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Sen Cho| Genin | Konoha Team 7 | Village

Sen had gotten back from her hike late that night and was surprised to see a messenger waiting for her. She recieved the message and watched as the messenger ninja took off without a word before she read the mission details. Holding in her other hand the satchel of scrolls to be delivered, and after dropping her hiking gear off she set out to start the mission. Heading towards the first destination, a smith named Rikyu Otaba, she would first go on the Main Street going towards the inner wall. There weren't a lot of people around this time of night, but there were a few who seemed mildly interesting as she walked by them.

Sen didn't thinks she would run into any shady characters because, most of them kept to the back streets and away from the main roads. She was able to pick up a few snippets of conversations as she walked towards the inner wall of Konoha, and as soon as she passed the inner wall the noise level increased. Most of what she could pick up on was talk of warfare and weaponry, some of the talks were about who made the best armor and weapons. She was able to pick up a name or two before she saw her target location. There were quite a few furnaces and working areas were occupied by apprentices busily hammering and welding away at different things.

A large man was working steadily at a larger table towards the back, and from reading the description from her details she concluded it was who she was suppose to give the scroll to. Sen approached him with a respectful manner, and said "
excuse me, Sir." Rikyu turned around with what seemed to be an irritated sigh, and raised an eyebrow. She then took out the scroll and handed it to him, watching as he opened it. He mumbled some inaudible words and waved his hand dismissively. Sen didn't wait around, and was gone the next minute heading towards her next target location.
Meilin Cho

Genin of Konoha Team 7,
Glorious Leader of Team Meilin - Riot.
Keishi, Outside the west gate - countryside.

It is time to...

The sun was slowly settling down as the temperature started to drop. Making it colder than it already was. Yet the four horses kept pulling the waggon, the baggage and merchants forward as their escort - three men on horseback - continued to travel over the road towards the west. The paved road did make it easier for the mounts but soon enough after an hour of travel the merchant that had the reins decided to take a mud road, going off the paved road that went westwards, after their escorts scouted around. Without anybody spotted the group did, however, speed up the pace.
Likely trying to be off the road before somebody could spot them trying to vanish in the foliage of the nearby woods.

The group kept their quick pace going on for another ten minutes. The men on horseback seemed to grow warier as their right hand was at the hilt of their swords. Looking eager to apprehend anybody, yet as they moved on it seemed as if the whole forest was void of life.
Eventually, the group stopped. Two riders went off to scout and patrol the perimeter while the other few men started to with their tasks. Setting up some tents and such. The only strange thing was that they weren't making any campfire.
Then again, that could be very well something they wouldn't like. The smoke would perhaps attract any curious people, Meilin thought to herself. Hidden in the foliage the teen had managed to catch up as she had paid good attention to their tracks. It had been quite troublesome as she had to keep some distance, trying to stay in cover as well not losing the group. The whole time she had to force herself not to fret over being spotted. In the end, what would it matter? Becoming spotted just meant she wouldn't have her surprise advantage. Already suspecting that the men weren't some simple goons or easy for her to beat in a straight fight, Meilin didn't care as she just wanted to see if she could free the people that they were transporting. That meant that if she could diverse the attention away from the waggon she could try to make a run for it.

Narrowing her eyes Meilin started to hatch a plan. The first thing she had to would lower the potential resistance if it would come to a fight, causing her to look to her right.

"Where is that bloody fool?" He muttered, looking around. Scratching the back of his head the man who seemed to be in charge was growing more and more worried by the passing second. Both of the riders hadn't returned yet to the camp and it was dawning on the man that something was wrong. "Break camp! We're going to move." He ordered.
This order was met with some complaint and soft curses. Not that the captain accepted it and after a sneer, the other men started to break their camp again. In a hasty order, the five men would start to prepare the waggon to move out again.

As the horses started to pull the waggon forth the men were told to be wary of any movement. The ominous silence still plagued the light forest that they were travelling through.
"Perhaps they will come back a bit later. Then what?" One of the bunch asked.
"Too bad for them. We can't take risks or else we won't get the payment." Was the answer of the leader.
"I wonder what they do with the people..."
"The less you know, the better. Believe me."

Silence returned among the men as they kept travelling. The leader decided to steer the waggon to seek protection from whatever had befallen their two comrades, that hadn't return. There some sounds, originating from some birds. With the sky turning already darker the forest seemed to become more wicked. Not clearly a fan of being in the dark within a forest, one of the men turned his head and wanted to say something.
"Shut up! What was that? Shhh!"

The men glanced around as they heard something. The leader let the horses slow a bit down as he also looked around. A few ravens flew over the waggon as silence would soon return in the area.
"Okay, we're freaking out. Let us just make camp---"

As the leader wanted to reply back his eyes widened. A kunai seemed to have found its mark in the man's throat as blood started to slowly pour out from the wound's edges, running down.
Alarmed the other men quickly draw their weapons as they looked around. Their attacker didn't seem to be keen on revealing him or herself. One of the men carefully went to the front of the waggon, wanting to pick the reins.
Just as the man wanted to make the horse continue to ride a shadow shot forth from the foliage. The shimmering of steel moved through the air as their attacker went for the back of the waggon.
A loud curse escaped the man in the back as it attracted the attention of the rest. Raising his weapon to move it in the path of the attacker's sword there wouldn't be the following sound that signalled that steel collided against steel. No eerie sound of steel grinding.

Both amazed as confused the men watched how the blade of the attacker seemed to be intangible. From the other side of the waggon, another person jumped out of the foliage. Landing in front of the horses, Meilin already had her hands together as she formed the Tiger hand signal.
Already having taken a deep breath Meilin expelled the breath. Together with the oxygen chakra would spit out, converted into a dense smoke. The horses spooked refused to continue as they tried to turn and get away - only ending up thus to disallow the waggon to continue.

"Quick, get that..."

Coughing followed, making it easy for Meilin to locate the men. Pulling out a kunai, she moved into the dense smoke. In a quick pace she managed to close the distance as she climbed on the waggon. Hearing somebody cough in front of her, Meilin didn't waver. This was the moment where she would unleash her pent up aggression and frustration.
Without any delay in her movements, the kunai would be plunged into the stomach of the man. It turned his coughing into a scream of pain. Twisting the kunai Meilin focused on her senses. Dragging the kunai up, the screaming became worse as she heard something else.
Lowering herself, she didn't only avoid the strike of a sword but allowed her attacker to hack into the neck of his own comrade.

With the wounded - and likely dying - a man in front of her and another attacker at her back, Meilin would jerk out the kunai from the man in front of her. As she turned the kunai would be moving into a sweep a bit higher than her previous attack. Hitting the man full at his right arm, Meilin used her free hand to land a punch into the man's stomach. Leaning forward as the pain was moving through his arm and stomach the man would feel something underneath him grabbing him by the legs. A soft groan would be the only warning before the man would be toppled by Meilin.
Whipping out another kunai Meilin would turn around and start to stab the man repeatedly. Panting as she stopped after a few quick stabs Meilin heard two more sources.

Calmly rising up, Meilin would turn to the right. She remained silent as she had done before. Hearing one of the men coughing, the teen reacted almost instantly. It was as if her anger and frustration made her senses sharper. Her desire for blood allowing her to push herself more than she had ever managed to do.
Three senbon passed through the smoke and judging by the sound caught the cougher off guard as a painful groan followed shortly afterwards.

Meilin jumped out of the smoke, sword at the ready as she managed to catch the men quickly. One of them was hit with the senbon. Two in his left shoulder and one that had just grazed his arm. Without hesitation the other attacked and it became quickly clear that he wasn't going to fall for the tricks of the girl. The way how he moved and proceeded with his first attack betrayed that the man was more trained and experienced than Meilin. It wouldn't be much of a surprise for the man to see how the teen was too late to raise her sword in order to fend off the first strike as her eyes widen.
The sword went down in a vicious arc, causing the man to frown. The edged steel weapon moved without any resistance through the girl but there was no sign of blood. No satisfying vibration as his weapon made a hit and made her pay.

Instead, he detected a few sounds behind him. Turning around fast he was just in time to spot how his last comrade got stabbed in the back. With a firm kick, Meilin caused her last victim to fall, which made it easier for her to jerk out her blade. Turning her sight on the last opponent there was a moment of silence and glaring.
Readying their weapons the two didn't exchange any words. No threats were sneered to one another.
Panting lightly Meilin didn't feel tired. At least, she wasn't sure. Adrenaline was rushing through her system, mixing together with the emotions she used as a fuel for her actions. Taking a stance, the man eyed her for a moment. Then it began.

He moved forward, his blade slightly raised for a quick slash. Meilin, who recognised the movement, would step sideways to move out of the way of the enemy's blade. Position her own blade, she tried to hack in a horizontal fashion. Attempting to slam the edge of her weapon into the stomach of the man.
This wouldn't happen as her opponent was capable of using his right leg to deliver a knee into the teen's stomach, causing her to gasp for air after the hard blow.
Trying to step backwards Meilin would feel a sharp pain moving over her left shoulder. The sword of the enemy managed to land and bite itself through the clothing and into her flesh. Feeling tears forming at her eyes, Meilin spat at the man's face. Causing him to shake his head as trying to move away.

As the two moved back from each other, Meilin lowered her weapon. The pain made her left shoulder feel numb for a moment. It wouldn't last for long, she was certain of that. Gritting her teeth the teen raised her weapon again as the man came at her again.
As the man moved his blade, Meilin unleashed a battle cry as she readied herself.

Blood dripped on the ground as she tried to stay calm. The sweat and tears mingled with the blood that had splattered on her face. Sitting against one of the waggon's wheel Meilin attempted to use her Healing Technique. Closing the wounds was easy, but the pain and fatigue that dawned upon her didn't allow her to focus well enough to do much more. Glancing at the last man she had faced Meilin was certain that he was gone. Crimson liquid coloured the earth and grass dark as her sword was still stuck in his back.
Taking a moment to catch her breath Meilin considered what she had done.

She had taken out a few men in cold blood. Without hesitation to achieve her goal. Suffering a wound at her right side and left shoulder the girl couldn't say that she had managed to do it in a flawless manner. Yet a small smile touched her lips as she considered herself victorious. They were dead and she wasn't, that had to count for something.
Slowly getting up Meilin groaned softly. Deciding that it was of paramount importance that she would inspect the 'cargo' first and then worry more about herself Meilin climbed into the waggon. Regardless if she wouldn't be able to save everyone at least she had managed to do something, she thought to herself as she opened the lid of the first coffin. Tears started to form once more at her eyes as her lower lip trembled.

[ To be continued! ]
[fieldbox="preparing an ambush, green"]
A collab between Ice, Nim, Oetje and Roran Hawkins

Vrykyl and shit.
Kensuke sat in one of the chairs present in their new basement HQ and awaited the arrival of Team 7. The past day and a half he'd spent patrolling the two locations indicated by the map together with Hideki, switching at set intervals. He'd also sent a message to Zakito, but he hadn't disclosed that yet. He didn't like trusting the headphones too much, especially for debriefings.

Arriving back at the new HQ, Karma went and sat down in one of the chairs. She gave a brief nod to Kensuke before beginning to speak "The first apartment you told me to go investigate appears normal and untouched in any manner. Talking to the neighbours also suggests that the family is still around. The second apartment was different. That one was much like the other apartments we had discovered, with minor signs of struggle and the place being completely empty despite the large family that was supposed to live there. Trying to wait for anyone to come back did not help, which may suggest that once a family is taken, they do not go back to cover their tracks or ensure a perfect job is done."

Leaning against the wall, Hideki had his arms crossed with a deepening frown as he listened to Karma's report. More abductees... It was giving him a headache. At least they'd pinpointed one of their safehouses. "I have some news as well," Hideki said, scratching his nose. "Regarding Zakito-san." He looked around. "Meilin ought to be here soon, no?"

Kensuke nodded at their reports and looked at where the rusty iron closets where guards used to dress made room for the only staircase up. "I haven't heard anything over the earphones." Kensuke said. "And she hasn't given us the secret signal that she's okay with the stones." Kensuke said. "If we don't have news by tonight we'll have to go and look for her." He said.

"Either way," He then said, forcing himself onto the matter at hand. "Hideki. What can you tell us about Zakito-san."

"An operative of his managed to track me down via the blood samples of the Intelligence Division. He wants to set up a meeting — preferably as soon as possible," Hideki lied. The truth was more intricate, of course, but there was a time and place for everything, and Hideki doubted the time for this would ever come... At least not in the near future. But Kensuke was not to be underestimated.

Kensuke nodded after a glance at Hideki. "Alright. We'll discuss a time and place for this after we collect our intel." He said. "But for that we need Meilin's report." Kensuke's gaze bored into Karma. "No one heard anything of her?" He asked. "Not even at her house?"

"She hasn't been to her house." Karma replied with a calm tone to Kensuke before looking at Hideki "How do you know it is an operative of Zakito? How can you be sure it hasn't been sent by someone from this fanatic group?" She asked. Without further details, she wasn't going to risk herself or possibly her family.

"Handwriting. Of course, forgery is not out of the question." Hideki said, somewhat dismissively, not really answering her question in its full capacity.

The door would suddenly be opened as a young lady with a rather attractive face stared down at the three in the room. Wearing nothing that seemed to make her look out of place the young woman frowned as she tilted her head. The light brown eyes eyed the three in front in the room. By the looks of it seemed that she was more lost than having a purpose nor was she carrying any weapon with her. With a basket filled with some wares, a frown would appear on her brow.

"Oh hello there. Didn't expect anybody being here and manage to survive the... scent." The young woman stated in an amused and friendly tone. However, her eyes quickly moved towards Hideki as there was a visible shift on the features of the young woman.

Startled, Hideki wasted no time in activating his Byakugan, iris obtaining a crystalline glow. With the revamped vision, the blood drained from his face. "What the—" A sickly green haze swirled around her in miasmic eddies, revealing a grisly interior beneath the attractive face... Was she even human? Limbs twisted askew... hideous flesh wounds crisscrossing her torso... face the likeness of a ravaged corpse... A sudden nausea washed over him. The state of her legs resembled the aftermath of a direwolf attack, skin peeling in jaundiced shreds... And the chakra signature... Rotting?

The sudden appearance of the new woman made Karma jump to her feet. Looking at Kensuke and Hideki, she wondered briefly if they knew her, or if this was the so-called contact, until she noticed Hideki's reaction changing as he looked at her. She quickly begun forming seals, putting her hands in a trumpet-like manner and then blowing water towards the woman.

The moment he noticed they were no longer alone he was on his feet. He gave the pretty woman one second where she enjoyed the benefit of the doubt, but as soon as her eyes settled on Hideki with a sickening intensity he acted. With a practised flick of his wrist his sword sprung in his hand, chakra running along the edge. A wide, horizontal blade of wind began rushing towards the woman as Kensuke completed his draw-cut, one of his most practiced moves. The art of iaido.

Spotting the change on the Hyuuga's face the smile became wider on the face of the woman as she tilted her head to the right. Before she could say something the other team members launched an attack. Only for the 'woman' to remain standing. The water technique seemed to not touch the woman's skin as it would vanish as it got close to her. The blade of wind didn't seem to have much luck either as it simply vanished before it could carve the woman in half. "Is it now my turn?" The woman asked on a sweet tone. Her eyes darted her focus on Hideki. "Or should I wait? I got time plenty, now."

"Don't!" Hideki yelled, witnessing the disease-like aura soak up their attacks as would a sponge, the green haze thickening like some protean membrane. "It's useless. She's absorbing them." He focused anew on the woman, armpits slick with sweat. "Wait? I'd prefer that, yes, but I question the sincerity behind that offer." Gingerly he produced a kunai from his pouch, hefting it before him in a semi-offensive, semi-defensive stance. How come she was so focused on him? Surely this was not related to...

Seeing the attacks from both her and Kensuke vanish without making impact made Karma quickly lower her hand to her pouch and take out a couple of shuriken, throwing both at the woman as quickly as she took them out. Just because she could absorb chakra based attacks did not mean she could stop physical attacks.

As his fight-ending blow failed to harm his opponent Kensuke's expression sank into a determined smile. A fight it is then, he said to himself. The woman began talking to them with a cruel smile around her lips, but Kensuke'd learned long ago that talking during a fight was generally useless. It bought him the time to make new handseals for a second lethal attack when Hideki's words reached him. Absorbing chakra. That was not something he could not overcome. He collected the pen he'd been holding just now from his pocket and held it in front of his mouth, so that when he fired his air bullet the pen went flying at the woman, crossing the short distance between them in a blink.

Just as the woman was about to speak, answering back to Hideki, there would be a soft thud as the shuriken bounced off against the woman. A somewhat displeased expression was about to flow over her facial features as she wanted to look down at the shuriken present at her feet. Another thud, this time louder, resonated through the room for a moment. "You know," the woman began speaking in a less friendlier tone than before, "I start to see why you people are needed to be brought to Him." Her left hand went up and picked up the pen that Kensuke had fired at her. There was no visible physical damage to be seen.

"I would suggest that you all take in consideration that I wouldn't have come here if I didn't expect you to attack me. So, lets try to be civil?" Her attention went back to Hideki as the smile returned on her features - even though Hideki would see quite another image of the stranger. "One eye and a Hyuuga? I take it that you're Hideki Hyuuga? I was tasked with bringing you with me. We can fight and struggle, but I prefer a bit more diplomatic manner. Is there a possible manner that you would like to trade? Or wait..." The woman placed her basket down before she would clap her hands. The image of the attractive woman with the brown hazel nut hair would slowly seem to morph into another. One with short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. A familiar sight for all of them. "I take it that this image would've been more appreciated? So, shall we trade?"

Hideki squinted as the shuriken rebounded off her person, spotting minute ripples of chakra where it should have penetrated the flesh, the coat of fetid chakra semingly rebuilding itself in minuscule whorls. He would have liked to study it further, his emotions a mix of astonishment and horror, but her subsequent transformation put an end to his curiosity. Heart pounding in his chest, he stared at the effigy, sweat beading on his palms. There was a long, protracted silence, in which words seemed to have sunk into a vacuum, then, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke, somewhat feebly. "'Appreciated'... As for the trade, I suppose there's no room for negotiation?

Kensuke's eyes hardened when she morphed appearance again, this time into Saki. He poured chakra into his eyes and still could not distinguish her mask from her true identity or whether is was simply a technique. What he could easily see however was her body language, and it clearly didn't match Saki's. As the woman and Hideki talked Kensuke secretly grabbed a kunai and began coating it in fire chakra this time, hidden behind his hand. "Hideki, how did she stop the physical attacks?" Kensuke said as he almost teasingly threw a small flame at her form, seeing it dissipate into nothingness when it came close to her.

There was a growing amount of delight being spotted on the features of the stranger as the lips curled up and her hands were brought together. Before she spoke back to Hideki, she threw a glance at Karma and Kensuke. "It is rather rude to ask for somebody's secrets. I will get to you in a moment, Nimatsu. Don't go anywhere." There was a sliver of a threatening undertone being present in the playful phrasing as the person turned her attention back to Hideki. "Oh, there was. But one more attack and I am just going to take you. It is only fair, after all. You guys took away one Hyuuga from us. It would only be a fair trade if we get one back." Pausing the stranger frowned. "You got only one eye and that other... I forgot his name, had two. How about we else trade him for you? Now, I could take you with me. Your allies will try to fight and we can make it as difficult as we can make it." She started, on a rather casual manner now, "Sad fact is that if we fight that I might expose myself. Same does counts for you lot and seeing we all try to avoid that, how about we just go along with this trade, hmm?"

Bitter devils fighting in his gut, Hideki swallowed. His throat felt like a desert, dry and parched. What choice did he have? She had some unknown connection with Saki, circumstances blotted out. Shit... feels like the bottom has fallen out... Just as Hideki was about to hold out a hand in front of Kensuke and Karma, he hesitated. A dozen incandescent figures had popped up like little will o' wisps beyond the entrance, slowly but surely drawing closer to the basement. "Seems we got company, sir," he told Kensuke, before turning his eye back to the creature. "And what role will the men behind you play? Surely if we trade—'diplomatically,' as you yourself stated—the others in my team are spared the hassle of tangling with your goons?

They were discovered. His previously dark mood turned pitch black and he had to focus on the threat at hand with all his might not to give in to the anger and frustration. They could be useful tools a fight ahead, but for now he had to think clearly in order to make use of the time Hideki was buying them. "You don't seem to understand the concept of trading. We have one of yours hostage. If you wish to trade then I suggest you present your own hostage, so we may take your offer into consideration." Kensuke said with a voice dripping with sarcasm. Somewhere in Keishi one shadow clone vanished without warning.

Everything that occurred made Karma pause her movements completely as the others kept on talking with the stranger. She could absorb chakra based attacks and seemingly deflect physical attacks. This was bad. She glanced at the woman with narrow eyes as she mentioned fair trade. The woman seemed rather bent on taking Hideki with her, and would most likely not care for what happens to Kensuke or her.

Rolling over towards Hideki, Karma placed her hand inside her weapon pouch during the roll and took out a kunai as soon as she was next to Hideki. Looking directly at the woman, she placed the kunai against Hideki's neck and her free hand on Hideki's back "You want Hideki, we know that much. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to give anyone to you that possesses vital information." She said as she pressed the kunai on his neck just hard enough so that a drop of blood would begin to show.

Karma's left hand, the one behind Hideki's back, would begin moving across his back, making very specific movements that would not be visible to anyone in front of Hideki and Karma.

"Goons? Ah, yes. You see, I am not going to let just myself have some fun. You all can just cooperate and we will avoid a nasty situation. If you will come with me then you won't," the form of the woman started to morph again. This time into a slightly shorter female with a long scar running over her left eye and jade coloured eyes. There was a small smile reflected on the lips while the blonde hair had made place for red hair, tied in a ponytail while two bangs flowed over a bit over her forehead. "Be hurt. Believe me, I wouldn't like to deliver somebody important wounded when I can avoid it." Her attention went to Kensuke as the Nimatsu spoke up. Before the stranger spoke, her nostrils widened and a shiver of delight moved over her spine.

"Excuse me, but you got a delightful scent on you now. Anyways, I do understand the concept of trading. I am presenting the chance to avoid a bloody conflict and allowing you to keep that whiny dog. I believe he spoke of you several times. Oh, oooh," a short laugh escaped the stranger, "You would probably be willing to die to hear what he said about you. Though I assume that if we are going to collide now that I will have to reunite you with him. I am sure that you two got a lot to catch up on." A wink followed the woman's words as she would turn to Karma. This time the smile seemed to vanish as the woman eyed Karma now a bit better.

"You know, I came here with such good intentions. Instead of a fight, I propose a way to avoid one. I won't blow my cover and you guys can scurry around in the mud. Then we all can be happy and healthy." A sigh now escaped the woman. "So, last proposal. Just to prove that I am indeed not planning to commit any violence today. I will let you keep that whiny kid that you got captured. I will not take your souls today and in trade," The woman pointed at Hideki. "I will take him with me. You can have him back later, even. All I want is to... borrow him. Just for a day or two. If you want, you can even come along Nimatsu. I am sure that you're curious." The smile started to shift into a grin. "You know, you two can even save two others if you just cooperate. Unless you want to endanger others in need of your own health?"

The situation had left Hideki utterly confused—so confused he expressed little surprise in seeing Kiyomi's face morph into existence above the cadaver-like interior of the creature. Were they in danger, Saki and Kiyomi? How could that be? Kiyomi was the Empress; she ought to be in her palace conference room, sipping tea and poring over plans and diagrams. And Saki.. Closing his eye for a moment, Hideki grimaced as he tried to force a semblance of order to his thoughts. When he finally opened it, a tiny spark of resolution had kindled within him.

Did it really matter if he put himself in danger? He should have died months ago, then months before that, and maybe a year before that. For all he cared and knew, he was a dead man walking anyway. "Very well. I'll tag along,"he said, matter-of-factly. Karma's finger having tracing his back, he belatedly interpreted the message: Flying Whistles Will Follow, a small pause, then, Be careful. He nodded in his mind, thankful for the gesture. Another notion entered his mind just then: surely Meilin had not gotten herself in trouble?

Kensuke's rage was like a black beast that boiled under the surface of his skin, longing for freedom. It reminded him of the concept of a tailed beast, and that thought calmed him, however slightly. As the woman held her monologue and Karma held Hideki hostage Kensuke considered their plan. And his own. And the situation.

Then he dropped his hostile pose and hid the chakra-coated kunai in his sleeve again. "I feel nothing for your terms, but I am in no position to bargain." He said with a disarming smile. "Karma, please continue with the mission as planned while we're gone." He said, gesturing for her to release Hideki. "Whereto?" He asked while his shadow clone observed the ambush outside.

Hearing Kensuke's instructions, Karma gave him a clearly angry look before moving her kunai away "Got it." She said before looking at the woman briefly and taking a deep breath to ensure her tone was calmer "It seems you got what you wanted. If your men spot me outside, will they attack me?" She asked.

Just watching the scenery the stranger remained silent. Her hands were placed at her hips as the grin remained on her features. Clearly she was enjoying the situation. As Hideki made his decision and the rest of Team 7 reacted the stranger waited till she was sure that the team was done. "Good. We shouldn't wait much longer. I got more things to do!" She said, almost cheerful that the Hyuuga had decided to cooperate. Glancing at Kensuke the stranger briefly seemed to ponder about something. "You know, I or somebody else will come for you. Let's hope that you won't be as rude as you were today." Winking the stranger half turned around, but would answer Karma's question. "Outside? Oh, who knows," The stranger turned her attention back to Hideki, "Come, little pet! We got much to do and don't have much time. Do you like to be surprised, by any chance?" The woman asked, reaching out her right hand towards Hideki.

Hideki grimaced, somewhat disgusted by the notion of holding the creature's hand. Gives me the creeps... "Not particularly. And would you mind assuming a different shape? It'd be great..." Taking a tentative step forward, and turning a deaf ear to the wolf-like howls of his better instincts, Hideki reached out a clammy palm and grasped her hand, mangled and bloody to his eye.

Armed in silence the Nimatsu clanleader heard the woman's threat. He allowed himself a wolfish grin. "I never was really good at courteous behaviour. I do hope you'll find it in you to forgive me." He said with well-disguised sarcasm.

Placing her fingers against her mouth, Karma decided to wait for the others to go outside first while just barely opening her mouth and beginning to bite her finger. She wondered how was Meilin doing, and kept her eyes focused on Hideki. All of the things that were occurring appeared bad to her. Like they were following each other in an army march kind of way. This enemy, whatever his name was, seemed to think about every possible move.

As Hideki grasped the stranger's hand it would feel cold. In a way it would be almost like a stern reminder of the dark nights of winter itself, colder than a corpse. A smile flowed on the lips of the stranger, shifting back into the first appearance she had used. "Hope this is better. Don't worry, you will go to your friends soon enough." She said. Just as she said that the stranger turned her attention one more time at the others in the room. "Don't worry Nimatsu. I was told before hand how you are. I have to admit... Hmm, I am disappointed." The grip on Hideki's hand became tigther.

The ceiling suddenly collapsed as the rumbling of explosions went the ceiling coming down on those in the room. Pulling Hideki closer to herself to get more out of the room the other hand of the stranger would grab the Hyuuga by his shoulder. An intense cold started to flow through the hand and over to the arm of Hideki as the stranger narrowed her eyes. "Just need a moment to figure out where... I ... can find them..." She whispered. As the debris would fall down the dozen of men responsible for the collapsing ceiling wouldn't wait long to jump down and try to end Kensuke and Karma. Armed with short weaponry they did work with more care and precise movement than the goons that the Team had encountered before.

With the chill came another sensation: like that of insects scurrying across his skin, minuscule barbed legs digging into flesh, gnawing bone. And then, like iron knuckles battering his skull, an overpowering presence, surging into his bloodstream like some hysterical crimson beast. Gritting his teeth, Hideki felt his eye slowly roll back in its socket, a trickle of blood down his nosetrils. Something, something, something... The presence commingled with his thoughts, forcing themselves to be integrated— Screams and voices, unseen machinery, smarting his organs as if a thousand tiny knives. Fucking hell... a tiny voice whispered, tingling his eardrums from some hollow depths before dwindling out of existence. Pressing his feet onto the shaking floor, Hideki tried desperately to counteract the presence with a burst of chakra of his own, hoarse screams lodged in his throat, seeking escape—

The feeling was like going mad, everything disintegrating, cells bursting like acorns — images flashed before his eyes, spiralling through his being until there was no telling what the hell was happening, even where he was. A blue-white chakra began to amass around him with the instinctual defense, moulding in and out of shape, indecisive. The seal on his right shin ached, pulsating with a mind of its own. Fucking hell, fucking hell, the voice whispered, echo and reverberation, flitting back and forth, to and fro, across and beyond—

The very moment the woman moved Kensuke moved too. The kunai in his sleeve fell into his hand while he moved next to the woman as she retreated a step as if they were a dancing pair. The kunai's chakra coat shimmered cruelly as he raised it to stab at her, and then disappeared entirely right before he powered it towards the woman's eyesocket. When the men who'd set off the explosions began jumping down Kensuke's shadow clone, now invisible, leaped down, targeting the last man to jump down. Invisible chakra coated his blade for a fatal attack.

Suddenly the ceiling blew up, making Karma look up and start trying to dodge as many as she could. She got hit by a few small pebbles until a larger piece of the celling hit her leg, bruising it and making her wonder momenterily if her bone is about to crack from that hit. Before she knew it, men dropped from the celling. Cursing in her mind, she looked at them and noticed the short weapons in their hands. Aiming her hand at the closest man to her, she flicked her wrist and sent several small lightning sparks towards him, or more specifically, his weapon, intending on having the sparks gather in it and then shock him by using it as a conduit.

The stranger kept a firm grip as the 'torture' continued for Hideki. The Hyuuga would notice the images that she was looking for. Images flashing by of Saki, Kiyomi and trying to find more. Just as she was about to pass on and trying to delve more information out from the Hyuuga she was forced back. Not by the attack of the Nimatsu, which she seemed to not care much for as the chakra racing towards her eyesocket wouldn't pierce it. A loud thud would resonate as a painful vibration would move through the Nimatsu's arm. Only a short glance of the woman was thrown towards the Nimatsu as the kunai seemed to stop a mere inch before her eye. An intense cold would start to become noticable for the Nimatsu, gripping and starting to pull slowly. As if it wanted to try to pull Kensuke into the same mess as Hideki was experiencing. Instead, the woman would suddenly back away as a hiss escaped her.

The sudden resistance of the Hyuuga seemed to be the cause of her last movement. The corners of the woman lowered as the amused expression made place for a discontent, only followed by what could be described as a deafening screech. It would be loud enough to make those in front of her suffer a pain shooting through their mind, giving the woman the opening to turn around and bolt away.

The dozen attackers seemed to not suffer from the screech as an observant person would notice that their ears were filled with what seemed to be wax. One of the man that was making his way quickly down and heading towards Karma held his short blade out in a defensive position, wary of the chuunin. As disciplined and cautious as he appeared the man would be a fraction too late to avoid the attack of Karma. What he had anticipated as an attack directly at him, the man would feel a shock running through his arm, causing him to curse out loud. Another duo seemed to speed forwards, their movements revealing that they had seen combat before as they readied their weapons.
The other remaining men started to descend down, targetting the Nimatsu and Hyuuga. Save it for the last unfortunate man, who was about to join his comrades only to be maimed down. Releasing a scream of pain as he would feel a sharp pain moving through his system.

Ostensibly not inured to further pain, the screech pierced Hideki's ears, slithering in to jangle his skull. He fell on his haunches, vision distorted, pain and confusion tearing at his bones, glimpsing in the periphery of his Byakugan the assailants drawing nearer with brandished weapons. He stared down at his hands, tracing the lines, making sure his mind was still functioning according to nature's intent, then, forcing himself on his feet, spun and let go off a vacuum shell, bursting from his palm to hurtle toward the men. The recoil and dizziness from the sudden motion caused him to stagger backwards, two steps, avoiding a slab of crashing debris by a hair's breadth, his movements drunken. What have I now gone and done... Three men were hit by the vacuum blast, leaving them tangled and vulnerable on the floor.

As the cold moved through his arm, numbing it almost immediately Kensuke flinched away from the woman. An invasive force began dragging at his mind and Kensuke finally unleashed his killing intent in an attempt to deflect it, which seemed to help somewhat. The kunai which was beginning to turn red and then white from the fire chakra with which he had heated it began sizzling in his hand as the handle began burning but before he could attempt to strike again the woman's expression changed and a fierce screech came out of her mouth, stunning him and making him stumble. Then the woman was gone and the thugs were all round him.

One of them landed right in front of him and he casually tossed the kunai at the man as if handing him a bottle of water in order to buy time. By lack of proper instructions the cudgel-armed bandit caught the white-hot knife in his free hand with a victorious smile, until he added one and two together. Which was far too late to save his hand of course.

The man was caught off guard, and was temporarily shocked. Before she could start preparing for the other two men heading her way, there was a deafening screech. Karma narrowed her eyes and tried to remain in focus of her incoming attackers, but it was very hard. Performing a few seals, she brought one hand to her mouth in a trumpet holding appearance and the other to the ear that did not have the earphone, putting her hand over her ear as she started shooting out water towards the men very briefly, aiming to make them move to the sides as she took a step back, trying to ensure it was steady as the earphone and her hand proved to be very partial covers for the painful screech.

Feeling a sudden white hot rage — perhaps at his failure, perhaps at being toyed around by some corpse impersonating his friends — Hideki shook off the dizziness for the moment and leapt at the three assailants he'd sent to the floor, delivering a series of 'gentle' fists to a crescendo of moans and groans, his jaw ground all the while. What the hell happens now— Where will she go? What will she do?

Kensuke's sword shot out of his scabbard cutting open the screaming man in front of him revealing six other individuals, two of which headed for Karma and three for Hideki, leaving only one other for him. A mistake on their part. Kensuke's shadow clone leaped down onto his only opponent allowing Kensuke to take down one of Karma's opponents while his shadow clone headed over to help Hideki. When he saw how fast these hapless men went down he felt a tinge of remorse. The woman was gone, and it looked like she had all she needed of them. The men were just a distraction to delay their pursuit.

As the screech subsided, Karma looked up to see Kensuke taking out one of the two men that were headed towards her. The other one merely moved to the side to dodge her water trumpet and caught up to her, allowing him to send a kick to her already injured leg, making her fall flat on the ground. As he started bringing his weapon down towards her, she flicked her wrist and sent sparks toward's the man's weapon, repeating the same proccess as with the man before. This man knew to let go of his weapon as soon as he spotted the sparks, but some of the shock still reached him from seperate sparks. Karma then flicked her wrist once more and grabbed the man's leg, making all of the sparks go directly into him, making the man stumble back and fall on his back as well. Trying to get up, Karma could feel very well how now it was certain, her leg was at the very least fractured, if not just plain broken.

Glimpsing Karma's battle through his Byakugan, Hideki, along with Kensuke's clone, fought off the three men, steel and limbs flashing in a fierce torrent of blood and sweat. Smacking one's jaw from below with his palm, electricity biting into skull, Hideki aimed a kick at another's crotch, leaving him vulnerable for Kensuke's clone, who had already dispatched the third man, all mangled and bloody on the floor. Another precise hit of knuckles skidding across jaw sent his opponent keeling to the floor, counting birds.

Kensuke observed Hideki take down his last opponents together with the clone. He stomped on the man's hand holding the dagger producing a shriek from the man as the blade slipped from between his maimed fingers. kensuke lifted him by the collar and slung an arm around his neck, and pushed the man's head forwards with the other until he felt resistance fade as the man slipped away. He dropped him before the man was fully unconscious and tied his hands and feet together with some shinobi wire. "Is everyone alright?" He finally said as the sounds of combat died away, revealing the soft noise of the dust settling to be heard.

Pushing herself from the ground to a sitting position wasn't easy, but Karma managed to do so with an aching expression on her face. Moving slightly until her back was against the wall, she looked around. Many unconsious, if not dead men laid around, Kensuke and Hideki both appeared to be mostly fine, so Karma begun bringing herself to a standing position, making sure to lean her weight on the leg that was still fine. She put on the best calm expression she could to disguise the pain and nodded to Kensuke. The way this entire thing occured felt wrong to her, as if it was entirely planned in advance. In fact, nearly the entire mission she had this feeling.

Hideki made no response to Kensuke's question, a dour expression on his already dust-laden face. He was in the mood for more violence, and the notion scared him. Failure aside, violence was no way to handle anger and disappointment. He knew that... Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm down his nerves. Then, feeling some minute relief, turned to Karma, his eye fading into its usual lavender-tinted white. He'd seen her take a hit to the leg. Hopefully it wasn't too grave an injury.

He looked at Karma struggle and then at Hideki who had his own kind of struggle. Then he sighed. They were too much like him. Too proud to admit they were hurt. He walked over to Karma and inspected her leg. "Doesn't look good." He said and reached over towards one of the blocks of reinforced concrete lying about. Severing several straight strands of metal and melting them together in a rudimentary splint with the same fire technique with which he repaired his armour he then gave her his sheathed sword as a crutch. "This'll have to do for now. We'll need a new hideout. Let's get moving." He said after inspecting his handiwork.
[fieldbox="Yoshikuni Sadako, #1589FF"]
Amegakure Team 11 Chuunin | Akinian Empire | Prison Cell

Laying on the cold, hard bed wasn't very comfortable. Even if she was used to laying on the ground in Ame, which was often wet and cold, this was certainly a different feeling, like it was meant to be unwelcoming and ensure people understood they weren't there for any good reasons.

As she stared at the celling, she could barely make out the sound of the rain that currently poured outside. Kuni had also lost track of how much time has passed. Several hours for certain, but maybe even longer? All she knew was that a couple of hours ago an officer came and gave her a tray with some bread and water, and quickly came to take it away after ensuring she finished with it. The man was strict and silent.

All she could hear was the silence around her. She wondered briefly is this is the kind of silence Son-Goku wanted. The kind that was never disturbed. The kind of silence that wouldn't be interrupted by anyone, no matter how much time has passed.

Deciding that she should at least check up on him, even if she wouldn't talk to him, she closed her eyes and thought about him, yet nothing happened. She concentrated hard on him, but still nothing happened. Opening her eyes, it struck her. The chakra suppressing neck thing they placed on her prevented her from making contact with him. She slowly sat up, leaning her back against the wall.

A couple of tears rolled down her cheeks.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox=Progress in the dark - GM POST]

Short introduction :
This GM post is to shed some light on the progress that is happening in the dark, giving some information for the reader to think about and answering some questions - or raising some. The post will also help to progress the plot and events for some teams and characters. Note that the temperature overall is starting to become really chilly as winter has arrived.
It is recommended to read the parts that are written for the area/realm which your character is in or is part off. While I could place a summary, I would consider that this is important enough that everybody should read a section (or two) to understand the situation and have an idea of the development that is happening out of sight of the characters.

Akinian Empire :


It was nothing. Walking through the room he couldn't imagine that this was real. It was nothing. Nothing but a nightmare in his vision. He had been allowed to walk into the room because this was his property. The legacy of his father and his father before him. Now damaged and tarnished. If he hadn't cried out his heart out in silence before then mister Nomura would've collapsed and start to cry again. Walking at a slow pace, step by step, through the room he couldn't manage to bring up happy memories. The time that Eli had tripped and fallen against what would become her boyfriend. Or that time that he had been surprised with cake and songs on his birthday several years ago. Neither could the old man manage to distract himself with the memory of that night, how he and the employees back then had feasted. How joy and camaraderie had filled the post-office.

Now it was just silent. A dreadful silence, plaguing the building that he had considered the pride of his family. Perhaps it wasn't an estate or a castle, but it was what his father had entrusted to him. And what his grandfather had entrusted to his father. The idea that he had now somehow managed to bring shame to that legacy twisted Nomaru's stomach. Made him feel sick and weak as he couldn't comprehend why. Raising his hands to his head the man kept looking around. Hoping to find a piece that would distract him. Making him consider that he wouldn't lose his pride and source of joy. But how could he? Blood had been shed in and around the building. People were growing worried and some even had claimed this had been an act of the Wind country. That it was a mockery and that it should be repaid with violence back. Others claimed that it was another source of trouble: the jinchuriki of the Four Tails. Then there was another group who pointed fingers at the Shinobi corps, stating that the group considered them above the law. Unrest was growing in Amegakure and people got divided as the rumours became more twisted with each passing day.

Rumours that perhaps were nothing more than whispers in the shadows, nothing more than whispers that would be swayed away when there was something more interesting happening. Now the whispers had gained volume and soon would make groups in Amegakure be more vocal. Not that he cared much for it. Politics and intrigue had never interested him, cause why should the owner of a humble post-office meddle with that? Placing his hands on the chair he had sat on when the chaos and violence had occurred Nomura wondered.

What would happen next?

It was a busy day, like those before. More people were being questioned and officers were sent out to investigate, to try to find information on how and why. The last, the 'why' was bothering him to the end that it was giving him headaches. Jugo worked as if he hadn't heard the information from Komei, about what she had figured out. Sitting behind his desk, filling out paperwork there was nothing that betrayed the worries and frustration that was present in the mind of the man. As he finished a report and attempted to stand up, an officer would pass by his desk. A friendly conversation rose between the two. Jugo was asked how the wife was doing, on which Jugo - of course- had to joke that she had to go alone to the Godai match between the Fierce Strikers and Grim Brothers. The good thing was that the Grim Brothers had managed to crush the Fierce Strikers and thus had a splendid start of the season.

As the conversation continued, another officer joined the two with something that made Jugo frown. The latest officer joining reported on a hushed tone that previous suspects had been released. Not much of a reason was giving, other than that there wasn't enough evidence. Hearing that it concerned Kona Omari and Sho Deshuga, Jugo wanted nothing more than to turn away and storm to the office of the Chief. Or trying to find Komei and get something done. Staying calm with a friendly smile portrayed on his face, Jugo wouldn't say a word. All he could do was just wait and be on his guard. "So, did you hear about the Godai match between..."

Somewhere near Keishi.

The sound of boots marching through the darkness resonated and broke the silence lingering in the dark hall. Walking with ease Alda moved through the darkness. She knew where she was heading and that was something comforting. Not being distracted by anything while she was heading to her goal. Making it more realistic with each step she took. Slowly she came to a halt as there was some faint light in up ahead, shining from a corner. Reaching the turn, she waited for a moment. Facing a large door that was guarded by half a dozen men, heavily armoured and armed the woman briefly spoke up. In a stern tone, she commanded the group to open the door for her, which they did. Most of them didn't seem to be eager to look at the attractive features of the woman, her dark brown hair and hazelnut coloured eyes with little freckles underneath them. One of the men briefly threw a look that revealed he was disgusted by Alda as she passed them, the colour in his face paling a bit.

As the door closed behind her, Alda moved through a hall. There were sounds of people instead of the soothing silence and the darkness wasn't present as candles lit the hall and rooms. Walking straight ahead the few people present in the hallway made themselves scarce or tried to avoid to get near her. Knowing what she was, nobody seemed to dare to lock eyes with hers. Enjoying the fear and disgust Alda wanted to almost bump into a man that had lowered his head - trying to avoid any glance at the illusion of the Vrykyl. Yet Alda decided against the tempting teasing, walking towards another guarded door. Without the need to order the door to open she lowered her head this time. Her fast walking pace was replaced by a slower one as her hands would fold together in front of her stomach.

"I managed to find the information." Her voice was nothing more than a soft whisper. "I did follow the trail and managed to find the person as the information, that you requested. Alongside with the Nimatsu."

A brief silence would echo after the whispering of the Vrykyl. She felt the need to glance up, to see if he was even there. Knowing her place Alda did no such thing, keeping her gaze locked on her boots as she waited for an answer. Which came just as she wondered if she had done her task wrong. A friendly and masculine voice replied back, speaking in a soft volume back at Alda.

"Very well. I hope that neither of them got killed? It would be a sad day if their lives would end too soon before they could've been of any use for His plans."

"I didn't injure either of them, I swear. I neither suspect that the dozen of men tasked with delaying them would've been able to end their lives. If it would else please you, I can go back and see for myself if they are still alive."

"No need for that. If you state that they aren't dead then I will believe you, Alda. I will need you to perform the next step of the plan, after all. You remember what you have to do?"

The image of the attractive woman would morph. The female features were replaced in a rapid pace for that of a young man. The smooth skin would shiver and look more damaged, burned. Within a mere moment, the woman had been replaced by an identical image of the Hyuuga she had encountered before. Even as Alda spoke it wouldn't be her voice that sounded through the room.


"Good. See to it that it happens. Maker blesses you."

Silence followed the words. While they had sounded and were phrased in a friendly and polite manner, there had been a sliver of a threat in them. Or was it just her? Alda raised her head and looked at the simple altar in front of her. There was a simple sign of a circle inscribed on a small stone table. In that circle was the symbol that brought a dreadful sensation. A reminder of what she had became a long time ago. Turning around, Alda would walk out of the room.

The Lightning Country,

A peaceful day. Not a big change from the past weeks. Perhaps it was because of the fact that not a lot were worried or had heard of the ongoing development in the east? Or was it because it was too far away for them to worry about it? Takeru had his hands placed at his back as he looked out from the broad window in the Raikage office. The masked leader was worrying about the ongoing change that didn't give him any break. Reports came in from various commanders at the borders, who were tasked to not allow anybody to cross the border. Stories of refugees trying to literally storm through various choke-points and then there were the stories of groups begging for days to be allowed over. Telling horror stories to the soldiers and shinobi at the border of what they had seen. What had made them go on a run from their villages and hamlets.

It brought memories back of the Great War. And those were anything but pleasant in his opinion, making his mood more gloomy. Luckily there hadn't been any report on the border forces allowing refugees to cross the border or news of that there had been a breach in the border defence. At least, not a physical one as Takeru was well aware of the growing unrest in the Sky country. The vassal of the Lightning had sent the request for more troops and shinobi to reinforce their security and help if there would be an uprise due to the suffocating fear. A request that Takeru wanted to fulfil, but wasn't allowed. While the Sky country was part of the northern realm as a vassal the Lightning Daimyo had made a decision for Takeru.

Not more than ten thousand troops would be allowed to cross over the sea towards the Sky country.

A 'generous' number most at the Raikage Office stated. Takeru, however, disagreed in silence. While an army of ten thousand would make a difference and if it would reinforce the already stationed troops in the eastern vassal state Takeru was convinced it wasn't enough. There was something on the rise and from what the Guard and Police corps had managed to uncover made Takeru wonder who was responsible for this decree of the Lightning Daimyo. Where one could argue that Takeru was responsible and chief of command for the entire military, he couldn't disobey the command of his daimyo. His station was one that the daimyo had given him - even if Takeru had been chosen by the previous Raikage as his successor, before his premature death.

Staring down at the city in which he had roamed as a boy. Causing all kind of trouble and was taught and trained to become a shinobi, Takeru wondered about something. Turning around, he decided to go to see if he could arrange a meeting. It wasn't just for the interest he had in the Sato clan or the jinchuriki of the Hachibi. This time, it was a bit more personal.

The border between the Sky and Wolf country,
The camp of the Kumogakure host under command of Satoshi Jun.

The Slayers. That was what they were called, Toshi Harada and Yumeji Hojo. The surviving group from the excursion to the abandoned hamlet were received back, escorted by the squadrons of cavalry that had been sending after Satoshi's host had heard from the night scouts that was trouble. The wounded were treated better back at camp while those able to walk and not fall over from fatigue spread the word on what had happened. In a few hours after the return of the group two names kept being praised for their bravery. Some stories were made a bit bigger than how it actually had happened. Such as how the two had dropped their weapons and fought with bare hands against a terrible demon, inspiring others to launch a charge and end the majority of the hostile force before the cavalry had come to help them.

There were several times when it occurred that an officer had to order men and women to stop cheering - suspecting them to be drunk - as they cheered the two names, calling them the Slayers. Of course, there were some who denied the fact that the two teens had any play in defeating the dreaded - assumed - leader of the hostile force. Claiming the victory for their own, there were several occasions where small groups almost came to blows.

All of this development meant only more work for the higher ranked officers and Satoshi. Attempting to keep the discipline and order up, the man wasn't sure if he was really content with the latest development. It was great that the majority of the group he had to send out had survived. But it also made it clear that whatever was troubling the population of the Wolf country wasn't something he should underestimate. After hearing the reports of some soldiers and the leader of the excursion himself, Satoshi decided that they would wait for two days before they would break camp and march into the Wolf country. The last scout parties had managed to arrive back and one caused almost as much uproar as when the 'victorious group of the Slayers' had returned.

Cheers from men and women who seemed to rejoice the return of the Saviour caused Satoshi to feel a headache rising. After dispatching a group to safely escort the team of Midori Sato through the camp Satoshi would be surprised by a new addition to the team. The report of Team 13 encountering no troubles on the majority of their scouting assignment made Satoshi at first feel relieved. When the specialised jounin spoke of how they had encountered the woman and had to deal with some menacing threat, managing to rout the few remaining numbers after taking out the majority of the dozen hostiles, Satoshi's facial features moved into a grim look.

The report continued as the woman introduced herself with the name : Eri Kawabata. She told that she came from further east, being on the run for the enemy and how she had been on a quest to search for help. She spoke with a strange accent, which made Satoshi frown. Asking who this enemy was, wouldn't be answered by Eri, being fuel for Satoshi's frustration. As the woman seemed exhausted as did the rest of Team 13, Satoshi decided that they were dismissed. The woman would be guarded by some of the most elite troops that were at Satoshi's disposal. He was considering to assign a few of the most veteran troops and shinobi to guard and keep watch of Midori. Deciding to make it clear that Team 13 would sleep near the large tent they were - the tent that was already guarded by the elite shinobi and soldiers - Satoshi hoped that this would discourage any great fan or worshipper of the Saviour from disturbing the team's rest. And hopefully his own.

[fieldbox=The next step, violet]
Aiko Cho
Cho Clan leader | Civic council member | Team 8 jounin |

Time : 10:30 AM.
Date : 14h of October
Place : Amegakure - provincial capital of the Rain Province of the Akinian Empire.
Involving :
- Koike hon, @Gerontis
- Kazumo Sarutobi, @Honorabru620
- Katsu Uchiha, @Sketching101
- Tatsuya Hon, @Sketching101
- Shizu Sarutobi, @l0ck0n
- Tomiko Hyuuga, @Jason Diabolus
- Sayuri Uchiha, @RoranHawkins
- Hiraku Hyuuga, @rusty4297
- Neji Uchiha, @timv999

For three days the group went out doing scouting and patrol assignments. Trying to learn the surrounding districts. Learning what points could serve as locations to regroup or start a patrol from. Vantage points where they could still remain in the cover and be protected against both the weather as potential curious bystanders. Making Koike and Katsu help her in order to lead the patrols Aiko was growing content with how the group was thus far operating. There were always a few flaws, but nothing too major that she considered being an issue that would jeopardise the following up assignments that they would do in Amegakure.

With each patrol, the same results started to come back. People were getting restless thanks to the past attack of on a post office. Not to mention that word had spread that some of the shinobi that had been reported to have attacked innocent people were released from the police prison. Aiko wondered for a moment what was going on and thus had decided that she would need to make a move.

This time, she would split the group into two teams. With the coming assignments becoming somewhat more difficult and complex, she decided that Koike would continue to lead what was dubbed as Team Bunko, while she leads a new composed Team Aikia. Each team would, this time, have his own objective.

Team Aikia would start to conduct investigations in the district where the post-office was, trying to understand how the attack had happened and leads who was behind it. Aiko did decide that Shizu Sarutobi would be sent to the Amekage office to inform Eiji of her plans, making it, however, that she would be with one operative less in the field.

Team Bunko would lead another investigation. Katsu and Koike had managed to find nothing of the corpses that they had discovered. Only that they were void of any chakra signatures. Which was strange seeing how the bodies didn't show many signs of being decomposed - as, like how blood would need time to cool down and other variables enabled medical personnel to estimate the time of death, chakra wouldn't just vanish from a corpse. It would remain present and slowly fleet away. Something that alarmed Aiko and meant it would need to be investigated better.

Of course, there was at first the doubt on how much information would be shared with the higher top. Aiko did decide that she would give Eiji - thanks to their friendship and history - the benefit of the doubt. Shizu would make sure that only Eiji would get the information for now that the teams would acquire and hopefully the man would know who he could and couldn't trust in the city before it was too late. They were, after all, working with a time limit. The city had to be made safe for the arrival of Kiyomi when she would travel towards the city to appoint the next Amekage. What meant, that there would be a ceremony and a festival following the ceremony. Two things that wouldn't happen if it wouldn't be safe for the young empress to visit the provincial capital of the Rain province.

Already early in the morning, the members of the two split teams would be ordered to get ready. A simple breakfast could be enjoyed at the barracks as Koike would brief the members in while Aiko would already head to the meeting point of Team Aikia. After a last check-up from the specialised jounin, the members would head out to do their job.

Extra orders/notes :
- No flack jackets,
- Only weapons that are easy to conceal,
- Low profile at all times - if needed, violence is only approved if non-lethal.
- Each team is only allowed to use the channel of their own team. (Team Aikia uses channel A, Team Bunko uses channel B and Team Chieko uses channel C)
- No extensive use of chakra. The only chakra-usage that is approved of is : capable of providing to gather intel (sensory and the like) or for 'short' use and not big techniques.

Team Aika : Aiko Cho-Hon,
Sayuri Uchiha, - @RoranHawkins
Tatsuya Hon - @Sketching101
Neji Uchiha, - @timv999
Tomiko Hyuuga - @Jason Diabolus

Team Bunko : Koike Hon - @Gerontis
Kazumo Sarutobi - @Honorabru620
Katsu Uchiha - @Sketching101
Hiraku Hyuuga - @rusty4297

[fieldbox=Assembling, wheat]
Koike Hon,
Specialized Jounin | Konoha Team 6 | Lieutenant-Captain | Amegakure, near the barracks.

He had made sure that everybody had understood that this was a notch more difficult than the patrol and scouting mission. He had his doubts with some of the genin but didn't warn them more or less than he had done with the chuunin. Checking his own gear the young man would, this time, keep a few knives hidden underneath the raincoat that he wore. His arms crossed out front of his chest and also under the cover of the coat Koike waited near the abandoned house where he had met up last time with Kazumo when the latter had shown him the corpse.

For a moment he wondered how today would go. In theory, the assignment didn't sound that complicated. They would try to figure out a trail from the corpse to the culprit or try to manage to see if they could at least figure something out. Koike let out a soft sigh as he hoped that it would at least go without any complication. The longer they were able to keep a low profile the smoother the following up missions would go. Already he had an idea on how they could operate without exposing their low profile. Already Koike had a blindfold at the ready for Hiraku, to hide the Byakugan of the Hyuuga.

Glancing down the street Koike had wrapped his red scarf tighter around his neck as well using it to cover the lower part of his face. Not so much to hide the features of his face, but more against the biting cold - which was worse with the rain pour that tormented the city as usual.

[fieldbox=Making the preparations, teal]
Zakito Hon,

Hon Clan Leader | Jounin commander | Imperial confidante | Konohagakure, Jounin Commander's Office

Everything was done. Orders were sent and Zakito had made sure that his work for the morning was done. Contacting several people through the Dragon Seal made it possible for him to later set up a meeting with Team 7. He had yet to hear anything from Hideki about where and how late Kensuke wished to meet up. The development of the team's operation was making the Hon worry if he shouldn't have sent a more experienced team. It was too late, however, to make such changes with the ongoing developments regarding the operation.

His plan, so far, was quite simple. Using the Void Rose technique to transport a shadow clone to Keishi to then meet up with Kensuke and his team. Learning what they had learned and encountered and their plans. If he was briefed with such information he could coordinate the specialised jounin team that was on their way towards Keishi. That team would just delay the 'search' for Team 7 and get more time for Kensuke and his squad to uncover information and book some success.

All he could do was just wait. Something that was not as easy as one would expect. Deciding to take it easy, drinking some mint tea in his office Zakito hoped that this operation wouldn't result in something bad.

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Haunted by the Past
Sakamoto Senju
Ichi and Senju Residence, Konohagakure

The stars were shining brightly in the dark skies above Konoha, and Mayumi appeared to be fascinated by them. When she was younger she tried to grab them with her tiny hands, but it seems that she already figured out that she cannot do so, and instead simply observed them. Sakamoto wondered briefly if the girl was going to end up like her mother when it came to observing things, which he hoped she would. That was a very useful thing to have, after all.

Getting up from the grass, he grabbed the infant who made no apparent attempt to protest. That was a change, but perhaps she was just too enchanted by the stars, or just too tired to make any attempt. After going inside the protesting started. Small fists kept hitting his chest as the young girl kept trying to make him turn, not that it was going to work.

As he walked towards the bedroom, he wondered where Meisa was at now. Another mission or long night at the office, most likely, but he still couldn't help but wonder. The concerns will never cease, not as long as he was alive. He also briefly pondered about his sister, who left over a month ago to travel around Akino and promised to keep in touch, but he has not heard from her in over three weeks. It was possible she got too caught up in helping with something, somewhere.

It took him a moment to realize that the protesting of Mayumi had ceased. Wondering what caused it, Sakamoto looked at her, and noticed she was staring at one of the windows. His eyes widened as he just barely noticed a figure in the darkness outside, waving at them. Quickly making his way to the bedroom, he closed the door behind him and kneeled, putting Mayumi down "Go hide under the bed Mayumi. Quickly." He told her, and luckily she did go and vanish underneath the bed. Standing back up, he heard the backyard door open.

The figure walked carefully through the living room, stopping next to a family photo. He pushed it aside, making it fall and shatter against the floor, as he kept looking around, taking careful steps. Due to it being a home of a high ranking shinobi and a former shinobi, there was no such thing as being too careful.

Hearing the bedroom door open, the figure started walking towards it, only to be tackled by Sakamoto coming from the other side. They rolled on the floor briefly until they came to a stop with the figure on top. Sending a punch towards the gut of the figure, Sakamoto hoped to try and get himself out of this, but without a second hand it was somewhat harder to do so.

The figure stopped his punch and instead punch Sakamoto straight in the nose, making it bleed. He then formed a chakra scalpel from his free hand, bringing it close to Sakamoto's chest. Staring at the figure, the Senju couldn't place the man's face from anywhere "Who are you?"

"I'm the past coming back to get back at you, Sakamoto Senju." The man said, and started to cut Sakamoto's chest. Suddenly the Senju banged his head against the man's head, making the chakra scalpel go deeper momentarily before the man ceased it and brought his hand to his now bleeding lip. Upon seeing the blood that came from it, the expression of the man changed "You already took enough blood from my family. I have yet to finish taking the blood of yours." The man said in a tone that was becoming more furious.

Furious was good. Emotions got in the way of rational fighting. Pulling his hand to the left, Sakamoto just barely managed to get himself free from the man's grip only to feel a strong hit against the fresh cut in his chest. Coughing, he noticed the man reformed the chakra scalpel and was about to bring it down on him, and he quickly brought his arm against the man's chakra scalpel. The man's expression became even angrier "Stop resisting, you Senju scum of the earth. You are nothing now, a shadow of who you were. Your sister didn't manage to stop me, and you surely won't either. I only wish I could've taken the lives of your uncle and brother too, but I suppose your cousin and bratty child will have to do."

That was it. Pushing his arm, he managed to bring it further up while feeling the chakra scalpel go deeper into his flesh, reaching his bone. He then kicked the man and managed to roll away, looking the man who came charging right at him with an earth covered fist. Kicking the man's earth fist up, he then proceeded to use his other leg to kick the man's chest and fall back on the couch, which fell backwards from the impact and Sakamoto hit his head, making his vision blurry and the back of his head soon gained a wet and sticky feel to it.

Slowly getting up, the white haired Senju looked around. It was hard for him to properly spot anything, but the man was clearly gone. About a minute later, when his vision came to, he realized where the man went to and quickly made his way towards the bedroom, only to fall from a string the man placed in the entryway to the living room.

Turning Sakamoto to lay on his stomach and grabbing a proper hold of his arm, the man prepared his chakra scalpel once more "You know, I was thinking about doing this whole speech explaining who I am, but fuck it. The only thing you need to know is that the death of you came from the west, fourteen years after the deed was done by you and your family." The man said, and placed the chakra scalpel against Sakamoto's back. The man brought his mouth closer to the man's ear "I can promise you that your cousin and daughter will both suffer before-"

The man never finished his sentence as Sakamoto kicked both the man's legs, making him stumble forward and stab Sakamoto in the back with the chakra scalpel while also getting stabbed in the chest. The chakra scalpel stopped as the man moved from Sakamoto, looked down at his stab wound and the coughed blood before falling on his side.

Coughing blood as well, Sakamoto wondered if he will manage to make it. He felt how it was getting hard to breath as he coughed more and more, and he figured that the chakra scalpel managed to puncture one of his lungs, at the very least. His body was aching overall, which wasn't surprising considering how he never intended on fighting ever since he stopped being capable of using Chakra.

Suddenly he heard a door slightly move, and his eyes widened as he looked at the bedroom door. Mayumi was peeking from it, and quickly she begun crying as she sat down next to the door, not liking what she was seeing. Sakamoto tried to gather strength to crawl to her, but he felt like he was completely drained.


The coughs kept coming.

"Mayumi, lo-"

More coughs, and with them more blood. Mayumi's crying grew stronger

"Look a-"

Now it became very hard for him to speak. The feeling of drowning in his blood became very present, and he couldn't stop coughing. All he could do was look at Mayumi, who kept on crying as her voice became as loud as it could.

And there was nothing he could do.

Ten minutes later there were several shinobi and police investigators in the house, with a neighbor looking after Mayumi, who was having a hard time calming the young girl down. The Police managed to figure out quickly what happened, but not why. The identification on the assailant showed he was a citizen of Akino and according to the neighbors he was never there before.

The assailant's body was taken alongside the body of Sakamoto, who slowly became as pale as his hair was. His eyes were pointed at the stars, but would never see them again.
[fieldbox=Team 9 Gathers!, White]

Masami Hyuuga
Konohagakure Chuunin
Team 9

Masami felt a weird mix of emotions when she received the summon from Hiron-Sensei. She was still scared about his opinion towards her after the last mission where he got seriously injured. As she held herself responsible, and in fact she still did, this meeting filled her with a certain sense of fear. Even though their teacher was not one to lash out at her, she was still worried. She felt it in every step, and as she was closer to the training field, it was more and more intense.


Maybe she was just making it up in her head. Maybe, maybe not. But she knew she had to face her teacher, the man who helped her so much and whom she respected like a family member. The fact that he still summoned her gave her some hope, and for several reasons. It could mean that he already feels better and wants to train again. And above all, Masami, she thought for herself, if he would not want to see you again, why would he summon you?

With a short run, she arrived to the training field. It looked less inviting without the sun that was now hidden under a layer of clouds. Easily climbing the hill present on the training field, Masami was standing under the boulder that decorated the peak. And he was standing there as well. Tall. Resolute. Unshakable. The way Masami always remembered him.

Gone was the nervosity. A tear of joy made her way on her cheeks.

" Masami Hyuuga reporting in ... Sensei. I ... I am so glad to see you again. "

Sen Cho | Genin | Konoha Team 7 | Konoha

Mission: Delivery!

After she had left Rikyu with the scroll she then began to look for the next target location. She was tempted to stop and look at some of the weaponry, but knew better than to get off track with something she could do after the mission was completed. The inner wall was one intimidating sight as it was a large stone wall with huge towers where she could see people at the top of. The amount of wagons and carriages being stopped along with the numerous amount of smaller gated areas was intriguing as she walked along the wall before coming to the check point in which she was stopped and checked over.

"Miss, do you have some kind of permission to pass through to the merchant district?" A guard asked her. Sen felt slightly uneasy by the guards steely eyes boring into her and took a step back from him. She flipped open her pack and rummaged through its contents until she found the scroll where her mission was described on and gave it to him. The guard looked over it, and for a minute she thought he was going to turn her away. Finally, he handed her back the scroll and then asked "do you have a form of identification?" Sen rummaged through her pack once more before she pulled her identification out of her pack and gave it to him. It didn't take as long as it did with the scroll as he just glanced at it before stepping out of her way.

Without saying a word Sen walked through the checkpoint and into the merchant district. The merchant district was quite a busy site as it was almost packed with countless people moving from one place to the next. Walking through the crowd while glancing at all the stations. There were some stations selling elaborate jewelry, and others sold household items where she thought of stopping to see if Hatchi would perhaps like a gift or two. Her parents certainly provided enough income to allow for a great many of crafts to be bought. As she walked through the district she kept an eye out for a small warehouse. A few minutes passed and she soon spotted the warehouse where a few wagons and carts were being busily loaded. There was a small woman who was almost cheerily but professionally talking with an older gentleman about something or another. "Excuse me," Sen said.

The woman looked over to her with a polite and friendly smile before asking "may I help you, dear?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm suppose to deliver a scroll to Yoshike Nagata, do you know where I could find her?" Sen asked politely. The woman continued to smile and dismissed the older gentlemen before walking over to Sen. She didn't feel so intimidated by this woman as she was looked over.

"You have found her, dear, I am Yoshike Nagata. Who sent you?" Yoshike asked.

"The Jounin Commander, Zakito Hon," Sen said, as she handed Yoshike the scroll. Sen was about to turn and leave when Yoshike started to say something to her which stopped her in her tracks.

"Come now, there is no need to rush off. You must be thirsty, yes? Why don't you come in and have some tea, dear," Yoshike said with a smile. Sen accepted the offer, she was after all a little thirsty and it would have been rude to decline. She followed the woman inside the warehouse where she waited for permission to take a seat and the two chatted about small matters. Sen would comment on her business and Yoshike would smile before saying something about how it was a good business to be in. Eventually, Sen told her that she had to be going because there was one more scroll to deliver. Yoshike started to offer to help locate the last person but Sen shook her head and thanked her for her hospitality.

Sen left the warehouse and headed back towards the checkpoint in which she was checked over thoroughly by a few guards. After her paperwork was looked over and declared to be true, she was then allowed to enter the inner walled city. Sen walked through the streets of this part of the city as she curiously glanced around, but she kept walking despite being tempted to stop by a few interesting sights. These streets weren't as busy as the merchant district and the people didn't seem to be in any rush.

Hearing a few quiet conversations here and there on her way to the Yamanaka Compound, she looked over her mission briefing again to make sure she was looking for the right place. The book store would be outside the compound and rather small but quaint, it didn't seem hard to find. A few minutes later, she saw the Yamanaka compound and its clan symbol flying on a nice flag. Glancing around the edge of the compound she was able to spot the bookstore.

Jogging over to the bookstore and pushing open the door where a little bell jingled above her. A man came out of a backroom and she smiled at him, she assumed this was Taisuke Yamanaka seeing as there was no one else in the store besides them. "You must be Taisuke, I have a scroll from the Jounin Commander for you," Sen said as she extended the scroll out towards him. He took the scroll and nodded, he didn't say much as he opened it. He thanked her politely and bid her goodbye as she left him with the scroll. Even though all she had to do was deliver a few scrolls to some people Sen was proud of herself for completing it. She headed back towards the Cho Compound as she decided she needed to do some research on different types of bows.
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[fieldbox=Katsu Uchiha | Konohagakure Team 6 Chuunin, lightblue]

The buildings were as tall as they were in any part of the city. There was still an odd feeling in the back streets, as if it had a darker, more solemn vibe to it. The buildings were more run down, the lights from the windows were blinking, and the bleak, rainy weather didn't help with the ambiance. It was hardly a surprise to see that there was almost no one on the streets. What seemed to be groups of beggars would be seen in small alleyways from time to time, gathered together under the rare shelters from the rain.

The young boy's thoughts wandered off to his friends. Tanpo was at some place guarding someone, Saki was off god knows where, Kiyomi and his sister presumably back home. He hadn't seen Ayano and Daichi in a while either. A smile crept up on his lips as he thought of what they could all do when everyone was together again. A nice dinner could always work. It's not like there was any shortage of places to eat in Konoha. Or perhaps one of them could cook at home.

Katsu slowed to a halt once he arrived in front of the meeting point. No one seemed to be there. He stood there for a moment, staring at the building. He let out a deep breath, glancing at the visible chunk of air dissipate with amusement. The young boy walked in and took off his hood. The interiour of the building was hardly any warmer than the outside. The stone walls hardly made it any more hospitable, the surfaces cold as ice. He climbed up the stairs, breathing into his hands to warm his face. Upon reaching the second floor, he walked over to the window overlooking another street. He remembered Koike had said to meet outside the building, but the boy didn't want to wait outside in the rain. As he looked at the street, he noticed someone below him. After a moment, he put on his hood and dropped next to the young man. "Couldn't we meet inside? To stand out in the rain like this with this cold... Sensei might get mad at you, you know."

[fieldbox=A Hon praying..., teal]
Zakito Hon,

Hon Clan Leader | Jounin commander | Imperial confidante | Konohagakure, Jounin Commander's Office

There was an eerie silence in the halls. The administration was working full as they did, but ever since this morning there wasn't any cheerful banter. Nobody telling about the last Godai matches or predictions of how the next matches would go. No jokes being shared during the few breaks between hard work. The silence came forth from how the jounin commander had entered the office. Calm as always there was a different manner of how the man had carried himself. A sharp and stern expression was somewhat visible in both his body language and the way how he looked around, something that not even the face mask could hide. There were some who had heard and know that the man had lost an old war comrade and fewer knew that the Senju who had been murdered in the presence of his child was one of his best friends. When Zakito had taken place in his office some whispered about the dread if the man would be out for vengeance. Wanting to see blood flow to avenge his fallen and murdered friend.

In a calm manner Zakito started to open a few letters. The preparations to mobilise several brigades were going well. Within a short time the army that would be send eastwards would be ready. Zakito made sure that there would be enough transport ships as ships that would serve as escort for safe travels. As he worked his mind was in a state of conflict. Focusing on his work didn't stop the soft whispers, promising that he would be capable of clearing his head if he would focus on the murder of Sakamoto Senju. To avenge his friend and find out if there were more than one culprit. To take up the blade and see that everybody involved in the demise of the Senju would be send to the afterlife by his hand.

Grumbling Zakito narrowed his eyes slightly. He couldn't work like this he decided after two hours. Slamming his pencil down the man rose up. Grabbing his jacket the Hon walked out of his office. A few of the personnel looked up as he walked past them, but nobody asked a question. Without speaking a word Zakito left the building and headed towards the Intelligence Division headquarters. He wanted answers. One way or another.

It was quite interesting what they could get from a dead body. Certainly a 'fresh' one. With hands placed at his back, Zakito stared down at the man. An unknown face. A man without a name that rang any familiarity for the Hon. Without the information that was being written down from what the Intelligence Division had figured out from the corpse Zakito wouldn't have been able to figure out anything else but to know who he had to curse and be angry at. Sakamoto hadn't deserved such an end. Not by a long shot. He had survived a damn war that torn apart families. Saw brothers and sisters die in the field, at their own homes and on the seas. Not just only by steel and fire, but also by sorrow and diseases. War was a terrible mistress, one that took more than it gave. And honour as glory was perhaps praised, but for the price of comrades and kin? Zakito knew he could grow old and content without honour and glory.

As he was given the report, he kept standing near the corpse of the criminal who had taken his friend's life. A Yamanaka had delved into the mind of the criminal. A feat that had amazed Zakito, but chakra just didn't vanish instantly. Much as how the body temperature of a person didn't drop in an instant to a colder degree, so wouldn't chakra just vanish. With that, it was possible in conjunction with a skilled medical-nin to make the organs like the brain and heart work for a small and simple manner. Just to make the chakra flow work, but in no way reviving the person. It was how they would be capable of delving into a person's mind if they were quick with it and not waiting for too long. The longer they would waste time, the less information they could harvest from the corpse. It was for that reason that specialised operatives such as the ANBU were taught how to destroy their own and other's bodies in case it was required so that no information would fall prey to the realm's rivals and enemies.

Now he learned the name of the man. His history, relatives and more important information. And none of that made him less furious and wishing for some way to gain revenge for the loss of his friend.
Studying the content of the report, Zakito felt like shredding it and shoving it into the face of the dead man in front of him. His right hand trembled as he decided to give the report back. "Make sure that this is documented in the high classed files. I want to be alerted whenever somebody tries to access the information and that they will need my permission." The order was given in a cold tone, which would've made Zakito apologise but not this time.

This time, his patience was running thin.

The door closed behind him as everybody left. Standing still, he only stared at the body on the table. To see him like that made him already regret coming here. But his friend didn't belong here. He wasn't supposed to be here and what had happened shouldn't have happened! It was just so surreal.

Walking towards the table the stern expression switched for one that made it clear that it wasn't just anger that flowed through Zakito's system. Guilt and sorrow. Tears started to form in the man's eyes. Slowly he placed his left hand on Sakamoto's left shoulder. It didn't feel as warm or was that just the fact he knew that his friend wasn't in the world of the living anymore?
"Gods, why did you have to fallen victim to some idiot?" Zakito whispered. "My good friend, I was so convinced that you would die rather of luck and happiness. Why did you leave me alone?"

It stayed silent for a few moment as he sniffed. Raising his right hand, Zakito lowered his head. Taking a moment to just let out the frustration, sorrow and tears he didn't feel any shame with crying. He couldn't even remember how long it had been that he had cried, but he didn't care.

Glancing back at Sakamoto for a moment Zakito would turn. Grabbing a nearby chair he would just sit next to the table. Not facing Sakamoto, but just sitting next to the body of his friend. "Gods, what now... I seriously don't know what to do now Sakamoto. I don't know what to do." He said, lowering his head once more, placing it in his hands as his elbows leant on his knees. The warm sensation that rolled over his cheeks remembered him that he was still crying, but that was no bother. Nobody was here, anyways.

"You at least took him out. Mayumi is safe. I promise that, good friend. She is safe. And hopefully, she won't remember the pain she has suffered the last night. Unlike me and the others... I hope she won't remember that night, but all the other ones." He said, but knowing better. Mayumi was too young to likely be impacted by this all. That also meant she wouldn't ever be capable of remembering Sakamoto.

"I don't want to keep losing more. I already lost so many back then," Zakito whispered, "I thought that it would slowly stop. Why isn't stopping? Not to mention that I am scared. I never say it, but I am so scared." He lowered his hands while straightening his back. Throwing a sideways glance he noticed that Sakamoto seemed more or less peaceful. A brief thought came up that made Zakito wonder if Sakamoto was aware that Mayumi was safe. That he would do all in his power to keep the child he considered and raised as his own daughter safe.

"I am scared that we won't meet, my good friend. Will Lord Akumu allow me to meet you in the life after this one? Where will you be? This is why I should go first before you all stubborn fools." Zakito said, sniffing once more. "Gods, this just feels like back then. I wish once more that I could pray. But we both know that it is something I never learned. I don't know what you even have a god or more.... I am a horrible friend."

Getting up, Zakito grabbed one of Sakamoto's hands and held it firm with his own. Looking up at the ceiling, a chuckle escaped him. One without any joy. "Yours or mine is something I would ask now. Well, let me try this..." Clearing his throat, Zakito closed his right eye. "Great Wolf and Lord Akumu, I have a favour to ask you this day. I am certain that this unheard off but I got just one request this day. Please take this man, a friend and comrade of mine. A brother who's bond has been forged over time, sorrow and bloodshed and loss with me. I ask you, please. Find this man worthy of being in the halls and lands of my ancestors in this next life. Allow him to find reprieve there.... allow me to meet him later.... Please... "

More tears flowed over the man's cheeks as he lowered his head once more.

"I am so sorry.... Sakamoto..."

Path of Revenge,

A collab between Unyielding, Lesli, Chromehound and Aliceee.

Summary :
A few days travel and the group has reached their destination. It is here where they continue and dig for answers. Answers that are hidden in the dark and the shadows of the past.

First Post
Second Post
Third Post


Saki instantly froze. The fact that somebody had managed to speak to them through the telepathic bond was a new one. It wasn't that she considered that somebody couldn't tap into it, but it would be something she had never expected to happen now.

The Yamanaka would focus her chakra as she formed the Seal of Confrontation to scan the area with her sensory ninjutsu. What she sensed baffled her.

"What in hell.... is that?!" She wondered. The matter that she had sensed wasn't humanoid. It was a mixture of so many bundled signatures that Saki couldn't make sense of what it was. The reserve was at least bigger than the average human, but that wasn't what worried her. The flow of the chakra system was rather alien. Frowning she would spread her footwork by a bit. Still holding the torch with her left hand Saki's right hand would move to one of her knives as she molded chakra at her hand in advance.

Violet awkwardly chuckled after the voice spoke. Clearly this was a trick to scare her and Shikaroku. Saki said that the creepy mind talking was because of the link she formed. It would not make sense for anyone else to be able to find the link because... reasons... right? Violet never saw any chakra floating around them nor did she feel any different... except for the voices in her head. It was 100% a prank for sure. She talked her self into smiling, as she had nothing to fear. In fact, to prove she was not scared she was going to play along with this "voice."

"Oh my. This voice sounds so~ scary." Violet giggled while walking up to Kiyomi. "Don't worry team, I know it's just a voice. I cannot be tricked so easy so you can stop now." Her voice started to waver as she remembered something important. If they were on a dangerous mission. Would it be wise not to mess with each other? "Pretty please?" She clenched her fist and slowly pulled them to her chest so that she could jump into a defensive stance just in case, because this was not real. Right?

Listening as Kiyomi spoke, Shikaroku tried to check his surroundings. It was too dark to make much out at a distance. At least in the hall he had been able to see the walls that were around him. It had lent a certain comfort...

This room, however... this room did not feel comfortable at all, it felt large. The fact that he could not see the walls or the roof did not help Shikaroku's comfort level.

Neither did the voice...

As the strange voice broke through their thoughts, Shikaroku's eyes widened. He noticed his teammates moving and only then did he realise that he had frozen in place. Clenching his fists, Shikaroku could hear Violet speaking now. Did she really think this was one of them?

The friendly tone in the voice of the unseen stranger only served to make it creepier somehow. A cold chill ran down Shikaroku's spine and the genin reached towards his pack, hesitating. Turning to glance over his shoulder, he could see the knife in Saki's hand. That was all the warning he needed. Starting to mold his chakra, Shikaroku prepared himself. It would be no use for him to pull out a weapon now. Without knowing where the enemy was or even what the enemy was, the Nara would be better off to keep his hands free for his defensive ninjutsu.

"Who are you?" Shikaroku said out loud, hoping to convince the stranger to speak out loud as well. Maybe that way he could get a better idea of where it was hiding in the room...

Just silence followed the words of Violet a certain killing intent started to rise. Almost feeling as if the air itself became heavier and warmer, being the worse near Kiyomi. It wouldn't suffocate anybody or be near the level, but served as a mild warning of Kiyomi's mood becoming foul.

"This isn't a joke, Violet. Stay on guard. One hit and that thing can end one of us." Kiyomi warned, not even deciding to hide it through the telepathic bond but just stating it vocally. Her eyes peered into the darkness trying to catch any movement. The annoying thing was that she thought she had seen some movement, but it was just what she wanted to see. Glancing over her shoulder Kiyomi would dish out orders on a stern tone to the group, just before the creature could answer back to Shikaroku.

"Saki, send his location over to us and keep track of his movement. Shikaroku, you will serve as a back-up. Rely on Saki as your rear-guard. Violet, you're with me. Stay on guard and don't go on the offensive unless I can create an opening--"

"My, my." The friendly voice continued through their minds. "Let me first allow you all to stop scurrying around in the dark. We were expecting sooner or later some visitors. But welcoming an old friend should be done in a much better... light."

Turning her head back Kiyomi noticed how a light orange hue lighted up at the other side of the room. Slowly it started to creep at the sides, expanding at what seemed to be the walls of the large room. Formation of candles at the wall was light as they would dimly light the room, revealing another person at the other side. A slender, tall man with short, dark brown hair. A disarming smile was present on his face as he was also rather clothed in what one could estimate to be simple and comfortable clothing.

"I am overjoyed to see that you're doing fine, friend. May I ask where our mutual friend is?" The man lips didn't move, but his voice continued to sound in their minds. He was clearly pissing off Kiyomi, who sneered back at the man. "Shut up! You got killed before and this time, it won't be any different."

Her threat didn't seem to bother the man as he spread his arms. "Ah, no need to grow angry friend. As you brought new ones I shall introduce myself. My name is Change, glad to meet you all." The man made a courteous bow towards the group. Straightening his back he eyed each and single of them. "Though, I must stress that I can only let you pass through, old friend. The rest has to wait here." The man stated, this time, the voice becoming a bit sterner.

"Yeah, as if." Sheathing her sword, she managed to remember how it last time had gone. "Okay, battle positions, don't get into close combat just yet!" Kiyomi told to the others as she brought her hands closer together. The man shook his head as there would be something disturbing. His limbs started to shake and shift, morphing the form of the man into something larger. The creature in front of them wasn't like anything that they had seen before. "I don't like to repeat myself, but I will give one last warning, my good friends." The eyes of the heads looked with a glint of curiosity at the group. A soft hissing was escaping the snake tail as some liquid was dripping from the corner of the rear reptile's head.

Considering her options, Kiyomi closed her eyes. Taking in some breath, her hands shot together. Weaving hand signals at a rapid speed she would step with her right foot forwards as her right hand moved up to her lips. Chakra gathered and converted shot up from her mouth to be formed into a stream of fire, heading towards the large creature. A snarl escaped their foe as it moved with surprising agility aside from the flames.

Violet smile dropped when Kiyomi dismissed her assumption. To think someone of her stature would even do such a childish thing was stupid. Her false confidence was ripped away as the group prepped for battle. She kept her fist over her chest but did not move and stared into the darkness. She did not want to die. It was the first thought that ran through her head and the only one she could think on her own. She became a ninja to become someone. Someone others can count on and look up to. All of that would be worthless if she got killed this early now.

She started to tremble in fear. The thought of death to bite after bite on her psyche until Kiyomi called her name. Snapping out of her self torment. She nodded and moved closer to Kiyomi. Slammed her fist together and sneaked a peek at Kiyomi. She was not backing down and she was trusting Violet. Violet could not let her down, not now. She would not repeat history. Then the voice spoke again.

It was clear it Kiyomi was the target. The voice kept speaking to her alone, ignoring everyone else. Though it attempted to make a normal conversation, Violet could only feel more and more scared. What did the voice want, why did it not just attack them. All would be answered when it appeared after flicking on the candle lights. It was no monster but just a man who stood in front of them. Violet nearly dropped her guard in response to his normal human shape. Had she been by herself, she would have left her self open for any sneak attack from the man. It was only her since of duty and the order from Kiyomi that kept the young genin in place and alert.

Then the man transform into something... not human. She could not describe it and only one word came to mind, monster. This thing was a monster. Violet trembled in its presence. She clenched her teeth as her heart banged on her chest. The academy did not prepare he for something like this. She wanted to run away. The terror showed on her face and only fear held her in place. Then a stream of fire flew at the creature. Violet shook her head and enter her stance. Scared or not, she could not back out now!

Saki whistled softly as she noticed the killing intent. It wasn't making her waver, but she grew worried if Kiyomi wouldn't decide to take this on herself. Hearing the order, Saki decided to drop the torch as she would hold a knife with her right hand as her left formed the Seal of Confrontation. Letting her sensory ninjutsu move as a flow through the room once more, she tried to peer into the strange signature. It was fascinating in a morbid fashion to her. A mixture of chakra all held together into one being. That it didn't erupt into chaos or drove that being into insanity made Saki's curiosity rise. For a moment she almost lost herself, trying to study the chakra signature. It wasn't humanoid but seemed to be closer to an animalistic source.

With the room being enlightened it only confused Saki as it turned out that it was a man being present in the room. Moulding chakra to form a coat around the knife Saki glanced for a moment at the genin in front of them. She wasn't worried that Kiyomi wouldn't be capable of holding herself in combat - if anything Saki considered herself already surpassed by the young ruler. A certain bitter thought moved through her mind as Saki grinned a bit, focusing her attention on the telepathic bond. Instead of sending a message to everybody, it was just focused on the two genin. "Stay calm. Remember that if you guys will panic that it will affect me and Kiyomi. Follow the plan and don't try anything risky." She calmly 'told' them, hoping it would reassure them, while the Chimera had its attention fixated at Kiyomi.

Noticing a rise in Kiyomi's chakra system Saki narrowed her eyes. Anticipating the next move of the Hon as the Yamanaka sensed the chakra being moulded and converted into fire chakra, Saki kept her eyes on the Chimera. As the stream of fire rushed in a wave of violence, destruction and heat towards the creature Saki raised her knife. "Aim for that goat head first!" She instructed the genin as she would throw her knife. The blue hue of chakra around the edge would stretch further in length - around a meter - as it would soar through the air, heading towards the lion's face of the monster they were facing.[/spoili]
[fieldbox=A 'request']
A collab between Gerontis and Redfox.

Summary :
Zakito holds a meeting with several officers for the expedition to the eastern continent. After the meeting Zakito has a request for his kin and the captain-commander of the Tiger Claws.


A silence plagued the room. Several high ranked officers of the Second and Third were gathered in a room in the Jounin commander's office as well Hiroshi Hon of the Tiger Claws. Zakito sat at the head of a long table while he stayed silent. The bad mood of the Hon was present, even though he hadn't raised his voice or made it by another manner clear other than the stern look in his eye. There were a a few maps laid out on the table, visible for all to see the details that were made as the various notes. It were the maps that he had requested on what they knew of the Wolf country. Both about the coast and more inland.

Finally the silence would be broken as Zakito spoke up. "This is so far the information we have at our disposal. As you can see the best landing positions are at the northern side, which makes it easier for the force to regroup with the northerners." The man spoke up, his right eye moving his gaze over each present person. "I am aware that you probably all have questions on why I made it clear that captain-commander Hayate Hyuzu as the leader of this expedition to come to the aid of our northern allies. I will be frank with you all," a pause followed as Zakito slowly leaned forward. His hands folded together on the table as his right eyebrow slightly rose. "The boy already has a great reputation among most shinobi. Earned it through sweat, blood and tears. I want to be certain that each of you aid him in this expedition not just as advisor but also to make sure that he comes back home." He was certain that they were already known with the future that was laid out for the Hyuzu, but he decided to state it anyways.

"Akino is at the current moment the strongest in both military and economical in the known world. The Empress and captain-commander Hyuzu are bethroded and he can serve to create strong ties with the Earth country, who is currently ruled by his kin. Do keep in mind that in the east you don't serve the Lightning country or the Republic. You're representatives of the Akinian realm and of her majesty. I expect the harsh discipline and order that each soldier and shinobi is taught here to be executed out there. If there are any questions or suggestions on this expedition then I want to know this now. But after this meeting, I am not going to make any adjustments. So use this meeting wisely, my good sirs and ladies."

A few of the commanders glanced at the map as one of them decided to ask a question. "What about the Republic of the Water Country, can we trust that they will hold their end of the bargain and aid the expedition as well?" A man asked, throwing a look sideways at Zakito. The Hon shook his head lightly. "I am not entirely certain on the Republic being there already or if they will even come to follow the treaty that has been made."

The blue eyes of The Yellow Wolf were piercing the maps placed on the table. His usually kind and understanding look was now absent, with his blue orbs gaining a more feral like appearance. He understood the gravity of the situation and to be honest, it made him feel uneasy. Every word spoken by Zakito was absorbed by him to help him form his opinion in the meeting to come. Even though he was fully aware of most of the facts, he still felt a sense of discovery upon hearing them again. He remained silent with his arms crossed on his chest and spoke up only after Zakito's answer to a question about the Water Country.

" I would advise caution with the Water Country. While I believe that the training and equipment of our shinobi should be more than sufficient for this expedition, their help can prove to be crucial. I believe they have enough honor to respect the treaty that has been made. Hiroshi then remained silent for a while, still processing everything that Zakito told to the people present." Captain-commander will get the full support of the Claw, just as they would support me. That I can promise. And I am sure most of the sirs present will do the same with their respective units. But there has been one thing bothering me, Zakito. "

Hiroshi stood up and walked to the map detailing the shore. " Beachhead. I know these plans are made after considering every single variable that can pop up, but still ... securing a beachhead is crucial. But what is even more crucial is to have a safe beachhead, one that will allow us the base of operations needed to regroup with the northerners. Supply lines will have to be watched closely. I repeat myself - I know you and the higher command thought it through, but ... I know that The Claw is ideally suited for this kind of operations, but there is only so much of us left. If the unit is spread too thin, we can lose our effectivity. Will we be able to hold that beachead, Zakito?"

Before Zakito could speak up, another man spoke. He seemed to be one of the more older men present in the room. "Regardless if we can hold that beach head, captain-commander," the man said to Hiroshi, "Isn't it a more proper task for a brigade of the Second Division to deal with this? If I remember correctly, your unit is one that serves a cavalry and protecting her majesty." There was a certain envy ringing through the man's voice as he spoke to Hiroshi, but his tone remained polite and respectful. Standing up, the man placed his right hand at his chest as he nodded towards Zakito. "I consider my lads and lasses capable soldiers, Lord Commander. Allow us to form the vanguard."

Yet soon more spoke up, arguing that their brigade or unit was better suited for such a task. A loud sound caused them to grow all silent. With a stern gaze Zakito slammed a fist on the table. Waiting for everybody to sit down he would speak up. "Aye, indeed. The supply lines are the life line of the expedition force and I am certain that the Tiger Claws are one of the most capable to secure the beach head and keep an eye on the supply lines then I am certain that no soldier, shinobi or camp follow will grow hungry." A pause followed Zakito's words. "But as it was also stated, they are an elite unit. Orginally serving in the Agema of her grace. The world has not yet witnessed their expertise, even while most of them are hand-picked veteran shinobi and soldiers. I prefer thus, commander Hiroshi, that you make certain that the landing will be secured. The plan is that the northerners will secure the coast for us as an opposed landing will only make us suffer, if any local hostiles consider this as an imperial invasion. Once the landing is secured by your troops, I want the commander of your unit to perform the tasks they are trained for on the leading Hyuzu. We have little to no intel on what is troubling the Wolf country. Best is if we go prepared for the worst."

Hiroshi remained standing during Zakito's reply, but he wished he would fall beneath the earth in the very moment, at the very place he was standing." My ... my deepest apologies ... Lord Commander. I have forgotten my place. " He then remained silent for a while before continuing." The Claw will secure the landing, per orders. As soon as we establish a firm link with the northerners, I will split the unit into two parts. The smaller part, while fewer in numbers but significant in power, will fall under the direct command of my most trusted lieutenant, who will in turn take commands directly from Captain-commander Hyuzu and aid him. The majority of the unit will remain under my command and will do everything a human and horse or ... or tiger can do to protect her majesty."

Hiroshi then gathered his thoughts for the next moments." With this, I would like to ask your approval for the plan of splitting the unit into two parts. We have trained for the worst possible scenarios, but ... we all know that the Sage's paths are unpredictable. What about any ... contingency plans, Lord Commander? "

"That has to be seen when the landing is done. I can't make any plans more than this. I want you all to take a copy of these maps with you and prepare for the worst. The northerners probably will be more capable of informing you all what is going to be on your path. Just make sure that everybody is aware that this isn't war. We aren't going there to plant any flag or subjegate anybody. No honour or glory garnished from slaying as much as one can there." Zakito said. He leaned a bit back as he glanced around. "I expect you all to be ready to be sailing out within a month. I will organise the way to the east and at a later date I will present you all a manner of how we will communicate. If there are no more questions..."

With the meeting done, Zakito remained seat at the head. As the men and women were dismissed, Zakito spoke up. "Captain-Commander Hiroshi, mind staying for another moment?" Zakito asked, his right eye locked on the maps still laid out on the center of the table. The meeting had gone rather well. There was a few times that the commanders had their own wishes, suggestions and opinions being stated. But it hadn't made Zakito's mood any fouler than it had been thanks to previous and recent developments.

Hiroshi made notes during the entire meeting. In his opinions, it got tense a few times, but Zakito skillfully defused the situation every time. There was a reason the man was in the place he was." Of course not, Lord Commander Zakito. " Hiroshi remained seated as the other officers were leaving, and gave them short, respectful nods. When the last one left the room, he let out a deep breath." I am really sorry, Lord Commander ... I forgot my place. I was in no right to question you in any way. What is it that I can do for you? "

"Forget about that." Zakito made a dismissive gesture with his right hand as the door closed to give them both some privacy. "Lately matters have made everybody a bit on edge." The man continued. "I, however, need to request a favour of you. You'll be going to the east as well with the first detachment. That will mean that I will also be needing to rely on you to make sure that Hayate gets back. We already lost some kin to those.. Zealots and I doubt that we will have an Empress when the Hyuzu will perish. That and there is something else," A pause followed.

"I want you and the shinobi members in your ranks to observe and gather information about the allied troops. Any information that will serve useful in the future should be reported back to you and you will decide what information shall make its way back to me." Zakito had switched to Chonobi as he stated his 'request' to Hiroshi. "I don't believe that we will need to use any information to keep the Lightning nor the Republic friendly or at least not to consider anything against the empire, but I rather play it safe."

Hiroshi let of a deep breath upon Zakito's reaction. He himself felt a bit on the edge but that was still no excuse. For his response, he used the Chonobi as well." I understand that. It is as if the Zealots are relying on this tension to drive a wedge among us and our allies. That way, they would win the largest fight without a single battle. " He fully understood the reasoning behind the act and fully supported it." We will have ears and eyes in all places where they should be, and if anything of importance comes up ... you will know about it."

For the next moments, he decided not to use Chonobi." The Tiger's Claw will do everything in its power, and so will I and Hirudora to make sure that the Hayate will get back, safe and sound. I heard so much about the kid that I am eager to meet him. Working with him will be a great experience for me. And a great honor, as well. And as for our Majesty ... Kiyomi ... you know, when the situation will ask for it, I will give my life for hers. She and that Hayate kiddo have to survive. They are our king and queen in this game of chess. I just hope we are the ones that are one step ahead."

Zakito nodded. "Indeed. Though it isn't just the Zealots, but that isn't important for now." The man said, feeling a sting of pain and loss as he thought back to Sakamoto being no longer with him and everybody else. "I am sure that you will like him. Am having quite the expectations from him. Though," Zakito's tone became softer. "Kiyomi won't join this expedition. I am certain that she will disagree and loath my decision, but I am not going to risk the future of the realm. I am certain that Kiyomi would be capable of great support for both tactical plans as for the morale of the soldiers and shinobi, but we already lost so much in such a short time."

Taking a second, Zakito looked away for a moment. "I honestly can't say that we're capable of being one step ahead. That is why we at least need to be certain of who we can trust. I already fear that there might be some moles going with you and the others to the east. I will have the Guardian unit perform the same task as that what I asked today from you. Your lieutenant is even somebody who is quite at home when it comes to gathering intelligence. Not that her record will say anything about it and this is a case that the less you know, the more pleasant you will find your situation. Just make sure that you and your lieutenant see to it that we will gain that edge again in the east. If you would be willing to do this I will do my best to make sure you lot got a home to come back to." The last served as an attempt of a joke, but it was nothing more but a grim and almost pessimistic statement from the man.

Hiroshi chuckled a bit at the idea of someone having to tell Kiyomi she will not be joining the expedition." I can tell you, you will have to deal with one very ... very ... not satisfied Empress upon telling her. Empress or not, she can still puff her cheeks and that ... that is not a good sign. But I understand. It will be much safer for her ... here, with you and the others. Her blessings will have to be enough for the morale and of our troops. I am confident in that. We will not lose anymore, Zakito."

When he referred to the moles, he switched to Chonobi. And his voice switched as well, into a cold one." Those moles better hope they will stay away from me. You know me - I consider myself a patient man, but treachery ... won't be tolerated in my unit. And if I fail, my friend and companion can be very ... persuading." His voice returned to its usual tone." I am very confident in my lieutenant, Zakito. She is the best person for the position. Well, if I wouldn't be made the Captain-commander, I would recommend her. We will gain the edge, we will return home with Hayate ... and we will all be together. In a home that you kept safe for us. If we trust each other, we can't fail." The last words, while Hiroshi ment them seriously, his voice betrayed him. He knew that opposite was true - if things decide to go south, and they decide to go hard ... maybe not even they best efforts will be enough.

"I am aware. I don't think that it will be a pleasant conversation, but I am sure she will understand. In time." Zakito said, his voice sounding slightly less grim for once. "And glad you are. I am sure that she will be ready in time. Just make sure that you leave the position for her while doing so with being alive." Remaining silent for a moment Zakito raised his right hand to rub his nose-bridge. "Thanks for your help Hiroshi. I am sorry for laying another burden on your shoulders. I will try to repay in you time for it."

Hiroshi let out a half sad, half happy chuckle." She will, once she calms down. But until that ... good luck with her, Zakito. I am sure she will listen to you. Or maybe Hiron." He then let out a sigh combined with a chuckle." I am really not planning on kicking the bucket this early, Zakito. Not while there are people here that I care about." Hiroshi then waved his hand at the remark of his fellow Hon.[COLOR=0000FF]" Do not think about it as laying a burden on my shoulder. Think about it as fellow Hon, helping each other. If you really want to repay me, do one thing - stay safe. Be well."[/color]
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Hideki Hyuuga
Chuunin, Team 7

Hands clapped together and eye closed in contemplation, Hideki sat with his legs crossed on the ridge of a multi-inclined roof of an estate, envisioning in his mind the killing intent Kensuke had projected during the Ezuri skirmish. He meant to emulate it. Be it a categorized technique or not, such a skill would be useful to appropriate — especially to disarm an enemy without resorting to violence. But no-one could tell how long it would take him to master —
months, a year, maybe even years. While he was capable of bloodthirstiness — as was evinced just yesterday — it was not a main feature of his predisposition. Violence had, however — at no fancy of his — forced itself into his life since that very first battle at the Hon estate and become a constant… No, since his birth into the Hyuuga clan. The way it was lined up almost made him consider destiny — a game of heavenly shogi, distributing pawns across the playing field and dictating their roles with an inexorable, supreme will.


He was out here, momentarily separated from Kensuke and Karma, on the pretext of contacting Zakito's messenger. They'd rented a room at a nearby motel for the night, which would serve as the rendezvous for the belated meeting.
After a while, when the mental emulation ceased producing any results, his mind too errant and distrait, he opened his eye and rose, letting out a soft sigh. The darkness of his eyelid dissipated into the dim lustre of scattered stars and amber lights from the streets below. Peering up into the night sky, his thoughts strayed to Saki and Kiyomi. Unless it possessed the ability to access memories from a distance, that horrible, mangled creature had some intel on them — enough to form a perfect effigy. Maybe even direct contact… Please be safe… he thought, I don't think I have it in me to save others. Much less myself...


Weaving handseals, the Dragon Lotus tattoo on his Hideki's shin flared a dark purple beneath the black fabric of his trousers. It began to pulsate softly with the vesting of chakra.

"Sorry for the delay, Zakito-san. We're ready now."
Last edited by a moderator:
Zakito meets with Team 7
Kisses and Cuddles

The communication with Zakito had gone smoothly — in perfect secrecy — his right shin where the tattoo was slightly athrob. Kensuke and Karma had been informed — under the pretext of an alleged messenger — and now they were waiting for Zakito's arrival, the unventilated motel room smelling of old socks and cigarettes. The window stood open in case Zakito preferred some subtlety, the moon a buttery rockface in the starry night outside.

Hideki sat on one of the beds, gloomy and desolate, his head propped up against the moth-eaten bed frame. Meilin had seemingly disappeared into thin air, worrying him, and then there was the indignation, his pride utterly violated by the creature earlier, reduced into a vile brew of ignominy. Downtrodden and ridiculed. He still felt tingles of rage in his fingertips, itching to get some action — to eject chakra. The urge scared him. Shinobi were supposed to keep their emotions in check — to be machines, mere weapons for the taking — and right now he was an emotional mess. He hated— loathed it. When will I ever learn? he thought, staring absently at the ceiling with his one remaining eye.

The leader of Team 7 leaned against the wall with at least one invisible shadow clone shadowing this meeting. Eversince the enemy'd found them out yesterday he had no intention of being caught unaware by anything. The amount of chakra it required was a bother, but he reasoned that the advantage it gave them in case of a second ambush would be worth more than the additional chakra in another surprise fight.

Ever since their arrival at the motel room, Karma sat on one of the beds, her broken leg being straight on it. She removed the aid Kensuke made for it, fully intent to let it start to heal without it weighing the leg down. She did, however, properly bandage her leg and paid for some alchohol to use as a disinfectant, to lessen the odds of it becoming contaminated in any way. She kept looking at the door of the room, waiting for the arrival of the contact that was supposed to arrive.

Without an warning a whizzling sound would herald the entry of an arrow, hitting its mark on the door. There would be nobody in sight when a look would be thrown out of the window. Yet out of the shadow of the arrow a hand rose up, garbed in a fingerless glove. Placing itself on the ground another hand appeared. As if he had to press himself up, the white hair would follow as a familiar Hon would climb out of the small shadow of the arrow. Not saying a word he first glanced around, his left eye open as well. There was a certain stern expression noticable on the man's visible features.

"Where's the fourth one?" He asked, his gaze settling on Karma and her leg. There wasn't a following question right away. "And what happened?" His tone wasn't friendly or polite, but almost fitting the already grim atmosphere that seemed to have even lingered around before his arrival.

As soon as Zakito disinterred himself from the arrow, Hideki's Byakugan was present, examining the Jounin-commander's chakra and consequently noting Kensuke's invisible clone. He deactivated it soon thereafter, Zakito being the real Zakito. "Just a precaution, sir." He paused for a bit as Zakito asked about Meilin, and then the situation on the whole. "Meilin's gone, or so it appe—

"Meilin's family has been abducted. Seeing how she hasn't come back for some time, I believe it is possible that she might be trying to locate them on her own." Karma said, interrupting Hideki as she looked at Zakito "As for my leg, it isn't anything that will prevent me from continuing on this mission." She finished speaking.

A nod would follow Hideki's words as Zakito threw a brief glance at the Hyuuga as he stated that Meilin was gone. Before Hideki could finish the girl on the bed interrupted him to state something that made Zakito turn his attention to her. Before replying once more his eyes moved his gaze to her leg, again. "Wonderful." He mumbled, his tone saying enough. "Can you jump?" He asked, the stern look locked on the girl's eyes. "Cause else if you can't move around without holding up the others, you're a liability."

"I take full responsibility for that, sir. If I hadn't screwed up — more on that later — there's the likelihood no injuries would have sprung up, and especially none this severe," Hideki added, then resigned himself to await Kensuke's say in the matter.

As soon as Hideki confirmed that this mysterious person was indeed Zakito and not an illusion of some sort Kensuke relaxed against the doorframe. When Karma spilled the beans on Meilin's whereabouts he sighed deeply. "I made a mistake in assuming our targets could not find us so soon, that's all there is to it." He said as his eyes bored into Karma's, speaking the promise that there would be talk of Meilin's whereabouts soon. "You received my message?" Kensuke then said to Zakito, looking at the arrow, trying to decypher what technique his old teacher used to get here.

A silence would follow the words of Kensuke as Zakito took a deep breath in and sighed. Lowering his head for a moment, he would throw a look around as if he was more interested in the room for a moment. "I shall keep this short. I am aware that you all aren't happy about the current situation and this is a really, really," his tone already spoiled the surprise of what would follow even as Zakito took a small pause, "Bad time for me to receive bad news. Right now you all are considered to be missing in action as I did manage to arrange an ANBU team to stall any investigation of the local authoritaties. Once I am done here, you will contact them, but that is something I will brief you more about in a bit." His gaze travelled once more at the girl's broken leg.

"As for your message, I had. I want you to hand over Ezuri to the ANBU. They will take care of him and what possible information that he has." Zakito answered. "Though I assume that you lot took care of those managed to find you?" He asked, his stern gaze shifting to give them all a stern look.

"Kensuke and Hideki managed to take out everyone that attacked us, but there was a woman who got away." Karma quickly said "Hideki should explain more what he saw, because there was something off about her that clearly disturbed him." She added as she turned to look at Hideki.

"Well... to cut the frills, the woman seemed to be dead— No, rotting, decaying — her interior, that is. Very strange phenomenon. She was coated in some regenerative aura, as well, that seemed to impede... anything from reaching her, be it physical or an emanation of chakra. He hesitated for a second, grounding his jaw. "I believe — I hypothesize — she stole into my memories. I fought back, but there's no telling whether I managed to muster any defense or how much intel she managed to access in the process. Oh, and one more thing," His tone became noticeably morose, expression darkening. "She was capable of assuming the appearance of both Saki Yamanaka and the Empress."

Waiting patiently until both Karma and Hideki were done, Kensuke finally spoke after a brief pause. "They ambushed us while we were debriefing. The mysterious woman led the endeavour and obviously got what she was looking for after taking whatever she took from Hideki, the soldiers that came with her were only meant to buy her time to escape and break the chase." He reported. "Given that she let loose that I too was considered a target of such an attack, I believe we should reconsider the meaning of the hitlist we found, or its validity." He said. "We'll contact the ANBU and deliver Ezuri to them. How shall I contact them, or will they find me?"

Hearing out what they all said, Zakito's right hand cupped his chin as he seemed to turn his gaze back to Karma's broken leg. The only moment that he broke off his stare was when there was a change in Hideki's tone. Considering something as well taking in the information that they gave him, Zakito spoke up. "So, they found you or were at least capable of tracking one of you down. Then... a woman that seemed dead managed to steal memories?" He summarized, though didn't wait for any confirmation. Seeing that he considered that Kensuke and Hideki wouldn't be surprised by what he could tell, Zakito would decide to reveal a bit of information back to them. "And so far I know Kiyomi and Saki are together. They are tracking down the man responsible that took out Team 9. Though, I have my two best operatives watching over them." Knowing that the information wouldn't be really comforting, hopefully it would lead to it that they could keep their focus on the mission a bit longer.

"As for the hitlist, disregard it for now. It is more important that you figure out what happened to the missing genin. I wish I could give you all more time, but a week is all that you can get. The ANBU will contact you tomorrow as they likely already have caught hold of your chakra signatures." Zakito continued. "If you find anything then report to the ANBU. How that will go? I will let that up to you. So unless anybody knows anything more about the missing genin or can tell me more about this... living dead," Zakito said. "I consider this meeting done."

Karma took a moment to take in what Zakito said, and the fact he kept looking at her leg made her think that he doubted her capability of continuing to work on the mission "If our mission is now to track down Meilin, then I will be a liability. Should you order so, I will return to Konoha and get myself under the care of a medical shinobi, or await the arrival of the ANBU." She said.

Turning his attention back to the girl who spoke, Zakito frowned for a moment. "And I thought you said that you wouldn't be a liability?" The man noted. "And your mission was to uncover the matters that are happening in the city. Seeing how that went, your current'objective'," a harsh emphasize that was meant for them all as a reminder, "Is now to find out what has or is happening to the genin assigned to your team. So know anything?" He asked, his patience starting to run thin, the whole group.

"Sir?" Hideki said, slightly perplexed. Maybe he was treading on thin ice... "We've uncovered a number of safehouses and extracted some rather vital information from Ezuri, including the hitlist. Our only shortcoming was my blunder at the hands of the woman-creature... Which — of course — there's no excusing.

"So we are to retrieve our teammember and retreat before the ANBU team runs out of excuses to tell the local authorities. What's our next objective?" He asked, ignoring Hideki and Karma, for now. He suspected Karma knew more than she let on, but that was for later.

"As I've said before, I believe Meilin may have went after her family, which was seemingly abducted."

"Do you know more? Yes or no." Zakito said, his eyebrows slightly raising as his attention was on the girl for at the moment.

"What I know is that I discovered her family was missing around the same time she cut communications with us. It is possible she discovered it as well." Karma said.

A sigh escaped the man as he then moved his attention to Hideki. "No, there isn't. But neither is it any of your blame." He wouldn't state that he was perhaps venting some of his frustation on the group. His pride wouldn't allow him nor was he considering that an apology would be felt genuine if stated at the moment. "Find your genin, see what happened and then try to move back. The ANBU will try to see what they can do regarding the families and information uncovered. As for anything else," Zakito gave his student a look. "I would start with making clear what yes or no means." Shooting a meaningful glance at the girl Zakito would poof away, revealing it was a shadow clone.
Meilin Cho

Genin of Konoha Team 7,
- Leader of Team Meilin -
Keishi, near the western gate.

~Midnight fantasies.~

The day just went by as nothing really exciting or special happened. Leaning on his polearm he was wondering if this would continue until next week. Then he would get his salary, though he would get tomorrow off. Raising his gloved left hand Tabito scratched the back of his head. Perhaps he should enjoy the end of his shift with a bit of drinking? Remembering the generous donation for being such a good guard, a smile dawned on the lips of the man.
Perhaps he should celebrate this evening in a bit more of a private sense?
As if the god(s) themselves had taken note of his thought Tabito noticed somebody. A young woman walking past, her eyes fixated on him with a glint visible. As Tabito's eyes half closed, he eyed the woman without any subtly to it.
Noticing that the young woman didn't seem to either mind or be repulsed by his staring and mischievous smile, but even returning a small smile and wink Tabito was sure of it. Life just couldn't get any better. As the young woman continued to walk past Tabito noticed she threw a look over her shoulder at him. For a moment he wondered if she was seriously throwing a look to make sure he was looking at her, but as their eyes met he smiled.

Previously, on Team Meilin :

[ Previous post ]

"When are we going home?"

"I don't know."

"W-Where are... the others?"

"I don't know."

More questions followed as Meilin kept digging. Using a kunai to penetrate the soil, the teen felt exhausted. Not just physically exhausted, but also mentally. She had managed to save some people from whatever fate those men had in store for them. Now they were just catching their breath as well trying to recover from the shock, finding out that they no longer were in the clutches of people that had clearly some ill-intensions with them.
Yet she had found no joy in what she had found when opening the first coffin. Reunited with your mother was one thing, but the phrase 'staring a person dead in the eye' was one that Meilin no longer wished to hear for the rest of her life. The pale colour, the fear and dread visible on the features of the woman who had given her life as the dreadful stabbing wound at her chest had shocked the teen. The ice cold temperature said enough, but Meilin had attempted to use her healing technique until she felt a painful aching throbbing through her arms.

It wasn't fair.

As she kept on digging Meilin couldn't get rid of the thought.

It wasn't fair.

Luckily she had found one of her siblings. Hitomo, her youngest sister, had also been in one of the coffins. Other than that? Two other families that had been together. But why not her family? Stopping Meilin's breathing had gone more irregular than it had been before. Chewing on her lower lip she straightening her back, her chin raised as she looked up at the sky becoming darker.

Where were the others?
This wasn't fair...​


As anticipated, the day had passed without any trouble. Or fun, in Tabito's opinion. A merchant, that had come from some city in the northern part of the empire, had complained that they had been slow with their check. Only resulting that Tabito and the other guards had even taken a slower pace to investigate if the man and his group weren't smuggling any illegal wares into the city.
A whistle would resonate through the street as Tabito was heading now for the centre of the city. The sounds of the pubs, restaurants and crowd present and moving through the streets - being the lifeblood of the city. It promised pleasure, fun and relaxation after a day of work. Something that Tabito was able to afford, after all, with the donation.

Walking through the street the man considered how his life had been several months ago. Before he had decided to take up the offer that one of his buddies had suggested. Just allowing some undertaker to move corpses from the city to serve as research material for the students at the Konohagakure hospital. There had been some doubts if the people had been really dead, but Tabito didn't ask questions. He did just let this mysterious undertaker continue with his trade and earn himself some donations from this said businessman. After all, wasn't he doing a good job? The hospital at the empire's capital was renowned for educating more than just a few of the best doctors and medical personnel. In fact, that meant he was doing nothing but helping his country!
This thought made Tabito walk with even more confidence, deciding to skip the pubs and restaurants where perhaps some of his colleagues and friends could be found. No, he had his sight on some personal pleasure as he would delve into the less visited part of the centre. A part that was shunned by the honest spouses and those who would be disgusted by the idea of exchanging money for some pleasure. Tabito, however? He considered that it was the time that somebody would make him feel appreciated. His hard work should get more rewards than just a normal wage with what he was doing for the Empire!

Not being a stranger to this part of the city, Tabito would enter a narrow street. There were fewer people present here, but that didn't deter him as he walked further. His grey coloured eyes scanned quickly as he passed several women. They wore clothing that wasn't probably making them feel comfortable with the cold temperature, brought by the approaching season, but they made Tabito and some other men run warm. There were several 'couples' already talking in hushed tones. Some of them walked away together while others seemed to vanish into the small buildings. There were some sounds of other people - talking, singing and laughing - originating from various establishments settled in the narrow street. As well the occasional few street urchins, either begging for food and coin or keeping an eye out for any distracted bypasser, who would be an easy prey to steal from while watching the 'alluring' clothing of the majority of the women present in the street.

His intention was to enter one of the establishments, ignoring the offer of a nearby woman - who promised a night he would never forget - but would come to a halt. In the corner of his eyes, he spotted a familiar woman walking by with attractive features.

"Well, will I ever." Tabito mumbled, amused as he turned. Starting to follow the woman Tabito managed to catch up with her as he whistled softly and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Not every day I notice such a pretty one down here." He began, considering that the smoothest of lines being possible in such a surrounding.
The woman turned as a smile grew on her lips. Her almond shaped eyes, revealing a light brown colour that seemed to match the few freckles spotted in the dimly lighted street while hair that seemed to contain the same colour as sweet chocolate reached her shoulders.
"Not? That's a shame." Was the playful jest of the woman, who started to slowly back away from the man, a smile that would beckon Tabito should come with her.
"I am sure that I won't make a mistake in not having you this evening. I noticed how you stared at me earlier today." Tabito, continue to talk in a more hushed tone as he followed the woman into an alley.
"You're sure? It would be a shame if you would make the mistake by preferring me. Unless you want something really special.~"
Tabito grinned as his hands would move against her hips, pushing her gently against the wall while moving closer. He had already noticed that nobody was here in this alley and likely nobody would care what would occur between him and the lady. His eyes lowered to glance at her lips, making him not even notice the cold breeze passing by.

"Oh, I want something special--"

"Good. So do I."

Tabito's eyes widened as pain moved through his body. A sharp sensation moved through his head as he wasn't sure what just happened. In all of a sudden everything was shaking and became blurry as something moved down from his right temple, something warm. Placing a hand on the ground as he realised he had fallen, Tabito glanced up. Only to see the sole of a boot coming down on his face as the woman off before stared down at him, standing next to his attacker.

The pain came down like a crashing wave, literally kicking the light out and knocking him cold. The last that Tabito heard, before fleeting away, was:

"Good work. Here... enjoy yourself a drink."
"I will, thanks."

Colours were all messed up, making his headache only worse. A groan escaped his lips just before he noticed some colours starting to take over others. Only feeling something hard smacking him across the face and once more introducing him to the ground.
"Don't worry. I am not going to kill you." A voice that sounded as if there was some distance told Tabito. Trying to make sense of what had happened and now was happening, the man blinked rapidly as he tried to move. His arms and legs were, however, strapped. Noticing only half how the chair he was strapped to was put up again, he started to make sense of the blurry vision.


Another sharp sensation of pain shot through his face. His head would be forced to twist left. Lowering his head, Tabito blinked a few more times as he felt how blood started to run down from his nose and left eyebrow.


Another punch followed, causing the man to this time land on his side again with a painful smack on the ground. Only followed by barely audible words, spoken in a language that he didn't know.
Being set up again Tabito panted, trying to see who was beating him and had likely strapped him to this chair.

"Think that should do as an introduction. Now," The blurry vision started to settle down as Tabito heard some sounds, just able to now spot how the unknown person sat down in front of him. A quick glance made it clear that they were in a totally different surrounding than before.
"I want you to tell me everything."
Hearing the threatening tone from the voice Tabito started to stutter. Only to be interrupted by a slap in the face.
"Take it easy. Think before you talk and you won't have to suffer. I just want to know everything regarding the transport of the people."

Tabito coughed as he tried to consider what was going on. Remembering the woman of before and how he had walked into alley with her as being knocked out, he realised he had been lured into a trap. But why? He was just helping an undertaker...
"I don- I don't know! I just am being paid to let wares pass by. T-That isn't bad, is it?!"
Silence followed as he started to get a better view. The room he was in was a mess. Likely one an abandoned home as Tabito couldn't consider anybody being able to live here. There was barely any light to show the features of the hooded person in front of him.
"Who is paying you?"
"I-I don't know his n-name! Please, I just am being p-paid---"
He froze as he noticed a right hand, garbed in a glove, being raised in a fast speed. Bracing already for the smack, he was surprised. The mysterious stranger moved her right hand towards the cheek and caress instead of landing another smack.

"Who is paying you?" The question was repeated as the gloved fingers gently moved past the man's cheek.
"It is some guy. At the local market, running a sushi stand. I never got the name, but he has a small moustache and is balding." Tabito said, not feeling more at comfort with the soft touch. "Please, I was told that the bodies would be send to the capital! F-For the hospital's students to bec-become doctors and what not!"

The gloved fingers moved to the neck of the man, gentle and almost soothing, to move up through his hair. The strange language was phrased and spoken by the mysterious woman once more, nothing more than a barely audible whisper. Causing Tabito to lick his lips while he decided to ask a question back.
"The road to hell is paved with good intensions."

The gloved fingers suddenly grabbed hold of the back of Tabito's head, pulling him back and exposing his throat. Just before the man could unleash a scream or plea for his life a sharp pain shot towards his head, originating from his exposed throat. Just as he realised what she had done, the last thing he would hear :

"Your death... is called Meilin."

As life fleeted from the corrupt guard, Meilin pulled out the kunai. Letting the blood flow from the wound as the man would suffocate in his own blood the teen would turn around. She would decide to take the rest of the night as a rest before taking care of business tomorrow.
Last edited:
[fieldbox=Bingo, royalblue]

Mika Hayashi
Kirigakure Jounin | Team 14 | Kirigakure, the port.

Observing the team, the invisible shadow clone of Mika was wondering how they would tackle the next stage. She had already an idea how she could cover or attempt to move in if their attempt would fail. Not that she would anticipate that they would go wrong seeing she had some hope that the group would use their brains instead of brawn to get inside and search for anything suspicious. It seemed that the girl, Nami, was doing something. From her current position, the shadow clone couldn't spot what the genin was doing or saying - as it was hard to read lips when you could just spot the back of somebody's head.

Turning her attention back to the warehouse, the shadow clone would remain in position. Hidden from plain view and ready to sweep in to provide aid and protection for the genin if they would come to need to it. It would be a matter of time before a group carrying some cargo were heading towards the warehouse. It seemed heavy as there was at least half a dozen man carrying a large crate together.

Meanwhile, the real Mika would check on another warehouse. Using the covers of the shadow and the light fog that was present at this time of hour in the morning she wouldn't need to resort to the camouflage technique. Silent as a ghost the ex-ANBU captain moved from cover to cover. The warehouse she had in her sight was similar to the one that the genin would try to sneak in. Peeking around the corner Mika counted eight visible guards standing at the entrance. The windows were too high and scaling the walls would make her be an easy target. Both to spot and to take down as she noticed some of the guards being equipped with crossbows.
"Fucking hate crossbows." Mika mumbled to herself. Trying to find another path, she noticed that there was one guard separating himself from the group. "Bingo..."

[fieldbox="Time to train!, skyblue, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]
Ryu Uchiha | Team 11 Genin | Amegakure

An Eventful Morning!
Thanks to Gerontis for writing as the baker!​
Looking around at the various stores on either side of her, Ryu briefly debated if she wished to go into one and poke her head around. However; the girl did restrain herself from doing so, mostly in thanks to the lack of funds she had... and that she doubted most people around here would like a panther wandering through their store. As she walked, the uchiha absent-mindedly reached up to adjust the headband she wore. With plans to head over to try to get some training in today, the genin had worn said headband while she went to poke through the markets. The girl stopped briefly to gaze into the window of a bakery, the pastries displayed catching her eye as she briefly debated heading inside.

"Stay away." A masculine voice spoke up. "No kunoichi are welcome." The voice continued. It was a man that was standing next to the opening of the bakery. The apron made it clear that he was working at the place. Holding a cigarrette with his left hand the man threw a glare sideways at Ryu. He had spotted her headband and only kunochi as shinobi worse those. "Now scurry along." The man said with a stern tone, raising the cigarrete end to his lips.

With a baffled expression, Ryu turned to look at the man who had spoken. "W-what? Why? I was in here not too long ago and bought something." she said, trying to figure out the change in policy since she had last been here. The girl studied the man briefly, attempting to discern if perhaps a new owner had taken the place? However, she was only rewarded with realizing it to be the same man.

"Are you deaf, punk?" The man sneered at her, this time with a louder voice. "We will not serve shinobi or kunoichi in this shop anymore! Pester off, will you?!" His cheeks started to gain a reddish faint as he was clearly getting angrier. Taking a moment to take a smoke from his cigarrate the man threw the girl another glare. "Else I will let the guards come and kick you vile murderer away. Serves you right after what happened."

The girl stumbled backwards a bit as the man seemed to grow a bit more irriatated. "S-sorry, sir! But I don't understand... what happened?" she said quickly, as she was fairly certain this man knew nothing about her fight with Suguha, and more so; that he likely didn't know enough to link her to it. As Ryu backed away, a low growling could be heard as Naomi moved to put herself between Ryu and the man. Not in any motion to attack; but trying to make a statement of not to mess with her human.

"I lost my daughter! That is what!" Now people would stop and turn their head towards the two as the baker screamed at the girl and her panther. He wasn't even intimidated by the panther, his shoulders and fists trembling. "Her throat slashed! That is what happened! You... You lot! Get out! Go away!" The baker kept shouting at the girl and her animal. Some of the people on the street kept staring, a bit puzzled and some even throwing a glare at Ryu while others seemed to pity the baker.

Eye wide, Ryu backed up a little more. "I-I'm sorry for your loss. But I really have no idea what happened! Naomi! Heel! We're leaving!" she called out to the panther, who glared at the man for a bit longer before turning and following Ryu away. The girl continually glancing over her shoulder at the man behind her, a worried expression on her face.

Eventually the girl did make it out to the training field, a small sigh of relief escaped the girl as she had not seemed to encounter anymore like the baker. Still, it bothered her how angry he had seemed and that she couldn't figure out exactly what the man was talking about. Maybe Eiji-sensei would know what could have happened to make him seem to hate shinobi out of nowhere? She could certainly ask, but after she got some training in. With that, Ryu sighed as she pulled the small notebook that had the exercises in chakra control that Doctor Tsubaki wished her to practice. Yet in her mind's eye she could still see the angry baker, perhaps she could find some way to help him? At least... she could work harder at her medical ninjutsu training, and perhaps prevent others from feeling the same way he does.

That would certainly be a nice thought...​

Looking down at the small leaf in her hands, Ryu frowned down at it as she thought about the exercise. Cutting a leaf in two with chakra didn't strike the girl as something helpful for medical ninjutsu. However; Doctor Tsubaki had since explained why she should be practicing this technique. Claiming that it was a technique which would help Ryu hone her chakra control further. Cutting the leaf in half with her chakra alone would require a fine control, simple to how one must be able to finely manipulate the chakra they are using to heal one's body. A small smile formed on Ryu's lips as she took a couple of deep breaths. She had been practicing this technique for a while, surely today would be the day she would succeed on it! Afterall, she'd spent the last few hours here to no avail, and was certainly starting to feel the effects of it.

Closing her eye, the girl moulded the chakra once more. Focusing on moving the chakra out of her hands, and channeling it into a sharp blade. In her mind's eye, Ryu saw something similar to a single razor blade of chakra. Something that would slice quickly through the leaf. Slowly she attempted to to sharpen the chakra, concentrating hard as she stood still. Applying ideas she had come up with and lessons she had learned in previous times using this technique. After some time, and feeling as if somehting had moved in her palms, the girl opened her eye excitedly. Only to see that she had managed to just move said leaf around in her hands slightly. A small pout grew onto her features as the girl tried to think about what she had done wrong. Everything seemed to have gone well except... she hadn't been really focusing on the leaf or any single point. Just trying to sharpen the chakra coming from her hands.

Before attempting the technique again, the girl moved to sit by a nearby tree and take a drink from her water bottle. It was surprising to Ryu just how taxing chakra control training was on the body. She felt a small part of her leg grow a bit warmer and vibrate as something seemed to settle in. The Uchiha looked over with a small smile on her lips to notice the large feline who had settled in. "What do you think, Naomi? Was the issue in me not focusing on a single point?" she asked the panther, to which the feline studied the girl's face with a curious expression. Ryu silently scratched behind Naomi's ear as she thought for a second before pulling a small notepad and pencil from her bag. Scribbiling down briefly some notes about what she had learned worked and didn't, the girl then pushed herself up and began heading towards where she had previously been.

Closing her eye once more, Ryu repeated what she had been doing previously except this time focusing on a single point point in the center of the leaf. After what seemed an eterniety of focusing solely on that single point; Ryu was suddenly rewarded by a small sound disturbing the silence. Opening her eye carefully, Ryu noticed two halves of leaf sitting there instead of the single leaf from before. Immidately, a large grin had spread across her face as she briefly pumped her fist into the air in victory. She had successfuly completed the task! Running quickly to her notepad, Ryu scribbled down 'Success!!!' under her notes from today. After the elation subsided slightly, the girl thought about it more. "Alright, Ryu. Now lets focus on only using as much chakra as that requires, not wasting anymore than needed. Also lets get it so you can be quicker, and do it without having to close your eye to visualize. You got this." she said quietly to herself before getting up and heading over to where she had previously been.

As she took a breath to prepare, her mind drifted back to the baker from earlier that day. Speaking about shinobi and his poor daughter. I'll prove to you that most shinobi aren't bad, and I will prevent others from feeling your pain as well. she thought briefly, wondering silently if she could have saved that man's daughter. Well, she certainly wouldn't do that standing around and thinking about it. With that thought in mind, Ryu turned her attention back to the task at hand.

She'd help others one day, and prevent people from losing those they love like she and that baker had. She'd learn to heal, and through that would help others avoid her pain.[/hr][/hr][/fieldbox]
Team Seven: Civil War
Part 1

With Zakito's departure, a grim yet determinant atmosphere suffused the dingy motel room. Hideki felt even more downtrodden, and it did nothing but fuel his determination — almost mechanically, oil to the cogs and gears. All he desired presently was to end the vile existence of the creature. Unfortunately, finding Meilin was the most pressing matter — hopefully (morbidly) their paths had already converged. It would make the operation run all the more smoother. Just be alive. After acting out of your own volition like that, you better be.

"Alright, Karma. Don't hold anything back — lives are at risk here; and I'm tired of chasing the wind." His tone was slightly more brusque than he'd intended. He felt apologetic about it — especially since he was in no shape or form superior in rank — but after his humiliation at the hands of the creature, his priorities had shifted.

Kensuke ran his hand through the stubble that was turning into a beard after almost two weeks on mission after Zakito disappeared as he ran calculations in his mind. "This is my fault." He said to himself and sank back into pondering silence until he suddenly slammed his still bandaged hand on the wall in a gesture to clear his mind. "Clear your minds, we have a new objective. Finding Meilin asap. I have a pretty good idea why she left and where she's gone, but you," Kensuke said, looking at Karma. "seem to know more of what she's done since I sent her to check my paperwork for faults."

She wanted to say that she thought they were both hypecrites, but felt like it would not be the fitting thing to do in this situation, but at the same time, she knew that Meilin's trust in her was a very fragile thing right now, and between trusting these two and her, she prefered trusting Meilin right now, as the entire situation still felt off for her.

"I don't know what you mean. I went to the apartments as Kensuke instructed me, found out one of them belonged to her family as there was a picture of her with them. Afterwards I told him that I wish to observe the apartment further in suspicion that Meilin might come check it if her family is safe, but after several hours there was no turnout. Its possible she had been there prior to my arrival at the apartment, it was hard to tell due to almost everything being missing from the place. That is all I know." She said and looked at both of them with a serious look.

"Then we'll have to search," Hideki said, rubbing his eye in premature exhaustion. He was already bracing himself for the chakra drainage of abusing the Byakugan. "Hopefully we won't have to turn the entire city upside down."

Kensuke frowned. "Are you sure of that?" He said with mounting suspicion. "I ordered her to compare our previous maps with the one we captured to see if there are any other homes that were attacked, and I know that she'd find out at some point that her house was amongst the marked ones." He explained. "Assuming she broke communications with us at that point I think she'd head straight for her house to see if her family was safe. She asked me before if she could check on her family's safety so I know she was concerned." Kensuke continued on a soft tone.

"I don't know exactly when she broke communications with us, but it is still possible she arrived at her home and left it before I got there." She said, still sound serious, but with a hint of concern in her tone.

However infinitely more skilled his sister was at reading body language with their dojutsu for more sophisticated purposes than combat Kensuke could tell that she was hiding something. Perhaps it had nothing to do with the dojutsu at all and it was just a gut feeling. Perhaps she was just concerned about the way this conversation was going. "Hmm." Kensuke grunted and looked out the window. "Let's begin looking at her home then."



A while later, the three remaining members of Team Seven were inside Meilin's home, examining the relatively mild aftermath. Hideki looked around with his Byakugan, searching for residual traces of chakra — in vain, it seemed. "I believe we've reached an impasse, sir," he said, letting his eye decrystallize for the moment — to conserve energy; the night might drag on.

Kensuke walked around the empty house, pacing through the hallway in hidden frustration. He'd checked the doors, the windows, everything. The house looked just the way it did in all of the houses in which abductions had taken place. There just were no signs of a struggle here. With such a big family they probably came by night. The only thing out of the desolate order that filled the place was a picture frame in the hallway near the front door. Kensuke walked over to it and picked it up. It was just a family picture. He turned it around to see if there might've been a hidden message attached to it, or anything, but it was just empty. He turned to place the picture on a drawer when he saw the blood on the floor that'd been hidden under the picture frame. He then traced his steps back into the living room.

"Karma, does it look like anything's changed since you came here?" He asked.

Following Kensuke's footsteps slowly, Karma initially wanted to shake her head until she noticed the empty photoframe. When they went back to the living room and the question was asked, she nodded slowly "The picture was missing, but aside from that, I didn't notice anything that was missing." She said.

That piqued Hideki's curiosity. "So she's been back? He went into the hallway and examined the picture. "Doubt it'll give us much of a lead, though. But it might mean she's gone uncaptured; still on free foot." Unless they'd meant to simply kill her. He kept the remark to himself.

Kensuke nodded. "Remember any signs of resistance in the house or of the people inside?" He then asked. "Maybe Meilin used them as a base to start her own investigation from."

"I do. There have been minor signs of struggle, and a small spot of blood close to where I initially found the picture. It's possible it belonged to either side, but considering the way the place looks..." Karma said, the concern in her voice being very clear now. She sounded very much worried for the sake of her teammate, which was something she was not faking.

Hideki was getting more and more exasperated. There's was no telling where Meilin had gone. No clues. No trails. No signs. She'd vanished into thin air for all the information they had. "Well... I have nothing to add. We'll just have to spread out and search."

Kensuke sighed and then nodded. "It would look that way." He said, and then turned to Karma. "Given your condition you may still go home if you want to. If we're to survey the streets for Meilin you'll obviously be of little use when you can't move properly. I can get you out of town safely, don't worry."

"No offense, but considering how you are both targets to a dangerous group, I think I would prefer getting out of Keishi on my own, but thank you for offering." Karma said, and turned to look at Hideki "I hope you will find Meilin quickly." She said and started making her way out of the apartment, in a slow but steady pace.

Hideki said nothing. Coughed into the pit of his elbow. He felt sick already. There was little chance a search would come to fruition — in any degree of the word. "Let's go, then, sir?" he mumbled, already turning for the door.

Kensuke held Hideki by the shoulder and watched Karma leave with something akin of fire in his eyes. "I know exactly how we will find Meilin." Kensuke said as soon as Karma was gone. "Let's talk to the ANBU who have zoned in on all of our chakra signatures." He said with a voice that betrayed the hurt he felt. "Clearly I must have done something wrong to have lost the trust of both genin in my team."

Hideki looked back over his shoulder at Kensuke, an alarmed expression on the unmarked side of his face. "You think..."

"You tell me what to think." He said with a tired voice as the camouflaged shadow clone that'd been covering their operations began stalking Karma from as far away as was reliable.

"Feh..." Hideki stared at the closed door with an ugly grimace. "What are they planning..." he muttered under his breath, back at rubbing his eye. "I've had enough of all this..." In a clearer, less wailing tone, he added, "Do we split up? Assuming reaching out to the ANBU is still on the agenda... Question is what the opinion of our team will become if we do that, though. Zakito was already in a foul mood."

"I suspect there's more going on than he let on outside of our mission. Don't think of it." He said to Hideki's thoughts on Zakito. "I suspect Meilin and Karma met at some point and planned to work this out together. If they are moles too then our entire mission was compromised from the start and that just doesn't make any sense." He sighed and shook his head. "The ANBU were here to recover Ezuri. Let's start with that." He said, and began walking for the cellar where two of his clones still guarded the young Hyuuga.

"Right." Hideki followed. It was all very strange, but Karma and Meilin were both official members of the Shinobi Corps: they had duties and responsibilities on their shoulders. If this was simple mutiny because of distrust...

"Hey, sir. You wouldn't happen to be a smoker, no?"

Kensuke scoffed and grew a crooked smile. "What does the fact that I once considered it but decided against it because it might betray me on missions say about me?"

"Well... we all have our priorities, I guess."