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Ino Namikaze/ Tora Hatake
Several days into the timeskip

With help from Fieryfly as Nami Tachibana

Ino was standing on a tree branch, observing the area around her. Ever since the mission with Takeshi has ended in success and the Swordsmen went with him and his genin to Kiri, she left their side in silence, figuring that when he sent his genin away it was most likely to also inform the village of Ino's status as alive. Not wanting to give the genin any unneeded information regarding Ino, she coughed as she placed her hands on her neck while focusing on Tora's voice. She then focused her mind on Origami.

"Origami, I want a report of what you have been doing and what major events occured that you know of."

"I have assisted the Revolutionaries side as you ordered. Did not perform anything else since, am waiting to be proccessed. Rika Suzu was murdered in her office, alongside a few more politicians. Afterwards the Revolutionaries have taken over Kirigakure without any issue and a new council has been established to govern the village. The leader of the Revolution, Mika, now wants to stand trial for her actions. Other than that, all seems to be well, aside from the rebellions in the Wolf country."

So it was over. The bigger fight was over. Rika was also done for, via a large scale assassination by what she heard if others were caught in it. New council leading Kirigakure now.

"What do you know about the new members of the council?"

"Not a lot. I was forbidden access to the offices due to not being cleared to return to my previous role, but aside from that, I only know they are people the members of the village seem to trust."

New government system, and people she did not know leading them. That was both good and bad for her. Unfortunatly, the lack of intel on them was slightly worrying her. After a few minutes of thinking about possible ways of how she could gather knowledge on the new people leading Kirigakure, she remembered that Takeshi had sent Nami back to Kiri. She decided to check in on her.

"Nami, I want a report. What have you been doing back at Kiri and has there been any major events that occured there?"

"I have been helping out Father with some deliveries and I have been taking care of my siblings. The Mizukage has been murdered along with some people she was currently in conversation with. The Revolutionaries have landed in Kiri and have taken up control. Supposedly a council is coming into place. One of the Revolutionaries wants a trial for herself." Nami replied to her.

Same info as the one Origami provided. Though one thing slightly struck her as odd. She knew Takeshi most likely sent Nami back to inform the Kiri higher ups of the missing-nin that was then accompanying them, and Nami had no knowledge that Ino was part of the DL, so why not let her know that she has also informed the higher ups of this? Unless Takeshi decided against telling Nami to do so, which would make sending her back to the village be more off.

The lack of knowledge about the new higher ups and if Nami was informed them of Ino's return or not was a cause of concern for her. She did not intend on asking Nami about Ino due to not wanting to let the young member know details she did not need to know. Her every instinct from the time she was a missing-nin was telling her to go into hiding. That she needed to vanish off the map until she could gain enough knowledge once more.

But she wasn't alone in this.

She was part of a bigger organization, not to mention she would be leaving both Origami and Nami behind. Letting out a small hiss, she knew that it meant she would be going blindly back to Kiri, something she greatly disliked. But leaving the two behind would not only be wrong, it could easily make Zakito greatly displeased with her, which was something she knew could mean worse things than what she would face back at Kirigakure.

She closed her eyes as she did the transformation technique to go back into appearing as Tora Hatake. Before beginning to head back to Kirigakure, she created a link to her superior

"Dragon, I am now heading back to Kirigakure blind. I was informed the Revolutionaries have won and there is a new council formed to govern Kirigakure. If I do not report in 3 days, then something is wrong. She informed him before beginning to head away from the spot and towards Kirigakure.

She wasn't just a regular missing-nin anymore. She was a part of something, and she couldn't just afford to ignore that.
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Collab between Les and the all-mighty savior of the universe, Ice AKA Codemaster AKA Icy AKA Beyond-GM.

Saki and Hideki:
The Present

Eye closed, Hideki felt how sleep slowly wrapped its loving embrace around him. A little nap wouldn't hurt anybody. And since Saki should still be away on her mission, there was no-one to come between him and his highly-desired sleep. He'd been wrong, of course. Saki's loud voice caused him to nearly crash onto the floor. "What the.." He muttered, rubbing the sleep off his eye, his hair a ruffled mess from twisting in bed.

Walking first towards the kitchen the put the basket with the wares on the kitchen table, Saki would jog towards the stairs and decide to head upstairs. "Hey hey!" Her head appeared a few moments later around the corner of the door. A wide smile covering her lips as a glint was evident in her blue colored eyes. "Had a good morning?~" She asked, still not revealing anything else but her head around the corner.

Hideki furrowed his brow. "You're awfully happy." Somehow that made him worried. What in the world had she devised this time?

"Of course! I was just heading out. You know," her left hand appeared as she made a short gesture, "doing the groceries and such. And I've bought you a present. But," her tone quickly shifted as she uttered the last word, a brief pause following, "you got to promise me that if I give it that you'll do me a favor. Okay?"

Sitting up in bed, he made an unintelligible expression. "Uh-huh.. What is it?" He asked warily, still worried of what she might come up with. "Is this related to the ball?"

The last question of Hideki cause Saki to playfully pout back. "Maybe. In some way." She replied at first. "It will be fun, promised... because," waiting for another second, she would take a step to stand in the door opening and revealing his present. Holding up the folded suit, that she had been holding against her with her right hand, Saki beamed. "I got you a suit!"

Hideki tried hard to keep up his composure, but it proved impossible. He burst out into a mix of laughing and moaning. "C'mon.. I'm wearing that? It looks so stiff!" He whined, feeling embarrassed at the mere sight of the dress. "Kiyomi will never leave me alone.."

"Hiki, please?" Saki pouted again. She knew better than that Kiyomi wasn't the reason why he didn't want to go. "You'll look great. Really! Promised." Walking into the room, she tried to comfort him with flashing a warm smile.

Hideki held her gaze for a time, his eyebrows wrinkled in mild annoyance. Then he flopped onto the bed, his efforts thwarted. "Aaaah, whatever. Have it your way. But I'm telling you, I'll be the laughing stock of the festival.." He twisted in bed, pulling at the blankets and stretching his limbs, unable to hide, however, the hint of a smile.

"Good! Would be nice to have you nearby while people laugh." Saki said with a slight teasin tone. Putting the clothing next to him on the bed, she couldn't resist a giggle. "Perhaps you can show them that pretty smile of yourself instead that I need to brag all about it myself!"

"Feh.. You're the worst." He said half-grinning, his eyes darting back and forth between her and the suit. He finally picked it up with the care of a biologist dissecting a rare test-animal. "Is this even my size? And won't I need to tailor it either way?" Hideki had never wore a suit in his entire life. The only formal clothing he'd been required to wear back at the compound had been ceremonial robes bearing the clan's sigil.

"Heh, well... you see." Settling on the bed, Saki would move her legs up to sit in a meditation sit, placing her hands at her ankles. "I might... have taken some measurements of your clothing. When... does it really matter? I got you a present. No need to question me!"

"So you've been spying on me, eh? You damn traitor!" He exclaimed, trying to wrap his legs around Saki's neck in a wrestling move. Like the ones he'd seen as a child visting the downtown sumo arenas.

"Huh-- HEY!"

Surprised, Saki managed to only get one hand up as Hideki's legs wrapped around her neck. "Uuuuuh, Hiki!" Trying to push his legs away, she squeezed her eyes closed as she tried to wringle free. "We can play later!"

"I never play around." He stated confidently, then let Saki loose with a satisfied grin. "Anyway, when's the ball again? And will everyone be wearing suits? I don't wanna be the only one.."

"Of course you don't... would be nice if you did. Now and then.~" She said, feigning as if she was upset for a second. Sitting up again, she frowned briefly as she thought about it. "It can already be starting, I have no clear idea. And yes, it is considered to be 'formal'. Going dressed in your flak jacket and armed to the teeth isn't.... formal."

"Mhm. Oh well, I trust in your taste. You always dress well." He carefully pulled loose the plastic wrapped around the suit. "Guess I'll try it on then." Holding the suit before him, he felt awkward to his core. Gods, would they not laugh at him?

Leaning forwards, her elbows on her legs, she had a smile the grew on her lips. "Try it! It won't hurt, you know!" She tried to encourage him, clearly enjoying herself.

Hideki stepped out of the bathroom, dressed from head to toe in formal wear, the suit wrapped perfectly around his shoulders. "It.. fits at least.." He murmured, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. "It's way too hard to move around in this thing." He tried to stretch to no avail, although the fabric was more elastic than he'd first thought. "The pants are great, though."

Wiggling her eyebrows, Saki would then whistle. "Turn around." She commanded him, a grin growing on her lips as she waited for him to do as she said.

Hideki arched an eyebrow, mildly annoyed at being commanded to do something. But he did as told, turning around and displaying the back of the suit for Saki.

"I knew I still had some good buns at home." Saki said, whistling again. "But looks good." She nodded, clearly approving.

Snorting, Hideki rolled his eyes. "You're such a nerd. A cute nerd, though." Winking back, Saki replied. "What can I say? Takes one to notice one, no?~"
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Ryuu didn't take very long to show up whenever Eiji-Sensei sent out the message. The boy was quite punctual. Being late bothered him immensely. Either way, he showed up and looked at at his Sensei. "Hello Sensei, I must apologize my choices on the last mission. I was a burden to the squad. But I swear that won't happen again. My deepest apologizes Sensei." The boy said then stood a respectful distance away, waiting on his teammates to show up or for orders from Eiji. Naomi paced around Ryuu before deciding to curl up with her head resting on his right foot.

Even as he stood before his Sensei, Ryuu couldn't help but feeling like a failure. The young Uchiha had nearly taken his own life because he had acted without much thought. He had forced Eiji and his teammates into a position where they had to operate with one less person in the squad than there should have been. To sum it all up, he had been a burden. Ryuu hadn't pulled his own weight. It had been his first chance to show that he wasn't a failure like his parents had always said he was before they left. Then the boy had to go and screw it up. He had to prove himself to the team and to Eiji. Although he couldn't be rash about it or he would just have a repeat of what happened last time. There was no more room for fun and games, this was a wake up call of sorts to Ryuu. It was time for him to step up to plate and prove he was worth something as a Shinobi. He could worry about whether or not he made friends later. Ryuu thought of all these things as he stood there awaiting his teammates, and just silently hoped that his eyes did not betray the turmoil inside.
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Falling leads to a Meeting!
Katsu and Kuni's first (Accidental) encounter!

A Collab between Sketching101 and Nim

Kuni is on her way to the ball when the heels give her issues and she falls and ends up meeting someone new. Enjoy~​


The walk from the palace to where the ball was at was beginning to be incredibly irritating for her. She was never going to walk in heels after this ever again. Luckily her dress wasn't as long as her legs and she didn't need to worry about it getting caught under her shoes. Kuni was about halfway to the place when her left heel got stuck in a small crack in the pathway, making her lose her balance with the next step and fall forward, landing against someone's back and grabbing onto him to not fall down while slipping her leg out of her shoe "I'm sorry!" She quickly said before she let go of the person, took a step back and fell backwards due to her leg that was now slightly above the ground and not noticing it.

Feeling his weight moving backwards for a moment, Katsu tried to balance himself, hardly holding onto his posture. He turned around. "It's alright," he said, scratching the side of his forehead.

She quickly got back up and and then looked at the boy. He didn't seem to be much older than her. She then realised her feet was slightly above the ground and moved it down to steady herself before kneeling and pulling her other shoe from the spot it got stuck in. She then put the shoe on her foot while eyeing the boy "Hope you don't mind me saying, but you are looking fancy. Going to the ball?" She asked as she got back up and balanced herself a bit.

Smiling, the boy nodded. "I am," he said and paused for a moment. He looked down at her feet and back up at her. "I assume you are too. I feel rather silly going to something like that, though..." He already felt rather out of place. A ball? Really? He might've been more comfortable at home with a pen and paper in his hands...

"I also feel silly. But after I was forced into the look, I figured I might as well put it to use." She said, looking at her feet and clearly being irritated at her shoes. She then looked back at him and raised an eyebrow "Are you going there alone? Seems kind of odd." She asked.

"Yeah, but.... I'm meeting a few friends there, so I won't really be alone," he said after a moment's thought. He'd helped Koike prepare, so he sure wasn't going to let the guy sell him out. He gave her a quick glance. "How about you?"

She nodded when he said he was meeting friends there. Sounded reasonable. Then he asked her about herself, making her feel silly when she realised she was going there alone "I...Uhm...I guess I'm going alone." She said and was about to raise her feet to kick a pebble, but stopped herself from doing so due to not wanting to fall down. Instead she intensly gazed at the pebble, as if she it trying to kick it with the power of her mind.

"I see..." His eyes went up for a moment before he spoke again. "I'm curious... If you don't mind my asking, if nobody's accompanying you, is there a special reason for your coming? I mean... If I wasn't going to meet anyone, I'd probably be home, or out walking in rather... comfortable clothes instead of... you know."

Looking back at him, she gave him a big smile "Well, I have a couple of answers for that. The first is that I'm not from the village and where I come from, events like this don't take place often, or at all. So being at something like this is a new experience for me." Kuni said and then pointed at him "The second is that I want to meet new people. And as you can clearly see, its already working well for me." She said before lowering her hand.

"Oh!" The boy reached his hand out. "My name's Katsu, by the way. A pleasure to meet you!"

Kuni grabbed his hand and shook it "I'm Yoshikuni Sadako, but call me Kuni. Everyone who knows me call me Kuni." She then pulled his arm and moved her mouth next to his ear "Even the empress." She whispered to him before moving back and letting go of his hand "Its very nice to meet you, Katsu. If you won't mind me asking this..." She said while glancing quickly at her feet and then back to him "Would you mind escorting me to the ball? I don't really feel like meeting more people by bumping into their backs because I fell. Stupid heels."

"Sure! Some company is always welcome," he said, smiling. He took a step towards the location of the festival. "Let's get going, then, shall we?" he said cheerfully. "Maybe they'll have some interesting music playing."

Kuni's eyes lit up "I hope they will! I love dancing. I have no idea if I'm any good or not, usually I dance on my own, but I still enjoy it." Kuni said before warping her right arm around his left arm "Hope you don't mind. I just really feel unstable in these stupid heels." She said.

"That's fine. As long as you don't fall," he said, chuckling.
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Aiko Cho-Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin-sensei of Team 8

A song and tale.~

Turning the page of the roman, Aiko's hair was bungling down towards the ground. Balancing herself, she seemed to have no problem to stay balanced as her legs were keeping her hanging upside down the strong branch of the oak tree in the backyard. While she was reading, a pair of small hands were busy with her scarlet colored hair. While it would look like some kind of training, Aiko had decided to spend some quality time with Kei. Teng - the leader of the Rose- had it busy today as he was gathering some information that Aiko had requested for. Akimoto was busy with Min and some of the Cho Guard, while Zakito was busy with his work.

And Team 8 was today free as Aiko knew that there was some chance that the youngsters would probably wish to visit the festival and the public ball. And as she had some interest in it as well, Aiko was staying at home. Because with also Figuki Hon, the nanny of Akimoto and Kei, having a free day she figured that she should spend time with Kei.

Already this morning had the two bake their own bread in all kind of shapes. Goats, horses and Kei had even made something that had looked as the mythological animal, the elephant. The question if she had ever seen an elephant, made Aiko chuckle. But briefly she remembered the fierce and chaotic fight in the Rice capital where Elder Ulm had summoned a large elephant in attempt to scatter the fights more.

After that Aiko had asked what Kei wanted to do. Truth be told, Aiko had expected that the girl to suggest that they could stay at home. The amount of people that would visit the center today would be more than normal and Aiko knew all too well that it would fluster and cause Kei to grow wary of the amount of people.

So there she was. Hanging upside down as she was enjoying a roman while Kei was softly singing as braiding her mother's scarlet colored hair. For a moment, Aiko focused on the song that Kei was singing, a song that made Aiko smile as she recognized it.

"O Lady of the Fair Hair,
Sing to me of the fair ancient land.
Yours divine voice
Whispers the poetry of magic
that flow through the wind,
Like sweet-tasting water of the Boyne.

"Girls, forever young and beautiful,
Dancing around the broken dun,
Where long forgotten heroes
sang of victory
And drank ales
to old memories.

"Sing to me one last time,
Goddess of the Fair Hair,
Before my old ear fail me.
Let me see you dance,
Before your beauty fade away
from my failing sight."

Continuing with reading, Aiko's attention was attracted as Kei stopped with singing and asked her mother a question. "Mum, may I get a story?"

The question made Aiko shift her gaze to the girl as she flashed a smile. "Okay, hmmmm. Come, I'll teach you something cool." She told Kei. Closing the book, the woman would drop the book and reach both hands to Kei. The small girl couldn't hide her smile as she placed her small hands in that of her mother. "And look, I got you a swing." Aiko cheerfully said as she would start to slowly swing Kei, maintaining her balance as Kei pulled her legs a bit in so that she would be off the ground.

Letting out a happy yelp, laughter filled the air as both mother and daughter enjoyed a time where neither of them had to be serious, learning or working. After a few minutes, Aiko would stop as she winked at Kei. "Now, time for some kuniochi lessons. Can you come up?" Releasing the girl carefully, the young heir of the Cho clan nodded. Climbing in the oak tree, Aiko noticed that she was rather proficient with doing so. Suspecting that it wasn't the first time that the youngster had climbed in the tree - likely watching with or without Aki Zakito being up to take a nap - she would wait.

"What now?" Kei asked, keeping her voice a bit soft as she remained low to have an easier time to keep her balance. "Now be very careful, but sit next to me. Yes, like that." Instructing the girl further, Aiko would guide her with instructions in how she could hang upside down. Kei seemed at first scared as her cheeks flustered with a reddish tint, but she grew more excited as she seemed to enjoy hanging upside down.

"Now you're a kuniochi too, cool huh?" Kei nodded in response as she let her arms dangle towards the ground. For a moment the young girl seemed to enjoy silently the fact that she was off the ground and even upside down. "May I have a story now?" She asked, turning her attention from the ground that seemed unreachable towards her mother again.

Sighing, Aiko thought for a moment. Then she would begin to tell Kei a myth of the Cho clan.

The faithful samurai.
*~ Gero provided me this one.~*

*Story told obviously in Aiko's voice, but to make it all violet would be annoying........*

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Her beauty was spoken of throughout the lands. Poets wrote tomes filled to the brim with sonnets and limericks devoted to her beauty. Artists filled entire galleries with paintings and sculptures trying desperately to capture her near perfect form. Her beauty was surpassed only by her wisdom. Her father, the daimyo, had raised her to be a fair just, ruler and over time her only concern became the happiness and safety of her subjects.

One fateful day, a charming prince came to town. He had come to woo the princess and woo he did. They spent hours together. Hours became days. Days became weeks and the beautiful princess began to fall in love with the charming prince. Their love was spoken of throughout the kingdom.

One day, the charming prince took the beautiful princess to a shady meadow at the edge of the deep wood. He began to tell her how much he loved her. He said if she loved him, she would go into the deep wood and pick him the rarest flower in the world: the scarlet rose. The princess agreed out of pure devotion to the charming prince and went into the deep wood in search of the scarlet rose. The sun began to set and just when all seemed lost she happened upon the rose. She reached for the beautiful bloom but, at the very touch of the thorns, the beautiful princess fell into a deep sleep. The charming prince then appeared. He stood over her body and smiled. It had been his plan all along. He then stole all the princess' riches and stole away. He had a maiden waiting for him in another kingdom and he left the beautiful princess alone in the deep wood.

The daimyo sent out search parties but to no avail. Months passed until, one day while hunting, the daimyo happened upon a beautiful woman covered in vines. It was his daughter. He tried to wake her but try as he might she would not stir from her deep sleep. The daimyo lamented over his beautiful daughter, taken from him in the prime of life. He called his advisors to him who took the beautiful princess back to the castle. They laid her down in her bed chamber and pondered what to do. His advisors studied her sleep and found that the cause was the poison of the scarlet rose. When they informed the daimyo he begged them to give her an antidote but no such antidote existed. They tried every potion in the kingdom to rouse her but none would wake the beautiful princess. The daimyo's advisors came to him and told him that all they could do was wait for the poison to run its course. The daimyo, enraged, searched the kingdom for the cause of his daughter's sleep. He found nothing until he heard word from another kingdom of a young prince whose fortune arose seemingly from nowhere. This was the charming prince that had betrayed her.

The daimyo, then, issued a decree that, from that day forward, should a man wish for his daughter's hand that man must wait at the kingdom for her to awaken. Men from across the world came to wait for the hand of the maiden of incomparable beauty. The suitors lined the streets of the kingdom. Each trying to prove his worth and so it was.
But as the years went by the stories of the princess' beauty faded from record and the art made in her image was lost. And slowly men began to grow weary of waiting believing that the beautiful princess would never awaken. One by one they left the kingdom. Days turned to months turned to years until the streets, once lined with suitors lie barren. All the suitors had left the beautiful princess

Save for one.

A lone samurai remained. Knelt at her bedside, he had not budged from the moment he arrived. His armor, heavy with rust, he waited on. Time passed until one fateful day the princess finally awoke. When she opened her eyes, only one knelt before her: the most faithful samurai. As he looked in her newly opened eyes, he spoke of what had transpired: The poison, the daimyo's decree, and how he'd waited for her.

But then the most faithful samurai said something that surprised her. He spoke of how he had always loved her from afar. He said he had become a samurai in hopes of one day serving her in her court. The beautiful princess was moved to tears. She called in her father who was elated to see his daughter in full spirits yet again. Out of his joy, he promised her anything she desired. She said she wished for only one thing: the faithful samurai to join her in her court. But not as a samurai, but as her husband.

They were married the next day and the kingdom rejoiced. And for years to come the kingdom would tell the tale of the beautiful princess and the most faithful samurai.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Yuki Maigo vs Tatsuya Hon

A collab made between Chrome, Estrella and Sketcher

Chuunin Exam

Glancing down at the mud that gathered up to his knees, the ref let out a loud sigh. The entire field was covered in the thick mud, making it difficult to move around. Pulling a cigarette out of his pack, the ref lit it and took a long drag. Blowing out a puff of smoke, he looked around.

The barrier nin had begun setting up and the crowd was already settling in. All that was left now was for the participants to arrive...

Yuki was still a bit shaken by Kuni's match, though he didn't show it as he sludged through the mud toward the center if the field. 'Gah, who had the brilliant idea for a Mud Flat for a battleground?' He thought as his sandals filled with the slimy earth. Reaching the Ref the blonde stopped. "Yuki Maigo." He reported as he mentally shook himself.

'Alright focus! Kuni can wait till later.' He chided himself as he waited for her opponent. All Yuki knew about him was the boy was rather young, especially for the Chuunin Exams. 'I just hope hes not too frail....' The Ice-nin didn't want anymore blood on his hands than necessary. [/COLOR]

"Sorry!" an ephemeral voice came from the other entrance, growing throughout its existence. A young boy with black hair appeared and waded through the mud to reach his spot, letting out some disgruntled sounds to express his distaste for the arena.

Lowering his cigarette, the ref glanced at the two participants. He had heard about the level of destruction at the other matches, hopefully this wouldn't turn out the same.

Placing the cigarette back in his mouth, a bored expression on his face, the ref raised his arm. Looking at the two genin, he spoke clearly. "Ready?" Keeping his hand raised, the ref would lower it to signal the start of the match.

Yuki watched his opponent enter, his expression was neutral but as he got within range, the Ame-Nin extended his hand. "Good luck." Whether the boy shook his hand or not his expression didnt change as the Ref asks if their ready. Nodding he took a defensive stance and waited for the signal.

As soon as it was given Yuki would jump out of the mud and make a backflip through the air to gain some distance from Tatsuya. While in the air he began weaving multiple hand signs. Upon landing, if Tatsuya hadn't closed the distance, Yu would place his hands on the surface of the mud. "Ice Release: Glacier!" Activating his jutsu, the mud around his hands began to freeze, the ice quickly spreading straight for his opponent. The mud had just enough moisture for Yuki to use this jutsu, but since it wasnt solid water, the ice was much more frail.

Tatsuya stared at the hand, not really too eager to shake it out of suspicion but gave an apologetic smile instead. "Euhm... Good luck to you too."

As the ref's hand lowered, the boy's hands went together, forming six consecutive seals with the speed of a Hon's as crows scattered around him. Although he wasn't seen due to the black flock around him, it was easily discerned that the ice had reached the point he was last scene. However, when the crows scattered towards Yuki, there was no sign of the black haired boy.

'Dam...Hes faster than I expected..' Yuki mentally cursed as his ice reached nothing, and now crows surrounded him. But his expression was still neutral, it was hard to faze the blonde when he was serious. Keeping an eye out for the boy, Yu pulled a kunai out with his right hand and several shuriken with his left. Keeping the stars between his fingers as he brandished his kunai, Yu waited.

From the large flock of crows, a small group gathered several meters above the Ame nin. From the black sludge above, the black haired boy reemerged, now falling down with his sword drawn in one hand, a surge of invisible lightning going through it as he swung his black sword amidst the flock while descending upon where the other boy was.

Snapping his head up, Yuki watched the murder of crows cautiously. Just like he expected, the boy emerged from the blackness with sword drawn. Eyes narrowing he throws the 4 shuriken from his left hand at the boy before quickly jumping to the right in an attempt to dodge the Konoha-Nin's sword. He still held his Kunai tightly, ready to parry or deflect against his opponent's weapon.

Slapping away the rashly thrown shuriken with his sword, as Tatsuya fell, he skidded on the mud, chakra gathered around his feet with his free hand in his pouch, pulling out with a quick movement. Tags escaped his grasp with the swing and four crows flew into grab them and fly towards Yuki.

As the crows flew toward him, Yuki began weaving hands with surprising speed. Raising his hands in front of him, the air around him began to freeze. "Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome!" A dome of ice formed around him, hopefully blocking the armed crows from reaching him.

Gritting his teeth against the force of the explosions, cracks began to form in the dome. It took a large amount of Yuki's chakra to keep the dome from breaking against the assault. But he had no time to rest, his breath coming in soft pants. Yuki used the smoke to his advantage, releasing the Ice Dome he quickly weaved a few hand signs activating his Hiding in Mist technique. It wasn't as strong as it would if he had a naturally misty battlefield, but it would have to do.

Traveling through the mist that began to form across the mud flat, the tagged Kunai flew right where Yuki had been just moments before.The crows slammed into the ice dome and blew up, smoke rising. Not knowing whether or not the four tags blew up the dome from the smoke, Tatsuya immediately swung his arms, throwing two kunai with tags towards the immediate right and left of where he'd last seen the boy.

The explosion from the kunai rocked Yuki, despite protection from the ice dome. As the ice cracked around him, the boy leapt back. Quickly weaving handseals, Yuki watched as the dome fell apart. A thick mist began forming around field, obscuring Yuki from view. He could feel the drain as his chakra formed the mist but Yuki bit tongue. He needed to finish this.

Tatsuya held his sword forward, taking steps back. Focusing on any splashing noises could be heard from any and all movements over the mud to ascertain where his opponent was.

Gathering a little chakra under his feet, Yuki used his training in silent movemet to attempt to pull himself up from the mud. He could not stop the squelching sound as his left foot slipped free of the mud, and silently cursed. Pulling out several kunai he tried to move on top of the mud towards Tatsuya.

Hearing the sound, Tatsuya dug his free hand into his pouch and pulled out two shuriken connected by a long wire. Swinging his arm, he threw them in the direction he'd heard the noise, knowing that he wouldn't be able to pin-point exactly, but hoping that the wire or one of the two shuriken would find their mark.

He heard the sounds of something quick moving through the air and Yuki cursed inwardly once again. Dropping to the ground, he gathered chakra on his hands as well, allowing him to catch himself before he fell into the mud. Keeping low, he scurried along the top of the mud. He hadn't been paying enough attention to determine where the weapons had come from, and Yuki bit his lip, wondering what he could do. His movements were close to silent, and thankfully he was now fully above the mud so it would be easier to move about quietly.

Hearing no splash that he'd hoped to hear, Tatsuya grew wary, taking a leap back and skidding across the mud and becoming still once more. Sheathing the sword, the boy looked around warily.

As he moved silently, Yuki heard the movement of his opponent as the other boy moved across the mud. He thought he could make out where the other boy had moved, but Yuki's training wasn't perfected yet. Making his way rowards where he had heard the sound, Yuki threw his Kunai, and then quickly moved. He did not wish for the other boy to learn where he was yet.

The boy let out a small squeal as the kunai stuck into his shoulder. In a reflex, he threw a kunai towards where the one that hit him came from, but was disappointed to hear the 'plop'. Taking quick breaths, Tatsuya calmed himself down and blinked the gathering tears away. He formed a couple of handseals and a crow clone appeared beside him and ran towards where he'd thrown the kunai, while the original pulled out shuriken in wait.

Hearing the squeal, Yuki locked onto the position. He began moving as silently as he could when another sound made him hesitate. He could now detect two sources of movement, one which had remained stationary, and the second which began running towards where he had been standing moments ago.

Frowning, Yuki considered his options. He did not want to get caught in a trap, but there was no way of knowing what his opponent had in store. Coming to a decision, Yuki began forming several handseals. Once they were finished, snow began falling to the earth all around. From what Yuki could tell, his opponent was well within range, he just hoped it worked.

Tatsuya remained still until he felt the cold and looked up, seeing the snow, rather confused. Only until a bit later did he realize there was a change in the environment, seeing nothing at all. The surface beneath his feet had disappeared, letting him fall. Panicking, both the clone and the original let out a shriek.

As he heard the shriek, Yuki dispelled the mist around them. He had used most of his chakra with hat last technique, and he could already feel the strain. As the mist disipated, Yuki could see two versions of his opponent.

Frowning at first, he didn't know which was with. Searching for any sort of clue, he noticed the shuriken that had been lodged in one of the copies shoulder. Judging from the scream he had heard before, he had assumed the boy had been hit.

Pulling out two kunai, Yuki began making his way towards Tatsuya. Placing one of the blades against the boy's throat, Yuki held the other up as well, prepared to defend himself.

"This match is over!" A loud voice boomed out. Jumping down, the ref landed in front of the two boys. "Let him go. You've won."

Lowering his arms, Yuki stepped back. It took him a moment before he remembered to store the kunai back in his pouch. Exhausted, the boy didn't even have the strength to smile. As the medical nin rushed into the field, Yuki allowed himself to be carried away. He could do with a nap...
[fieldbox="Kaori Ito, white"]
The End of Missions

The One and Only Solo Post of Kaori Ito


Kaori Ito, Kensuke's girlfriend, joins a squad that deals with the follow-up of the previous border skrimish with the Land of Earth. The squad is wiped out.

The squad consisted of six people. A Jounin and five Chuunin. They were running towards the Grass Province. Kaori ran in the middle next to the only other girl that had been assigned to the mission. She was rather large in posture with broad shoulders and a seriously firm handshake as Kaori had found it when she had offered her hand in friendship to this new mission partner. Yura was her name and she looked like she could pack a punch with those arm muscles of hers. The short cropped purple hair and the tatoo of a bear that circled around her left ear didn't help much to lessen the image. Kaori felt small next to her. And yet Yura was nice.

They had made some small talk as they ran, discussing the mission but also just talking about their lives back home. Though that talk had now mostly disappeared. They were nearing the border and their senses were now stretched out to the road before them.

The task was rather simple. Find the shinobi from Iwagakure and make sure they wouldn't be able to return to their city with information about the Empire ever again. It was a simple follow-up to the mission where she had exterminated mister Hewajima. When she had first seen the group she had been with Kaori had been glad that Matsuri wasn't here. She liked the girl, she did, and it might sound mean, but she hadn't forgotten the wavering that had spread through the Hyuuga as she had stood before the criminal. Kaori didn't like missions herself, but she saw it as her duty to fulfill them with the great most precision. Because if she failed she wouldn't be able to return home.That couldn't happen.

She had people to return to after all.

Before her ran the Jounin and one of the male Chuunin. He was rather cute with his neatly cropped sandy brown hair and his pointy nose. He was small though, someone she could easily pet on his head. It was adorable. His name was too; Erija. The Jounin next to him was a more stoic man with a squarish face. Everything about him seemed straight. Square chin, straight nose, hard eyes, black hair, his uniform neat and clean. He looked like a man who put everything on everything to get to job done. He hadn't spoken more words than were absolutely necessary. Fushiri didn't look like a sensei Kaori would normally work with. Her own sensei when she had been a Genin had been way more loose with her. Maybe a bit too much. That sensei had understood her. She had been awesome.

But now she was a Chuunin so now she worked with who she got assigned to. Luckily for her she was a people's person otherwise all this switching would have sucked.

Behind her were two other boys: Ren and Mitsuhida. They weren't very interesting in her eyes. But she was sure they were capable. Ren carried a big ass sword so she was sure he could deal some damage. If he would hit. How he would swing it around Kaori didn't exactly know, but his shirt fitted rather tight around his arms, so she supposed he was strong. Mitsuhida seemed more shy and his fingers were constantly tugging on his colar, on his shirt or on his rather long hair that he had put up in a ponytail.

They made a rather normal squad she considered. Two clear swordfighters: she and Ren. A melee fighter: Yura. A long range fighter: Mitsuhida. A sensor they had in Erija. And the sensei was seemed versed all around as was to be expected from a Jounin. They had a vast array of different elements at their disposal and would be able to adapt easily to their enemies. At least that was the plan.

They arrived in the village that Kaori had visisted before with Matsuri just past midday. Reports had stated that the Iwagakure Shinobi that they had chased off before hadn't been leaving the Akinian Empire as they had hoped. Presumably Hewajima was just one of the sources they had in this place. So they were going to deliver the Land of Earth a message. They were not welcome here. Crossing the border without permission and without a legit reason that didn't involve stealing men and woman and information away from the Empire would not be tolerated. Not in any way.

As Kaori walked through the familiar streets she wondered if the people knew what happened to Hewajima. They had just seen him as a guy that sold goods to them. He had been their drinking buddy, a person in their shops, a friend possibly. But no more. His blood was on her blade. The thought made her uncomfortable as she walked passed the many faces on the street. How would they react if they knew who was now moving among them. Would they attack her?

Fushiri signalled them to move after some short talk with Erija. There had been points in time when Kaori had wished she could sense too. It seemed such a cool ability. But she had never followed up on her vague idea of picking it up one day. Too lazy probably. Erija supposedly was really good at it and he looked confident when doing it. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he looked around without taking a step. Again, it was adorable.

They moved on, away from the village and into the forest. Tracking was also not one of her main skills, but Mitsuhida seemed to have a keen eye along with their sensei. Of course Erija was there to help. Kaori felt somewhat useless along them. So far the only thing she had been able to contribute was making friends with them. And that didn't really help. She was more the fighter strangely enough. She had never invested extra time in acquiring more skills than the basic ones she needed. She didn't want those skills just like how she didn't actualy want to be a shinobi.

Within an hour Erija announced to them the presence of people close by. They halted. Neither of them were out of breath which at least made Kaori feel a little bit better about herself. She had stamina then. According to the boy with the sandy hair there were four people and considering they weren't moving they could assume that they were either resting or that they had found one of their small bases of opperation.

They all tested their earpieces. The plan had been decided as they had been running. Erija would stay in the back and keep an eye on who was around. He would pass on information to all the squad members about the whereabouts of their enemies. Kaori and Yura would trail in from the left while Fushiri and Ren would come from the right. Mitsuhida would be in the trees. He conjured up a bow and carefully notched an arrow. He held the thing loosely in one hand and his ever moving hands stilled. He seemed as tense as the string on his bow. Tense but firm in his resolve. If everything went to plan Mitsuhida would snipe the first one on the left side leaving Kaori and Yura to take out the second one. That would leave only two.

They sneaked closer. Suddenly every leaf was a danger, every rock was a disturber of the peace. Mitsuhida was jumping through the trees above them along with Erija as the rest was moving along the small path that had been possibly been generated by their four enemies. With one handsignal Kaori and Yura moved to the left as the small clearing came in sight.

"I have visual," came Mitsuhida's quiet voice.

"Roger," Fushiri replied. The rest remained silent.

"They are standing around, talking. Four of them. Three males, one female. Each one has a sword on their side. One of the males has two. There is a cart with some stuff on it. Can't make out what it is. Probably supplies."

By that time Kaori got visuals as well. She had circled around the clearing together with Yura and was currently on the side with the male and the female.

"We have visuals," she stated with a quick look to Yura.

"So do we." Fushiri's voice still sounded just as stoic as when they had been running towards the Grass Country. Nerves of steel that man had. Or maybe he was just very used to it. "Mitsuhida, ready?"

"Ready." Mitsuhida's confirmation sounded a bit less stoic. So she wasn't the only one who's nerves were now being tested.


The command was soft, but the reaction was immediate. An arrow came forth from the trees and soared for the male on the left. At the same time Kaori and Yura lunged forwards. From the otherside Fushiri and Ren did the same. Everything was going according to plan. Kaori and Yura raced for the female, Kaori unsheating her sword as she ran. Everything was going according to plan.

Until the man caught the arrow and turned to his attackers. He shot a well aiming strike of lightning at the position where Mitsuhida was hidden and there came a yelp from the tree. Kaori's blade which she had expected to hit the surprised woman was met with steel as the woman brought out her blade and flipped to the side to avoid Yura's blow. The purple haired Chuunin landed on the ground, her strike cracking the very earth beneath her. So she did pack a punch. On the otherside of the field Ren and Fushiri were also met with unsuspected resistance.

The enemy was not surprised at all.

The battlefield changed in an instant. The attackers were suddenly defenders as the shinobi from Iwa attacked relentlessly and without hesitation. In her ear Kaori could hear how Erija was calling to hear if Mitsuhida was okay, but she was too occupied to actively listen if there came a reply. Her blade and that of the woman met two more times with Kaori sending a sweep diagonally upwards while the woman tried to attack her from the side. The dance of blades was interupred when Yura brought up the earth itself to send the woman sprawling. Kaori didn't get time to breath because the man now raised his blade at her.

As their swords met for the first time Kaori knew she was outmatched. They said that people could read each other's thoughts in the blows they exchanged. While there were no clear thoughts coming from this man, or none she could distinguish, there was something else that she could feel. Hate. Heavy hate. He fought as if he was trying to hammer her down with his weight. His sword slammed into hers and the force made her arm hurt. She was a quick fighter, stabbing mostly and not taking a lot of heavy hits. But this man was fast and his onslaught seemed to be endless. Parry left, parry right. Steps backwards. Skit sideways. Behind her the earth rumbled and somewhere on the other side of the field lightning flashed. She could meet his blows, but with every strike she stopped her muscles grew more weary.

Strangely enough this didn't make her scared. She crouched low to let the blade swoop over her head and launched herself forwards. He brought his sword around and slammed her blade aside. She followed the movement and rolled sideways along with the chokuto. If anything this battle made her fight harder. She was outmatched and she had a feeling they all were. But they had to win.

She had someone to return to.

The insight that she might lose drove her blade faster. It drove her body to move quicker and react on instinct to throw his blade away from her. Her hand hurt. Her arm hurt. In this mess of shattering earth, flashing lightning and the sound of steel meeting steel, someone let out a scream of pain. Erija's voice informed her that Ren was down. That meant that there were now two fighters that were attacking Fushiri.

"I am moving in." Mitsuhida's voice was quivering. Somewhere in her mind Kaori was glad that he was okay, but time to focus was not there. Behind her opponent Yura was slammed against the ground. Kaori stumbled a couple of steps back as the woman Yura had been fighting was on top of the girl within a second and send her blade straight into the girl's chest. Yura gagged and her face twisted into pain, but nevertheless she moved. Her upperbody reached up and her arms extended as if she was seeing the light at the end of the dark tunnel already. But instead of the life leaving her body she wrapped her arms around the chest of the woman as if she was giving her enemy a bearhug. It seemed a feeble attempt until Yura started to exert pressure. The woman tried to get away from this unexpected attack, but found herself being unable to move. Kaori swore she could hear ribs breaking as Yura literally started to crush the woman to death. In that state they both sunk down on the ground again and stayed there. Unmoving.

Wisps of fire sprang up from the tree where Mitsunari had been hiding and bombarded the two Iwagakure shinobi before her. Her chance! She gripped her blade tightly, ignored her dying new friend, and ran forwards as Mitsuhida appeared out of the tree and charged as well. She would take the male, he the female. It was a silent understanding. His head was engulfed with smoke so he couldn't see her coming. He made a move with his sword, Kaori shot under it, sideways and swung around him, her sword raised high. She knew where to hit. She raised herself up and lowered her hand to strike.

But he was faster, or he anticipated her move because he turned and caught her hand. As she looked up to him his skin seemed to be made out of earth and rock. He dragged her arm up and backwards along with her and twisted her hand so that she was forced to give up her blade. But she turned along with him and as the blade fell she dove for it with her other hand. She knew she'd cut her hand open like this, but she had to attempt something. She had to do something.

The cold steel touched her skin and suddenly her body went numb. She saw the sky rise and heard, more than felt, how her body slumped on the ground. Then the lights went out.
[fieldbox="Casual Report, green"]
A collab between Gero and Roran Hawkins
One week ago

Kensuke reports in after his delivery mission and makes a gruesome discovery.
His knuckles ran over the surface of the Jounin Commander's door a couple of times as he announced his presence. The guard standing near the door had his eyes on him through the slits of his mask, ready to attack at the slightest provocation. Kensuke was not really impressed. He was known as one of the better close-combat fighters of Konoha, and he was confident that even should the man see it as his duty to kill him for Zakito's safety, he could keep himself alive.

"Come in."

Kensuke opened the door, sending a warm smile to the guard and closed it behind him. Zakito was, as per usual, sitting behind his desk, buried under orderly piles of paperwork. It was the village hidden in the leaves for a reason Kensuke mused. Stopping right before the desk he cleared his throat.

"The message was delivered. There were no complications." Kensuke said.

Sitting behind his desk, there were some files being organized. A bit more as he was busy with the issues that he had been requested to do. Not looking up as he already had heard the voice, Zakito barely nodded in response. Only after a moment did the man place some file on top of another pile. Even with the mask, it seemed that the usual friendly mood was a bit less than it was normal. "Good. I hope that your stay in Kumogakure was a pleasant one." Zakito politely said as he would look up to Kensuke.

"I enjoyed the scenery. It reminded me of home." He replied, curious as to what the poor Jounin Commander was dealing with at this time that made him so distracted. Tilting his head to read along with Zakito his eyes skimmed over a list of kinds, all names. It didn't really catch his interest untill he spotted a name he knew. Kaori. Weird, he thought, and turned his attention back to the Jounin Commander.

"Kumogakure has its charms, that is for sure." Zakito replied, glancing at a report that he had in front of him. "Am glad that it went without any complication. Nice to hear good news." His right eye shifted his gaze to the curious young man. For a moment, he remained silent as he then nodded towards the report. "Some casualty report. Nothing too interesting, I'm afraid." His tone became a bit softer. "Something I'll need to deal with though. A shame.... but complications happen."

Kensuke nodded softly as the truth settled in. A casualty report?! Kaori's name was on a casualty report?! Internally panicking he turned around and left without a word. That couldn't be true, right? Kaori was on a mission, but it was a harmless mission, right? What names had been next to hers? Those weren't the names of her normal squadmates, right? It must've been someone else, right?! As he walked towards the administrative cells of the many servants the Jounin Commander had working through the bulk of the information that did not need his direct attention he appeared completely calm as a whirlwind of emotions took place in his head. Arriving there and with as few words as possible requesting details on her mission, he saw the man at the desk make a sour face as he handed a file to Kensuke after he had shown his jounin credentials. Kaori had been on a special mission with a five-man squad to the North-Eastern borders. The squad had been wiped out and a corpse recovery team had been sent out.

He handed the file back with a straight face and left the building. His heart felt like it was made out of stone as reality settled in. The panick that had filled him with nervous energy and fear moments before had drained him from his strength now the sadness and sorrow kicked in. He didn't know when he arrived at his house, and only vaguely remember throwing himself on the couch like a limp corpse. Hours later, in the middle of the night, he stared at the sky from his baclony in a dirty chair, a bottle of alcohol he had gotten from her as a present the day before she left unopened in his hands.

"I'll miss you allright."
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[fieldbox="A Shinobi's Duties, green"]
A collab between Fieryfly and Roran Hawkins
One week ago

Kensuke meets Kaori's parents and informs them of their only daughter's passing.

There it was, he thought. It was pretty strange to be here, knocking on this door once again. Despite having been together with Kaori for quite a while now, almost a year, he had only met her parents in their own house once before. Of course, he'd seen them quite a lot more often when picking her up, but actually meeting them and talking to them? Not quite. Kaori's boyfriends seemed something her parents had little influence in, something he could imagine considering her character. He cringed as the thought. What a horrible person was he. He knocked on the door and awaited a response.

It took a moment, but then the door opened and showed the petite figure of a woman with the same jet black hair that Kaori used to have. There was an instant recognition on her face and she smiled. "Kensuke! How nice to see you. Kaori should really bring you over more often. If you are looking for her, she isn't here. She is out on a mission, busy as always. Do I need to pass a message?" the woman asked as she looked up to meet the young man's face.

He was strangely glad that he'd had so much practice at keeping his face in a neutral expression, regardless of how he felt inside. As guilt and sadness threatened to overcome him from the inside, the choking feeling of despair reaching for his throat, he replied. "Kaori has been killed in action on her last mission." He said bluntly. He wondered why he couldn't word it better every time he had to inform parents, siblings, friends and lovers of someone's passing. The fact that the person was dead didn't help, and he didn't like beating around the bush on a matter a serious as this. He doubted if he even could gien how personal it was this time. His self-protection mechanism, the emotionless wall he pulled up in situations like this, was fragile enough in a normal situation already.

For a moment the woman stood there, the smile still on her face with which she had greeted Kensuke. Then that smile shattered. Confusion hit the woman. "What?" she said as if she hadn't heard him. "What do you mean? That is not..." She clasped her hands over her mouth as she looked at the stoic man before her. Disbelieve. Realisation. Panic. Her daughter... was dead. Slowly tears started to form in her eyes. "I taught it was just a routine border check up..." she mumbled. "How..." Her eyes that had moved away from Kensuke's face moved back in desperation. "What happened?" she asked as she slowly started to sob.

"Apparently they were ambushed." He said with a thick voice his fists visibly shaking. The woman's panic and shock was contageous, and he once again felt the crushing weight of loss to the fullest. Kaori was dead. She died, knowing nothing of what was going on. She should've known. He should've had the heart, the character to tell her. No, instead she had died believing in an illusion. A nice illusion, but an illusion nonetheless. "I-I'm sorry..." He said with visibky shaking fists. He was gradually losing control over his emotions. An illusion.

"Ambushed." She repeated the word as if to somehow make sense of it. But it wouldn't make sense. Something had killed her babygirl. The girl that had left a couple of days ago with a smile on her face telling her mom that she would be back before she knew it. And that she shouldn't whine to much about a messy room. The room was still messy. A room that belonged to no one now. Another sob. "I..." she saw his shaking hands and realized that his must also be hard on the man. "Thank you," she mustered up. "Thank you for coming to tell me in person. I... appreciate that. I..." She gestured back and forth a bit, wanting to say that actually wanted to go back inside now. Yet she didn't want to leave the boy outside. Where was he going to go with his grieve? "You can... come inside if you want."

He started shaking his head before he answered. "No, no thank you." He said, slightly intimidated by how fast the woman had overcome her grief in order to help him deal with his. He barely even knew her. Why'd Kaori dislike her mother again? "I need to be alone for a while now." He replied. Coward. He simply couldn't handle talking with someone about it. He couldn't handle her pity. He'd had enough of his own pity for himself over the years, and right now all he needed was ... Time? So he could forget about her like he was trying to do with all the rest? Running away from the pain as usual. But it was too fresh, too deep of a wound to confront right now, together with her mother or not. And then there was the entire matter about his lies to Kaori... No. He had to run. Now.

"I - ... I'll be going now..." He fumbled softly, and disappeared into the crowd on the streets.

She nodded slowly. Her hands lowered slowly and she held them folded before her chest. Kaori was dead. Wrapping her head around that idea still seemed so strange, so impossible. Her sobs were still creating ripples over her body. It had always been a possibility of course. She was- she had been a shinobi, death was in the job description, but for her girl it would be different. That was what she had thought.

Kensuke looked like he needed to cry too, but she couldn't offer him a shoulder to do that on. Did he have someone else who could offer him that? She turned partly back to the hallway. She couldn't offer more help now, not in the way she was now. With another thank you and a nod the woman slowly walked back and closed the door behind her. She leaned back against the door, her hand again up against her mouth. She had to face her husband now and do the same thing as the boy before her had just done. She needed to tell her their daughter had died.
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[fieldbox="Informing a friend, green"]
A collab between Lesli and Roran Hawkins
One week ago

Kensuke and Saki paint a sheep orange while discussing recent events concerning their personal lives that hit them both in the feels.
Saki had a pretty cool house. Unlike his appartment, where he'd been living eversince his old house had been inexplicably destroyed twice by crystal shards, Saki's house was large, clean and luxurious. At least, it looked that way from the outside. Noticing the balcony from which some clothes hung to dry, Kensuke could at least say he had a balcony too. Somewhere it jarred him that his subordinate had a bigger house than him, but on the other hand, he was barely at home anyways, and he didn't need more than he currently had.

Shaking his head as he pondered about the firvolity of such thoughts, he stepped up towards the front door and gave a polite nod. The children's cheers that echoed in the street made him feel even worse than he was before. He couldn't understand so much peace and enjoyment at a time like this.

Humming a song that had been stuck with her ever since yesterday, Saki was doing her laundry. Dressed in typical casual wear, she had even a kerchief on top of her head, minding her own business. While she was folding some clothes after using the iron to smoothen them out, the young woman heard a knock on her door. A bit surprised, Saki wondered who it was. Expecting Hideki, a smile crept on her lips as she would place the folded shirt down.

"Coming! One sec!"

In a quick pace, she walked towards the door and unlocked the two locks in a rapid speed. Opening the door, her eyes widened a bit as she didn't see Hideki. "Hey Kensuke." Keeping up her smile, Saki would politely step aside so that the taller man could enter her home. "How are you today?" The Yamanaka asked with a rather cheerful tone.

He gave her an inspecting look. She looked cheerful, happy. For a brief moment he considered turning around and sparing her the news. He couldn't bear to bring her such devastating news so he could withness her sadness next to his own. But then again, she'd find out some way or another, and maybe it was better if he personally came to notify her of the events.

"Hello Saki." He said with a rather gloomy voice. He'd tried to hide it, and he'd become pretty good at that after two years of surpressing his depression to others, but he couldn't hide it completely either. His sister Masami would see right through him.

Ignoring the second question by looking inside and at Saki's clothing, he asked another question instead. "You're working...? Am I interrupting?"

A tad surprised, Saki had picked up the gloomy tone and instantly suspected that this wasn't a fun visit. "Oh, no no!" She turned her smile into an apologetic one as she waved shortly with her left hand. "Was just cleaning a bit up. Please, take a seat in the living room." She told him on a friendly tone and manner, though slightly becoming wary of what the purpose was of his visit. For a moment she dreaded it was about that the team was meeting up again, something she wasn't really looking forward to. But then why would Kensuke be sounding so gloomy? Deciding to not make too hasty conclussion, she would close the door behind Kensuke. "Wish anything to drink?" She asked, brushing some blond strands of hair away behind her right ear.

"No, thanks, I'm fine." He replied as he followed her down the hall into her living room. It was spacious and had a large windowdoor giving acces to a small garden. Looking outside at the blue sky he grimaced, out of Saki's view. Howmany times had he done this before? Being the man who brings the news of everyone's death? This time there wasn't even a body they could pay their respects to. Just a name that would be engraved on the big gravestone representing every shinobi who died in action, whose bodies were never recovered. He patiently waited untill Saki was seated and listening.

She had already walked to the kitchen, coming to a quick halt as the man said that he was fine. Walking into the living room as well, Saki briefly smoothened the white apron she wore, remaining silent for a moment. "Please, take a seat." She gestured to one of the two present couches as she would take a seat herself. Curious, Saki wouldn't however start to question her superior in why he had came over.

Sitting down in the sofa, he took a final moment to get his thoughts straight. "Kaori has been killed in action on her last mission." He said on a calmer tone than he had expected himself. "In a couple of days there will be a small ceremony where her name shall be engraved on the Memorial stone." He continued as he felt a suffocating feeling take his breath away, making his voice shaky as he pronounced the last word. His hands, which he had held carefully folded on his lap were now clenched fists, shaking with the surpressed pain.

The smile dropped as the clear blue eyes of the young woman widened by hearing the news. A blank expression moved over Saki's face as she lowered her head a bit. So Kaori was dead? Killed? It seemed surreal. The cheerful and rather relaxed girl who she had started to befriend, even if it had been a bit awkward for Saki, was now killed? Staying calm, Saki placed her hands on her lap as she took in the news. "I'm sorry.... Kensuke." Saki softly said, knowing that the news of Kaori's death was likely a way bigger impact on him than on her. Looking up, she had an apologetic expression plastered on her face, wondering on how she could provide him some comfort. "Would you... perhaps like to go together with me?" She asked, hiding her pity and anger behind the apologetic smile.

"I wouldn't mind." He said with a quivering voice. Looking at her reaction he could see the pain this news brought her. Quickly however that was replaced by pity, as she set aside her sadness, knowing that his was far greater. He couldn't bear her pity. It was too much like his own. His view narrowed down to the small table in front of him as he focussed on not crying. He clenched his fists untill they turned pale. Kaori was dead. With a rasping breath he attempted and failed to recollect himself. "A-anyhow I won't disturb you any longer." He said as he stood up clumsily from grief.

"You haven't disturbed me in the slightest. Thanks for the news, Kensuke." Saki answered, rising up from her seat aswell. It pained her to see the usual strong shinobi to be so brittle, though who could blame him for that? Who wouldn't be so devestated by such news? Saki thought back to the 'reunion' she had when Hideki had been back after his last mission. "If there is anything I can help with, then let it be known, okay?" She knew that it wouldn't help. With all the good intensions of the world, it wouldn't bring back Kaori or really ease the pain of his loss.

"Yeah" He mumbled in response as he dragged himself to the door and left, without throwing a single glance behind him anymore. Running away again huh? He walked through the streets, stone-faced, untill after what felt like an eternity arrived at his own house. Fumbling with the keys he managed to get inside his house. Inside his house his emotions were unchained, much like inside his body they were aswell. His body was the impersonal prison of his emotions that protected him from pity. He didn't want people anyone's empathy. Empathy had been that which had nearly destroyed himself. Blind with the tears that had eventually broken through his stoic resistance he punched the wall and collapsed. Throwing a hissy fit like some child huh? He turned around and leaned against the wall and vaguely noticed the shards from his mirror protest as he moved on top of them. His hand was bleeding profusely and as grief and guilt overcame him, he covered his face with it.

Closing the door as Kensuke left, Saki took a moment to collect her thoughts. The visit had for one pushed the cheerful song out of her head as well caused her to be less cheerful. She could remember that she had the plan to pay Kaori a visit tomorrow, bringing up some guilt as she wished that she had spend more time with the other. Turning around, her back to the door, Saki wondered for a moment if it was due to her training and experience that she wasn't that affected by the loss. Kaori was after all just a friend that she had spend a bit of time with. Yet, she felt sorry for Kensuke who had to shoulder more sorrow from such a loss. As she was going to head back to her duties, Saki made a note in her thoughts that she would later pay Kensuke a visit. Perhaps over a few days, before the ceremony would happen.
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Shiro was stumped as to what to do, this strange woman had joined them and she could tell from looking at Takeshi that she was putting him on edge. Needless to say she did not like it. When they reached their destination Takeshi disembarked from the carriage waiting on Shiro to leave the carriage. Following her she watched Nami leave the group, feeling a loss to the group Shiro felt down as she turned to Takeshi. He definitely didn't seem right, she pushed this thought to the back of her mind and asked the question that had been on her mind since they got on the carriage.

"So what now then? What's the plan Sensei?"
2 Weeks ago,

Somewhere in the Akinian Empire,
Seeking answers,

A collab between Alice and Chrome

Summary :
Kiyomi manage to get a few days free to find some answers. After studying and discussing plans with Matatabi, the two set out to find a certain place. There they discover some answers that are put in the dark for a good reason...
Glancing down the darkness, Kiyomi felt her stomach twisting a bit. It wasn't artificial darkness that genjutsu made, but she knew it was darkness created due to the lack of light. Something that still managed to make her feel restless. Sitting on top of her mount, Kiyomi narrowed her eyes slightly.

Slowly she would dismount the creature that had carried her around. A soft sound was produced as her boots landed on the stone floor. "Ironic." She mumbled, glanced to the beast next to her. "Every time that we visit this place, you appear smaller. First in your prime... then in not even half and now..." smirking, she patted the large creature next to her, "you're adorable, do you know that?"

Kiyomi's mount glared at the letting and let out a low growl. "Just count yourself lucky I'm not at full size." Baring his fangs as Kiyomi patted him, Matatabi nipped at her half heartedly. "So little one, now that you are done mocking me, how are you feeling?"

Closing her right eye, she snickered for a moment. Only for her to grow silent as she turned her gaze back at the darkness of the cave in front of them. "Conflicted." She said, tilting her head by a bit to the left. Trying to weigh the words and hoping to phrase it right, she lowered her left hand to the hilt of the blade she carried with her. Just a safety measure, just in case she would need it. "I'm glad that we can travel a bit around. But I also... I'm fine with knowing what I've learned. It just that every time I learn something that there is some dark secret laying in wait to crush my confidence. I've had my fair share of lies and secrets..."

Snorting back a laugh, Matatabi turned his large eyes on her. "Welcome to the real world..." Biting back his harsh tone, the flaming cat sighed. "The path to enlightenment is often a treacherous one. The knowledge you seek... It wasn't meant for the faint of heart, or the weak. If you aren't ready to learn about what we came for, then we should turn back. Once we go ahead with this that choice will no longer be an option." Though his tone was gruff, it was not unkind.

Matatabi knew Kiyomi well enough to know she was no coward. He also knew that what lay ahead would test the girl in ways she might not be prepared for, and at the end of it all, he wasn't even sure if she would like what she found.

Gently nudging the girl, Matatabi's voice grew soft. "If you wish to continue, know that I am with you little one. My fire will not be extinguished."

Staring at the darkness, Kiyomi remained silent. Slowly she clenched her left hand into a fist as she listened to Matatabi. Glancing at the blue flamed creature after he nudged her, her little smile found its way back to her lips. "I want to." Kiyomi answered, starting to take steps into the cave. It seemed more than a decade ago that she had first entered the place with Team 6 and 4. And later visiting again after opening the seal and the start of her and Matatabi's friendship. "I always wondered though," she started, the volume of her voice a bit lower than before, "how things would've been if... you know," making a gesture with her right hand, she tried to explain it, "Do you think that... things would've been different if we never had met like we had?"

Staring sideways at Kiyomi, Matatabi made his best attempt at a shrug. "I can say without a doubt that things would be different. Different how, I don't know... But there are some things that never change..." Grinning, his sharp teeth on full display, Matatabi let out a slight chuckle. "For example, you'd still be the same trouble making, stubborn as all hell, tough as nails little girl. And I think you'd still have found some way to have made it to the top... It's what you're built for little one." Looking away for a moment, Matatabi pondered something. "As for me... Well, I'd likely either be stuck in some damned pot somewhere, or roaming free... That never seems to last for long though..."

"I'm sorry for that."
She answered back, feeling another sting of guilt. Knowing all too well that his chance of true freedom couldn't come true unless she would sacrifice herself for it, something they both didn't want, he wouldn't be really free. Even now wasn't a real choice of freedom as neither of them could just decide to turn their back on the Empire and roam around. There was too much that she couldn't let go that. Too many that were waiting back for her at home. Stepping over a large pebble, Kiyomi lowered her head a bit. "Still, it is weird." She mumbled, sounding a bit frustrated. "All the questions are going to... be answered?" She asked him, throwing a skeptical look at Matatabi. His blue flames calmed her as they drove the natural darkness away. "Why not simply answering it yourself?" Kiyomi asked, though not that frustrated about it. At least now they were back in the open. Outside of the palace and away from any state affairs.

Shrugging again, Matatabi walked in silence for a time. While it was indeed true that he would never get true freedom as long as he was sealed inside Kiyomi, he could not say the time had been all bad. They had learned a lot from each other, even if Matatabi's pride would never let him openly admit that. "To tell the truth, I'm not sure all of your questions will be answered. I have never been to this place, but from what I have heard, it holds the largest collection of recorded data on jinchuriki and the bijuu." Grumbling as they walked, Matatabi did not like admitting that he did not know everything. It hurt his feline pride.

"I'm sorry, but I find that somehow hard to believe in a way."
She replied back. The hall they were about to enter was where the battle years ago had ravaged. That had intertwined their fate, that of her and him. For some reason it was just odd to walk the side of the fearsome beast while she could remember the first time she had been frozen by the sight of the majestic blue flames. "It is just that sounds almost impossible. A large collection of recorded date on people-- on jinchuriki." Kiyomi corrected herself, knowing that she had to accept the fact. "And bijuu."

"You may be surprised little one, but there are likely many such collections out there. Not necessarily with information on jinches and us bijuu, but information lost for decades, or even longer. This world is a far larger place than you puny humans seem to think. I'm sure there are places full of information that no living person has ever seen..."
Scoffing, Matatabi shook his large head, sending small blue sparks scattering. "We have been around for a long, long time; longer than any of us is really capable of remembering. When we first encountered your kind, it was only natural that they wanted to record the information. As time passed and your ancestors began to fight their petty battles, people began to grow wary about letting any one nation hold all of the information. In order to keep it safe they decided to hide it away, somewhere that they could ensure no nation would be able to hold. Time moved on, but people continued to make new discoveries, to create new records. Those too, were taken. Brought into the safety of this place... Or so they say at least...."

Listening to Matatabi, Kiyomi was fascinated by what he told her. While remaining skeptical, she couldn't argue that it was impossible. As they kept walking and leaving the large place, entering a more narrow hall, she thought about it. Lowering down her dark blue hood, she threw him a look. "But do the other beasts kno of this then? Or is this just a place where most of information about you and... those before me are stored?" It made her shiver as she found it oddly exciting. To learn more about the jinchuriki's who had traveled the same path as before her, walking towards this place. Had they done it alone? Had they been friends with Matatabi, walking side by side as they did now? It made her think of something else. "I also have .... a personal request for you. I know that it is maybe too much to ask, but," she thought for a moment about how to word it. "I need some... security. A measure to make sure that things that I and others have build remain intact. And I won't be around forever, unlike you..."

Thinking for a long moment, Matatabi turned to Kiyomi. "I believe most of them are aware of it yes. A few have even lent some information to the collection, in the odd chance they have managed to bond well with their host..." Chuckling, Matatabi padded along down the hall. Kiyomi's request made him hesitant at first, but the fiery beast set his hesitance aside. "What exactly did you have in mind...?"

Staying silent for a moment as she kept walking next to him, the young woman ran her left hand through her hair. It was unkept and not into a ponytail like usual, making the red colored hair flow on her shoulders. "Simple. I can become, what? Eighty? If I'm lucky that is. Not getting killed before hand, though I think that it would fit me more to fall in battle. All hero-like and what not." She casually said, shrugging. "But let's assume that I get old. And that... I can give birth to healthy offspring. Then that is great, correct? An heir follows me up and I think that I can watch over until my times comes. You however," her eyes moved to the side, her gaze locked on him, "you will be likely sealed in somebody else. Somebody we both chose and deem worthy... if we're lucky and all goes like this. But... what then? Will everything that my mentors have build, bleed and fought for stand? I'll try to keep it alive, but I can only do so for a limited amount of time." Pausing for a long moment again, she lowered her head and gaze a bit.

"You won't. And I know that I shouldn't ask this as a friend. But I need to as a leader."
Her voice became a bit softer. "Would you mind to become the guardian of... my house?"

Stopping in his tracks, Matatabi took a long, hard look at Kiyomi. "You're serious... Aren't
you little one?"

Walking a few steps further, Kiyomi turned around. She locked her eyes with his as she nodded slowly. "Yes. I trust you. And... I don't yet trust others. If anything, you can keep an eye on any idiot or stubborn fool that can follow up." Growing silent, she slightly narrowed her eyes. "Though... there is something else I had been wondering about. And knowing that it might be answered, it is probably a good time to say so." The young woman paused for a long moment.
"After studying how your chakra works and how it affected me so far... I figure it is a possibilty to mix it. More than it already has. First however," she added in order to not upset him as it could give off the wrong idea, "cause you've told me that you've been alone most of the time. But now... I figure that if there is a possibility that I can live with you, how would you..."

A silence formed as Kiyomi made her request. Matatabi listened to her speak, all the while trying to retain control. As Kiyomi let her sentence trail off, the large cat dug his claws into the earth with such force that he could hear the crunch of the rocks below. A low snarl began building, barely noticeable at first until Matatabi bared his fangs, his fury evident. "Do you think me some lowly pet!?" The beast boomed, his flames seeming to grow larger and hotter. The air around them became thick with killing intent as Matatabi's anger overwhelmed him. "The arrogance!" he spat, "What makes you think I want to be tethered to... To some human for the rest of my life!?" Shaking his large head in contempt, Matatabi looked away.

Narrowing her eyes, the bright jade color started to darken as she let him speak. "Seems you can't read me yet, furball!" She sneered back. Clenching her hands into fists, she wanted to stomp on the ground and yell back what she meant and for what purposes. But she knew why he reacted like that and throwing a tantrum would only push them away from each other. "But fine! If you, of all things, view me as a simple human, I'll live with that." Raising her chin, she became silent. Turning on her heels, she would start to walk into the darkness. Giving into her own stubborn pride, she was glad with that he could only see her back and not that her face turned a bit pale as she headed into the darkness.

Growling again as Kiyomi responded, Matatabi wanted to shout, to launch a fireball, to do something to get rid of the rage. Slowly, he retracted his claws, pulling them from the earth. Allowing Kiyomi to walk ahead, Matatabi stayed behind to try and calm himself. He hadn't snapped at her like than in a long time... Shaking his head, the flaming cat had too much pride to apologize. As he began walking again, Matatabi allowed himself to think about what the girl had been asking. It was preposterous! Brazen! Foolhardy! And... touching... Just the sort of thing he should have expected from her.

It did not take the large cat long to catch up, and he walked alongside Kiyomi in silence. Finally, Matatabi scoffed. "You don't truly know what you're asking child."

Stubbornly, Kiyomi kept her gaze in front of them. She was a bit calmer with the blue flames lightening the surroundings, driving the pitch black darkness away, "I'm not a child." She retorted with a proud tone. "And I know damn well what I'm asking." Kiyomi added to her reply, wanting to say something else. But again, she didn't want to offend him or hurt his pride.

Matatabi muttered, still looking ahead. "You're too damned stubborn for your own good." Dropping the subject for the time being, Matatabi continued walking in silence. He let his flames shine a little brighter, making the way ahead a little easier to see.

For a second, Kiyomi threw a look at Matatabi. Raising her chin a bit up as she turned her head back front again, she replied back. "It is what I am. Or using the words of somebody else, what I'm made off." She told him. Sqeeuzing her eyes, she noticed that by the sound that they were walking into a very spacious hall. Slowling down, she noticed something that made her come to a halt. Seeing a wall of the pitch black darkness rising up, it was evidently clear that it was a cliff. Only a narrow bridge.

"Maybe... we should look for another way? Around this..." Kiyomi suggested, feeling her stomach turning by the idea to walk over the narrow earth bridge of what she imagined to be a pit of her worst nightmare.

Coming to a stop, Matatabi's eyes narrowed. He wasn't all that fond of trying to crawl across a tiny bridge either... "I suppose we could look around. This is a large cave however. How long would you like us to wander in the dark?"

Biting her lower lip, she didn't like it. Neither to turn back and give into the sarcastic reply of Matatabi nor to admit that she was afraid. Taking a deep breath in, she stared at the bridge. For a moment she considered to summon Hayate. Remembering how he had managed to calm her, she knew better. She had to do this without him and it terrified her to her core. Taking a stop closer, Kiyomi focused on her stepping. Step by step, she silently moved towards the bridge. In the corner of her eyes she could see over the edge, into the dark pit that never seemed to end. Freezing, she stared for a moment at it. ".... Just one second." She mumbled, trying to muster her courage to start walking over the bridge.

Letting out a low grumble, Matatabi surged forward. "Second's up!" he said, before grabbing Kiyomi - by the back of her shirt - in his teeth and running along the narrow bridge. Matatabi was quite thankful for his good sense of balance as he tore along the thin strip of earth, Kiyomi hanging from his jaws.

Her eyes widened as she felt how he picked her up - as if she was some young kitten that needed to calm down or to be brought away- causing her to whimper softly. Closing her eyes, Kiyomi pulled her legs a bit up as she didn't want to see or experience more of the run over the bridge.

Matatabi, didn't stop running until he could make out solid ground all around them. Skidding to a stop, the large flaming cat paused to catch his breath. Remembering the girl still caught in his teeth, Matatabi gently lowered her to the ground and released her. "Well... That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Shivering, Kiyomi remained silent for a moment. Being sure that she was sitting on solid ground, she opened her eyes slowly. Taking a deep breath in, she huffed as she threw a look over her shoulder at Matatabi. "I... I..." Getting up, she muttered some curses as she dusted off her clothes. "Don't do that again! That was.... no! No!" Throwing another glare at him, she frowned as she would turn around again.

Chuckling, Matatabi surveyed the area around them. It was too large for him to see the edges of the cavern they were in, but Matatabi was glad at least that he could see solid ground for quite a ways around them. "What?" The beast asked, grinning. "You were taking too long."

"For a damn good reason!"
She retorted, but decided to not dwell longer on it. "Let's just continue. I dislike this... darkness." She said. Feeling tempted to spit a fireball to illuminate the way ahead briefly, Kiyom decided against it. "Let's hope that there on't be anymore bridges like these." Shivering again, Kiyomi started to walk again.

Matatabi scoffed before trotting along after Kiyomi. "This place likely has a lot of nasty things in store, so you'd better get used to it now..." The fiery cat stared ahead, pondering something.

Hearing his warning, Kiyomi wanted to scoff. She had faced nothing but nasty and terrible things and people. However, she had been frozen in fear for a second for something that she couldn't defeat, just not even ten minutes ago. "I'm okay, I'm okay." Kiyomi muttered back. Walking next to Matatabi, she wished that there was some piece of wood. Then she could've a torch. "As long as we don't have to cross another narrow bridge like that, I can handle it... I hope."

"Be strong little one."
Matatabi said gently. His flames were not doing as much as they should to brighten the area ahead, and Matatabi's eyes narrowed slightly. His feline eyes were supposed to be better in the dark than most, but even to him the way ahead remained out of sight. It felt almost unnatural and Matatabi let out a small growl.

She said back with a soft tone. While she would've joked back that he was the little one now, even while his shoulders reached the height of her head at the moment in his current summoning size, Kiyomi focused on the task ahead. Silently they would continue until they stood for a wall. Inscriptions of some weird symbols were plastered over a carved circle, giving it the idea of a door. "You've been here before, haven't you?" She asked, staring at the symbols. They had the weird shape of animals, only realizing a second later that there was a thin circled line. "How about you solve this puzzle so that we can continue then?" Kiyomi asked in a cheerful manner.

Narrowing his eyes again, Matatabi stared down at Kiyomi. "I said I hadn't been here before." he grumbled, pouting. "What makes you think I know how to solve this stupid puzzle?"

Throwing a frustrated look back, she gestured to the circles of the puzzle door. "Because it looks old and dusty! And you're old too... next to.. pfffttt." Huffing, she turned back to the door. There were a few symbols. In the middle was a inscription of a blue flame. But what had a child, feline and turtle to do with it? Next to a dragon, which remembered her of Hayate. Frowning, she scratched the side of her head. "A flame... It could refer to you, can it?" She asked, throwing a glance sideways, but continued to think out loud again. "A child..... child. Ah, jinchuriki. Seeing that an adult can't be made a jinchuriki, it is thus the sign of a jinchuriki. Eeehhhh, feline..."

Growling, his pride wounded by being called old, Matatabi had turned away from the puzzle. As Kiyomi begin describing the symbols, however, curiosity got the better of him and he turned back to look. "The feline is obviously me. And that turtle must be Isobu, the three-tails as your people call him."

Kiyomi repeated. She thought about his words. "But that is weird." She then exclaimed, gesturing to the child. "The child is what we can say the jinchuriki. A suitable vessel for holding a tailed beast. Bijuu chakra that leaks through the seal changes the host and we already figured out long time ago that the young body of a child easier adapts to it than an adult." Growing silent again, she was thinking about it. Staring at the blue flame, she couldn't get it. If Matatabi was the cat symbol, then why was Isobu there? If anything, she would figure it made more sense for Kurama - the Nine Tails - to be there as it seemed that the two were opposites. Narrowing her eyes, she gained a thought. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but turtles are slow and patient, right? A feline is nimble and fast. That means that you two are somewhat opposites." But still, where were the other tailed beasts? Staring at the dragon, that also made no sense. "A dragon is in many tales a benevolent guide... spiritual." Letting out a frustrated sigh, she wished that she could use resort to violence. Way easier. "Blue Flame... blue flame... Chakra is often shown as blue when it is pure. Eehhhm..." Glancing at Matatabi, she frowned again. The blue flame wasn't thus a reference to Matatabi. But to chakra itself. Which was the center. Then her eyes widened as she turned back to the puzzle. "I got it! Hang on!"

Approachign the puzzle, Kiyomi placed her hands at the circles and started to shift and turn them. Moving the child underneath the blue flame, she grinned. "The child is the body, the vessel for the chakra." Starting to move the dragon symbol. "The dragon is often a spiritual guide. Spiritual, thus the conscience of the vessel!" Starting to move the turtle underneath the dragon, Kiyomi's smile grew. "A turtle is a patient creature. It doesn't rush things and in order for the host to be able to conjure the chakra they will need it. Rushing teachings in order to learn how to mould and use chakra will only lead to damage and pain!" While she talked, she was already moving the feline symbol underneath the turtle, shifting the circles. "Once everything is in place, an experienced user can be as nimble as fast as a feline... Well, I think don't really prhase that one --"

The wall started to tremble as Kiyomi took a few steps back. Slowly the puzzle door would slide to the right. Proud of her wit, Kiyomi placed her fists on her hips as she stare at Matatabi. With a wide smile, she kept staring at him, waiting for the desired compliment.

Matatabi grunted, "Got lucky." Turning before his smile could give him away, the large cat walked through the newly created door. As they entered the new room, the door would close behind them, trapping them in this new chamber. Letting out a low growl, Matatabi's fire grew, brightening the new room slightly. Making his way over towards the far wall, the flaming feline could make out more symbols on this wall. "You humans and your damned puzzles," he grumbled, edging his way closer. There were three circular seals on the wall, surrounded by more strange symbols. The seals appeared to be etched deep into the wall, and were very intricately detailed. The smallest circle was on the lower left, running parallel with a slightly larger s circle on the right. The two lower seals were joined by lines to the largest seal above.

Matatabi sat on the stone floor, his eyes perusing the strange symbols that surrounded the seals. "Interesting..." he muttered, more to himself than anything.

A flicker of lightning traveled to the ground as Kiyomi glanced over her shoulder. But staying calm, which was hard as her heart skipped beats, she found some comfort in the light of Matatabi's fire. Walking with him to the next puzzle, a smirk found its way to her lips as she placed a hand on her hip. Staring at the symbols, the smirk however started to vanish. They weren't anything that seemed familiar to her and had something to them. Trying to figure out if they were some kanji or describing something as the previous puzzle, Kiyomi couldn't make anything out of it. Her frustration only grew as Matatabi muttered, making her glance at him. Raising her free right hand towards the next puzzle door, she spoke up. "Frustrating you mean? What is that for gibberish?"

"That gibberish as you call it, is from an ancient language..."
Responding to Kiyomi, Matatabi never took his eyes off the symbols. He had not seen anything like them in a long time... A very, very long time. "It's another bloody puzzle that's for sure, and the symbols here are... describing it." Gesturing towards the wall with one large paw, Matatabi began reading from the top. "The symbols above the largest seal, up above there, they mean..." Trying to find the proper words to translate it, Matatabi paused. "Only one of two lives may enter. The path shall be opened by the joining of both flames."

Frowning, Matatabi hoped he had translated correctly. Looking back at Kiyomi, he added, "The smaller seals, the ones down below here, they also say something." Squinting his eyes, he read the left one first. "The seal must be filled with the fire of the heart..." Shifting his eyes over, Matatabi read the right one. "The seal must be filled with the fire of the spirit..."

Listening to him, Kiyomi titled her head by a bit. An ancient language? Wondering if there was anybody else who could decypher them, she remained silent as Matatabi started to translate them. Slightly frowning, she thought about it. "One of two lives may enter... Joining both flames.." Trying to think about it, Kiyomi frown vanished. It was obvious that it was about jinchuriki's. That was why they were here. But yet, how could they solve it? She glanced back at Matatabi. It sounded to her that she had to go into tailed beast mode. Something that she couldn't. Her body nor her control over it were anywhere near that she could even maintain control over the tailed beast cloak, version 2. Feeling disappointed with her own short comings, she stared at the puzzle again. "Fire of the spirit? We saw that they described chakra as a blue flame on the previous puzzle. But.... how do we even solve this? We can't shift the symbols or do much about this puzzle." She stated, her frustration ringing through her tone.

Grinning, Matatabi turned back to the girl. "My first thought was just to spit a large fireball, buuut... You are correct." Sighing, Matatabi stared at the puzzle thinking. "If they really do mean fire as in chakra, then this makes more sense. Think, fire of the heart, fire of the spirit?" His eyes shining as he figured it out, Matatabi glanced down at Kiyomi. "We need to fill it with chakra. Some from both of us. One of two lives, joining the flames." Cocking his head to the side, Matatabi thought of something and frowned. "Only thing I'm not sure of is who puts their chakra where..."

Pouting, the large cat absently scratched himself behind the ear. "Fire of the heart... that could mean... Maybe they mean of the body? If that's the case, then they must mean you! You are the body, and I am the spirit." Nodding his head, Matatabi grinned. Reaching up, he placed a paw against the larger seal on the right. "Come, put your hand on the left there. Once you do, start flowing your chakra into the seal. If I'm right, it should do the rest." As he spoke, Matatabi began leaking a little chakra, allowing it to be absorbed by the seal.

Hesistant, she decided to fall in with his plan. Placing her hand, which seemed so small compared to the paw of Matatabi, underneath his. Starting to pour some chakra through her arm towards the palm of her hand, her eyes glanced to spot any differences. Any signal of movement, but it remained silent as the wall didn't seem to move away. Just as Kiyomi opened her mouth, the wall started to tremble, moving slowly backwards and shifting to the left. Lowering her hand, she grinned as she raised her hand again. "Go Team Blue!"

Smirking, Matatabi shook his large head and wandered into the next room. Glancing over his shoulder towards Kiyomi, he spoke. "So..do you actually think we'll get anywhere... Or do you think they've just designed this horrid maze of puzzles just to trap us down here forever?"

Lowering her hand, she huffed, but quickly darted towards Matatabi's side to walk next to him again. Hearing his question, she thought about it. "I'm not sure." Thinking out loud, she shrugged. "I---" Halting for a moment, they would be able to feel the ground tremble as the last puzzled door moved back in place. "I think that who ever designed this place surely made one thing clear." She said, looking over her shoulder. "Once in, there is no clear out." Turning her gaze back in front of her, she paused. "Though I must add that I like this. You know, us solving puzzles together. Working together."

Grumbling at the thought of being stuck here for eternity, Matatabi marvelled at the irony. As Kiyomi commented about enjoying herself, Matatabi snorted. "I suppose there could be worse things." Glancing down at the girl, he couldn't help but smile. "You really are a crazy one, you know that?"

"I can't help it!"
She said, winking at him as she spread her arms a bit. "If I wasn't crazy, would we be here? Or then I would've never been in a lot of adventures or troubles before." Though she wanted to continue, Kiyomi grew silent as she also came to a halt. Feeling some vibrations moving through the ground, she looked around them. The darkness however didn't reveal what was the cause of the trembling. Her right hand shot towards the handle of her sword, as she narrowed her eyes. "You know what I really don't like?" She asked, half turning as she didn't want to be flanked. "Surprises in the dark..."

"You and me both."
Matatabi growled as he felt the vibrations. Trying to determine the source of the vibrations, Matatabi closed his eyes. Turning, he opened them again. "There!"
The vibrations grew louder and it was evident that something large was coming their way.

Turning around, Kiyomi already dropped into a stance. Only for her eyes to widen as they could see their foe. A silence passed as a huge panda, made of granite was staring with its stone eyes at them. The cracking sound of granite moving sounded as the jaw of the panda opened. "Why is it never something.... easy..." Kiyomi muttered, noticing however some movement at their right. The right arm of the statue moved down into a sweep, trying to smack them away.
Jumping backwards, Kiyomi narrowed her eyes. "What is that?!"

Snarling, Matatabi spat out a stream of blue fire towards the towering statue. As the flames washed off the massive being, Matatabi was disturbed to see the thing lurch forwards, unscathed. Backing up, Matatabi continued growling. "It would appear to be a giant fucking stone panda." He said, wondering why his fire had had no effect.

Skidding into the dark, Kiyomi muttered a curse. Letting lightning course through the blade of her sword, she made some light around herself. Not as efficient as Matatabi's, but it was something. Frowning, she noticed that the devestating blue inferno didn't even fazed their enemy, Kiyomi frowned. "Yeah, I see that too!" She called back, trying to rush forward as she wanted to try to attack it with her lightning. It seemed that the attention of the statue was fixed on Matatabi, giving her room to move in with a hack to slice through the right leg of the panda.

A loud thud rang and Kiyomi's eyes widened as she felt the heavy vibrations moving through her arms. "Son of...." Muttering the curse, she noticed that not even a crack was made as the lightning didn't even seem to touch the granite.

"Did you not see how ineffective my flames were!?"
Matatabi called out, trying to dodge the giant panda as it swung a massive stone paw towards him. Leaping back, the flaming cat hissed, his flames growing even hotter. "How the hell are we supposed to hurt this thing?" The creature lumbered, off balance as its swing missed Matatabi. Shifting its leg, the panda tried to strike Kiyomi now.

Quickly moving backwards, back into the darkness, Kiyomi felt the gust as the leg moved. Barely in time had she managed to avoid getting kick away as a pebble from the stone creature. Skidding to a halt, Kiyomi frowned. "Hell, do I know!" She shouted back. Quickly analyzing how her attack had went, Kiyomi realized something. It was almost the same thing as before. "Shit!" Realizing what it meant, she stared at the big shadow, trying to beat Matatabi.

Focusing, she would send him a message over their bond. "He can absorb chakra. Let's try to outrun it." Already starting to turn around, Kiyomi made more chakra flow through the sword to increase the light around her. Starting to run, she could feel her heart skipping beats as she hoped that they could find some place to escape the big stone panda statue.

Receiving the message, Matatabi glanced around trying to see where Kiyomi had run to. His eyes could just barely pick out the slight glimmer of light in the distance and he bounded towards it. Matatabi was forced to dodge in between the legs of the massive panda as it swept its arms in another attack. Feeling the air pass over him as the panda's attack missed, Matatabi pushed himself faster. He caught up with Kiyomi after a short sprint and glanced at the girl.
"Need a lift?"

"Hell yeah!"
She said as she sheathed her sword. Glancing over her shoulder, she could both hear and feel the statue giving chase. With a quick sprint, she moved with a fluid movement on the back of Matatabi. Leaning forward, a wicked grin appeared on her lips again.

Running as fast as he could, Matatabi tried to gain some distance from the panda. Glancing over his shoulder, he could see nothing, but he could still feel the vibrations as the behemoth lumbered towards them. "So where are we going???"

"Do it look like I have a map of this place?"
Kiyomi frowned as she tried to think of a solution. While it seemed that they were in a big hall, she was sure that it wouldn't go on like this. There had to be a way out of it. It had after all taken a bit before they had been attacked by the statue. Trying to think of something, Kiyomi gained an idea. "Keep it going, I will make some beacons!" Straightening her back, she started to weave handsignals as she took in a deep breath.

Shaking his large head, Matatabi did as commanded, surging forwards. "Hope you're right about this little one." Briefly a smirk plastered over Kiyomi's lips as she would then narrowed her eyes to slits. Spitting out a small ball of fire, the blue fire would lighten up the area in front of them. A wall, thus a dead end. Focusing on keeping the chakra moulded, Kiyomi would turn her head left and spit another blue flaming ball. As it soared through the air, it would reveal that the way wasn't blocked by a wall.

Getting the hint, Matatabi turned sharply to the left. "What happens when we find that we're blocked in on all sides?" He could hear the panda getting closer now, and it was obvious the thing had somehow seen them turn. "I'd say we should turn and fight this thing, but if it can absorb our attacks, then I have no idea how to hit it!"

"Then fighting it wouldn't help! He will crush us as soon as we're tired out!"
Kiyomi answered back over their telepathic bond. Focusing on her task, she would spit another small of blue fire over. Then she saw it. As the ball of fire would move through the air, towards a wall, she could see an opening. It was thus like a maze! "Let's try to shake him off!"

Eyeing the opening, Matatabi put on a fresh burst of speed. The stone panda was gaining ground on them and Matatabi could feel the growing presence behind them. Almost there...

Leaping forward, Matatabi and Kiyomi sailed through the opening just in time to hear something crash into it from behind. Slowing, Matatabi looked back. They were safe. For now...
"Heh." She had leaned forward, making herself small on the back of Matatabi as well holding on - attaching chakra to her hands and body to remain on top and not fall off easily. Looking at the stone panda statue, trying to wringle his way through the opening, Kiyomi grinned. "And you wanted to fight that? And who is crazy now, huh?"

Scoffing Matatabi shook his head and turned back. "What now? ." She pointed to the darkness, away from the ever moving statue that seemed to bent on crushing them. "We need to move on. Unless you feel the need to be crushed by that statue." Kiyomi answered with a cheeky tone.

was all Matatabi said. Making their way further ahead, the pair certainly looked like an odd one. The hall that they found themselves in was far narrower than the prior ones, and Matatabi felt slightly uncomfortable. "It's strange to think of people creating things like this... You humans can certainly be too clever for your own good."

She felt the need to correct him when he said 'you humans', but decided against it. "I think it was largely our own fault. We poured chakra in the previous puzzle. It took a bit, unlike that other door, didn't it? Perhaps we activated it somehow and due to fighting back for a bit, kept it activated." Kiyomi suggested as she stayed on his back. More relaxing than walking. Glancing around, she took the surrounding in. "I wonder what is awaiting us next."

Grunting, Matatabi was too proud to ever admit he'd had something to do with it. Opening his mout to respond, a sudden tremowarlock end through the earth around them. "You just had to ask!" The hall began shaking, loose bits of earth falling from the ceiling. With a snarl, Matatabi began sprinting again, hoping to make it through the long hall before it collapsed, or worse... "Hold on!"

Her eyes widened as the surprises didn't seem to end. Narrowing her eyes as she leaned forward again, while Matatabi was rushing through the hall, she tried to think of something clever. Opening her left hand, lightning started to crackle. Cursing mentally, she knew that she was already at half of her reserve due to she hadn't yet recovered from summoning Matatabi in the current form he was at. Looking up, she would lash the lightning out to dispatch of a rock. "Best... place... ever!" She muttered.

Matatabi agreed, charging towards the end of the long corridor. The dark hallway seemed to go on forever and Matatabi groaned. "Remind me why I let you drag me down here again?"

she paused as she would lash out her lightning again, crushing another falling rock that would block their way, "we're crazy! Hahahahahaha!" Starting to laugh, Kiyomi dismissed her lightning. Knowing that she would need to be on the safe side, she decided to trust more on his speed and skill on getting them out of the hall.

Chuckling despite the situation, Matatabi renewed his focus on the path ahead. Leaping over a chunk of collapsed roof, he twisted to avoid being crushed by another piece as it fell. Running as fast as he could while still keeping Kiyomi on his back, Matatabi saw something that gave him a surge of energy. "There's the end!" He called, sprinting towards it.


Enjoying the speed, Kiyomi did keep herself leaned forward and making sure that she wouldn't drop off. A few tears rolled over her cheek, but she was beaming as she enjoyed the sprint as well the rush of adrenaline rushing through her body. Something she had missed for quite some time.

Shaking his head as he heard the girl's shout for joy, Matatabi dashed through the door at the end of the hall, only to come skidding to a stop as they nearly crashed into another wall. His claws digging into the earth, Matatabi gritted his teeth and prepared for the impact... But it never came. Retracting his claws, the large cat looked around, breathing heavily.

"Eeeeeh...... Hey, Mata-sama."

Straightening her back, Kiyomi looked over her shoulder. Her smile had vanished as she stared at the direction they had came from. "I think... we have been a bit... fooled." She stated, seeing that the hall was undamaged.

Turning, Matatabi cursed. "Damn this place..." he muttered. Looking around the small room they found themselves in, Matatabi tried to see a way out. "See anything to help us get out of here?"

Looking around as well, Kiyomi frowned. It was a dead end? Staying silent, her eyes slowly moved up. "Fancy a climb?" She asked as she noticed that they couldn't see the ceiling in the room. Glancing up, Matatabi cursed again. "I suppose we don't have much choice, huh?"

Grumbling, the large feline gathered chakra at his feet and began the climb. Taking his time, wary of anymore tricks, Matatabi slowly made his way up the wall. "If this thing ends in a dead end as well, I'm going to be one very unhappy cat."

"Why? This is amazing! Solving puzzles, escaping certain big statues and deaths!"
Kiyomi replied as she held on to the flaming cat. It briefly amazed her again that she could touch it without feeling any negative effect. Knowing it was due to their bond and chakra, but it briefly came up again. "Maybe we get another puzzle to solve. That would be fun."

Letting out a loud groan, Matatabi continued to climb. After what seemed like hours, they reached the top, and Matatabi was relieved to see that there was, in fact, an opening. "Finally..." The large cat muttered. Pulling himself up to the lip, he glanced over it cautiously. As his eyes peered over the edge, he felt a sudden sense of intense vertigo. A feeling that was entirely unfamiliar to him. Gravity seemed to have shifted so that now they were looking down the other hallway, instead of it being straight on. "Sonofa..."

Kiyomi mumbled, though catching on that Matatabi was getting sick of the puzzles and surprises. "C'mon Mata-sama! Let's explore further." She hoped to motivate him a bit with the 'cheering' as she beamed. "Perhaps we're close to the information we're looking for!"

Climbing over the lip with great hesitance, Matatabi tried to convince himself that this was just a trick. There was no way the hallway could be straight down. Closing his eyes, the big cat let his feelings guide him farther than his eyes. As he landed on solid ground, gravity seemed to go back to normal. Taking a deep breath, Matatabi opened his eyes. The hallway was normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "We'd better be close..." he muttered, moving forwards again.

"But it is fun."
She said, hoping that it would take a bit before they would get really close. Technically she had a blast already at the moment. Though she couldn't detect any possible hints for any other surprises that they had encountered so far. Wondering in silence, Kiyomi stayed on the back of Matatabi as they kept walking down the hall. Noticing some more of the strange symbols at the wall, she couldn't make anything out of it. Deciding that she would later try to see if she could find anything about them or ask Matatabi to help her learn on how to read them, she noticed that the hall was slowly narrowing down to an opening. Some sort of sentence was made in the ancient language, causing Kiyomi to pat Matatabi's shoulder. "What does it say?"

As they walked, Matatabi found himself looking around at the ancient texts. He hoped that the information inside wasn't all going to be in this ancient language, if that were the case, then he was gonna have to do all the work for Kiyomi. Sighing, Matatabi trudged along. When Kiyomi pointed out the saying on the wall, the fiery cat frowned. "It's a warning." he said finally. "Would you like me to read it?"

"A warning?"
Wasn't the stone guardian panda and the puzzles not enough of a warning? Not to mention that the second door made it sort of only accesible for jinchuriki to get through. "What does it say?" She asked, deciding to get off his back. Landing gracefully on her feet, she raised her eyes up to stare at the ancient text.

Stretching himself out as Kiyomi dropped down, Matatabi grumbled. "All of those things were warning enough that we shouldn't enter, but as I told you in the beginning, it gets harder as it goes." Sitting down, Matatabi began to read. "Heed this warning, those who would enter. Below you lies that which you seek, but only the worthy can reap its fruit. From one comes two, as those before. Beyond this lies the final door."

Thinking about the warning, Kiyomi thought about what they were warned for. "Below lies that what which you seek, but only the worthy can reap the fruit?" She repeated. Not making any movements to go further, Kiyomi thought about it. The following was also confusing as from one comes two. Was that a reference to a jinchuriki and a tailed beast? Or perhaps it was refering to something else? Feeling wary, Kiyomi felt a bit initmidated by the words. Taking a step almost back, she considered what they had experienced together. There was no way to turn just back, but was it worth? Glancing at Matatabi, she bite her lower lip. Only to grow angry on herself.


Taking a few steps forward to stand in the opening, she looked around with a stern expression.

"Worthy or not, I'll make them heed me. Old ancient geezers can kiss my boots! Let's go!"

Though feeling her stomach for a moment twisting as she stepped into the darkness, Kiyomi didn't want to turn around. Remembering what she had told people before that progress as moving forwards, she didn't want to turn around just because she was a bit afraid of what could be awaiting for her.

Grinning as the girl put on a brave face, Matatabi followed close behind. "It is likely that the people who created all this, that they wanted to protect it, and make sure the information didn't fall into the wrong hands. I doubt they would truly mean to threaten those with pure intentions, though... You can never be too certain..."

Waiting till Matatabi was also in the other room, Kiyomi absently nodded. She understood the meaning of such a warning, but the specific details were lost on her. She couldn't lay a finger on what they meant for who it was a warning. For the beast? For the jinchuriki? For both?

Deciding to just see what the last puzzle would be, Kiyomi glanced around. The darkness was pushed back by the light of the blue flames of Matatabi. "Now, just the last test.." Starting to walk, Kiyomi kept paying a close watch of her surroundings.

Keeping close to Kiyomi, Matatabi's eyes searched their surroundings. He had no clue what lay ahead, but Matatabi felt confident they would get through. They were beast and host, combined they were the right mix, and exactly what this place had been designed for... Or, at least so it was said. Glancing back at Kiyomi, Matatabi hoped she would find the answers she was looking for. And he hoped that they were what she was hoping for as well...

In silence they walked down further. It was a long walk and for a moment Kiyomi felt the need to jog, run or do something to get her blood pumping again. Slowly the light of Matatabi's flames would show that they stumbled upon another puzzle. One that made her feel her courage drop. It was as the narrow bridge, but this time there wasn't a bridge. There was nothing but a pit of darkness in front of them. "Wolves... no." Whimpering, Kiyomi felt more defeated as she tried to look around for any possible hint. Spotting none, she moved her hands to the side of her head. "There has to be something...." Muttering the words, she wasn't even sure anymore what to think of the scenario. The feeling that they were just one step away from the information and possible way to get out of the mess they were currently in and yet further away before they had even started.

Frowning, Matatabi walked up to the edge of the abyss. Gathering some chakra, he spat out a medium sized fireball, just enough to try and see. Launching it forwards, he had arced it so it would drop. As the light moved, he could make out what appeared to be a wall on the far side of the pit, and then the ball dropped. Watching the fireball plummet, Matatabi waited for it to hit the bottom. Only, it never did... "Great..."

Watching the blue fire, Kiyomi slowly dropped on her knees. Staring as the fireball that vanished out of sight, devoured by the abyss itself, she became silent. There they were.

Trapped in some maze and unable to continue on. The answers that she was craving for, wanting to know if she could live in some aspects the same as any other, seemed to be nothing more than a fantasy. A scary trail she had to figure out herself if they ever would get out of here. Thinking about the warning, Kiyomi wanted to rise up and scold those who had made this place. Just sneering and shouting against the abyss and everything else. But she remained silent, staring at the black pit.

Glancing over at Kiyomi, Matatabi sighed. "Get on my back child." Glancing up, Kiyomi stared at Matatabi. Placing a hand at the ground, Kiyomi would push herself up. Words weren't needed as she gained a smile. Though there wasn't any joy in it, she seemed even a bit tired.

Getting on his back, she would place her hands on his shoulder and made sure she wouldn't fall off easy. "You know... this remember me what he once told me." Kiyomi softly said as she mustered her courage.

Adjusting to the weight of the girl, Matatabi glanced back at her over his shoulder. "It better have been to hold on tight." Grinning, Matatabi took one more step and jumped. Pressing her body against his back, she tightly closed her eyes as she could feel that they were falling through the air. Though she felt her heart wildly skipping beats again, she wasn't that happy about it. "Hey Mata-sama..."

Feeling the air fly past them, Matatabi was beginning to wonder if this had been a good idea. Hearing the soft voice behind him, he turned his head. "Yes, little one?"


Feeling some weird sensation moving over her skin, Kiyomi's eyes shot open. The air that rushed around them before seemed to fade a bit away, meaning that they weren't falling as hard as they were before. Quickly looking around, they seemed to be stuck in the abyss itself.

Wondering if it was genjutsu, like before, she quickly made the kai handsignal. But much to her surprise, it seemed to be of no effect. "This is odd..." She mumbled, waving with her left arm in order to see if she could feel the weird sensation of before again.

Matatabi's ears perked up at the sensation when they slowed. Confusion filled the beast and he glanced around wondering if he could see anything that would explain it. He could still see noting but the black abyss and was about to respond to Kiyomi when he felt the same sensation again. "What the... Ooof!" Landing suddenly, Matatabi's legs buckled slightly at the unexpected stop.

Freezing, Kiyomi wondered how they had hit rock bottom without any grave result. Knowing from study that cats were able to fall from big lengths and with the current size that Matatabi could fall from a high height, it was however weird. As she looked around, she couldn't see anything else but the darkness of the abyss. Not wanting to move from the beast back, Kiyomi licked her lips. "Didn't the warning say that the answers were below?" Kiyomi tried to joke, unsure where they should go now.

Groaning, more at the discomfort of stopping without warning than actual pain, Matatabi glanced over his shoulder. "Would be nice if those answers weren't just eternal darkness." The large cat muttered. Moving one paw forward gingerly, Matatabi tested the area in front of him. Still solid. Must be some sort of barrier."" he padding padding the area around them.

"Or we're dead?"
Kiyomi half joked as she looked around them. Deciding to test something, she would grab four shuriken. Imbueing them with lightning to make them give some light, Kiyomi threw one towards their right. A thud could be heard as the invisble barrier bounced the shuriken and made it slide into the darkness. Patiently waiting, she memorized the path of the weapon. "Second try...." Throwing the next with more force, the shuriken would slide longer over the barrier towards the wall. "Hmmmm. Would you be so kind?" She asked.

With a wicked grin Matatabi inhaled deeply. His entire body would seem to grow warmer and glow brighter for a moment until he released a huge fireball into the blackness. As the flames traveled, they lit up the world around them. "Happy?" he asked.

Squinting her eyes against the bright light, Kiyomi thought she had seen something. "Not really, okay, turn.... right and keep on walking straight." Kiyomi instructed Matatabi. She was half scared that they would fall to their doom as soon as he would take a step, but if the invisible barrier was truly underneath them...

Sighing, Matatabi had hoped his fire would have had more effect. Muttering to himself, the big cat shifted and begin walking in the direction Kiyomi had suggested. He walked for a time before the feeling became strange. The ground under his feet had become... Normal again. He could feel the cool earth and it was a comfort in comparison to the invisible barrier.

Kiyomi cheerfuly spoke, "am I happy!" She exclaimed as she would hop off his back. Feeling the solid ground underneath her, she let out a sigh. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see the eternal dark abyss staring back at them. "I doubt we can simply move back up again. I.... felt something before we stopped falling." Kiyomi said, on a soft tone as she would look back in front again. Only way to go was forwards...

Nodding solemnly, Matatabi had felt it too. "It would be nice if they had some bloody lights down here..." he whined, walking next to Kiyomi. Continuing along their path, Matatabi got a strange feeling and it caused his flames to briefly flare up. "I wonder if anyone's still down here..."

"One way to find that out."
She replied. Walking in silence next to Matatabi, it became noticable that the hall was slowly narrowing. Already suspecting another surprise or puzzle, they would see a door. This time made of what seemed to be wood. ".... Hey, Mata-sama." Kiyomi said, halting as she kept some distance from the door. "How long do you think it has been that somebody was here?"

Cocking his head to the side as they stopped, Matatabi pondered. "From what I had heard, this was not usually a place where anyone would stay for long. Most would come in search of something specific and leave once they found it. Some would come to browse the library of information. It's hard to say though..." Glancing at Kiyomi, he shrugged. "I doubt anyone has been here for a long time though. Most jinchuriki are still very young, and it would have been decades since any of the prior ones may have journeyed here. I suppose it is possible that some one could have come to simply leave some new data, but even then... "

Glancing towards Matatabi, Kiyomi thought about it. Deciding to take a few steps forward, her right hand slowly moved to the door handle. The wood seemed just new, but how? If it was decades ago and nobody there to take care of it, how was that possible? Her heart started to beat faster as her hand moved closer to the handle. Slowly her fingers wrapped around the handle. "Let's find--- Aaaaaaaah! Let go! Let go!"

Panicking, Kiyomi tried to yank her hand loose. The wood just behind the handle moved around her wrist and she could feel that it was leeching some chakra. Pressing her feet firmly against the ground, she hissed as she tried to get free. Landing on her bottom, she quickly looked up as the wood moved back in place. Scooting quickly backwards, she glared at the door. "Why didn't you warn me?!"

Snickering, Matatabi looked down at Kiyomi and burst into a bout of laughter. "You should have seen your face!" If there had been room in the hall, Matatabi would likely have rolled over in a fit of laughter. As it was, he had to lean against the wall for support. When his laughter subsided, Matatabi looked down at the girl. "I did warn you that I'd never been here, remember?"

Glancing back at the door as he heard a sudden noise, Matatabi watched it swing open slowly. He could see the flicker of light in the distance, casting shadows along the floor. "We'll, it looks like it worked." He grinned.

Shooting a glare at the tailed beast, who seemed to enjoy himself, Kiyomi threw a look as the door slowly opened. "Not thanks to you." Rubbing her wrist, she stayed where she was for a moment. Then slowly she would walk into the new room. Glancing around, she noticed that it was just a library. It seemed rather spacious and could see several lamps, but the only smell that she could detect was that of leather and ink. Staying silent, Kiyomi simply took it all in.

Entering behind Kiyomi, Matatabi was surprised to find that he fit through the doorway with ease. Taking everything in, Matatabi wasn't sure what to think. Truth be told he hadn't known exactly what to expect, so this whole place was new to him. Quietly walking further into the room, the large cat remained silent.

The silence endured for several more moments. "Suppose I should start searching then...." She said. Walking into the library, she looked around. It had something pleasant and yet frightening. The feeling that something was looming over her was ever present, yet she felt at ease. It was hard to explain as she frowned for a moment. Walking next to the book shelves, she found it surprising to see that the titles of the books were in the modern language or a slighter old version, but she was still able to make some sense out of it.

The library was quite large, and Matatabi found himself looking around with a curiosity befitting of a... Cat. Wandering through a few aisles, Matatabi found himself wishing he had proper hands... As it was, it was impossible for him to actually pull anything off the shelves to read and so, after a time, he wandered back to one of the more open areas and laid down. Yawning, he called out to Kiyomi, "Let me know if you find anything interesting."

She absently replied back. Picking out several books out of the shelves, she would walk back to a table nearby Matatabi. Finding some paper, ink and a pen Kiyomi started to study the books.

Frowning, she stared at the letters. Leaning forward, her left hand was supporting her head as it was placed against her forehead. Focused on the text, the young girl turned a bit paler as her eyes kept taking in the information. Slowly leaning back, she placed her hands on her lap as she thought about what she had read. It had been an old report, two centuries ago about somebody who had discovered that Bijuu chakra indeed forced the host to adapt to the powerful source. But there was a slight catch to it. While she had always considered that it changed it her, giving her traits that would allow some advantages, it came with a cost.

Feeling that she was turning sick, Kiyomi turned around. Leaning forward, she would move her head between her legs as she closed her eyes.

Sensing the girl's discomfort, Matatabi's head perked up. Turning, he noticed Kiyomi with her head hanging between her legs. Getting up silently, the large cat padded his way over to her. Rubbing his head against her shoulder, Matatabi purred. "What did you find, little one?"

"One second."

She simply told him, trying to recover from her finding. She could feel the blood moving away from her face. It wasn't that her worst fear had happened. But it was anything that she had expected. Straightening her back, she wasn't sure how to phrase it. All she wanted was going home and demand Hiron to comfort her. But Hiron wasn't around and she didn't want to go home. Feeling more conflicted, her stomach started to get worked up. Trying to stay calm, Kiyomi took a deep breath in as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"Remember that.... talk we had... about children?"

How could he forget...? Glancing at the girl for a long moment, Matatabi sat next to her. "I remember yes. Did you find something to do with it?" he asked, his voice far gentler than normal. Matatabi feared the worst already, and he could feel his guy sinking. Waiting to hear what Kiyomi had found, the large cat did his best to remain composed.

Her eyes started to tear as she couldn't believe it. She hadn't really wondered if she wanted children. But after learning the price that jinchuriki female hosts had to pay, Kiyomi felt betrayed. Violated and wrong. "I... I can't...." Biting her lower lip, she pulled her legs up and placed her feet on the chair.

"I.... can't bare real.... children."

Pausing, Matatabi felt his stomach sink the rest of the way. He had no words of comfort, no wisdom to offer, Curling around the girl, Matatabi laid his head in her lap, looking up at her. "What does it say child?" He whispered.

Her lower lip trembled as her eyes started to well up with tears. It was unfair. It wasn't fair! Why was this taken away from her? Slowly she placed a hand on Matatabi's head. Knowing that he couldn't do a thing about it, she couldn't help but find it unfair. Why? Just why? How was this a fair price? Trying to stay calm, she couldn't really help it. It felt unfair and managed to hit her in the core. Deeper than any other weapon ever had. Or harsher than any other scolding.

"They.... won't... be human... It isn't fair..."

Muttering the words, she wanted to scream. Screaming fire, murder and how unfair it was. It was expected that she would later start a family. And she hadn't really ever stood still by it. But the image of her having children with Hayate? It had made her smile. Now it made her feel miserable and disgusted. Managing to regain her composure a bit, she tried to explain it.

"According to... this old scource, there is a price to pay. For...Bijuu chakra changes the host it can create complications.... Still born are common. But... it is highly theorized and believed that if I would bare a non still born that it isn't human."
It was starting to hit her again. Irony at its finest. She had always scoffed and said that jinchuriki weren't really human and now some old and detailed information were proving her right? Wanting to turn back her earlier words and reactions, she knew it wouldn't change the truth. But she hated it. Wanted it to be different....

Wanting to be the same as others...

Listening to the girl as she spoke, Matatabi remained silent. As Kiyomi finished, the large cat pulled his head back slightly. His eyes remained locked on Kiyomi's and slowly they narrowed into slits. His lip curled back in a snarl and Matatabi's flames flared up. "Theory!?" He growled, "Are you telling me all these old geezers left were theories!?" Looking away, Matatabi had to fight the urge to tear something to shreds. "And you're going to let that dictate your future? You!? The girl who rides with lightning, the girl who fears no foe!" Scoffing, Matatabi turned back to face Kiyomi. "What proof do they have, hmm?"

"You told me that this place held the answers!"
She replied back, though her volume not raising. "You told me that I would find them here! Here! And yes, I am terrified! I feel betrayed!" Her voice became hoarse as she felt tears rolling down her cheek. "This old woman studied the offspring of a jinchuriki! Offspring, know what that means? Children! Babies! Kids!" Growing more panicked, Kiyomi voice started to grow higher a bit in pitch. "Know what it also mean? That once people learn of this, that I will... he.... I...." Her face turned more pale as she didn't want to think about it. All she wanted was going home, but she was disgusted by herself. By the answers. But more because she realized that another problem just found its way to block her way to happiness.

"For the last time I told you I have never been here! I told you this place may hold knowledge of what you seek, not that i knew for certain!"
Matatabi was snapping, and he turned in a huff. Digging his claws into the earth the big cat didn't know what to do. A part of him felt he was failing Kiyomi... He hasn't known, and he had no way of disproving what had been written. He had never been bonded with a host that had grown with child, never cared enough to know. But now... Snarling, the beast was filled with impotent rage. Breathing heavily, Matatabi turned back to face Kiyomi, a mix of emotion clear in his eyes. "So she studied offspring! So fucking what!? How can she determine whether or not the child is human!?"

"Because you idiot that they weren't normal! Want me to spell it for you?!"
She sneered back, sqeeuzing her eyes as she spoke back in a shaken voice. "Not. Human. Not Normal! Traits and such that humans don't have! Fuck do I know what more I need to make out of that, but that says enough?!" She replied back. Not fighting back against the tears, she wanted to go away.

She could run. Trying to flee from home before anybody else would learn of this. Perhaps that would be better. "I.... I... It is unfair...."

Growling again, Matatabi was disgusted. "So what? You just give up? Is that what you're gonna do?" Shaking his head, Matatabi was angry. Angry at himself, angry at Kiyomi, and at the stupid scroll. "What happened to the girl who could fight through anything huh?"
His eyes locked on Kiyomi, he awaited her response.

Wiping some tears away, she wanted to scream out of frustration. How could she fight against her own body? Rip out her womb and order it to not be affected by Bijuu chakra? Trying to expell him out of her body and hoping that she wouldn't die out of stress and fact that her body was relying on his chakra? But she angrily stared back at the two colored pair of eyes of Matatabi. Somehow his words did managed to get to him. It reminded her of somebody else.

Clenching her fists, Kiyomi raised her chin a bit. "Psh... I.. I.. will figure something out." Trying to sound confident, it didn't come out like she wanted. It was even a soft whisper, nothing as the usual confident tone she could give to the Tailed Beast with even feeling intimidated.

Glancing over her shoulder, she felt however hopeless. She rather burned the place to the ground and leave.

Still staring at the girl intensely, Matatabi remained silent. Slowly, the ghost of a smile formed on his lips. "That's the spirit girl." he said quietly, his voice gentle once again. His body was large enough to fully wrap around the girl, so Matatabi did so. Rubbing against her to try and comfor her, he placed a paw on her knee and rested his head in her lap once more. "I... I am sorry little one. Had I known..." His words failing him, Matatabi closed his eyes and did his best to provide comfort.

"Then we still had laughed and came..."
She whispered back. Starting to scratch him behind his right flaming ear, her eyes closed a bit as she tried to figure out a solution. But how could she fight against her own body? Against that had progressed over years? Finding some comfort in the presence of Matatabi, Kiyomi tried to think of home. What would Hiron and Keiko think? Hiron would likely scoff and state that he had already a handful on her and Aimi. Typically Hiron. Keiko? Likely smiling and saying that she would figure out a way. Mentally cringing, she didn't however want to think of what others would think of it. She then made a decision.

"Nobody.... nobody is allowed to learn of this. This remains... between us."
There was an odd serene confidence ringing in her voice. Yes, she would keep it to herself. It was to keep the others safe and perhaps she could hide it behind a lie or another reason? Just until.... she had figured it out.

Purring as she scratched behind his ear, Matatabi looked up. "And what of the boy? The one you wish to mate with?"

The question made her eyes shot open as she frowned. Twisting her head a bit to look at him, she frowned. ".... I don't know." She mumbled back. Knowing all too well that he didn't mean it in any bad sense, it had disturbed her for a moment. Then slowly, but surely she started to laugh. Laughing at the pure irony and the fact that it seemed that she was never short of problems. First the illness and just when she had solved that it turned out that she had to face anothe foe that had been silent for years. One that she couldn't fight with sword in hand and simply beat and defeat. "He is.... strange. So I ... hope he will not mind it. If he ever learns of

Staring sideways at the girl as she laughed, Matatabi smiled."You are pretty strange yourself little one. Perhaps that is why you two work..." Looking away, Matatabi felt a moment profound sadness... What is happening to me? he thought, staring off into the library's depths. He felt... Guilty... Kiyomi was only in this situation due to him, to his chakra. While it wasn't his fault that he had been stuck in here, it was still... Sighing, Matatabi turned back to the girl. "You know that I don't really have a way of telling anyone, so my mouth shall remain sealed." Chuckling at his own pun, Matatabi snorted before smiling. "I may not know much about you humans, but I know how much you beat yourself up when you lie to those you care about. Just don't hold it in too long. You never know, maybe someone might even be able to help you..."

Smiling a little after the pun, she remained silent. Still scratching behind the ear, Kiyomi thought about it. Who could help her? Any other jinchuriki? Midori was also an experienced jinchuriki, wasn't she? But she was all up in Kumogakure and what if she didn't know about this? Would it be fair to burden Midori with this knowledge? She didn't think so. And everybody else wasn't a jinchuriki. She could'nt even approach Zakito with this. No, for now it was just her and Matatabi who should share this information together. "For now I don't want to burden anybody with this. I already caused a lot of people to be hurt when I turned ill. This.... would be only all over, but worse. And..." Kiyomi paused.
"I don't want their pity."

Frowning, Matatabi understood her point. "If that is what you wish." Glancing around, Matatabi wondered what to do now. He had failed at fully comforting the girl, and judging from what they had found so far he wasn't entirely confident that they would find any more uplifting material. "So what now child...?"

"What do you mean?"
She asked, her tone being slight sarcastic. "I'll study.... a bit more. There is more that I want to learn. To confirm if my own experience and beliefs about what I am is correct." Kiyomi calmly answered. Gently stroking his head, slowly down to his neck, her eyes stared at his neck as she repeated the motion. "Beside, I doubt we'll be back here any time soon. Best to learn a bit more.... even if it is no fun."

Nodding, Matatabi couldn't stop his hind leg from spasming as tried to scratch where Kiyomi scratched. Grumbling to himself, he managed to calm his leg and curled around Kiyomi once more. "Maybe this place will hold some answers, some that are not quite as..."
Shrugging, Matatabi sighed.

She wanted to agree, but lately her luck with things as these didn't seem to be that great. "I'll manage. Can't go backwards now, only forwards." She said in return. Becoming silent for a moment, she thought of some other questions that she had. If she would try to postpone it, trying to get back later, then it wouldn't be any time soon. And now she was alone, nobody trying to accompany her. "I'll need to study for a bit longer. Just... a few hours."

Nodding his head, Matatabi pulled away, she couldn't do much if he kept smothering her. "I shall stick with you this time... In case you come across something in the old tongue." Offering the girl as warm a smile as he could muster, which really wasn't much, Matatabi hated seeing her like this.

Flashing a smile back, Kiyomi let out a soft sigh. Turning back to the books, she decided to not seek for just the answers on her questions. But also possible solutions.

Writing down the knowledge that the Homura dynasty was thus basically not fully Hon, but having roots with the Sato and explaining that it was according to the law of the Empire also rooted in some other clans, due to adoption, Kiyomi let out a sigh. Closing the book, she would get up. "We should get going then." She spoke up, fixing her clothes for a moment as she would glance at Matatabi. She had managed to regain her composure, though hadn't been able to find a solution for the problem that they had stumbled on earlier. There were some other things that she had managed find an answer on, next to confirming some of her beliefs.

Nodding, Matatabi sauntered over to the girl. Stretching out his stiff limbs, the big cat yawned and gave one last long stretch of his back. Standing he looked down at Kiyomi. "Need a lift?" he asked gently, smiling.

Planting her fists against her sides, she threw him a playful frown. "Do you even need to ask?" She had gained some color back on her face, but seemed still a bit shaken by the earlier discovery. Climbing on his back, Kiyomi looked at the library. Though she didn't feel that she would miss it, Kiyomi wondered if she should try to become back later. Her first idea was to collect some books, but it felt wrong. If other jinchuriki would come after her, they could use the knowledge too. Pulling up the hood, she nodded. "Let's see what is behind that other door. Hopefully not that... big stone panda statue."

Grinning, Matatabi made his way to the next door, finding himself also hoping that there wasn't a giant panda hiding behind it. He had studied the door earlier, while Kiyomi had been searching the library. That was how he had found out about the rule. Taking one last look back at the library, Matatabi sighed. Raising a paw, he placed it against the door, watching as it eagerly absorbed some of his chakra. After some time, he heard a mechanism slide into place and the door rumbled out of their way. Unlike the way in, this way seemed to be lit by the same strange torches from inside the library. Stepping into a long hallway, Matatabi watched as the library went dark, the door sealing shut behind them. "I guess we can only go up from here huh?"

Also throwing a look over her shoulder, Kiyomi made the decision to later pay the place a visit again. There was much knowledge that she hadn't been able to learn, but that could wait. Now with some of her questions answered, it was time to get going. "I suppose so, yes." She answered, getting the idea that he also meant something else with that. "Thanks Matatabi...."

Growling softly, the large cat began making his way up the long tunnel. "Don't mention it, little one." Matatabi replied gently. This journey had been an interesting one, but a part of him regretted bringing Kiyomi to this place. Keeping his head low, Matatabi continued padding along. He hoped that they would be able to find something... Some answer to help them. Perhaps if he were to speak to another of the bijuu... Not that he was on good terms with any of them. Sighing, Matatabi and Kiyomi walked on.
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[fieldbox="Midori Sato, yellowgreen"]
Team 13 Sp. Jounin | Kumogakure

There was a festival in the city. And it was awesome.

There was food and drinks. There were people all around doing all kinds of interesting stuff and supposedly there was going to be fireworks at some point. A fireworkshow. How cool was that?! And what was better than to enjoy the festival with friends.

Unfortunately Midori stopped having that many friends. Reyna was there of course and she was totally an awesome friend, but the rest had sort of disappeared. And she had a team to take care of now. For some reason Akio had been taken off her team. When she had gotten the message Midori had wondered if she had done something wrong. She hadn't been that harsh to him, right? Either way he left and Kaya stayed. And she apparently got a new teammember. There had been so many team changes the last few months and Midori didn't like it at all. It didn't help that she didn't feel comfortable leading a team. It felt so disfunctioning.

But maybe the festival would help. Maybe it would loosen them all a bit up, step away from the stress and the shinobi life. Maybe they would somehow all become friends? Midori didn't have much hope. But Reyna would be there!

And that was why Midori had decided to send all the members a small note to tell them to join her at the small teashop were way back before all the team changes Deidara and she had enjoyed some tea. That had been good tea. As she waited she toyed with the strings on her hood that was covering her hair just as she normally did when she went out nowadays. At least it steered some of the attention away.

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[fieldbox="Nightmares, green"]
A collab between Ganryu and Roran Hawkins
One week ago

Matsuri visits Kensuke and they 'talk' about recent events.
" I do have the contract, but first. My deal. It is simple, after we do justice to her death you agree to continue living your life and to its fullest. "

Torriku's words rang again and again in Matsuri's mind as she walked.

"Live life.... to it's fullest... A full life, one without running, one without regrets."

She took one final breathe her hand slowly rose.

She had no idea what she was going to say this time, just like last time...

A quick knock sounded at the door.

A sound broke through the solitude of his sorrow. He looked up from his hands and looked straight into the broken mirror. His eyes were blood-shot and red from sleep deprivation and sorrow. He had been angry yesterday. Oh so angry. He had wanted to destroy things to get rid of the sadness, to let rage envellop him so it would at least not be the the dark shroud of sorrow and pain. Today he was exhausted, without energy. He slowly got up with a half-hearted groan and dragged himself to the door, his foot hitting the empty bottle of alcohol on the floor. In a flash he remembered it'd been the bottle he drank yesterday. The bottle he had gotten from Kaori the day before she left. The bottle she'd given him with the instructions to drink at a memorable event. He hoped she'd approve of what he'd emptied it for.

Arriving at the door he slowly unlocked it and pulled it open. Bright sunlight shone inside and he felt untouched by its generous warmth. It felt hostile and strange, and he wanted none of it. Then he saw who was at the door. Matsuri Hyuuga. His star-crossed lover. He opened his mouth to say something, and closed it again, and let his shoulders hang even further down than they already were.

And he started crying.

Matsuri didn't even realize what she was doing as she wrapped her arms around him in sympathy. No thoughts when through Matsuri, just emotion and impulse. He was in pain, and it hurt her to see him like that, she'd have taken his load in an instant if it'd have helped.

"Ken… what's wrong?"

After a second more, Matsuri fell back, putting her hands to her mouth wide-eyed, and muttered.

"Sorry…. I-I acted without thinking."

That's right, that's Kaori's job…

He ignored the hug and stood there and let it happen. Just like he'd let yesterday happen, and this morning, and Kaori. He gritted his teeth and curshed himself. That he'd show his weakness to the outside world like this. All day he'd been sulking and now he also had to start to cry now Matsuri arrived here, of all people. Why did it have to be her? Luckily it was her. He closed the door as he wiped away his tears, ignoring her painful comment about what she did. He didn't care. And yet he did.

He beckoned her, unable to use his voice, his throat clogged with emotions of sadness and anger. His house was an absolute mess as but for once he didn't care at all. It didn't matter. He made a vague sign towards the sofa as he drew a quivering breath, still unable to stem the flood of tears from his eyes. He grabbed two glasses, one was actually still dirty but he took that one himself, and filled them with water. Tremblingly presenting her the drink in a pathetic gesture of hospitality, he then sat down in the sofa aswell. The sofa where... More tears followed those of before and he covered his face as he tried to bite away the bitter pain.

Bells jingled as she followed, trying to find words herself. She didn't know what to say herself, she didn't know what was wrong, but something was wrong, something was very wrong.

Whatever that she was going to say, it paled to Kensuke's problem. It scared her. Kensuke was supposed to be infallible in her mind, she'd never seen him express more than being sickened at something. Even in battle when her emotions got her carried away, he was silent. Yet here he was in tears, unable to speak.

Matsuri's worried eyes wandered around the room. Bottles of alcohol laid around the floor, and untouched food around the counters.

Matsuri gasped as she saw a puddle of blood near the wall, next to broken glass.

As he set a glass of water in front of her, she was unable to drink. She felt sick and in pain herself just seeing Kensuke's state.

He knew that seeing him in this state must be pretty horrible, and he wanted to say something, but there was nothing he could say. His throat felt as if a giant was trying to squeeze the life out of him, and in the end he gave up on trying to sound normal. Nothing was normal here anyways anymore. In between ragged breaths and pitiful sobs he managed to speak with a broken voice.

"I... I'm sorry M-Matsuri... Kaori is d-d-dead and-..." He said, and as if saying it out loud made it more true he gritted his teeth and paused, unable to maintain control over his emotions. Then he recollected himself, and looked her in the eyes, saw the fear, the compassion, the ... And he snapped.

Now there was no holding his tears anymore, every barrier was gone. He grabbed his legs and softly rocked where he sat as his pain flowed out like water through a breached dam. "She's dead! She is dead! She died on some ... fucking mission... and..." He said. "She died and you... and ..." He said, and suddenly he was absolutely disgusted of himself.


Matsuri felt like she'd been hit. How could that happen? How could it that happen to Kensuke? Matsuri felt dizzy, she felt so many things.

Matsuri tried checking herself.... and failed. She stared at the ceiling as tears came down her own face.

"Again... Why do bad things keep happening to you....I wish....I wish life would just let you be happy.... war, peace, people seem to die either way."

Kensuke's pain hurt to see, and yet, at the same time Matsuri's eyes fell, looking back at Kensuke.

Without regrets...

Tears kept coming, but she couldn't say or do anything more than look at him.

Deaf to Matsuri's words Kensuke continued crying. Like a waterfall all his doubts and fears streamed out of his mouth like the tears from his eyes. Now the barrier he had so carefully built up had cracked, it was now breaking apart. "The worst part is that she died believing an illusion..." He said on a heartbreaking tone. "I don't even know if I loved her... And she trusted me, she took it for granted..." He slammed his fist into the sofa and then grabbed his hair, as if trying to pull it out would help. "With you confessing to me and this... and ... and I needed ... had... should've talked to her... I- ..." He continued incoherently. "I don't even know myself..."

"And now she's dead... Just like all the others..." He added on a fragile tone.

The image of the Memorial stone went through Matsuri's head head.

"Zen'no....Kaede.... Ushio-sensei....Tsubasa....Ryo....Katsuko.... Chinatsu.... Kaori..."

She thought a minute before saying anything else. As she thought on what he'd said. A pang of guilt hit her,. Did she make some of Kensuke's pain, of the turmoil? Just because she'd said what she had felt. Wait? Why had that made a difference?

Matsuri's face stiffened.

She put away the thought, the sounds of Kensuke's sobs being the only sound in the room. She at last spoke.

"You know, I went on a mission with Kaori. I didn't know it was you she was talking about, but she talked her blade being special to her because it came from her boyfriend. She admitted to being lucky having him.... you. I don't know much, but I think she was happy."

"That only makes it worse!" He replied in horror. "She believed I loved her, that we were a thing, she was happy because of it!" He said in desperation. "But it was an illusion! A lie! Even now I don't know if I love her, or if I love you! She died believing a lie because I was too afraid to talk about it with her! She deserved to know! And now she is dead... I.. I fucked it up..." He said wide-eyed.

"I had to tell her parents... They ... invited me to stay... It ... I ... I couldn't..."

Matsuri opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything. She only started to shake, and her breathe quickened. What had she done? She felt guilt and fear from Kensuke's words. She'd tried comforting Kensuke with the last statement, but it'd not only made things worse, it made her realize SHE was the one causing his indecision, who made him feel guilty. That's why he'd cried when he'd seen her.

She felt worse and worse. Those tears... from the man she'd never seen them from. She'd hurt him more than anybody else, in ways no one else could have. Her breathing was shallow.


Matsuri tried rising from the couch, the world spinning, before falling forward ontop of the coffee table, spilling the water. She couldn't breathe. Her chest, her head, her stomache, it all hurt. She felt like she was going to die.

Kensuke got up in a reflex, but far too late to stop her from falling. Looking at Matsuri lying on his table, visibly shaking in absolute terror, he suddenly realized what he'd been saying. His sadness, in the face of an emergency, was shoved aside. Acting on pure drilled instinct he picked her up from the table and put her in the sofa, and grabbed a blanket. The glass rolled from the table and shattered as he did, and he vaguely registered the stabbing pain from stepping on the shards, but it was not important right now.

He had no clue what had happened to Matsuri, but it must've been something he'd said... Selfish fool he had been! Only blurting out his own problems ignorant of the possibility that Matsuri also had feelings!? How stupid could he be! For a moment he panicked, not knowing what to do after seeing the sheer horror and shock on her face. It remembered him of how he had acted just now. Pitifully. It remembered him of other unpleasant memories. The war. The memories streamed in in incoherent bouts. Ita-san. Fourteen years old. Poisoned by a puppet. Dying in his arms.

"H-hey... Matsuri..." He started, but achieved nothing more than he would have should he have been talking to a pebble. After a moment more of hesitation, he murmured an aopology to the sky and wrapped his arms around Matsuri, rocking her in his arms. "It's going to be okay..." He said with an unsteady voice. "It's going to be okay."

A blurred vision was all Matsuri got as she looked up at Kensuke, still gasping for breathe, feeling like she was dying. Seeing Kensuke panic in return only made the breathes shallower.

"I'm-huh- sorry... my fault..."

She couldn't help Chinatsu, then she was doing this to Kensuke.


40 minutes later.

Matsuri sheepishly sat, having calmed down. She didn't know how Kensuke had put up with her for that. She felt even worse. He had been in pain, and she had just added more to it.

"I... think I'd better, go. Kensuke, I'm really am sorry about Kaori. I wish... Anyways, I'll leave you alone, I'm sorry. If only I knew what to say."

Kensuke did not reply however, and for the first time in more than a day he peacefully breathed in and out, fast asleep at last. His arms were still wrapped around Matsuri in his attempt to comfort her during the panic attack, but his head hung down on her shoulder.

Matsuri noted the calmed breathing, supposed she had tired him out. She couldn't even apologize right. She slowly got up, carefully moving his arm as to not wake him.

As she nearly left, she turned to see his face.

"I...I haven't done anything right so far... but I owe you.... and Kaori one last try after everything I messed up."

She removed her bells, and did a series of handsigns, channelling chakra with a single suggestion through them.

Sweet Dreams

Matsuri left, closing the door quietly behind her.
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[fieldbox="Haruhi Suzumori - Kiri Genin - Back Home, #a2a2ff"]

The sun had just fully risen in the sky when Haruhi stirred from her sleep. Her pale green eyes flickered open, staring at the ceiling, and for a long moment, she wasn't sure where she was. The sound of a breeze pushing into the room from an open window, brought her head around, and then it dawned on her.

"This is... home..." she whispered to herself, rubbing her glossy eyes and sighing. Sitting up, she pushed the thin blanket off of her with her legs and looked down at herself. She was wearing her underclothes: just a net shirt and black shorts. She had fallen asleep apparently for an indeterminate amount of time the night before, and awoken here. Home. In Mika's house. The first place she had come to when she returned to the village. The window was left open just as it always was, but the room was dusty and the air felt heavy, but that could have been for a lot of reasons. One of them certainly being the fact that Haru was feeling particularly emotional at the moment.

Kicking her legs off the side of the bed, she noticed her things - clothes and her lone backpack - were set aside at the foot of her bed nicely, just as she had left them. Standing, her feet touched the cold floor and she walked to the bedroom door, pushing it open and peering out into the rest of the place.

It was silent of all sounds but her breathing. It was as if time had stopped here. Quickly moving from the doorway of her bedroom, Haruhi began to scan the house quietly, though her steps did make the floors creak every now and then. There were small things, objects she noticed that occasionally hit her with a bit of nostalgia. Like dents in the wall of some times where she or Mika likely lashed out in one of their silly fights, or in the bathroom, the container of ponytails that the two had used to draw up their hair. It made her smile.

Though she was avoiding one particular room. Mika's room to be exact. She kind of hoped that, maybe, her sensei was sleeping in there, though she knew in her head that she wasn't. She was alone here, she could feel it. It had been a while since she'd returned to the village, and not once had she seen Mika, or anyone of importance of that matter. The knowledge that she was certainly alone here... it didn't stop her from eventually reaching the familiar door and pushing it open.

She let the door swing open while she stood in the hall. Her hands were clasped tightly together, up at her chest as if she were about to sink to her knees in prayer. As the room was slowly revealed to her, her eyes that were bright with anticipation and hope, dimmed as she looked around the room, finding it empty like the rest of the place. Her lower lip trembled as she walked into the room, careful not to touch anything, even it if looked out of place. She glanced at the desk in the room, the chair pushed far back against the wall behind it, and the bed... it had two pillows,, as it always did. One for her and one for...

Taking a deep breath, she gave one more look around the room before turning on her heels and leaving. She slowly made her way back to the bathroom, stealing some of the neglected ponytails before returning to her room and getting dressed. She was quick about it, tossing the handful of ponytails into her pack and leaving one on her wrist. As she finished dressing and putting her various pouches on her person, she realized how ironic it was that all her belongings could fit into one backpack. She really didn't have anything anymore. Posessions were of little importance to her. Haru was the kind of girl who cared less about the number of items she had, and more about the number of people she surrounded herself with. The irony was that as she had walked through this 'home' she shared with Mika for the past few days, it had started to fell less like it with the woman gone.

It was silly of her to think that things would just go back to the way they were after coming back to the village. Things were changing all around her, meanwhile Haru was just trying to find where she fit into it all. Remembering something then, she reached into her hip pouch and pulled out a slip of paper. Written on it was a meeting place. Yes, upon arriving back home, the girl was quickly reassigned to a different squad. She wondered perhaps if she was wrong not to fight against it. She didn't want to be led by anyone else but Mika... though the decision wasn't up to her. And she had to comply with the rules. There was no more being immature about these things. Haru had goals... and she knew now that in order to reach them, she had to grow up and get with the program.

Dumping her backpack onto her bed, she turned and left the room, figuring she didn't need to take everything with her just to meet her teammates. She was out of the house and walking out on the streets of the village before she could get in a thought about grabbing something to eat. She was starting to feel though, too nervous to eat anything. The last two times she had been assisned to a team, they didn't go over very well. The first being because she was annoying, and the second being because she was stubborn. Though this time, she vowed not to screw things up. First step was not getting there late.

She quickened her pace, glad that it seemed to not be so busy this time. In half the time i would normally take her to reach the area just outside the training grounds, she was there, slowing down to a walk and looking around. The fog was annoyingly thick and at first, she didn't spot anyone. After taking a few more steps though, a figure came into view who was casually standing off to her right. Turning, she crossed her arms and went over to the figure. As she got closer, she noticed it was a guy, probably one of her teammates, or so she assumed. Stopping a few feet away, she gave a wave.

"Hey," she started to get his attention. "I'm Haru. Who're you?" she asked casually, wondering if he was in fact someone she was supposed to be speaking to.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Seiji Hirai[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]ANBU Captain[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Vultures - Incredibly sloppy but whatevz[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Slithering flames tore at the makeshift village, razing the stone structures to the dirt. The sound of lighting and clashing blades were in close pursuit, reverberating through the air whilst screams pierced the gloom in spectral procession, awakening that bloody fervor they'd been forced to let die with the death of Rika. Diving underneath the fuma shuriken of his opponent, Seiji's blade sped upwards to punctate the man's throat in a spate of blood, painting the ground a deep red. In the distance, as he pushed the dead man off his blade, he caught sight of Kaizen being felled by an old fellow. Familiar features; crooked nose, horizontal scar running across his nose, and stark-white hair, presumably nearing his sixties. Masato Ina. So he'd betrayed his clan to assist the Loyalists. Beyond stupid. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Masato raised his fist for the final strike, a shroud of purple chakra gathering there. He smiled gleefully down at the immobile ANBU. So he's planning to use [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]that[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] technique..[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Weaving seals in rapid succession, Seiji twisted his head back and forth, conjuring several blades of wind covering a large area. A bypassing loyalist, sidestepping his enemy, had his arm plucked away as the wind soared past, sparing neither ally nor foe would they enter its path. The solitary scream seemed to reanimate Masato's perception as he spun out of reach, the wind slicing into the cliff wall behind. Large chunks of rock crashed against the ground, eliciting a slight tremble across the camp. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Ah.. So you're the ringleader of these brats, eh?" Masato commented, assuming correctly. He returned to his former position, kneeled, and drove a kunai straight through Kaizen's heart. The latter gurgled his way into oblivion. "If you're being meticulous, that is. Pleasure to meet you, sir." Seiji responded, bowing artistically in his direction. A devilish grin appeared on Masato's face as he returned the gesture. He then picked up Kaizen's fallen katana, adjusting the grip to his liking. "Let's dance then, shall we?" The two of them vanished without a trace, materializing suddenly in the middle of the camp. Their clashing blades sent sparks flying into the air. The battle continued to rage on in the background. "Y'know, it's considered rude to hide your face!" Masato shouted, grinning and swinging his blade in shining, wide arcs, lacking any coordination yet pressuring Seiji through raw force alone.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"My- Apologizes-" Seiji uttered, breath caught in his throat. He directed a kick toward Masato's shin in the midst of the storm, hopefully managing to distract the elder man. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]A dangerous glint flared in Masato's eyes as he slipped away from Seiji's kick, the butt of his sword lashing out to throw Seiji off-course. The world rang in his ears as he slammed onto the ground several yards away. Fucking cock. Wasting not a single breath, he returned to his feet, cursing underneth his breath as he caught glimpse of Masato advancing toward him, his entire right arm emitting a deep purple, chakra churning chaotically. Seiji exerted wind onto Makaze, increasing the blade's reach and sharpness, the surface resembling swirling clouds of green. Just then, as he was about to ready his block, he caught sight of something behind Masato. He smiled, lunged forward. Blade and fist were inches away from connecting when the latter's shroud of chakra suddenly evaporated, rendering the attack naked and useless. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]What the fuck!?" Masato exclaimed, the surprise evident in his eyes. But alas, he was too late. Makaze punched into his stomach, lifting him dangling skywards, blood and intestines tumbling out along the blade, assembling a river of gore. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]He coughed up a final splatter of blood, dark circles close to rupturing underneath his eyes. "Y-you.. fucking.." His corpse dropped lifelessly onto the ground, a large depression in his belly. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Seiji stood hovering over him for a brief moment, recovering his breath and composure. "Nice job." A fellow ANBU appeared next to him. There was an echo of chakra surrounding his fingertips "Didn't think you would notice me in the midst of all this. Hell of a guy, this one. You'd probably be dead if it wasn't for me." "Probably." Seiji replied, turning his attention toward the remaining battle; the Loyalists were steadily approaching defeat, fighting back as valiantly as they could muster. The power of surprise, Seiji mused. "Let's finish this quickly and head back." The ANBU nodded; Seiji could imagine him smiling beneath his masked visage. [/BCOLOR]"Seems like a plan."
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Hikyo and Asami,
A day in and a walk in the park!

A collab between Sketching and Aliceee.

Summary :
Hikyo and Asami hang around inside a bit before deciding to go out to the park.

The doors of the police department flung open as an unlikely figure walked in, wet and covered in bandages, his body mostly being concealed by a long cloak. Faces turned to see the young commander waltz out of his grave and into his office. The sound of the doors shutting and locking, and the blinds lowering would be heard throughout the building. Two of the inspectors followed him into his room, a confounded look on their faces.
"Sir?" asked the man in the coat.
The absentminded commander looked at them for a bit, quietly and queerly. ""Ah. Jane. Hero. Good thing you're here," he said, rubbing his eyes. "Just the two people I wanted to see."
The two were both great minds in their own rights, having the fewest cold cases and the highest solved ones each, only coating to one another. Hercule, or 'Hero', as the young commander had so brashly named, was one of the oldest policemen in the corps, and one of the most experienced, having had his name written on the news several times. Jane, on the other hand, while still a few years older than the should-be dead man sitting behind the desk, was one of the younger and newer detectives, though she showed great brilliance, making up for her lack of experience with her inductive and deductive skills.
"I need the files of each officer in the corps. Every single one," the young man said, looking for something on his desk. Finally, his hand went to catch a small device and clicked a button. "You see... We might have to get rid of some of the staff before the sun rises. Tell everyone they'll be doing a few extra hours and anyone caught trying to sneak out will be put in the cells."
The two investigators stared at the man until he noticed that they hadn't gone. He let out a sigh. "What is it?"
"We were told you'd died, sir," said Jane quickly. "No one told us--"
"We're glad yer back is all, blondy," said the old man, cutting off the girl. "We'll get to work right 'way."
As they moved to leave, Jane with an in satisfied face, the young commander yelled after them. "Don't call me that!" he complained. "I'm still your--" The voice was muffled by the shutting of the door.

The young commander sat at his desk, looking through the files Jane and Hercule had brought. "Ugh... This is so boring..." Hikyo looked up at his friend with a smile. "Alright. I have a plan. I'm not sure if you'll like it, but I think you'll agree, it's the best choice we've got!"

Sitting in the chair in front of the desk, Asami had her legs and arms crossed. "I doubt we have much other choice. I'm dead." She placed some emphasis on the last few words as she looked away, somewhat offended. "But fine. Let's hear your grand scheme. I doubt I'll have my way and being able to beat some of those bastards."

"Well, that's the thing..." He gave her a nervous grin. "You'll be bait."

It became silent for a moment.

"I'm going to snap your little neck."

"Now, now! Don't say things like that! Nothing'll happen to you, I promise! Probably..." The last word faded away as his eyes fled to the side. "In any way: we can lure one of the assassins to us and capture and interrogate the captive. Now, I'm pretty sure," he said, his voice becoming more praising. "that you are a bigger prize than me, so it's more likely that they'll come after you!"

Hearing him out, Asami's eyes moved to glance sideways at Hikyo. "And what if that particular assassin will shove a knife in my throat or neck?" She asked on a dangerous low tone that made it clear she wasn't pleased with the plan or 'praise'. "They already were close of blowing us up to smithereens, remember? How can you possibly guaranteeing my safety if I am bait?"

"You misjudge me," Hikyo said, crossing his arms, sounding rather offended. "Last time, I didn't expect a thing. This time, I'll be counting on it. If you think I can't watch your back just cuz I haven't done any fancy missions in the last year or two, you're wrong. No one's going to be invisible or anything, I'll make sure of that. You'll get one of your brats to spread the word: Asami Sanosuke is alive and is hiding in the Dragon's Paw Park, and you will. I'll be around, waiting. And then, someone'll attack you, and you can be sure of that. After that, we knock him out or incapacitate him and bring him back here."

"What?" Whipping her head in his direction, she wasn't happy, at all. "I misjudge you?! Say that again, knave! Say that again!" She sneered, almost going into a hissy fit. "Fine! Know what? I'll go. Just to show you that I don't misjudge you. You better prepare your stuff good Hikyo. If I die I'll haunt you!"

The young man nodded, smiling as he got up and walked to the door. "You know... You're really weird."

Getting up, she threw a glare in his direction. "And you should use another cologne. This one stinks." She retorted.

"It's the blood, bud," he responded.

"Fix it.... pal." Staring back at Hikyo, she raised her eyebrows. "Wanna try me out?"

"I'll do it when I'm alive again, guy!"

"Are... you serious? Hikyo.... don't push me!"

"Let's just stop bickering and go, sheesh!"

Glaring for several seconds, Asami's lips parted as she was about to say something. Only to look away and stomping away from his office. Soft grumbling and curses seemed to originated from the woman.

Hikyo sat across from Asami, covered in dirty rags, his face quite unnoticable with the lack of bandages and unkempt hair. He held out his hand to passerbys, which were quite numbered, begging for money. "Eh... This is a bit embarrassing but just a bit more should do."

"I hate you, so much." She said as she would drop a few coins in his hand. "You better treat me to lunch afterwards. Else..." Not finishing her sentence Asami would pull her wallet back. Sighing, she would step away and walk further down the street. Though she seemed calm and relax, her eyes scanned for any attacker. Half expecting that she would be pinned against the wall and having a knife being rammed into her neck, Asami cursed Hikyo further silently.

"Hihihi... I could buy gum with this much," the young man said maliciously as he counted the coins. He caught a glimpse of a figure approaching from the side. "Look lively... Well, not too lively but--" He abruptly stopped and went back to counting his coins as the man stopped at one of the entrances. The two other entrances were occupied as well.

Just hearing him stop, made Asami more wary as she decided to continue walking. There was a slight feign of her limping, half played as the woman hadn't yet fully recovered from the assassination attempt. While she wanted to move her right hand to her concealed long knife, she kept her patience. Walking down further the park, her green eyes tried to caught sight of any possible assaulter.

From a shrubbery the woman had just passed, a lean figure rose, only up to a creeping position, its movements almost soundless as it moved closer quickly. Hikyo's eyes followed Asami when he noticed the figure. "Behind you!" he yelled, breaking character yet still clinging onto the coins he'd just earned.

Hearing the shout, Asami's right hand shot towards the concealed knife in her vest. Turning around, the steel moved out of the scabbard as she tried to ready herself for the unknown threat, holding the weapon in an ice-pick grip. The weapon was met with a familiar one. As small sparks flew from the clash, the assaulter's blade slid off hers quickly and swung from the side as the men blocking the pathway moved forward. Hikyo got to his feet as well, pocketing his candy-money moving in front of one of the men coming towards her after a quick and short sequence of handseals.

Parrying another strike, Asami noticed more movements, but wasn't too sure. Everything seemed to go down in a rapid pace as civilians also started to panic. Barely in time, she managed to parry a jab. Using her left hand, she grabbed her attacker by his hair and yanked him forwards, planting her right knee between his legs. "Shit... shit.." Feeling a sting of pain moving through her body, Asami quickly manouvred her knife between the ribs of her attacker.

The young man's right hand got covered in a black coat with white lining, moving rapidly to the second assaulter's back. The beggar's hand pierced the skin and bones, and slid out quickly, letting the man fall down. Two more... "Remember to leave one!"

Twisting the knife, Asami wanted to pull it out, but was forced to skid backwards as another attacker tried to stab her side. Holding her hands up, she went into a defensive stance. Hearing what Hikyo said, she wanted to sneer back, but her latest attacker didn't offer her that luxury. Evading a sweep, Asami felt another sting of pain rushing through her system. "Damn it."

"Wanna switch?"

"No. Busy!" Blocking a kick, Asami gritted her teeth. Her opponent tried to move in with a jab towards her right shoulder. Leaning to the left to avoid the jab, a hand of her shot up to grab the wrist. Turning her body, she would grab the arm with her other hand. Throwing the man over her shoulder, she narrowed her eyes. Grunting, her foe didn't have the time to react as Asami dropped a knee on his arm, effectively disarming him. Using her other fist, she started to dish out some punches.

"Haha! Having some tr--" Just as he was about to finish his mocking, the young man got tackled to the ground, making him scream in his head and be unable to do so out loud with a knife stuck in his hand as he'd tried to block it. His mouth covered, Hikyo's eyes opened wide, even if one couldn't see from the bandages. After a moment of trying to concentrate, he ignored the pain for a split second and small blue senbon pierced the attacker's hand and went up to his face. Rolling over, the young man gasped for air before yelling out with a wheeze. "Leht him leeeeef..."

"Shut up!" Asami sneered back as she glanced over her shoulder. A few drips of blood fell off her fist as she stopped bashing the face of her latest attacker. "He's still alive. Knocked out cold and bit prettier, but alive." Getting up, she quickly glanced at her attacker. Moving her gaze to Hikyo, she looked worried for a moment. "How about you? Need some help, princess?"

"Fuhhhk...." He coughed as he sat up, trying to block it with his bleeding hand, only spewing more blood from the wound. "... youuhhhhh." He slowly got to his feet and looked over at the assassin. "Ah... Time to see who's the mysterious assailant who blew up my house..."

Hikyo sat behind his desk, grumbling about his wound as he glanced up at Asami from time to time. He finally gave his focus to his pain. "So... Tonight was kinda fun, eh?" His question earned him a glare from Asami. She kept glaring for a long moment, breaking the silence with a reply. "Yes, please. All you need to do is to tell me that I'm pretty and we can consider it a date. Jerk." Having her arms crossed, she was leaning against his desk, her left foot impatiently tapping at the ground. "Well... You're not ugly," he said cheekily.

"Fuck off, Hikyo." Asami sneered back. "I almost got shiv'd down the park. You better extract information from that punk or else I'll start to enjoy a good time with bashing your face in."

"... Kinky."

Hikyo raised his hands up defensively as he looked over at her. "But back to the matter at hand... I haven't really told you my real idea," he said, scratching his chin, growing more serious. "Let me explain it to the best of my ability. Now... why do you think we're waiting while he's in the interrogation room, alone?"

Throwing a sideways glance, Asami's eyes narrowed sligthly. "If you want to make him sweat, then there are better ways to do so. Let's just get over with this." She replied, continue to tap with her foot, not growing more pleased with that she had to wait.

"Hm... Let me rephrase that question," he said, thinking. "If you had a spy network--" A half-pretentious chuckle was heard. "--and you were supposed to learn about the heads of certain organizations, what would you do?"

"Starting with slicing your throat." Asami said on a low and threatening tone. "Probably afterwards enjoying the--"

"Asami, this is a serious qu--"

"And I was serious. But I would start to collect answers from the goons. Though they know not everything I desire, it is less risky and will make the higher ups on the list often less wary." She answered, her tone still not diminishing in the hostility that sparked from it.

"I guess we both have different ways of thinking," he said, sighing. "Don't you think it's easier to access information if you let a spy infiltrate the organization with no job other than to act his or her part in said organization? Information comes naturally in a year or two if the person is skillful in his or her job. That means, if our attackers are smart, they'll have one person here, or at least multiple connected people. And what do you think they'd do if they learned one of their own was captured and was about to spill the beans?"

"That might be true, I suppose," Asami replied back, "but then we'll need to assign somebody of the --" Realizing something, she stopped frowning. "A bait, huh?" She asked back, turning her head to fully look at her friend. "You think that they are that bold?" She asked in a skeptical manner.

"It doesn't matter," he said, shrugging. "If they aren't and the assassin survives the night, we interrogate him and get all of the information we want. If they've worked here, they'll know that we have our ways. It's either try or lose. And if they do, I will find them. This place is on lockdown. Nobody comes in; nobody gets out. So far, they've been quiet and complacent, so much so that I haven't had a chance to see even a hint of their actions, but with any luck, that changes tonight."

Staying silent, Asami looked away again. She stopped tapping, simply staying silent for a long moment. "I hope you're right." Her tone had shifted from the hostile low one from before to a more calm one. "I'm starting to grow sick of wondering who murdered Waki." Thinking about the old man, she felt a sting of guilt that she hadn't been there for him. Though she knew better than to beat herself up for his death. "Though why do you want me still around? And no jokes." She warned him, wanting to know if she was starting to get how he was planning his moves.

"Of course I'm right," Hikyo said, sinking further into his seat. He looked over at her and gave her a kind smile. "I missed trying to evade death together with you, y'know. It's nice to hang out while clinging to our lives after all those years." He paused for a bit and spoke quietly. "Plus, you can't leave right now... we're on lockdown and we're both stuck here."

"Knew it. Jerk." She mumbled back. Throwing a glare in his direction, she started to tap with her foot again. "I swear that if you've not prepared a proper place for me to sleep or some food, I'll see to it that the next assass--"

"Since when have you been so obsessed with comfort?" he asked, smiling sympathetically. Before she could answer, a young investigator flung the doors open, panting and gasping for air. "The... the man you brought in...." She paused, catching her breath. "He's... he's dead!"

Staying silent for a moment as Asami stared at the investigator, she turned her head with a frown towards Hikyo. "Cause before I wind up dead due to your plans--"

"Shut up!" Hikyo yelled, glaring at her. He quickly turned to the investigator, getting up. "I'll be right there. Close the doors and leave." As she did so, he turned back to Asami. "Don't mention any sort of plans in the presence of an employee! What if she's the spy, and grows more cautious? This is a game of chess; you don't give off hints recklessly!"

Slightly amused at first, Asami frowned again. "Aah, so you can't trust your own workforce now?"

"That's the whole point!"

"I know, but still. What is the point now? You've a lockdown by people you don't trust. Think about it," Asami continued, sounding surprisingly calm as she spoke. "Right now our lead is dead. The person or people who did so is still in the building--"

"You really think I didn't think of that?" he said, sighing.

"I'm starting to believe you didn't, no." She replied back.

"There are a select capable group that have been notified. Everyone inside this building is a suspect. I can narrow it down that much. Background checks beyond the papers do wonders," he said, grumbling. "And now, we can get to work. If anyone tries to leave, we'll know about it, and they know that. It's a system that has been in place for..." He paused. "Well, they know about it, so shaddap!"

"Talk like that one more time and our lead won't be the only ones to join the worms tonight." Asami said with a hostile tone. "Let's not forget that you dragged me into this shit. Now, I do hope that you've some able personel that can actually do what you plot and plan, cause I'm growing tired of this crap!" She glanced at the door for a moment. "Besides, the longer we wait the more risk others are at. If they were bold enough to try to come after us in public, then they are surely not afraid to target people such as the jinchuriki of the Eight Tails..."

"We have tonight," he said, frowning as he walked to the doors. He mumbled something as he opened them. "You're getting nothing more than salad for that dinner I owe..."

"To hell with that salad. You better have something better!" Asami replied as she would follow him. "Ever since I've seen you again, I've been close of being exploded. Stabbed and what not?!" She hissed, though keeping her volume low.
"You missed it and you know it," he said cheekily as he walked towards the interrogation room.
Following him, she scoffed. "I had a good time without these people trying to murder me or you keeping me as a hostage near you." She said, sounding quite displeased, "Just paperwork. Doing what was ordered. No grave danger other than jabbing the jinchuriki."
"Then you're more boring than I remember," he said, sounding a bit disappointed as they entered a more quiet and narrow hallway with several doors. "Should be just... around.... here."

"If you're lost, I'll.... wait, I almost forgot why I'm not that surprised with that." She replied back. Glancing over her shoulder, she wished that she still had a weapon with her. Being in a complex that was in a lockdown with one or more murderers wandering around wasn't a comforting thought. Just as she finished her sentence, Hikyo opened a door up, revealing the man fallen on his back, just a few meters away from the chair, his hands no longer bound with the rope still uncut around one of his wrists, loosely. There was a sword wound in his chest with blood oozing from it still. "Would you like to do the honours?"

"No. I'm sick of you and your antics!" Asami mumbled as she stared at the corpse. "There is no way that I'm--"

"Then you could wait at the office," he said, shrugging. "It's perfectly safe in there. If anyone comes in, you'd see them, since there's only one way in. I can continue on my own if you don't want to tag along and help."

Glaring at him, Asami remained silent for a second, before turning her gaze back at the dead body. "I want this to be solved before I get blown up when I get home and try to get some comfortable night rest." Pocket her left hand, she gestured to the dead body. "Why didn't you have anybody to watch him? It is pretty darn stupid to let him just be here without anybody keeping an eye on him."

"Because anyone on the scene could've been a deterrent for the killer, and I didn't want that. Anyone who came here after he was killed could've tampered with the corpse's position. If anybody was here, we could definitely know that they had something to do with it. Any further questions?" Without waiting for another, Hikyo walked over to the corpse and kneeled over it, looking at the wound.

"Yes, why the hell didn't we post here then?" She leaned against the wall, Asami peeked briefly into the hall. Hikyo applied a palm to his face. "Don't do that. I was serious about murdering you. Perfect timing if you think about it."

"Perfect timing as in everyone knows you're the only one with me here?" he asked as he dug his hands into the man's pockets. Scoffing, Asami frowned back at Hikyo. "Can always shove the blame on the person who rammed a blade through our friend over here." Trying to keep watch, not wanting that the person or people would come back when they were in the room when they weren't paying attention.

"What part of 'only person with me' do you not understand?" he asked as he got up. "This is good... We at least know it was someone who could fight. The mistake was that the person took the weapon. Though, then again, they could just be trying to plant it..."

"That there are more? But let's stop bickering, I'm growing hungry." She replied. Hearing what he said about the murder, she threw skeptical look at the corpse. "Can't you not use trackers? Sensors? For damn sake, you're aware that at least somebody can investigate this mess?" She asked, growing more and more impatient about the whole affair.

"Trackers? Sensors?" He sighed. "Ninjutsu can't be used in this building," he said, not bothering to explain. "So trackers are useless. Assassins usually know how to suppress their chakra, so I wouldn't be surprised if the stationed sensors didn't get anything, and in a place with as many people as this... The sensors are all a bit far from the building, so it's not expectable for them to have sensed every single person appearing and disappearing from their radars."

"Trackers, yes. You can't commit a murder like this and walk away without leaving traces." Asami replied. She decided to not bicker and argue against Hikyo, wanting to bring in some other facts. Right now they had other more important things on their mind. "So what now? We got a dead lead, are inside a lockdown building in which nobody can use ninjutsu and I'm hungry."

"Now... We find the weapon. Since there's no trace of blooddrops, either the weapon was stored in this room or was taken out. The former seems unlikely. If it's the latter, it must've been cleaned or put into a pocket. We find traces of blood outside here, we find the killer," he explained, leaving the room.

Leaving the room behind Hikyo, Asami threw a bored look at the corpse before continue to walk with Hikyo. Remaining silent, she wondered about the whole situation. Glancing at Hikyo's back, she thought about something else. "Hey Hikyo," she started, "have you considered what you will do if you can't find the murderer?"

"... I have," he said, sighing. "I'll lock suspect up until the investigation ends. I can't work with rats in my house, Asami, so the corps is no good if I can't find them."

Falling in silence after his answer, Asami simply nodded. "So that means we'll wander around, just the two of us?" She asked, though she scoffed afterwards. "If this doesn't bring back memories, then I don't know what will. Are you at least carrying a weapon? Cause if I can't use ninjutsu, I would at least like to carry one. In case somebody tries to stab me, again."

Hikyo remained silent as he opened the door leading out of the hallway. "Alright everyone. We'll all be going home soon enough. We found who it was," he said, smiling. "Looks like our little friend dropped his ID card."

"And there is another thing that reminds me of our time in the ANBU." She threw a glance at Hikyo, her eyebrows moving up. "It is so ... childish to say that line, really. Little friend?"

There were some exchanged glances and a "So who is it?!" Hikyo thought for a second. That narrows it down... "Hm? What? Oh, nothing. It was just a joke," he said casually as he walked away, whistling. "Oh... Hero!" he yelled and an old man looked over at him skeptically. "Call all of the ladies in front of my office please," he said as he disappeared behind the door.

Frowning, Asami stared at the door that was closed. Only then knowing that she had to gather with the other ladies. Clenching her hands into fists, she decided to turn and take a few steps away from the office. Waiting, arms crossed over her chest, Asami glanced at the group that started to get gathered. Remaining silent, she wondered if the culprit was among them. The grumbling of her stomach reminded her that the sooner they had caught the murderer, the sooner she would be able to eat something.

Seeing that the door wasn't opening, Hikyo peeked his head out. "Asami. Are you not coming?"
"Hmmm?" Glancing at the head, Asami sighed. "I have a sandwich here."
"I hate you...." She mumbled walking towards the door.
As she walked in, he mumbled, "Well, I've had one for a while and I don't think it's healthy to eat but I have one." Sighing, he walked over to his desk. "Alright!" Rubbing his hands together, the young man grinned like a boy. "Hahaaa! I bet I'm right! It has to be a woman."

Throwing a glare, Asami didn't sneer. She was tired and hungry, deciding not to waste energy on sneering. Not at the moment at least. Rubbing her eyes, she would walk to a wall and lean against it. Sighing slowly, she glanced at the door. "If you say so. Let's get this over with. I'm really starting to get the idea that I should request to have everybody to be killed so that at least the murderer is done for it as well."

"Your enthusiasm is amazing as always, my dear friend," Hikyo said, laughing. "Welp... Let's call in the first suspect."

"Hm... I wonder..." After all but one had been spoken to, Hikyo scratched his chin. "I guess we oughta finish it up. Come in!" No response. It remained silent for a bit before Hikyo got to his feet.

"Huh, seems one of your girlfriends isn't that eager." Asami stated, though not sounding that amused as she would have normally with such a comment. "Though I do wonder now why you believe that the culprit is a woman."

"I guess you weren't listening when I spoke to them," he said. "I was expecting a reaction, a reach, if not, at least a stressed out look when I said his ID." Just as he was about to continue when he'd reached the door, they flung open and the same woman who'd brought the news of the death pushed them open and pushed something forward into his stomach with a horrified face and trembling hands.
[fieldbox=Riku Orochi-Hidden Mist, purple]

Riku made his way down to the meeting place, clicking his tongue as he went.

"My, my. Certainly going to miss Soha, and Namane. Maybe I'll see them around town sometime. Wonder who my teammates are? Hope there's a real beauty among them."

Reaching near the area, he wondered about how it must be to not be able to see through fog. He could feel the thick humidity across his skin, and heard others complain about it, but it was a non-issue for him. Then again, he couldn't see at all.

Arriving, he heard a female voice. That got his hopes up, someone he didn't know. Team mate? He clicked his tongue a few times, picking up two people. Riku was curious, was it one or two new people? Were they his teammates at all.

Walking closer, he smelled someone familiar. He referred to his squad leader in his normal fashion. Seemed it was his team.

"Morning Heika*."

The other person he didn't recognize at all. He referred to her in the same non-nonchalant voice.

"Morning beautiful."

He didn't know that for a fact, but sounded pretty enough.

*-Heika- your majesty

[fieldbox=Hibiki Hojo-Hidden Cloud, gray]

Arriving atop a peak, Hibiki looked down on the village he loved. He took a moment to smell the air, and look down at the streets below, and with all the people he loved moving simply with their lives, and how he loved it.

He swayed a bit from exhaustion, having gunned it all the way here.

He eyed a ledge, and moved towards it, starting to sit, before shaking his head, and glancing the scroll he carried.

Hibiki groaned, and in another blur, was on his way, pushing himself.

He saw the Raikage's office on the otherside of the peak. Hibiki picked up speed before jumping straight at it. He flew towards it, before gravity took over, pulling downward on him.

With another grunt, chakra expelled from his feet.

Stairway to Heaven

A small platform formed at his feet, and the shadow pushed off of it, landing on the other peak, climbing up towards the Raikage's office. Jumping down on the balcony, he entered the building, leaning against the hallway as he entered, still walking towards the office.

He stopped to readjust a picture on his way down the hall, then entered the office quietly, bowing forward, and reaching out his arm, the scroll slipping out of his sleeve.

His feet hurt.[/fieldbox]
Kaya Irozaki
Kumogakure genin of Team 13

Her hands at the back of her head, Kaya was walking up the street. She had a blank expression plastered over her face, but wasn't feeling too joyful at the moment. Remembering the note that she had received, Kaya gritted her teeth as her eyes closed a bit. The fact that she was heading to the meeting of Team 13 wasn't done out of free will. No, it was pure betrayal.

Her mother had found the note and gone over to her. Overjoyed that Kaya was being mentored by somebody as great as the Savior of Kumogakure, the woman had sort of pressured Kaya into going. Even as Kaya tried to argue that it wasn't going to be a mission or a training. Just a dull meeting. But her mother had eventually 'convinced' Kaya to go. In the end Kaya hadn't told her mother her own viewpoint about Midori. How could she? Her mother was happy and relieved that some renowned heroine was guiding her daughter. If she only knew the risks of this 'Savior' and her tamed beast.

Approaching the meeting point, Kaya lowered her hands as she noticed the teashop. Looking around, she couldn't see nobody of the team, making her feel slight relieved. Only to notice a few moments later a person with a hood pulled up. Mentally cringing, Kaya clenched her right hand into a fist as she would approach Midori. While her expression remained blank, the Irozaki gained an idea. "Good day, Midori Sato-sama." Her voice sounded quite polite as Kaya made a bow, attracting some people's attention as she mentioned the name. Straightening her back, she could already see some people staring at the other, much to the hidden joy of Kaya, who raised her chin a bit up as she would remain silent after her 'greeting'.
Tie a tie?
Hayate and Mimi tie'ing it together!

A collab between Chromehound and Aliceee

Summary :
Hayate and Mimi preparing to head to the festival.
Short collab, as requested by the OOC post.

Standing in front of the full length mirror, Hayate looked himself over, frowning. The suit he had saved up for fit nicely. He had even gotten it tailored to size, but something just seemed off. With a loud sigh, Hayate realized it was him that was off, not the suit. When he had let Mimi drag him out to buy it in he first place, he had been happy, excited even.

Hayate had never owned a suit before, never even really had any fancy clothes. Knowing that the ball was going to be a dressy occasion, he had decided that he wanted to look his best. And he wanted to look good in case he actually had a chance to spend some time with Kiyomi. Looking at himself now, Hayate felt ridiculous. He had forgotten which buttons were supposed to go where, how many he was supposed to do up in the first place, and worst of all, he had absolutely no idea how to tie the bloody tie...

Reaching up, Hayate began attempting to take it off. "That's it. I can't do it. I'll just go in my regular clothes."

Somebody made a clicking noise with her tongue. "Mimi says no!" The girl was dressed up, in a more fancy atire than usual, but seemed to have little trouble with feeling comfortable in it. "Mimi thinks Silly Face is just silly." Dropping from her place on the chair, she would walk up to Hayate and frown. Staring at the tie, she had no real idea on how to make it look 'decent'. Reaching up, she swatted Hayate's hands away as the frown on her brow appeared. Trying the first time, she almost ended up in knotting it. Letting out a soft frustrated noise, the small girl would unknot the tie again and try it again. "Mimi doesn't like to tie a tie."

"Hmpf. Not so easy now, is it?" Hayate teased. He bent forwards to make it easier for the short girl. "And it's not me that's silly, it's this darned suit! This whole being fancy thing... I don't know how they do it sometimes." Glancing down at the girl, Hayate smiled. "You pull it off nicely though. You look like a beautiful little princess."

She scoffed in return at his tease. Trying it again, Mimi was trying to remember what the tailor had showed them before. Ending up in some light failure, Mimi took a moment to ponder back to how the man had explained how to tie a tie. Hearing the compliment, Mimi puffed. "Mimi looks always beautiful! Mimi suggest Silly Face remembers that well!" There was a hint of a smile on the lips of the short girl as she tried to think of a solution. Suddenly her eyes widened a bit as it seemed she gained an idea. "Mimi suggest Silly Face waits here, here!" Running off towards the door, she opened it and looked left and right. Only to vanish as she ran right.

Chuckling as the little girl made her comment, Hayate tried his best to relax and let her work. When Mimi ran off, Hayate let out an exasperated sigh and sat down on the bed. Remembering that he had been told not to sit too long else he'd risk crinkling the suit, he quickly got back to his feet. "I just can't win..." he muttered to himself. Thinking about something, Hayate reached into the inner pocket of the suit jacket. He could feel the metal object he had fashioned there, cool to the touch. It still needed to be fully shaped, but he wouldn't be able to hide it if he had done so prior. Smiling, Hayate's thoughts traveled to the other gift he had made. The one he couldn't give... not yet. He hoped she would like it though.

Glancing back towards the mirror in front of him, Hayate looked himself over with a critical eye. His hair was a mess, but at least it wasn't falling all over the place. He had managed to clean the rest of himself decently enough as well. Sighing, he shook his head waited for the little troublemaker to come back.

"Mimi is sure of it! Mimi says so!"

The voice of the girl could be heard, increasing in volume as she was walking back. Tugging the sleeve of Kazuo, the silent butler threw a blank expression at the girl. Pointing at Hayate, the short girl pouted. "Mimi isn't liking to tie a tie! Mimi thinks Kazuo should try, try!" The man gently released himself of her grip and made a short bow towards Hayate. It seemed that he seemed to waver, much to Mimi's irritation as she started to huff and puff.

Groaning as Mimi brought Kazuo into the room, Hayate closed his eyes. Great... someone else to embarrass myself in front of... Sighing, Hayate opened his eyes and gave the butler an apologetic shrug.

"Sorry Kazuo, I'm kinda new to all this... Would you mind?"

The butler simply nodded as he would approach Hayate and calmly start to show the other how to do it. Slowly, the man repeated the motion once and then would tie the tie. Mimi glanced at the process, but it seemed that she was more interested into getting to the fesival instead of waiting for Kazuo to be done. "Mimi wants to go! Mimi saw people already going, going!"

As the butler finished and stepped away, Hayate took a quick look in the mirror. Turning back to Kazuo, he smiled. "Thank you for your help Kazuo. You're a lifesaver." Hayate glanced down at Mimi, an amused look on his face. "Well, we had better get going huh? Wouldnt want to be late, especially since you're the guest of honour!" Throwing a wink back at Kazuo, Hayate suppressed a laugh.

The ever calm looking butler, friendly nodded back at Kazuo, causing Mimi to narrow her eyes as she suspected that the two were holding back something. Puffing one last time, Mimi beckoned to Hayate. Already turning around, a big smile started to cross the features of the short girl as she was getting more excited about the festival that they were heading to.
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