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"Go for battle Ash, i'll keep an eye on the bomber if they try and reform or if any fighters get on our ass." he spoke as he head panned from the radar screen to the sky outside the canopy, he was paranoid that the bomber pilots would be stubborn and try and reform despite being buzzed by both Ashley and Issac. "Burn some of the bastards up for me eh Ashley?" He asked his plane which was still an odd thought for him as he looked at their missiles resupplying steadily while also monitoring the engine, fuel, hydraulic pressure and a myriad of other things he needed to keep an eye on less the plane start to drop out of the sky.​
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"Roger Wilco," Ashley replied as she pulled up and reversed in an Immelman turn, then called "Two, keep your eyes on my tailpipes, but don't stare if you can help it."
"Roger that, One, I've got your six," Isaac replied. "Give 'em hell."
"No problems there, I'm re-engaging now."

"Blue Five here. One, you mind letting me and the rest of Two Flight take care of these amateurs?"
"Go ahead, Five. We'll hang back here in case any more of their desperate friends show up."
Immediately the four Tigers broke hard into Ashley and started climbing up towards her, while the MiGs peeled off and headed in the other direction for a moment before reversing and setting up in a far back pursuit position about ten miles behind the first group of fighters. Ashley quickly switched over to her close-range missiles, the infrared-guided AIM-9 Sidewinders, and locked up the lead plane in the formation of F5-Es, waiting an agonizing few seconds to get good tone before pickling off a pair of missiles and immediately starting to lock onto the next Tiger. "Mobius One, Fox Two!" she hollered as the AIM-9s' rocket motors ignited and they shot forwards off their rails, streaking out towards the incoming F-5s. She was hearing the telltale warning buzzers that told her someone was trying to get a missile lock on her, but she quickly ran a risk/reward analysis and elected to ignored it for the moment, instead focusing on locking onto her second target. As soon as she got good tone on those missiles she fired them off, then less than a second later a loud, angry alarm blared and Will would find himself slammed into the side of the cockpit by very strong and sudden lateral Gs caused by Ashley's abrupt and violent evasive maneuvers. She must have felt him bumping around inside because immediately after that he'd feel the harness she'd made for him tightening back up as she broke hard and punched out flares to try and defeat the missile that had been fired against her.

Her own missiles, meanwhile, were almost reaching their marks by now. The first pair of Sidewinders tracked very well towards the lead Tiger, though when the more experienced pilot blasted out a cluster of flares and broke hard at the last moment it seemed as though Ashley would end up with just two wasted missiles. One bought the diversion and vaporized one of the flares, but the second had slightly more time to process the situation and broke back in towards the F-5 just in time for the proximity fuse to arm and detonate. It blew up below and behind the Erusian fighter, but it was close enough for the expanding ring of yard-long steel rods to rip through the Tiger's thin, unarmored aluminum airframe like a buzz saw, sheering the tail section completely off and leaving the aircraft to burst into flames and start plummeting in a wild, tumbling spin. "Shit, she got me!..." the pilot could be heard shouting. "...Blue Five, ejecting!..." A second later the canopy blew off and a small, black object was propelled out of the doomed aircraft. That object then split into two, one of which fell away while the other deployed a parachute and started drifting down towards the ocean in relative safety. With Ashley's second target, his attempt to save himself came too late, and the first Sidewinder drilled directly into the cockpit from below. The fuse must have been a dud, since it didn't explode, but as it turned out there wasn't a need for it to. The now pilotless plane started into a lazy twisting dive, a huge hole in the fuselage all that was left of the cockpit and the pilot.

Ashley subconsciously logged the two kills as she pumped out flares and made one more last-second twist to avoid the missile fired against her, breathing a sigh of relief when it worked out and the enemy AIM-9 darted past in her wake, then simply sailed off aimlessly into the sky. As she came back around to go back on the attack, she and the two remaining Erusian aircraft were already at the merge. For a fleeting mmoment, however, Ashley saw the profile of one of the Tigers directly in front of her and instinctively tried to fire off a gun burst.
The Erusian F-5 rocketed past her close enough for her to look at the pilot and see the details on his flight jacket before he disappeared. It took her a brief moment to figure out why nothing had happened when she had tried to use the guns to take him down, but when she did find out why she was pretty mad. "What the hell!? What asshole thought it was reasonable to assign me an F-4C Phantom, and not mount a fucking gun pod on it!? This is ridiculous, I shouldn't have to fight with such limited options, I need a reliable fallback weapon, missiles alone can't do everything!"
He had not been ready for the Gs Ashley was pulling, his vision darkened and the sounds around him became muffled and all he could hear was his breathing. He must of lost consciousness as he was awakened by the sound of Ashley saying something and the sight of a Erusain F-5 blasting past them, Ashley wasn't on the ball but he was. "Two, take that F-5 that got past us." He spoke over coms no doubt causing the F-5 pilot to turn and look for Mobius 2. "Ashley less bitching more missile locking, when we get back to the carrier I will let you bitch out the flight engineer who was working on the Phantom personally now ain't the time." He said as he tuned his head back to see the F-5 and if it was trying to get a lock on them or not. "Your reloaded Ashley get on 'em." he said with his head turned.
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Ashley groaned and rolled, then reversed direction to head after the second F-5 that had gone past her, muttering "Fine... Guess there's not much I can do about that at this point anyways..." as she already began trying for a lock with another Sidewinder. At the same time, Isaac was coming screeching down from above, diving at the second Tiger and firing off a pair of missiles as he went, blowing the Erusian aircraft's tail off before he pulled back up into a climb to head back east towards the regrouping bombers. Another few seconds and Ashley had gotten a good lock on her newest target and vaporized the last of the F-5Es.

"One!? They just took out Two Flight all on their own!" a panicked voice cried out.
"They won't do that well against us," came the reply. "Grey Squadron, get back on course and head for your targets. We'll handle these hotshot ISAAC punks."

"Hey One?" Isaac's voice cut in. "The bombers are forming back up, they're gonna make a break for Allenfort!"
"Do what you can to make them break off again," Ashley called as she reversed once again to deal with the approaching flight of MiG-21s. "I'll keep these guys busy, keep them off your tail."
"Roger, I'm on it. Good luck with that, and thanks."
"Don't get all sentimental on me," Ashley teased. "Makes me think I'm gonna die, alright?"
"Whatever you say, One."
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Wilson smacked the side of his cockpit. "You don't get to die while I'm in the plane Ashley what would they say if their new AI went down with it's pilot." He said in a mock serious tone as his head swiveled around and up. "We got two hostiles six o' clock high Ashley and I don't think they are looking to swap stories with us." He said as he turned back to the center console. "All munitions replenished as well." He informed Ashley.
"Two, let us know if any of these bastards get on your tail so we can provide assistance." Wilson spoke through coms to Issac as he watched the squad of enemy fighters moving about in the sky.​
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"Well, I'm not sure if the Erusian will be chivalrous enough to give us that choice," Ashley shot back. "But I still don't fancy dying, so I'll try my best to avoid that however I can."

"Got it One, moving to re engage the bombers now," Isaac replied as the move surrounded Ashley, trying to box her in and focus her down before they would then move on to Isaac. "Engage her as a formation," the leader said. "Nobody's going in solo."
"Roger One, moving in now..."

The pair of "Fishbeds" behind them that had appeared to be going after Isaac rolled and reversed to dive down at Ashley and Will from above and behind. Immediately following that the cockpit became a chaotic mess of flashing lights, warning bells and alarms, and Skyeye's voice cried out "Mobius One, hard enemy RADAR spike! Missiles inbound, I count four! Two at 1 o'clock, two at 7 o'clock!" Ashley could already see the distant glows that marked the incoming missiles from the MiGs in front, and immediately started maneuvering to try and defeat the Erusians' targeting while doing everything she could to get a lock of her own on one of the jets ahead of her. Just as she was about to achieve that, however, an entirely new set of alarms started going off and Martin called "Bandits launched another volley! I now count eight, repeat, eight missiles inbound!" Ashley swore and quickly pickled off a pair of Sparrows before lighting her afterburners and charging towards the MiGs in front, and by extension, their missiles as well, pumping out chaff and flares repeatedly as she went. She got lucky in that, at present, Erusian RADAR-guided missiles sucked goat balls, evidenced by the fact that two of the four fired at her, one in front and one behind, either failed to track or failed to guide and harmlessly went ballistic. As she was coming within a mile of the remaining missiles in front of her, she watched one of her own Sparrows drive itself directly into the nose cone of the number Two MiG-21 out ahead, blowing the front of the aircraft open like an overripe melon hit with a load of buckshot and letting the remains of the wrecked interceptor start dropping clumsily out of the sky, disintegrating further as it fell towards the ocean.

As the range to the closest of the incoming warheads dropped below a thousand meters, Ashley pumped out another set of decoys and broke hard right, then reversed and broke left back into the threat. Predicably, the RADAR-guided missile bought the bait easily and twisted away to kill a cluster of chaff strips, and both of the heat-seekers committed themselves to flares as well. There were still missiles coming in behind her, however... Actually, no, make that a missile coming in behind her. The two heat-seekers that had been launched from behind her had both run out of fuel and dropped like rocks out of the sky. The last RADAR-guided missile was still boring in, though, and Ashley swore as she knew her chaff wouldn't be ready for another diversion until, at best, a second or two before the missile would get to them. While still attempting to get herself behind the second MiG, she watched the distance ticking down on the last incoming missile, willing her decoy system to reload faster. When it finally got ready again, she instantly deployed the set of decoys and broke left as hard as she could, praying that it'd work and that this missile would be especially shit.
It wasn't.
The projectile hesitated for a very brief moment, turning first towards some of the chaff, then it must have realized it's mistake and broke hard back towards Ashley's F-4. It wasn't able to turn quite enough to get directly at her, only managing to streak past a few meters beneath her belly, but it was close enough for the proximity fuse to trigger and the missile detonated, sending a hard, violent shudder through the airframe. Ashley bucked and let out a wail of pain as she felt the thousands of shards of metal tearing into her from below, and her maneuvering slackened noticeably, though wether it was from some sort of actual critical damage she'd suffered or just from the agony she was in was unclear.
Wilson was following the action with his eyes, with the helmet, polarized visor and O2 mask no one would be able to see the worry on his face as their opponents missiles streak by while warning lights blazed around him. His eyes were drawn away from the sky above and to the instruments below double checking and triple checking everything, the warning going off about the missile behind them as indicated by the radar sent a lightning strike of fear up his spin as it closed. He breathed a sigh of content when the decoys replenished and were deployed though that quickly turned to pain as the missile detonated below them shaking the air frame and causing his head to smash into the cock pit. He didn't have time to address his head as he heard a pained noise come from Ashley and the plane for lack of a better word slackened "No you don't" Wilson said to himself as he grabbed the stick and placed his feet on the pedals, he righted the plane and started to go through a basic diagnostic check. Petals good, yaw and pitch while the elevators and flaps responded well enough but he was getting a read out that they were leaking fuel, he turned his head and sure enough they were trailing smoke and the fuel gauge was ticking down at a noticeably fast rate. He pitched left and high pulling away into the air. "Mobius 2 skyeye this is Mobius 1 we've been hit and are leaking fuel, less then ten minutes until bingo fuel please advise." He spoke as he head looked about the sky for the other Mig-21, finding it low and behind him and closing he resolved he needed to do something about it. The Mig was closing fast and Wilson dare not speed up less more fuel start being used so he improvised....The Mig got up right behind him and he heard the weapons lock alarm blaring again while at the same time he armed three of his own missiles and waited..."There!" He thought as he heard the alarm for a missile launch go off, he pulled hard up and right while yawing to the left and cutting speed. He rolled over the Mig pilot and landed behind the plane of his enemy with only twenty feet away and took that moment to fire all three missiles without a radar lock and then hoped, two missed completely but the third got lucky. Wilson had know the missiles wouldn't arm the warheads with in twenty feet but he also did not have time for a proper lock but it wasn't difficult to hit at twenty feet if you saturated the target and a missile would still cause damage whether it exploded or not. The missile crashed into the engine of the Mig-21 tearing into the fuselage and causing a wing to separate and the plane to pitch down, Wilson didn't wait as he puled up and away, trying desperately to calm his shaking hand.​
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Throughout the very bold and gutsy maneuver that Will had managed to pull off, Ashley could be heard initially breathing heavily in pain, then crying out a bit when he pulled that hard barrel roll, but as he pitched up to get some altitude back she went a bit quiet again, then said "Thank you Will, that hurt a lot... still hurts, actually, but you really saved my ass back there... I think I can handle it now, though with that fuel leak I know we're never gonna make the carrier now... and if we can't stop them from hitting Allenfort Airbase the runway's gonna be wrecked and we'll need to find a field or an empty highway somewhere..."

"Five miles out from first target!" the voice of Grey One said over the radio. "Fan out, open bomb bay doors! Remember to start dropping before you need to, walk your bombs up to the target!"

"One!? You okay back there!?" Isaac called frantically. "I just can't stop these guys! I've splashed another two and damaged a third, but they just keep going!"

"Two miles!"

"Do whatever you can, Two, I'm hurt and I still gotta deal with two Fishbeds!" Ashley said as she started turning to try and evade the MiGs coming in on her tail, 23 milimeter cannon shells whizzing past just below them as one of the angry MiG pilots fired off a burst regardless of not having enough lead.

"Target is on the nose!"

"Ash, they're not over Allenfort yet! What the hell!?"

What?... That didn't make any sense, Allenfort was the only military installation on the island, unless...

The half-salvaged carrier in the port, the Clifton Sprague! But if the port was all the way on the north east end of the city, and the bombers were coming from the south west, then that meant--...

"We're over the target! Bombs away, bombs away!"
"Grey Five, bombs away!"
"Grey Six, bombs away!"
"Grey Eight, bombs away!"
"Grey Nine, bombs away!"
"Grey Ten, bombs away!"
"Grey Twelve, bombs away!"

"Skyeye here, One Flight, target is bombing the city! Repeat, target is bombing civilian population in Allenfort City!"

Ashley's biomechanical heart skipped a beat, then a strange feeling started surging through her like wildfire. She was angry... no, furious... that these Erusian bastards would diliberately bomb an innocent civilian population center just to make sure they didn't overshoot their intended target. In the distance she could see trails of huge explosions walking a path through the downtown area up towards the shipyard--it looked like each Bear had dropped four bombs--and eventually she saw at least four direct hits on the stored remains of the carrier, turning it into little more than a burning pile of wreckage as the Tu-95s started turning to make their way towards the airbase at the north end of the island.

"Grey One here, opportunity target confirmed destroyed. Moving on to Allenfort Airbase."
"Copy that, One."
"Returning to formation."

Something snapped inside Ashley, something sent all concern for her own safety packing and unleashed what could only be described as a primal rage, a lust for vengeance for the thousands she'd just watched die. She actually snarled and, without giving any warning to Will, she dumped her nose over and applied full bottom (left, at the moment) rudder, momentarily sending her far down and to the outside of the circle she and the MiGs had been tracing. Then, a split second later as the Erusians' tried to compensate, she fully inverted those control inputs; she jammed the stick hard back and kicked her rudder hard right. The aircraft's nose jerked skywards, then for a brief moment, her F-4 'departed', or became completely uncontrollable, and backflipped. Not looped, mind you, that would imply that she kept facing the direction she was going, but backflipped, meaning her plane tumbled up and over itself without hardly changing direction. It was a move as spectacular as it was dangerous, the domain of only the very greatest fighter pilots.

As the shocked MiG pilots looked on, Ashley's move bled off a tremendous amount of airspeed and they shot past her incredibly closely. As they passed there was a terrible jolt and the sound of metal being wrenched apart violently, and then Ashley could be heard spitting something out of her mouth forcefully. As they had passed each other, she had physically bitten the vertical stabilizer off of the trailing Fishbed, sending it and it's shell-shocked pilot plummeting until he had regained enough composure to punch out. With him gone, the last MiG was a very easy short-range Sidewinder kill, and then Ashley started making a beeline for the bomber formation, growling "Two, I advise you to stay out of my way. I'm gonna get every last one of these facist cocksuckers, fuel or no fuel."
Wilson had seen the bombing of the city, he heard the horror from skyeye and felt his own bubble up but he pushed it back down along with the rage now was not the time for such thoughts and emotions. Ashley didn't seem to get that message as when Wilson was about to inform her of their remaining fuel she flipped, now for Ashley, a being made of code, steel and oil this wasn't an issue but for Wilson who was a being of flesh, bone and blood their was this little thing called G forces that governed what a body could or couldn't do in flight. As Ashley did the flip Wilson's body was exposed to a high amount of Gs and while his flight suit helped it was not rated against what Ashley just did so needless to say Wilson lost consciousness for the second time this flight, his body going limp in the harness and seat. No doubt this would cause some issues later on down the road.​
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Will would eventually be shaken back awake unintentionally as Ashley flew directly through the exploding remains of the final Tu-95, the thousands of little pieces of debris rattling the aircraft as she passed through the fireball and came out on the other side. Breathing heavily and still growling a bit as she took a look around, she slowly started returning to her normal self. "Will? How're you doing in there?" she asked as she already started heading down towards Allenfort Airbase (which had managed to avoid suffering even a single bomb hit, thanks to how quickly Ashley had thrown the remaining bombers into chaos and destroyed them.) "You've been awful quiet in there..."
"Uhh, One?..." Isaac said, sounding timid and a bit scared. "I know most of us are thinking it, but I'm gonna be the first to say it; holy fuck, what got into you!?"
"I don't know... I really don't know, Two, what even happened?..."
"What happened was you went completely ape shit and killed all of the Bears that were left. You also pulled off a move I don't think should be possible, knocked out your pilot, and bit the fucking tail off of a MiG in flight!"
"Woah, I did all that?..." Ashley said softly.
"Yeah, that makes 3 F-5Es, 8 Tu-95s, and all four MiG 21s shot down in your first mission. Like, holy shit, you made triple ace on day one, and lived to tell about it..."
"Jesus, that's... kinda shocking..." Ashley said, contemplating and processing what she'd been told as she carefully made her way in towards the runway at Allenfort.
Wilson was quiet, he was in pain. His head hurt and he felt like he had gone ten rounds with a boxer, he listened to Ashley speak to Issac something about triple ace. Wilson was more concerned with getting to the medics to make sure nothing was wrong, weird things had happened when he blacked out he saw weird things as well like a voice telling him he was going to die and finding himself in a maze of some sort though they had said weird shit happened in GLOC if it occurred. He looked down at one of the computers that had a blinking red light, on the screen a readout displayed a G warning and a number 15 he had been exposed to 15 G's. "Well at least I didn't die." He thought morbidly as he rested his head against the seat of the cockpit.​
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"Come on Will, say something," Ashley's worried voice said again as she started gliding in towards the main runway at Allenfort Airbase. "Please, just tell me you're alright. I don't want to have lost my favorite pilot on my first mission..." She was already running on fumes as she made her final approach towards the runway, and managed to set her battered self down surprisingly gently on the tarmac and roll in towards the hangers, her entire belly aching and an odd feeling in what she thought might be her stomach, but otherwise she seemed fine.
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"Alright." Wilson spoke. "Imma bit...I need to see the medics, the Gs you pulled up there reached 15 so I need to go make sure I didn't suffer any permanent damage. It was only a second or so but all the same I would rather be safe then sorry." He spoke as Ashley taxied to where the flight crews were guiding her. "I'm going to go ahead and leave you connected to the plane, you'll probably be able to help the engineers with the repairs." He spoke to the A.I. A member of the engineer crew signaled for Ashley to move into a repair bay so the F-4 she was inhabiting could be looked at, they then game a sign to power down which Ashley did he pushed the canopy back before rapping his knuckles on the console near Ashley's core was. "See ya in a bit Ash, i'm sure the commander will want to see both of use before the day is over with." He got out and took the ladder that had been placed by the cockpit, as he got down he saw the chief Engineer walking along the deck of the hangar bay. "Hey, next time we got to take the F-4s out strap some gun pods on them. You almost got us killed out there." Their was no malice in his voice just weariness.
He made his way to the medical bay before a thought stuck him. "I hope none of these medics know how to keep their mouth's shut or imma get a ear full when we get back to the carrier." He thought as he entered the medbay.​
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(They're not onboard the carrier, they didn't have the fuel to make it. They had to glide into Allenfort Airbase)

"Yeah, I'm sure..." Ashley groaned as she felt Will climbing down and out of her cockpit. "I'll see you then, and sorry about kinda abusing you back there... I don't know what came over me..."

Since this wasn't the Enterprise, Will was lucky to not have to deal with Allie grilling him for getting himself hurt, at least not yet. The nurse who tended to him was fairly pretty anyways, but nothing like Allycia was, at least to Will. About an hour would go by before Will would be found to be totally fine, and it was about then that one of the aircraft technicians from the hanger came into the room and said "Hey, you're the pilot of that aeromorph, right? We found something... weird that we were hoping you could help explain..." When they made their way back to the hanger the first thing that seemed out of place was the Erusian pilot lying on the floor in restraints. He was soaking wet and smelled of aviation gas, and he kept sending nervous glances towards Ashley, who was a few tens of meters away, bashfully facing away from everyone else as she drank from a big tank of JP-4. "So apparently..." the technician said. "At some point during your plane's little berserker rage, she caught this poor schmuck while he was parachuting mid-flight and swallowed him whole. We only realized that there was really something wrong when she started drinking to refuel and he started screaming from inside her belly. She regurgitated him and we got him restrained, but we're all still a bit in shock about this whole thing."
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He looked from the flight technician to Ashley to the new POW. "So we got a talking plane who identifies as a female drinking from a tank of jet fuel with a mouth that, and may I remind you, was formed when she was plugged into the plane? But this is weird." Wilson squinted his eyes at the technician. "Plus you ask me to explain the situation when you did just that mere moments ago?" Will was not in the mood, while he had been cleared by the medics his head still hurt and this nonsense was gonna make his hit someone. "I'll make it simple for you, go get some MPs and tell them you have a prisoner. Ok, when they come they will deal with it alright." He spoke in an exaggerated tone as his fingers danced on his holster with his 38 revolver in it. "I'll watch him until you get back." He said as he found a box to sit on in sight of the POW, Ashley and the rest of the hanger area.​
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The tech was quiet for a moment as he listened to what Will had to say, then shrugged and said "Alright, fine, you seem to know your way around her a bit more than the rest of us anyways." With that he turned and headed off to do as Will had suggested.

Ashley was still just meekly refueling off on her own, occasionally glancing back at the still shell-shocked Erusian pilot sitting on the hanger floor with his wrists bound and still rather covered in JP-4. "W-what the hell is that thing!?..." he eventually managed to blurt out, looking over at Ashley like he'd seen some sort of awful monster, which she must have easily picked up. She flushed and dipped her head away from him and Will in embarrassment and sorrow as the pilot continued. "I mean, it's an F-4, but the fucker's alive, and it ate me! A living plane fucking ate me!! What other kind of messed up shit do you ISAF bastards have waiting for us, huh?"
Wilson looked at the P.O.W calmly before kicking him the teeth knocking a few out. "You forget yourself scum, you are not a person here but a dog and if you bark without my permission you get beat like a dog...or of course you can go back inside the plane? who knows maybe organic fuel will make the plane run better? Maybe then you'll learn to only speak when spoken to hmm? Your choice, dog and I'd make one quick because it's gonna be the only one you get for quite awhile." Wilson finished as his hand rested on his bolo knife, the unspoken threat of violence left hanging in the air. No one was going to rush to the man's defense not after what they did to the city. "Now dog you be a good boy and stay silent while master here goes and has a chat." Wilson said as he started to walk to Ashley. "You know, kinda disappointed you ain't drinking that out of a bendy straw." He spoke to the plane as he leaned against the tank she was drinking from, his words quiet so that the P.O.W didn't hear him.​
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The Erusian pilot cried out in pain when Will kicked him so brutally, collapsing on the floor as he spat out blood and a few broken teeth, then timidly looked up at Will as he kept talking. He wisely stayed silent out of fear, and simply nodded weakly when he felt he should respond to what the ISAF pilot was telling him to do.

Ashley was a bit surprised by the way Will had been talking to him, but she didn't really blame him after what they'd done to Allenfort. "Well this heavy hose was the closest thing they had to a straw for me to use," she said with a shrug as she tucked the heavy rubber tube into one side of her mouth so she could talk. Based on the fuel level in the tanker she was drinking from, she'd already downed around 1,500 gallons of JP-4, and apparently was still rather thirsty. "You think you could get that guy to tell us where he and the rest of that strike package flew out of?" she suggested. "It'd be really nice if we could head out and hit them back on their own turf."
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"Wait, does that mean you actually have a designated straw on the carrier?" Wilson asked with a shine in his eyes, needles to say the image of Ashley drinking for a straw was something Wilson thought would look rather cute but he was being distracted. He looked at the P.O.W. "Not legally no. While you, I and everyone else is pissed off about the city he still has rights we must respect less we become like them though depending on how the ground war goes rules and laws might be the least of our worries." Wilson said with a serious tone. "Plus i'm sure military intelligence will be able to do a much better job at getting information then me and with less physical scars on his part." He finished speaking as he sat against the tanker.​
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"Well yeah, I guess I do," she said, shrugging her wings a bit. "Though honestly it's not too much different from this hose, or at least so I've been told. I haven't actually ever seen it yet, since the first time I ever got plugged into a real plane was today and it was already gassed up." She seemed a bit saddened when she heard him say that he couldn't legally extract any information from the captured pilot, then glanced back at the man lying in pain on the ground and scowled a bit. "Will... I saw the hospital get hit..." she almost whimpered. "...the whole b-building just... came down..."
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