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Deen isn't gonna be happy about this. Need to see about a post!
@Kagayours @Luma @Eruantien

Tomorrow, I'm traveling to Mexico for a Summer vacation with my family. I'm going to leave my laptop behind, so I won't be able to roleplay from June 13 to 20. Once I've returned, I'll check everything and reply as soon as I can.
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@Kagayours @Luma @Eruantien

Tomorrow, I'm traveling to Mexico for a Summer vacation with my family. I'm going to leave my laptop behind, so I won't be able to roleplay from June 13 to 20. Once I've returned, I'll check everything and reply as soon as I can.

Thanks for letting me know.
Before the dance swept him up onto his feet, fingers and claws tracing an "involved" circle on the barrier wall holding back the beans...

... "Gotta let all that 'hell' work itself out, for now... we have beans to conquer!"

Yes, with that declaration, he smacked his right palm against the barrier, the Omni Bits responded, and a flow of chi from the nodes he'd just made, through his body and into the barrier....... space folded a bit right down here, though in a more subtle fashion, a tunnel unfolded through the mass, Deen's enhanced senses also digging as he moved on all fours, tail still up, tip still a-flick...

... "Sorry about the butt... follow me, if you dare."

With that, he walked.......

So, does this mean that Deen went through the barrier, and that he's now tunneling his way through the jelly beans?

I know you mentioned quite a ways back that you were planning on having Deen dig through the beans to find the source, and so I've been trying to watch for that happening in your IC posts, but, to be honest, your writing style is a bit difficult for me to follow. And while I think that Deen is now tunneling through the beans, I'm not 100% sure. So, I just wanted to clarify.
@Kagayours ...

So, does this mean that Deen went through the barrier, and that he's now tunneling his way through the jelly beans?

Yes, it does. He's now tunneling his way through the beans. And I believe I still need to know if any "source" for the beans has been planned, or whether I'm free to come up with the "source" myself. Heh. Can't help thinking this is where the "beans" are coming from:

Yes, it does. He's now tunneling his way through the beans. And I believe I still need to know if any "source" for the beans has been planned, or whether I'm free to come up with the "source" myself. Heh. Can't help thinking this is where the "beans" are coming from:

I mean... I figured you were just expecting me to write IC posts in response to Deen's exploring, telling you what Deen sees, and that Deen would discover the source as things play out in the IC.
I mean... I figured you were just expecting me to write IC posts in response to Deen's exploring, telling you what Deen sees, and that Deen would discover the source as things play out in the IC.

Ah... sounds good to me! Much more fun when I don't know what my character will encounter. Thanks for the clarification.
IC posts might be a bit delayed for a little while. Sorry in advance.
"oh hey this RP Kagayours told me about looks interesting, I think I'll join it. I'll make a race that can eat everything, that'll probably be unique!"
*like 3 or so other races that can do that*

w e l p

Still gonna go with my race idea though, since that's not their only thing, and I'll try to get it up later today or tomorrow!
So I came up with one race and they were cool and rad and you would have all loved them, I bet. But I thought they might have been too much or something so i decided to make these guys first! If I messed anything up then Oh geeze im sorry oh golly.

Name: Li-Votion
Name (Plural): Li-Votions
It depends on how strong they are. Weak ones look exactly like normal humans, minus the smallest glow to their eyes. Average ones have a brighter glow in their eyes, with a small aura of "visible emotion." Stronger ones have larger auras and float slightly off the ground, with their physical bodies appearing slightly transparent. The strongest ones are beings of pure emotional energy. The color of their eyes, aura, and energy depends on the emotion they are. Anger is red, fear is dark blue, sadness is black, happiness is yellow, and hope is gold.

People die when they are killed. Sometimes, people are emotional when they die. It is when people reach new heights of emotion, heights that most people never reach, and die that a Li-Votion is born. The raw emotion of the person replaces their soul as it slips away, and allows the body to keep on going. It is not instantaneous, and Li-Votions know that a person seeing them raising would be bad, so they wait until the body is alone to allow it to come back. The body is then restored, but there is still some hint of the method of death (such as a open, but non-bleeding wound if the person was or shot, or red marks around their neck if they were choked to death.) To be clear, the emotion does not control the body like a puppet, it is as if the emotion replaced the body's soul.

Li-votions don't have much of a culture, but they all share several things.

They have the memories of the person their body used to be, which naturally affects how they themselves act. They are not the original person, to be clear, but how much they take from the original varies from Li-Votion to Li-Votion

The only emotions that can result in a Li-Votion are anger, fear, sadness, happiness, and hope. It is unknown why this is.

Though they are living emotions, the emotion they are is not the only one they can feel. A Li-Votion born from anger can still be happy or sad, but they often still show signs of what emotion they are, such as an anger Li-Votion constantly yelling, or a happiness one constantly smiling. No matter what emotion they are feeling, however, it is almost always extreme.

Li-Votions can sense incredibly strong emotion, which often leads to them finding newly born Li-Votions. Though they might not stick together for long, the older one will often help the younger one adjust to it's new existence, and teach them the in and outs of being one. Of course, if they are of the same emotion, there's nothing stopping them from trying to absorb one another, but this is dangerous.

Many Li-Votions, if they have the body of younger people, travel to Omnibus for the sake of not revealing themselves to normal people. They do not have the memories for the knowledge they would need to properly exist in the world at large, so education is still needed. They learn of the school from other, older Li-Votions.

They do not like grouping up in groups larger than two, though it is not unheard of. There is a constant fear of them trying to absorb one another, and due to their extreme emotions, they often end up clashing over disagreement.

They all have the urge to become more of what they are. Whatever emotion that are born from, they wish to feel it even more, becoming a being of pure emotion and shredding their physical body.

Elemental abilities: Depending on what emotion a Li-Votion is, it has minor control of an element. Anger gives control of fire, happiness gives control of wind, fear gives control of ice, and hope gives control of lighting. This control is limited to creating small amounts and moving it around.

Emotional Detection: A Li-Votion can detect all strong emotions within a mile, and can detect the weakest of the emotion it is within five miles. If there is too much of the emotion it is when it tries to detect them, there is a small chance of them getting hit with sensory overload

Emotion Eating: A Li-Votion can absorb whatever emotion it is from another creature if it touches it. This removes the emotion from the person and gives it to the Li-Votion, making them stronger. Note, however, it can only take away from the emotion if the person is already feeling it, and does not permanently affect that person's ability to feel that emotion. A Li-Votion can also absorb another one, but if it has a strong will, this might lead to a Li-Votion with two consciousness, neither of who like each other for obvious reasons.

Energy Blasts: Once they become strong enough, they grain the ability to attack with raw emotional energy. This can be incredibly dangerous if the Li-Votion is strong enough, able to pierce solid metal, but attacking at this level quickly tires them out.

Possession: The name isn't exactly what it is, but it is the closest thing to what it is. If a person is feeling a large amount of the emotion a Li-Votion is, the Li-Votion can insert it's conciousness into the person's mind. This powers both of them up and gives the person the abilities of the Li-Votion, at the cost of the Li-Votion being able to poke around in their thoughts. The person can also kick the Li-Votion out with ease, so doing this with somebody who doesn't want to is near impossible.

Lifespan: Varies. One inhabiting a human body has the life span of an average human. One who has become raw emotion, however, will live forever unless killed via magical means

Realm: Earth. Weak ones can stay among normal humans and hide the signs of being a Li-Votion, but stronger ones must be careful to stay out of sight.

Other: It entirely possible for a person to feel multiple emotions that can make a Li-Votion at the time of death. This leads to a multi-colored Li-Votion with the elemental powers of both of it's emotions. It's not impossible for a Li-Votion to have three or more colors, but you could count the number of times it's happened on a single hand.

For what should be obvious reasons, Hope Li-Votions are the rarest type. It is thought they are the strongest type due to this, but they can be as weak or as strong as any other one.

Short Description: People who died at a moment they were feeling incredibly powerful emotions. The emotion takes control of the body, allowing it to continue living.

I hope I did this right! I wrote it as though they could only come from humans, but this was only due to being unsure if it would be okay to say they could come from any race.
hope gives control of lighting

By this do you mean that they control light or that they control lightning/electricity?

"Lighting" is an odd way to describe light-based powers so I thought it might be a typo, but I wasn't sure. o3o

A Li-Votion can detect all strong emotions within a mile, and can detect the weakest of the emotion it is within five miles.

This is strangely-worded, and I'm not sure what you're trying to say... Are you saying they can detect weak emotions within a five mile radius? And if so, why do they have a better range for weak emotions than strong ones? Wouldn't strong emotions give off a stronger signal, for lack of a better term?

Emotion Eating: A Li-Votion can absorb whatever emotion it is from another creature if it touches it. This removes the emotion from the person and gives it to the Li-Votion, making them stronger. Note, however, it can only take away from the emotion if the person is already feeling it, and does not permanently affect that person's ability to feel that emotion. A Li-Votion can also absorb another one, but if it has a strong will, this might lead to a Li-Votion with two consciousness, neither of who like each other for obvious reasons.

Does this happen automatically if a Li-Votion touches another creature? Or can they control when they use it vs when they don't, thus allowing them to touch another creature without absorbing any emotions? You mentioned that Li-Votions have a fear of absorbing each other, which gave the impression that they can't control it, but, I just wanted to make sure.

I hope I did this right! I wrote it as though they could only come from humans, but this was only due to being unsure if it would be okay to say they could come from any race.

Well, you sort of get to be the authority on whether or not other races can become Li-Votions. o3o You and the ambassadors of whatever other races this could possibly apply to, that is.

You're definitely allowed to say that other races can also potentially become Li-Votions, although, if that's the case, it would be best to keep things vague and not mention any other specific races in the race sheet, since that would have to be decided on a case-by-case basis with the ambassadors of those other races.

I guess you could say that "humans and human-like races" can become Li-Votions, if you want that possibility to exist.
Did this roleplay just died...?
Did this roleplay just died...?

o_o" No, we're still here. Just been a slow past couple weeks, apparently. I sent posting reminders to people, though -- hopefully that'll speed things up a bit.
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I'm still waiting for @gamer5 to post for Aerly... unless I've missed something during this "off" time.
I am here as well. Will try to post for Ishika and Aerly soon. (I rly have no idea what to do with Ishika...)
I am here as well. Will try to post for Ishika and Aerly soon. (I rly have no idea what to do with Ishika...)

We can just skip Ishika if you want.
I guess. We could. Does anyone have a free chara? I could send Ishika their way if they are willing...
I guess. We could. Does anyone have a free chara? I could send Ishika their way if they are willing...

o3o I mean, Ishika doesn't have to leave that group entirely -- unless that's what you want.
Well considering what is going on and everything (Sol and Naia kinda got noticeable with their last actions) she will not stand still. Ishika knows when it is time to switch priorities and will leave Nightshade to the staff to handle (since they are still in that office or whatever) to see what the hell is going on outside...
Well considering what is going on and everything (Sol and Naia kinda got noticeable with their last actions) she will not stand still. Ishika knows when it is time to switch priorities and will leave Nightshade to the staff to handle (since they are still in that office or whatever) to see what the hell is going on outside...

Ah, alright. Well, I actually don't think we have a lot of free characters -- there's Seiko, but most of the others all belong to players who are "idle" or planning on dropping out, last I checked.
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