Collab between Winter and Fox of Hearts

Evening - Castle Jensen

Flames nibbled at the carpets as more bodies joined the crush, separating Jack and Ru from the rest of the crew. The desperation to contain this disaster was palpable, sweaty and claustrophobic. Relief, transient as might be, appeared to be the opened door into Sid's room. Chester popped in the center of the doorway with his tail swishing about agitatedly, his scowl scrunching up his face in grotesque cuteness.

"Mmmmmpf," he meowed with his mouth full of leather.

The spirit waited patiently for Amaiya to take Sid's choker from him and to accept temporary custody of his aeter, a contract of mutual benefit to them. She helping him find his summoner and he aiding her until Master had been reclaimed. There was, as he always felt, a possibility that his stone would resonate with her in ways impossible outside the summoner bloodlines. It's no secret that she had the strongest spiritual energy he ever encountered outside his home shores.


On instinct Alicia had raised her hand towards her face to guard against the flames, sweeping a foot back to brace herself slightly before peering into the wake of the destruction. Eyes narrowed she quickly looked for signs of Sid before her attention was soon pulled down towards Chester who appeared to be presenting something towards her.

Sinking to one knee she took it from the feline before her eyes looked it over in her palm, fingers soon clenching around the strip of leather as her jaw firmed slightly. This situation was going from bad to worse quicker than she'd like and her concern reflected in the silver of her eyes as they shifted towards Chester. "Can you track his scent?" she asked telepathically, knowing that animals had a far more adept sense of smell but knowing not whether or not that skill was something familiars possessed.

"Rrrrr," Chester assented.

He nuzzled Alicia's hand with his puffy face before ambling towards the balcony at the far side of the hall. His ears twitched once, when he heard Jack break down the door far behind them, but otherwise he was a body of calm. Sitting down on the end edge of the plush carpet, Chester's face greeted the winter winds, his fur rippling in cresting waves, as he tilted to look over his shoulder. Here, he indicated at the yawning doors of the southern balcony.

Crumpled like a princess in a bespelled sleep was Runali. Her arms sprawled to the side and her chest rising in gentle peaks, looking peaceful as a babe in rest. All around were footprints in fresh snow. Ru's were heavy and recent, but scored prints, long and trailing, looked inhuman compared to hers. The tracks could have been made by a large bird or a creature with hooked talons --- a puzzle for those not in the know. The only hint of what was transpiring in Ru's dream world was the fluttering feather clutched tightly in her hand.

Chester yawned, shaking his magnificent head, as he absorbed the residual energy, his eyes radiating a bright yellow sheen. His pupils completely masked under the film. Blinking slowly, they returned to their usual green and he narrowed his eyes as if in thought. Images from Chester's previous incarnation filtered through Alicia's mind, it was a massive mural of the celestial sky. Hovering above the constellation were angelic figures --- five as far as Alicia could see, before the vision focused on a gloved hand tracing the outlines of one of the celestials.

"These are the celestials who brought magic into the world," an awed voice whispered, the last remaining trace of a man long dead. "They sat among Man as Gods and Goddesses of Old, until our Great King, M. Summoner Delmonte, sealed them away. One of the seals had been broken, perhaps it's time we break another, no?"

The vision panned out and swivelled in the direction of the voice. The speaker, a man in his late twenties, shared a resemblance to the Stardusk summoner. There were visible differences if Alicia looked hard enough, differences in manner and dress. He appeared to be a ranked officer of sorts, a position Sid never held. As the man's hand reached down, he whispered again. "In a few hours, we'll meet my newborn who's to be your new summoner … "

As the vision panned back to the mural, it was clear what Chester wished for Amaiya to focus on, those celestial figures that ranked above the Trovalian pantheon; that voice had been used as a narrator for the sake of convenience. Chester's throaty rumble indicated the end of the memory, and he gently nudged his favorite Feian back to the present. The cat looked completely unfazed at his display of more hidden talents, some he hadn't bothered showing Jack, the Cream Bringer, yet.

"Mew?" he enquired as if inviting Alicia to question him.

There was this air of willingness about him that showed the familiar had more to say. Belaying the message was this sense of urgency, a hint perhaps that he knew exactly how dire the situation was. A picture that he thought Jack hadn't quite grasped, making him willing to try Alicia out. His favorite human had yet to disappoint thus far. She had a quick mind that saw more than what she let on, or so he gleaned from all those cat sessions in her room.


Following Afternoon - Streets of Bonifaas

Chester gloated at the people in the street as he yawned a lion's yawn from his new perch. Alicia's shoulder was far superior than his summoner's bony shoulder or Jack's shoulder of compact muscle, the only thing lacking was height, but this wasn't an issue with his sisters providing him the details he missed. He nuzzled Amaiya's cheek occasionally to give it a brush of warmth, sometimes teleporting to the other side to do the same with the other cheek. His only questions were --- what sort of disguise the Feian chose? And, what, in high heavens, did she do with his stone? The latter was, of course, his greatest worry. He had for the past 500-odd years of existence never been misplaced; he simply needed the reassurance that she had his stone.

Alicia had spent most of her time contemplating the vision provided by Chester in deeper thought, re-running the images through her mind over and over again as if she were attempting to run a fine comb through the details in hopes of discovering more pieces to the puzzle.

"The man who I assume to be Cedric's father mentioned these beings called celestials which were sealed away. One seal had been broken already by Delmonte and he mentioned breaking another." her eyes remained forwards as her feet gently dented the snow beneath her feet as she walked.

There was a blink of agreement followed by a deep scowl. Chester sent a second vision Alicia's way, one showing a woman in a resplendent white robes. A jewelled mask shielded the upper half of her face, but from the paleing of her midnight hair and the wrinkling around her blood red lips, it could be inferred that she was Charlotte's contemporary. She was silk on the surface where Charlotte was steel, a gentle presence that seeped into your bones, creating a slow, quaking awe. Barely visible behind her was a familiar, whose silhouette gave the impression of a large, serpentine beast.

"Rrrraow," Chester chattered, checking to see if Amaiya understood his message about the unsealed celestial. He huffed at the falling hem of her hood, before pawing irritably as it blocked his view of the street. His mind trying to see if this was one of his master's handiwork.

"If he were successful that would mean two were now free with one joining the former later. If the man I assume to be Cedric's father indeed managed to somehow break a seal, it would put a celestial among those we might suspect to be responsible for his disappearance. Perhaps they seek something in Cedric that would allow them to break more seals."

She communicated her thoughts directly to Chester as he sat upon her shoulder warming her cheek, her brows furrowed in thought as she kept her eyes upon the path ahead peering just beneath the hood of the cloak she'd chosen to wear in order to conceal herself. "Of course, I know very little about all of this, so it's all just conjecture right now."

Alicia breathed a small sigh, her breath clouding into the cool air in front of her as a result before she 'felt' upon the anxiety of her smaller companion. "You needn't worry. I have your totem close to me and It'll remain so till we can reunite you with Cedric." she brought a hand towards her chest to briefly cover where she'd hid the stone within the fabric of her attire before returning her hand to her side. "Besides we'll need to work together if we're to solve this mystery, after your previous display I don't quite think I'll have much luck without you."

Her hand moved up to gently place a finger against Chesters nose. "But don't let that go to your head." she gave a soft chuckle before her finger moved to scritch beneath his chin a little as she gave a small amused smile, her hand once again returning to her side. "Now then… where shall we begin?"

Pink tongue licked Alicia's finger as Chester's ears flattened against his head, all that praise warmed him, reminding him why Alicia would forever rank close to Sid as his favorite human. Or rather, humans. She knew when to praise him and gave him the correct amount of affection, a trait the Cream Bringer would forever be sorely lacking. Chester purred contentedly, mulling over the best way to add to their telepathic conversation.


He tilted his head to the side as he recognised the horse familiar approaching Runali. Despite focusing on Landry and Maximus, Chester's mind continued sharing his thoughts on the previous subject. There were not two but three celestials, he corrected. Images of the serpentine familiar's silhouette, the scattered red feathers and then Sid's shadowy wolf popped into her head suddenly. Then, to confirm which one lurked close by, he focused on the wolf creature. Juxtaposing that image, was a vision of the skeletal demon hovering close to the Captain.

"Er'is," Jack's voice echoed in her head. Apparently, another memory Chester wished to share. It sounded like the Stardusk chef was reading a story. "The most benevolent and mischievous of the pagan Gods. Some say the most clever as well …"

Gently, he nudged Alicia's cheek, guiding her silver eyes towards a murder of crows. Crouching in the shadows was a hooded man. And, perched on his outstretched arm was a familiar Gris. Gemini, who appeared to be listening intently to his summoner's words. What was said, they could only guess, as they were too far away.

"I see." Alicia replied quietly as to keep the tone of her voice between the two. She made a mental note of each after Chester revealed them, keeping her eyes upon Runali while remaining somewhat close but with a large enough distance to avoid suspicion. "Are you able to lend me your sight so I can see it?" she asked curiously, wondering whether Chester could enable her to see the Demon speaking with Ru.

Whether he could or not Alicia would continue with her musings. "What would such a being want with Runali? There's clearly a bigger game here being played and being on the winning side will surely be dependent on how much we're able to learn about what's happening." her brows furrowed slightly as her eyes moved between Ru and the crouching man, conscious to not make it overly obvious she knew of his presence.

Silver swirled in Chester's eyes, turning them the same colour as Amaiya's. The world appeared sharper and details - the ebb and flow of energy - more vivid, letting her pick out familiars mingling among the crowd if she desired. The largest of these spirits was Maximus, the horse Runali had mounted shortly after meeting Landry. Absent from the real-time vision was the celestial Chester indicated. The cat familiar snorted; he hated having his hunches proven correct, especially when they were wrong. Angling his head up, he nuzzled Amaiya apologetically.

The air shifted around human and spirit, indicating their attempts won't remain futile for long. Through their psychic connection, Alicia found herself face to face with the mysterious Er'is, although what she saw and heard was off-sync. Chester bowed his head in respect, an unusual act of submission for such a proud cat. Slowly, a voice melodic, like a harp, filled the space in swordwoman's head.

"Alicia Amaiya, I sense you trying to contact me," the skull-face communicated. His long fingers gently caressing Chester behind the ears. "This young one is clever, yes, but he hasn't reached that stage."

There was a bony chuckle, mismatched with such a musical voice. "Before we speak, I'd like to offer you a gift of true sight. Accepting it means you can see and speak to the ones traversing the veil of life. Whether it stays or gets reclaimed, that's entirely up to you." He held out an open hand like a father tempting a child with candy. "Would you care to accept?"

"Fret not, my dearest Alicia Amaiya, you won't be the only one among the Stardusk who shall see me. Your Runali and Jack have been enjoying their gift since waking from sleep. Zilia shall be my next recipient if she chooses to accept. As for Luro, I think we know the answer to that one."

There was a grin that seemed to twist the jaws of the skull, almost suggesting a layer of see through flesh. Then, there was the red chord that fluttered from his hand, trailing a long way away. It was the chord rather than the smile that drew Chester's attention, hinting to Alicia about the reason for its presence, a reason that involved their missing summoner.

"Contact would be your assumption, I only wished to keep my eye on you." she replied, seemingly unperturbed by his presence. Alicia had traversed spaces between minds, spoken to a spirit upon temporary death and had even been a spirit's retainer for a time. Without those experiences this meeting might have brought a different reaction from the Feian.

She presented her hand, moving it forwards just a little before waiting for the creature to meet her hand at her side. It wasn't to seem purposefully rude or standoffish with the creature but more so that she remained wholly conscious of the others surrounding them who might otherwise raise suspicion of a woman raising her hand towards thin air.

"While you're being so forthcoming, you might explain to me what your intentions are with my crew. I don't imagine it to be plain curiosity and I've become accustomed to learning the agenda of everyone who choses to approach us seemingly on a whim." she maintained a modicum of eye contact, shifting her eyes occasionally to their surroundings while continuing to peer from beneath the hooded cloak.

"An eye you shall, Alicia Amaiya. I don't stray far from those that interest me." The jaw clapped happily as the bony fingers threaded Alicia's warm hand. Leaning forward, Er'is breathed into the woman's face, that same airless breath, and he pulled away to watch a golden yellow swirl in her eyes before sinking beneath the silver irises. "What can you see?"

"Enough for now." Alicia replied quickly, taking a deep breath to adjust and recompose from the newly acquired sight offered by the creature.

The voice floated from above her, at a height surpassing Luro's, but despite his size, none of the people around noticed him. Er'is pulled back the sleeve of his cloak and flexed the hand he used to shake Alicia's. "Such wonderful energy you have coursing through your body. Different from Cedric's, naturally, but I see it coming in useful. Yes, and your Goddess form too. As for Zilia's power, I've yet to fit it into my plan. My friend in Luro's body - friend, not friend - I need to talk to him when I get the chance. Few exist for as long as I."

He observed the Feian woman as he spoke, wondering what she'd make of his message, one left deliberately vague. There was too much time in the world to be so forthcoming, especially with the blood moon days away. Er'is clicked his teeth in anticipation. "My intention is to help as that was the bargain made. Cedric offered me his life if I agreed to help Jack, and by extension the crew, succeed. Vague, I know, but that was his words that night as he laid on the fallen throne, bleeding his life away."

The demon chuckled. "Even if he survived when he didn't plan to, the bargain remains. He lives for as long as his body can withstand the strain. Renegotiation is now in the cards as there is another proprietor in our midst, a dear sister of mine. A goddess, you may say, of this ancient land."

Chester hissed softly, shying away from the heavy pets. He fled to Alicia's other shoulder not caring that he was no longer under the warmth of her hood. Swishing his tail angrily, Cedric's familiar narrowed his eyes. And, for the first time, Alicia could hear his thoughts clearly, a second gift that Er'is bestowed upon her on whim.

'Why are you letting him die? You told me you are going to protect him as long as you need him.'

"I had no intention of killing him and that hasn't changed, little one. I desire freedom in an earthly body but he can't create one for me. Not yet. He has the right lineage, but it's his illness that makes my plans more time sensitive."

'Release him, then, since your presence strains his body.' There was as much arrogance in tone as there was in Chester's usual manner, showing how right Jack was when he named the familiar.

"There is no better vessel to be had. For finding a descendent of the right lineage is harder with the bloodlines thinning over the years. Curious, yes? Your previous summoner mustn't have known his wife held such precious blood in her veins despite her wretched birth."

Chester exhaled audibly before returning to his mind speak. 'He didn't, but Charlotte Du Vontiago did. The Du Vontiago brat does as well, I'm afraid. He's forever snooping around his aunt.'

The swordswoman remained silent during the exchange, making a conscious decision not to lose her attention on the fact she could now hear Chester clearly. Instead she chose to listen and make note of the details from the information offered by the creature after being drawn out by Chester. It seemed there was still much she didn't yet know about the increasingly difficult situation, though hearing and understanding that Cedric had once again wagered his life brought a displeased expression to her features. "Where is Cedric now?" she asked, getting straight to the point.

"Here, there. It's a place not reached by you or I, a domain only my sibling can traverse. A garden, you see, filled with weeping, where she presides over souls in torment while sitting on her gilded throne."

'Vieillissement, or purgatory as they say in Common. But he isn't dead, Lady Amaiya. I would know otherwise,' Chester reassured. His mood now apprehensive. 'And you sent my Cream Bringer on a fool's errand to the sunken temple.'

"Not a fool's errand, Chester. A soul lingers in the frigid waters with information if he chooses to seek her out. But, she lies where the shadows gather at the bottom of this drowned gorge. A drop not survivable even with a full lung."

Green eyes narrowed and ginger fur rose. 'Then you should have said so!' The familiar snarled.

"I did. Oh, I did. I told little Runali to focus on what's important. Still, I have a feeling Jack would be able to pull off Monet's feat when his bride, Sybil, was held captive by the Sea God."

'Lady Amaiya, we need to warn Master Jack! If he crosses the veil, we can't pull him back.'

Collab between Capt. Blu, Mizos and Fox

By Summoner's Light
Runali, Landry, Chaos and Z

The sunlight dimmed from above as fat, grey clouds ate away the afternoon skies. There was a noticeable dip in temperature as steam rose from the lips of the people clamouring to Ru's left and right. Tiny white specks drifted down, the flurry intensifying as darkness became complete, causing a flurry of movement as worried women pulled out umbrellas to shelter their brood. The unlucky, who didn't prepare for the snow, were sent scrambling towards huts Cassidy pointed out the day before.

Either way, the crowd thinned considerably, by the time the platform came into view. Runali rode on, untouched by Mother Nature's icy tears, protected by Landry himself. The templar captain bowed his head in acknowledgement when she glanced his way, and showed his fingers covered in faint yellow glow. The energy dissipating from them feeding the shimmering shell that surrounded them and kept them warm and dry. Summoner's magic, definitely, but missing was the distinctive smell of ash, the only tell Cedric left whenever he casted his spells.

"I think we can talk more openly now, Captain Lev. Your little charade might have fooled the citizens of Bonifaas but I've known Princess Eline for years. Please tell me why you've taken to impersonating royalty."

His tone was neutral despite the harshness of his words. The biggest confirmation Ru received about his actual thoughts was the curiosity on his face. Landry turned away briefly and watched the snow drive even the most adoring subject away. He couldn't help chuckling when he finally saw Zilia, who had been trailing behind. Maximus had mentioned the Stardusk he sensed in the area, but Landry like maintaining his own little façade. Now, he felt, was a good time to show part of his hand. Knowing that ship's doctor won't be able to hear them, he motioned for her to enter his zone of protection.

"I suggest we take our time. Your event is likely to have been cancelled, so please, gather your crew and we can have a chat. I would like to speak to your cook in particular, seeing how most of my grievances are with him."

Hearing her actual name didn't cause her to react, in fact, she kept her attention on the sights and the snow that began to fall. She held her hand out for the snow, but caught on to the magic that Landry created and stopped. Frankly it was better than being cold.

When he finished, Runali turned back to him with a look of confusion that could've almost been genuine. "Hm? Landry what are you talking about? You sound like a madman, are you sure your trip went alright?"

"You won't gain anything pretending to be Eline, Captain Lev. I've already reassured you that no one can hear us from outside this barrier." He emphasised in the same detached tone. "If you wish to waste my time, I'll do the same with yours. Or," he paused long enough to let the message sink in. "I can withhold the little I know about Cedric. Where he's kept, for instance, or why he was taken … "

He refused to take another step, prompting his familiar to do the same. Turning behind, he stared at the short, hooded person, stating very succinctly, "Clearly suspicions run deep in your crew. I'll give you five minutes to make your decision. If you refuse to admit the truth, I'll take my leave. And, when I go, you'll lose your only chance to exonerate Jack for his current crimes in Trovale."

To drive home his point, the templar fished out a sealed letter from inside his coat and showed the Grand Summoner's wax seal. Written clearly on the envelope was the name of the Navy General currently overseeing the headquarters in Bonifaas. "Once this letter is handed over, your spymaster will never be able to step foot in Trovale again or he'd be executed on the spot for crimes against sovereign and country."

He lowered the letter and held it out of Runali's reach. "Madame Summoner is clearly of two minds over the matter, so she left the decision in my hands as her second in command. Personally, I'd rather Jackal go free but, if this is the only way to get your attention, I'll have no qualms sacrificing him for the greater good."

Runali watched his every movement, curious to see how he'd react. She had to admit, he didn't disappoint. With the slightest nudge, she got what she needed from him. Knowledge that he had something she didn't, in fact a few things she didn't. For a moment, she said nothing, simply staring him down with an unreadable expression but eventually she clicked her tongue and rested a hand over her heart. "No need to get your panties in a bunch mister Landry." She teased to prod him further. "Royals, forever uppity and always quick to choose to harm others." She shook her head and got comfortable in the carriage since he decided to stop. "Temper tantrums aren't a good look on you."

Runali stretched her arms above her head, giving Zilia the slightest gesture to move before her hands fell behind her back. "You're not as quick as you look if you don't already know why I'd be doing something like this. Especially considering you've answered part of the question on your own." With a wave of her hand she gave him a coy look. "Well, don't waste both of our times. Carry on to where we need to be… Princess' orders and all." Runali winked and then leaned against the edge to look at Landry. "Tell me, why you think you deserve to know so much of my crew and why I should jump to your command? Believe it or not, I'm here in an attempt to help this kingdom rather than harm it. Frankly, this is the last place I want to be so your threat to withhold what you know keeps me here longer." She rested her head in her hand. "You'd be doing us both a favor by not playing enemy with the Stardusk."

The doctor's eyes narrowed slightly under her hood, she could feel eyes on her. Being hunted by Luro consistently made her familiar with the feeling. She wasn't too partial to being called over but left the matter alone for the time being and approached entering into the bubble. When the chill of winter left she relaxed a little, but tensed back up remembering that this wasn't Luro warmth it was magic warmth, and then got mad at herself for relaxing at the idea of Luro warmth.

She offered no response only staring at the two waiting to see the Captain's response, it was only when she let the facade drop that she actually decided to speak up.
"A sign of good faith goes a long way Mr. Landry, you're asking something of us and withholding information. I understand keeping cards close to one's chest but gambling with the life of my crewmate is a bad place to start," Zilia commented. "If you know Cedric's location or anything pertaining to it….you should have started with that."

Zilia had multiple questions but ultimately caught the Captain's signal and moved accordingly. The one good thing about constantly being in trouble is she was constantly prepared for a worst case scenario, adjusting her hood she exhaled a breath before calmly stepping out of clear eyesight.

"Glad to see you join us Madame Doctor. Your captain and I finally decided to start being honest with one another." He skated past Ru's comments, preferring to let her think she had the upper hand. After all, he noticed she was rather easy to read for someone of his talents, lying or not.

He spread out a lone hand, palm facing Ru, as he returned to her question. "I apologise if I come across as entitled. I simply know what there is to know about your crew, because that's my job, Captain Lev. If I wanted you to jump at my command, you'd know as well. Rest assured, I won't keep anything from you if you ask the right questions. That's the best I can promise."

Slipping the letter back into his coat, Landry pulled out an ornate pocket watch stamped with his family crest, popped it open and pretended to check the time; in reality, he was using the mirrored surface to scout the buildings behind. He studied the shadows moving around the rooftop and it didn't take long for him to confirm Maximus's hunch that Adenin was close by. Relaxing visibly, the templar captain closed his pocket watch and returned it to the inner pocket of his coat. "Before I propose we start heading back to Jensen for your afternoon tea with the ministers, Princess, I'll answer a few more questions starting with Madame Doctor's."

He turned his sights towards where Zilia had been standing earlier. Even though he couldn't make eye contact, he assumed she wouldn't have strayed too far or he would have sensed her stepping out of his spell range. "Have you learned anything about the pagan Goddess of the land?"

"I have a very general understanding of her," Zilia responded simply. Her voice seem to echo from two different places as she spoke. Zilia's mouth moved as the man spoke, though no words came out she seemed to be taking note of something.

"She dwells in a rift between realities. There she fashioned a garden filled with souls she collected over the years. A purgatory for the humans sacrificed in exchange for miracles - raising the dead, curing incurable illnesses, correcting disabilities or protecting the town. I believe she wishes to keep Cedric alive until the demon moon, when she would use him to free her true body."

"You know about us, but you still need answers from us?" Runali huffed and leaned back in her seat, turning her attention to the streets. "'Ask the right questions'." She mocked and waved her hand in the air. "You know exactly what I want but you'd rather be pompous and not tell me. Truly, it is the most simple thing and you find it best that you withhold that." Her arms crossed as she listened to Landry letting him tell tales of gods and sacrifices.

However when he finished, Runali turned her full body towards him. Her expression was calm and anyone that happened to see them would probably guess she was having a light, friendly conversation with the man. Her posture was relaxed with no intention of harm, but the aura about her, whether she wanted it to or not, was threatening.

"So tell me this, Landry. How does this benefit you, hm? A monster appears over the land to befell a kingdom," She spoke as if she was telling a fairytale. "And you? Where is your part in this? Are you aiding the demon that has taken my crew? Or is this your opportunity, with the princess gone, to take a kingdom as yours?" Runali's brow raised. "Ask the right questions, yes?" Before he spoke, she raised one finger. "Frankly, your deals with devils is nothing I care about. You can rampage a town, a kingdom, this entire country if you so wish. All I want is my summoner and Bentham and her kid. The rest of this? I'm just being... considerably nice. Now, will you answer my questions and tell me where to find Cedric, or will you continue to waste our time together?"

"Why do I sense so much agitation? You can't become Pirate Lord if you don't know how to adapt, Captain Lev. I'll entertain your nonsense but believe me when I said I expected a lot more from you." Stroking his horse's shoulder, he finally looked away, hinting his own disdain for the Jaipuran. She was an idiot despite her ideals and he resented the rumours that had built her up into somebody great. If people knew who she was in reality, he was sure she'd be knocked off her pedestal.

"I have no reason to side with the sacred beast. I came because I'm duty bound to bring justice to the person whose life was wrong taken. As for Bonifaas, why would I want it? I'm a lord in my own right back in Trovale and I command respect even among the Navy. There's no need to burden myself with additional duties." His body language was visibly colder. "I already told you where Cedric's kept and your criticisms I shall not deign to answer. Do you have a better question for me? Or," he spoke more politely. "Does the esteemed Madame Doctor wish to ask me something more worthwhile?" He raised his hands to adjust his white gloves.

Zilia didn't like this any more than the Captain but she kept her own disdain put aside, she disliked it but playing this man's game would provide answers, or at the very least more pieces that could be used later. She could find out later how much was truth and how much was lies, for now she'd deal with it. If he was lying she would ensure if their paths crossed again he'd be paid back tenfold.

"...who is this sacred beast...and why Cedric of all people? If I'm to believe what you're saying is factual there are a lot of people chasing after him. If this goddess of the land is the purpose of this and seeks to free her true body then why are there so many players, are they followers, do they seek something from her for this? There's clearly more than that and you seem to understand it. For all the hatred for my crewmate he's been kept alive for a reason from people who seem to want his demise, so they seem to be participating in whatever this is."

With that said Zilia stepped back into visible few and adjusted her hood. "I was also ask you not to belittle my Captain or her accomplishments Sir Landry. A man of your standing should be able to handle a little goading, we're pirates expecting a completely respectful conversation was lost from the beginning."

"Pardon, Madame Doctor, I meant no offence to you. I make no promise not to disrespect your captain, but such is life. Some will like you and some won't. That's what she will have to learn if she wishes to succeed." He switched to focusing on Zilia and Runali ceased to exist in his mind, princess imposter or not.

"Your words captured this tangled web clearly, Madame Doctor. We have a lot of people working together but their goals don't appear to align. I won't profess to know much about the K-13. However, I can answer questions regarding the sacred beast. Goddess, demoness or whatever label you prefer. All of them refer to the same entity. She was the one our first king sealed away. Unfortunately, to free herself again, she would need the aid of a child from the right lineage, possibly one of the descendants from Giraud's twelve children. Possibly, a question of blood purity," he added with a shrug.

He frowned as realisation sank in. "I think I know the reason for the mess but I won't say more until I have some evidence. Of course, the process could be cut short if you had the information on the K-13 I was looking for." As he spoke, he retrieved a leather bound book from one of his saddlebags and started flipping through it. He scribbled in Trovalian.

Enfant d'Beauregard. Alana Langley x L. Beauregard. Filleul d'père. Archive of Genealogy (Caird Str. Verversgracht Distr. Uni. of Social Sciences).

"Well, yes. I have much to reflect myself as this has bearings with my personal mission in this land. I thank you, Madame Doctor, for this insight. Never did I think that my past would come back at such a critical juncture. Perhaps it's best I escort the both of you back to Castle Jensen first. I promise I'll seek you out once I have the information we're missing. Are you agreeable to my suggestion?"

Runali's brow quirked up at Landry's insults, keeping a mental note of it. He wouldn't be the first to insult her and at the pace she lived, he certainly wouldn't be the last. But regardless, she let him have the last word so he'd keep his own peace, tugging the fishing line and letting him loose. She was still debating whether or not his life mattered should he fall in the crossfire of danger… Probably not, she presumed but didn't speak up about it. Though, the smallest huff of amusement escaped when Zilia defended her. She appreciated it, but now was not the time to say. Runali started to say something in response to not having information he needed, something along the lines of not being his lackeys, but she kept her mouth shut to let him finish.

"Agreeable so long as you don't decide to double cross us."

"And, I shall ask the same of you. Ah Gemini, do you bring me news about young Vontiago?" Landry greeted the gris swooping into his barrier. Holding out his arm, he allowed the bird familiar to perch while his fingers stroked the feathered head. "I see. Tell him to keep safe. I'll handle matters from here."

Gemini kicked off into the air once the message was conveyed. Landry sighed loudly before he reluctantly acknowledged Ru again. "I wanted to believe that Jack Kunal was redeemable and not a blood-thirsty Jackal. My subordinate confirmed otherwise. He reported that your crew attacked him without rhyme or reason. Don't make me ask again, Captain Lev. Order Luro Makachi to back off or I'll be forced to attack him."

Seeing the bird again made a short frown cross her face, but only for a short moment. Just as the bird appeared it flew off again, but Runali's attention was on Landry. Her head leaned against her hand as he acknowledged her. "A threat perceived is more than enough reason to defend. You blame Jack for being blood thirsty when his family was stolen from him? I see family means little to you." She spoke in jest as if it was a casual conversation. "He's not blood thirsty, he's angry." Another huff of amusement left her. "Luro on the other hand… put your hand near sharp teeth you can't expect not to get bitten… He's not one to fight without reason, so I can only assume the threat is someone that's already attacked us before… So before I do, tell me," She vaguely gestured to the rooftops above. "Who're you allied with?"

"My allegiance? Who else would I pledge loyalty to save my king, my country and the council." He glowered. "Jackal seems to love no one but himself. He left his younger brother to die in Norja. If you don't believe me, ask him yourself. Cedric was lucky the young Vontiago rescued him. Luro, well, he's nothing more than a mindless beast."

Runali clicked her tongue and shook her head. "No, no Sir Landry that's not an answer." She smiled as he glowered at her. "Your knowledge of Luro is surface deep and that's okay. But that's not what I asked. And you want us to trust you, yes? So I'll make it a little clearer." She cleared her throat. "Who's the threat Luro's fighting? The threat that you don't want him to harm."

"My subordinate, Adenin du Vontiago. I'll vouch the same for him. He is a man of reason so it's unlikely he'd attack unless provoked."

Zilia's gaze moved over to the words on the page, she quickly committed them to memory, making a quick note in her own book before stepping cleanly back into the opening, her mouth still moving speaking no words as the man spoke as she continued to mark something as they walked with the strange magic.

"That man of reason messed with Cedric and almost killed him along with his cohorts. Though it's strange to discuss company kept I think keeping a murdering cannibal close would raise the smallest suspicion about a person's personal character."

With that said Zilia reached up and adjusted her own hood."I believe Adenin is doing more evil than good here, and if you are aware of that and can still call him respectable than that would speak to your own character Sir Landry. A man of your stature who seems to have such observational prowess would not be fooled by the whims of one person, if you've earned that respect I would imagine you understand more than what's going on."

Zilia lowered her hands back to her side. "I do not mean that as an insult of course, but you have insulted my crew twice now so understandably you can see how that would leave an impression. If I am proven incorrect then I will properly apologize for my needless accusations, to you and him both. I'll take what you say as truth Sir Landy, but understand I do not trust Adenin or those who insult my friends. If you have grievances than that's fine but I would appreciate you not speak ill of those not present, it's not befitting proper etiquette. We're having a normal conversation after all."

Hearing the name made her snap her fingers, almost as if that's who she expected. Zilia was quicker to respond but that made her all the more curious. "Careful what you say next Landry," A smugness entered her tone. "While we may be cooperative now, we're pirates that do take. And we will do so if we see fit." She glanced over at the rooftops. "You wanted information on the K-13 and it seems like your subordinate as you've called him, is working directly with one. The queen cannibal herself no less. The way I see it, you're either a fool that's being played or you're trying to get us off your tail." Her finger wagged to the time of a ticking clock. "You're on a thin line here. You could make a friend of us or you could have another foe. I'm not opposed to letting Luro kill your companion up there, so better be quick and true."

Landry stopped himself from retorting. Revealing his true feelings about his subordinate would prove detrimental to his plans. Runali had inadvertently confirmed what he suspected all along, so in a sense, he owed her a favour. Not that he planned on admitting it. She was annoyingly astute for an empty-headed woman. Madame Doctor, on the other hand, he did not wish to antagonise.

He heard rumours of her having a god-tiered power recently - one from an extremely rare devil fruit. Without any means of verifying fact from fiction, he best proceed with caution. "Maybe I'm a fool. Or, maybe you're lying. It's hard to tell when we can't talk to him, yes? I suggest you call your crew off him and I'll let you interrogate him. I'm sure he would be willing given the circumstances."

"I don't trust him. Not in the slightest." Runal's head leaned against her palm. "I think he needs Adenin alive, Doctor." There was something peculiar with how dodgy he was being, beyond the fact that he was already so suspicious sounding. "Hmm, I don't think that subordinate is really a subordinate either." She stared at the man for a moment, watching him get defensive and angry. "Hm. He took something from you didn't he?" She raised a brow. "Or what, you need him alive because he has something of yours?" Her one eye squinted a bit. "Someone?"

She clicked her tongue in disappointment, but eventually straightened up. "He's useless to us if we don't and he looks like he'd rather risk his life in a fight than actually listen." She turned her head towards the last place she saw Luro, scanned around the rooftops until she found the signs she was looking for and then called out. "Luro, don't kill him. We need him to talk… Maybe later though." She mumbled the last part before looking back at Landry. "There. Now your turn."

"....I doubt this will fully resolve things considering but very well," Zilia said stepping clearly back out into the open. "It's better than theory crafting...however Sir Landry. My mentor gave me very important advice once. 'Everyone is allowed to be stupid once'," Zilia said before looking at him. "I will give you the benefit of the doubt as that's only fair, you are a person and your position denotes you posses some skill...but this is that 'one'. You chose to hear us out so I'll hear you out...let's not make this more complicated than need be."

Zilia's eyes moved over to where Luro was and her eyes narrowed. "Luro was about to destroy this area wasn't he...I felt that from here….well I'm sure he trusted me to shield the Captain but still….he's having too much fun over there."

"Have you lost your mind?" The modicum of respect he had for Runali snuffed out in an instant when he realized the pirates care very little about their surroundings. "Madame Doctor, we're standing in an area filled with shophouses. There are families living here! Not far from this street is a children's hospital. There, do you see that building? Inside are hundreds of sick children and their parents. Do you truly have no heart?"

Down over his face was an icy mask. "Capitain Lev, tell him to stand down now!"

"You're getting so worked up, now you're ignoring me." Runali raised a brow in confusion. "I just told him to stand down already, what do you want me to do? Go over there myself to drag him back? In this outfit?" She leaned back in the carriage. "Me? A heart? Never." Her sarcasm was obvious, but this time she looked around to make sure no one was around before yelling louder, "Luro! That's enough for now!"


A Shot in the Dark
Adenin, Gemini and Luro


Overheard, Adenin was on the move. The Du Vontiago winked from edge to edge, silent like a shadow and just as swift. Strapped to his person was a bandolier filled with pistols and knives. His main weapon, a rapier, hung from his left hip and easily grabbed by his right hand. He straightened as Gemini winked out of existence shortly after sending an alert his way. Adenin couldn't help smiling, knowing that everything was going according to plan.

All he needed to do was to keep the Stardusk following him busy. At least, long enough for Jack to be dealt with - a wonderful crippling blow to this wannabe crew. For no one else seemed capable of out strategizing him. Alicia Tashigi from what he could see lacked the patience to play the long game and Runali was far too naive. As for Arcadius, well, the man forever lived in a dreamworld.

The man stood at the edge of the building as Runali rode towards the next building. Whipping out a gun, he aimed for the woman's head before calling to the world at large. "Show yourself or I'll fire."

Multiple shards of ice served as a response to the man's call, one at his head and two at his torso.
Luro leapt up onto the roof his rifle resting on his shoulder, he was garbed in his cloak with the hood over his head hiding his face, though due to the lower half of his mouth showing the wide grin on it was out in the open. Red hair fluttered out of the hood and though his eyes remained hidden it was clear he was looking at Adenin, with a small laugh he motioned to him.
"If ya wanted to see me all you had to do was ask," Luro said. "Gonna come out anyway so it works I have another reason to shoot you. I'm not the sneaky type ya know."

He expected the man to dodge them, if he was the family of that weird grasshopper lady he probably knew how to dodge flying stuff. Luro's grin widened a little. "So you asked me to come out….are we killing each other or what?"

Luro rested his rifle on his hand. "I'm ready to destroy half the city just to make sure you don't get away Marcus."

Luro tilted his head. "Wait….no that's not your name...well it's not important right now. Let's do the fighting thing."

Fuzzy shadows swirled towards the center, solidifying and shifting colour, as Adenin's body reformed. One of the ice shards gleamed in his hand seconds before it flew back towards Luro with equal force. Otherwise, the man appeared completely unfazed, as he pulled himself up the parapet and sat down.

Luro's leaned his head to the side at the returned ice before straightening up looking back at Adenin, he supposed that meant it was time to respond in kind with his own violence.

He drew a knee towards himself furthering the picture of complete disregard for the danger imminent. "Marcus, eh? He's a dear friend of Sid's and Jack's. You may call me that if you wish." Adenin was clearly relishing the thought of Jack hearing the name Marcus again. That man was truly a noble brute, who caused Cedric all manner of hurt during his capture. A fact he's sure that Jack would have found out by now. Why else would dear Cedric have those disfiguring scars all over his body?

"Before we begin our game of tag, Luro Makachi, tell me if destroying half the city is worth it? I haven't done anything to you or your fianceé. Jack, well, he's an unfortunate obstacle in my quest to succeed my Aunt. Cedric …. " He drawled.

"Huh? Are we talking? Why are we talking?"

"Why Cedric isn't worth considering at all. He's what we call human trash and needs to be treated as such," he continued while readying himself to flee. "Born into poverty and a burden to the hard working people of Trovale. You're better off without him, dear Gentleman Pirate. Trust me, because I saw him at his worst. Broken, bleeding and begging for the torment to stop. What sort of man can't take a little pain inflicted by his enemies, hm? He was pathetic enough to contemplate suicide after he escaped. Haunted I heard by nightmares from that time."

Adenin faked a cheery yawn and enjoyed the wind whipping loose hair against his face. "If he was smart, he would haven't tried to sever the ties between my Aunt and I by trying to prove I was a double agent. He was too pathetically desperate for her love and affection. Like a dog, no? Maybe, he's been begging for scraps of attention from you too."

"He's….he's talking a lot...should I interrupt...that's rude though, Z said so." Luro thought resting his rifle on his shoulder.

Hand slipped into his coat and out came a porcelain flask. He sloshed the contents while holding the bottle up for Luro to see, tempting the giant with the promise of drink. Uncorking it, he poured a woody smelling powder into that bottle then hid it from view. His hands not visible either.

"Oh right, I forgot that you're Ru-ie's rabid dog. I guess what I said must have flown well over your head, tsk. Let me explain in simpler words. I ... " There was a hiss of a match being struck. "Was the one to break him. Watch the light die from his eyes, knowing that he'll never trust anyone again. Do you understand now, little chien?" (trans. little pooch)

"...I think I'm getting tired. I shouldn't yawn though he clearly wants to talk to someone. Hold it in...hold it in….."

Adenin's arm shot past his ear. Barely catching the glow from street lights below was that bottle stuffed with a burning handkerchief. It hurtled towards Luro's head; bringing a smoking trail so earthy and cloyingly sweet that all other smells were obliterated. Adenin - that man was gone! A smoldering pouch sat on the vacated parapet, diffusing more foul smoke across the arena.

Luro stared in silence at Adenin, if he understood what the man was talking about it didn't show on his expression, he tilted his head a bit as the man spoke of Cedric's backstory, sharing the secrets Cedric himself had never shared with him. Still he only watched without words casually checking his gun during the conversation, at a certain point he rubbed the back of his head.

At the show of drink he pat his belt revealing he had his own to the offer but smiled nonetheless.
His nose sniffed the smell of smoke and his brow arched a bit as he clicked something on his rifle.

" you need a friend? You talk a lot and belittle people a seem kinda lonely," Luro said with a tilt of his head. "A hug might help."

There was no malice in the man's words, he seemed genuinely concerned for the man.

Luro's form vanished and he reappeared on the opposing rooftop when the bottle was thrown, blue mist hovering around his body as his eyes glanced over at the bottle and he shot a shard of ice at it now that he was at a distance, he wasn't sure what it was but getting rid of it seemed a priority.

A large gust exploded from Luro gun blowing all the smoke around him away all in one clean motion shortly after he hurled the ice, throwing him back even further. The moment he landed he eyed the spot Adenin had been.

"You seem lonelier than Cedric was…" Luro said. "It's kinda sad."

Luro took a good clean look around arching a brow.
"I'm not sure how to feel. I mean I'm still willing to destroy half the city cause I was asked to hurt you but it's really hard to get into the mood with this one…"

Dark mist gathered behind Luro. A hand, an arm, shot out from the formless mass, snaking around the carpenter's neck. Adenin waited to see if he could get a firm grip before re-materializing. Already his thoughts were being conveyed to his superior. 'These pirates attack without reason. I fear I must retreat soon or risk death. Luro Makachi is as terrible as described in the reports. A senseless brute whom we should eliminate when we can.'

"Has anyone told ya you guys think too much," Luro said rubbing his neck, "All these future plans and machinations, insulting people and all this complicated stuff. People like that don't always die gently ya know."
Luro's eyes glanced behind him as his instincts screamed at him, he felt the fingers before steam shot out of his gun enveloping the both of them in a cloud of it, before Luro shot out of the smoke sideways, skidding along the adjacent rooftop, lowering his gun he fired into the steam, a small spark following before a concentrated fiery explosion followed.

"I don't really get why I'm fighting you to be honest." Luro said loading another shot into his rifle. "Well doesn't matter."

Luro lowered his body searching for Adenin once more, he apparently had some weird misty move he had to be careful of, people like this tended to struggle until the end after all.

"If ya do something mean ya gotta expect something mean to happen back to ya. That's just the way it goes. kinda seems like your the person misunderstanding something in all this."

A shadowy figure zoomed towards Luro with fist swung back. A second figure honed in at Luro's previous speed also with fist raised. A third, a fourth and a fifth. All aiming to pincer the sniper in place. Two shadowy hands sprang from his own shadow, homing in on his ankles, and following him wherever he stepped. Their movement gaining speed every second.

Adenin materialised from above, tossing two throwing knives Luro's way. Teleporting behind him, the man fired his guns. Then, appearing in front, he kicked off from the edge of the roof with his rapier leading. He chased Luro's body without giving the other man time to rest. More shadow figures materialised and ready to wrap their arms around Luro should he come their way.

More of their brethren gathered around the sides of the rooftop. They climbed up each other, pulling the dark sky down, making it contort like a watery tarp. It was a world soon to be devoid of light. Air would soon follow as the seal was made perfect. Adenin kicked back from the corner, weaving at blinding speed, thrusting his blade again and again. Fast jabs of metal that switched with the lightest step back in Luro's direction. The path of escape slowly choked off by more shadow beings.

Luro eyes twitched and he shot himself in the air forcing himself out of the attack dropping a grenade down towards the figure as he went up, though the moment he landed his eyes narrowed at the hands forcing him to keep moving, he raised his rifle knocking away one knife but one got him in the arm, he yanked it out and lowered his body narrowly dodging the shots that fired, feeling the wind of one of the bullets as it passed him.

Due to the approaching hands and those steadily keeping up with his speed, along with the barrage of attacks from all sides he couldn't find too many openings to get a clean shot, in the end it wouldn't matter if he didn't shoot the right one anyway. He managed to weave and block a few of the strikes from the rapier, placing his foot down and quickly changing directions to avoid the creatures traps but stopping every attack wasn't going to happen.

He felt some connect, red staining his white shirt as more and more hits hit him, he moved to avoid them hitting any lethal points, and though some were just catching his sides, he noticed more creatures coming and he could feel something in the air shifting. Since he couldn't move any faster and Adenin was faster saying this was a bad situation was putting it lightly.

"Oh wow you're strong. Hahaha there's no way I can beat you holding back," Luro said.

With a grin as one blade got his cheek as he leaned his head to the side, Luro's eyes widened and with a toothy grin something in his voice shifted as an echo enveloped part of his voice.

"Thankfully Captain told me I don't gotta."
Luro eyes went to his rifle as one of his Generator's glowed, he grinned glad he held out long enough, just as another attack came a bright flare formed in front of Luro, the air seemed to draw into him before an explosion of fire exploded out from Luro position, a sphere of fire expanding outwards as rows of explosions suddenly filled the area around them, multiple explosions decimating the rooftops and a chunk of the houses destroying a part of their 'playground'.

"Adenin Vontiago….you're really fun. Now I'm feeling it!"

Luro's hair fluttered behind him now a bright crimson, the nails on his right hand had grown into claws, two fangs protruded from his canines as his laughter echoed, slits that peered down at the wreckage held nothing but the intense desire to extinguish. The Sclera in his right eye shifted from white to black, as his now glowing iris eyed their new battle ground

Black tattoo's ran up the right side of his body covering part of his face, where his smile had contorted into a sadistic grin, his eyes filled with an unabated bloodlust.
"You're worth consuming Vontiago! Your name, your dreams, your very humanity will belong to me!"

Though there was no more ground to stand on that didn't seem to be a concern as Luro's body hovered in the air surrounded by bright red lights, that flared every now and then like stars in the sky.

"Let's have some real fun!"

Luro spun the dagger that had cut him earlier and stabbed it through his old hand with crazed laughter, the drawn blood flowed out of new wound and the old ones, hovering in front of him before breaking apart forming into multiple rifles that surrounded his body.

Grabbing hold of one, the blood seem to crystallize as Luro aimed it at the ground. "Shadows huh...well I'll just erase everything around us so you can't hide anymore!"

Luro's eyes glanced to the right as a bright glow enveloped the glow as a voice called to him and his eyelids lowered a bit. "Hm."

Black flames quickly enveloped Luro and when they faded he had returned to normal before falling back onto the streets below, reaching up he caught his rifle as it fell returning it to his back.

"Captain says no more fight so no more fighting," Luro said. "Aw man we were going to kill each other and everything."

Blackness gathered into human form, as Adenin stepped out from the shadows. He regarded the creature before him without a trace of fear, just scorn; he had seen much worse. Feats that - perhaps - only Tashigi would be close to achieving after training so many years. Any hint of his actual thoughts were snuffed out by the chilling hate in his eyes. "I wait to see who is the greater fool, chien. Your beloved capitaine has nothing but my sincerest pity." He mocked bow.

He laughed as he stabbed his own stomach with a blade plucked from his bandolier. "No, the greatest fool will be Jack. I can't wait to see his face when he realizes you helped bring about Cedric's demise."

With a bloodied hand wrapped firmly around the rounded stone cap, the summoner steaded himself, enjoying the screams of people trapped beneath. Mothers and fathers screaming for their children in some units, children crying as they stood in the blood of their loved ones in other units --- so much desolation filling the air. A deep rumble punctured the agony, an ominous hush swept through --- then,


Multiple explosions rocked the area. Damaged buildings blew their tops skyward, geysering flames, more smoke and the smell of incinerated flesh. Fiery rock hailed down onto the nearby houses, lodging close to newly treated wood, and in seconds screams of "fire, fire!" rocked household to household, sending tributaries of panicked humans converging into the area where Runali, Zilia and Landry were. The latter wisely terminated his barrier after tossing the peite Zilia onto his familiar.

Rending the air with a burning card, Adenin watched his superior tear open a portal. The man ordering people to run through the doorway to safety. The location, Adenin guessed, would be as close to the hospital as possible. It was the only way to ensure proper help was given to the injured.

Wonderful, Charlotte's nephew thought, Little dog, Makachi, has been such a good little pawn. Panning his free hand out to call Luro's attention to the spreading fires, Adenin grinned. "Thank you for creating this diversion. Delight in it as you always do. I know you care little about humanity. Neither old or child ever stirs that rotten heart of yours for you were never human."

After delivering his parting message, the Du Vontiago slipped back into the shadows, entering the portal and finally tumbling in a pained heap at his own captain's feet. He pulled himself up and pretended to check on his wound. "Capitaine, these people are savages. Look at the destruction they caused by refusing to leash their dog. Families were destroyed tonight; I tried warning him that we were in a residential area. But, there was no reasoning with him. He - he stabbed me when I tried stopping him!"


Runali, Z, Luro, Landry, Adenin and Chaos

(Also Adenin! Hit 10 image limit).

Summoners accompanying Landry rushed forth, mingling with volunteers, everyone using spell or bucket to try quenching the fires. A more perceptive merchant yelled suddenly, warning people to clear the next two houses; there were oil kegs inside, he warned. Able-bodied men and women immediately set to the task. Navy soldiers started streaming in through the portal Landry created earlier and they tried to maintain some semblance of order. None of them paid close attention to the two Stardusk sitting on Maximus in plain sight. Runali - in fact, was saluted as they ran passed, seeing that she was currently Princess Eline.

From the hospitals, spare healers streamed through a second portal, one setup by Landry's co-captain. The few stragglers who escaped the blaze were quickly tended to. But, there was simply no consolation to be had. If your family or friends were not out on the streets yet, they were more than likely dead. The blaze was simply out of control with more wood being exposed.

Adenin had refused all attempts to heal him, stoically accepting a single roll of bandage, which he used to bind his bleeding gash. As he laid on the ground, supported by Maximus. Landry had long silenced his subordinate as he considered the other captain.

"Well, Princess, what do you plan to do? Any joy that's to be had is now in flames as one of your biggest commercial districts go up in flames. Your citizens are looking to you for comfort and support." He shot her a warning look telling her not to break character. "You should tend to your duties while I deal with the person responsible. Madame Doctor, please stay. I want your captain to see how I've handled everything fairly."

"Mew?" Chaos asked with a tilt of her head. She walked over to Luro and tried gazing into his eyes; it was a look that spoke of utmost trust in the mind, perhaps in a goodness she thought she saw in him.

Landry frowned when the young familiar came to show her support. There was much he wished to say to Chaos but he wasn't her summoner. So, he had no right to counsel her about the company she sought. Cedric had truly descended to the lowest of low, a failure unto himself and his familiars in this case, choosing a murderer over his country.

Lady Summoner was wise to order the young man's execution considering that this was the calibre of the company he kept, Landry concluded. To think that the two of them were related by birth and now forever separated by corruption of the other's good character.

"This sounds like your own doing, Landry. You're allied with a man that'll probably kill you the chance he can." She stood, smoothing out her borrowed outfit and climbed down from the horse, putting her hand out to force him to put on a show and help her out. "Luro knows not to kill innocent people. Luro also doesn't lie about the lives he's taken. But you seem to be too blind by whatever that man has over you." She smirked and moved her hair to cover her eye. "I'm a near blind woman and I can see he's not to be trusted." She patted the man's arm before giving Z and Luro a nod and walking over to help the wounded.

"Explain yourself," he addressed. Whether he took Runali's words to heart was to be seen. "Was this destruction a folly of your capricious character or was this Jackal's grand idea?"

Luro rejoined the others folding his hands behind his head, his gaze went over to Adenin, if he had anything to say about the man's words from before it didn't show on his face, instead only a small smile appeared as he looked over at him. "Wow you're a really good liar, you'd make a good pirate."

"All right let's see how this goes. It's gonna be fun."
Luro ignored the voice in his head and looked over at the man, who Zilia gave a short introduction.

She apparently wasn't pleased about being tossed around but she seemed to be with Chaos in this situation, she knew Luro. He was a certain kind of person and murdering without hesitation wasn't something she'd put past him, but looking at the scene behind him, at the destruction this felt off, it wasn't Luro destruction, he didn't leave traces like this. If she had to compare it was like seeing the works of the same sculpture but two different creators. The marksman's gaze moved to Zilia at Landry's words and she sighed.
"He's asking if you killed these people because you felt like it or if Jack asked you to."

"Ohhhhh," Luro said with a nod before looking over at Landry. "I didn't kill anyone though. I don't kill people who can't fight back, that makes no sense."

"Luro." Zilia said motioning behind him.

He looked back before slamming a hand onto his fist.
"Oh right you guys don't know."

Luro held a finger towards Landry as a small flame flickered, akin to the ones currently behind them. "Feel it."

Luro's comment was simple but even if the man didn't reach out and touch the flames it was abundantly clear what Luro wanted him to know, the flame coming from Luro wasn't hot, in fact it was cold, a chill could be felt from it.

"I'm able to make cold fire," Luro said. "It doesn't burn anything, doesn't even hurt."

Luro motioned back towards the fire itself, those within some of the flames would probably be surprised to find themselves surrounded or within it yet no heat came out of it, thus they weren't being burned and of course the fire did nothing to the surrounding area, it was surprisingly harmless.

"I was in the center of the explosion after all, I got no way of protecting myself from it, why would I use hot fire and kill myself," Luro said lowering his hand and putting his hands on his hips. "That and I only aimed for the rooftops. You can go feel them if you want, the ones that are mine."

Luro held up a finger at this. "I gotta good nose you know, a lotta people were in the streets which made it easier to sniff out those in homes, Captain says not to kill people who aren't a problem so I don't. While I was fighting Adenin and trying not to die I moved away from the places with multiple scents, then I blew up the rooftops. I did hit some buildings, but I purposefully didn't destroy them completely. I aimed for the rooftops cause-"

Luro cut himself off and held his left hand out, as he did a piece of cobblestone shot up and hovered in the air clearly controlled by redheaded man. "I can stop it from falling for a sec and it'd hurt less people, but stopping a whole building's harder," Luro said letting the rock fall. "Some people did get hit but I think they ran through your portal but I can tell ya that explosion didn't kill anyone. If Adenin had been caught in it he probably would have noticed it wasn't burning him too."

Luro looked back at the fire before speaking.

With that one word all his 'fires' dissipated into nothing saving the templars a bit of trouble. "Adenin you should get rid of your fires too, they're killing people," Luro said looking over at the man. "Use your shadow powers to do that 'woosh' thing."

Zilia raised a hand at this. "If I may also add something. Personally I'd like to see Adenin's wounds personally….Luro is really bad with bladed weapons so save the two on his waist he doesn't keep any on him, not even a dagger," Zilia said motioning to the two blades on Luro's waist. Luro seemed to offer a nod in agreement at this.

"Those swords," Zilia said walking over and unsheathing one. "Are not real and thus won't cut anything."

She demonstrated this by running her fingers along the edge and holding it up revealing she was fine. "This buffoon cut himself yesterday and bled all over a perfectly clean table so I took his real swords away without telling him."

"I was really surprised myself," Luro said grinning. "I tried using them last night and couldn't cut with them. I thought it was me until Z told me she hid the real ones this morning. I haven't found them yet."

With that said Zilia took a small step backward and motioned to Adenin. "I believe your comrade is lying to you, Sir Landry, but he says my comrade is lying. I should hope you are a man of objectivity who can view a situation with a neutral gaze. I won't say Luro is completely innocent, property damage is something he's definitely done but parts of your cohorts story doesn't add up as I'm sure you noticed yourself. This is a good chance to seek the truth in the matter, and I believe Luro. He can indeed create flames that don't hurt people and if he knew he was around innocents, it makes sense he wouldn't use real ones, and he can indeed control basic masonry, enough to avoid injuring those around him. However I'm sure Luro is willing to let you check his wounds and person without complication, I would hope Adenin could do the same."

"Sure check me all ya want," Luro said smiling.

"Put your feelings aside Sir Landry, and look at this situation as a man befitting your status, forget titles, forget relationships, and look at what's in front of you. One is more guilty than the other and you have a good chance to prevent more needless deaths."


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Collab Between SilentxChaos, Winter and Fox


Staring into the Abyss
Cassidy and Jack

A piping hot chestnut danced between Cassidy's well-manicured hands. She blew on it with an icy breath and managed to cool it enough to start peeling away the skin. Some of her breath strayed off target, washing down Jack's back as he poured over the map she procured. Cass, being the imp she was, snickered when she saw the ire on her big brother's face. Leaning on the edge of the barrel they were using as a table, she attempted to stuff the peeled chestnut into his mouth.

"Ma Lily says that food is important, Jack! She and Grandpa had all your favorites prepared since early morning but you didn't show. He was sooooo disappointed." She tsked. "How long do you plan on not eating, hm? You've been smokin' a chimney since you crashed through Ma's office door aaaaaaand sulkin'. Reaaaaally, what do you think is the worse that can happen?"

She knew about the kidnapping, but it irked her that Jack was oblivious to the hurt he was causing the rest of the family when he ignored their attempts to help. It was so stupid! Ma Lily and Grandpa had resources at their disposal that would make things easier for the Stardusk. Sighing exaggeratedly, she decided to engage him in actual conversation. Again. "Not only have you been a sour puss but you've made me wait for you at this cold corner of Bonifaas. For two hours at the canalside, I might add. Then, you show up looking like a man needing his next high. Cat skittish, hands deep in your pocket and fingering spirits-knows-what in there."

The little sister grimaced. "I didn't know you were an addict, maybe a pervert, maybe both."

Jack's sigh was deep and soul-stripping. He glared up at the sky: praying for patience from whatever deity was willing to listen, or spirit, those floating around the city excluded. His temporary recovery from his phobia earlier that morning had swiftly vanished once he left Stardusk. He and Runali met with their crew, sharing their information and the current plans laid out, before Jack went to find Lily. He kept his promise to Runali; he sought a partner from his Norjan family to help him on this little quest. He hoped she appreciated the cost to his sanity.

"Addict, maybe. I won't deign the other with a response," he said through chattering teeth as he rolled up the map. They were close to this rumored sunken temple. The sooner they'd get there, the sooner he could suffer without his sister's constant jabs, or the spirits moaning and swarming around him, or Er'is -- Cedric's infecting demon -- looming over his shoulder with a smile.

An echo of logic told Jack he couldn't ignore the demon forever, nor should he. But every time he looked at Er'is, his tongue twisted up and he went without conversing. Maybe he'd finally reached the end of his rope. Maybe the seething hate boiling in his gut allowed his arrogance to win. Or maybe it was his past. His interactions with demons had never ended well.

Jackie rolled inside his shirt with a single paw patting against skin. Never rousing from a most pleasant dream involving the first mate, she sneezed lightly, descending into deeper sleep. Her dream changing to one involving her summoner. The scene showed a sky filled with swirling stars, the colours deep and sombre, with wisps of fog pulling across her vision. Cedric lay unmoving and pale, enclosed in a box. She could pick out sounds of weeping, faint and near. Again, it was hard to discern the details. The person crying could be a man or a woman.

This dream she unconsciously shared with Jack as her furry face nuzzled him. It dropped onto him suddenly, vividly, then faded as she curled away. By the time she touched him again, the subject was Luro and his bright smile. For some reason, again nonsensical, Coral Pearl was there. The difference between the two instances was night and day. She had shared a vision earlier, though, whether it told the future or present, that was left unanswered.

The waters started lapping angrily against the canal walls as souls of the drowned moaned and pleaded. Their heads bobbing and disappearing with each wave, showing how connected the network was to the sea. Peeking before her time was the silver moon, almost full, but clouds shielded her in seconds as snowfall thickened in the area.

This unexpected weather drew angry muttering and steam from Cass's painted lips. Slamming her hands hard enough to shatter their makeshift table, she snapped. "Jack! We need to get back indoors. This weather will kill as fast as a bullet through the heart."

One hand pressing over the furry bundle under his shirt, Jack grabbed Cassidy with the other and drew her to his chest. Hands raised up. They twisted, and Cassidy saw a flash of Haki travel up his arms. The wind rent the air, screeching on their ears as a strange heat burst from Jack. In the span of a breath, Cass felt she was being buffeted by extreme cold and fire… and then it ceased.

The wind swirled around them with the sensation of a warm spring day. Jack created a dome of wind, pushing out the torrent winter weather, and keeping them both cozy. He lowered his arms. "I'm not wasting a trip. Once we reach the canal entrance to the temple, we can take shelter until the worst passes. But this should protect us for now."

He frowned and looked down at her. "Jackie showed me a vision of Cedric. He's alive for now. Maybe the princess too. We're out here for them, and we don't have time to wait and see if they die as a result. So unless you have a better idea, we need to explore all our options."

Cass dialled down the sass when she saw the seriousness in Jack's demeanor. It was so uncharacteristic of him not to snap back that she almost walked over to start checking for a fever -- or something. Her annoying big brother was colder than the Bonifiaan winds and that was enough to send chills down her spine; he was, even if he won't admit it, very much like their grandfather at this very moment. All business and any moral scruples were left on the wayside. Not too much, she hoped, or Jack would have killed the one thing she liked about him, his capacity for kindness.

"We don't have to walk a god's mile yonder (Norjan slang: 'a great distance'), Jack. The place is right here beneath this coffee top (Norjan slang: 'dark, foaming waters'). Your fancy wind's keeping us snug but I wonder if it can withstand the pressure of the waters," Cass reasoned with him. "I can back you up with my powers but I'll be next to useless if water touches my skin. There's brackish water here and saltier it gets closer to the sea."

Jack scratched the back of his head. He didn't want to admit that he'd known they didn't have to go farther… he just didn't want to face what had to come next.

Trudging to the canal's edge, forcing Cassidy to come with him or be back in the weather, he looked down. The water roared and was impossible to see past its near-black depths. Jack winced when he saw the faces of the dead filter by. His body began to tremble; cold sweat coated his neck. His eyes screwed shut.

When they flew open, it was on the pivot of a heel as his fist swung forward. To Cassidy, he was punching thin air. But Jack felt the impact again Er'is's skull as he punched the demon square in the jaw. He retracted his fist. "Satisfied?" he asked in a false mild tone.

Hitting the demon he needed information from wasn't the smartest choice Jack made this week, but few could be ranked as such. The only logic he bothered to hang onto at this point was that concerning the safety of everyone he loved.

Folding his arms, Jack glared at Er'is. He was tense and ready for any retaliation. "I'm surprised you let this silence stretch out for as long as it has."

A cursory check on Jack resulted in something interesting. Er'is grinned happily as he rubbed his jaw, wondering how it would have felt like if he had flesh. No, he wondered if he should be acting like he was in pain. That red, hot flash of emotion was delectable in the extreme; the demon hummed instead, feeling sedate despite the souls swirling at the hem of his robes. He faked a moan, a little too late to be convincing.

"That hurts Jack," he exclaimed in a too gleeful a tone. "By stars, it brings tears to my sockets." A bony finger swiped below the gaping holes. "But no, I was going between you and Alicia Amaiya. She is searching for you and I am sitting back and watching you play out your lives. I can't say which is a more interesting performance."

Er'is pirouetted among the waters, thapping heads and sinking them deeper, looking very much like a demented Eastern deity. "I didn't lie when I say there's useful information if you take the plunge. However, I didn't lie either when I said it's a dive not survivable even with a full lung. So what say you, Jack?"

Cassidy saw nothing by churning waters, a deranged brother and air whacking - things that furthered her speculations on Jack's sanity or lack thereof. She decided she'll check him for signs of syphilis later. The Mas ever mentioned that delirium was part of the ill signs they can observe from infected men. Whether or not she should warn Adelaide, her favorite in-law, was up in the air until she had some confirmation.

"You know, Ma won't appreciate you trying to drown yourself, Jack. If you want to rescue Sid, I'll help you. There's no need to hurt yourself more than necessary." Adroitly, she skated over all mentions of suicide since it was a hot button for their family, seeing how Sid tried taking his own life not too long ago.

He breathed in, out, and gestured to Cassidy that he was fine. He walked to the canal's edge and sat cross-legged in the snow, staring hard at Er'is. What awaits me down there? How do I get back?

"You die and the feathers bring you back to life, but you must not let your body grow cold." There was a slight tilt of the head as the supernatural entity stared Jack down. "Is it a risk worth taking?"

There was a grimace, and a long silence. How will this information help us?

"You are the one who decides Jack Kunal. You're not a child needing guidance but a grown man with a closed mind. Sometimes, you need a leap of faith."

Bony hands stretched out, palm up, as the creature waited for Jack to accept. "Death isn't scary. Your crew died once before. Your brother died once before. It's your turn, child." The voice soften. "Don't worry. I'll make sure your body doesn't grow cold. There is something down there that can help you understand the bigger game at play."

Confusion colored Jack's expression as he looked into the eyes of the demon dancing on the dead. There was more to his expression but it was hard to read. He almost seemed… sorrowful. It submerged back under his mask as his hand brushed against his breast pocket. The feathers… bring the dead back to life? No thing has such power.

"Resurrection, that's the phoenix's greatest gift. You can say it's a true immortal and life bringer. But like all things magic, there are conditions. The feathers have to be used on the newly dead and before the soul leaves the body. So, the choice remains whether you want to journey to the other side or not, Jack Kunal. I have other answers to offer if you prefer taking my hands instead of a plunge."

His eyes squeezed shut. Reaching into his coat, he lifted out a protesting Jackie, gently jostling her awake. "I know, it's cold. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he whispered and cooed and bowed his body over her so Cassidy wouldn't see what he was doing. He kissed the kitten on top of her head. "I'll be back soon. I promise. You're not losing either of us, okay?"

They locked eyes and he thought if a cat could cry, Jackie would've. It broke his heart a little.

With another reassuring kiss on her head, he set her on the snow. "Now -- run to Cassidy."

He got up and reached for Er'is's hand. You know it's funny that you can't smell him on-- Jack didn't get to finish the thought. Their flesh touched, and a black wall slammed him into unconsciousness. Eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body crumpled, plummeting him headlong into the icy waters of Bonifaas's roaring canal. Left behind was one lonely kitten, her stone, a glove and two glowing orange feathers. The warm winds that kept the snow storm at bay stayed to protect his sister for as long as its stored haki energy lasted.

Cass scrambled to the edge and hesitated. She had the idea of diving after Jack but she remembered that the canal was filled with brackish water. Once she entered, she'd be next to useless. "Jack! Spirits, Jack! This isn't funny!" She shouted as her face paled.

He was going to drown, her mind supplied. And, like that all sibling resentment stripped away, leaving raw concern. Guilt. Scanning the area behind her, half hoping to find one of Ma Lily's spies, Cass was greeted with a bloodied severed head.

She gagged, slipping to the ground, as her eyes traced the dripping hand gripping matted hair up to a blood covered face --- Lebov! The woman stood there, windswept and spattered with the remains of Ma Lily's men. The sight turned Cass's face ashen; her stomach threatening to rebel once more.

"Wh -- do you want?" Jack's sister barely managed with her tongue locking.

Wet flesh met pristine snow and a crimson carpet sprung from discarded head. Cass's eyes won't leave those clouded ones as her mouth formed silent syllables. Her gloved fingers dug into the snow, so deep that she felt damp seeping through. Her attention finally strayed as a shadow fell overhead.

Different muscles tensed in the two women. Only one smiled with macabre delight. The tension snapped with a scythe's swing, blood spurting and the cries of a kitten picked up against her will. It was silenced as Jackie was flung into the icy waters after Jack …

"Come out, come out wherever you are. Let's play a fun, fun game… "

The rest of Jack's possessions - the aeter, the glove and the feathers - were left untouched, a potential grave marker should the man never re-emerge from his plunge. [j]The fact grew surer with each empty second. Everything was going according to plan.[/i]

Under the waves, a different story unfolded for Jack. Sensation told him that the choppy waters grew stiller the further he fell. It was a world devoid of light yet teaming with life, alien-like, an insane dream. A silent reclamation of nature overturning man's hubris, this drowned gorge on which Bonifaas sat. Jack's body was pulled by invisible strings with silent bubbles drifting from his lips. Below the steep drop, a mesh of thick, knobby vines broke his descent, curling slowly around his torso and limbs, locking him in place.

A faint blue glow budded from under him. That translucent bubble pushed against his back, phagocysing the man whole. He was a maiden trapped in glass, an ethereal prince sustained by the air provided by this odd plant. Neither drowning nor drifting until he returns from where Er'is took him. It was through the mercurial deity's mercy that he didn't reach the borderland of the dead marked by the phoenix gates, those silent guardians of the forgotten Atlantean temple that sat in the deepest part of this underwater universe.

The smell of spiced meat roasting over open flame and crackling of crisping skin beckoned. Open your eyes and see these sirens seemed to say. Come see, touch … explore, a world diametrically different from the desolation associated with purgatory. Or, the ones that kept featuring in stories.

Layering those first details were the creaking of a rocking chair similar to the one in Lady Luck's kitchen and the pungent smell of piped tobacco, more reminiscent of Kadi than anything. Other hints of the Stardusk built up the sensory symphony but faintest among them was the smell of lavender tea with lemon, Sid's favorite.

The chair stopped rocking as the occupant's identity was revealed. "Jack-jack, open thine eyes," floated that mocking voice. "Maybe you'll get to see your heart's desire. That I can easily gift you at my discretion."

Jack gasped awake on the damp ship floor. He bolted up, senses alert, only to shudder when he felt… off. The last thing he remembered was falling towards the frothing and freezing canal waters, and suddenly he was back here on Lady Luck…

No. That's incorrect.

A brief glance registered Er'is. Jack picked himself up as if soreness had afflicted his entire body. In actuality, he was taking his time in feeling every surface and object, looking for any tactile differences from his own reality. There were none.

Eventually, Jack made his way over the short distance to Er'is. "You did a good job," he spoke while arranging himself on a plain wooden stool that appeared identical to the ones he saved for guests and helpers. He settled more quickly then. Feet perched on the top rung; elbows on knees; chin resting on knuckles. His eyes were empty as gilded mirrors as he allowed a small smile for the demon.

Jack continued, "And what, pray tell, is my heart's desire? Surely a shaytan (demon, Arbiraen) like you would know."

"Demon? I don't know why such a label sticks more readily than others. But, yes, Jack-jack, I know what you want. I doubt you know what you want, sadly."

Er'is leaned back in the rocking and moved sedately, puffing on a replica of Kadi's pipe. "Do you remember that new door behind your spice rack? The one you and Cedric decide to leave well alone. Open it, child, and you shall see what you seek. Hurry now before your lungs choke with water."

There was a reluctant pause. To be led into the familiarity of his kitchen, and then lead to somewhere else, made his uneasiness rise. But he knew in places like this he didn't have a choice. If Er'is wanted him to walk through the door, he would.

Getting up, Jack walked toward the spice rack and pushed it aside. The dried, hanging bushels and burlap bags rustled against each other like soft whispers. He pressed a hand to the door.

"Will I find out where my brother is? How to face the dangers that are coming for us?"

"That I have no control over. I'm enabling the situation not dictating it, Jack. Remember this distinction."

Jack closed his eyes, and pushed through the door.

The glare of the Norjan sun struck Jack's face before he could step into the room. Scorching heat typical of dry desert climates nibbled at bare skin in as annoying a fashion as bitterly cold winds. Fluttering the lace curtains decorating an open window was a slow, steady breeze. It didn't provide any relief but the smells it carried were nostalgic. Even the clopping of horse hooves from below and the cries of 'howdy' between acquaintances intensified the dull ache.

As the light dimmed, Cedric's figure became visible. He was sitting on the windowsill with his back against the window frame as he liked doing back in their old Norjan apartment. No, Ma Lily's apartment. The last time the two had lived there was when Sid was fourteen, more than six years ago. However, it wasn't child Cedric sitting there but the Cedric missing since last night, dressed in a patient gown thoughtfully provided by the Jensen staff. Looking, for the lack of better words, pale enough that anyone would believe that they can see through his skin or that the wind could carry him away with the next strong gust. He was so painfully frail under the thick coat he had been wearing since they arrived.

"Frère?" Sid asked. That single word carrying all that he needed to say. Questions like 'why are you here?', 'are you okay?', 'are you real?', everything perfectly conveyed due to their brotherly bond. His bony hand reached out hesitantly towards Jack and invited the man to come closer.

Jack bypassed the outstretched and enveloped Cedric's entire body into a hug. He was gentle, and warm, despite the desperate force that vibrated throughout his entire being. The yearning and relief; grief warring against pain and unending fear. He held his brother for as long as he dared. When they pulled apart, Jack smiled through tear stains. He kissed the top of Cedric's head.

"I'm here. I'm real. We're coming to find you."

Comfort welled in his chest, prompting a sigh. Cedric wrapped his arms around Jack this time, crushing him in a butterfly's kiss. Not wanting to let go. "I know. By stars, I hope… non, Jack, I don't know if you make this miracle happen. I - I'm dying, fére. Faster than we can reach Norja. Faster than you can find me. This may be the only way I get my wish of being there in my final moments."

Sid shook his head not wishing to accept this truth. It came to him in whispered words as he felt himself laid on cool stone. Two people - a young boy and a young girl - dangled hope before him, promising him life. Time, they said, to see his goals to the end. Sid remembered hesitating until memories of Alicia's silver eyes came to mind, firming his resolve and allowing him to reject the temptation. He hoped it was the right choice.

But, it would bring Jack so much pain
, a devil whispered at the back of his mind, driving a dagger deeper into his heart. Jack's tears became almost unbearable to see and soon his own cheeks grew warm and wet. "I want to believe in you, in the Stardusk, fére. Yet, T'raiz casts a long shadow over me, beckoning me to ally with her over Er'is."

Swallowing hard and pressing his head against Jack's chest the way he did as a child, he murmured. "I fear for you, Jack. The two may pull you into the game to get me to choose."

Jack guided them to the floor and sat down with Cedric in his arms. "I need you to tell me what you know," he whispered against damp locks. "We're coming, but not fast enough. Please, Sid, the smallest detail will help."

"I've been slumbering, Jack, bespelled to not awaken until permitted. I'm in a place oddly still. I hear whispers - disembodied voices - clearest among them is a woman. She says she's your birth mother, fére."

His eyes closed again, tears squeezing out between lashes. Spirits, how they hurt. It felt like he was crying blood.

Jack sniffed and wiped his nose, letting his gaze wander as he simply pulled Cedric closer. "Who's T'raiz?" he whispered. He thought he already knew, and yet he hoped it'd keep Cedric talking. Anything to make this moment stretch into another one.

"She is rebirth incarnate. The deity who sits on the edge of life and death and guides souls who wish for a second chance at life," he whispered back. "A second chance, Jack. It sounds like my heart's desire. A chance to see you truly happy and another chance at love."

"The phoenix feathers," Jack nodded, "what's the catch to being granted a second life?"

"Feathers? I don't know," Sid turned his head up to gaze into his beloved brother's eyes. "I recalled a story you told me about her. She turned into a fiery bird because…. " He frowned lightly. "I don't remember why. It's the book you read to me with Captain Hoshi listening."

He lapsed into silence as he tried to recall more details but he didn't remember much else save Jack's warmth, his brother's hesitating Trovalian and Hoshi's sharp interjections. "Second life means different things. Being born again after death or returning from the dead. You should ask capitaine. I heard from Madame Doctor that the crew did so in the past."

"That was different, Cedric, and you know it. Davy Jones allowed them to return to our world. It's not rebirth just… escape."

"I …. understand. I think this might be the better choice," he admitted as he started trembling. Guilt, fear and dread. His entire world was collapsing faster than he liked, sending him on a journey he wasn't prepared to take. It felt so unfair! "Grand Summoner Giraud sealed Er'is and siblings away for a reason. I was foolish enough to not read the grimore cover to cover before using the spell. I should have like you almost warned me to - maybe I should correct my error while I have the chance."

Tears cloaked his face and wetted their clothes. A small release for all the stress he'd been harboring inside. "Please, Jack, mon fère, wake me and help me seal, T'raiz! Once I die, Er'is would disappear too," he added in a broken whisper. "I know this because he hasn't been fully released into the world. At least, if I did this, it'll be a safer world for you, for Adelaide, for Amaiya …. and the Stardusk. It's my dying wish … "

Jack gazed at him with a face chiseled in conflict. Words he wanted to say, words he should say, played out a century's war on the tip of his tongue. He swallowed their weapons, and felt the agony of every single one carve into his throat.

"Cedric…" he spoke haltingly, "my life is richer with you in it. I don't want to risk your life if there's another way to save you. But I will… respect your decisions. I will do what you ask of me. If you can just promise that they are not rash or born from a place of fear."

Jack brushed a lock out of Cedric's face, treating it like thin porcelain, ready to break between his fingertips. His lips turned up. Something far more broken than a smile etched his face.

"I can't stay much longer, baby brother. Tell me what I have to know before I go."

"When you find me, if it's not too late … wake me, fère. We will see then." Jack's younger brother gripped the man's hands harder. "I'll not do anything rash. I promise, Jack. I'm sorry."

There was a sadness in Sid's voice that indicated that he wished Jack could stay longer, strange as this world was. Time felt like it was dawdling and that helped him relax. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around his brother. "I'll wait to see you again, always. I love you, Jack. Sorry I couldn't do more for you."

Sid's warmth was swept away by the dusty wind. And, Jack was left on the floor with a gap between his arms, a nothingness that was once his brother. Dust to dust and ashes to ashes - a line often recited at Norjan funerals echoed around the man. Er'is towered over Jack with his hands resting firmly on a gravestone.

"Poignant isn't it? The last rite of man, great and small, ends the same. An inescapable fate that now threatens your brotherly bond." A bony hand waved over the faint words carved into the head stone. "He never got to his twenty-first birthday. I had no idea he was that young. Second youngest, I think, of the crew."

Resting on his heels, fists on his knees, Jack didn't answer the demon. He remained silent and stared at the headstone before him.

The demon chuckled as he floated out of reach. "I'm sorry, Jack-jack. I needed to remind you of the eventualities. Maybe, I hoped to interest you in a deal I have. An escape from this tragedy. But, of course, if you prefer this to be Cedric's head stone, I can take my deal elsewhere."

The man stirred. "What's the deal?"



A Stitch in Time
Alicia, Chester, Jack, Cassidy and ???

Chester intoned. His thoughts indicating how large Bonifaas was and how hard it would be to find Jack if they ran from end to end aimlessly. Reluctantly leaping off Alicia's shoulder, the familiar winked to the top of a nearby building and reaching out to his baby sister.

He frowned, picking up pleasant dreams filled with ribbons and cat toys, then sighed, as it occurred to him that Jackie was fast asleep, therefore no help. Chaos was also unavailable, as she was keeping an eye on Runali, a task that was as essential. 'Jackie's fast asleep, Lady Amaiya. I think we should go elsewhere - maybe somewhere higher. I'll be able to spot my sister's aura even if it's far away.'

The fading thoughts coincided with fading light. A veil of snow dropped visibility to less than a half a foot in any direction and the winds tugged at clothes. Chester's eyes scanned to the swirling waters and he saw ghostly lights winking from the currents, souls that drowned replaying their demise, waiting - as he knew they tend to - for the collector to come. His mind pondering over Er'is's words.

"Signs of the Blood Moon are everywhere. The souls have a choice to make - stay or flee. Many have sensed their Goddess has returned and that's why their gloom is palpable. It caused so many disturbances in the weather and the air. A malaise, you can say."

Er'is floated to Alicia's other side. "Ask the storyteller from Uitibuken if you want to learn more. His knowledge of the lore runs deep, deeper than the waters used to sink this sea gorge."

Chester returned to his former perch. 'Storyteller?'

"He can help you find Jack without a map," came the begrudging reply. "Unless Alicia Amaiya has more talents she wishes to share."

'Jackie!' Chester snapped. His body stiffened as he conveyed garbled images to Alicia - the severed head, the scythe swing, more blood and Lebov's dripping face. Horror radiated from the proud feline and he leaped to the ground. 'Verversgracht. West of here, three bridges down. A hard right after … ' He informed her hurriedly before vanishing.

The last message between them was a loud splash and a creeping sensation of icy waters cocooning fur.

The swordswoman narrowed her eyes a little, reminding herself to take everything the creature was saying with a small pinch of salt. Her expression would shift however when Chester suddenly spoke up and relayed to her some directions before seemingly vanishing. "I won't be far behind." she replied before taking a few steps, leaning herself forwards almost into a crouch before the air around her ruptured and tore apart as she vanished in an instant.

Her hand rested against the hilt of Shusui to keep the sword steady through her movements, grace combining with precise nimble movements allowing her to maneuver through the environment in a blur. She maintained her speed in order to keep her person out of public view, silver eyes looking ahead to concentrate on picking out Jack. 'Don't be too late…' she thought to herself as the air whipped passed causing her white hair to carry behind her in the wake of her speed.

Half-eaten corpses belonging to Lily's men painted the snow leading to the canal's edge. The metallic smell dampened slightly by the cold and the eastward wind. Cassidy leaped overhead to avoid Lebov's sweep. Her hair was in complete disarray as she landed with feet splayed to the side; her right hand given her extra stability. The world was a narrow tunnel of adrenaline and pain thanks to the gash at her side.

Jack's sister grimaced, regretting her negligence earlier, knowing that she needed to think fast. Her weapons of choice, a pair of curved daggers, were a disadvantage in a fight like this. Her best chance would be her powers. Just need an opening, she thought between pants. Darn Jack, not leaving anything useful, she cursed. What was she to do with two feathers, a summoner's stone and a weird glove?

"Hoi! Someone, anyone! Help!" she yelled. A part of her desperate enough to elicit help from patrolling Navy soldiers. But, of course, she was cut off from the busy streets. The only person she could depend on was herself. "Hoi!"

Jack crossed her mind very briefly as she raced back towards the bank. Her heart hammering harder once she realized he hadn't resurfaced. Damn it! Jack don't make me regret ever eating this fruit! She raged inside as she half-spun to check on her opponent. Her heart stopped.

A deep furrow tilling the frozen ground told her nothing about Lebov's current whereabouts. Cass found her ears sharpening. Her instincts going into overdrive. There she almost shouted, whipping to her left and catching Lebov landing close by. Now or never it seems, she thought bitterly. She had nowhere left to run. Swinging her arm back, she dropped to a crouch, knowing exactly what Ma Lily would say if she survived.

Shivering Chester pressed closer to the stair wall. He considered teleporting back to safety. Back to Alicia. But, that meant abandoning his masters' sister, an even greater sin, in his mind. There was also the problem of Jackie's unguarded aeter that sat dangerously close to the fight. These worries he immediately shared with hurrying swordswoman. Jackie's in a hole between the stairs. I need to get my sibling's stone. Please get here quick! Cassidy and Jackie are in danger. He telegraphed before jumping into the fray.

"Be calm Chester." she replied, her form dashing between the crowd and slipping between structures with nothing but a swift temporary wind to indicate her brief appearance. "No one can afford for you to panic, you must keep focus. Once you have Jackie take yourselves to a safe distance, I'll do what I can to help Cassidy."

Upon arrival her silver eyes set themselves upon the scene, picking out the two figures quickly as her Observation Haki subconsciously activated. Alicia extended her leg to plant her foot against the snow, kicking back with her other foot to alter her direction before propelling herself forwards towards Lebov from behind.

Within a moment she closed the gap between them, her form seemingly appearing from nothing as her momentum slowed down to a speed visible by normal standards. She kicked from the ground once again, this time to propel herself up to nimbly flip herself over Lebov's head, rotating mid flight to slam her foot hard against the Scythe wielders chest in an attempt to push her back and make some space before landing between her and Cassidy in a crouch.

Quickly recomposing from her crouched position she brought the black blade of Shusui to her side, it's dark surface contrasting against the white backdrop wrought by the frigid weather. Briefly she cast a glance over her shoulder towards her crewmates younger sister, momentarily assessing her condition. "Are you alright?" she asked before bringing her attention forwards towards their opponent.

Cassidy staggered. Dropping to her knees rapidly, she doubled over in pain. Warm blood gushed out when she removed her hand to check and she pressed on the wound again. "I can help. Maybe, if - no, I need to stop the blood first. One of us needs to distract Lebov. Jack's gone under," she gasped. "He's down in the water for awhile. He - drowning. Please!"

Chester shot past the women as he retreated towards the stairs. Jackie's stone clenched tightly between his teeth. His mind reaching out to Alicia once again. 'Got Jackie and her stone. I'll get Master Jack's mother. Please try and get him first. Jackie said he fell in the canal several minutes ago.'

"Alicia, I can't. Water, seawater. Get. Jack!" Cassidy begged again. Her hand pressing against the wound as she eyed Lebov warily. She trusted in the Feian's speed. Alicia was more than capable of grabbing Jack and rushing back to aid her in less than a minute. Maybe two. That's what she observed. "Now, please. Don't let him die."

Lebov was back on them. Her scythe looping upwards with a loud swoosh. It swung backwards without warning and Cass barely shifted her head in time. Her heart jumping to her mouth at the thought for the close call. Somehow, she found herself pressed against the wall and bleeding into it. Trapped again thanks to her worrying about Jack. Lebov seemed to be shifting her focus towards the agile Feian.

"Hoi, Lebov! Don't you take your eyes off me!" She shouted, scraping up a stone and tossing it at the woman's head. Resulting in an unintentionally hit. Lebov's focus was on her again.

Pushing aside her nausea, Cass reached for the sky, hoping that her next move won't kill her. Within seconds, the air crackled and hummed. And, a faint tingling ran down exposed skin, drawing goose pimples and raising hair. She felt her fingertips grow warmer but she had to keep channeling. Soon bright streaks arced from cloud to cloud with the cry of thunder at their tail. One darted towards her waiting fingers.

A little more. Cass told herself. She also reminded herself not to wait until she heard thunder. That would be far too late! Her chest expanded slowly, painfully, as her fingers peeled and bled. She swallowed her scream and redirected the bolt towards her opponent.

It exploded against the scythe. Colour was wiped from the scene and the aftershock slammed like a truck. Cassidy took the brunt of it, smashing into the wall, which left her blinking back tears. Peeling forward, she barely kept steady on the heels of her hands. The sensation triggered something inside and she vomited spectacularly over her blistering fingers. "Jack…. please be okay," she whispered while she started fading in and out of consciousness.

"You best be here when I get back." Alicia replied after a moment of pause while she considered the best way to tackle the situation. Once again the air around her tore apart as her physical being blurred, snow billowing up into the air like a wall of vapour which the Feian hoped would at least provide Cass some cover against her opponent.

'First Kadi and now Jack.' she thought to herself as she approached the canal at speed, her Observation Haki subconsciously activating again to focus her sight through the waters surface in search of Jack. 'It couldn't be warm water... ' she sighed to herself as her silver eyes rested upon Jack's silhouette.

A moment later a splash would signal Alicia's descent beneath the water's surface, a thin layer of air surrounding the lower half of her face courtesy of her affinity with the wind element. She grabbed hold of Jack by the scruff of his clothing before immediately ascending back towards the surface.

Unfortunately Alicia wasn't nearly strong enough physically to haul Jack's weight up onto any nearby platform. So instead she floated him on his back and swam him to the closest bank where she'd exert the rest of her strength pulling him out of the water. By this time she didn't know if he'd swallowed any water, nor had she any kind of medical understanding to determine what to do. So with hopeful determination she made a fist before bringing it down against his chest in an attempt to force out any water stuck within him.

Jack awoke to the force of a brick hitting his chest. Water spurted forth from a gasp of pain as he shot up, nearly headbutting Alicia in the process. Cradling his chest, his eyes shot left, right, then focused on her. He gripped her shoulder.

"Are you-- ?" He expected her to be hurt and he didn't know why; he looked her over, wanting to be sure she was okay.

Honing in on the smell of warm, fresh blood, Lebov bashed through Alicia's ice fog with no difficulty, and she slammed the base of her scythe close to Cass's twitching right hand. Her face expressing a crazed euphoria that would send hundreds running. "Your blood betrays your appearance, lad. You may look like a girl but I know what you'll taste like."

Cass's desperate heaves froze in her chest. Those words poisoned her blood deeper than she imagined, reminding her of the taunting she'd endured as a child. Cruel words putting her down for discarding her masculinity and embracing the "weaker sex". She didn't make this choice. She was born this way and having that shoved in her face once again …


Fight fuelled her stronger than ever, allowing her to push past the pain, the fading adrenaline and fear. Spitting out blood, she cuffed her lips with the back of her hand. "I'm a woman like you even if I can't escape how I was born," she hissed.

Cass's whitened to the colour of snow, flaring behind her like a halo, and she crouched low. Her hands fisted in front of her. "I'm not afraid of people like you. Not anymore," she yelled. "Fight me!"

Lebov's reply was a sweep of her scythe, lobbing straight for that delicate neck. Cass swung a hard right but her arms shot back. Her hands wrapped around the frigid pole; pressing down, she vaulted over head, casting bolts of ice at Lebov. Cass twisted before her feet touched the ground and she faced Lebov's back.

Red aura flared as the woman howled in pain - a single rod of ice ruined her eye. Yanking it out, Lebov adjusted her position. The temporary loss of binocular vision led her to misjudge Cass's incoming fist. The first hit slammed the base of her ribs, bruising skin, the second clocked her jaw sky high.

Lebov angled her scythe to break her fall and contorted her body. Folding forcefully, she translated motion into bone-breaking force. Her ears confirmed the hit as sounds of Cass's body skidding close to the water's edge greeted her. Lebov's after image flickered as she emerged - completely healed - in front of curled up Cassidy. The breaking ice wall the Norjan casted to separate herself from the salt water makes a poetic backdrop for the death scene to come, Lebov hummed.

Relishing her role as executioner, the K-13 dancer raised her scythe head over Cass's head. She shivered with glee at the thought of the tip caving skull and releasing all that mouth watering red. Maybe there's enough time for a taste. Alicia, she noted, was busy reviving Jackal Kunal. No matter, that Feian won't be able to save the second course of her Norjan meal.

Cass's hand flew under Lebov's skirt hem and she yanked the ankle, leaving behind frostbite skin. It happened so quickly that the thought never even registered. Her instincts told her to lay low or lose her head. Lebov's flexibility made retaliation a high possibility. With her ears ringing, the Norjan lass missed the boom of a fired shot.

She whirled around when she felt fur and blood hit her body. Chester laid at her feet, hacking, as his ripped side buried deep in her shocked mind. She stood there frozen with indecision - the shooter or Lebov? Her heart, though, bled for the dying cat. She howled her frustration then beelined to Lebov simply because the woman was closest.

As the women traded blows, fist to scythe, scythe sweeping air, fist meeting flesh, then scythe nicking flesh, Chester's eyes closed. His last message to his sisters - 'Stay safe! With wind numbing the pain, his body shattered into brilliant light, merging it with the grey sky. There were no words said to Alicia; all the woman felt was Chester's stone grow warm briefly. Then, nothing.

The gunfire pierced through Jack's decoherence. He whipped around, and felt his heart stop. "Cassidy!"

Without thinking, he slammed his one gloved hand into the ground. Armament haki rippled across his body and poured out of his fingers. Ice and snow beneath their feet rumbled; faster than the eye could follow, a streak of blackness rushed at Lebov. Before it pooled beneath her boots, the ice it touched reformed into multiple chains and lashed out.

The first was at her scythe: aimed for blade and hilt, arresting her of its use.

The second came for her neck: to choke, to pull, to bend her over backwards to the ground.

More shifted to layer upon her body, with one wayward abyssal chain curling over Cassidy to pull her away from the danger. They were made of ice that burned, and as strong as Jack's Full Armament.

Before they lashed out to Lebov, Jack was already moving. He pulled himself up with another summoned chain -- this one birthed next to Cassidy and streaking back to him -- that he'd grasp and held onto it as it yanked him forward at a frightening speed.

"Alicia, go after the shooter!" he yelled as he unsheathed a shimi blade.

Another of the K-13 crouched at the top of the wall rising from the platform. A wide-brimmed hat shadowed his masked face. Raising his gaze towards Alicia left on the other side of the canal, he gave her a merry wave with his black gloved hand. His mask forever frozen in a simpering, wide mouth smile. He raised his pistol to his lips, kissing it. There was no doubt in his mind that the mangy cat was related to this fascinating group somehow.

Sound - a roaring murmur - shook Lebov to the core, sparking life into her limbs. She slashed at Cassidy before hugging her dripping scythe pole close. A fouetté helped Lebov avoid the first hit. Bravura to shake off the black coils. A diagonal slash that carved Cass's skin. Then, up in the air - a Grand Jéte. She sailed to the maximum striking distance of her scythe, straightening into an Arabesque pose with not a hair out of place. A swan elegant in poise; her ears following Jack's beat. Fresh blood, all Cassidy's, littering the floor like rose petals. An image of death, passion and romance deeply intertwined.

"Do you dance, Jackal? Your movement flows with an interesting beat." She flirted with a slow bat of her lashes.

Baby blue eyes opened more alert than ever but not revealing the ire she felt towards Stardusk spy. He was supposed to be a quick, easy meal. Dead, tasty, and bursting with the lean bite she craved. His flesh was the height of gourmet.

"How about making a steak? I imagine you taste good -- basted and fried on a sizzling pan" She licked her lips. "Oooo I know! How about skewering you and your sibling then roasting you like pigs over a roaring pit!"

Cassidy crashed into her brother's waiting embrace. Clammy skin against haki and her consciousness flickered. As she removed a hand gripping her stomach, her face turned sheet white --- she needed a doctor, fast!

Stapling a forced smile to her face, Cass gripped Jack's arm as she struggled to plan her next move. She was trapped here, waiting to die, because Jack had to help. His jerk earlier gave Lebov that much needed opening and the scythe slashed her rib to belly. Not deep enough to puncture her guts but bad enough for her to bleed dry.

Was it entirely Jack's fault? She wasn't sure. There were things she could have done but her mind was stuck in a haze of anger and hurt. That woman had threatened her family - kidnapped her baby brother, almost drowned her big brother and then killed baby brother's favorite cat.

"I'm bleeding like a pig," she snorted. "Gods in high heavens, Ma Lily's gonna kill me when I get home." If I get home, that is. She failed to say out loud. "Careless of me to lose focus, eh?"

One orange feather, glowing soft in the snowy gloom, laid across Cassidy's stomach wound. Its warmth poured into her skin as it began to heal. Jack placed a second feather in her hands. They were both drenched after taking the plunge into the canal and, even in Jack's calm wind sphere, they crusted with frost. Cassidy would see the same effect building up over her brother's soaked body.

"You'll be okay. I'll protect you now," her brother murmured as he kissed the top of her head. "Just save me the headache and hang back? I only have so many feathers and there are more fights ahead of us."

Giving her a hard smile, Jack stood up to face Lebov. He placed himself between her and Cassidy while reactivating his remaining glove. Fire fine as a candle flame illuminated his being, rushing head to toe as it melted away the building frost and warmed his frozen limbs. He protected himself from getting burned with slivers of haki, racing along the pattern of his flames. Then -- they exploded beyond him in four, searing bursts. They lowered to the ground. Twisting, growing, one by one identifiable shapes were born in the flames that now had begun to turn black. They cackled merrily, until it was realized that it wasn't the normal sound of flames. Narrow long snouts sprouted and parted, emanating the laughter of jackals.

Four black-fire jackals began circling Lebov. The cold and wind didn't seem to bother the molded flames.

"There's only one person who's going to get eaten tonight, Maddie," Jack said. He drew his second blade and heated its edge. He settled into a fighting stance. "I'll make you feel the pain of all your victims."

He dashed forward at the same time as his fire hounds. All five attacked Lebov at once.

Cold, it bit at her skin like a ravenous animal tearing away at defenseless prey causing her hands to tremble even as she'd focused upon Jack regaining his consciousness. In the past she'd manipulated the wind to form a fine coating around her body in order to maintain her warmth but doing so greatly limited her other abilities meaning she'd had to sacrifice it in order to successfully rescue him from the canal.

Her lips had turned blue, facial muscles contorted into a mix of pain, strain and determination to get back into the fight. Steadily she rose back to her feet after Jack had departed to defend Cassidy, taking a step after him before stumbling as she felt Chester's stone grow cold following the wake of a gunshot. 'No…' a moment of stunned silence washed over her before the flood of guilt for having failed in protecting Cedric's familiar set itself deeply within her.

Silver eyes laid upon the shooter, Jacks voice tugging her back to reality with his desire for her to intercept Chester's killer causing her to release a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. Her time was limited, the cold was biting into her deeper and even she didn't need to be Zilia to know her body would soon give up unless her temperature could be equalised.

Alicia steeled her resolve with a trembling breath, a shaky hand clasping upon the hilt of Shusui before she leaned forwards into another explosive movement of staggering speed. To those unable to keep up with her movements it was as though she'd blinked from existence, the snow beneath her feet billowing up into a column as she accelerated. A moment later she reappeared behind the shooter, black blade arching to flash a silver line horizontally across his neck. The last thing he'd see would be his own chest closing towards his eyes as his head tumbled forwards before falling to the ground.

The swordswoman felt her body twist and tense up once again as the icy jaws bit deeper, her sword stabbing forwards into the ground to steady her from falling forwards as she willed her body to continue. "Just… a little further…" she muttered, casting her glance below in time to see Jack make a dash for Lebov in a dramatic display of his own strength and will. Straightening herself once more she'd move to follow up his attack with a descending crescent slash aimed for her throat as she descended from above, timing her strike to land should Jack's attempt fail.

Scythe disappeared overhead, whirling light as a silver ribbon, beneath Maddie twirled with a ballerina's grace, stymying Jack's hounds. Then, as haki met haki, she grinned with a hyena's glee, two predators locked for a single heartbeat before she pivoted on her heels; pitching backwards into a bridge. Weapon kissing snowy ground and man thrown towards black water. Rebounding with twice the speed, she crouched low and thrusted her shaft towards the incoming crescent. Haki protected her hands and weapon from the impact.

Lebov sprung from bent legs and hips, breaking the stalemate with a resounding clang and sliding back towards the water's edge. There she crouched - alert and ready to strike. Her smile retracted slightly as she regurgitated the human finger she had been chewing on earlier. White, even teeth crunched on the tip as the rest of the severed digit writhed limply.

Back where Alicia left him, the sniper's body jerked upwards like a puppet moved by strings. Not a drop of blood had been spilled although the neck was severed. A strong smell of resin and embalming chemicals began permeating the air as wind circled around him emphasising his corpse-like physique. Picking up his severed head, the man reattached it using a strange bandage extracted from a hidden pocket. Those same gloved hands whipped out two brass pistols from beneath his poncho immediately after; tiny gears whirled inside them, freezing the moment he pressed the triggers.

Steam hissed loudly as it was released into the air. Thick fog filled the area, cloaking Lebov, Jack and Alicia. Only the faintest shadowy outlines betrayed their current location. As Lebov made a beeline for Jack, high pressure bullets sprayed the area. 10, 20 … 100! Loud cracks added to the din where bullets hit stone. At the 119th shot, a red-tailed rocket whizzed towards him.

"Gotcha!" Lebov squealed.

Her scythe cleaving the rocket as she side-stepped Jack. Light and sound cut from the world as the gunpowder detonated. Shock waves tore broken stone from the ground, turning them into sharpnel, flying in all directions. But, Lebov had only one goal - kill Jack! Angling her scythe a little ahead of her, she laughed as the curved blade found Jack's body. She tossed him into the air.

Leaping after him, she taunted the Feian hidden by the fog. "Come get me, Alicia!"

She swung her haki-empowered scythe with the intention of cleaving the man in half. As she did so, the sniper shot several rockets at Jack followed by a second storm of bullets. Any stray bullets hitting Lebov were shrugged off as her body had turned full black with haki.

On the ground above the platform, the sniper was no longer visible. Scattered around the area were tripwires linked to various explosive traps. Tarring the ground between the wires was a cement-like substance strong enough to rip the soles off an elephant's feet. All around - echoing - was the sound of clicking gears, a countdown for the next surprise!

The first of one hundred bullets caught Jack by surprise. The zing in his ear and a sharp pain on his cheek was all the warning he had before the barrage hit. In a blink, his Armament haki was there. He steadied his stance by crouching and paid attention to the hits -- gauging the shooter's direction. Teeth gritted. Looks like people can return from the dead. Alicia didn't miss killing strokes.

Suddenly, the scythe blade slammed into him. Jack's breath whooshed out as he was thrust into the air.

In that brief moment of free fall, he heard it: alarm bells. Children screaming. They were in a school district! What a numbing thing to forget about in the middle of this battle.

Jack growled. His body twisted in midair, shimi daggers swinging down, and he blocked Lebov's next attack. A shockwave pulsed out from their haki-cladded attacks. It knocked over the unprepared and transformed the canal into a tidal wave. For a moment, their eyes locked. Jack flashed a bloodthirsty grin; it looked more like a snarl. "I'll enjoy watching you get torn to pieces."

And as the second bullet barrage hit, the four fiery jackals clamped down on Lebov. Heat flared, increasing subsequently in order to burn through her haki. She was dragged down and away from Jack. He slammed into the canal's walkway, creating a crater around him.

Maddie snarled back at the beasts. Twisting harshly to her left, she snapped her right arm free from its socket -- blood exploding around her but she never flinched. She didn't feel any pain! She was elated. So, so deliriously delighted, she loved the smell of her own blood. She --- her red aura flared!

Black goo flowed from her wound, forming a replica of the lost limb. Seconds, that's all she needed to have a new haki-covered arm. Seconds --- the jackal dropping the discarded limb could only blink. Maddie punched him in the face. The air rippled crazily, knocking back the others, as Jack's creation crashed into the water and disintegrated into smouldering wisps.

Scythe reclaimed and ready to fight, Lebov dashed to the nearest two. Red drowned the natural colour of her eyes while she smashed another jackal to pieces. The one closest to him was sent flying into the remaining two. She set on them again before they could pick themselves up and they were launched into the air. The first two hurtling to the ground she sent plunging into the icy water and the final one --- she tore its head off with her sharp, haki-reinforced teeth. That body, she sent flying towards where she assumed Alicia to be. The lack of blood was enough to make Maddie whine.

Wide, wild swings followed, giving Lebov 360-degree coverage as she fended off any attacks. Jackals, humans, she would triumph over them all. No, she was delivering that encore Adenin requested. Her best swan song --- baiting Alicia to attack, to destroy. Everything to bring that self-righteous woman into the mud!

"Where's that attack, Alicia? Surely, you're stronger than this! Come and kill me!" She taunted. Her body dancing around, keeping pace with Alicia in speed and precision, this performance was not too challenging. She could hear everything! Feel everything! It helped her anticipate.

... ow.
Dazed, Jack crawled onto his hands and knees. Something brown and furry flashed at the corner of his eyes. It was the wrong color, but he couldn't help but think for a moment it was Chester moving on the battlefield's edge. He shook head and when his vision cleared he saw an otter chittering anxiously. It was odd; they shouldn't be native to these cold climates. He stared at it. Do I… know you?

Jack? What are you doing in Bonifaas and where's the summoner? I felt the pain from their familiar earlier.

...unfucking believable. Valerie? What-- are you here with Landry?

It's a long story. We can talk later. Maybe when we're snuggling in bed?

Jack ignored that last part. As long as you're not here to kill me or mine, the help is welcome-- wait.

I see. I'll do that then --- you forgot to guard your thoughts.

No, don't you hear that?

Students and their teachers, yes. They passed me but I don't think the teachers heard me, sorry. It's too windy! Just --- let me be your back up!

Sounds of children's laughter filled the opposite bank. Two straight lines led by a school mistress made their way towards the bridge back towards their school. The nine-year-olds were halfway across when the teacher froze. Her bespectacled eyes growing wide when she saw the disappearing fog and the three combatants. Turning around, she tried to stop signalling to her teaching assistant tailing the last of their students. Get them off the bridge, she tried yelling, but the wind ate her words. As she started yelling again, the hidden sniper opened fire, aiming at the children and their teacher.

The commotion on the bridge caught Jack's attention. He'd crawled out of the hole in time to hear the teacher's voice, children crying, and the sickeningly familiar crack of rifle.

"No!" The word ripped from his throat as his body reacted on its own. Blades moved in an upper crescent arc and his haki rippled. Suddenly, ice arced out of the canal and the walkway and curved over the bridge. It was meters thick, solid as cement, creating a protective tunnel over the innocents. The hundred-bullet volley hit its shiny surface, harmless.

Jack swung around with another frustrated yell. More ice sprang from his movements. A second volley hit the location of the sniper, hitting the building's entire side and roof, coating it with ice, cutting off visibility and the ability to shoot the combatants. Another yell, another swipe, and ice replaced the snow covering the minefield. Jack prayed it was enough to mitigate the damage when those ticking devices went off, as he doubted he'd frozen them enough to stop them.

Left slightly winded, he noted his jackals evaporating into the wind.

A woman cloaked in grey appeared at the foot of the bridge with steam rising from her lips and her chest heaving. True to her promise, she focused on the foamy waters. Soothing lullaby came from her and energy danced at her fingertips. The water responded with the same iridescent glow, slowing to a crawl and melding to her will, shaping into a massive whale; it flipped over the bridge, drawing the children's attention towards it. A second whale leaped from the other side, crashing into the first. The resulting deluge swept the entire group off the bridge.

Valerie flicked her hands in the air. Immediately, the watery spiral hardened, creating an icy slide. The children gasped as they were deposited gently back on the templar's side of the canal. As she directed them towards a nearby alley with their teachers rounding the back, Val evaporated every last drop from their clothes so the group needn't suffer from the cold. Thankfully, the shopkeepers opened their backdoors and divided the panicking group among them. This she conveyed to Jack, hoping it would give him peace of mind.

Jack, look out! She warned a little too late.

Lebov evaded Alicia's last attack and went for Jack. Her escape greatly aided by her partner's switch-a-roo. The sniper had teleported away at the last minute using the coin Adenin gave him. As he reappeared on the rooftop behind Alicia, he let loose 300 shots in rapid succession. These bullets hit faster and harder than his previous rounds. All of them ready to explode should she attempt to cut them down with her blade.

Maddie -- as witnessed by Valerie -- phased into view behind Jack, swinging her haki-laced scythe deep through his left, hitting ribs, scoring spine and knocking off skin around the right hip. At least, that's what her fingers told her based on the resistance she felt. Nothing butchered as nicely as haki covered fleshed. She licked her lips then snapped her teeth into his jugular.

Tossing her head like a crazed beast, Lebov slid back to safety, batting away blood. She chuckled as she took a long swallow; her senses memorising every detail of her prey. Delicious, dangerous, prey, she emphasised. If she managed to down him this fight, she'd turn him into jerky and savour him to the very last bite. It was a pity, he let that woman-looking lad escape or he would have made such a wonderful mince pie.

"I can't wait to taste Cedric, Jackal. I - mmmm, how should I eat him? A curry? A stew? Or … meatballs? Oh yes, meatballs sound wonderful."
Bullets exploded overhead as the sniper fired one gun repeated to break his fall. He flipped and landed on a single tripwire. Snapping it with his foot to quicken the countdown, he jumped backwards onto the top of the stairs --- an action that sent Jackie scrambling back into her hiding place. He tutted as he overhead Lebov's conversation.

"Adenin promised me his body, Lebov. Get other joys from him if you must --- torture him, choke him, anything you wish. Rip out his entrails … but, his body is to be a rare addition to my collection," a hoarse voice spoke through the flesh puppet. "We can only hope that's indeed what Adenin plans. He said it would be a spectacle Jackal would enjoy."

Eight-foot ice spikes erupted from the ground in a bristling path that chased Lebov farther away from her query. Jack snarled and clutched his wounded side with one hand, the other on the ground. Blood seeped between his fingers. Her shot had been a good one -- right at the moment he'd been distracted on his own protection. He could feel the wound was superficial; she'd cut his flesh but his haki still prevented him from the worst.

Jack retracted his Full Armament haki and concentrated it to vital organs. One patch covered his wound to slow the bleeding. The rest of his armament sank beneath his clothes, merely to cover the skin, and prevent Lebov from seeing where his protection existed. Not that it matter-- his strength laid in the speed of his own control. He could cover himself with the same strength as before to stop Lebov's strikes, or revive Full Armament against the sniper's blasts.

Getting up painfully, he bared his teeth at her cackles. You won't get him. None of you will.

A water whale larger than three shophouses arced in the air, curving past the trapped area, and leaving a long, thickening ice wall in its wake. The crowd approaching the cafe gasped. Parents and their children backed away quickly. As they did, curious patrons also started streaming out then ran when they heard the bombs ticking.

Valerie exhaled; her mind processing the messages from her three familiars. Of the two not with Jack, she sent her swiftest off to find Lady Hawk. Valerie didn't like relying on the Thieves' Guild this much but her hands were tied. She could only hope the guildmistress wouldn't take the opportunity to charge her an exorbitant fee.

Valerie tossed these thoughts aside and dashed to the center of the bridge. There she stood, with hands cupped around her mouth, and yelled. "Lady Tashigi!"

With Alicia's mind receptive to hers, Val's oldest familiar established a telepathic connection between the women. Can you buy yourself enough time to cleave the area free? I'll use the canal waters to wash the "island" into the bay. It should be safe to have the bombs explode there; no one's working today.

The templar supplied Alicia with the necessary mental images of the area and finally a map of Bonifaas she memorised. From what she heard about the eldest Tashigi daughter, she believed the Feian would know what to do with the information supplied. I'll relay your message to Jack if need be. He and I --- er, we were lovers once. Long before he met ex-Siren Summers. We trust each other enough.

There was enough time for awkward introductions later, Val figured. Ensuring they don't end up needing a mass grave by next dawn was a more pressing concern. She refused to fail her role as a protector of the people. She was the summoner daughter of Trovale's most loyal knight, a man still greatly respected by King Delmont despite his twilight years.

She was repaid for her efforts with a hail of bullets fired in her direction. Water shot up from the canal and hardened into a protective barrier. The wall sloped along her trajectory as Valerie raised smaller spouts as stepping stones towards the battlefield. As she closed in on Lebov, she fired an icy stream at the woman's back, sending the scythe-wielder towards Jack.

All yours, Jackie! She conveyed to the Norjan.

A spark of light before a hollow 'boom' ruptured through the air as Alicia flash-stepped into a mirage-feint technique to avoid the hail of bullets, four identical images of herself dashing in opposing directions from where she'd been standing before fading into nothingness, her true self reappearing further away at a safer distance.

She tightened her grip upon her sword, numbness threatening to establish a stronger hold throughout her body which continued to warn her of the impending collapse lest she seek out warmth immediately. Her clothes were still damp from the canal water which only hastened the process, her mind becoming heavier while thoughts were becoming more difficult to formulate properly.

Because of this the contact from the woman was difficult to understand, though through willpower and perseverance the swordswoman managed to push through to forcefully interpret what she was being shown alongside the explanation. Cleaving the island would deplete the last of her strength and should she still remain standing she would unlikely be able to continue fighting. 'Get clear.' she returned telepathically, throwing forth all her remaining strength to ascend her form.

In a flash of soft blue light her body changed as she ascended, skin transforming into white porcelain armour with ribbons of brilliant gold flowing suspended in the air behind her form attached to the gold fixtures embedded into her body. Shusui took it's naginata form, the black blade cresting the ornate pole clutched in her right hand as she suddenly burst upward into the air at a staggering speed.

She rose above the tops of the buildings, raising Shusui out behind her before swinging it towards the ground in a single elegant arch as she twisted in mid air.


A soft blue light erupted in a straight line across the ground following Alicia's swing trajectory, the earth exploding noisily in a spectacular display as she cleaved apart the earth, sundering it entirely as chunks of debris spat from the widening crevasse. The Feian had little time to observe it however as her body transitioned back into her normal form, free falling towards the ground before impacting a snow-bank, the last of her strength depleted as she began to slip deeper into hypothermia.

A brown streak of fur shot towards the Feian. Tiny paws rested on her outstretched wrist and beady eyes blinked. Artus, the otter, reached for his mistress to hurry her over. Valerie distanced her mind from her ongoing duel against the sniper; her brow raised before turning into genuine concern. She hadn't realised Alicia had gotten soaked earlier. Swiping her arm out, frozen spears shot from the ground, barricading Jack and Val from Lebov and friend. There was barely enough time for them to catch their breath.

"We're hitting the bay soon, Jack. I need to return to Tashigi's side before the elements get to her. I suggest you retreat as well --- let's cover each!"

Jack's stubbornness had exasperated her in the past and Val half-expected it to do the same. The Norjan gave his all in everything, a trait that heightened his already intoxicating appeal. That passionate heart always invited her to feel everything more intensely, she smiled wryly, wondering if Adelaide ever appreciated that. Reinforcing her shattering wall with a thicker block, Val leaped into the waters and skated away, her feet lightly kissing the surface without breaching into the wetness below.

He frowned, thinking fast and hard. He didn't even flinch as Val's protection shattered near his face, revealing a scythe's point near his eye. The wall was reinforced again -- this time by Jack -- and he gave one curt nod.

"Alright. You first. I need you to get back to Alicia and take care of her."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bundle behind them near the edge of their makeshift island. His other haki glove -- forgotten in the unfolding battle --, the phoenix feathers tucked underneath… and Jackie's stone. He lunged for them.

"Jack!" She cried one more time, emphasising the urgency. He was on the cusp of sliding into open waters -- all that awaits was a chilling swim to the nearest shore. A feat no Bonifaan dreamed of accomplishing in such heavy snow.

"Go!" Jack roared at her. He was quickly tucking away everything in his jacket, and pulling on the other glove.

Val called forth another water whale and it sprang towards the island, creating an ever extending icy bridge. Satisfied that she covered him for now, she hastened towards the ailing Alicia. Her mind focused on sublimating the snow and swirling that mist around the woman into a tight bubble. Heat, how? She thought desperately, knowing that the Tashigi threaded a tightrope over the abyss of no return. Good enough was what Val settled on much to her dissatisfaction.

The templar didn't wait to leap up the crumbling ledge. She simply focused on drying the damp from the swordwoman's skin and clothes. By now, the air inside the sphere turned relatively warm compared to the outside. The insulation might give them enough precious seconds to make a difference.

Val reached Alicia but made no attempts to breach the sphere. She turned around to see if Jack followed her but he wasn't her main focus. "Artus -- Lady Hawk!" The Trovalian hollered to the majestic bird circling overhead having spotted the shadow. "Get a healer! I'm going back for Jack!"

Trusting Lily's sharp ears and quick mind, Val jumped back into the canal. Her feet catching the surface again as her body turned into a slicing blur that left turbulent waters in her wake. Her mind puzzling how many seconds they had left --- no, hoping she had enough time. She was on the lips of the bay when -----


A Yulemas pyrotechnic display lit up the sky. The glittering blue, red and gold brilliance was slightly overshadowed by the water spout clawing the clouds. Val's jaw slackened as she fought to make sense of the ludic mask given to death. Her friend …. this strange epithet - Death By Fireworks! The chimney-pot's final lit! Either remark sure to quirk the lips of any dark-humoured engraver. She exhaled. Anger barely lidded down when she realised he was nowhere to be seen. This reality burned cold.

"Summers, this is no way my fault," she told the weeping wind. There had always been rumours that wind hag knew everything picked up by the wind; Val never hoped this was truer than now. Explaining Jack's demise with a straight face was going to be so hard. Her lips would smile while her heart grieved. Oh Jack, keeping that sense of humour until the end, oui?

Several yards down from Valerie's position, the sea began to move against its own current. It writhed, then bulged, and from its depths spat one wet pirate spy. He hit the bank hard and curled up into a fetal position, shaking from the frigidness, though not as soaked as he should have been from time spent underwater. Still, orange flames birthed around him. Steam curled up into the air as he stiffly uncurled enough to look at his chest.

"You-you really need to learn.... When t-to stay in your stone," Jack said through chattering teeth at the moderately moist and cowering Jackie. She sneezed once.

Sighing, he cradled her close to warm them both up while staring back at the island aflame. The fight with Lebov and her undead sniper had been harrowing yet short. Some instinct warned him that little time was left on the bombs buried in his ice field. The water whale gave enough distraction to allow him the upperhand.

With both gloves in play, his elemental prowess doubled. His smile was dark as he remembered the look of pain and shock when Jack caught Lebov in the jaws of one giant ice-made jackal that had makeshift mouths across its body. He hoped she failed to get out of its belly before the bombs exploded. Even if she didn't, the likelihood that it had killed her was slim. He no longer held the conception that their foes could be beaten by sheer force.

But what I had created… that image of that thing... would I have even thought of it, if Er'is hadn't proposed the deal?

The nightmarish ice jackal he'd summoned out of his own haki. He knew another version of it. He swore he'd never see it again. But our nightmares stick to us like barbs. I can't outrun them anymore than my past.

Crunching footfalls in the snow announced Valerie's arrival. It was time to move, find his crew… save his brother. Wearily, he picked himself off the ground. Exhaustion and pulsing soreness were setting into his battered body. The wound on his back wept again, though now mostly clotted. When he looked at Valerie, it was like he was only half seeing her.

"Take me back to Alicia. I can warm her up, keep her close and then… return to the castle. To find Cassidy and my crew." He started walking past her, then paused. "Thank you for the help. I hope you're here to be on our side."


When they turned up, Jack scooped Alicia up in his arms and his haki flames cover them both. He murmured an apology, knowing that many rules surrounded personal contact in the Feian culture, and hoped she would understand given the circumstances.

It was at that moment a distant, dull boom echoed from the city's heart. Jack stumbled -- his mind consumed by a vision. Fire, light… Luro consumed by both. His breath sucked in. The image fled quickly as it came, and he blinked away the lingering spots in his vision. That was an explosion… and Luro in its center. No doubt he survived but the others?
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Bonifaas is Burning!
GM Post​
Jack, Luro, Zilia, Landry, Valerie, Adenin and Ru
(and a squad of familiars!)

Valerie burst into the scene with Jack in tow. Behind them, her crystal blue portal collapsed, leaving faint traces of dispersing energy. She gazed calmly at her commander having heard most of Zilia's appeal. Calmly and carefully, she prodded Landry telepathically to remind him not to lose sight of their current objective - saving lives. She waited untill he relented before she addressed the group. "Lady Templar Valerie Limorges," she bowed.

She straightened and looked Landry in the eye. "I am the Grand Summoner's Judge. Captain, by your leave, let me decide if Luro Makachi is innocent as he claims." As she waited for Landry's decision, Val noted the sudden lack of emotion from Adenin, a fact easily missed by Landry as he didn't share her talents.


Landry crossed his arms and leaned back slightly, a gesture that advertised his frustration to those who knew him. He realised that he was about to lose his carefully crafted alliance with the bastard. And with it, his only hope for finding his younger sister. All this he hid from Valerie's probe - a necessity, considering her talent in the psychic arts. "Do not disappoint me, Lady Limorges."

Valerie blinked her ascent. "Tell me again, M. Makachi, on which building did this fight happen?"


Adenin stirred as if to protest but Landry cut him off. That polished boot shifting dangerously close to Adenin's tender side in silent threat, prompting the Du Vontiago to bare his teeth. With his eyes locking on Jack's battered form, he spat poison in Trovalian.

"Enough!" Landry roared as his face whitened with rage. Clearly, the insult he took over Adenin's disparaging remarks about Cedric echoed Jack's. Yet, the connection between the templar and Sid remained unclear.

Ropes of water bound the two men, stopping them from setting on Adenin, as Valerie returned with a charred stone held in her hands. Her grey eyes darkened as she decided on the best way to expose Adenin's lie. It troubled her deeply that she hadn't been able to discern the identities of the people backing him from the imprint on the stone. Only details of the fight and snatches of conversation between Luro and Adenin shone through.

"Doctor Vilimar, please examine Lord Du Vontiago's injury. Tell us exactly what you see so that we may compare your conclusion against ours."

Before Zilia could approach Adenin, the building beside them exploded, blasting the group away. Mushrooming flames surrounded them as glass shards threatened to impale skin. Valerie grabbed Zilia on instinct and wrapped her body around the shorter woman; her fingers bending the water in the air to her will, forcing them to freeze, forming a wall to dampen the onslaught as best as she could.

"May Cedric forever burn with his sins," Adenin shouted to the distracted group as he stretched his arms behind to stop himself from hitting the wall.

His teeth flashed eerily in the light announcing his intent. Landry tried to warn Jack, because the Norjan landed closest to Adenin. It was too late! Adenin melted into the shadows, allowing him to slip through Jack's fingers. Glowing cinders snowed on Landry and Jack as they searched the rooftops for traces of the man. But, Gemini was gone as well.

Runali could be seen rushing over but Salem stopped her before she stepped into the danger zone. The dark-haired youth bowed respectfully, offering polite words that didn't seem to resonate with her. As the bodyguard was distracted, Emerens cut past them dressed in his cadet uniform and he immediately commanded the attention of the people in the square.

The prince's yell was just loud enough to be heard over the desperation coming from the people buried under burning rubble. "Save the volunteers! Hurry!"

In the resultant frenzy, no one noticed the soft banging coming from behind the door of the burning hatter's shop. The young woman's pleas grew weaker as she choked on the smoke pouring from above. "Someone - please! I'm in here with another person. Please!"


Once Upon a Dream
Alicia and Er'is

Alicia's silvery hair stood out against the colourful silk sheets that enveloped her body. These were complemented by tasteful grey covers, also made from the highest quality Feian silks money can buy; the merchant selling them had promised that they insulated better than most woollen blankets thus they remained popular in Yula Fei. Beside crackling flames confined to a tidy fireplace, warm saline was dripped into Alicia's veins as a way to bring up her body temperature gradually. The suggestion of hot steam had been veto-ed on the ground that it may dampen and rot the books lining the shelves.

Overall, the room she slumbered in looked like it was barely used. There were pieces of furniture lovingly chosen by a fiancée but few other personal effects could be seen. A porcelain vase filled with sweet-smelling winter flowers, for instance, and a large painting of two hawks overlooking Norja were the biggest hints that the room belonged to Lily Rose. In fact, a closer look at the painting would reveal that it was one of Cedric's, something he painted years ago.

The guildmistress in question sat at a large desk held aloft by fancy, s-scrolled legs. It had been placed in a smaller room meant to be a connecting office indicated by the wooden door that was kept slightly ajar. The healers passing in and out of Lily's bedroom could hear the furious scratching of her quill while a pickled-egg deprived lizard yammered endlessly about Jack. Lazarus was clearly obsessing over the young man's engagement ring.

"Ah, humans and their mating rituals. I wonder who Alicia Amaiya would choose as hers. Ru-ie has her Luro and Jack has his Adelaide. Zilia? Arcadius? Some crew member no longer on the ship?" Er'is speculated as he sat on the newly vacated chair beside the bed.

The latest healer swore there were signs that the patient was rousing soon and left to get hot broth ready. Er'is suddenly wondered what broth not made by Jack would taste like. He always appreciated the Norjan's cooking even though Cedric found the flavours too violent. Er'is was sure the young man would gladly live off fresh air, sunlight and water if it was humanly possible to do so.

Eye-less hollows watched the maiden's chest rise and fall. He usually stopped himself from meddling with a human's dreams but he decided to make this instance a rare exception. Alicia needed to meet certain people to fill in the blanks; the Stardusk were an interesting lot, dense in a sense but not denser than the average human. He guessed - in the grand scheme of things - they were all frightfully young. Not even a hundred, as he recalled.

This story he was about to share existed long before they did. It was the same one Cedric and Jack based their performance on in the Treyan amphitheatre; alas, he wasn't sure she attended the performance. From Sid's vantage point, he hadn't seen this Feian in the audience; she had a performance of her own around that time. The deity guessed that he would need to tell the crew the full story another time or by some other means.

Slowly, Er'is leaned forward and sang into Alicia's ear. The words came from a language incomprehensible to man; they were older than this world itself. As the melody built in her subconsciousness, she found herself sitting on a warm beach. Waters reflecting the sunset sky nibbled at her bare feet and a set of footprints led away from her.

"Sybil!" the owner of the footprints exclaimed as he raced towards her.

His yellow eyes melted into hers as he broke into a smile. The unnamed man around twenty-eight twirled her into his arms, bringing them both to the ground; her body cradled against his. So close, his heartbeat was audible. The only hint about his identity was the aeterium ring he wore on his left hand, and it kept drawing attention to itself as he reached down and stroked her hair tenderly as if he had done this many times before.

"I've gotten her blessings," he glowed. "The one I call mother agreed to our union! She gave me this as proof!"

After dropping a single phoenix feather into her hands, the man gazed downwards with eyes so hauntingly similar to Jack's that it might as well have been the Norjan's. This mysterious summoner spoke again. "Sybil, light of life, will you finally agree to be my wife?"

As the question hung in the air, Er'is added his own commentary. "These are memories, Alicia Amaiya, from a woman's eternal dream. She knows who gave Monet this feather."

He clicked his teeth with amusement. "What will you do, Alicia Amaiya? Do you wish to traverse this dream or will you open your eyes and speak to us?"


The Black Swan
Lebov and ???

A charred arm almost stripped of flesh slapped water onto frozen stone. With water dripping from matted hair and a melting face, the La Llorna rose from the depths. Her undead sniper friend was thrown at the masked man waiting for them. Lebov snarled, a zombie in the throes of hunger, barely able to resist jumping him and ripping his frail body apart. That heartbeat screamed food!


"Meat," she groaned.

Like a master eliciting obedience from his dog, the man waved a severed arm around before he tossed it to her. He kneeled over his puppet and assessed the damage, perhaps as a way to ignore the sickening sight of a cannibal in frenzy. "Nothing I can't fix. Thank you, Lebov. There are more delectables for you in the alley. Navy soldiers, you know. Make sure you clean up after."

By the time she was half done, the skin of Maddie's face had been restored and her blue eyes no longer collapsed and scorched. She grinned, appreciating the ability to see once again; the rest of her body was still more bone than flesh. Her vital organs, though, mostly unharmed. "No, thank you, bard. I'm surprised you managed to slit so many throats. I guess your puppets fascinate adults as well as children."

"Why, yes, I've always prided myself on being a skilled entertainer. I'm sure you understand considering you were once a prima donna of much renown."

Lebov sucked a finger clean as she tilted her head to the side. "Emptier days for sure. I miss the music, the spotlight and the stage. But now, I have a purpose."

"Yes, yes, Kellerway showed us the light. Soon we shall judge if young Du Vontiago is worthy of being one of us. He made such an arrogant promise of bringing us the Bonifaan phoenix."

"I don't think that's what Captain wants," Lebov interjected as she crunched on bone.

"Of course, of course! Captain had already set his sights on blowing up the Navy Headquarters," the bard agreed. "It will be pay back long overdue."

"Speaking of pay back," Lebov grinned wolfishly. "I had the satisfaction of seeing a feral Jackal. A little more prodding and he'll be set on a blood strewn path of destruction. It's my way of getting back at him for making me lose my favorite scythe!"
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Zilia personally disliked the notion of proven innocence at the hands of a higher power, still this Lady Templar seemed more trustworthy than the man who spoke kindly of Adenin, though her knowledge of Luro and the situation also stood out. Her eyes moved over to Luro who didn't seem too bothered by the situation, she expected he was ready to just kill everyone in the area if proven guilty, which made sense, if he was branded the villain then he'd act the villain, that's just how it worked. Which is also why she wanted them to clear his name, once he was branded a 'criminal', the Captain's rules went out the window. If he was considered clear though then he'd just leave without complication…cause he wasn't the bad guy. She had a feeling he was innocent but he always ended up acting in a way that betrayed that very innocence, which defeated the purpose.

At Valerie's question Luro nodded confused by the new person but answered anyway.
"Sure it's hard to tell cause of all the stuff, but it started over there," Luro said motioning to the spot where their fight started. "Over that pile of rubble and past that flaming building there."

Zilia wasn't sure about the exchange and Luro was digging in his sleeve for something when Landry voice raised, she was glad to see Jack at the very least, even if he looked a little worse for wear, just as she was about to offer to look at Jack's wounds the woman directed her to Adenin.
"Of course," Zilia said adjusting her gloves.
If it sped up this process that would work for her, she approached him but the flames ultimately stopped her, the next moment the woman had apparently moved to help her, a flash of blue knocked some of the shards away as Zilia exhaled and blinking she stepped away once the sharp danger had passed.
"Um…thanks," she said to Valerie before looking over at Luro.

The flames had split before hitting the redhead and he stepped out of the way of the glass as he took a large swig from his container, her eyelids lowered realizing her worry was unnecessary.
Her gaze moved over to Jack and the others to check on them, her attention moved to Luro as she walked over towards Jack only for him to shake his head, a silent notion that Adenin had really left the area.
Just as she was about to press him further on the matter, Luro's gaze was drawn to a door and he immediately walked over to it, the redhead brought a hand to his mouth for a moment before putting his hand against it.
Wind moved into the cracks of the door pushing the smoke away before he ripped open the door reaching in to help pull out those trapped inside, he stepped away only when he didn't see anyone else inside.
Zilia used that time seeing Luro had the matter handled to hand Jack a note, the words she had seen Landry write earlier were on them along with a note.
"Landry, the man over there was writing these down. If you could translate them so I could check it out later, it would be appreciated,"

Zilia watched as Luro knelt down in front of the young woman and raised a hand in greeting.
"….Sir Landry and Madame Valerie. My associate unlike Adenin has chosen to remain in the area without running and muttering a clearly malicious phrase. It is not often I can say this with absolution but I'm sure he's innocent…unless you still want to talk to Adenin Sir Landry and ask his side of things I'd like to settle this matter and move on with this already long day. Especially considering he in fact was not partial to the interrogation"
Luro walked back over to the group and Zilia looked at the people still fighting the fires.
"Luro….we should help them," Zilia said holding her hand up.
"Don't see why not we're already here. Am I allowed to be nice though? Don't they dislike me, I'm supposed to be mean to at least one of them right?"
"It's fine," Zilia said as a blue glow enveloped her hand. "For the time being it should be fine, for now don't consider these two enemies."
With a nod Luro brought his hand around clasping Zilia's in his own, the blue energy flowing into him and up his sleeve.
"Then I'm borrowing a bit of your power Z."

Luro pulled his hood over his head with a toothy grin and took his rifle off his back, as he did a blue wind passed by him, converging high in the air, the wind spread out in small 'clumps' gathering in the areas above the roaring flames before forming into crystalized ice. A bullet fell out of Luro's sleeve and he loaded it into his rifle.
Raising his rifle he fired the bullet, it flew forward before breaking into multiple halves, glowing a bright red as fire suddenly crashed into the ice melting it and forming multiple spheres above the flames that resembled glowing blue suns. Once the water was warm Luro grinned before moving his rifle to his back and clapping his hands together, as he did mini-waterfalls fell over the flames putting out most in the area with little difficulty, Luro's 'cool' flames replaced the actual flames, which though surprising started drying those who were hit by the water. The flames glowed a bright blue differentiating them from the bright red ones, letting those who got soaked know which ones were safe to warm up by.

Zilia held her hands out and blue domes started forming near the people stuck in rubble before expanding outwards, in doing so she managed to push the rubble off the entrapped people, and making sure the remnant smoke wasn't trapped in the dome with them, let the barriers remain manifested until the templar's approached.
With a small sigh she lowered her hands and looked over at Luro who dusted off his own hands with a grin before she turned speaking to the two.
"That should mitigate the amount of work your people will have to do allowing less division and more focus which should save more lives, we can only do so much ourselves."

Luro gave a small nod at this before Zilia spoke once more
"Luro can you find Adenin still?"
"Yeah, he was bleeding so picking up his scent isn't that hard."
"Then hold on a moment longer," Zilia said motioning to the two. "I'd like you to hear this as well."
Zilia made an upward motion with her finger and a transparent blue wall shot up between them and the people. If not for the occasional flicker of energy it'd be invisible to the naked eye, its height was a little over the rooftops.
Reaching up Zilia messed with one of her bangs as the information flowed through her mind.
"I don't doubt…that cannibal Lebov and maybe some of her K friends played a part in what happened to the Baron."
Zilia motioned to the wall after speaking this knowledge.
"One way. Words can come in but they don't come out…people can walk through it though," she said to clear up any confusion, she apparently didn't want to wait for Landry's. "I understand you don't know much about these K's but they're not doing any good here and that should be enough."

Zilia closed her eyes for a moment.
"It makes sense, from what we learned…" Courtesy of Jack's conversation with Lazarus but she wasn't sharing more than need be in present company. "No one bothered Lebov since the guards just saw her as one of the maids…which meant she was there long enough to be recognized as staff, more than a couple days at least. If she was working there and Adenin's clearly working with her….this goes annoyingly deeper than necessary. I'll confirm my educated guess later with the castle staff, Luro got a good look at her after all, matching appearances shouldn't be too difficult."
Zilia released her bang with a small sigh.
"Sir Landry. I don't know what connection Adenin has to you, perhaps something involving the Lady Grein-Lajoie considering the gem he had with him, but like it or not he is associated with the K-13 who are associated with Kellerway, he is not a man of good reputation and has proven that by easily abandoning the people he had showed false empathy for moments before, now your trusted associate has done this-"
Zilia motioned to the carnage in front of them.
"So either you played the fool trusting one of the many actors in this annoying game considering you are here for king, country and council or you know something you'd rather not share and considering lives have been lost by his hand, and more probably are currently thanks to his cohorts and will in the foreseeable future, especially if Kellerway has his way, who again is connected to the K-13 who again your associate knows….I truly hope that's not the case."
Zilia said this with a sweep of her hand looking back at the people, her eyes narrowed and her fists clenched at her side.
"...even if you defend that he hasn't caused this, which I disagree with, he still abandoned people in need when he himself was pressed, which speaks more about him than words could."
Zilia said this turning back to Landry.
"If there's something you feel important to share with the rest of us about all of this or him before more orphans and widows are made today, that would be greatly appreciated."
She looked at Luro for confirmation who offered a smile and shrug.
"I am here to clear the name of Jemima who I believe is innocent and help her. I want my sick patient and my friend back who was taken from me. That is the reason I am here, nothing more, nothing less. I am reaching the limits of my patience of all these games, and all these 'right questions'. Sir Landry, I'm going to ask you straightforwardly and Lady Valeria was it? I ask that you hold me back if he responds with needless rhetoric. I only excuse you because you didn't listen to that serpent's tongue. I can't fault Sir Landry given the situation, Luro didn't help matters as he does, and I'll believe his comment on Jack, but in the face of this...I'd be disappointed if he still speaks kindly of that man."
Zilia removed her hood from her head, the woman's eyes showed a fierce resolve that didn't match her small stature.
"What do you want out of this to work with a man like that, even if it was unintentional. I'm going to ask what your intentions are here blatantly, repeat what you told me before if that is only the case, in front of this chaos and on your honor. I said it before….one chance."
Zilia stared at the Templar in silence, whether she could sniff out lies or recognize honesty was left open to debate, but her gaze was piercing and her attention focused on the man looking for an answer.

Luro moved his hands to his hips before reaching up and scratching the side of his head.
"We should probably not let those navy people get blown up or something right?" Luro said tilting his head. "That means that one guy wins right...and he's the enemy...or something."
Luro looked over at Jack and eyed him, whatever he found caused him to tap the side of his forehead.
"I'll go after Adenin and try and catch him. You're better at this complicated thinking stuff Jack. I'm just gonna punch Adenin really hard in the face cause that's what I'm good at."
With that Luro raised a hand and walked in the direction Adenin 'scent' went.
A blue glow surrounded Luro as Zilia held her hand out towards him, glancing in his direction for a only a moment.
"Leave a trail."
"Of course," Luro responded before continuing on his way.
Well… that's new, Jack thought as he observed the crystalline portal close behind their party. He muttered under his breath something about overpowered summoners before turning his full attention to their surroundings.

Immediately, Jack gravitated toward Luro, Zilia and Runali. He didn't get very far. Valerie was saying something about Luro proving his innocence, which Jack was ready to rebuke, annoyed that she thought her jurisdiction existed so strongly beyond Trovale's borders, on top of which he wasn't about to let her judge anything of his crewmates. But as his eyes shifted from Val to Landry to Luro, they drifted downward… and froze.

There, wounded on the ground, was Adenin.

It was like the room, people and even sounds melted away. Jack didn't flinch at the spewing curses Adenin unleashed upon him, even when he poisoned Cedric's name. Facial muscles tightened and created a mask of stone that was flawlessly passive and hard all at once. He didn't blink. He obsessively stared at the man who had caused Cedric so much grief over the many years.

Pass the icy hate pumping through his heart, pass the rage fogging his mind and the killing instinct itching in his fingertips, Jack held tight to his spot out of sheer unease. He even threw a rebuked glare at Val when her water rope restrained him. Why? He didn't like Adenin's rabidness. The shouting, the rage… wasn't out of the nobleman's character but didn't he still have the upperhand--

The explosion hit just as Jack turned to Runali to warn her. He was thrown off his feet, slamming against a near wall and finding himself on the ground next to Adenin. He threw out his hand and a burst of ice from the haki glove but it was too late. He was gone.

Teeth bared, he leapt to his feet. It's all happening too fast! How the hell was he meant to save Sid if he couldn't take a moment to plan? To make sense of it all?

Aggressively, he shook out the intruding thoughts. Jack started for where Adenin vanished, when Zilia stopped him. The urge to give chase was abruptly cut by the piece of paper being handed to him, and the cry of a trapped woman. He noticed Luro going towards the trapped's aide and took a shuddering breath, releasing the nervous energy that'd been building up inside. Adenin's gone. Perhaps Luro could give chase. But he couldn't.

Jack read the written memo while walking to the room that Luro had opened, noting that the maid crawling out looked fairly similar to Lebov. He assumed this was the maid Lebov impersonated -- called "Lottie".

The memo said: "Child of the Beauregard (Family). Alana Langley x L. Beauregard. Son OR Godson of my father. Archive of Genealogy."
It caused a pause in the man's steps. You've got to be shitting me. Landry was looking up Cedric's parents? His lineage?

The revelation led to an angry snort and Jack shoving the memo into a pocket. He'd inform the crew later -- but as of right now, he wasn't sure what Landry's curiosity had to do with Cedric missing. Unless… is it possible him and Adenin are working together?

Peeking into the room where the maid had been stuck, he squinted through the smoke, and heard a faint groan. "Doctor! We've got another one for you," Jack called, not paying attention to what their discussion was. He disappeared, and a moment later came out carrying an unconscious man. He looked severely beaten with sheered ropes dangling from his hands and wrists, leftover signs of Jack freeing him from a chair. By his foreign features and what Jack heard, he assumed this had to be Paul Newman. The real princess's fiance.

Jack laid the man down at Zilia's feet just as Luro was prepared to go after Adenin. He said to the doctor, "I think I have your proof of Jemima's innocence. You should take a look at Paul here." He then straightened; caught Luro's eye. "If you see Adenin, capture him. Bring him back -- he knows where Cedric is. I won't risk his death until we have Sid… no matter how much he deserves it."

Once the man was gone, Jack turned on a heel and entered the smokey room a second time. He hadn't told anyone that one more piece of interest had been with the maid Lottie and unconscious Paul Newman. In the corner were leftovers of Lebov's, a pile of bones, and a handmade puppet. Jack picked it up.

It had smooth sanded limbs, pale, and thick black cords for its hair. Two brass buttons acted as eyes. The puppet was frowning miserably in its knitted winter clothing, including a familiar-looking scarf, that Jack ran a thumb over. There was no doubt about -- the puppet was him. Dressed in the clothes he'd worn when they landed on this miserable continent. Funny, he never did peg Lebov as a puppeteer, and it was funny that handiwork looked so similar to…..

Jack sucked in a breath, and almost choked on the smoke.

That old man. The puppet entertainer, the storyteller. The one who pulled Jack out of a crowd, shielded him from Navy soldiers, and told him the tale of Saint Agony. Such a random encounter… such a well-orchestrated scenario if viewed in the right light. The list of conspirators never ends, Jack thought. Theories and possible connections began spiraling in his head. All the while, he didn't move from the room, his puppet lookalike slowly shattering in a shaking grip. Jack cursed himself for being blind, and yet-- and yet… What had Sid about T'raiz? And the story of Monet… Cedric and I performed the story it back when we met Sor, but how did the original child's story go…
Collab by Capt. Blu and Fox of Hearts
GM Post

The Rose Bearer


Salem continued to block Runali's way. "My lady, please stay here where it's safe. It'll distress the people if they see you get hurt."

The calm he portrayed shattered when he saw Emerens run into the danger zone. However, he relaxed when he saw his father entering shortly after, and the older man continued hovering around to ensure the prince remained safe. Salem feared they were slowly working their way out of the Stardusk captain's good graces, an unfortunate fact given the messy situation.

"Captain Lev," he dropped his voice. "Please work with us. We're doing our best to help you get your crew back from the phoenix --- His Highness and I have spent hours pouring over every written account to get the information you need. I know we seem to be using you as a decoy but there's a good reason for that. I never shared it, because ...." He wanted to mention how the distrust had been mutual; but instinct told him that gaining Runali's trust was more important.


Chaos blinked as the young butler spoke. Her ears pricked up, having felt his emotions wash over her. The cat pawed Ru's face, because she hoped to convey what she sensed. Without Chester's help, all Runali would have picked up were flashes of blurry memories. Clearest among them was a voice presumably the late Prince Consort's. "Do not let Emerens find out. He's far too young to shoulder this burden Alfonse. Eline and I will shelter him as long as we can; it's the promise I made to my wife when she was on her deathbed."

(artwork credit amendment: Pandapowart)

"There's people in there that need help." Runali protested. "Royals kinda suck if they're not willing to help their own people." She muttered, backing down from Salem's efforts to keep her at bay. She could have moved him by force, but there were too many people around and she wasn't trying to cause a scene. And when he used her name, she could only cross her arms and sigh. Absent-mindedly, Runali pet Chaos' head, still looking at Salem.

"Right of course. I won't break your already broken kingdom." Despite the sarcasm, she relaxed and stepped away from the danger. With a raised brow, she continued looking at Salem, waiting for answers.

Genuine confusion flitted across the young man's face. An instinctual part of him wished to pay her words back in kind, but the feeling dampened in the wake of his hinted promise. It might not be obvious to Ru, but he was doing his best to reach out to this testy seafaring maiden.

"Princess Eline was never meant to ascend the throne, Captain Lev. The late Prince Consort intended she'd be regent until her brother was ready. The reason ---" He slowed down to gauge Runali's reaction. "Well, she doesn't have van Vries blood. Nay, she was a babe rescued from slavers off Jaipuran shores; a treasure from His Highness's last voyage as First Mate."

His head turned occasionally towards the true heir. And, as it did so, the actual message became clearer. Emerens hadn't been told the truth. Likely, his father intended to do so after the prince was deemed ready. "Princess Eline was never neglected even after Prince Emerens's birth. If anything, she was loved even more as her parents felt that she had been the one to bring them their long awaited child."

Runali listened to the man with mustered patience. The way he wanted her to be hushed made the declaration seem much more dramatic than it was… to her at least. She mimicked his confusion, raising her brow, expecting something else. But when she realized that was what the big secret is, she scratched her cheek. "So they saved a baby and raised her as their own. Sure, it's a cute story I guess. Good for them for being decent people and loving a child they saved? Don't see what that has to do with anything. Family is family whether by blood or not. If anything, sucks for her coming from Jaipur to an ice kingdom." That she was sure of. As long as she had known her crew, they had all become practically family to her.

With a sigh Runali waved it away. "This is big news and all and you should probably tell your boy over there. Secrets usually end up in disaster so I've learned. But at the end of the day, I'm only here because I want two things from this place." She held up her fingers as she listed them. "Jem, free from prison and free to leave this place. Cedric, and the rest of my crew back on my ship so we can get out of here. Trust me, I know you don't want me playing princess as much as I don't want to be here. The feeling's mutual. You want your princess back and from where I'm standing, my crew is doing the physical labor of helping you all look for her."

Salem took a half step back; his surprise even more evident. "We never wanted you gone, Captain Lev. I apologise if you didn't find our hospitality adequate. We are, in fact, very grateful for the help you and your crew offered us." He bowed deeply. "My parents tend to be more reserved, which makes them seem hostile."

He glanced towards the busy prince. "My father has to keep Dr. Bentham in prison or risk the Navy meddling in our affairs. However, he reached out to the Guilds in town, asking them to unmask the real killer. We need concrete proof to share with the over eager Navy in-charge, a witness or even the bottle of poison used would suffice. In truth, Father long suspected it might have been one of the staff as the poison was found in the tea. He kept those tainted cups and the teapot in the kitchen in case we need them as further evidence."

The young shoulders relaxed once it was clear that some sort of understanding had been reached. Salem reflected on their behaviour towards the Stardusk, and he finally saw how the misunderstandings accumulated through certain actions or words. A wry smile reached his lips when he concluded that he'd need to talk to remind his parents to relax around the Stardusk.

After all, the crew was pirate brethren. And, Captain Lev was related to His Highness's godfather, making her a god-aunt of sorts and thus deserving a warmer reception. He guessed he should have tried to call his father's attention to the latter much earlier. "Will you allow me to help find your missing crew?" He offered with another bow. "I feel bad that we've inconvenienced you more than necessary."

Runali watched Salem for a moment and then looked over at the prince. There was nothing she could say that could find Cedric faster or get Jem out without the Navy as a problem. Just as the royals were stuck so was her crew. So, she sighed and relaxed. The puff of air blowing up her bangs just a bit before they fell back into place. "The help is appreciated." She started, taking a moment to look around. "I'm sure if we find Cedric, we'll find the princess too." She looked behind her towards where her crew had been. "They've gotten more info too since they've been out. So it might be useful for you all to know… whenever we can have a moment to reconvene."

"Thank you, Captain Lev. I shall relay your message to father. And, in the interlude, I shall use his connections to see if I can learn more about the K-13. Confronting them head on seems to be an inevitability," he ended with a sigh.

He nodded. "By your leave, Princess Eline," he spoke louder now that they were within earshot of the Navy soldiers. "I'll assist Prince Emerens. I entrust your safety to these fine Navy soldiers," he ended with a polite bow in the men's direction.

As the soldiers formed a protective half circle around the princess, Salem slipped among the sea of bodies ferrying the injured. Voices of panicked adults filled the square, bringing fresh tears down the sooty faces of the disorientated children huddling in the cold. None of them knew where their Mommies and Daddies went.

The closest to Ru was a nine-year-old girl with red pigtails, who wept silently as she hugged her baby sibling close to her chest. "Have you seen my Mommy or Daddy?" she asked in a quivering voice. "They told me to take Baby Lu and run."

Runali tensed near immediately when she was semi surrounded by navy soldiers. Her first instinct was to fight, but she quickly put her hands behind her back and looked away. The armament nearly made it past her fists before she realized she was supposed to play a character. Standing there, she tried to keep a subtle vigilance. If any of them moved wrong she'd be ready, but more importantly she was looking to see if anyone else was sneaking around to attack. However that broke when she heard the child near her.

"Ah," Runali cleared her throat and moved a little closer to the girl. "Hey, don't cry." She soothed while keeping up the facade. "These soldiers are going to help as best they can." Runali reached a hand out to gently urge her closer to the safety of the soldiers. "Find them a place to rest. They shouldn't be out in the cold like this."

She tempered her command to sound more light and in need, but her urgency remained. "And, someone take her to find her parents. There's dozens of people out here, they need to be brought someplace safe so they can gather their bearings and be checked over." She looked at the navy soldiers around her. "This isn't a request. As… the princess, I must be sure the people are safe. Standing around me is not doing anything to help them. If some of you must stay, two of you stay and the rest of you help. We need as many hands as possible to help the people."

A flurry of movement followed Ru's command. Navy soldiers displayed an unusual gentleness as they interacted with the children and eventually coaxed them towards Landry's portal. With most of the children gone, a second little girl stepped forward; her wind-bitten cheeks were barely visible under a red hooded capelet. She tugged insistently on Ru's skirt while her other hand held out a battered rose. "Pwincess?"

Runali suppressed a prideful smile as they listened to her. There was something that wouldn't have happened again. "Oh," Runali looked down at the girl that had approached her. "You should be with the others, they're going to get you somewhere safe." The rose came as a surprise and curiosity, but with a gloved hand she reached out to gently take it from her. However, when it pricked her finger through the glove she quickly pulled her hand away.

Winds buffeted the skirts of her dress while Runali stumbled with sleep taking hold. The world around her swirled in a dreamlike fashion as the girl faded away. She must have cried out, because Salem ran forward to catch her. But, her body burst into seafoam, disintegrating upon contact with his gloved hands or the icy ground. The man crouched there with mouth agape, unable to process what happened. All that he could use to prove his innocence were the phoenix feathers surrounding a crushed red rose.
GM Post II

Winter Solstice Day 44 (2 Days Before Yulemas)

A bloody dawn greeted aching bodies. People had been pitching in for three nights and two days, rescuing who and what they can and putting out errant flames. While Luro had taken care of the biggest blaze, smaller ones popped up throughout the night as if mysterious torch-bearing imps had come out to play. There was so much death in the city that it quelled the festive mood. Few people wore colours than the staple black, grey, white or dark maroon.

Emerens stared listlessly out of the frosted window. His temporary residence was a far cry from the comfort of Castle Jensen, but he was willing to put up with this for the sake of people made homeless in the blaze. As for his guests, he wasn't so sure. It felt almost rude to have them crammed with him in the uppermost floors of the guest inn. But, there was little he could do given the situation. He had no heart to turn away people in need of shelter as well. Most of them, as far as he could tell, were families with elderly relatives or young children.


"My Prince?" Salem reminded him.

Realizing he was about to invite the Stardusk to join him for breakfast, this was a rare moment, considering that most of them hadn't been around most of the time. He stood up with a smile. "Please have a seat. I apologize for the simple fare this morning. Most of my staff are at the hospital or the burned down district. Would you be willing to stay an hour at least? I feel bad for not being an attentive host the past two days. Most of my time had been spent signing papers or visiting the displaced on my sister's behalf."

Chaos mewed softly from where she hung off Jack's shoulder. The innocent look in her eye didn't even hint at the things she had shared with Other Master and Lady Amaiya since she had fallen off Runali's shoulder on the night of the fire. Salem's reveal being one of these things, and one that the prince remained oblivious of.

Jackie peered at her sister from a new person, Alicia. She had taken to comforting the First Mate whenever the woman was in Jack's vicinity. It started off timidly, a shoulder landing, a hesitant nuzzle and eventually licking of those elegant fingers. Now that she was boulder, she had no qualms curling up in Alicia's lap, cupped safely between those hands. The sudden loss of her older brother had hit her hardest for she picked out the regret and sorrow easily no matter who it came from. Even her older sister, Chaos, affected her to some extent.

Not wishing to be distracted by the two familiars, Emerens faced the Stardusk again. "Salem managed to track down a few people with information about the K-13 as promised. Before I get him to report his findings, please let me know how else I can support you during this trying time."

He barely finished speaking when the door opened again, letting in the two templars. Landry and Valerie bowed to Emerens before Val nodded politely in Jack's direction. Landry, however, opted to speak on their behalf, a move Valerie clearly didn't approve given the subtle row of her eyes. It was the respect she had for his position that stopped her from saying anything.


"Thank you for your gracious invitation, Your Highness. I agree that there's much to discuss at present including the questions that went unanswered two nights ago. My apologies, Madame Doctor, I would have replied if things hadn't gone so awry."

Hanging in the air was the unneeded reminder of Runali's sudden disappearance. Another time shift, a smaller one than the previous time, which showed that the same perpetrator had taken the captain as well as her summoner. He watched to see if the crew would be comfortable for him to sit at the table with them.

"I came to Bonifaas to look for my younger sister, Lady Templar Gerin-Lajoie. A desperation I'm sure you understand well, Kunal, given your missing brother. Adenin had promised me information and hence I sought him out. Not knowing, I assure you, of his conniving. It was an oversight on my part. I should have anticipated this given the reason for his sudden dismissal from the Royal Spies."

Landry's eyes flickered momentarily towards Zilia as if he was waiting for her to comment. "As for my insistence on defending the man, I behaved as any superior would when an underling is attacked. An action I'm sure Lady Tashigi would have done if our places were swapped and one of you had been implicated in the disaster."

"In short, Lord Gerin-Lajoie is sorry for being deceived and he couldn't find a way to say it simply and sincerely," Valerie intervened once she realised they were encroaching into dangerous waters with the crew.

Tensions were running high everywhere. Even within the Navy, leaders were demanding justice for the humiliation they experienced at having failed to protect the people of Bonifaas. Frankly, it was a hairy situation that Valerie didn't wish to get involved with. Not after needing to help quell the Trovalian revolution. It seemed that Jack always brought such luck with him wherever he went - Oubila, Tuleveste and now Bonifaas.

"We are now facing a common enemy. Namely, the K-13, which includes Adenin Du Vontiago. So, echoing His Highness's words, please let us know how we can assist you."

Already she had taken a position behind Jack's chair and leaned forward. There was familiarity in that action that supplied the crew with additional subtext as to what she meant when she told Alicia that she and Jack were lovers once. Val whispered something into Jack's ear. Information that might have been easily misconstrued based on the impish smile she had on her face. And, of course, the fact that her otter familiars were now all over the man.


Jemima, finally freed from prison, sat with Levon in her lap. She had already declared she would follow Alicia's lead given the Feian was First Mate, and thus the person-in-charge when Runali was missing. Unsaid in her declaration was the vow to assist the swordswoman to her best ability as she had done for Runali. Which, in this instance, would be Navy intel and critical information about their locale.

The doctoring, she was more than happy to leave in Zilia's capable hands, given Z's relation to a doctor she held in high esteem. Jem had come across a written thesis by that woman before and her admiration held strong to this day. With her eyes on Landry, the Stardusk's former doctor turned to Zilia and whispered. "This is as close to an apology as you'd get from 'm. He's as stubborn as many Trovalian lords and twice as prideful. I heard that with his sister gone he's now the favourite to be the next Grand Summoner."

There was a second glance in Jack's direction before Jemima whispered a second thought. This one was a little more frivolous. "Capt'n surely likes her ladies' man. That one has the lady templar all over him, I think. I recall Capt mentioned he has a fiancée."

While the conversation - private or overt - stretched on, Isaac scampered into the room after Nellie and Alfonse. Immediately, the toddler latched onto Luro's leg, having grown fond of the man after playing with him several times. He reached up and tugged repeatedly on the cloth above the giant's knee. With the Stardusk's attention on him, the boy pointed to the bookshelf where his story books were kept. The instigator stood with his hands tucked behind his back in a show of false innocence.

Er'is grinned his signature tooth smile. "Hello Makachi and greetings to you, old friend. I see you've found yourself a new host." The being he addressed was none other than the Imposter.
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Breakfast was a gloom affair. The mood felt depressed, lost. Jack sat staring at his food without touching it, black bags weighing down his face and his body bowing with aches and pains. He could've been sleeping for the lack of presence he gave off, save that his eyes were open and alert.

On the day the captain disappeared, Zilia hadn't managed to tend to his wounds before he raced off to confirm for himself that Runali indeed vanished like Cedric -- asking Luro to go along with him, too. What Chaos shared with Jack proved accurate. She was gone. They couldn't find her.

What followed felt like a blur of sleeplessness, mental strain and death. Jack hadn't slept since the night Er'is granted him the ghost vision, and now with the captain gone and innocents hurt, he was almost scared to close his eyes. He didn't want to see what nightmares awaited him in the allusive void.

Jack's mind was drifting into his coffee cup when Salem showed up, and he realized Emerens had been speaking to them. An eye twitched when he caught, " you in this trying time." It sounded like something someone said when they recognized grief but couldn't comprehend why it was there.

He sipped the bitter coffee to hide the irritation in his face. "Well, you could start with--"

Talking over the prince did nothing, for the templars arrived and cut him off. Immediately upon seeing Landry, Jack's face dropped into a blank mask, though he returned Valerie's nod out of politeness. He sat in more silence, bored and indifferent to the apologies made. Only he gave Valerie a second cursory glance when she came over and whispered into his ear. He nodded, thanked her, then pinched the bridge of his nose.

Jack rasped out, "We know, thanks to the Thieves' Guild intel, that the K-13 are making more bomb threats; one on the Navy HQ. Likely bigger attacks since they made a point to say we'll 'see fires that will stain the skies blood red on Yulemas Eve." He glared at the templar. "So if it wasn't for that threat, no, I wouldn't accept your help, Landry. I know you've been looking up my brother's heritage. It appears you two are related. Care to elaborate on how that's relevant to the present circumstances?"

He waited for the templar's response, eyes hard as steel, and his words like ice.

Now having the room's attention, Jack decided to make the most of it. He downed his coffee and launched into his discovery of his puppet lookalike. He explained about how he met the puppeteer when Stardusk first arrived, the show and the story of Saint Agony.

"The puppet here is his handiwork, and I only wore that scarf when we first arrived. I think he may be involved with K-13. Not their leader but… maybe their first mate." Jack glanced at Alicia, "Alic-- Amayia-- whatever your name is, do you want to find the bomb in the Navy's HQ? We should check other populated areas too. I have a feeling the K-13 want to create mayhem, death, panic. Damaging the Navy may not be their only target. Perhaps the memorial that's being setup to remember those who've died in recent days."

After that, he released one explosive sigh. "Unfortunately… In terms of Runali and Cedric, the K-13 may be the least of our problems. I think I know who has them: a deity named T'Raiz."

Jack had privately, the night following Runali's disappearance, debriefed Stardusk on what transpired between himself and Er'is in the canal. About seeing Cedric, learning about T'Raiz and Monet. No one else knew but them.

This account was nothing like the truth. Instead, Jack started out with a story. A childhood story he knew from a long time ago, but it was about these two mystery entities.

A boy babe lay in a basket wedged between rocks a distance from shore. His cries summoned T'raiz, the fickle goddess of fate. As she gazed upon the beautiful child with eyes the colour of the summer sun, she felt a maternal stirring that made her hold him in her arms.

"You are to be my beloved son. The one I desire more than all the treasures strewn at my feet. Do not leave me, ever."

Thus, began a painful curse of a mortal aging and his caregiver in stasis. T'raiz, the immortal beauty, soon found herself becoming his sister as Monet reached the age of man. Her love for him never changed and it was with a reluctant heart that she allowed him to wed a seafaring maiden from the neighboring village. As she watched them profess their love, she realized that in the few more blinks, she'll surely see him grow old and die.

That day came sooner than she hoped. The wife was cruelly swept out to sea and drowned. Her body returned to a grieving Monet who couldn't let go. Failing to get T'raiz to bring his love back to life, the young man journeyed to the depths of the sea to seek out Papilloner, who was death's presiding judge.

Monet would have succeeded in bringing his wife's soul back into the mortal coil if not for one mishap. In their journey back, he fell into the river of souls. To save him, she sacrificed her chance at life so that he may live.

"You're not ready to come to this borderland. Please return to the living, fall in love again and come back to me when it's time. Promise you'll live a good life and tell me your adventures then."

After sealing their goodbye with a kiss, Monet awoke back on the beach. The funeral long over and the ashes of the pyre cool as marble. He raged his grief, smashing everything in sight including his beloved lyre, a gift from the goddess who so loved him as a child. Sensing her protection fading, T'raiz appeared reluctant to try and calm him.

"Monet, why do you howl like an injured animal? Life and death are truths that can't be overturned."

"What do you know about life and death? You are an immortal sitting at the edge of the veil. You don't understand my pain. You never could or you would have saved my Sybil."

Hesitance filled the goddess as his words cut deep, piercing the mortal feelings she had. "I've changed, Monet. I have feelings like you. I know what is love and loss and feel it just as deep. Please do not make me bring her back for the price will be too great."

"No price is to great. I've already crossed into the land of the dead to bring her back. Please, my goddess, bring her back, I beg you."

"It would mean you shall stay with me forever. Merged with me as one. See her grow old and die. Never to touch or hold her again. Is that the price you'll pay? Your life is so transient that it should be treasured."


"Take my hand then and the bargain shall be fulfilled."

Fires leaped from their feet as their hands met. Hungry, holy flames that turned Monet's body to ash. As his soul broke from its mortal vessel, a crying phoenix opened her mouth and swallowed it whole. Her tears only stopping as their souls merged within and she could hear his voice again. A person now stripped of his memories of ever being Monet.

True to her promise, she laid a feather on Sybil's cold chest and watched the woman spring awake from the deepest slumber. And, saw her weep bitterly as she learned the horrific truth. That was when T'raiz decided to absolve Sybil from her torment. A thought new to her now that she had experienced grief.

"I have a way for you and Monet to be together for eternity, child. Let me grant you a miracle, anything you wish, and in return your soul shall come to me. We'll return to my garden throne and there you shall stay. Forever young, forever beautiful and no longer in pain."

It is a bargain as old as the age of man. Sybil was only the first but she won't be the last. Appreciate the transience of this life and always guard your heart against temptation.

Such stories were subsequently rewritten by Giraud's orders as a new religion was formed following the sealing of the gods. Very rarely will anyone find such tales save in children's books from remote villages. Many children, especially noble children, grew up with the contemporary versions. And, it's the contemporary versions that get translated into opera and stage.

Jack's hands rested on Chaos, his retelling done, watching his audience. Emerens sat straight in his chair with a look of someone dredging through their memories for important information. Landry flinched.

"Those phoenix feathers we found when Runali and Sid were kidnapped match those that this T'Raiz creates. I don't know much about her outside of this tale, except she was real once. Is. Do any of you know more?" He asked, addressing the non-crew in the room.

"I know I will be working to find T'Raiz, maybe Adenin too if we're lucky. I expect both of you to help in these endeavors." Jack said to Valerie and Landry. It didn't sound like a request. "I'll reach out for Lazarus's aid too. My mother is currently busy counting the dead and re-assessing her Guild's strength."

To say the situation was unfortunate was putting it lightly.
Zilia sat her hands folded on the table and her attention focused forward, she merely waved a hand at the comment of their meal. The fanciness of their meal wasn't important, Runali was now gone along with Cedric. Thankfully Alicia had already stepped up as first mate but they were still far from resolving the issues at hand. Cedric was still missing, Runali had vanished and judging by the feathers it was a good guess who had her. Zilia twirled one of the feathers in her gloved hand, her eyes narrowing a bit before returning it to her pocket.
She was starting to understand why everyone didn't mind the people who wanted to just kill them, it was simple and straightforward, she almost missed that now.
They had already lost a member of the crew as well, though he was haughty at times Chester was no less a member of the crew, and his absence stung.

If there was one good thing it was that they got Jemima out of prison and sure enough the woman lived up to her reputation, the former doctor of Stardusk, someone who survived running with this crew in the past. She also apparently knew her Mentor's thesis, she had read them as a child and even now were still amazed by them, having a kindred soul nearby was a small comfort. Though that comfort faded quickly when the two visitors came. She only offered a nod to Landry at his explanation on her unanswered questions, at the moment it wasn't a priority but admittedly she still desired an answer and received one as Landry explained his situation. It mostly sounded like excuses but she knew that came from her present irritation so she kept it to herself. Though her eyes narrowed as he offered a comparison with Alicia, though ultimately it was the lady templar who filled in the blanks along with Jemima.
With a heavy sigh Zilia offered a small nod, if Jemima said so then she'd take her word on it, and she trusted the Lady Templar, who was surprisingly close to Jack, a little more than Landry.
"Very well we'll leave it at that then. There's more important matters anyway so lingering on past incidents won't help anyone, we'll just count that as your one and move on, I wasn't exactly fully proper myself anyway with all that was going on," Zilia said with a nod. "Still the lady Lajoie is truly still alive then..."
Zilia trailed off letting her thoughts wander to that 'gift' from Adenin before glancing over at Jemima as she spoke to her again then back at Jack with Valerie on him.
"Very much so, thankfully her own fiancé isn't the jealous type...though Jack's may it will certainly be an interesting conversation later," Zilia whispered back to Jemima.

Folding her hands together Zilia looked over at Jack then back at those seated at the table.
"Sir Landry had information on goddesses and the like I'm sure he would be helpful in that endeavor," Zilia said. "With one of our leads gone we'll need what help we can get and Lady Valerie seems resourceful."
Though she said this she still kept the information Jack had given them to herself, she had shared what little she had learned with the crew in the same instance though it wasn't much. Dealing with a goddess of all things, and one that wanted Cedric. Perhaps it tied into the situation of needing someone of certain bloodline.
"So Sir Landry and Lady Lajoie bear relation to's hoping that's not abused considering the situation."
Putting that notion aside Zilia raised her head again.
"If we choose to look for the bombs Luro could probably help, so long as they're not magical he'll more than likely find them....disguising wouldn't be that difficult either," Zilia said before looking back at the crew.
"Also this should go without saying but get some manner of rest if you haven't already."
Her comment was simple and to the point, her gaze moving to Jack.
"You especially Jack. This situation is not a good one and we need more information than what we have...but if our minds and bodies aren't sharp we won't be able to act when need be and that won't help anyone. Sometimes taking a step back, taking a deep breath and clearing our thoughts can help provide answers. I know it's hard to relax...especially now but if you don't take a moment it'll only bring more harm"

Zilia closed her eyes at this.
"If you are having trouble then I will give you something to ensure you do...regardless of the situation maintaining your health is important. I'm already upset I was delayed treating wounds, forgoing sleep I can't excuse, not in this situation."
Runali gave her a job to be the doctor of Stardusk, to be that voice when some are stifled or missing. Even if Runali wasn't there she'd do what she was asked to do, as would the rest of them and as such she acted accordingly.

Though she normally let Luro speak for himself, filling blanks as need be he wasn't present, she knew he was listening to the conversation but as this was 'thinking' time he felt he wouldn't be able to provide much and as such was watching some of the children. However as he could always recite what they were talking about it was clear he was still paying attention.
She had been keeping a close eye on him since the incident, mainly because of Runali's absence. When she and Luro were among the prophet's Nikos' gave her advice, words that would echo in her mind on occasion
"Understand this Zilia. I do not wish the death of Runali Lev. Merely to defeat her. By some miracle be it divine or demonic Luro Makachi heeds the words of your Captain and as such has not returned to the creature that I know. Should anything happen to Runali….that….'thing' may return. You haven't seen it but you were the only one who spoke to Lina in detail of his past, you know it exists and she is the only one stopping him from returning."

Luro was of course listening to Alicia, he respected her and the Captain named her First Mate...however she knew at the end of the day Runali's words were what he would follow to the end. If he words or orders would bring him back, not unless it came from Runali. She was reminded of that first hand in the town the day before.
Still being around Stardusk calmed him, he smiled as he always did and was as chipper as usual, he didn't doubt for one moment they would succeed, partially because he believed in Runali so he had no real reason to worry. If she was honest it was a small comfort, Luro never stopped believing and she needed that some days.

However on occasion when she'd look into his eyes she saw the gaze that had stared at her on that beach, the eyes of an executioner, of a scourge she hoped to never see again. Luro wasn't going to be gentle with who did this, not unless he was told to be...and even then he may not listen.
"...being near the children and Stardusk seems to keep him grounded thankfully, a reminder of her rules. He won't go running off but....he cares little for lives outside of Stardusk. The only thing stopping him from erasing the existence of every living thing around him is the Captain's orders after all and what little conscience remains. If we're put into a situation where her orders don't make sense...he'll act naturally...please let us find her before it reaches that point."

Normally she wouldn't mind as Luro generally acted as he always did but she recalled Runali gave Luro a specific answer to his question a few days ago, and she didn't know the answer, if she had given him a very particular response then this could become a problem...and that had become the source of her worry. She had shared this with Alicia, as the doctor, mental health was also part of her job, she merely informed her Luro would heed her words and orders but well...Luro would be Luro at the end of the day.


Luro found himself in a strange void, a place devoid of all color except a blinding white on all sides with no sky and no ground, his steps echoed into the distance as he walked and the splash of water was the only sign he wasn't on normal earth. He saw no reflection of himself when he looked down however, the reflection instead stood in front of him, a smirk resting on his own familiar expression.
"We have a visitor."
Luro blinked as he felt the tug on him, pulled back into reality as he looked down at the child. He smiled a little and ruffled his hair before standing up to retrieve the book, his eyes landing on the creature, the 'visitor' he was warned about in the void.
Luro seemed to acknowledge Er'is but didn't miss a step as he walked over to grab the book.
"You're the presence I felt near Captain and Jack," Luro said. "Nice to meet ya, uh formally anyway."

Luro walked back over to his seat more bothered by the fact he was having a harder time keeping his mind in reality, being pulled into that place while he was sleeping was normal but he had been sitting and playing with the children mere moments before, yet ended up there. Was it the presence of the creatures around him, Imposter was being far more bold than usual.
Glancing to his right as he sat facing Er'is once more he spoke to Imposter within his mind.
"He knows you're there."
"We'll it's not as if I'm hiding myself. Still mortal's and even those of the void can't find me easily like this. He must be one of the older ones then to actually sense me."
"Those of the void?"
"I'd be here all day explaining all the things you call 'gods', 'spirits' and 'demons' that roam the in-between. I'm dumbing it down for you. If you need a comparison Jones is the only other one to notice me when I'm like this."
A heavy sigh came from Imposter.
"Well anyway he won't hear our full conversation like this, let me fix that. Here's seeing if it's even worth me speaking, considering how these things can go."

Black markings ran up one side of Luro's body, that strange sensation filling him again causing him to look at his right side, his eyes widening before he raised his now clawed right hand. His right eye had turned into a myriad of colors akin to a rainbow, the colors twisting around themselves as if alive, and his canines had grown and sharpened into a beasts at the sudden energy flowing through him.
He didn't have a proper word for what 'this' really was, it was many things, rot, deterioration, impurity. It was the presence of Imposter on a human body, his very existence corrupted the things around him, consumed all without discrimination, thus that was the closest comparison he had to what this was.
It was a corrosion of humanity if only for a moment that led to an erosion of his natural body.
This was natural corruption, which surprisingly wasn't as shocking as the voice that came from one side of his face.
"Introduced yourself as Er'is right? To speak to me directly...what an interesting concept considering….hm never mind doesn't matter anyway. I'll play along, I'm bored anyway."
Imposter's voice echoed from Luro's own mouth, or rather one half of his mouth, his own mouth's side formed into a small frown at this weird circumstance.
"'ve taken over half my are you doing that?"
"I've always been able too. Anyway 'humans' can't see this change, you still look normal so don't forget to continue babysitting, the adults are talking."
Luro had several questions but knowing they wouldn't be answered he opened the book to prepare reading for the children.
"Regretfully I have no memories of you. You more than likely met one of my other halves and I've been severed from him so this 'me' has no memories of you. Although there is a familiarity I feel towards you so our paths have certainly crossed in some manner."
Imposter offered a small shrug from his side and a chuckle.
"Still 'friend', what in the world are the other me's getting into? That will suffice to my normal moniker though, I don't need unnecessary attention. Even filtered through a human it's hard to contain myself."
Imposter's gaze moved over to a nearby flower which was already starting to wilt before looking back at Er'is.
"I wouldn't call him so much a 'host' as a run-down shack. I can't even fit a quarter of my kingdom in this one. I even got rid of random memories and most of his conscience just to fit my moat."
This pulled Luro back to reality and he glanced over at his other half.
"Oi. Don't throw out things I clearly need."
"Luro what you going to do with a conscience, way less than I can do with a moat. It's a really nice one too."
Waving his hand Imposter looked back at Er'is.
"Still you seem to be having fun. I'm sure it's roomier in your place. I always wanted to ask if you wanted to trade, sure I could fit two kingdoms in that kid, especially with his bloodline. Harder to conceal myself in 'talented' ones though. Too many eyes on them like currently. No one cares about this one."
"Oi," Luro said looking up from his book before looking over at Er'is.
"Um...did you need something from me? Personally I don't want him talking to anyone, considering what he eventually does when he comes in contact with them."
"Talking a whole lot here Luro, but contrary to popular belief I am not all knowing so I have no real plan here. I see the webs surrounding you all and it's certainly fun to watch; has relieved a fair bit of my boredom but I've purposefully avoided conversing with those involved and offering any information...out of thanks for the show I've appeared to respond properly but that's about it for me. I can't stay like this long, might accidentally consume the nearest beings."

~"This was not a ship and I am no Admiral. Yet still bereft of our captain, the mantle needs must be taken with hope that we all live to see tomorrow."~

Her hand softly stroked the spirit animal curled within her lap, silver eyes almost vacant as she eyed the fur parting to the movements of her fingers while the others conversed around her. Chester's stone felt heavy, still carried upon her person hanging beside the necklace Sid had made for her as if somehow those items provided a connection that would see them both returned safely. Such sentimentality was not beyond the swordswoman even if she herself didn't necessarily believe in it, a hope in vain perhaps but if nothing else it brought her comfort in times when uncertainty had become the common denominator.

It wasn't until Jack addressed her rudely that she shifted her gaze towards him, her eyes narrowing slightly from his attitude which went unchallenged as she could still at least understand the root of his frustration and worry causing her to relent from reprimanding him for it. Despite seeming to have not been paying attention she'd been listening quite attentively to everyone's conversation, remaining quiet as to allow the room to openly converse and discus the situation which would inevitably make her choices and decisions more informed. Alicia gave a soft exhale before she picked up the cat curled upon her lap to set them down beside her, lifting herself from her seat to stand.

Without saying a word she walked around the table without meeting anyone's gaze, looking to be lost in thought as she pieced together all the information gathered thus far. A hand held to her mouth as she remained silent, looking off at a far wall for a moment before she turned to address the room. "I believe I've formulated a plan, one that'll require everyone to play their part." she spoke for the first time since gathering here. She placed her hands upon her hips as her brow furrowed, taking a moment to ensure she'd covered every base before taking a deeper breath as she began to detail their movements.

"Given Luro's aptitude for explosives he'll proceed to the Navy HQ with the support of the Thieves Guild to aid him in infiltrating the area. Zilia will go with him to provide medical assistance should it be required. Additionally Val should join them to increase their chances of success and to help mitigate losses in the event of a conflict."

"Landry I would like you to remain close to the prince and make his safety your primary concern. I'm given to understand Templars don't make easy opponents so this should fall well within your purview. Jack will remain at the memorial preferably at the highest vantage point to keep overwatch and to be on the lookout for the possible arrival of T'Raiz."

"Jem I would also like you at the memorial to help provide healing aid should we have need of it. With Zilia at the Navy HQ this splits their medical skills adequately between both teams. I will also be at the memorial to provide additional support should we end in conflict."

Alicia moved her eyes between each person as she spoke before continuing. "Once the bomb threat is dealt with at the Navy HQ, that team should then make their way towards the memorial to bolster our overall strength." if they arrived before a conflict they would be vastly stronger a force to contend with for their opponents. If they arrived during a conflict they would then be considered reinforcements which could then potentially turn the tables rather quickly in terms of a strategy, employing a surprise for their enemy.

"Salem, you and the Prince should have a conversation about your own contingency plan should a conflict arise. You'll need to plan your evacuation and if possible try to organise the local civilians to follow you away from the danger. You might also consider pre-planning a variety of routes to hasten your exit. In the event that the Prince safely evacuates with Salem, Landry should return to lend his strength to the conflict."

Once again Alicia moved her attention back to Jack. "I'll need your help in organising the Thieves Guild through their part of the plan even if you're not joining them in dealing with the bomb threat. If they can spare fighters for the memorial without compromising the objective at Navy HQ that'll be of benefit to us but I'll leave those details in your capable hands." she inclined her head respectfully towards the cook.

"It's not a perfect plan but with the time we have available it's the one I'm most confident in seeing us all through to the end of this problem. If anyone has any questions, now is time."
Collab by Capt. Blu and Fox of Hearts
GM Post


(Credit Amendment: Thanks Pandapowart!)​

The transition from sleep to consciousness never happened. Runali's feet landed on a polished marble floor, parting the creeping mist for less than a breath. Stars swirled above her and the surrounding aural scape was filled with disembodied crying. It was hard to tell how many souls lingered here, but marble statues covered every inch Ru chose to explore. Their countenance was so eerily similar to Saint Agony's that it wasn't hard to believe that they were once alive. Perhaps it was the trick of the eye, but when she stared long enough, tears seemed to pour down those smooth cheeks.

"Hoi! Is anyone here?" Runali's voice seemed to call to her from a different direction.

The footfalls turned into a shadowy silhouette shrouded by mist and finally a mirror image freezing when she was within seeing distance. Eline's eyes widened in shock as she regarded this newcomer wearing her clothes. Looking so much like her! She stepped back slowly as if toying with the thought of fleeing from this unknown person. But, the real princess never got far. She found herself caught in a statue's embrace. The shock made her spring forward, colliding into Runali.


"Y-you're real," she gasped when her hands touched equally warm skin. "Are you human, demon …?" she trailed off as she rolled off this "other her" and crouched close by. Again, it was apparent that she was readying herself to flee should this "other her" prove to be hostile.

Whatever this was- no, wherever she was, it wasn't good. Runali was on high alert the moment she was able to gather her bearings. "...I swear I'm never stepping foot in this country again." She mumbled under her breath. Hearing someone call out, she reached for her weapon only to remember that it wasn't there. Though to her surprise, she was looking at Eline. Being crashed into was one thing, and Runali made sure to right the both of them, but she was quick to take a step away to keep Eline at arm's distance, just as much as Eline was ready to flee.

"Human. Runali. By the looks of it, you must be the lost princess everyone's been looking for. And mistaking me for." She stared at the woman, personally not seeing the resemblance, but decided that was the least of her worries right now. "Unless this is a trick and you're the demon here." It didn't hurt to be careful.

"N-no. I'm human." Eline wanted to say "like you" but admitting that might open herself up to deception. She knew what the mistress of this realm was capable of, so meeting a demon-fashioned double remained in the cards. Biting her lips, Eline sighed. "Who are you?"

"Well, Princess… congrats. You've got a band of pirates trying to help your kingdom- or rather, looking for our crew. He was kidnapped, more than likely by the same person that kidnapped you."

Runali's words sparked a memory, causing Eline to grab Runali by the hand and pull the other woman closer. So close, that their same coloured eyes were separated by the bridges of their nose. "Blessed winds, you're Captain Lev! No wonder Will mentioned that I remind him of you. This is so, so uncanny. You are like my twin, an infinitesimal odds in this big world."

"I can assure you," Runali once more pulled away from Eline's grasp. "Will may be blood, but I could do without. And two, you may want to get your eyes checked." Runali looked a bit confused, but shooed her off. "You're right that I am Captain Lev. As for everything else, you've been…here too long. Wherever here is." The princess' excitement was brushed aside. "Have you seen another here? His name is Cedric."

"What does he look like?" the Bonifaan princess asked, again throwing caution to the wind. There was one other person she had seen, one who breathed but barely. One who struck her as un-pirate as they come. Surely, no one so ill would ever dream of sailing the seas.

"He looks like what I imagine storybook princes might look like if they didn't get enough sunlight." She continued looking around the place. "Nice clothes, fancy earrings sometimes, purple hair." She prattled on a few more easy to notice characteristics of Cedric before adding, "And he's sick so I need to find him quickly."

There was a blink of disbelief. Followed by an unasked question - why would her twin allow such a sick man to sail with her? And, another - did you know he might die? Yet, she knew this wasn't the time or place for her judgemental thoughts. Here before her was a captain who cared deeply for her crew and that won Eline's respect. For she strived to be such a regent in the future and, hopefully, impart these lessons to her brother before he ascends the throne.

"I know the man," the princess admitted. "That's why I was looking for help. He is deteriorating rapidly. Dying, I think. He needs a doctor!"

Hearing that she knew of Cedric made Runali perk up, but it quickly turned into a frown. "He's not dying." Her frustration wasn't directed towards the princess, but at the air. "He's not dying here." She repeated a little quieter. The moment faded rather quick because she was ushering the princess to lead the way. "Don't just stand there, get to moving! Show me where he is!" Runali was no doctor but she had been around Jem and she had been around Zilia, both taught her more than enough to give her time. And that's all she needed for Cedric right now, just a little more time until she could get him to Zilia.

Eline couldn't believe the audacity of the woman. Even Will, despite his roughness, spoke with some respect. Given the situation, on the other hand, she guessed it was justified. Nodding to show she understood, the royal gathered up her skirts and ran fairytale-style towards the slumbering vampire prince. She leaned forward with chest against hands as she panted in an annoyingly girlish way.

"Here, Captain Lev!"

"Princess, consider running more. It might save you the next time someone tries to kidnap you."

Cedric, pale as death, laid in an open stone coffin, the same one from Jackie's vision. His chest labouring to draw in even, deep breaths. The coughing, sporadic in nature, caused blood to trickle down the sides of his lips, strengthening that Count Dracula impression. Casting reddish light over his face was a blanket of red feathers Eline started piling on his chest and trunk.

"I thought they would warm him," Eline explained after misinterpreting the look on Ru's face. "If you touch them, you'd notice that these feathers are warm. They are also fragile, crumbling after some time."

The princess shook her head sadly as she gathered more feathers off the ground and added them to Sid's neck. "I wish I could do more to help. I'm sorry," she said sincerely. "Hopefully, this will make him comfortable as we search for a doctor."

Runali moved past her and looked into the coffin. She put herself at level, cupping Cedric's face and feeling his temperature. "Cedric, stay with me okay? I'm going to get you out of here. You're going to be okay." She checked him over, searching his pockets for anything that might be useful. She knew he didn't like Zil's medicines but maybe he managed to keep one on hand. "Cedric- Sid as your captain, you have one rule. And one rule only." She tried to keep her voice calm as she could while going through every thing she learned from the doctors she knew.


A sleepy murmur replied Ru. There was a long pause followed by visible struggle that was heartbreakingly weak. After a second, longer pause, Cedric's eyes opened and he opened his mouth. He was so out of breath that he barely strung the words together. "Ca-taine? Why?"

To emphasise his concern about her safety, he cupped his hand over one of hers. "Not here," he rasped. "Go … " Jerking violently, he coughed up more blood. The littlest respite happened after he was propped up. In fact, colour started returning to his face and lips. Soon he was able to speak more. "Merci, capitaine."

He watched her closely, waiting for an answer to his previous question. Instinctively, he knew this wasn't the most pertinent question but his thoughts were sluggish. Sleep felt like the only option to lessen the burning in his lungs and the erratic pulsing of his heart. But, Runali kept distracting him. As if …

Cedric's head lulled as he almost lost the fight. Snapping back to wakefulness thanks to the shaking, he murmured some fevered gibberish. His drooping gaze trained on Ru's face as he tried listening closely to what she was saying. "Cap?"

In her rummaging, she heard Cedric, but she kept looking. "Focus on staying awake, Cedric." She found a pouch and started to go through it. Her one eye lit up in relief when she recognized the medicine she'd seen Zilia give to him. "Here Sid, you have to take this."

"Are you sure you should keep him awake?" Eline couldn't help asking. "He looks frightfully tired and sick. Sleep is always recommended for someone in this situation. It's … wait, get away from him!" she snapped suddenly. "Captain Lev, that disease is contagious. You'll sicken too if the bad air gets into your lungs."

Eline's cries were enough to shatter the sleepy haze. Cedric mustered the last of his strength to shove his captain away, fearing like Eline that she would catch whatever was ailing him. Suppressing his cough as best as he could, he struggled to break loose. Runali, his boss, his confidante, his friend, shouldn't suffer this wretched fate. "Let go!" he begged as his face turned an ashen whey from the refusal to breath.

She had been ignoring the Princess' concerns and ignoring Cedric's attempts to push her away so she could give him the medicine. It wasn't until he put more effort into his struggle did she stop and snap back. "No!" Runali yelled this time. "Neither of you are helping!" She didn't have to look at Eline to know she was distraught. "Eline, sit down. If you're not going to help me then sit and stop your tears. Do you hear yourself? What good are you if all you'll do is watch people fall?" Her fist tightened and her voice lowered. "What… good would I be as a captain if I watched him die?"

Her gaze went back to Cedric and she pressed the feathers closer to his lungs and any other injury she had found. "Sid, you've learned nothing if you think I'm going to sit here and watch you die. Stop fighting me and focus on staying alive. The last thing you should be concerned about is my health." She fed him the medication and then began to shift him a bit so he could breathe better. "Eline. Does this place look familiar to you in any way? Do you have a clue where we are?"

Eline huffed and crossed her arms in a very Ru-like manner. "I - I'm not crying. I was trying to stop you from coming to harm, my twin, but I won't stop you." She shook her head. "The line between brave and foolhardy is a thin one. As captain, you're more important than any other member of your crew, please remember that."

Sid's glare hardened but he complied to Ru's orders. The bitter medicine bubbled down with some effort as he kept choking it back up. Eventually, most of the pain was soothed away, making breathing easier. And, reminding him why he appreciated Zilia. She was the first to provide him with any relief from this wretched illness, which was a miracle considering how much he had endured until the age of fourteen. So many sleepless nights for him and Jack.

Too tired to verbally thank Runali, her summoner sighed softly, resting his head closer to hers, seeking as much warmth as she allowed him to. He blinked slowly as he tried worming his thoughts into hers. Shadowy impressions of this strange place. T'raiz, his voice echoed inside her mind. Ask the princess about T'raiz.

The princess's disapproval softened as she watched the two crew mates interact. Such trust was truly enviable, given the differences in their station. She guessed she owed Captain Lev an apology, but that was a matter for another time. The woman's questions were more pertinent to their predicament. Unfortunately, she was as lost as her fellow kidnappees.

"I - well, the statues surrounding us remind me of that statue in King's Memorial Park. Saint Agony or something. She's a character from a children's story. That's all I can tell you," Eline shrugged.

"Twin is practically an insult at this point." Runali mumbled under her breath. Her brow furrowed more, this time turning completely to Eline. "You know nothing about what it means to be a leader." This time her frustration was on the princess. "What is a captain without their crew? Why would my life be any more important than his? Just as your life is no more important than the people that call you princess... just because you wear a fancy crown doesn't mean you don't have a duty to protect those who look up to you. If all you do is sit and get pampered then at least don't give the people false hope in you." She turned away from her again. "Nothing will stop me from protecting what's important to me."

Seeing Sid glare, she relaxed a little and eyed him down. "Frown all you like, use that energy to heal. And when you're back on your feet by all means, then you can nag me about it." She couldn't help the faint smirk as she goaded Cedric. It was some reprieve to know he was able enough now to be stubborn.

"T'raiz?" She echoed his thoughts out loud. "Eline, what's T'raiz?" She placed a hand on Cedric as a silent indication to save his strength while she spoke to the princess.

"T'raiz? That's the name of the phoenix goddess of this land. She -- Oh!" Eline slapped a hand to her mouth. "Goodness! This must be her hidden throne. She was said to reside in the rift between time and visit our realm when it suits her. Yes, it makes sense now. These stone maidens must be women who asked her for a miracle. Exactly, like Saint Agony, except in her case, the sacrifice was to be her daughter."

Sid's eyes narrowed. The first human soul she consumed was that of her own son, Monet. The story was coming back to him; Hoshi's military clip booming out each Trovalian syllable. In retrospect, her pronunciation was more impeccable than Jack's despite the harsh prosody. Again, he sighed as he felt a dull ache built at the back of his head each time he shared his thoughts with Ru. There were only two stories about the immortal phoenix goddess compared to the many about her siblings. It always struck me as very strange. But now, I think I know why.

"Why indeed?" a girl spoke from behind Ru.


The moment the new voice appeared, Runali watched as Cedric fell back to sleep. She was back on high alert, whirling around to see Eline unconscious as well. It was more unfortunate than a surprise to see a new, tall woman that appeared but she was on her feet, ready to protect the two before they could come to more harm. Runali was almost sure there was nothing she could say that would convince the woman to let them free, so instead she readied an armament fist. "You've done enough damage here. I don't care who or what you are. Your mistake was putting my crew in danger."

Slender arms beat passed Ru's defences. The pirate captain soon found herself dipped low, pinned to the spot by a set of piercing black eyes, as a feminine being of unearthly beauty leaned in and started caressing Runali's cheek. "My, aren't you the most beautiful maiden in Bonifaas."

The same hand cupped Ru's chin and jerked her face upwards to that inspecting gaze. That touch exuded a gentle warmth that penetrated skin and tingled into the woman's very core. Almost like the feathers strewn inside the coffin around Cedric. Yet, there was not a drop of red to be seen. This being speaking to her looked like a northerner drained every ounce of colour - lips, hair, skin - making their eyes more prominent. "Your heart is worth more than gold. This sacrificial love, a concern for your crew to the expense of your own, is what I've been seeking for aeons."

"A love like Monet's," a boy whispered from the same lips before the girl took over again. "Very much like Monet's. She is worthy to be our chosen one." The boy agreed empathetically, saying. "Power awaits you, maiden fairest. Agree to this contract and you shall achieve be a Pirate Lord like no other. The strongest there ever was."

The captain blanched as she was dipped and complimented. Her effort to escape was futile and she could only glare at the woman who had her. "Listen, you wanna try stealing my soul or something you're gonna have to take that up with Davy Jones. You're outta luck." She moved her head and grimaced. "What I don't need is help from some... undead thing. I can and will be strong on my own. And you'd know what'd make it faster? If you left me and my crew alone. For good."

"Undead?" the children chimed in unison. "No, not that. We are the pagan Goddess of this land. And ---" the deity tilted their head. "You are better to us alive than dead."

A smile spread across those pale lips as T'raiz dipped Ru lower before pressing in, leaving them chest to chest, warm breath washing down Ru's face and a gentle hand cradling the back of the captain's head. "We need you, Runali Lev. Just like we need Cedric. Both of you will help us in the war to come."

One leg pushed between Ru's as their positioning became more intimate, a static tango marked by unreciprocated obsession. The phoenix goddess licked her lips as she pressed a kiss against the pulse in Ru's neck; her hand now knuckling Ru's chin to keep that gaze on hers. "Is that truly your heart's desire?"

There was a victorious smile as T'raiz managed to slip between those unguarded thoughts to find the answer they sought. Their presence could have gone unannounced but they liked rattling this pirate princess. Releasing their own memories into Ru's mind, they showed a glowing white stag hidden among the foliage. Memories it seemed of their sibling that couldn't enter this domain.

"Er'is desires your summoner as well, Runali. Unlike us, he won't be able to heal your Cedric. If you don't let us have Cedric, you'll watch him die. Slowly, horribly. How does this sound for a miracle? That's on top of us granting your truest desire, you greedy girl."

"You don't need me." Runali felt goosebumps rise with every unwanted touch. She tried to pull away to no avail. "You want to cause problems. You want war. And you know what I want? For you to let us go." She grimaced again. "You know what else I want?" The armament went up her entire arm. "For you to stop touching me." Her attempt to grab the creature's arm was stopped short. Whatever T'raiz was saying was going through one ear and out the other for Runali.

"You could have this entire kingdom but you chose to bother a band of pirates. I told you. I don't need your help. Not saving Cedric, not getting to my goal. I've made enough deals with devils- and you're just the same as the rest. Ulterior motives, lies, power, don't expect me to be the one to give it to you."

"Well, I see a problem then. For I'm an angel and not the devil."

The phoenix pressed a silencing finger against those noisy lips, letting warmth traversed her skin onto Ru's, bringing with it a tranquilizing calm. T'raiz leaned forward, their nose slid past Ru's and their lips pressed against hers. They kissed.

The shock registered briefly on Runali's face as her body began to glow. T'raiz careful to not let go, pulled back slowly, while their arms continued steadying the Jaipuran. "Thank you, Captain. Your wish shall be granted."
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GM Post II


"Why wouldn't be relevant, Ja - Kunal?" Landry corrected himself at the last moment once he realized he almost said "Jackal". The name was oddly fitting for such a harbinger of evil, but a truce had been called for and a truce it shall remain. "Cedric is my brother. The youngest of my siblings, so as his elder I have ever right to decide his fate. Killing him - for instance - if he strayed from the right path. It's the honorable thing to do."


Valrie kept her hands on Jack's shoulders as their heads connected. "And, one day, you'll come to me and ask why you're forever alone. Killing off your siblings doesn't bode well for your future happiness."

"I have two sisters. I don't need a brother who was raised by a mad murderer." the man shot back in Trovalian.

Valerie switched back to their mother tongue out of obligation, realising - ironically - that their conversation wasn't as private as Landry wanted. Jack spoke Trovalian, but, like most Lords, Landry clearly underestimated a foreigner's, in this case Jack's, competency with their language. "Had dear capitaine. The younger Lady Gerin-Lajoie is dead and that's why you're pursuing the other. Hoping to save her from the blood crime she committed, no? That's why you're more than willing to sacrifice Cedric to save her."

Wishing to rile him further, Val leaned forward and kissed the top of Jack's head as he came to the end of Monet's story. "Eyes like the summer sun means golden eyes, did you know that? The Summoner Monet had the same blood running through his veins, although we would never know his true heritage. What I do know is the fact that T'Raiz fled here to ease her wounded heart and a cult was established in her name. Many unfortunate souls would come to the Pagan Goddess for miracles and thus adding more names to her eternal garden. That's where your precious ones have been taken, I'm afraid. Well -"

The Lady Templer's eyes flitted over to the Ashen Philosopher. "Does that answer your question, Madame Doctor? I apologize we talked over you earlier. But yes, Lady Gerin-Lajoie is alive if you are referring to the older sister. The younger, most unfortunately, was sacrificed by her own sister to break the seal known as ---"

"That's enough, Valerie!" Landry glowered. "That information is strictly confidential and I'll need to report you if you share it with people outside the Council."

"Right and the missing thing I can't mention showed up in Trovale one day and your long lost brother was the one who broke it, so yeah. Since they already know this much, adding a few more pieces won't make any difference. Not if we are trying to retrieve that missing tome."

Landry crossed his arms and huffed. "Yes, we still have to retrieve it since it's not completely broken. Yes," he ended abruptly.


Jemima couldn't help scoffing as the two templars continued their silent argument. "If Jack's fiancée shows up, it would be more entertaining. Imagine all the love triangles you can add to your Chronicles."

Eventually, she leaned forward to press a finger against her lips, hoping to embarrass the two templars enough that they would focus on Alicia's briefing. She didn't care who ranked higher in this situation, because no one was allowed to disrespect her First Mate. Shooting them one last glare, she faced forward once more.


Salem was first to respond, bowing politely as he did so. "My Prince and I will work to keep the attendees safe. Would you like me to provide blueprints of the Navy Headquarters as well as uniforms for the infiltrating team?"

"Then if Zilia goes with Luro, I'll need a change of clothes. No point breaking cover at this point. I think I serve Captain better as a Navy Officer for the time being. Levi, you stay here with Sir Neuman and Young Master Isaac, okay?"


"Or, he can stay with Jack's Ma Lily," Lazarus spoke suddenly as he made his presence known. The man vaulted up from where he had been hiding beneath the window with a bag of newly purchased tobacco. This he tossed to Jack. "Thought I'd be listening to something interesting if I spied on Jack today. Guess I wasn't wrong," the Lizard announced smugly.

Leaning out of the window, he called. "Oi, Lil Bird, don't pretend you weren't following me too. Come in and be all sham faced." As he waited for the hawk to appear, he grinned. "The Guild at your service, Lady Tashigi. All fee negotiations will be taken up with Jack once this is over."

Jemima sighed and whispered to Zilia. "Fitting for the man who trained Cedric when he first joined the Guild. Horrifying if you want to know what he learned without your knowledge."

Landry looked mildly concerned at the sudden appearance of the mysterious Thieves' Guild Master and Guild Mistress. "Guild Master, Guild Mistress, why would you concern yourselves with matters so far from Norjan shores?"

The Lizard was more than happy to let his successor speak on his behalf. His focus was now trained on the young Prince, the rumoured true successor to the throne; the boy, as far as he could tell, was still squirming after hearing the story of Monet. He silently gestured in Emerens' direction once Jack's eyes were on him. "There ya go," he mouthed.


A different conversation was ongoing between two supernaturals. Er'is seemingly comfortable to join the old friend inside Luro. "Are you sure you picked someone indiscreet? I've known your previous vessels and I feel this one is no different."

The deer-faced god was alert, though, knowing how his fellows may behave when their sacred space was invaded so boldly. Honestly, he had no issue of someone else doing the same with his territory. Cedric was the one who minded more than he did. One of life's little ironies, Er'is concluded.

"As for the comment about crossing paths, we've crossed more than once in different capacities. That was, of course, before my siblings and I were subdued by Grand Summoner Giraud." Er'is clicked with a smile that suggested he knew a lot more about the sealing.

There was no anger behind the comment. Hinting once more that the eternal trickster definitely had a hand in his own undoing. He sat comfortably on the first empty chair he found and folded his hands, neither paying attention to the fancy cakes nor the tea cup set before him. "My initial thought was to ask your Luro to make a deal with me, but then I felt the scenario didn't warrant too much on my part. My sister isn't at her full strength currently. Neither am I, although both of us remain a challenge for even Lady Tashigi alone. You, on the other hand, seem to be in possession of your full powers."

There was a slight hum as he touched things here and there. Sometimes, eliciting a tingle on the external, an unfortunately side effect of his curiosity. "I apologize, friend, for needing to barge in and explore. I do miss talking to another from bygone days. You've always intrigued me more than Jones. I wonder what are your plans for this mortal and where would it take his crew in the future. It's sadly incidental given my own plans for Cedric if he survives tonight. A small gamble on my part in this grand chess game against --- well, you know whom I'm referring to."

Off in the distance, he could hear the muffled sounds of fighting. A rather pleasing backdrop to the false serenity of this garden filled with blue flowers. He wondered if he should have decorated his place a little better, but he had never liked fancy things. It felt so divorced from his original self that it might as well have been a gilded cage. "Time is truly distorted inside here. Interesting, almost like you wish to lure trespassers into a false sense of security with this serenity."

Sliding out of Luro with the same ease, Er'is beamed, having gotten the answer he sought. There was indeed much to think about. And, perhaps some fun to be had. Leaning against Luro, he blew gently into the man's ear and sent a little gift back to his host.

"There, you go my many Luros. I've gifted you and your guest something. Two very different things which you will find helpful. Also, friend, if Cedric does survive the night. You know where you may visit."
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Au Lange Syne

Memorial: Alicia, Jack

Flowers laid on every permissible inch of the market square as thousands of mourners streamed in. Everyone found a reason to linger, be it wallowing in their sorrow or seeking comfort among familiar faces. There were a few ghoulish personalities among the mix; people all too happy to sip mulled wine and stare at copious tears. Children mingled with the crowd, but inevitably they were drawn towards Lord Landry, who was disguised as a street basker. He had no idea how this happened, but he was damn certain Valerie was behind it. The woman always enjoyed seeing him squirm while surrounded by these tiny imps.

Salem followed Emerens through the pressing bodies. The Prince had insisted, against Alicia and Jack's opinion, to mingle with the people to comfort them. Ems worried it must have upset them but he simply couldn't sit back and watch the parade of tears. He wanted so badly to let them know that Bonifaas would care for them as their parents would have done.

It didn't take him long to end up sitting among the children surrounding Landry. He even allowed a familiar little girl to sit in his lap. She was, based on the Guild's intel, the last person to have seen Runali. Baby Lu wasn't with her tonight as he had been left in care of the orphanage keepers. Landry stopped watching Prince interact with the children long enough to spy Alicia sending off Zilia and Luro. Apparently, there were some adjustments to the plans he had yet to be informed about. Something, he felt having to do with Jack's lateness.

Jemima kept to Alicia's side as instructed. She had offered to take Jack's original spot, but it was veto-ed. Unspoken amongst the crew was the very real possibility that Jack might have been kidnapped as well. The only clue as to what transpired while he was in the bathroom was a confused Chaos and her aeter. Both Jack and Jackie were gone.


"Alicia, do you think it's wise to continue splitting up? Jack's missing as well, so's we're left with two crew mates at either location. My gut feelings that the other group is about ta walk into a trap."

As she spoke, the moon flashed an angrier red and all eyes turned to the sky, watching the start of the thousand year eclipse. Suddenly, several people screamed, causing all heads to turn towards the clock tower spire. Hanging from a fraying rope with her long hair blowing wildly in the wind was Princess Eline.

Or, it could be Runali still in disguise …

"Someone get the Princess!" shouted one of the Navy Admirals in the vicinity.

More screams came from the crowd when the rope snapped and the princess plummeted. Her figure dimming with the disappearing light as shadows began taking hold. Energy thrummed in the area as hundreds of glowing hexagons spread across the sky, forming a barrier, locking everybody inside.

Alicia was the closest to intercept Eline's descent but a person donning a hooded cloak leaped from the tower. The woman snagged Eline around the waist with a crack of her whip, and pulled the princess free from potential rescue. Alicia locked eyes with the woman for a brief moment before this familiar stranger cracked her whip overhead, swinging onto the massive platform in the center of the square.

As the hood fell off ….


"Thank you, my champion," T'Raiz praised as she appeared in a shower of red and golden sparks. "Wasn't it wonderful to see the look on your Tashigi's face? Perhaps it's time you and her have a little reunion."


As she watched the possessed Runali rush towards her First Mate, T'Raiz laid Cedric on the pentagram Adenin prepared. "Finish the preparation," she ordered the Du Vontiago. "I'll keep the remaining Stardusk busy."

The phoenix goddess walked towards the center of the platform and sang. The panicking people snapped to attention immediately, ensnared by the siren song. Then, as one, they dashed en masse, citizen young and old and Navy personnel, towards the nearest Stardusk. Thousands of them moving like a rabid zombie horde.


Salem panted crazily as he finally managed to pull Emerens free from the frenzied crowd. The boys stared in horror as they watched Jemima mounting the side of a shophouse to escape. "Don't go back," the butler warned the prince.


"No, don't hurt them!" Emerens bellowed as loud as he could over the horde. "They are innocent."

Suddenly, many pairs of eyes snapped onto the royal and the boy froze. He opened his mouth to say something when the missing Stardusk returned. "Jack!" Emerens exclaimed, but his relief was short lived. "Where are you going?"


Waylaid: Zilia and Luro


"Come out, come out and play!" Lebov's glowing red eyes flashed around the corner as she smashed through several crates with her new scythe, a nastier looking contraption compared to the last one. More wood shrapnel flew as she demolished the boxes adjacent to them with a second swing. "I smell blood on you. Are you the one hurt, little doctor? Or is it your tasty looking red-headed friend?"


"Mew?" Chaos rumbled from inside Zilia's deep pocket.

The kitten familiar shuddered as the crazed energy emanating from the K-13 washed over them. Their hiding place was so close to being discovered. For a moment, the cat wondered what happened to Luro. She thought she saw him up until they were separated as Lebov's first swing split the ground and sent all of them flying. Chaos licked Zilia's gloved hand as if to get the doctor's attention.

Considering that they were less than midway to the Navy Headquarters, two options were open to them - distract Lebov and hopefully meet Luro and Valerie at the Navy Headquarters or retreat to the square where Alicia and the rest of the Stardusk were waiting. Chaos mewed worriedly as she continued licking Z's hand.

"Found you!" Lebov yelled as the boxes hiding the two exploded.

Inside Luro

Imposter set the kettle down in the makeshift garden, his eyes focusing more on the cup in front of him than his guest, though his eyes raised to him as she spoke of his previous vessels, with a chuckle he grabbed hold of his teacup.
"This boy pales in comparison to Erio, though I suppose most of them do," Imposter said bringing the cup to his lips. "He's human through and through, nothing special about him minus one or two things of no consequence."
If he was dissatisfied at having a visitor it certainly didn't show, his attention remaining on Er'is as he spoke of some of their previous meetings, his brows arching a bit. Perhaps a memory came forward at the mention of the names but he didn't speak, more than likely not to interrupt him.
Even though he had said all this about his unwilling cohort he still wore Luro's guise in the presence of his visitor.
"Good thing ya didn't, boy doesn't make me on that one," Imposter said. "Guess ruining most of his life with mine turned him off them."
At the mention of his own power he only offered a smile and a shrug.
"At the end of the day you seem entertained, all you can ask for sometimes."

Imposter seemed to smirk when Luro flinched touching a random part of his body at Er'is actions but it vanished behind his tea cup after a long sip, the liquid in the cup seemed never ending, just as full as it was when he first poured it, but such a thing wasn't too surprising in a world such as this.
He pulled the cup away from his lips and swirled the fluid inside with a small smile, though his eyes twitched for a moment and his grip tightened on his cup suddenly.
Whatever had given him 'pause' passed quickly and he looked back up at Er'is.
"It's quite alright. I don't get many visitors, no polite ones anyway," Imposter said with a shrug. That being said...all this time has passed and these games are still being played...what happened to wiping out a few civilizations, spreading chaos and a bit of suffering...maybe mild genocide….hah...instead we play with puppets who can't see their strings. I like the ones who know they're being controlled and can't do anything about it, while fun to watch it get's stale quickly....or maybe I'm getting too old who knows."
Imposter set his cup down, a chuckle escaping from the man at his comment of his world.
"Half of my existence is playing pretend after all, besides the world out there is not so different than in here. Travel safely Er'is."

Luro blinked a few times suddenly feeling….dirty if he had to put it into words. He already didn't like one being inside of him, two didn't help matters either. The fact some of their conversation echoed in his head was another matter entirely, he mostly ignored it and continued reading. At Er'is gift upon his return Luro glanced over at him, brow's arching.
"Hey I didn't want-"
His voice seemed to fall on deaf ears as Er'is was already gone by time he spoke up about it.
Luro blinked a few times before Imposter's voice echoed in his head, though it was of another familiar voice.
"Well if I can ever get out of this blasted place I could visit," Imposter said. "Well...not that I have any intention of doing so."
"I didn't realize you had friends."
"I don't."
Imposter's answer was straight and simple.
"More specifically 'I' do not have any friends. I do not know what my other selves have been getting into. Perhaps they became lonely enough to cling onto such empty concepts….irritating things."
"So you don't remember him then?"
"Of course I do."
"What...then why did you-"

"I'm a liar Luro. How do you not understand that by now? Don't fret Er'is on some level probably knew. Trickster's are not so easily deceived, but he played the game properly, shows he has experience, it was worth playing dumb to see that."
"It's rare for you to compliment someone."
"It's not so much a compliment as an observation...anyway you know already. No one Imposter is the same, to treat us as if we were is a clear mistake, but some still do so. No point explaining it though, as I've said before, no point telling the truth, let people believe what they want, it changes no part of my life."
"I'm pretty sure you're lying to me now."
"Of course I am, why would I be completely honest with you. Maybe I am the Imposter he met, does it honestly matter? I'll answer for you it doesn't, at the end of it all my desires are the same as they've always been. Focus on saving your friends not me, aren't one of you dying or something? I'm not really paying full attention, is it Jack? It feels like it's Jack."
"I'm going to ignore you and put that you know why he give us a gift?"
"There's no point in trying to understand much less reason with such creatures Luro. They do whatever the hell they want, that's what happened here. Your feelings are secondary and always will be. Granted unlike yourself, his gift isn't 'in' me."
"It's not?"

"No. No outside force can interact with me save Jones or his sister. Part of this annoying seal. If people could I would have been released ages ago. I 'see' his gift and I can use it, but it's not a part of me. The reason ain't important."
Luro had numerous questions but knowing they would go unanswered just kept them to himself.
"Anyway, get in here."

Luro didn't have a moment to respond as within a blink he found himself in that blank white void once more, Imposter garbed in his sister's twisted form stood a few feet in front of him arms crossed.
"I know you dislike gifts and powers given to you and have plenty of opinions about it, but we have something to discuss."
Luro didn't respond but Imposter sighed and motioned to him seeing his brows lower slightly, doubt playing across his features.
"Don't pull that with me. We're one and the same so I know your feelings. You like to win or lose from your own power, not based on another's 'influence'. If you fall and put your all into it you can walk away or die with little to no regrets...but if you rely on another there's always that question on if you really did all you could, that regret stays with you cause your I know you're not pleased right now but just put it aside and pay attention."
Imposter shrugged, making a spinning motion with her finger towards him.
"I know that's why you stepped outside Alicia's boundary and why you're not using that other 'gift' you got. You already rely on other's power so it's weird you're finicky about this stuff, that's a future conversation from someone who cares if you die in a ditch somewhere though….so like three of your friends. Ah two, Jack is dying after all, my condolences."
Luro sighed but rested his hands on his hips giving Imposter his full attention.
"For the time being I'm on Team Er'is. So we're dealing with that annoying 'Goddess' as soon as possible….goodness I hate dumbing things down for you. Making me call them by annoying made up names."
Luro blinked and stared at Imposter, he wasn't sure if he heard her right.
"Wait...are you want to get involved?"
"Damn right I do," Imposter said narrowing her eyes at him. "Let me out and I'll consume her and those annoying 'things' inside her. Give me three minutes."
"That's not happening. I'm not letting you out."
"Oh come on, look I'll only take half of your humanity. That's worth it to save Cedric and...uh...the rest of them right? Whatever their names are."
"You know their names, I know you know their names, you just said Jack's you're doing this on purpose."
"Forgetting a few mortal names now and then is normal, I have them written down somewhere. Er'is reminded me of Cedric's so I don't gotta look up his, and I may as well forget Jack since he's dying soon.
"Jack is not dying...uh I think."
"It doesn't really matter. I mean you guys last what….60-70 years tops if you're lucky. Maybe more. I care about each one of you so much with such short lifespans, I clearly want what's best for you, to live your best meaningless lives, don't you know that?"
"I don't trust you."
"That's reasonable as I was lying anyway but I have a stake in this too Makachi."

Luro's brows arched and Imposter crossed her arms.
"That 'Goddess' touched my property."
"She touched what belongs to me. That's inexcusable. The only one allowed to possess and subsequently ruin Runali is me. Zilia's already damaged goods so I'm not too bothered by that, but Runali is fresh out of the crate, pristine and wholly worth the full corruption. Do you know what I would do with five minutes of freedom and her nearby."
"Yes you paint very vidid images....daily."
"Exactly. Horrible gruesome things, yet here I am still trapped in here."
Luro squeezed the bridge of his nose feeling a headache coming on, even in this world, but after a moment his thoughts seem to focus on what Imposter actually just said.
"Wait...the Captain. What happened to the Captain?!"
"That's not important, what is important is that she crossed a line. Er'is may have poked and prodded but he respected what didn't belong to him so I can tolerate that. He's like a visitor who touches your things but sets them back down. That brat however knocked my prized vase off the fireplace and stared at me while doing so."
Luro wanted to comment on Imposter's analogy but she actually seemed serious.
"So let me out so I can deal with her and slaughter all her annoying 'followers'. I swear the one thing I don't miss are these annoying games they play. At least the mortal ones are fun to watch."
Luro stared at Imposter, her words hit harder than he thought they would.
Something pulled at him causing him to grip his chest. He didn't like admitting it but Imposter was right, something in his instincts told him something had happened to Runali, he wasn't sure what but in this case Imposter wasn't lying, at least it felt that way.
"I'm not letting you out," Luro said shaking his head.

Imposter's eyes slowly widened at Luro's resistance though they narrowed into a glare just as quickly, and just as he was about to take a step forward Luro held his hands up.
"I don't mind fighting a god or two once more, if killing one again is what I gotta do then I'll do it. I don't want to rely on you more than I have to...or at all really."
Imposter hands had clenched into fists and Luro could mentally see the ways he was about to be torn apart, but instead of moving she let out a breath she was holding and her hands slowly opened back up, shifting her weight to other foot and resting a hand on her hip, she gave a small shake of her head.
"That's the problem with you humans. You can do worse things to a 'god' then 'kill' them...but have it your way. I said it before but what happens to you lot won't change my plans in the least...but I'm going to warn you now Luro. I don't let people go who get their grimy fingerprints on my stuff. If you don't get rid of her...I will come out and do it myself. I'll erase anyone that gets in my way as well, even if it's your friends or 'mine'. I'll watch to see what you all do with whatever you call…'this'... since I enjoy watching your anguish....after that I promise nothing."
Imposter raised and pointed a finger at Luro, the distance between them suddenly shrinking as she poked his chest where the Stardusk mark rested.
"We're a finicky sort, these 'gods' you all revere so much. Most of us won't do anything unless it suits us or we feel a need. Jones hasn't offered you all a deal out of this and the 'others' haven't gotten involved either, something you should remember the next time you meet one of us. You'd do well to remember how facetious we all can really be...if you lose someone tonight."

Luro wanted to say more but a blink later he was back in the real world, he could no longer hear Imposter's voice in his skull which meant she went off somewhere. He closed his eyes taking a moment to regain himself before he smiled and made sure to continue where he left off with his reading, not wanting to worry the children.
He had to do all he could not to lose himself, there was no guarantee Imposter could do anything the way he was, this could all be a trick to lure him into surrendering himself. With all that was going on he could be using it as a way to push him into a corner, he was worried about Cedric, he was worried about the Captain, about Jack, Imposter knew that. Sincerity was easily faked by this creature, those emotions he saw could be as fake as they could be real. He had to push down the urge Imposter awakened in him, the sweet promises that pulled at his thoughts. Imposter would probably stay out of it as their deaths meant little to him and ultimately even if they died he got what he wanted...but if the conversation was real he would push back 'hard' for control if the worst happened. Imposter told truths and lies as was his nature...and he worried which one this might be.


It had been a long week.
That was the first thing that came to mind as she hid behind a pair of boxes, a small sigh escaped from her eyes moved down to Chaos.
She owed Luro one, she had been walking writing in her notebook and showing him the notes and her general ideas when he suddenly shoved her out of the way, she only realized why when the scythe came down narrowly missing her. She managed to meet his gaze and managed to communicate a silent message to him before losing sight of him.

Things had already gone in a terrible direction and if things went bad here, it went without saying the other group was probably in trouble. She didn't like going against Alicia's plan, and she had an odd feeling the swordswoman also saw this coming, but she was with Luro on this one, something didn't feel right about this. She didn't trust Val completely, at least enough to leave her alone with Luro...but she also knew how hard it was to kill Luro as well and the two had come to an agreement long beforehand.
The only good thing...well one of the good things was the redhead's instincts, she decided to head back towards the others, she had a feeling things were about to get much worse there.
"...I'll apologize later to her for rushing back. This feeling in my gut won't go away though...I can trust Luro to deal with the how do I get past this woman

Much as she wanted to repay Lebov for Coral and what she had done to that child, testing to see just how potentl that 'regeneration' of hers was there wasn't time to play with this woman, she had to rejoin the others quickly. Luro would catch up as he always did, she trusted him, he promised he would, she knew he'd keep it even if it meant climbing back from the Locker itself.

Reaching down she pet Chaos to try and sooth the feline, offering a small smile. Blue energy echoed around her hand however just as the woman approached, she slammed it against the ground as the boxes shattered.
Zilia leapt away red energy manifest in front of her, raising two fingers she flicked them towards the woman, just as her feet hit the ground a blue dome shot up entrapping the woman with them as the red energy flew at her
"I only used Brick to entrap her which I'm sure she'll break through pretty damn quickly, and those 'knives' aren't going to do much either. It's just enough time to do this though."
"I don't have time to deal with you, kindly play with someone else," Zilia said making an upward motion with two fingers.
As she did a blue gate quickly shot up obstrcutvinb the doctor from view and separating the two from each other, Zilia jumped back summoning two more gates putting more distance between her and Lebov, though she made each Gate steadily stronger the words were still minor, it wuldn't stop the woman long.
"Chaos I've seen you teleport. Think you can do that to me. There's an extra treat if you can do it quickly."
Zilia's right hand was surrounded by black energy as her eyes rested on the gates.
"I'll have to"


Luro walked up to Valeria rewrapping the bandages around his hands, his eyes resting on the navy base ahead.
"Z's dealing with the fun scythe lady, we gotta hurry and get back to the others. I don't know if you felt that but whatever happening's at the funeral is pretty bad. I don't have powers and I can feel whatever manifested there….I'm not getting left out of the fun this time, so let's hurry this up."

Luro snapped his fingers and purple energy suddenly flared around the man, little mini sparks forming along his body and lashing out at anything around him, before he brought his hands together and pulled them apart, something in the air around the two shifted in response, an invisible force suddenly manifesting, a strange pressure that left a strange tingle along exposed skin. Luro's hair started to flutter upwards as purple orbs, that crackled with a volatile energy hovered in front of him. Luro snapped his fingers again and the orbs came together before quickly expanding outwards into a giant violet dome that passed over the two and over the building going a bit beyond, lighting sparked above as multiple of the same violet orbs suddenly filled the area around them, flickering in and out of existence like lighting bugs, electricity tracing over everything within the dome. Luro had filled the area with this dome and with a bit of adjusting manage to hide a bit of it's presence leaving only the orbs and occasional spark of energy. With a grin he held his hands out towards the building, shutting his eyes he smelled the air a few times and mumbled something under his breath.

A twitch of his fingers later and parts of the purple energy suddenly turned red in very specific parts of the area, scattering throughout the building.
"The bombs are at those red spots, I'm positive. Thankfully metal was attached to them so that made it easier." Luro said grinning lowering his arms. "Let's hurry and deal with it then get back to everyone. I'd pull them out but I'm not sure if movin' them will set them off...and the navy is kinda already mad at us soooo better to play it safe."
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Fight at the Clocktower

Alicia was about to respond to Jem when her silver eyes shifted towards the hanging figure, her eyes narrowing before widening upon seeing them fall, a pit in her stomach forming as she considered that it might be Ru given the details she could make out. "Stick to the plan!" she replied quickly towards their former doctor before she bust forth from her position to intercept the falling body only to fall short as a hooded figure snatched them away before she could arrive in time.

Everything unfolded fast from there with the barrier raising, the people seeming to be under some form of control and on top of it all the hooded figure appeared to be none other than her own captain, her best friend. 'What…' the question formed in her mind but the answer was drawn to a conclusion when T'Riaz spoke, allowing her to hazard a guess that Ru was also under some form control just like the rest of the people now trapped within the barrier surrounding the memorial.

A bright explosion of light erupted from Alicia's body as she immediately moved into her ascended state, the Shusui naginata manifesting into her right hand as she kicked from the ground to raise herself up and out of reach from the enthralled civilians The situation was dire and quickly going from bad to worse when she began to understand the limitations of what she could do, already unable to execute her more devastating attacks without harming the innocent lives.

Not to mention she couldn't go all out against Ru either just in case she managed to land a killing blow. Cedric being here only made matters worse given her understanding of the role he was being made to play in T'raiz plan after the conversations she'd had with Eri's. She didn't have time to come up with a strategy, she had to move and make decisions now before the situation worsened to the point of losing someone. For now she would need to prioritise keeping Ru and T'raiz at bay while the others came up with a way to win.

'Let's just hope I can survive long enough to buy them that time.' she thought to herself, raising her palm forwards to manifest a patterned disk of light into the air beside her, a solid white beam discharging to explode the platform beneath Ru's feet. 'Hopefully that'll get your attention. she thought, hoping Ru would take the bait as she turned her attention towards the pagan goddess. At a staggering speed she'd accelerate her ascended form, nimbly rolling mid flight to flip herself over to land between T'Raiz and Cedric, balling the fist of her free hand before presenting her palm forwards to unleash a cone of white energy to throw her back and away from Cedric. From now on her objective would be simple… survive the fight against a goddess and pirate lord long enough that the others could turn the tables.

'Just survive… that's all you have to do, just stay alive.'

The whip dragged along behind Runali as she walked away from T'Raiz. After the order was given, without a word, this new pirate lord nodded and planned to do as she was told. Her hair was still long, but it was pulled back to give a clearer view of the empty look in her eyes. With her eyepatch gone, it was easier to see the distant, unwavering gaze- as if Runali was looking through people and not quite at them.

As the platform exploded under her, she effortlessly hopped from one large chunk of debris to another until she was on solid ground. Alicia had been fast, but Runali spotted the attack and raced in between her and T'Raiz, throwing up her armamented arms and taking it head on. Runali slid back a few inches, but she steeled her footing so she wouldn't go far. As the beam died down. Runali flexed her fingers, realizing there was a set of gloves on her hands. They were unfamiliar, yet she found herself following a trained motion that had her hands catch fire. "Hm." Was the only sound she made.

In one second, she was blocking Alicia's attack and in the next the distance was closed between the two. Fiery hands grasped Alicia's leg and flung her as far as she could away from T'Raiz and Cedric. Instead of watching, she followed after, now possessing a flaming whip. The sound of it cracking echoed in the air as it latched on to Alicia's same leg. With enough force to crack the stone ground, Runali yanked Alicia out of the sky.

The only reason she paused was to take notice that the whip wasn't capable of handling how hot her flames were and she watched as it fell apart. The only emotion she showed was a disappointed tongue click as she traded it for one of the chakrams on her hip.

Alicia barely had time to brace before she was flung skyward, not a situation that was particularly dangerous for her given she possessed the gift of flight in this form but the situation changed within a heartbeat when the whip wrapped her ankle and pulled her against the earth with a hollow 'boom', the ground splintering beneath her body. She grunted, releasing a choked cough as the impact winded her which indicated that she'd probably have been knocked out had she not been in her ascended form. "Alright... I think I'll have to hurt you a little... " she muttered as she got herself back to her feet, realising that avoiding harm to her friend wasn't going to cut it.

Debris and rubble drifted from her body as she stood, tightening her hand upon the polearm of her weapon which she used to steady herself back up to face Ru. From what she could tell from that interaction alone the captain would be attempting to keep her away from the ceremony, ironic considering her own plan had been the same. Alicia took a single step before she burst forwards suddenly from her position without warning, cracking the ground further as she presented the black blade of Shusui forwards with the intention of spearing Ru through the chest. As she closed at a staggering pace her form would dissipate into particles of soft light, a feint.

She reappeared behind Ru, twirling the naginata to slam the bottom half horizontally against her side aiming to send her body flying towards the nearest building. Upon execution she'd stab the black blade into the ground and rake it through the earth in her direction, aiming to send a follow up blade of moonlight to collapse the building on top of her. With her free hand she manifested more patterned rings of light, aiming them to discharge solid beams towards T'Raiz in order to keep her from closing in on Cedric. Though she doubted they would be enough to stop the pagan goddess, she needed only to make herself a large enough obstacle to disrupt the ceremony.

Runali braced herself for the sword but found herself crashing into a building. With a few blinks, she noticed the building collapsing and sprung herself upward, using the crumbling building as platforms. Several chunks of rock and metal were snagged and she tossed them like bullets. Most of them were just to have Alicia distracted, while some aimed for direct contact.

As Runali raced forward this time, her chakram created a sparking trail until her chakram caught flame. Despite her empty looks, there were small cues that she was assessing the situation. Slight head tilts towards her 'enemy', careful testing of her weapons as if they were new, watching just where Alicia striked and how she did it. These happened in mere moments as Runali's new target was Alicia's wings. A flaming ring flew straight for Alicia's head, aimed to kill but mostly to get her attention. A second one followed, the flames growing larger and becoming more dangerous than the blade itself. It continued to expand outward growing larger and larger, but that didn't stop Runali from leaping through it and once again trying to grapple Alicia, this time by the wing in an attempt to pull her back down. When she realized the wing, or moon shape, wasn't attached to her she used it as a quick perch and used her free hand to grab the first chakram she tossed as it doubled back to her. Runali looked as if she was going to say something, but something almost 'othering' made her close her mouth and attempt to bury the chakram into her back instead.

Beams of moonlight sliced through the chunk of debris, cutting them down to harmless sizes while others were burned into nothingness. It became Alicia's turn to brace as her captain closed towards her, the ascended swordswoman sidestepping the first thrown chakram before batting the other away with a flick of her naginata. The projectiles succeeded in taking her attention away from their master long enough to allow Runali to close the gap, their close proximities putting Alicia at a disadvantage due to Shusui's ascended design being ill equipped to fend off attacks this close.

She swept her left foot to the side to stabilize herself, counterbalancing against Ru's weight as she clung onto her before the chakram landed against her back, sparking against the armoured porcelain skin coating her form. Alicia gritted her teeth, feeling the armour crack beneath the pressure shortly before blood seeped out from between the newly made fissures. She fell to one knee, listing down to the side Ru was weighing on before her hand reached across her body to grab hold of Ru's neck.

Her hand squeezed tight, pulling her off and lifting her up before slamming her into the floor causing it to crack in a cobweb pattern around the captain's body. Her hand would remain to keep her pinned, pressing down as if she were almost intending to force her body down into the earth. "She's in your head, this isn't you!" she finally spoke in an attempt to verbally break through whatever power was holding her under control. "She'll kill him Ru, Cedric will die if you don't let me stop her!" there was a slight desperation in her voice.

Even with the hand around her neck, there was little reaction from Runali. Alicia's voice made the captain look in her direction. There was a still moment. Words fell on deaf ears but felt as though they were lost in translation. The eye contact was a reassurance that Runali heard her, but those hollow eyes didn't give any indication she understood. In that still moment, Runali watched Alicia's face, studying her expression.

It didn't last long enough.

The remains of the fire above caught Runali's attention and it made her realize she was missing her second chakram. Her grip around the first tightened, but instead of using it, she kicked towards Alicia's side where Shusui was in an attempt to disarm her. Based on actions, Runali wasn't expecting it to work. Her free hand, now armamented, grabbed onto Alicia's wrist and tightened. She didn't break it- or try to- but she was testing just how long Alicia would be able to keep her hold under the pressure.

Alicia's first attack revealed the barrier surrounding the singing T'Raiz. Holy flames burned an angry, gold, shrugging off the attack easily. T'Raiz spared Alicia a single glance, but their eyes closed once again as they focused on enthralling the citizens within the barrier. Adenin, caught in the aftershock of the blast, fared worse than the goddess. He flew off the platform into the thick of the crowd before he could draw Cedric's blood. Swearing, he bashed his way through the hoarde and back up the steps, only to narrowly miss the scattering beams.

The second attack definitely opened T'Raiz's eyes. For a heart stopping moment, they thought Alicia chose to end Cedric's life before he was turned into their new vessel. Miraculously, he laid in front of them unharmed. With time running short as the lunar eclipse peaked, the goddess moved towards the slumbering Cedric, figuring that she ought to perform the rite herself. Adenin appeared to have some difficulty finding his way around Runali and Alicia.

T'Raiz continued singing as they nicked Sid's neck and wrists with the dropped dagger. Using his blood as the base, they started drawing the pagan runes on the skin of his exposed chest. Adenin, keep an eye on Runali and Amaiya. Do not let Runali regain control!

was Adenin's brief telepathetic reply. He sacrificed two rune cards, shooting shadow chains at Alicia, hoping to restrain her. He wasn't betting on them standing a chance, not for long, but it should give Runali an opening. Deciding to press his advantage, he raised a murder of inky crows from the shadows in the courtyard. They rose as a screaming mass, merging into a massive demonic bird, and descended upon the swordswoman.

The chains pulled her grip from Runali's neck causing her to stagger backwards before multiple beams of moonlight stroked through the chains to cut them off. Alicia gritted her teeth, turning in time to notice the bird heading in her direction causing her to twirl her weapon in her palm before stepping to cleave the creature in half down the middle. 'Another opponent… this is becoming more than I can handle' she thought to herself, unable to use her stronger attacks without killing the enthralled civilians.

The flock dispersed and remerged to avoid incoming attacks. When there was the slightest opening, a few birds would shoot for the spot, giving Alicia seconds to react. Realising that her attention was pulling away from him, Adenin started setting up his next spell. As he began arranging runes across the floor, he signalled to Runali, ordering her to work with him to neutralise Alicia.

Trapped in the center of the square was Landry, looking completely unfazed as he stunned anyone coming too close. Eventually, he had enough twitching bodies at his feet to deter the rest from jumping him. He readjusted his gloves, and stroked Maximus's neck, calming the familiar as best as he could. From what he could see, their current predicament was making it harder for the Feian to fight T'Raiz on more favourable terms.

"We need to do something about the barrier soon," he voiced Maximus's thoughts and responded to them. "But, I fear to do so would be to release a rabid horde unto unsuspecting citizens and tripling the casualties before the night is done. If only Monet was alive, yes? He was the one human whose songs soothed the Gods. Monet and his violin, that's what I remembered reading about in the Council's archives."

Back on the platform, T'Raiz finished the last symbol as the eclipse reached its zenith. Darkness blanketed the world outside the barrier, leaving the glowing walls and the aura from Alicia's ascended form as the only sources of illumination. Time halted with the red moon blocking the sun; those within the barrier were unaffected, but officers attempting to break the barrier from the outside stopped moving. Feeling her powers overflow, T'Raiz started infusing her magic into the symbols, making them glow. Alicia was down to mere seconds before the transferral ceremony began.

Adenin launched his attack suddenly. Hundreds of disembodied shadow arms attempted to grab Alicia by her arms, legs and torso. Once attached, they would pull her into the black whirlpool, sending her elsewhere. Only Adenin knew where she would end up after she was sucked in. He whipped out two pistols from his bandolier and opened fire.

"Oi Lev, knock her out quickly. Your goddess expects you to succeed," he reminded the possessed woman. "Ask them for more strength if you need it."

The Feian took a step towards Ru before feeling hands grip at her, attempting to wrestle her down which brought her brow to furrow as she pulled against them. At first she'd thought them to be the hands of the enthralled before noticing the cast had come from the same man who before had tried to restrain her with summoned chains. Unlike before she didn't use moonlight to cut herself free, instead leaning herself forwards before generating a short explosion of light from her core to dissolve the restraining arms and the whirlpool along with it.

She'd blink from where she'd been standing, aiming to appear again next to Adennin to bring a moonlight infused fist against his back to knock him up into the air. She'd blink above him a second later before using the bottom half of her naginata to bat him down against the ground with as much force as she could generate without killing him, hoping it'd be enough to slow him if not incapacitate him from the fight.

"Maximums, let's aid Jack," Landry ordered while mounting his familiar with practiced speed. "Try not to trample anyone while breaking through."

Maximus galloped off as instructed, leaping into the air and landing on the ground with a shuddering tremor two horse-lengths behind Jack. Landry pulled the reins, directing his familiar at an angle, so that they flanked Jack's left as Maximus passed the man. Leaning back with his hand stretched, Landry called. "Come, Jack. You won't make it in time with the crowds closing in on you."

Finally, with a short dash remaining, Landry passed the reins to Jack and leaped off his horse. Bending his knees as his feet slapped the ground, the man launched himself into the air. His right hand glowed and crackled as he gathered lightning in his palm, fashioning it into a spear. As he prepared to launch the attack, he shouted to Jack. "Aim your ice at the barrier around T'Raz." Valerie had given him a detailed account of the fight at the canal, so he knew about Jack's newly acquired ice ability. A non-devil fruit ability, Valerie had stressed, and one he wasn't going to question right now since he needed the extra help.

As expected, the continuous flow of ice caused the flames around the barrier to flash angrily, revealing pinpricks of weaknesses to Landry's trained eye. Arching back, he threw the spear where the ice was thickest. Beams of light peeked through the shield, and it exploded with a sound deleting boom. The entire platform was decimated and everyone scattered at a nauseating speed. Maximum, by virtue of his weight, slid several meters back but remained unfazed. As vision returned, it didn't take long for Jack to find his brother.

Cedric was lying at the foot of a wall with a crumbling crater marking several feet above showing where he struck earlier. Blood poured freely from his mouth and ears, showing the extent of the internal injuries. There were signs that he was rousing as his fingers were twitching more, and his eyes struggled to open. Landry missed them from where he was standing, but he felt it was the least of his concerns at the moment.

T'Raiz extracted herself from the debris of the wall she smashed into. A flaming aura surrounded her human form as she balled her fists. The anger emanating from her was enough to stall even the possessed people who were rising to their feet. Landry never realized T'Raiz stopped singing until he leaped out of range of the first attack. As the templar gulped down air, it dawned on him that they were looking at T'Raiz's demonic form.

I think I pissed her off … He informed Jack and Alicia simultaneously. The enchantment has taken root. We need to snap the citizens and Runali out of it. Get them to safety, fast.

Making his attempts to fend off T'Raiz harder was the fact that the demoness had skin the colour of midnight; it blended well with all the shadows in the area, giving T'Raiz an element of surprise. Their swift movements were also silent, causing Landry to suspect there was teleporting involved. Deciding to follow their example, he began baiting the deity to attack him while fewer people were around. And, he winked away only after ensuring the attack would land where he stood. He gritted his teeth in frustration when he ended up beside Jack again.

He resisted the temptation to spare Cedric, his brother, a glance. Seeing the man in such a battered state would only distract him. Turning back to his opponent, he could see T'Raiz standing in the center of the arena, staring at him with a maniacal smile. "I'm taking the fight back to T'Raiz," he informed Jack with more calm than he felt.

The same message was conveyed to Alicia, as he prayed she had finally subdued Ruanli long enough to come to his aid should he need it. He kicked off from the ground, vanishing mid-stride and appearing in the air behind T'Raiz with feet aiming for her head. She winked away. Without waiting for her to reappear, Landry gathered electricity around him; thickening the air inside the barrier to the point that skin and eyes began to sting.

Get on the ground! he warned Jack and Alicia.

With a roar, he drilled his fist into the ground, releasing the burst. Hundreds of adults screamed as their bodies jerked uncontrollably before they fell drooling to the ground. The crackling streams richotetted at chest level throughout the arena bringing more screams. By the final rebound, so much energy had accumulated that the focused beam seared the air. As the citizens remained twitching on the ground, T'Raiz received the brunt of the attack. They could only brace themselves as they flew into their barrier, and were engulfed by their own flames. Fissures appeared in the dome, but the whole structure remained intact, achieving both of Landry's goals in a single stroke.

I think I've taken down the worst of the mob. The children should be easier to avoid, he communicated to Alicia. You have about ten uninterrupted minutes. Jack, how's Cedric? I might need his assistance to break the enchantment.

He was preparing to tag team with Alicia when he noticed something amiss. "Where's Runali?" he shouted as his blood ran cold. His two attacks probably marked him as the bigger threat to T'Raiz. Swearing in Trovalian, he spun on his heel and leaped into the air.

Landry's heart skipped several beats when he realized he had assumed Runali would have been incapacitated by the attack. An almost fatal mistake given the damage done to the cobbled ground. As he tried adding distance between them, he saw a strange flickering in her eyes, which suggested she was trying to break the enchantment.

Alicia, I'm leaving T'Raiz to you. Jack, you and Sid handle the citizens. Signal me to break the barrier when they've been freed. Also, Jack, keep an eye on Adenin. He caught Ru's punch in his hand, wincing slightly as haki broke through glove and skin. Splotches of blood hit the snow as they stood stalemated on the frozen ground. His hand never letting go of her fist.

"Runali Lev, I thought you care about your crew. Why are you helping T'Raiz to hurt them?" He pressured her. "Captain Lev! Your summoner might die if you continue. Do you want him to die?"

Runali's fight with Alicia had gotten interrupted but the explosions and debris that flew about pulled her attention. She stood from where she was knocked into, absently wiping blood from her face. The captain, a zombie in her own right, was ordered to take down the biggest threat. That was supposed to be the Feian, but when Landry appeared, he became the new target.

Typically, she'd have witty banter or a snarky comment to follow after Landry stopped her punch, but there was nothing there but an empty gaze. When he spoke, she paused long enough to listen, the only telltale sign of it was the slight head tilt to register his voice. It wasn't enough to break through to her as she grabbed Landry with her free hand and flipped him on his back. She reared back to punch Landry, but she paused when T'raiz had gotten attacked. Her orders were to stop the biggest threat. So, she dropped Landry leaving him on the ground and walking towards the threat, picking up her dropped chakram in the process.

After managing to deal enough blows to Adennin to slow him down, Alicia cast her gaze in Landry's direction as she heard his voice informing her of the amount of time she'd have to deal with T'Raiz. She'd noticed the barrier was cracked and the vast majority of the enthralled civilians silenced allowing her room to deal more powerful attacks without having to worry about inadvertently killing the innocent. 'I'll do what I can." she replied telepathically assuming he'd hear her.

A moment later the ground beneath her detonated with a dull hollow 'BOOM' as she moved from her location to close in on the goddess, once again putting herself between the deity and Cedric in order to block her path. "You can't have him!" Her tone carried a commanding authoritative echo as if two voices spoke from one woman, the hilt of her weapon striking the ground to punctuate her resolve.

The two ornate crescent moons floating at her back crumbled away the moment her naginata struck the ground, the blades of moonlight which protruded from the outer edges of the moons free'd from their prisons to spread out into spectacular wing formations, each blade floating individually from one another. The wound on her back sealed itself up, leaving only the red smear of blood on white porcelain armour as a remnant of the damage taken from Runali's Chakram. "You'll have to kill me first!"

Lifting the polearm of Shusui she twirled the weapon to rest it diagonally across her back with the blade pointed towards the floor, her body taking stance as she narrowed her eyes towards T'Raiz. With her free hand she brought her fingers together, a loud 'snap' echoing through the environment before smaller rings of patterned light manifested to create a backdrop in the air high behind and above the Ascended Feian.

Hundreds of them appeared, glowing with empowered white moonlight before with a flick of her wrist Alicia pointed her fingers towards T'raiz. A second later the world around them lit up with violent flashes, a thunderclap of noisy detonations tearing through the air as the rings discharged salvo after salvo of moonlit beams directly onto the goddess. The ground around her would be burned to glass within moments, wide fissures forming as chunks of rock and stone exploded.

Runali didn't flinch at the destruction around, but she didn't seem to acknowledge Adenin either after he gave her orders. There was something else that caught her attention. The zombies around started to freeze in place whether they were harmed or not. All of them began to still like statues. Runali's grip tightened around her chakram as her one eye examined the scene. The moment she began to hear music play she saw T'raiz fall to her knees, screeching in pain. The only thing that echoed in her head were the orders she was given.

So when she spotted the source of the music, deducing that it was the source of T'raiz' trouble, she turned towards it. Her head tilted ever so slightly when she noticed Jack and Cedric. Not in familiarity, but as an acknowledgement. With her sight on her new target, she readied her chakram and ran towards the brothers.
Collab between Silent and Fox


Ocean's Call


Matted fur clung to a palm-sized body while four nubbly legs alternated to keep the kitten buoyant. Jackie's blue eyes glistened like gems in the steamy, candle-lit bathroom, contrasting beautifully with the dark bathwater. She meowed again, scampering up naked knee, shaking herself dry.

Nuzzling Jack's knee, she flicked her tongue over the bruise-free patches before jumping into the water again. Warm circles spiralled from her descent, elongating as she swam around. Her next destination --- the exposed chest, a minefield of healing hurt and familiar skin. She threaded the waters careful as a crocodile, puzzling where the waves came from, and totally not noticing Jack's pranking hand.

Chaos lounged like a black panther at the side, finally dry again, after she consented to Jack bathing her. She struggled at first, screaming the hell out of Castle Jensen, only to quieten when she caught a whiff of her summoner's soap. She melted like butter thereafter and transformed into a foamy chestnut burr.

"Rrrrrr?" She questioned Jack, tapping the forearm connected to the wave-making hand. From where she lay, the black cat could see Jackie still fighting against the tides that washed her back a half-inch for every two she gained.

Finally reaching the safety of Jack's chest, the soaked kitten yawned. She spun around lazily before curling into a damp sponge ball in the center. Chaos, the ever impish, clambered onto Jack's head with a second yawn. She rolled around the bundled up dread nest before finding that sweet, scritchy spot. It wasn't long before the kittens joined Jack in slumberland and there they remained as the foam blanket dwindled to naught, leaving him pruning, butt naked, in a tub. The thing keeping hypothermia at bay was the hissing and sputtering of Brass Cape technology that warmed the air inside the bathroom.

It was in this lull that a skeletal deer-faced deity kneeled beside the tub, ignoring the small puddle seeping into his robes, and used his bony phalanges to stir the surface. And, with undisguised curiosity, he studied every inch of the half sunken man, particularly below the waist. Humans were so fascinating. Their body being distinctly male and female, he mused, realising now what it meant to be perceived as male to humans.

He regretted not having the chance to enjoy such a moment with Cedric. Solely, because he wondered what the summoner looked like compared to his meatier brother. Or was the term fleshy? Er'is pondered. Voicing his thoughts to a now waking Jack, he cricked his head. "Are you what they call an ideal specimen of maleness? I admit I haven't seen a bare female specimen yet or another male. There's simply no comparison."

A low hum came from deep in Jack's chest. It could only be described as the epitomic sound of vexation. "No. I would not say I'm close to the 'ideal specimen'," he replied.

Sighing, Jack cracked one eye open. "What do you want? I told you I don't want any part of your deal."

Of course Er'is would choose now, in his prescribed respite, to appear. In this bathroom Jack had managed, for the first time, to relax without the presence of ghosts or demons or pirate murderers to stalk his mind or person. The quiet warm water and feline antics lulled him into false security. Allowed him to pack away all his fears and quiet his mind. And just when he finally began to drift....

"I wasn't here to be a persistent peddler," Er'is huffed. "There's something your entire crew overlooked. Let's call it a key to your success in what's to come."

The bony hand beckoned to Jack. "Don't you at least want to succeed when you finally meet my sister? Cedric's life will be at stake, but I can't physically intervene. No, not in this state."

Jack contemplated the demon. "Fine. Let me get dressed."

Standing up, he sent water and wet cats cascading away as he reached for a towel. He got dressed within minutes. As he buttoned up his waistcoat, he addressed Er'is, the demon which Jack never took his eyes away. It was as much out of distrust as distracting his attention from the occasional wandering ghost.

"Alright, tell me what you want. Not that I have much trust in what you say."

"Ah, I think I have the right person to persuade you. The two of us spoke to Alicia Amaiya two nights ago, but I think you'd be as interested to hear her out. She's the one I was sending you to meet that day at the canal. Come, my dear Sybil, don't be shy," Er'is spoke gently as he turned to the back.

Fairytale turned to flesh was the best way to describe that moment. There were so many interpretations of what Sybil d'Oubila looked like over the centuries, but none captured the true essence of her persona. Rather than a helpless maiden awaiting rescue, standing in front of Jack was a woman of such vitality that she felt more alive than dead. Taming that strength was a warming gentleness that shone in her eyes.

She gave a slight start upon seeing Jack's golden eyes. They reminded her painfully of her one true love. "Diex beneï toi, Jack Kunal from Norja. I'm Sybil d'Oubila here to share you my tale as instructed by the Dream Deity Er'is."

The Trovalian she spoke was archaic, reminding Jack of the traditional stage plays performed at the royal theatre in Tuelveste. Men and women, many of whom were summoners, would dress in costumes so thick and heavy that it was hard not to sweat on their behalf. Or, scratch at the sight of those starched lace collars. Sybil's bridal gown was far simpler, possibly due to the fact that she hadn't been a noble in her lifetime.

"Will you hear out my tale, kind master? There is something of great importance I must share, but for us to get there, there are things you need to understand."

Hands folded together, Jack pressed his lips against them as he took in this Sybil d'Oublia. He made a gesture for her to continue and kept his musings to himself.

"I heard from the God that you seek my mother-in-law, the Goddess T'Raiz. I've told your friend, Lady Alicia from the Eastern Shores, that she is no longer herself. Inside her is Monet's soul which continues to cause her so much pain that she's driven insane. It's this insanity that's fuelling her powers, making her harder to tame."

Er'is nodded in a Lazarus-like manner. "And?"

"If you are able to separate them, it should weaken her long enough for you to put her back to sleep, Jack Kunal. I ---"

"Let me explain something, Sybil," Er'is cut in. "Putting her to sleep is the best solution. Powerful as you are - or rather, as Alicia Amaiya is - you don't stand a chance against my sister even in her weakened manifestation. Also, even if you kill this manifestation, her true self is still sealed away. The summoner bringing her to this reality was not strong enough to shatter Giraud Delmont's seal. Only one person has done this in recent years and that has caused this ripple effect that you see. Please, continue Sybil. I believe there's something of importance to be found."

Sybil bowed her head to acknowledge Er'is words. "You can soothe the two souls using Monet's most precious artefact. It's hidden here in the city, Jack Kunal, on dry land. Stolen, as I heard, from the Goddess's temple one night over a century ago. I know not where it has gone and for that I apologise."

A sleep-worn Jackie flashed into Jack's lap and deposited her stone; she had woken up on a pile of crumpled towels besides her sister with Other Master missing. It felt so strange that she immediately sought the warmth of her big Papa Cat. Yawning, the white-and-orange kitten snuggled close to his stomach and began drifting back to sleep. Chaos didn't follow, choosing instead to remain asleep curled around her own stone among the towels.

Er'is cricked his neck to the side. "Do you understand what you need to do?" Slowly, he stretched out his hand like he did in the canal. "I can take you somewhere in time to make it easier for you to find what you need."

Jack held out a finger to Er'is, the other hand absently petting Jackie. He looked at Sybil. "Monet was a human, once. How is his soul overriding that of a goddess? For that matter goes, I thought the story went that you, as well, became part of T'Raiz so you could be with your beloved."

"Ah the inconsistencies in storytelling. Humans always distorted what's so simple."

"Yes and no. I never accepted her offer. Instead, my son and I followed the phoenix to Bonifaas where eventually I was laid to rest. Monet's soul --- I do not understand the workings of the Gods."

"It's simple, Jack-jack. My sister did what was forbidden. She snatched a departing soul from the mortal coil and chose to keep it within her person. It is her obsessive love that keeps Monet in torment and his torment is what's hurting her. No human soul wants to linger like this for eternity despite the ghosts you see."

Jack scratched at his jaw. "Be that as it may… how do you suggest we separate them? And what guarantee do I have that this artefact will do as you say?"

Er'is grinned, appreciating the questions. "Once you see the artefact, you'll understand. Monet was, after all, a proficient summoner and a skilled musician. His songs were said to be able to placate the Gods. I think - hmmm, of the summoners present, Cedric would likely know what to do once you pass him this artefact."

"Er'is himself fashioned it. I know what it is, but since he kept it vague, I shall respect his wishes," Sybil said apologetically. "You will require a summoner to use it."

The man's eyes narrowed. He hated Er'is and the games he played, but at least he had a sense of what the artefact was based on the few clues provided to him. He sat in several moments of contemplative silence, then picked up Jackie to place her onto his shoulder and pocketed her stone, grabbing his weapons next.

"Fine. I'll go with you. Just tell me one thing." When he turned around, he looked this time at Er'is. "If I agree, and let you take me, can you get me back in time to help the crew? Save my family? And what price will I be paying for this help?"

"Humans have a saying in Common. 'In the nick of time' and that's what I'm aiming for. My question to you would be -- do you want to head back to the past? Or, do you want to find the artefact in the present? The latter might be doable if we ask the prince about it."

There was a long pause as the god pondered whether or not to say his desired prize. He sensed Jack already knew what he wanted. Smiling broadly, he flexed his fingers. "Have I ever been inconsistent with my requests? I want Cedric. And now, you as well."

"I am not giving you my brother's body," Jack glared, but his gaze fidgeted back to Sybil, never keeping her fully out of his awareness. "Will using this artefact hurt Cedric?"

"It requires his energy, that's all. I don't remember it hurting Monet."

Jack squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe if he'd gotten a little more sleep, he'd have the clear head to judge if this was a good decision or not. It wasn't that he had a lack of faith in his crew's abilities, or Alicia's battle plan, but… If this is the answer, then we need it. I can't pass it up.

His shoulders slumped. "I hope I'm doing the right thing," Jack muttered to himself.

With the choice made, he took the demon's offered hand. "Fine. Take me where we need to go — in the present."

"Present, hm?"

Er'is wrapped his bony fingers around Jack's as a gentle breeze whipped around them. Amusement dripped from the crevices of the skull face, which should have made Jack regret his wish. But, before the man could lay down additional clauses, they vanished, appearing inside a sealed, high security vault deep underground.

It was a massive concrete chamber of many floors filled with large crates, containers and glasses cases. Inside them were historical artefacts and tomes that Zilia would have loved. Scattered here and there were preserved human and animal specimens suspended in clear liquid. There was even a massive ship sitting in the center of the room. The placard beside it told them that it belonged to the royal family's ancestor, Captain van Vries.

"We are in the present as requested. Deep inside the bowels of the university about half a day from the city. I'm not sure if the door can be opened from the inside. Oh, and …. something appears to be dampening the connection between the two familiars. I think it's in this room." Er'is noted with unbridled curiosity. "Shall we investigate?"

The whiplash of transportation was something Jack would never get used to. Reorienting himself, he took in the vault with increasing emotions of awe and disbelief. His fists clenched as he glared at Er'is.

"You teleported us into a vault we can't get out of?" He bit off each word in rage. Scoffing, Jack started toward the large ship before he stopped again. "Can you sense Monet's instrument, the artefact?" he called over his shoulder.

"Yes and no. It's here but there are too many other artefacts distorting the energies coming from it."

Nodding to himself, Jack began his search. The vault was massive -- perhaps larger than the Royal Museum of Trovale or even the extensive knowledge reservoirs of the Norjan Scholars' Guild. This would take longer than he anticipated… and with leaving an issue, it dawned on Jack that his friends would believe him to be the third kidnapped victim.

I have so much to apologize for when I'm back… especially to Amayia, Jack thought then chuckled to himself. Of course offending his crewmate would be the second greatest worry he had right now.

"It's this cloth that's dampening the energies," Er'is concluded as he allowed the cloth to flow from his hands.

Yanking it down, he revealed the violin lying in an open case. The same fabric had been used to line the insides of the case, which puzzled the deity. This was something he had never encountered before.

Jack rubbed his eyes. His internal clock told him dawn was mere hours away. He needed sleep; but they needed to find a way out too. He made his way back to the giant vault doors, affixing the instrument to his person as he did, and without hesitation punched one of the doors with a haki-coated fist.

"That door was over two centuries old. Just imagine the pain you've caused Zilia once she found out what you've done to such a precious artefact."


Back to the Present

"Don't rush, Jack-jack. We'll arrive at the right moment," Er'is soothed as he sat behind Jack on a stolen horse.

His words were ignored by the man mushing like his life depended on it. Jack appeared to be blocking out everything save what was relevant to the task at hand. For instance, he noticed how easily Jack abandoned the horse once he saw the massive hold up leading into the area. This particular observation Er'is kept to himself as floated alongside the panting man. The deer-face would have kept this silence if there wasn't a crucial bit of detail to be shared. "My sister's here. Take that side alley into the area and I'll help you slip past the barrier before it's sealed."

"I have a better idea," Jack replied. Slipping out of the crowd into the nearest nook, Jack parkoured up a stack of crates and vaulted up onto the rooftops. The smallest giddy smile flashed on the cook's face as adrenaline coursed in his veins. Finally -- we'll end this!

From there, Jack leapt rooftop to rooftop, using the gloves to give him a boost of windy speed. He sailed across buildings and crowds -- straight for the barrier that was fast closing before him.

A glowing wall proved to be a temporary hurdle thanks to Er'is. He offered Jack his bony hand, and the two crossed it together, completely unharmed. Monet's instrument hummed briefly upon contact with the barrier, but the lining of the case suppressed the magic enough before T'Raiz noticed. Er'is couldn't resist smiling. "I never knew this fabric had the ability to dampen spiritual energy, Jack-jack. You humans come up with so many ingenious solutions to problems we never foresee."

Ignoring the demon's ramblings, Jack made his final leap into the air, boosting himself sky-high so he could see the full battlescape. Two things immediately warred for his heart: Cedric, unconscious and shielded by T'Raiz and Adenin, and Runali fighting her own crew. He knew who he'd go for, but if Ru or Amaiya…

Jack began his descent and with it, he released all his fears. He had his mission, and it was the one that could end this entire conflict against T'Raiz. Nothing else mattered until he won. Or I'm too dead to care.

When he landed, he used the momentum to roll forward, jumping onto his feet near a familiar face.

"Jack!" Salem exclaimed between pants.

Relief was visible on his young face as he noticed Jack was unharmed. Last night people barely slept a wink after Jack had disappeared from the bathroom. Adding to the worry was the fact that Chaos had insisted she couldn't reach either Jack or her sister, which was very strange. Familiars seldom had difficulty communicating with one another unless something prevented them from doing so. Landry and Valerie didn't know enough to suggest anything, so the standing conclusion was that T'Raiz had taken Jack as well.

"We were looking for you -"

Both bodyguard and prince never got another word in. Jack had seen Adenin hovering over an unconscious Cedric and Er'is saw that strange look return. The deer god wanted to apologize on Jack's behalf, but he realized that neither young man could hear him. So, he continued on his merry way, floating through the zombified citizens, and wondering how long it would be before Jack snapped. The crowd was really closing in on him, and slowly forcing him further from Cedric.

"No time!" shouted Jack, and went into the air once more. One powerful gust sent him several feet forward, but with the need to conserve his haki, he didn't sail as high or fast as he should. A civilian grabbed his ankle and sent him crashing to the ground. They swarmed on him.

Summoning Full Armament, Jack kicked, punched and shoved his way against the swarm. Knives stayed sheathed to avoid death blows -- not like they did much damage. But there were too many. Cursing, he was nearly thankful when Landry came to his aid.

They fought through the crowd. They came closer to the platform. Jack launched thick ice at the barrier and dodged the attacks of Runali, Alicia and T'Raiz. (Runali's blank and bloodthirsty intent gutted him. In the briefest moments, his resolve wavered. He should go to her; go to Amaiya. Snap her out of it. This felt worse than the pain his crew endured in Trovale. He screamed internally, and moved on. No time to stop.)

And then he saw Sid. And then he was there, by his brother's side. Jack choked at seeing the state he was. He hurriedly scrambled for the phoenix feathers and went to heal Cedric. Armament still active, Jack protected his brother against everything and anything that came too close. He didn't need Landry to tell him to keep an eye out for Adenin. But all the same, a few icy jackals with mouth-like slits painted across their bodies formed at his bidding. They looked more like wolves now, strange as it was, and stood like sentinels ready to attack anything Jack sensed.

"C'mon, c'mon," he whispered to Cedric as he healed him with the feathers. "Open your eyes. Please."


Blood kept coming forth from Cedric's lips as another feather disintegrated into his skin, Jack having to rip out a metal rod embedded into his stomach. A swift removal almost ended him, but Jack managed to keep his heart pumping using chest compressions as a fourth feather was applied. As skin mended, colour began returning to Sid's face.

"Fére? Where … non, what happened?"

Tears were in his eyes as Jack took in his brother; alive and whole - more or less. He grinned and patted Cedric's cheek.

"We're fighting and a goddess and a possessed Runali and I can see ghosts. Oh, and there's a band of pirate hunters after us. And the templars are on our side -- for now."

Even as he laid there in a groggy mess, Cedric took in the barrier blocking the sky. It's energies vibrating through him and making him nauseous. Too much he wretched, cuffing his mouth as Jack steadied him. Several breaths later, he was finally relaxed. "Tell me what needs to be done," he demanded as memories of his last meeting with Jack surface. "I want to help you seal T'Raiz again."

Pulling it off his back, Jack placed the violin case in Sid's lap, with Jackie's stone on top of it. "I need you to do what you do best: magic and music," his smile was crooked. Jack barely understood what was coming out of his own mouth. It diminished as the sounds of the battle ringed out. He heard, but he was looking at Sid. His paleness; his frailty.

"I need you to take energy from me." Reaching down, Jack opened the case, "This was Monet's instrument. It should put T'Raiz to sleep, according to Er'is. He said you'd know what to do with it. I need you to focus on that but it sounds intense. You should take my energy so you don't die from this.

"I will also protect you." Jack smiled hollowly. "Don't worry; nothing's going to get close to you."

Cold hands cupped Jack's face, shaking visibly, as a weakened Cedric brought their foreheads together. Tears gathering on his eyelashes formed visible beads. For some reason, this sense of doom hovered closer than ever. Almost as if fate wanted to show her hand, and there was nothing he or Jack could do about it. Maybe.

"Fére," he murmured shakily as a thin aura surrounded them, showing the energy flowing from Jack to Sid. "I'll break the spell around the citizens first. I don't think Amaiya, Zilia or Capitaine want to see innocents hurt."

Rising to his feet with Jack's help, Sid donned Jackie's stone and tucked the violin under his chin. Warm memories stirred the moment his energies resonated within the instrument; Cedric's eyes blew wide, suddenly aware of the song waiting to be heard. It was more beautiful than he could ever imagine; this piece Monet played for Papilloner, or Davy Jones as the summoner soon realized. Sid's fingers danced along the strings, finding the chords and playing out in his mind's eye, basking in the honor of being tutored by Trovale's greatest bard.

A silvery, purple light cloaked the summoner as the song evolved, reaching haunting notes that pierced the heart, giving weight to Monet's loss. The possessed froze, light flickering in their eyes, and before long tears. Their consciousness returning marked by them cuffing or swiping away at the unexplained waterworks; but, no matter their feelings at the time, their confusion buzzed in the air.

Short ice-made walls, no higher than the waist, moved around Jack and Sid as he began the spell. Jack dispelled the jackals for protection he could move, strengthen, lower or get rid of. Quick and flexible -- just like their creator. Jack's half-smile hardened as he braced for the inevitable onslaught coming for them.

When Sid hit his first string, Jack felt a familiar pull. A coldness swept through that had nothing to do with the weather. He gritted his teeth and planted his feet against the sudden weakness. He was expecting this; he was ready for it.

I'm just going to take a long, long nap when this is all over--

Landry shouted over their shared connection as he fell behind the more agile Runali. The templar's steps slowed to a stop when he saw the people breaking out of T'Raiz's spell. Without allowing himself to process more than necessary, he pulled out a lightning spear from the air and aimed for the fissuring cracks overhead. Guide them, Kunal!

The last exchange was blasted from Jack's mental ears as Landry's spell punctured the barrier and exploded in the skies, illuminating the static city. Hundreds of lightning spears descended in response, shattering the dome completely, amidst panicked screams. People stampeded to the outer edges with the elderly and children in danger of getting trampled. Not even the Navy officers had the presence of mind to aid those that had fallen beneath the crush. From Jack's position, protecting Cedric, he noticed Jemima flashing in and out of the crowd. Sometimes carrying a child or two, sometimes dragging an elder. But even then, it was hopeless.

Time whittled to seconds as Runali burst through the crowd with chakrams ready. Fiery energy leaping from their surfaces as she breached the gap. In that same heart stopping split, more movement caught Jack's eye.

Z crashed to the ground with Chaos hovering in the air, puzzled at her messy teleport. The kitten allowed gravity to catch her, so she ended up on top of Z. Immediately, the kitten showered the doctor with apology cat-kisses. Somehow, the kitten finally understood what Z wanted as the gate crumbled.

Cedric zoned out the commotion. Any distraction would immediately stop the channeling and allow T'Raiz's spell to take over again. Only after the people have escaped the area - all of them - could he focus on reaching out to Monet. He sensed the second soul reaching out to him from inside T'Raiz; the man was desperate and in pain. He wanted to be free.

Blood began dribbling down Cedric's chin as more energy was gutted from him. His insides were starting to hollow out, disintegrate. This spell was well-beyond him in terms of complexity and demand, and one Chester would have stopped him from performing. Shoving thoughts about his missing familiar aside, Sid began pouring the last of his reserves into the spell, feeling his heart frantically pumping to fight against the collapse. Inevitably, his mind offered images of Davy Jones's ghastly visage. Is this truly the end? He wondered, realising that how little he had achieved. Regretting mostly the lost time between him and Jack. Worrying for the first time how much trouble he had caused the crew.

Sybil appeared behind Sid and her ghostly hands rested on him, feeding him her remaining energy to stave the internal destruction as much as she could. Sir Jack, lend me your energy. Seeing me might give Monet the courage to break free. I fear your brother isn't going to last long. His energy reserves are almost gone.

Sensing a connection between Jack, Sid and Zilia, the woman turned towards Zilia, and tried communicating with the Stardusk doctor. Fair maiden, will you aid your friend? I have not much to offer him as I'm not alive. He's life is whittling away and there's not much left. Could you lend him some of your energy?

Jack bared his teeth as he ran forward to meet Runali's attack. Take it -- as much as you have to. Do not let him die!


Seafoam moulded into Sybil's form. Dissipating to reveal the ghostly visage of the seafaring maiden. Familiar energy - Jack's - thrummed from her being as she clasped her hands in front of her chest. "Monet, come back to me!" she cried to her slumbering love.

As she kept calling for him, T'Raiz's screams reached a frantic pitch. She writhed around, clutching her head, as holy flames shrouded her body. Deep inside her bosom, a soul flame burned brightly, flaring up each time Sybil's voice reached them. All this, Cedric saw and felt. His mind seemingly enmeshed with Monet's. He knew the deceased summoner was desperately trying to remember Sybil.

"Zilia," he called to his crew mate, pausing long enough to cuff away the blood pouring from his mouth.

In that one word were trust, apology and a cry for help. It was obvious he was on his last legs, being in worse shape than Zilia has ever seen him. Yet, he gave her a forlorn smile, wondering if she would help him to free Monet, and give them a chance to reseal T'Raiz. The answers were clearer than ever. Er'is had been trying to tell him that from the start, and hence his growing sense of foreboding. There was a chance he won't live to see the new day.

Thready breathing followed as he reached out with a shaking hand, a silent request for Zilia, his doctor and friend, to open up and give him some of her energy. She must have seen this done when he was sickest. Jack bending over to press their foreheads together and threading his fingers between Sid's. It was something he never trusted anyone else with before, simply because doing so opened his mind to theirs in the most revealing ways. They could hear his thoughts, his feelings --- his current fears. All of them wrapping around Jack, and him dreading leaving his fére behind with their redemption unresolved.

Jack, he reached out tentatively. Try reaching capitaine again. His sorrow and concern lingering longest at the back of Sid's mind; telegraphing the hurt he couldn't keep back. If this ended badly, if they couldn't save her --- he didn't know what will happen to the crew, his friends. As Sid eased out of the connection, he dropped the violin and clamped a hand round his mouth, hacking blood all over the floor.

Er'is hovered close to Zilia and whispered. "Do you want to help him? Your energy might be the thing that keeps him alive after we free the suffering Monet. Your reward obvious. Alicia Amaiya and Jack have separate parts of the answer. Jack has something that can turn colder than ice and Alicia Amaiya has the strength to shatter through the barrier. Your chance will come when you see the phoenix rise into the sky to swallow the moon. Help Sid, help them, yes? I think we don't want Imposter to appear."
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Delivering Luro

"You don't have powers, huh?" Valerie chimed following Luro's display. "You're a horrible liar. Worse than Jack I might add."

Her smiles told nothing about the wheels turning inside her mind nor the being she sensed within him. It happened during that display of his, a flash in her mind's eye of a creature that burned itself into future nightmares. She pointed upwards to the shimmering barrier pixelating to nothing. The whole area was thick with energy from the lightning barrage; the smell of burnt nitrogen lingering on. Faint, but growing louder, was music from a violin, haunting in quality and digging deep into the gut. It was a song filled with so much longing that Val couldn't help picturing her dear ones back in Trovale. The images springing to mind were so vivid that she gasped.

"I didn't know there's a bard in Bonifaas," she murmured as her steps quickened. "This spell they're casting should help dispel any enchantments. Or, since T'Raiz is around, weaken them."

They were a street away when Jack's rage rent the air. Val's eyes grew wider as she picked up strands of coherence from the emotional blast. Her mouth opened soundless as she grabbed Luro by the wrist and the two faded into the howling winds.


Earlier …

Sid's fingers threaded Z's as he pressed his forehead against hers. Energy diffusing slowly from doctor to patient, and returning to her was his unvoiced apology. If things turned out well, he would be happy to let her hit him all she wanted. But, it felt like a pipe dream at this point. Sid could feel his heart straining to sustain his body, and he was sure the toll would kill him sooner or later. He smiled while pulling away.

"Merci, Madame Doctor. I'm trusting you to keep me safe."

Resting his chin on the violin once more, Cedric's eyes closed, allowing him to focus on the melody unravelling in his mind, conveyed to him by Sybil. He sighed as soothing aura rippled around him and fed into the instrument. With each note, he focused on the two possessed people left in the area - Runali and Monet. Come back to us, he beseeched through the erratic connections formed between the three of them, which allowed him to make out their inner voice.

Monet's voice echoed in the emptied square. "Sybil, I've returned."

Toxic red aura burst from around T'Raiz's demonic form. Whipping winds that swirled outwards tore stone from the ground as she raised her head to the skies and howled. She curled backwards in agony as Monet's soul burned white. Their wills were starting to misalign when his sense of self infected their shared mind. She clawed at her chest, trying to stop the soul from slipping away. Her cries crazed with pain and fear at the impending separation.

"No, Monet, son. Don't leave." She shrieked as she grasped at the orb floating away.

Seeing her son's ghostly image standing behind the cursed bard, T'Raiz's screamed at the betrayal. Fires, holy and hot, washed down the demoness as she slammed Alicia aside. She stretched her claws ready to strike Cedric down, tear him apart, turn him to ash --- anything to make him suffer this same pain. She gnashed her teeth.

Any barriers crumbled in her wake. Her fury was so great that a single swipe of her arm sent those around Cedric flying. As he was swept by her winds, her clawed hands snatched him by the throat and she clamped down hard. Her madness literally eating into his purple eyes. His struggles were like a child's compared to us. So weak, so easily killed.

"Pathetic." she sneered as she slammed him into the ground repeatedly. "Pathetic, weak mortal. Let me send you to Papillioner's lair."

Blood bubbled from Sid's lips and nose as the stones crowning his head bathed in red. He wrapped his hands around that tight wrist, trying to recall what Sara taught him, what Jack showed. He knew so many techniques of breaking someone's grip, but he never had to do so with his consciousness slipping away.

"Incendier," he choked, slamming his right hand into her face.

Fires burst near her eyes and Sid crumbled to the ground. As she trashed about in agony while her eyes started healing, the weakened summoner dragged himself over to Zilia. He was within arm's length when T'Raiz teleported over and snatched him into the air. Fiery wings bursting from her back as they climbed towards the moon. Cedric's hair whipped wildly as the winds grew more violent with each foot they scaled; his coughing burning his lungs as he was at nature's mercy.

As she hovered in the air with Sid steadied by the grip around his throat, T'Raiz called to her champion below. "Runali Lev, kill the Stardusk!"

"Go to your captain! I'll try and save Cedric," Landry shouted to Alicia before teleporting to the roof of the clocktower.

There he stood with a lightning spear in hand and the demon goddess's eyes firmly on him. It was a futile attempt, but he was going to try anyway. Arching back, he launched his spear, aiming for the hand curled around Cedric's throat. If it worked - and Cedric fell - Landry was confident he could rip open a portal and get the Stardusk summoner safely to the hospital. He crouched low as a second spear appeared in his hand.

Without thinking, he launched it at T'Raiz hoping one of the two attacks would hit. He was about to release his breath when he shouted. "No!"

Landry watched helplessly as the demoness flung Cedric in the direction of his attack. Both spears ripped through Sid's back and out the front before exploding in showers of brilliant light. The templar gaped as he watched Sid trail slowly towards the ground, gaining speed by the second. Landry barely snapped out of it in time and teleported Sid onto the ground at the foot of the tower.

Appearing beside Cedric, Landry dropped to his knees and stared at the vacant eyes staring back at him. The templar grabbed the thin wrist and checked for a pulse. Nothing. He grabbed the other wrist. Then, check Sid's neck. Not a single beat. Cedric wasn't even breathing. No!

The man scoped Cedric up and started searching for Zilia. There was still time! Choosing a location far from the fight between Runali and her crew, Landry teleported Zilia, Sid and himself to the area. No sooner did they re-materialized, he laid Cedric on the ground.

"You need to help him," he begged.

Landry's mind was loosely aware of the fighting. Of Luro and Val's arrival; of T'Raiz charging for Jack to cut him off. Everything seemed so far away as he stared into Cedric's glassy eyes. Maybe he was imagining it, but the blood on the younger man's face was a purplish brown as if ---

"Stars, Landry! What did you do? Electrocute him?" Val exclaimed as she dropped to the ground on Sid's other side. Her dagger already tearing open his gown.

A large burn scarred his chest, a characteristic exit wound from lightning. With the epicenter at his sternum, it was clear that his heart had been shocked into silence. Cedric didn't even get a chance to register the pain. He just stopped. Val shook her head as she closed the gown before Zilia could see the wound.


Back to the present …

T'Raiz intended to rip Jack in two when she found herself facing Alicia once more. Snarling as demoness leaped from the center of the crater in the wall, and teleported behind Alicia. A funnel of flames rushed towards the Feian to force her to dodge or block. T'Raiz burst through her own attack unscathed, and her claws aimed to snatch the polearm from Alicia's grasp. Her mind believing this mortal goddess would be weaker without it.

Sliding away from Alicia, T'Raiz smirked as she readied to launch herself at the woman. She leaped into the air, twisting overhead and exploded the ground beneath Alicia. Flames geysered upwards in a solid column, lifting chunks of ground high into the air. Bursting into fiery comets, the rocks hurtled towards the people below, sucking everything caught in the vicinity into a molten funnel many feet below.

"Stop resisting!" she screamed.

A fiery typhoon incinerated the grounds next, turning the whole arena into a patchwork of lava and melting rock. The houses that formed the very border of the fight zone reduced to melting blobs. Yet, she continued to be met with opposition. Runali was too occupied with the remaining Stardusk to be of use. Studying the field for an opening, the demoness smiled suddenly.

A stream of flames rushed towards the spot where Cedric had been laid, as she locked eyes with Alicia. "What will you do now, Maiden of Misery?"
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Many years ago during her travels Zilia was sent a letter, asking to treat a Hermit who lived in the mountains. It came from the hermit herself, and she had already put the payment in the letter along with directions to reach her, with a request to burn the letter after reading it. After burning the letter Zilia made her way towards the woman, she climbed up the steep mountains she lived on, camped when night fell and made it to the woman's cabin after a day, far removed from civilization. She reached the Hermit and introducing herself, treated the woman's problem and gave her a list of plants she saw on the way that could help with any other issues.
After being thanked Zilia asked the woman, who was much younger than she expected she'd be, why she lived so far from people, why she chose to remove herself from civilization.
The woman only offered her a smile and informed her.
"She'd see why eventually."

Surrounded on all sides by melted buildings, her own Captain trying to kill her own friends, her head swimming from whatever that was with Cedric, a demon woman fighting Alicia spewing flames everywhere and on top of that Luro Makachi was here throwing his arms up and making weird comments as always, which confused her because apparently Imposter was close to showing up.
"Really?! Did I miss all the fun!" Luro said resting his hands on his hips.
Zilia almost regretted not being shallow enough to hide away and ignore other people's problems. They came here to do 'one' thing, well she came here to do one thing and that thing was done. If they survived she was going to have a very long talk about accepting favors with Runali later.
"Luro! Feathers!" Zilia exclaimed.
The two didn't linger near each other long, after receiving the feather's offering a nod to Jack's suggestion she turned back to Cedric as Luro ran off. She smiled a little seeing Luro didn't hesitate for one moment to hand them over, he didn't show it outwardly but he was probably worried too.
"Of course I will," Zilia said to Landry. "He's my patient."
Zilia did a quick check herself, she trusted Landry's observation but needed to fill it out for herself, she didn't take too long, raising her shirt to look at the mark her eyes narrowed slightly before she ripped open Cedric shirt with red energy exposing his chest.

"There's a small opening to resuscitate someone when they cross to the other side. A very small opening, that's currently ticking. While I don't like putting my faith in magic and mysticism in situations like this, a bony ghost just spoke to me about phoenixes and we're currently fighting 'gods' so I'm presently open minded."
Zilia held the feathers up to the two.
"I believe this will extend that timer, keep using them on Cedric while I try to bring him back. I won't stop until the very end, I owe him that as his doctor and friend."
A blue glow surrounded Zilia's hand and she pressed her hand against his chest, Cedric's body bounced a bit and she checked his heart only to repeat the process again.
"I may need that lightning of yours at some point as well Sir Landry."
"I'm going to make the most bitter tasting medicine when this is all over Cedric. So you'd better hurry up and get back here!"

While the invisible timer ticked in her head, Zilia tried to keep one eye on the battle. With the battle raging around them she couldn't allow them to be collateral, though she trusted her two 'assistants' to stave off what they could she had to keep her eyes open as she also needed their aid, especially since that woman wanted Cedric dead. The wave of fire came without warning and Zilia's eyes widened, realizing the woman's focus, she raised one hand from Cedric's chest, a blue dome appearing around the group just before the flames crashed into them. Zilia's other hand still tried to bring Cedric back as she tried to keep the flames at bay with her other. This amount of force was beyond human though, and she could feel her power already waning against it, she opened her mouth.
Pouring more power into the barrier it staved off the attack, but cracks still formed. She tried again using stronger words but the process was only slowing the cracks not stopping them, not surprising considering this fire was melting the very stone around them. Not much was going to stop it. She grit her teeth glancing back at Cedric.
"I don't have a choice...I have to use it. Damn it...please don't let this be the last mistake I make!"
Zilia lowered her head, the blue glow around her hand suddenly shifting to black as the barrier started to shake under the immense pressure, the dark energy resembling burning flames as it crackled quietly.
"....oh child never given name…."
Zilia's mumbling came out steady and focused, the black glow glaring in response.
"Oh monarch...who rules without a crown…"
The barrier's cracks started to glow as they slowly grew larger, almost enough for the fire to seep in.
"...oh horrid monster, nameless and forgotten…."
The black glow flared brightly as Zilia's hand closed into a fist.
"Hear my desperate call, heed my will and take form in the domain I call my own!"
The Barrier finally broke and Zilia's eyes flashed a bright red as the black fire exploded outwards

The darkness crashed into the flames, something dispelling the fires stopping their approach as the black energy formed into a human shape, a black fog with no real detail only shape, standing on two legs. What looked like an arm and hand was currently out to it's side, the 'creature' appearing to have backhanded the flames upon manifesting.
The fog glanced back at Zilia and two red orbs formed on what could be considered it's head staring at the tense doctor.
"I thoUght MaKacHi would sumMoN me buT the LitTle doctor did," The echoing voice came distorted at first but returned to normal quickly. "Is this Irony? Karma? Who knows anymore. How cautious to only call a replica of me though."

A moment later the fog immediately took the form of a woman, clearly modeled after the Doctor.
It wasn't exact though, calling them the same would be a lie and partially an insult, the manifestation seemed to just use her as a reference to create a shape, at least to those around them, Zilia however could see the creature switch back and forth between 'her' form and its original mist like shape. This reflection of Imposter looked at the back of her hand, melted by the flames. Brow arching the skin repaired itself and she glanced back in T'raiz direction.
The Reflection seem to flicker in and out of reality, it's form unable to remain manifest, it's body had already grown transparent from one action.
"Shame you can't control this form, well...the real me will probably deal with it if you all don't so doesn't matter. Stopping that fire took pretty much all of the manifestation. Might want to avoid getting hit by another."
The reflection looked back at Zilia and offered a smile, one clearly full of malicious intent.
"Since I'll be back to collect my payment later Doctor."

The Reflection faded and Zilia immediately turned back around deciding to deal with the 'cost' later, as she laid both her hands back on Cedric, she felt her vision blur and for a moment her body leaned forward. She quickly caught herself and immediately returned to her treatment with full force. Saying she was exhausted was an understatement, it felt like she had run a lap around the city at full sprint while carrying Luro and Jack on her back. She shook her head pushing the exhaustion back as much as she could. She was going to lose consciousness, overusing her ability did that, she felt the signs trying to creep into her body already, that familiar numbing tingle and the aches that ran through her, but she didn't let the energy in her hands diminish, until the end, until she literally couldn't move anymore she'd try to bring Cedric back.

Imposter: Visage of Vilimar
モグモ (Mogumo).jpeg
Respect to モグモ (Mogumo)

A great sundering set Jack out of balance. The sapping of his energy -- taken by Cedric and Sybil to keep his little brother going -- had ceased. He stumbled under Runali's blow, and suddenly a massive blow to his chest sent him sailing. He crashed into something solid and large.

They skidded back, Jack barely on his feet, but when he saw a rifle out of the corner of his eye, his body acted out of reflex.

He used his weight to send them both to the ground and got his knee on the person's neck. He grabbed the rifle, felt resistant when its owner kept hold, and tensed in preparation to bash the rifle into the skull. Instead he froze.

Raindrops fell onto Luro's confused face that looked back up at Jack. It wasn't raining.

Jack glanced off to their right. Zilia -- Val -- fucking Landry -- they surrounded something. A body. He sensed rather than saw Runali behind them, prowling. Readying for her shot. He looked back at Luro. They were mere inches apart, and Luro could see the tremors in Jack's face, his eyes, his soul. His hand tightened on the L.A.S.S.; Luro felt the barrel of the gun shaking.

"If you let Imposter out, I'll kill you myself," he choked out, "Because right now we have to fight Runali. Protect the others. Got it?"

Releasing Luro, he got up, and started sprinting back to his captain. He stopped long enough to shout at Zilia: "Use the phoenix feathers! The healing feathers Runali gave you! Do whatever you have to!"

Luro barely had time to register the collision with Jack, for a moment he didn't seem to realize it was him and he had a feeling he'd be mad if he blew his arm off, so when Jack finally got his bearings he was glad he recognized him, though even he could see Jack was barely holding it together, his brows lowered a bit and at Jack's words he offered little more than a grin.
He stood up after Jack and watched him run ahead, for a moment Luro looked in the direction of the others, of where Cedric was, to the doctor who he had given his feathers too and her frantic focus on bringing Cedric back.

The moment Jack stopped an earthen wall shot up in front of him, the ground around them rose up creating a dome blocking all entrance and exit, trapping the three inside a makeshift barrier made of cobblestone and earth, the owner of it placed a hand on Jack's shoulder the wall falling now that he was closer.
"Captain ain't going nowhere Jack. Focus on the thing in front of you right? Don't gotta complicate everything," Luro said smiling at him. "Do what you can, now put your face on properly, no one's given up yet."
He pat him twice on the shoulder and walked past him keeping a casual stride towards the approaching Runali.
"You put work in already so let me at least get a hit in, else I'll feel like I haven't contributed."
Didn't matter the situation, whether they were at an advantage or disadvantage, winning or losing, Luro Makachi always confronted the situation in front of him with a smile on his face, especially if no one else could, this was no different.

"Ya know Captain…you don't remember the order you gave me do you?"
Luro's footsteps suddenly started causing echo's along the ground, as if he was walking on water.
"You told me I could go all out…though I guess you didn't expect it'd be directed at you. While I'd like to…I'm not quite at the level I need to be in order to properly take you on right now."
Luro raised his hand and snapped his fingers, as he did an echo flew off his fingers and all sound vanished from around them, silence filling the air as if the world had paused for a very brief moment, a sweet scent filling the air around them. In the span of a blink the world around them had changed. The cobblestone streets, the stone dome, the sound of the blaze around them all faded, replaced by a sunset stained sky, the light orange matching well with the field of the wheat, that tickled their stomachs, the trio suddenly found themselves within.

Luro grinned as black markings ran up his body, his grin formed into a fanged smile as he lowered his body at the Captain's approach.
"You know the rules Captain. If anyone is upset especially the Captain everyone get's a free hit…and I know you'd hate this Captain. Every moment of it…so."
Luro burst forward with immense force, earth blowing up after him as wheat flew in every direction, he approached Runali, his foot slamming down hard against the earth, cracklilng red energy exploding outwards, disintegrating all the wheat around them, creating a circle of scorched earth.
Luro fist crashed into Runali's cheek and his whole body lurched forward as he sent her flying into the distance with far more strength than usual, the energy exploding upwards as the hit collided.

Luro took a step back in his mini crater, the volatile energy still cracking off his body as Runali continued to fly backwards. He shook off his now steaming fist with a content sigh. Luro's whole body had changed, the man seeming to resemble a demon more than a man, clawed fingers curled into a fist as he knew Runali would regain her footing quickly and retaliate. His entire body were now covered in the black marks, and as he glanced back at Jack his eyes didn't resemble a human's anymore, if not for the fact there was gentleness in them it wouldn't be a shock to say Luro's humanity was long gone.
"Jack…" Luro said his voice echoing but somehow still focused. "Wait you got pulled in here to0? Aw man I'm really not good at managing this yet…I wanted to have a one-on-one with the Captain all heroic like…well doesn't matter I doubt I can beat her anyway so help me out here."
Luro turned his attention forward again.
"You can hit her a lot harder in this place, but avoid any killing blows," Luro said rotating his shoulders. "I'll explain another time, so just focus on Runali. A few good hits should hopefully wake her up…if not well…we can apologize together later."
Luro grinned and held his hand out his rifle manifesting into his hand.
"Captain! I want you to know the idea of fighting you without holding back is extremely titillating, I can't really say I'm not going to enjoy myself so if you can hear me, know that every one of my punches and bullets are filled with love! Promise!"
Luro looked back at Jack.
"Some will be filled with something else but that's for later," Luro said before hopping back a few steps.
"I got your back, just like in the Captain's hometown," Luro said raising his rifle. "Go for it."

Runali stood from the sudden punch. She rubbed her jaw, despite the empty look she gave Luro then Jack. There was a sense of alertness in the way her body shifted and the way she examined the new scenery, but her focus was still the same. The order to kill continued echoing through her head. Her grip tightened on the chakram in her hand and brushed against the other to make sure it was there.

With one last look around, she decided that the biggest threat was in front of her. She tested her footing before once again crouching down. In an instant, she was racing towards Jack in an attempt to cut him down, but before she could make contact, she threw her chakram past him aiming right for Luro. It caught fire on its way towards him and the edges of the flame shaped into something similar to a saw blade, spinning faster and faster as it got closer.
Without hesitating and in fluid motion, the second one was already in her hand, ready to crash down on Jack. Her haki came and went in bursts as she used it to strengthen every punch and kick to try and knock Jack off his feet. Instead of keeping them at bay, like she was told to do with Alicia, she was now completely on the offensive in an attempt to take them down as quickly as she could.

Knives came out faster than the eye could see. Jack threw several in the air and with a twist of his wrist, they floated on the wind, acting as sort of an offensive shield against Runali. The butterfly blades were in his hands and with him, they flowed into her attacks.

Blade to blade, element to element, punch to punch. Months of training together, from their haki to their gloves, made chef and captain very aware of each other's styles. Jack could follow and predict what she would do; but in the same hand, he was slower, weaker. He was always aware that in a real fight, Runali would prevail. If it wasn't for Luro and his unprecedented power, Jack wouldn't stand a chance.

Dodging beneath a chakram blade, he twisted at the waist and aimed to carve his blade into her abdomen. Three of the floating knives sailed for her simultaneously. He rolled away from her reaction, scrambling to his feet with the ground crumbling underneath him. Already little caters pockmarked the area from the concussive wave of haki meeting haki.

Jack created distance between them, clapped his hands together, and threw a fireball at Runali. More of his floating knives congregated around her, dancing in a deadly dance as they tried to cut her with Armament edges.

"Whenever you want to jump back in, big guy!" He yelled, then leapt to the side to avoid Runali's other attack.

Luro fired another round immediately prepping another shot as he watched Jack and Runali's dance with one another. Being like this really did remind him of their training sessions, he made a mental note of how the two were using their gloves in a no hold barred fight.
"This is good research," Luro said. "Now we have to make doubly sure Captain comes back, I already got more ideas."
Luro stood a fair bit away, ice gathered under his feet with a snap of his fingers ice gathering in the air next to him, before shifting and forming into bullets, he grabbed one and loading it into the rifle raised his gun once more and fired, shards of ice flying towards Runali.

Expecting to hit Runali without a clean shot wasn't going to happen, he knew the Captain and her reflexes, which seemed even more polished now. With a smile he instead fired to force her footing to alter, leading her more towards Jack's attacks. She was fast, but she wasn't thinking like Runali, if she was she'd understand what it meant leaving him with free rein to fire, and letting Jack get close.
He helped Jack by timing his shots, forcing her to respond and slowing her down enough for Jack to get a few clean shot's in when he saw him going for hits.

At Jack's call he nodded and raising his hand formed a fist before slamming it into the earth, as he did cracks formed along the ground rushing towards the two.
"I got your back Jack! Just-"
The entire ground shattered like glass under their feet causing Luro's eyes to widen, showing that wasn't his intent. It didn't take long for the trio to fall into the Abyss below.
"Ah," was all Luro got out before plummeting with them.
The gentle song of the forest was immediately replaced with strange sound that somewhat reminded Luro of Brass Cape, black night sky immediately replacing the orange above.

He hit the hard ground rolling and grit his teeth, rolling onto his side as he felt the floor underneath him.
"That's not soil…it smells like...cement?"
Luro climbed to his feet noticing Jack had landed nearby but he didn't see Runali anywhere, walking forward a bit he realized they were on some towering structure, with numerous others like it around them. Thousands of lights flashing in a strange pattern, stretched out around them seeming to go on infinitely. Blinking Luro noticed the buildings around them seemed to be made of…glass? There looked like what were countless windows on the buildings, and multiple metal birds flying around them.
Peering over the side of the building which seemed to slant out slightly he noticed a large courtyard below.
"…is that a giant statue of me? Why is there a statue of's not bad looking though."

Before he could contemplate the situation further he noticed Runali fall in front of him causing him to lean back as she plummeted over the edge.
"….the Captain's like a cat, she won't have much trouble regaining her footing on this weird structure," Luro said taking a few steps back.
"Jack I'll take one side you take the other!"
Luro sprinted forward and leapt over the edge of the building, sliding down the glass structure he grinned and moving his rifle back propelled himself forward and brought his weapon forward colliding with Runali's own.
"I don't know where we are or how we're sliding down a building made a glass but I'm really sad you're not awake Captain! I miss that wonder you always have in your eyes. You're going to hate when I tell you everything you missed today!"
Luro grinned as he broke away from her sliding back a bit only to propel himself forward again with a burst of flames, swinging at the Captain and weaving through her attacks as he tried to hit her, though he trusted Jack more for this kind of thing, he was taking more hits then giving at this point and eventually the two were going to hit the ground if this kept up.

She cut through the fireball coming at her with ease. Before it could fully disappear she altered the remnants of the flames with a skill that would have taken a few more years of practice than she had. The flames shifted and targeted Jack, turning into dual tigers that ran towards the chef with bared teeth.

The feat alone would have typically made Runali stop to exclaim how cool it was, but her further onslaught of attacks made it clear that she wasn't the same person. When Jack was distracted, Runali bolted towards the other. There was no reprieve as the 'kill' order was the only thing that rang in her head. Not being able to recognize what (or who) Luro was made her a little more careful. A little more hesitant. And for the briefest moment, her curiosity outweighed her need to fight. The moment she stopped to examine, something other than Jack and Luro made her flinch ever so slightly. Whatever it was, she shook it off and was darting back into battle like before.

She noticed the rifle, realizing it would eventually become a bother, so getting rid of it and the one attached was her next goal… At least that was her plan until the ground disappeared from under her. Once again, Runali had to find her footing in this new territory. Except this time when she could finally see where she was, she realized she was free falling off the side of a building. She could still feel T'raiz' presence but it felt far off and weaker. It was hard to tell if this alarmed the demon's 'champion' or weakened the connection between the two. Whatever it was, it was certainly distracting.

Luro was more or less right about Runali's reflexes. She managed to right herself and slide down the glass instead to slow herself down. In the process of examining how far they'd fall, Runali was also listening for where the other two went. Either she was going to get to ground level first or she'd kill them first.

And with Luro coming at her, it seemed the latter would come first. When he spoke, for once, it seemed as if the captain actually looked at Luro rather than through him. It was almost like something was there, a moment of recognition, but as soon as she had to throw haki up to dodge a hit, she was back to before. Runali couldn't keep her one eye on the ground below with Luro coming after her so she decided to take one of his attacks head on. Haki protected her and it forced Luro close enough so she could grab him. She used the momentum to toss him below her and began breaking some of the windows so shards of glass would freefall after him.

Fire slowed down her descent with the intention to burn Luro as well before she was one again sliding on glass. She raised her chakram once more but paused realizing she'd lose a weapon much faster that way.

"Ooph!" Jack slammed into the concrete roof. It buckled beneath his haki, but didn't take as much damage as he thought it should. Scrambling to his feet, he looked around to find his warring crewmates and…

"What the hell?"

Luro called for him, diving off the side of the rock-and-glass structure with Runali following him. Jack headed for them automatically but just for a moment, he wanted to memorize this dazzling scene. It felt important somehow. One day I'll marvel at what I saw here. He wasn't sure if it was a statement of fact, or a promise he was making to himself, but it didn't matter. He followed his comrades off the structure.

Jack knocked into Runali just as she broke the glass on Luro. He used wind, his silent propellant that allowed him to catch up, to knock them away from the building.

Into the void, Jack and Runali tumbled, trading blows as they went. Jack didn't know how long they fell -- seconds or hours?-- until he glimpsed another solid rooftop below them. Twisting around Runali, he captured her in a chokehold and placed himself underneath as they smashed into the building.

Jack wheezed, all his breath knocked out. A ripple of pain shot along his spine. That feels wrong, came the vague thought. Runali groaned on top of him. He still had his arm around her throat, hand on a wrist. It gave him an idea.

"Sorry, captain," he gasped as he thrust her off of him. He raised both feet and kicked her in the back with Armament haki. The momentum was enough to give them distance. Clutching something to his chest, Jack rolled onto his feet and looked desperately for Luro, only to see him be nearby.

"Luro! Distract her! I have an idea that might end this but I need a minute," Jack yelled. He didn't waste time to see if Luro would follow his instructions or not. Instead, he took his right handed glove between his teeth and peeled it off, only to replace it with another glove. It was Runali's; her own right hand was bare.

A bright grin rested on Luro's face as he was swung below and laughter escaped from him as he crossed his arms at the Captain's follow up, ice coated his arms protecting the vital area's a few glass shards still piercing him, he grit his teeth and holding his hand out sent a burst of cold ice forward to stop the flames as he plummeted.

A spark of electricity burst out of him, slowing his descent slightly, though he still hit the ground hard, bouncing and breaking the concrete of the roof crashing into the building and all the gathered furniture within, none of it soft he noted as he came to a stop. He had noticed Jack had grabbed Runali so he knew he didn't have to worry about her, and sure enough as she climbed to his feet he heard Jack.
"Aye," Luro said spitting the blood out of his mouth. "I trust you Jack."
Electricity burst out of Luro's body as Runali went flying and leaning down his body vanished, a pure bolt of lighting flying at the Captain, he crashed into her wrapping his arms around her, a red mist flared around the two for the smallest moment, before Luro vanished again with Runali crashing out of the side of the building. The two tangled in the air flying through multiple structures, crashing through floor after floor and out through one wall only to fly into another. He spun and hurled Runali through the air sending her through the roof of another building and falling after her, descending down the twenty floors she crashed through before he slammed into her as she finally stopped.
"I think that's enough energy. Let's go Captain! World's End!"

The world around the two cracked, reality breaking and folding into itself before everything faded to white immediately, a blazing red sky quickly replacing the one above as Luro sent electricity through his body throwing the Chakram in two different directions and into the void, he had lost track of how many times those thing had cut into him during their exchange, his outfit was basically as red as his hair at this point.
"Well now that Jack can't see…"
Luro reached forward and interlaced his fingers with Runali's, a bright grin forming on his face as the two plummeted towards the distant glowing object below. Something ran down the side of Luro's face, a laugh escaping from him as he felt the familiar wetness stain his cheeks, tears flowing from his eyes now that it was just the two of them. He kept a firm grip on Runali though, prepared to lose his fingers in the process if need be, he was going to make sure she heard this.
"Hey know I'm a pretty terrible guy you. Right now...I'm willing to break that promise of ours if it means you get to live just one more day. Terrible right? Guess I can say this with you being brainwashed and here's the situation. You're going to die, right here by my hand."
Luro grip tightened and the small object below them suddenly expanded as if by the carpenter's will, a giant sun painted red lied in the two's path, it's heat already trying to consume the two at their current distance, setting on fire what it could, Luro could already feel it burning his skin.
"This isn't how I wanted this ending you know...for once I wanted things to work out right but well...I can't let you do this so I have to be the monster today."
Luro pulled Runali closer putting his forehead against her own, fully expecting a headbutt, that was fine, it didn't matter. He'd take whatever hit she had to give right now, he wasn't letting go, with every ounce of his strength he didn't release her hands.
"Just know that I love ya Captain. Sorry I don't say it more."
Luro released Runali and slammed both his feet into her torso forcing her towards the glowing star below, watching her fall into the sea of flames below, with a grin Luro held his arms out falling into it himself.
"Aaaand Return."

Luro reached towards Runali and gave her a small poke in forehead, a strange force that blew away everything around them sending her towards Jack, the two were in the same spot where Jack had called him to keep her busy, whatever Luro did he made sure they didn't move from that spot, however much time passed only Jack would know and it was abundantly clear the two hadn't moved due to the still intact walls, frozen in place by whatever weird trick Luro had pulled.
"Got ya….I am a liar after all Captain, this is my domain. Reality and Fantasy are interchangeable here. Pretty good show right, the tears were especially hard. Still what Jack's about to do will be very real though."
Luro coughed as numerous cuts ran along his skin, blood starting pouring out of every open orifice of Luro, blood ran down his face, out of his eyes and mouth as he coughed violently, red splattering as he offered the brightest grin he could to Jack as his body trembled at the sudden weakness.
"Haha...I can't maintain this place for much longer...hope you got it Jack."

Runali stared Luro down as the world around them shifted and wavered. Despite her lack of a reaction, the adrenaline -the panic- made her heart race faster. She did feel something.
The shock of suddenly being flung towards Jack had her disoriented for a minute. She shut her eyes, not trusting anything she was seeing at the moment. There was a moment Runali tensed and raised a hand to her head. She was bleeding but her head was rattling as T'raiz' voice started to stutter and falter in her head.

It was distracting until she flinched again and her eyes opened. She was hollow but her eyes were wide like an animal that was backed into a corner. Jack was still in arms distance. She flexed her non gloved hand before launching at Jack, pinning him down with an armament enforced arm.

"R-really? This is low. Even for you, capitaine," Jack coughed, a dribble of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. "C'mon, doesn't this… evoke… a familiar scene? Luro choking you… back on that island… ready to kill you. You didn't fight back. I'm not… going to either."

Looking clearly now, Jack wasn't holding his weapons. His haki faded, no longer protecting him. Only the two gloves he wore remained activated. He stared into Runali's eyes with a tear creasing his own, desperately searching for a hint of her within herself.

Jack closed his eyes.

The hairs on the back of her neck began standing on end. It wasn't from any emotional response. The air around them was turning, growing heavy and tense, almost crackling. Purple sparks curled over the ground. She felt the first stings as they touched Jack, like static electricity, elevating in intensity.

There was a sheepish grin on Jack's face. "May have been stalling a bit." The gloves on Jack's hands danced with the lightning -- but it wasn't just them. His other glove was clutched in his fist. Three haki gloves charging up at once.

"I poured all my haki into this one, captain, and more. Not sure… what'll happen. Something Luro will take notes on. Hopefully it'll be enough to stop you. Maybe wake you up." He reached up and touched her chest. "I want you to know. I want you to remember when you wake up. This isn't your fault--"

The heavens opened, and struck them both. A pillar of lightning so intense it washed out the purple for pure white and blinded Luro for a moment. One beat of eerie silence… and then, like a cataclysmic shot, the air broke with an unearthly sound that brought destruction with it. The building made a last, dying groan before it started to crumble. Unconscious, smoking, Jack slid downwards as portions of the roof fell apart.

Her glove hand was raised, ignited and ready to strike, but when Jack spoke, she froze. Runali watched his tears fall as he stared at her, waiting as if something else would happen. Her grip loosened as something started to resonate between Luro's and Jack's words. Something was… wrong? And in that moment… her brow furrowed in confusion. But the moment she started to falter, something tried to force her back to her task. The flame started to flicker until she was snapped back into possession.

It was enough of a distraction that she wasn't quick enough to move away from the electricity that began to leap at her. Runali started to pull away, throwing her haki up to protect her from the attack but the lightning struck true and knocked her backwards and away from the two. The fire in her palm had long since died and she staggered in an attempt to push herself back up but she didn't make it far, collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Luro fell to his knees, trying to wipe the blood away with his sleeve only to make it worse, his demonic form falling away as he returned to his normal self, he leaned forward coughing as blood poured out of his mouth staining the floor under him, if his insides weren't completely liquified he wasn't sure how this much blood was escaping from him.
"...A false empire….a domain meant to unleash potential….a playground that breaks natural limits. In short...a place where gods can die. "
With one eye open he saw Jack's attack and he felt his whole body shudder at the impact, he laughed ignoring the blood still flowing out of his body, his vision blurring as he knelt in a pool of it.
"That's what it took to take you down Captain….hahaha...imagine if you were actually thinking...if Jack wasn't fully holding back like then...such a beautiful thought."
He couldn't conceal the grin on his face staring at his two now unmoving friends.
"I'm only borrowing this place sorry I couldn't give you everything. Thankfully it was just enough."
Luro slowly climbed to his feet as the world around them fell apart, the building collapsing on themselves, the stars falling like comets out of the sky crashing into everything around them, his eyes remaining on the two as a woman with silver hair walked forward standing directly next to Luro, red eyes staring down at the now unconscious two.

Luro's body fell forward as his vision faded, the whole world turning pitch black, as an ink like substance consumed everything there, a whirlpool of black water that consumed all present.
For a moment the trio floated in this black sea, a single light pouring in from above and in the next a loud snap echoed and the world returned. The trio found themselves back in the real world, still surrounded by the dome of earth.
Luro stared down at the two, his eyes moving down to his exposed arm not wrapped in bandage, some his arm starting from his wrist had been consumed by some kind of blackness, breaking off only to reform.
Taking his bandage he wrapped it back up and after tightening it pulled his sleeve back down.
Kneeling down he smacked Jack across his face, perhaps a little too hard, he let the Captain sleep.
"Wake up Jack, we won, well against Captain," Luro said. "I'm removing the earth dome."
Luro grinned at the man.
"It's gonna feel like you went fifteen with Ali as your body readjusts but you're tough, I believe in ya," Luro said standing up and looking over at Runali.
He was used to the feeling so standing up and adjusting didn't take him too much time, he moved near Runali to help her up should she need it. He decided not to mention he took some brunt of her damage to keep it from killing her, that last one for Jack though was full force so he checked to make sure she was still alive.
"Yep all good, as expected," he said. "Though...I can't open that place up again so here's hoping Captain's really awake."
He looked over at Jack.
"I can watch over her from here on, do what ya gotta after you get your breath back."