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Koike Hon,
Konohagakure Spt. Jounin | Team 6

"A favor?"

Shoving his hands into his pockets, Koike's mood was not getting any better. The match he had to referee was postponed. Both participants weren't there yet and it did bother him. The task he was given and entrusted to was thus literally postponed due two genin not being there. Slowly breathing out as he decided to just go for a stroll, Koike's eyebrows were raised up.

As he walked around, there was some before about somebody exploding himself up. Pathetic. Trying to drag another into death cause you weren't able to win a match? Even more so when you couldn't even get the job done. Glancing calmly around, he wasn't looking for a fight. Most weren't of his interest anyways as why should they? Genin trying to smash each others brains out. Chuunin trying to prove themselves, gaining a name by challenging others left and right.

It was interesting to hear that not one jounin had been so far he knew been challenged. But likely for a damn good reason. Lowering his head a bit, Koike passed a group that were talking about a match. "She just killed that poor girl!" Slowly coming to halt, Koike would decide to hear what it was about. Though deaths and mutilation weren't that rare with chuunin exams - seriously, what did people expect when you place two rabid ambitious genin against each other?

"She was a member of the Hon clan."
"Clan or no clan, it was ... a horror."

Frowning, Koike already decided to walk further. He wasn't that upset about it. People who entered the exam knew what could happen, the risks, thus it would be unjustified if any clan would get riled up cause one of their members had died. Perhaps upset? That was normal, somebody just died. But starting to seek out some payback, revenge. That would be wrong. Else people should be more careful in what were nothing more than death matches. More of a reason why he disliked the whole exams. Luckily Katsu had been promoted without the need to prove his respect, loyalty and skill in a fight.

Walking past a stand, Koike came to another halt. His dark brown eyes caught the sight of an unpleasant sight. Slowly his right hand moved out of his pocket as his pace increased to a fast walking one. "Mutt!" Snickering followed as a small boy was standing pouting, his hands clenched in a fist, standing up against several larger persons. "What? Are you losing it?" One of the few said, pointing at his head. "Man --"

"How about you pick on somebody who is more of a challenge?"

Already mentally cursing himself, Koike's eyes had caught the object that hang around the smaller boy's neck. It was a silver wolf tooth and then with the small wolf symbol on his jacket, it was clear together with the 'jokes' to which clan he belonged to. The attention shifted from the small boy to Koike as the few frowned. With his right eyebrow raised, Koike realized it was perhaps not that intimidating to confront others while there was a purple spot underneath your eye.

"Ah, another mutt! What?" Judging by the flak jacket, the other person was from the Grass province. Frowning the other young man frowned at Koike. "Want to be tough, huh?" "Yeah, sure. I suppose I could teach what that word entitles." A pause followed Koike's retort, as the few others threw glances at the two. "You sure seem to be a bit lost without your leash, huh?" "Listen up, freckle face," his tone got lower, "if you're having enough guts as you're reeking of dirt, then how about it?"

Another silence followed Koike's reply. "The field to our right. Over ten minutes, mutt!" Bumping against Koike's shoulder, the latter closed his eyes for a moment as the small group passed him. This was wonderful. Another fight. He wasn't even interested in fighting and now he had just his second? Katsu would likely laugh his ass off. Glancing at the boy in front of him, Koike sighed. "You okay, pup?"

The boy stared up to Koike with wide eyes. "You-You're--" "Spare you breath. Got a name." Koike interrupted the kid. Knowing all to well what he was going to say, he would lower himself to the boy's height. "Did they hurt you?" A scoff was the reply that Koike gotten back. "I'm a wolf! Of course they wouldn't dare not to hurt me!" Surprised by the reply, Koike sighed as he straighten his back. "Then why am I even fighting in your spot, huh?" He sarcastically asked the kid. This caused the other to lower his head.

Waiting for a second, Koike then turned around. "Well, got to see to it. Go--" "My mom told me a story! That the White Blade is a her--" Koike looked over his right shoulder. "Sadly, I'm not like the other White Blades, pup. I'm thus not what you heard about those stories." The boy shook his head and quickly catch up to walk next to Koike. Looking to the young man, the boy made a wide gesture with both hands. "But the White Blade is somebody who is there to defend the people of our clan! I heard stories about Sa--"

Sighing, Koike came to a halt as he frowned down at the kid. "Don't. Just... go and be somewhere. I'll deal with this." Koike answered, slight irritated. Before he could continue, the boy held something up. A fierce look was portrayed in his eyes as he stared up to Koike. "What?" The latter asked, frowning. "A .... favor... White Blade." The boy answered back. Glancing at what he held up, Koike's frown vanished. Half closing his eyes, his right hand moved up. "I suppose I could use... some more luck... blasted wolves..."

Stepping into the field, Koike looked at the other. The rules for this duel was simple. No ninjutsu was allowed. Just one weapon of choice that was provided. Thus not their own weapons. Picking up a katana, Koike grumbled. Making short swirls with the sword, using only his right hand, he tested out the balance of the weapon. It was an average blade, but not the quality he was used to.

His opponent chose a spear. Causing another drop in Koike's mood as his opponent grinned. "Got any words before I will wipe the floor with you, mutt? Want to 'howl' already, huh?" Staying silent, Koike decided to stab the katana into the ground. Putting off the Guardian flak Jacket, the garment fell on the ground. Pulling out the katana, Koike locked his gaze with his opponent. The referee raised his hand as both participants had some distance between them.

Lowering his hand, the referee quickly moved backwards. With a slow jog Koike's opponent started to move forward. Deciding to meet his opponent, Koike also move forward. Just before he would be in the estimated range of the spear, the scarred young man skid into zigzag movements.

The sound of steel briefly exchanging blow, rang loud through the air.

Parrying the first strike from his opponent, Koike ducked for a swing from the other end of the spear as his opponent. Cursing softly, Koike straightened his back as he lifted up the blade. Managing to fend off another jab, he kept up his defense.

Lowering the tip of the blade, Koike gritted his teeth as his arm vibrated briefly as the point of the spear was moved away. Stepping quickly to the right, he avoided a swing up. Trying his luck, Koike moved forward as he attempted to move in with a slash upwards.

In a quick move, his opponent blocked the strike with the handle of the spear. Ducking for another swing, Koike was forced to quickly move backwards. Getting his defense up, he couldn't see an opening yet. For a moment the two would circle around each other.

Leaning to the right to avoid a jab, Koike couldn't grab the shaft. In surprise, the young man would stumble backwards as his free hand moved up to his neck. Lowering his fingerless gloved hand, he could see some blood. Flashing his eyes up, Koike raised his katana to deflect another jab. Stepping back as he kept deflecting the jabs, he finally managed to create an opening.

Pushing the blade of the spear away, Koike quickly stepped forwards. Already as he had anticipated, his opponent tried to raise the bladed end of the spear up to slash at him. Grabbing the shaft, Koike thrust his blade forward. Only to miss his opponent by an inch. "Heh." "Wolv-"

Struggling the blade got stuck as his opponent locked it between his arm and side, Koike held the shaft of the spear in order to prevent his opponent from attacking back. Trying to raise his right leg in order to kick his opponent back, Koike's head moved a bit back by some impact. Blinking rapidly, he wasn't in time for the sweep.

Landing on his back, Koike grunted. Managing to shrug off the dizziness that had came with the headbutt, Koike quickly rolled on his right as he get back on his feet. A smug covered the lips of his opponent as the katana laid still on the ground.

Wiping off his mouth, Koike narrowed his eyes for a moment. Waiting for the other to attack.

His opponent without weapon, Koike's adversary, rushed forwards as he swing up his spear. Kicking up his Guardian flak jacket, the garment went up towards his opponents face. "Wha--" The jacket blocked his sight, but a second later a blow between the legs would land between the spear wielder. Grunting Koike's adversary leaned forward, still trying to end his swing.

Grabbing the spear by the shaft with both hands, Koike's knee would go up. Connecting to the chin, Koike's opponent was send leaning backwards. The cheering of the public would grow silent as blood dripped on the ground. Piercing the spear through the stomach of his opponent, Koike scoffed. He hadn't intended to grievously injure his opponent, but would hold the shaft with his left hand. Using his right elbow to break the other side that just from the back of his opponent, Koike's right foot would kick it up again.


In a fluid movement the right hand of Koike grabbed the broken shaft and rammed the metal blade into the other's back while saying the word in a most sarcastic manner. Watching in silence as the other fell on his knees, turning pale, Koike's head turned a bit. Moving to pick up his jacket, he could hear already medical personal rushing forward to provide aid for the other.

Not particularly caring, the Hon would exit the field.

Sitting on a flat rock, Koike raised the bottle to his mouth. Taking a sip of his water, he had arrived at the field where he would be the referee of his fight. Hoping that both participants would arrive soon, Koike would try to remain in the shade of the tribune. What he wanted right now was some rest and not some more fights. Moving his left hand to his neck, he grumbled as he hoped that the cut wouldn't become a new scar. He had enough already...
Ryuu sat up in the hospital bed that he had been stuck in for the past while. From what he had been told, it was a rather rocky road to his recovery. The boy didn't really know about that seeing as he had only been conscious for the last two days of it. However, the scars from the shrapnel that had hit his leg, and burned their way across his chest certainly showed that he had taken a beating. Not to mention the all too obvious scar that stretched from the top of his forehead all the way down to the bottom of his lips, on the left side of the boy's face.

A quiet purring from the foot of the bed drew the boy out of his worrying about his scars, and he smiled slightly at the sight of the young Panther curled up there. They had recently signed the summoning pact, though Naomi refused to leave Ryuu's side. It had been this very Panther that had helped Ryuu live through that fateful mission. Now she seemed to decide that she was his guardian and best friend. Frankly, the boy didn't mind. It was nice having her around.

Ryuu turned his attention to the window, looking at his Village and reminding himself that today he would get back out there in the world. Finally. With that in mind the boy got up and grabbed his shirt from the bedstand, pulling it over his now scar covered torso. "Ready Naomi? We finally get to leave" He said softly and scratched behind her ear. "Come on. Let's go" He said softly then walked out to fill out all of the out processing paperwork. Roughly an hour later, Ryuu stepped outside for the first time in forever. It felt great to be back on his feet again.
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Korina's Training Part 2​

She sat beneath the waterfall underneath the silent but protective watch of Shiko. The girl was still recovering from her ordeal, but she was feeling better and better everyday. Near by, a clone of hers worked on the water walking exercise along with the leaf exercise. Across from them, another clone focused on using her third of the chakra to further develop a technique that Korina had been developing. One of the clone's hands was engulfed in sustained, crackling lightning while the other was engulfed in pure chakra for chakra enhanced strength. The clone pummeled away at the cliff face of the waterfall, trying as hard as she could to force a change. She kicked out, which chipped a large chunk of the wall out. Surprised, the clone looked over to its original, whom had been watching her. The clone nodded once in understanding and continued a flurry of kicks until she was sure that she understood it. Satisfied, Korina dispelled both clones then worked on another jutsu with her newly found knowledge. No when she tried to force the water off, the chakra swirled around both arms, head, and her full torso. She didn't feel the water for almost a full minute before Shiko intervened and stopped her.

"We need to find an easier way, Korina. You'll kill yourself trying to figure this out." Shiko chided her gently. The hyena curled around the soaked girl protectively after she set her unconscious body on the ground.

Korina poked at the slices of meat that sizzled on the burning hot slab of rock within the fire. She'd managed to make quite the hammock for herself in a nearby tree out of tree twine and various other fibers that she'd woven together during the day. Now, it was just her with just a fire, the soft sound of chewing to her left and the sound of cooking slices of deer heart to keep her company. She'd already finished butchering her quarry and had salted and dried a good portion of the leaner meat over the course of the day, so she didn't worry about starving on her pilgrimage. Shiko had already reported that her clan was well over three days ahead of her, but she had figured that it was acceptable. At the rate her training was going, she was sure that she was going to be in Konoha about a week after her people. Which was fine, Amaiya was a good leader.

Idly, she flipped the main portion of her dinner before she continued to clean her weapons of congealed blood and sharpened them. Dismayed when she found a chip in her blade, she signed quietly in frustration. Her training was slow howling, and the Harvest Mother was silent aside from allowing her to kill the buck that morning. She was unsure of how to proceed, lost without a leader, a Mother, and herself is she were to be frank. No amount of training would allow her to forget the lessons Amaiya had forced upon her. Her rational mind understood and accepted the reasons, but that didn't mean her emotional side had recovered. But she knew that the seal was hungering for chakra, and she could only feed it with a clear and loyal mind.

Was she really no better than the dissenters? Her faith was shaken, how could the Harvest Mother let Amaiya starve her, torture her with pain and mental anguish? But maybe...maybe this was her reprieve. The solitude, the openness and the roaring of the waterfall, her training site for months. And then there was the buck, it'd been large enough to feed her for the whole week if she was careful. And the horse that had been minutes from death at the hands of bandits. She'd found the young mare nearly three hours ago. The horse was definitely a Kusanagi bred horse, which could have meant anything. As she'd stepped up, she found her answer in the body of a Kusanagi scout that some bandits were still violating.

Korina has never felt such a rage in her life. Not even when the Raikage had been attacked by one of her own. Every bandit, whether they begged for mercy or attacked with weapons, found their end by their hands. Some bargained, some begged, others sneered and more leered. But when the first bandit screamed out his agonizing death, his fellows could only watch in astonished fear. She didn't let go of his body until his was a burnt, unrecognizable husk. She made sure that no bandit escaped her wrath, before she searched the camp and released the horse. Surprisingly, the mare didn't leave her side as Korina gave the fallen Kusanagi male his passage rites to the Harvest Mother. Even more surprising, the horse followed her all day and was currently grazing the forest for grass. Korina resolved to return the mare to her sect, along with the personal items she'd managed to find of the scout. For now though...she would eat then go to sleep. She had a long day of training that started before sunrise.
She'd been trying hard the last 12 hours to apply the nature energy to herself, but it was more difficult than she'd been anticipating. While she often performed the practice when balancing the nature energy with her own chakra to seal both into her seal, practicing it within herself was challenging. She wasn't actively controlling her chakra, since it was naturally chaotic in nature. She couldn't even access the natural energy while she was in such turmoil.
Frustrated and exhausted beyond belief, Korina stopped her practice after a consecutive 29 hour shot at it. Famished and dehydrated, the girl knew Shiko would be beyond upset kg she summoned the hyena. She ate a meager meal of water and buck jerky before she passed out, dead to the world. She didn't even feel the mare settle behind her to keep her warm.

Korina didn't wake until well after noon, the sun was on its way to setting. The girl ate another portion of jerky and drank some water from the river before she began to pack up her camp and horse. If she waited any longer, she would miss her deadline with the clan and the Empire. After making sure the mare was saddled and comfortable, she looked back at the waterfall. She quickly pulled off her clothes again and swam to the rock she'd been training on. She hauled her body out of the water with strong arms and settled cross legged beneath the freezing torrent. With the weight on her shoulders and the roar in her ears, she meditated on her inner self. The self she'd been running away from.

She was scared, scarred, what of an enemy had truly captured her? What could she possibly do? She'd been so weak, so helpless. Her new owner...what could the woman do with such a weak individual? She'd been captured so easily--

But she hadn't broken. They'd starved her, had broken her bones and humiliated her. They'd threatened her and captured her Heir--

But she killed them. And she felt no remorse for that. She killed the men whom dared to harm her heir, and she would do the same for anyone that sought to harm her Empress...her owner. She was a body guard, her life was not disposable. Not without reason. She would take the abuse brought about by anyone that captured her, but she couldn't let herself be killed. Her people wouldn't live without a Kiyohime, without a guiding hand to push them in battle and training. Amaiya was no military mind, she would be at the mercy of a foreign power. And while she trusted the Empress...she did not trust the woman's administration, nor Konoha's leaders. She needed to live...at any cost of she were captured. Too much rode on her shoulders.

When she opened her eyes, everything felt hyper sensitive, even in the dead of night. She could hear further, see everything with an unsurpassed clarity. When her gaze passed over the landscape, she could feel a certain energy in the wind and trees. The forest felt truly alive and she could feel it as it traveled into her skin down to her bones and very being. She was truly one with nature...she was Kiyohime.

By the time the sun had risen, Korina and her mare were already off to follow the trail of the traveling Kusanagi Clan. It had taken about an hour to get back to the main road. The girl's riding was really put to the test as the mare galloped far longer than any other horse she'd ridden. She struggled to maintain control, but after a while, she let the mare take the lead and just held on. In the middle of a fight, she would be preoccupied anyway with striking down an enemy to direct her steed, so the sooner the better...

In the meantime, she would do her best to not fall off.

The pace did not show until dusk, when the horse slowed to a stop at a river. Korina slid out of the saddle on jelly legs to make camp and settled down for the night. Once a fire was made and a bed roll set up, she sat near the fire and closed her eyes. After a few minutes of centering herself, she opened her eyes to the same sensation that she'd felt the night before. She crawled her way over to the river in the waning daylight to look at herself in the water. What stared back at her astonished her, but when she blinked, so did the figure.

Dark black set atop her eyes and surrounded the rest of her eye until it hit the corner of it. There, then made a sharp turn downwards then ran towards her ears where they narrowed into a point at the lobe. A circle, also in black, segmented off into three prongs at the top of her head. Her eyes were what shocked her more than anything though. They were the color of fire, with bright oranges, yellows, and reds sparkling as she turned her head. "What happened to me...?" She asked herself as she scrambled away from the water's edge. "What happened to me?"

Korina stood after she felt the change take over. She practiced making clones while she was changed, and damn near shocked her clone to death when she fired up her Duran. The drill was much larger than she'd been expecting, as it encompassed her entire arm. Whom knows what could have happened...she certainly didn't since she passed out almost immediately from chakra exhaustion.
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[fieldbox='Reyna Azuma, Aqua']
Kumo Genin, Team 13

Staring at the other boy for a long moment after he spoke, Reyna became very aware of the fact that he wasn't about to make the first move. Embarrassment filled her as she realized she had just been standing there staring at him. Nodding her head, Reyna tried to hide her blush. "Right. Yes... Ready!" Trying to shift herself into more of a combat stance, Reyna stopped suppressing her lightning aura. She could feel it flowing through her once again. The aura would not be visible externally, not unless she drew it out, but its presence still brought her comfort.

Chewing her lower lip, deep in thought, Reyna wondered how she should start. So far she knew nothing of her opponent aside from the fact that he seemed quite quiet so far. Deciding to play it cautious at first, Reyna pulled out two kunai and took a quick leap back.

Taking aim, she launched one of the kunai towards Akio. Raising the other kunai defensively, she waited for his reaction. Reyna's free hand had already slipped back into her pouch, preparing her second move.

Shiro was confused this woman was a traitor a runaway from her village. From their village and they were just going to let her help them. Let her know their plan?! Shiro was not happy with the situation but she had to trust Takeshi and his decision. Keeping an eye on Ino as she spoke with Takeshi. No matter how much Shiro tried to let the idea go she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen because of this paring up. Not that she could do anything about it. As Takeshi and Ino parted ways Shiro was reminded what her mother had said about missing nin, that they were not all backstabbers and some of them had left their villages for reason that Shiro would consider honorable. Takeshi asked her and Nami if they had any question.

She didn't have any actual question just a lot of worry. But she had to believe that Takeshi knew what she was doing. As to what he had planned she didn't know but hoped it work.
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Ryo Katsu,
Ghost ANBU Member,


A rising phoenix?

Screams filled the halls. The dim lighted underground halls became silent afterwards. Only to be disturbed by a loud scream. Slowly the hall would be lightened up by a blazing inferno. As the fire slammed against the wall, the source grumbled. Holding his right hand at his shoulder, the young man panted. Sweat rolled over his skin, mixing with blood. "Damn this...." Ryo grumbled as he looked around. He had managed to surprise and overwhelm his captives as they hadn't suspect he could use ninjutsu or fight without weapons.

Still, one of the masked men in the coat had managed to graze his left arm with a scalpel. The edge of the tool had easily sliced through his skin and left a nasty cut. Rolling with his left shoulder, Ryo frowned. Walking forwards, he hadn't yet been able to figure out a way of this mess. He could use Earth Release, but never had been taught how to do the mole technique. Hearing some noise behind him, the young man quickly turned around as his hands shot towards each other. Forming the handsignals, he already started to crouch.

Shouting in their crude language, he could see some of their guards rushing around the corner. "Yeah, screw you too!" He said back, placing the palm of both hands against the ground. The hall slightly trembled as a thick earth wall would be raised up. The blue eyes of the young Ghost member shot to his right. A thrown knife had just grazed his right shoulder, leaving no cut however.

Hearing some muffled shouts in the odd crude language from behind the wall, Ryo spat against it. Deciding to not linger around, he turned around and started to run. A moment he thought about the people he could save. A plan to make the bastards pay for their crimes. But his task and responsibility wasn't to save others. Mentally cringing, the young man kept running as he thought back to the people who had been subject to what he suspected to be cruel and crude experiments. If he hadn't fought back and surprised them at the last moment, then who know what they had done with him? Deciding to not waste any thought about it, Ryo shot around around a corner.

"Fuck..." He muttered, freezing. Five armed and cloaked guards were standing guard in front of a door. One of them pulled out a blade and pointed at Ryo. Demanding something in a language he couldn't figure out, Ryo noticed that they weren't moving in to capture or kill him yet. Narrowing his eyes, he took two steps back.

"Fair enough.." He grumbled, an angry glance moving over his eyes as he would prepare himself.

Leaning forward, both hands on his knees, Ryo breathed heavily. Glancing over his back as he straightened his back, he narrowed his eyes again. Even though he was pretty confident over his fighting capabilities, those five had been quite troublesome. If he hadn't taken three out by surprise, then he would've been dead within two minutes. Grunting, he would hobble further. If he could make some distance... maybe he could get it back.
From Keishi to the Tea Country

Upon arriving at the Keishi village after 6-8 hours since he left Konohagakure, he immediately made his way towards the carriage that would take him through the Fire Country, and into the Tea Country. Fortunately for him, his timing was right, and there was no need to stay in the Keishi village for a day or two. His route was so far, was working smoothly. "Towards the Tea Country?" Nadaki was not the only one was intending on making his way there. There were other people who was already inside the carriage and wanted passage into the Tea Country. Glancing at them from outside, the man who was driving the carriage spoke up. "Yes sir. We are.. You hopping on... Or what?" The man asked.

"Yes.. I would like that." A simple smile was plastered on his face, as the man agreed to Nadaki's request. "Alright, Jump in.. However, take note that it will take some time to get there. Possibly a day or two." Nadaki assumed it would take some time to get there. For him, it would take even more time in order to get to the Degarashi Port, and to make his way towards the Q'uzu Island.

"I'm well aware of that." The Uchiha ANBU finished. Jumping on the carriage, he stayed in his side, staying quiet. He could immediately take note of some of the people there who seemed like they were in some bad shape. A few kids with their parents, who were looking quite familiar, due to them holding a few items with the Kirigakure symbol carved on them. Possibly some citizen from Kirigakure due to the civil war. They probably wanted to escape the hell back there.

Nadaki kept to himself, and kept his eyes down at the ceiling. His mind was focused. This time around, he had to settle in and wait it out, just in case. The carriage was finally moving. "Look, its moving..." One of the kids spoke out aloud, in excitement.​
Zere Hebi
Here's to a Good Ole Time....
And Yet Another Obstacle
Zere sat cross legged on her bed, she stared at the head band with the Leaf's insignia on it that she had worked so hard to get. Two years of hard and angonizing book work, strategizing and practicing but with no real purpose. All of that to get one simple hand band with the leaf insignia on it. It was simple yet not simple, it stood for something so much more than a head band. Reaching down to the head band, she ran her fingers over it and took a deep breath.

It was hers now.

Finally, she grabbed it and put it on around her neck. Zere was never a fan of head bands, it looked better around her neck than it would on her forehead.
"Zere Hebi, a kunoichi of the Leaf," Zere said, like the action wasn't enough and the words added weight to it. Besides, it sounded nice. There was a knock on her door and then it was opened. "Hey big snake," Zere said, using the nickname she gave her father. Mamushi Hebi had always called her his little snake, so to Zere, it was only right to call him Big Snake.

"Hey little snake, I see you got your head band on," he said as he walked over to her bed. Zere nodded as he sat down next to her and brushed his fingers over it like she did only moments ago. "Don't let anyone take this from you, you earned it and your place amongst Shinobi. You deserve the same as anyone else, if anyone tells you differently then they are the fools in this world, not you. Your mother and I, we watched you come a long ways. We're proud of you, Zere. Very proud of you," Mamushi said as he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, I'll work hard to make my place even better," Zere said. She was ready to let the village see her as a kunoichi, as a fighter for their people. In her mind, this was only the beginning to something she couldn't wait to begin. Her father smiled at her before taking his leave and quietly closing the door before saying something about another obstacle. "Of course, there always is...." She muttered. There was a puff of smoke in her room and as it dissipated revealing a very passive cobra with a scroll. "Soka! What do you have there?" Zere asked.

It looked like it was a jutsu.... About snakes!
"For you," Soka said.

[fieldbox='Takeshi Shun, Gold']
Kiri Jounin
Team 2 Sensei

Day 1 of Timeskip

Summary: After sending Nami back to the village to inform Kimi of Ino's re-appearance, Takeshi, Shiro and Ino continued traveling through the night and made their way to the location of the first swordsman...


Stepping out of the carriage, Takeshi stretched out his stiff limbs. He stifled a yawn and looked around the small marketplace they had arrived in. The morning sun was just starting to rise in the sky and already the market was a flurry of activity. As his eyes perused the many stalls and stands, Takeshi wondered what had drawn the swordsman to this particular place.

Turning back to the carriage where Shiro and Ino were still inside, he tucked his head inside the open door. "Rise and shine, we're here." Locking eyes with his student first, Takeshi offered her a brief smile. "The first swordsman should be somewhere in this market if my intel is correct. He should also be one of easiest to talk to... Hopefully..."

Glancing towards Ino, Takeshi paused. "It would probably be best if you hung back out of sight. Sozen would likely recognize you and I can only see that causing more harm than good. If I need you, I will signal for you." Pulling away from the carriage, Takeshi kept his eyes on the crowd. He would wait for Shiro before entering the market in search of their target.
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[fieldbox="Momo Hana, #ff85c1"]

Momo rubbed the juncture between her shoulder and neck, the place painfully aching from her sleeping in an awkward position the night before. Currently she was sitting next to her baby sister, the two spending time outside in the backyard of their home, taking advantage of the wonderful late afternoon weather. The little girl was squealing happily as she was looking at a bed of flowers and crawling around, chasing who knows what. Momo rubbed her eyes and smiled at her little sister as she stood up. Stepping over the baby, she went to the door leading to the house and peered inside, seeing Lee cat napping on the kitchen table.

"Hey, Lee. Can you come out here and watch Ayama while I get dinner ready? I think it'll be nice 'ta eat outside today." she called to him, watching as he yawned, stretched and hopped down from the table. He padded over to her and rubbed up against her leg, and Momo's eyebrow raised. "Yes, you can have tuna." she said, kneeling and petting his chin.

"Thank you." he cooed, allowing her to pet him for a few moments before prancing over to Ayama, grabbing the back of her pants and pulling her away from the pond. She kicked and squealed in protest, and Momo ran inside before Lee could change his mind about babysitting.

As she prepared dinner, Momo occasionally craned her neck to the side, rubbing the sore spot there. Think back to the previous night, Momo remembered staying up late, again, and watching over Ayama as she cried and cried and cried. Even with her dad being back home, he was little help as his patience with Ayama was thin after a day of work. The man could sleep through anything, and eventually, Momo brought her sister from her crib and into her own bedroom, allowing the girl to sleep there with her.

She had awoken in the middle of the night with a start as Ayama let out a mumble in her sleep. With her back pressed to the wall and her sister clinging closely to her side, Momo was hardly in the position to fall back asleep. She had moved over the slumbering baby, careful not to make sudden movements, and surrounded the girl with pillows before resting on the edge of her bed. Momo has slept with no head support which was likely why now, she was having the worst neck pain ever.

Deciding not to dwell on that anymore, she focused on trying to prepare an edible meal, which was difficult since she didn't know how to cook anything but simple side dishes. After searching the cabinets and fridge for things the non babies in the family could eat, she decided on a recipie on the back of a ramen package. "Deluxe Ramen" it said, which... was good enough.

She made a big pot of it, which would be perfect for tonight as well as some for her dad to take to work the next day. She ended up dumping the side dishes of veggies into the pot with the prepared seasoning and watched it bubble away. Setting a timer for what it had said on the package, Momo took out the things Ayama would eat. Some puree banana and pear she smashed up really well and put into small bowls and a bottle of formula just in case she was thinking of being picky. Momo finished that soon enough and sighed, rubbing her neck again and went to find her dad.

Walking barefoot to her father's room, her feet made the lightest taps on the cold floor. Approaching the door, it appeared closed, and she knocked a few times, opening when she did. Momo's brow raised as she listened for a moment, not hearing anything coming from the room. "Daaad? Are ya in there?" she called, hearing shuffling after that. A mumbled 'yeah' was the OK to open the door and go inside, so she did. The room was dark, the windows closed, lights out, and she squinted to see her way around. Moving to the window, she opened the curtains and looked towards the bed, seeing her dad sitting on the floor next to it, the blankets in an orientation that made her think he'd fallen out and not gotten up.

"Dad?" she said, going to him and kneeling next to him. His face was pale and his expression was blank. She reached up and touched his cheek, turning his head towards her. "Are you okay?" she asked, worry in her tone. The man smiled at her and she was only worried more about that.

"Momo? You're looking beautiful today." he said, his voice groggy.

"And you're looking handome as ever, dad." she said, giving him a smile. "Come on, lets get in the bed."

Momo put his right arm around her shoulders and hefted the man up onto his bed in one go. When he layed down, a sigh of relif came from him and immediately he closed his eyes, looking as if he was in some kind of pain. Momo gave him a look and checked his head for a temperature. "Dad, you've a fever. Geez, are you even taking care of yourself properly?"

As she reached to pull the blanket and untangle him from it, she caught something in the corner of her eye. Glancing down at her feet, she bent down through her knees and reached for the object that was starting to roll under the bed. Picking it up, her eyes widened and then narrowed. Standing with the thing in her hand, she looked at her father. "I'll bring you some soup." she said, her tone was sharp and unfriendly. Her dad looked at her with glassy eyes and Momo held his gaze for a long moment.


"You promised me." she said, turning, walking out of the room at a brisk pace. When she reached the kitchen, her hand around the object loosened, and she threw it onto the kitchen table. Angrily, she went through the motions, making her father a bowl of soup and taking it back to him, placing it on the bedside table. Not looking at him, she turned and started to leave, but a hand - his hand - caught her wrist. "Momo... I'm sorry." he said, his voice sounding sad and ashamed. Momo turned to him and pulled her hand away. "I dont want 'ta hear it. You told me you've stopped drinking and I find an empty bottle in your room. Are you smoking now too? Why would you try 'ta hide it from me? Why would you lie?" she asked him, her voice growing louder as she increased in frustration.

"That's why you've been getting sicker and sicker lately. I noticed. Are you insane or something, cause I know you haven't forgotten what happened the last time you promised you'd stop, but didn't?"

"I don't need you to--" he paused as he was hit by a rough series of coughs. Remind me." he finished after a few moments.

"Clearly you do! You almost died! You swore you'd stop!"

"Almost dying changes nothing, Momo. Death..." he said, looking at the picture of him and her mother smiling together, placed on his desk. "Death changes everything." he told her, looking away, struggling to sit up so he could eat his soup. Momo, despite her anger at him, helped him into a sitting position and handed him the bowl. After a few moments, Momo's anger at him faded and was replaced by sadness.

"I'll tell you what it doesn't change. It doesn't change the fact that you have a responsibility to be a parent. And are you? You're my dad, I'm not you're mother. I'm not Ayama's mother, and yet most days and every night when you leave for 'business' or 'work', I'm the one who has to hold her, rock her until she falls asleep or stops screaming. I curl up with her in my bed, feed her, change her, bathe her, everything you as her father... as my father, should be doing! I'm too young 'ta be a parent! I'm tired of it. I can't sleep, Lee is losing his patience and what are you doing? You're drinking your life away!

"Stop thinking that everything is supposed to stop just because mom's dead. The world is still spinning, regardless if you think you need to take some time to drink your pain away... Your daughters still need you. Now, I know what you're going through, I lost her too, but at least I've stepped up. You need to do the same. Get off your ass and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You need 'ta move on or at least try to pick yourself back up! Being depressed and dwelling on the past isin't going to help anything!"
she huffed as she finished he ranting at him, her face was beet red and there were tears in her eyes that threatened to spill over.

Turning and walking to the door, she placed her hand on the handle of it. "Mother would hate how you've have changed. And you have no right to assume this is all about you now. It's about the person she died for. Ayama. And she needs a father. Not a pathetic excuse for a dad." she said before slamming the door as she stepped out.

As Momo stormed away from her father's room, she turned off the pot of soup and grabbed Lee's tuna along with Ayama's food. Tears started pouring down her face and she wiped them away with the back of her hand before going to the backyard and plopping down on the grass next to Lee and Ayama, who were actually laying together, resting of all things. Lee's ears twitched and he lifted his head as she placed the bowl of tuna near him. Reaching out and taking Ayama's foot, Momo pulled the baby towards her so she could feed her. The baby squealed happily as she was sat up, leaning back a few times before gaining her balance and sitting properly.

Making odd noises to excite her, Momo started to feed Ayama the soft foods she had prepared for her. As Lee ate casually, Momo spoke. "He's at it again. The drinking... probably smoking too." she said softly, keeping her blue eyes trained on Ayama. She noticed Lee raised his head and lick his paw. "How do you know?" he asked. Reaching her free hand out towards him, Lee would walk over and place his head under her awaiting palm. Petting his ears reassured Momo that she at least had someone to rely on...

Even if that someone was a cat.

"I found an empty bottle in his room, no doubt theres more. I asked him about it and he basically confessed." Trailing her hand down, she started to scratch Lee's chin with her index finger. This brought a purr from him and she paused after a few moments. "What did you say to him? Were you mean to him?"

"I told him what I wanted to say... and what he needed to hear."

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Kiyomi's Fight!

4 days after the start of the timeskip.
Operation : Zodiacs
Part III

Thanks to Chromehound.

Part I

Part II

The sweat rolled over her back as she leaned forward, her grip still tight over the handle of her blade. Barely able to keep open her eyes, Kiyomi leaned with her left hand on her knee. The last attack was quite a lot, but if she was right, then it was over. Yet, she didn't feel at ease. Half the hall was filled with rubble, cracks and other signs of that the fierce battle had unfolded where she was now. Raising her left hand to wipe of her mouth, she couldn't get rid of the taste of blood. Perhaps she shouldn't have bite Selia in the neck, but she had to put up with the taste for now.

As she attempted to straighten her back, she sighed softly. Resting the blade against her shoulder, she heard the grunts and moans. The dust would slowly settle as it would reveal Selia against the wall, leaning against it for support. Almost feeling bad as she saw how the blood kept gushing out of the wound at the other's side, Kiyomi lowered the tip of her blade. "Give up. Last time I offer this."

Hearing a mumbled answer, Kiyomi carefully approached Selia. She could finish it. End it right now. But she ...didn't want to. A few flashed went through her mind. The ideal life, her and Selia being siblings at peace. Growing up together. Maybe even sharing the same crush and bicker about it. Biting her lower lip, she didn't want to end it. As her right hand trembled, as she came to a halt. Staring at the struggling sibling, Kiyomi tried to push back the guilt. All the time and the fights before she had never experienced it. But this wasn't like those. "Stop.."

Feeling how her feet were pushed off the ground, Kiyomi could only register the smack she made as her back landed on the ground. Peeking through her eyelashes, she saw how Selia raised her blade.

The sound of metal striking against metal rang through the air, followed by the sickening sound of metal puncturing through flesh. His eyes narrowing in a mixture of pain and rage, Hayate twisted his hand, causing the woman in front of him to cough up a small spurt of blood. Grimacing as the blood hit his face, Hayate twisted his hand again, bringing out a howl of pain and anger from Selia.

In a last ditch effort, Selia attempted to wrench her blade from where it had become stuck in Hayate's metal armour. Her strength was waning, and the effort proved futile. Selia's blade had punctured through the armour and into Hayate's left shoulder. Using his clan's ability, Hayate kept the weapon firmly locked in place, not willing to give the woman another chance to use it.

Feeling his own strength beginning to fade, Hayate sent one last surge of chakra into the metal that covered his right hand. Spikes shot out from the hand that impaled Selia, rupturing her internal organs and causing the woman to slump forwards. Pulling his hand from the wound, Hayate stepped backwards. The blade slipped from Selia's hand, remaining lodged in Hayate's shoulder. As he released the metal armour that covered his body, Hayate watched Selia fall to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Hayate made his way towards Kiyomi. He could see that she was wounded, but could not tell how seriously. "Kiyomi, I--" Stumbling forwards, Hayate fell to his knees beside her. "Sorry I'm late..." He whispered, before falling.

Frozen as she had witnessed the whole event, Kiyomi blinked as she managed to get out of her shock. Moving up quickly, she scooted towards Hayate. Managing to catch him, she ignored the sharp pain that moved through her own body. "...And heavy..." She said, her voice soft and trembling. "... t-...-thanks." Not wanting to look at the body that was nearby, she bite her lower lip. "Have you seen the others?"

Exhausted, Hayate could barely keep himself upright. As he felt Kiyomi catch him, Hayate tried to push himself back up so that she would not have to hold him. Shaking his head slowly in response to Kiyomi's question, Hayate gathered up the strength to speak. "After... after my fight with Kenta... I came straight back. I shouldn't have left you in the first place."

".... Idiot." She said, managing to craft up a smile as she glanced at his wound. Realizing her error, she would quickly whistle. As they would hear a low growl approaching them, Kiyomi scoffed. "I totally held my own. Was just about to ..." Growing silent, the sentient greatsword would wrap its handle around Hayate's arm. Pouring some chakra to deal with some wounds, Kiyomi stared at the person that was just killed. "About to die..."

As he felt the hilt of the bandaged sword wrap around his arm, Hayate breathed a small sigh of relief. Kiyomi was safe, it was over... He only hoped that the others had fared alright as well. Glancing up at Kiyomi, Hayate let out a soft laugh, wincing in pain as he did so. "What now?" he asked quietly, fighting against the urge to close his eyes and pass into blissful unconsiousness.

Half closing her eyes, she rant a shock into Hayate. "You stay awake. Then we'll get out and try to gather the group." She managed to bring out in a rather calming manner. She thought briefly about the images that had shot through her mind. If things had only been a bit different, they could've been real.

Nodding, Hayate pushed himself up. Taking a moment to gather his strength and regain his breath, he glanced at Kiyomi. "We'll have to make a stop along the way... if that's acceptable?"

"For?" She asked, slightly surprised by his request. "You're... not thinking about..." Growing silent again, she didn't want to further do anything about this place. Just grabbing the plant and get over with it.

"Please don't be mad but... Kenta is still alive." Raising his hands slightly in an attempt to fend off any hostility, Hayate hoped Kiyomi wouldn't argue. He didn't have the energy to explain everything right now. Silence followed his reply. "I'm glad." She mumbled. "We.. should get going. Before the others will start to drag us away."

Nodding his head, Hayate was relieved. Standing shakily to his feet, he waited for Kiyomi. "After you, Princess."
"Thanks.. milord." Kiyomi replied. Getting up on her feet, she would sheath Samehada on her back. With the sword fitting into the special small sheat that he could use to attach to her back, she would support Hayate. "Let's... get going."

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Ryoku Samidare
The Amekage

Training for the mind

The sun was setting over the village of Amegakure. A sight that Ryoku always enjoyed, no matter how many times did he get to witness it. It was a moment of tranquility, one that few other ones can compare with. So he took a small break in reading reports - something he ignored for a rather long time and now, the reports have piled up. He set them aside for a while and enjoyed the sight, when an idea popped up in his mind. The recent training session of his team was a great success, his students performed really well. But now, he wanted to give them a different kind of training. He reached for two scrolls and started to write two letters for his students. The letters took him only a couple of minutes to complete, and he checked them one last time before sealing them.

Letter for Sho
Dear Sho, I know we might not be working together as much as we used to be, and for that, I would like to apologize to you. The next couple of days will occupy me with my duties as a village leader, but I would like you to think about a question I will give you and you can answer me on our next training.

You have no control over me, I am not real, though sometimes you believe me, I come back every night, but am often forgotten, though left alone, I will never become rotten, sometimes I remind you of things yet to come, sometimes, watching me, you do things you've never done, I rarely ever turn out to be true, now I am done with this riddle for you.

What am I?

Letter for Kirine
Dear Kirine, I am sure you have noticed that our team is not spending a lot of time together, and for that I wouldl ike to apologize. My duties as a village leader are keeping me occupied, and the situation would remain the same for the next few days. Since we cannot train in person, I would like to give you some other training - a simple question you can answer me on our next training.

I never was, am always to be, no one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, to live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
What am I?

Satisfited with the contents of both letters, he stood up and left his office to have them delivered to his students.​
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(Was waiting for Mark to re-post this)

[BCOLOR=#00ffff]The King's Match[/BCOLOR]
Unofficial Match between
Mitsunari Takeda(Ganryu) and Ezuri Hyuga (Mark)

Summary: Mitsunari and Ezuri meet up and decide to try out a wagered match (they forget to wager). Mitsunari is an insane douche, Ezuri is Ezuri. Only one can be a winner, and honor is on the line.​

Mitsunari walked around the Sea Keep area, where the exams were being held. He didn't want to go, but his sister was being so annoying, he decided it would be worth the trip. He wasn't sure exactly what he was doing here, no chunnin exams for him. He hated the lack of rain though, rain was always calming.

"Curse that Nazari-oni... Haven't I worked hard enough."

As he walked around, he saw quite the crowd gathering.

"Wonder what's going on.... Hmm."

He did a few quick handsigns.

Thought Reader

He zoomed in on the thoughts of the man infront of him.

Man, they are having wagered matches? I kinda wanna join in, but what if I lose? I don't want to look bad infront of my girlfriend, or lose this months rent... what to do, what to do.

Mitsunari lighted up. There were other matches. He spoke out loud.

"I've GOT to enter! There's got to be some genin who wants to fight a Takeda! Great chance to show my clan off!"

Ezuri aimlessly wandered the Event grounds of the chuunin exams and asked himself again why he were here for exactly. Kensuke-sensei didnt sign him up and the signups were closed as well, he would not becoma chuunin anytime soon. Ezuri kicked against rock, he wanted to take it out on someone, who would want to fight him.

Looking around he noticed a slender figure proudly proclaiming his clan name, some about the great Takeda clan or something? He never heard of it. Ezuri walked up to the boy "Hey, my name is Ezuri, whats yours? how are you doing?" Ezuri offered the boy his kindest of smiles he didnt want to come across hostile or unfriendly.

Mitsunari was surprised at someone greeting him. Most people around the Rain stayed away from the lunatic talking to himself.

He dramatically tossed his cape to the side, with his normal theatrical flare.

"My name is Mitsunari Takeda, of the Hidden Rain."

He looked at Ezuri's face, noticing the strange white eyes. It was different from Shinra's.

"Wait... you're a Hyuuga, right? Perfect, are you a genin? I'm looking for a challenger! What do you say!? Famous Clan of the Leaf vs. one of the Rain!"

Ezuri was surprised by the amount of flair this guy displayed, it was actualy kind of awkward, "Takeda-kun? yes I am a genin, like you i presume." that was a retorical qustion, more like statement even. The boy told him he was looking for a challenger, what a concidence. Ezuri decided this boy was going to be his 'victim' he just hoped all the proudness the boy had about his clan was exagerated, he didnt look for a match to lose. "sure, I'll take you up on your challenge Takeda-kun, let us pick an arena for our sparring match."

Mitsunari found the genin's quietness awkward. Didn't the guy have fun with his clan's name? He hadn't mentioned it once. If he was part of a famous clan, he'd definitely mention it more. As far as where they would fight.... Mitsunari looked around finding an open field.

"Alright. What about that one? Looks good to me."

Mitsunari was definitely going to win, he couldn't look bad infront of spectators! He took a deep breath, before walking towards it.

I have to win

Ezuri followed mitsunari to the 'plains' Arena, it was mostly an open grassfield with a small pond off to the side with some boulders and there were some trees and shrubbery close to the Arena walls. Ezuri and Mitsunari found a Referee that was also bored to death and was willing to referee the match of the two young boys. "Ready? Hajime!"

As soon as the referee gave the signal to start Ezuri activated his byakugan, holding the tiger seal he concentrated as the bloodvessels near eyes eyes bolstered, he opened his eyes and memorized mitsunari's chakra signature. Ezuri took the Juken fighting style stnace and awaited an move from his opponent.

Mitsunari was ecstatic at how fast they got started. He forgot to even wager, but honor was on the line, nothing else really mattered.

As soon as the referree said began, Mitsunari began to run, towards the nearby tree. Mitsunari began ruffling through his bag, hidden to most by his cloak. To Ezuri however, he would see the odd act of Mitsunari slapping explosive tags to his own cloak. As he ran, he flashed the inside of his cloak to Ezuri, warning him he would detonate them if he got close.

Mitsunari was already mad, that much was sure.

Ezuri schooted over to the pond sideways, not letting his eyes off mitsunari. once he was close to a rock he threw down a smoke bomb hiding himself from vieuw, of course it was no issue for Ezuri to look through but mitsunari wont see a thing. Ezuri quickly wove two justus, transformation and water clones. as the smoke from the bomb lifted Mitsunari would see exactly what he saw before the smoke appeared. meanwhile, boulder-Ezuri was still eyeing Mitsunari while Water-clone-Ezuri pretended to be the real deal.

As the smoke bomb went off, Mitsunari started climbing the tree with the tree climbing jutsu, throwing on explosive tags every few branches to deter Ezuri from climbing up as well. As he reached nearer the top, he weaved a few handsigns, creating Hell Viewing Technique on the Clone Ezuri. A circle of leaves started to rise around him. He figured it'd give him some time.

Boulder-Ezuri kept close watch at mitsunari and saw him weaving some signals. in front of his water clone another figure appeared, it was... Kensuke? but how? what did he do here? Ezuri was stunned for a couple of moment as his sensei began yelling at the clone, things like what the hell he thought he was doing. then the real Ezuri noticed this Kensuke had no chakra signature, this had to be a genjutsu! Ezuri quickly dispelled the jutsu on himself but the water-clone, that also noticed it decided to play along. a few moments passed, After a few more second of taking insults his water clone suddenly dashed forward, past the genjutsu and jumped up the tree towards mitsunari trying to get as close as possible,

Mitsunari almost panicked as Ezuri started at the tree. He reached in his pouch, reaching for an explosive tag from a different stack than the stack he'd been using, one already attached to a kunai, and threw it downwards at the clone. As he threw it, he fell forward, hanging upside down by the branch facing Ezuri.

Why on earth is he coming up? What person does that to a tree rigged with explosive tags?

The kunai was thrown at a diagonal arc, aimed at Ezuri and a branch behind him. Mitsunari didn't activate any of the tags he'd placed as Ezuri climbed up

Mitsunari started a series of handsigns as soon as he'd thrown it, aiming for ten.

Ezuri-clone ran up the tree, seeing the kunai thrown and quickly defelected it with his own kunai. sticking the kunai back into his leg quiver Mitsunari almost fell out of the tree a quick jump made them face to face as Ezuri-clone prepped a Shotei palm strike to strike Mitsunari in his chest.
mean while, tthe real Ezuri, still looking like a rock didnt miss the handsigns of the other ninja and kept close watch as to what was going to happen next.

Mitsunari interupted the series of handsigns to create a 'kai' symbol as soon as the clone deflecting it, detonating the explosive tag attached to the kunai.

As the explosion went off, Mitsunari stored chakra in his feet, and restarted the handsigns. He didn't expect Ezuri to just be finished off by it, and readied himself to jump using the chakra in his feet.

Instead of the palm strike hitting mitsunari he was welcomed with a splash of water, soaking him from head to toe. the explosions made Ezuri's water clone disperse. Ezuri looked at the boy in his stone form. he wondered why mitsunari used a new kunai with an explosive tag instead from setting off the shile three. there were teo possibilities to that though, either the other tags were fake or he didnt want to blow himself up too. Ezuri realesed his disguise and started to charge at mitsunari but made sure not to come too close just yet.

Mitsunari was surprised by the water, interupting him again, though his cloak being waterproof helped from being soaked. He still wasn't pleased the water filling the hood part however. He backed away towards the center of the tree, as he wiped the water off his face.

"Water Clone?"

Dang! I wish I had clones.

Mitsunari's hand reached towards the pouch, and pulled out an explosive tag from the left stack again, attached to another kunai.

Mitsunari threw it down the tree, aiming at a branch. Mitsunari slowly restarted for the 3rd time.

Ezuri, seeing where mitsunari sits was not planning on going up there, it was too risky. Mitsunari started a series of hand seals again and Ezuri was not about to let him finish those "Air Palm Strike!" Ezuri shot an air palm at the base of the branch Mitnusari was sitting on, either he had to jump to another or fall down along with it.

Mitsunari let go of the branch with his chakra as Ezuri fired an air palm . He didn't know what it was, but it was aimed at him whatever it was. Mitsunari continued, making it up to 7 as he landed on the branch with the kunai and tag on it. The thin branch broke from his weight, and he it tumbled with it towards the ground. Other branches broke the fall a little, though he was definitely coming down. Mitsunari clung to the branch with all his strength. Mitsunari continued with the handsigns, looking a a bit fearful from the falling down.

Ezuri saw him fall and fired more air palms to made sure Mitsunari would reach ground level, Ezuri dashed forward and tried to meet with Mitsunari on the ground, he was pretty sure he would have the advantage when it came to a taijutsu battle.

Mitsunari smiled as he hit nine. He was twisting as best he could from the air palms. As he was near the ground, one of the air palms hit him, causing him to reel backward, falling off the branch, a few feet infront of the ground. He tumbled forward several feet. Mitsunari groaned as he managed to get back on his knees.

Ezuri met with mitsunari only a couple of seconds later "its over..." he said as he executed a 16 palm strike, most likely hitting the boy who sat in front of him.

Mitsunari finished the tenth handsign as Ezuri flew towards him. Mitsunari cried as he was hit with strike after strike, falling forward. As the final strike hit, he fell forward. Suddenly, it was no longer Mitsunari falling, but Kensuke, with blood coming from his mouth.

"Ezuri, what the hell are you doing?"

Demonic Illusion: Traitor's Guilt

The real Mitsunari would be standing behind Kensuke. He was still panting and recovering from the fall though as he made his way to his feet, hand reaching into his pouch.

"Yes, what are you doing? That person came to save you from my fatal jutsu, and you attacked? Just as I finished my 10th handsign, it would have finished you off, if not for that person. What's wrong with you?"

As Kesnuke appeared after his fourth series of strikes Ezuri was once again baffled what but how... and them Mitsunari begin to speak, something about a fatal jutsu. Ezuri leaned to the left to look past Kesuke "Fatal justu?" he asked and made a riger seal, while raising an eyebrow he simply and slowly said "kai" on the most monotonous way possible. as Kensuke turned back into a branch he asked him again "That, Fatal justu?" Ezuri took the juken fighting stance again and spoke up again "Come at me, show me the power of the Takeda head on in taijutsu"

Mitsunari laughed.

"Yes, THAT fatal jutsu! FOR THE TAKEDA!"

With one hand he activated the tag on the kunai on the branch right by Ezuri, and the other hand threw 4 shurikens from his pouch at Ezuri following the explosion as insurance.

"Fu-" the following split second was followed with a series of events, the paper tag burned up until the point of detonation, the shuriken flying at Ezuri, the shit-moment of Ezuri that happens before a reaction, the thriumphant grin on mitsunaries face as he realized his jutsu worked. as the smoke from the explosion lifted Mitsuanri saw the scarred ground, and his shuriken laying in front of Ezuri. He panted "you think i didnt see that?" Ezuri asked the boy "are we done with genjustu now? you tire me" as soon as Ezuri knew what was going on he used the revolving heaven technique, preventing the ezplosion and shuriken from huritng him.

Mitsunari had another 'oh crap' expression as the jutsu didn't work. He knew this was not going well, close range was not his specialty, he was really hoping that would finish it off. He only had a very small, small chance left to do anything, in any case, even if it worked he was about to take a beating. He quickly started on another series of handsigns, and backed away as quickly as he could.

Ezuri followed mitsunari as fast as he could and noticed that he was catching up. The boy made handsigns again, another genjustu? Ezuri was not fond of getting another technique thrown at him, He dashed forward as fast as he could and tried to get a hit in.

Mitsunari continued making handsigns as Ezuri reached him, and as he got hit, his hands flew straight forward as he winced in pain from the hit, he was open to another blow.

Ezuri smiled as he acclomplished his mission of interrupting th ahndsigns of mitsunari, now that he was open to another hit Ezuri wanted to make sure he would not cast another Genjustu at him and Ezuri striked him at different tenketsu of his body to the point he wasnt able to mold chakra properly anymore

Before Ezuri's hits managed to finish off his chakra points, Mitsunari's hands passed on either side of Ezuri's head.


Lightning shot out of his hands, both towards Ezuri's head. It was a technique that would hit the brain itself, zapping it, and sending out electricity to mess with it, giving a headache intense enough to cause someone to pass out, and give fuzzy memories for a few hours afterwards.

Mitsunari however was done, falling backwards from all the damage he'd taken. The sky above him turned from blue to black.

Ezuri saw his strikes hit and smiled, this is going to be over soon he thought when he suddenly felt the hands of mitsunari on the sides of his head followed by a heavy shock, both boys fell on the ground, mitsunari on his back and Ezuri on his hands and knees, one hand holding his head which felt like it was going to split open. He barely managed to stay concious as he slowly got up and walked up to mitsunari. The boy got a good hit in. Ezuri bowed forward, btiting away the pain and spew a little water to wake up mitsuri, offering him a hand to help him get up.

Mitsunari groaned as the water hit him. He looked up to see Ezuri above him.

How? He should be definitely be knocked out right now.

Mitsunari refused the hand, and pushed himself up, pain wracking his body. He didn't have any words to say, he'd lost, made a fool of the Takeda.

Ezuri lost his balance due to the pain in his head and fell on his behind "you fought well" he said to the boy sitting across him, laying his other hand on his head too

***OOC note- yeah, most of those tags were fake
Time skip,
3 weeks.

23rd of May.

Kirigakure Republic,
The dawn of a Republic.

The Revolution has came to an end. Shortly after Rika's death the majority of the Revolutionary force sailed into the harbor of the city. Unknown at first, they managed to occupy the settlement without a single fight as everybody was instructed to lay down arms by the captains and officers as many have grown weary of the conflict and bloodshed. Soon enough under the instructions of the leaders of the Revolution, Kirigakure saw a new change that hasn't been seen ever in the western world.

A republic came to be as peace and order soon returned to the state. With the revolution over, people started to rebuild their country, while holding a watch over the on-going chaotic state that rule over in the Wolf country. The border between the Honey and the Wolf Country has been reinforced, with more troops that weren't being used to smash the Revolution down. Next to a new council that has been formed, there has been some rumour that the past leader of the Revolution has offered herself for a trial to answer for her crimes against Kirigakure. How this will unfold is uncertain, but at least peace and order has once more returned to Kirigakure.

The Feast of the Breaking Dawn.

In Kumogakure there have been some good tidings, so it seems at least. While there is still some anxiety regarding the unknown assassination attempts, there is a feast organized. Within the markets of Kumogakure, people are preparing for the feast that is to celebrate the Breaking Dawn, the day on which the First Raikage apparently started to gather the clans together. This feast goes together with some traditional sparrings between interested parties, much to the amusement of the public who use the fights in the arena's and fields to wager a bet.

Though all seems thus well in the state, there have been some developments in the border of the Sky country - a vassal of Kumogakure - and the Wolf country. Chizuka Irozaki, Kumo's ANBU commander, is currently working on making sure that the border is tight guarded. Nobody is allowed to cross over the border as both ANBU as the border unit of the Black Guards are making sure that the order is followed to the point. While the people in Kumogakure are celebrating for the annual feast, those in the Sky country are standing on guard.

Akinian Empire,
Imperial peace.

Peace and prosperity still influence the strong empire. With the event near the Sea Keep over, the Empire prepares for several projects. On suggestion of the Senju, the crown has started to make some space free near the walls of the capital - Konohagakure - for agriculture. With the project starting, the realm also welcomed the Kusanagi clan as part of the exchange project between Kumogakure and Akino. Sending a group of their own to fulfill the exchange on their end, it has been arranged to strengthen the bond between the two allied states.

Other than that there are several events going on. On suggestion of the Jounin commander of Amegakure, there are now training facilities much like Amegakure being constructed into the province capitals of the Empire. In honor of this project, there has been a tournament organized in Amegakure. Meanwhile to celebrate the good tidings that have been there ever since the developing of the Fire Union and continued now even underneath the banner of the Empire and the changes, there has been a festival as well in Konohagakure. Held in the center of the city, the center is decorated in a grand manner as the rumours have spread about an open ball.
[fieldbox="For Auld Lang Syne, green"]
A collab between Gerontis and Roran Hawkins
Three weeks ago

Kensuke and Zakito have a drink for auld lang syne. Kensuke also receives orders for a mission to deliver documents in Kumogakure.
His back was to the corner of the establishment, one without windows. Despite the fact that he was inside Konohagakure itself, his instincts never let him feel quite at ease if there was the choice between a 'safe' or an 'ordinary' seat. Eyeing every new arrival inside the tavern with eagle eyes, Kensuke awaited the man who had invited him here. His old mentor. His old friend. The Jounin Commander and the man with the highest military authority in the entire Empire.

He was late as usual.

Opening the door, the white haired man came in the establishment with a calm expression. Looking around to scan the place for the tall Nimatsu, Zakito didn't have a real problem. For a moment he softly chuckled as he would head over to Kensuke. "I'm sorry, but it was a bit hectic at home," he apologized as he would take a seat next to his old student, "hope you didn't have to wait that long for me."

"I had to wait for ages." He replied. "I'm almost an old man now." He said as he waved over a waiter to visit their table. Ordering the standard brew for an establishment of this sort, he waited untill Zakito was finished dealing with his drinks so the old man could state why he wanted this meeting. So far Kensuke understood, it was just a friendly meeting, but with the supreme commander you could never be too certain.

Ordering the same, Zakito leaned a bit to the other side as he frowned, eyeing the younger man. "You're starting to sound like an old man, that is right." He jested. "But jokes aside, how are you doing these days?" Zakito decided to ask, feeling a bit of nostalgia as he could remember that he had done this kinds of meetings before. But they were years ago and it stinged a bit that he had gotten only more busy than in the past.

"Pretty horrible." He replied on an annoyed tone. He had just returned from a training mission he had organized for his team, and quite literally none of his genin or chuunin for that matter had showed up on the appointed time and location. He could have expected this from Ezuri or Shisen, but for Saki to pull this on him...? "I just returned from a training mission with Team 7." He just said, as if that was enough.

Noticing the clear tone on which Kensuke spoke, Zakito raised his left as he rubbed his chin. "I heard that you requested that particular field. Field 44, correct?" He asked, lowering his hand as he would continue after a second. "I must offer my apologies for sending Saki away. I needed her for a particular mission. She should be back within two weeks from now." Placing his left arm on the table, he decided to ask another question. "But how are the genin of yours doing?"

He grumbled something particularly untasteful when he discovered the reason of Saki's absence. They could at least send him a note or something... "I was about to ask you." He replied crudely. "Because neither showed up on the training mission. I haven't seen any of them during the past two weeks at all." He said, gradually pacifying his tone. It was bad manners to exert his annoyance on Zakito. Even though the man deserved that and more. "Anyways, how are Kei and Akimoto?"

Chuckling briefly as he caught on that Kensuke wasn't pleased, Zakito was about to offer his apologies as he had hoped that he hadn't forgotten about that. While he kept his administration in order, there were still here and there some slight mistakes that resulted in some errors as these. But as he was about to apologize, the friendly facial expression changed into a surprise. "They didn't?" Frowning as he was clearly unsure about if he had assigned either of Kensuke students, knowing them by name as he was fond of following Kensuke's progress as sensei, he couldn't remember doing such a thing. "I've not assigned either of them to aid another team. If they didn't show up, then that must be met with some.... reasonable approach back." The polite tone shifted a bit, making it clear that the man wasn't that happy with the news. The last question of Kensuke however caused Zakito to grow back into his usual friendly manner of speaking. "They are doing fine. Still making now and then some trouble. You should perhaps later come and pay us a visit. I'm sure that they would like that."

"I'm certain of that. Kei'll definitely assassinate me succesfully this time." He replied on a more amused tone. It had indeed been quite a while since he'd visited those two braggarts and their mother. Then again, his duties had pretty much prevented him from most of his social activities lately. Even Kaori had missed him for over a week now.

Zakito grumbled something. "Both of them are getting better in sneaking around. I missed a pillow two days ago. I had searched everywhere and it turned out that Kei had decided she could use a pillow more." The man informed Kensuke as he let out a sigh. "Though I do like catching up with you, I'm here also for a request. Do note that you're free to turn it down, but I need somebody again who I can trust on this."

Hiding a smirk from being right all along about this not just being a simple talk amongst them, Kensuke leaned back, appearing rather uninterested as he threw a glance around the tavern. Once he had established that noone was paying atention to them, he replied. "Let's hear this request of yours."

"Not the real place for it but," Zakito politely pointed out, "I can say that it will require you to travel again for some time. I know you haven't been that long home and can understand if you turn this one down, but there is no danger to it." The man paused for a moment as he wondered if he could promise that. "At least, the roads and travel to Kumogakure are quite safe. I'll need somebody to bring over a few documents and letters. That is really all to it."

"I can do that." Kensuke replied as he took a big gulp from his drink. The taste was allright, perhaps a bit too bitter, but definitely good enough for cheap stuff. He hadn't actually ever been to Kumogakure before. It definitely sounded like an interesting trip to the illustrious mountain village. "No catches?"

Raising his drink, Zakito would lower the mask with his free hand. "No catch. Unless our allies decide it is worth to capture you, steal your eyes and decipate your skull." Taking a sip, Zakito let out a sigh. "Though I don't think that her majesty would be very grateful if something would happen to you. But no, no possible catch to this mission. I just can't entrust the documents and papers to just any messenger."

"Allright. I'll do it." He said. The chance that they'd intend to kill him, and then the chance that they'd actually succeed in doing so, was pretty small. On top of that, it was a peaceful mission for once, at least in theory. It was something he definitely could use now.

"You sure?" Was the question after Zakito had taken another sip of his drink. He threw a skeptical look towards Kensuke. "I really mean it when I say that you can turn it down." Knowing better than that repeating it wouldn't likely help his own guilt, Zakito raised his drink again as the skeptical look made place for a more worried one.

"I'm taking the mission." He repeated. Why was the old man making such a fuss out of it? He was in fact almost glad to be out of town again for a few days. He had little interest in staying inside Konoha's walls with the entire Matsuri-Kaori thing messing with his head.

"Thanks." Nodding Zakito emptied his drink. Glancing sideways at Kensuke, Zakito came up with another question. "But how are you doing? Other than your team and training to the ANBU." Hoping to hear some good news, Zakito briefly glanced if there was any waiter nearby. "Want another one?"

Glancing at his glass, he nodded in confirmation to Zakito's second question as he thought about an answer to his first. All things considered, he didn't really know what to answer on that question. He himself was rather allright, but he still hadn't fully recovered from losing his friends in Team 4. Additionally, his team was so far not reaching his expectations, and then there was the entire political situation going on. Nevermind the topic of women... "You could say life's been complicated..." He replied with a wry smile.

Raising his hand as a waiter passed, Zakito ordered another round for him and Kensuke. Hearing Kensuke's answer, Zakito looked a bit up. "Usually the case. Certainly when changes and what not happen. Some good, some bad." Turning his head back to Kensuke, the man leaned a bit back. "If you want to talk about it, I've got enough time. Sadly I don't have much interesting to talk about. Unless you're willing to hear what kind of pranks Kei and Aki are up to." He friendly suggested.

"I still find it hard to believe that they're all dead." He said with a surprisingly steady voice. Their deaths had been undisclosed as it had been a secret mission, and all Kensuke ever learned about their demise was from one conversation with the Hokage back then. Their names were long since inscribed on the big central gravestone for shinobi killed on duty.

It took him a moment to realize who he meant. Staying silent for a moment, the waiter came back with their order. Mumbling a thanks, Zakito took a breath in. Only to sigh out. "I still find it hard to believe some of my old friends are dead. They were far better in things than I was. Yet, they fell one by one. Often when I wasn't around." Knowing that it wouldn't help Kensuke as his words couldn't bring back the death, the man paused for another second. "Still, you got the memories of good times. It still counts to think about them, but don't let yourself be dragged down. I know it sounds easy, but if you won't think back to those good days and try to prevent others from suffering the same you might end up as a bitter old man. It is what they kept telling me at least." Raising his glass, Zakito took a sip as he wasn't fond of taking a swig.

"I know." Was all he said. He had found out pretty much the same thing by himself. Yet every time he stumbled upon such a happy memory, a dark part of his mind seemed to drown those away with the knowledge that they were no longer around anymore. It weighed on his shoulders more than he'd admit at times. He was starting to learn how to live with it, but he knew the pain might never really go away.

"Good." Zakito mumbled on a soft tone. He grew silent as he pondered on something for a long moment. Enjoying the 'silence' - as there were enough people in the establishment to make sure that it wouldn't really be that silent - the man took another sip of his drink. Glancing at his old student, he suddenly started to chuckle. "It is really odd. Five years and I still that young insecure man. Never told you it, huh? Or well, not a lot of times..." Pausing after his cryptic question, Zakito lowered his drink for a moment. "You've grown into a good man, Kensuke... I'm perhaps not really the person to tell you this. But it makes me proud to see what you've become."

"Hmhm." He nodded in response. He didn't entirely agree with him. It did do him pride to hear what his old mentor had to say about him, but his personal experiences dictated otherwise. Looking at it from a neutral perspective, he could in a sense agree with the man. He had grown from a socially insecure boy into an experienced, collected man. But that evolution had come at a price. His innocence had been taken by by the horrors of war, his youth by the blood and the gore, part of which still stuck to his hands.

Lowering his glass for a moment, Zakito glanced at his drink. Only for a second later to raise up to his lips, he would emptied it with a next sip. Placing it on the table, his right hand would go to his pocket to pull out his wallet. "My treat." He told Kensuke, remembering that he shouldn't be too late at home. Tomorrow would be an early day - as almost any other - and he was glad he could have shared some time with Kensuke. "Take care, okay?"

"Yeah. You too, old man." He said with a wry smile as he sipped from his glass of cheap booze. "You're not as young as you used to be anymore." He said venomously, but with a smile.

Getting up, Zakito threw a glance at Kensuke. "No, indeed. That is why I'm being held at the office these days." Zakito chuckled as he shook his head. "See you Kensuke." Turning around, the man would shove his wallet back into the pocket of his pants as he would walk towards the exit of the establishment, sublty pulling up the face mask to cover the lower features of his face again.

Nodding the man a goodbye Kensuke remained in the seat for a little while longer, thinking about the good old days while sipping his drink untill he was done. That was such a long time ago.
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[fieldbox="Arranging matters, #33cccc"]
Kiyomi Homura,
Akinian Empress

Two weeks ago,
Collab with Hawke,

Summary :
Korina and Kiyomi have a short talk.

"It is a bit annoying at first, I'll admit that." Kiyomi said in a casual manner as the door would be opened for them. "Once you get used to it, it is actually a good way to stay in shape. I must say that most servants will probably frown if you start to climb up and down all the stairs, but believe me," she said to the other with a smirk, adding a wink, "it can be fun to do so. Once out of pure boredom, I even tried to sing out loud while doing so." Walking to a round table in the rather small room - compared to the rather spacious chambers that were present in the palace complex- Kiyomi would take a seat. "Would you like anything to drink or eat, Korina?"

Korina listened quietly with a wry smile, "I will keep that in mind. Though I am unsure if I could actually gather the energy to irritate the servants after training with some of my kinsmen. They do so enjoy the spars since coming here, the weather is perfect for them." She replied. "No thank you, My Empress. Mother made a wonderful meal for lunch an hour ago. So the food is still settling." She pat her stomach the grinned like a lazy, fat cat.

Crossing her legs, which caused her to mutter a curse as it was annoying in her dress, she waved at the servant to let them be. "I'm glad that some of your kin already are okay with this change. I've already prepared some space for the compound for your clan." Kiyomi replied back, leaning a bit back in her seat. Folding her hands together on her lap, she gained a polite smile. "I'll begin to the subjects we'll need to discuss then." Pausing briefly Kiyomi seemed to consider where to start. "Seeing your occupations, I'm well aware that I can't keep you all the time around. Neither do I find it necessary to bore anybody with following me all day. Already have the servants doing that and it bothers as irritates me," briefly Kiyomi's polite expression shifted into a more disturbed one, "pesky, they can. But anyways," the polite expression moved back on her face, "I was wondering where you would stay? You're free to take up a room in here or at your clan's compound."

Sitting down, the young woman's jacket shifted, which exposed the protective metal mesh layer that had been stitched into it. She cracked her neck as she mulled over the woman's words. After a time and a narrowing of her eyes, she looked up and spoke, "I would like to have both. The clan voted last night, and we would elect to keep the sort of...traveling camp feel we currently have, if that is ok with you? We will continue to build the wall and gates as your laws mandate we have some sort of such. I would like to keep my tent there for Amaiya's continued use, as well as for a place my people could go to for requests should they have any. But I'd prefer that my more permenant living space be near your room. Should your room have a servant's quarters, I would rather take that room since it will be closest to yours."

"There are some servant's quarters near my chamber. I'll make sure that there will be a comfortable room prepared for you." Kiyomi replied, thinking about what else Korina had said. "As the rest is also reasonable. I don't see a problem with any of it. Now," pausing Kiyomi raised her right hand to form a simple gesture to the window to their right, "as you'll be trained and groomed to serve me, I'll have you and some of your clan be trained by some of trainers of my Sworn Swords. I've also arranged somebody personally for you to guide you around the city. Tomorrow that is, unless," placing her right hand back to her left, she offered a more apologetic smile, "that will ruin some plans. I could then if you desire adjust it a bit."

"Tomorrow is fine with me, My Empress. My people are continuing to settle in and set up their shops and what not. So I have some time." She smiled thankfully, "Thank you. I would enjoy the extra training, and I am sure that many of my kinsmen would jump at the chance to train with foreign elites. I will handpick however many you wish from the Kiyohime Guard and my people in general." Korina laid both palms on the table. For the meeting, she left her kote and other weapons in the care of her mother, though she was far from unarmed.

Glad that it wouldn't be a problem, Kiyomi smiled. Moving her left hand to an envelop that had been placed on the table, she placed her fingers on it. "Great to hear so! I would like to have a special guard unit from your clan. It might cause some potential doubts raised, but if their loyalty are like yours, then I wouldn't like it any other way." Slowly moving the envelop towards her, Kiyomi nodded. "I've arranged ... a small list of potential people. Tomorrow I'll have you guided by one of the people that could for a match for you. Though he... isn't much of a talker." She said, softly chuckling. "But he is a good person. Though I'll let you decide that on your own. I can arrange other meetings between potential matches, but agian, that is up to you."

"I do not mind, Empress. As long as he is respectful, I don't think we will have a problem." She took the envelope and opened it. Pulling out the paper, she looked through it with critical eyes, "The hardest part of forming the unit will be cutting off names. I assure you, Empress. I'll draft up a list and bring my choices in before I met your contactm, if that is agreeable for you. What do you expect of the guard, My Lady?"

"Loyalty. Compat abilities can always be trained later." She said nonchallantly. "If you can arrange a small unit as I don't need a whole army to guard me, then that would be good enough." Pausing, Kiyomi smiled again. "Don't worry, he is respectful. I know him quite well and he is ... a dutiful person." Briefly glancing at the envelop, she thought the next. "There might be some arrangements I must make if you wish to pursue the first. Other than that," shrugging with her shoulder, Kiyomi continued, "you're free to inform me later what your opinion and option is."

"How about this then...the clan shows loyalty of their own accord when they know that their leader trusts them." Korina looked up to look into Kiyomi's eyes. "I request that you join me for the selection. We can make a tournament of it and you can be one of the three judges. Amaiya and I will be the other two. I will chose 32 people, from there, we can create a tree, much like the chuunin exams. The winner advances to the next round to fight the victor of the battle beside them. And we continue until there is a winner. From there, we, as judges, choose the 13 that will guard you. Myself included, that gives you 14 guards from the Kusanagi. Is that satisfactory?"

Listening to the suggestion of Korina, Kiyomi thought about it. "Sounds splendid, though I hope that there won't be any bloodshed." She stated, with a friendly tone. "I personally would find it a serious loss if lives would go lost just because they wish to prove themselves." Was her reply. Scratching her cheek, she thought about what more they had to discuss. "Ah!" Remember another plan, Kiyomi started to explain the following. "I was thinking about organizing a public ball. One that would be more open to the public. I'll support it and organize it, but it will be done in the Kusanagi's name. Both to signal that your clan is accepted within the Empire as well to give a good first impression. Along." Kiyomi paused as she gestured to the envelop, "a chance to meet some of the people on the list. Unless you can make a decision for it, I figure it would be a good idea if the people would see you and your sister. I'll be also attending to the event, but it will be in the honor of the Kusanagi."

"Would you like it to be in the Kusanagi Way or a more traditional way?" Korina asked with a secretive smile.

"Judging from what I already know, the Kusanagi way would be more entertaining." Kiyomi replied with an amused tone. "But I think it would be better to go for a more traditional way. For now at least."

Korina winced a bit then cleared her throat, "Well...I'll make sure that blunted weapons are used. But I make no promise of no blood. We can be a little spirited...as for the ball...I leave it in your capable hands. I've only been to one and that was as a bodyguard."

Noticing the wince, Kiyomi didn't decide to react on it to cause any embarrasement or cause any flusttered reaction. "Good. I'll need you and the rest of the leading Kusanagi. It will give a good example on that your clan wish to become part of the realm and not create their own sub nation in it." She replied. Then she started about something else. "Now, I'll let you free if you want. Do please not get into trouble. Or do anything to upset ... some people." Frowning, she hoped that Korina remembered an early warning about which people she meant with that.

"Not a problem. I'll get a few of my best men and let Amaiya know. she's going to be so happy." Korina snorted a little bit and then leaned back in her seat, "Too late." She said with a rather satisfied grin.

Sighing, Kiyomi closed her eyes a bit. "Should've known that. Just try to not provoke them further. Or cause any deaths. I already have a lot on my head and hearing people complain is what I can't use right now." Though she didn't seem so, Kiyomi had a slight amused tone to her voice. "I think that was about it. Unless you have any question at the moment for me."

"Hey, they don't start no trouble, there won't be no trouble." Her tone was smug as hell, even as she smirked at her Empress. "I think that was it unless you wanted to grab a spar? Or meditate?"

"Good. I hope they will don't try anything at all either. But can't be too sure." Thinking about her suggestion, Kiyomi shook her head. "Another time perhaps. Right now I'll need to arrange some matters. You're free to conduct your own affairs for now." She politely told Korina with a smile.

The girl bowed to her empress then stood with a smile. "As you wish, My Empress." she said to her. "Try not to work yourself to exhaustion."

Returning her bow with a nod back, Kiyomi scoffed as she turned her head a bit away as she raised a hand to wave lightly at Korina. "I'll be fine. Now don't get into trouble. Or too much it."

Two weeks ago,
Collab with Gerontis,

Summary :
Koike and Kiyomi have a short talk as the later get an assignment.

Entering the hall, Koike was grateful for his good stamina. Climbing the stairs was something daunting as he wasn't even sure if he would be able to do this all day. Following the servant that would lead him to Kiyomi's chambers, Koike wondered for what she needed him. The message had sounded like there was something he was needed to do or fix.

"One minute, sir." The servant said, on which Koike simply nodded and placed his hands at his back. The woman would quickly walk into a room as Koike threw glances around. "Your majesty?" The servant would put up a cautious tone, her head lowered as she would enter the personal chambers.

"Yes, let him in." Kiyomi replied as she was sitting nearby a window. Staring outside the two jade colored eyes kept watch over a group of Sworn Swords. The men and women were training in a small court yard with blunt weapons, not really holding back at all. The servant made a bow as she would walk backwards to fetch Koike.

"Your grace," Koike greeted with a deep bow, "what can I do for you?" He politely asked, holding the bow until told otherwise. Kiyomi glanced at Koike and scoffed lightly. "To not bow now. We're alone, it is okay Koike." Turning her gaze back over the small group, Kiyomi was holding a cup.

"Please, take a seat." Nodding, Koike straightened his back as he would take a seat. Briefly he glanced out of the window as well, staying silent. "I'll need you to.... meet and show a certain protege of mine around." Kiyomi started as she would settle her gaze upon the young man. "She is new here and important due to some matters. Though I know you've your own team to worry about, I figured that you're sense of loyalty and duty are fitting for the task." Smiling, Kiyomi would raise the cup to her lips to take a sip.

"If I can help, I would be happy too." He replied, wondering who the 'she' was. For a moment he felt a sting as he realized it was an escort mission. The last one hadn't gone that well that he had forgotten as some small silver started to weigh heavier on his chest.

"Good! It is vital that she starts to feel home." Kiyomi said as she lowered her cup. "Show her a bit around. Do something fun, I don't care. Just make sure that she will... be feeling more comfortable." She added after a small pause. Her sharp eyes couldn't detect much from his body language, but she shoved that on the fact he was trained by nobody else than Aiko.

Nodding slowly, Koike kept up his calm composure. "Of course. I'll do my best." He replied back. "May I request some information regarding her?" Was his question, though he briefly wondered how he would show somebody around. It wasn't like he was somebody that often spend time outside.

"I'll let a servant of mine give you a small document. You may even keep it if you want," she told him, "I'll entrust this task to you. Though how is it going with you.... and that arranged marriage?" Kiyomi asked, slowly her eyebrows raising as she took another sip of her drink.

"I..." Koike's eyes briefly moved down as he thought about how to formulate it. "I'm not sure if I can marry now. Ever since the mission in the River Province, I fear that I'll be nothing but be a depression cloud for anybody." He replied, feeling ashamed for his personal failure.

"I see," moving her gaze outside, Kiyomi tapped in a rhythmic fashion as she thought about his reply, "I'll say that I'm not sure if an arranged marriage is going to be ideal. Not to mention that I'll be needed to get convinced due to the reasons behind it." Her tone was a bit more firm as she spoke about the subject. "But I know enough. For now." Smiling, she nodded. "I won't hold you any longer. Take care Koike and see you soon." Pausing, Kiyomi remembered something.

"I also have something later for you.... But you'll receive instructions later."


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Mitsunari Takeda
The King's Tears

*On the way back from the seagate event*

Summary: On the way from the wagered matches, Mitsunari is frustrated he lost, and decides to do some nature training as he's stuck from bad weather. His training brings back bittersweet memories that only make him more frustrated. Mother Nature decides to be a bitch.

*Italicized are memories, purple is his father's words
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Dad, show me something cool! You're a great ninja, right?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"I wouldn't say great ninja, I"m only a Chunnin from a farmer's family for heaven's sakes, nothing to get excited for."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] "Come on! Show me something cool! You can shoot lightning, that's awesome! Can you show me how to do that."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Come on Mitsunari, you just got into the acadamy and you want Lightning release?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah! That way I can be just like my Dad!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Bwahahahaha! Tell you what, I'll show you the basics, and you can work on it. If you get it down. I'll.... I'll teach you something really awesome, how's that?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah!" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Just don't tell your Mom... or prank Kaede with it."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Why not?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Your mother would kill me if you hurt yourself! But I figure you gotta be a man someday."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"No, why not prank Kaede?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Because I don't want to have to settle another one of your arguments. That, and she's just about graduated the academy, just a little bit better than you, she'll get her own back. Promise me?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Okay... I promise I won't use jutsu to prank Kaede."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The real Mitsunari's voice joined in with his father's as he remembered his words, repeating them word for word.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Alright, guess we'll start with the basics. The first thing about Lightning, is it is wild! You can't control it, you can just tell it where to go. If you try to control it, you are going to get shocked. It's a fierce! Kinda like me. Infact, channeling it mean you have to let everything go, you can't be shy about it."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Thunder crashed through the cave as Mitsunari channeled electricity back and forth from his two hands.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"It's made by vibrating your chakra at high speeds and letting it flow free."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The voltage increased between his hands, and Mitsunari move his hands around a sphere, always the same distance from eachother.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Like this?"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"No, you're just shaking your hands. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ff00ff]You have to get a feel for the energy."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His hands suddenly moved together, the arcs sparking dangerously close to his face.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"More like this!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His hands then ripped apart, his right hand flying forward. The lightning followed it, sparks jumping forward infront of him, arcing into a rock just outside the entrance.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Whoa! It's like a bolt of lightning!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"Oh that? That's nothing like what real lightning is like. It kinda humbled you to know that. Alright, when I come back from my mission, I'll show you the rest. Just gotta take care of a few things between the Stone and Fire borders. Shouldn't take too much."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A bright flash flooded the cave, and a loud boom far exceeded anything Mitsunari had done. As the light faded, and the sound returned to mere raindrops, the rock was blackened by the electricity, a large crack running down it from the temperature difference.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You promise?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff00ff]"On the Takeda's name!"[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Mitsunari ran out the cave and punched the rock in pain and frustration. Rain poured around the area as Mitsunari howled. It was impossible to see his tears from the rain. Ran his fingers down the crack made by the lightning. Nothing like what he had done. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Mitsunari roared again and raised his fist against the rock. W[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]hite surrounded him, and everything fell silent.[/BCOLOR]
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[fieldbox="Meetings, wheat"]

Koike Hon,
Spt. Jounin | Team 6

Two weeks ago.
The evening after his talk with Kiyomi.

Meeting with Momo,
Collab between Shadowy and Gerontis,

Summary :
Koike has a meeting with Momo. (Shadow clone ftw!)

Pushing the door, it was time for the second meeting. Perhaps it was less somewhat formal than the previous one, though it had happened at a restaurant for covenience sake. Noticing that the pub wasn't that occupied, which wasn't strange this early in the evening, Koike walked to the bar. "Two bottles." Not bothered with naming the drink, which would be alcoholic and was thus good anyways for the occassion, Koike turned half around. Leaning on the bar with his right arm, he briefly thought what he had read about the profile of the member he would meet today. Though not one that would give in to thinking that similarities would make them buddies right away, he couldn't shake it off. Blaming a certain Uchiha for that, Koike nodded as the barkeeper placed two bottles of cheap sake next to his arm.

Kazuo opened his mouth allowing a small yawn to escape before stepping into the pub. This was the place he'd be meeting his new team leader. Fitting, really. With what happened not too long ago he could certainly use a drink. He'd rather not let that part of him show if he could help it though. It's why he placed one of those infamous smiles on his face as he sat beside Koike. While it wasn't a fake smile, it'd be a lie to say that it was real. Once the barkeeper placed the two bottles down, Kazuo would joke, "Oh, for me? I'm rather flattered." Kazuo chuckled before holding out his hand. While he already knew Koike knew who he was due to what he assumed to be a read profile on him, he still felt the proper thing to do was to introduce himself in person. "Kazuo Kei."

Bit surprised, Koike reached his own hand out as he turned towards Kazuo. "Koike Hon. Glad you could come." Gesturing to the bottle, he smiled a bit. "Sorry for the place, but it has been some time since I drank something." Picking one bottle up, Koike paused. "I've read your profile, but need to say that I can't know for sure if all the detail will help. A piece of paper is nifty, but it doesn't talk."

"The place is quite alright, it's been a while since I've last had a drink as well." As Koike spoke, Kazuo would take a sip of his sake. Best to start off slow. Placing the bottle back onto the counter, he glanced at Koike. "Nor can a piece of paper represent tone as well as a person. It can only do so much." Kazuo took another sip of sake before speaking once more. "Anything in particular you'd like to know? No need to be shy on our first date, I'm rather open." A smirk crossed his lips.

"Exactly." Koike said. As he heard the comment of that he shouldn't be shy on their date, Koike raised his eyebrows. "In that case, I would've ordered something stronger. Perhaps another time." He joked back, hoping it was a good one as he wasn't still at 'home' with those. "But I thought it would be better place. To talk. Not that I'm some wise monk though," taking a sip of his own bottle, he scoffed, "I should've asked for something better. Got any favorite drinks?"

Kazuo let out a small laugh at the joke. As Koike asked his question, Kazuo kept his eyes on the bottle in front of him. He shrugged and took a single swig before placing the bottle down and letting out a sigh of relief. "Favorite drink? I'm not picky. I don't drink for the taste, so as long as it gets the job down. What about you?" Kazuo took another swig. He wasn't planning on getting piss-drunk, not that one bottle of sake would get him to that point, but he wouldn't mind being a bit mellow.

Taking a swig as well, following Kazuo, Koike placed the bottle on the bar. His eyes moved lower to his hand that held the bottle as he answered back. "Think it won't sound strange, but I kind of need it. I don't know how to coope with it. Makes me..." Thinking about the words, he would let out a scoff again. "It gives me some peace. Only to then slam back harder. I just don't know how others can work with lose." Raising the bottle, Koike took a sip.

Kazuo remained silent for a while, eyes on the floor. He thought for a bit before looking up again. He straightened himself before clearing his throat. "And then putting on a fake expression. Telling people you're fine..." Kazuo took another swig. "It's...tiring, and the only thing that makes you feel better is the one thing that makes you feel worse." Kazuo gave another smirk, glancing at Koike, though there was no look of amusement on his face. Perhaps some form of...peace or relief. Finally, someone that spoke his language.

Nodding slowly, Koike glanced back. "I suppose it is fair to share my 'story' then. I think it is quite unfair after all," he stated as he glanced back at his bottle, "I read what happened. Like I said before, I'm not a wise monk. I... I am not even used to this. A few people close to me helped me. At least, I think they did." Taking another sip, Koike wondered how he could bring his story over. He felt slightly uncomfortable, but he wasn't that nervous anymore. It felt also good as he couldn't talk about this with Katsu nor Aiko. Lowering the glass, Koike let out a soft sigh. "I lost my twin. I know exactly how it feels when you need to say you're fine. You did all you could... But ... if I had been able to do a bit more. Perhaps he was still around. Though life goes on." He cleared his throat as he then raised his bottle a bit, still staring at it. "I expect discipline and loyalty on the field. Mistakes will happen, again. And I'm not a sensei, but... I know." Taking a swig, Koike felt slightly better after saying those words.

Kazuo nodded, fully understanding his words. "Sorry, bud. That's...rough." Kazuo took another swig of sake. "But...do you want to know something I don't get? As a Shinobi you aren't supposed to be ruled by your emotions, but then you're placed in a team. One, more times than not, you're stuck with for the rest of your years. A team in which I doubt everyone would be indifferent towards one another. You're probably going to grow bonds, if only one." Kazuo tightened his hands around his sake bottle. "...So how would you not be ruled by your emotions when they pass?" Kazuo's eyes narrowed a bit, remembering a certain former teammate. "How do you justify...not feeling anything over that?" It was more of a rant than Kazuo actually asking, but if anyone had any real answers then he wouldn't hold them back from stating them. He let out a breath, feeling better after letting that all out. He took another swig of sake.

Listening to Kazuo, Koike could hear the whispers again. Wondering about some things and how he had felt back then. Things as justice and fate? He considered those mostly void of any meaning. "I kind of feel the same way. My mentor taught me how to... subdue them. But I think that outside a mission that it isn't great to hide them. Your feelings, I mean." Staring to feel a bit more at ease, he notice that talking was getting easier. Even if the subject was one that caused him to feel more gloomy than joyful. "Though.... how was she? As person?" Koike softly asked, making the guess it was the girl on the team. "Or him... sorry. I ... I understand if you don't want to talk about it. Truly."

Kazuo let out another small laugh. "It's fine. I did say I'm quite open after all so don't worry about it. Besides, if we're going to be on the same team then why shouldn't we be open?" Kazuo gave a shrug. "But for how she was?" Kazuo smiled, simply by the thought of her. "Words will never do her justice. She was my spitfire. She never let me get away with anything," he chuckled, "She cared about everyone on the team, and would never let one mistake go unnoticed, even if we were a second off with a move. She was analytical like that. Now I know that sounds quite annoying to deal with, but she was our main motivator. She pushed us to our highest when we felt our lowest." His voice shaked a bit but he quickly got it into check. "But, to me...I mean, to me personally...I thought - and still think - about her everytime I look up at the stars. She shined that bright. Always took the initiative, never did she hesitate. She was...she was strong like that. Never was afraid to be herself, to speak her mind...the girl was bounds of confidence." Kazuo let out a laugh. "Because if you ever heard her sing you'd wonder why anyone would ever sing in public with that voice." After laughing, Kazuo wiped some tears from his eye with his thumb. Whether it was from sadness or laughing was hard to determine. He looked over at Koike. "...You got someone of the sorts?"

He already thought of her. Just hearing how Kazuo spoke about his 'spitfire' made him think of Haruka. He did pay attention to the other, carefully making sure to watch the tone and way how he spoke. But it made him think only of her. "I do..." He sighed softly, regretting that his bottle was empty. Thinking for a second on how to start, he couldn't help but to let out a short laugh. "I was to escort her. Never been that person to be flirting or fooling around, you know? Even started off bad with her." He threw a glance towards Kazuo, a sad smile founding its way towards Koike's lips. "She told me right from the start that I reeked of horseshit and sweat. Which was probably true," he chuckled as he thought about it, "I had traveled three days to get to the capital of the Rice Province. So after she told me I was nothing but a reeking traveler, I was ordered to take a shower. Then well, we didn't get that well afterwards. But I treated her like a normal person. Not with the exaggerated friendly attitude or lies. Just plain and fair." Briefly taking a pause, Koike felt his voice becoming hoarse. "I failed her though.... Was ordered to pay watch over her. Keep her safe.... I did it first because I believe in duty and loyalty. I really do, but .... she was kind of somebody I started to like. The first person that made me feel alive. It is hard to explain, but I think you know how it is." Shaking his head a bit, the sad smile returned on his lips.

"Complications happened and she got captured. Not surprising, cause I'm not the best around." Feeling a sting of pain and anger, on himself, Koike leaned with his free hand on the bar. "Eventually I managed to find out where she was being held. Some crazy stuff was going to happen, but I found a retrieval squad. Led them into that hell hole and got her out... Lost two of dog- friends. Sorry," pausing for another moment, the moments flashed past his mind, "in the end I had gotten her out. Everybody in the squad alive and well. But I'm not highborn. Even from a 'noble' clan and having some status due inheriting some fancy heirloom, it isn't going to happen. Ever."

Kazuo gave a sympathetic smile after hearing Koike's story. "I'm a simple farm boy, so I'm not too knowledgeable on how all these fancy clans and politics work. Kazuo shook his bottle, still a bit left. He slid it over to Koike. "My spitefire...well, her name is Mai. Mai always used to tell me to never say never. Used to say that things never planned for can sometimes turn out to be the best things." Kazuo gave a shrug. "I'm not really the type to rely on hope and optimism much, usually logic...working hard. But it is true you never know what the future may hold. Maybe that's something important to keep in mind when thinking about her...or anyone else that may come up." Kazuo ran a hand through his blue hair. "Maybe that's important for both of us to keep in mind." He mumbled the last bit.

"Yeah...." Koike mumbled back. He thought about those words. Perhaps he was just being too skeptical about it? With the bottle of Kazuo slide over, Koike's fingers wrapped around the glass. "I know it is probably a bit too soon. And well, I'm not your friend, yet I hope..." Saying the last few words with an almost nervous chucke, Koike raised the bottle. "But I'm glad to have you on the team Kazuo. I think it is good... these talks." Emptying the bottle, he placed it down on the bar. "Now, how about we take one more? For.. them? Something good, my treat."

"Agreed. These talks are good...rather needed. If we aren't at the point of being friends then I hope we can get there soon." Kazuo gave a genuine smile. He then gave a chuckle. "One more then...for them...my treat though."

Meeting with Momo,
Collab between Shadowy and Gerontis,

Summary :
Koike has a meeting with Momo. (Shadow clone ftw!)

Apparently Koike doesn't like magic.
He and Momo meet for the first time!
A collaboration between Gero and Shadow

Dressed in his more casual garb, Koike scratched his cheek as he walked towards the meeting place. Ever since he was assigned to lead a team, he had noticed an increase in his 'social' activities. Which meant less time to study and develop techniques, which was bothering him slightly. He wasn't even sure how much time he was lost due trivial meetings, but this one would be slight different. If the other would arrive, then he would learn who else was on his team. Having read the profile, he couldn't learn a lit from just a sheet of paper. Arriving at the restaurant, he would wait outside for the other to arrive before heading inside.

A few meters down the road, Momo stood peeking around a building and studying the person she was supposed to be meeting today. She didn't consider it as spying, just doing it for fun mostly. Frowning as she felt a bump against her leg, she looked down to see Lee had followed her. Just like she had instructed him not to do. "Go away." she said, nudging him with her foot.

"That skirt is way too short. Who are you trying to impress, him?" the cat said in a bored tone as he was also looking at the guy. Pouting, Momo sighed. "It's not that short! You just have a different viewing angle." she said, moving from around the building and starting to walk towards the place the two were to be meeting. Lee pranced behind her and she stopped, turning and glaring down at him. "I don't need you 'ta follow me! Get lost or ya wont be getting any more tuna from me."

"Someone's touchy." the cat said, mocking a hurt voice. "Fine. I'm not going back to your place though. Ayama's getting on my nerves." he said with a sigh before turning and pracing away, tail pointed straight up.

Rolling her eyes, Momo continued walking down the road, nervously pulling her skirt down as she did. Is it really too short? she wondered, straightening her pink shirt as she tried not to worry too much about it. Hopefully this wouldn't be an interview. She always sucked at those.

When she finally reached the place they said they were meeting, she walked right up to the only obvious guy waiting and gave a smile. "Hey there. Sorry I'm late. I didn't keep y waiting long, did I?"

Glancing sideways, he had noticed some movement, but hadn't pay too much attention to it. Turning more around, he nodded to the girl. "No, not really. Momo Hana, correct?" Koike calmly asked as he raised his right hand out of his pocket and stretched it towards her. "Koike Hon."

"Yeah, I'm Momo." she confirmed, reaching her hand out and shaking his as he introduced himself. "Nice 'ta meet'cha!" she said, grinning. Tilting her head and looking behind him, she noticed they were standing in front of the local BBQ place. "Ah, so you were hungry I take it?" she asked. "I love this place..."

"Hm?" Glancing at the restaurant, he shrugged lightly. "I figured it worked better with my schedule. That and I don't really see the need to have a meeting and do something as test you out." Half turning around, Koike waited for a second. "So, how long have you been a chuunin by now?" Koike asked, already having prepared some questions he wanted to ask.

Thinking for a moment and counting the months in her head, Momo spoke after a bit of a pause. "Hmm, about six months or so. However, I haven't actually been making myself useful for the past four due 'ta some family troubles. I guess that technically makes it two months actually working as a chuunin." she answered truthfully, shrugging as she said it. Stepping around him, she would push open the door and go inside, holding it open for him as well as waiting for a response.

Making a mental note of that, he nodded as he mumbled a thanks as she held the door open for him. Entering the restaurant, Koike threw a glance around and was glad that it wasn't that occupied. Waiting for Momo, Koike waited before he would shoot another question in her direction. Arranging a table for two, he would wait until she sat before he would take a place. She took the seat on the left. "So, what about your fighting style? I can remember that there stood you're proficient with weapons?" He politely asked, knowing more than he let on to. But it was more interesting to hear it from the person. Momo didn't think it was too odd that he'd know about her, but she shifted in her seat. "Yes, I prefer fighting with weapons. All different kinds, and I love learning 'ta use new weapons whenever I can. My other skills, taijutsu and ninjutsu are average. Genjutsu is... not an option for me really. I suck at it. "

Running a hand through her hair, she tried not to look too ashamed that she wasn't more well rounded, but she couldn't help it. She knew her strengths and weaknesses and there was honestly little she could change about the weaknesses. It was just who she was and she always convinced herself that it didn't mean she was any less of a shinobi than anyone else. Hopefully he thinks so. she thought, poking her chopsticks with her finger.

Making another mental note of it, Koike occassionaly nodded as he leaned a bit back. He was at least glad that he didn't have to mentor any genin. Chuunin were hopefully a bit more mature and independent. While he could attempt to help his 'team members' with a field or two, he wasn't planning to be their mentor. "And what kind of weapons might be your favorite then?" He asked, noticing the waiter approaching their table. Ordering a glass of sake for himself he would patiently

"Anything that explodes!" she said making a fist and grinning. "If I had 'ta pick one then... I'd say the exploding spheres." she said crossing her arms and nodding. Those things were the best weapons ever created in her opinion.

For a moment surprised, Koike briefly flashed a polite smile. "I see." He was wondering how Katsu would think about that, but decided that he wouldn't start talking about his friend. That and it wasn't the intent of their meeting. Folding his hands together on the table, he thought about his next question. "And perhaps anything else than weapons? Is there a field where you use some skills or techniques from?" Taking a moment to properly phrase her words, Momo thought about the question, not answering right away. She figured being completely honest was the best thing to do here.. "Ah... well, the few ninjutsu that I have and can use all involve the use of weaponry. I am most confident using my tools because... well, they are reliable. I noticed in myself as a ninja that, my skills in certain areas were lacking. As a result I focused, in some cases, only on using my weapons and now, I'm good at it. I don't see a reason 'ta try 'ta change that by working to get better in other fields. I'd much rather focus on perfecting what I can do with my tools. " she paused as she realized she was rambling. Raising her eyebrow, she smiled. "Did I, even answer the question right?"

"Is there a wrong answer to it then?" He politely asked back. With the waiter bringing back their drinks, his right eyebrow perked up for a moment. "So you rather focus on the field of weaponry?" He asked. Remembering that he would also start to make schedules for taijutsu and stamina trainings, Koike took a sip of his drink.

"I wouldn't know if there was a wrong answer I suppose. It depends on what kind of answer you were looking for. And..." she paused. "Yes, I like 'ta focus on my strengths and accept my weaknesses. I guess I just figure if I haven't been any good at anything else by this point, I probably don't have a talent for it." Momo looked at her glass of water for a moment, reaching out and slowly gathering some water from the side of the glass with her finger. She stared at it for a moment before popping the finger in her mouth and looking back at Koike, waiting for a response.

Lowering his glass, Koike shook his head lightly. "I don't think that there is a wrong answer. I can look these things up on your profile, but that isn't with the opinion and persona evaluation. Which can differ largely from what is been written on some paper sheet." He replied. Thinking briefly about her answer, he made a short gesture with his left hand. "I do have to say that there will be scheduled trainings. For stamina, tactical insight and taijutsu. No expectations will be allowed, unless a superior has another plan."

"Aaaand.... explosions?" she asked, looking at him curiously. "I'm allowed 'ta blow things up while... running laps, right?" she said. Her tone was joking, though if he shrugged or said it was okay, then that meant she was totally going to enjoy her time. Reaching for her glass of water, she raised it up and brought it to her lips. "What else does it say on my profile?" she asked before taking a sip, wondering how personal those things got with people.

"In your own time, I suppose I can't stop that. I value discipline and order quite." Koike replied as he then thought about her question. Staying silent for a second he lightly shrugged. "Most of what you told me is on your profile. Other with the usual information. Can say that it isn't a real worry as there isn't any sensetive information being revealed." He answered, taking a sip of his drink. Momo sighed at that, lowering her glass and looking away for a moment. "Well, is there anything else you'd like 'ta know or, do we get 'ta get some food?" she said, the distant look in her eyes vanishing in an instant at the thought of food.

"That's fine with me. I heard that the pork here is good. Ever ate it before?" He casually asked as he looked around. Making the content in his glass swirl lightly around, Koike placed his other arm at the arm of the chair. Pondering slightly on how the team would operate with two of the four crazy on explosions, Koike was growing slightly worried. "Actually, I dont get 'ta eat meat too often. I got a cat that doesn't like 'ta see me eat it and I dont go out much." she said, though she agreed they should get the pork. Once the two ordered the food, Momo asked for some hot tea and the waiter came and went. Pulling down the edges of her skirt, Momo pouted as her leg seemed to be stuck to the chair from her body heat. Ignoring it and trying not to fidget, she prayed there wouldn't be red marks on her thighs when she stood up.

"Do I get 'ta ask anything about you or is this a one sided interrorgation?" she asked, reaching up and scratching her head.

"Ah, I understand." It was the complete opposite with him. With an animal as direwolf, it was unlikely that there wouldn't be a day without meat on the menu. "And yes, you may ask questions back." Nodding, Koike raised the glass to his lips as he was wondering what she wanted to ask him. Though he wasn't that eager, it was fair enough if she would learn a thing or two about him. Nodding, Momo leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms comfortably. "How long have you been a squad leader?" she asked him.

"I've been leading several times a squad for a mission. If you mean full time?" He paused for a moment. "First time." Taking a last sip of his glass, Koike placed it on the table and remained silent. Already suspecting another question to follow up.

"Oh, guess that explains the thing in your hair. How long has that been there?" she asked, tilting her head to the side and raising a brow. Frowning, Koike's eyes moved his gaze up as he wondered what she meant with that. "Thing in my hair?" He repeated, wondering briefly if she was joking with him or that due to some occurrance he had now something in his hair. Smiling, she uncrossed her arms and sat forward, gesturing with her hand for him to lean towards her. "Let me help ya get it." she said, reaching her hand out.

Still frowning as he wasn't sure if it was or wasn't a joke, he leaned a bit forward. Placing his right elbow on the table, his gaze remained up. "And what is in my hair then?" He asked again, growing more suspicious with each passing moment. She bit her lip to hold back a giggle as she reached out towards his head. Her fingers brushed against his hair close to his ear, and her blue eyes met his gray ones. A light sound would be heard a moment later. "Oh, would ya look at that." she said, leaning back and showing him her hand, revealing a shuriken. She grinned at him and leaned back, twirling the thing around her finger. "I call it... magic." she said, though she was surprised how oddly soft his hair was...

Leaning back, Koike let out a sight sigh as a polite smile found its way to his lips. "You do?" He wasn't so sure what to think of the 'magic' trick. "Have to admit that it was a first one, but is it something you do often? Pulling shuriken behind from people's ears?" He asked, raising his left eyebrow slightly.

"Of course. A girl's gotta have a hobby, and I have a lot more tricks up my sleeve." she said, rolling her eyes and looking at him with a playful smirk. "But that was me just testing you. 'Ta see if ya got a sense of humor or if ya all uptight." she added. Placing the shuriken down on the table, she said, "And you... seem kinda uptight. You must be the serious type." Momo looked at him and rested her chin on her open palm. "What do you do for fun?"

His facial expression remaining calm, Koike's eyebrows lowered as she stated that he seemed 'kinda uptight'. And he was personally not even disagreeing with her. "That is because I see this as a formal meeting. Thus on duty, yes I'm... kinda uptight." He said the last two words with some emphasis. "As what I do for fun? Not a lot. Uptight people are uptight for a reason, no?"

"Right, sorry. A formal meeting in a barbecue place. I can't believe I missed the obvious signs." she said sounding sarcastic but pleasently so. She was by no means irritated and dismissed the odd tone he had. It was better for him to see the goofy side of her now rather than be surprised about it later. "I'll get back 'ta the topic at hand then. What's your goal for the new squad? What're we gonna be doing? Regular missions and such?"

"Next time I'll try to make it more clear then." He said, a hint of amusement ringing through his tone. As she asked what the goal was of the new squad, Koike lightly shrugged. "Regular missions most likely. I don't think we're ready for any specialized higher ranked missions. If you lot perhaps manage to impress the right people, who knows?"

"Fair enough.. though you only answered half of the question." she said. Momo was interrupted as the food was brought to the table. The sides were placed next to the grill that she turned on and started plalacing the pork on it. The waiter refilled Koike's glass of water and left after a moment. Tossing a bit of hair over her shoulder, she asked him again. "What're your goals for the team?"

Glancing at the glass that got refilled with water, Koike thought about it. "Making it work. I don't see what other goals I can have with the team." He said, his eyes moving up as his gaze met hers. "I could say stuff as that I see us all raise to become jounins and such melodramatic wishes, but if it works as it should, then I'm content." He politely told her. Raising his glass for a moment, he asked her a question back. "And what about your personal goals?"

"I want 'ta be a teacher one day." she said with no hesitation. A smile spread on her face then and she looked away from his gaze. "Like my mother was... like my dad is. That is my personal goal." she said. Looking back at him after a moment she added, "I hope that being on this team will... help me learn more. I want more experiences and stories I can tell and use in lectures."

"Hmm." Taking a sip of his water, he let out a soft sigh. "It isn't a bad goal, I'll have to admit that." Friendly, for the first time in the conversation. "If everything follows as I suspect and no... complications arise, then I suppose that you'll be achieving that." Though he hoped that she would, he knew better. Complications were always happening when one wasn't expecting or ready for them.

"I hope things go well for us then. I don't have a plan B so... I suppose I'll have 'ta get past the complications." Looking down at her tea cup and circling the rim with her finger, she bit her lip as she felt a feeling creep up on her. It was doubt. Momo wasn't stupid and she knew that there were always unexpected things happening. Looping her finger in the handle of the cup, she lifted it and extended it out towards Koike. "Let's toast 'ta success in the team." she said, managing a small smile.

"Makes two of us." He stated after her. Raising his glass of water to tick it gently against her, Koike nodded. "On success." Taking a sip, he was actually doubtful if it would go that well. But that was probably just his own skeptical thoughts about it all. In his opinion, it would all have been well if the team was lead by somebody such as Aiko than him. Momo on the other hand was determined to keep the mood upbeat, and so, after taking a long sip of her tea, she looked to Koike and raised a brow. "Wan'ta talk about weapons?" she asked him, the excitement in her tone was unmistakable, even if she weren't smiling like a girl who'd just gotten a piece of candy. Reaching forward with her chopsticks, she flipped the pieces of pork that were grilling so they could cook on the opposite side.

Picking up his sticks, he would flips a few pieces as well. "I wouldn't mind it." He replied, having however noticed her excitement. "Though I've to say that I prefer more... subtle approaches. Explosions have their purpose, but if I've to pick a favorite weapon I would go for anything that has an edge. Preferably swords." He told her, putting down his sticks and raising the glass to his lips.

Momo nodded, expecting as much. "Swords probably would have been my first guess for weapons you liked." she paused and picked up one of the veggies that sat in a seperate bowl. Looking at it for a moment, she turned it around with her chopsticks. "Swords are great, I agree. A lot of uses and an entire seperate fighting style for those who specialize in using them. " Popping the veggie in her mouth, she would look thoughtful as she chewed and didn't speak again until she finished chewing. "I think swords and unique... hardly worthy 'ta be called tools really. They're different 'ta use. More like an extension of your body is how I see it. I was never good at handling them." Fishing through the bowl of veggies again, she picked out a piece of raddish and nibbled on it as she waited for a response.

"Oh? How so?" He asked, wondering how it came that it was her first guess. Though it wasn't that surprising as most went for katana's and such weaponry. Listening to her, he would take another sip of his drink and continue to listen as he would eat a few vegetables. Mostly tomato's, not clearly fond of most vegetables. As Momo finished, Koike nodded once. "I kind of agree, though it is more sentimental for me. Though they are nice weapons." He said. "Though what kind fighting style do you prefer with a sword?"

Tapping her chopsticks against her mouth as she thought, Momo was curious about something herself. "Hm, I suppose I prefer 'ta have them attached to wire and control them from a distance. I also prefer 'ta let others who are more handy with them fight up close, rather than me. That is how I always fight." she paused, having something to ask herself, but held off on it as she didn't want to suddenly change the subject on him.

"Kinda nifty," he replied back after clearing his mouth, "I always found it bothersome to face off against somebody who would keep their distance and attempt to land strikes from it while I'm more orientated at close ranged combat." Koike picked up another small piece of tomato as he continued. "But do you deploy all your weapons with wire to fight at a distance?" Frowning at the last question, Momo wondered if it was even possible to get wire on all her weapons. Seemed like a horribly long task. "Ah... cant say I do. Some weapons don't make sense 'ta attach a wire. Plus I would need a lot of wire." Placing her chopsticks down, Momo wrapped her warm tea cup in both hands. "If I were to put wire on everything, it would affect my aim." she said, pausing as she thought about how to explain. "My aim is perfect because it has 'ta be. I know that I'll only get one shot with every weapon I have. That one shot could mean life or death, ya know? If I were 'ta attach a wire 'ta everything, what incentive do I have 'ta keep my aim perfect? I would think I had a second and third chance 'ta make a shot... and that is never the case."

Checking carefully with the use of his chopsticks to see if the pork was ready, Koike paid attention to what she told him. "Possibly. Though there is something like chakra threads. Not that I've seen people using them before in the same manner as wire, but it is a possible solution if you don't want to use too much wire." He responded back. "And that is sadly true," putting down the sticks, he snorted almost, "I've yet to see somebody standing still so that his or her opponent has a third chance to impale or cut them down."

"My point exactly." she said, smirking a little. "Never thought of using chakra threads myself... might be more useful with larger weapons, though I don't use anything I cant handle well at the moment." she paused as her eyes left his face and looked at the grill. "Oh, I think these are done." she told him, lifting a plate and picking off a few pieces of pork. Bringing one piece to her face, she started to blow on it in fear of burning and or embarassing herself.

"Seems valid. On if you can't handle it then don't use it." He thought of some people who were the opposite, but didn't decide on starting about others. It wasn't like he wasn't that interested on discussing about it at all. "Hm?" Glancing at the pieces, Koike picked one up, but instead of blowing it, he would wait.

"Bon apetit."

[fieldbox="Fun and Training?, wheat"]
Koike Hon,
Spt. Jounin | Team 6

Two weeks and one days ago.

Fancy a swim?
A collab between Hawke and Gerontis.

Summary :
Koike shows Korina a bit around as the two get to know each other better.

Briefly checking himself, Koike frowned. Staring at the scar on his face, the corner of his lips moved down. As he checked that he wouldn't be looking in any kind of way to embarrass himself, which made him only feel more uncomfortable, Koike would walk out of his appartment. Not that he was dressed in another way than usual, he thought of what he would be doing today. Other than what he would like to do, such as researching or studying further, he was on his way to the meeting point. Telling himself that duty came first, Koike pocket his hands as he briefly thought about what he was going to do today. After he had spend yesterday evening pondering on how to approach today, he had came to realization that he had what so ever no clue about nomads and their life-style. Other than that they.. were nomads. Arriving at the town plaza where he would meet the other, Koike briefly threw a long stare at the nearby fountain. Pondering on how to proceed.

Korina sat on the fountain, the meeting place Kiyomi had shown her the day before. She had forgone her regular attire since she hadn't received her new uniform yet, so she borrowed a few pieces from one of the younger ANBU operatives: loose but fitting pants, mesh shirt with a upper tank top on top of it, sensible shoes, and left her hair down. Her eyes scanned over the crowds even as she ate at her chocolate chip ice cream. While she wasn't very used to the village yet, she was able to find the scarred young man quite easily. She chuckled to herself and waved him over before she stood to meet him halfway, "Y'know...a girl can get real sad when the guy she's meeting looks like he's going to his own execution." She opened up with a gentle smile. She was unsure if she was understood, as she found that almost everyone told her that it was obvious she was from Cloud Country. "My name is Korina Kusanagi. Are you the Hon guy?"

"Oh.." Blinking once, Koike wasn't sure how to react. "Yes, my name is Koike Hon." He tried to think of the rules and such as he had been wondering on how to respond to her. All he could think of was a bow. Which he did, trying to composure, he straightened his back as he thought on how to speak. It was plain frustrating as he was reminded by his frustration why he rather wasn't that much active with the other 'noble' born clans and their members. "I-" Clearing his throat, Koike gestured as he continued. "Would you mind a small tour? Unless..you already had one. M'lady." Mentally cringing by the way how he spoke, he reminded himself that it was his duty now.

Korina continued to eat her ice cream as she watched the young man bow and what not. She hummed in thought then poked his shoulder quickly, "Don't bow to me. I am just a glorified body guard as far as I know. We aren't exactly one of your village's silly noble clans." Kiyomi had warned her that the guy probably wouldn't talk much, but she had been surprised by the honorary status that Kiyomi had given them. Of course, she understood that it made sense in a political mumbo-jumbo way. No one could bitch about the new clan in town--and Kiyomi's new army--if they were awarded noble status due to their military and domesticated security uses. "Now, can you show me what's around here? I'm kind of hungry, and the Empress ditched me to talk to the old guys."

For a moment he was again surprised, but a genuine small smile found its way to his lips. Nodding as he understood it, he personally preffered to not bow and drop the whole 'manner'. Pocket his hands again, he half turned around as he thought about what he could show her. Of Konohagakure. "To be honest, glad so." He said in a more calm fashion, more casuall. "I'm honestly not that fan of most." Briefly he was intrigued in to hear about her function in her clan as he had been mildly suspected that she was some higher up. "If you want, we could go to the nearby dango shop and euuhmm..." Trying to think of a place, Koike realized that studying all days wasn't perhaps that great. He couldn't think of a lot of places right away. "Well, what would you find interesting?"

"What's a 'dango'?" The word was foreign to the girl, so for all she knew, it could have been anything. She smiled when he relaxed, and she felt her own body relax in reflex. Her little plan had worked, maybe she could make her second friend in the village? Kinda? "What do you do?" Korina asked as she finished off her ice cream.

The question threw him off as he threw a surprised look in her direction, again, wondering for a moment how to reply. It was probably due Aiko's doing that he knew exactly what a dango was, but how to explain it? Looking up in a frustrated expression, Koike thought about it quickly. "It is ...a baked kind of doughball." Pausing, he wondered how else to explain it. "It is usually sweet, but with sauce it can get some other tastes." Hearing her second question, he shrugged lightly. "Not much, am a shinobi. And what about you? A bodyguard of just your clan leader?"

His frustration troubled her a little bit, as she hoped that she wasn't the one causing it, "Well, that sounds tasty. Let's go get some then." Korina offered. The chunin rubbed her chin, "No, I am also the bodyguard of Empress Kiyomi. Then I will be overseeing the security forces of the Empire." She shrugged then shoved her hands into her pockets.

"So I should call you as m'lady?" He responded, trying to make it sound as a joke. Getting the feeling that it was probably coming over as anything but a joke, he tried to smile. "Is there... well, anything you like to do?" Already he had thought of several places. But the Merchant District behind the inner wall wasn't that overly spectulair. Nor was showing her the Will of Fire monument, which he had never given any attention. That and it was in a cemetry... Not really a place he visited with others.

"Heh, now you're just trying to get laid." She responded with a small laugh. She titlted her head in thought, what DID she like to do? "I uh...like to train, walk in forests or near rivers, I like to camp. Um...did I say train already? I like to eat." She tried to wrack her mind for other "likes".

"Heh, I--" His eyes widened in shock as he managed to progress her answer. Looking back in front of him, he tried to keep his calm composure. Something he had been training his ass off. But at the moment he couldn't even look back as he felt his head turning red by the first answer. Swallowing, he felt quite uncomfortable as he briefly didn't know how to reply back. Perhaps a compliment? Aiko-sama liked compliments! "Well eehh... you got a nice laugh." He managed to say, sounding quite nervous. "That was.. a good reply, likely...."

The young man's nervousness was, admittedly, adorable. His entire face was red and she couldn't help the full laugh that erupted from her. "It's ok. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable...it may happen again, so fair warning." She shrugged her left shoulder unapologetically. "You're pretty cute, so it's bound to happen again. So where's the dango place?"

Trying to flash an apologetic smile back, Koike was about to reply back. Only to shut down again as she gave him a compliment. Closing his mouth, he tried to focus on what was important. It would be a grave failure if he couldn't even hold himself in a casual conversation as this one. "Thanks." He managed to utter back as he then pointed to a shop at the corner. "Any flavour you like?" He decided to ask, trying to steer the conversation back to the dangoes.

"I've never had it before, so I'm not sure as to what they will taste like..." The young woman said with a bit of a frown. She ran her fingers through her hair then shoved her hands back into her pockets. "It's a nice place though. Quaint."

Opening the door, Koike would keep it open for her. "Yeah..." Not really that thrilled, he thought of another place for a moment. "Have you travelled a lot? I mean, seeing you're.. you know." Trying to keep the conversation going, he wasn't really sure if he could just flat out call her a nomad. Perhaps there was some way to it as he wondered if it came over insulting. "Sorry, I don't meet much nomads." Scratching his neck, he let out a soft sigh.

Walking through the door, she thanked him and looked around, "I...have. Outside of the usual, I've traveled to a lot of places within Cloud." She told him. She cracked her neck a little, then gave her knuckles the same treatment. Her eyebrow twitched a bit as she looked over at him with narrowed eyes. Since she'd gotten there, quite of few of the Uchihas and Hyuugas had taken to calling her "Nomad". As if it were a slur. She decided that she wouldn't bite off Koike's head though, since he had said it without the contempt the other asses had. "Well, nomadic culture is very diverse, with varying degrees of nomads and nomadic people. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have." She said to him before someone shoulder checked her roughly. She grunted, but kept her balance in the face of a tall man with blank white eyes.

"Watch yourself, Nomadic Dog."

"You watch yourself, Bitch Bat."

Feeling a bit guilty, he wanted to say that he could relate to her about that. For a moment looking at the guy, Koike's right hand went to where his kunai pouch would be. Mentally cursing that he didn't had it, he cleared his throat. "Bugger off." Staring back at the slight taller man, Koike's right eyebrow perked up as he would step forward. A slight sensation went down his left arm, but he clenched his left hand into a fist. "Would be annoying if you would later need to shit out your teeth."

Long used to fighting her own battles, Korina's bristled when Koike stepped forward. She bit her tongue though and glared up at the Hyuuga instead. The man didn't take the hint though, she tapped her shoulder. Almost immediately, Korina's fist struck the Hyuuga's face and sent him into more than a few tables. She growled in irritation when she couldn't move her arm, "You twit...what did you do to me?!"

"Stay still." Koike tried to politely instruct. Tapping her shoulder, he briefly glanced at the Hyuuga. "Good punch." He mumbled, deciding to try something that he had tried before. Tapping her shoulder again, he carefully reversed the process that was the cause of the sensation. Instead of leeching chakra, it would hopefully slip in some chakra into the node that had been closed. "Euuh..." With the Hyuuga dazed and clearly not being a threat anymore, Koike raised his right hand to point at the door. "If you want, we can go to another place? Else... Wait," Cursing his current behavior, he pulled out his wallet. "How about I buy us some dangoes and we eat them somewhere else?"

She slowly twitched each finger one at a time, as she tried to get the numbness out her hand. Then she clenched and unclenched her hand. Then she looked at the young man and glared at him, "I don't need you to stand up for me. These prissy jerk offs want to call me a dog? Then fine. I'll keep biting until they learn to respect the dog."

For a moment he looked a bit surprised back, but he couldn't help but to want to compliment her. "Well," he started with feeling somehow even more relaxed, "if it helps I've been called dog all my life... Know what? Let's eat there." Gesturing to the table, he took a few steps back. "Want something to drink?" He asked, already half turning to order their lunch.

Surprised that Koike hadn't barked back, she blinked in confusion as she sat down. "I...well...if that's what you have had to deal with...more punches are required." She tried to smile in apology, but made sure to kick the idiot Hyuuga as she walked past him to go sit down, "Tea is fine for me. Thank you."

A few moments he would come back with a plate. Placing it on the table, he sighed and looked a tad amused. "Okay, back on what you just said," he began as he would place her tea in front of her, "I doubt that more punches will work. I mean, they are.... not going to listen anyways. Fighting back will only lead that they value themselves only better."

The girl raised an eyebrow at the plate, then picked up a skewer to nibble at it. "Ugh...lot of good that will do. They need to understand that they aren't the only ones that live here. They will learn to respect me and my clan enough to give us space." She grunted in irritation. "We Kusanagis refuse to bow and cower to the unworthy."

Picking up his water, Koike frowned. "Believe me, it won't work that well. All you will get is more hostility," he sounded for a moment frustrated though it seemed to be more directed towards the subject, "cause then they will try you out again and keep doing so. Beside that, why would you give them any attention if you're better than them?" He suggested.

"I get stronger. They keep coming at me, I'll learn more and more about them, their weaknesses. And everytime, no matter what they do, I'll put them through the table, the walls, the ground. Whatever I can. Now that I know these Milk Eyes can affect my chakra, guess what I'll do? I'm going to find a way to restore it." She proclaimed fiercely. She wasn't going to stand down, not unless Kiyomi told her to.

Hearing Korina's reply, Koike was about to take another sip of his water. Hearing her nickname for the Hyuuga, he briefly seemed to choke in his drink. Coughing, he raised his left hand in front of his mouth as he looked away, briefly cursing. "Wolves.." A small smile cracked on his lips as he held back a chuckle while he tried to regain his composure. "But what is wrong with hounds? I think it fits you well." He said, his tone friendly.

"There is nothing wrong with hounds in anyway. Though not quite a dog, I utilize hyenas for a summon. " She grunted as she ate another dango. "I'm proud to be a dog. But what they don't understand, is that I'm no mutt. I am the Empress' Dog. Her beta in this pack of power hungry politcal pack. They will fear me, for only the Empress herself can stay my bite." She growled.

For a moment Koike was quite surprised. His eyes retreated lower as he thought about her words for a moment. Then he chuckled. "Heh, I start to like you. Though," he leaned back in his seat. "my advice is to not pay attention to them. Those who do are on their level. I know that some clans that are being nicked as dogs or worse often have a more wealth and power than th..." He thought back to what she called them. "Milk Eyes... I got to remember that one. How are the dangoes?" Noticing that he was starting to get more relaxed, he emptied his water with a tug.

"Pretty tasty...though I must say that it seems to be an acquired taste." She told him with a wide smile. However, she huffed in disagreement, "Ignoring them only goes so far...so we will need to agree to disagree." She said as she finished her tea. Once that was done, she scatched her chin idly, "Anything else you can tell me about the Milk Eyes and the Ladybugs?"

"That if you will ever call one of them like that, that they will likely get pissed off good." Koike replied amused. "Other than that, I don't... dislike them all. Some are nice." He briefly thought of Masami and Katsu. Scratching his right arm, Koike shrugged lightly. "Beside that they are quite proud. I've been called dog before by them, so I think that they dislike my clan too. But haven't honestly seen anybody of my clan care about them." Noticing that there was one skewer over, Koike shoved the plate towards her. "You can have mine if you want, not that hungry."

Korina shook her head, ""Bah. We'll see. You can have the last one." She pushed the plate towards him then stood up. "This was fun. Wanna spar?" She asked him with a rougish smirk.

"Spar?" He got up as he was trying to find a reasonable excuse to avoid it. Koike didn't really like the idea of a spar, let alone be smacked in the face as that Hyuuga had been. "Eeuhm, just know that I'm not that great." He replied further back as he would walk to the door and hold it open for her. "I know something." Koike would begin as an idea hit him. "How about we spar for a bit and then go for a swim? Where we shouldn't be?" Quite amused with the idea, he would pocket his hands again.

Korina tilted her head a little bit then shrugged. "Well...we could meditate instead of spar? I don't want to accidentally hurt you or you hurt me before I even start learning about my duties." She gives him a wink, "It is a nice day to find a spot in the forests and just...think or talk. Besides it is about time for my daily meditations anyway. Then we can go swimming after it?" She thanked him for the door then walked through it.

Meditation? "I never tried that." He replied, thinking about it. Why did he never try it? As she gave him a wink with a further reply, Koike's eyes widen a bit as he averted his gaze. "I didn't mean like.. that. But seeing that you seem so bound on y'know..." Making a gesture as they walked, Koike tried to find the right words. It was rather hard to find them after getting certain thoughts. "You said earlier you want to prove that you're not below them. And seeing I already once pulled one on them, I was thinking about sneaking in. And take a swim at one of their pools. Ought to be some if they are so rich."

Her eyes widened in excitement at his suggestion."You are a freakin genius! Yes, we should totally go and swim in their pool." She grinned then grabbed his hand to pull him towards the gates. "Come in!"

[color=wheat"]Heh- W-Wait!"[/color] As she started to drag him, Koike tried to pull back. "We can't just waltz inside. Perhaps we should... climb over the walls instead of just walking inside and where they can see us first." Koike tried to reason, feeling quite good for being called a genius. Though he wondered if the suggestion came due he wanted some fun like that or..

She stopped and looked at him in confusion between looking between him and the gate to the village. "Isn't this the way to the forest?" Which resulted in Koike to blink twice, in a rapid fashion. "Oh, yes, yes it is. Sorry, heh." He replied, a bit timid as he realized his mistake. As they would continue, Koike decided to ask her a question. "How... does meditation works? Just... sitting and.. doing what?"

Korina continued to pull him once he responded in the affirmative. She pondered on his question then answered, "You think about your life, your wants and decisions. Or just think in nature and let everything else go. You find your moment of inner peace, and try to turn it into a moment of true peace." She tried to explain it, but she felt as though she were doing a less than stellar job of it.

Think about life? Wants? Koike wasn't insecure about reflecting about that. But about his decisions? He became slightly more nervous as they headed into the forest. "I... I think I'll need some help with that. First time, eh." He paused briefly. "Not ever give it much thought. Is it something you often do?" Koike asked, hoping to figure out a way on how he could 'meditate'.

The young woman smiled when they hit the first trees of the forest. She was truly happy in the arms of the Harvest Mother, no matter where she may have been, "No one knows how to meditate. We must be taught. As for me...I meditate every night. I reflect on my day and make peace with whatever decisions I have made. The choices have been made, there is nothing I can do to change them...even if I could, should I? It could change everything I know about life. No...regrets are something I strive to eliminate." She drags him along until they hit a small river. Korina sat near the tree line on a whittled down stump. "Sit in the grass and close your eyes. Listen to the water, we will use it as a conduit for your self reflection."

Swallowing, Koike remembered briefly his experience on the Isle of Barren. Though he sat down, crossing his legs and trying to keep his composure, he felt as every moment he would be confronted with the past in such a manner again. "Okay... and now?" He asked, listening to the water. While he usually was good in listening and catching things with his senses, his nerves started to play with him.

Korina watched him quietly as he sat down. She stood up and gently laid a hand on his shoulder, "Don't tense. Just listen. That is all. Focus on the water, only the water. The Cloud native laid both of her hands on his shoulders as she tried to be there. She didn't know why she wanted to but, she had a gut feeling that he needed someone to hold on to. "I'm right here. I've got you. Just focus on the water."

Though he wanted to mutter that it wasn't working as he didn't have a book to lose his mind in, he focused on what she said. Trying to get lost in the sounds, he started to relax a bit. Slowly hearing the 'nibbling' sound of the river behind him, Koike focused further on her voice. "Mhm... and?" He asked, kinda expecting to receive some 'divine' answer or stuff that would seem sur-real to him.

Korina smile a bit when she felt him relax, "Now...just lose yourself. Let the sounds around you wash over you, but keep focusing on the river. Feel the stillness, feel the birds nesting in the tree behind us. Feel the vixen across the river that is giving birth to her kits. This is peace. There is no conflict, no battle to be fought, no decision to be made. This is true peace, your goal is to achieve this same stillness."

His distrust almost played up, suspecting her to pull a prank on him. But as he kept listening to the sounds, he remembered the training he had done with Aiko to get better in the art of Silent Killing. Focusing on the sounds, he started to identify them one by one. The soft breeze that passed, the river behind him and her breathing. While it was at first terrifying to 'lose' himself, he started to slowly embrace it.

Korina watched over him silently before she sat down behind him and met his back with her own. She mirrored his sitting position then closed her eyes. The intent was clear: she was there if he needed or wanted her, but she wasn't leaving him alone. As she meditated, she felt energy crawling along her torso and arms.

Focusing on the sounds, he noticed a slight change. Though it disturbed his focus, he kept hearing her breathing. Slowly the tension started to drift off. The pain, sorrow and guilt started to drift away. Names started to be pushed back as he felt how 'peace' started to take over. At least, it felt like that. Founding some comfort with her back against his, Koike didn't try to worry himself with what tomorrow would bring. It was still there, the worry, but it was further away at the moment than he ever had experienced.

Noticing the slight change in the tenseness of his back, Korina remained where she was. The energy kept flowing into her sealed arm, just as her own memories of the day flowed through her mind. From the Empress' welcoming smile to the sheepish grin of the owner of her current attire, the contempt of the Milky Eyes and Ladybugs, and the fierce protectiveness of her new owner...and finally to the confused smile of the young man at her back...She felt that she was exactly where she needed to be. She would find a place here, amongst the strange faces and smiling lies, her purpose was to be found here. She was at complete peace with herself, and that was worth every tear she'd shed on the way to the Empire.

After some silence, Koike half opened his eyes. Feeling still calm, he raised his head a bit. "That... was... new." He softly said. Still focusing on the surroundings, he felt more at ease. Realizing that he didn't have his 'mental wall', he wondered if he was needing this all that time. Making a mental note of it, he would still sit still. "Thanks.."

It took a few seconds for Korina to respond, "It was my pleasure. How do you feel?" She asked. Her eyes were still closed and her breath was still even as she continued her own meditation. After another minute or two, her eyes opened slowly and her breathing returned to normal.

"Odd." He said, not sure how to express it in words. "I... I've made some bad decisions." Pausing, Koike was wondering where the hell that came from. He frowned slightly, but he didn't grow tense again. "It is certainly calming. I think.. I will do this more often." Koike became silent again, pondering on a decision. "This might seem odd, but... would you mind to keep teaching me this?"

"And I have killed. It doesn't matter now...I took fathers and mothers away from their kids, and you have made decisions you regret...at the end of the day...they will still be dead and you will still have the knowledge of your deeds. Feel remorse...not regret." Her tone was gentle and understanding. She didn't want him to feel as though she were admonishing him or looking down on him. She identified with that tone in his voice. "I would be more than happy to teach you more. Would you like to meet here in the evenings?"

Remorse. That was perhaps better than guilt and regret, but he couldn't yet shake it off. It still felt like he should pay for what he could've avoided. But perhaps meditating would help him to find that peace? "I would be happy to do so. Only if it is no bother for you." He replied, though still sitting with his back against hers, even smiling a bit.

A chuckle escaped her chest in response to her new companion's words, "I would have left you in the dango shop if you were a bother. We can meet here at sunset." She leaned against him carefully.

"You would? To be honest," he responded, closing his eyes, "I thought you would send me flying for calling you a dog. Though," quickly speaking as he didn't want to give the wrong idea, "in my clan canines are respect... Nothing bad at all!"

Her reply was silence, but her smile was serene. Koike's manner of speaking, his kindness was refreshing; the haunted look in his eye was comforting. He was probably bloodied, but here he was, concerned of her feelings associated to a word. It reminded her that there were still good people for every bad person she came across. "It is OK. I am the Empress' Dog, her prized hyena. And that is fine. What I don't like to hear, are idiots that try to corrupt something so pure and simple. She doesn't chain me, she doesn't abuse me. To her, I am no animal, despite how I may refer to myself otherwise. I cherish my Empress, so to be given a nickname that associates me with her...it is bliss. I'll not have people that have forgotten their place dirty such a gift. And I guess...she has more cunning than I had initially thought..."

He listened to her and a soft chuckle escaped him. "Sounds like her. She has... a certain appeal to her. That," he paused briefly as he thought of what he wanted to say, "you got a nice laugh for a hyena. Not that I've heard one before... I.. read a lot." Koike wasn't sure why he felt the need to keep explaining himself now and then.

She laughed happily at his observation, "Why thank you. Would you like to see one?"

"Only if you want to." He replied. "I do have to apologize, but I.. I don't have a summoning." And inviting her over to his place caused his mind to only want to make him stop talking before he would say something stupid. Recalling back on how he had called her, he figured it would be better if he would find something to compliment her than some 'slur'.

"Quit apologizing, silly goose. You have your skills and I have mine. It is OK, I promise." He really was adorable, even if he was apologizing for nothing and everything at the same time. The young woman got up slowly then stretched out her arms and back, not unlike a cat, after all, hyenas were very catlike as well as doglike.

Feeling her stop leaning back, Koike rolled his shoulder as he nodded. "I'll try to to stop then." Pocketing his right hand away he briefly glanced at the river. Trying to memorize the feeling and way how he had lost himself, Koike turned his gaze back on her. "What do you clan call each other? I mean... is there a way how they address one or another in a way?"

She scrubbed her hands over her face as she shrugged off the relaxation off. "Amongst my clan, I am referred to as 'Kiyohime'. It is a title of importance as I am the military leader of my clan. We have other terms, like my older adoptive sister is often called Kushinada-hime, which was the name of the first Kusanagi."

Hearing her answer, Koike thought about it. "But is there a way to call somebody... euhm.." Thinking about how to explain what he meant, he made a gesture as he tried to explain it. "In the Hon clan there is this certain tradition. Younglings and those who haven't yet proved them are being called pup. Those who are considered adults are called Wolf. It is kind of a way to ... honor a person. Cause calling you... a dog wouldn't sound that honorable, would it now?" He asked, raising his left hand to his neck.

He made a point, but it was one that seemed to answer its own question, "Everyone in my clan is useful. You have to be to become a Kusanagi. We have no need to distinguish the young or unmarried. But we celebrate their growth and changes by calling them Tama--with new adults, or Mates--marriages. If you want a general term for me...you'll have to come up with one on your own." She winked at the young man then started to walk back towards the gates, "Swimming or summoning first? And is your clan gonna be OK with you bringing home a strange young woman?"

Feeling slightly flustered, he tried to reply back. "Fine. And... I don't know. I don't.." He didn't know actually. Then again the Hon's had accepted the Sarutobi and such before into their clan. Wouldn't this be similar then? "I don't think they are that restricting. Not as much as the Milk Eyes and Ladybugs." That felt good to say, he thought as he walked beside her. "And wouldn't your clan complain?" Koike asked back, trying to sound more confident.

Grinning at the look on his face, she playfully rested the tip of her finger against the middle of his chest, "They aren't going to immediately demand that you marry me, right? As for my clan, they won't mind what I do as long as you maliciously hurt me. Which...you seem more than smart enough to not try." The Kusanagi leader hummed a little tune as they walked before she set both of her hands into her pockets. "Of course, I am only visiting. But if your family has questions about mine, I am more than happy to answer what I can. I am unarmed, and completely helpless." The smirk on her lips as positively insidious, since she was sure they both knew she was more dangerous than she'd let on.

Trying to frown, Koike was unable to reply. He tried to surpress the faint reddish tint moving to this cheeks. But much to his displeasure, it started to shift over his face as his right eye twitched. He didn't really like to be that challenged, yet there was something alluring to it. "Wait... Hang on." Shaking his head lightly, trying to stop to look like a tomato, he caught up with her. "No of course they won't... wait.. " Getting the feeling he was being teased, Koike lowered his head a bit. "I don't have anybody that would question you, to be fair." He mumbled.

Looking over her shoulder at the young man in front of her, she turned to face him and looked up at him. Korina smiled gently and slowly brought her left hand up to lift his chin. "That is not what Kiyomi tells me. You have more family than you seem to believe. You're a damn good ninja, and my gut says that you're a good man. My gut is never wrong, so don't try to make it lie, it is impossible." The blush looked good on him, she had to admit, but she didn't want him to look so down. She gave a slight blush of her own, when she caught the earthy scent of nature coming from her tattooed left arm and hand. She began to step back, "Sorry...this always happens after I meditate. She quickly made to hide the arm behind her back, as if that would really help...

Standing still, he flinched again. Starting to get tense as she lifted his chin up, Koike was more surprised than growing timid by her words. His nostrils widened as he caught the scent as well. Slightly a frown grown on his brow. It wasn't what he had caught up with his senses before. "Thanks..." Smiling a bit, he averted his gaze again. Though making a note of the change. It was kinda suspicious, making him wonder. "That's okay," he said as he had found a nickname for her as he thought about what they were going to do, "troublemaker. Fitting, no?"

She colored a little more at the frown and moved away a bit more so she wouldn't offend him further. "So uh...swim-hey! It was your idea!" She pouted at the man, her lip poked out and eyes rather watery, as she broke out the Puppy.

"Well, that is... pe--" He pocket his left hand as well. "Please... stop. I'll figure a new nick." Koike replied, trying to figure out how to reply back without stuttering or making himself look like an idiot. Wondering for a moment how it came to be that he was acting so weird, Koike shoved it on the fact that it was probably because he didn't feel that stress out. Walking back into the village with her, he threw a glance around. "But fine. We got to sneak into their compound. Probably the Hyuuga don't have anybody on watch or suspect... stuff like this." He thought out loud, only watching his volume to make himself audible for her.

Korina did a little dorky fist pump then hurried to catch up to him. When he spoke she tapped her chin a few times then grinned, "Alright, I'll follow your lead then."

Nodding, he was thinking of how he and Katsu had managed to slip in. After getting through a checkpoint of the inner wall, it wouldn't take that long as they would see the wall of the Hyuuga compound. "We could easily climb over it." He told her, standing half turned towards her. "At this time, many are at work, so I don't suspect anybody." Considering the options and risks, he didn't want to back down now. "Shall I go first? Then you will stand on the look out if nobody on this side is watching."

Nodding back, Korina agreed to his plan and kept her senses open. She looked around quickly then nodded to Koike that it was clear for him to start climbing. Quickly scaling the wall, deploying chakra at his feet, Koike placed his hands on the top. Peeking quickly over it, a smirk crack on his lips. Nobody to be seen and the house in front of them had a small pool. Moving over with a hop, twisting his body as he moved over to the other side, Koike whistled as he would drop himself.

Korina kept watch beneath the shade of the wall while Koike scaled it. There were few people out at this time of the day, so the coast was clear. When she heard the whistle, pumped chakra into her feet and pulled herself over the wall. Dropping down, she grinned at Koike, "I would say 'Nice place' but...even their compound seems like it has a stick up its butt."

"And here I thought you would like to settle down?" Thinking about his comment, Koike decided to keep such lines in his head. It had sounded way funnier... and less implying. Glancing around again, he would walk calmly towards the small fence the was seperating them from the pool. "Have to be honest, I've never done this before.." Waiting till she was at the fence too, he thought of a question. "Ever done this kind of thing in Kumo?"

"My father says the same thing." She snickered as she followed him to the gate. "So. This is my first time, so be gentle with me, okay Senpai?" Her eyes closed partly as she lowered her head a bit to look up to him through her lashes with a cop smile.

"I... what?" He kept his tone low as he noticed that there wasn't anybody he could spot. "Okay, seems coast is clear." Putting off his jacket, he would then place his hands at the end of his shirt. Thinking about the fact that they didn't had a spare of clothes with them, he glanced at his black, short-sleeved, jacket. "After this, you can borrow my jacket if you want." Pulling off his shirt, he glanced over his back to be sure that there nobody was there.

Snorting in amusement, she began to pull off the vest and mesh shirt with her back to him. She thanked him quietly, then pulled off the borrowed pants and shoes so she wouldn't ruin them. She was left in her chest bandages and some loose fitting shorts that reached her thigh. Walking to the edge of the pool, Koike had followed her example of kicking out his sandals. "It seems cold.." Leaning a bit forward, he wondered about it.

Korina laughed and jumped right into the pool, uncaring if it were cold or not. "The water's pretty warm." She told him after she surfaced. "Much warmer compared to the lakes and rivers up in Sky Country." She splashed him with some of the water.

The water splashed against his face as she jumped into the water. Turning his head away, he raised his hands up for a moment, trying to fend off the water. "You-- Hey!" Jumping into the water as well, he would surface a moment later. Squeezing his left eye close, he felt a shiver running down his spine. "It isn't that warm though..." He mumbled, wishing for the first time in his life he had another element affinity than wind.

Swimming around idly on her back, she righted herself in the water when he splashed her. She sputtered and flailed a bit, though she laughed. She swam over to him as her laughter subsided, "Well...you'll either get used to it or we can get out." She was having fun with him, but she didn't want him to get sick.

"No, no, it is fine." He said as he felt slightly becoming more tense as she came closer. "I just take a moment to get used to it. Besides," Trying to float on his back, he places his hands at his head, "it has been a heck of a time since I've been enjoying myself without doing something serious."

Korina nodded and floated as well, just relaxing in the water and in the sun. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Koike.
Closing his eyes for a moment, he let out a soft sigh. "Hmmm." Opening his left eye to glance at her, he thought about something. Carefully moving his left hand, he was considering to flip her over.

Smiling at the feeling of the sun on her face, she lost herself in old memories. She couldn't wait to share her time with Amaiya. Speaking of, she wondered what she was doing or where she was. Amaiya was never one to just idle, so she figured the young woman was settling in the clan and herself. She felt a twinge of guilt in leaving her to it, but that disappeared quickly at the shove the older girl had given her out the door.

Cautiously moving his arm through the water, Koike sticked his tongue a bit out, focusing on his task. Wavering for a moment, he then decided that it was perhaps fun. Moving his hand to her, he would attempt to flip her as she seemed in thought. "Boop." Wondering why he even made that sound, Koike let out a chuckle.

Caught off guard by the "Boop" Korina found herself face first in the water courtesy of Koike. She dipped below the water a few centimeters and flailed to right herself again. The feeling of the cool water on her warmed face was refreshing, but the playful glare in her eyes was anything but, "Oh...is that how it's going to be?"

"Maybe..." He replied, moving his hands up as if he needed to prove he was harmless. Moving slightly back, Koike placed his left hand at the water surface. "I found a nick for you." Trying to distract her, he would attempt to splash some water towards her. Her eyes narrowed as she watched his eyes while she kept his arm in her peripheral vision. As she had been taught by her summons, she had to watch and listen to her opponent to be the most effective. Not just one or the other. "And what would that be?" She asked him before she ducked under the water to avoid the splash. She retaliated upon surfacing by using the splash from that as a cover for her own mini-wave of water.

Raising his right hand in an attempt, which failed, to defend himself against the wave, he spluttered for a moment. "Well,..." Splashing a wave back, he tried to think of how to word it. "Aika... Sounds good, doesn't it?" He asked. Ducking again, she squealed a bit when she was met with a face full of water. "What does Aika mean?" She asked as she splashed back.

Wanting to answer back, he lowered his hand, resulting in getting more water splashed in his face. "G-Guess." Ducking under, he would attempt to swim a bit a way. Surfacing he gasped for a moment as he was reminded that chuckling underwater wasn't ideal. Grinning at him, she finally relented and shrugged, "It is...the name of your dick?"


Staring at her with a most uncomfortable expression as he couldn't answer that question, he swore that he could just sit in a field with tomatoes without anybody ever noticing him. "What..." Not even sure what to think of the question, he wasn't even sure what to reply back.

Laughing loudly at his face, Korina held her stomach as she tried to kick up to keep from sinking into the water. She managed to hold onto the edge of the pool and pulled herself out with her well toned arms, then turned to sit with her feet in the water. "You just said guess. You didn't say it had to be a good one! You are so red!"

Looking away, he couldn't reply back for some time. He felt too flustered as embarrassed to respond back. "That... doesn't mean you..." Shooting a glare at her for a moment, he huffed. "I don't ask about your c-c-c-c-.... It was just a nick."

"You are too adorable, you know that? Ok, ok, I'll stop teasing. But really...what does it mean?" She asked once he had called down some.

"Nice song." He mumbled as he would also pull himself up to sit on the edge. "Found it fitting due your laugh." Rolling his right shoulder, Koike sighed as he frowned at her. "Are they all like this up north?"

She blushed at his praise then looked away, "I uh...thank you. I guess I should come up with a name for you now, eh?" Swiping water off of her face, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye, "Not really. Most of us have our...quirks. Mine is just that...I'm like this when I'm not on duty...is...it a problem? Do you want me to stop?"

Feeling somewhat more confident as he was able to make her look away, he shrugged. "I don't think that you'll stop. That... and it is kinda fun. Sometimes," he said, raising his left eyebrow, "unless I'm starting to look like a vegetable. Though," debating on something he decided to risk it. "It isn't actually 'nice'. It means... well, it's cheesy. It is.. love. And then song."

She looked back at him, a few emotions played across her face as she struggled not to read too much into his words. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion then widened a little in surprise. Then she looked away again, mouth turned upwards in a concentrated expression even as she bit her lower lip slightly. Her heart raced, as evidenced by the narrowing of her pupils, and the irises began to glow due to the orange red tones as they reacted to her fight or flight response. Then she cleared her throat, "So...you nicknamed me 'Love Song' because...of my laugh?"

A bit surprised by the change in her composure, he caught sigh of the glow. Attracted to the color, he tilted his head a bit, trying to catch a better sight of it. "Is it that weird than?" He asked, starting to feel like he was getting the upper hand. At least she was now the one who was getting shy! "I think it beats.. the hell out of being called dog. And it is relevant... to your laugh that is!"

Korina blushed again as her eyes bled more into the orange amethyst she has yet to see for herself. She looked over at him then smiled a little, "Not weird but...people will talk. A name that translates to Love Song...tongues will wag. And we're the new game in town so...I don't want you to...ugh...I can't...I don't..." She blew out a breath and ran her fingers through her still damp hair. "But...it is a nice nick name. So...thank you."

"And I care?" Shrugging, Koike leaned a bit back as he glanced at the water surface. "I'm not interested in what people say about me. My own clan regards me high due what I inherit." He paused for a moment, feeling that his sarcastic tone was ruining the whole moment. "Besides, weren't you going to show them who was boss?" A smirk appeared as he noticed she was starting to blush more, making him wonder if he should try to continue. "It.. is nice. You blushing."

Blushing harder at the acknowledgement she met his eyes, "In my defense, it is not every day that someone names out after your laughter after a love song after just meeting them, ok?" She blew her bangs out of her face. "And I will. But I don't want you to feel used. I ..don't know what is going on but..." She trailed off.

"What?" An amused smile appeared on his lips as he threw a skeptical look at her. He was still wondering if he wasn't going too far with teasing her, but it made him feel more in control. And it was fun. "You don't? Perhaps you could express it?" He joked, meaning it in a way as the meditation.

"If only I didn't sound like a complete stalker creep." She snorted and scratched her head. [Color=lightblue[ "I know that...this is really forward but...I really enjoyed this. So...do you...maybe wanna...y'know...go on a date...sometime...kinda?"[/color]

He snickered for a moment as he then became surprised by her 'question'. Becoming silent for a moment, he felt his stomach twisting a bit as he felt both great as conflicted. "I would kinda.. like that." He replied, nodding slowly. "Yeah... kinda."

She felt a flutter in her stomach and smiled at him happily, "Good. Er...um...so...that summon yeah? We should probably go just in case someone gets home." Standing up, she felt that her bandages were dry enough and began to dress.

"Oh! Oh!" Getting up, he had totally forgotten that they were at a place they weren't supposed to be. Putting on his sandals, he tried to nod at first as reply. "Yeah! Sounds..." Picking up his shirt, he would also start to get dressed. "Like a plan. By the way, this..." Still with half his short over him, Koike paused. "was fun... thanks."

Quickly putting on her shirt, she stopped halfway down to look at him as smiled gently, "It was a lot of fun. And my pleasure." She hurriedly pulled down the shirt then put on her borrowed vest, though she did hand back his jacket. "If our date goes well...I might just be taking this off your hands. Just warning you now." She teased him with a smirk.

"Or," he said as he gently pushed her hand back, "you can keep it. Probably looks better on you." After finishing his sentence, Koike swear that he was capable of slamming his head against a wall. Who even said that? Smiling in a nervous fashion, he gestured to the gate of the fence. "Let's first get away before anybody sees us... though that would be fun."

She looks at the garment in her hand then pulled off the vest to put it on. "What do you think?" She asked as she modeled it for him. When he mentioned that they should leave she offered the vest to him then hurriedly climbed back over the wall.

Following her, he dropped on the other side of the wall. Noticing that his hair was still damp, he ran his left hand through his hair as he glanced at her. "Suits you better." Pocket his left hand he would glance around. But he doubted that somebody was paying much attention to them. "How is the north actually? I always imagined it to be way colder.... or well.. might just be me."

Waiting for him, she walked alongside him with a smile. She cuddled up into his jacket then cracked her knuckles, "Much colder than here. Stormy, some snow, rocky mountains so there is always a cold wind. But, it is nice in its own way." She shrugged.

"Sounds more interesting than this weather most of the time." He said, meaning those words. While he loved the warm and relaxing climate, he was wondering about how life was up north. Perhaps it was a nice change of pace, though he doubted if he would ever get up there. There were no open borders between Kumo and Akino so far he knew. Heading towards a training field, he decided to ask her a question. "So... about this date. What... euh," trying to find the words, he thought about them, "anything specific you want to do? I mean, I can think some things."

"Well...I am unsure as to what goes on around here... She really didn't think about that. Regardless though, she was sure that no matter what they did....she would have fun.

Having an idea, he wasn't sure if it would be a sucess. "I can think of something. How about we meet up...." Not wanting to ask her too soon, he decided to keep it 'cool'. "Tomorrow at the spot where we meditated? At 9 PM?" Suggesting it, he already had a plan that he was working out.

Caught off guard by the time, she could only nod in agreement. She had a date! "How should I dress, like warm?" She asked him.

"A bit." Was his response as he thought more about his plan. "Is there something you like or dislike? As in food." Thinking quietly, she thought about his question then shook her head in the negative. "Okay," he replied back, as they would get near the fields, "I know something. But you'll see." Feeling slightly that he was starting to rant a bit too much, he would lower his head a bit.

With a smile, which she felt was going to get stuck on her face, she bumped into him gently, "I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you have planned." Korina looked around at the fields and just strolled leisurely with the older man. Smiling, a tad nervous, Koike glanced around. He was growing more curious, but didn't think he should keep bothering her with all kind of questions. Korina played with her fingers as she basked in the quiet atmosphere. She caught the look on his face and said, "Go ahead."

"Hmm?" Looking a bit surprised, he shook his head. "No, no. I was just wondering, Aika." The nick rolled of his tongue and made him feel slight more comfortable. "Think this is a good place to summon." Personally a bit glad that he could remain silent, Koike grew curious for the hyena.

"Impatient, hm? Okay." she grinned up at him but moved away so she could have some room. When she was satisfied, she ran her thumb under the mesh shirt and split it open. With the blood running down her wrist, she swiped it over the ground then placed her hand on the ground. She said the words before smoke erupted from beneath her. When it cleared, there was a maniacal laugh as a massive tan furred beast with a black spotted hide and black muzzle stood beneath her. The beast's head was at about Korina's chest height, though it's true height factored in the hunch at its back. It's eyes held an intelligence that not even some humans possessed, a curious mix of Amber and honey. The summon's maw was rife with teeth, most sharpened but the duller molars belied a crushing force that many would underestimate. Korina stood on its hunched back, though the summon didn't seem to mind. "Well, well, Pup. What is this you have brought me? You used more blood than usual so I assume a battle is not in order." The distinctly feminine voice sounded amused as she let her eyes roam over the male in front of her.

"He is friendly, Shiko. Koike, this is Shiko, my personal summon and the representative of her clan of hyenas, the Spotted Hyenas. Shiko, this is Koike. He is most curious about you." she introduced them.

Nodding towards the hyena, Koike wasn't eager to move closer. Having seen what several animals could do, he wasn't feeling rather comfortable with the sight of the jaws of the femine hyena in front of him. It took him however a moment to realize that it was a femine. Noticing something off, Koike scratched his neck for a second. "Good... day." He wavered for a moment, not being the best in greetings. Keeping his calm composure up, Koike wasn't sure how to properly converse with a hyena.

The hyena cackled at the nervousness in his eyes as Korina sat down in the valley between head and hunch. The hyena was more than big enough for her to ride on without being much of a burden. Shiko looked back at her summoner, "You have found quite the male. He seems pretty docile." Korina snorted inelegantly before the summon looked back at Koike. "A healthy fear is a good fear, remember that male. Now, what questions did you have for me?" The hyena laid down on her stomach and crossed one paw over the other as she awaited his words.

Opening his mouth slightly, Koike wanted to reply back. The fact he was considered docile stroke against his pride, but he closed his mouth again. Slightly lowering his head a bit, he decided to just ask what he was pondering about. "Well, for one I was wondering..." A certain image flashed before his mind, briefly causing Koike to pause. "They say that hyena's are scavengers. I was wondering how much of that is true."

Shiko didn't seem surprised by the question. "Most are. My clan, however, are mostly hunters. We only scavenge when food is scarce. But as you can tell, we are too big to get by on picking bones." The answer was clear and concise with no hint of sarcasm or snobby pride.

"Yeah, I can see that." His eyes briefly moved his gaze to the content that was revealed as the animal spoke back. Not wanting to test out himself on how much the bites of such jaws could destroy, Koike raised his right hand to his chin. "Don't take this wrong, but I was wondering about your earlier comment." Pausing briefly, he made a short gesture with his hand. "Are females of your species truly dominant or is that more based on the looks of things?"

"We are a matriarchal society. So yes, the females are the dominants ones. Our weakest female still outranks our strongest male. The males must come to us if they wish to mate, and we are much bigger than they are." Again she was professional in her words and manner of speaking.

For some reason, he wasn't really comfortable with that idea. Though it was probably not that much difference if he glanced back on his own experience with women so far. "Alright, last question. Sorry for bothering you," Flashing an apologetic smile, he continued, "Are you more canine or feline?" Deciding that it was a better question that kept haunting him in his mind, Koike decided it was for the best to keep that one for himself.

"That is a good question...we are equally both." Shiko said with a small grin The hyena snickered a bit, "We hunt and bite like cats, but we cooperate like wolves. We look like dogs but, we sleep like cats." She answered.

Listening to the cryptical answer, Koike slowly nodded. "That gives a clear idea." He flashed another smile, followed by a short nod. "Thanks for your patience and answers." Still not comfortable with the large animal, Koike finally managed to push the question if she was truly a female or male into the back of his mind.

"It was a pleasure, Male. She turned her gaze to the human on her back, "Do you require anything of me, Little One?" Korina smiled and ran her fingers through the summon's fur along the crest of her head.

"How about you stay out for a while? I know you can get irritated on the plains. Do you want me to stay?"

"It matters not to me, Pup." Contrary to her words though, the hyena walked off, not giving her summoner a chance to get off of the animal.

Tilting his head a bit, Koike blinked twice as he wasn't sure if he should follow or wait. Deciding that the latter was perhaps for the best, he was seriously debating if he should call out or do something. "I'll... wait here?" He said, not really sure if he was being audible.

"Silly Koike. Come with us." She said with a smirk as the hyena chuckled. Together, summoner and summon laugh at his look but the hyena watis for him to catch up.

Suprirsed for a moment, he would quickly walk to catch up with them. Walking at the hyena's right, Koike kept some distance between him and the animal. He briefly threw a sideways glance at the two, but was feeling comfortable enough to just walk without trying to get a conversation going.

The two began to converse about the going on in the Traia Plains, the home of the Hyenas. Korina grinned at the man besides her and winked at him. The hyena chuckled at the puppy love but made no comment. Noticing the wink and the chuckle that followed, Koike tried to keep up his composure. He was listening a bit to the conversation between Shiko and Korina, but he was more thinking about something he had noticed earlier today. Glancing once more in a sideways manner at the big animal, Koike wondered how many scared preys had fallen for the ferocious looking canines.

When the three had gone some way, Korina directed her mount towards a makeshift camp. The space the camp encompassed was expansive, and featured a variety of tents, campfires, and stalls of people selling handmade wares. "Welcome to the Kusanagi compound, Koike." Someone made a whooping sound and most of the heads turned up. At once, there was a cheer of "Kiyohime!" and the place became even more alive than before. By habit Shiko made her way through the camp, and nuzzled the little ones that hurried to place bows on her fur as they babbled in their foreign kid language. Korina slipped off of the beast, only to be met with warm hugs and greetings from her people. She motioned for Koike to come to her side, "You've shown me some of your world...allow me to show you some of mine?"

He hadn't expected the camp. More than just a bit surprised, he could understand that the camp was made away from the town center and other compounds, but he hadn't expect to be brought her. Flashing a smile, a bit nervous, he glanced around at the clan. Though he managed to stay on the background, he felt more out of place as he had no idea how to pose himself. Pulling his hands out of his pockets, not wanting to give a closed off stance, Koike kept following Shiko and Korina. With her motioning him to come to her side, he wavered for a second. Silently coming to her, he tried to ccraft up a more friendly expression - which wasn't going that well.

Korina took his hand in her own and led him through the gathering crowd. She walked him through the bazaar and showed him the herbal incenses and handmade candles from one craftsman, then showcased the leather work of another. All around them, chatter and barters were haggled over, metal rang against metal as a Smith worked his forge, and the exotic scents of spices mixed with the heavy Tang of the smithy. Fresh and bright fruits and vegetables laid within baskets to the stand to the left, and to the right were beautiful gems, baubles, and other jewelry.

Despite his awkwardness, the Kusanagis welcomed Koike enthusiastically with offers to sample various foods or goods. Discounts were announced and free items were offered with his purchase. Other clan members, visiting sects due to their brightly colored garb, paid their respects to their military leader. Needless to say, it was chaotic, but there was an underlying motivation of welcoming. All were welcomed as long as no one acted aggressively.

Still feeling out of place, Koike sqeeuzed her hand softly. While he enjoyed the atmosphere as it was refreshing, it was also suffocating. The amount of people started to make him tense a bit, though he kept up a smile - which still seemed a bit nervous. Though it had something alluring. The hospitality was one he hadn't expected, certainly not by being an outsider.

"Focus on one thing. Anything you want." She felt his hand squeeze her own and hoped she could relieve his stress a bit. While the man composed himself, Korina began to interact and filter the interactions to Koike. She joked that it was a new experience for him, so to take it easy. There was laughter, but the stalls and clan members backed off, but their excitement was palpable.

Flustered by the laughter, Koike wondered about something. He didn't feel at home at his own clan, afraid of their expectations and that he would fail them. But now he was afraid that he would fall out of a clan that was so welcoming towards him. "Somewhere to sit would be okay." He replied back, managing to look more composed. Mentally? He wasn't sure if he should embrace it or be skeptical why they were so welcoming. Deciding to not fret over it, Koike took in some details of the nomadic clan.

A chair was brought for the young man to sit on while Korina shopped about. She spent quite a bit of time near the spices before she bought about a pound's worth of powdered spices. Once that was done, she bought a skin of water for Koike to sip on as well as some jerky for a snack. She tossed a cut of mountain elk towards Shiko, whom snapped it up happily. "Want a snack?" She asked as she set a necklace of beautifully cut beads and amber on his shoulder.

Sitting down, Koike managed to relax a bit. He threw a glance around, wanting to take it all in and yet stop with comparing it to other experiences. "No, no. I'm more than fine." He replied back. Taking a sip of the water, not wanting to be looking rude or distrustful, Koike half closed his eyes as he let out a sigh. "Am okay with just sitting." Managing to keep his smile somewhat up, he offered her the water back, glancing to his left again.

She took the skin back and drank heartily. She swiped a bit of water from her chin with the back of her wrist then looked over her clan, "I forget how...overwhelming my clan can be. We can be quite rambunctious, I'm sorry for forgetting. But...you're safe here. They've seen you in my company, you're welcomed here...as are your coins." She joked with him.

Taking a slight bite of the jerky, he leaned a bit back in the seat. Hearing her joke, he threw a frown back at her. "And here I thought that you said 'anything I want'." Realizing that could come over, he averted his gaze. He was really bent on making a fool of himself today. Taking another bite, he threw another look around. It, the clan, was different, but yet alluring.

Raising an eyebrow, Korina leaned her elbows on her knees and smirked, "Well...I am sure we can negotiate. What is it that you want, exactly?" Her tone was challenging as was the almost sultry look made by her lips and eyes. Swallowing, Koike straightened his back a bit as he tried to come up with a fitting reply back. "I would .. like to know what is being offered then. Perhaps I can then do a counter-offer?"

Korina looked him over, her jaw working as she contemplated a reply, "I am...a leader, Koike. My people always come before me...and my Empress comes before me. I don't have much to offer, but...the lives we lead are short...very short. So...I won't bear around the bush here. I like you, a lot. I don't need an answer now, or in a few days, or in a month. But here is my offer: I'm not a jealous woman. But I can love strongly. I am loyal, but I have many responsibilities. Should my Empress ask me to strike you down, I will. I may hesitate, but I will not disobey my Empress. These are my truths, and my ninja way. If you decide that you can handle these truths...I would like to maybe...make this a thing. I'm not saying that we should be exclusive or that I want a relationship right now....my responsibility to the clan makes me incapable of being...truly faithful...But if you decide the risks are worth it...I am willing to go ahead with that date."

The words made his smile vanish. Responsibilities. The sound of that chain was one he was far too familiar with. While he felt warm when she admitted that she liked him, Koike felt the guilt boiling up for a second. Half closing his eyes, he thought about her words. Leaning on his knees with his elbows, he remained silent as he seemed to consider it all. "I feel honored. Truly, I can't express it in any way." He began flashing a smile back at her. "I.. I think that I already gave my answer when I decided to sneak into the Hyuuga compound with you today. If you're willing, so am I." Though he felt something of his chest, he wasn't sure how to proceed further. "Besides, I rather deal with truths than lies. Think I can relate. A little bit though."

Korina's face had fallen when his smile vanished. She had been preparing for his rejection so she almost hadn't heard him. It took a few seconds for his words to process in her mind, but when they did, she smiled so brightly she could have blinded herself. "Thank you. And I am willing to work. I swear it. So don't think a little trouble is gonna get in my way!" She struggled to not tackle him in a hug and settled for gripping his forearm instead. "Are you ready to go home? The clan is going to be packing away their wares for the night soon."

Smiling back, he felt growing more odd at the passing second. "I am." Surprisingly he managed to reply in a calm fashion. "I'll see you tomorrow evening?" Koike asked, slowly getting up. Wondering for a moment about something, he tried to become less tense. "And thank you too, Aika."

"Alright then. I will see you tomorrow...Daiki." She winked at him with her own nickname and stood to walk him to the edge of the property. "And you're welcome...but the pleasure was mine. Have a good night, and sleep well, OK?"

Nodding slowly, Koike pocket his right hand. "Same goes to you, Aika. Good night and till tomorrow evening." Waiting a few seconds, he wavered, but took a step backwards. Though his curiosity got the better of him. "Though mind filling me in... what does my nick mean?" For a few seconds he wanted to add something to it, but found it improper to say such a thing.

"Greatly valuable, great nobility, strength as great as a strongest tree, a strong source of radiance...take your pick." She answered with an honest smile. "Now get going before the moon rises."

Half turning around, he thought about it. "If I had to pick," a smile crept on his lips for a moment, "it would've been you. Goodnight." Turning around, he would start walking. It was tempting to look over his shoulder, but he decided to keep on walking. Slightly moving his gaze up, he wondered about today. It hadn't been that bad as he had been afraid for.

Momo's stealth training session!
Collab with Shadowy,

Summary :
Momo receives training in the basic of Silent Killing.

Okay, she can't look into his eyes... big deal. Its a respect thing!
Koike and Momo start her new training!
A collaboration between Geroooo and Shadoooow

A loud pounding stirred Momo from her sleep, and in an attempt to cling onto the last bits of sweet sleep, she placed her pillow over her head. The pounding continued until, groaning, she got out of bed and shuffled towards the door as she was going to search for the source of the sound. When she got into the hall and looked around, the pounding stopped for a few moments and then continued, louder than before.

Grumbling and crossing her arms, Momo stormed into the kitchen, seeing her father trying to attach a leg back to the kitchen table. "What the hell is going on?" she mumbled, crossing her arms and glaring down at him.

"I can't get the leg back on the table." he said, resuming the pouding. He was apparently trying to attach the leg by smashing it against the table, as if that would work. "Dad, you need nails ya know." she said, stretching. "Where's Ayama? And what time is it?"

"She's in the backyard playing with Lee. Since she's been able to crawl, she loves to be out there." he said leaning back away from the table. "And its almost noon. Why?"

"NOON!!!" she screamed, causing the man to jump in surprise. Giving her a confused face, he nodded. Turning on her heels, Momo ran back to her room and proceeded to get ready in the fastest time she ever had before. When she returned to the kitchen, she gave her dad a kiss on the cheek and ran out to the backyard to do the same to Ayama and Lee. When she jogged back inside, she sat by the door and pulled her shoes on.

"Headband." she heard her dad say from behind her. Turning, she saw him standing there with a smile, holding her forehead protector out to her. Smiling back and taking it, she put it on and waved to him before leaving.

As she ran towards the meeting place, the training fields to be precise, she started checking to make sure she had everything else. Adjusting her belt and fixing her hair and such as she made her way there. When she arrived, she slowed her jogging and looked around, totally ashamed that she was an hour or so late.

Leaning against a tree with his back, Koike was weaving handsignals in what seemed to be an endless sequence. In a calm and repetive order, he kept forming the signals as he was moulding his chakra. Focusing on his training as he was waiting on the latecomer, he kept focusing on the surroundings. Which was only making his task to focus on not screwing up his training. Knowing the consquences and the pain from past failures, Koike would slowly stop as decreasing the pace. Letting out a sigh, he placed his hands at his knees as he would decide to wait a bit longer for the late comer.

Momo continued to curiously look around as she walked further into the training field. She was about to call out his name when she saw Koike a little ways off leaning up against a tree. Shameful guilt started to crash down on her head as she walked over to him, feeling bad she had kept him waiting for so long. Momo had to start getting better sleep at night, or perhaps going to bed at a reasonable hour. Or... invest in ear plugs.

When she reached his side, she crossed her arms and waited to be spoken to.

"You're late." Koike said, not even looking up as he had detected her coming. Frowning, he glanced up to Momo from his sit. "What was the reason that you came a hour later?" He calmly asked, slowly his right eyebrow being raised as he would wait for her answer.

"I stayed awake too long last night and slept in." she said, suddenly noticing that even sitting he was tall. "It won't happen again." she assured, a moment later.

"I hope indeed not. Training or mission, I thought I had made myself quite clear." With his calm tone becoming more serious, he seemed to be quite displeased with her reason. "But I will let bygones be bygones, for this single time. Already wasted a hour, can't waste another one on lecturing you." He mumbled as he gestured her to sit down, which she did, mumbling a thank you for him overlooking her tardiness. "Today I want to start training you in stealth. From all the members of the team, you're currently the only lacking in it." He calmly stated, pausing for a moment. "Do you know anything regarding what is called Silent Killing?"

When Momo sat down, she crossed her legs comfortably and listened to Koike speak. He sounded irritated, which was understandable. "Stealth? Silent Killing? I... can't say I know much about it. Though the name makes me think it should be obvious what it is." she said. "And, I can be quiet. I wouldn't say I'm lacking in stealth." she said, a light pout forming on her face.

"That is half of it." He stated, keeping his calm tone and composure. "A common mistake made. Let's test it out. I want you to remain silent for one minute. And during that time I want you to mentally make note of what you just heard. All of it." After instructing her, he nodded towards her. "Ready?"

"Seems simple enough I guess." she said, raising her brow. "I'm ready."
"Good. Your time goes now in." Koike said, silently counting down as he would become silent. Nodding, Momo closed her eyes and fell silent as well, listening to the sounds of the area, without bothering to focus on one thing over another. Each time she heard something new, she made a mental note of it. She compiled a list in her head of even the smallest sounds, likely placing the same thing on the list twice to remember it. She herself tried not to make much noise, as Koike seemed to have fallen completely silent. She would think she was alone if he hadn't been sitting next to her. Despite trying her best, she couldn't keep from hearing her slow heartbeat, or the faint sound of her breathing. Deciding not to dewll on it, she contiued to listened, thinking the minute seemed a lot longer than it was.

"Time is up." He informed her as he then paused. "And?"

"Hmm..." she mumbled, opening her eyes and rubbing them, holding back a yawn. Was she nearly about to fall asleep? Blinking a few times, she thought back and started listing the sounds she heard. "The loudest was my heartbeat. I could hear my breathing, the birds in the tree above us. Something fell, perhaps a branch. There was some shuffling of the leaves, probably due 'ta the wind; same for the grass. There was the faint sound of water and splashing... that is all I can remember." she said, notiving when she glanced down at her lap that her blue hairpin had falling next to her leg. Picking it up, she would put it back in her hair, pinning her bangs to the side and clearing her face of any hair in the way.

"And that was all you heard?" He asked, sounding for a reason amused. Koike briefly glanced at the waterfall before back at Momo. "May I also ask why you closed your eyes during the one minute?"

"Yes, that's all I heard." she confirmed. Pausing as he asked why she closed her eyes, she wondered if it was a mistake or something. "I closed them 'ta keep from focusing on one thing at a time. Or even perhaps seeing something move and assuming it made a sound I heard."

"And that is why you're now dead." Koike said. She would feel a soft pat on her head. If she would turn around, she would be just in time to notice a shadow clone that poofed away. "Your eyes are vital for you. While it is heavily implied that Silent Killing is training your hearing, it is still advised to use your other senses. Ears, nose and what not. If you don't, you'll risk the fact that it will be used against you." Gesturing to behind her, where the clone stood. "Like giving your foe the chance to make a clone while you kept your eyes shut for a whole minute."

Blinking as her head was patted, Momo looked confused for a moment until it was explained to her what she had done wrong. She had assumed that since she was with someone she could trust, she let her guard down and did something she wouldn't normally do. Pouting at the simple mistake, she continued to listen to his words, making a mental note to remember them. "Got it." she said when he was done talking, turning and looking behind her for a moment before back at him.

"Good. Do know that there are several ways and factors that can make the whole style of Silent Killing void. The waterfall for example," pointing at it with his left thumb, Koike continued further. "It blocks some sound and due we're not as good as for example most canines, we won't be able to hear and distinguish most other sounds. Footsteps and other 'alarming' signals will be blocked out. This is why most people that excell in Silent Killing also have decent tactical insight."

Waiting to let the words sink in, Koike thought of a new test. "There is also moving to it, but we will get there later. Now, instead of closing your eyes, I want you to stare at the waterfall and then start to note any sounds you hear. This time, say them out loud and try to... hint in which direction they are as the distance."

"Okay I'll try it!" she said, scooting on her bottom until she was facing the waterfall. She looked at it, admiring how pretty it was, and crossed her arms across her chest. Focusing on it, she started to listen to some sounds she heard rather than the water. After a few moments of saying nothing, she spoke. "I hear the water." she said, frowning and pausing. "And... I hear..." she stopped talking then and she squinted as she started thinking. "the water." she said sighing and looking at him.

"I'm not the water, am I now?" Koike replied, slightly frowning as he gestured back to the waterfall. "Keep looking at it. But focus on what is around you. It is hard, but keep trying. Eventually you might pick something up." He told her, telling her almost the exact same words that he had memorized from his training.

Huffing and turning her head back to face the waterfall, she couldn't help the look of frustration on her face. Sighing again, she decided it was best not to be impatient and just listen. Studying the waterfall, Momo was telling her mind to not listen to the water, but to everything else. The struggle was that her eyes were forcing her to listen to the water and nothing else. The one thing she could hear was her heartbeat, but she didn't think that counted.

After some time, Momo started to get bored with the waterfall and her focus from it started to fade. Reaching up to scratch her head, she was about to say something when she heard something. "Birds." she said aloud, resisting the urge to look up and away from the waterfall.

"Where? Distance?" Koike asked, waiting for her reply as he would calmly fold his hands together.

"Five meters above us." she said, desperately wanting to look and confirm.
"Wrong, try again." He replied calmly. His eyes went to his right, before back at her.

Huffing, Momo stretched out her legs and placed her hands a little behind her, leaning back and still staring at the waterfall. "This isn't working." she said, voicing her complaint but still focusing on what she was being asked. She didn't want to just start blurting out answers, and so Momo started again, looking at the water but not really focusing on the sound it was making. She heard shuffling again and the sound of wings flapping. "They..." she paused as the wind picked up and the sound of leaves rustling drowned out everything.

When the wind calmed, her eyes narrow as she could no longer hear the birds. Had they flown away? "I dont hear them anymore."

"That is because they settled down." Was the reply of Koike. "Around ten meters to the right." He frowned. "Make it fifteen." Koike corrected himself as he looked back at her. "This isn't going to be easy and getting frustrated is normal. But that isn't a good reason to give up. Keep trying."

Running a hand over her face, Momo sat up straighter and took a deep breath. Rubbing her eyes with the palm of her hand, she mumbled out her frustrations before patting her face a few times. "I can do this." she said to herself. Still looking at the waterfall, she started to listen for anything that seemed like movement. She knew there were sounds there. Before, when she wasn't forced to stare at something, it was easy to sense them. It was curious how her brain blocked out the sounds as soon as it seemed to focus on something else.

It seemed sudden when the sound of chirping came to her, and her eyes widened in excitement. "Birds!" she said, her tone cheerful. They were singing, back and forth, the tones of them sounded the same but there was surely more than one. The more she focused on the sound, the clearer it became. "Ah... okay." she said snapping her fingers a few times. "Above us... still to the right?" she paused as she thought of the distance. "Distance... distance..." she mumbled, her blue eyes further squinting at the water as she thought of the distance. She wanted to throw something, one of her kunai or shuriken in the direction and see how long it took to hit something, and determine distance that way. Though... that would probably be cheating.

"I can't tell how far they are." she said honestly, not wanting to give a wrong answer.

"I am not expecting you will." Was Koike's blunt answer. "You're just beginning this. Don't expect to be able to hear and separate every piece of sound. It took me years to get where I'm now. Keep focusing." He advised her, surprised for a moment by remaining calm. "Now, try it again."

Momo wanted to scream and throw a tantrum, but resisted since she was oddly encouraged by his... calm demeanor. His words were reassuring a little and it was enough to keep her from giving up just yet. "Alright." she said. "Can't I look at you instead? The waterfall is getting old."

"Fine with me. Keep focusing on your hearing." Koike replied back. Briefly his eyes moved to the left as he had heard something, but remained silent himself as his eyes would shift back to Momo. Grinning, Momo hopped on her bottom, turning until she was facing Koike and tilted her head, looking at him. Her eyes met his and held his gaze for a few seconds before she glanced away, looking instead at his hands, feet, shoulders. Anything but his face really. It was... awkward staring into his eyes.

Taking some moments to focus again, Momo strained her ears to pick up the sounds around her. Absently her fingers twirled the ends of her hair that rested on her shoulder, blue eyes gazing at her comrade. It took some time for her to hear the birds again, and when she did, instead of saying she heard them, she just listened to them for some time. She could tell the direction to some extent, but the distance... Momo couldn't figure it out. It was difficult for her since she always relied on her eyes to calculate distance between her and a target. She literally hated this.

Waiting patiently he watch her as he wondered if she was starting to get the basics done. Noticing that she was trying to catch on to something, something that he could read from her, Koike would softly clear his throat. "Try to make a guess. It is all based on experience and guesses. My guesses aren't one hundred procent accurate either, so don't worry about that."

After a tiring hour, Koike nodded. "That was almost. Three meters in difference, but you're getting there." Deciding that it was enough as they had been sitting for quite some time, Koike got up. "I recommend you train this every night. Half a hour, just paying attention to what you can hear and smell. Write it down and then try to see if you were correct."

Sighing as she had gotten it wrong again, Momo nodded but didn't stand up as Koike did. Instead she groaned and flopped down on her back. She'd forgotten how hard and frustrating it was to do trainings for new things, as she had been used to doing her same training routine. Staring up at the sky and then looking at him, she was going to say something, then decided against it. Instead she just nodded and closed her eyes. The weather was so nice... and there was no screaming baby to ruin the moment.

Yup, she was totally investing in ear plugs.

Noticing that she was exhausted, Koike simply nodded. Making no sound, he would turn around and walk away. Pocketing his hands, he considered a team training. One that would likely make Momo more in trouble as well giving some difficulties towards Kazuo and Katsu. But if every thing would go as planned...

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[fieldbox="Worries of a father?, gold"]

The worries of a father and a leader,
Kaizen's suggestion.

3 weeks ago, in Kumogakure.

A collab done between Chromehound and Gerontis.

Summary :
Kaizen visit Takeru's office as the two discuss and talk for a bit about some topics.

"Everything is in place?" The tall man asked, his voice smooth as honey.

"Just as you instructed." The kneeling man answered, his eyes cast downwards.

"You have done well. You know what to do from here. I will meet you again when it is finished."

Without another word, the kneeling man bowed his head and turned, disappearing into the inky blackness of the night. The tall man remained standing for another moment before he too vanished, and the night was quiet once more...

~Later that night~

Striding into the office and closing the door behind himself, Kaizen bowed his head politely. "My apologies for the late hour Raikage-sama. I would not have asked you here if it was not important."

Looking up from his book as Takeru had decided to remain for the night at the office, the masked kage frowned behind his mask. "That's okay, I was reading anyways." Making a note where he was, the masked leader closed his book and placed it on the table. "Anything I can help you with, Kaizen?" Takeru asked back.

Raising his head, Kaizen smiled. "It is more a matter of what I can help you with." Glancing around the room, he began to pace absently. "I have news, and an update for you on the task you asked of me." Turning to face the Raikage, he would wait for the man's permission before speaking further. one could never be too cautious after all...

A slight shift moved through the composure of Takeru as he was curious to hear the news and update. "I'm all ears. I hope it is better news than the death of the late Guard Commander and my Assistant." He responded, genuinely wondering what kind of news his spymaster would be able to provide him with.

Cocking his head to the side for a bride moment, Kaizen snorted. "If only we could be that lucky..." He muttered quietly, a hint of amusement in his voice. Despite the news of Hikyo and Asami's demise, Kaizen was well aware of their continued existence. It was not a fact he felt the need to share, as it would certainly stir up more harm than good. It had taken a fair bit of effort for him to check on the actual status of the pair, and Kaizen was confident they would not be easy to discover.

Smiling again, he clasped his hands together behind his back and began pacing once again. "In regards to the task which you originally charged me with, I wish to inform you that it will be finished before the week is over. I will not share any details however, as plausible deniability is much easier when one has not been burdened with the truth of knowledge." Offering a slight apologetic shrug, Kaizen waited to see how the man would respond.

At first Takeru wasn't too content with that the tall man wasn't going to share any details. A slight frown would appear behind the mask, but he wouldn't start to demand a change in that. "That is true, but I do hope and have to express that any approach won't .... leave a stain on either of us?" Takeru asked back, his tone giving away that he was starting to get skeptical.

Feigning a hurt look, Kaizen paused. "Please don't tell me you think me that stupid? I have arranged things carefully. In the end it will be a tragedy that helps to bring the people of Kumo closer together." His mouth curled up in a slight, cold smile. "Once everything is dealt with, perhaps you will trust me to turn my attention towards more pressing issues...? Such as these pesky assassination attempts that keep troubling our more... Prominent officers."

Folding his hands together, Takeru remained silent for a moment. "No I don't think that, but lately I've grown more wary due to all this 'incidents'." He answered back on Kaizen's first comment. Leaning a bit back in his chair, he heard about the second comment and nodded slightly. "I might advise you to later contact the Police and Guard corps as the weapons that the assassins used are being researched. As the found bodies are showing that they aren't natives to these lands." Takeru informed the man, though doubting if it was any news to the taller man. "Though I suppose it is rather a waste of breath to advise you to watch out that nobody is going to try to surprise you with an assassination attempt."

Nodding as the Raikage spoke, Kaizen took in the information. None of it was new to him, but it was always nice to have things confirmed through separate sources. Grinning as Takeru mentioned an assassination attempt towards him, Kaizen let out a low chuckle. "I'd like to think I do my job well enough to make that difficult for anyone, but nevertheless I have taken extra precautions." Thinking for a second, Kaizen stared at the masked man in front of him, wondering if he should bring it up. "Perhaps if I could speak with a witness from any of these attempts, it might help..." He finally said, his tone hinting towards something.

A brief silence followed the words of the spymaster. "I could try to arrange a person for that. It will be rather bothersome, if it helps." Takeru friendly spoke back. Thinking about it, he then shrugged. "The problem is that the victims are dead from what we know. And any witness hasn't likely seen a lot on how these assassinations were put into work."

Folding his arms across his chest, Kaizen stared at the Raikage for a long moment before he began pacing once again. "It is true that whomever is behind these attacks has been rather thorough so far... But, everyone makes mistakes." Turning and locking eyes with the masked man, well, locking eyes with the slits on his mask, Kaizen grew quite serious. "There were at least three witnesses from their last attack. One man and two children..." Cocking his head to the side, he waited for Takeru's reply.

"A certain unfortunate mistake of those terrorist, I believe." Takeru politely answered back to Kaizen. "From what I've heard is that they tried to harm or kidnapp the boy because of his rare bloodline ability to form ice. My own personal guessing is on Iwagakure. Wouldn't surprise me if those dogs are attempting to discover more about bloodline abilities that are even more rare in their lands." The masked leader said.

His face as much a mask as the Raikage's own, Kaizen began walking once more. "Iwa would not be fool enough to attempt such a thing, not in such a manner. No... They aren't known for their stealth either. And these attacks have certainly held an element of stealth and intelligence that far outshines anything I have seen come from Iwa."

Growing silent, the tall man paced back and forth, deep in thought. "It is strange though, considering who their past targets were... To suddenly make the switch to a... an innocent family, seems strange, don't you think?" Continuing to pace, he grew silent once more.

"I'll admit, I was impressed... and a little surprised. Their intelligence seems to rival my own in many ways, not a feat I have seen many be capable of." Glancing to Takeru, Kaizen's voice grew deathly quiet. "Can you think of anyone else that knew of your... private life?"

Scoffing as the other explained that the attempts were too refined for Iwagakure nin, Takeru silently agreed with it. Hearing the second comment, Takeru waited for a moment. As Kaizen continued and paused again before asking his question, Takeru tilted his head a bit to the right. "Other than those who've already suffered an attempt, no..." Slowly it dawned on Takeru, but he remained silent after his answer.

Nodding his head solemnly, Kaizen had figured as much. "And how much can you trust those people?"
"Enough to know that they won't abuse that knowledge or attempt to use it against me." Takeru replied back as he straightened his back in his seat. His tone growing a bit lower.

"Let us hope then that you are right..." He was mildly relieved that Takeru hadn't decided to kill him upon discovering that Kaizen was aware of his family, but he supposed the night wasn't over yet... "Did you notice anything about your attackers that could help? Anything at all?"

"Nothing extraordinary or special that alarmed me that they were any different from other assassins. Only that they were carrying masks that were odd. However, ANBU from Suna also wear more demon-like masks." Takeru said. He paused for a second. "From what I could tell is that they seemed to be rather focused and well organised as one even managed to ambush me in my own home."

Nodding slowly, Kaizen went to speak and then stopped himself, hesitating, When he finally spoke, his voice was quiet, cautious. "And what of your children...? Is there a chance that they might remember more?"

Takeru stayed silent for a long moment. "They are off limits." The man finally replied, his tone becoming slightly lower than it already had been. "I hope that is clear and not something we'll have to discuss?" Takeru asked back at Kaizen.

Narrowing his eyes slightly at the thinly veiled threat, Kaizen remained silent. Reaching up and scratching his neck, the tall man let out a weary sigh. "I have no intention of bringing your children into this unless absolutely necessary. As it stands I currently have two of my most trusted operatives watching out for them while they remain in hospital." Forcing himself to lock eyes with the masked man once more, Kaizen hated what he had to ask next. "Forgive me if I speak out of line, but you are thinking as a father, and not as the Raikage. Those kids may hold the information we need to stop these terrorists once and for all. How many more people have to die before you'll let me do my job?"

"As I said before, they are off limits." Though the man remained calm, the tone gave the rising anger clearly away. "They have seen and experienced enough as it is. If you wish to indulge in somebody's mind who was there, I would gladly offer assistance with my own mind. But those two?" He paused for a moment, staring at the spymaster. "Nobody is going to question or bother them more than they already have. Did I make myself clear?"

Shaking his head, Kaizen gave a slight bow. "As you wish." Raising himself back to his full height, Kaizen bit back the words that swam on his tongue. Now was not the time to question the man. If he gave it some time, allowed things to calm, then perhaps he could try again later. "If you are then giving me permission to work with you, I would ask when would be an appropriate time. The sooner the better, as you permit of course..."

"Tomorrow I've a window of time that could be used for this." Takeru replied, sounding a bit calmer. He knew that Kaizen wasn't out to jab him or provoke him in any manner, but the thought of somebody questioning or seeking through the mind of either Akira or Rei wasn't something he could stay calm about. "Think the best time would thus be around noon. If that works with you."

A thought suddenly occurred to Kaizen and he frowned slightly. "The question remains, where would the most appropriate location be for this... procedure?" Musing to himself, he did not wait for the Raikage's response before continuing. "Normally I would prefer the intelligenceheadquarters, as I have equipment there that would make things a little easier. However, I doubt you want it to be known by anyone about your children and your... other life. So, is there anywhere you consider safe?" While Kaizen had a few ideas, he waited to see what the Raikage would like.

Considering the few options he had, Takeru saw no better choice than ; "In here." He answered back. "I can let the doors be locked as several guards be stationed to make sure that nobody will be able to spy on us."

Cocking his head to the side, Kaizen felt like saying something, but he bit his tongue. If Takeru trusted his guards, then there wasn't going to be much Kaizen could do to convince him. "If that is what you wish, then we can indeed do it here. I will need to make some preparations first, if that is acceptable?"

"More than acceptable, Kaizen." Takeru replied back. He felt a bit guilty for reacting as he had done, but it was his worry about his children as well his pride as a father that didn't want somebody to meddle with them. "Just send me a message and I'll make sure that preparations on my turn are done."

"All I ask is that you make sure this place is safe. I doubt either of us wants any unwelcome surprises." With a slight grin, Kaizen bowed his head and backed away. "Until tomorrow then. Goodnight Raikage-sama." With that, Kaizen turned and left the office of the Raikage.

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