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quick post. made sure to give off Harry as being the Abbot to Sun's Costello
Wasn't expecting there to be this many posts just in the first day >_>
Tryhards be tryhards. Meanwhile, I've been adulting.
Meanwhile I adulted, worked out, tryharded, and picked up my sister in law's dog. Get on my level. Hahaha.

@Random - got an idea to pass by you. Servants and masters experience that dream cycle phenomenon, right? Since Team Monkeying Around is flying overseas, maybe we can squeeze in our chars' back stories via dreams about stuff they did in the past. Thoughts?
Sounds good to me. Probably going to be throwing around either philosophy with Xuanzang, a lot of carnage, or both.
After people finish their summoning scenes and move on, feel free to wander Sasebo at night. If you encounter each other, so be it.

PvP is perfectly fine in this initial mini-mini arc, but with the understanding that no one's going to off the other. Duke it, test your epeens, but no one dies, and no ones 'wins'. I'll try to get the real plot rolling ASAP.
Sounds good to me. Probably going to be throwing around either philosophy with Xuanzang, a lot of carnage, or both.

How do you want to play it out? I.e., in theory, I should write Harry having a dream about Sun's past and vice versa. Practically speaking, it's probably easier if I wrote out a back story scene about Harry, the implication being it's Sun's dream. And you'd do the same with some background scene about Sun. That work out?
@Random posted. the memory i posted should transfer over to Sun via dream cycle. got one to give to harry?
I have indeed. May or may not get a post up tonight depending on if my internet cuts.
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Any thoughts overall from the group as to when our characters should start bumping into each other, then? Would it be better to meet each other before or after the next GM post?
@Jakers @Random

from my standpoint, I was planning my next couple of posts to showcase Team Monkeying Around landing in Japan, setting up a base somewhere, and proceed scouting around.

given that Team Monkeying Around has air superiority by virtue of flying cloud, the first order of business is scouting Sasebo for familiarity of the streets and major buildings...and establishing which areas would be good battlegrounds that would be advantageous for Harry and Sun Wukong, while disadvantageous to everyone else.

to me, Sun could do the aerial scouting alone. harry could start identifying potential Masters and Master-Servant teams on his own from the ground. since none of the Master-Servant teams have really done anything to draw attention to themselves, the best way to draw out a Master and Servant would be for Harry to cause some kind of disturbance that would compel a team to investigate. then he could stealthily observe.

I'm tagging Random so he/she can see what I'd have Harry plan for and pitch his his/her two cents.
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Sun could do the aerial scouting alone
>implying she has the brains to do anything other than "ooh shiny"

Honestly, Berserker might actually do a better job of ratting out other Servants by virtue of causing so much chaos that they have no choice but to investigate, but if Harry has sight-sharing magic, he might be able to pick up something useful.

Just remember that Sun Wukong doesn't know the meaning of the word "strategy", and spells "subtly" O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L.
>implying she has the brains to do anything other than "ooh shiny"

Honestly, Berserker might actually do a better job of ratting out other Servants by virtue of causing so much chaos that they have no choice but to investigate, but if Harry has sight-sharing magic, he might be able to pick up something useful.

Just remember that Sun Wukong doesn't know the meaning of the word "strategy", and spells "subtly" O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L.

on that note, perhaps to showcase a moment of levity, harry can come up with a plan to scout out the other masters/servants that requires precision...only to realize that berserker's best use in scouting is just what you said -- cause a ruckus to draw them out. while she gets her fight, he's on a rooftop or something observing.

can harry use the flying cloud without berserker? that would be hella useful
can harry use the flying cloud without berserker?
Xuanzang: Can't we just fly to the West on your cloud?
Wukong: It only carries the pure of heart.
Xuanzang: ...Really?
Wukong: [sulking] No.

He can ride on it solo, yeah, but Berserker still has control over it.
Any thoughts overall from the group as to when our characters should start bumping into each other, then? Would it be better to meet each other before or after the next GM post?

Was going to post today telling people to shift their butts into butting butts, but this takes care of it. Heed Jaker's words! I'll come out with a GM post either urging people into action or capitalizing on what people are already doing around Wednesday most likely.
Aight, which one of you qts wanna get classmated?
Tristan volunteers.

Oh, finals are kicking in, so I'm going to be slowing down a little. I'll try to keep up, but yeah.
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