Thoughts of a Yakimara
Near the border of the Empire of Akino and the Lightning Country.
This post details the force that heads north to aid the Raikage's forces, according to the agreement made between the Raikage's diplomatic envoy and the Empress of Akino.

The force that is sent north exists out of 3.000 capable fighting men. The majority of them are mounted, while armed with either spear and shield or bow and arrow. A part of this force isn't just rugged fighting men that are used to harsh conditions but also have experience and capability to serve as (counter)shinobi operatives.
Accompanied by camp followers, the force is under the command of Caderyn, who hails from the tribe of Huor. Currently leading the '18th Brigade, the Oathsworn'. Though in reality, these men have sworn an oath to follow Caderyn and his captains under the name of the 'Warband of the Vetei'.

This post contains some information and thoughts that may provide depth into Caderyn and his men.

The sound of snow crunching beneath the weight of boots and hooves was deafened by the resonation of men and horses. An almost windy formation of people was heading for quite some time towards the border of the Empire and Lightning. Banners fluttered as a cold breeze swept from the direction the folk were heading. The dark blue and black banners, representing the flames of the Nibi - the fierce guardian of the Homura dynasty, would herald the coming of this Imperial might.

Watching from the comfortable position of his saddle, the leader of this large group of fighting men and camp followers seemed rather content. Though he was more attuned to the warmer and forgiving climate of his home, within the Yakimara heartlands, the biting cold and harsher lands had their own kind of charm.
While he watched troops and camp followers passing by, Caderyn mused to himself if his gods were wandering these lands. Despite even if they weren't given homage properly or remembered for many centuries.
Slowly inhaling, Caderyn would steer his horse and cause it to trot.

Riding to the side of the moving column, Caderyn reminded himself why they were so far from home. The banners gently moving in the cold wind weren't the same that many of his subordinates fully recognised as their own. They weren't the symbols of old that were linked to the multiple deities of the Yakimara. The true gods that the Yakimara should heed to and not that fire-blasted bastard that those Taika loved to dirty their knees for.

"Commander," a voice rang out, attempting to fight against the ambience of the nearby moving force. "Commander Caderyn," the voice called out, faintly stemming over the combined sounds of mounts, cartwheels and gear moving.
Turning his head to throw a look over his shoulder, Caderyn saw a rider approaching him. Causing the called commander to halt his mount and wait for the other rider to catch up.

The other rider brought his mount to a slow halt as he lightly panted, yet there was a clear excitement tangible from the other man.
"We got word from some of the groups that were sent ahead. Some of the local clans have decided to gift us some supplies."
Caderyn frowned upon hearing this news. It sounded like good news but yet, Caderyn was careful. And he had good reasons for it.

The majority, which encompassed all the fighting men under his command, were all Yakimara. They originated from diverse tribes and clans. While this could cause some friction among some units, they were quite a cohesive force. Largely for their shared disdain for Taika and the Way of Fire. And not forget the shared like to fight and make it clear that the Yakimara could do more than sing and dance. If somebody had brought him a message that the locals had decided to pass on some supplies, the case would likely been that his boys had decided to just take it. Probably using the same 'old Yakimara reason' of: "This used to be our ancestral lands".

However, they were currently in the Framí province. The majority of folk that resided within this region weren't Taika. They were Chonobi. Or well, more accurately, they called themselves 'Ylfings'. A name that Caderyn found hard to pronounce without feeling he was throwing a random slur at somebody. Though he was more comfortable dealing with these Ylfings than with Taika. For one, the Ylfings didn't worship that Taika God.
"And where are these supplies now?" Caderyn asked, masking his amusement with a stern tone.

"Captain Cynbel has it. He sends me forward to back to inform you, commander. Not to mention, he wanted me to pass along some of his concerns." The rider further stated. But Caderyn raised a hand to wave away the latter notion.

"I am well aware of Cynbel's worries. But we aren't here for fun or without purpose. Her Majesty has given us a chance to reap rewards as prove our value. Go back and make sure that Cynbel waits on the route to rejoin with the bulk." Caderyn responded on turn, causing the rider to nod before making way.
Watching the soldier gallop away on his horse, Caderyn was slightly worried.

It was no surprise that people would be curious if they learned that a large force of Yakimara were marching towards the Lightning country. The banners and the gifted equipment made it hard for the non-initiated to know that they weren't a real Imperial unit. It certainly fooled most people and thus had as reaction that they gained trust. Even some encounters with garrisoned forces had been mildly pleasant. Only those that were aware that there wasn't such a thing as a '18th Brigade', had frowned. But it was a good thing that Caderyn could provide that they were a legitimate force of her Majesty of Akino.

Caderyn's thoughts went to the Sworn Sword that had been assigned with them. He understood that it could truly provide some aid in their objective to fulfil the Empire's bargain with the Raikage's forces. But the mere fact that this Sworn Sword was some Taika had pissed off some of Caderyn's captains. Some demanded that this Sworn Sword wouldn't practice the Way of Fire religion nearby them. Already Caderyn had recognised various obscene, yet subtle gestures from his men towards the accompanying Sworn Sword. Yet, they always did it when they were sure that the woman wasn't watching.
And Caderyn couldn't blame them. The fierce reputation of the Sworn Swords had reached quite far. And though some lads were more than eager to mettle their qualities, the majority were quite wary. Even the minority under Caderyn's command that were competent ninjutsu users.

Right now, this Sworn Sword was given the command of a small group. A group existing of more calm-headed figures that were instructed to stay with her. Not only to follow some of her commands - as they were still Caderyn's men - but to also help her try to understand some Yakimara. And their ways.
Hopefully, this could avert some conflict between the Sworn Sword and the hot-heads that were looking for an excuse to challenge her.
The Omari Summit!
A collab between Gero and Conman!

Summary: As the Omari leader returns from the summit in with the other Taika lords of the Empire, he has sent word ahead to his vassals. After his meeting with the governor of the Rain he returns to his compound, to begin the first summit of the Omari Clan

It was late in the day that every vassal lord of the Omari would receive the summons to the Omari compound. The first of what was to be the great collaborative meetings between all the lower clan heads and the Omari to decide what would be in the best interest of their collective groups. All had answered the summons swiftly, making the travel within a week, all having been located so close by. The Ogami, Maeno, Sueno, Uyeno, and Teshima lords all arrived to the compound, and were the first to see evidence of the changes to sweep throughout the land. Armor and weapons that had clearly been developed with the idea of the Imperial military's current standard of equipment gleamed in the light of the day, borne by the guards who now defended the Omari lands. A man with a large plumed helmet would step forward to greet each Lord personally, and servants had quickly taken the horses away, every comfort and respect offered to the Lords. Each had been shown their quarters for the next two evenings, and given the opportunity to refresh and prepare themselves for the meeting.

Then, they had all been shown to the large meeting hall, where they now all sat, seated around a large, intricate table which held enough seats to hold every clan head of the Rain province comfortably within, though now only one half of the table was occupied. A scribe sat in one corner of the large hall, quill, ink, sand and paper all prepared to take down the notes of the meeting. Servants stood at the ready to meet the requests of any lord. Now all of them were seated at the large table. On the left side of the table, seated three seats away from the head of the table was Jueno Uyeno. He was not much to look at, with a squashed nose that had clearly been broken and not properly set, and a fierce scowl and almost permanent grimace set over his face, he looked like he was in almost constant pain. Next to him, a seat closer, sat Tokuma Teshima, the same gentleman who had been so reserved before about joining the Omari sat with a look of neutrality over his sandy hair and beard, grey eyes looking over the room of the other lords in such a manner as to absorb all there was to know about the other occupants just by viewing them. Seated right next to the head of the table on the left side was the same old man who had calmed the Lord of the Teshima, Gonshiro Maeno, a grey bearded man who had lived many winters in the relative peace that the Rain had offered, but had been sharp enough to see opportunity in the Omari's offer. Wrinkles covered his face, the evidence of much smiling, though the brilliant blue eyes that observed from behind them had not dulled in their intelligence over the years. On the right of the table closest to the head sat another greying man, though he was not wrinkled as of yet, and he sized up the other lord in the room with an heir of confidence. He was lord Tetsu Ogami, soon to be Father in Law to Chu Omari, and as of right then the one with the most influence out of all the vassal clans for their close ties to the Omari. Just last week one of the Ogami's sons had been wed to a cousin of Chu's, ensuring even closer ties between the two clans. The other vassal lord, seated on the opposite side of the Ogami, was a middle aged man with raven hair and green eyes, a polite smile seated on the lips of the oddly pudgy face. A short and neatly trimmed goatee surrounded his thin lips. Each of the lords sized up the other, keenly attempting to discern who among them might be the weakest. Small talk filled the air as they waited for their host to arrive.

It was not long, fifteen minutes at most, before the Omari Lord appeared and took his seat at the head of the table, looking over the group with a gaze of interest as he folded his hands and leaned his head on his chin while studying the faces of each of the lords in turn. "Right, we are all here to discuss various improvements to be made to the collective lands." Chu stated simply as a servant came over to place a glass of water in front of him at a signal. Chu drank from the glass shortly before carrying on. "The first order of business, and what I feel is the most important as of the current moment, is the matter of the military." Chu folded his hands in front of himself once again. "It is because of such tragedies that befell the Housha most recently that we must look to these matters. Lord Teshima and Maeno," Chu shifted his gaze to the two men, switching between the face of the older and younger. "You are of the most danger to the ever present threat of the Fang. What might you feel should be done to better secure ourselves in the face of their troops?"

The question seemed to spark some curiosity as mild surprise from the lords that were being asked. If anything, it spoke enough of Lord Maeno's experience that he was the first to recover and answer to Chu's question. He would began with a small bow of his head towards the younger Omari before speaking up.

"I, personally, have faced the issue with the Fang for quite some time. During my tenure, I have dealt with various scenarios that our western neighbour had troops venturing past the borders. Causing all kind of ruckus. If I had the resources, I would like to establish more permanent outposts. Make it clear what the border is and deter any possible future scenarios that I had to solve in the past. For I see little benefit to risk the lives of my kin and others to begin what could climax into an open war between the Fang and the Empire."

It stayed silent for a second, after lord Maeno was finished. Tokuma had recovered and had gathered his thoughts. Appearing calm, it was easy to pick up on his distaste for the Fang as his undertone marked that much clear.
"I think that the idea of Lord Maeno is fine. We could use some a more fortified frontier against the Fang. For it is clear that they understand one language clearly. And that is the language of power. Of strength. Reasoning with them on any other level is almost impossible and leads only to more insults as conflict." He paused for a second. "As such, I want to suggest that Lord Omari will invest some resources into the idea of Lord Maeno. But that he focuses more on the fact that even the Fang has a more organised military force. They got more resources but if we would to finance a bigger as stronger military force, we could be more capable of sending any Fang force back to the backwatered nation that they call home. Many of my kin have already suffered over the countless of transgressions that the Fang has committed against my people."

Chu was silent for a moment as he considered the prospect. More troops and better equipment as well as outposts meant more money and resources vested into the regions. It was an initial promise to these clans, but one that must be carefully considered. Terrain in the region would be a key factor in establishing the outposts. Then there was the location that these troops must be sourced from. But rather then immediately make a decision, he would ask the other lords first, after all, first and foremost they were his advisors. "Very, well, we will create these outposts, however, Lord Uyeno, Lord Sueno, Lord Ogami, what say you of this matter? How many men do you have that could be spared to man the border immediately?"

Lord Yonezu Sueno, the man with the pudgy face, was the first to reply "Lord Omari, we of the Sueno can provide two hundred and fifty troops to man the border. Although," The Lord raised a hand. "I must ask who will shoulder the burden of providing the food and various other supplies that this new force will require? Who will lead them as well?" It was Lord Ogami who spoke next though, his eyes studying the young Omari. "Lord Omari, the Ogami would be happy to offer three hundred men to guard the borders of the Teshima and Maeno against further incursions from the Fang. Though, I feel obliged to ask what number of troops you might contribute to the venture Lord Omari…"

Lord Jueno Uyeno remained silent, waiting to be the last to speak up. The grim expression that seemed to be such a permanent stain on the man's features hide his thoughts as emotions well regarding the current topic. His gaze remained locked on the young leader of the Omari clan, his now superior in title and rule. "My clan can provide a force that is comparable to the numbers of Lord Sueno." He began, his voice being calm as yet a respectful undertone. "I will be honest with you, Omari-sama. I am not thrilled about the idea to invest myself or my kin to face the trouble with the Fang. I and my clan are far from these troubles but I also demand that the state itself starts to invest into this matter. You can, however, rely on our cooperation."

Chu was quiet at the response, staring at the man, for several moments. He considered whether or not he should say something about his complaint, but in the end decided against it. "Very well Lord Uyeno, I will ensure that attention is brought on the matters by the state. You are quite correct, the Empire has been far too lax in their dealings with the Fang. I will pressure the Amekage to deploy troops to the border." He turned his thoughts to the number of troops to be fielded. He would have to maintain a grip, and the easiest way to do that would be to maintain an edge over their militaries. "Very well, everyone will immediately submit two hundred troops to place along the border. The Omari will train and equip them. Additionally, Lord Teshima and Maeno will provide exactly half of the portion of supplies required to field this force. The rest will be evenly divided amongst the other clans. I will send three hundred of my own men to the area, they will begin establishing the outposts with express orders to not allow any Fang troops or citizens past." He took a sip of his water before returning his hands to the folded position, turning his head to once again gaze at Teshima and Maeno. "Lord Teshima, Lord Maeno, is this arrangement agreeable?"

Gonshiro Maeno would lower his head, a soft smile appearing on his features before he replied. "Most certainly, Lord Omari. I find these arrangements quite agreeable. I hope that the Amekage will feel the same way."
Tokuma Teshima would also lower his head, remaining silent but giving no objection to the plans of the Omari lord.
Chu's feature's hardened briefly as he looked to Lord Maeno. "If the Amekage does not find protecting her province agreeable, perhaps it is time for new leadership to take control of the province." He said simply, before dismissing the thought with a wave of his hand. "I will assign to you Lord Teshima and Maeno the task of oversight on the defenses of the region as well as ensuring that the agreed upon number of troops is provided by each clan." There was a bit of a displeased look in the eyes of Lord Sueno and Lord Ogami at the words, one which was not heeded as of yet by Chu. They would be pleased soon enough. "Now to move on to matters of the economy, I would like to know what each of you are producing in excess. We must see to it that we establish more industries that offer a greater profit than simple farming. Lord Teshima, Maeno, we will begin with you again. What resources do you produce in surplus at the moment, and what other industries might be developed within you given investment? Make your assessment broad and simple please, a more in depth assessment will be made later."

The response of Chu seemed to spark some interest or curiousity from Lord Maeno. But if the man had something to say, he decided to keep it for himself for the time being. The man seemed to recognise the silent yet facial reaction of the lords of Sueno and Ogami clan.
Upon the request of Chu, Lord Teshima slightly nodded before he spoke up first. "We are producing some iron and tin in excess. I would say that we once produced rice in excess but with the ongoing chaos west, it is hard to keep the western sphere of my region peaceful."
"Currently, we are producing an excess of timber. Not a lot, though. But enough to call it an excess." Lord Maeno began, a smile briefly touching his lips. "Other than that, pretty much the same situation as Lord Teshima. I had contracted the Sandaime Amekage for it. But alas." The man finished, a slight bow of his head as he did so.

"We are producing a large amount of rice and raise a good number of cattle." Came the reply from Tetsu Ogami, unprompted. "We also have a number of tanners within our lands, and the river provides some trade." The Lord turned his head to look to the Sueno leader, interested to learned what he might have. "Our own industries are much the same, Lord Omari. We raise a large number of cattle and grow rice, though we have no tanners or rivers within our lands. The Omari leader nodded quietly and then turned to the only member of the meeting who had not yet spoken. "And what of your lands Lord Uyeno? What do you produce in excess?"

The leader of the Uyeno clan remained silent until the attention was turned to him. "Not that much different. Though a few villages have been able to produce some good quality dye. Certainly yellow and brown. With perhaps some investment, it can be turned into a larger industry to fuel the economy." Was the answer and added a suggestion from the Uyeno clan leader.

Chu stroked his chin thoughtfully as the man made his suggestion. The idea was intriguing, afterall good quality dyes were always highly sought by the textiles industry. Selling it to the markets of the empire or elsewhere could bring a tidy profit. He nodded and then looked to Lord Ogami. "Lord Ogami, I appoint you and Lord Uyeno as the overseers of internal development of the clan. I am certain in your capable hands that our finances will grow and flourish." He turned his head to Teshima. "Lord Teshima and Lord Sueno I will appoint you as general commanders of the Omari troops, I entrust you with overseeing all the affairs of our military, including equipping our men properly." Then he turned his head to Lord Maeno. The wise old man had proven shrewd in dealings in the past, and he would be a logical choice for managing relations with other clans. "Lord Maeno you shall take charge of our relations with other clans." He sat back in his seat and contemplated the choices. "From here on you will conduct yourselves as a council, with myself at your head. I will consult each of you and decide on the best choice of action." He folded his hands in front of himself. "Lord Teshima, Lord Sueno, do not forget to consult with Lord Maeno on matters regarding the defense of the region near the Fang, he still holds a say in these choices afterall."

The lords would all nod, some looking less pleased then others, but all accepting of the orders and appointments. A few other small matters would be brought up in the meeting, the establishment of a regular time of meeting and such. Soon the meeting would be over and the lords would disperse to their quarters. Tomorrow they would return to their various holds. The first Omari summit was over.
The Battle of Lorstedt - Part 2
Lightning Country | Far North, Sanosuke territory |
The battle between the Regency Forces of Uijtsune and the Warriors of Grotnar, jarl of Langanes.

Part 1.

From the dark, they came. A wave of men charging from every shadow. The initial attack overwhelmed many, who quickly fell to the brutal attack that seemed to materialize out of nothing. Competent officers would reel quick enough from the attack to rally their men. Within mere minutes, the entire force of Uijtsune was moving into defensive positions. Using various sections of what seemed to be an empty city, various sites as chokepoints against the dreadful Sanosuke charge.

Watching, Asami narrowed her eyes. The sound of chaos, bloodshed and violence roared through the night, tearing apart the tranquillity that had preceded. Throwing a look over her shoulder, a small group of cloaked individuals were standing at the ready. Their faces were obscured by clothing and only the distant fires would faintly illuminate their gear.
"Get their general, alive." Asami ordered.
Without as much as a nod or sound, the individuals would vanish as more Sanosuke warriors moved into the fray. Turning once more towards the direction of the city centre, Asami inhaled slowly.

Desperately, the soldiers of Uijtsune tried to fend off the unsatiable horde of attackers. Using their long spears to keep them at a distance, they were soon surrounded by both attacking barbarians and fire. Smoke started to fill the lungs of brave soldiers that tried to hold their ground, only to falter and retreat or to be killed by steel.
Slowly, the soldiers that had moved into Lorstedt started to be tunnelled towards the centre of the city. Without any sentimental regard, the Sanosuke started to light fires. Various gruesome screams that went through bone and marrow were produced by unlucky soldiers that were taken alive by angry Sanosuke, only to be thrown into the fires.

Coughing, he looked around him. The situation was as dire as one could imagine. Men were running around, either to follow their officer into a direction or just attempting to find an escape. The faint but terrifying sounds pierced constantly through the crackling of wood that was set on fire, the commands of captains and marching of boots resonating through the air.
Finding an officer, Uijtsune grabbed the man by his right arm.
"We need to get out of this hell hole!" He yelled to make himself audible. The officer nodded as he stated that he had heard something about that their northern positions were held firmly, despite fierce skirmishes.

"Gather some captains and make way to the north. Pierce through! We are getting out of here!" Uijtsune ordered. Despite the chaotic mess, his troops were able to form up and start to move to the northern direction. A rearguard was somewhat established of volunteers and those who were simply not informed.
Moving through the streets, Uijtsune wondered for a moment if he would see the sun rising. Just after that thought, a hail of projectiles rained down on them. Many soldiers would fall on the ground and not get up as others attempted to fire an arrow back or run even harder.

Firing from concealed positions, Sanosuke archers started to lay on Uijtsune's men. As he ran for his life, Uijtsune threw a look over his shoulder. Only to see how behind him men were cut down. Puzzled, the commander slowed down for a moment.
For a mere second, he thought he had seen hooded figures moving through the shadows with them. But since when did shadows conjure steel that could penetrate clothing, flesh and blood?
His lips parted as he gripped his weapon tighter. But his warning wouldn't be heard for a sharp pain moved through Uijtsune's skull, followed by intense darkness.

A large portion of the soldiers managed to break through. Smashing through the Sanosuke, the soldiers started to pour out of the city. Many were just running for their lives into the darkness. Behind them were screams that heralded what happened to those that tried to stay. But in the darkness, many officers were unable to properly control their troops. Soldiers started to run in every possible direction to get away from the onslaught in Lorstedt.

Soon enough drums started to ring through the air, as ominous heralds of more impending danger. Many soldiers didn't stand still to just wait and see what this new sound would deliver.
While men were killed with cold steel or burnt alive in Lorstedt, soon enough those who had escaped such horrors would fall victim to the lurking troops that had waited. Swift horsemen from the Sato clan swooped down on various groups of routing soldiers. Even in the dark, their ponies carried their riders and were prone to every command given by their riders.

Arrows were soaring through the air as Sato riders unleashed devastating attacks on the fleeing soldiers. Some used spears to skewer an enemy quickly, only to ride away before anybody could pose a threat to them.
By the time that the sun started to rise on the horizon, many men that had followed Uijtsune into the small city of Lorstedt were dead.

His head was feeling light. Though awake for what he thought to be an hour, Uijtsune couldn't believe it. His hands and feet were tied as he laid on his stomach in the dirt. He had a view on the city of Lorstedt as well his guards that watched over him and various captured officers. Still, Uijtsune couldn't believe what had happened. The damage to the city would likely be big and even if the Sanosuke hadn't lost many lives, why had they been so eager to destroy their own homes?
Once more, Uijtsune was convinced that these weren't people. They looked like people from afar but they were nothing but beasts. Savages that worshipped foul demons.
Wanting to struggle, Uijtsune didn't have the strength. He could do nothing more than watch as in the distance people moved around. Captives were herded together by Sanosuke and some nomads. Frowning, Uijtsune tried to recognise the mounted nomads that aided the Sanosuke.
Before he could recognise what clan the nomads belonged to, a few men approached him. Without any pardon, his bonds at his legs were loosened and he was placed on his feet.

Forced to walk, Uijtsune threw a look at some captured soldiers. Their attires were a mess. Dried mud and blood caked at their clothing, armour and skin. Some soldiers grunted or groaned as their wounds weren't treated by their captors.
"May the Gods have mercy on us all," Uijtsune thought to himself. He would be guided into the city as many Sanosuke were standing in silence. The savages were still armed and armoured but much like his captured or dead troops, their attires were dirty as well. That or, Uijtsune thought to himself bitter, they were always dirty.
Pushed forward by a man behind him, Uijtsune stumbled but managed to keep himself standing. He wasn't sure what they wanted him to do but he thought of something.

Glancing at his right, he considered his options one final time. Suddenly, the defeated general turned his head and spat a salvo of saliva into the face of a nearby Sanosuke. Hoping to enrage the barbarians into killing him, Uijtsune watched with dread as the Sanosuke whipped his face off and spat back at Uijtsune's eyes. Grunting as he tried to whip the spit from his eyes and face, Uijtsune was pushed forward.
Unable to hold himself, the man fell forward. Provoking some words of somebody to his right, which was followed by laughter.
Pulled up, Uijtsune started to pray to the Gods. Whatever the savages had planned for him, hopefully, it would be over soon.

Led into a large plaza within the city, Uijtsune saw women and children. Their clothing or features weren't dirty. And briefly, he wondered where they had been hiding. Or perhaps they had came after the fighting was done? Probably hiding in the safety of the nearby dark woods.
Then he saw a platform in the middle of the plaza. On it were a few figures that seemed to be waiting for him. On the platform was a pole.

"General Uijtsune," a woman with fiery, red hair spoke up. A twisted smile started to spread on her lips as she spread her arms. "Welcome to Lorstedt."
The Saemund and Sanosuke
| Lightning Country | Sanosuke Heartlands, the jarldom of Yngvar | The city of Yngvar |
A collab between Nim and Alicee.

The Saemund Clan have been an ally of the Sanosuke clan for a long time. With the conflict between the Sanosuke and Regency council escalating, the Saemund have been invited to Yngvar. A meeting is held between a prominent leader of the Sanosuke and the Saemund Hofou.
The Krakens are soon to be unleashed.

Some notes:
*Hyrlings - Chonobi term for Sanosuke.
*Mafuree - Northern Gulls. Common in the northern seas and coasts. Few tamed by the Saemund.

Drums echoed through the air as the sky would slowly start to darken, heralding the coming of the evening and approaching night. Yet, the city of Yngvar seemed to be almost in a festive mood. Lights were spread over the city and from the large port to the large keep of the jarl, there were many guards that kept the way open.
Along the specific way, there were banners waving in the soft, cold breeze. The colours and symbol of Yngvar were clear to see, thanks to the lights.

At the port itself, security was tight. Guards kept any curious folk away at a section. While the war vessels were by usual guarded heavily, a new sector in the port was reinforced with guards. The odd thing about this new section was the lack of ships, as if they were still expected to come.

Beyond the defensives of the inner fortification, the fortress of the jarl, there were many preparations being made. Supplies were placed into crates or barrels, loaded afterwards on carts. Warriors were clad in their gear and patrolled around. Giving the distinct idea that they were about to march to war on the south.

With the dusk above their heads, and the wind that softly escorted them, the Saemund vessel that went by the name of 'Tíðar's Praour' slowly approached the ports of Yngvar. Standing by the helm, Havarr nodded to his crew as they slowed their speed. One thing he had come to know during his time as Hofou was that when it came to entering another's land, it was best done slow. Even if it was the soil of an ally.

It would take a few more minutes, but once those were over, the ship had finished entering the port. Havarr marked to the majority of his men to stand in line, while a couple went and began ensuring everything that needed to help secure the ship to the spot was done. Turning to look at the gangplank to the port, Havarr elected to wait for a moment, and see if any Sanosuke would approach them first.

Curious townfolk would attempt to see what, or who's, ship would venture into the secured port. Guards kept any curious soul far away as another small unit would stand at the ready. Though judging from their relaxed stance, they were expecting little to not trouble. A captain was easily distinguished by his gear and fact he gave orders around.
Once the vessel of the Saemund had docked, the Sanosuke would make way as the captain nodded towards the Saemunds. Awaiting for them to be ready to come with him and his men.

Seeing the signal from the Sanosuke, Havarr gave some orders to his men. While most appeared to start going and attending to different matters around the ship, one approached Havarr. He appeared younger than most other men, and Havarr gave him a nod, before beginning to cross the gangplank towards the Sanosuke troops. The young troop followed Havarr closely, and while he appeared to be caution, Havarr showed no signs of feeling threatened, or wary. If anything, it appeared as though he was beginning to feel more comfortable now.

The Sanosuke grouped around the Saemund as a protective blanket, being between them any possible curious folk. Guiding the Saemund into town, there were little to no people that gave the stink eye to the Saemund. In fact, Yngvar was one of the major ports where the Saemund were accepted, acknowledged and respected. Yet, this fact wouldn't take away that the security would be any less strict.

Reaching the jarl's fortress, the Saemund were guided towards one of the lodges where they would be allowed to find some respite, despite all the ongoings within the fortress walls. A few hours later as the dark of night had arrived, a few servants would make their way to the Saemund lodging to retrieve the guests.
The Saemund were afterwards moved towards one of the few, large meadhalls. Decorations in form of engravings were made into the stone and wood as light was seen shining out of the few windows and wide open doors.
Approaching the building's main entrance, the Saemund were allowed to move in as the elite of Yngvar were standing guard. But none of them would bare the way to the Saemund as the scent of food, alcohol and smoke would greet them. As soon as they would enter, the sight of a large festive halls with long tables would greet them. Even while many Sanosuke were present, enjoying themselves loud and clear, there were a lot of free spaces - remaining free for the Saemund.

At the end of the hall were a large table on an elevation, allowing the seated at those few tables to watch over the entire meadhall. Currently, only a few men were seated at one side of this table, clearly waiting for others, while more elites of Yngvar's warriors were guarding the two possible entries to this elevation.

The wait in the lodge was comfortable. Perhaps too comfortable in Havarr's opinion. But, he knew the Sanosuke did have land that provided more fancy things than they had back home. The benefits of living in a warmer land. After a few hours, they were moved once more. This time, he saw the men from the ship too. When they arrived at their current destination, Havarr understood why.

The hall had smells in it that were more than appealing. He spotted one of his men even beginning to drool slightly at the sight of all the food. He muttered in Tunga that they can take their seats in the tables below, which they were quick to do. None of them, however, dared to touch the food yet. Havarr gestured to the young warrior from before to accompany him, as he made his way towards the elevated table. Once he took a seat, the young warrior made his way and sat down to Havarr's left. Havarr whispered something to the young man, which was answered with a shake of the young man's head.

Sighing, The Hofou turned to look around, wondering how many more people were they waiting for, before speaking up to those who were in the same table as him "I extend my thanks for this welcome, Sanosuke brethren." He offered a nod of his head along with placing his right fist against his left arm.

The few Sanosuke men that sat at the table waited patiently for the Saemund to take their place. The man in the middle flashed a warm smile, returning the Saemund sign. "Welcome friends," the jarl, Aldvarr, followed as he gestured to a few friends. Horns were filled with mead as plates were presented on the table.

"I trust that the journey wasn't disturbed by any bad omens or other troubles?" Aldvar asked, not one to skip the necessary formalities between two allied clans.

Lowering his hands, Havarr briefly looked at the food that had been presented to them, before looking towards Aldvarr once more "It would've been a quiet sailing, if it were not for a storm. We all survived, but our vessel had been roughed up a bit. Not enough to take it down." He explained, with a clear smile on his face as he mentioned the ship out matching the storm, clearly feeling proud at the quality of the ship "I hope the seas and the land have both been kind to you." he then added.

"If you desire any skilled men to mend to the damage, you only need to ask for it, Hofou. As long as you reside within Yngvar, you can count on my people's aid." The last comment was met with Aldvar picking up his horn and smiling. "The sea has been kind to us this winter, so far. The land? I am certain you have heard of the news that has gone through the entire north."

Though his voice contained a modicum of friendly tone, it became vastly more serious. "We are practically in open rebellion against the Regency Council and her dogs. The land to the south-east has already got a taste of those cowardly dogs blood. Soon enough, I suspect they will attempt to come over the waters." Not dancing around the bush, Aldvar would take a sip of his drink. "I believe it goes without saying that my kin and other Hyrlings will contest anybody that dares to conquer our waters. But we wouldn't mind sharing the joy of crushing those weaklings with our good allies."

As Havarr listened to Aldvarr's words, his expression changed into a more serious one as well. He had heard rumours of what went on in the Lightning, but did not have any confirmation until this moment. When he heard of what Aldvarr suspected will happen, Havarr shook his head "Anyone who is foolish enough to go through the waters will likely end up seeing nothing but a watery grave in his future. As for the offer of joining your fight? I speak for all my kin in saying we would be delighted to do so. It had been a long time since we had fought in this kind of manner. Many of my kin are certainly prepared to take arms for their Sanosuke brethren."

When he finished speaking, the Saemund in the lower tables all stood up, did the same gesture as the one Havarr did before, only facing many different Sanosuke in the hall. After they sat back down, Havarr nodded and looked at Aldvarr "Many of my kin back home are worried. The news come to us as only rumours, nothing certain. To hear it is so is certainly unfortunate." He explained, before taking a sip from the horn as well.

Waiting, Aldvarr watched as Havarr rose up and addressed the present Sanosuke in the hall. The words of Havarr were met with silence for one second, only to gain fists being pounded on the table and what could be described as 'agreeable' grumbling.

"Good! It will certainly do good to have our vessels bring destruction on those who seek to make the North bend or break." Aldvarr responded, his smile growing as Havarr finished speaking. "Currently, we got the mountain passes under control. Over land, the enemy can't cross unless they want to risk losing hefty amount of forces. Over the water? The Hojo are disloyal, so the western shores are not hostile. The eastern coast, however, remain a different topic." Aldvarr continued as he was sure that he didn't need a map to really sketch the situation for Havarr.

"One of ours has laid contact with the Jun. But there is no clear answer that we can trust that they won't side with the Regency dogs. I propose that we establish some Saemund squadrons in various ports. In case that the Regency will attempt to sail north, in trying to avoid taking the mountain passes, we will meet them head on. Together, as it should be."

Paying close attention, Havarr nodded "That sounds like a fine plan, but may I also propose that we attempt to besiege the Regency's coasts? If we can hinder their movement into the sea entirely, then it may be followed by lesser attempts through the seas. If we show we are not to be trifled with in the seas, it will send a clear message. Force them to focus on only one front, and that is the land. I could spare a few more vessels, beyond the ones for your plan, in order to perform this." He suggested.

The young man at Havarr's side seemed to be a bit on edge due to this suggestion, and tapped on Havarr's shoulder. Turning to the young man, Havarr had a brief exchange with him in Tunga, before turning back towards Aldvarr "Apologies. My protege here still has a worry about the Hojo. Even if they are disloyal, they could try and take advantage of an opening while we are focused on the Regency." He mentioned to Aldvarr.

Considering the suggestion, Aldvarr took a sip of his drink. "I disagree. I understand the point but if anything, I rather face those morons on the waves than on dry soil." He said. "Our warriors can take them on, without a doubt. But it is a sad truth that the Regency dogs have mounted forces. Cavalry in much larger quantities and quality. Behind our mountain defenses, we don't have to fear them. But if we force them to only cross over land? They might be able to get a push. And once those damned horsemen come swooping in, the southern jarls will face a big problem. On the waves?" A grin would appear, almost splitting the top of Aldvarr's beard in two. "Any day, any weather and at any time. Those idiots won't know how to ride the waves for a good ram or boarding. Besides, we don't need to go to them. We got everything we need in the true North, Hofou."

Briefly focusing his attention on Havarr's protege, Aldvarr shook his head slightly. "The Hojo are fighting against the Regency bastards. They got no mountains to hide behind. Their fleet is pathetic compared to ours at best. If they will attempt anything, it will cause a dent. But that gives enough justification to lit their shores on fire and turn their land into ash."

Hearing Aldvarr's explanation, Havarr took a sip of his drink. If that was the case, then it made sense to not block them off. If it was possible, he'd suggest they attempt to do the reverse, but as Aldvarr just mentioned, the Regency had mounts in large numbers. So that idea was dead before it even rose its head. After Aldvarr also spoke of the Hojo, Havarr turned to look at his protege, nodding to him. Once the young man nodded back, the Hofou turned back to Aldvarr.

"Very well. We'll begin with what you had suggested, set up a few Saemund squadrons in a number of ports. Though I will admit, I do hope they attempt to strike. Only to have a reason to sink their ships." He said, before taking another sip of his drink "I could also spare a few more ships to further patrols across the northern seas. Between those and our Mafuree, we would have a much more secure hold, should any unexpected attacks may come." Havarr added.

"Good! Any aid to patrol the waters will be accepted. Word will be spread that any port will be open to Saemund vessels." The jarl replied, raising his horn. "May we find glory in crushing those dogs."
Wolf Bird Part 3
Kazumo Sarutobi- Chuunin of Team 8
Summary: Kazumo wraps up his information gathering on the various leaders on Sahoru's death.

Walking through the streets with a smile on his face, he wished he could have talked more with Meilin but his job sadly wouldn't wait for him to have a conversation. He wanted to talk with that one hird of Alvar before Frea but he couldn't yet find them, which meant they patrolled more than relaxed which was a pain but showed they did their job well enough. So look like Frea was first which was fine he had an idea of how to go about that. Just he didn't know what kind of information she would give or how he should acquire it, he was given clear instructions on what was allowed and what wasn't. Which was why he wanted to leave Frea for last but if he couldn't adapt then he would have a lot of trouble for his goals in life.

Arriving at the market he would wait a little bit but in a few minutes the target would arrive and go about her business as he would trail her from a distance. It went how it went last time he had watched her. Spend most time chit chatting with the local people. Some claiming that Thegn Bjarte would love this one dish that their family goes crazy for. Yet most was gossip about events, some about their love life and very little was her actually purchasing anything. He wondered what life was like to be on call to someone daily, was this what free time was like for her? She didn't seem like she had a bad life in fact these task she did probably to prepare for Bjarte seemed to give her some joy.

Her daily activities however helped him in this scenario, as he wanted to get in her room before her. He could pick a lock just fine, but doing that with her inside was another story. Yet he wanted to make sure as well that she would be occupied for a while as well, he wanted to investigate her room see if she had anything that might be suspicious. Well in this case anything that might be incriminating. He highly doubted such but the fact she even might know a good bit about what went down, it made investigating at least a possible good source of information. Worse case he found nothing but all the things she had been purchasing.

Watching as she stopped at another stand and began talking with the lady about more cooking recipes and atopic changer being stain removers. It reminded him of him over hearing a conversation which led him to making a gas bomb with Koike. As they had their conversation he heard another about one that made him make a mental note. Thegn Alvar's hird was seen moving in the area, they never really stay in spot but they seem to jump from tavern to tavern. Seems some overheard they would be going to the Thirsty Wolf tonight. It was good that they kept moving, probably in their instincts to keep watch on different areas every now and then.

Keeping that in mind he made his way to the inn Frea was staying at, getting there was no trouble and since it was still early in the day not many were in the establishment. Luckily the man from last night wasn't in the place to question him being here again. Heading upstairs which was free from people walking the halls which was beneficial for him in this case. Moving towards her door and looking around, he pulled out his lock pick and got down on his knees. Jiggling with the lock a bit, he made sure to look around every now and then too see if anyone was leaving their room or coming up the stairs. For the most part he was in the clear though, giving him enough time to unlock her door and enter the room.

The room wasn't quite what he expected honestly, it was clean for sure but she wasn't very organized with her own stuff. Like it was clear she had been purchasing supplies, he seen her purchase some of this but cleaning supplies and comfort items weren't going to get him any information. Searching through her belongings for anything Thegn Bjarte might have for some reason left with her. All that he was finding was clothing though, nothing that might give him any clues towards his investigation, not shocking to find that out. He made sure to put back whatever he pulled away so she wasn't instantly suspicious.

He re-locked her door so nothing seemed out of place, and all that was left was to wait for her to come back from her market trip. Which could take a while as there was still sunlight out and she has mainly come back around dark. It was a good thing he was patient although it still felt odd to be in a woman's room, even if it was for the mission.
Minutes of waiting turned into an hour and that hour turned into a couple hours. He was waiting under the bed with his hood up and a mask covering most of his face besides his eyes. The waiting made him wish he could practice his techniques, yet he didn't want to leave any traces of his chakra. No doubt after what would happen she would go and try to get an investigation done. Didn't need his chakra being linked, it would look bad for his team, Aiko, and Kiyomi if word got out her uncle was snooping in servants rooms. It would also harm his goal if he was busted, as no doubt no one would let that mistake slide on him.

Kazumo however wouldn't need to wait longer as the audible sound of a lock clicking open caused his attention to shift towards the door. Below the bed frame he saw Frea's feet as she took a few steps into the room and dropped her bags that she acquired today. Like the rest of her purchases it was a lot of items for cleaning and comfort, although this time she seemed to get some candies. She moved again and went to her bag which contained her clothing, which another not really proud moment came when Frea undressed herself from her casual clothing and got into her nightwear. He would have looked away but didn't want to risk looking away from her in case she did spot him.

After changing she started humming a song as she made her way to the bed, moving slightly to the side as she got in bed he would wait a bit longer. It took the average person a few minutes to go to sleep, so best time to strike would be then. He didn't even realize it had gotten that late, or maybe as a servant she was use to going to sleep early to wake up early and perform her duties for Bjarte. He could still hear all the patrons drinking although it was muffled at best, still a fair amount of people drinking and laughing though. About twenty minutes later he started shuffling slowly out from under the bed, and peered up from the side of her bed. Her back was to him and sure enough she seemed to be asleep.

This was still all so new to him, he didn't really have much training in doing things alone. That's probably why Aiko choose him to do it alone, so he could grow and learn from it. Also probably why it was a rather important mission too, gauge where he was at from how well he did. He already got some information and it was time to get more. Mentally he made a prayer for doing what he was about to do to a sleeping woman, it certainly wouldn't be one of his proudest moments. Standing up fully he would creep on up to the bed and with deft swiftness of his hands, grasping his left hand over her mouth while holding her down with his right arm. The instant reaction and panicked moving was expected.

Leaning in as she tried to get out cries for help which came out as muffled sounds, "Shhhh, I just have questions. You answer them fully and honestly and nothing bad will happen. Now stop flailing about or I will give you a reason to. Now calm down first." Kazumo spoke softly to her, who was still very untrusting which made sense but with a little bit of time Frea slowly stop moving and just laid there, heavily breathing but for the most part relaxed.
"Good…. Now I'm going to lift my hand, but remember do not scream for help. Don't try to fight back or else things will not end well for you. Understood? Nod for yes, shake for no." his voice came softly again as her head nodded and he slowly lifted his hand from her mouth.

"Okay good, now don't look back at me. Stay right where you are and you can go back to sleep soon enough." Kazumo stated as he looked at her, watching too see if any suspicious movements were being made. "Bjarte. What was his relationship with Sahoru?" was the only question asked which caused a stiff reaction followed by some disgust in her voice.
"My Thegn's relationship with a man who betrayed him?" Frea said although she spoke aloud which caused Kazumo's grip on her to increase in tightness.
"Be more quiet." he demanded to which she muttered a small pained curse. "How did Sahoru betray Bjarte?" he asked to which a slight scoff came from Frea.
"How did he not? He ignored Bjarte's advice constantly, then choose to ignore him for a Taika. Those who persecute us for being savages, yet those same people whom Sahoru ignored us for now attack us as well. Seems my Thegn was right all along, so what happened to Sahoru was well deserved."

So far all he was getting was the same thing that Bjarte's hird was telling him. So Kazumo tweaked her arm a bit behind her back. "Come on now, you serve the man. You are close to him almost constantly and you served Sahoru's wife. You must know a bit more than that simple stuff."
Another curse came out followed by silence which made him wrench her arm again to which she made a low growl. "Okay okay… I mean I'm only his servant, what I hear is different from what I'm told. What I see is another. Only thing else I can tell you is that the Nobility whenever Bjarte meet with them, they were angry and upset over Sahoru listening to an Uchiha. So it wasn't just Bjarte who was hurt and offended by what Sahoru did, it was a lot more than him. I mean it was foolish for him to listen to a mere Uchiha over people that he should have considered much closer to him. Because of that he wasn't a great leader at all, a leader should listen to his people not the people who label us."

Kazumo listened intently to what she was saying and while it wasn't much, it was new information which he made sure to mentally write down. So when she finished speaking he stared at her for a few seconds. "That's all you know?" Kazumo asked to which a soft yes came from Frea. "Okay then, don't move. Just keep looking in the direction you have been. In five minutes you can move again understood?" he asked once more to which he got the same reply.

Letting her go he got off her and the bed and grabbed her key, moving towards the door while looking at her he would unlock it and toss the key back on the bed. Pulling his mask down he opened the door and walked out closing it behind him. He walked down the hallway and down the stairs heading right for the exit and into the cold night air. It was still pretty active tonight, he saw couples and other walking the streets. He probably still had time to find the last hird. So getting directions from a passerby on the Thirsty Wolf he took off towards the location.
Before he could get there though up ahead of him was a group of men who looked like it consisted of way more veterans. From the look of things they were far older than him and most likely had more experience too. It made sense for sure that these were Thegn Alvar's hird then, after all he was know to be a harsh leader but a combat veteran. He could see such a man expecting nothing but the best from his men. Made him wonder how he could be involved in such a possible crime like plotting Sahoru's death. He knew Katsuro favored him one might even say bribed into accepting whatever Katsuro did.

He had a way to go about it just he doubted it would grant him anymore information than he already got from the others. In fact he could probably assume whatever Alvar's involvement was the sheer amount of favoritism Katsuro had for him. Yet he had to get in the proper mindset for this and walked up to the hird thinking about the Uchiha, but more importantly he had to think of all the stupid fucking things Neji has done to him and to their group to almost compromise everything. In fact a lot of what happened could be described as his fault, actually Kazumo's first ever injury on the job came from Neji who sliced him. His purpose walk actually changed to an angry stance as he actually legitimately pissed himself off.

One of the hird members must have heard the stomping as they turned their head too see him approaching, he motioned for the others to stop as they all turned to look at Kazumo with confused expressions but also ready in case Kazumo did something. "May I help you lad?" one of the oldest men asked Kazumo who stopped and looked at him. He opened his mouth but actually for a second lost himself on anger.
"I heard about you all. Thegn Alvar's Hird. I was wondering." Kazumo trailed off as he had to think through his anger to which one of the hird placed a hand on his shoulder, the same one who spoke to him.
"Relax there son, calm yourself and try again. We are willing to listen." the man assured him to which Kazumo nodded and took a breath in and exhaled.

"I heard about Thegn Alvar being a strict leader but a skilled one as well. I may not be a Hon but I was hoping he could help me. I'm sure you know about what those filthy Uchiha did right?" Kazumo asked to which the Hird looked at each other before nodding. "My father was one of the men slain by those red eyed fucks, I was hoping that since all the leaders are assembled that maybe Thegn Alvar might be able to take me into his service so that I could get vengeance for my father's death. He was a good man, he didn't deserve to die the way he did." Kazumo finished to which the hird spoke softly with each other for a couple of minutes as they examined him.

Finally the man that had been speaking would speak once more. "Thegn Alvar expects a lot from us. We are the best cause he expects the best. It won't be a simple task son, I hope you are aware of this."
"That's how I was raised sir." Kazumo replied with to which a small smile appeared on the man's face.
"Good, we know first hand what those Uchiha did, Thegn Alvar was one to oppose Sahoru's choice to listen to them over his own people. It's why Katsuro saw potential in Alvar. He saw a man that wouldn't back down and expected nothing but the best from his men, and that is shown everyday. People look up to us cause we show our care for the people and what we do." the man stopped for a bit before resuming.
"So know first and foremost. You being a Scydling means nothing, we share the same gods and culture. You are just like the rest of us. I'm sorry for what the Uchiha did to your father, I'm sure Thegn Alvar will gladly accept your service. I'll even vouch for you, yet remember we expect the best from you. Mostly if we aim to help your blood oath, do you understand?" The man asked to which Kazumo sternly nodded.
"Then you know where to go from here. Whats your name?" he asked to Kazumo who replied with. "Ivar Scydling."
Hearing the name the man nodded and pat him on the shoulder, we shall see you again then Ivar.

With those final parting words the men would resume walking as Kazumo would head off another way. Smiling to himself he got some information which was more or less the same all around, but it was more than what was known. Possibly a lot more people were involved in Sahoru's death than it seemed. Alvar a respectable man possibly brought low by bribery? Bjarte possibly helping for feeling betrayed by one he considered a close friend. He had a lot to tell Aiko when he saw her next. For now though he probably should lay low, Frea probably would go to the guard tomorrow for any suspicious characters. Gave him the chance to practice his techniques though.
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Towards Sevudia - Part 1
Ryo Katsu

Eastern, Continent, Wolf Country | Imperial Special Force | Ghost ANBU operative, status: officially MIA.|

Staring at the horizon, Ryo stood still. He wasn't entirely sure anymore how long he had been on the eastern continent. It felt like a lifetime ago when he had been galavanting with the likes of Team 4. Causing both troubles and partaking in some events that made an impact. Yet, how many knew his name? If he had to take a wild guess, not more than a dozen probably knew of his involvements in some crazy events.

The finding of the Seeker, the Fourth Hokage, and his mysterious assistant. The fighting in the Rice capital during one of the last chuunin exam that was held between multiple nations. Going into the Iron country and leaving it without being taken down. Taking down a missing-nin, that had been a jounin. Which made it automatically into an A-rank missing-nin. At least, that was he could remember of some protocols.
But what good would protocols do if he couldn't even go back home? A grim reality was mixed in with frustration, bitterness and what one may describe as being homesick.

Turning around, Ryo would walk back to his bivouac. The small encampment lacked any luxury that even a common soldier would enjoy on an abroad campaign. Yet, glancing at his handiwork, Ryo was proud of it. Sure, it lacked any charm but it did its work. Allowing him to prepare for tomorrow.
Sitting down at the small smouldering firepit, the young man would go over his equipment. The few knives that he had with him weren't in pristine shape. They were sharp and could do the job but Ryo wished that he could have Tsubasa with him. She had a good knack for keeping gear in top shape. Dismissing the thought, he would still use a whetstone to sharpen the few knives. All the while he reviewed his plan in his mind, again - which surely now made it the sixth time he reviewed his plan that evening.

It had been a week since he had decided to head further east. Having witnessed the defeat that the allied force brought on the force of Rong, Ryo felt compelled to return to the Imperial camp.
That wouldn't be possible though. His mission was to remain undercover and figure out what had caused so much unrest and strife within the Wolf country. The fewer people saw him, heard him or interacted with him? The better for the mission. Or was that so?
"Focus," Ryo mumbled to himself.

Yeah, focus.

Even as the temptation was there to go back and rejoin with his countrymen, Ryo had made the decision to go further east. To venture alone would allow him more flexibility. To not be bogged down by a team or need to worry about comrades. To not be reminded of earlier times.
And for a week, he had traversed through an unknown continent. Much without any human interaction. To be only with his thought.
Moving on like this had allowed him to spy on local hamlets that crossed his eastward journey. The people that he came across were a mixture of locals that were looking to escape the dreadful onslaught of unrest and foreign invaders.

"It is going to burn." A young voice pierced through the silence, causing Ryo to look up at the small black bowl.
"Fuck," he mumbled to himself as the frustration rang clear through his mumbling, "burned it again!"
"How do you manage that?" The young voice gained a clear sliver of amusement as it further pointed out to Ryo's mistake. "I am happy that you don't teach me how to prepare a meal."
The frown that occupied Ryo's brown the very moment when he was alerted that their supper was burning would slightly soften.
"You know," he began, "I honestly don't know how I keep screwing this up."

The Orphan and Exile

| A few days ago. |
| Eastern continent | Unknown village |


If something was going to kill him, it was going to be the blisters on his feet. With an annoyed grunt, Ryo was on the verge to sit down and consider his whole decision all over again. Much like he had been doing the last few days. It was much harder to travel without anything to be seen or do.
Deciding he would take a break soon, Ryo glanced at a steep hill ahead. With not much vegetation in sight, Ryo decided that the hill would be the best spot to take a break. In any case, it allowed him to have a good vantage point.
Trudging through the snow, Ryo moulded his chakra slightly to start going through his system. It was for him mere child's play to use it to warm up his body.

Climbing the hill, a familiar scent would start to invade the air. Frowning, Ryo stopped halfway on the hill. Glancing to the right, he could see various small plumes of dark smoke rising. Certainly not a good omen as the plumes were much thicker and darker than they should be if they belonged to a few homes.
Curious, Ryo didn't forget that he was practically alone and lost. He had no idea anymore where he was. And he didn't put much into trusting locals. Staring at the plumes, Ryo could feel a whisper him to urge to move further east. To ignore and forget.
Turning towards the dark plumes, a breeze greeted him. Gently passing him by as the scent of ash, fire and smoke would once lightly warn him.

Approaching the site, Ryo kept himself low and had stopped all moulding of chakra. He had become as silent as he could. His right hand rested on the hilt of his blade while his left tightly held the scabbard, his senses sharp on anything to alert him about a danger lingering around.

Then he heard it. Voices.
The shift in the ambience caused Ryo to freeze as he lowered himself. His eyes narrowed as he tried to peer through the barren vegetation to see what he was going to deal with. But he couldn't yet discern what was going up ahead. Slowly but surely, the young man sneaked further on.
Positioning himself near a thick tree, Ryo stole a glance at what he could spot up ahead. Much as he had expected, he saw flames starting to tear homes apart. The air was filled with the scent of wood being burned and something fouler. A vile scent that caused Ryo's neck hair to rise.
"Burnt skin and hair."

Stealing another glance, he could spot various figures. A small group of individuals were standing near others that either were on their knees or laying on the snow-covered ground. It certainly wasn't a nice neighbourhood coming together, Ryo thought to himself.
Shouts pierced through the air, faintly overwhelming the nearby buildings slowly being turned to a heap of smouldering ash.

As he wasn't able to understand what was shouted, Ryo could see what occurred. A few of the people grabbed folk that were on their knees. What followed caused Ryo's stomach to twist. He was witnessing the execution of what could be mere locals. What horrible crime had they done to reap such an end?
His anger started to rise and tear away at his patience and desire to go away. The prior annoyance at his blisters were all forgotten as he counted the number of standing individuals. Able to spot twelve, Ryo already started to create a plan.

Knowing that time was short before the individuals would move on to the next kneeling group, Ryo moved into action. The soft cracking of snow would be deafened by the cracking of wood. A nearby house started to have trouble to keep its roof intact as the flames were likely eroding the wooden foundations away.
Moving close to the building, Ryo narrowed his eyes. He could see a few more individuals but they didn't look that dangerous. The men were mere brutes that were covered in rugged clothing. A few of them were lucky to have what could resemble a crude gambeson. Their weapons lacked any elegance but seemed efficient enough to kill, which could be witnessed by the crimson specks decorating the edges of the weapons.

Spotting what seemed to be a leader, which seemed to be completely geared differently, Ryo frowned. The individual had a straw hat covering his head and casting a light shadow on his features. A crimson cap that covered his body and would have probably hidden the person's equipment. If it weren't for the respective person to shove a blade down a man's neck.
"So, fifteen brutes and one special guy," Ryo whispered to himself as he brought his hands together. "Oi, let us see how you handle yourselves against somebody, not on their knees."

Weaving the various hand signs, Ryo focused on his technique. It was a small consolation for those who were still on their knees, at the mere mercy of their captors - and an even smaller for those who had been executed already - but the ash from their burning homes would be used to avenge their losses.


Just as the brutes wanted to move on to the last group, a figure would appear from a burning building. The sudden figure appearing out fire and smoke wasn't noticed until Ryo's clone reached a brute from behind. Using his speed and weight in combination, Ryo would move in to slam a piece of wood into the neck of his first opponent.
"Fourteen," Ryo grumbled as he would grasp the weapon from his victim, a sword of straight and short design.
This action caused literally everybody to look in surprise as a loud battle cry escaped Ryo's throat. A sound of raw anger, frustration and excitement.

His next victim carried a spear and was more prepared. Knowing from his training in Team 4, Ryo just had a few ideas on how to deal with his foe.
As the spearbearer was about to make a jab towards Ryo, the blonde shinobi pivoted back as he grabbed the handle of his stolen sword with both hands.
"Catch!" He yelled, feeling the rush as the weapon was thrown all his strength forward.
The surprise of his second opponent was visible as his eyes widened, his lips parting but only a gurgle escaped him as the sharp steel buried itself deep within the man's chest. Causing his second opponent to stumble backwards and fall on his back.

Wanting to grab the spear from the ground, Ryo noticed that some of the figures moved towards him. Grinning, the young man halted his attempt to grab the polearm.
One of the brutes yelled something in a tongue that was completely alien for Ryo, just before he would tighten his grip on his mace. The heavy weapon went straight for Ryo's face but the latter made no attempt to dodge.

"Fell for it. Dumbasses."

Before the crude lump of steel attached to a shaft could smack full force into Ryo's face, an explosion occurred. Ryo would appear to combust violently as hot ash was spread at a high speed against his opponents.
Screams of pain, frustration and anger followed. Some of the men dropped their weapon as their hands shot towards their faces as the hot ash had shot into their eyes, smouldering away at their fragile organs and blinding them.

A few of the enemies hadn't yet been taken out, who quickly moved away from the grim aftermath of the explosion of hot ash. They didn't pay attention to their last batch of people to execute.
"Idiots," Ryo thought to himself as he observed the group of hostiles. Watching how the last living denizens started to reach for the treeline, Ryo realised that he had to create a bigger window for them to get away properly.
"First the small fry. Then that big shot," Ryo decided. Once more he wanted to weave another streak of signals. Only for the individual in the red cloak to turn his direction.
"Fuck, a sensor?!"

Quickly, Ryo moved away from the building. Utilizing chakra and his experience, he was able to get in the nick of time away as an arc of chakra was send into his direction. Snow, dirt and rubble were sent flying into the air as Ryo avoided the attack.
Hearing some shouts, Ryo shook the bit of snow and debris off himself. "Okay, it is on, snowflake." Ryo thought to himself, feeling his anger rising to a steaming point.

Grasping his scabbard and handle of his blade, Ryo focused his chakra. Pouring it into his weapon, Ryo waited as the brutes started to descend on his position. Clearly aware to be cautious, they fanned out and tried to surround him. Before any of them would get into the distance to attack him, Ryo would lash out. Pulling his sword out, the Ghost ANBU operative let the chakra run loose. The unleashed chakra would rapidly move into the air, becoming loaded with unstable fire as it burned around Ryo.
Ignoring the cries of the brutes that were caught into the ring of fire chakra, Ryo would raise his katana. Only to swipe it to the right and sheath it in a smooth fashion back into the scabbard.
Watching the flames die, Ryo focused his gaze on the last remaining opponent. The strawhat wearing man who seemed rather amused at seeing his own brutes burn alive.

Hearing his opponent shout out something to him, Ryo cocked his head to the right. Frowning, he didn't respond back nor made an attempt to move. His opponent decided to repeat it and gesturing to their surrounding - the burning village, the men remaining in pain or slowly burning to their death.
"Yeah, I have no clue what you're yelling at me." Ryo tone became more fueled by his emotions as he placed his right hand on the handle of his katana. "Let us skip formalities and see how well you are against the Swift! Come on!" Ryo screamed the last two words as he rushed forward.

His opponent reacted with pulling out a straight blade of its scabbard before meeting head-on with Ryo. Both opponents had charged their weapons with chakra, their collision followed by a small shockwave that rippled through a small area - causing snow and dirt to be blown away.
Grabbing his blade with both hands, Ryo went for a hew from atop. But at the last moment feinted, shifting his attack to come from an angle. The chakra that ran through the steel was visible and faintly roared as the steel was brought down.
Ryo's opponent moved quickly aside as he brought his own sword up for an attack. But neither could the jab end the deadly dance.
For a full minute, the two continued a deadly dance of slashes and jabs at each other with their swords before Ryo moved in with a heavy blow.

Feeling heavy vibrations to go through his arms, Ryo's eyes narrowed. He attempted to use his strength and weight to push his opponent backwards. The magnetic sensation that came as the sharp edges of their swords were lock became only more intense as each combatant didn't want to give in. The chakra fueled edges started to spark and create a miserable sound.
Inhaling, Ryo remembered something.

"You are always too fond to become aggressive when you engage an opponent."

Applying less pressure, Ryo would take a step back and pull his sword back. Seeing how his opponent would slide his weapon across the katana's edge, Ryo didn't worry.

"Let me teach you the trick what a bit of patience and calmness can cause. Perhaps one day..."

Just when his opponent wanted to move forward with his weapon, Ryo shot into action. Applying pressure to his blade he diverted his opponent's attack away while sliding his katana downwards.

"You will even manage to beat me. Okay, yeah, heh."

The sickening sound of chakra and steel mowing through clothing and flesh resonated loudly in Ryo's ears. Exhaling out, the Ghost ANBU operative would take a step back as he watched the result of his last attack.
His opponent's face was locked in pure confusion and pain. A deep gash went from his shoulder all the way down his stomach, almost splitting the man in half.
Watching his opponent collapse in a bloody mess, Ryo would sigh softly. Performing a quick sweep, he effortlessly whipped some of the crimson liquid from his blade.

Kneeling down at his recent foe, Ryo grabbed the red cloak to smear the remaining blood and pieces of organs off his katana. Having done so, the young man rose and shot one last glance towards his opponent. Sheathing his blade, Ryo decided to part with his foe a few last words. Even as he was assured that the man already parted the world of the living.
"May you get lost in the Abyss."

Turning around, the Ghost ANBU looked around him. He had seen a few of the brutes still around. Those still standing were blind and burned. The others that had tried to attack him after the trick with the ash clone, were dead. The last had stopped screaming as he was burned alive. It a horrible stench penetrated through the area. Eroding what small sensation of pride Ryo felt as he thought he had done a good deed.
The sight of collapsing and burning houses and dead bodies quickly caused him to become disappointed.

What good had he done? Taken the lives of those who had decided to put a torch to these homes? What good did that to those people who now were forced to try to survive in the cold of winter without the safety of their homes?
Feeling powerless, Ryo glanced at his hands. Some of the blood had splattered on his hands and arms. A sign that only seemed to settle that he wasn't good for anything else than what those brutes were: destruction and death.

"You killed them. You killed them all."
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GM Post - Eastern Continent, Allied Force
The Eastern Continent | Allied Forces on the move.
The Dawn of the Serpent.

Snow slowly started to descend from the heavens, which were besieged by a dark grey blanket of clouds that blocked out any warm ray of the sun. As the allied force reeled back from the fight with the large force, small operations were undertaken to hunt down any enemy force that had escaped the battle. The majority of these routed enemies were put down without any hesitation or remorse while the bulk of the allied force withdrew back to their camps. For while they had obtained a victory over a much larger army, it wasn't without any cost. Dead comrades and countrymen on each allied host had to be buried. Many more were wounded and required medical attention as those fortunate to escape to wind up scarred or worse to be set to tasks.

Briefly, the grim peace that echoed hollowly after their grand battle was disturbed. A Republican outpost was beset by Imperial Akinians but quickly driven back. Confused the Republicans quickly mobilised their force as it was unsure if the Akinians had decided to betray the treaty, any Imperial troop that dared to come close to the Republican camp would be warned to stand down. Less they desired to be shot down by either steel projectiles or smitten down by chakra. However, soon enough a small detachment of Satoshi Jun's force - the commander of the Lightning's force - was sent to investigate the troublesome site and attack.
Traces of chakra could be found back and after some more investigation, led by the Northerners, it soon came out that the Akinians were the ones that were missing after a Rénese had escaped the Imperial camp.

Slowly the tension between the Imperials and Republicans would wear down to the point that they could tolerate each other, without wanting to grab for a weapon or consider to engage the other into open combat. Security would be tightened by the allied force as the commanders quickly came together.
Their position wasn't the most ideal. Now that they had defeated the large force that had driven back, their medical supplies started to deplete much faster than any of them could anticipate. The biting winter cold and snow didn't do much to improve the situation either.

On the initiative of the Imperial commander, Hayate Hyuzu, the commanders came to the agreement that they had to move forward. The Republican commander, Yuuki Narukami, further provided information that his scouts had found out about. According to the Republican scouts, a large city was located east of them. It was around a week of travel and their first original destination. Now without any obstacles, they could perhaps advance to the urban centre.

The decision was made and followed by more careful planning. The allied force would be spearheaded by the Republicans that formed the vanguard. Only to be followed by the bulk of the Lightning forces. The rearguard would be a mix of Imperial forces, supplemented by cavalry units from the Lightning country.

Eventually, the allied force would reach a good defensible position. Located on large flat evaluation, the three joint armies would start to establish their own camps once more. The few trees that crested the plateau were quickly cut down as sentries were placed, which enjoyed a great vantage position to see whoever attempted to reach the few passages that could be used to reach the occupied plateau.
Their original destination was mere day travel on foot away from them, located to their north. As the ordinary soldiers started to become tasked with securing the perimeter and foraging for what little resources they could get, the allied force started to assemble their shinobi for some specialised tasks.
The Edge of Blackroot, Pt. 1
Yoshikuni Sadako and Asvaldr's Group
Somewhere within the Empire of Akino

A Collab between Lesli and Nim

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

After some more trekking, the Asvaldr's group and Kuni arrive at the edge of the Blackroot Vale. They do a bit more trekking by foot, before camping for the night.

The group started to get ready after the watch went by, for a total of four times. While the sky didn't change much in the strange dominion, the group of Cho guards seemed to be quite capable of telling the time. Once more the group would guide Kuni through a route that they seemed familiar with.

Several times, the group would 'jump' out and back into the strange dominion that they referred to as the Rift. Though it didn't seem like they made a lot of distance, every time that they moved back to the world of the living, the terrain would shift.
After a few days, the terrain started to shift. Though the sky started to darken, the group wouldn't venture back into the Rift. A certain tension started to become tangible as hesitation started to become more apparent.
Setting down a camp, the group would opt to not lit a fire. They attempted to bar the cold out with their cloaks and blankets. The cold drove the group to be closer to each other than when a fire had been made but no pleasant exchange was shared or made.

In the near distance, howling could be detected. But it didn't seem to originate from a wolf or hound. Something with a much deeper tone to it, more gravelly.
The sound rippled through the air and seemed to cause each member of the Cho guard to freeze in position. Some shifted their weight and body to throw a glance to where the sound came from but most seemed to not even throw a look at it.


The word was uttered as a soft whisper but audible among the group. Most expressions started to gain a bit of a grim determination.

The travel between the Rift and the normal world was starting to grow on Kuni a bit. It was a pretty odd thing to think about, that she was getting used to what seemed like an impossible method of travel. And yet, she wouldn't say a word about it, as they seemed to know where they were headed. At a certain point in time, however, they didn't hop back into the strange dimension. It was becoming dark too.

After they set up a camp, Kuni made sure to huddle close to the others. It was less about the warmth for her, and more about staying close to the others. This was an unfamilar territory for her, and while she couldn't say she trusted them, they had kept her safe so far. So staying close to them seemed like the most logical thing to do. The deep howl that was heard from the distance, and then Asvaldr muttered a word. Boggart. She never heard of something like that before.

Looking towards Asvaldr and the rest, she could just barely see make out the grim expressions most of them gained following the word "What is a Boggart?" She asked in a whisper. If it brought such a reaction from the rest, then she wanted to know what it was.

The question of Kuni was followed by a few seconds of uneasy silence. Finally, somebody spoke up. "Souleaters. They aren't a fun encounter." The young man said, sitting next to Asvaldr. The young man had introduced himself a day or so ago by the name of Brynjar. Even while he had shown to present himself as a tough shot, he both sounded and seemed unappealed by the prospect of a boggart.

"I believe none of us had the bad luck of encountering one. But if what we learned is true, then we are in some knee deep shit if that thing gets any closer." Brynjar added, closing his eyes briefly as a cold breeze swept past the group.

Hearing Brynjar's response, Kuni couldn't help but feel the tension begin to crawl up her spine "Right. I hope we don't have anything that will attract them our way, then." She said briefly, shivering slightly as she did. The description of 'Souleaters' certainly got to her, and she couldn't help but wonder further if they shouldn't have slept in the other dimension.

"We do." The smallest of the group responded, her tone soft but enough to pierce through the silence that briefly plagued the group after Kuni's comment. The girl's grey eyes settled on Kuni. "You."

Though the tone wasn't in any form hostile or accusing, the uneasy atmosphere seemed to increase as some coughed or looked away - as if that would help them to ignore the prospect of a person that could lure a lot of trouble.
"Well, we aren't entirely sure yet if a jinchuriki will attract a boggart or more." Asvaldr chimed in, his tone somewhat confident, "for all we are aware, it is just that they get attracted when ninjutsu is being used."

"If she can't mask her chakra though, what is to stop those beasts from sniffing us out?" Another young man asked, the voice belonging to a rather stoic fellow by the name of Arima.
"We can't waste much time to go all around the Blackroot Vale though. From this spot, we need to cross it directly to head south. Unless you guys want to travel through Senju heartlands?"
The question seemed to settle another silence as nobody of the group spoke up against Asvaldr.

When she heard the response, Kuni's mouth dropped open slightly. Something that clearly affected them all, and she supposedly put them all at further risk of attracting those Boggarts. When Asvaldr made it clear that there is no other option aside for going through the Blackroot Vale, Kuni gently bit her lower lip. Wouldn't that only mean further risk of encountering those creatures? While she did try to think about the potentials, she decided not to bring up any of them. Without any knowledge of the creature aside for its name, it would be rather futile to suggest anything. Except for maybe one thing.

"If those things are potentially attracted to me, then maybe we should try making further progress? I wouldn't want to leave you all out in the open with further risk. Even if my feet will be sore afterwards." Kuni purposed. It was a longshot, but she hoped they would at least consider it.
"I am ready to walk another fifty miles, at least." Brynjar agreed, though there was a clear hint of amusement in his voice. Most of the group didn't do more than to grumble.

"No. If anything, we try to stay here for a while. Going into the Blackwood Vale at dark is not a great idea." Asvaldr replied. "I wish we could use sensory techniques or other matters. But it is best if we don't rush into things or do anything that can attract attention." Pausing for a moment, he spoke again.
"Tomorrow morning, we will attempt to move in. Try to stay out of sight and head towards our goal."

"Yeah, cause if it ain't the boggarts ripping us apart it will be the direwolves." Dagmar mumbled.
"Or we will get shot down and taken by the Blackroots." Arima added.
Though grim examples were made that hinted towards a painful demise, the group seemed to relax a bit.
"Maybe the captain will manage to catch up with us." Dagmar eventually stated, resonating her hope quite clearly.

Listening to the group, Kuni didn't seem to be able to begin relaxing as they did. The different examples only made her feel slightly more on edge. When Dagmar mentioned the captain, Kuni's thoughts moved to Asmund. It has been some time since she last heard from him. She shared Dagmar's hope that he will catch up to them, but she wouldn't say it out loud. She didn't feel she knew how to say it without attracting odd looks from the rest. After looking at the group for a moment, she leaned on the guard to her right.

"I do wonder. Who would you find more dangerous? The Blackroots or the Senju?" Brynjar brought up, glancing at several of the group.
"The Senju," Dagmar almost instantly replied with. "The Blackroot, at least, speak our native tongue. Respect and pay homage to the same gods. The Senju? If they would catch us, we would be quite dead."

"Assuming that the Blackroot would like to converse with us. I have heard only stories that they are willing to engage into exchanges if it leads to spoils or glory from fights." Arima replied, shaking his head lightly. "The Senju don't have, at least, the reputation of being fond of bloodshed."

"Doesn't mean though that they will let us pass. A group of Cho Guard together with a jinchuriki? Moment that we are in their hands, we will be dead." Asvaldr replied on turn. "Likely our existence will be denied and we all know what follows."
The grim topic seemed to end but the group started to become a tad more talkative.
"I would like to visit Audhild's Mark one last time, before I perish." Dagmar mumbled.

Listening to the topic that was brought up, Kuni turned her gaze away. She didn't like topics like that one. Who was more dangerous. It wouldn't take long, and Asvaldr brought the topic to a close. Dagmar, afterwards, brought up the name of a place she didn't know. Kuni turned her gaze towards the woman "Audhild's Mark?" She repeated the name softly, still leaning her head against the guard to her right. His arm was quite comfortable.

The question made some others throw a look at Dagmar. The girl seemed a bit surprised at the question of Kuni but then remembered likely Kuni's origin. "It is a mountain range. Far to the south from where we are now." As she spoke, Dagmar seemed to stare into the nothing, likely attempting to produce the image in her mind. A hint of a soft smile started to cross her lips.

"It is beautiful during Spring or even Autumn. With wide plains being at the base of the hills that lead towards the range. You can spot the mountain range from afar and at each top, you will spot a white tip. As if the gods put a small blanket on the tips. During winter, most of the mountains are covered in perfect white."
Pausing, Dagmar seemed to return towards the present. The soft smile vanished as she would cast her eyes down.
"I visited it several times with my pa. Paying homage to the Goddess at one of the various shrines that can be found at the mountain range. I would like to go there to honour them both."

Listening to the given description, Kuni felt herself slightly calm down. When Dagmar mentioned wanting to honour her parents, she nodded slightly "It sounds like a place from a delicate, beautiful drawing. And I hope you get to see it at least one more time." She spoke softly. The thought of her parents brought up the thought that her father would likely be worried about her. And she didn't know when would be the next time they would meet.

"Thanks." Dagmar responded on turn. It would turn once more into silence. Though some were set on watches, the cold made it difficult to catch a lot of sleep. The only comfort was that they were with a reasonable sized group and no disturbances seemed to erupt through the tranquility that dawned in.
A Cognitive training session
[ Ardara, Sarutobi Heartlands | Empire of Akino ]
[A collab between between @Lesli and @timv999 | Neji Uchiha spends some time with Aiko as the later helps him to understand how important it is to plan and strategise. Neji gets a few speculative situations and has to provide an answer on how he would tackle them, which proves more difficult than one can assume. Afterwards, Aiko takes her leave but not without hinting that she considers to assign Neji and Orun to a mission. ]

The inn in which the members of Team 8 resided was founded by Aiko without a fuss. The sky was slowly darkening, heralding the dawn of evening and coming of night. The fact, however, was that the day was short because of the winter season. Hopefully, her students hadn't yet decided to dine yet. Then again, she was approaching the inn today for just one of them.
Entering the inn, Aiko spoke briefly with the plump innkeeper. The man confirmed that Neji was still present in the establishment. Happy to hear that, Aiko would pay the man a silver shield before climbing the staircase. Finding the room where Neji would reside, Aiko knocked on it a few times before she awaited a reply.

Neji would be resting in his room as he looked out the window. Their journey to this city went relatively smoothly but, still they had now been away from Konohagakure for a while now and Neji was definitely a little tired and wishing to return home soon. He knew that there was a good chance it would still be a while before they would return home. There would then be a few knocks on the door. Neji would get up out of the chair that was in his room and make his way over to the door. Ne would look through the hole and see that it was Aiko sensei. Neji then opened the door " Good evening Aiko sensei, is everything alright?"

The question given by Neji caused the jounin to gain a faint smile on her lips. "I think so yes. Just busy." Entering the room, she would throw a brief look around before turning back to the chuunin. "I don't have too much time but this evening, I managed to create a window to dedicate it to your training. After all, we aren't on a vacation and you guys still need to learn a lot before I can let you roam around free."

Once she had given that short explanation, Aiko would sit down on the chair. "I will divide this training into two parts. It will be how we will tackle the next few trainings. First, we will start with some theory. Then we will see if can put the theory into practice."

Neji would move to the side as Aiko would walk into his room. She took a glance around before turning around to look at Neji. The talk of training put a smile on the boys face. " Of course, so what will the training be about then?" Neji would sit on the edge of his bed as Aiko sat in the chair, Neji wondering what this training would be about.

"Battle tactics and understanding." Aiko answered, letting a second of silence follow her answer. Then she started to elaborate her answer to Neji. "Don't get me wrong. You are not somebody that I consider of weak calibre. Else you wouldn't have been granted the rank of a chuunin. But it will do some benefit to teach you how to recognise various situations and how to make an opponent's advantage into their weakness."

Waiting once more, Aiko decided to give an example. "I once had a student that was participating in the chuunin exam. Her opponent had more strength and both his technique as weapons allowed him to attack from a longer range. Putting her at quite a disadvantage. Yet, she managed to turn the tables by letting him try to ensare her. Giving her a chance to conduct lighting through his wire. Managing to turn his advantage into a weakness."

The jounin would continue to explain what they would be doing. "I will give you a situation and an opponent. I want you to think the situation out loud and explain what you would do. I won't correct you and neither will I answer any questions during your thought process. Once you're done, I will simply give my piece of thought and we will move on to the next. It sounds easy but such practice will eventually help out in the field." The woman paused before she would hand over a situation to Neji. "You are facing a sole enemy in a forest. You are also on your own. Your enemy has similar strength and shown that he is capable of using wind release. He is armed with the usual tools as having three tanto. Your objective is to kill him."

Neji would listen as Aiko sensei would explain what they would be doing for training. Today they would be working on his tactics and his mental abilities. Neji bit his bottom lip, he knew that he did have this problem, a lot of times he wouldn't completely think things through. A lot of times he would just rush into action without thinking of all the different scenarios and which would be the best one.

Neji would nod his head as she continued to explain the training and then she told him of a former student of hers, she was able to think clearly and turn a disadvantage into an advantage and that was what Aiko sensei was hoping to help Neji with.

She then gave him the situation. " Okay well the enemy is alone so I do not have to worry about being flanked or out numbered by the enemy, but I am also on my own so I will not be able to coordinate attacks with a commrade. We have equal strength and he has a wind chakra nature while I have fire. So in that sense I should have an advantage since fire is strong against wind. So if we got into a ninjutsu battle since we are of equal strength I should have the clear advantage unless of course he all of a sudden he showed that he could use water nature as well then I'd be at a clear disadvantage. Anyway getting back to the situation at hand. My best bet would probably be to get into a long range battle with both of us using our jutsu which in the end should come out with me as the winner. If we got into a close combat fight, with his three tanto he would have an advantage. Most of the time I am only carrying the typical shinobi weapons of shuriken and kunai blades, so with his tanto he would have the upper hand in a close combat fight."

Listening to Neji, Aiko didn't comment while Neji thought out loud. Waiting a moment, to be certain that he was done, Aiko slightly leaned forward as her expression remained the same.
"And you would lose." Letting her words sink in, Aiko leaned slightly back.

"I can't say that all your points are wrong. When are you are facing one enemy, it is true. The chances of being outflanked is reduced. Even the use of clones technique usually don't provide that much cover as a real person would, seeing that the durability of most clone techniques won't be able to endure much of a beating. However," she continued explaining her first answer further, "One element doesn't always beat another. You all are taught at the Academy that one element beats the other, no? Fire overwhelms Wind, Wind destabilise Lightning, Lightning cracks through Earth. And so forth. The truth, however, is more complicated."

Pausing, the jounin quickly formulated her words so that she would be certain that Neji would get it. "Let us take the wind and fire release for this example. When you basically steer wind into a fire, it grows larger. It fuels the fire and so by that logic, fire will 'devour' wind. The problem is that fire doesn't have a strength. Wind does." Pausing for another second, Aiko wished that she had brought some paper and something to write on it. "When you make a fire and a strong wind current slams into it, the chance that your technique will hold are low. Because compared to a condense field of wind chakra, a ball of fire won't hold. It can even be worse," Aiko held up her hands. Her right as a fist and her other as an open palm. "When you use a fire technique and direct it towards an enemy, who uses wind, you can attempt to overwhelm it. But if their technique has more force to it," she would move her fist to her other palm. Wrapping her open hand around her fist, Aiko would let her fist be pushed back. "Then they will essentially direct the fire back.

Lowering her hands, Aiko continued. "There is also the problem that wind can be pressured. And if that is the case, a spark of any source? Can make it explode." Aware that this wasn't quite the most motivating talk, Aiko wouldn't stop there.
"That isn't to say that fire isn't without its own tricks and advantages. I can easily tell you how lightning can be a danger for the user itself. Or how earth techniques can block in their own caster, making them vulnerable. The knowledge that you need to hold dear is that a weakness can turn into an advantage. Not just releases but your weapons, your experience. Everything. The trick is to not let the enemy fool you by presenting something that you consider weaker or being their disadvantage."
Aware that this knowledge wouldn't be taught at the Academy, Aiko sometimes wished that they wouldn't be so soft on today's generation of genin or chuunin when it came to such matters.

Neji thought that he had a good answer to Aiko sensei's hypothetical battle situation, but then she really tore apart much of his argument. Neji would sit there and listen as she explained that while not everything he said was wrong, there were some things that he should know. She would explain to him that while his point was correct that fire would usually beat wind, wind could also be turned back against fire. She would explain how and why wind could be used against fire if he wasn't careful. "Okay well that all makes sense, so then if you were me in that situation what would you do, you know my jutsu that I can use and the skills that I have, so if you were me what would your plan be in that situation?" Neji was very interested in what Aiko sensei would say, he knew that tactics was one of the weakest skills he had when it came to being a shinobi, a lot of the time he acted without thinking things through and that needed to change if he didn't want to get himself killed.

Glad that he actually asked a smart question, instead of fretting over that he hadn't been able to land a perfect answer, Aiko obliged to answer. "First, assume that you don't know the entire situation. Of course, sometimes you can be aware of what the odds and information is. But you should know by now that not every briefing can accurately represent what you will encounter on a mission. The ranking indicator can suddenly turn out to be misjudged when another element pops up during the mission, making it more or less complicated." The woman said, as she would slightly lean back. Considering the situation for herself and remembering what Neji was capable off, Aiko continued.

"I would take a cautious approach. I admit that I don't like your clan kekkei genkei, for personal reasons. And while I don't want you to fully focus on it, as if it is your only strong point, it is certainly a very useful tool. You sadly don't know or have enough experience in genjutsu to cast anything particular useful with your eyes though. But I would use them to analyze the opponent. Try to spit a few fireballs to try to direct him into a position that would be favourable for me. Cause while it might incernate him, if he is smart enough with his wind techniques, it will be a waste of chakra. So instead of using it to directly attack him, I would try to move him to a position that is most favourable to me. And with a lot of vegetation nearby, you can likely spark a big fire."

Pausing, Aiko pondered on it more. "Perhaps then utilize the smoke to try to screen some movements. You know the shadow clone technique, don't you? It would deplete quite some chakra but it could certainly help to create an opening. And then using it to strike. Perhaps using the shadow clone to feign that you're disorientated and open for an attack. The real you then use the smoke of the fires to mask your movements. When your opponent strikes, taking out your shadow clone, you take him out. Preferably with something that can take him out without offering him a chance of resistance."
Finishing, Aiko would wait to see if Neji had any questions before she would continue.

Neji really shouldn't be shocked at this point by Aiko sensei's mind, but even after being her student for a while now, he continued to be impressed by her all the time. This is what an experienced jonin could think of just on the spot, that was something that Neji wanted to learn from and try to emulate as much as possible. The relationship between him and Aiko sensei hasn't always been perfect, and she may be from a clan that the Uchiha aren't great allies with, but even with all of that Neji respected Aiko sensei very much and wanted to continue to learn as much as possible from her.

"I think that is much better then my plan." Neji would lightly laugh for a moment before speaking again. " That is a problem I have, I don't always think everything through, and I don't know why that is. In the academy I had no problem with that, but since becoming a genin and now a chunin I seem to have this problem and of course being an academy student and then being a genin and then becoming a chunin everything is so much different." Neji feeling himself starting to doubt himself and get upset, caught himself and stopped. He took a deep breath before speaking again." Well no reason to be upset about it, I know what I need to work on, so the only thing to do now is to work hard and learn as much as possible. I'm a chunin now and people are going to be counting on me in the field. I can't act like a kid anymore I need to grow up and learn before I get myself killed." Thinking back to everything Aiko said about what she would do in that battle sequence Neji responded. "Yes I know the shadow clone jutsu, as long as I had enough chakra that seems like a very good plan. Something else I was thinking about was the oil jutsu you taught me a little while back, that could be something I could use to enhance my fire jutsu and if I could get him stuck near a large amount of brush, then with use of the oil jutsu to enhance the fire jutsu, it would make it harder for the enemy to escape and harder for them to use their wind jutsu to disperse my fire jutsu."

The hint of a smile appeared on Aiko's lips. She would let him respond first, before she would speak up. "You are making another mistake. You are comparing yourself to me. I have more experience and have gone through more training. Comparing yourself to me is not going to ever wind up in your favour." She started, pausing to let her words sink in. "Sure, you make mistakes. But you are a chuunin. As long as you learn from it and won't entirely screw people over, I doubt many will think you are a failure."

Once Neji would come up with another solution, the smile fully dawned on Aiko's lips. "See? You are getting it. It takes a bit of effort but that is the secret. Don't limit yourself to directly attack an opponent. Use your surrounding or create a surrounding to your advantage. Like the oil." She would give as advice.
"Let us try another scenario, okay? This time you are in an open field. Meaning that you got not a lot of cover. You are facing two opponents. One is using long ranged water techniques. The other is specialised in creating earth defences or moulding the ground to trap enemies. Both opponents are chuunin, around your age and strength."

Neji wasn't comparing himself to her because he thought that he could win, it was more of trying to show himself on where he wanted to get too. To be as good as of a shinobi as Aiko sensei was, but he decided not to tell her that as they continued with the training. She then would give him another situation, this one would be tougher in actual combat then the first one. "Well this is a tougher situation than the first one, I am outnumbered and we are in an open field so I can't use any cover. I could create a shadow clone to even the numbers, but that would just drain my chakra and the shadow clone against other chuunin would probably be defeated. The long range shinobi would most likely attack from a distance and his water jutsu would take out any of my fire jutsu, while the other one could get me from close range with their ability to trap me by my feet with earth techniques."

Neji would continue to think for a moment, this would be a tricky situation for anyone, but he really wanted to try and get this one right. " Well my first plan of attack would be to try and take out the earth jutsu user, he would most likely be the one attacking me directly, I would want to immoblize him if at all possible, so I think I would try and blind him with my oil jutsu. I would have to be careful as not to get caught by him, but my plan would be to let him get close to me, or force myself to get close to him. His ally wouldn't be able to do much if we were close, because they'd run the risk of hitting their ally. So once I was able to get somewhat close to the earth jutsu user i'd use my oil jutsu and shoot it at his eyes. I doubt that would be something that they'd be prepared for. Once they were blinded i'd be able to take them out with a kunai blade. Once he was taken care of it'd be down to me and the long distance water fighter. Since we are in an open grass field I'd send some fire jutsu attacks towards the grass around him. He'd be able to put out the fires with his water jutsu, but while he's busy dealing with that, i'd go in for the kill."

Aiko listened to Neji. In all honesty, she had expected to detect a sense of irritation or frustration. Expressions and emotions that others had shown before when not able to hit the mark on how to tackle a possible situation without much flaws. Glad that he was more patient and willing to learn, Aiko let him continue without any interruption.
"A somewhat solid plan. I would play it a bit more safe. But," a smirk appeared for a mere moment, "You are starting to learn that direct force ain't always the key. Taking away an ability, such as sight, can provide an edge that can mean the difference between surviving. Or not at all."

The woman considered her next options. In truth, she felt that Neji needed more training. But also there was the case of experience. Seeing that the All-Thing wasn't going to end in just two or three days, she could perhaps see to it that Neji would get some more experience.
"I am going to take somewhat of a gamble. I will see if I can't get you and Orun to work on something. Getting you both some more experience in the field. Bit more than just swinging a bit of steel around or talking about 'possible scenarios'."

Neji would listen to Aiko as she seemed happier with his answer to this scenario and commented that he was learning that he didn't need to attack directly all the time. Neji's head then perked up when Aiko said that she was going to try and get him and Orun more experience. "What are you going to have us do?"

"To be honest?" Aiko shrugged lightly, already betraying her following words. "I am not yet sure. I have it busy with the Allthing. As long as the assembly is held for the next days, I will have a little time. But I can probably delegate and see if somebody can find something proper for you and Orun."

Well aware of what could go wrong with letting her students operate in or around Ardara, Aiko was somewhat confident that they understood the situation. None of them had yet made any attempt to cause trouble or pursue curiosities.
"For now, keep yourself rested. I am required to head out again. Until then," a certain amusement flowed in Aiko's tone, "Stay frosty."
Last edited:
[ Kiyomi Homura ]
[Empire of Akino, The Royal Palace - Konohagakure ]

Despite the cold winter tormenting the world, it was rather pleasant in her room. A busy behind her, Kiyomi was more than happy to get some sleep. The comfortable sheets and pleasant warmth created a soothing blanket for her to soon fall asleep.
Time slowly ebbed away while the young monarch of the Akinian Empire rested in her bed. Being a light sleeper, however, Kiyomi's eyes half opened when she heard something. It was rather faint but it started to become louder as if something was reaching her chamber.
Not one of the friendliest when disturbed from her sleep, Kiyomi flexed the fingers of her right hand slowly. A flash of lighting, fueled and moulded by her chakra, jumped between her fingers.

Then the sound of her door being kicked down resonated. Shooting up, Kiyomi grasped her right wrist tightly as more chakra was being moulded. The room was being lit by the bright blue force that menacingly cracked around the young monarch's hand, waiting to be unleashed.
Upon seeing who entered her chamber, Kiyomi frowned.
"What are--"

"No time! We got to go! Now!" Was the Nimatsu's response. Specks of blood and dirt were visible on his gear. "Come on! They already breached the inner walls. It will be a matter of time before this place will be flooded with those brutes." Kensuke said, his voice hoarse as if he had been shouting for hours.

Climbing out of bed, Kiyomi threw a quick look through her window. Letting the lightning slowly die, her face started to pale.
"By the --" she mumbled before Kensuke moved in and grabbed her wrist with his left, gloved hand.
"No time! Come!" He grumbled as he started to pull her out of the chamber.
Confused, Kiyomi would walk in her night dress with the tall Nimatsu. She had just seen Konohagakure being lit on fire. Now that she was moved out of her chambers, she was greeted with the grim sight of various Imperial soldiers moving into the palace. Their armour was much like Kensuke's: dirtied and hinting of heavy fighting.

"What is--" she tried to say as she noticed that Sworn Swords, Tiger Claws and soldiers started to bar the doors. "Kensuke," Kiyomi wanted to pull her hand back but Kensuke kept an iron-tight grip on her wrist.
"As I said, they broke through the second defence. The Uchiha are attempting to hold whatever they can back. But at best, they will buy us a few minutes before they are overwhelmed."
Climbing the staircase behind Kensuke, Kiyomi was too confused. Was this a dream? A nightmare? What was going on?
Then she spotted Iroh. The second in command of the Sworn Swords didn't look too good. Bandages were shown around the left upper features of the stoic man.

Managing to pull her wrist loose from Kensuke, as Kiyomi allowed some lightning to 'loosen' Kensuke grasp, Kiyomi wanted to run towards Iroh. Before she was able, Kensuke would quickly grab the young monarch and pulling her to the ground.
Glass shatter, marble cracked and stone broke as a large projectile breached the wall and proceeded to take a few people with it to a premature end.
Grunting, Kiyomi covered her head as small pieces of debris fell on her while Kensuke attempted to shield her from heavier pieces from falling on top of them with the use of some Wind Release.
Looking up, Kiyomi's eyes widened as she witnessed the damage and the death of various Sworn Swords. Wanting to crawl up and reach Iroh that laid on the ground, Kensuke was once more capable of reeling Kiyomi back.
"We need to go, Kiyomi."

Being too confused and shocked, Kiyomi barely resisted as Kensuke started to carry her away. Harsh shouts could be heard before Kiyomi could detect a violent ambience. Shouts of anger and pain pierced the air as the distinctive sound of steel clashing could be heard.
Kensuke laboured as he kept carrying Kiyomi further the staircase.
"Is there any way that you can leave?" He asked her, carefuly putting her down and quickly glancing to see if she was wounded.

Only now did Kiyomi see that some of the blood wasn't of the enemy. A gash was spotted at Kensuke's right cheek and she saw some that his armour had been punctured several times.
"The secret halls," she said. As Kensuke wanted to respond, both were silenced as a loud sound echoed downstairs.
"Seems that you will need to go alone. Survive." Kensuke told her, briefly squeezing her right arm as he flashed a warm smile.

Frozen, Kiyomi wanted to tell him to come with her. But he gently pushed her away and turned around. Standing in the middle of the hall, he was now all that stood between her and what seemed to be countless of brutes.
"Survive." The tall Nimatsu repeated as some of the brutes charged in with their crude weapons.
Evading the first attack by leaning to the right, Kensuke seemed to ignore the first attacker and parry a second hostile with mere ease. The Nimatsu wielded his katana with what could be described as mere ease, only to redirect his blade and unleash an arc of chakra that saw blood splattering on the walls and those within the hall - save for the Nimatsu's protege.

Stumbling back, Kiyomi wanted to mould her chakra and reach for a weapon on the ground. But as she moved in, a strong gust would smack her backwards. Rolling over the ground, she quickly looked up.
Parrying another strike, Kensuke had used his free hand to blast Kiyomi out of the violence while he fended off more attackers. In quick succession, the blonde man sliced through the shaft of an axe to end another hostile's life.
The sight of another attacker appearing from another side was met with a quick response as the Nimatsu merely pointed his free hand at the newest attacker. A flash of chakra expanded forward, thrusting the hostile in the chest and ending his life within a second.

Scrambling on her feet, Kiyomi started to run through the halls. As quick as she could, she started to ascend higher within the Royal complex. None of what was happening was making sense but it felt all too real. Reaching the top of another staircase, the complex shook as if something else hit it.
Moving to a nearby window, Kiyomi hissed upon what she saw.

The fire was spreading through the city as dark, ominous columns of smoke were ascending higher. The sounds of a dying city reached her as violence was guiding more destruction and death into the city. Her sharp eyes moved her gaze to the part of the gardens of the royal palace. Where was once vegetation that was carefully planted and groomed to create a place of tranquillity was now a battle site. Sworn Swords were fighting in small packs together against overwhelming odds. Spotting a familiar figure, Kiyomi felt how her throat was blocked by her emotions.
Surrounded by his subordinates, Katashi seemed to be laying on the ground. A circle of Sworn Swords fought with tooth and nail to prevent anybody from reaching their praised commander.
Then in the distance, Kiyomi saw something approaching. It was huge and menacing but the dark of the night made it near impossible for her to figure out what it was. All that she could see was a pair of eyes that directly stared at her.

"Your mubarum iuk approachaumn. Lat saib'av mushof. Lat saib'av eukcape. Your mubarum iuk dawnaumn."

The loud voice echoed through Kiyomi's mind, causing her to step back and planting her hands at her head. It felt like tens of thousands voices were invading her mind. But she didn't understand what they want or were saying.
Desperation started to take over and without any thought, Kiyomi started to run. She wasn't sure where but she wanted to escape this madness. Running through the halls, she felt an intense cold trying to reach her. But whenever she tried to call upon Matatabi's protection, it was just met with silence.

Slowly the halls started to twist and crumble. Reality started to deform and cause Kiyomi to stop and look with fear around. Moulding her chakra didn't seem to help either as she could only helplessly watch as she couldn't conjure any of her abilities.

"Deaavh iuk comaumn. Lat ukhan'av eukcape."

The voice returned. It filled the room that started to fall apart as once more the pair of eyes returned. Eyes that were bloodshot red with dark pits, staring right at Kiyomi. The voice much akin to the boom and crack of rolling thunder.

Caving in, Kiyomi covered her head as she started to cry.

"Lat ukhall dijak."

Gasping for air, Kiyomi shot forward. Breathing heavily, she shot looks around her as she couldn't stop shaking. However, everything was silent in her chamber. There was a shimmer of light, radiating from nearby the bed. Taking a quick glance, she could see that Matatabi was laying in his small bed in the little form which she allowed him to roam in around.
Trying to calm herself, Kiyomi rubbed her arms as she laid once more on her back.
What was all of that?
[ Asami Sanosuke ]
[ Sanosuke Heartlands, within the Jarldom of Langanes | Heading South ]

There was a lot that had to be done. But people were eager to get to work. The damage that had been done to Lorstedt was costly and they had suffered some losses in terms of supplies and people alike. Those who had fallen on their side were given a proper burial, usually organised by their family. The very few who didn't have any folk to give them their final rite were provided by others. It was an interesting sight to behold and not one that she had seen a lot. Watching her fellow clan and kin attending to the burial rites of others was touching. What made it even prettier was the fact that the Sato were there. They joined in and helped. And in return, they were given a treatment that spoke volumes. Much like those who had fallen, the Sato that had joined in the fray were given respect and hospitality.

Nodding slowly, Asami was content. They had managed to beat the first attack off with great success. But that didn't mean that they could celebrate just yet. Their victory didn't shift the balance into their favour. For that to happen, they would need to make a step. And while Asami was tempted to see if she could convince the Sanosuke and Sato to rally a large force, to march down south, she wouldn't.
Even if by some miracle the Sanosuke and Sato were eager to march far south and lay siege to the highly fortified city of Ranzaki, the endeavour would cost a lot in supplies and lives. That and why would they need the capital city so soon? There were far more interesting prices to be hunted and retrieved.

Leaving the region, Asami was travelling south. The company that went with her was rather small but allowed for quick travelling speed as each person had two horses with them. Courtesy of the Sato clan.
The nature of the operation was kept under the radar. After all, Asami wasn't too keen that information would be spilt. Chances were pretty big that their targets were sought after by the other fighting factions. And their targets, two jinchuriki, were pretty big leverages. Certainly when one was hailed as the 'Saviour'.

Being aware of where Midori Sato and Reyna Azuma were located, Asami wondered if their security detail had changed. Last time, two units of ANBU were the security. Handpicked ANBU, she added in her mind. The guys and girls that knew their stuff and wouldn't be easily taken down. That was if you weren't aware of how to neutralise them.
"Good thing that I served within the ANBU as well." Asami thought to herself, a grin growing behind the cover of her scarf as she galloped further. Already, she started to make a plan.

Two units of ANBU would be on high alert. They had the terrain advantage but unlike Asami's group weren't sure with how many they would deal. Or when. And despite the eerie reputation that the ANBU had, they were still human. They would need to sleep, eat and swap guards.
Throwing a glance at her right, she spotted one of those ' Vörðr'. Mysterious and shady, that is how you could describe them. They wore a certain uniform that provided utility and protection, giving away their military background and purpose as a shinobi force. However, their attire didn't allow one to see their features. In fact, Asami wondered about something.
Rumours and stories had it that the Vörðr weren't actually human. But were twisted creatures that had been humans. Only to be malformed and filled with malicious intent by the dark pacts that they had signed, all to gain more power and abilities to fulfil dark ambitions.

Knowing better, Asami did wonder if the Vörðr had created those stories around them or if it had just occurred over time. Ignorance could be a bliss as a source of interesting horror stories.
Team 4 Operation - Part 1
[ Operation = Wrong Neighbourhood! | Ardara, Sarutobi Heartlands - Empire of Akino]
[ A collab between @FrostedCaramel , @Aliceee , @RedFox , @Oblivion666 and @Oetje | Team Four is setting out on an operation within the city of Ardara, an important political, religious and cultural site for the Sarutobi people and clan. Their task? To oversee and protect a minor leader that has may be the target of an attack, orchestrated by a rival noble family or faction. ]

The team meeting had gone rather well, in Meilin's opinion. She was getting herself ready for the day, despite the sun barely cresting the horizon. Working out the sleep with checking her gear, Meilin would follow it by going around to make sure that everybody would be up and ready within an hour. Dagrún was an easy 'target', for she stayed in the same room as Meilin.
Visiting the room of Madoc and Aoi, she would make sure that they were awake and getting ready. Then she passed by Mamoru's room to ensure that the genin would be awake and getting ready as well.

The plan was rather simple. Madoc and Mamoru would be on street-level. Following the Thegn and his men on foot, at a respectful distance to not awake suspicion from any party. Chances were that the thegn had his own small company of muscles to protect him but there was no telling just how many or how competent these 'muscles' could be. As for positioning? Mamoru and Madoc should cover the rear of their target.

Aoi would move and stalk their charge from the rooftops. Not the easiest of tasks but Meilin had faith in that Aoi would manage. This task would allow her to be able to decide who would require more aid if today they would encounter trouble. Seeing what happened with Dea, Meilin wasn't eager to only put one member on watching over the genin.

Dagrún's position would be a bit different. The decision to also tell her to move alone was formed different than the others. While she has faith in Madoc keeping communications up and running, while being close to prevent harm done to and by Mamoru, Dagrún could operate pretty much without extra aid.

Then Meilin would take up a position in the sky. Though it was the temptation to experience how it was to feel that certain freedom, it was decided out of a more tactical reason. While Aoi could overview matter from an elevated position, she was rather limited to rooftops. Meilin hoped that with being even higher, that she could overview and direct her team with a combination of Madoc's communication and her own technique.

After a hearty breakfast, they would move out. Using some information that she had gotten prior, Meilin would direct Madoc, Aoi and Mamoru to the location where their target stayed - a more luxurious inn than what the team enjoyed. Dagrún would also be sent nearby, awaiting further instructions on where their target would move towards.
Once the communication was set up and everybody moving, Meilin would head towards an alley. Flexing her fingers, she would take a breath in. Only to follow it by executing the Black Wing Technique.

Dagrún didn't mind getting up early. What she did mind was that if some action would occur that they had to held back. But she wasn't going to let her own beliefs and desires be in the way. Understanding how complicated this matter could get, Dagrún focused on gearing up. She was going to be clothed as a civilian to not raise suspicion. But did decide to bring along with her a few knives. Small ones that she could conceal well and use in disabling an attacker, if the need would arise.
Enjoying the breakfast, she would appear to be in an eager mood. Though she wasn't eager to prove herself. But sitting still and doing nothing to get her blood running was getting close to the point it was irritating her.

Venturing out to the location, Dagrún flowed in with the civilians without a problem. She had decided to not apply the blue drawing on her face. The cold weather gave a good excuse to hide her actual blue tattoos away with clothing. If anything, it would make the situation worse if word got out that a Dowhon was involved into a matter of rivaling Cho nobility.
As the communication was set up, Dagrún would decide to speak through it - even if it still felt a bit weird to her.
"I am nearing my point. No sign yet of the target or any accomplices." She reported calmly through the telepathic link. Deciding to take up a spot, Dagrún took the time to observe the people in her sight.
"Seems that the atmosphere is also pretty calm," the raspy voice that represented Dagrún's thoughts flowed through the communication, "maybe is a sign that nothing major has yet been taken at the Allthing? Or in any case, not yet leaked out."

Following her wake up from Meilin, Aoi had quickly taken to readying herself for the mission ahead of them. Given the rather strict rules laid out before them on how and when they could intervene on behalf of their charge Aoi had a decided on leaving the majority of her equipment in the room and simply slipped out the door with a brief "Good luck." to Madoc as she left and headed for her predetermined rooftop position.

She had taken her time choosing a good spot to climb to the rooftops, looking for something out of sight enough that she wouldn't risk being seen scaling the walls, but close enough to the location they expected their tailing to begin as to not have to travel very far. Gripping the lip of the roof Aoi quickly stole a glance to make sure there weren't any random people doing God knows what up there before swinging a leg over the roof and hoisting herself up. She took a moment to appreciate the view of the cities white topped rooftops before turning her attention back to the task at hand.

A few short leaps later and she was kneeling on a rooftop parallel to the road, a hand outstretched in front of her with the palm up as she watched three pebble sized balls of iron spin lazily above her palm, 'I'm in position, no eyes on the target… or Dagrún to be honest. I'm going to need some help spotting both, there's a lot of people down there." she spoke through the mindlink as she tried to spot the blonde Dowhon.

Mamoru had some trouble sleeping after the meeting with his new Team, as they left him with a lot to think about. Compared to them, he was still young, idealistic and had no real experience for being a Shinobi. He pondered a lot upon the matter, sitting on his bed leaning against the wall of his room. Sleep caught him off guard and he fell asleep in this position and despite sleeping like this, he woke up in the morning pretty well rested. About ten minutes after he woke up, he heard Meilin-Sensei walking past his room and making sure the young Senju did not sleep in. Mamoru was in a sitting position, seemingly meditating with his hands forming the dog seal.

He let his teacher know he was up and preparing for the mission and five minutes later, he got to his breakfast he already had in his room. He had some green mint tea with rice and vegetables. Once he was done with it, he stood in front of his bed and placed his gear on it. He carefully stacked the seals containing his Taika armour and the one containing Oak and Ash into his travelling backpack.Not going to need those today, but these will come handy, he thought as he undid the seal on his arm and leg guards, getting into them. On top of that he wore his regular clothes in order to blend in, and they did a pretty good job covering up his protective gear. On top of his clothes he decided to wear his common cloak, the one he used during his travel to blend in.

Mamoru then looked at his bandaged hand, especially at the kanji on his palm. Then he clenched his fist and to his great relief, he felt no pain whatsoever. He gave one last look to his room and left, feeling prepared. He then stood in front of Madoc's door and greeted him with a friendly nod and the two of them headed towards their position." Looking forward to work with you, Madoc. You can count on me to have your back, and I trust you with mine." As he knew Madoc was about to establish their way of communication, Mamoru tried to calm his mind to prevent it from flooding the minds of the others. Once it was done, Mamoru started to look for their target." Negative on target so far."

Yesterday was still bugging him a fair bit, mostly as he knew the reason behind their job. Made it more awkward as the person who would flip out the most if she knew was in the other bed. The reason wasn't being told and thankfully she wouldn't be too close to the target today, another reason had to do with him watching over the new kid. He wasn't bad per say but he was awfully optimistic which he supposed filled out the team and their different personalities. It was what it was though if anything they wouldn't have to even deal with anyone trying to give their target a beatdown.

Waving goodbye to Aoi he decided to go and meet up with Mamoru, who as soon as he opened his door was meet with the very one himself. Which prompted his optimistic attitude which caused him to smirk as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and started walking. "That's good to know but might wanna watch our target back there. Other than that I got your back." Madoc said before tapping his head to signal any talking from now on happens up here.

Dagrun reported seeing no one yet and if that was possibly good news as it meant the All thing was still happening. Aoi reported the same basically only she didn't see Dagrun which wasn't super important for Aoi but it was still good to know. Mamoru took the initative and reported negative on the target as well. "We will keep on watch until he arrives." Madoc further reported through the mind link.

Looking down, Meilin could spot Aoi on the rooftop. Madoc, Mamoru and Dagrún were certainly harder to spot from above. As the team was moving into their positions and started to communicate, Meilin would start to descend towards a nearby rooftop.

"I got eyes on Aoi," Meilin reported as she wagered that Aoi could see her as a raven as well. Turning her head, Meilin tried to spot Dagrún but she didn't want to take too long to find the blonde Hon. Not as long as there was no real reason for it.
"I found the target." Meilin shared through the telepathic link. A certain hint of concern would move with the telepathic message.

Their target was like a sore thumb at a wedding. From the obvious clothing down to his demeanor showed that this man was an Asiske Cho. The vibrant colours of his robes were in pure contrast with those around him. Already Meilin could spot various frowns and narrowed glances from bystanders. But nobody would approach the man for he had half a dozen guards accompanying him. Guards that were certainly aware that their looks weren't getting a positive opinion from those around them. For even their charge's guards had the look that was more fitting in areas to the west of the Empire - from their bright red scale armour to the slight curved blades in their scabbards.

"Our charge is accompanied by six guards of his own." Meilin informed the rest. "Seems like they are heading south. Towards the Temple," she further informed her team.
"Madoc, I will try to hover over the target if you need to pinpoint the location with sensory."
Taking off from the rooftop, the raven would attempt to circle above the small group of guards and their charge.
Towards Sevudia - Part 2
Ryo Katsu

Eastern, Continent, Wolf Country | Imperial Special Force | Ghost ANBU operative, status: officially MIA.|

The Orphan and Exile

| A few days ago. |
| Eastern continent | Unknown village |


The boy kept staring at Ryo. The features of the small boy seemed plastered with a morbid mixture of admiration, anger and sorrow. For a few seconds, it remained silent as the accusation of the boy echoed and would eventually be carried by the wind.
It was Ryo who then broke the silence.
"I did." Were his only words. The words left his lips with an even tone. Staring at the boy for a few moments longer, Ryo threw a glance around. He had avenged their loss and damaged by killing the guilty. A twisted irony that the ashes of one burned home allowed him to cruelly dispatch some of those brutes. An irony that wouldn't do much good except then having caused more death in the world.

"Well, I should be going," Ryo stated as he looked at the boy. The boy just stared at Ryo. An echo of silence rang after Ryo's statement. Then Ryo decided to get moving. More people would come back and he wasn't feeling like company. Not theirs, at least.
Turning around, he just started to walk. Ignoring the corpses and wrecked homes, he decided that it would be better than to burden himself with the look of the boy. However, he detected some sounds behind him. Alerted, Ryo halted and threw a look over his shoulders.

"Let me join you."

The boy had sprinted forwards to close in some distance and at a respectful distance had threw himself on the ground. At least, that was how it looked to Ryo.
Turning around, Ryo saw how the boy was kneeling with his face in the ashes and dirt. It would have been enough to cause Ryo to burst in laughter as he couldn't imagine anybody seriously showing this kind of respect or any kind of gesture.
"Please. Let me join you."

"Join me?" Ryo frowned as it started to dawn. The scent of ashes, burnt flesh, crisped wood and more reminded him that this boy likely had seen his entire childhood, family and neighbours going up in violence and fire. Looking around, Ryo considered his options. His goal was to move further east to learn about what kind of threat was going to send countless brutes to the west. To threaten his home and his family.
"I," he started, his lips parting to give the boy his answer, Ryo halted.

The boy looked up and certain anger flashed in his eyes. The anger and words of before weren't aimed at him. The boy wasn't angry at him but probably wanting to evict vengeance on those who had taken everything from him. It reminded Ryo of himself when he had probably been a bit older than the boy.
"It won't be easy."
"Neither will it be to be alone."

The retort hit hard as Ryo inhaled and exhaled slowly. Raising a hand to scratch the back of his head, he had no answer to that. "I suppose so. It is all up to you." Lowering his hand, Ryo's tone became harsher. A poor mimic of how he recalled how superiors had spoken to him, to remind him that he should take a job seriously.
"You can travel with me but it will be tough. And you got to prove yourself. Else? I will continue without you."

The boy nodded firmly as he would kneel his face once more against the dirty ground. Words started to leave the boy but Ryo couldn't understand them. They were in that language, similar to what those brutes had conjured. Walking to the boy, Ryo stretched a hand towards the boy.

"What is your name?"
"Tao, sir."

| The Present |
| Eastern continent | Unknown village |

Done with supper, Ryo leaned back. It had been burnt but wasn't too bad. Sure, it lacked some good taste that spice or salt could give. But right now, it felt rather good to have a full belly and nobody around that wanted to rip his guts out.

"Sir, can I ask a question?" Tao asked in a soft tone, the boy that had decided to join Ryo on his supposed journey to the east. Ryo threw a sideways glance at the boy. Though Tao had shown spirit and the will to endure a few harsh things, like trekking across the wilderness and not being able to sleep every night with a filled stomach, Ryo reminded himself that Tao was still a boy.

"As long as it isn't some deep philosophical question, then yes." Was the answer of Ryo, who looked at the horizon. Slowly the sun started to settle in, which painted a beautiful scenery of colours.

"Did you have a family?" Tao asked, the curiosity and eagerness to learn more about his guide and protector slicing through the softness of his voice. Instead of an answer, silence followed as if Ryo needed time to ponder on the question.

"Still do, yeah." Ryo said, the pace of his answer slow like he still required time to ponder about it. Turning slowly towards Tao, Ryo frowned. "I suppose I can tell you a bit. I rather not have you bombard me tomorrow with questions."

"Thank you, you are most kind sir," Taoi said as he made the small bow of respect, that odd but endearing gesture with his hands. Where he placed the fingers of one hand before another. It seemed quite similar to how people back at home showed respect, save it for the accompanying gesture of the hands.

"Where to begin," Ryo mumbled, more to himself than against Tao. He pondered for a second but Tao already decided to give a suggestion of his own. "Your father and mother?" The excitement ringing clearly through Tao's voice.

"Never had the pleasure." Ryo calmly replied as he shook his head. It seemed to confused Tao and it was clear that the boy wanted to ask but Ryo decided to elaborate. "I never knew them. I grew up without them, that is. Never had anybody of my family, blood family." He decided to say as he wasn't sure how to translate orphanage in Rén, the language that the people further east spoke.

Nodding that he understood Ryo's explination, Tao's features shifted rapidly. Guilt and sorrow were easy to read off on the boy's face. Then he frowned and looked back at Ryo. "But you said that you have family?"

"Oi, yeah, the worst bastards and jackasses that you can imagine," Ryo said, a grin spreading on his lips. "I got some brothers and sisters. They ain't of my blood but they are dear to me." Thinking, Ryo would stand as he began to talk further.
"One of them is tall as a mountain. And as strong as three bears. And as stubborn as a mule." Ryo began, enjoying to blow up the description. With a rather easy and fluid movement Ryo rapidly draw his sword. The steel being lightened by the light of the fire.
"Unmatched with a sword. A katana. Swift and faster than anything, he is capable to cut down dozens of foe to shaving himself with just sword. Nobody braver though," To place emphasize, Ryo brought the edge of the blade briefly close to his throat. "Another is also tall, she is as a strong river. Wise but once she has set her mind to something? She will not allow anybody to stop her. She wielded both swords and fans, as gentle as the wind but as strong as the roar of thunder."

Provoking a smile from Tao, who seemed enchanted by Ryo's description of his 'family', Ryo continued with telling about one of their adventures. And for once, Ryo didn't feel alone anymore.
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►Ryu Uchiha◄
►Team: Team 19 Genin
►Location: Amegakure || Temporary Field Hospital

It had been a long couple of days since the terrible attack on the city, and since that day Ryu had been constantly split between the small field hospital that had been set up and the wreckage of the old hospital. In this time she had stepped up amid the disarray that had originally been setting again after the attacks. Helping Doctor Tsubaki organize the remaining staff, she acted as a sort of temporary supervisor to ensure things were moving smoothly at the temporary hospital. Reporting directly to her teacher, and then assisting in passing whatever orders he had around to the staff. Of course, that didn't mean that she wasn't also working tireless hours in the very positions she was helping organize. Not being willing to expect others to pull long hours while she couldn't do so herself, Ryu had stayed at the field hospital for the last couple of days. Resting only when she had breaks.

Helping with the wounded that still came trickling in from the attack, Ryu mostly was responsible for the initial diagnosis and treatment of small wounds before passing them along to the doctors if needed. Everyday she worked herself to exhaustion, to the point that she often passed out the moment she got home. Whenever she worked at the old hospital, she spent the days helping clean up the wreckage from the burned out remains of the hospital. The goal being to clear the area and try to rebuild the old building so they had a better place to work from than the makeshift hospital that had been erected after the attack.

Today was no different than any others, Ryu was spending the morning helping clear the rubble from the hospital before she was due to help with the field hospital. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Ryu tied her hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way before moving back in to help with clearing out the rubble. "Hey, Hirokazu, give me a hand over here? It is a bit heavy." She called out to one of the others working, a large man who seemed to be in his mid-30s. With a small nod, he stood up and walked over to Ryu to help her lift the rather hefty piece of debris and move it out of the way. With a small smile and thanking the man, Ryu turned to keep clearing the debris in her area. However, her breath caught at the sight of a charred skeleton within. It was impossible to tell if this had been a worker or a patient, but the Uchiha still felt a strong tug at her heart as she crouched and looked at it. "Hirokazu? Don't go too far, we have a body here. I'm going to need help clearing the area to give their family closure." She said quickly as the man muttered something under his breath and camp back over.

Nearly two hours later, they managed to get the body uncovered and handed off to those who would try to discern and identity then deliver it to the family. Ryu let out a slight curse as she walked away to get a drink of water, looking back towards the city and wondering if the people who had caused this whole mess were still out there somewhere. It seemed about time for her to go help out with the field hospital, and as such the Uchiha set off to quickly get changed at home into a clean outfit and wash the dirt off before heading back. Soon enough, the Uchiha was back at the little station she had been near the 'entrance' to the field hospital. Which really was just a chair on the path right before the field hospital. Here she, with two other nurses, handled those coming to the hospital. Be it a small treatment to get them on their way, or diagnosing then leading the patient back to get the attention of one of the doctors to treat the more pressing cases. Having just returned from bringing a patient back to see the doctors in the back, the girl looked over towards her fellow nurse before speaking. "Hey, I'll hold down the fort up here. Can you check on how the efforts to get more supplies for medicine are going? I've got a good few hours in me, so you can take a break as well if you want." She said with a friendly smile towards the other, who said a word of thanks then moved off to check on the efforts.
Defeat of an Army!
A solo post by conman!

Summary: After trapping the remaining Regency troops at a snowed in pass, the Raikage's troops settled in for a short siege. Once the machines are set, the assault begins, quickly turning more into a slaughter.

The day was cold and dark, storm clouds had rolled in the night before, bringing with it fresh snow. Even so, the captain stood at the spiked trenchline, built quickly by the engineering corp that resided with their forces. The regency men were trapped, a storm had closed the pass off with snow, and last night had not seen the snow become any lighter. No reinforcements would get along the pass, and none would be able to retreat through it. All that stood between the Raikage's army and them was a light bulwark of stone and earth, reinforced with spikes. It was around nine foot tall stone wall earth and wood serving as the base for a small rampart. Behind it was the entire surviving force of the Regency. Their archers watched with apprehension, braziers empty. No smoke rose from the camp. The retreat had been hasty with the Raikage forces on their heels, and in the panic, none had thought to cut enough firewood. They had run out only a few hours ago, and now in the dead of winter they froze, while the Raikage's force sat next to toasty campfires, well rested, and ready for vengeance.

A horn sounded, the Raikage's camp stirred as various companies grabbed weapons and formed up in front of the earthworks that had been raised to defend the siege camp. Looks were grim among the soldiers. An hour would pass as more and more men got into position, in command of the force was Hashimi Ryo, his banner flapping in the wind. The idea was simple, the archers would push the large shields that would protect them from missiles and arrows from the camp to the front. They would barrage the camp with their own arrows until they ran out, then the assaulting infantry would charge, bash down the gate and throw ramps up to run up onto the wall, and then it would be a matter of the heavy infantry doing their deadly and brutal work. A horn blasted across the open ground, and the attack began. Archers pushed across the open ground with the large wooden shields that they had built, planks catching the arrows of the enemy even as they flew through the air. A few men fell among the archers, but not enough to stop the attack. When they got within one hundred meters of the wall, the planted the shields firmly into the earth and snow, the spiked feet easily finding purchase. Then they set about returning fire. Arrows would be exchanged for nearly an hour, as runners with more sheaves of arrows crossed the open ground to bring more to their archers. Archers on the enemy wall would soon retreat behind it for cover under the fierce hail of arrows, and the Raikage's forces would keep firing long after the enemy behind the wall began to fail to reply in any significant manner to the vollies. As the men behind the shields finally ran out of arrows, then the horn was sounded, and the heavy infantry surged forward. Organized companies of troops marched in quick formation, the leads ones carrying the ramps that would be used to cross over the wall. The enemy, who had recouped as many arrows as possible, loosed one last volley upon the attacking troops, cutting down a few with the sharp hail.

All too quickly they had set the ramps down, the hooks on each end biting first into the ground, and then into the wood that the enemy had previously stood upon. Then they were over the wall and charging down into a mass of spears, swords, and men. Screams of the dying and the clash of metal against metal would echo for two hours. Then, another horn would sound. The Raikage's forces would retreat in orderly fashion, taking as many of their dead with them as possible. The men would be permitted to retreat back into their camp and rest and regroup. An hour later, and the next group of men would be brought up, then tossed into the frey. The Regency troops fought valiantly, but many were cold and tired, by contrast the men of the Raikage were fresh and prepared as the came over the walls. Three assaults occurred, and three times the Raikage retreated, but it was clear which way the battle was going. As the day carried on and the fourth, then fifth, then sixth assault was made, the dead would be numerous. Finally, seeing the way the battle would go if just a few more assault would be allowed to be made by the Raikage's troops, the Regency would decide to sally and meet the Raikage in battle.

As the next assault was prepared, Lord Ryo surveyed his men, pleased. They had taken a few thousand dead and wounded, however, the attack was going well, and if he crushed this force here, he could no doubt easily secure the border well enough to send an attack north, to strike back at the Regency. It was a surprise when the Regency troops sallied, but a welcome one. They were in the open, and it made it easy for the reserve skirmishers to target the enemy. A hail of missiles met the wave of infantry as they ran across the open field, leaving many dead and wounded in the front ranks, the advancing regency forces were forced to trample over their fallen comrades as they advanced. Then the enemy was met by the valiant men of the Raikage melee troops, and blades clashed once more.

When the Regency broke, it was en masse. The mercenaries who were still with the Regency forces were none too keen on dying senselessly, they had surrendered once the option was presented. The other men, some simple conscripts drawn up from the Regency land, surrendered once it was clear any hope of victory was far gone. Of the thousands of men who had entered the valley, only around seven hundred were taken captive. Of those, two hundred mercenaries were hung, leaving only around five hundred men left. These troops would be escorted under guard by one of the less experienced regiments to a prison camp. The battle for the territory of the Raikage finally seemed at an end for the moment, and the battle for the lands of the Regency to have just begun.
Like old times - Kensuke Nimatsu

A collab between Alice and Roran
The hills West of the Konohagakure

What a meeting had that been. He stretched his back and reeled in the comfortable pain of to be seated for too long. He rolled his shoulders and sighed. He looked over the terrain and didn't see much actually. He was in a dale-covered area, and this clan, the Okaderu clan, ruled over it. Yet, there was one of the main roads leading through this area, making it quite vulnerable. From what he learned, they seemed to be quite fast and stealthy in their approach to the caravans. They had, in a not all too distant past, raided several of the supplies leading through here. And Kensuke was here to make sure they remained doing so.

The meeting had gone well, according to Kensuke. His reputation as a no-bullshit ambassador helped him quite a bit there. They had told him of their land being an advantage to them, but also a disadvantage. Their could sneak through the endless hills, but so could anyone else. So, he had tracked down two bandit groups that had come here after their failed business in Amegakure, and put them under arrest. Doing that he earned the gratitude of the Okaderu clan, and the promise to at least keep the road in check. He had gained quite an understanding of the young shinobi in here, and he suspected that they too might have partaken in the raiding.

But the land seemed quite peaceful, and he could definitely live here in another time. He tasted the air and felt strangely at peace with himself. He lingered there and breathed in the calm. Another clan down, but countless more to go.

The next day he said farewell and went on his way, cruising through the treetops like he had done since he was a child. It was leaning to the evening, and with nightfall so close in winter he was looking for a place to make camp. He was still in the middle of a place surrounded by hilltops when something didn't feel right. As was the habit of travelling shinobi, he carried on, but with a keen eye on his surroundings. He noticed a twig snapping under the foot of another shinobi, and in an instant he was ready.

It remained silent for a few seconds, that almost seemed to drag on as the suspense became more tangible. However, soon enough more sounds could be detected - though it almost appeared as if the person half hearted attempted to keep themselves cloaked by the foliage from Kensuke's sights.
Another second of silence moved over the area before a voice pierced through.

"Crap, so..." The voice moved through the foliage before the person would come out with his hands up in the air. The mask prevented a clear sighting on his features as the design was rather 'simple' in contrast with the more animal-esque of the ANBU.
The person was much shorter than Kensuke and their gear was vastly different.
"You are taller than they said," the masked male stated on a rather casual tone - as if it was clear that they should know each other. "Now, I am just going to drop my arms and we will be alright, okay?" Though the casual phrasing, there was a subtle hint of wariness going through the figure's voice.

Kensuke remained in his readied position all throughout the adversary's attempt to ease down the situation. Only when his ears could detect no more enemies besides this one man did Kensuke stand down. At least, the enemies that he could hear. He released his hand from his sword and took in this curious individual.

"Yes?" Kensuke spoke. This man was probably from some secret division up in Konoha, so he probably knew of Kensuke's task.

The man slowly lowered his hands but made sure to not move them close enough to any pouches or the visible hilts of the two tanto. He seemed to hesitate, evident from the lack of immediate response. "I know this is going to sound a bit weird. But you are requested to come meet somebody with me. She said she hopes you would like to drink tea with an old friend." The figure said, his tone giving partly away that he felt anything but comfortable about saying the lines.

An old friend? He raised an eyebrow at this remark. He had a hard time believing this man. But then again, he wondered which of his so-called friends it'd be. In all honesty, most are dead, and those that weren't so close had been kept at a distance. Not the kindest thing do to perhaps, but necessary. "Alright. Take me to this so called 'old friend' of mine." Kensuke said.

He was in between tasks right now, so he could afford the time. Then again, this might be an ambush of sorts, but he really doubted that he'd be eliminated so deep in the fire country. But who could be sure of that?

When Kensuke responded, the figure would point past Kensuke. He would keep pointing behind Kensuke for around two seconds, clearly indicating that the way as in that direction. A feminine voice, however, would pierce the silence that followed Kensuke's words.
"I hope a canteen of water will also do." The familiar voice was both warm and open, barely able to hide the tone of amusement. Standing with her hands on her hips, a tall masked woman would stay on her spot - keeping a respectable distance from Kensuke.

He frowned as he turned around, and for some reason he could not explain his hand did not glide towards his sword. A woman was standing behind Kensuke. Of course. These teams did everything to ascertain stealth, making this not a whole surprise. But on the contrary, as the woman who spoke to him seemed familiar. Even stronger, he had heard this voice coming from a woman, or actually guy, in his past.

"What?" He said. But the owner of that voice was dead. He was made certain that that had happened. Suddenly his anger was raised, filling him with fury. Drawing his katana in a whirl of his hand he instantly added chakra to it. "Who are you to speak with that voice." He snarled.

The person in question simply raised her hands, as if the mere half-hearted defensive gesture could calm down the situation. "Phoenix. A rather interesting name, wouldn't you agree?" Her voice remained calm and friendly, as if she clearly understood on why Kensuke was enraged. "If you won't mind, I rather not draw my own weapons." She seemed to try to see how she could disarm Kensuke with diplomacy.

"How about I explain it and then I will answer your questions. Though, best if we move somewhere else. Fair enough?"

Filled with anger and confusion Kensuke paused. He wasn't dead yet, so they wanted to show him something. That was clear. These were fire union uniforms, and if he watched them correctly, zero teams. That made these guys top of the line secret service. To use the voice of someone who had been dead for a while to halt him was a sly move that could only be attributed to that. Or, he realised rather stupidly, there was a person with almost the same voice. Slowly he withdrew his chakra coverage of his own weapon and stored is it the sheath.

"Very well. Lead the way." He barked, finally convinced.

The woman lowered her hands, nodding slowly. "We established a bivouac not too far from here," she explained. Slowly she would half turn around, only to seem to remember something. Before fully turning around and starting to walk northwards, the masked woman would whistle. The audible whistle would cause another figure to get up from the grass, the similar gear betraying that they were part of the small unit. The person that had been detected by Kensuke would stay at the flanked position while the newcomer seemed to wait for Kensuke to follow the female leader of the unit.

The short trek was anything but a pleasant walk. Tension was clear from the two operatives that had decided to take a flanking position, their intention to watch if Kensuke wouldn't grip his blade. If anything, it became evident that the masked figures were quite aware of Kensuke's reputation - if not, his abilities. The only one that seemed somewhat comfortable or capable of hiding her true emotions was the masked woman, who seemed to be the tallest if one wouldn't take the Nimatsu into the equation.

The camp of the unit was rather simple but hidden by foliage. Comfort and luxuries were missing, the only aim to be practicality. Upon arriving, the masked woman would give a few signs that were immediately followed by the other two. Watching the dismissed two operatives that seemed to leave Kensuke and the woman alone, the masked woman would first gesture that Kensuke should take a spot to sit down.

Once the tall man took his place, the woman would sit on the opposite side of the remains of a small campfire. Her left hand would travel to the mask she wore over her face. A second she paused the motion before moving the mask from her face, revealing her features. Placing the mask on her lap, the woman inhaled and then exhaled audible. "So, yeah." Tsubasa said as she seemed to gauge Kensuke's response. "I am sure you got questions. And if we did a proper scan, there shouldn't be anybody around to disturb us. Question is, do you want to know the story first or ask questions? I will admit," a disarming smile started to dawn on Tsubasa's face, "I am restricted to not provide you with an answer on some matters or projects."

Mouth agape he watched her. Tsubasa Kokoro. But she was dead?! How? Why? How had she survived? Had the others perhaps survived as well? He closed his eyes shook his head and watched again. The same girl was still there. Maybe - … He stopped himself there. Just the return of that painful event caused problems. As much as he wanted to do the things differently, he had to keep in mind that this was a zero team member. Duty fought against memory, and in the end, duty won. He recollected himself. Maybe this was just a cruel joke, or maybe this was actually her. Who knew? But it wasn't up to him to figure out. He lacked the skill to do that. He breathed, suddenly aware that he was holding his breath. He paid attention to her again, albeit the same feeling of wanting to be part of something returned in a sadder way.

"Why are you here?" He said, pointing at the whole operation. Zero teams were mobilised to deal with something, and he didn't know what.

"To aid with an operation in this region. Our first task was to find you. Which was honestly more difficult than I anticipated. I figured that a Scholae would be easier to track. I didn't think you would go without an escort and all that. People who saw you often pointed to all kind of directions. Seems that this part of the world isn't lacking of tall Nimatsu." Tsubasa responded. She paused, weighing what she was going to explain next carefully.

"I assume you have heard that some trouble rose up in the Rain province. Insurgents working together with Zealots and operatives of the Fang did a lot of damage. Though they failed to truly uproot the entire province into chaos. Yet they managed to take down the previous Amekage. Not to mention the large amount of people that perished in the violence that had to be used to bring back peace and order." Tsubasa continued as she gestured subtly towards Kensuke. "A detachment of those troublemakers did still escape the retaliation at Amegakure. We got some word that a few tried to cross the border but others moving eastwards. Our current objective is to lay contact with you and recruit you in making sure that no Zealot or Fang operatives start to make a mess in this part of the Empire."

Raising her right hand, Tsubasa scratched her cheek as she flashed an uneasy smile. "So, that is the mission. Granted, we used to have another member. Somebody with more experience. But us three is what you have to work with now. Unless you desire some official papers. Then you've got to wait till you're back at the Talon."

All this time Kensuke had an increasingly hard time focusing, but he got the gist of it. The fact that he was talking to her, a person who looked like her, or a completely other individual who had used jutsu to look like her kept distracting him. "I noticed some of their numbers had moved East indeed. The Okaderu clan had some trouble with them until recently. Probably also explains why I'm so hard to find, I've been all around hunting for these bandits." He said while drawing a map in the sand.

"Here's where we are now, roughly" He spoke and looked at her, another mistake. "How far do you think they'll have gotten?"

A hint of disappointment reached Tsubasa's facial features for a moment but she was quick to become serious. "Judging that you're alive? Not as far as I dreaded. I would say that they are more at this place," she would point to what would resemble the west, the mountainous ranges that separate the Fire province from the Rain. "I will admit that I am not familiar around these parts. Neither are my companions. They have their own skills to contribute to the hunt. However, I was hoping that you could enlist some aid to scout out the enemy. Perhaps even know possible safe spots where they could withdraw to. Caves and the like." Tsubasa stated, opting to wait to see what Kensuke's response was.

"Hmm. That's just North of the Talon. I know that area well. But not too well. We probably are going to get some help at the Talon for this. I know a guy or two." He stated, purposefully looking at the map, and not at her. Did she say she was glad that he was alive? His mission grew darker by the minute, but that was usually the case. "What's your team composed off?"

Tsubasa's lips parted as she was about to reply to the question. But a hard whistle drew her attention away from Kensuke. It came from their right, quickly followed by another whistle that saw Tsubasa scramble on her feet. In a fluid motion, Tsubasa applied the mask back on her face as she spoke up. "An attack or people approaching." She explained, gesturing to the right. Another sharp whistle penetrated the air, as if the person urged them to hurry up.

"We will have to talk later." Tsubasa said, her tone harbouring some crude amusement as she would rush past the foliage towards the spot. Sounds of violence started to erupt as the previous two figures were facing off against half a dozen other.

The attack came in the later afternoon, when the sun started it's downward descent to Earth again. There was fighting in the woods West of them meaning that the guards had less time to notice them. This was a textbook ambush, and they were in the center of it. Damn. He had the time to unfurl his katana when the first kunai was thrown at him. He parried the kunai while he figured out where is was thrown from, but coverage the tree coverage was just too light to rely on his dojutsu. The setting sun was definitely a disadvantage. Another kunai, one that he didn't see coming, pierced his side but not too deep thanks to the flak jacket he wore.

The glimpse she got from her two companions fighting off a more numerical opposition made Tsubasa consider her options. However, her mission wasn't to ensure that her team members would survive. Turning around, Tsubasa was ab out to secure Kensuke. Detecting something to her right, the Ghost ANBU operative halted her movements and moved backwards as few arcs of chakra swept across the air - cutting deep into a few trees without any real effort. Spotting a few opponents, Tsubasa cursed the fact that she didn't have her sword with her. Drawing out a fan, she would start to channel chakra into the innocent appearing weapon.

"Use this!" He said, tossing her the katana he had crafted with her father that appeared out of the summoning scroll on the side of the Kensuke's sheath. He leapt to action as the arcs betrayed the position of at least one of their attackers. He noticed something moving and in a flash the first confrontation in a series of encounters began.

Hearing Kensuke's voice, Tsubasa was able to grasp the weapon that he threw towards her. Coming into motion, Tsubasa would parallel Kensuke's movement as she detected that the opponents started to brace for the imminent clash. She couldn't count more than three but was wary that more were around.
A soft sizzling sound started to emit from the blade as chakra started to envelop the well crafted weapon, only becoming more noticeable with each passing second.

One of the opponents readied himself by gripping an interesting looking weapon. It was curved but the opposite side of that of a katana. The opponent decided the best approach was to charge back at Tsubasa. Neither slowed down in speed. In fact, steam started to emit from Tsubasa as she closed in on her first opponent. Upon getting into range, both lashed out with their weapons. Only for a loud sound to vibrate through the air, quickly followed by a sickening thud of Tsubasa slicing through the man's arm and chest - her speed and weight brutally allowing her to carve almost through the man, as she had done to his blade.

In a quick, brutal exchange that followed the first one Kensuke managed to slice up the hands of the man, but another took his place almost immediately. Jumping from tree to tree he was forced to fall back as earth spears landed all around. Finally landing on the ground, he expected another attack, but that was it. The forest fell silent.

He watched his surroundings for another attack, and saw one of the zero team men lying on the floor. Upon closer inspection his torso was hit in three places by earth spikes, and he was no longer breathing.

"One dead!" He yelled, slowly putting his sword away.

It didn't take long before Tsubasa reunited with Kensuke. The other masked man was also near but kept his distance. Specks of blood and dirt were visible on the man's gear but nothing that indicated any wounds.
"Poor guy," Tsubasa stated as she would rise up from inspecting the corpse. A second of silence followed her words before she would speak up again. "Marker, give him his last rite. We best check the bodies if we can find anything." Tsubasa first spoke to the other masked figure before turning to Kensuke. An evident shift was noticeable but yet Tsubasa started to inspect the few dead corpses that were once breathing hostiles.

"Found nothing," she stated out loud after a minutes. Frustration rang clear through her phrasing and tone. Approaching Kensuke, she would briefly glance over the weapon he had throw earlier at her. "Nice blade. You should keep it though," she would say, together with presenting him the handle.

"It was mine to begin with." Kensuke said, accepting the blade. "But now I have proof that you're really Tsubasa."

He snorted. "That's your father's make." He said when he looked at her. Once again he could not believe his eyes. It was really her. Tears that appeared out of nowhere started flowing, as much to Kensuke's own surprise as anyone else's. "So it is really you. Where were you all this time?"

The fact she was holding a blade that her father smithed had a visible impact, despite her wearing a mask. A soft sound escaped her, as if she was about to explain everything. Instead she would grab and undo the mask, to reveal that emotions were about to run high as well. The past experiences, operations and stress started to boil up and form a lump in her throat.

"Everywhere." She was able to muster out, an almost alien mixture of sob and chuckle. She quickly threw a look at where 'Marker' was located. But the man either was busy with doing his task or had recognised that his presence was better off somewhere else for the time being.
Turning towards Kensuke, she inhaled as she tried to get herself composed. Which didn't really work. "I am so sorry."

"And what about the others?" He sobbed, absentmindedly realising that he wasn't supposed to sob on a mission.

She had expected that question, ever since that they had met today. She wanted to tell him that they could, no should, talk somewhere else. It was what made most sense. However, dead people also couldn't cry and she was already feeling the hot sensation of tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Katsuko is dead." She said, afraid that she was going to hurt him more. But she didn't want to lie either. "Ryo? I… I..." She looked away to cough, trying to hide a sob and hold back some more emotions.
"I don't know. He didn't serve within this unit. Last word I got, he was heading east."

His squad lived! His squad hadn't died! Emotions flew high through his head, and the news that Katsuko had died didn't even change too much. At least some of the people he spent the better part of four years of his life together weren't dead! He didn't even know where to put all this information. Everyone should know, but at the same time no one could know. Tsubasa was working with the zero teams now, and for good reason. A new wave of crying hit him and he hugged her. Together they stood there for a while, uncaring about the world. 'Marker' might be watching, but this was enough.

Though startled, at first, Tsubasa hugged Kensuke firmly back. A few moments passed until she would break up the hug, gently and slowly. Clearly affected by the rollercoaster of emotions, she would take a step back to deeply inhale before speaking up again.
"We need to go. We can try to talk later more about," she wasn't sure how to phrase it but decided to shrug lightly, accompanied with an apologizing smile. "First, safety. Is there any place you were going to head towards?"

"First place North is Tamura, but that isn't exactly where I'm headed. I'm on my way to Numata, where I can find the next clan. But that is a full day's travel from here, and I don't think that assignment matters anymore. At least, right now." Kensuke said as he quickly wiped away what tears he had. Shaking his head he had to get all this out of his head and focus on the task at hand. Gradually he got himself back under control. "Tamura it is then?"

It was evident that Tsubasa considered the options that they had. Though the truth was that she had no real choice in the matter, her objective wasn't to go loose. "Tamura it is. Soon when we get a place where we aren't out in the open, we can tend to other matters." She responded. Throwing a glance to where they last had seen Marker, the other operative was keeping his distance and letting both Kensuke as Tsubasa have their moment. "Lead the way," she said, considering something until a smile started to dance on her lips, "Just like old times."

"Heh." He managed a sly smile. "Let's hope so indeed."
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: K3l and Gerontis
Team 4 Operation - Part 2
[ Operation = Wrong Neighbourhood! | Ardara, Sarutobi Heartlands - Empire of Akino]
[ A collab between @FrostedCaramel , @Aliceee , @RedFox , @Oblivion666 and @Oetje | Team Four is setting out on an operation within the city of Ardara, an important political, religious and cultural site for the Sarutobi people and clan. Their task? To oversee and protect a minor leader that has may be the target of an attack, orchestrated by a rival noble family or faction. ]

- Part 1 -

Slightly amused that Aoi couldn't spot her, Dagrún was half a mind to make a witty remark. Causing her thought to ripple through the telepathic communication, though luckily it was in Chonobi.
"Sorry, I need to get used to this whole thinking-talking." Dagrún quickly added afterwards, wanting to curse out loud but that would make people frown. Standing aside of the road, Dagrún threw a look around. There wasn't anything that alarmed her, yet.

When Meilin reported that she had sight on their charge, accompanied by six guards, Dagrúns eyes moved her gaze up. The raven was easy to spot - at least, if you know you were looking for one. Turning to the direction, Dagrún wouldn't walk far.
"By the damn balls of Valdar," she muttered to herself.
Their target was more than just an Asiske. He was striding around with a small guard that did anything but invoke distrust and anger among the locals.
"Perhaps we should let him get a beating or worse." Dagrún once more mumbled. Knowing, however, what consequences that could hold, Dagrún decided to move after spitting on the ground.

"I am in position, captain. At the right side of the group." Dagrún reported, through it was clear she was both frustrated and angry. A fact that only made her dislike this whole mind-communication even more.

Mamoru thought that Dagrún's voice was like a storm rolling through his mind. He had to grit his teeth as she spoke. Dagrún was right, this Mind Link technique will really take some time to get used to. Focusing mentally, he instead looked at the direction from which the target was directed and he decided to tap Madoc's shoulder and stopped at a stand, pretending to be interested in the wares the shopkeeper had to offer and looked through the stand. He was not sure whether to chuckle or facepalm, and he managed to suppress both urges. The Thegn could not be more conspicuous." Got visual on the target. That man is like an ice cream cone near a beehive.", he said in the Mind Link.

The vibrant colors of his clothes and the visuals of the armor of the guards evoked a slight feeling of disgust in Mamoru. He also looked around and realized he was not the only one. The situation in his immediate vicinity was starting to get rather unpleasant, so much that Mamoru felt he could feel it on his skin. Angry whispers, mean looks - the situation changed in an instant." You could cut the situation with a kunai down here. Will let the target pass us, then we'll trail him."

Mamoru stood at the stand with Madoc for a moment longer until the Thegn passed them. From up close, the clothes and the armor of his guard repulsed him even more.My armor looks so much better than this carnival dress, he thought to himself, forgetting that the rest of his team could hear him. A few more moments passed and the Thegn passed them, and the air changed in his wake. Mamoru looked at Madoc and nodded, then turned away from the stand." We're behind the target, trailing at a safe distance.", Mamoru reported.

Moving her gaze up to the sky Aoi would easily spot the rather large bird above as Meilin's voice came through her mind. She gave the oversized bird a smile and a short wave before moving her eyes back to the street below as Meilin confirmed that their target had arrived as expected. Quickly looking over the crowd below Aoi found her gaze glued to the target as Meilin went on to explain what she was seeing from above. The Thegn was dressed like a rather pompous Taika Noble would be, and his guard seemed dressed more for ceremony than actual utility. She grimaced at the sight as the balls of iron hissed into dust and back up her sleeves.

The Thegn was an Asiske Cho, just as Meilin was, except this one appeared to be far more into the whole Asiske part, far more than she could have imagined from the past descriptions of the Asiske she had gotten.

With a sigh she stood and pulled the scarf at her neck up above her mouth and over the tip of her nose covering the bottom half of her face. The cloth scratch at her nose as she stood and readjusted it before beginning a loping walk along the rooftop parallel to the Thegn and his vibrant entourage. 'I'll follow along parallel their direction of travel. Can intervene quickly from so close if I need to.' she thought over the mind link, annoyance clear in the message as she gave it. Meilin had decided lying was the best course of action again. That withholding something about their opposing cultures would somehow make things simpler.

As she walked along the roof she began to notice the odd passerby in the crowd below taking note of her atop the buildings, but it didn't matter, there were far more eye-drawing things to look at that quickly tore their attention from a figure on the roofs. Plus it wasn't like she was giving up the rest of the team by being seen, and as far as she could tell a small show that there was more watching the Thegn than his clown of a guard was probably for the best in the grand scheme of what was going on. 'I'm being seen.' she thought over the link as she waved at the next person to notice her from below.

Madoc heard Meilin's voice give them a heads up that the target was on the move and how he could spot her and him. "Gotcha but I don't think that will be needed…." Madoc thought through the mind link as he saw the target down the street. Well he knew what the target was like culture wise but wow. So far he saw everyone wanting to possibly give this man a beating. He was dragged out of looking by Mamoru tapping his shoulder and moving to a stand as if he was gonna buy something. Madoc could only stare at him questiongly as Mamoru also told the group that they spotted the target in a rather creative way.

Well so far it seemed as if everyone now saw him so that was good, now to only hope the man didn't actually get assaulted today on his way to the temple. However he quickly looked at Mamoru who thought something really rude, causing him to tap his shoulder and pulled him away from the stand. He then leaned in to his side and whispered in the kid's ear. "Might wanna keep the insults with a mind link to a low mumble. Everyone on the mind link just heard that and Aoi is Taika, granted you are too so that's kinda weird for you to just let rip. Next time mumble though." Madoc whispered to him before pulling away, and moving back to the stand.

Aoi then let everyone know she was being seen, to which he could only assume was by civilians. Guards might be a bit more alarmed if they saw that. "Umm…. Try not to be seen?" Madoc thought as the target and guards walked past them and moved on ahead causing Madoc and Mamoru to start trailing the target.

Meilin's thoughts remain empty. She simply took in what was shared between them in the communication, all the while she was keeping her high position. Their target was advancing to the large temple complex and rather easy to keep track off. Despite being in the air and nobody being wary of a bigger raven, Meilin wasn't able to spot every detail on the ground.
"Dagrún, I see you. Move closer if you are able. Our target and his entourage are heading towards the temple of the Asynjur."] Meilin calmly instructed through the telepathic bond.
The reason why Meilin ignored the frustration and anger was clear. But there was nothing that Meilin could do about it without jeopardizing the mission.

Receiving the messages from Mamoru, Meilin considered her options. Before she would respond in turn, she let a moment pass. The genin reacted in a less short and objective way than Dagrún.
"Focus on the mission, Mamoru. All else is trivial until further notice," Meilin instructed, the tone ringing with the telepathic message being stricter than what it had been before.

Then Aoi reported in. Causing Meilin to become worried as she would shift her attention from their target to Aoi. Considering their options, Meilin wanted to keep Aoi on the level of the rooftops. The height advantage would allow more flexibility.
"Much like Madoc stated, try to not to be seen. Transformation technique? Can you perform that to become less noticable?" Meilin replied back, hoping that Aoi could perhaps use the technique to disguise herself into something less suspicious, like a cat. Reminding herself that it was her own failure of nothing thinking about it before, Meilin focused back on their target.

The thegn was still advancing towards the large temple of the Asynjur gods. Briefly Meilin wondered about something.
"I am going to advance a bit further. Report if you notice anything noteworthy." Meilin instructed her team as she started to move ahead. Advancing further, she would try to see what route the thegn would take. Most of it were broad streets that was filled with people. Not the most likely spot which the thegn would be attacked. However, a potential shortcut existed within the form of a smaller street that was less populated. Spotting something, Meilin wanted to curse.

"Trouble sighted up ahead. Aoi and Dagrún, you two move to my position. It is a bit ahead. Madoc and Mamoru, you stay with the target and his guards." Meilin sternly commanded her team as she started to circle above the position. From what she could spy from high was various men in ambush. They were converged in the alley and a few men briefly inspected their weapons before sheathing them away. A quick count brought the total number up to a dozen armed men.
"I count around a dozen hostiles that may arrive on the route. No idea if they are capable of ninjutsu."

Mamoru had no idea that a single remark could cause such a reaction, even though being shared through their minds. Soon enough, both Madoc and Meilin Sensei reprimanded him about crossing a certain line and disturbing their comms. Mamoru nodded at Madoc in an understanding manner, apologizing mostly with his eyes. My apologies, Sensei. Understood. was his brief response to the Mind Link. He felt the sulking part of his personality was about to surface, but he shook his head to suppress it. He then took a deep breath and calmed his mind, and after a few seconds he managed to keep it empty. He focused to remain in this state and as such decided to only listen to the chat as Aoi spoke up.

The Senju focused on keeping his mind calm and quiet, and he noticed this has a side effect as well - he felt his senses being a bit sharper than usual. He and Madoc continued to trail the Thegn as he approached The Temple of Asyjnur Gods, and waited for Meilin Sensei to share her findings from her advanced scouting. And report them, she did. Mamoru clenched his bandaged hand at the news of a dozen armed assailants waiting in lay for the unsuspecting Thegn. They were outnumbered at least two against one, and they had no idea whether they would be enemies can use Ninjutsu. The issue was that per the rules of this mission, they were not allowed to do so.

This is what Mamoru trained for, and he expected to feel excited. But that was not the case, he felt slight fear at the prospect of facing at least two armed and trained men who will not hesitate to kill him in order to get to the Thegn. Mamoru felt at least some comfort in realizing that they were not to use lethal force. He looked at Madoc and nodded at him, than he did his best to sound calm in the Mind Link. Understood, Sensei.
~ Some Thoughts ~
Kimi Iomaski

Republic of the Water Country, in Kirigakure - The Council's Office.
Minister of Knowledge

The sun started to settle, slowly and gently. The descent of the celestial presence would colour the heavens in a radiant of warm colours. A delight to behold, Kimi mused to herself.
Raising her glass, she would take a sip of her wine while continuing on her thoughts. The former advisor to Rika Suzu, the Fifth and Last Mizukage, considered the presence now. As the Minister of Knowledge, she was appointed to govern and manage the Intelligence Division and its associated organisations, to both conduct counter-intelligence as gaining intel on those who either interested the Republic or could pose a threat to them.
A most interesting affair though was that the Senate and Council saw threats close to home. The Suzu insurgents seemed to turn back into the shadows, only reminding people of their presence and goal by small attacks and appearances. To launch a strike and then vanishing again, almost like their claimed ability to turn into ghosts, frustrating any pursuer send after them.

But there was more to it than the cat and mouse game that greatly amused Kimi. The birth of the Republic had much promise to the people of the nation. A government that wouldn't be dictated by one leader but several. A fairer system in which the people could have faith in. A fairer system that would protect them against the abuse of the wealthy elite and privileged.
Only that hope started to sour. The promise twisted and moulded into depression by the corruption that started to become evident. Those who promised to serve the people and the newfound Republic? Only out to serve themselves. An ironic twist of fate, as if Miku intended the people of the islands to suffer under either corrupt regimes and weak leaders.
A smile dawned on Kimi's lips as she stared at the horizon, the beautiful scenery of the setting sun.

Enjoying the tranquillity and her thoughts, Kimi frowned when detecting somebody approaching her. Turning her head slightly, she cast a glance over a masked and hooded figure. One of her own agents. The man stood bowed and presented a small scroll.
Accepting the presented scroll, Kimi wouldn't pay mind to the agent that made himself vanish from her presence.
Rolling out the small scroll, Kimi read the content in an almost lazily pace. Each word that she passed only seemed to uplift her mood even further. At the end of the scroll, a playful smile had found itself on her lips.

Rolling the scroll up, Kimi wondered briefly about her next actions. For when the sun would rise up, she would take her next steps. The Mizukages were gone and dead. And soon the Senate as Council, filled with the corrupt and foolish, would meet their end as well. Perhaps then a new era would settle on the islands and conclude a time of trouble and weakness.

One guided by somebody like her, perhaps.
A visit to the Royal Menagerie
[ Kiyomi Homura I,
Empress of Akino ]

[ Empire of Akino | Konohagakure, the Imperial Capital - The Homura University ]

A note:
Just some work that I found fun indulging on. Though it is a Kiyomi post, I am going to write this more from the perspective of Katashi Sarutobi. I found it a fun writing experience as it allowed me to view a character I know very well in another way than usual.

Watching the people debate, Kiyomi was leaning forward. Her gaze was set on the small group that stood on the space in front of her, clothed in the dark and dull robes that the majority of scholars, poets and learned folk of the university seemed to favour. Their garbs seemed to rather go well with the interior of the room they found themselves in, one of the debate rooms which was developed and build to improve the sounds so that one didn't need to raise their voice too much. In a way, so far she understood, the room did that for the speaker.
The group was so enraptured by their current debate that they weren't noticing the few Sworn Swords or let alone the curious young monarch that observed them and their debate. Then again, it could be attributed that some were simply accustomed to the fact that Kiyomi organised and then observed the debates with a curiosity that seemed akin to a cat observing something it didn't understand, but clearly wanted to.

"It is utmost ridiculous that you should lay the decision to those that haven't yet earned enough experience," one man spoke as he was turned to a few groups that believed in another way or solution. "It is the oldest child that should receive the best education possible and has the duty to inherit, so they may continue the line."
This reply sparked others wanting to speak up, giving a most tedious task to the arbiter, a man in a white garb - accompanied by a long white beard that seemed to go rather well with his clothing.

"But if the youngest is the most talented, intelligent and motivated then why should they be skipped? For stability to take hold, it requires time and patience. It is clear that those who have yet to face the most time, should be made into the successor. Mistakes of previous potential heirs could then be avoided." A man said, those in his group nodding and mumbling their agreement.

The debate continued as the topic of what succession was considered best and healthiest. The entire flock of learned individuals were divided into small groups. Some were entirely believing that a certain meritocracy should take hold, but others were quick to point out to the problems that such a succession route could take. More cultural examples were given but these also didn't take a large hold.
"So, what is the point of this?" Katashi asked as he frowned at the group. In his opinion, they seemed closer to a flock of angry chickens than some of the most well-learned individuals that lived within the Empire.

He didn't gain an immediate response as Kiyomi seemed stuck on observing and listening to the debate. "I am curious," was the rather simple and short answer, yet a twinge of amusement was evident in her voice. "You know that I am bethroded?"
That was a rhetorical question, Katashi mused to himself. In truth, he wasn't sure what to think of the betrothal. He had done some search and work on this Hayate Hyuzu. The military record of this Hayate wasn't shabby but Katashi couldn't really figure out more than that and the future spouse of his Empress than his background.
"The Empire is still new. And I have no idea what succession is best. If you ask the Hons, they will suggest a sort of open succession." Kiyomi calmly continued as she shot Katashi a sideways glance, "Perhaps even some of the other clans might agree with it. But I doubt I need to say that the open succession of my kin is without flaws." The young monarch turned her attention back at the group that seemed to continue their debate without growing tired.

"Some Taika seem to enjoy and value the idea of a primogeture," Kiyomi said but Katashi softly spoke up.
"Primogeniture, your Majesty."
The correction caused Kiyomi to scoff lightly as she would continue, "It seems safer. But what is there to stop that my descendants are not going full retard? Let alone having descendants," Kiyomi said, the calm tone remaining dominant but starting to show some of the young monarch's frustration. Perhaps fear? Katashi remained silent as he would let her continue.
"Then some brought up that the clans can pick the next ruler. An interesting scenario but not one I want to establish. There is enough rivalry between the clans without them being tempted to try to attain the Imperial throne." Kiyomi became silent for a moment as she then turned to Katashi. "What do you consider the best out of the options?"

He had already a cynical reply at the ready. He didn't agree with the ideas to give the clans more power or influence. But at the same time, he didn't feel comfortable that one descendant could be picked out. Mere for the fact that they were born earlier or had a prefered gender.
"I don't know, your Majesty," Katashi said but he already could sense that she wanted him to give her an answer. A pause fell between them before Katashi continued, his gaze briefly averted to the groups of learned men and women. "I think that merit and experience are great. I have seen people be placed in commanding positions, simply for the fact they were born in a noble clan. Only to be incompetent, leading to more deaths during their tenure. But I don't yet dare to say which succession practice I find most suitable."

Subtly, he stole a glance at his Empress. She seemed in thought, her eyes locked on the groups of people in front of them that were still going on about their debate. "Maybe I should nominate the Nibi as my successor," she said, a smile flowing on her lips as it was clearly meant as a joke.
Katashi smiled as he nodded lightly. "Maybe you should, your Majesty."

The Royal Menagerie

The few people that were ever invited or able to get past the outermost security of the Royal palace would be allowed to see some of the illustrious gardens. Fewer that had more luck and influence were even allowed into the grand palace but rarely did anybody other than the servants and guards get a chance to be present in the Royal Menagerie. Much alike to the gardens that seemed to encompass most of the space between the Royal Palace and its own fortifications, the menagerie seemed to be shaped in the same style. Plants and flowers were both to please the eye as creating a relaxing atmosphere. Even despite the cold of the winter, the atmosphere radiated a certain warmth and relaxation.

Following Kiyomi, Katashi actually both liked as disliked the menagerie. The habitats of the collected animals were to replicate a certain terrain or area that befitted the respective creatures in them. But Katashi's pragmatic mind knew that it was both costly and could be dangerous. Two servants that were taken into medical care, after they were assaulted and nearly mauled by the creature they took care for.
Eyeing the young monarch that was a step or two in front of him, Katashi had taken notice of the small sketchbook and pencil she carried with her. He didn't ask why but his curiosity was piqued.

The first animal that they visited was the panda bear. It wasn't the most common animal within the Empire, more accustomed in a few areas within the western part. The respective creature was a female that sat on her rear, chewing some prepared food while a more energetic, younger specimen wandered about.
The enclosure was made so that the animals wouldn't be able to break out, thanks to stout and tall walls. Servants were assigned to take care of the fauna as of the creatures. Sometimes, servants had or were receiving special training to make sure that the animals wouldn't suffer. Or that the servants wouldn't make mistakes to cause the animals to grow aggressively.
Entering the enclosure, Katashi wasn't that worried. So far he had seen, this near-bear like creatures were far from aggressive. The young one seemed playful, harassing one of the servants relentlessly while its mother just sat and eat.

"Did you know," Kiyomi started as she observed the older creature, "that they usually give birth to two babes. But then only take care of one."
This information made Katashi throw a sideways glance to Kiyomi as he remained silent for a bit longer. It wasn't the information that had surprised him but the tone on which she said it.
"Maybe it is survival instinct?" Katashi suggested, briefly eyeing the creatures and enclosure.
"Mhm, maybe. But I just can't understand it," she replied after a second of scribbling something down, "I have instructed clearly that they should be taken care off. That sufficient food should be made so that the mother can take care of both babes. Yet, I received word that she only seemed interested in taking care of one babe."
Katashi frowned, not able to provide another suggestion. He tried to conjure a possibility on why it all was. But without any knowledge or a lot of experience with the creatures, he decided to remain silent. After some time passed, Katashi turned his head as Kiyomi spoke up.
"Okay, I want to go to the next." She said, throwing a look at the creatures. An expression that tore at Katashi´s heart and one that he had started to see more often when being alone with his Empress.

The next enclosure had more of a roof to it. The animals inside were numerous and seemed to possess a certain grace and elegance. Not a big fan of the birds, Katashi crossed his arms as Kiyomi placed her pencil and sketchbook down. With some gloves, she would carry a bucket. The presence of the young monarch seemed to provoke the birds to come closer. With their long legs, they cautiously approached the young monarch. An almost cheerful sound would be produced by most of the present avians, likely realising that they would be fed.
Briefly, Katashi wondered if the animals realised that they were being fed by one of the most powerful figureheads of the western continent. But he doubted that they either knew or would care for that.

Done feeding the birds herself, Kiyomi returned to find a spot to sit and start to scribble something on paper. On occasion, she threw a look up and observed the birds. Watching them wade through the water or interact with each other.
"See that one?" Kiyomi pointed with her pencil to one of the avians. It was mostly white, save it for the black on the cheek and throat. A fiery red was adorning its head.
"The bird of the Uchiha, some call it. With some imagination, you can likely see a resemblance to the Uchiha clan symbol." Kiyomi continued as she turned back to the paper with the pencil. "I actually like them."

He didn't. The birds seemed elegant but Katashi didn't find them pretty. With their long legs, they appeared weird to him. It wasn't so much the colour as the bird's appearance that didn't appeal to Katashi.
"I suppose they got some charm to them," he said, provoking a chuckle from Kiyomi.
The young empress glanced at the birds as she continued her work. After some minutes, she spoke again. "They lay two eggs. Interestingly enough, only one seems to survive. I wonder if it is possible to see if we can't hatch an egg without the care of its parent." Kiyomi inhaled softly as she then brought the butt of the pencil to her lips.
"They are luck bringers, you know. The symbol of a long and healthy life. Some people believe that they can become a thousand years old. That and if you make a thousand origami crane, you can make a wish."

"And what would you wish for, your Majesty?" Katashi asked, his gaze slowly settling on the young monarch near him. She stayed silent as a frown appeared on her brow. Whereas she started to gain better to hide her emotions and thoughts in public, she seemed to lower her guard when it was people she trusted. Something that reminded him that he was protecting and having a leader that was actually a young girl.
"I don't know," she mumbled, though he was certain she lied. There was a certain way on how her expression changed that betrayed her discomfort of saying what she would wish for. It was quite similar to how her nose wrinkled before her features showcased boiling anger.

"Maybe," Katashi began to not bring forth an uncomfortable silence, "I should fold a thousand paper cranes."
It provoked him a wary look from Kiyomi. "And what would you wish for?"
Katashi shrugged. "Some ale would be nice. I am a simple man, your Majesty." His answer causing Kiyomi to shake her head, but allowing a gentle smile to grow on her lips.

The subsequent enclosure, that they visited, was much different. The creatures inside were larger and Katashi eyed them warily. Because of the danger that the creatures posed, Kiyomi was content to observe them from the safety of a fence. Though appearing lazily, Katashi was aware that the large striped felines could pose a threat to an adult man.
"Tigers," Kiyomi began as a certain pride welled up in her voice, "they remind me of Nibi. Though, he doesn't like to be compared to what he calls inferior felines."
Something that Katashi could understand. If he were a creature of unimaginable powerful chakra that could pose much more of a threat than the few tigers in this enclosure, he would likely take it as an insult to.

"And why do you consider them special?" Katashi decided to ask, opposed to waiting for her to speak and clearly informing him about the creatures that they could see.
"Well," Kiyomi frowned slightly as she became silent for a second, "I just think they look very beautiful. The orange reminds me of flames. With those black stripes? They seem like the Nibi but yet special. Some clans consider them noble beasts. I can see why."

He didn't. The felines were powerful and could maul an adult with relative ease, sure. But what made them noble other than that they were dangerous beasts? It was just one of those viewpoints that some clans had that he couldn't understand. Perhaps it was just that creatures that were home to the western regions of the Empire were too different and strange for him to understand? He briefly thought about the ravens that his kin revered and liked. The small but intelligent birds certainly were not intimidating or as dangerous as these large cats.

Then they moved on to the last enclosure. It was somewhat larger than the others and Katashi wasn't entirely sure because of the animals inside or because Kiyomi prefer it that way. The moment that they entered the enclosure, they were greeted with all kind of sounds.
From one side of the enclosure, Katashi saw various balls of fur moving towards them. Two servants were busy to try to feed them but everybody and everything was ignored as the small canines made way towards Kiyomi.
"Hello little cuties," she said as she would start to lead the small balls of fur towards a flat stone, on which she stook seat. The canines were barking and growling, together with bumping and jumping against Kiyomi in order to win her attention.

Katashi hooked his thumbs behind his belt as he observed the situation. The pups were nothing like what most people thought direwolves to be. Their barks and growls were more endearing than actual threatening.
A servant carefully approached as the nearly dozen pups started to bark and use their small jaws to snap at the approaching servant. The servant placed a bucket down, making a bow while stepping away from Kiyomi and the canines.
Watching his Empress taking the bucket and starting to feed the canines herself, Katashi noticed that she didn't speak to them in Taika. But in Chonobi.
The soft whispers seemed to have a calming effect on the canines, who sat on their rear. The anticipation and excitement of being fed by Kiyomi made Katashi wonder why the animals seemed more enchanted by the young monarch's interaction than any other servant.
Holding up a large slice of meat from the bucket, Kiyomi used her free hand to give a signal that the canines should remain silent. Most of them were able to follow the command quickly, a few took a bit longer. But within a minute, the canines sat and stared at the monarch in front of them.

Giving a good swing to the piece of meat, Katashi followed the trajectory of the object. The canines turned and seemed hesitant to chase it. Some took a few steps and letting out a bark before turning to the Empress.
"At it," she instructed them in Chonobi. Without waiting any longer, a dozen furballs charged in. Their clumsy charge was cute but once they closed in on the meat, Katashi could see a glimpse of what dangers they could be in the future.
Using their jaws, the pups started to tear and rip the meat apart. A few of them broke out into fighting with each other, though they were of short duration before the participating balls of fur turned to the meat.

Approaching Kiyomi, who now reached for her sketchbook and pencil, Katashi spoke up. "They are quite feisty for their size." He remarked.
"They are. And sadly, too young to be taken out for a hunt." Kiyomi replied as she started to scribble more notes. "It won't be long before I will let them practice though," she glanced at the young canines, "on something alive and that wants to run away."

Katashi could imagine why she wanted to do that. And he could also imagine how unfortunate as dreadful it would be for any living creature to be subjected to such feeding. To be chased down in an enclosure where you couldn't escape a dozen feisty canines. Who was reputed to be quite intelligent as strong.
"Perhaps start out with something small such as a pig or so," she further said, her attention back at her notes, "Then perhaps moving onto the heavier and larger prey."
"Such as a human?" Katashi joked, viewing the pups again.

The answer he got made him glance at her, the amusement vanishing.
"Eventually, yes."
Damn passwords
[ Asami Sanosuke ]
[ Sanosuke Heartlands, within the Jarldom of Langanes | Heading South ]

The group continued to travel for some more days. Avoiding the main roads which were frequented by both clans as the Regency council, Asami wasn't interested to pick a fight with anybody. Simply to move in and snatch her targets with as little noise or annoyance possible.
Which was easier said than to be done as the location was a remote village. Not many were even aware of its existence as it barely had more than a hundred people in it. Located at the base of a mountain range, the majority were simple farmers that attended to their crops and lived a simple life. Far away from the vices of politics and troubles that many others had to endure.

Approaching the perimeter of the hamlet, Asami signalled a halt. She was well aware of the security that was set up in the village. Two dozen elite ANBU were sent together with the direct relatives of Reyna Azuma and Midori Sato - at least, from Kumogakure - to the small village. And while confident that she had a group of competent operatives under her command, Asami rather not risked her chances. Takeru had handpicked and made sure that the best of his ANBU were safeguarding the two jinchuriki. If that hadn't been enough, special protocols were designed to ensure that not just any high ranked official could stride in and command the ANBU to lay low.
Going over her plan, Asami was well aware that it could end badly. In a straight fight, her group was going to lose. But even with advantages, she prefers to not let it boil down to bloodshed.
Then there was the dilemma that she wasn't certain if contact had been reestablished upon the dawn of the civil war. The small village barely had any outside contact and the protocol that had been designed made sure that the ANBU wouldn't risk losing sight over the jinchuriki to make contact on their own accord. But what if rumours had arrived at the village and worried about the ANBU? Perhaps making some of them go back to Kumogakure? There was also the danger that they were aware that she was no longer the Raikage assistant and that the Fifth Raikage was dead.
But if her plan did work? Then she could secure and bring two jinchuriki back to the north. That did outweigh the possibility that she would have to kill to obtain both Midori Sato and Reyna Azuma.

Explaining her plan to her group, Asami was met with a near silent approval. With the moon reaching its height, Asami decided it was time to move into action.
Mounting her horse, she would pressure the animal to gallop forwards, to the hamlet.

Speeding over the dirt road, Asami half expected figures to rise up from the nearby rice paddies to assault and arrest her. But no living soul was to be spotted as she started to close in the distance to the village.
Slowing her mount down as she was close to ride into the village, Asami threw a glance around. It was quite silent and only in a few buildings could she detect a faint light. Most honest folk were likely asleep and recovering from a day's hard work.
Waiting nearly a minute, Asami decided to dismount and hold the reins of her horse.

"Red Dawn," she said loudly, waiting for a few seconds. Only to speak again, "Fierce Toad," Asami spoke. No immediate response came back. Then she heard a sharp whistle.
"Dark Cloud," she said before spreading her arms slightly. The gesture allowed her to move her cloak away and show that she held no weapons in her hands. Very slowly, Asami reached for her hood and pushed it down.
Then she spotted a figure coming into sight, walking around the corner. It was hard with the dark to get a good glimpse on the figure. His dark attire certainly not making it any easier to figure out if he was who she should approach.

Walking to the figure, still holding on to the reins of her mount, Asami could start to detect more features of the figure. The person was of a tall and strong build. The dark garb was one of the uniforms and gears that ANBU wore and used for highly covert operations. Even the dull grey mask forced Asami to squint her eyes to be certain she wasn't going crazy and imagining things.

"Lady Sanosuke," the figure said with a masculine voice. The man made a small bow with his head before he spoke further. "We didn't expect anybody to come to us. How may we assist you?" He asked.
The question made Asami think quickly. There was too little to yet be certain that her plan would work to the fullest.

"Operation Black Cloud is over. The jinchuriki are to be replaced to ensure their safety." Asami spoke with a stern voice, her eyes locked on the figure. "I take it that you still have both of them?"
The figure merely nodded as a response to her question.
"May I ask the password for the relocation, Lady Sanosuke?" the man asked with a calm tone.
"Flying Hope," she answered.
"Please, follow me, Lady Sanosuke."

The man led her to the outskirt of the village, that led towards the mountain. The steep cliff would it impossible to scale it with rope and metal tools. The figure came to a slow halt as more figures came into sight. The street was empty and the nearby buildings showed no sign of life. The only light that they could rely on was that of the moon. At least, when its view wasn't blocked by passing clouds.

The figure turned around, his hands on his back as he made a small bow towards Asami. The woman look at the figure as she would then shift her gaze to the building up ahead. There was a light shining faintly.
"In there, Lady Sanosuke," the man said as he gestured to the building.
Nodding, Asami started to walk towards the small house. Approaching the door, she frowned. Opening the door slowly, she would take a step in.
The house was empty.
"Wrong password, Lady Sanosuke."