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Eh, fair enough. At least that gives me a proportion.
I'm slightly confused on what exactly the Philosopher Stone is - in this universe, specifically. I understand its basic principle in FMA and Harry Potter, along with what it is to the real world (lead to gold, immortality, etc.). Especially if we're using FMA as a reference, these souls are effectively trapped in the Stone and their energy is used up with each usage. Does this mean the diamonds will also degrade with usage? Including quantity and quality of usage? Do the diamonds have unlimited power?
We're trying to work that out at the moment :P

I think there's some confusing about just how powerful people can become in this universe.
Never watched/read FMA o.o
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The idea is souls in the Diamonds (going with Squee's request) are powerful and don't erode easily. Likewise, the Diamonds can also be recharged and filled with new souls when its owner kills someone, similar to Soul Gems in the Elder Scrolls series.
You should. It's, like, really good. Like, REALLY GOOD. Like OMFG IT'S SO GOOD!
Lol I'll take that as the next Anime I should watch then :P
I loved FMA. Brotherhood was the better vers., in my opinion.

Does using the diamond affect the user in any way? I mean, you're consuming dead energy, which is understandable for a Kindred but even they have to give up some of their life for it. ALso, if you have to kill people to recharge it... Does this mean the diamonds are truly a neutral force? Or are they a bit more malevolent?
So in order to replenish the power of the diamond and let is stay constant, who ever holds the diamonds are required to kill other people to get their souls.

Wait, I though we're here to over run a tyrant and prevent murders of innocent people.I guess that sort of changed.
I haven't gotten to the neutral/malevolent part yet.
I imagine monster souls would suffice.
Talk about a moral dilemma.
I think that's the whole point of designing the diamonds' power to work in this way. By the way, FMA is AWESOOOOOOOOOOME!!!! Just gonna throw that out there. Out of curiosity, were Espers in part inspired by Al?
Agree on the moral dilemma part.
So the message is like "in order to defeat someone cruel we have to be cruel also."

I was like 9 when I read FMA, don't really remember anything anymore.
Well, the original, and again unexplained idea, was that each diamond carried the soul of a warrior of the past who willingly gave up said soul, the diamonds would never degrade. They did, however, have no free will, they could not choose a wielder as anyone who got a hold of them would be able to use them. At the end the basic plan is to make a council and/or group of protectors that would pass the diamonds down, they were never meant to degrade in power as they didn't give powers, just enhance their potential. Sometimes these enhancements did indeed mean giving abilities, but there is a fine line between granting abilities and granting new powers. If we want to make these diamonds grant powers over time that's fine, but it was never the original plan.
So in order to replenish the power of the diamond and let is stay constant, who ever holds the diamonds are required to kill other people to get their souls.

Wait, I though we're here to over run a tyrant and prevent murders of innocent people.I guess that sort of changed.
Yeah that certainly was the original plan. This got complicated fast and it's kinda giving me a cluster fuck sorta feel, excuse my language. A lot of changes I didn't anticipate are happening.
I imagine monster souls would suffice.
This, too, theoretically everything should have a life force. And life force is synonymous to soul.
It's something that hasn't been discovered by the characters yet anyway. I'll make plot points for it when I've developed this further.
were Espers in part inspired by Al?
Funny enough, inspired by FMA, though the diamonds were not. The diamonds were inspired by the first Final Fantasy. Gems with no special meaning but in the hands of heroes were put to the use of the greater good.
I'm gonna have to reread all this later. Too much info to process.
Is it just me or did the complexity of the whole RP just sky rocketed.
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