Though...at least they're nice...long as I'm useful anyway. I try to help people why is there so much misfortune following me where I go, did I do something wrong in a past life?! Was my ancestor a homicidal warlord! Did I steal babies and sell them back to their mothers at twice the price! I did didn't I! That's why my luck is abysmal! This ship is no Lady Luck! It's a ship of endless misfortune! It's like it's taunting my very existence! Like my despair is the wind to her sails!"

At the mention of an island Zilia immediately perked up and swinging her legs over stood back on the deck, pulled from her depressing monologue by the hope of possible escape she turned and stopped as Sara ran past her towards the edge of the ship. Zilia scratched her cheek feeling a bit bad for her, she'd make some medicine later for her stomach. Hearing they were really heading towards land a relieved sigh escaped from her, the one good thing about Tilea was she could easily get medicinal herbs and supplies, though she stocked up one could never have too much and land meant escape, she could almost cry as luck had finally found her once more.
"I apologize Lady Luck, you must have been trying so hard to end my misfortune, thank you so much!"
Walking over to Thorn Zilia reached her hand forward and rubbed her back as she leaned over the side of the ship, writing on a piece of paper she held it towards her.
"I'll give you something for your stomach, hang in there Miss tho-"
Zilia quickly pulled the paper back and wrote on it again.
"Uh I mean Miss Sara."


Location: Brothel

Ray was glad to see that Jack managed to make it back in one piece, just as he had bribed Luro. Still hungover, he squinted at the volume of Luro's reminder of his debt. He gestured to keep the noise down, "Yeah, yeah, I didn't forget, just be quiet, please."

Location: Lady Luck, Two Weeks at Sea

After some rest, Ray was glad to be back on the open seas. He mostly tended to his duties onboard, making sure the ship sailed smoothly, since he was lacking any instruments to fulfill his primary job as Musician. Having Zillia accompany them put him at ease, since he wouldn't have to worry about his friends getting hurt as much, and having Jack along made things quite pleasant. He was no Nolan, but at least they weren't eating just stale hardtack and salt beef anymore.

Sara brought her own form of entertainment to the ship's Musician. He took a modicum of schadenfreude from her seasickness. "What's the matter, Sara? Are you a little green around the gills or did your guts take so much of a liking to the airing out they got from Alicia that they're scrambling to escape?"

The Captain's sudden outburst on the helm caught his attention. He was a little surprised to see the Captain pacing nervously. She suddenly ordered the ship be brought about to what he gathered from her nervous mumbled ramblings to be her home island. Suddenly breaking from her reverie, she commanded the crew to action, taking Ray somewhat by surprise. Huh, I didn't expect her to take to my lesson in decisiveness so quickly. Her sudden realization of her actions and sheepish request made Ray roll his eyes and smile. I guess not, then. Stepping forward, he started hoisting at the rigging, calling out, "That was an order, crew! Make haste, we're sailing for Sunter Island." Though he didn't show it, he was a little anxious, seeing Runali so stressed, and more than a little curious about her home. Here's hoping it isn't anything like mine.
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Location: Sunter Island → To Jaipur Town

Runali half expected uncertainty and denial towards her request, but was pleasantly surprised by their agreement- even if one was Sara complaining about being at sea. She didn't know why they'd deny her request, whether she was captain or not, but she was touched all the same. Besides, a break from the sea couldn't be so bad.

"Well in that case... I'd be honored to give you a grand tour. But also wow Sara we really gotta work on your sealegs."

It took a whole week of agonizingly slow travel. At some point over dinner, the captain tried to give a little insight towards her home. "Sunter's more of a small country than an island. But I guess it didn't pass that test. Ya know who even makes that call anyway- wait not important. It's very… hm. Kinda close knit? But not so much like Tilea's archipelago." She tapped her fingers on the table in thought. "It's not too popular of a place, but it's very lively. Oh, the festivals are amazing. Too bad it's not the time of year for it. What else… what else... Oh, there's a lot of farms too. Hm, that's not too important, my mother runs the merchant shops we don't farm." Runali leaned back in her chair and gave a laugh. "Wow, didn't think it'd be so difficult to explain my upbringing. Guess I've never thought on it too much since it wasn't so fancy. Well, it's easier to show than tell anyway. Ya know more 'hands on experience'."


The captain was the first off the ship the moment they docked. "Well I'd say welcome to the town," she started as the rest of the crew gathered behind her, "but we aren't quite there yet." Instead of the usual hustle and bustle of the markets one would normally find after anchoring at an island, the crew was face to face with what could only be considered a desert. Fortunately, unlike the Nyiri Desert, it wasn't sweltering. The sea still managed to provide a cool, comfortable breeze. A few trees littered the otherwise empty space, however on the horizon, if the group looked hard enough, they'd see the outline of a town. "That's where we're-"

"Hello! Welcome to Sunter!" A boy no older than his early teens wearing puffy blue pants and a similarly colored tunic, ran up to the group. From the direction he had come from, it was obvious that it was from the rugged 'shack' not too far off and standing all alone. "You must be tourists? I apologize but the eastern side of the island is where you should-"

"No, no. We're headed to Jaipur. It's a family visit."

The boy looked at Runali and then at the group behind her. Family was an odd term to use for the hodge podge of people, but he didn't judge. Instead, he smiled. "Well in that case, welcome back! And follow me! There's one..three...four- eight of you? My father will lend his cart. Usually, it's for the fishermen with cargo, but I'm sure he'll make the exception. The cargo doesn't come till a later. And it's much better than walking!" As he spoke, he began to walk back to the shack, expecting them to follow along. "By the way, my name is June. I help with getting merchants to and from town and also direct lost travellers." He rambled on about his line of work before stopping at the side of the shack, eyeing an ox resting in a shady spot that the extended roof provided.

"He's trained to go to and from town too, so no need to worry about him. And it's free of-" June paused at an open window. "Travellers are borrowing the cart father! They're headed to Jaipur!"

It was dark inside, but there was a responding grunt, indicating someone was definitely in there.

"Oh, uh, a pirate ship! But it's only eight of them. I'm sure they can fit. So it'll only be one trip."

Another grunt sounded.

"Yes, he's already had his water and of course I'll be watching for his return."

Once more, another grunt.

"He says he's fine with it. Free of charge!"

The captain continued following, a little confused by the interaction with the unseen 'father'. However she had little time to question because she was being herded into the cart along with her crew. "Oi, it's a little crowded for eight people don't you think?"

"Oh, don't worry, it's a short trip! Umm, just sit on a lap if it's too squished?" June,not bothering to listen to any protests, gave the ox a firm pat and it started off at a brisk pace, causing the crew to lurch back a bit.

"Well… it does beat walking." In fact, the trip across the desert was far shorter than if they had walked through it. As they got closer, the easier it was to see the stone buildings aligned in neat rows. Despite the white stone buildings, there was a broad range of color around the bustling town. People were hauling baskets of fruits or fabrics while others were ushering animals through the town. Children were playing and men and women were casually walking to and fro. "Isn't this a sight for sore eyes."

The ox came to an abrupt halt and the crew had to pile out of the cart. "Well!" Runali dusted herself off and patted the ox as it turned around. "Welcome to Jaipur!" She turned completely and bowed slightly to her crew. "I'm Runali and I'll be happy to be your guide through Jaipur. Maybe even some other parts of Sunter." She smiled and turned to lead the way. For the most part, seeing a band of pirates- or at least a group that obviously didn't belong to the town, did earn them a few side eyes, but nothing more than that. As they moved further into the crowded streets, Runali spoke up. "Don't get swept into the crowd. It gets kind of busy." The moment she said that, the crowd itself parted like the sea, making space in the center. Heavy 'thumps' sounded in the distance. They were too short and too many to be an earthquake, and yet it still shook the ground. Though, around the crew, no one seemed to be bothered in the slightest.

The familiar sound made the captain light up, only for her to point to what was approaching. Moments later, a large grayish red elephant slowly made its way through the streets, towering over everyone. It was unaccompanied, but the colorful tarp on it's back made it clear that it belonged to someone. "I love the elephants! There's a lot of animals that roam freely around here. It's what makes the town thrive. 'The key to designing a thriving home is to map out how the animals use it as well.' Coexistence is a happy existence. At least, that's what I've learned from teachers."

Location: Captain's house

Runali's home followed a short path behind the market place. It was nothing extravagant, in fact it didn't look too much different from any of the other homes they passed, but as they approached the captain stopped and stared for a moment. "Well this is it… my home. Unless they moved. Just a fair warning, my m- ah, you know what, nevermind." Without a second thought, she swung the door open, not bothering to knock. The room they stepped into was spacious and yet still rather cozy. Besides the typical chairs and couches one would usually see, there was a long table and a broken bookshelf off in the corner. Oddly enough, the damages looked fairly recent. Though, there wasn't a person in sight. The captain cleared her throat and called out. "Missus Lev! Come quick, another thief-"

Before she could finish the sentence, the sound of exasperation and grumbling in a language native to Sunter could be heard through a doorway across the room. The closer she got, the more the language melted into something more understandable. "It's like I have to run each and every market stall 24/7 with you-" The woman froze. She was a few inches shorter than Runali, with short hair a similar color to the captain's. She was standing with a tray of fruit in one hand and a sharp knife in the other. The intimidating glare turned into surprise.

"Um…" Hesitantly, Runali spoke, this time a lot softer. "I'm home?"

Almost immediately the tray slammed onto the nearby table. "Who do you think you are saying I'm home after nearly three whole years?!" The woman had started to point the knife at Runali, but that slammed into the table as well. By the marks on the table it could safely be assumed that a few knives had been jammed into it. "Don't you think I read the papers?! You were in prison! You disappeared before that?! You don't write, you don't visit- I can't believe you! What kind of pirate can't even say hi to their own mother?"

Despite the berating, the captain laughed and scratched her head. "I missed you too mom."

And in an instant, the woman was grinning from ear to ear and had Runali in a bear tight hug. "I missed you too dear. I'm glad to know you're safe." And then moments later, Runali was pushed to the side. Not wanting to be in the way, she quietly picked fruits off the tray and leaned against the table. "And of course this is your crew! It's nice to formally meet you all- oh? There are new faces now! I need your wanted posters so I can keep up with them! If Ru's gonna be a pirate, I have to keep up with this kind of thing. Can't have her embarrassing the family name by being an awful pirate."

"I think I've done a good job at not being an embarrassment...Right guys?"

"You went to prison!"

"Cut me some slack I almost- they broke me out!" Captain decided not to mention almost dying. It sounded like a bad idea.

"I s'pose so." The woman eyed each of them before smiling. "Oh, yes, my name is Daya. You can call me Daya, Missus Lev, or you can call me Mom."

"I will personally beg you not to call her mom actually."

Daya hushed her daughter and continued examining each of the crew like a mother would to their children. She shook their hands or gave them a bear tight hug, nothing in between- and with little choice given. "You all are a fine bunch! Fine fighters and fine faces- Ru are you dating any of them?"

The captain sputtered, refraining from choking on fruit. "Three years of me gone and that's what you ask me?!"

"Well why not? I tell you, that girl with her head stuck in the clouds. Anyway! It's lovely to meet you all. Come, sit, tell me about yourselves. Ask me any questions you may have!" She dusted off her apron and took the tray from Runali and handed it to the crew. "I'm also about to make lunch. You're just in time!"

"I'd say don't worry she doesn't bite, but I'd be lying. I'd also say I'd show you the rest of the town but, we're not getting out of here that quickly and I'm not willing to test her aim with those knives. But aye, now you know where I get my...charm." The captain snickered, keeping her spot against the table, curious as to what would happen next.


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Location: Lady Luck, Two Weeks at Sea.

Sara wasn't having a good time, and Ray certainly didn't make it any better. With his taunts, she feebly turned her head to face him, her own face pallid and an unhealthy shade of green. She was about to say something, when her cheeks bulged and her head snapped back to the sea to vomit what little there was in her stomach.

Ray smirked slightly, "At least you have the common sense not to soil the decks. It's almost as if you're an expert at failing to hit the obvious target, like Alicia."

Sara stepped away from the edge, the green tinge in her face gone and her stomach empty. "You call that smack talk?" She gave a weak laugh, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She wanted to say more but the captain was having her announcement so Sara graciously let it go.

For now.

Ray also let it go, vaguely disappointed that she didn't rise to the bait.

When Zilia approached Sara, she turned to face her mute caretaker, glancing at the notes she was handed.

"Alright." She replied, nodding in understanding. "Here's hoping that it works, right?"

Location: Sunter Island

By this time, Sara could walk unaided and without the need for a crutch. Heavy exercise was out of the question for fear of reopening her wounds. Given how it was only three weeks since the duel and she was aboard a ship, this was almost nothing short of a miracle. Unfortunately, the medicine that Zilia prepared for her did very little to help Sara, as she spent another miserable and nauseous week aboard. Her seasickness was not going to find a physical cure, this was something that she would most likely have to deal with herself.

You can imagine her relief once land was spotted. "Oh thank Kaiser!" She mumbled mostly to herself, her head once more over the edge. Another day on this boat and she would've probably stabbed someone, most likely Ray. But once they disembarked, and Sara got used to the fact that the ground was standing still, an odd feeling came to her. A melancholic pang of nostalgia swept over her, a nostalgia of that of home. Not Tilea, but her original homeland. It wasn't the same, from her old and almost-forgotten memories, she remembered it being a lot hotter and with a much more dunes.

This feeling stayed with her even with the sudden arrival of one of the natives. A boy, who introduced himself as 'June', offered a lift in the form of a humble ox cart to which the crew thankfully accepted. Sara had to wonder though, what kind of parent would name their male child 'June' of all things. Maybe it was a cruel joke or nickname that stuck. Because of her ponderings, Ray beat her to the cart and took a seat on the back.

Ray noticed this and rolled his eyes. He stood and let Sara take his place. "Let it never be said that I am not a gentleman; I make room for women, the weak and the wounded, of which you happen to be all three." Making an exaggerated bow, he gestured to the seat he vacated.

Sara's right eye twitched ever so subtly at this grand display of chivalry. "You're too kind." She said, voice with just the slightest tinge of sarcasm, still standing in the cart stubbornly. "But you need it more! After all those noises you make every morning, now that can't be healthy."

"Noises?" Ray was confused for a moment before he realized she was insulting his singing. He laughed, pleased to see her fight back. "If you think what comes out of my mouth are mere 'noises', Zillia should have your ears checked; Alicia must have struck your head. Please, I insist," he gestured back to the cart, "I'd like to spare the both of us the indignity of having you sit on my lap or some such nonsense."

"Oh you poor creature." Sara said, her tone that of mocking care, placing a gentle hand upon his shoulder. "I had no idea you were this badly… damaged. To think that your eyes are as bad as your throat and lungs are, oh you poor thing." In Tilea, with how competitive their culture and athleticism are, smack talk was common, so for the gladiator, it felt good to be on familiar territory. With a non-moving surface to stand upon, Sara finally had the opportunity to relax and, after three weeks, enjoy herself. When it came to the final statement that Ray had, Sara could only laugh.

"Your eyes must really be damaged, otherwise you'd wish I would."

Ray paused and thought for a moment before grinning. "Fair. How's about I just take the seat, and you just sit on my lap if you wish?" Ray sat down swiftly, savoring his moment of victory.

That son of a bitch called my bluff, she thought to herself, mildly impressed. "Alright." Sara said, taking her seat at the very edge of his legs, wiggling around. "I hope you're comfortable back there." She said, without turning back. "I'd hate to be an inconvenience."

"Hardly," Ray grimaced, struggling to keep up the chivalrous facade to his voice. "It's no trouble in the slightest." Dammit, she called my bluff. "In fact, it's quite pleasant to have such a lovely woman so close." He did his best to keep as much distance from her as was possible with her on his lap.

Sara could smell the figurative blood in the water, an opening, a weakness she could exploit! Turning around, her eyebrows raised in mock surprise, she said.

"Is this the first time you ever had a woman this close?"

Affixing a mask of suaveness, he affected a knowing smile and said, "A gentleman never kisses and tells," winking suggestively to sell the act.

"If you're a gentleman, then I'm a clown." Sara scoffed, not at all taken in by this upsurge in charm. She leaned in closer to Ray, whispering softly so that only he could hear. "I know what you want, I can see it, in fact if I was only an inch away from you, I could probably feel it."

Ray sighed and stared straight into her eyes. "I really, really would like to feed you my sword. I can think of nothing that would give me greater pleasure."

Sara matched his stare, although surprised at the sudden aggressive shift. Pushing her luck, she decided to get one last barbed tease. "Are you sure? Nothing else would give you more pleasure? Alright." She chuckled to herself slightly and stood up, smiling and addressing the rest of the crew. "I'm going to walk the rest of the way, stretch my legs out and all that." Without another word, she hopped out of the moving cart and walked along its side, content and savoring her victory.

Ray glowered. It had been a long time since he got himself this worked up. Not even his rivalry with Durant got this bad. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself. The Captain wanted her on the crew, so on the crew she'll stay. Besides, that's who we're here for today: the Captain. He finally unclenched his fists and began to relax, a task much easier without the object of my ire sitting on me.

Location: Sunter

The rest of the journey passed without too much of a hitch, with Sara walking comfortably in the shade that the cart casted. Once they arrived at the town, she was surprised to see this much life, including that of an elephant. She had seen one of those things before at the Circus Maximus, although it was greyer and much bigger, either performing tricks or fighting against either criminals or bottom of the barrel slaves. The elephant usually won against such paltry competition. With the knowledge of the damage that those animals could do, Sara was understandably wary of the big beast but relaxed when she realized it was 'tame'.

"I love the elephants! There's a lot of animals that roam freely around here. It's what makes the town thrive. 'The key to designing a thriving home is to map out how the animals use it as well.' Coexistence is a happy existence. At least, that's what I've learned from teachers."

Sara wrinkled her nose, covering her nose with the back of her hand, as she skirted around the inevitable waste that animals bring.

"Yeah." She replied, ever so slightly sarcastic. "If you like the smell of animal crap everywhere you go."

When greeted with the mother of her new master, Sara couldn't help but smile, liking her style almost immediately. When greeted by her though, at first in the form of a bear hug, Sara hissed in pain, one hand clutching her wound and the other gently resting on her body.

"Sorry." She smiled endearingly, albeit somewhat painfully. ""I got stabbed recently."

Ray offered his hand for a handshake and was slightly grateful to have it received. "A pleasure to meet you, Missus Lev. I'm R-glk!" Ray's introduction got cut off as Daya Lev spontaneously switched her greeting into a bear hug. He stretched his back after he was let go. "Oof, was not expecting that. Was pretty strong too."
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Location: That Place again

Luro eyes slowly blinked awake a strange warmth surrounding his body, while his vision cleared he noticed he couldn't hear the waves anymore. Realizing silence was his only company at the moment he raised his head his gaze landing on the familiar white space once again. Turning his head his shoulders fell slightly as he realized where he was at. The large endless white space again, no matter where he turned his head it was the same, and as always it was quiet. Feeling something hard on his posterior he looked down noticing a crate under him before raising his gaze again only for it to meet the darkness of a hooded man in front of him. He counted the cloaked man's distance mentally and reaching back tried to grab the gun off his back, though only coming in contact with his back he sighed and rubbed the side of his head. If it wasn't for the fact he did this all the time he'd be more surprised that he appeared out of nothingness in nothingness. It had actually been a little nice not seeing this man's smile for a bit, but if he was here than that meant he was dreaming again/ The fact that the crate had glasses proved that, crates didn't wear glasses in reality, Luro was positive of that though hats were acceptable.

Staring at the hidden man's face he was reminded of Zilia, her face was hidden sometimes to save her mouth, though unlike hers the mouth of the man in front of him was moving. No words came out at least none that normal ears could hear, Luro already knew what he was saying so he just closed his eyes and hung his head, he'd like to wake up now but that wasn't how this worked. This dream was always the same with minor differences, he could sit here for hours but until he responded he wouldn't wake up.
"Ya already know I'm going to say no," Luro said raising his head. "It'd be nice if you stopped asking me...also what you did earlier was rude you know."

Watching the man stop only to start moving his mouth again Luro stood up from his seat and spun around. Reaching down he grabbed the crate and hurled it his makeshift seat breaking against the man's skull. He watched the hooded man fall to the ground going still, the crate's glasses shattering on the ground next to him. The moment Luro blinked however the body was gone and he heard a click as a barrel pushed against the back of his head. He glanced back at the hooded man, the other him who with a bright grin pulled the trigger.

Location: Lady Luck, dinner time

A small yawn escaped from Luro as he rubbed a bit of sleep from his eyes, holding a bottle in his left hand he reached forward getting thirds of Jack's food promptly shoving it into his mouth, only stopping when the Captain spoke to them. Swallowing he took a drink from his bottle and leaned back in his seat grinning as the Captain tried to speak of her hometown.
"I didn't really get all that stuff you were just talking about Captain but I can't wait to meet your mom, first meetings are important so I'll do my best," Luro said this with a small nod. "I gotta make sure to be polite like with the princess lady, I owe the Captain that. I wonder if we'll run into a Captain number two there. I mean there was Tashigi two, and Ray had a…Kareth or something."
Thinking back he couldn't remember Alicia saying anything bad about their meeting so if he could repeat something like that he'd do the Captain proud.
"Oh I should compliment something about her, lasses like that."

Location: Captain's Hometown…kinda!

Luro stared at the outstretched desert looking around for any signs of life, after a quick glance he looked back at the Captain wondering if she burrowed underground to sleep not seeing any homes nearby. He started to question his Captain when a young man apparently named June approached and it was revealed they were still pretty far from the Captain's home. Following everyone Luro climbed into the cart, impressed by the boy's ability to decipher the hidden man's grunts, he wondered if he started grunting at random if he would be understood. Looking over at Jack and Sara he decided against it, he'd feel bad leaving them out of the conversation as they were still new to the crew. Once in the cart Luro shifted a bit before looking over at Kadi.
"Hey Kadi I don't have any leg room let me sit on your lap."
He started to move over towards the man but stopped as he watched Ray and Sara's back and forth with one another, tilting his head at the two he scratched his cheek as Sara eventually hopped out to walk alongside the cart. He shut his eyes having flashbacks to a few of his own conversations before opening them and looking over at Ray.
"You guys should just go at it and get it out of the way," Luro said smiling. "You'll feel better and the need to stab each other will go away temporarily. Now Kadi make room I'm borrowing your lap."

Location: Captain's Hometown…I think!

"I want one."

Luro stared up at the large elephant reaching towards the animal missing a bit of what the Captain brought up. Luro was considering what modifications he'd have to make to the ship to make sure the elephant could fit. If he could get additional wood he could build an extension that should support the weight of the elephant, but animals liked to move around and he couldn't make it too large without it affecting the main part of the ship. Luro brought a hand to his chin wondering if he should make Lady Luck bigger just to make it easier to steal animals and put them on the ship. The amount of materials he would need for that would be hard to obtain though, but he had considered expanding the ship slightly when they had a moment at harbor, actually he could probably make the ship a bit more versatile if he sat down and drew up some plans, he already had plans to change things on the left side of the ship after all.
"…huh?" Luro questioned looking up. "There's more animals around…hmmm I'll have to make more adjustments to the ship then…"
Luro took out his notebook and wrote in it as they made their way to the Captain's house, drawing possible additions to the ship to fit the elephant determined to bring the large creature with them.


Entering the Captain's house Luro closed his book content with the new designs before he started taking in her home, poking random things that interested him, mostly broken things. He didn't expect a fancy place for the Captain, and looking around Luro kind of liked it, it wasn't too fancy but it wasn't bad either. It had a Captain feel to it, just enough mess to be a house. Luro was curious what happened to the Runali lady that was helping them earlier, he didn't pay too much attention to her but she did introduce herself, he'd ask the Captain about it later, she probably lived around here, he wanted to ask her about the elephant. as he was sure she brought it up. Those thoughts faded however as the Captain's mother entered the room, watching the two speak to each other he laughed a little at the Captain's response to her mother.
"She's great Captain, why didn't you tell us about her before, oh and Mom any good pirate ends up imprisoned at least once, but they have to break out or it doesn't count. I mean the Captain had to make a ton of enemies after breaking out of a place like that!"
At the comments of wanted posters Luro grinned and raising his arm laughed a little before pointing over at Zilia.
"I have Z's poster, I'll give it to you later," Luro said. "I'm still trying to get Jack and Masu's."
Happily accepting the bear hug from the woman and a bright smile forming on his face at being called a good fighter Luro sat down on the nearest piece of furniture and brought a hand to his chin at the subject of questions.
"My name is Luro Makachi! I'm the Carpenter of the Stardusk pirates. After almost shooting the Captain I joined her crew."
Luro slammed his hands against his chest on his tattoo proud of his role on the ship before he leaned foward a bit holding up a finger to answer her other question.
"Well I don't think the Captain's dating anyone of us Mom," Luro said nodding a few times. "I mean I'm sure we've all had a few thoughts about the Captain here and there, I've had a few myself but since Captain's the captain I make sure not to do it too often. She and Alicia spend a lot of time alone though…I would ask her about it. I mean…there was that time at Brass Cape…they were awfully close back then…and Alicia did bring an army to save the Captain from the prison…oh my goodness. Mom! The Captain's having a forbidden affair with Alicia I mean they spend so much time together…how did I miss it…did Kadi catch it? He probably did…"
Luro closed his eyes shocked at this realization as it all made sense, his rival having a secret affair with his Captain, it all tied together too perfectly, which meant it had to be completely true.

"Well glad we answered that question," Luro said nodding. "Your turn for questions then mom, please tell us all kinds of stories about the Captain, start with the embarrassing ones so she doesn't get upset."
Luro looked over at his Captain and gave her a small thumbs up to show he was thinking of her before looking back at Daya and speaking again.
"Also will you be my mistress please? I don't know you very well so I can't put you above Oz but you seem like a great person so I really want to make you one. Oh sorry Captain, I should ask you too since she's your mom, if she wants too can she be one of my mistresses?"
Daya was definitely near the top of the list if he really thought about it, that much he was sure of but he didn't want to be rude so he decided not to mention that.
"Oh and do you want that fixed?" Luro said pointing at the broken bookshelf. "I always help my mistresses and you're the Captain's mom so that's two reasons to help."

Location: Inside Runali Lev's house.

"I...have so many questions..." Zilia thought squeezing the bridge of her nose.
The journey to Runali's home was a strange one to say the least, Zilia seemed to write in her notebook everytime Runali explained her hometown to them, both on the ship and off. She couldn't deny the small sense of wonder at seeing the small town and the animals wandering about. She was a little curious of the other side town that seemed to be for tourists, writing it down she still wasn't sure how to feel about riding a cart into town but thinking about it she supposed it wasn't worth fretting over. She was confused why there wasn't just a harbor for the town, but perhaps it was because they were heading to another destination, the non-tourist place that a harbor was missing. She wrote these thoughts down in the cart having found a comfy spot on the side, she glanced at Sara on occasion sorry she couldn't solve her stomach issue on the ship. She was sure she could help her nauseousness with enough research but though she knew Sara more than she knew the others, they were still strangers to an extent which made it hard to ask.

Shaking her head Zilia pulled herself from her past thoughts, right now the present was important. She was sitting inside the home of Runali Lev, and had shaken hands with her mother, more than likely because she was on guard after the few bear hugs she gave. She continued to write down random things as the two spoke her eyes lifting from her notebook every few seconds but having nothing to add to the conversation she remained silent. However at Luro's mention of her wanted poster she immediately looked at him.
"How do you?! Wait why am I a letter?"
Her eyes twitched slightly as she mentally screamed at Luro and she made a note to deal with that matter later. Her mood improved a little at Daya's comment on Runali's romantic life. A small faint smile slipping onto her expression though it vanished quickly as she looked back at her notebook. She needed to explain that she wasn't really a Stardusk pirate, but she felt now would be a bad time for that, she could at least engage in conversation.
Writing in her notebook she promptly held it out to her having written what she needed onto it.
"My name is Zilia Vilimar though most call me Zil Missus Lev...I'm handing the treatment of two Stardusk members. I had a few questions, I wanted to know about the eastern side of the Island. Also if possible I would like to see the papers which have Runali's exploits in them if possible, my information on the world is limited slightly. Aside from that the history of this place would be nice as well."
Zilia sat back down after handing Daya her note and folded her hands in her lap.
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Location: Close Runali's Point of Origin
Time: Sometime before or after teatime

"June," the navigator said, watching the boy and his ox start on their return journey to Sunter. He stretched his body as the boy turned around. Luro's presence has been his uncomfortable normal self. "Free lunch means people will ask for seconds," the told the boy, and tossed a coin of reasonable denomination towards the kid. The Navigator turned around and paced to rejoin Runali.

The Navigator started to become recluse, more and more as the days past, spending time consulting charts and calendars, filling papers with equations and intelligible scribbles. He used one of the papers to shoo away Luro, showing him the symbols as if it was ward against evil demons. It proved successful, as the big man decided to not approach the Navigator's cabin for the remainder of the journey.

"I'd be more afraid if the elephant wants you back, Luro. Then again, we were wondering how does your kind procreate."

Location: Dead Center of Runali's Point of Origin
Time: Sometime closer to or before teatime

Kadi simply stood, in silent terror, listening to the verbal avalanche of things-that-would-get-them-in-trouble-again leaving Luro's mouth. I don't know if I'm afraid more of it totally backfiring, or actually working. Well, either way, something to occupy Luro and keep him away from elephants. "Luro, it... might be wise, customary and polite to first offer the object of your romantic interest at least an invitation for a dinner. Or a tea and biscuits. Or at least hardtack and water. Also, I'm Arcadius. Navigator and sometimes person who has to think for himself and for Luro."
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Location: Lady Luck, Two Weeks at Sea

Jack smiled as he listened to Runali talk of her homeland, intrigued to see where the captain came from. He sat off to her left with his chair tipped on its back legs, busily rolling a cigarillo. Life on Lady Luck hadn't taken long to set a routine for him: every morning before dawn, he'd get up and go through his daily exercises with his blades on-deck, enjoying the chill of the morning air and breezes. After an hour of practice, he would start preparing breakfast for the crew. This usually consisted of stored fruit and oatmeal. Jack managed to gather a collection of spices before they departed from Harbor Island which went a long way to flavoring their bland meals. Once a week, he made an effort to go extravagant on evening meals. This translated to seasoned fish or meat, exotic to some members of the crew and familiar to others, depending on what recipes he used. Sometimes, he brewed cider and rum, a drink he was fond of but wondered how the rest of the crew would react. Jack hoped to make a habit of creating dishes of the crew's homelands... or a meager copy, considering their at-sea rations.

Between meals Jack would clean and organize the kitchen (a process the others learned quickly to leave alone), help aboard deck, chat with his crew mates, and take time to stare at the sea. It gave him pleasure to know Runali appreciated his cooking and he was slightly surprised by Luro's constant questions but saw no harm in answering them. Most of them. He particularly liked drinking with the crew at night.

Despite three months stranded on land, his sea legs hadn't abandoned him and it secretly amused him to watch the mighty Sara struggle. He had been careful to give her lighter portions for meals during the first week, in hopes that would help keep her food down. The time he took to watch the sea was the equivalent of pinching himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Listening to Runali, Jack felt more relaxed than he had in years. The Stardusk pirates were such a ragtag, odd bunch, yet they worked well together. Quite unlike any crew he'd been with before.

He wondered how long it would last.

Location: Sunter Island --> Jaipur Town and the Captain's Home

Jack brought up the rear of the group as they met June, peering around interested. He never came across a desert port before. Watching the crew clamber into the cart, with some amusement, he opted for another approach. He climbed the side of the cart and perched on the edge near Ray and Sara. They started moving and he began rolling a new smoke while listening to the two bicker. Things got heated, she moved onto Ray's lap, and Jack decided to shimmy closer to Runali for fear of being in their vicinity.

Once they arrived in Jaipur, he stared at the colors and baskets with a wide-impression. "You know," he said to no one in particular, "I can't remember the last time I've seen this many people...or animals," he added as the elephant tramped through. He reached out to touch its leg, and got slapped on the back of his head by its trunk.

"I'd be more afraid if the elephant wants you back, Luro. Then again, we were wondering how does your kind procreate," said Arcadius, and Jack hastily coughed to cover his snickering.

The captain led them to her house. Jack entered last, peering out towards the street, then closed the door behind them. He smiled when Missus Lev came out; she nagged at Runali and invited the rest of them in with warmth. Jack clapsed her hand in both of his and made a small bow. "I'm new to the crew, Missus Lev, and I have to say I think your daughter saved my livelihood."

They settled down, Daya mentioning something about lunch, and Jack perked up. "Uh, pardon me. I think I'll go see if Missus Levy needs help in the kitchen." He followed Runali's mother, peering at her knives as he went.

Location: Captain's house

"Oh, very efficient. Wonderful." Daya beamed when Luro mentioned giving her a wanted poster. However everything else was idly dismissed with a nod.

Daya near immediately pulled back from the hug and rubbed Sara's shoulders. "Oh doll, I'm so sorry! I'll remember to be more careful next time." She smiled, making a mental note about the injuries. To Ray, she couldn't help but chuckle and give a nod of approval. "It is a pleasure Raymond."

As she moved through the group, she shook Jack's hands, lifting one up gently and smiling. "A cook, yeah? I can always tell."

"And Alicia, of course. Your outfit is lovely! I don't see garb like it often. It must be native to… Yula Fei, yes?"

As Daya carried on, she paused and carefully took the note Zilia handed her. The doctor. Daya made another mental note about that information as well. "What a pretty name Zilia. And I can get you all of that later, alright? I have all that stored in a box, so when you all are resting for the night I can let you go through it if you like. A mother's promise." She gave an affirmative smile. She was going to get to Arcadius as well but-

Then there was Luro. She knew who he was- she knew who they all were (minus three), but of course it was only polite for them to introduce themselves. She at first raised her eyebrow in tempered curiosity. "You… shot at my daughter?" There was a moment's pause, with Daya missing the growing awkward tension. "Ah, well that definitely is one way to join a crew." Eyeing his tattoo however made her grin in delight. "Oh, the tattoo! That reminds me!" She turned, pulling her shirt slightly off her shoulder to show off her own Stardusk tattoo. The original symbol rested on her left shoulder and on the outer sides of it were two elephant tusks.

She let the others look as well even though, it was short lived because Luro was already moving on to answer her question about Runali dating. She covered her mouth to hide the chuckle towards Luro's 'revelation' and also towards the fact that he called her 'Mom'. "I see…" Daya glanced at Alicia with a teasing smirk. "Well, at least my daughter has good tastes."

Runali could only watch in growing embarrassment and distress as Luro- well, as Luro decided to be himself. She pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled, refraining from the faint pink to spread any further on her face. Not wanting to have any more attention on her, she remained silent. She could probably sneak out if she tried...

Daya was just about to change the subject and indulge the crew with a few stories, but she remembered she was still in the middle of making lunch. "Hold that-" Daya paused in the doorway (before Jack could follow) when Luro asked her to be his mistress. For a moment that felt like forever, it seemed as if she was contemplating just how serious the tall redhead was being. The quiet seemed to last even longer with the ones around them as she walked back to Luro.

And after another heartbeat, she patted his cheek softly. With a glance at Runali she spoke. "Not one to bite his tongue, yeah? Very amusing. I like him." Daya turned back towards the kitchen. "Sorry love, I can't be your mistress." She laughed and waved her hand dismissively. "I'm too much in love with my idiot husband. And I'm way out of your league! But by all means, you've got my blessing to pursue your captain though."

"By the way, where is my father anyway!?" This time, Runali definitely interrupted the conversation. Any moment later and she would have been tempted to throw the knife her fingers were idly resting on. She wasn't confident that her aim would strike true, but she was fine with just knicking Luro and turning his attention to something other than that.

They could hear her laugh echo from across the hall. "That's what you get for not visiting! And I'll get the old man, he's out back."

The room they were currently in was separated by a long hall going in either direction, opening to different rooms. Directly across was a spacious kitchen. It was easy to hear Daya yelling out a window. "Eddyyyyyy get in here! And hurry!"

"Ya know what, I think we should have gone to the tourist side first…" Runali rubbed her face and huffed, knowing it was much too late now.

The sound of frantic footsteps could be heard. "What's wrong?! Are you alright dear?!" There was another exchange, much softer, before the group could see who ran into the house. A man, standing at about 6'3" - much taller than both Runali and Daya came into view. He was wearing a pale red shirt that was only suitable for outside work and shorts. The short sleeves revealed a myriad of tattoos on his right arm, but the two most notable ones had to be an identical Stardusk symbol as his wife's and another tattoo that could only be another pirate insignia.

Unlike Daya, upon seeing his daughter his face softened near immediately. "Oh Ru, you're home." It was almost possible to feel the radiated joy as he made his way to his daughter and kissed her forehead. He then cupped her face, turning it left and right checking to see if she had any more scars. He even removed her eyepatch. "You had me worried! Have you been taking care of your eye? Are those ghost pains still-"

The captain quickly waved his hands away and put the eyepatch back on. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm glad to see you too. Stop doctoring for a minute please."

He looked a little unsure, but his attention turned to the knife in the table and he chuckled. "I see your mother took the surprise visit well." Realizing he was ignoring the crew, he quickly turned around and laughed nervously. "My apologies, my name is Edward, but call me Eddy. I'm Ru's dad- obviously." He paused for a moment and looked at the crew. "And you're the ones who have been standing at my daughter's side, fighting alongside her. Thank you." While he spoke, he idly had an arm around Runali and he was happily petting her head.

The captain didn't seem to notice it at all.

Flowers would have materialised around him if they could. "I'm glad people like you are fighting with her. A captain is only as good as their crew and vice versa… Remember that."

Before the air could get too heavy by some unspoken information Eddy wasn't sharing, Daya had returned. While she didn't exactly let Jack help with the meal, she promised he could assist with dinner. However, she did explain what she was making and allowed him to help carry the trays. On the trays were fine crafted ceramic bowls, each a different color than the other. And in each bowl was a flavorful lentil soup, all handed to each of the crew. "So how long were you plan on sticking around Runa?"

The captain's attention broke from the bowl she was given to both her parents. "Ah," She started and scratched her cheek. "I didn't want to have them stuck on one island too long… but it may be better to have them on land- at least for a little while. Until Sara and Alicia's wounds are a little better."

"Oh right, the Missus mentioned someone being injured as well. I'll see to it that the doctor gets some supplies before you all leave. And I'll check on the wounds- if necessary of course." Eddy nodded over to Zilia, seeming to already know who the doctor was at a glance.

"Oh, by the way Luro you don't need to fix that bookshelf. The guy I knocked into it owes me a few favors so he'll be fixing it- and if you all don't want to stay and share the extra rooms here he'd be… delighted to give some free rooms for your stay." There was an undertone of a threat that made both Runali and her father roll their eyes and quietly eat. "But anyway! Obviously you're more curious about Ru here- unless you all want to go sight seeing and save those discussions over dinner."

"I vote saving all that fun discussion for later. I did want to show them around."

Location: Captain's Pad

Sara sat down in silenced, amused at the antics that was displayed before her, especially that of Luro's proposal which made her laugh at loud. Although, the reminder that she still needed her tattoo, after witnessing the inks from both parents, did sour her mood somewhat.

Her mood swung back though with the announcement of lunch, and she eagerly took a spot at the table. When presented with the bowl of soup, she eyed it suspiciously, unfamiliar with this style of cuisine. With a small shrug, she took a tentative sip from her spoon, her expression brightening. "This is good!" She announced, more particularly towards Daya. "What did you add to this, lemon juice?" As if to confirm, she took a much bigger taste, eager to have food that settled in her stomach. Within seconds, her bowl was empty and she held it out.

"More, please!"

Once she got seconds, she devoured that just as fast as the first one, while everyone else was still on their first, holding her bowl out for, again and again. It wasn't until there was literally nothing left, or after six bowls later was she finally satisfied, leaning back once more to relax on land that wasn't moving.

When the father of her captain approached her concerning her wounds, she shook her head. "No thanks, it doesn't need looking at. Truth be told, I barely feel anything, courtesy of our traveling physician." She tilted her head towards Zillia. She flashed a grin at the older man. "Do you want to see it?"

Without waiting for an answer, she rolled up her shirt up to her chest and unraveled her bandages, exposing her muscled midriff for all the world to see. On her left side, one could see a very ugly, still slowly healing, scar that was identical to the one on the other side of her body.

"Cool, huh?"
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