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Several days have passed since the Fiamma Incident. That was what the Association and the Church were calling it in any case.

The two organizations were at an uproar, attempting to repair the damages that the magician from the other world had done. But that was something that the higher-ups worried about, while the rest of everyone else simply were happy to still be alive at all.


Rin Tohsaka sat in her mansion's sitting room, looking out the window as she enjoyed a cup of tea. The girl frowned a bit, looking somewhat distastefully at the tea. It wasn't bad by any means, but how Archer made it was much better. She rather missed the man, but it seemed that the Holy Grail War was simply something that wouldn't be able to go through.

Maybe another time...

Still, it felt strange. It didn't really feel like Archer was gone. It was almost as though he were still with her today, and that didn't just mean that cheesy "always be with you in spirit" kind of thing. It truly felt like he wasn't even dead. Like that person still existed within Fuyuki City today.

But Rin shook her head. Even for a mage like her, those thoughts were just too... off. Ah, well. Whatever it was, it shouldn't be any of her concern, right?

Going through the mail that had been delivered to her in her absence, Rin would discover a letter addressed to her from the Association. Huh, curious. What on Earth could it possibly be for?

Opening the envelope, she would unearth the contents from its cage and read what the letter had in store for her, before her eyes would widen in surprise, and then excitement, before shifting her head back.

"Fraaaaank!" Rin called out, "Have you ever been to London?"

While awaiting a response, she'd look back at the letter with a smile. The chance to learn straight from the Clock Tower, the headquarters of the Mage's Association, in London? She had been waiting for this kind of invitation for a long time! Boo-yah!


"Well. It really is finally all over, isn't it? No more of this Murder whatever business from me..." Rin sighed contently, before looking up at the ceiling, a thought popping into her head.

"... I wonder if I should invite Emiya as well..."


And thus, Ciel concluded her report on the Fiamma Incident. Her own personal account, that is. Sitting back in her seat, the desk beside her bed, the young woman would adjust her glasses a bit, wiping her brow.


"Hm... Another vacation from work would probably annoy the higher-ups, but this Murder Game business really is a pain. Hopefully, no more of that business in this world. It can happen anywhere else as long as it doesn't concern me," the Executor pouted to herself, crossing her arms, "I suppose I could just think over it during lunch..."

Maybe some curry rice, with potatoes, chicken, and carrots... Curry bread by itself certainly won't do. Especially since I'll be needing all the nutrients I can get ever since that ordeal.

Choices, choices.

Hm... And if I ask Minato, he'll probably just say something like "I'm fine with whatever you want!" But I dunno what I want!

The struggle.



"Ah, is that you, little sis? It's been a while, hasn't it? You sound really different over the phone. Maybe I'm just not used to it since you can never afford phone service."


"I have no idea what you're talking about!~"

"If I wasn't dirt broke right now because of all the money you stole from my account, I'd fly over to where you are right now and kill you!"

Touko Aozaki simply laughed in response while Aoko Aozaki raged on the other end of the phone.


"Yep, that's Sensei alright. I can hear her from the other side of this room."


Meanwhile, within the other world, Motoharu Tsuchimikado stood within the Windowless Building, pockets in his hands as he looked up at Aleister Crowley, the General Superintendent of Academy City.

Many things had changed, for better or for worse, after the whole ordeal. Fiamma of the Right by himself was not something that Crowley had accounted for, but at least the existence of the Murder Games was something he was able to adjust his plans to.

"So... Now that you have the power of the Jeweled Sword of Zelretch and the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon on you, what exactly do you plan to accomplish with it? If someone like me is allowed to know, of course," Tsuchimikado asked, adjusting his sunglasses as he would speak.

"For now... Nothing," Crowley responded, "My interests are limited to this world, and the hidden world of the Magic Gods. But even so, I dare not traverse there just yet."

"Oh, yeah? What's keeping you from doing that?" Tsuchimikado said. He had no idea what this so-called hidden world was, or what a Magic God even was, but perhaps that was none of his business. After all, he shouldn't push his luck with someone usually so secretive like Aleister Crowley, the greatest magician to ever live, and the founder of the luxurious Academy City.


"Tell me, Tsuchimikado. Have you ever heard of a magical spear called Gungnir?"

Russia was still cold as ever, that much did not change ever since the Fiamma Incident.

Fiamma of the Right's body was stronger than that of a normal human. Even though the Holy Right was something that had faded away after he had become infected with the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, its protection continued to prevent him from dying on the spot when he had been hit by Mikoto Misaka's Railgun and sent flying out of the Star of Bethlehem.

Even so, just because he was alive didn't mean he was exactly functional at the moment. Even after a few days, Fiamma of the Right was still unconscious. It was a miracle that he hadn't died from something like hypothermia, but then, perhaps that was simply a miracle of God, bestowed upon him by the Holy Third.

Two figures approached him. It really was a pain trying to find him, especially in this blasted cold, but if he still contained traces of the power of the Arch Demon because of that Right Hand, it would all be worth it. Things didn't end so easily like that, after all.


"So we've finally found you... Fiamma of the Right."

In a world outside of the two worlds, an individual with the outward appearance of a young, teenage girl observed the events that had transpired. Omnipotence wasn't exactly a power of hers, but it wasn't outside the realm of possibility for a Majin.

Othinus mused to herself for a minute, before taking a breath.


"A Murder Game... Hmm, interesting."

A crossing between all sorts of worlds. The mechanics seemed unclear, but she seemed to be able to get the general gist of it.

If it could be used for anything she desired... perhaps she could use this to return to the world in which she had once resided.

And nothing would be able to stop her.​
Last edited:
"New Dawn"

Continued from here.

The Story As It Comes to a Close
As the mysterious ship known as the Star of Bethlehem rose from underneath the surface of Russia, the Survivors would all discover inside that all along, the true mastermind of the Murder Game had been Kirei Kotomine this entire time. Before any of you could attack him, the cursed black mud of All the Evil's World would overtake everyone, sending the Survivors into different places throughout the Star of Bethlehem to fight the final enemies that waited for them.

A number would come face to face with a corrupted Saber, under the influence of Fiamma of the Right. She would prove to be quite the match for everyone, but it was only through her love for Lon'qu would she be able to become freed from his wrath, finding salvation in death.

The rest of the Survivors would come into contact with Fiamma of the Right himself. Though he was prepared to instantly destroy them all, the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon would suddenly work against him, infecting his hand and causing him to weaken severely, giving everyone else the opportunity to fight against him evenly. The fight would end as the Right Hand would come cleanly off and his body would be launched out of the Star of Bethlehem, before the whole ship itself would begin to swerve down into the ground from the air.

As for a select few, they would awaken in what seemed to be a small cavern. The holding place of all of Kirei Kotomine's victims. It was then that it would be revealed that this was the resting place of the Holy Grail, which was absorbing the life energy of everyone around, including Rin, Ciel, and Erika, to further its own rise and give birth to Avenger once again. As Frank, Robin, and Minato would travel further, they would finally come across their old acquaintance; Kirei Kotomine, before engaging in a brutal fight against them all. Finally, through their combined efforts, they were able to defeat Kotomine, but not before the priest would declare that he had already won, revealing that he had managed to ensure the continued existence of the Murder Games, having traveled through many different worlds, ready to be the cause of many more games to come.

With that, Illya prepares to destroy the Holy Grail and end the Murder Game once and for all.


Smiling back at Frank, Minato, Erika, Robin, Eve, Ilona, as well as the unconscious forms of Ciel and Rin, Illya would nod, complying with their wishes. Her dress began to shine brighter and brighter as you all could feel your bodies growing lighter, as though you could feel your very souls becoming lifted from your bodies.

"It'll exert a lot of energy to transport you all. Why did so many of you have so be here? It's quite a pain, you know," the girl said jokingly, glowing and shining even more, "I'll have to transport the soul of Avenger into my body. Only then will peace be restored while the two of us die together," she revealed, the Grail roaring in the distance, as if protesting this turn of events.

"I'll... miss you all. It's been fun, really. But an older sister has to protect her younger siblings after all. Her duty as an older sibling always comes first before anything... so goodbye. Don't be getting into any more trouble, alright? Or I'll be really mad! 'Cause I'll be watching you all from up there!" She said, gesturing upwards. Heaven. An existence abstract to many. But surely, with the Dress of Heaven, she could achieve such a state of being, right?

"Materialization of the soul... Complete."

The entire ship rumbled violently, before the Star of Bethlehem would violently crash into the ground! With that, the group that stood in front of Illya would see one final flash, before their vision would turn to complete whiteness, and nothing else.

When they would wake up, they would find themselves lying in the snow, outside of the ship and back on the surface of Russia. Miraculously, your bodies were all better now. Your body parts that had previously been missing were now gone, good as new. Next to you was a note written in what seemed to be a pink or very light red highlighter. It couldn't have been anyone other than Touko Aozaki.

"Better keep out of trouble from now on, or I'll have to really start charging for the bodies!

-- Red."

It was over. It was finally over.


As for the entire rest of the group, fortunately enough, you would survive the crash down into Russia with no notable injuries. The walls all broke apart, allowing for an easy way out. Though you would all be exposed to the cold snow of the atmosphere, it wasn't so bad, right? Sure beat having to be in the Murder Game for much longer.

"K-Kinuhata! Are you alright?!" Hamazura's voice came, rushing over to the girl, as well as whoever would be close to her, "What the hell was all that just now?!"


"Whatever it was, it worked! And that's good enough for me!" Tsuchimikado said, appearing before you all and clapping his hands, "Nicely done there! Bravo, bravo!" He congratulated rather enthusiastically with his signature award-winning smile, "The sacrifices of the few will surely not be in vain, as you have all saved the many! Or something like that. I-I'm not good with speeches."


"Well. Glad to see you're all safe. Looks like I got cheated out of playing a part in saving the world," Touma said, appearing to be just fine as he stood beside Hamazura and Tsuchimikado, the white-haired nun clinging onto him like an animal, gnawing away at his head, though he seemed to pay it no mind.

Fiamma of the Right's body was nowhere to be found. You all couldn't tell if he was dead for good, simply buried somewhere else entirely, if he had somehow managed to survive and escape, or what. But perhaps that didn't matter. Without the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, the threat he posed at creating another multiversal threat was gone. And that was what was important, right?

Suddenly, a glow of red energy began to appear through the snow. The Right Hand of the Crimson Moon was right there, still existent. But instead of doing something harmful... it instead materialized what seemed to be a portal. A portal for all of you to return to your home worlds.

Finally, it was time to return.

"Whoaa... Would ya look at that? Looks like a convenient go-back-home portal to me!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked at the portal, "But haven't you all earned that? I'm sure that when you go back, so will end the weirdest Tuesday you've ever had and you can go on with your daily lives! Unless of course, you happen to stumble into another Murder Game, but by then, that'll be out of my control!"

The young man gave a small laugh, but to be honest, the possibility wasn't exactly far from feasible. Still, he gave a thumbs up. The atmosphere was surprisingly upbeat, considering the bittersweet reality that this was only one of far more Murder Games to come, courtesy of Kirei Kotomine himself. But whether that was your business or not was up to you, wasn't it?

Even so, at the end of the day, at least you were all alive.

"By the way, I'm taking this," he said curtly, taking the Right Hand that continued to project the portal before you all.

Oh, okay. Welp.

What a finale.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@The Tactician as Robin Tact (Fire Emblem) and Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Mister Negative (Marvel Comics)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" (One Piece)
@Archwar as Jason (OC)
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro (Marvel Comics)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@Nater Taters as Kirby (Kirby)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu (OC)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa (Mad Max)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)​

Frank sat bolt upright with a laugh. They were... they were alive! Was he trembling? Well, not that it mattered. Looking over, Rin appeared to be much better. That's all that mattered to him.

Several days have passed since the Fiamma Incident. That was what the Association and the Church were calling it in any case.

The two organizations were at an uproar, attempting to repair the damages that the magician from the other world had done. But that was something that the higher-ups worried about, while the rest of everyone else simply were happy to still be alive at all.

- - -


Rin Tohsaka sat in her mansion's sitting room, looking out the window as she enjoyed a cup of tea. The girl frowned a bit, looking somewhat distastefully at the tea. It wasn't bad by any means, but how Archer made it was much better. She rather missed the man, but it seemed that the Holy Grail War was simply something that wouldn't be able to go through.

Maybe another time...

Still, it felt strange. It didn't really feel like Archer was gone. It was almost as though he were still with her today, and that didn't just mean that cheesy "always be with you in spirit" kind of thing. It truly felt like he wasn't even dead. Like that person still existed within Fuyuki City today.

But Rin shook her head. Even for a mage like her, those thoughts were just too... off. Ah, well. Whatever it was, it shouldn't be any of her concern, right?

Going through the mail that had been delivered to her in her absence, Rin would discover a letter addressed to her from the Association. Huh, curious. What on Earth could it possibly be for?

Opening the envelope, she would unearth the contents from its cage and read what the letter had in store for her, before her eyes would widen in surprise, and then excitement, before shifting her head back.

"Fraaaaank!" Rin called out, "Have you ever been to London?"

While awaiting a response, she'd look back at the letter with a smile. The chance to learn straight from the Clock Tower, the headquarters of the Mage's Association, in London? She had been waiting for this kind of invitation for a long time! Boo-yah!


"Well. It really is finally all over, isn't it? No more of this Murder whatever business from me..." Rin sighed contently, before looking up at the ceiling, a thought popping into her head.

"... I wonder if I should invite Emiya as well..."

- - -


And thus, Ciel concluded her report on the Fiamma Incident. Her own personal account, that is. Sitting back in her seat, the desk beside her bed, the young woman would adjust her glasses a bit, wiping her brow.


"Hm... Another vacation from work would probably annoy the higher-ups, but this Murder Game business really is a pain. Hopefully, no more of that business in this world. It can happen anywhere else as long as it doesn't concern me," the Executor pouted to herself, crossing her arms, "I suppose I could just think over it during lunch..."

Maybe some curry rice, with potatoes, chicken, and carrots... Curry bread by itself certainly won't do. Especially since I'll be needing all the nutrients I can get ever since that ordeal.

Choices, choices.

Hm... And if I ask Minato, he'll probably just say something like "I'm fine with whatever you want!" But I dunno what I want!

The struggle.

- - -




"Ah, is that you, little sis? It's been a while, hasn't it? You sound really different over the phone. Maybe I'm just not used to it since you can never afford phone service."


"I have no idea what you're talking about!~"

"If I wasn't dirt broke right now because of all the money you stole from my account, I'd fly over to where you are right now and kill you!"

Touko Aozaki simply laughed in response while Aoko Aozaki raged on the other end of the phone.


"Yep, that's Sensei alright. I can hear her from the other side of this room."


"She's quite lively, isn't she?"

- - -


Meanwhile, within the other world, Motoharu Tsuchimikado stood within the Windowless Building, pockets in his hands as he looked up at Aleister Crowley, the General Superintendent of Academy City.

Many things had changed, for better or for worse, after the whole ordeal. Fiamma of the Right by himself was not something that Crowley had accounted for, but at least the existence of the Murder Games was something he was able to adjust his plans to.

"So... Now that you have the power of the Jeweled Sword of Zelretch and the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon on you, what exactly do you plan to accomplish with it? If someone like me is allowed to know, of course," Tsuchimikado asked, adjusting his sunglasses as he would speak.

"For now... Nothing," Crowley responded, "My interests are limited to this world, and the hidden world of the Magic Gods. But even so, I dare not traverse there just yet."

"Oh, yeah? What's keeping you from doing that?" Tsuchimikado said. He had no idea what this so-called hidden world was, or what a Magic God even was, but perhaps that was none of his business. After all, he shouldn't push his luck with someone usually so secretive like Aleister Crowley, the greatest magician to ever live, and the founder of the luxurious Academy City.


"Tell me, Tsuchimikado. Have you ever heard of a magical spear called Gungnir?"

- - -

Russia was still cold as ever, that much did not change ever since the Fiamma Incident.

Fiamma of the Right's body was stronger than that of a normal human. Even though the Holy Right was something that had faded away after he had become infected with the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, its protection continued to prevent him from dying on the spot when he had been hit by Mikoto Misaka's Railgun and sent flying out of the Star of Bethlehem.

Even so, just because he was alive didn't mean he was exactly functional at the moment. Even after a few days, Fiamma of the Right was still unconscious. It was a miracle that he hadn't died from something like hypothermia, but then, perhaps that was simply a miracle of God, bestowed upon him by the Holy Third.

Two figures approached him. It really was a pain trying to find him, especially in this blasted cold, but if he still contained traces of the power of the Arch Demon because of that Right Hand, it would all be worth it. Things didn't end so easily like that, after all.


"So we've finally found you... Fiamma of the Right."

- - -

In a world outside of the two worlds, an individual with the outward appearance of a young, teenage girl observed the events that had transpired. Omnipotence wasn't exactly a power of hers, but it wasn't outside the realm of possibility for a Majin.

Othinus mused to herself for a minute, before taking a breath.


"A Murder Game... Hmm, interesting."

A crossing between all sorts of worlds. The mechanics seemed unclear, but she seemed to be able to get the general gist of it.

If it could be used for anything she desired... perhaps she could use this to return to the world in which she had once resided.

And nothing would be able to stop her.​

"Many times, yes. What's up, Rin?" He came in and peered over her shoulder, then nodded. "I'm willing to bet this will be the last I hear of Murder. It'll be a welcome change." At that last remark, he tilted his head to the side and cocked a mischevioud grin. "Oh? And why would you invite him? Hmmm?" The old man teased her.

"New Dawn"

Continued from here.

The Story As It Comes to a Close
As the mysterious ship known as the Star of Bethlehem rose from underneath the surface of Russia, the Survivors would all discover inside that all along, the true mastermind of the Murder Game had been Kirei Kotomine this entire time. Before any of you could attack him, the cursed black mud of All the Evil's World would overtake everyone, sending the Survivors into different places throughout the Star of Bethlehem to fight the final enemies that waited for them.

A number would come face to face with a corrupted Saber, under the influence of Fiamma of the Right. She would prove to be quite the match for everyone, but it was only through her love for Lon'qu would she be able to become freed from his wrath, finding salvation in death.

The rest of the Survivors would come into contact with Fiamma of the Right himself. Though he was prepared to instantly destroy them all, the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon would suddenly work against him, infecting his hand and causing him to weaken severely, giving everyone else the opportunity to fight against him evenly. The fight would end as the Right Hand would come cleanly off and his body would be launched out of the Star of Bethlehem, before the whole ship itself would begin to swerve down into the ground from the air.

As for a select few, they would awaken in what seemed to be a small cavern. The holding place of all of Kirei Kotomine's victims. It was then that it would be revealed that this was the resting place of the Holy Grail, which was absorbing the life energy of everyone around, including Rin, Ciel, and Erika, to further its own rise and give birth to Avenger once again. As Frank, Robin, and Minato would travel further, they would finally come across their old acquaintance; Kirei Kotomine, before engaging in a brutal fight against them all. Finally, through their combined efforts, they were able to defeat Kotomine, but not before the priest would declare that he had already won, revealing that he had managed to ensure the continued existence of the Murder Games, having traveled through many different worlds, ready to be the cause of many more games to come.

With that, Illya prepares to destroy the Holy Grail and end the Murder Game once and for all.


Smiling back at Frank, Minato, Erika, Robin, Eve, Ilona, as well as the unconscious forms of Ciel and Rin, Illya would nod, complying with their wishes. Her dress began to shine brighter and brighter as you all could feel your bodies growing lighter, as though you could feel your very souls becoming lifted from your bodies.

"It'll exert a lot of energy to transport you all. Why did so many of you have so be here? It's quite a pain, you know," the girl said jokingly, glowing and shining even more, "I'll have to transport the soul of Avenger into my body. Only then will peace be restored while the two of us die together," she revealed, the Grail roaring in the distance, as if protesting this turn of events.

"I'll... miss you all. It's been fun, really. But an older sister has to protect her younger siblings after all. Her duty as an older sibling always comes first before anything... so goodbye. Don't be getting into any more trouble, alright? Or I'll be really mad! 'Cause I'll be watching you all from up there!" She said, gesturing upwards. Heaven. An existence abstract to many. But surely, with the Dress of Heaven, she could achieve such a state of being, right?

"Materialization of the soul... Complete."

The entire ship rumbled violently, before the Star of Bethlehem would violently crash into the ground! With that, the group that stood in front of Illya would see one final flash, before their vision would turn to complete whiteness, and nothing else.

When they would wake up, they would find themselves lying in the snow, outside of the ship and back on the surface of Russia. Miraculously, your bodies were all better now. Your body parts that had previously been missing were now gone, good as new. Next to you was a note written in what seemed to be a pink or very light red highlighter. It couldn't have been anyone other than Touko Aozaki.

"Better keep out of trouble from now on, or I'll have to really start charging for the bodies!

-- Red."

It was over. It was finally over.


As for the entire rest of the group, fortunately enough, you would survive the crash down into Russia with no notable injuries. The walls all broke apart, allowing for an easy way out. Though you would all be exposed to the cold snow of the atmosphere, it wasn't so bad, right? Sure beat having to be in the Murder Game for much longer.

"K-Kinuhata! Are you alright?!" Hamazura's voice came, rushing over to the girl, as well as whoever would be close to her, "What the hell was all that just now?!"


"Whatever it was, it worked! And that's good enough for me!" Tsuchimikado said, appearing before you all and clapping his hands, "Nicely done there! Bravo, bravo!" He congratulated rather enthusiastically with his signature award-winning smile, "The sacrifices of the few will surely not be in vain, as you have all saved the many! Or something like that. I-I'm not good with speeches."


"Well. Glad to see you're all safe. Looks like I got cheated out of playing a part in saving the world," Touma said, appearing to be just fine as he stood beside Hamazura and Tsuchimikado, the white-haired nun clinging onto him like an animal, gnawing away at his head, though he seemed to pay it no mind.

Fiamma of the Right's body was nowhere to be found. You all couldn't tell if he was dead for good, simply buried somewhere else entirely, if he had somehow managed to survive and escape, or what. But perhaps that didn't matter. Without the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, the threat he posed at creating another multiversal threat was gone. And that was what was important, right?

Suddenly, a glow of red energy began to appear through the snow. The Right Hand of the Crimson Moon was right there, still existent. But instead of doing something harmful... it instead materialized what seemed to be a portal. A portal for all of you to return to your home worlds.

Finally, it was time to return.

"Whoaa... Would ya look at that? Looks like a convenient go-back-home portal to me!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked at the portal, "But haven't you all earned that? I'm sure that when you go back, so will end the weirdest Tuesday you've ever had and you can go on with your daily lives! Unless of course, you happen to stumble into another Murder Game, but by then, that'll be out of my control!"

The young man gave a small laugh, but to be honest, the possibility wasn't exactly far from feasible. Still, he gave a thumbs up. The atmosphere was surprisingly upbeat, considering the bittersweet reality that this was only one of far more Murder Games to come, courtesy of Kirei Kotomine himself. But whether that was your business or not was up to you, wasn't it?

Even so, at the end of the day, at least you were all alive.

"By the way, I'm taking this," he said curtly, taking the Right Hand that continued to project the portal before you all.

Oh, okay. Welp.

What a finale.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@The Tactician as Robin Tact (Fire Emblem) and Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Mister Negative (Marvel Comics)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" (One Piece)
@Archwar as Jason (OC)
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro (Marvel Comics)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@Nater Taters as Kirby (Kirby)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu (OC)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa (Mad Max)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)​

"Well then... that's the end to that."

A content smile on the detective's face now that they were out of that Murder Game. It was all over with now. As if she had enough for one sitting last time. Either way, she seemed rather antsy for some reason. Not wanting to wait on this moment any longer, Erika walked her way towards Robin eagerly.


"Robin-kun! You know, we both need a change of pace after all that's happened. Um... will you go out on a date with me?"

It seemed like Erika wasn't going to hesitate with popping this question when the urge came to her. For the amount of months that they've known each other, the question was going to show up sooner or later.

@The Tactician

Off to the side, the Endless Sorcerer grinned at Erika's question, hearing it from afar.


"Heh... Erika's never looked this excited for a date before. Guess people do change once you give them the time," Battler grinned to himself. He first thought of the detective as a malicious and fiendish opponent, as he has seen in the fifth and sixths games in the Gameboard. However, she wasn't showing that much of her "other side," and it was pretty refreshing to see her acting like the normal teenage girl she appears to be.


"At least we also got that thing done for Ange. Hopefully that's all that we had to do..."

Unlike the others that could return to their dimensions through that portal, Battler snapped his fingers to have a small cluster of golden butterflies conjure up a small blue crystal. The Metaworld wasn't exactly an easy place to get to, since it was a rather awkward dimension with it's own adjustable laws and physics. Even if he were a Gamemaster there, he couldn't let people know the way to that place at all. That's where the usage of Kakeras come in. While Kakeras were just like Fragments, Kakeras were just more than little worlds, and were usually the primary method of travel for dwellers from the Metaworld.

The Endless Sorcerer only tossed the Kakera up and down from his hand, waiting for the detective to finish up her business so they could fetch a ride back to the Metaworld. Unless someone wanted to have a final word with him before they departed, now was the time.​

"Many times, yes. What's up, Rin?" He came in and peered over her shoulder, then nodded. "I'm willing to bet this will be the last I hear of Murder. It'll be a welcome change." At that last remark, he tilted his head to the side and cocked a mischevioud grin. "Oh? And why would you invite him? Hmmm?" The old man teased her.


"A-Ah, you heard that? It was nothing! Just a passing thought, that's all!" Rin would exclaim in embarrassment. The lady doth protest too much, but that was okay.

"A-Anyway... The Association has invited me to London at their headquarters, the Clock Tower. It's a big deal to be invited to such a place. Think of it like the most extravagant university ever, like Harvard or Yale or whatever those American ones are called, except, y'know, for mages," Rin stammered, still somewhat recovering from Frank catching on to her last comment from before, "I assume that you'd be okay with moving there, right? Of course, we'll have to come back here from time to time to clean up and so on, but I suppose I can just ask my sister to occupy this place for me," she sighed, leaning back in her seat.

"This is the kind of place that gets lonely quickly... If no one lives here, it really will become the haunted house that people around town think it is, y'know."


And there was the occurrence that made Ryan- who had been trying to stay to the sidelines as she had been told -freeze where she stood. She could only watch with wide, horrified eyes, rigid with shock and terror. But, this did not last - for the scene made little Ryan do something completely unpredictable and.. Ridiculously stupid.

She broke into a full run, right into explosion.

Reece noticed this out of the corner of her eye, and she immediately whirled around to face her sister's direction.. Eyes widening with horror. "Ryan!!" Forgetting about Lon'qu's sword that had been in her hands altogether, Reece leapt into action immediately. The weapon fell to the ground with a resounding 'clang', and the Sybil ran- the first time she had done so here -after her sister. The elder sibling tackled the younger one down, curling herself around the younger girl protectively to shield her from the force of the explosion.

...And good gosh it was painful.

Reece could only barely keep herself from crying out in pain from the force, but just like always, she withstood it. Maybe she wasn't the most understanding, was a bit sassy, and could be rather bad at keeping an eye on her sister... She wouldn't let her die. Hell, if she could stop her from even being hurt, she'd do it in a second.. Even if it meant pulling an incredibly stupid stunt like the one she just had.


Cringing as the explosion died out, Reece could only stay still, her form still protectively curled around her sister. Well... For a little while, anyways. After a moment, she relaxed, rolling off of Ryan to just lay flat on her stomach. Yeah... Just laying there for a little while couldn't hurt, right?


Little Ryan definitely didn't share that mindset. No, the child immediately righted herself, staring at her sister with something akin to terror. "..Reece.." the child practically whispered, shifting so she was sitting on her knees by her sister, her hands hovering over her body. Her tears intensified, and she seemed to lose her cool for a minute.

Her sister, on the other hand, was forcing herself to be the calm one. She shifted a little, forcing herself to sit up... Even though good God it hurt. In any case, at least her intervention hadn't been the exact moment the the explosion occurred, so the damage wasn't as extensive as it could've been. "I'll be.. Fine.." she responded, somehow managing to keep her voice steady. "Just.. Take care of Saber and Ryner, and anyone else that might need it, alright? I can.. Wait," she muttered.

It was rather obvious that Ryan was hesitant. She couldn't just leave her sister like this.. Could she? Especially when it was her own fault that it had happened. But, a glance at the bloodied form of Saber told her that the damage there was much more extensive.. And the child nodded, fists clenching in determination. "Right. But, first.. Can you do me a favor..?" the girl asked, softly.

Oh, no. This never went well. Reluctant as she was, Reece still forced a smile. "..Sure thing."

"Pinky-promise you'll be alright...?" To go along with her question, Ryan extended her pinky, hopefully. There was a brief silence, but Reece reluctantly(and very shakily) took Ryan's pinky with her own. The concept was ridiculous and childish, in her eyes, but anything to cheer up Ryan.


A renewed vigor entered Ryan, and after flashing her sister a reassured smile, she released her sister's hand and stood, heading for Saber with clear determination. Influenced by Flamma or no.. Ryan was done with this. Done with the unnecessary death. Done with people being hurt. And, above all, done with sitting back being unable to do anything.

Meanwhile, Reece could only lay back, eyes shut tightly while trying to ignore the pain. Nothing the good ol' Sybil couldn't handle... Right?

At this point, Ryan was already starting to crouch by Saber, a much more serious expression than usual set on her kind features. "On it," she replied to Lon'qu, firmly. All the while, her blue eyes were combing over the Servant's form, eyebrows furrowing in focus. Even with the tears clouding her vision, she quickly determined which wounds were the most severe, and set to work - trying to focus on the most severe wounds, first, before handling the lesser ones. But it was draining.. So she had to focus only on the wounds that would be fatal, if she wanted to heal Ryner and Reece as well.

The child looked at Ryner thoughtfully when he said they could maybe save Saber, as though considering this. But, her response was all the same. "..No, we can," she responded, firmly. "Anything is possible if you believe it is."

As Ryner went on, though, Ryan's expression became more serious again. Reece was too out of it to pay it much mind.. But Ryan was very well aware. She was simply quiet, as though unsure what to say.


@DapperDogman @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Crimson Spartan @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Wedge Antilles @Mari

Eugh mobile shitposts but
Gilgamesh had noticed and attempted to follow Reece's plan, but before he could Saber's Noble Phantasm would suddenly go off, creating a giant explosion which destroyed all the surrounding Gates of Babylon and even made Gilgamesh move back a few feet.

Thank god he had kept some distance.

However, once the explosion was over he got an easy view over the aftermath, Saber was dying and people hastefully trying to heal her... And then Reece resting from a giant wound of the Explosion.


Were these Mongrels actually ignoring the wounds of their comrades in favour of someone who just tried to kill them!?

It didn't matter right now though, unleashing anger at them wouldn't change anything. So instead he rushed over to where Reece was lying, summoning one of his Gates to bring out the same healing staff he used in the aftermath of the fight with Caster.

Standing over her he held out the staff and simply said "Hold still you foolish child!" before chanting "Heal!" and the Staff soon light up, beginning to work on her wounds.​
This post is quoting funny, so I'm doing this instead.​
This one too.​
Whenever the Staff would have finished it's worked and it be confirmed that Reece was fine, Gilgamesh would then proceed to make his way towards the group huddling around Saber.

It seemed she was already gone, this didn't really bother him. If anything it provided closure for him, the Holy Grail Wars and the Murder Games were officially over, leaving Gilgamesh free to pursue other things, alone.

However, Saber did show incredible strength in sacrificing herself for the others. A foolish and childish move, but it also spoke of her own Strength to break such mind control to begin with, and it also showed that she refused to be another's puppet, something Gilgamesh could respect.

With this Gilgamesh faced Lonqu, just looking him in the eye, silently. This lasted a little bit before he opened a Gate and on the ground between them fell Excalibur. "I have no more use for this weapon, do with it as you wish". This was probably the closest to respect Lonqu and Saber were going to get from Gilgamesh at this point.
Ryner winces, his body being crushed against the forcefield he'd set up. He lay, slumped over, blood seeping his mouth once again as he coughs, staring at her body "N-No..."

"Th-This isn't how it's meant to be!" he manages through a clenched jaw, crawling toward her body slowly, his body using every ounce of strength it could muster to push onward
Claw after claw his hands scraped away dirt as he moved closer, inch by inch, until he was near enough to touch her

His hand rested upon her shoulder as he tried to use Ryan's healing gift

"I-I'll do what I can, Lon'Qu...Maybe me and Ryan can save her if we work together"

Tears streamed down his face as he sat, unsure of what to say to everyone, he knew Ryan wouldn't take well to this, she was young, she shouldn't have to see it, Reece too, wouldn't deal with it well, she knew how Ryner felt about being unable to do anything to help, and surely knew how deep this loss cut him, Lon'Qu had lost a great deal himself, more than Ryner. And Donny was Lon'Qu's friend, he'd feel this loss greatly too. Even Gilgamesh would be upset by her death, surely, he knew her before anyone else did, and even if he looked at her as a pet, he would be disheartened by her death

The other two were the ones who nearly caused him to fly into a rage
"I couldn't save her, yet you two get to parade about all lovey dovey"
"Fuck you"

Ryner stands weakly, his body beaten and bloody, with bruises forming on his skin as he climbs out of the crater, not looking either of them in the eye
"Murderers get to be happier than good, honest men who put their lives on the line to save all of us..."
He spits on the floor, a mouthful of blood splattering against the rocks under him
"I'm going to find whoever's in charge of this game. And I'm going to kill them, and everything they stood for...With or without your help"
"And I'll tell you now, Pyro...if you turn on us, and try to kill me, I will smear you across the floor quicker than you can blink"

"Do I make myself perfectly fucking clear?!"

@Crimson Spartan @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Wedge Antilles @Mari @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Hospes
And it was this time Gilgamesh then left Lonqu to his own devices, interjecting on Ryner's spiel with Pyro.

Shouting out as he approached Ryner from behind "For once we agree. You children best leave now, your role in these games are over" he declared to Pyro and Mari.

Then directing his attention simply to Ryner he stated "It seems I acted rashly towards you earlier. You showed a Strength and Dedication stronger than any Servant I've known... Other than one. That is worthy of some acknowledgement. I don't know if after these games we will see each other again or not, if we do then I consider me your Ally for ending these Games. If not then know we at least share a common foe".

@Wedge Antilles @Mari
"New Dawn"

Continued from here.

The Story As It Comes to a Close
As the mysterious ship known as the Star of Bethlehem rose from underneath the surface of Russia, the Survivors would all discover inside that all along, the true mastermind of the Murder Game had been Kirei Kotomine this entire time. Before any of you could attack him, the cursed black mud of All the Evil's World would overtake everyone, sending the Survivors into different places throughout the Star of Bethlehem to fight the final enemies that waited for them.

A number would come face to face with a corrupted Saber, under the influence of Fiamma of the Right. She would prove to be quite the match for everyone, but it was only through her love for Lon'qu would she be able to become freed from his wrath, finding salvation in death.

The rest of the Survivors would come into contact with Fiamma of the Right himself. Though he was prepared to instantly destroy them all, the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon would suddenly work against him, infecting his hand and causing him to weaken severely, giving everyone else the opportunity to fight against him evenly. The fight would end as the Right Hand would come cleanly off and his body would be launched out of the Star of Bethlehem, before the whole ship itself would begin to swerve down into the ground from the air.

As for a select few, they would awaken in what seemed to be a small cavern. The holding place of all of Kirei Kotomine's victims. It was then that it would be revealed that this was the resting place of the Holy Grail, which was absorbing the life energy of everyone around, including Rin, Ciel, and Erika, to further its own rise and give birth to Avenger once again. As Frank, Robin, and Minato would travel further, they would finally come across their old acquaintance; Kirei Kotomine, before engaging in a brutal fight against them all. Finally, through their combined efforts, they were able to defeat Kotomine, but not before the priest would declare that he had already won, revealing that he had managed to ensure the continued existence of the Murder Games, having traveled through many different worlds, ready to be the cause of many more games to come.

With that, Illya prepares to destroy the Holy Grail and end the Murder Game once and for all.


Smiling back at Frank, Minato, Erika, Robin, Eve, Ilona, as well as the unconscious forms of Ciel and Rin, Illya would nod, complying with their wishes. Her dress began to shine brighter and brighter as you all could feel your bodies growing lighter, as though you could feel your very souls becoming lifted from your bodies.

"It'll exert a lot of energy to transport you all. Why did so many of you have so be here? It's quite a pain, you know," the girl said jokingly, glowing and shining even more, "I'll have to transport the soul of Avenger into my body. Only then will peace be restored while the two of us die together," she revealed, the Grail roaring in the distance, as if protesting this turn of events.

"I'll... miss you all. It's been fun, really. But an older sister has to protect her younger siblings after all. Her duty as an older sibling always comes first before anything... so goodbye. Don't be getting into any more trouble, alright? Or I'll be really mad! 'Cause I'll be watching you all from up there!" She said, gesturing upwards. Heaven. An existence abstract to many. But surely, with the Dress of Heaven, she could achieve such a state of being, right?

"Materialization of the soul... Complete."

The entire ship rumbled violently, before the Star of Bethlehem would violently crash into the ground! With that, the group that stood in front of Illya would see one final flash, before their vision would turn to complete whiteness, and nothing else.

When they would wake up, they would find themselves lying in the snow, outside of the ship and back on the surface of Russia. Miraculously, your bodies were all better now. Your body parts that had previously been missing were now gone, good as new. Next to you was a note written in what seemed to be a pink or very light red highlighter. It couldn't have been anyone other than Touko Aozaki.

"Better keep out of trouble from now on, or I'll have to really start charging for the bodies!

-- Red."

It was over. It was finally over.


As for the entire rest of the group, fortunately enough, you would survive the crash down into Russia with no notable injuries. The walls all broke apart, allowing for an easy way out. Though you would all be exposed to the cold snow of the atmosphere, it wasn't so bad, right? Sure beat having to be in the Murder Game for much longer.

"K-Kinuhata! Are you alright?!" Hamazura's voice came, rushing over to the girl, as well as whoever would be close to her, "What the hell was all that just now?!"


"Whatever it was, it worked! And that's good enough for me!" Tsuchimikado said, appearing before you all and clapping his hands, "Nicely done there! Bravo, bravo!" He congratulated rather enthusiastically with his signature award-winning smile, "The sacrifices of the few will surely not be in vain, as you have all saved the many! Or something like that. I-I'm not good with speeches."


"Well. Glad to see you're all safe. Looks like I got cheated out of playing a part in saving the world," Touma said, appearing to be just fine as he stood beside Hamazura and Tsuchimikado, the white-haired nun clinging onto him like an animal, gnawing away at his head, though he seemed to pay it no mind.

Fiamma of the Right's body was nowhere to be found. You all couldn't tell if he was dead for good, simply buried somewhere else entirely, if he had somehow managed to survive and escape, or what. But perhaps that didn't matter. Without the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, the threat he posed at creating another multiversal threat was gone. And that was what was important, right?

Suddenly, a glow of red energy began to appear through the snow. The Right Hand of the Crimson Moon was right there, still existent. But instead of doing something harmful... it instead materialized what seemed to be a portal. A portal for all of you to return to your home worlds.

Finally, it was time to return.

"Whoaa... Would ya look at that? Looks like a convenient go-back-home portal to me!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked at the portal, "But haven't you all earned that? I'm sure that when you go back, so will end the weirdest Tuesday you've ever had and you can go on with your daily lives! Unless of course, you happen to stumble into another Murder Game, but by then, that'll be out of my control!"

The young man gave a small laugh, but to be honest, the possibility wasn't exactly far from feasible. Still, he gave a thumbs up. The atmosphere was surprisingly upbeat, considering the bittersweet reality that this was only one of far more Murder Games to come, courtesy of Kirei Kotomine himself. But whether that was your business or not was up to you, wasn't it?

Even so, at the end of the day, at least you were all alive.

"By the way, I'm taking this," he said curtly, taking the Right Hand that continued to project the portal before you all.

Oh, okay. Welp.

What a finale.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@The Tactician as Robin Tact (Fire Emblem) and Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Mister Negative (Marvel Comics)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" (One Piece)
@Archwar as Jason (OC)
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro (Marvel Comics)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@Nater Taters as Kirby (Kirby)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu (OC)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa (Mad Max)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)​
Gilgamesh simply decided to enjoy another glass of wine.
The Murder Games were finally over, and no doubt everyone was eager to leave.
But there's no harm in sticking around a bit to say some goodbyes right?​
Gilgamesh simply decided to enjoy another glass of wine.
The Murder Games were finally over, and no doubt everyone was eager to leave.
But there's no harm in sticking around a bit to say some goodbyes right?​

"Looks like we got ourselves a break now..." Battler didn't care if this sounded like some poor attempt at small talk, it wasn't like there would be instances where he could happen to bump into some of these people again. He didn't do much traveling from the Metaworld anyways.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai
For all the effort the group placed upon healing Saber, a member of the group who had been the first to fall at the blade of the possessed servant could only look on in disgust. But it wasn't her fault, Stubbs! She was controlled by the head honcho, Stubbs! Yeah, well all of that may have been true but it didn't heal the cut he had from shoulder to mid-section on his chest. Digging his nails into the ground, he'd push himself onto his rear. If this crazy sword-wielding dame was gonna prevent him from going too far, then he'd at least sit comfortably. Besides, wasn't like he had anything in his arsenal that would have helped save the dame. Not unless Lon'qu minded shacking up with an undead knight but somehow he doubted that.

If he had learned anything from his time here it was that skeletons existed and got along well with zombies. That and angry asian women had some kinda hate for zombies based on them just..well being zombies! Which, he supposed would have been fair if he had eaten anyone related to her. Though, now the thought struck him. What if he had eaten the brains of one of Mari's relatives living in Punchbowl at the time? Maybe that'd explain why she had such a strong dislike for him up until near the end. As Saber began to stir however, Stubbs slowly reached inside his open chest cavity. If she was still loopy then he wasn't gonna take the chance of her trying to finish what she had started.

Wincing as her body ached with pain, even after Percy and Ryan's attempts at healing she glanced over at them and smiled.

"..Even when things seem hopeless...You and your fellows rose to the challenge. Now here you are attempting to heal the one who nearly slayed you." She murmured before using the rock she'd been leaning on as way to push herself up to her feet although it was clear that she was still drained.

"It was like being a prisoner within my own body. Locked inside and shoved off to the deepest recesses of my mind while Fiamma's influence guided my body like some kind of machine to do his bidding. For as reviled as Caster was, I'm sure even she did not deserve to be strung under Fiamm's strings. For I've now seen what it's like firsthand. I could only watch in horror as I fought against those I would have given up my free-will and so much more to protect." She glanced down at Ryan and smiled as she reached out to affectionately pat the girl on the head.

"You'll grow up to be a legend, that I'm sure of young one. But despite all of your efforts I'm afraid to say.." She paused and parts of her seemed to fade away into dust. "In using my noble phantasm against Ryner, I've only managed to secure a small amount of mana to give my final farewells before I depart. Ryner, I..I do not know how else to express my eternal gratitude for you to allow me to express my true self through that hideous puppet of Fiamma's making. Even if it would end up being for the last time. I only wish that when our blades crossed it would have been on my own terms. Perhaps when you finally cross over, we'll be able to have that spar you spoke of."

Noticing that the speed of her fading away was speeding up, she knew she couldn't afford to waste any more time. So, she turned to face the one person who had risked everything and more to help save her from this fate.

"Lon'qu. Our meeting seemed so brief, yet for the time we shared it felt like an eternity. Even during the roughest moments, you continually chose to stick by my side and I have so much respect for someone as undoubtedly loyal as you. I..I just wish I had more time! To do what I would have liked with you, what we could have had!" She shouted as her eyes seemed to growing misty. Wiping them away as best as she could, she gave a small laugh. "Heh, if I'm to be going then I shouldn't go in tears. There might have been much that I did not get to do. But who's to say that someday our paths will not cross again? If fate were to allow such an encounter, I'd gladly wait for you Lon'qu." Deciding that she had finally said her peace, she walked over and gave the warrior a quick peck on the lips before stepping back, the pinnacle of the brave knight Arthur and the woman that Lon'qu had fallen for.

"Goodbye my friends and you as well, Lon'qu. I hope we meet again someday.."


With that Saber vanished, leaving only the memories the group had made with her in such a short time. But despite having 'lost' the knight, they would know that there was indeed some truth to the knight's words. Perhaps someday they would meet again, but then that would have been a story to be told another time. There was still much to do after all like re-uniting with the others.

@DapperDogman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Hospes @TheSilverPaladin @Wedge Antilles @Mari
Gilgamesh had noticed and attempted to follow Reece's plan, but before he could Saber's Noble Phantasm would suddenly go off, creating a giant explosion which destroyed all the surrounding Gates of Babylon and even made Gilgamesh move back a few feet.

Thank god he had kept some distance.

However, once the explosion was over he got an easy view over the aftermath, Saber was dying and people hastefully trying to heal her... And then Reece resting from a giant wound of the Explosion.


Were these Mongrels actually ignoring the wounds of their comrades in favour of someone who just tried to kill them!?

It didn't matter right now though, unleashing anger at them wouldn't change anything. So instead he rushed over to where Reece was lying, summoning one of his Gates to bring out the same healing staff he used in the aftermath of the fight with Caster.

Standing over her he held out the staff and simply said "Hold still you foolish child!" before chanting "Heal!" and the Staff soon light up, beginning to work on her wounds.​

Whenever the Staff would have finished it's worked and it be confirmed that Reece was fine, Gilgamesh would then proceed to make his way towards the group huddling around Saber.

It seemed she was already gone, this didn't really bother him. If anything it provided closure for him, the Holy Grail Wars and the Murder Games were officially over, leaving Gilgamesh free to pursue other things, alone.

However, Saber did show incredible strength in sacrificing herself for the others. A foolish and childish move, but it also spoke of her own Strength to break such mind control to begin with, and it also showed that she refused to be another's puppet, something Gilgamesh could respect.

With this Gilgamesh faced Lonqu, just looking him in the eye, silently. This lasted a little bit before he opened a Gate and on the ground between them fell Excalibur. "I have no more use for this weapon, do with it as you wish". This was probably the closest to respect Lonqu and Saber were going to get from Gilgamesh at this point.

And it was this time Gilgamesh then left Lonqu to his own devices, interjecting on Ryner's spiel with Pyro.

Shouting out as he approached Ryner from behind "For once we agree. You children best leave now, your role in these games are over" he declared to Pyro and Mari.

Then directing his attention simply to Ryner he stated "It seems I acted rashly towards you earlier. You showed a Strength and Dedication stronger than any Servant I've known... Other than one. That is worthy of some acknowledgement. I don't know if after these games we will see each other again or not, if we do then I consider me your Ally for ending these Games. If not then know we at least share a common foe".

@Wedge Antilles @Mari

Gilgamesh simply decided to enjoy another glass of wine.
The Murder Games were finally over, and no doubt everyone was eager to leave.
But there's no harm in sticking around a bit to say some goodbyes right?​


It wasn't very difficult for little Ryan to pick up on the fact that her healing wasn't doing any good. The fact Saber was still experiencing severe pain was written all over her features.. And Ryan could swear she'd never felt so helpless in her life. Healing was her gift. Nay, her purpose. It was who she was, and what she'd been made for. So why couldn't she do it? Why wasn't she up to the task? Regardless of the reason, the child's vision only grew hazier as a new set of tears streaked her face. But, despite, she forced a small smile at Saber. "You weren't the one doing those things, miss.. The bad guy made you do it," she stated, confident in her point.. But with less enthusiasm than usual. "..I'm sorry that happened to you. No one deserves that."

Well... The fact that Saber didn't seem upset that her attempts had failed at least made things a little better. In fact, the woman was praising her - and the child found herself only crying more because of it. But, she managed a smile up at the past king, just barely managing to keep her lip from quivering while doing so. "I don't care if I become a legend or not.. I want to be like you," she stated, softly. "I want to give everything to protect people, too. No matter what." And, even though she didn't know it just yet... She would.

Even if it cost her her life.

Quietly, the girl's gaze drifted down, and she rubbed her eyes with her hands in attempt to scrub the tears away. The girl was, in truth, reasoning with herself. Trying to think this over, like the Ryan everyone had come to know. Looking for a way to grasp this in an optimistic manner, like she'd done with every other situation she'd been in. There was always good in the world, should one be patient enough to find it, right? And, slowly, she did find it. "..Where I come from, people have died and came back to life before. Maybe you'll do the same," she chimed, hopefully.. After hugging Saber's leg tightly like the child she was, anyways.

If not... Good luck in the Otherworld. Maybe you'll even meet my brother there.

Reluctantly, Ryan forced herself to turn away, struggling to see through the tears that were still coming despite her efforts of optimism. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't waste time like this. Reece and Ryner still needed her help, and she couldn't let them down. Not when she'd just let down another. So, she turned to the latter, looking up at him quietly.. Before outstretching a hand up to him. "Here.. Let me help..-"

Before she had the chance to do so? Everything went out again.

Of course, while all of that had been going on, Reece was totally suffering the horrible fate of getting destroyed b- ..I mean healed by -Gilgamesh and his unbearable wrath. Of course, she didn't really mind. It was better than the much more unbearable pain from the explosion, in any case, and she didn't have to worry about wasting Ryan's energy in the process. That was also nice. So, instead of snapping at Gilgamesh for calling her a 'foolish child', or criticizing him like she had before, Reece actually...



Yeah, it was pretty distinct, since she seldom did it.

"...Thanks, Gilgamesh."

The subtext of those words was totally 'omfg did you just fucking call me foolish i will destroy you you little fuck'. Totallyyyyy. Because Reece didn't compliment people, right?
"New Dawn"

Continued from here.

The Story As It Comes to a Close
As the mysterious ship known as the Star of Bethlehem rose from underneath the surface of Russia, the Survivors would all discover inside that all along, the true mastermind of the Murder Game had been Kirei Kotomine this entire time. Before any of you could attack him, the cursed black mud of All the Evil's World would overtake everyone, sending the Survivors into different places throughout the Star of Bethlehem to fight the final enemies that waited for them.

A number would come face to face with a corrupted Saber, under the influence of Fiamma of the Right. She would prove to be quite the match for everyone, but it was only through her love for Lon'qu would she be able to become freed from his wrath, finding salvation in death.

The rest of the Survivors would come into contact with Fiamma of the Right himself. Though he was prepared to instantly destroy them all, the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon would suddenly work against him, infecting his hand and causing him to weaken severely, giving everyone else the opportunity to fight against him evenly. The fight would end as the Right Hand would come cleanly off and his body would be launched out of the Star of Bethlehem, before the whole ship itself would begin to swerve down into the ground from the air.

As for a select few, they would awaken in what seemed to be a small cavern. The holding place of all of Kirei Kotomine's victims. It was then that it would be revealed that this was the resting place of the Holy Grail, which was absorbing the life energy of everyone around, including Rin, Ciel, and Erika, to further its own rise and give birth to Avenger once again. As Frank, Robin, and Minato would travel further, they would finally come across their old acquaintance; Kirei Kotomine, before engaging in a brutal fight against them all. Finally, through their combined efforts, they were able to defeat Kotomine, but not before the priest would declare that he had already won, revealing that he had managed to ensure the continued existence of the Murder Games, having traveled through many different worlds, ready to be the cause of many more games to come.

With that, Illya prepares to destroy the Holy Grail and end the Murder Game once and for all.


Smiling back at Frank, Minato, Erika, Robin, Eve, Ilona, as well as the unconscious forms of Ciel and Rin, Illya would nod, complying with their wishes. Her dress began to shine brighter and brighter as you all could feel your bodies growing lighter, as though you could feel your very souls becoming lifted from your bodies.

"It'll exert a lot of energy to transport you all. Why did so many of you have so be here? It's quite a pain, you know," the girl said jokingly, glowing and shining even more, "I'll have to transport the soul of Avenger into my body. Only then will peace be restored while the two of us die together," she revealed, the Grail roaring in the distance, as if protesting this turn of events.

"I'll... miss you all. It's been fun, really. But an older sister has to protect her younger siblings after all. Her duty as an older sibling always comes first before anything... so goodbye. Don't be getting into any more trouble, alright? Or I'll be really mad! 'Cause I'll be watching you all from up there!" She said, gesturing upwards. Heaven. An existence abstract to many. But surely, with the Dress of Heaven, she could achieve such a state of being, right?

"Materialization of the soul... Complete."

The entire ship rumbled violently, before the Star of Bethlehem would violently crash into the ground! With that, the group that stood in front of Illya would see one final flash, before their vision would turn to complete whiteness, and nothing else.

When they would wake up, they would find themselves lying in the snow, outside of the ship and back on the surface of Russia. Miraculously, your bodies were all better now. Your body parts that had previously been missing were now gone, good as new. Next to you was a note written in what seemed to be a pink or very light red highlighter. It couldn't have been anyone other than Touko Aozaki.

"Better keep out of trouble from now on, or I'll have to really start charging for the bodies!

-- Red."

It was over. It was finally over.


As for the entire rest of the group, fortunately enough, you would survive the crash down into Russia with no notable injuries. The walls all broke apart, allowing for an easy way out. Though you would all be exposed to the cold snow of the atmosphere, it wasn't so bad, right? Sure beat having to be in the Murder Game for much longer.

"K-Kinuhata! Are you alright?!" Hamazura's voice came, rushing over to the girl, as well as whoever would be close to her, "What the hell was all that just now?!"


"Whatever it was, it worked! And that's good enough for me!" Tsuchimikado said, appearing before you all and clapping his hands, "Nicely done there! Bravo, bravo!" He congratulated rather enthusiastically with his signature award-winning smile, "The sacrifices of the few will surely not be in vain, as you have all saved the many! Or something like that. I-I'm not good with speeches."


"Well. Glad to see you're all safe. Looks like I got cheated out of playing a part in saving the world," Touma said, appearing to be just fine as he stood beside Hamazura and Tsuchimikado, the white-haired nun clinging onto him like an animal, gnawing away at his head, though he seemed to pay it no mind.

Fiamma of the Right's body was nowhere to be found. You all couldn't tell if he was dead for good, simply buried somewhere else entirely, if he had somehow managed to survive and escape, or what. But perhaps that didn't matter. Without the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, the threat he posed at creating another multiversal threat was gone. And that was what was important, right?

Suddenly, a glow of red energy began to appear through the snow. The Right Hand of the Crimson Moon was right there, still existent. But instead of doing something harmful... it instead materialized what seemed to be a portal. A portal for all of you to return to your home worlds.

Finally, it was time to return.

"Whoaa... Would ya look at that? Looks like a convenient go-back-home portal to me!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked at the portal, "But haven't you all earned that? I'm sure that when you go back, so will end the weirdest Tuesday you've ever had and you can go on with your daily lives! Unless of course, you happen to stumble into another Murder Game, but by then, that'll be out of my control!"

The young man gave a small laugh, but to be honest, the possibility wasn't exactly far from feasible. Still, he gave a thumbs up. The atmosphere was surprisingly upbeat, considering the bittersweet reality that this was only one of far more Murder Games to come, courtesy of Kirei Kotomine himself. But whether that was your business or not was up to you, wasn't it?

Even so, at the end of the day, at least you were all alive.

"By the way, I'm taking this," he said curtly, taking the Right Hand that continued to project the portal before you all.

Oh, okay. Welp.

What a finale.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@The Tactician as Robin Tact (Fire Emblem) and Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Mister Negative (Marvel Comics)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" (One Piece)
@Archwar as Jason (OC)
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro (Marvel Comics)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@Nater Taters as Kirby (Kirby)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu (OC)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa (Mad Max)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)​

Oh, good God, was this a relief. Reece was about ready to get down and start kissing the ground. It was all over - it was finally over. Hesitant hands felt over her own body, trying to make sure she was truly all patched up.. And found that she was in fact totally fine. The Light Caster sighed a breath of relief, wasting no time in climbing to her feet with much more grace and elegance than before, smiling faintly in triumph. It was nice to be alive and normal again. Because damn, had that explosion hurt like a bitch. But, even so - the wellbeing of herself and the others had come with a price.

After she'd gotten to her feet, the smile fell, and Reece glanced around with a frown, as though looking for something. Soon enough, she found it, in the form of the smallest child of the group curled up and still on the floor. She was unmoving and tears flowed freely down her face(despite the fact that her eyes were closed)... All of which made Reece sigh as she moved to the girl's side. Tenderly, she placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, shaking her lightly in attempt to waken her. "Come along now, Ryan.. It's alright. It's all over, and everyone's alright, see?" she spoke, trying to keep any form of annoyance out of her voice. It wasn't hard - after all, the Sybil was just glad this was all done and both she and her sister were okay.

And all of their friends, of course.

Even with the effort made, Ryan remained silent. But, she did at least open her eyes and shift slightly, staring up at Reece with slight sadness. This fact earned another sigh, and Reece moved to sit at Ryan's side, her legs neatly crossed. "Come on, Ryan, really. Everything's alright now. My body's even all healed up, see? So you won't have to waste your energy on trying to heal me." Woah. Reece passing up the chance to make Ryan practice? That took a lot. When even this garnished no response, the elder of the two females just shook her head, moving to pull Ryan so that she'd come to rest in her lap.


I'm sorry, Saber... Lon'qu... Ryner... I'm so sorry I let you down...

For a few moments, that was all that happened. Ryan laid there leaning on Reece, crying, while Reece just let her do so. To be honest, the situation just made the latter feel awkward. She wasn't the type to provide comfort, so this all felt very ridiculous to her. Even so, she couldn't just sit back and let Ryan remain this devastated. So, she made some sort of attempt... "I see you lost your cape," she commented out of the blue. "Here... I just so happened to have another on hand." And, as the words left her lips, Reece conjured a cape identical to the one Ryan had earlier given Kinuhata, before draping said cape over Ryan's shoulders. There was a long pause, making it seem as though Ryan wasn't going to reply, before Ryan shot upright.


The child glanced around through her tears, searching for her friend. Or, more accurately, friends. Plural. Kinuhata being one of many, from Ryan's point of view. She had to make sure they were all okay! After all, she'd vowed to protect them - and she intended to see it through. So, without a word, the child had gotten to her feet and kept looking around... When she spotted Kinuhata. And, the next series of events went as follows:

Look for Kinuhata > see Kinuhata > smile widely at Kinuhata > attempt to tacklehug Kinuhata > rejoice

She hardly even seemed to notice Hamazura.

@Kaykay @Verite


Reece, meanwhile, was sitting where Ryan had left her in confusion. What.. the hell had just happened? Aw, well. She considered pursuing her little sister.. But decided against it, simply shaking her head and rubbing her temples. Certainly her sister needed time to say her goodbyes.. But Reece, well, she didn't quite know what to do. She didn't know who to speak with, what to say... Any of it. It was times like this that drinking your trouble away didn't sound so bad.


"Looks like we got ourselves a break now..." Battler didn't care if this sounded like some poor attempt at small talk, it wasn't like there would be instances where he could happen to bump into some of these people again. He didn't do much traveling from the Metaworld anyways.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai

"For now, but another Murder Games is likely right around the corner, and this battle will continue for those who choose to not simply leave this behind them" Gilgamesh responded, simply enjoying his wine.

@Gummi Bunnies
"For now, but another Murder Games is likely right around the corner, and this battle will continue for those who choose to not simply leave this behind them" Gilgamesh responded, simply enjoying his wine.

@Gummi Bunnies

"Of course not, and I won't be surprised if Erika decides to jumpstart an investigation to prevent the future Murder Games. She's been itching for a whole chance to exercise her detective title for a whole while."

Battler grinned at the thought of that. Sure, the Murder games weren't a pleasant experience at all, but for some reason, he found the thought quite interesting. A detective finally being able to investigate for a good cause. That was enough for the Sorcerer to think of the detective Erika as different than the first time he's seen her.

Tossing his little Kakera gem up and down from his left hand, Battler made an audible groan when a certain other thought came to him.


"Oh shit... I forgot about Beato. Guess I'll have to appease her for all of the time I kept her waiting..."

Sounds like Battler was going to have a pleasant time going back home.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @peeps​
As for the entire rest of the group, fortunately enough, you would survive the crash down into Russia with no notable injuries. The walls all broke apart, allowing for an easy way out. Though you would all be exposed to the cold snow of the atmosphere, it wasn't so bad, right? Sure beat having to be in the Murder Game for much longer.

"K-Kinuhata! Are you alright?!" Hamazura's voice came, rushing over to the girl, as well as whoever would be close to her, "What the hell was all that just now?!"
And that was the end, huh? It was a bit painful, but she made it through in one piece. Super. No more (added) chance of death, no more running around doing errands without any payment, no more being lost, no more...whatever else. Hopefully no more fighting Level 5's and people with inexplicable powers, too. Then she heard a familiar voice.


"Yup, super healthy of course," she replied, more or less ignoring the fact she'd just "died." But she came back to life, so hey, she was fine. "...It was..."

She paused to think about it. It felt pretty surreal.

"Clearing the super final boss. I think. There was a super big ship, and then we super crashed. But I guess you super probably saw that much, right Hamazura? By the way, is Takitsubo super alri- oof!"
For a few moments, that was all that happened. Ryan laid there leaning on Reece, crying, while Reece just let her do so. To be honest, the situation just made the latter feel awkward. She wasn't the type to provide comfort, so this all felt very ridiculous to her. Even so, she couldn't just sit back and let Ryan remain this devastated. So, she made some sort of attempt... "I see you lost your cape," she commented out of the blue. "Here... I just so happened to have another on hand." And, as the words left her lips, Reece conjured a cape identical to the one Ryan had earlier given Kinuhata, before draping said cape over Ryan's shoulders. There was a long pause, making it seem as though Ryan wasn't going to reply, before Ryan shot upright.


The child glanced around through her tears, searching for her friend. Or, more accurately, friends. Plural. Kinuhata being one of many, from Ryan's point of view. She had to make sure they were all okay! After all, she'd vowed to protect them - and she intended to see it through. So, without a word, the child had gotten to her feet and kept looking around... When she spotted Kinuhata. And, the next series of events went as follows:

Look for Kinuhata > see Kinuhata > smile widely at Kinuhata > attempt to tacklehug Kinuhata > rejoice

She hardly even seemed to notice Hamazura.

@Kaykay @Verite

Kinuhata was a little preoccupied, and hadn't noticed the younger girl until she'd been tackle-hugged.

"Huh?! What super happene- oh, hey Ryan."

She actually hadn't seen her new friend in quite some time. Since roughly the time she went to Academy City, if she recalled correctly. Fortunately, it seemed they'd both made it through the game just fine. But she could tell Ryan had been crying, for one reason or another. She looked alright physically, but knowing her that probably meant someone else had been hurt instead. So the young esper figured she'd try to distract her with some small talk, or something.

"How're you super doing? Sorry for super ditching you earlier, it super wasn't on purpose. Got super distracted." She smiled at her friend, patting her on the head before noticing something. "Hm, got a super new cape?"

@Hospes @Verite


It wasn't very difficult for little Ryan to pick up on the fact that her healing wasn't doing any good. The fact Saber was still experiencing severe pain was written all over her features.. And Ryan could swear she'd never felt so helpless in her life. Healing was her gift. Nay, her purpose. It was who she was, and what she'd been made for. So why couldn't she do it? Why wasn't she up to the task? Regardless of the reason, the child's vision only grew hazier as a new set of tears streaked her face. But, despite, she forced a small smile at Saber. "You weren't the one doing those things, miss.. The bad guy made you do it," she stated, confident in her point.. But with less enthusiasm than usual. "..I'm sorry that happened to you. No one deserves that."

Well... The fact that Saber didn't seem upset that her attempts had failed at least made things a little better. In fact, the woman was praising her - and the child found herself only crying more because of it. But, she managed a smile up at the past king, just barely managing to keep her lip from quivering while doing so. "I don't care if I become a legend or not.. I want to be like you," she stated, softly. "I want to give everything to protect people, too. No matter what." And, even though she didn't know it just yet... She would.

Even if it cost her her life.

Quietly, the girl's gaze drifted down, and she rubbed her eyes with her hands in attempt to scrub the tears away. The girl was, in truth, reasoning with herself. Trying to think this over, like the Ryan everyone had come to know. Looking for a way to grasp this in an optimistic manner, like she'd done with every other situation she'd been in. There was always good in the world, should one be patient enough to find it, right? And, slowly, she did find it. "..Where I come from, people have died and came back to life before. Maybe you'll do the same," she chimed, hopefully.. After hugging Saber's leg tightly like the child she was, anyways.

If not... Good luck in the Otherworld. Maybe you'll even meet my brother there.

Reluctantly, Ryan forced herself to turn away, struggling to see through the tears that were still coming despite her efforts of optimism. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't waste time like this. Reece and Ryner still needed her help, and she couldn't let them down. Not when she'd just let down another. So, she turned to the latter, looking up at him quietly.. Before outstretching a hand up to him. "Here.. Let me help..-"

Before she had the chance to do so? Everything went out again.

Of course, while all of that had been going on, Reece was totally suffering the horrible fate of getting destroyed b- ..I mean healed by -Gilgamesh and his unbearable wrath. Of course, she didn't really mind. It was better than the much more unbearable pain from the explosion, in any case, and she didn't have to worry about wasting Ryan's energy in the process. That was also nice. So, instead of snapping at Gilgamesh for calling her a 'foolish child', or criticizing him like she had before, Reece actually...



Yeah, it was pretty distinct, since she seldom did it.

"...Thanks, Gilgamesh."

The subtext of those words was totally 'omfg did you just fucking call me foolish i will destroy you you little fuck'. Totallyyyyy. Because Reece didn't compliment people, right?

Gilgamesh simply nodded at Reece thanking her, making sure the heal spell was complete before pulling his staff and extending a hand offering to help her up.

Even with the effort made, Ryan remained silent. But, she did at least open her eyes and shift slightly, staring up at Reece with slight sadness. This fact earned another sigh, and Reece moved to sit at Ryan's side, her legs neatly crossed. "Come on, Ryan, really. Everything's alright now. My body's even all healed up, see? So you won't have to waste your energy on trying to heal me." Woah. Reece passing up the chance to make Ryan practice? That took a lot. When even this garnished no response, the elder of the two females just shook her head, moving to pull Ryan so that she'd come to rest in her lap.


I'm sorry, Saber... Lon'qu... Ryner... I'm so sorry I let you down...

For a few moments, that was all that happened. Ryan laid there leaning on Reece, crying, while Reece just let her do so. To be honest, the situation just made the latter feel awkward. She wasn't the type to provide comfort, so this all felt very ridiculous to her. Even so, she couldn't just sit back and let Ryan remain this devastated. So, she made some sort of attempt... "I see you lost your cape," she commented out of the blue. "Here... I just so happened to have another on hand." And, as the words left her lips, Reece conjured a cape identical to the one Ryan had earlier given Kinuhata, before draping said cape over Ryan's shoulders. There was a long pause, making it seem as though Ryan wasn't going to reply, before Ryan shot upright.


The child glanced around through her tears, searching for her friend. Or, more accurately, friends. Plural. Kinuhata being one of many, from Ryan's point of view. She had to make sure they were all okay! After all, she'd vowed to protect them - and she intended to see it through. So, without a word, the child had gotten to her feet and kept looking around... When she spotted Kinuhata. And, the next series of events went as follows:

Look for Kinuhata > see Kinuhata > smile widely at Kinuhata > attempt to tacklehug Kinuhata > rejoice

She hardly even seemed to notice Hamazura.

@Kaykay @Verite


Reece, meanwhile, was sitting where Ryan had left her in confusion. What.. the hell had just happened? Aw, well. She considered pursuing her little sister.. But decided against it, simply shaking her head and rubbing her temples. Certainly her sister needed time to say her goodbyes.. But Reece, well, she didn't quite know what to do. She didn't know who to speak with, what to say... Any of it. It was times like this that drinking your trouble away didn't sound so bad.


"Of course not, and I won't be surprised if Erika decides to jumpstart an investigation to prevent the future Murder Games. She's been itching for a whole chance to exercise her detective title for a whole while."

Battler grinned at the thought of that. Sure, the Murder games weren't a pleasant experience at all, but for some reason, he found the thought quite interesting. A detective finally being able to investigate for a good cause. That was enough for the Sorcerer to think of the detective Erika as different than the first time he's seen her.

Tossing his little Kakera gem up and down from his left hand, Battler made an audible groan when a certain other thought came to him.


"Oh shit... I forgot about Beato. Guess I'll have to appease her for all of the time I kept her waiting..."

Sounds like Battler was going to have a pleasant time going back home.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @peeps​
"It is an interesting case. I'd be lying if it didn't get my interest. Especially with the Holy Grail wars at an end." Gilgamesh admitted.
Then noticing Reece he waved at her and asked both her and Battler "So, what are you planning to do now that this is over?".

@Gummi Bunnies @Hospes

Gilgamesh simply nodded at Reece thanking her, making sure the heal spell was complete before pulling his staff and extending a hand offering to help her up.

"It is an interesting case. I'd be lying if it didn't get my interest. Especially with the Holy Grail wars at an end." Gilgamesh admitted.
Then noticing Reece he waved at her and asked both her and Battler "So, what are you planning to do now that this is over?".

@Gummi Bunnies @Hospes

"Well, other than having to possibly appease a pissed off wife and having territory lord duties back home, I don't actually have much else on my plate."

Didn't sound like Battler had much else going for him, but then again, he did leave some other details out since you know, Metaworld info sometimes has to be left confidential from outsiders.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Hospes
And that was the end, huh? It was a bit painful, but she made it through in one piece. Super. No more (added) chance of death, no more running around doing errands without any payment, no more being lost, no more...whatever else. Hopefully no more fighting Level 5's and people with inexplicable powers, too. Then she heard a familiar voice.


"Yup, super healthy of course," she replied, more or less ignoring the fact she'd just "died." But she came back to life, so hey, she was fine. "...It was..."

She paused to think about it. It felt pretty surreal.

"Clearing the super final boss. I think. There was a super big ship, and then we super crashed. But I guess you super probably saw that much, right Hamazura? By the way, is Takitsubo super alri- oof!"


Kinuhata was a little preoccupied, and hadn't noticed the younger girl until she'd been tackle-hugged.

"Huh?! What super happene- oh, hey Ryan."

She actually hadn't seen her new friend in quite some time. Since roughly the time she went to Academy City, if she recalled correctly. Fortunately, it seemed they'd both made it through the game just fine. But she could tell Ryan had been crying, for one reason or another. She looked alright physically, but knowing her that probably meant someone else had been hurt instead. So the young esper figured she'd try to distract her with some small talk, or something.

"How're you super doing? Sorry for super ditching you earlier, it super wasn't on purpose. Got super distracted." She smiled at her friend, patting her on the head before noticing something. "Hm, got a super new cape?"

@Hospes @Verite

Well. Good thing Ryan hadn't entirely heard that whole conversation. She was peacefully oblivious to what had happened in the other groups... For now, anyways.

In any case, all was well, now that the kid could ferociously cuddle/hug one of her friends again. How utterly terrifying and horrible.

All of that aside, the girl had definitely cheered up at least a little. Even then, it was unlikely that the events of this game would leave her mind any time soon.. But bliss should be had where it is found, or something, no? So, the little blonde only beamed, wasting no time in responding. "..A lot better, now that I know you're alright," she answered. "And don't worry.. I'm just glad you're okay. You didn't get hurt at all, though, did you?" When Kinuhata pointed out her new cape, the girl looked back at it, as though she'd already forgotten it was there. Which, she had. Ryan had been too upset to really pay her sister much mind. Including the little cape gesture. "..Yeah, Reece conjured a new one for me," she explained, her mind now fully processing what had happened.

"You can keep the one I gave you," she added, cheerily. "Then we can match, and you'll still have something to remember me b--"

Oh.. Right. They weren't here for a reunion - this was goodbye. Suddenly, Ryan was feeling a bit less than cheerful.

@Kaykay @Verite
For all the effort the group placed upon healing Saber, a member of the group who had been the first to fall at the blade of the possessed servant could only look on in disgust. But it wasn't her fault, Stubbs! She was controlled by the head honcho, Stubbs! Yeah, well all of that may have been true but it didn't heal the cut he had from shoulder to mid-section on his chest. Digging his nails into the ground, he'd push himself onto his rear. If this crazy sword-wielding dame was gonna prevent him from going too far, then he'd at least sit comfortably. Besides, wasn't like he had anything in his arsenal that would have helped save the dame. Not unless Lon'qu minded shacking up with an undead knight but somehow he doubted that.

If he had learned anything from his time here it was that skeletons existed and got along well with zombies. That and angry asian women had some kinda hate for zombies based on them just..well being zombies! Which, he supposed would have been fair if he had eaten anyone related to her. Though, now the thought struck him. What if he had eaten the brains of one of Mari's relatives living in Punchbowl at the time? Maybe that'd explain why she had such a strong dislike for him up until near the end. As Saber began to stir however, Stubbs slowly reached inside his open chest cavity. If she was still loopy then he wasn't gonna take the chance of her trying to finish what she had started.

Wincing as her body ached with pain, even after Percy and Ryan's attempts at healing she glanced over at them and smiled.

"..Even when things seem hopeless...You and your fellows rose to the challenge. Now here you are attempting to heal the one who nearly slayed you." She murmured before using the rock she'd been leaning on as way to push herself up to her feet although it was clear that she was still drained.

"It was like being a prisoner within my own body. Locked inside and shoved off to the deepest recesses of my mind while Fiamma's influence guided my body like some kind of machine to do his bidding. For as reviled as Caster was, I'm sure even she did not deserve to be strung under Fiamm's strings. For I've now seen what it's like firsthand. I could only watch in horror as I fought against those I would have given up my free-will and so much more to protect." She glanced down at Ryan and smiled as she reached out to affectionately pat the girl on the head.

"You'll grow up to be a legend, that I'm sure of young one. But despite all of your efforts I'm afraid to say.." She paused and parts of her seemed to fade away into dust. "In using my noble phantasm against Ryner, I've only managed to secure a small amount of mana to give my final farewells before I depart. Ryner, I..I do not know how else to express my eternal gratitude for you to allow me to express my true self through that hideous puppet of Fiamma's making. Even if it would end up being for the last time. I only wish that when our blades crossed it would have been on my own terms. Perhaps when you finally cross over, we'll be able to have that spar you spoke of."

Noticing that the speed of her fading away was speeding up, she knew she couldn't afford to waste any more time. So, she turned to face the one person who had risked everything and more to help save her from this fate.

"Lon'qu. Our meeting seemed so brief, yet for the time we shared it felt like an eternity. Even during the roughest moments, you continually chose to stick by my side and I have so much respect for someone as undoubtedly loyal as you. I..I just wish I had more time! To do what I would have liked with you, what we could have had!" She shouted as her eyes seemed to growing misty. Wiping them away as best as she could, she gave a small laugh. "Heh, if I'm to be going then I shouldn't go in tears. There might have been much that I did not get to do. But who's to say that someday our paths will not cross again? If fate were to allow such an encounter, I'd gladly wait for you Lon'qu." Deciding that she had finally said her peace, she walked over and gave the warrior a quick peck on the lips before stepping back, the pinnacle of the brave knight Arthur and the woman that Lon'qu had fallen for.

"Goodbye my friends and you as well, Lon'qu. I hope we meet again someday.."


With that Saber vanished, leaving only the memories the group had made with her in such a short time. But despite having 'lost' the knight, they would know that there was indeed some truth to the knight's words. Perhaps someday they would meet again, but then that would have been a story to be told another time. There was still much to do after all like re-uniting with the others.

@DapperDogman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Hospes @TheSilverPaladin @Wedge Antilles @Mari


"....I swear to you that I will find a way to be with you again Saber........or die trying......This is not goodbye......" Lon'qu would state just before Saber would vanish. After she did though he fell to his knees again staring at the ground at which she once stood on. This is the second time someone he loved has been killed because he couldn't protect them. Because he was weak and it ate away at him. It took Donny approaching him to finally snap him out of this.


"You mean 'we' right Lon'qu..? I'll help ya and i'm sure everyone back home will too. I mean we've defied impossible odds 'fore. What's ta stop us now..?"

"You're right Donny..." Lon'qu had spoke before he looked up at Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh had noticed and attempted to follow Reece's plan, but before he could Saber's Noble Phantasm would suddenly go off, creating a giant explosion which destroyed all the surrounding Gates of Babylon and even made Gilgamesh move back a few feet.

Thank god he had kept some distance.

However, once the explosion was over he got an easy view over the aftermath, Saber was dying and people hastefully trying to heal her... And then Reece resting from a giant wound of the Explosion.


Were these Mongrels actually ignoring the wounds of their comrades in favour of someone who just tried to kill them!?

It didn't matter right now though, unleashing anger at them wouldn't change anything. So instead he rushed over to where Reece was lying, summoning one of his Gates to bring out the same healing staff he used in the aftermath of the fight with Caster.

Standing over her he held out the staff and simply said "Hold still you foolish child!" before chanting "Heal!" and the Staff soon light up, beginning to work on her wounds.​

Whenever the Staff would have finished it's worked and it be confirmed that Reece was fine, Gilgamesh would then proceed to make his way towards the group huddling around Saber.

It seemed she was already gone, this didn't really bother him. If anything it provided closure for him, the Holy Grail Wars and the Murder Games were officially over, leaving Gilgamesh free to pursue other things, alone.

However, Saber did show incredible strength in sacrificing herself for the others. A foolish and childish move, but it also spoke of her own Strength to break such mind control to begin with, and it also showed that she refused to be another's puppet, something Gilgamesh could respect.

With this Gilgamesh faced Lonqu, just looking him in the eye, silently. This lasted a little bit before he opened a Gate and on the ground between them fell Excalibur. "I have no more use for this weapon, do with it as you wish". This was probably the closest to respect Lonqu and Saber were going to get from Gilgamesh at this point.

And it was this time Gilgamesh then left Lonqu to his own devices, interjecting on Ryner's spiel with Pyro.

Shouting out as he approached Ryner from behind "For once we agree. You children best leave now, your role in these games are over" he declared to Pyro and Mari.

Then directing his attention simply to Ryner he stated "It seems I acted rashly towards you earlier. You showed a Strength and Dedication stronger than any Servant I've known... Other than one. That is worthy of some acknowledgement. I don't know if after these games we will see each other again or not, if we do then I consider me your Ally for ending these Games. If not then know we at least share a common foe".

@Wedge Antilles @Mari

Gilgamesh simply decided to enjoy another glass of wine.
The Murder Games were finally over, and no doubt everyone was eager to leave.
But there's no harm in sticking around a bit to say some goodbyes right?​
"..." He would stare at Gilgamesh for a moment before he gave him a simple nod. "...My thanks..." he would say before he picked Excalibur up off the ground. Seems Gilgamesh has a heart after all and with this act Lon'qu silently swore to not reveal Gilgamesh's little secret.

Keeping Excalibur in hand he walked over to where Reece had left his sword in order to retrieve it. In doing so he glanced at Ryner and Ryan before he moved. "I thank you both for doing your best. To you Ryner thank you for everything you've done. I could not ask for a better friend."

"And Ryan. Though I ain't seen you much thanks fer bein' a good friend and patching people up when they got hurt..."
"New Dawn"

Continued from here.

The Story As It Comes to a Close
As the mysterious ship known as the Star of Bethlehem rose from underneath the surface of Russia, the Survivors would all discover inside that all along, the true mastermind of the Murder Game had been Kirei Kotomine this entire time. Before any of you could attack him, the cursed black mud of All the Evil's World would overtake everyone, sending the Survivors into different places throughout the Star of Bethlehem to fight the final enemies that waited for them.

A number would come face to face with a corrupted Saber, under the influence of Fiamma of the Right. She would prove to be quite the match for everyone, but it was only through her love for Lon'qu would she be able to become freed from his wrath, finding salvation in death.

The rest of the Survivors would come into contact with Fiamma of the Right himself. Though he was prepared to instantly destroy them all, the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon would suddenly work against him, infecting his hand and causing him to weaken severely, giving everyone else the opportunity to fight against him evenly. The fight would end as the Right Hand would come cleanly off and his body would be launched out of the Star of Bethlehem, before the whole ship itself would begin to swerve down into the ground from the air.

As for a select few, they would awaken in what seemed to be a small cavern. The holding place of all of Kirei Kotomine's victims. It was then that it would be revealed that this was the resting place of the Holy Grail, which was absorbing the life energy of everyone around, including Rin, Ciel, and Erika, to further its own rise and give birth to Avenger once again. As Frank, Robin, and Minato would travel further, they would finally come across their old acquaintance; Kirei Kotomine, before engaging in a brutal fight against them all. Finally, through their combined efforts, they were able to defeat Kotomine, but not before the priest would declare that he had already won, revealing that he had managed to ensure the continued existence of the Murder Games, having traveled through many different worlds, ready to be the cause of many more games to come.

With that, Illya prepares to destroy the Holy Grail and end the Murder Game once and for all.


Smiling back at Frank, Minato, Erika, Robin, Eve, Ilona, as well as the unconscious forms of Ciel and Rin, Illya would nod, complying with their wishes. Her dress began to shine brighter and brighter as you all could feel your bodies growing lighter, as though you could feel your very souls becoming lifted from your bodies.

"It'll exert a lot of energy to transport you all. Why did so many of you have so be here? It's quite a pain, you know," the girl said jokingly, glowing and shining even more, "I'll have to transport the soul of Avenger into my body. Only then will peace be restored while the two of us die together," she revealed, the Grail roaring in the distance, as if protesting this turn of events.

"I'll... miss you all. It's been fun, really. But an older sister has to protect her younger siblings after all. Her duty as an older sibling always comes first before anything... so goodbye. Don't be getting into any more trouble, alright? Or I'll be really mad! 'Cause I'll be watching you all from up there!" She said, gesturing upwards. Heaven. An existence abstract to many. But surely, with the Dress of Heaven, she could achieve such a state of being, right?

"Materialization of the soul... Complete."

The entire ship rumbled violently, before the Star of Bethlehem would violently crash into the ground! With that, the group that stood in front of Illya would see one final flash, before their vision would turn to complete whiteness, and nothing else.

When they would wake up, they would find themselves lying in the snow, outside of the ship and back on the surface of Russia. Miraculously, your bodies were all better now. Your body parts that had previously been missing were now gone, good as new. Next to you was a note written in what seemed to be a pink or very light red highlighter. It couldn't have been anyone other than Touko Aozaki.

"Better keep out of trouble from now on, or I'll have to really start charging for the bodies!

-- Red."

It was over. It was finally over.


As for the entire rest of the group, fortunately enough, you would survive the crash down into Russia with no notable injuries. The walls all broke apart, allowing for an easy way out. Though you would all be exposed to the cold snow of the atmosphere, it wasn't so bad, right? Sure beat having to be in the Murder Game for much longer.

"K-Kinuhata! Are you alright?!" Hamazura's voice came, rushing over to the girl, as well as whoever would be close to her, "What the hell was all that just now?!"


"Whatever it was, it worked! And that's good enough for me!" Tsuchimikado said, appearing before you all and clapping his hands, "Nicely done there! Bravo, bravo!" He congratulated rather enthusiastically with his signature award-winning smile, "The sacrifices of the few will surely not be in vain, as you have all saved the many! Or something like that. I-I'm not good with speeches."


"Well. Glad to see you're all safe. Looks like I got cheated out of playing a part in saving the world," Touma said, appearing to be just fine as he stood beside Hamazura and Tsuchimikado, the white-haired nun clinging onto him like an animal, gnawing away at his head, though he seemed to pay it no mind.

Fiamma of the Right's body was nowhere to be found. You all couldn't tell if he was dead for good, simply buried somewhere else entirely, if he had somehow managed to survive and escape, or what. But perhaps that didn't matter. Without the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon, the threat he posed at creating another multiversal threat was gone. And that was what was important, right?

Suddenly, a glow of red energy began to appear through the snow. The Right Hand of the Crimson Moon was right there, still existent. But instead of doing something harmful... it instead materialized what seemed to be a portal. A portal for all of you to return to your home worlds.

Finally, it was time to return.

"Whoaa... Would ya look at that? Looks like a convenient go-back-home portal to me!" Tsuchimikado exclaimed, adjusting his sunglasses as he looked at the portal, "But haven't you all earned that? I'm sure that when you go back, so will end the weirdest Tuesday you've ever had and you can go on with your daily lives! Unless of course, you happen to stumble into another Murder Game, but by then, that'll be out of my control!"

The young man gave a small laugh, but to be honest, the possibility wasn't exactly far from feasible. Still, he gave a thumbs up. The atmosphere was surprisingly upbeat, considering the bittersweet reality that this was only one of far more Murder Games to come, courtesy of Kirei Kotomine himself. But whether that was your business or not was up to you, wasn't it?

Even so, at the end of the day, at least you were all alive.

"By the way, I'm taking this," he said curtly, taking the Right Hand that continued to project the portal before you all.

Oh, okay. Welp.

What a finale.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@The Tactician as Robin Tact (Fire Emblem) and Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Mister Negative (Marvel Comics)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" (One Piece)
@Archwar as Jason (OC)
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro (Marvel Comics)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@Nater Taters as Kirby (Kirby)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu (OC)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa (Mad Max)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)​

"T-That's it.... We an really go home...?"

"Seems so....."

Lon'qu paused turning away from the portal.

"..." he said nothing as he silently stared off into the distance perhaps thinking of something.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @DapperDogman @Hospes @Verite

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Gilgamesh simply nodded at Reece thanking her, making sure the heal spell was complete before pulling his staff and extending a hand offering to help her up.​

Wow. That was unexpected. Gilgamesh hadn't really seemed like the type to offer to help people up.. But maybe Reece was wrong about him in that aspect? Regardless, she took the offered hand and got to her feet and then that other stuff happened.
"It is an interesting case. I'd be lying if it didn't get my interest. Especially with the Holy Grail wars at an end." Gilgamesh admitted.
Then noticing Reece he waved at her and asked both her and Battler "So, what are you planning to do now that this is over?".

@Gummi Bunnies @Hospes

"Well, other than having to possibly appease a pissed off wife and having territory lord duties back home, I don't actually have much else on my plate."

Didn't sound like Battler had much else going for him, but then again, he did leave some other details out since you know, Metaworld info sometimes has to be left confidential from outsiders.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Hospes

Exhaustedly, Reece returned the wave, lost in thought. The question posed only raised more thought, and the Sybil took a long moment to think before responding. As she did so, she silently climbed to her feet before crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.. And only then did she reply, a slight smile tugging at her lips.

"That's quite simple, really.." she started, exhaling deeply. "I'll be looking into these Murder Games a bit.. Deeper," she explained, ominously. "These events are clearly dangerous, and though if may leave me in suffering, I think it's a reasonable risk. The more knowledge gathered, the better, and the higher the chance of them being stoppable."

There was a pause, before the Caster tilted her head. "..And yourself, Gilgamesh? Since Battler here and I have already spoken our plans."

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Gummi Bunnies

"Well, other than having to possibly appease a pissed off wife and having territory lord duties back home, I don't actually have much else on my plate."

Didn't sound like Battler had much else going for him, but then again, he did leave some other details out since you know, Metaworld info sometimes has to be left confidential from outsiders.

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Hospes
Wow. That was unexpected. Gilgamesh hadn't really seemed like the type to offer to help people up.. But maybe Reece was wrong about him in that aspect? Regardless, she took the offered hand and got to her feet and then that other stuff happened.

Exhaustedly, Reece returned the wave, lost in thought. The question posed only raised more thought, and the Sybil took a long moment to think before responding. As she did so, she silently climbed to her feet before crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.. And only then did she reply, a slight smile tugging at her lips.

"That's quite simple, really.." she started, exhaling deeply. "I'll be looking into these Murder Games a bit.. Deeper," she explained, ominously. "These events are clearly dangerous, and though if may leave me in suffering, I think it's a reasonable risk. The more knowledge gathered, the better, and the higher the chance of them being stoppable."

There was a pause, before the Caster tilted her head. "..And yourself, Gilgamesh? Since Battler here and I have already spoken our plans."

@Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Gummi Bunnies
Gigamesh finished his glass of wine and said "Well, the Holy Grail War is over and Kotomine is gone. I don't have any reason to stick around in this town any more. These Murder Games aren't going to go anywhere though. It might be interesting to follow. Surely another invitation will pop up". Then chiming in to Battler "Perhaps you should do the same, if your plate is so empty. Especially if your Rival is taking off after it".

@Gummi Bunnies @Hospes
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

Well. Good thing Ryan hadn't entirely heard that whole conversation. She was peacefully oblivious to what had happened in the other groups... For now, anyways.

In any case, all was well, now that the kid could ferociously cuddle/hug one of her friends again. How utterly terrifying and horrible.

All of that aside, the girl had definitely cheered up at least a little. Even then, it was unlikely that the events of this game would leave her mind any time soon.. But bliss should be had where it is found, or something, no? So, the little blonde only beamed, wasting no time in responding. "..A lot better, now that I know you're alright," she answered. "And don't worry.. I'm just glad you're okay. You didn't get hurt at all, though, did you?" When Kinuhata pointed out her new cape, the girl looked back at it, as though she'd already forgotten it was there. Which, she had. Ryan had been too upset to really pay her sister much mind. Including the little cape gesture. "..Yeah, Reece conjured a new one for me," she explained, her mind now fully processing what had happened.

"You can keep the one I gave you," she added, cheerily. "Then we can match, and you'll still have something to remember me b--"

Oh.. Right. They weren't here for a reunion - this was goodbye. Suddenly, Ryan was feeling a bit less than cheerful.

@Kaykay @Verite
She'd been in pain, but now that she thought about it that one incredibly painful last spell didn't seem to have any lasting effects. So technically she'd been hurt, but no injury had resulted. What a strange predicament.

Ah, whatever. No sense thinking about it so super hard. It'd be pointless to worry Ryan over "hurt" that didn't really "hurt" now. Or, something. Magic sucked. Kinuhata shook her head.

"Nah, super fine. Good thing you're super okay too. You had me super worried, I hadn't seen you in a super long time." Even if she hadn't really had much time for worry between all the fighting she'd suddenly encountered. She was still concerned about her friends though. Hamazura, Takitsubo, Mugino, and of course Ryan. Hm, she'd promised a lot of people to not get hurt, hadn't she? Good thing it turned out to not be too hard a promise to fulfill with fairly capable people around her.

But of course, with the fulfillment of that promise came the end. She'd see her former ITEM members as usual. This was her world after all. But these people, most of which she frankly didn't know or really care about, would have to go back. And that included the friends she'd made. Well, everything had to come to an end eventually, right?

"I see. Yeah, I'll super keep it then," she nodded, taking out the cape and draping it around her own shoulders. Maybe Hamazura would make fun of her for being 12 and wearing a cape. She'd just have to put him in his place later, no big deal. "I couldn't super forget you if I tried. Your super overwhelming innocence is super stuck in my head." Perhaps not the most tactful way to put it, but it was true, really. Her association was with the "dark side" of Academy City. Though her friends were kindhearted, none of them had that quality. Even among just people she knew about, it was a pretty rare trait.

"But, I guess super more importantly, we're super friends, right? Chances are, I probably won't see you again, and there isn't super much I can do about that. That's super true. But that chance super isn't 0. So if you super keep yourself alive, I'll do the same. Then maybe, by some super freak of nature, we might see each other again, right?"

The esper was well aware this was, overall, probably a final farewell. That chance might as well have been 0. Even if they both stayed healthy and alive, neither would live past another 100 years or so. But such thoughts were depressing, not just to tell Ryan, but for herself. So she'd cling to that barely existent non-zero chance instead.

@Hospes @Verite

  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Mari was just stunned by how quickly and suddenly this all came to an end.

The portal to home was in front of her, and as she started to walk towards it, she realized someone was holding her hand. Or was she holding someone's hand? She looked, and of course, it was John Allerdyce. Pyro. The young man who was greater than most, if not all, men she had encountered in her life. The man who showed her that not all man were filthy pigs, like some she had seen here and many she had seen in Japan and other places in the world.

She could not just leave him like that, and go back to her home, her place, the Hachimitsu Academy. Could she? She let go of John's hand, and then she took a piece of paper from her jacket pocket, and wrote something on it in English. She only had a blue pen with her so that would have to suffice:

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Mari Kurihara [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Room 207, Hachimitsu Academy [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Toshima-Ku, Tokyo Japan 302-4020[/BCOLOR]

She handed the paper to John. "My address", she said simply at first. Then, she felt she needed to say a little more. "If you could visit me in Tokyo, in Japan. I would like that." She stood there, taking his hand back in hers, waiting for the response from John, the fire guy, the one who practically melted her heart.

@Wedge Antilles
  • Love
Reactions: Poe Dameron
Mari was just stunned by how quickly and suddenly this all came to an end.

The portal to home was in front of her, and as she started to walk towards it, she realized someone was holding her hand. Or was she holding someone's hand? She looked, and of course, it was John Allerdyce. Pyro. The young man who was greater than most, if not all, men she had encountered in her life. The man who showed her that not all man were filthy pigs, like some she had seen here and many she had seen in Japan and other places in the world.

She could not just leave him like that, and go back to her home, her place, the Hachimitsu Academy. Could she? She let go of John's hand, and then she took a piece of paper from her jacket pocket, and wrote something on it in English. She only had a blue pen with her so that would have to suffice:

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Mari Kurihara [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Room 207, Hachimitsu Academy [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Toshima-Ku, Tokyo Japan 302-4020[/BCOLOR]
She handed the paper to John. "My address", she said simply at first. Then, she felt she needed to say a little more. "If you could visit me in Tokyo, in Japan. I would like that." She stood there, taking his hand back in hers, waiting for the response from John, the fire guy, the one who practically melted her heart.

@Wedge Antilles

John looked at the paper Mari handed to him, and smiled. He put it in his pocket for now, but made a mental note to put it in his wallet later. "I think I will. Xavier tells us not to use the X-Jet ever for personal reasons. He gripped Mari's hand tighter, and pulled her in close to him. And then, he decided to kiss her exactly like the last time they kissed, before the battle of course, when she actually put her lips on his. He was merely returning the favor, and they were on very well developed terms by now. He kept her lips against his for a few seconds... a few seconds he would come to think about and enjoy many times in the future, no doubt in his mind.

"But of course, I don't always do as I'm told."

He then led Mari towards the portal, and he stopped just short. He folded his arms as he let her go, reluctantly... but this wasn't the end in his mind, it was just a start. Flames do ignite even without mutant powers, after all.

  • Love
Reactions: Mari
John looked at the paper Mari handed to him, and smiled. He put it in his pocket for now, but made a mental note to put it in his wallet later. "I think I will. Xavier tells us not to use the X-Jet ever for personal reasons. He gripped Mari's hand tighter, and pulled her in close to him. And then, he decided to kiss her exactly like the last time they kissed, before the battle of course, when she actually put her lips on his. He was merely returning the favor, and they were on very well developed terms by now. He kept her lips against his for a few seconds... a few seconds he would come to think about and enjoy many times in the future, no doubt in his mind.

"But of course, I don't always do as I'm told."

He then led Mari towards the portal, and he stopped just short. He folded his arms as he let her go, reluctantly... but this wasn't the end in his mind, it was just a start. Flames do ignite even without mutant powers, after all.

The kiss. Mari had almost forgotten about that...

Strangely, she found herself enjoying it, again, the touch of his lips against hers, even though every part of her still told her she wouldn't... she shouldn't. But her feelings, her heart, they wouldn't lie to her as much as her mind wanted to. So, she let herself go, she allowed herself, her body, to enjoy the moment with John. A few seconds later, and then, they were on their way, though she would definitely remember that last moment with John. Mister Fire had a way with warming things up, heating things so hot up in fact, after all... so that should have come as little surprise to Mari Kurihara.

Mari stepped forward, but just before she went though, she said one last thing to her Murder Game partner and protector. "Don't ever change."

She meant it sincerely. If John were to change for the worse, then Mari would have absolutely no reason to have any faith in the male gender. At least with John... there was some hope.

(After going through the portal)

Mari suddenly found herself with her fellow Underground Student Council, Hana and Meiko. They were holding fancy glasses with chilled cider in them, and they were about to toast, and it looked like Hana and Meiko had already said what they wanted to toast to.

Mari paused, as Hana and Meiko looked at her slightly puzzled. "Madam President?", Hana asked.

Then, the answer came to her.

"For the secrets we all hold inside, and the strength they give us. The hope, and the pleasures we seek to attain. We the USC will protect those, and use them all, to achieve victory at any cost."


A smile and a thought etched on Mari's face as she realized the short story had reached its end.​
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