The Imperial Clan Meeting - Part 1
[ Shimatse, Omari Clan heartlands - Imperial Rain Province ]
[ A collab done by various leaders and representatives of Imperial Akinian clans:

- Homura Dynasty by @Aliceee
- Omari Clan by @conman2163
- Uchiha Clan by @Oetje
- Hon Clan and Cho Clan by @Gerontis
- Senju Clan by @Nim
- Tokugawa Clan by @Oblivion666
- Nara Clan and Hyuzu Clan by @ChromeHound
- Hyuuga Clan by @GlitchyBugger
- Hanta Clan and Housha Clan by @Jason Targaryen

- Yamanaka Clan by @Lesli

Another clan meeting is organised, this time at the political and administrative centre of the fledgling Omari clan. The city of Shimaste. Representatives and leaders of clans travel and meet there to discuss some new matters. While some clans have decided to not partake, each having their own reasons, the meeting continues without much hinderance. A few matters are discussed between the nobility and the crown.

Whereas curiosity and anticipation were usually dominating her mood, Kiyomi was having a more foul spirit. The route from Konohagakure to the Rain province was long and while passing through beautiful areas, it could be described as tedious. Once one would start to reach the boundaries, the mountain ranges that formed an almost natural border between the Imperial Fire and Rain provinces, the weather would shift. The air itself would become more humid than one from Konohagakure or the eastern part of the Empire was accustomed. But Kiyomi's foul mood wasn't because of the humid or almost constant bad weather, which came pouring down from the heavens as if the gods were sad that the region wasn't to the Empress liking.
The source of the foulness in the young monarch's mood laid in the fact that some of her plans weren't going as she desired. The fact she was now traveling for nearly three weeks didn't do much to give peace of mind to the young woman, who wanted nothing more than to return to the Imperial capital to continue her own plans. But while it wouldn't be a disgrace if a clan leader would be too occupied or unable to tend to an Imperial meeting, Kiyomi was well aware that she didn't enjoy the same luxury. For there were certain rules, unwritten as they are, that even the Empress of Akino can't break with impunity.

The only solace that Kiyomi found was the fact that she could bring Shozo and her 'pack' with her. The young direwolves were starting to grow. Soon enough, the juvenile canines would be large and strong enough to go on hunts and be properly trained. Shozo, the Sato pony granted by Shunso, was also starting to grow stronger. While he certainly wasn't as tall or seemingly strong looking as the mounts that were utilized by the Sworn Swords and the royal envoy, the pony seemed more than capable of matching any Imperial mount.
Several times, Kiyomi would ride small distances on the pony. Which gave a rather curious sight as the Sworn Swords were mounted on taller breeds, vigilant to protect their Empress from any possible harm.
Slowly but surely, the royal envoy would reach their destination. Shimatse, more commonly known by others as the Omari compound.

The royal envoy was warmly greeted - even in spite of the stoic Sworn Swords stance towards the natives, regardless of their profession or social position. The elite guard would make sure that none dared to come close to the Empress or her servants as the envoy continued into the layered city. Whereas Kiyomi had decided and wanted to ride on horseback into Magnhild, she was now shielded from sight. Any curious local that wanted to catch a glimpse of the young ruler would only be greeted by a closed carriage, heavily guarded and followed by the others of the envoy.
Once lodgings has been arranged, units of Sworn Swords would start to do their rounds - not letting them be stopped by any local. For the past unrest within the Rain province capital, Amegakure, wasn't yet forgotten.
After spending some time with both her pony as pets, Kiyomi would refresh and dress herself properly. Being guided towards the hall where the meeting would be kept, Kiyomi was somewhat happy that a few of her servants were able to hold a large umbrella to shield their ruler from the cold rain. Being further led into the keep, Kiyomi's interest in military affairs was briefly piqued. The design of the city and fortifications were clearly of Taika design. But they differed from the style here and there from the likes of the more eastern Taika. It made her wonder how effective the defenses were and if they ever had been put to a real test.

It would be to some effect that while the city seemed peaceful and quite enthusiastic to greet the young ruler of the nation, it was also visibly on edge. Chu had given special orders to muster men to Shimatse, especially those known to be diehard loyalists to his clan. The city was bristling like a hedgehog with defenses even before the Sworn Swords arrived, nearly two hundred guards placed in patrols around the city to ensure the safety of the Empress and the guests of the Omari. When the Sworn Swords arrived, security was not deferred to them, but the Omari made all efforts to cooperate as best they could with the Royal guards to make their rounds as efficient as possible. Chu had ordered that Kiyomi be provided quarters in the right wing of his keep, and the Empress would be afforded the benefits there, while all others had of course been provided lodgings in the second and third tiers of the city. He was quite pleased with himself, the preparations having been made well in advance and the event unfolding smoothly so far. The hospitality of the Omari could not be said to be lacking, and it was with this cheerful heart that he prepared to greet Kiyomi, and his other guests of course, in the large hall at the heart of the city.

It had been elaborately prepared, built specially for the meeting of lords and ladies of all across the realm, though, more obviously made for occasions with the Omari and their vassals. Still, it was comfortably large for the event that was planned. A long oval table dominated the room, crafted from a fine wood, polished and richly carved. The chairs had less attention paid into them, still, it was obvious they were well made too. Chu knew even as they arrived the representatives of all the clans would have been informed of their seat at the table. He would not even have to get involved if all went smoothly with plan. Now all that would be had was to wait for it all to kick off.

The travel towards the Rain province had gone smooth but not much to Hirasuke's enjoyment. The carriage and servants certainly helped to make it more comfortable. But the weather was dreadful. The locals seemed dreadfully gloomy. And the landscape? Hirasuke was certain that he had seen nicer sceneries in some decrepit alleys.
The man that had been sent by Shozo Uchiha, wouldn't voice his opinion though. Even as it was clear that neither his guards, servants or even their mounts seemed to be happy to be in the Imperial Rain province.

Yet, the Uchiha envoy didn't suffer any problems on the way. The rumours that a lot of unrest and violence was troubling the province were washed away with the rain, that never seemed to cease. Bringing up the curiosity of Hirasuke on how the land hadn't yet been washed away by this unending tide of water from the heavens.
When the Uchiha envoy started to reach the perimeter of Shimatse, Hirasuke stayed in his carriage. Several banners already heralded of which clan the envoy served while the guards made sure that nobody curious would dare to come close while the servants that didn't enjoy the same luxury as Hirasuke were holding some umbrellas. Even as the envoy didn't enjoy the warm radiance of the sun and were longing for some comfort, the group still had the elegance and pride one could expect from an Uchiha envoy.

The Uchiha guards would cooperate with the Omari security detail as the envoy was led through the various layers of defense of the city. Through a small opening, Hirasuke could observe the outside. In silence, he would judge what he saw.
Upon arriving at the centre of the city, the Omari would find some difficulty in separating all the guards from Hirasuke. A portion went with the few servants to their lodges but none of them would surrender their weapons, certainly not those who went with Hirasuke. Ignoring any complaint, Hirasuke would withdraw himself to the place he was given. Using his time to refresh and find some rest from his journey to Shimatse, Hirasuke would be ready when the time came to rally to the hall. Upon arriving there, Hirasuke wore a disarming smile as his hands were placed on his back.
The only nobles that were there was the leader of the Omari and the Empress.

Approaching the two and the oval table, Hirasuke would offer a slow and elegant bow towards the Empress before straightening his back.
"Your Majesty, it is an honour to find myself once more in your presence," Hirasuke began before he would address the lord with a less deep bow, "Thank you for providing lodgings for my companions, Lord Omari. Your halls fall short on what I have heard from others."
Once done with the proper greeting, Hirasuke would proceed to take his place at the table.

For another envoy, the travel towards Shimatse was even longer than that of Hirasuke Uchiha and his kin. Hailing from the eastern part of the Empire, a decent sized group traveled towards the place where the meeting would be held. A particular feature about the group would be the large amount of armed folk. Due to various symbols and not a really smooth uniform appearance, it seemed more like a hurried assemblance of mercenaries and warriors than a highly elite guard unit. What seemed more out of place were two members of the group that weren't in any form or way armed, armoured or having a clear military background.

This group ventured further through the land, heading towards Shimatse. The bad weather didn't seem to bother the group, save for one - that grumbled that his old bones had endured enough cold weather already.
Arriving at Shimatse, the peculiar envoy would likely raise much curiosity as suspicion from the locals. The difference in style of garbs, weapons, armour and even the tall horses that the envoy rode upon was much different than what could be found in the province of the Rain. Whoever led this group wasn't spotted but clearly held in a carriage, that none of the envoy dared to let a stranger come too close to it.
When the group arrived at the centre of the Omari city, the guards held everybody away from the carriage. A small girl garbed in fine clothes would exit, followed by an older man. One of the fierce guards would hold an umbrella for the two, which despite the security detail could give a somewhat curious or even comical look.
But none of the envoy would seem to find their situation a laughing matter. Everybody was given a distrustful look by the guards that didn't allow anybody to come near the old man or small girl. The group would move to the lodgings that were prepared for them, in which the peculiar company retreated to.

Only did the group emerge once it was time. This time, the formation shifted as the old man and small girl walked in front - shadowed by their guards. Arriving near the doors of the hall, the guards would remain there. Clearly intending to be as close as possible near their charges.
The old man continued to walk with the small girl to the oval table, shadowed by a servant - their features hidden behind a plain dark grey mask and hood.
"Your Majesty," Kenta spoke, trying to bow as good as his back allowed, his voice being most respectful. "I have come to this meeting in the name of the Hon clan," these words would be followed by the man placing a hand on the left shoulder of the small girl, who had performed a most gracious bow at the same time as Kenta. "As being an advisor to the representative of the Cho clan. I am certain you are familiar with Kei Hon already, the daughter of the Cho and Hon."
After these words, Kenta made a small bow with his head towards Chu Omari. "The Hon thanks you for the fine lodgings as welcome, Lord Omari."
The small girl would merely throw a glance towards the Omari before she would take her place, at the side of Kiyomi. Kenta followed Kei, taking a seat next to her as the servant positioned himself at their backs.

The third envoy that reached Shimatse would proudly bear the flag and colours of the Yamanaka clan. Several symbols in the form of brooches and other small material did adorn some of the servants and guards that accompanied the leader of the Yamanaka clan. These members weren't from origin of the Yamanaka but part of the various small clans, that adhere to the Yamanaka leadership.
From their heartlands, the trip wouldn't be too long. Venturing through the lushful lands of the River province, the Yamanaka envoy had a most comfortable journey with reaching the borders of the Rain province. The bad weather didn't seem to bring much disdain from the Yamanaka envoy, who were prepared quite well for the infamous bad weather.

Arriving at the small city itself, the envoy would leave a small contingent of guards behind - outside of the city gates. A number of servants and guards would continue to accompany Tsuru to centre of the city, safe within her carriage.
Reaching the centre, Tsuru would accept the guidance and help of the Omari servants with a certain grace. Retreating into the provided lodgings with some of her servants, the Yamanaka leader would emerge from the provided chamber. Her servants and guards would linger back at the given space, awaiting the return of their clan leader.
Entering the large hall, Tsuru would seemingly take a moment to take in the spacious room and people. A deep bow would precede her words.

"Your Majesty," Tsuru said in Taika, a smile slipping on her thin lips, "I am exalted to see you in good health and spirit." Turning to the host of the meeting and owner of the lands they found themselves in, Tsuru made a bow. Though less gracious or as deep as the previous one. "Lord Omari. Thank you for the provided hospitality. It is much appreciated."
Done with the formal greeting and bowing, Tsuru would take her seat.

The envoy approaching Shimatse bearing the flag and colors of the Hanta clan was not long behind that of the Yamanka, and while the men that could be seen in the envoy seemed young and proud the same could not be said for the representative that it brought to the clan. Sitting inside a carriage, as he was unfortunately much too old to ride a horse, Makoto Hanta was a rather grumpy old man after such a long time traveling. He hated having to travel such distances for any sort of meeting, as it simply hurt his old bones much to move very far. Not to mention the bouncing of a carriage did not do him any favors either. The damn cold was not doing his aching joints any joy either, and coupled with the rain that seemed to plague this area of the empire… he wasn't in the best of moods as they arrived. In truth, he much didn't mind these meetings among the clans. Yet he did not like the travel, and with each day was looking more forwards to the day he would retire and hand the clan over to his son, a day which was not far in the future.

Whenever his carriage finally came to stop, Makoto followed along wordlessly behind the Omari servants. Despite his age and having to weigh heavily upon his cane, the old Hanta still carried an amount of poise within his step. A small thing that hinted back to the proud warrior he had been in his younger years. He followed along with some of his servants, going to their provided chambers. It would be a good amount of time before the man emerged from his own room, after a fair amount of soft swearing could be heard as he cleared his mind of the irritation from such a lengthy travel to reach the meeting. He soon after began to make his way through the halls and towards where they would all be engaging in this next clan meeting. As always, he was curious what might come up in this meeting, though he was wary of any disagreements that might occur. Sure, they were natural in such an occasion as none would get along perfectly, but Makoto hoped simply that things wouldn't get out of hand.

Arriving after the Yamanaka, Makoto entered the hall and made a polite bow. While not as deep as it likely should have been, it was about as much as the Hanta's body would really allow for anymore. Something that was displayed in a brief grimace across his features as he straightened up before forcing it away to give a polite smile. "Your Majesty, it is both an honor and a pleasure to have a place at this meeting." He started, before turning towards the Omari leader, "Lord Omari, thank you for both the welcome and hospitality in your lands." The man said before moving over to his seat and easing himself down into the seat.

It wouldn't be long after that which would see another entering the large hall. This one a man who looked to be just into his 40's, wearing clothes that just barely qualified as nice enough for such a meeting. Though his face revealed a man who simply exhausted, and going through some rather trying times. Giving a deep bow, he looked first at the Empress. "Your Majesty, it is an honor to be in your presence. I, Atsushi Housha, shall be representing the Housha today." He said before turning towards the Omari leader, Chu. "Lord Omari, the Housha thank you for hosting this meeting, and the aid you have so kindly been providing our people." The man said before quietly moving over towards the seat assigned to him. Though he was silently hoping this would be brief so he could go home and help rebuild some more.

Residing in a carriage as it made its way towards Shimatse, would be the representative that Leo Tokugawa had sent on his behalf due to other obligations. A young man who went by the name Sima Fu was in his early thirties with a stern expression about him but had the look of one always scheming of ways to better himself. The trip itself wasn't a long one as the Rain's borders weren't far off from the Tokugawa's, so that boosted the man's attitude although venturing into lands that were so chaotic was anything but welcoming. He wasn't a huge fan of the weather but he knew it was to be expected when he agreed to Leo's request, besides some of the guard gave him more ease mostly with Makoto Agnarr personally being sent to make sure the guards did their job. However her look as she was also in the carriage seemed to be one of worries about leaving Leo's side but also one of disgust at the weather which caused him to chuckle.

Arriving at the city with a guard holding an umbrella open for Sima Fu as he made his way into the city. His eyes scanned around looking at both the situation of the place but also any possibly hazards that could befall them. Right now Shimatse might be on guard with the Empress and many other influential leaders, but that didn't matter much when the attack on Amegakure happened. He was assured though by Makoto Agnarr that this place would be fine with most likely everyone's top guards being around the place to keep it from harm. Having arrived early they resided at the lodgings provided for them until the time to meet drew closer, in which he was escorted to the hall in which various leaders and… a child? Would be already at the meeting.

Walking towards the oval table, Sima Fu would give a deep bow to the Empress before speaking. "Your Majesty" the man voiced first before continuing to speak. "I come on behalf of Lord Tokugawa, my name is Sima Fu and I'm honored to be in your presence." Sima Fu said before turning to the host and gave a much smaller bow than the one given to Kiyomi Lord Omari, I thank you for your accommodations. It was much appreciated." Sima Fu voiced before he would go ahead and take his seat as well.

Jora Hyuzu exited his carriage with a look of excitement on his face. He had always enjoyed traveling and this experience was no different. While the weather was doing its best to dampen his mood, the young Hyuzu's spirit would not be lowered. Jora had been busy admiring the structure of the city during their approach and once they had entered the walls, his interest had only grown. Most of the envoy had separated with the Hyuzu leader upon entering the city centre, the guards very reluctantly relinquishing their weapons when asked. For a Hyuzu, however, a weapon was never truly far away and Jora noted with interest that the Omari had not requested those of his guard who were gifted with the clan bloodline to remove their pouches containing the Hyuzu alloy.

Jora himself carried no weaponry however, not even a pouch for himself. Instead, he was garbed in a formal version of the Hyuzu battle dress uniform, his traditional clothing for events such as this. Had Elena been with him, she likely would have requested for him to wear something fancier. That may be the only thing Jora was not missing about his wife at the current moment. Traveling towards the meeting hall with a smaller retinue of guards, Jora continued to look around, taking in as much of the city as he could.

The small group entered the hall and Jora made his way towards the Empress and their host. Stopping in front of them, the Hyuzu bowed deeply towards Kiyomi. "It is excellent to see you again, your Majesty." he said with a smile, rising to his full height. "I do hope your journey here was safe and enjoyable." Turning towards Chu, Jora lowered his head in a respectful bow, smiling warmly towards his host. "Lord Omari, you have a lovely city. I hope to have the opportunity to explore it more one day. The Hyuzu clan thanks you for your hospitality."

Standing once more, Jora made his way towards his seat, the guards following at a distance. Sitting down, the young leader looked around to see who else he recognized and who else was still arriving.

The Nara clan arrived to Shimatse much in the same way as the Yamanaka clan. While they were more reserved in their adornments, the Nara were dressed finely, the clan symbol easily visible throughout the group. There was a mixture of emotions in the group. Many of the older guards and servants were reserved, uncertain about how to feel being this far outside the comfort of the Fire Province. The younger members, however, held a mix of excitement and curiosity. For most, this was their first time exiting the borders of the Fire and they intended to enjoy every moment they had exploring this new area. Upon entering the walls, however, the older members of the group quickly got a handle on things, keeping the envoy moving forward at a fast pace.

Shikamura found himself curious to see the city, though he also felt a small sense of homesickness, missing the familiar forests of his clan. When they had arrived, the Nara clan leader instructed his guards to follow the wishes of the Omari and left all weapons behind. It was a strange feeling to be entering a territory that they knew very little about without any protection but Shikamura trusted the Empress would have her own security in place to ensure nothing went wrong.

The Nara made their way towards the meeting hall and Shikamura smiled upon seeing the Yamanaka had already arrived. Seemed his group had not traveled quite as quickly as he had hoped. He'd have to have a word with his envoy later. Nodding towards Tsuru, Shikamura approached the table and lowered himself into a deep bow directed at the Empress. "You look more majestic every time I see you Empress Homura," the Nara said warmly, before turning to the Omari host and lowering his head respectfully. "The Nara clan thanks you for having us here, Lord Omari. It is an honour to be welcomed into your lands." Making his way towards his seat, Shikamura waited for the proceedings to begin.
The Imperial Clan Meeting - Part 2
[ Shimatse, Omari Clan heartlands - Imperial Rain Province ]
[ A collab done by various leaders and representatives of Imperial Akinian clans:

- Homura Dynasty by @Aliceee
- Omari Clan by @conman2163
- Uchiha Clan by @Oetje
- Hon Clan and Cho Clan by @Gerontis
- Senju Clan by @Nim
- Tokugawa Clan by @Oblivion666
- Nara Clan and Hyuzu Clan by @ChromeHound
- Hyuuga Clan by @GlitchyBugger
- Hanta Clan and Housha Clan by @Jason Targaryen

- Yamanaka Clan by @Lesli

Another clan meeting is organised, this time at the political and administrative centre of the fledgling Omari clan. The city of Shimaste. Representatives and leaders of clans travel and meet there to discuss some new matters. While some clans have decided to not partake, each having their own reasons, the meeting continues without much hinderance. A few matters are discussed between the nobility and the crown.

Though their journey had been short, Ferra had still hated every moment of being cooped up inside the carriage. Her family had insisted on her dressing formal once more which, to be fair, was likely the correct choice. It did not improve her mood any, however, as Ferra did not enjoy going through the hassle of dressing fancy. She would much prefer something more practical. Something she could fight in, should the need arise. Though… she did not really think this would be the type of event a fight would break out in. If the events of the last Taiki only meeting were anything to go off, however, there might be some who desired a duel of honour…

They had reached their lodging, and Ferra escaped the confines of the suffocating carriage, thankful to finally be free. Parting with the guards who had joined her, Ferra instructed them to await her return. She didn't want them roaming around causing trouble. That would be the last thing she needed to deal with at the moment.

When she had entered the hall, Ferra glanced around, trying to recognize as many of those present as she could. A few were familiar from previous meetings, but there were a couple she did not recognize at all. It also appeared that not everyone had listened to the no weapon policy and the Arkos leader raised an eyebrow as she noticed several guards that were not representing the Empress or the Omari who remained with their weapons. Her experience at the last Taika meeting led her to believe this must be the clans who would not trust the filthy rain clans. Feeling her blood boiling slightly, Ferra pushed it down. This was not just Taika. Perhaps the others would not be so arrogant…

Approaching the head of the table where Chu and the Empress sat, Ferra bowed, careful to keep the fabric from her annoying clothes from getting dirty. Raising her head, she smiled politely. "It is an honour to see you again, your Majesty." Glancing towards Chu, Ferra lowered her head slightly. It still felt weird being so formal with her prior student, however, Ferra understood that these events required a certain amount of formality. "Lord Omari, it is a pleasure to visit your city once more. Thank you for having us." Turning, Ferra glanced over to where her seat was. It appeared that there were still a number of representatives left to show up. She recognized the younger clan leader wearing a formal military uniform from one of the previous meetings. It appeared he was couple of seats away from her. Heading towards her seat, she nodded towards him before taking her seat. Hopefully there would be wine at this meeting…

The travel from the Senju capital, which was still undergoing quite a bit or reconstruction to restore it to its former glory, all the way to what felt like the wasteland of the Akinian Empire, was anything but delightful for him. And yet, Resu worked hard until he got the approval to go as the Senju representative to this meeting. It would work to his benefit that the other clans could potentially begin learning his name, especially if his plans would come to pass.

Upon arrival at the lodging, Resu left the carriage and looked around. The entire environment felt to him like it didn't belong as any part of the Akinian Empire. It was meant to be an empire that always shined! This was anything but shining. And from what he heard, this particular clan showed the least amount of will to even cooperate with the other Taika clans. Only shows how much more foolish they can be, rejecting the ones who share culture. It may have been exaggerated, but Resu understood what the jest of it meant. And he also wanted to see first hand just how bad it would be.

After being shown the way to the hall and entering it, Resu took a glance around the people present. Unsurprisingly, as a first time participant in such a meeting, he knew none of the faces, except for that of the Empress. Making his way to the head of the table, Resu gave a deep bow towards Kiyomi "Your majesty. Gakuro sends his regards, and asks for your highest forgiveness for being unable to attend. I, Resu Senju, will take his place in the meeting on behalf of the Senju clan." He said, before rising from the bow. He turned towards the young Lord Omari, who he was informed beforehand where he would be sitting, and gave him a small bow as well "Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Omari." He said briefly, before turning away and going to where his seat was. Once he was in the chair, he waited patiently for the meeting to begin, or to see if anyone else would follow him into the hall.

Kiyomi sat in the chair that was reserved for her. The comfort was welcome and she had some amusement in receiving the leaders and representatives of the clans that could come and partake in this meeting. Aware that some couldn't or were too occupied was just noted for now. Some would answer later and she would use it for her own advantage. One way or another, she would receive her 'requested' respect.

Seated, Kiyomi took in the various compliments and deep bows. A soft smile was present on her lips but it was all a facade. In truth, Kiyomi wanted to get past the formalities. It was all just delaying doing the more important matter and getting her own ambitions getting more momentum. A few, however, did surprise her. Such as the arrival of nobody else than Kei Hon and Kenta Hon. The latter made a lot of sense but the young girl was a surprise. And a message, though Kiyomi wasn't entirely certain what it entitled. Lowering her head slightly, Kiyomi's smile seemed to grow. Very subtly, she would gesture something. Causing a Sworn Sword to march away, clearly to retrieve something for her.
Only then her smile seemed to turn to the polite, small feature in her appearance. Once more her features subtly shifted as Jora Hyuzu approached. Nodding, her lips parted as she wanted to say something. However, aware of the current situation she decided to pass a small wink before turning her attention to the next that followed Jora.

As the Senju seemed to be the last, Kiyomi waited for the men and women to take their place at the rather large oval table.
Slowly rising up, Kiyomi had her hands folded in front of her stomach. The silence quickly followed her movement as attention started to concentrate on her.
"Good people of Akino," Kiyomi began, her gaze wandering over those who were present at the large table. "I am happy so many were able to attend this meeting. Both you and your clans have my gratitude and respect." Making a small bow with her head, Kiyomi would take her seat but she wasn't yet done.

"I am certain that some of you have matters to present to me or the others at this meeting. But before we begin, I wish to start with something." Kiyomi leaned slightly back as the doors of the hall were opened by the Sworn Sword. The royal bodyguards were carrying something that was cloaked. It was certainly heavy enough that half a dozen Sworn Swords needed to carry it, yet delegate that they were most gentle with the tall and broad cloaked object.
"I am certain many of you remember that brave sons and daughters of Akino travelled eastwards. To fulfill our ends of partaking to pacify the Wolf Country, a vassal state of the Lightning country. A situation that could else see us forced to join a war, one that could likely spiral into another Great War."

Letting her words echo through the hall, Kiyomi would throw a sideways glance at the Sworn Swords and the object, wrapped and cloaked. Turning her attention at those at the table, Kiyomi smile vanished.
"Leading this expedition is nobody else than my betrothed. Hayate Hyuzu, who is tasked to oversee that the realm stays defended. Even if it is across seas and oceans. And it is he who was forced to fight against an enemy host. According to the reliable information, an army that was triple the size of the allied force." Kiyomi made another subtle gesture and the Sworn Swords would rid the cloth and reveal the large painting. A scenery that took a few moments to take in. "A vicious opposition that seemed clear to send our brave countrymen and my betrothed to the afterlife. However, as you may have noticed," the smile returned to Kiyomi's lips as she gestured to the held up large painting, "the sons and daughters of Akino were victorious. Taika, Yakimara and Chonobi all fought together against a larger army. And they won. For Lord Hyuzu's brother's accomplishments, I will share a small sum of one hundred golden suns. There were Yakimara and Taika that also played a most important role in that fateful clash. And their clans and family will also receive my respect and love."
Once more, Kiyomi slightly twisted her head and shot a sideways glance to the Sworn Swords with the painting. Taking the hint, they would wrap the painting and carry it away.
"Not to mention those who lost kin and countrymen in this campaign will receive my respect and gratitude. I do hope that there are willing clans that are ready to show a similar gesture to those who lost somebody for the security of the realm? Perhaps a small donation that can be sent to orphans or those who no longer can enjoy the comfort that is provided by a husband, a father or a son?"

Having taken her place, Tsuru awaited for the arrivals and formality at the start to end. She would throw subtle glances at who approached the empress, though Shikamura Nara received a polite smile from her. It didn't take too long before Kiyomi opened the meeting. Curious, Tsuru listened intently to the young empress as she spoke. While Kiyomi spoke, Tsuru's attention was diverted when the doors of the hall opened. Slightly frowning, she observed how Sworn Swords carried something large into the hall. Still listening to Kiyomi, Lady Yamanaka wondered where this was heading.
The painting would be revealed and Tsuru was somewhat surprised. The painting detailed what seemed to be a grim and large clash between two forces. The details were rather stunning and Tsuru wondered briefly how many painters and hours had been put into to create the respective piece of art. Leaning slightly forward, Tsuru then became more interested when Kiyomi stated that the Hyuzu clan would receive a 'small' gift of a hundred golden suns. A sum that was far from small and could be used to fund many things, from a very large building project to a large fighting force.

When Kiyomi ended, Tsuru had to admit that the young monarch was quite cunning. Almost guile, Tsuru thought as a small smile dawned on her lips. It would only be a moron that couldn't realise that they were provoked to join the donation. Considering her options, Tsuru slowly rose up to speak.
"I can not speak for all the Yakimara, your Majesty. But I can for the Yamanaka. And to my knowledge, we have some of our kin being present in the east. And I am certain that they will be willing to defend the Empire and its honour with their lives," Tsuru began, making a small bow towards Kiyomi before she continued, "As for your question, the Yamanaka shall also join you into providing some comfort. While my clan lacks the wealth and means to fund a similar amount of golden suns, I will donate twenty golden suns. Not to mention, I shall organise that Yamanaka priests will head to various locations to provide their services for free to those who are in need of them."
Sitting down, Lady Yamanaka was certain that this should suffice. Now she had spoken, she wondered briefly if they were going to be offered some beverages.

Listening to the topic that was brought up by the Empress, Resu nodded. It was not a light topic, and one that kept roaming in his own mind. The fact she chose to bring it up in this manner, however, was interesting. Keeping his expression serious, he waited until Lady Yamanaka finished speaking, and then stood up to speak "The Senju also have a number of kin that were sent to the east, and I personally know of several losses that members of my clan have suffered. The topic of how we should show respect and honour those who were lost, and help the families of the fallen had been brought up in our own clan meeting." He looked around briefly "The Senju clan are able to gather some golden sun, and I will personally donate fifteen as well. As for further actions, I have something I know my clan will be able to perform."

Resu turned his attention to the painting for a moment, letting the silence rest before continuing to speak "The Senju clan will slow the process of restoration that had been going on in our clan's capital, and instead move to build shelters around the empire for those who need it. And in that same line of thought, should any of the other clans present prefer building those on their own, the Senju would still be willing to offer the materials needed to build these shelters." Once he finished speaking, Resu sat down and took another look at the painting. It was certainly one to behold, but one that made him a bit angry inside.

When all the leaders and representatives had gathered and they all took to their assigned seatings. He was given specific orders from Leo on what he was allowed to do, and what he shouldn't do. Sima Fu did chuckle though as it was quite evident on which clans sat next to each other, on where alliances stood not that it truly mattered to the Tokugawa. They had a good standing with majority, besides a couple of them. That however was not the point of the meeting and as Kiyomi started to get things underway, she had her Sworn Sword twelve of them in fact, start to bring in this large object covered for suspense.

He had to admit it was making him curious what large scale object this was, she started talking about the conflict ongoing in the Wolf Country where their army was faced with quite the opposition. As she unveiled the object, which became apparent to be a large scale painting and quite the detailed one at that. Showcasing the struggle that was happening, and the many brave lives that were fighting valiantly to stop this huge menace. Then came the reasoning after she would donate a small sum one hundred gold suns to Lord Hyuzu for his brothers accomplishments, she would then ask them if they would be willing to donate to those that had also lost family in this conflict. He had a small smile as he chuckled mentally. This is what Leo meant by the Empress being guile, he could see why Leo was always amused by these meetings now. Mostly if he could foresee something along these lines involving money.

After Lady Yamanaka and the Senju's representative Resu had finished saying their piece and donating a small amount. Sima Fu would stand up next giving the Empress a smile and bow. "The Tokugawa have always been willing to lend a hand to those in need your Majesty. As we share the pain of loss just like everyone here no doubt has, the Tokugawa would be willing to pledge seventy Golden Suns. Furthermore we would also be willing to provide food to those in need of it along with free schooling. Having said his piece, he would take his seat a small smile still on his face as he waited to see how things would go from here.

Hirasuke had taken his place, anticipating already how some clans would approach and take their seat. Despite it being expected to shower the Empress in compliments, what mattered was where people sat. It spoke about their prestige and standing in the Empire. The closer you sat to the Empress, the more you were valued by the crown. A subtle but most interesting game, in Hirasuke's opinion.
The young ruler would speak first and Hirasuke had some joy in how he couldn't instantly guess what was to come. Some surprise and suspense certainly added joy to the political playfield. Paying attention to what the Empress said, Hirasuke allowed himself to glance who or what came through the doors of the hall. Spotting the Sworn Swords and the concealed object, Hirasuke almost forgot for a moment who was speaking. Turning his attention back at the young ruler, he soon understood what was going on.
The donation of a hundred golden suns was a most gracious gesture. Both to reward a clan that had a member proven his loyalty but also of a sign on who could actually afford such wealth with little thought.

Then three other clans spoke. The Yamanaka and Senju clans offered some nice rewards, attempting to donate enough that wouldn't make it possible for anybody to call them out on it. When the representative of theTokugawa stood, Hirasuke's eyes narrowed slightly. The offer of the Tokugawa was most generous and would be hard to compete. As Hirasuke stood, he showed a polite smile as he made a small bow with his head to Kiyomi.
It would indeed be hard to compete, for those who didn't have the luck to be part of the Uchiha.

"Your Majesty, the conflict in the east seems to be quite dire. I would like to show our gratitude to those who have made it possible to allow us to experience peace and prosperity. If Lord Hyuzu would allow it, I would like to offer a few emeralds as a gift. I will see to it that the emeralds will be a sight to behold," Hirasuke turned to Jora Hyuzu as he made a bow towards the leader of the Hyuzu clan, "And hopefully, it will be a confirmation that the Uchiha value the Hyuzu presence within the Empire."
The polite smile stayed on Hirasuke's lips as he would turn more towards the others at the table before once more turning to Kiyomi. As if he subtly gestured that he was capable of donating that and more.
"Your Majesty is a shining pearl, for desiring to bring comfort to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones. If it pleases your Majesty, the Uchiha clan will be at your service. We shall donate a sum of eighty-five golden suns." Letting a pause echo briefly after his words, Hirasuke would continue, "Not to mention I will see to it that those who are in need shall be helped properly. If it pleases Lord Tokugawa, the Uchiha clan shall contribute as well and willing to aid the Tokugawa in bringing knowledge. With the additional necessities that some families require to come through the cold night. Perhaps, if allowed, the Uchiha clan can host a few festivals to bring some joy to the bereaved families. If the Senju clan would be willing, I am sure that my lord and clan will be overjoyed to see more cooperation between our clans."
Making an elegant bow towards Kiyomi, Hirasuke would sit down, his content hidden behind a polite smile.

Kenta was grateful that the seats were ones that provided comfort. Though his task was to represent the Hon and watch over Kei, who so far gained a few looks. But nobody dared to question the girl's presence. Kenta assumed it was highly likely due to the child's origin. To be daughter of two Great Clans clearly had its own gravitas. While people came to enter the hall and greet the Empress, Kenta heard some whispering. Leaning towards Kei that sat next to him, Kenta eyebrows formed a frown on his brow. The wrinkles that already sat on his features, due to old age, gained more as the old man listened to the whispers of the small girl. Nodding slowly, Kenta whispered something back. Causing Kei to nod and slightly raised her chin, which caused Kenta to chuckle as he shook his head.

The meeting then proceeded with Kiyomi taking the word. Paying heed to what the Empress said, several times Kenta was required to lean towards Kei, as the girl whispered into the man's ear. Causing him to nod and usually respond back - all the while using a hand to shield somebody from reading the girl or his lips during their brief interactions. When Kiyomi revealed the painting, Kenta grumbled in an approving fashion. It was a shame that the Sworn swords covered it again as Kenta desired to look more at the painting. The piece of art had reminded him of his younger days, when he had been able to carry the sword and do his part. Though he was certain that he could take more than half of those who were present in the room.
Kiyomi then surprised Kenta with a clever move. Rewarding a clan for good service wasn't that strange. It was what most clan leaders did to reward those that were loyal, which caused others wanting to strive to please their leaders. Wondering if the young monarch had learned this from either Aiko or Zakito, Kenta couldn't do anything but silently approve of the clever manoeuvre. Only for Kiyomi to turn the tables around.
"Oh, you clever girl," Kenta thought to himself.

Then clans started to respond. The Yamanaka and Senju were the first noble clans that reacted. Their contribution couldn't weigh up to the one hundred golden suns. But their contribution was pleasing and certainly not lacking. Then it was the Tokugawa and Kenta was intently listening to the representative of the Great Clan. As expected of the Tokugawa, or any Great clan, their offer was much bigger and providing a larger impact. They could afford it, after all, Kenta mused to himself.
The Uchiha then stepped up the game and Kenta narrowed his eyes. Their offer was even better and while he would condemn it as childish, it would look bad for other Great Clans to not show equal devotion or charity.
Furthermore, Kenta shot a subtle glance to the Tokugawa representative. Something was off here. He wasn't sure what but the usual interaction in which the Tokugawa and Uchiha engaged was mildly different. Then a thought dawned in Kenta's mind as he looked back at the representative of the Tokugawa clan.
"Those damned sons of bastards..."

It became clear that another clan was to speak up. Once more leaning towards Kei, Kenta spoke softly. The fact that the two whispered in Chonobi didn't so far seem to irk anybody. After a quick exchange between the two, Kenta nodded and leaned back as Kei rose up. She barely could reach above the table. Causing the servant behind Kenta and Kei to step in.
Carefully and gently raising the child to stand on her chair, the servant stepped back as Kei remained silent. It was a rather odd sight as the young girl looked with an authoritarian gaze at those present, men and women who represented important nobility of the Empire.

The girl spoke with a clear voice and certain confidence that hinted towards her origin of being of two Great Clans. Though most wouldn't be able to understand what she said, as she spoke in fluent Chonobi with a Hon-accent, the various changes in her tone made it clear that she had quite the message for the gathered meeting of noble representatives and clan leaders. Finally, Kei would make a bow, that almost seemed to cause her drop from the chair, towards Kiyomi. Climbing down, she sat and seemed rather content with herself.
Kenta waited a second before he rose up. He was more than certain that the majority had no clue what the small girl had spoken. For all that they knew, the girl could have brought a most threatening message and they wouldn't be the wiser.
"Allow me to translate the words of Kei, who is here to represent her noble parents and their great clans. The Hon and Cho. Allow me, as her mentor, to say what she has to say to you all." Kenta said, the formality almost natural flowing off his tongue and body language. "The Lady spoke that she is most sorry for those who have lost their lives in the campaign on the eastern continent. She said that she hopes that the Asynjur will welcome our fallen countrymen. Or any case, God is merciful and allowing those who fell to enjoy peace in the afterlife. The Lady states she is aware that life for those who are left behind won't be easy. Even if they can bask in the glory of being the relative of a fallen or still fighting hero. For that reason, the Lady will see to it that the Great Clans she is from to donate a total of one-hundred and sixty golden suns. She will make sure that those who have no protection can request that from both Cho and Hon. That they will be received with respect and cared for. The Lady wishes to state that she is impressed by the previous offerings and would like to raise a shrine for those fallen. One for the Taika, one for the Yakimara and one for her own culture." Kenta held a pause as he fought a cough back. "Her Lady wishes to conclude with saying that she is most proud to have such a compassionate leader as her Majesty."

Concluding the translation, Kenta raised a hand to cover his mouth as he started to cough. He was most content on how he had translated the words of the young girl. For while it was quite accurate, it lacked several details that Kenta's translation had.
The Imperial Clan Meeting - Part 3
[ Shimatse, Omari Clan heartlands - Imperial Rain Province ]
[ A collab done by various leaders and representatives of Imperial Akinian clans:

- Homura Dynasty by @Aliceee
- Omari Clan by @conman2163
- Uchiha Clan by @Oetje
- Hon Clan and Cho Clan by @Gerontis
- Senju Clan by @Nim
- Tokugawa Clan by @Oblivion666
- Nara Clan and Hyuzu Clan by @ChromeHound
- Hyuuga Clan by @GlitchyBugger
- Hanta Clan and Housha Clan by @Jason Targaryen

- Yamanaka Clan by @Lesli

Another clan meeting is organised, this time at the political and administrative centre of the fledgling Omari clan. The city of Shimaste. Representatives and leaders of clans travel and meet there to discuss some new matters. While some clans have decided to not partake, each having their own reasons, the meeting continues without much hinderance. A few matters are discussed between the nobility and the crown.

Chu was quite pleased with the going ons. Okay, so a few folks had entered into the city with their retinues still armed, but realistically, he had not truly expected representatives of the larger clans to obey such rules in a place like this, but the smaller clans had, and that was what was important here. He would graciously accept each compliment and greeting with a head bow of his own and a little greeting back here and there. The only one he really took special interest in were the Housha. Afterall, the rest were sort of out of his pay grade to be dealing with, or he already had dealings with them. He had been giving the clan aide ever since the attack on the compound, with the hope of drawing up a more formal alliance. Thus far it seemed to be working, as relations had been friendly. As for the rest, his only surprise was that neither the leader of the Hon or Cho arrived, instead sending the heir apparent to the combined lands.

It would not take long for the group to find their seats, with Chu taking his seat next to the Empress. The theatrics to follow were great, but it all boiled down to a few things. First, the army in the East was victorious in a great battle over the enemy. Chu mused over the thoughts of what exactly the campaign looked like over in the East, separated as it was by the mainland. Second, the reaped rewards were so great that the Empress was willing to share, but in turn asked for donations to those who left loved ones behind following the timulteous battle that occured. Third, the measuring of cocks for the clans. The Yamanaka, Uchiha, Tokugawa, then Cho and Hon. Certainly the Omari had no ability to measure up to the great clans, no money, no great wealth of resources or powerful learning institutions. All they had was plots of farmland and Elfrine. Though, the more he thought on the war, the more he felt upset that his clan had no opportunity to earn glory or honor in the field of battle. Still, he stuffed the feelings for the moment, and his face remained neutral as he stood. "If it would please you your Majesty, I would offer a hundred golden suns to the relief effort, and I would make the offer of a plot of land to those who leave behind children without an inheritance of their own." The Omari said no more as he took a seat.

The atmosphere in the hall held more tension than Shirori had anticipated when she originally had the assignment of representing the Hyuuga given to her, part of it being the Empress herself playing what she felt was quite a forceful hand in order to goad everyone present into making contributions toward the aftermath of the war effort in the Wolf Country.

Hearing the other clans making their donations and offers put doubt into what her own clan could actually contribute aside from a token sum of money, so she quietly looked at the notes that had been written out for her by the actual representative, a witch of a woman through and through. Once other representatives and lords had finished speaking, lord Omari having just offered land to essentially set up an orphanage as far as she could tell, Shirori rose from her seat to speak.
"We of the Hyuuga wish to donate eighty Golden Suns and in addition would be more than willing to give the affected families assistance in the form of assigning members of the Hidarite branch of our clan as caretakers and assistants in whatever capacity is needed, such as domestic work or child care, especially so in conjunction with Lord Omari's offer of land for the children left destitute from the toils of war." As much as she didn't like it, she had to tie her contribution in with the Omari's as per her instructions. Regardless she gave a small bow and quickly returned to her seat.

Jora felt a surge of pride as the large painting was revealed and Kiyomi mentioned that his brother was leading the charge. He had felt worried when he'd first received word that Hayate would be heading to the front. Especially after hearing that his brother would be leading the Akinian forces. Jora couldn't help but see Hayate as his baby brother, even though he knew just how capable the boy could be. The feeling of pride was met almost immediately by one of disappointment. Disappointment that he could not be by his brother's side on the battlefield. That he couldn't help keep his little brother safe. For now, he'd have to trust those Hayate kept close to watch his back.

When Kiyomi mentioned her offering to the Hyuzu clan, Jora almost completely missed it. It was an incredibly large gesture and he did not know how to react. Wishing he had Elena with him to help him with a response, Jora instead remained silent at first, trying to keep his eyes from growing as wide as they had felt. Listening to the others as they all began making offers to those in need, Jora began to think what his own clan could offer. A monetary amount seemed to accompany all offers and the Hyuzu leader wondered how odd it would seem if he also made an offer of money, considering it would appear that he was simply re-gifting what the Empress had provided his clan. Thinking for a long time, Jora finally made up his mind and stood once the Hyuuga clan representative had finished speaking. "Firstly, I would like to say how honoured we are to receive your gift and your praise Empress Homura. I know my brother well enough to say that if he were here, he would say that this victory was only achieved because of the contributions of everyone on the battlefield. All clans working in unison to overcome overwhelming odds." Pausing, Jora glanced around the room looking at each of the representatives. "He would thank all of those who sent troops to the battlefield and everyone who gave their lives to keep Akino safe." Truth be told, Hayate would also likely have refused the gift from the Empress but Jora wasn't about to mention that point. "The Hyuzu clan will use these funds to help bring more raw material to the Empire that will aid in the construction of shelter for those in need and arms for any who seek to join the battle in the East. The Senju have already graciously offered to provide some of the materials for building shelters and we would seek to assist with this. As most of you likely know, our specialty is working with metal and the Hyuzu smiths will be made available for any crafting that is required. I will also open this up to any other clans who are offering land and shelter to those in need. The Hyuzu clan would be honoured to assist with building any additional structures that may be required."

Turning towards the Uchiha representative, Jora lowered his head slightly in a nod of respect. "I would also like to thank you, Lord Uchiha, for your generous gift and your kind words." Glancing around the room once more, before finally settling his gaze on the Empress, Jora continued. "As mentioned previously, we would also like to assist with aiding those who are still fighting. The Hyuzu clan will continue building weapons and armour to send to the front. With these new funds we will be able to increase our output immensely and ensure the best possible product is being supplied to the troops." Returning to his seat, Jora hoped it had been enough. Only time would tell…

As Shikamura sat and watched the proceedings he could not help but begin calculating in his own mind. The offers from many of the clans made sense, though the Nara got the sense that some were trying to make a bigger display than they could properly afford. It would create an interesting dynamic, that much was certain. It appeared that the Hyuzu clan was being gifted a fair bit and, while Shikamura found it interesting, he also understood why the Empress would want to increase visibility on the clan. Her betrothed was a prominent member after all. The Uchiha's offering to them came as a bit of a surprise and the Nara clan leader found himself wondering whether it was truly directed as a genuine gift towards the Hyuzu, or if it was meant as another display of strength for the Uchiha to gain favour.

When the Hyuzu leader had finished speaking, Shikamura found himself gauging the offer. It had value, that much was certain. The Hyuzu craftmanship was well known across the Empire, but there was not a direct monetary amount, which would make it hard to compare amongst the others. That may have been the point, however, and Shikamura rose to his feet, deciding to speak next. "The Nara clan will be honoured to offer aid to those in need. We will donate a sum of twenty golden suns along with medical supplies and treatment to any who need it." Smiling warmly, he nodded his head slightly and retook his seat. The offer pretty much matched what the Yamanaka had offered, and Shikamura did not feel a need to offer much more than his clan was able to handle. The medical supplies and treatment might cost more than he was initially comfortable with, but it was a small price to pay if it meant more would require their services. It would be a way of integrating with more clans and that served his purposes rather well. Glancing around the room, he waited for the next representative to speak.

When the picture was brought out, Ferra found herself intrigued. Battle was always something that would get her attention and she found herself imaging what the battle may have been like. That lead to her wishing she could be out there, away from the stress of meetings like this and out on the battlefield where things were more clear and you could actually trust the people beside you. The comments from the Empress, however, brought her attention right back to the present.

"Shit." Ferra thought to herself, realizing the position she'd been put in. The Arkos clan was not a wealthy one by any means and she did not initially know what else they could offer to rival the other clans. Listening to the other offers, she hoped there would be some who would offer less so that her own offer would not appear so pitiful. When Chu made his offer, Ferra was glad she was not drinking, else she would likely have spat out her drink. How in the four hells would the Omari come up with 100 golden suns to throw out nonchalantly? She could feel herself panicking, especially when it became increasingly clear that the Arkos' offer would likely be the smallest of the clans who had spoken so far. She received a tiny sense of relief when the Hyuzu clan leader spoke. He did not offer any money, after all, and simply offered services. Perhaps she could do something similar… Then the Nara leader spoke and it appeared money was back on the table.

Groaning inwardly, Ferra pondered her options. While the clan was not overly wealthy, Ferra herself had earned a lot during her time spent playing Godai. Not nearly enough to try and compete with these other clans, but perhaps she could pool some of her money together with the clans to make something a little more respectable… Rising to stand, Ferra looked around, forcing herself to act more confidently than she truly felt. "The Arkos clan does not have a vast amount of money or resources that we can offer, but we would like to provide 10 golden suns to support those in need. " Glancing around, her gaze settled on the Empress. "We are a warrior clan by nature. We would be honoured to help train any who would wish to join the fight, or who simply wish to know how to protect themselves. If Your Majesty would approve it, I would also like to raise a force of Arkos soldiers to send to the East and join the fight." Sitting back down, Ferra really, really hoped they would get drinks soon…

Makoto sat quietly as he listened to each clan make their offers on what they would be offering in response to the Empress' suggestion. He waited quietly while the Arkos clan representative spoke up, and looked around silently for a few moments to make sure that no others were planning on standing up and making offers. After a few more moments, the old man let out a sigh and slowly pushed up on his cane to stand as he looked around the rest of the room. "The Hanta shall offer 30 golden suns to support those in need, and we shall also offer a supply of marble from our mines to build monuments to those either fallen, or the heroes. So that their stories shall never be forgotten." He said, before focusing on the Empress last then giving a small nod before lowering himself back to his seat.

The Housha representative stared blankly ahead at the Empress as the suggestion was passed around the other clans made their donations of money and whatever else they pleased to her suggestion. When it came his turn to speak, the man stood and looked calmly around the room before speaking. "The Housha shall not offer support." He said firmly before taking a small breath. "While they surely are heroes and such of their own conflicts, the Housha are suffering back home. Three times, our city has been plunged into chaos as of late. Three times, my people have been hit with the brunt of this very chaos while our forces are off defending a land that is not even our own." He continued, without a sign of stopping though some amount of emotion could be heard creeping into his voice. "My people cannot donate that which we do not have. Our resources are spent towards rebuilding the homes that have been destroyed three times. They go towards burying the numerous dead. I apologise if this displeases your majesty, but I cannot find myself willing to donate any of these resources we barely make enough of to get by and rebuild for those who have lost their family members. Not when those of my friends and fellow clan members are gone. Not when I have had to bury my wife, my son, and my brother." The man finished firmly, then sat back down. While he knew somewhere that his decision may not have been the best of them for a clan, but he had not a regret.

With interest and growing content, Kiyomi took in the replies that she got from the clan leaders and representatives. Silently, Kiyomi would just take count on how much money each clan desired to contribute to the good cause. Some people did surprise her, provoking her eyebrows to briefly rise on her features. Such occasions, she remained silent and just observed the respective parties. She had no intention to see some clans bankrupting themselves and wondered if she should or shouldn't speak against it. What did provoke a smile on Kiyomi's smile was when Kei spoke up. Capable to fully follow what the girl tried to say was endearing. And though Kenta translated it with a large amount of freedom, Kiyomi saw no need to correct the respected old man.

When Jora, the Lord Hyuzu, spoke Kiyomi shot him a curious glance. Briefly she wondered if he would actually give an amount of money back - which would be a mixed gesture, as she had just gifted him wealth as reward for the Hyuzu's loyalty. Leaning slightly back in her seat, the young Empress would hear out the last replies. But the subtle hints of her content on her features vanished when Lord Housha spoke up. An echo of silence followed Lord Housha's words as the young ruler kept her gaze locked on the man as he sat down.

"I will be the first to offer my condolences to Lord Housha. Personally, I have suffered at the hands of the zealots when they managed to harm my guardian and adopted father. When they took my half-sibling and adopted mother, who might share the same fate as Lord Housha's kin without receiving a proper burial. But it seems that grief has struck him hard enough to forget a few things," Kiyomi spoke in a soft and slower pace as her features started to show a subtle hint of her dismay. "It is true, loyal Akinians are fighting, bleeding and even dying on foreign soil. Lord Housha strikes a good point with that. But he shouldn't let grief take over his head. Those brave Akinians are fighting so that not just Lord Housha's kin and clan will be safe from a larger threat. They are fighting for us all. Lord Housha and his clan included," Kiyomi slightly raised her chin as she would introduce a pause. "Which means that it isn't just their conflict but that of us all, Lord Housha. Everybody would be wise to remember that before speaking in such a fashion." The friendly tone seemed to be replaced by a less hospitable one as Kiyomi let her gaze rest on the man. Nodding slowly after a second, Kiyomi would speak again.
"I understand that the situation is harsh right now for Lord Housha, so we will let bygones be bygones."

Taking a small breath in, Kiyomi flashed a small smile towards the others present in the room. "I am very happy and humbled by the generosity that you all have provided. I will see to it that those who got hit by the loss of their loved ones shall be receiving the help they need. I don't think it will be necessary to migrate them to some land that will be foreign for them," she further said, "Yet, I will allow you all to contact those who oversee the aid to the people. And I shall make it certain they know who lend them the aid they received." Kiyomi glanced at Ferra Arkos briefly.
"Seeing that the threat in the east is much larger than was anticipated, more forces will be directed eastwards. The remains of the Imperial Third Division shall be mobilised and sent. I will talk with my war council if it is wise to allow more troops to be sent east, Lady Arkos."
Allowing once more her words to sink in, Kiyomi would allow her gaze to travel to each clan leader or representative present.

"Now, do any of you have anything you wish to present," Kiyomi began. "before we else move on to my next topic?"

It remained silent as Kiyomi glanced at the present people at the table. Nobody spoke up, confirming that they had nothing to present as a topic of their own. Which was all to Kiyomi's content.
"My next topic concerns the refugees that have come from the occupied land of the Claw. It is no secret that the Fang have invaded and tries to assert their dominance on the Claw for the last decades. This has driven people to flee for their lives as they are being enslaved or pursued because they follow a religion that is different than their occupants. Reports have been delivered about the situation in which those people live. But I shall spare you all about the gruesome life that many people from the Claw have to experience." Kiyomi introduced a pause as she folded her hands on her lap.

"For this reason, I wanted to create a haven for them. A place where they can find peace and respite from the horrors that occurs in their land of origin. A place where they can pursue their traditions and faith, one that is close to many clans here." Flashing a polite smile, Kiyomi threw a glance at several of the clan leaders that originated from the Rain. "As such, I will have it ordered that the refugees are safely guarded and guided away. I will let them establish a site where they can find respite. Not to mention, hopefully able to settle back some peace after the various events that have troubled the province. I am aware that some of you allow the refugees to live on your land. So it won't be much of an issue to basically allow me to herd them from the Rain to a better place."
She glanced around but couldn't find the respective representative. Deciding to not bother with it, Kiyomi spoke further. "The clans that offered materials for shelter can aid me in this process. I would be most delighted and I think the refugees will be most grateful for it."

After the silence that came from the question of any topics from the clan representatives, for which he had none, Resu listened to the next item on the agenda for the Empress. The refugees from the Claw, the ones that were pursued due to having a different religion. As she kept going further into the topic, Resu moved to place his hands in front of his head. As she reached the end of her explanation, he imagined he knew what she will aim to ask next. The request ended up being only half of what he thought it would be, asking from the clans who offered materials to build shelters from earlier, as building shelters for the families that suffered from the war in the east was deemed unneeded by the Empress. He glanced towards Lord Jora, and briefly wondered about something, before turning to look at the Empress once more.

Standing up, Resu began speaking "I cannot imagine the horrors those poor people are going through. Allocating materials toward helping with the haven for the refugees will be of no issue at all for the Senju, and I will even see further if it would be possible to send some work force to help speed things along." Once he was finished, he sat back down in his chair, and turned his attention to Lord Hyuzu, waiting to see if the man will also speak up.
[ Asami Sanosuke ]
[ Sanosuke Heartlands, within the Jarldom of Langanes | Heading South ]

Her eyes widened as she turned around. Before Asami could complete the motion, steel punctured through her clothing. The sharp edge of the ANBU's tanto pierced her skin and would bite deep.
Grunting as the sharp sensation of pain flowed through her side, Asami would manage to keep herself standing. Grabbing the man by the neck, Asami would slam a fist into the man's throat. The soft sound of something cracking was overwhelmed by the man's wheezing, trying to squeeze in some air.
Detecting that the ANBU's grip on the tanto weakened, Asami would release her grip on the ANBU's neck to perform a kick. The result was that the man was stumbling backwards, his hands clenching at his throat while he fought a desperate fight to breathe properly.

Hissing softly, Asami's attention went to the tanto that was still stuck in her side. Gripping the blade, she would pull it out - tears forming at her eyes, proceeding to roll over her cheeks as the pain burned all over her right side. Turning to the ANBU, she noticed that he had attempted to get up and was trying to get to outside.
Aiming for a moment, Asami would throw the tanto and watch how the steel sank into the ANBU's neck. Causing the masked man to stumble and fall to the ground. A dark crimson substance started to stain the wooden floor as it flowed out of the man's neck.

"Fuck your password," Asami grunted as she passed the ANBU's body, exiting the building. Once outside, she saw various shadows. Three were at the opposing house while a few more silhouettes were standing on the nearby rooftops.
Throwing a quick glance at the visible ANBU, Asami narrowed her eyes. When she saw that a few of them slowly started to approach her, the Sanosuke turned her head to the right and spat on the ground.
"Come on then, you miserable pricks." She sneered while raising her hands.

The shadows didn't react to the taunt nor picked up their pace. Cautious in approach, only two silhouettes moved in fast. One of them came from Asami's right and attempted to literally hack the Sanosuke down with a curved blade.
Dodging the attack, Asami would manage to grab her assailant and push him away. The second assailant came from another direction, utilizing a set of daggers at rapid speed.

Cursing underneath her breath, Asami attempted to defend herself against the flurry of attacks she was facing. Despite adrenaline rushing through her system, she felt sharp stings of where her opponents managed to land an attack. Just when a third ANBU attempted to join, a few projectiles soared through the night.
The three ANBU around Asami would fall on the ground, being hit by the projectiles. Within seconds, more shadows seemed to flow out of the night's darkness and turning the tranquil village into a battleground of silent silhouettes, both covered by their gear and the darkness.

While the ANBU were fighting against the aid that Asami had brought with her, the woman didn't linger much around to fight. The objective wasn't to wipe out the ANBU that were guarding the jinchuriki. The jinchuriki themselves were the objectives.
Running through the streets, Asami didn't fear to be struck down. Any kunai, shuriken or arrow would be deflected or blocked by the Vörðr, Sanosuke clan shinobi.
The clash of steel and precise ninjutsu resonated through the night but nobody seemed to come out of their house to inspect it.

Taking a turn to the right, Asami saw a few ANBU guarding the entrance to a few houses. Coming to a halt, Asami stared down at the ANBU, managing to count up to five of them.
Stealing a look at the houses, she couldn't see much difference but it was clear that the jinchuriki and their families resided in those residences. Probably awake and posing to defend their families against anybody that would attempt to move in.

Turning her attention back at the few ANBU that were in her way, Asami inhaled slowly. Then she would sprint forwards, her hands weaving the required handsigns for her technique.
The ANBU reacted with taking a defensive position, not willing to let the Sanosuke passing them.

"Your funeral," Asami mused as she finished the streak of handsigns. Skidding to a halt, the woman would exhale a cloud that seemed to expand rapidly.
The first ANBU that got into contact with the mist seemed to realise the effect, the painful grunt audible for the others. They moved slowly backwards as the corrosive mist gradually advanced.
One of the ANBU would move their gloved hands together, likely for a jutsu to counter the mist. But before they would be able, something shot out of the mist and pierced the ANBU's mask, penetrating the head of the operative. Sinking to the ground, the projectile would be followed up by various others that shot out of the mist.
Thuds followed as the projectiles pierced the ANBU, despite their best efforts to react to the sudden hail of precise shots of bolts.

Walking out of the mist, clearly unaffected by her own technique, Asami watched how the ANBU attempted to cling to their life. Raising her right hand, Asami snapped her fingers and causing the corrosive mist to dissipate. Only to reveal half a dozen masked and hooded people behind her, holding crossbows at the ready and aimed at the dying ANBU.


The faint accusation caught Asami's attention as she shot a look at an ANBU she was about to pass. The dark made it nearly impossible to see if it was a man or woman. But the reality was that Asami didn't care what their gender was.


Before the ANBU could finish his curse, cold steel would be plunged into his chest by one of the mysterious Vörðr. The Sanosuke operative pulled out his weapon and nodded towards Asami.
Moving her gaze from the masked and hooded Vörðr, Asami turned to the few residences.

"Put them to sleep." Was the single command that the woman gave, causing the Vörðr to advance without making a sound.
She would watch how they became almost one with the shadows and moved to the few houses, splitting themselves into pairs. Moving to windows, it became clear that they would secure the possible entrances and large windows. But instead of moving in, they would throw something inside.

Muffled shouts erupted from the houses, causing Asami to close her eyes briefly. Soon enough, silence dawned over the hamlet.

They had lost almost half of the group that had travelled south to retrieve the jinchuriki and their family from the hamlet. A few Vörðr would linger behind to clear up the tracks as good as they could before moving north, while Asami and the bulk of the remaining group raced back north. During the trip, she oversaw personally to keep the jinchuriki into a comatose through the use of medicines and drugs.

After all, she reminded herself of the lack of trust between her and the two jinchuriki. And Asami wasn't eager to face either the host of the Eight or Three tails while travelling outside safe territory.
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A New Course?
[ Lightning Country - past the Sanosuke Mountain ranges | In a nomadic camp of the Sato Clan, near the city of Harford ]

[ A collab between Midori Sato @Fieryfly and Asami Sanosuke @Aliceee | Midori is awakened by Asami, around a week after she has been taken from the hamlet. The two have a talk as Asami explains the situation and gives Midori the choice. The latter makes a decision that coveniently falls in place with Asami's own agenda. ]

Nodding to the few men that she passed by, Asami managed to hide her pain well. Despite that the few wounds were treated, she had barely got any rest to properly let the wounds heal. Yet, their objective was achieved and it seemed that hope was blossoming among the Northerners that had decided to rally against the Regency council. The mountain passes were manned and guarded while on the sea, they had the superiority. Both in numbers and quality. At this point, Asami wondered briefly if they should even continue fighting - as taking the fight to the Regency council. They could hold their position with ease and there was barely any concern for any other side. The Alaricus and Hojo were in full rebellion as was the Raikage. The land was in turmoil but, at least, the Sanosuke and her allies were safe.

Nearing the ger, there were a few guards. Unlike what one would expect, they were neither shinobi or of the Sanosuke clan. They were Sato who were willing to defend the one that had been brought back.
Nodding to the men, Asami was allowed in without even explaining what she was going to do. Seemed that trust was high due to her bringing back more of them into safety.
Pushing the canvas that formed the entrance of the round, large tent Asami looked at the person. She seemed to be sleeping and knocked cold. The effect of the drug that had been applied to keep her asleep as they couldn't take any risks.

Grunting softly, Asami would walk towards the other person that was laying on the soft hides and what not. Kneeling down, Asami would pull out a small item from a pouch. It was a rather small vial and the woman already disliked the idea to remove the top from it. Moving the vial to the nose of the other, Asami would gently remove the top and allow the stench to be picked up by the other's nostrils. The potent stench could even awaken a bear from its winter sleep.

The dreams had been peaceful, more peaceful than they had been in a while. They included fields of grass, summer mornings, fresh melons, happy faces of the people she liked to hang out with. But all things come to an end, Midori knew. And so the fresh smell of hay was dragged off by a sudden northern wind and replaced with a horrible stench. Desperately Midori clung to the dream a bit longer. She didn't want to let go of this happiness.

In vain.

Her eyes snapped open. One look into the eyes of the person hovering over her was enough to put her body in defensive mode. She reacted on instinct, slapped Asami's hand away and rolled over her shoulder backwards so that she now sat in a crouched position before Asami. Her eyes moved about nervously. "Hi…" she said tentively.

If Asami was either surprised or having any irritation on how Midori reacted, she didn't show it. Calmly, the woman would close the vial with the horrible stench and pocket it away. For a moment, it just became silent after Midori's short greeting.
Deciding to shift from sitting on a knee to go sit on her rear, Asami let out a soft sigh. "Good morning to you too," despite the rather cynical phrasing, the woman sounded actually calm. Almost polite. "I suppose you have questions. But allow me to start saying that your mother, Reyna and everybody is alright." Asami paused as she would let those words sink in Midori's mind.

"And currently, we are far north. The True North as some would call it." She further stated, already suspecting that a lot of news hadn't reached the small hamlet where Midori and Reyna as some of their relatives were safeguarded, as one of the Fifth Raikage's plans to prevent anybody to gain control of the two jinchuriki. "You're safe." Asami decided to state, though aware how ironic it would likely sound to the jinchuriki in front of her.

Slowly, very slowly, Midori relaxed. Her mother was safe. That was honestly all she cared about. Her being safe was impossible, regardless of what Asami would say. Same went for Reyna. As long as they carried these beasts inside them, they would not be safe. That was just how it was. The only thing she could hope for was that Reyna would find a way to deal with her beast in a way that she did with Gyuki. Tentative friends or something like that.

"So now what?" she asked. "Are we just supposed to be here? That doesn't sound safe for these people. Also what do we know about my father, is he safe? What if they get to him to get to me?" The words tumbled out before she could stop herself. "Am I supposed to stay here indefinitely?"

Asami's lips parted to give a response but Midori continued. Showing some patience and apparent understanding, Asami would let Midori ask all the questions that came to her mind. For some reason already, Asami suspected that Midori wouldn't like the answers on her questions. "In this tent? Ger, I believe they call it?" Asami threw a look around. She had some understanding of the nomadic clans. But deep detail and understanding was something she lacked. It seemed odd to her to live in these large tents, sturdy as they appeared, throughout the whole year. "No. Frankly, I can't really promise your safety. The situation is as following," Asami gestured to the canvas that formed the only existing exit as barrier to the world that awaited them, "the North is plunged into a civil war. While you, your mother as Reyna and her family were tucked into safety, some… shit happened. In short? There is a regency council that is kicking shins of clans and the Raikage. As you might expect, people and certainly clans can get upset really easily. So protests happened. Some people died. Battles occured and all that yadada." Making a dismissive gesture as if it was some childish and not important news, Asami just continued on.

"So safety? I consider the true north safe. Past the mountain ranges that separate the Sanosuke heartlands from the southern 'north'," a certain cynical emphasis would ring through the woman's voice, "At least, for now. We have full control over the mountain passes and the sea. The Sato clan allied themselves with the Sanosuke as some other clans did. So technically? You are home." Allowing that news all to sink in, Asami already weighed and carefully choose the words that would set her next plan into motion.
"But as you expect, I didn't come to wake you up or decided to risk my life or that of others to bring you just back. Neither to win the love of your kin and clan. You are obviously needed. After all, people do like a saviour." Asami locked her eyes on Midori as she would pause. "Unless, you don't want to be a saviour this time."

"I was never the savior in the first place," Midori said. "It was all your plan and all your doing. I was just there to execute the plan because I could do it." She was silent for a moment. Battles, coups, she knew that that is what she had to expect of a life as a shinobi. She was trained to fight. But she was not trained for politics and mindgames and all that stuff. All she ever wanted was to be a cool person with cool powers who did cool missions. That was how this all started. She hadn't told herself that being a shinobi would be easy or without moral choices, but honestly, she was kind of done with these complications. Why couldn't there just be a target and then they took him out and that was that.

"Do I actually have a choice this time or is it like when you asked before?"

Asami was at the ready to sway away that argument. Though truth was in Midori's words, the world saw it differently. No matter who would say what, people believed what they did. And it was rather a difficult, exhausting process to change that. In fact, Asami was happy to let Midori shoulder the title of being Kumogakure's Saviour and of the Lightning's freedom when the Shoji occupation had happened. "You do have a choice. After all, I can try to order you around. But let us be honest with each other. You and I? We aren't exactly on friendly terms. You don't trust me and I have yet to convince myself to trust in you." Asami shot a look at the canvas before looking back at Midori.

"Beside, I doubt that the Sato clan would remain a loyal ally if they found out that I forced one of theirs to stay or do my bidding. I can't afford to lose the support of your people." Asami explained, though it clearly irritated her that she was in such a predicament at the moment. "So you can stay. With your father and mother. With your clan. But chance is growing with each day that people will ask you to help them to fight. Defeat the big bad Regency council. Or," Asami's voice became a bit softer, "I can arrange a way for you to get away from this chaos and fighting. A safe passage for your parents and you to get away. Seeing your relation with the Empress of Akino, I wager that it wouldn't too difficult to arrange something. But the choice? It is all yours."

Midori was silent for a while. It was easy to say yes, I'll leave. I'll go away and brush away this whole issue. But if she did, wouldn't that mean that she would disappoint people she cared about? Ryo didn't do it. He gave up everything for his country. He died for it, in a non literal sense. She shook her head. Ryo being alive was not something she was ready to fully deal with yet.

She sighed. "Can Reyna go? To the Empress I mean. Kiyomi knows what it is like to deal with a… with being a jinchuuriki. If she can go with my parents to her, then she will be more okay. And I will stay here and help you."

The silence was okay with Asami. It felt somewhat good to let Midori choose for herself. Not that Asami would admit her previous thoughts and personal distress that she could decide for Midori's life, that of her parents and what not. That she actually was happy that she could let the choice reside with the young Sato instead of having somebody decide over it. But the response that Asami got was something she hadn't expected.

"I don't know. The sore and painful fact is that I don't want to risk both jinchuriki to be send to Akino. Relations with the empire isn't that solid. My worst fear is that I basically hand you and Reyna over to another prison. Probably nicer clad and appearing than what you are used to, but still a prison with bars and restrictions." Asami said, "I can try to negotiate. But I can't promise certainty about Reyna."
Considering Midori's proposal, Asami sighed softly. "But you want to stay and help me? What if Reyna decides to stay here and do the same?"

"That is up to her, isn't it?" Midori said. "I don't decide what Reyna does. Or what she wants. If she wants to stay here and help…" Midori looked down to her hands before searching for Ryo's sword with her eyes. "If she decides to stay and help I… I could go. To Kiyomi. I do have a lot of questions for her. Questions that I would really like an answer to." Kiyomi must have known about Ryo and honestly, that was unforgivable. She should have said something, being the Empress be damned. They were sisters. They were friends. There were some things you didn't hide from each other, such as when you supposedly dead boyfriend is actually alive. "And it would be good to make sure my parents are safe."

"Mhm, it is yes." Was Asami's reply. Watching and listening to Midori, Asami just assumed that Midori had probably some questions regarding bijuu and jinchuriki. Or other matters that just didn't interest her at this point or ever would. Hearing that Midori still wanted to make sure that her parents were safe, Asami decided to speak up.

"Allow me to promise that your parents are safe for now. The Regency, the Great Clans or the Raikage can't just move in and be a threat. I made sure that the situation is under control with the leaders of the Sato, Sanosuke and Saemund clans." She replied, considering something. The idea that she was sitting here with Midori, considering options felt stranger with each minute. In a weird good way.
"I can else arrange that your parents remain safe. Far away from any fighting or intrigues. Maybe even get some experienced folks to watch over them. But that is only if you want it."

"I want that," was Midori's immediate reply. "My mom is sick, she should be safe." She shifted her position and sat down on her butt. Another sigh escaped her lips. "Alright, I'll go to Kiyomi and Reyna can decide for herself what she wants to do. If Reyna wants to go to Kiyomi, I will stay here and help. Reyna is much… newer to all this and I don't think her Bijuu likes her much… Though not sure Gyuki likes me much either," that last part was muttered. Sure Gyuki was kind of nice now, but that could always change. He was prone to change his mind on the fly.

Much like she was.

She didn't like that fact about herself now that she thought about it. She didn't want to be that much like Gyuki. "When do I leave?" she asked Asami to distract herself. "And how do I leave?"

Nodding, Asami spoke up. "I promise that I will keep them safe. And see to it that your mother will get the best treatment that can be provided." For a second, Asami wondered if Midori still suspected her to pull a political move. To try to play her into her plans and cards. If she only had the stamina to do that now…
When Midori spoke of Reyna and her beast, Asami frowned slightly. Taking the information in, Asami surprised herself that she didn't already consider a way to take advantage of it all. Whereas she had been one of the most supportive to investigate the bijuu and how they could impact their jinchuriki, Asami wanted to be done. It felt wrong and made her uneasy, knowing that she was partly responsible for all that had befallen both jinchuriki.

"I am not sure when. So you got some time to catch up with people that are around. Maybe even do some sightseeing before everything is set and prepared." Asami replied, a light shrug going along with her answer. "But when you leave, it will be done by ship. If things go like I want them to go, you will go to the southern part of the Empire with ship. As I stated and promised before, we got full control over the seas. So that will be much securer than smuggling you over land. From there, you will be in the hands of the Imperials. But seeing your connection with the Empress? I highly doubt you will be mistreated. I can else assign some people to travel with you. Just as assurance in case you feel homesick."
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A possible whisper~
[ Lightning Country - past the Sanosuke Mountain ranges | The city of Harford, Sanosuke Heartlands ]

[ A collab between Kaizen 'Kai' Kyosū @ChromeHound and Asami Sanosuke @Aliceee | While Asami is briefly in Harford to arrange some matters, she is contacted by one of her little 'birds'. Upon meeting with one of her spies, Asami comes to the discovery somebody has placed a rather unusual affliction upon the little bird. Leading to a meeting with an old acquaintance.]

The courtyard was abuzz with people moving throughout. A few were clearly in no hurry, taking time to enjoy the beautiful scenery as the sun beamed down from above. Standing with his hands clasped behind his back, the young spymaster simply observed, a ghost of a smile on his face.

None took notice of the man. Even those who passed close by did not turn, as if something kept their focus away. None, save for a small girl near the edge of the courtyard. She was doing her best to hide, but Kaizen had been around long enough to recognize the signs. Turning to face the girl, the spymaster smiled warmly and beckoned for her to come closer.

As the girl approached, Kaizen reached into his jacket, withdrawing a small, black envelope with a seal in the shape of a rose, but with the same black colouring. The girl stopped in front of him and Kaizen lowered himself to one knee so that he was closer to her height. Holding out the letter, he watched as the girl reached out tentatively and took hold of it. She glanced up and Kaizen made eye contact with her. Releasing the letter, the spymaster stood and patted her on the head.

"Fly away home little bird." Turning, Kaizen walked away into the shadows, leaving the young girl behind.

The situation seemed to be stable. The Regency nor anybody else had attempted to break through their defenses, neither at the mountain ranges or over the waves of the seas. If anything, it seemed that they had survived the first storm and could breathe again. But Asami wasn't that optimistic as they wouldn't gain much by sitting still either. Keeping in mind that she had to arrange some matters, such as helping to organise logistics and keeping the cooperation between the Sanosuke and her allies ongoing, Asami wondered how she would awaken Reyna Azumi.
While attending to her task, a man would approach her. It was one of her contacts, serving her in a more direct fashion than most others did.

The man leaned in close and whispered a message in Asami's ears. Frowning, at first, Asami listened to the message. Only to turn her head and shoot the man a puzzled look. The man simply returned the verbal question with a shrug.

Being guided to the place where the girl was kept, Asami's right hand leaned on the head of the handaxe, that hanged in the ring at her weapon belt. The wooden shaft now and then moved against her thigh, reminding her that she didn't go unarmed to the curious matter.
At the entrance of a small temple, Asami nodded towards the few guards that had been positioned to make sure that she wouldn't be disturbed during the possible meeting. Or in case of a trap, being able to rush inside.
Entering the interior, the girl was easily spotted in the middle of the hall. Waiting till the door behind her would be closed by a guard, Asami kept her gaze locked on the small girl. She seemed harmless. But Asami had seen people being killed by innocent appearing material, tools and people. Just the right amount of creativity was required, that was all to it. Possibly some motivation and timing as well.

Walking towards the girl, Asami would narrow her eyes. The girl couldn't be older than twelve years old but she seemed quite calm, despite being in a surrounding that didn't adhere to her own origin.
Slowly crouching in front of the girl, Asami would speak up.
"What colour is snow?"

The lips of the girl parted but no word escaped the throat. It was rather a sound. One that surprised and for a moment puzzled Asami. The girl became silent and then once more attempted to answer, only repeating the sound. The chirping of a bird, or at least, an imitation.
Remaining silent, Asami would straighten her back and raise herself from her crouched stance.
"What colour is snow?" Asami repeated, but the answer remained the same.

Silence echoed after the chirping of the girl. Inhaling slowly, Asami would walk away from the girl towards the nearby altar. A black envelope was placed there. Supposingly the girl wasn't eager to part with it. Eying the envelope, Asami frowned as she required a second to recognise the design.
Quickly, the woman turned to the only present guard inside the hall. Gesturing that she desired to be left alone, Asami waited till the guard followed the instruction.

Picking up the envelope, Asami walked towards the girl. Holding up the envelope, she spoke up in a stern tone. "Who gave you this?" The question would be answered once more with the girl chirping. Nodding slowly, Asami glanced at the envelope once more.
"Go outside."
The command would be followed and once more Asami waited for the door to be closed before she continued. Holding the envelope at some distance from her face, Asami broke the seal. Slowly and with caution, Asami pulled the letter out of the envelope. Recognising the summoning formula, a frustrated sigh escaped her. Once more, a black rose as symbol.

Briefly, she considered to burn the letter. He would know that she had received it. She wasn't foolish enough to believe that he had no ways to gain information what happened in this far in the north. Considering her options, Asami mumbled a curse as she kneeled down. Placing the letter on the ground, she moulded some chakra in her left hand before placing it on the summoning formula. As chakra coursed through her hand into the formula, Asami's right hand tightened around the shaft of the handaxe. By the time that a smoke cloud poofed into existence, Asami rose up, at the ready to pull out the weapon at her hip.

As the smoke cleared, a single figure emerged, hands clasped behind his back and a light smile on his face. Noticing the handaxe, one eyebrow raised slightly, amused. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?" he asked, the amusement clear in his voice.

The expression of annoyance didn't vanish upon hearing his voice, confirming that her suspicions were true. "Depends on how this will go." Asami replied back, not making an effort to mask her frustration and irritation. Moving her hand away from the weapon's shaft, Asami crossed her arms out front of her chest as she set her gaze upon the man that had been summoned in the room.

"You are quite far away from home, Kaizen. If you miss me, I am sure that it would have been easier to get a letter delivered. Rather than to mess with my little birds." Asami continued, her eyes briefly narrowed. "I do hope that the effects aren't permanent. Unlike you, I don't have that kind of humour. Not today, at least."

Nodding, the smile did not disappear from his face. "A letter may have been easier, but much less fun, no?" Glancing around the room, the spymaster shook his head when she asked if the effects were permanent. "They are indeed temporary. Though, you may wish to use this to make it disappear a little faster." Withdrawing his hands from behind his back slowly, Kaizen held out one hand towards Asami, a small scroll held in his fingers.

"Your birds are clever Asami, but they are not fully trained. If you want to get information from me, you have but to ask."

Eyeing the scroll, Asami kept her arms crossed for a moment. Feeling only more annoyed at the current situation, the woman did lower her arms before she would take the held out scroll. Pocketing it away, a scoff would be the initial reaction back at Kaizen. "Better than nothing. Though, I doubt you will give me the information I want. I wager that you're not here out to just help me in my little fight this far north." Pausing for a moment, Asami continued. "So let us put the jokes and games aside Kaizen. Not in the mood. I want to know what you want. And what you got to offer."

"Straight to the point hmm? Fair enough. To business it is then." Tilting his head to the side, Kaizen clasped his hands together in front of him. "As you know, there have been many… changes… of late. This has caused some unrest. I've come because I value your opinion and because I need to know where you stand."

"I imagine. I heard some rumours. Such as that the Raikage forces clashed and lost against the Regency council. That the Hojo managed to win their clash. Or is there unrest growing with the news that the Regency council failed to win against my kinsmen?" The question was clearly rhetorical, a brief indication that Asami's mood started to stabilise by a small bit. "I doubt you need to know where I stand. With my people. Certainly with Lord Fifth dead. I ain't going anywhere without ensuring that my clan will prosper because of it."

Nodding slowly, Kaizen's smile widened. "Good." Reaching up with one hand, he scratched his chin idly. "And what do you know of the Sixth?"

"That he needs more troops after getting his shit kicked in." Asami brusquely stated. "Other than that? I don't know. Most likely if it is a smart fellow, he will adopt the same tradition as Lord Fifth." A second of silence followed before Asami posed a question in return. "So, what of him?"

Shrugging lightly, Kaizen's hand dropped in front of him once more. "As I am sure you can imagine, I have learned quite a bit of his past. It is his future that I am more interested in however." Taking a moment's pause, Kaizen began to pace. "It seems he is seeking to be his own man," he said carefully, glancing towards Asami, "and, as such, he would like to make an impact. Get the people to know him, as it were."

Asami's right eyebrow slightly perked up. "Uhu. Snooping in somebody's past is kind of your thing. Great that he wants to be his own man. Though, I am not yet excited yet to meet this Sixth. As you might have learned, I am currently unable to head back to drink a cup of tea with the new guy. I might not even consider it. Seeing that he send a Taika to deal with my clan. I was actually hoping that with the likes of you in Kumogakure, such a bad move could have been prevented."

Chuckling softly, Kaizen nodded. "Alas, I was attending to other matters when the Sixth first gained his seat. Though," turning to Asami, the amusement crept back into his tone, "I am glad to see you haven't lost faith in my… advisory capabilities." Turning again, Kaizen continued to pace. "It appears you have set up quite the operation here."

Her gaze was locked on the spymaster. Where it would have been somebody different, Asami would have questioned and perhaps have no trouble to mock them. "Lord Fifth trusted you with a reason. If anything, you do have a talent to please most people."

The last comment made Asami slightly frown. "If you mean the resistance of the Sanosuke, who are allied with the Sato? I might have some influence in that. And though I do respect you, Kaizen, I do need to give you the warning to thread carefully. With Lord Fifth dead and this whole situation with the Regency council, I might be a tad more protective of my clan and kin. After all, who actually would be able to murder him?"

"Lord Fifth was a man I could put my own trust in," Kaizen said with a light shrug, "It was only fitting that I return the same." As Asami mentioned the murder, Kaizen's eyes narrowed for a single moment before returning to normal. Taking a moment's pause before continuing, the Spymaster's tone shifted slightly. "You are wise to be suspicious Asami. Those responsible will answer for it, I can assure you of that." Kaizen took the murder of Takeru as a personal failure and for the first time in a long time he allowed a hint of emotion to enter his tone before pausing and regaining his composure. "As for your clan? I fear you may have misunderstood me. I think it is rather wise to focus on protecting your own right now."

For a moment, Asami wasn't sure. While she wanted to believe that Kaizen was attempting to play her, making her fall into a game that he would win, he seemed genuine. More so than he ever seemed. "Takeru was a good man, worth of being loyal too." She decided to respond, appearing as sounding less defensive. Letting a pauze follow her response, Asami slowly nodded. "I hope it is more than wise, though. But if you would wish to enlighten, then you have my attention. Just know one thing before you begin," a twinge of the defensive attitude seemed to return, "I ain't planning to play to any plans that make me sacrifice any progress that I have made for my people."

One corner of his mouth curled up in a wry smile as Asami shifted back into a slightly defensive tone. Shaking his head, Kaizen met her gaze, "I have no desire to get in the way of what you and your people have built. I have too much respect for you to do that." Glancing away, the Spymaster continued, "I do, however, wish to see stability in Kumo again and I will need your help to accomplish that. First though, you should know that Lord Sixth is sending a new representative to meet with you. One whom my people tell me is… better suited to the task. She should understand you, and your needs, better than the first that was sent. I would ask that you at least hear her out." Turning back, Kaizen met Asami's gaze once more. "Should you still have concerns, I believe it would be wise for us to speak again."

There was a part of her that wanted to trust Kaizen. But at the moment, she didn't trust on her guts. Certainly not seeing that she had not a clear idea on what his aim was with visiting her. "You went through all this trouble to just alert me of someone that is heading over?" While sounding amused, there wasn't a smile to spot on Asami's features. "Cut to the chase, Kaizen. You won't expect me to believe that this all to it?" Frowning, Asami felt the need to use violence. Resisting her urges, she continued speaking.

"Cause of course, I have concerns. I don't trust this new Raikage. I certainly don't trust the Regency council. What is there to stop me from convincing the Sanosuke jarls to lock down the mountains and dominate the northern seas? The way I see it, this new Raikage doesn't even have a fleet to contest a part of what we have up here."

"Perhaps I just wanted to visit an old friend," Kaizen shrugged, "You are correct however, there is more that I wish to discuss with you." Tilting his head for a moment after Asami's comments about locking down the mountains, the Spymaster raised an eyebrow, "As much as I believe you could do it, I truly hope it does not come down to that. Kumo has seen enough division recently and I fear that would only tear her apart further." Glancing away for a moment, his tone shifted slightly, growing quieter, "Perhaps beyond repair this time..."

Shifting again, Kaizen rubbed his chin. "As for the other reason for my visit... it has come to my attention that you have a rather interesting guest. One whom I've been tasked with finding."

Asami cocked her head slightly to the left when Kaizen answered her question. Scoffing at his second remark, of him hoping she wouldn't do it, Asami remained silent. Well aware of what this could mean for the nation, Asami held firm belief that she could shield her clan and people from harm. While the south burned, they could use the seas and mountains to guard them from any foe.

"We have many interesting folk. I assume you are known with various names, aren't you? Though," Asami sized Kaizen up and down as a certain amusement rang through her voice, "I doubt you will like Hallbard the Mad. Or some other interesting folk." She responded, though well aware who Kaizen spoke off.

"Oh, you know, I might surprise you," Kaizen replied, a smile growing on his face. "This Hallbard the Mad does sound rather interesting after all..." Pretending to ponder for a moment, the Spymaster eventually shook his head, chuckling softly. "While I am certain you have many colourful characters around, I'm more interested in the one that everyone is currently looking for. Our missing Ranzaki heir."

Raising an eyebrow ever so slightly, Kaizen watched for Asami's reaction. He hoped there was enough trust between them that he would not have to pry for information, but things had changed a lot in Kumo and Kaizen didn't know how much that might have affected the respect between Asami and himself.

Whereas Asami would scoff with most making such a remark about themselves, Asami felt some hairs on the back of her neck rising when Kaizen said it. "Believe me, you're not the stock that he usually befriends with. More the folk that he gleefully hangs and torments. He is one of the less charming of the North, I admit," Asami replied as she continued on a calm tone. "As for the Ranzaki runt? We might have him. But if you are going to ask to turn him over? I fear that you need to come with a very good offer. I see no strategic need to let the Ranzaki twat be protected by some warm-blooded southerners. After all, once this conflict is over, people will want things to turn normal again. A Ranzaki that owes much to the Sanosuke? Now that is both a good joke and a nice future profit."

Pausing, Asami slightly frowned her eyebrows. "Unless you want to try to take him? I don't think your new master will succeed. Less he wants to give justification for a two front war. And as things stand now, I don't think I need to tell you who can be really annoying when it comes down to raiding and hitting hard from every spot on the country's coast."

The smile did not leave his face as Asami described Hallbard the Mad, though Kaizen did make a mental note to not cross paths with the brute if it could be helped. "Name your price." The spymaster said, his tone friendly yet serious. Tilting his head slightly, Kaizen continued, "I have no interest in forcing your hand, that would be rather counterintuitive to what I am hoping to achieve. So please, name your price and I will see what can be done."

Folding his arms across his chest, Kaizen raised a single eyebrow. "And for the record, I do not have a master."

It remained quiet as Asami considered what she would offer as price. If it had been somebody less influential or that she didn't respect, she wouldn't even consider to trade with them. But Kaizen was certainly somebody. Just a somebody that only a few seemed to know and even fewer aware of his actual value.

"I suppose that your life would be a too high price? If you will join my cause, then who knows?" Asami brought up, lightly shrugging as she already expected a certain answer. "Certainly would prove that you aren't leashed like a mere dog." The Sanosuke added, the jab quite clear as Asami lowered her arms. "Unless you want to prove me right, of course."

Chuckling, Kaizen scratched his chin, thinking for a long moment before he would respond. "An interesting proposal, I'll admit." Though it was clear she was goading him, Kaizen did not doubt her offer had some sincerity to it. "But if I were to join your cause, what is it exactly that you would be needing of me?" Tilting his head slightly, a playful edge crept into his tone. "You have your own network of informants and, while they might not be quite as capable as mine, they have served you well so far." Shrugging, he continued, "I'm not much of a soldier either, so if you're looking for someone to help take up arms I don't know that I'd be much help there. So what is it that I can do for you, hmm?"

While his tone was slightly teasing, Kaizen was serious. His curiosity was piqued, but his services were not cheap. The Ranzaki heir was valuable, but he was not the one who really needed the boy. If the heir's return to the capital would help stabilize the Lightning however, then Kaizen had more incentive to consider Asami's proposal.

She waited a second before taking a few steps towards Kaizen, her eyes locking with his. "Let us not play this dull game. You got knowledge. You got access to places I don't have." Halting, merely a few paces away from Kaizen, Asami flashed a smile. It wasn't one of joy and a poet would likely describe it as a faint reminder that she wasn't harmless. "With the access you have, the information you possess and gather, we could end this conflict. I got the troops, the charisma and the trophy that everybody desires. You can tell me what I want to know and when I want to know it."

Pausing, Asami took a few more steps towards Kaizen. "Besides, I got more matters you don't know about. Nor something that the Raikage or the Regency can reach for. Not without sacrificing their chance to win this conflict." Blinking only once, her eyes gained a particular glint. "We both worked for the Lord Fifth. We were loyal to him. So it wouldn't be too strange to try to rely on each other to see to it that this madness ends, correct?"

Meeting her gaze, Kaizen did not flinch as Asami approached. She could certainly be threatening when she wanted, but the spymaster remained unfazed. At this moment, he was more intrigued than intimidated. When Asami finished speaking, Kaizen's face shifted slightly, his features growing more serious. "I am still uncertain why he didn't make you his direct successor," he said softly, no trace of his previous playfulness left in his tone. "Might have saved us quite the headache..." Folding his hands behind his back, Kaizen nodded. "Very well. Consider me interested."

"We have worked well together in the past Asami. If our goals align here then I can only hope we can indeed bring about the end of this futile conflict. I must say though,"
he continued, a single eyebrow raising, "you do have me curious as to what these matters are that you are holding so close to your chest. Though… I suppose it would spoil the fun if you were to tell me now."

"I wouldn't want it anyways. Besides, the Alaricus and Hojo would have thrown up a fuss. Or have a reason to." Asami answered, a light shrug accompanying her answer. Hearing that Kaizen was positive to work together with her, a smirk crossed her lips.
"For now, I will keep them close to my chest. No fun or fair to play with my cards open. You will learn when I want to contact you and what I will need from you. For now, it is best if your return. We will speak later about some matters, at another place."

It was now Kaizen's turn to smirk as Asami mentioned that she would let him know when he was required. Nodding again, Kaizen met her gaze. "Very well. Though, we have not yet formalized when I will be able to bring the boy back to the capital. I would be remiss not to confirm that prior to leaving."

Her right eyebrow perked up when Kaizen brought up the boy, the Ranzaki. She considered for a second and then shrugged. "You can get him later. Possibly when things are a bit calmer. As long as he and everybody else remembers that the Sanosuke didn't just fight for themselves. And that we deserve more credit than the usual tiny bit we get rewarded with." She considered something else but opted to not make any remark about the Sixth Raikage. "Though, I doubt I need to state that if the Sixth Raikage makes any attempt on the assets that I or anybody else here got their hands on? Then it will be a no deal. But I am certain you will make sure it won't come to that, won't you?"

Satisfied with the response, Kaizen's smirk grew into a smile. "That can certainly be arranged." Scratching his chin with one hand, he glanced away, pondering something for a moment before turning back. "Lord Sixth is not aware of where the boy is and, while I have been tasked with determining his location, I do not intend to provide that information if it will lead to more damages. If we are in agreement that I can have the heir once the time is right, then I will see to it no attempts are made to circumvent that."

Asami softly whistled as she smirked afterwards. "Playing a dangerous game, Kaizen. But fair enough, I will agree with that." Offering a hand, she would nod to emphasise that she agreed with the deal. "I can't promise that the boy will be excited about being handed over like some second-handed goat. But I doubt he has much to say in this matter."

Shrugging, Kaizen's expression did not change. "It would be far more dangerous to allow someone to make decisions without all of the information available. Until I can confirm whether or not the Sixth Raikage is capable of listening to reason, I will not present him with any options that can make things worse for himself or for the Lightning." Glancing down as Asami offered her hand, Kaizen nodded as well. "I can imagine he will be frustrated, but I will do what I can to make the boy understand." Reaching out he shook Asami's hand, a slight glint in his eye. "It was a pleasure, as always. Until next time Lady Sanosuke." With that, Kaizen would disappear in a cloud of smoke. All that remained once the smoke faded would be a single black rose left in Asami's hand.
Knowing when...
[ Eastern Continent, the Wolf Country | Allied Camp on a large plateau, at the Imperial camp]
[ A collab between @ChromeHound and @Gerontis |
Returning from a joint-operation with the Lightning troops, Koike returns to the Imperial camp to bring report back to Hayate. The two briefly speak of the situation and consider what they can do to improve it. Seeing their lack of intel on when to expect the supply route as reinforcements to arrive, they come up with a plan.]

The operation had gone rather well. The cooperation with the Lightning force had gone somewhat well. Not as smooth as one would expect from allies but Koike knew that it was too much to ask for perfect coordination between the two forces. While their countries were allies in name for years, that had never included cooperative military training or exercises.
But they had managed what they had been sent out to do and for that, Koike was content.
Heading towards Hayate's tent, the Hon was also content with their current situation. The plateau that the allied force had settled on was easy to defend as well allowing them good vision over the surrounding land. If another large enemy force would try to dawn on them, they would know it in time to ready themselves.

Arriving at the tent, Koike nodded towards the Tiger Claws that had been set out to guard the commander and his tent. Knowing the protocol, he would wait as one of the Tiger Claws would move inside the large tent to inform the commander of who wanted to enter.
As he waited, Koike turned half around to steal a glance from his surrounding. With morale being higher in the entire Akinian force, it seemed that activity was much higher than before. Perhaps if things would go this easy, they could be home within a few months. Perhaps weeks, he mused rather amused to himself - well aware that it was far too optimistic.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Hayate sighed. It was true that things were looking better for their forces, but the young commander still did not feel he could rest. There were so many things to look after and he still had a difficult time trying not to do it all himself. Turning from the map on his table, Hayate noticed the guard that had entered the tent. Returning the young Tiger Claw's salute, the Hyuzu did not have to wait long for the guard to announce the arrival of Koike Hon. Nodding, a small pressure felt as if it was lifted from his shoulders and Hayate signalled the guard to let his friend in.

Resting back against the table, Hayate smiled when he saw the Hon. "It's good to see you Koike. What do you have to report?"

Entering the tent, Koike began with a resolute salute. When asked what he had to report, Koike began.
"The operation with the Lightning force was a success. We got some more understanding of the nearby land to the east. There are some suitable spots to establish outposts once we are certain that the local population won't attempt to lash out against us." He paused for a moment. "Potentially, we have found some enemy forces. Too small in number to prove a threat and we made short work of them. Likely to be stranglers of the last force we destroyed. Probably wanting to get as far east as they could before we could catch them."

Done with his verbal report, Koike would slide his thumbs behind his belt as he took a more relaxing stance. "Other than that, I have nothing new to report. I did take the liberty to see if word came back from our other operations. But seems that I am the first one to arrive back."

After returning the Hon's salute, Hayate would wait for his friend to finish speaking. Nodding afterwards, Hayate looked away, thinking for a moment before turning back. "That is indeed good news. Excellent work, as always." Scratching his chin, Hayate wished for a moment that he could have traded places with Koike. Heading out, scouting, engaging the enemy… It all seemed so much easier than being stuck here at camp. "Hopefully the others return soon. In the meantime however," gesturing, Hayate continued. "take a seat. It would appear things are calm at the moment and we may as well take this opportunity to catch up."

Nodding, Koike wouldn't object to enjoy the simple comfort of a seat. It certainly was better than the rudimentary uses of 'stools', which came in all kind of primitive forms. From cut wooden parts to actual tree stumps, Koike felt somewhat relieved upon placing himself on a chair that wasn't a quick piece of work.

"Sounds like a good plan," he stated now that he was more comfortable. "Have you already decided on what our next move will be? Originally, our campaign was to establish peace and order in this region. And then head back home. Though, I doubt that we will be going back soon?"

Shaking his head, Hayate glanced back at the map. "I can't shake the feeling that we're not going to be done here for quite some time..." Turning back to Koike, he shrugged. "This enemy is unlike any we've faced before and we have no idea what their true goal is. If there's any risk that they still have another force waiting in the wings somewhere, we'll need to remain here to hold them off. Keep them from getting to our home..."

"We've put together a decent base of operations for now. Somewhere we can fortify a little more easily. But still, we need to be prepared for anything. That's why I'm hoping the others get back soon with their reports."

Releasing a sigh, Koike knew that his optimistic mood had to come to an end soon. Hearing what Hayate said, Koike leaned on the table as he would give his reply on turn. "Agreed. Having more information can provide us with knowing what decisions will be better for both our health as for the campaign. But for now, this location is rather excellent." He paused before he would elaborate. "It is easy to defend and allow us to set up a supply route home. If we can reinforce and occupy the nearby spots that can serve as outposts, we will be able to repel a large force without losing too many casualties."

Considering that they would receive reinforcements already, Koike hoped that in the meanwhile they wouldn't be forced to face another large force opposing them. "Alternatively, we could perhaps try to convince those back home to hasten with the supplies and reinforcements. I went last time but if things are going to stay calm..."
His voice trailing off but he was sure that Hayate would get where he wanted to go.

Though he was paying attention to Koike's words, Hayate's attention had been partially split between how they could plan out their supply routes while expanding to multiple outposts. When Koike mentioned convincing those back home to hasten the supplies, he knew instantly what his friend was suggesting and a ray of hope shot through him. Turning his full attention back to the moment at hand, Hayate opened his mouth to reply before shutting it quickly and looking away. Clenching his fists, The Hyuzu felt the hope fade. "Even if things are calm here, it would not be appropriate for me to leave..."

Managing to catch the reaction that Hayate had on his previous words, Koike shrugged slightly. "It would be far more inappropriate if we requested a higher up to come here. Seeing that we can only summon Kiyomi here and have nobody to summon her back, it is only appropriate that we send one of our own." Koike flashed a polite smile as he would let the words briefly sink in, before he continued on.

"After all, I have little reason to go back. Katsu and Saki wouldn't likely go back. For we both know that Saki has little reason either and Katsu? He is these days really into archery. Don't ask me why. It has been this for a while and I have decided to let him occupy himself with it." Introducing a second of silence, Koike crossed his arms as he would lean slightly backwards.
"So, you would be best to briefly return home. I am certain that half a day or a day would not do any damage. Just to make sure to get information on how soon we can expect the supply route to be up as the promised reinforcements."

Turning back to his friend, Hayate shook his head slightly and sighed, the ghost of a grin growing across his features. Koike always had been a pain to argue with. "I..." Trying to think of a valid argument, Hayate sighed again before sitting down across from Koike. "Fine. If you are certain that it would not put unnecessary risk on the people here, I… I can go back." The thought of being able to see Kiyomi again brought a joy to him that he hadn't felt since they'd arrived in the East. He didn't want to get his hopes up, however. Even though Koike was right, it would not be wise for him to leave without ensuring things were taken care of. "If I go, you will be in charge while I'm away. You know this right?"

The amusement faded away in Koike's features. For a moment, he had forgotten who Hayate considered as his right hand. He didn't like the idea to take responsibility. The fact he was responsible for leading and managing a battalion was already exhausting. To deal with several larger units? He wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

"I will do so. If you don't take too long, you won't be coming back to us being at odds with the Republic. Most won't even notice a difference or that you were gone if you will come back within a day." He replied, releasing a mental sigh. "Though, if you do go. Would you mind doing me a favour?" A clear hesitation arose before Koike decided to venture forth with his request.
"There is this woman. From the Tamiyo dynasty. You know, from the River province," Koike made a dismissive gesture as if he didn't just mention an important part of the Empire, "I heard she was going to marry but also pregnant. If you are going, could you perhaps try to gain some information? On the child?"
Hayate's grin widened at Koike's clear discomfort for taking responsibility. He was tempted to make a joke about staying back in Konoha and leaving Koike to defend the front, but paused when he saw the shift in Koike's demeanor. Raising an eyebrow, Hayate found himself rather curious. It was unlike the Hon to be so vague and dance around his point.

Folding his arms across his chest, Hayate tilted his head to the side. "And does this woman have a name?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. He now had many, many questions, but did not want to seem too eager and scare Koike off.

He wanted to scoff upon hearing Hayate's amusement. Even wanting to decline to continue his request. But Koike decided to bear with it. "Haruka. Though I am not entirely sure if she has adapted another surname. I do wager it won't be hard to win intel over her, seeing her origin and family." Would be his answer in return.

"If you would do that for me, I will make sure that things here stay in prime shape. Neither our allies or the majority of the troops will catch wind of you briefly returning home. I wager I can even set up a shadow clone to cover you up."

Staring at the Hon for a long moment, Hayate nodded slowly, his smile being replaced with a slightly more serious expression. It seemed there was more to this than just a simple fling. He knew Koike well enough to tell that he had feelings for this person and Hayate felt a hint of sadness upon realizing that his friend was probably unable to share them with her. Especially if she was to be married to someone else. Scratching his chin for a moment, Hayate spoke. "I would be happy to check in on her and the child. Do you..." locking eyes with Koike, he continued, "do you happen to know the name of the child so that I might find them easier? Especially if the surname has changed?"

The question of Hayate brought a revelation. One that came down with a heavyweight and realisation of how much he failed. The answer was hard to produce for it meant to acknowledge he shouldn't even deserve to know the child's name now. "No, I do not know the child's name or gender," he admitted, his voice becoming a bit more shaking. A very short coughing fit seemed to follow before Koike seemed to manage to compose himself again.

"I once served in an operation to guard her and her family. I am just curious to what became of her. If you can't uncover the answers I seek, then no harm is done."

The sadness in him grew slightly and Hayate remained silent, wanting to offer for Koike to return again and seek out the answers himself as the Hon clearly needed some closure. Gritting his teeth, he finally nodded once more and looked back at his friend. "I will do everything in my power to get you the answers you seek." Pondering something, he tilted his head slightly, "Has she already married?" he asked softly.

Glad that his friend was willing to seek the answers he sought, Koike raised a hand and scratched his neck. Each question and answer that seemed to follow only revealed more on how much he actually didn't know about Haruka's situation, ever since he got back from his own brief visit back home. "No idea. Last time that I heard, she was arranged. I reckon she has been already married. Though it was Kiyomi who had informed me when I went back to convince the brass that we could use more reinforcements and supplies." Koike gave as an answer.

Feeling uncomfortable to continue the topic, he decided to continue. "But yeah, if you are able. I would be happy to learn anything. Else?" Koike shrugged lightly. "All the same to me. Do you have an idea when you want to visit her Majesty to request intel on when we can receive the reinforcements and supply route?"

Making a mental note to indeed check on the status of whether or not the girl was married, Hayate decided to comply with Koike's obvious desire to change the topic. Not all arranged marriages went through. Perhaps there was a chance that his friend could get his happy-ever-after after all…

Shifting his attention back to the question Koike had asked him, Hayate scratched his chin. "Honestly, if I didn't have to wait for the reports to come in, I'd say right now..." Smiling slightly, Hayate shrugged. "Alas, it will still have to wait for some time until the others have returned."

"Mmm, well, I see little reason to delay it. I can make a shadow clone and then we can execute this. Though, hold that for a moment." Realising something, Koike raised his right hand to point with his thumb over his shoulder, towards the entrance of the tent. "It might be a good idea to inform your Guard. Before they will think I performed some kind of shady assassination."

Chuckling Hayate glanced towards the entrance of the tent. "I imagine that would indeed be wise." Scratching the back of his neck, Hayate thought about it for a long moment. He was still hesitant to leave, especially with the others still out. But Koike did have a point. It would not change much right now and he did trust the Hon to look after things in his absence… Realizing something, Hayate raised one of his arms and sniffed, frowning slightly. "It may be best for me to clean up first... "

"Might be best indeed. Then again, there is no telling if you can even summon yourself back. The technique depends on that Kiyomi allows you to summon yourself to her. If she isn't allowing you, due to whatever, then yeah." Even though, Koike had some serious doubts that Hayate wouldn't be allowed to summon himself back. He wagered that Kiyomi would likely get worried or become curious to why Hayate was seeking out to return back to Akino.

"In any case," he continued as he got up and rolled his shoulders, "I will set up a shadow clone in your image. You should warn the Tiger Claw guards and refresh yourself. Then we can set this all up. The sooner, the better."
Chewing his lip, Hayate eventually nodded. Meeting Koike's gaze, he spoke quietly. "Thank you Koike. Truly." Standing as well, Hayate glanced back towards the large table that served as his desk. There was still a lot of work to be done… Looking back towards Koike, he raised an eyebrow, a slight grin growing on his face. "Don't mess up the joint while I'm away."

"You are welcome," Koike replied, a friendly smile being flashed. When Hayate stated he shouldn't mess up, Koike shrugged lightly while hooking his thumbs behind his belt. "I guess I will try to keep things in order. Though I was considering to raid the countryside a bit here and there. We certainly could use some more fires to warm ourselves up."

"I would expect nothing less from a Hon," Hayate said teasingly. Folding his arms across his chest, he chuckled. "I will take care of some matters and send word once I'm ready to go." A thought hit him and he added, "Then we just have to hope she wants to see me." Though he let out a soft laugh, a small part of him worried that Kiyomi might be too busy and all this would be for nought.

An amused scoff escaped Koike, due to Hayate's tease. Though it wasn't completely a joke what he had said before. Best would be to keep that from Hayate, Koike figured. Nodding to emphasise that he understood, Koike gained a grin when Hayate stated that they would need to hope that Kiyomi would want to see him.
"Not when you are reeking like this. I will leave you to get yourself cleaned up. Alarm me when you need the shadow clone and don't worry. I will keep things running and stable until you return tomorrow or so. Just in case, do try to summon yourself back to me or Saki. I don't see any other reason other than the Tiger Claws and me to know of this plan."

Shaking his head as Koike mentioned his stench, Hayate couldn't really argue. He'd been too focused on planning to pay attention to his own personal hygiene. Besides, there wasn't anyone up here he was trying to impress. "I'll send word soon. First things first though, I have an important mission." Raising an eyebrow, he smirked, "Finding some damned soap."
To be promoted or not!
[ Empire of Akino, Fire Province | Cho Clan heartlands, some distance north of the port-city of Aegir, at a fortified camp ]

[ A flashback collab between @ChromeHound and @Gerontis, a day before Shikaroku is assigned to a mission |
Shikaroku is summoned to Hiron's tent after a day of training and drills. Once the Nara arrives, he engages in a discussion with Hiron about a potential promotion. This leads to a certain discussion and some revelation on how Shikaroku feels about the imminent deployment. ]

The activities of the camp never seemed to cease. The only time when it seemed to ebb into a less busy hub was when the night had arrived. But even then people were on and about, usually occupied with their tasks or unable to get some sleep.

Not much was different when Hiron got the report that the remaining detachments of the 3rd Division were gathering. Soon enough, they would be ferried over to the eastern continent to contribute to the chaotic mess that existed there.

Sitting in his spacious tent, Hiron continued to read a few more reports as he planned out several matters. The fact that many of the higher-ranked within the 3rd Division were both competent as experienced meant that he could leave the micro-management up to them. He had just to plot the larger aspects and make sure that they would be achieved. A rather refreshing change of pace, if he had to admit it.

With one of his guard bringing in a simple meal, Hiron thanked the man before he continued on reading the current report.

The day had been rough. Like the day before that and the one before that. But still, Shikaroku did not complain. It wasn't really in his character to grumble about the difficult training regiment, nor was he willing to show weakness in front of his Yakimara comrades. This day was a little different, however, as Shikaroku had received a summons from Hiron. Curious as to what his sensei wanted, the Nara had gone straight from training to the man's tent. Normally he would have stopped to clean himself up first, but he did not know if the summons were urgent or not.

Stopping out front of the tent that held Hiron, Shikaroku presented himself to the guards, waiting to be allowed entrance.

When one of his guards notified him who sought entry to his tent, Hiron simply nodded and would glance at the pair of chairs at the table he sat. Before the guard would vanish out of the tent, Hiron gave another instruction before the man would be outside again.

Shikaroku would receive the message that he could enter and when he did, Hiron spoke up without looking up from his report.

"You are still alive?" Though phrased as a question, it was clear to be rhetorical due to the man's tone. Glancing up from the report, Hiron's features showcased that he was rather amused. "Take a seat, I imagine a bit of a break would do you well."

Waiting for Shikaroku to do so, Hiron decided to shoot a question at the Nara.

"Have you written back home yet?"

Upon entering the tent, Shikaroku saluted. A formality that he doubted was needed with Hiron, but one that had become habit over the past few weeks. The Jounin's question caused the ghost of a smile to grow on his lips but Shikaroku's expression otherwise remained neutral. When Hiron asked him to take a seat, the Nara hesitated before complying.

The man's question took him by surprise at first and Shikaroku shook his head. "No sir. I don't have much to report and they are already aware it is risky for me to send anything to them."

Receiving the answer to his question, Hiron looked up from the report. Placing the small paper sheet down on the table, Hiron decided to wait a second. One of his guard came in to bring in a simple meal - one that Shikaroku as anybody else had to endure since they had been mobilised. The only added luxury was that he could 'enjoy' the somewhat bland food at the comfort of a table and chair.

"I remember when your parents received my message last time," Hiron began as he took a sip of his water, starting to talk after they were alone again, "I believe that your mother was almost livid and quite resistant at having you being deployed again. Certainly when still dealing with your wounds, those from the operation in the Uchiha clan lands." Hiron calmly continued as he glanced at the porridge.

"You should write them, let them know how you are though," Hiron stated as he would grab the wooden spoon, starting with the meal.

Scratching the back of his head, Shikaroku looked away, uncomfortable. His words had only been partially true and it seemed as though Hiron had seen right through them. Letting out a slight sigh, the Nara nodded. "I can't imagine she'll ever be happy to see me go back on operations after seeing me come home like I did last time." Shrugging, he leaned back slightly in the chair. "She knows what a Shinobi's life is like though and the risks involved." Shikaroku did not really want to write home, partly because it allowed him not to think about it and partly because he didn't want his parents to worry. Though… Hiron was right. He'd need to send something, else his mother was liable to track him down and beat him for not saying he was still alive.

"I suppose I can send them something soon." he finally admitted quietly.

"Hmpf," the sound escaped Hiron when Shikaroku began his answer. Clearing his mouth, Hiron took a second to give the boy a reply in return. "Then do leave the parts of how a soldier's life is treating you. I doubt she will be in all kind of states when she hears her boy being yelled at to run in circles, handling weapons and what not." He remarked, the ghost of a smile briefly appearing on Hiron's features.

"Also, eat your porridge. Stuff might be as bad as the shit from a pig but can't have you go starving. Fact is that I actually wanted to talk with you about something. Regarding your current rank as a genin," the jounin began, being more cautious though he attempted to not let it be noticed in his phrasing or tone.

"As the Major General, I do have the authority to promote you to the rank of chuunin."

Smiling slightly as Hiron joked, Shikaroku glanced down at the porridge in front of him. The stuff indeed tasted like he was eating mushy dirt, but at least it made the pain in his stomach disappear for a time. Picking up his spoon, he absently stirred the porridge, thinking about something before Hiron's words caught his attention. Looking up quickly, Shikaroku's gaze met his sensei's and his eyes narrowed slightly. Taking a moment to regain his composure, Shikaroku took a bite of his porridge, the frown still evident. "And?" he said, a slight hint of distaste in his voice.

"And you have the required experience. Unlike most other folks, genin or higher ranked you also got a brain that you actually use." Hiron stated, his tone being firmer. "You can't stay a genin forever. Certainly not with the fact what you have been through. Several dangerous operations, being handpicked by the Empress on a very certain operation. One that I don't believe I ever condoned either now we are talking about that." Hiron leaned a bit back as he frowned.

"So yeah, I see little reason why I shouldn't promote you here on the spot."

If it was possible, Shikaroku's eyes narrowed further as Hiron continued to speak. It was concerning enough to hear that the Jounin knew about the secret mission he had taken part in. That was supposed to have been kept quiet and if things had leaked out… Shaking the thought from his mind, he remembered that Hiron was the Empress' father. There was likely not much she was able to keep from him.

"I can think of several reasons," Shikaroku said coldly. "First, I've screwed up on several missions so far, nearly getting myself killed and putting my team at risk. Second, while I may or may not have assisted with other missions, I do not have a lot of experience in areas that would make sense to put me in a position of responsibility. Thirdly, I am not a leader. I have not led the team anywhere, nor do I have any real drive to lead… Fourthly, I may be able to use my head, but that's only when I'm not suffering from crippling migraines. Something you and I know full well can pop up any time and put anyone on the team at risk."

Placing his spoon down, Shikaroku stared at his sensei, awaiting the man's reply.

Hiron allowed Shikaroku to state his thoughts. As expected, even without the boy's glaring to make his opinion evident, Hiron knew beforehand how Shikaroku would go about the mere idea of being promoted. Calmly taking a sip of his water, Hiron would let a second or two pass before he spoke back.

"You did. You are also not the best when it comes to direct fighting. You got much to learn about various ways on how to counter opponents that either know or don't know about your versatile fighting style. However," Hiron's tone gained a sharper tone, "It is a promotion to chuunin. You won't be expected to lead an entire group. Even though you have done so before. I believe you helped coordinate and plan for a group larger than one squad. The name of that village escapes me but without you, I wonder if that place would have been saved from those zealots."

Hiron paused as he kept his eyes locked with his pupil. "So yes, you may have some points. They can be applied to the likes of others that were once promoted to the rank of chuunin as well. So you can huff and puff all you want, boy, but I see little reason to not pressure the promotion after another operation."

Clenching his fists, Shikaroku felt helpless as Hiron simply ignored his points, bringing up examples that the Nara now wished had never happened… Grinding his teeth together, he shook his head. "And do I get no say in the matter?"

Hiron's features didn't change. With a calm expression that seemed as solid as cold, hard rock, he stared back at Shikaroku. "Not if I deem so, no." Was the brusque answer. Though Hiron felt not entirely fine with the situation. If anything, he was as frustrated as Shikaroku was with the decision - which he would find immensely amusing and ironic if it wasn't for him being in the situation or the fact how much he cared for the Nara.

"I am well aware of how you feel about this. But for good gods, boy. I can't keep you as a genin wandering around. Besides, what else will change with you becoming a chuunin? You won't get paid more. Won't get put to lead a unit instantly. If anything, just accept the goddamn promotion and forget about it."

Looking away, he shook his head again in frustration. He remained silent for a long moment, not able to meet Hiron's gaze, just feeling the frustration inside himself growing. Finally, he managed to pull his gaze back to meet Hiron's. The look in his eyes was different this time, however. The anger was gone, replaced with… "I'm scared..."

It remained silent. Cause for the first time, Hiron felt a care he hadn't been experiencing for some time. The last time when Kiyomi was put on the throne. Or when he had heard Aimi cry the last time. Nodding slowly, Hiron released an audible sigh.

"Understandable. Change is usually scary. And it is easy for me to say that you worry too much. But I can't say that you're crazy because of it." Hiron said, his tone growing softer, losing the firm tone it had before. "Though with becoming a chuunin you don't need to be afraid that much. You still going to stay as my pupil. If anything, people will just have a harder time to pressure you to do their tasks instead of mine."

Looking away again, Shikaroku let out an exasperated sigh. "That's… that's not it." his voice cracked and the Nara looked up again, his eyes welled up slightly as he fought to keep tears from escaping. Cursing himself internally, Shikaroku never wanted to show this weakness to Hiron. "I'm not scared about the change. You already said it's not going to look too different but..." Shaking his head, he closed his eyes, trying to force the tears back. "What if I fuck up? What if I fall apart in a mission when people's lives are depending on me?"

Hiron remained silent. While he refused to say it directly, he could understand Shikaroku's fear and want to decline the promotion. Putting the mug down, the man picked up the wooden spoon to soldier through the bland meal. Almost like Hiron didn't seem to care about Shikaroku fighting back against his emotions - which was far from the truth.

After a few spoons of the dreadful porridge, Hiron spoke up. "You are going to fuck shit up. You are likely going to break and cause people to get hurt. Likely even to die," his tone was calm, even despite his phrasing doing little to provide comfort for the boy. "That is the way how things go. You learn from your mistakes. I know that I did. And still do, I need to add." Hiron took another spoon of the porridge while pausing.

"I served with heroes of the Great War, you know," he continued after clearing his mouth again. "Sakamoto Senju, Hisoka Uchiha and the Third Hokage. And there I come at their side, a nobody. With nothing on my record and the constant need to prove my worth to stand at their side. The best and worst time of my military career, I can tell you that." An amused scoff resonated from the man as he shook his head lightly.

"Not a night went by with that I pondered if I could have done this or that better. Not a day went by that I hoped I could prove my worth. And truth be told? I was one hell of a bastard. It is a wonder that they kept me alongside them. Even giving me the chance to prove my worth after showing them how much of a jerk I can be to the average person." The ghost of a smile became once visible as Hiron seemed to drift away into the thoughts and memories of the past. "Yet, once I realised that I had little to lose than I already did? I couldn't be more proud and confident. So," Hiron threw a glance at Shikaroku. "if I managed? You will do just fine. You got nothing to lose. Nothing more than you have as a genin."

Hiron's initial words did little to soothe Shikaroku's frustration, especially when he mentioned the Nara would likely be the cause of his own people's deaths. The thought made him sick and Shikaroku felt his fingernails digging into his palms as his fists clenched even further. He wanted to get up and simply walk out of the tent, but Hiron continued and Shikaroku forced himself to remain seated. As the Jounin continued, Shikaroku's frustration lessened slightly, slowly being replaced with curiosity. Hiron had never really talked much about his past before, let alone admitting his own weaknesses. The stories helped to calm Shikaroku, but they did not completely remove his distaste for what was taking place, nor did they eliminate his fears.

When Hiron had finished speaking, Shikaroku glanced away, trying to hide his face as he hastily wiped his eyes. Turning back, he did not speak for awhile, staring into his bowl of porridge. "We're not the same though..." Shikaroku finally said, quietly. Glancing up, he met Hiron's gaze."I don't care about proving my worth, or becoming a hero." Looking away again, he shook his head. "I just want to serve..." A large part of him wanted to tell Hiron about the visions; about the nightmarish figure he kept seeing, even when he was awake… If he did though, the Jounin would likely pull him from service until he'd had a full psych evaluation and Shikaroku could not let that happen.

"Indeed, we are far from the same," Hiron said, the pacing slow. "Which is why I have more hope for you to do better than me. You don't need to prove your worth. I barely can think of any genin that managed to ensnare a Hokage. Let alone the Fourth, at that," a small smile prompted on Hiron's lips as he couldn't hide his amusement. The idea that a pupil of his had managed to ensnare Hisoka. There was some crude justice and humour in that small fact.

"But don't worry for now. You are to be trained in how to serve better. Trust me with the promotion as it can allow me to deploy you where you can help me the best to bring this damned chaos to an end. And perhaps," Hiron dug his spoon into his porridge. "We can laugh one day that you were so firmly against being promoted to a chuunin."

A slight flush came to his face as Hiron mentioned the time that Shikaroku had foolishly tried to trap the Hokage. While his attempt had been successful, at least temporarily, it had been a thoroughly foolish move and one that had almost led to his death when Meisa had used his own shadow technique against him.

Covering his face slightly to hide his blush, Shikaroku took a long moment before looking back at Hiron. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "If I cannot change your mind then I suppose I don't really have a choice. When does it start?"

Glad that Shikaroku was getting less resistant to the idea, Hiron weighed his words. Taking a spoon from the porridge, he would first clear his mouth before replying back. "The moment you leave this tent." Was the answer. "I have yet to decide if I will get you some specialist training. But we still have to await and rally more detachments from the 3rd Division. Or well, what hasn't yet been sent to the eastern front with the first wave."

Glancing back to the entrance of the tent, Shikaroku raised an eyebrow and turned back. "So I guess I'll just have to stay in this tent for a long time until you change your mind, right?" he said, amusement and sarcasm clear in his tone. Shikaroku was still very unhappy with the decision, but knew that Hiron could be even more stubborn than his mother. Once they'd made up their minds, there was very little that could change them.

Taking another spoon of his porridge, the man scoffed at the remark of Shikaroku. "I would be very careful with that boy. I haven't managed to enjoy a drink in weeks. I fear that I will make worse company than you already expect of me." Glancing at the entrance and back at Shikaroku, Hiron spoke again. "But for now, eat your porridge. Before it decides to walk out of here. Damn stuff is nastier than fighting operatives from the Wind country."

Letting out a soft chuckle, Shikaroku shook his head. "I dunno, if you were to share a drink, perhaps I'd finally be able to put up with you." Glancing down at his porridge, Shikaroku stabbed at it weakly with the spoon, not really feeling hungry, but knowing his body would need the food. "You aren't wrong though," he said quietly, looking up. "this porridge can definitely take more punishment than the average soldier." Lifting his spoon, Shikaroku's face scrunched up at the unpleasant anticipation before taking another bite.
Training 'Ground'
[ Empire of Akino | Ardara, Sarutobi Heartlands ]
[ A collab between Aoi Miyazato @FrostedCaramel and Yumi Hasewaga @Lesli | Yumi prepares to train two members of Team 4. The first to be trained by her is Aoi Miyazato. The training is to help Aoi further into mastering and understanding Earth Release as giving her the necessary help to advance it further on her own. ]

It had cost some time but Yumi was content with the result of her work. Standing in the field, the Scholae pressed her fists against her hips as she had placed the dummies on the flat training area. Seeing it closed off by walls, giving slightly the idea of being a courtyard, Yumi decided that it was time to visit the inn where Team 4 resided.

Heading from the Imperial barracks towards the inn, Yumi made sure to keep to herself. She was aware that the city had a bad history - largely revolving around the 'abuse' that the Hanamoto daimyo had done. But the larger worry in Yumi's opinion wasn't the denizens distrust towards anything or anybody Taika. It was the fact that the Allthing was held. If she understood it well enough from the contact person, it was an assembly in which the prominent leaders of the Chonobi clans came together. Thus causing security to become tighter as feuds weren't rare among these folk - which certainly didn't separate them from the likes of the Taika, whether they liked it or not.

Briefly, Yumi did wonder about why the Empress hadn't assigned her any mission yet. The contact that she had approached in Ardara had reported nothing news from the capital. Which did mean she was allowed to spend some time on her own and possibly try to mentor Aoi and Meilin.
However, it was also worrying in a way. Some troubling thoughts passed Yumi's mind as she kept pondering on the possible situations on why she hadn't been contacted yet by the Empress.

Arriving at the inn, Yumi entered the establishment. Thankfully, her Chonobi was competent enough to allow her to speak with the innkeeper and get the directions towards the room where Team 4 stayed - though it cost her some silver.
Hoping that Aoi was present and not wandering the city, Yumi approached the door and knocked on it. Taking a step back, the Scholae could only do one thing: wait.

Aoi jumped at the knock at the door, quickly rolling out of bed and pulling on a coat to hide the knife at her belt she'd move to the door and place a hand against as she undid the latch and pulled it open enough to see who was on the other side. At the sight of the Scholae she open the door wide enough for the woman to enter before quickly shutting it behind her unexpected guest.

"Yumi, what ehm…" she pointed at the chair and table as she mumbled, "what can I do for yah?" she asked. Still a bit intimidated by the woman Aoi would move to one of the open chairs and took a seat with a timid smile. Motioning once more for Yumi to take a seat she'd go on, "Meilin isn't in at the moment, had to go out for a little, I can take a message?" she ventured.

Flashing a smile, Yumi would enter the room. Throwing a curious glance around, she soon enough turned around to face Aoi. Upon hearing that Meilin wasn't around, Yumi seemed to ponder visibly as she nodded slowly.
"Mmm, okay. Get yourself ready." Yumi answered on her turn. "Better if we get to training now before the day is over." The Scholae further said as she produced a small envelope from a pocket.

"I suppose that it is best to place this on your bed." The young woman stated as she held the sealed letter towards Aoi. "You should get whatever you need. I will be waiting downstairs for you."
Once Aoi would take the letter, Yumi would move towards the door, intending to head downstairs to wait there.

Watching as the Scholae made her way into the room she would find herself lost for words as the woman told her to get ready so they could train. Her mind went through any number of options about how the Scholae must have fallen and hit her head on the way here, or taken something a bit too strong but the only words that managed to escape from her lips were a quick "Okay." as she reached out and took the offered letter.

Quickly gathering her things and pulling on a heavier jacket Aoi would chase her way down the stairs after the Scholae. Skipping the final few steps Aoi landed with a light thud and swung herself around the bannister using her momentum so she would come out facing the Scholae at the bottom, "I think I forgot to lock the door!" she exclaimed excitedly instead of telling Yumi that she was ready to go.

Yumi wasn't sure what went through Aoi's head. It seemed as she wavered but then Aoi seemed to respond with just 'okay'. Waiting for Aoi to gather her things, Yumi went downstairs to wait for Aoi there. When the latter came to join her, Yumi couldn't resist a faint smile as Aoi would stated she might have forgotten to lock the door.
"Then do so." She said, not pooling in any effort to hide her amusement.
Waiting once more, Yumi would throw a glance at the door. She was actually wonder if there would be some snowfall today. The random thought made her actually wonder about some matters. When Aoi was fully ready, Yumi started to lead the chuunin out of the establishment.

"So," Yumi started slowly and on a softer tone as they both braved the cold outside. "I will be honest. I thought that I was going to have more time. But soon enough, I will have to venture for another mission." She began to Aoi.
Allowing a second to echo after her words, Yumi pulled the hood over her head to cover her ears from the biting cold. "But I want to expand your knowledge and ability of earth release. Seeing that you're a chuunin and quite capable, I do think that this will be the stepping stone you're needing to progress further."

Returning from locking the door Aoi quietly fell into pace at Yumi's side. Listening silently as the Scholae spoke she'd wonder to herself just where Yumi might be off to next, for how long, and if they'd ever meet again. She kept all her questions to herself and simply nodded, "Thank you for wanting to help me." she said as they walked, unsure if the feeling within her was excitement or dread at the idea that such a high ranking operative had called her capable.

She walked along in silence for a moment before venturing a question of the woman, "What sort of stepping stone might this be?"

"The sort that you can use to propel yourself further. Without somebody like me needing to watch or guide you." Yumi answered, deciding to keep the answer simple at first. She would gesture to the ground they were standing on before speaking up again.

"Earth Release is often considered to be rigid and rough. Something that isn't as flexible as water release. Not as dangerous as lightning or fire. And certainly not as fast as the wind release. The truth is that this viewpoint is 'somewhat' wrong." The Scholae placed her hands on her back as she continued her explanation. "I say somewhat, because earth release can be described as sturdy and rigid. A wall made out of rock, mud or earth doesn't pose the same flexibility as water controlled and guided by chakra. But it doesn't need to be rigid. For example," the Scholae would produce a scroll from a pouch.
Rolling out the small scroll on the ground, Yumi would step on it and perform a simple handsignal. The result being that water would be produced from the scroll. The clear liquid would start to spread from the scroll to the ground around it.

"To make you understand that earth release can be flexible, here is a very easy example. With water, you could practically say that the earth became more like mud. Easier to mould and not as rigid as stone-shaped earth." Lowering herself, Yumi would use her left hand to scope some of the wet dirt up.
"Understanding this principle is pivotal in order to use earth release efficiently. But there is another principle that you must understand on how earth release functions."
Offering the wet dirt to Aoi, Yumi spoke further.
"With chakra we can manipulate the earth. We can harden it and make it into a shield or weapon. But it is more efficient to use it to manipulate the area around you. If you can decide how the terrain is leveled then you got an advantage. No matter if the other person can spit fireballs the size of a palace, if you got that control, you have an advantage."

Waiting for a moment, allowing the words to sink in, Yumi would nod to the wet dirt that she had handed over to Aoi. "To practice this stepping stone, I want you to focus once more chakra into the dirt. We tried to harden and soften it. This time? I want you to shape it. Try to mould it into a slim shape with preferably it being sharp at the end."
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Operation Safeguard
[ Republic of Water | Kirigakure, the capital of the Republic | At the eastern part of the docks ]
[ Nishi Hirashima | Jounin of Team 11 ]

It still irked her. Immensely.
The brass seemed to ignore her requests and suggestions. Which wasn't entirely what surprised or irritated her. The rank of jounin was indeed a higher rank, one that most people couldn't reach for. And for good reasons. But that didn't mean that she had enough sway to convince anybody that she could contact to stop the Senate's decision. To bring what had wrought destruction and harm upon a small village, into a huge urban site was pretty reckless. Besides, how would they weaponize something that seemed to leech and destroy that around it? And against whom would the Senate aim this odd biological weapon?

The more that Nishi thought about it, the more that she wanted to march on the Senate. That would only end in her own demise, though. She was well aware of the consequences but also how many experienced and combat competent people were guarding both the senators as the complex. And seemed that the Council didn't take any action either.
Inhaling slowly, Nishi closed her eyes and pinched her nose bridge briefly. Exhaling slowly, the woman decided that if the city would suffer whatever that crystal shit was that she wouldn't be caught in it.

So the best action was to move out on a mission. While she had to endure the presence of her pupils for a longer time than she desired, it would be safer than to await the possible disaster. And it had rather been easy to get a mission assigned after her lobbying, which nobody at the brass seemed to enjoy.
The mission? It wouldn't be too difficult in theory. They were to travel to another island and be stationed there for a small while. From what Nishi could remember, there wouldn't be much of danger other than her patience being tested by her team. Then again, she had heard weird rumours of strange vessels having been spotted.
The First Team Mission!

[Republic of the Water Country | Kirigakure | Eastern Docks]
[Hikari Torimoto | Genin of Team 11]

It didn't feel like it had taken long since the first exam Hirashima-sensei had her go through, and the time came. Having prepared her things in advance, as her sensei instructed her to do so. From the instructions, it also seemed as though they would be gone for a period of time, which was a bit concerning for her mother, but Hikari did her best to reassure her that she will come back to her. Without much more she felt like she could do, Hikari departed from her home to where she was going to meet her sensei, being at the eastern ports.

The run from her home to the ports went quite smooth, as no one tried stopping her or call to her. Luckily for her, it meant that she would be capable of arriving on time once more. Arriving at the ports, Hikari realized she had ended up arriving almost half an hour earlier than the time they were instructed to arrive at. Putting her bag down, she decided to look over everything once again, to make sure she indeed did not miss anything. Fortunately for her, it seemed that nothing vital was missing. Leaning on the bag, she counted the minutes as they passed, until it was time for the rendezvous.

Grabbing her bag, she ran to where Nishi stood. Stopping next to her, she gave a bow "Reporting for duty, Hirashima-sensei. I was ready and prepared as you instructed." Hikari said. After a moment, she rose from the bow and looked around a bit, wondering when she will get to see her teammates. Moving to look at the jounin, Hikari's expression was slightly curious, but mostly appeared to still be neutral, as if she herself had expected her teammates to already be present.
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Operation Blood Swords
Operation Blood Swords
Second Major General Sigurdr Agnarr
Location: Northwards of Vindex, aka Red Sword camp around sunset

The sounds of boots marching along the ground as hundreds of men were marching through the snow-covered trail. A message was sent out to Lord Tokugawa about what was going on so not to be worried about the troops marching in his lands. Sigurdr personally was leading this detachment he set up, about one thousand and five hundred strong. While he had another detachment leading about two hundred archers circle around the camp in the distance, they weren't to fire though until they heard the signal. That way no one tried escaping. He could see some men shouting in the distance but none dared to leave the camp.

Marching up to the camp walls with no weapons drawn yet, Sigurdr looked at one of the men in the towers and gave a smile. "Red Swords I presume? Go get whoever is in charge. Tell him it's an order from the Second Major General." Sigurdr stated as the two men stared at each other before looking down at him. "We don't answer to you here. In fact were not under service to the Empress." one of the lookouts said to which Sigurdr nodded and pointed at the man.
"You see that's the problem my boy. Now I'll say it again. Go get your leader" he asked once again but in a more demanding tone. One that got his own men more tense.

The lookouts shook their head and one spit out the tower and hit Sigurdr's helmet, to which the man nodded to himself before looking at his men and shrugged. "I like when they answer like that." was all the big man said as he let out a loud whistle that echoed the area and then peace that was there before was quickly overtaken when arrows filled the sky. The two men on lookout getting hit by a couple arrows and falling from the tower. Where there was once quiet, was now shouting. As men inside scrambled to get in formation. Sigurdr had his men already waiting in formation, letting out another whistle the arrows would stop, only to be replaced by men charging into the camp and killing any man not yet prepared.

It wasn't a huge camp so a good bit were killed in a volley of arrows, and another good bit were killed when they charged into camp. They had some casualties themselves but nothing that compared to the losses the Red Swords went through. It took only a few minutes before the more veteran of the Red Swords stationed up where he could only assume the leader was. It was about maybe a hundred or so men. He could easily overtake them with his numbers but he wanted to have a bit more fun with this.

Walking a bit forward he gave a smile and wave. "You won't believe this. I came to this camp to have a civil conversation, and your men in the lookout. Dead by the way. Told me to basically fuck off. If I were you I would have smacked manners and proper sense into them. Like who tells a bigger force of the Second Major General to fuck off? And then to spit on my helmet that was freshly cleaned, which isn't anymore after their blood got on it. Honestly you should thank me for clearing out the dumbasses. Now you! The one hiding behind all the men. Come out here so we can talk and be on our way." Sigurdr said pointing at the man in the back who looked like the others were protecting.

The man looked uneasy but walked to the front of his men and stared at Sigurdr, which was a clear build difference between the two. Sigurdr took a step forward and motioned for the man to come closer. Holding out his hand towards one of his men, they brought this pouch towards him to which Sigurdr took a drink from and tossed it aside. "You all drink some shit drinks, anyway though. Not gonna hold all of us up. Im pissed. So tell you what, I want to be done with this. You and I are going to fight. I win, we take your treasury and you all fuck off. You win, we fuck off and you keep your shit. Sound like a plan? Let me answer that for you actually considering I could just paint the ground with you and your men's blood. Get your sword ready… now." Sigurdr demanded the man as he raised his sword to which the leader growled and raised his own with the men giving them distance.

The leader charged at Sigurdr with a thrust from his sword to which Sigurdr used his own sword and swatted the blade away, raising his foot up and to the leaders chest and shoving him away. The man retorted with a few swings all being blocked by Sigurdr, who seemed to stay on the defensive against the man's attacks. The Red Swords started to look a bit hopeful for their leader, while Sigurdrs men simply watched in silence. Swing after swing was met with block after block, until the Red Sword leader stopped and just looked at the man shaking a bit. Cursing to himself as he took one large swing only to have his sword and hand go flying off to the side. Sigurdr took one swing and looked at the man who was backing away from him, covering the now missing hand.

"So you fucks make me waste my time dealing with your asses. You wander around on her majesty's lands without permission. You stole her money, you have shitty fucking booze. Yet most importantly, you fucking bored me." Sigurdr said as he grabbed the man by the neck and slammed him on the ground. Taking the man's helmet off, Sigurdr let out a whistle which prompted the archers who were now in the camp to take aim and fire a volley into the remainder of the Red Swords. Then his own men charged the the few that didn't die from the arrows, all while the leader whose neck was gripped by Sigurdr looked at him with disgust.

Sigurdr took off his own metal helmet and looked at the man in his grip. Tightening his hold on the man's neck and his own helmet, he began to bludgeon the man with his helmet, the first couple strike you just hear the metal resonating from contact with the man's skull. Then you heard cracking along with some blood being thrown, which became more and more heavy as the struggling stopped altogether. Glaring down at the red drenched caved in face. Sigurdr stood up with blood dripping from his helmet as his men finished slaughtering the last of the Red Swords. Orders would be dished out to collect anything of valuable and to kill any that might be faking their death.

Around thirty minutes would pass as the sounds of boots resonated the air again with Sigurdr walking through the camp littered with the dead, while some men carried some boxes and chest, a couple kegs. One of his Captains came up to him "All men are dead sir, but what if they got the word out about this?" he asked which Sigurdr patted the man's shoulder.
"Then they know death comes for them. They can't escape to the north, I sent men to blockade that escape route. Messages were sent out that any large groups of men aren't allowed to set sail. All that awaits is their death Captain, I sent out some trusty men to take care of the few camps out there. Some of them are ballsy to set up camp where they did, mostly their holding. Yet it all burns in the end." Sigurdr said as they reached the entrance they came in through, he started walking a bit off to the side and looked down at one of the dead bodies before spitting on it.
"Stupid prick" Sigurdr mumbled as he and the men marched out of the camp.
Location: About six miles out from the Hon border
Characters: Felagi and the Felagi Fighters
The rustling of tree branches sounded along the area as the snow covered trees every now and then dropped it's contents on the ground. A large group of men about one thousand strong were quietly waiting deeper in the woods. The camp of the Red Swords was still about a mile out, they currently were waiting though, waiting for their plan to take effect. Sigurdr set it up that some whores would "service" the Red Swords, after all what better way to blow off some steam after a days work than some fun. Still that meant they had to wait for the ladies to get those men to let their guard down and let them into the camp. Some of the men joked that they should just let the ladies get the money since they were being paid for it, but the instructions were clear. None of the Red Swords were to live.

Still the plan should go off without a hitch and casualties on their end should be very minimum. He kind of wondered why they were even caring about a bunch of sell swords but his job was to listen to orders, and listen he shall. It also gave him a chance to show that the Felagi Fighter's were the most disciplined group in the Second Division. It wouldn't really be a challenge for his boys though, yet he was sure they would turn this into a competition of sorts. Should be an easy fight though then orders were to march east towards what appeared to be the stronghold where they would meet up with the rest of the dispatched force. He almost felt pity for the sell swords, this wasn't just to teach them a lesson, but to wipe them all out of Akino. Then again it was their own fault to begin with, laws were laws and they weren't properly following them. So when they were all wiped out, it was because they dug their own grave.
Some time later as it was starting to become nighttime, the sounds of men marching quietly resonated in the area. The snow being trampled underfoot. They heard early the sounds of men being lively which all but were nonexistent at this point. Either the ladies tuckered the men out or, they did the job for them. Either way now was the perfect time to strike. It felt bad in one way as it certainly wasn't a challenge taking down sleeping men, yet that was beside the point. It was a job and it made it much better on their end if they had as few deaths on their side.

Approaching the walls to the camp they saw a figure in front of the entrance, it was giving a wave which must have been their distraction. Felagi waved back then motioned for his men to begin surrounding the camp, while he kept his spies with him for this endeavor. Most of the men would be out cold, so going in with around fifty operatives that know how to be quiet? Well fifty silent kills adds up really quick if no one is stopping you. With the small group heading into the small camp, they could hear some chatter and laughing in the distance yet most part it was silent. The group with no words spoken broke off into multiple directions in the camp. The men left outside the walls, were more of an insurance policy in case things did go south yet it seemed like the ladies did a good job of getting the majority of them to let their guard down.

Within a couple minutes the body count was certainly adding up rather quickly, no one seemed to notice either as most of the dead were in their tents "sleeping". Yet Felagi and the spies had taken out the quiet section of the camp, the ones who couldn't keep up with the ladies and got tuckered out. So all that was left were the few men who were joking around telling tales to impress the ladies who were acting all impressed, gushing about being all amazed at the stories being told. The group was in position when a bird call went out, the ladies who were doing their job and were distracting the men suddenly perked up and stood up and away from the men. They apologized and stated they needed to use the restroom and would be right back. The ladies would walk away as the mercenaries would start to resume their story, only for arrows to start pelting them from different directions.

A call for an enemy attack was shouted only thing was…. No one responded to it. More men dropped from the arrows and when the arrows stopped firing around ten men were left standing who were not prepared. Staring around they would see the fifty men and Felagi start walking out from the shadows and moving closer, weapons in hand, they would encircle the small group before some screams were heard.
Walking out of the camp with his fifty spies and ladies hired to distract the mercenaries. Felagi would do another bird call and the rest of the men who encircled the camp would rejoin the main group. He would clean his sword as men marched into the camp to go and find their treasury and silence any that might not have been taken out fully yet. Felagi would hand a rather sizeable bag to the group of ladies who thanked the men, all that was left was to escort the ladies to the nearest town and then march towards the next camp.

After half an hour the men came out with the goods and Felagi whistled for the men to start heading out. They still had two more camps on their way before joining up with Sigurdr and the others, but first was to escort the ladies back to safety. He also had to see about Sigurdr repaying him for acquiring the ladies services to distract the mercenaries.
Team 4's situation
[ Empire of Akino | Cho Clan heartlands, some distance north of the port-city of Aegir, at a fortified camp ]

Some time passed and with the All-Thing coming to an end, there was no reason for Team 4 to stay in Ardara. Packing their belongings, the group would head southwards - accompanying a baggage train that also went that way. The new orders were that they would travel southwards and rally, to be mobilised with the remains of the 3rd Division to head eastwards. While none of the team had ventured this far south before, the journey lacked much excitement. They could indulge in some sightseeing of the rural areas but were always on the road to travel further southwards.

Upon arriving at their destination, they would venture into a military camp. The fortified position gave away its purpose. Housing soldiers, shinobi and camp followers the place was firmly secured. But without the luxuries that one could expect or enjoy at being stationed in a city like Konohagakure. The only other known locations of civilization were some remote villages nearby or else the large port-city of Aegir - which still resided many miles away from the camp.

The first day, things seemed fine. The team would be allowed to dug in - setting up their tent and getting some supplies. Meilin would report the team to be present and received that they would get further instructions the next day, together with the advise to get all the sleep they could get.
The next day, Team 4 would learn why that advice was given. Early in the morning, a lieutenant woke them up and nearly screamed orders at them. Scurrying to get to attend, the team would be pressed into exercising drills and training with other squads. Much of the day was spent on gruesome, heavy physical training. By evening, the realisation dawned in that the next days and possible weeks would quite similar.
Reyna's Choice
[ Lightning Country - Sanosuke Heartlands | In the far North, in a Sato clan encampement ]

[ A collab between @ChromeHound and @Aliceee ]

[ Asami wakes Reyna up after managing to bring both jinchuriki to the north, past the Sanosuke held mountain ranges. Informing Reyna on how the situation is at the moment, the choice is laid within the hands of Reyna on if she will sit behind or join to do something about the chaos. ]

Entering the tent, Asami would briefly eye the person. She seemed at peace, coated in a blanket and deep asleep by the recipe that Asami had constantly been giving her. Kneeling next to the girl, Asami would produce a small vial. Removing the lid, she would move the vial towards the girl's nostrils to let the foul stench penetrate her nose.

Aware that the potent stench would even knock a sleeping bear awake, Asami would move the vial away after two seconds as she was certain that the girl would wake up any moment.

The sleep had not been a restful one for her. Though her body had been at peace, Reyna's mind was a blur of chaotic motion. Dreams had blended into nightmares and the girl didn't know when it would end. The latest nightmare had her running from the beast again. Its shadow hovered over her, blanketing everything in darkness and, though she was trying her best to run, her feet would not move. As the beast approached, she could begin to smell it. It was worse than any other smell she could remember. It smelled of decay, of flesh rotting and Reyna felt her fear beginning to grow. The beast grew closer and the smell became unbearable. Closing her eyes, Reyna waited for the end but instead of feeling herself be crushed underneath the foot of the massive creature, she felt a sharp sensation instead and her eyes flashed open.

As the light hit her, Reyna vomited profusely, the smell continuing to assault her nostrils. As the nausea subsided ever so slightly, she realized there was someone in front of her and hoped that she had not just thrown up on them… Wiping away a bit of bile from the corner of her mouth, Reyna coughed. "Wh…where am I?"

Still knelt at Reyna's side, Asami didn't respond right away. Slowly the woman's eyes lowered to her boot nearest to Reyna. Specks of vomit were covering a side, the sight provoking a soft grunt from Asami. "In a tent." Asami gave as answer, which she didn't elaborate further on as she would rise up.

"But somewhere safe, in the far north." The woman continued as she seemed to lean in and wanted to offer Reyna a hand. Only to remember that the girl had puked, causing Asami to straighten her back and clearly decide that Reyna had to get up on her own strength.

The voice was familiar but it took Reyna longer than she'd like to admit to place it. When the realization hit her, however, she felt a surge of panic. Asami? She had just thrown up on a very dangerous woman… Scrambling to a sitting position, Reyna felt her body fighting with her as she used muscles that clearly hadn't been used in quite some time. "Why am I here? I was..." Remembering something, Reyna's eyes widened and she tried to stand up quickly. Her foot caught in the fresh vomit and she slipped, landing gracelessly back on the ground. "Where is Midori? And Kaya?" Staring at Asami for a moment, she slowly pushed herself back to her feet, this time avoiding the mess.

Once more, Asami simply watched the girl. The display of clumsiness and her being so helpless made Asami wonder if she had actually done a good thing. Remembering her talk with Midori, the Sanosuke scoffed audibly.

"Midori is fine. Not sure who you mean with Kaya. I didn't retrieve anybody from that hamlet with such a name. If you mean the ANBU that guarded you lot?" Asami paused as she would shrug lightly after the pause of a second.

"They are dead. But, at least, you are safe now. I suppose that count for something."

Her mind was still foggy and Reyna tried hard to remember what had happened. The fact that Midori was okay brought her relief, but she still wanted to know what had happened to Kaya. Some memories managed to come in through the fog and Reyna put a hand up to her temple trying to keep a headache at bay. A few sparks flashed around her fingers as her Lightning Aura went to work to try and amp up her circulation. "You keep saying I'm safe. Safe from what exactly? Why did you bring me here?"

Placing her hands on her hips, Asami wondered for a moment if she had perhaps used too much of the stuff to wake Reyna up. That or the girl was stressing too much about everything. Asami mused that it was probably a combination of the two.

"Safe from being used as a tool. Though, I doubt that anybody would find the use in a vomit covered jinchuriki." Asami stated, the sarcasm clear in her voice. "As for bringing you here? Because I would hate to see that you would get taken by the Regency or Raikage's side. Or gods forbid, one of the other Great Clans. I might not have grown fond of you, Reyna Azuma, but I would find it a sad day if I had to harm you."

Asami's words caused Reyna to grow very quiet. A tool… a weapon… all because of the monster inside her. It was a cruel fate, and not one she had asked for. Folding her arms across her chest, Reyna frowned. "So if you don't want me as a weapon, then what do you want me for?" Her tone had taken on a slight edge and the girl pushed her chin out slightly, trying to sound more confident than she actually felt. "Everybody wants something..."

Once more the woman stared at Reyna. Then she took a step towards Reyna and with a slow motion offered a hand. "I want peace." Was her answer, still holding out a hand. "And perhaps to correct a few wrongs. Like I said, others want to use you. Others."

The frown still present on her face, Reyna wasn't certain how to take the gesture. The woman could be lying to her, but… well it wouldn't really make a difference. Reyna had no power here. The monster had not spoken to her in a long time and it wasn't like she wanted it to be around either. So she would have no help. Finally, she reached out her own hand. Realizing that was the same hand she'd used to wipe away the vomit from her mouth, Reyna quickly wiped it on her shirt before taking Asami's hand. "So what now? Why is the Regency trying to fight the Raikage?"

Asami was about to pull her hand back upon the sight of seeing Reyna trying to pull herself up with the dirtied hand. Glad that Reyna realised her error and used a clean hand, Asami pulled Reyna up on her feet.

"That is a long story. In short? Cause they don't tend to play along." The woman gave as simple answer. Then her nose wrinkled. Turning her head away, Asami raised a hand to pinch her nose.

"You probably should clean yourself up though. I will try to explain some matters afterwards. Dear gods, what have you been eating?!"

Stepping away, Asami would move to the entrance of the round tent. Pushing the canvas aside, more light would invade the spacious tent. Only to reveal more similar round tents around them, together with other people going about their business. The sound of horses was audible, indicating that they were nearby.

Looking thoroughly confused as Asami explained that the Regency Council and the Raikage did not get along, Reyna's frown widened. It didn't really provide her with much detail, though she figured Asami had her reasons. When the woman brought up her stench, Reyna took a whiff of herself and gagged, nearly vomiting again. She did smell awful.

Not answering at first, she winced at the new light that spilled into the tent through the open flap. As her eyes adjusted, Reyna grew even more confused. Where were they? The fresh air felt nice, but it was quite cold and she wrapped her arms around herself, turning back to Asami. "Er… where can I wash?"

Asami threw a glance to their right. "Over there. You go past three tents to your right. Should be where you see some smaller tents where you can go in to refresh yourself. Once you are done..." Asami's voice trailed off as she considered something.

"Know what? I will walk with you before you get lost. Took me a bit before I got used to these nomadic camps." Asami stated as she would lead the way.

The walk to what she had spoken about before didn't take long. There were a few smaller tents and nearby women were cleaning clothes. The sight of Asami and Reyna caused some to throw a curious glance but none disturbed them. Neither did anybody made a remark about the vomit stained clothing of Reyna.

"Go inside and refresh yourself. I will find you some clothes in the meanwhile," Asami stated, sizing Reyna up before gesturing that she should go inside to clean herself up.

Thankful that Asami was guiding her, Reyna had been afraid to wander off by herself. Her mind was still cloudy and the girl would very likely have gotten lost. She caught sight of the various people that looked at them as they walked past, half expecting them to regard her with anger. Instead, however, they simply appeared curious and Reyna found herself relieved. Either they didn't know she was a monster, or they didn't care… Either way, it was at least nice to know that she wouldn't be surrounded by people that wanted her dead.

When they approached the area where Reyna was supposed to wash herself, she glanced at the tent before turning back to Asami. The woman answered her unspoken question, however, and Reyna nodded, opening the tent flap. Inside was a small wooden tub and a few buckets full of water. Taking a peek inside the tub, she saw that there was no water currently. It appeared that she would have quite a limited supply. Reaching towards one of the buckets, she dipped a finger inside, testing the water. Reyna whipped her hand back, recoiling rapidly in shock at how cold it was. Frowning, she glanced around the rest of the tent. There was a small bar of soap and a rough looking towel hanging nearby. Removing her clothes, she had to fight the urge to vomit again as she pulled her shirt over her head and got another whiff of the sickly odour. As she jerked her head back away from the smell, however, Reyna moved too quickly and her hair fell down in front of her, some of it rubbing against the front of her shirt, getting a bit of the residue in it.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" She screamed internally, barely managing to hold in an actual yelp. Throwing the shirt off and into the corner, Reyna shivered and grabbed one of the buckets, not even bothering to pour it into the tubl. Instead, she simply dipped her hair into it, grabbing the soap and desperately running it through her hair, trying to remove any and all traces of the vomit that had gotten stuck in the strands. Cursing under her breath, Reyna's hands worked quickly, cleaning the vomit but leaving her hair a soapy mess. She moved the bucket off to the side as well, not wanting to clean herself with any of the contaminated water.

Pushing her hair back so that it wouldn't fall in her eyes, Reyna pondered how she could clean up without freezing herself in the cold water. Chewing her lower lip, she spotted a candle nearby that was resting on a metal holder. Pulling the wax off of the metal stand, she dipped the metal in the water, careful not to touch the water with her hand. Using her Lightning Aura, she began sending a small amount of electricity into the metal. It took some time, but the current began heating the metal and, in turn, began to warm the water. It would take far too long to get the water to a hot temperature, so Reyna settled for lukewarm. Pouring the one bucket into the tub, she repeated the process with the next.

Removing the rest of her clothes and climbing into the tub, Reyna began washing herself, trying to get it done as quickly as possible before the water would turn cold again. When she had finished, she used the last bucket to rinse herself off, grabbing the towel as soon as she was clean of the soap. The towel was coarse and uncomfortable, but it was warm and that was all that mattered. Drying herself off, she had to spend more time on her hair as it appeared there was still some soap in it. Frowning as she realized her hair had become a frizzled mess, Reyna grumbled under her breath and wrapped the towel around her body, hoping Asami would return soon with some fresh clothes for her to wear.

And hopefully she'd have a hood or something to hide the rat's nest that her hair had become. Ooh, or maybe a pretty hat! she thought to herself, absently stepping forward - right into the water bucket she had cleaned her hair in. Letting out a small shriek, Reyna stumbled forward, catching herself on the edge of the tub and pulling her foot from the bucket. "No no no no no no no," she cursed, kicking the bucket over in anger, her hair frizzing up even more as her Lightning Aura reacted to her changing emotions, sending sparks across her body. Stepping with the now dirtied foot back into the tub, she scrubbed it clean and then used the towel to dry herself once more. All the while muttering words she knew her mother would kill her for if she heard her using them.

"That's some foul language. Fouler than I expected from the likes of you," Asami's voice resonated as the woman sounded amused at hearing the language that Reyna muttered.

Standing in the opening of the tent, Asami was holding some clothes. They seemed to be of decent quality but nothing that would set Reyna apart from a mere commoner. The thick wool seemed to be most capable of keeping the winter cold at bay. Offering the clothing, Asami nodded.

"At least, you don't wear a horrible stink. Makes it much easier to converse with you." The woman further stated, waiting for Reyna to get dressed.

"So to run the situation once more with you, I managed to get you and Midori out of that village. Also your family, at least, those who were send to that village as well with those ANBU watching over you lot." Asami paused, crossing her arms as she would lean against a pole. "During that time, some things have changed. The daimyo died. And not a peaceful one at that, I need to add. He was murdered."

The woman threw a subtle glance at Reyna, still carefully observing how the girl took in the news. From what she could remember, Reyna seemed more open to her than Midori. Then again, the whole world seemed more open than Midori with her. Though Asami was well aware for what reasons those were.

"To make the whole situation worse, the oldest son and heir has gone missing. On the run after murdering his father, the Regency council claims. But there are some very influential and powerful people who doubt it," Asami sighed as she wasn't the biggest fan for repeating or explaining the situation. But this time, it couldn't be helped if she wanted Reyna to make her own decision.

"To not complicate too many matters, the Raikage and some clans have risen up in arms. Not together, so far I know. The Great Clans were never a big fan of each other. And the Raikage hasn't done much to earn trust. The new one, Lord Sixth, that is. The Lord Fifth got murdered. So where do you, your merry family and Midori come in? Simple," Asami turned her head slightly to gaze directly at Reyna.

"You would have been found eventually. I knew of your location and some information because Lord Fifth held me enough in his confidence. Not with everything as the passwords weren't correct but I got you lot out. So that you wouldn't be used as weapons or tools of destruction against my clan and others. Now?" The woman shrugged as she would straighten her back - off the pole. "You decide that for yourself. Neither you or Midori are of my clan. And while the Sato have sworn to be faithful allies, I am still not going to enforce either of you to do my bidding. Or that of anybody else."

The sudden reappearance of Asami caused Reyna to yelp and pull her towel closer to make sure she was covered. Taking the clothes, Reyna blushed as she realized there wasn't really anywhere to hide herself as she got dressed. What followed was an awkward shuffle as she tried to keep herself covered as much as possible while putting on the warm woolen clothing. She had very little success, and after an embarrassingly long time, the girl stood fully dressed in front of Asami, listening as the woman explained the current situation.

Her memories had begun to come back, little by little, and she found herself remembering a bit about the village that she and Midori had been taken to after their time near the war front. The more she tried to remember, however, the worse the pain in her head became and so Reyna decided to let Asami fill in the blanks. Her relief grew when Asami mentioned that her family was also safe and Reyna felt a sudden desire to run out and find them. It had felt like forever since she had been with them… Her relief quickly faded, however, when Asami mentioned the Daimyo had been murdered and the heir was missing. Things didn't get any better as the woman continued and Reyna felt herself growing dizzy. Again she wondered how long she had been unconscious. It seemed like so many things had happened in such a short time. And so much murder…

Rubbing her temple, Reyna tried to make sense of everything. She took one unsteady step towards Asami, looking up at the woman. "I...I don't feel so good." Taking one more step, the girl tumbled forward slowly as she fainted.

Asami did notice that the girl wasn't taking the news that well. If anything, it showed perhaps that Midori had a bit more experience with grim matters. As Reyna tumbled forwards, Asami had the desire to let the girl fall. She didn't like weakness, let alone barely tolerate it.

"Then sit down," the Sanosuke stated as she would catch Reyna from falling face first into the ground. Carefully and somewhat gently guiding Reyna so that she could sit, Asami frowned slightly.

"There is more but I wager you will want to hear that. For now and, hopefully, the time to come, you will be safe. And your family," Asami decided to add quickly, assuming that the girl would likely sprout her concern verbally. "If anything, there is no need for you to delve into the fighting and chaos."

Having said that, Asami wanted to state her thoughts. But decided against it. Teenagers had that terrible annoyance that they usually wanted to do something they were told not to do. So saying that she would be more of a nuisance than an aid in the whole conflict would be certainly a bad idea.

Her eyes opened as Asami caught her and Reyna blushed furiously, embarrassed that she had fallen in front of the woman. Allowing herself to be guided into a sitting position, Reyna's embarrassment did not fade and her face remained a deep shade of red. Averting her eyes, she listened while Asami continued. When her family was mentioned, she looked up slightly, some of the colour fading from her cheeks. As Asami mentioned she would not need to join the fighting, however, Reyna felt a surge of emotions flood through her. Shame. Anger. Frustration. Weakness… Everything hit her at once and the girl clenched her fists, sparks beginning to surround her hand and her head as anger won out. "I don't want to be useless!" She shouted, turning her gaze to Asami. "I've been a burden my whole damned life. I want... " the sparks faded a little as her anger would die down ever so slightly, "I want to help..."

Noticing the sparks of lighting, Asami subtly scooted away when she could from the girl. The fact that the girl shouted and phrasing made it clear that she could perhaps could coerce Reyna to join her agenda. However, Asami wasn't feeling the same motivation as she once had to investigate or test out jinchuriki. On one knee, Asami leaned forwards with her arms on her knee. "You can help in various ways. You can stay away from danger, that is a way to help almost everybody. I don't know how much or what kind of experience you got since the last time we met but this fighting isn't the usual small fisticuffs. It is a war. And I can't take any risks. I need to be certain I can rely on you."

Letting out a sigh, the sparks faded completely and Reyna slowly nodded, realizing that Asami was right. She did not have the training. She'd failed at nearly everything she tried to do. Even when she went to help the medical nin, she bumbled that up… Shaking the anger from her mind, the girl looked up at Asami. "Then teach me. Train me to be reliable. Every one else that was supposed to train me left..."

It remained silent as Asami considered to train her. She didn't feel the need to have pupils. To train and pass what she knew to somebody else. Or to simply have the satisfaction to know that somebody appreciated her skills and talents as some people did, praising the student-teacher relationship. If anything, she wondered if Reyna requested this purely because of her current emotions or if she really desired to be stronger.

"Very well, I will take you in as my pupil." Rising up, the woman looked down on Reyna. "It won't be an easy time for you. You may be dismayed by what I instruct you to do. You may even grow to dislike me or worse. But as long as you do what I tell you, I will see to it that you will become capable."

Reaching a hand out towards Reyna, Asami frowned slightly. "This is the only time I will not consider you a coward if you opt to back out."

Her heart filled with dread as she waited for Asami's response. Reyna was almost certain that the woman would reject her. After all, she had not had much success finding a teacher in the past. Reyna had not always cared about being strong. It wasn't until her eyes had been opened to what the world was really like that she realized her weakness would cause those she cared about to be more at risk. And now… now that she had this thing inside her, she needed to be strong more than ever.

When Asami responded, Reyna paused, not believing it at first. When she realized that she wasn't just being sarcastic, Reyna had to try and fight the smile from breaking out on her face. Nodding enthusiastically as Asami explained that the training would be difficult, Reyna did not care. She knew it would not be an easy path, but if anyone could help her, it would be Asami. When the woman reached out her hand, Reyna glanced at it before surging forwards and embracing Asami in a hug. "Thank you, thank you! You won't regret this."

Asami's eyes widened for a moment as Reyna hugged her. Feeling uncomfortable, Asami found herself unable to react properly for a moment either. In a somewhat gentle manner she would break up the sudden hug and then proceeded to act like she had to dust and set her clothes straight.

"Don't make me regret it," Asami stated with a neutral tone. "You got one shot. Best to see to your family cause we will be soon traveling and training."

When Asami pulled back from the hug, Reyna realized she had already likely made the woman regret her decision. Biting her lower lip, Reyna simply nodded, her cheeks growing slightly flush with embarrassment. As Asami mentioned her family, Reyna looked up, her excitement growing. With everything going on, she had not fully had a chance to process that her family was here. "Thank you Asami-sama. I… I will do my best." Lowering her head in a respectful bow. Reyna immediately began thinking of what she would say to her family. It had been so long. Would… would they even want to see her? Shaking the thought from her mind, she clenched her fists. They were family. They'd love her no matter what. That's what they always said after all… Turning back to Asami, her voice was a little quieter, "Umm… where might I be able to find them?"
  • Love
Reactions: Nim

►Claire Rose and Yukimi Yuki◄
►Team: Team 11 Genin & Team 11 Chuunin
►Location: The Yuki Estate
►Interactions: Claire Rose & Yukimi Yuki
►Writer(s): A collab by Celestial Scorpio and Jason Targaryen

Things had gone smoothly with Nishi and Claire hoped the same would happen when she saw Yukimi. Of course, she was unsure how the other would take it when she would show up to her home unannounced. She had doubt entry would be easy and she felt lost as she searched for the Yuki residence. Rarely had she ever really came to this part of town, if she even had been in the area at all. The afternoon was slowly turning to evening but the sun was still on the horizon as she approached the mansion. Making sure she looked decent Claire made it to the front gate only to be stopped by the guards. " I am looking for Yukimi Yuki, my name is Claire Rose. Uh, I wasn't expected but I am an acquaintance. We are on the same team and are good friends." Maybe the last part was a stretch but she needed entry. A little lie didn't hurt.

The guards standing at the gate looked down at the genin with a critical glare silently for a long few moments. Giving a nod towards his compatriot who turned and made his way towards the mansion, likely to go confirm this girl's identity with the girl who Claire was trying to visit. After a long few minutes, the man returned and looked towards Claire. " Lady Yuki will see you, please follow me." The man said as he turned and started making his way towards the mansion, at the front door, a young servant who seemed barely older than Claire welcomed and led her up through the mansion to a simple lounge where Yukimi was sitting by a window, calmly painting the scene in the gardens outside on an easel. The servant bowed politely before taking a couple of steps back. "Claire. A good friend of mine, huh?" Yukimi asked as she gave a pleasant smile towards Claire. " A nice little lie to get in, but truly I would've had them bring you in anyways. I've actually been hoping to find you and talk with you about something. But first, please take a seat. Would you like some tea?" She asked politely, gesturing towards a nearby chair for Claire.

It didn't take as long as she had expected. Once she was led to the door and inside she followed the servant who showed her to Yukimi. Claire was a bit surprised to see the other painting. The smile and words that came after caught her off guard. She was used to the colder side of the chuunin. Yet she knew Yukimi also could be nice, in her own ways. This though was new. Taking a seat and smiling back towards the other she shook her head. " Thank you but I am fine. I also have been wanting to talk. I spoke with Nishi and she helped me out quite a bit." Taking a breath she tried to relax and sighed. " I said some mean things to you and I need to apologize. It was uncalled for and I understand more after speaking with Nishi. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me and I shouldn't have lashed out at you."

" A shame, we truly have some fantastic tea." She said calmly before continuing to work on her painting. As Claire mentioned the talk with Nishi and her apology, Yukimi raised an eyebrow simply but remained silent as she listened. " That is correct, you shouldn't have let your emotions get control. It's difficult, trust me on that much. I've also had a talk with our sensei recently, and I do believe I owe you an apology." She said, setting down the paintbrush to turn and focus on Claire. " I've been rather... Rude and selfish when it comes to our team. My attitude towards you both outside of the training and during have been outright unacceptable. Please accept my sincerest apologies, Claire." She said, wanting to get that out of the way as soon as possible.

Looking at Yukimi she couldn't help but smile. " I accept. Don't worry about it. Honestly, I was getting used to how you acted. I understand not everyone is extremely nice. I mean I was rude too so I guess we are even." Claire laughed softly as she looked over at the canvas. " How often do you paint? I try from time to time when I can but never have any masterpieces." Following the colors along and looking out the window she was piecing together how exactly Yukimi was working. " Maybe I will take some tea. What kinds do you have?"

" It still does not excuse my behavior, which was simply not befitting of a lady. Thank you though, Claire, for allowing me to try again at my manner towards you and the team." The Yuki said as she offered a polite smile then listened to the other questions. Perhaps, since Claire seemed to want to talk, it would be good to get to know her better. Maybe such things would help in understanding why people like Claire acted the way they did, maybe even find something respectable that would help her be a better person towards her teammate. " If it exists, I can assure you we have it here. My mother is quite a fan of various kinds of tea. What would you like? I can have somebody fetch it for us. As for my painting, I enjoy doing so whenever I can. I dare even say I have some skill in art." She said with a small smile as she picked up the paintbrush and continued the strokes. " It allows me to capture perfect moments in time, immortalize them for the future. Sometimes its because I find it pretty, others because of treasured memories. What do you like to do in your free time, if I may pry?"

" I think we just got off on the wrong foot. It happens. I actually found it nice when we went shopping. So I guess I knew there was more to you. I think that's why I got upset with you before." Looking at the painting and smiling, Claire nodded. " You seem to have a natural talent for painting. I am kind of envious." Laughing softly she thought of which tea she would enjoy. Life felt more luxurious just sitting there, yet she felt there was more to it than being a well-known family. " I think something simple, green tea. Unless you have any suggestions?"

As Yukimi explained Claire nodded. It made sense. It was actually really cute. She hadn't expected the Yuki to be all gushy when it came to memories and having them kept as a treasure. Thinking about the question, the blond shrugged. " I have been training more, soon Nishi will help me find my strengths and weaknesses. I take care of a few plants around the house and garden. Sometimes I like to just look at the clouds or think to myself. I sketch when I can but hardly paint. I just try to stay busy honestly." Answering the question as things came to mind, Claire couldn't think of much she didn't do. Her mother always wanted her to try anything and everything to help broaden her horizons. " Aside from painting do you have any other hobbies?"

The girl thought silently for a moment at Claire's question about if she had any suggestion. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up once more. " I typically enjoy the Houjicha Karigane we have, though I am unsure how you might like it." She said after a few moments before looking towards a servant who had been standing nearby. " Bring the Houjicha for me, if you would, and a green tea for my friend. A small cup so she can try some of the Houjicha as well, please." Yukimi said, her tone polite yet the servant quickly nodded and moved off to retrieve what had been asked of them.

Turning her attention back on Claire, Yukimi frowned this time in response to her question as she thought. " On the few occasions I'm not busy with training, or learning to be the heiress to father's affairs I like to…" She said, trailing off as she gazed out the window and the ghost of a genuine frown crossed her features for but a moment. " Ah, it's really just the painting and occasionally some reading. I'm not the most exciting individual." She said softly, redirecting herself away from the momentary stutter. " I often paint the clouds, not the same as you just watching them I imagine, but it is very much a way to think. Clear my head after a long day. Though typically went I need to think I tend to do a little meditation exercise." The girl said as she reached over and opened the canister sitting next to her. Focusing her chakra on it, she drew out a small sphere of water as she would do if attacking normally albeit a smaller scale. Holding her hand under it with her palm turned upwards, she let the water pool in her hand. Moments later she started manipulating little spikes to sprout and freezing, then unfreezing it. Like a smaller version of the technique she so often used. " It's simple, to me, but focusing on the task at hand lets me clear my mind." She said as she demonstrated the technique a couple more times before returning the water to its canister. " I suppose one could call that a hobby?" She asked Claire with a light smile as the servant would return with the cups of tea.

Watching as the servant went off to get the tea her attention moved back to Yukimi. Noticing the frown creep up Claire felt sad. She was used to seeing her team member being more confident and bold. Yet she was far from it speaking about her life. Following the gaze out the window, she watched as some composure came back to the other and the frown disappearing. " Everyone is unique and you might think you aren't exciting but painting and reading is a valid thing. I know people who would love to just gaze at your art." As the water began to shift in Yukimi's hand, Claire watched the technique that was used for meditating. She had seen the girl use the technique in battle, so it was fascinating to watch it on a smaller controlled scale. "I believe that can be considered a hobby." She gave a reassuring nod. As the servant brought in the tea Claire gave a smile and thanked them as she took her cup. Taking a sip from the drink she placed a hand on the other's shoulder softly.

" If you ever need to talk about things just find me." Once the servant was out of range to hear her speaking she continued. " I don't mean to intrude on personal matters but.. you don't seem happy with the situation you're in. Yukimi when we met I saw a determined confident girl. And well it saddens me seeing you frown speaking about your life. I am not going to pretend to understand but if you'd like to chat sometime to just vent or get your mind off things I am around. Maybe one day I can understand and as your friend and teammate, I want to be there for you. I appreciate you being open with me just now and I hope we can earn each other's trust one day." Letting her hand slowly fall from Yukimi's shoulder she smiled and took another sip from the cup.

The Yuki visibly recoiled at the other girl's touch for a second, obviously not being used to such a situation really. For a second, Claire would see the harsh, cold expression that Yukimi commonly wore around others resurface for a second. Then slowly it seemed to thaw as the girl reigned herself in, forcing herself away from the side she had so commonly shown Claire and others before now. Letting out a long sigh she simply waved off Claire's suggestion. " It's not really my place. All things considered, my life is significantly better than most others, I cannot complain." She said simply, then turned and looked once more out the window as she sipped on her tea.

It would be a long while with some small chit chat before Claire would finally leave. Yukimi watched the girl go from her position by the window, admittedly confused by the girl's actions while she had been visiting. Particularly towards the end where she had tried to comfort her, most people didn't really bother trying to do that. She was told to just deal with it, or stop making such a big fuss typically, nobody really asked how she felt about things. It was a strange feeling to really have, somebody who wasn't family trying to seem like cared about how she felt. So few had ever even had an inkling of that compassion. Kukiko, or at least Yukimi had thought, and her old sensei. Perhaps this was normal for everybody else? Yukimi wasn't sure, but she knew that it had been a nice visit with her teammate. As she retired to her own room, small hints of a smile graced her lips, as it had been a good day after all.

►Yukimi Yuki◄
►Team: Team 11 Chuunin
►Location: Kirigakure || Eastern Docks

For once, the girl was actually rather happy to be out on a mission with this team for once. While the Yuki most certainly wasn't entirely sure she liked the team leader all the much, she was finding Claire to be a... pleasant presence. Sure the girl had much work to do before Yukimi really felt like she would like her and not worry about the girl screwing up on a mission, but she was pleasant all the same. Although the reasoning behind the Yuki's mood about this mission had very little to do with the team itself or mission. Rather, this mission had gotten her out of having to deal with that insufferable boy that was her betrothed. While she wasn't particularly eager to be going through the docks, it still most certainly beat having to listen to his irritating voice prattle on and on about what he and his father had done recently and act like she gave even half of a damn.

Her journey to the meeting place was mostly uneventful, as there wasn't many out who had much on their mind beyond the task immediately in front of them. There had been one on the journey over who had been particularly irritating with calling out to the heiress, though he backed down when the temperature around the two of them plummeted far below what it was outside. Still, even with those minor irritations, it was not that difficult of a journey. As she made her way closer to where they were supposed to meet, the girl wondered what exactly they might be encountering out on this mission. When she had mentioned a little bit about the mission to her father to explain why she had to go, he hadn't seemed very pleased with the fact she might be gone for a while. Still, he let her go under the stipulation that she would ensure she came back unharmed and as soon as she could. As he very much needed her to keep up good relations with her bethrothed's family, to ensure their merger benefitted the Yuki's the greatest.

As she approached the rendezvous point, about five minutes after the previous teammate had arrived, Yukimi noticed another figure standing next to Nishi. A new teammate, perhaps? The girl wasn't entirely sure as she approached the two, but figured she would be finding out soon enough. Whenever she was close enough to the two, the girl stopped set down her bag before giving a polite and graceful bow towards each of them. Then first addressing Nishi, "Good morning, Sensei. Yukimi Yuki reporting in." She said in an ever polite tone, before turning towards the new girl. Looking over her for a moment, Yukimi figured that this was very likely a new teammate. Putting on a polite smile and expression, she then addressed this newcomer. "Good Morning, I'm Yukimi Yuki, I don't believe we have met before." She said, hoping this new girl would introduce herself.
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New Mission, New Team Member
Claire Rose
Team 11 Genin
Kirigakure Eastern Dock

After her visit with Yukimi, Claire felt she got an inch closer to her teammate. Of course it would still take some time for them to get more comfortable around one another. She had realized there was more to the situation she thought. Not lingering on it too much she made up her mind to just keep the pace small on her approach. When she heard they were assigned a new mission she began to pack for the trip. The mission would be at another island where they would be stationed. For what means she was unsure and surely Nishi would explain further once they were off. For now she prepared the best she could.

That morning she made her way to the docks, the place they were told to meet to set off for the assignment. With bag in tow she walked with a bit of pep in her step, it had been a bit since they were given a mission and she was ready to try once again to show she could be a reliable shinobi. Being the last to arrive she spotted her sensei, Yukimi and a third person. Upon getting closer she saw the figure was another girl, probably the third member most Jounin would train. Claire gave a smile as she arrived and gave Nishi a bow. "Good morning Sensei, glad to see you back." Moving to face Yukimi she gave another bow. "Hope all is well Yukimi, good to see you." Then finally she addressed the third person. A third bow was given before she spoke. "I am Claire Rose, nice to meet you. Welcome to our team, I look forward to getting to know you."

Claire looked the girl up and down for a second, noticing the scars that peeked past her sleeves but not saying anything. She was curious what kind of person the girl was and what she would bring to their team. Remembering back to her first day with Nishi and Yukimi she pondered if this would go smoother than before. Or if there would be clashing personalities they would have to work past. Regardless she would do her best to get to know the person and try to avoid the friction that happened on previous occasions with her team, making a more positive step forward.
A Clash!

[The Empire of Akino, Somewhere within the Sarutobi Heartlands]
[Yoshikuni Sadako , Cho Guards and ????]
A collab between @Nim & @Lesli

Kuni and Asvaldr's group continue on their way. Before they can reach their destination, a new arrival causes a spar, before Kuni finds herself facing a familiar face, and then beginning to head in a different direction than before.

The voyage through the Blackroot Vale continued. While the group attempted to travel at a fast pace, it was somewhat delayed by the fact that Dagmar had to be taken care off. For three days, it was painstakingly clear that they were not having the same momentum as before. The silence that had been introduced with the passing of Brynjar also lingered around, suffocating anybody that desired to make some small talk. The only verbal exchanges were practically Asvaldr giving commands or people reporting back.

Much like before, the group would now and then be able to hear some loud noise in the distance. A beast or even multiple piercing through the eerie silence that plagued the area.

On the fourth day, a visible change occurred. While breaking up camp, Kuni would be approached by Asvaldr as he briefly sized her up.

"Get ready, we are going to move." He instructed her in a calm fashion, despite the fact that half the group wasn't readying up. Only a few seemed ready to get going further.

Without as much as a word, Kuni nodded and stood up. She folded the blanket and rolled up the bedroll, making sure both were relatively secure, before looking towards Asvaldr. After not feeling like speaking either for the past few days, seeing how few people were ready to move further made her wonder "Not going with everyone now?" She asked quietly, with her tone suggesting that regardless of the answer, she wouldn't be holding them back in any manner.

"No, we won't," would be Asvaldr's reply back to Kuni. Despite her tone, he seemed wary for a moment, a gloved hand resting on the pommel of his weapon. When it became clear that she would get ready, Asvaldr said something in Chonobi. With no verbal feedback, the few that were ready would join in as the others remained - simply nodding or remaining silent.

The smaller group now moved and the pace was drastically faster and less breaks were issues. Much like before, there wasn't much room for verbal exchanges or pleasant banter. For as the sky turned darker, the smaller group was clearly reaching their exhaustion.

Camp was set up after finding a suitable place where they could depend on the surroundings to hide and somewhat protect them from various threats. After supper was shared and eaten, Asvaldr appointed who would be on watch and when.

This cycle would start to repeat itself for the next few days, which seemed more to turn into weeks as the group continued. The speed would, however, start to suffer with each day. While the Cho guard seemed more than fine to keep going - only becoming winded and exhausted but apparently void of painful blisters growing.

As the night dawned on them, Asvaldr would approach Kuni. A frown was hidden in the shadows of the hood - his eyes barely visible in the darkness.

"Put out your boots," he instructed her.

The long period of time during which they walked started to take a toll on Kuni. As she was walking barefoot the majority of the time, as it was her preference, she began to suffer from quite a few blisters. Even if she had rough skin on her feet, they were still vulnerable to extended periods of walks, as she had experienced now. When Asvaldr came to her and gave her the instruction to put on boots, she moved to look at her gear. It quickly became clear to her that her boots were among the things that had been left behind when she was taken away "My boots aren't here." She muttered, and showed a pair of sandals instead "Only have these." came a second response, and she briefly tried massaging her legs slightly before moving to put those on.

Patiently, he waited as she showed her sandals and started to put them on. When she had, the Cho scoffed lightly. "If this is how shinobi and soldiers practice footwear west, then no wonder they never conquered far." He mumbled, though the disdain was clear. Holding his right hand up, the Cho would throw up something towards Kuni.

"Wear these." He instructed her. The woolen socks were folded into each other. And when unfolded would reveal two pairs. One of thin wool and another of thicker wool.

"If you can't walk due to blisters, we will have to carry you. Which will slow us down further." He explained brusquely to Kuni, "Wear the thin socks and then the thicker socks on the outside. Should prevent blisters and your feet from smelling bad." A light tone of amusement rang clear in Asvaldr's voice with the last fact.

Failing to catch the socks and getting them to her face, Kuni listened to what Asvaldr said. Well, she already had some blisters, but if it would prevent further blisters, then she figured it would be better to do as he said. Taking off the sandals, she followed his instructions, before putting the sandals on top of the socks. This looked and felt really weird. Standing up, she could still feel the existing blisters, making her winch briefly. Giving Asvaldr a nod that she understood, she looked down at her feet again, wondering how odd she really looked right now.

Looking down at the sandals, whatever Asvaldr thought to himself, he wouldn't voice it. The dark made it even more difficult to see any of his features clearly. "Good. Get some rest. Tomorrow, we will be on the move again."

The group would repeat the cycle, waking up early and starting to move out. Their surroundings didn't seem to change much until the late afternoon when the vegetation started to become less dense. It almost seemed easier to breath as the tension would lessen. Though there was no end in sight, it sparked the group to travel longer than that they did the days before. This repeated and continued for some more days before finally the group would start to reach what seemed to be the edge of the woodlands.

Standing near the edge, the group would have a view on hills and less foliage occupied lands ahead of them. One of the Cho Guard mumbled a name, which sparked some quick bursts of exchanges - that seemed loaded with excitement. Within a few minutes, however, Asvaldr spoke in a stern fashion to bring his small group back into line.

With the easier terrain to travel over and less dangerous terrain, the group seemed not keen to slacken the pace that they had before. Even as their surroundings warranted less need to be wary, none of the Cho Guard seemed willing to drop theirs. The days that came to past weren't too different from what they had done in the Blackroot Vale. Only that the roads were avoided and they didn't even consider to stop at any settlement - regardless of its size.

Eventually, the supplies were starting to run low and it became apparent that they would need to visit a place to get new supplies. For this, Asvaldr would appoint two others that would travel to a nearby village while he, Kuni and the few others remained behind.

Time seemed to slowly pass by while they awaited but at the end of the afternoon, the pair that had left came back with packs filled with supplies. The supplies were quickly rationed and shared, to avoid overburdening one or two members of the group.

By the next day, the group continued to move. No sign or communication had been made with the group that they had left in the Blackroot Vale. Nor did any of the Cho Guard seem worried about them or the fact that it had been nearly weeks now since that they had heard or seen Asmund or those he had taken with him.

During a break, Asvaldr would approach Kuni once more. He held up something as he nodded to her.

"We are closing in on our destination." He began, his mood clearly improving at the sound of his voice, "When we do, I suggest to stick close to us. While we don't need to fear boggarts or other dangers, the city we will visit is quite.. hostile to your folk. Taika, that is." Asvaldr explained, in a rather blunt fashion.

As the scenery changed, the feeling in the small group seemed to change as well. And while she felt it was for the better, Kuni was still thinking from time to time about Brynjar. Asmund also slipped into her mind from time to time, but at the end, she remembered she had promised to not cry over anyone until they reached their destination.

When Asvaldr approached her during a break, Kuni turned her full attention to him. She nodded her head with a soft smile upon hearing they are nearing their destination, and as she heard what he said about the folk in the city, it made her think of something. She pulled out from under her shirt a necklace that had a bit made from silver, with a snarling hound on it "Back when Asmund and the group first took me, he gave me this, telling me its assurance. I was curious about it, but since the whole ordeal was off, I forgot to ask about it. Does the symbol on the necklace mean anything? I just figured it was assurance regarding who it is that sent you, but if there further meaning, then I would like to know." She said, showing him the necklace.

Asvaldr seemed to grow curious, evident by the shift in his body stance and language - so far that could be seen. It remained silent for a second or two as the young man took in the symbol that Kuni showed. "It has various meanings. But since your mastery of Chonobi is crap, I don't think that Asmund's plan will work that well." Asvaldr stated, straightening his back again.

"It is basically a symbol of fealty. Almost everybody that is sworn to a hersir, thegn or jarl has one. Sort of mandatory sign that you can prove where you're from. Though not entirely foolproof," the clear emphasis a subtle reminder of Asvaldr's earlier words. "Seeing I doubt you know the origin of the symbol, you can't verify to know the house to which the symbol refers."

Becoming silent for a moment, Asvaldr spoke again. "Then again, if you just cooperate and don't wander off or talk to anybody, we should have no big hinderances on the way."

As Asvaldr answered, Kuni moved her sight onto the necklace. She wasn't going to argue against the fact she knew little about the Chonobi culture. Right now, the most she knew came from what she little she learned during this trek. And she doubted any of it would be enough to even hold a minute's worth of conversation.

When he moved to explain what the symbol meant, her brows moved slightly closer to one another. She figured it had to have come from Aiko, but she didn't know what house Aiko was from. And seeing there was more than one house, if she followed what Asvaldr was saying correctly, then saying it was from 'Lady Cho' could easily mean any number of Lady Cho. She could try a stab in the dark, but she didn't know how much Asvaldr would be willing to share about others. Let alone answer questions about his clan leader.

"I think I know who the necklace came from, but I feel it would be disrespectful of me to ask you about the details of another person. I'll just have to ask them when I see them, so I'll be better informed in the future, if they would even be willing to share that with me. But for now, I'll do as you say. Keep a low profile and follow your instructions." Kuni told him, moving to hide the necklace under her shirt once more. The last thing she wanted was people questioning her about something she couldn't answer, so she felt it was better that way.

The young man nodded as he turned half away. A few instructions were given to the group, who completed the last preparations to continue towards the end of their voyage. As the group continued to move on, the atmosphere seemed to pick up as well. Though the exchanges were little more than soft whispers, it became evident that each of the accompanying Cho Guard was more than ready to be close to their clan heartlands.

With a few hours passing by, the atmosphere suddenly changed. As a gentle but cold breeze passed them, the group came to a slow halt as Asvaldr signalled something. In that same instant, the group would adopt a different formation and seem to turn quiet. Then a few orders came from Asvaldr, that were responded back in the same soft volume that their leader spoke in.

A soft whistle rang through the air, becoming louder until an object hit its mark on the tree that was to Kuni's right. The sharp object seemed to be a crystal shaped shuriken. And quickly after the revelation, two more soared through the air to hit a few objects that were awfully close to Kuni's position.

The following few hours were mostly the same as before for Kuni. When the atmosphere changed, however, she was caught by surprise. It came pretty unexpectedly for her, and the manner in which the group responded was certainly concerning. The biggest moment of concern, however, came when something whistled through the air, only to high the tree to her right. She immediately moved to her knees, with a couple more of those things hitting close to her. Looking up from her kneeling position, she noticed they were crystals. The way they looked felt as though she had seen something similar before, but she couldn't quite remember why.

It remained silent as some deadly stare contest seemed to be in place with a foe that seemed to be invisible. Asvaldr whistled something as three of his companies would adopt a different formation around Kuni, seeming more likely to prevent the girl from running. Then without an instruction, Asvaldr and the others moved out. The thick foliage prevented much sight on where they were going but the soft ambience of the woods around them were periodically disturbed by the distinct sounds of violence that pierced through the air now and then.

The trend continued for minutes, though the wait would appear to make it close to an hour. Eventually a loud sequence of whistles pierce the air and without saying a word, the Cho Guards around Kuni simply stood up and took their leave.

As the fighting seemed to last for quite some time, with a few of the group staying around her, Kuni just hoped things would calm down soon enough. Eventually, a few whistles were heard, and the ones around her just stood up and started walking away. With no one else being in sight, Kuni just blinked twice. Confused by the ordeal, she quickly stood up and started to follow one of the group, wondering if it meant she was supposed to follow them.

A few objects soared through the air, creating once more a distinct whistle. The soft thuds of the crystal shurikens hitting the bark of a tree were in the way of Kuni, forcing her to stop if she didn't want to be hit.

"Change of plans," a voice said, heralding from Kuni's left. On top of a branch, Yumi stood as she leaned against the tree. Holding a few shuriken in her hand, the Scholae stared at the jinchuriki with a calm expression. "I fear that you're now my charge."

More shurikens forced her to stop in her trek, almost making her drop backwards due to how sudden it felt. Then, a voice started speaking to her, informing her that she will now be under her. The voice, the crystal shuriken, both felt familiar. Looking at the branch, Kuni felt a shiver run up her spine. It was a face she hadn't seen for a few years now. Since she ran and left her alone during that time.

"Yumi?" She asked, her voice sounding as though a mix of feelings were coming through.

"Mhm," the Scholae responded, still holding the shuriken in what could be described in a most casual fashion. "Took me a bit longer to realise where you were being brought to. But seeing some factors, I reckoned that you were being brought to this part of the Empire." The woman would drop from the branch and land, appearing to not bear any effort into the motion.

"Currently, I am tasked with bringing you back to Amegakure. Preferably alive and all that," Yumi added as she would eye Kuni for a moment. "And as fast as possible."

Still feeling surprised by the turn of events, Kuni just listened as Yumi explained things. She didn't quite get some of them, but when she got to what her task was, Kuni finally snapped out of her shock "Back to Amegakure? So you caused the group to head away? And what about their mission, to lead me to see Aiko? I feel a bit lost right now, with how everything just changed like that." She said.

A few soft thuds resonated as the shuriken were casually thrown by Yumi, almost grazing the jinchuriki as she asked her questions. "Mhm. Back to Amegakure. You are reported to be missing. Well, either missing-nin or kidnapped. As for the group? Yeah, I did. They or their goal is no longer of your concern. All that matters is that you are brought back to Amegakure, as fast as I can deliver you." The Scholae frowned slightly. "Do I have to drag you or will you simply comply?"

She was reported missing. Kuni never even thought of that possibility. Her team must've reported her, and one thing led to another, and now Yumi was there to deliver her back. She still didn't know why Yumi was there, of all people, but the way she described it felt as though Kuni will be in a huge pile of trouble once she got back. But, the last thing she wanted was to cause those she cares for to worry about her any more. And by being missing, she probably already did.

"I'll comply. Though I hope you won't expect me to use chakra to boost my speed, because that isn't an option for me right now." Kuni said, gesturing to the chakra blocker around her neck "Not that I mind it. It was actually nice, knowing it helps conceal my whereabouts to a degree." She added in a softer voice.

Glancing at the chakra restrictor, Yumi remained silent. Her expression remained calm, concealing her thoughts and possible emotions. Gesturing Kuni to come with her, Yumi turned around and started to walk. Once Kuni would have caught up, Yumi spoke.

"I might get rid of that. If I feel you comply well enough. For now, I rather make way westwards before I need to fend off more people." The Scholae threw a sideways look at the jinchuriki. "But for now, it might be better if you are more concealed than otherwise. Not to mention, reducing your chances from running."

After catching up to her, Kuni remained silent as Yumi spoke. She actually was thinking about asking if Yumi could not get rid of it, at least not in a way that destroys it. When she mentioned reducing her chances of running, her gaze moved to the ground "I wouldn't dare run away. Not after how I did last time." She spoke very softly. Thinking about it for a moment, maybe this was some way of telling her she does need to pay for her past mistakes. Back then, she ran to Aiko's house, while leaving Yumi back to fight. Now, Yumi prevented her from reaching Aiko. So maybe it was meant to be all along.

There was no response coming from Yumi, who continued to lead Kuni away from the site where she had recovered the jinchuriki from her previous 'guards'. As the hours passed by, the two would start to make more distance from the location, heading westwards.
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Operation Safeguard
[ Republic of Water | Kirigakure, the capital of the Republic | At the eastern part of the docks ]
[ Nishi Hirashima | Jounin of Team 11 ]

The first to arrive on the scene was Hikari. Giving a curt nod in return as the genin gave her greetings, Nishi remained silent. Not a huge fan of small talk, Nishi's thoughts returned to the assignment that they were given. Not much time passed as the remaining members of the team assembled. Giving them each a nod upon their greeting, Nishi decided to not let it turn into a friendly banter of getting to know Hikari.
"It is time to get going," the jounin stated as she beckoned the team to follow her. On the way towards the vessel, Nishi would give them a short briefing. With activities around them, the woman was forced to raise the volume of her voice to make it audible for the three.

"We are going to be stationed at Shigaa, eastern part of the Republic. For how long? I don't know, so don't bother asking that. We are going to be part of the 'Junyo'. A quinquereme class vessel, Nishi explained, not really caring if the chuunin and genin were aware of what that entitled. "We are to be part of its crew during our stay. No funny business with anybody, don't get too friendly with anybody and for the love of the Divine," the jounin threw a glance over her right shoulder, "don't even think to use ninjutsu without permission. There have been reports before of people being tossed overboard and drowned because they were pests. You are going to work, not on a field trip."

Hoping and silently praying to the Divine that the genin and chuunin wouldn't think she was joking, Nishi led them to the vessel that bore the name of Junyo - 'Wandering Falcon'. Already it was a site of activity as supplies were brought onboard and people attending to the ship. Much like other vessels of the Republic, it had a distinct style of decorations that were simple and yet effective - in order to recognise other Republican vessels. A large amount of men would disappear underneath the deck, which designated them as the many rowers while some other folk were busy on deck.
Without any hesitation, Nishi would get onboard and throw a glance around.

"Place your bags there for now and wait there as well," Nishi pointed at the railing, where both the team and their bags wouldn't bother any ongoing activities. Walking over the deck, Nishi recognised the leading captain of the vessel. It was a man, whose wrinkles and greying hair betrayed his age, who had the typical composure of a man used to leading others. Approaching the captain, Nishi extended her arm and flashed a smile.

"Captain Taiyo," Nishi began as the old man turned towards the jounin. A grin split the face of the old captain almost in two as he extended his own arm, grabbing Nishi's wrist as she did the same in return.
"Miss Kunoichi," the old man replied in turn, "Welcome aboard once more on the loveliest vessel of the Republic. I was informed that I could count on your support on this endeavour. Even bringing some deckhands, eh?"

Releasing her grip on his wrist, Nishi nodded to emphasise that he was correct. Only when he brought up that she had brought extra help, the jounin shook her head lightly.
"I doubt they can be that much of aid. But I do reckon they will make out for good rubbers," Nishi replied, "They are green as grass, I wager. I haven't found anything that points out that they have extensive experience serving on a proper deck."

The features of the old man betrayed his thoughts. The answer of Nishi clearly did little to cheer the captain as he grumbled something underneath his breath. The two briefly exchanged some more words before Nishi took her leave, heading back to where she had left her team.
Walking back to her team, orders were shouted. Causing the activity around the ship to pick up and shift. Oars were shown as the rowers responded to the drums and instructions.
Reaching her group, Nishi planted her hands on her hips.
"And so we take off," Nishi said, emphasised by the ambience around them together with the motion of the ship in movement. "We are to serve as part of the crew. Lucky for you, not as rowers or operating the ship. But part of the marine crew." The jounin's expression were neutral as she progressed further to fill in some blanks. "Which means we will handle tasks such as doing guarding the deck, night watch and if there some need for it? Preventing to be boarded or board other ships." Enlisting a pause, Nishi frowned. "Though if the captain or anybody instructs you to do a task. Whether it is rubbing the deck with a sponge or cleaning anything? You best do it. Unless I need to remind you that you are going to be thrown off in the middle of the night. For now? I would suggest to look able and ready. Which means that you don't look like you are enjoying it as some trip."

Seeing that I doubt you guys know the ins and outs of the vessel, here is some information about the Junyo, a typical Republican quinquereme class ship. So here are is some information! That way, it saves you time to look up on it.

The captain of the Junyo goes by the name of Taiyo, which is an old rot. He clearly has years of experience of leading and managing a crew on a seaworthy vessel.

Currently the Junyo consist out of:
Approximately 300 rowers,
A deck crew of circa 20 men,
A detachment of 40 marines - though a fully decked out quinquereme can support more marines.

The ship is 45 meters long with 5m wide at water level, allowing its deck to stand circa 3 meters above the sea. The ship weighs around 100 tonnes and is crafted with care, according to the rather strict Republican demands. The ship has three banks of oars, rowed by five oarsmen: two to an oar in each of the upper rows, and one to the lower oar.

A visual representation of the ship, though the Junyo isn't equiped with a boarding bridge as seen in the image:
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All Aboard!

[Republic of the Water Country | Kirigakure | Eastern Docks]
[Hikari Torimoto | Genin of Team 11]

As her two teammates arrived after her, and they both greeted Sensei-Hirashima and inquired about her, Hikari took a look at both. One was apparently from the Yuki clan, and acted in a way that reminded her of how her grandfather expected her to act. The second one, who offered a bow to all of them, appeared pleasant, but also felt a bit formal. Before she could introduce herself, Nishi spoke up, and they begin to walk as the jounin explained further how things were going to be for the mission. They were going to be a part of a quinquereme vessel called Junyo, and she didn't know for how long. They were also instructed not to get too friendly or funny with the crew.

Approaching the ship, Hikari felt quite impressed. She knew ships of large scale existed, but to actually see one from up close, let alone serve on one, felt exciting for her first mission. As Nishi further explained that they were going to work, Hikari nodded. This was a war vessel, after all. Taking a job on board one as anything but seriously felt a bit absurd. The part about not using ninjutsu on board made her wonder if her teammates were notorious for relying on ninjutsu, if Hirashima-sensei felt obliged to bring it up.

After boarding, they were instructed to go wait on the side. As Nishi went to talk to someone, Hikari took the chance and looked at the other two "I'm Hikari Torimoto. Pleased to meet you both." She told the two with a small bow towards both of them. Before any further conversation could occur, the jounin came back, speaking to them as they ship started to move. The sound of the rowers was impressive and a bit frightening at the same time, as it sounded like a force that could penetrate a large city wall.

Hirashima-sensei kept speaking, explaining further details about their roles while on board. The way she repeated the threat for a second time made Hikari feel a bit scared. But as Nishi said to look ready and able, Hikari nodded "Understood sensei". With a neutral expression, she gave the ship a brief look over, wanting to memorize as many details as she could. Although she didn't know how many things were called, she figured that if she knew how everything looked, she could ask for brief descriptions and know what is being talked about.
The Flow of Chakra!
[ Empire of Akino | Cho Clan heartlands, some distance north of the port-city of Aegir, at a fortified camp ]

[ A collab between Meilin Cho { @Oetje } and Mamoru Senju { @RedFox } | Mamoru seeks out Meilin as something is troubling him. After some exchange, the two head out to do some small training - in which Meilin bestows him some knowledge that she received from a certain 'Rabbit'. ]

The travel to the south was in a sort of way calming. The revealed purpose that they were going to be mobilised, as the team was part of the Third Division and eleventh brigade, Meilin was more anxious than worried. As the current state, they were now just to wait in the Imperial camp-fort for further orders while also being trained and prepared for the voyage eastwards. Soon likely to link up with other elements of the Third Division that was going to be transported over the sea.

While most of the team was preparing in terms of gear and partaking in drills, Meilin found some respite on her own. In front of her tent, she was busy sharpening a few of her knives. The slow methodical repeating of using the whetstone didn't inspire her to think on much, other than to be careful to not cut herself on the steel she was sharpening.

The view from the walls of the fort was admittedly awe inspiring for Mamoru. He just completed a routine exercise with the unit. He took a moment of rest and get up above the crowd in the fort. He had a scroll open on his legs and scribbled on it - a letter to his parents this time, not calligraphy. Mamoru wanted to make sure they are not worried, but he could not find the words to do so. How on Earth do you want to do that, Mamoru. I'm being deployed, please don't worry. Brilliant , he chuckled to himself. That would only make them more worried. He rolled up the scroll and sighed. He then looked down and spotted Meilin-Sensei in front of her tent. It took him only a few seconds to make up his mind.

Mamoru stood up and took in the view again, then made his way down towards the tent. He had all of his gear sealed in scrolls that he carried with himself and he double checked them as he made the final leap down to the ground from a higher level. He straightened up and approached the tent and started to feel a bit nervous. There wasn't really time for anything after the Ardara mission, and he was unsure about his performance. He cleared his throat. " E-ehm, Meilin-Sensei - I hope I'm not - I mean I… do you have a moment, please?"

Fixated on her current task and the thoughts that occupied her mind, Meilin didn't notice Mamoru until he spoke up. Halting her activity, Meilin glanced at the Senju.

"Mamoru, yes, I have a moment."

Giving the reply Meilin considered to stand up from the small wooden stool, she spotted another nearby. Gesturing to the other stool, Meilin spoke up.

"Make it yourself easy."

Already she would sheath her knives and place the whetstone away, next to her. Glancing at the Senju, Meilin was curious to what Mamoru had in mind. But she opted to let him speak and say it on his turn.

He felt a slight relief at her reply, but now he had to think about how to word his feelings and most notably concerns. He walked over to the other stool and sat down, than he looked at his palms for a few seconds. Than looked up, his face tensed. [/b]" I… I need help, Sensei. I… there are so many things on mind. I - I am worried about being deployed. I don't know…"[/b], and he stopped, than he rubbed his face." I don't know if I am prepared for deployment, Sensei. I have almost no real experience. I…

His voice broke and he hid his face in his palms. He managed to keep his voice firm, but felt the shakiness in it himself. [/b]" I am afraid I won't be able to make it, Sensei. Can you - please, can you help me?"[/b]

She certainly hadn't expected all of this. For a moment, she felt a bit overwhelmed which she attempted to mask with flashing a polite smile. She didn't instantly respond to him as she was sure that promising they would all be fine wouldn't have the desired impact. Watching and listening to Mamoru further stating that he was afraid he wouldn't be able to make it as pleading for her help, Meilin wasn't so sure if she was the one to actually help him.

Inhaling slowly, the Cho raised her right hand to scratch her cheek.

"I can try." She started, realising that was far from comforting as a response to his plead.

"You made it this far, after all. To be afraid, however, isn't either strange or a bad thing. Being deployed to some foreign soil isn't the most comforting assignment." Meilin calmly continued. "And while you may not have a lot of experience, I wouldn't worry about that. We are going to be trained soon under a stricter regime. And I can try to pass on in terms of skills and what not to make sure you are properly prepared."

Introducing a pause, Meilin considered something.

"What about this all do you find the scariest aspect? Of being deployed, that is."

Mamoru hid his face again for a moment, his breath still faster than he'd hoped it to be before his Sensei. "I - how to word it. This is my first deployment, as you know. And I don't know what to expect, Sensei. I know - one must be bold when facing the unknown. My father taught me that to be a shinobi is to endure. And I - I am a bit afraid. There are so. Many. Things I want to achieve, to experience, Sensei. I am… I am.. Afraid that I won't make it back. " At this his voice broke and he hid his face again, fighting hard to hold back the tears he desperately wanted to let out. It took him a while but he managed to succeed. He then looked at Meilin again, this time a bit more of his usual self.

The prospect of a rigorous training regime, like the one his father made him go through, sounded like the exact thing he needed to keep his mind occupied. " You're - you're right, Sensei. I made it this far. If I keep working hard, giving everything I have to do my best effort, I should be able to make it. It's just that,that fear of the unknown that keeps bothering me. And as - as for you helping me, Sensei. That would mean a lot to me. "

Meilin nodded her head, considering what she should tell him. The harsh truth was, however, that she didn't know him that well. She didn't know what words would comfort him. What would help him to recompose himself for what was to come. Frankly, she had no idea what she could tell herself to drive her own fears away.

"The unknown is what scares most people. Me included," Meilin began, weighing her words carefully, "If you want to know, I am afraid as well. But we just have to do our part." she further stated, feeling that her words would do anything to impact and improve Mamoru's confidence.

"If you want, I got some spare time right now. Perhaps I can help you with some taijutsu? Or if you want to learn how to swing a weapon, I can try to help with that." Meilin decided to offer as the thought of training seemed to cheer Mamoru up.

Those words awakened Mamoru from his train of thoughts. Meilin-Sensei was scared, too. It was both a shock and a relief to the young Senju. Someone with far more experience and wisdom was also scared. He looked up at his Mentor, his eyes focused on her face. She was not lying. Of course she would not lie to you, dummy, she's your Sensei, he thought to himself.

" I - I didn't know that you're - I am sorry. You know, to - to bother you, Sensei. You already have enough on your shoulders to -" and he was interrupted by her words. The words he needed to hear in this moment. They were so simple yet so true. He had to do his part now. Period. He knew he could still fail, despite giving it his best - but he will do it, because that's what he had to do. "You're - you're right, Sensei. Thank you. I - I promise to you that I'll do my best. I will not disappoint you. And - and if I could improve some of my Taijutsu or… Perhaps even better my sword skills. That would be great. Beyond great to me, Sensei."

Hearing the apologies, Meilin wanted to speak up. Perhaps she should have phrased her words differently? Flashing an apologising smile, she was about to say something about it. But when Mamoru began to promise that he would do his best, Meilin opted to let it be. Perhaps it would just do more than enough to provide a listening ear and focus on helping him to hone his skills, for now.

"Good. Then come and let us hope that there isn't any lieutenant handling a drill exercise. I had my fair share of running around for today." She replied as she would start to lead the way to the nearest training yard. Remembering that there were practice weapons stashed in one of the tents, Meilin managed to get a pair of practice blades. The objects were heavy, likely three times the weight of an actual blade.

Holding one towards Mamoru, Meilin nodded towards him as she planted the rounded tip of her own practice blade against the ground.

"Let us start with the beginning. Just so that I can measure where you are at. Give me a stance and then show a few swings." Meilin instructed.

It was almost like a bolt of electricity shot through his body when Meilin stood up and announced that they were heading for a training ground. He hoped as well that they manage to avoid a drill instructor - while he was overall fond of them, right now he preferred a familiar person to be the one that instructs him. As they passed a tent, Meilin handed him a training sword and Mamoru tightly grasped the hilt. He was a bit surprised at the weight of the sword but he quickly got used to it, thanks to years of training with his father.

Mamoru took a deep breath as Meilin instructed him on what to do. Closing his eyes for a moment, his body moving on its own. He placed his weight evenly in both legs and dropped a bit into his knees. He firmly grasped the sword with both hands, one at the guard of the blade, the other one near the end of the hilt. Taking another deep breath, he raised the blade over his head and swung it down, bringing it up with a stabbing motion. Pulling back from it and changing his grip on the blade, he turned it around as he pulled back, bringing it into a guarding position. He then placed his hand on the dull side of the blade and blocked a coming attack and pushed the imaginary striking blade away, bringing his blade down in a slashing motion. He than assumed the opening stance again and to his surprise, he realized he felt a slight sense of excitement. He took another deep breath to stay calm and looked at Meilin, hoping he didn't make a fool out of himself right now.

Observing Mamoru, she remained silent as he would take a stance. Nodding slowly, she would silently judge his following motion. As Mamoru looked at her, she would nod once more.

"Very good. Seems that I won't need to go into the basics." She said, flashing a polite smile.

That, however, meant that they could work on something else. Considering their options, she could think of something. Lifting up her own practice sword, Meilin focused and moulded some chakra. Whereas it had been a chore before, it now went so much smoother.

"Chakra flow," she stated as the blunt blade was engulfed into a shroud of blue chakra, producing a soft sizzling sound. "With it, I can produce a few moves that would utilize the capability of chakra. Or even increase the range," to demonstrate, Meilin would point the practice blade away from Mamoru. Finishing her sentence, the chakra extended itself by half a meter from the tip of the blade. Letting the chakra ebb back or dissipate, Meilin would let the heavy practice blade rest against her shoulder.

"I can try to teach you that, if you want to."

He felt relief and further excitement at Meilin's words. The fact that they didn't need to go back to the basics meant they could focus on something entirely new to Mamoru. When chakra flow was mentioned, he almost jumped up - he felt like he had a lot of catching up to do in this aspect, so every opportunity to train was more than welcome. He than observed as Meilin's blade got surrounded in an even coat of her own chakra. Mamoru watched in amazement at how effortlessly she did it and took in every word of hers, and felt his jaw drop slightly when she extended the reach of her blade. It was over in a few seconds, but those few seconds were enough to deeply impress Mamoru and make him motivated to give his best.

" I already have a technique that relies on it. Here." and he focused and molded his chakra into his hands, letting it flow through the sword. It took him a few seconds to perform it and his practice blade was surrounded by a thick layer of rocks, making it even heavier to hold, but so far he managed to do it. "But with my current mastery of chakra flow, this technique, as some other can't be used to their full potential as I need someone to provide an opening. So, if you could help me with it, I would be very grateful."[/color]

Noticing the excitment of Mamoru, Meilin wasn't sure how to take it. If he had only seen what the person could do, the one that had taught her the technique. Meilin waved the thoughts away as she focused back on the present.

Watching Mamoru reveal that he knew how to apply chakra flow, she flashed another smile.

"Good. Even applying your nature affinity to it."

Making a mental note that he had earth release, Meilin considered to later see if she could get Aoi to help train Mamoru. It was a shame that Yumi wasn't any longer with them. She had an awful lot of experience with earth release.

"Alright, it isn't that far fetched from what you just performed. In essence? It is the same. It is best to try to apply it to a smaller blade though." Meilin threw a look at the tent where she had managed to get their practice blades. For the current practice weapons were basically the size of the swords, which were too big for a dedicated training of the sabre technique.

"Wait here," Meilin instructed the genin as she would head back to the tent. It only took her a moment to return. Holding out a blunt knife, Meilin nodded - emphasising that he should take it.

"It can be a bit tricky but this is basically how you do it. You hold the handle in a good grip. Try to mould chakra with your hands, build it up first. Then try to guide it slowly over the blade. Don't try to overextend it but just guide it slow and nicely."

His eyes widened with excitement and his face became excited. Mamoru took another slow breath to calm himself down. He felt his excitement rising, he always felt like this when learning or training. He felt kind of ashamed to show this to Meilin, and he avoided her eyes for a few seconds. He undid his technique and let the blade resting on the ground, only its tip touching the ground." Thank you, Sensei. My father trained me hard in Earth Release. He said it is a part of my Senju heritage. And it… It does make me proud. To be a Senju."

He mumbled the last few words, but he was sure Meilin could hear him. She than mentioned going smaller and he nodded in agreement."No matter how small a pebble is, it can still make a difference. Father always said I need to start with small steps and until I started to train, I never really understood." he replied, than as Meilin went into the tent, he molded some chakra and made the earth under the blade to extend around the tip, holding it in place. He then took the knife and listened to the advice he was given.

He nodded and calmed himself. He looked at the knife and memorized the shape of it, than closed his eyes. He focused on his right hand and moulded his chakra in it. He felt his hand vibrate and a faint blue glow appeared around it, together with a weird, pulsating noise. He increased the volume of it and his entire hand was coated in it, in an even layer. He extended his chakra around the blade and felt his excitement rise - and that was a mistake. His chakra flowed to the blade but a coat did not form, instead it dissipated and he felt a slight burning sensation on his hand. He gave Meilin an apoleptic smile and avoided her eyes again. "I'm sorry, Sensei. Please let me try again."

Even while she heard his words, she chose to not respond to them. She had wondered before if the nasty bit of history between their clans would get in the way. But truth be told? She couldn't really care what clan he originated from, even if it was from the Senju.

Watching him make his first attempt, Meilin considered what could have gone wrong. In all technicality, it could be a lot of things that didn't go correct. It was a shame that she wasn't as knowledgeable or good as Rabbit.

"Go ahead. Try to mould, build and guide the chakra slowly. No need to perform it rapidly. Right now, it is more important that you do it right than fast." Meilin decided to instruct him.

She figured that it could take a bit, allowing her to muse further on some thoughts.

Mamoru nodded at the instructions."Will do, Sensei." His reply was short, as he decided to show he took the words really to his heart and mind. He closed his eyes again and focused on his knife holding hand. He felt his chakra building up in the hand a few moments later, he felt the se vibrations as before. Opening his eyes, he saw his chakra building up and surrounding his hand. Focusing more on his hand, he made his chakra flow towards the knife. The blue glow started to coat the small handle of the knife first, then he pushed it further. The blue glow was slowly spreading towards the blade and it now emitted the same sound as before. Piece by piece, hsi chakra enveloped the blade and this time, it maintained the shape of the knife. It took a few seconds but he managed to surround the entire knife in a layer of his chakra.

He inspected it with his own eyes and moved his hand a bit, but the coat on the blade remained. It's edges were rather jagged and uneven, far from the smooth layer he witnessed Meilin do. "This is the best I can do now, I think. It's a far cry from perfect. Maintaining control still takes some effort. But at least I'm not burning my own hand now." He looked at his hand again, than he raised his view towards Meilin.

Watching how Mamoru attempted it another try, Meilin's lips attracted a faint smile. It seemed that he just needed to take a slower approach and tame his excitement to try to master the basics of chakra flow. While the flow of chakra on the practice knife were far from perfect, Meilin reminded her that she had started off like that as well.

"It is good enough, Mamoru," Meilin began, "If you feel confident enough then you should try every evening to form and hold the coat of chakra. Try that for a while and keep doing that every evening when able. You won't much difference, at first, but your chakra control will get better. Together with mastering the chakra flow."

Actually feeling a twinge of pride that she managed to teach the genin something, Meilin considered something else. His earth affinity was earth.

"In terms of elemental ninjutsu, I can't be really of aid yet. But I will see if I can arrange something from you. Not to mention, I will request either Aoi or Dagrún to help your taijutsu or mastery of weapons."

He kept looking at the cloak he formed on his hand. It still took him a rather sizeable amount of effort to maintain and most of all, prevent from dissipating. Listening to Meilin's words about performing this exercise on a daily basis will help him a great deal and he took her words to his heart."Thank you. I understand,Sensei. I will perform this exercise every day and - and one day, I hope I'll be able to do it effortlessly as you do." and he took another look at his hand before slowly starting to reduce the amount of chakra on his hand and the cloak slowly dissipated, together with the humming noise it created.

Listening on ways to further his training, Mamoru felt his excitement grow again, despite his best efforts to contain it. But as Meilin mentioned either Aoi or Dagrún helping him in his training, he felt his stomach twist and churn a bit. He was still not sure on whether they still view him as an inexperienced kid spewing idealistic nonsense, or as an actual member of their team. He suppresses these thoughts and placed a smile on his face instead." I - that would be great, Sensei! I am sure I could learn a lot from both of them. I mean -they're incredible. One day I hope to be stand on equal grounds with them. As their equal."

Even in the light of the imminent deployment into a warzone, it amazed Meilin that Mamoru could appear so eager. To showcase such excitement and drive to become somebody he had in mind already. It was alien to her, causing her to doubt her own motivation and yet also gave her a sliver of hope. Certainly was strange, she mused as she would nod back to Mamoru.

"Don't worry too much about it. If you keep it up, you may prove yourself to be even better than I am at it. Take it easy for now. Cause tomorrow, we are going to be yelled at, again." Meilin replied, already suspecting that the next day would be another day of drills and training.