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Suzaku Uzumaki
The First Sword of the Empire

Pain in the ... back.

Suzaku jumped down from the cart that was his bed in the past few hours and stretched his back. He heard his bones cracking and felt a huge relief on his back. He always hated the cart rides, but this one was just excruciating. The Ship Builder was safe, being already in Konoha, maybe already being prepared to meet with the Empress. The man has seen better days. As did Suzaku. He slowly started to walk towards the palace in Konoha. He could take the ride further, bud he decided to end it here, together with the old man whom he had escorted by regular forces. He had no idea how great of a favor he did for the man. And his back.

Pondering on his last mission, he realized that he could be starting something great by this mission. Or he acomplished nothing and killed those men for nothing. Maybe. He kept telling himself that he was following orders, and eliminated threats to the Empire - no matter how small they were. He learned not to underestimate the power of a single individual. Because if enough individuals join their forces, they can change the world. He though about how the Fire Union transformed into the Empire of Akino, and how it affected the world. And it was done by a handful of people.

Shaking his head and deciding not to ponder upon politics, he continued his walk towards the palace. Avoiding politics was the best thing he could do. That´s what he liked about the Empress of Akino. She was not a politician. She was a Kunoichi. He respected that. He respected and admired the Empress. And he was on his way to receive new orders.

And a permission for a day's rest for his back.​
Neji Uchiha
Konohagakure Genin| Team 9

Neji followed Hiron sensei and listened as he explained what they would be doing. They would be training his sharingan and doing tactics training as well. Hiron told him to warm up so Neji decided he would do a light taijutsu spat with s shawdow clone.

Neji made hand signs and one shadow clone appeared before him. Both of them activated their sharingan and were soon in the mist of a taijutsu spar.

After about three minutes of sparring Neji was able to kick his clone up into the air and then he hinsejf junked into the air and kicked his clone back down towards the ground making the clone slam into the ground and then dissapere in a cloud of smoke.

Once Neji was done sparring he walked over to Hiron as he thought about the best way to use the sharingan. "
Well the best way to use the sharingan would be to use it to counter an opponents attack. As you know with the sharingan you can read and even copy people's movements and jutsu. With that I am able to easily dodge most opponents attacks."
A Ball to Remember!
Korina Kusanagi
Korina grumbled quietly as she tried to fix the decorative choker that sat snug just over the hollow of her throat. Her hair had been combed, styled and cut slightly so that it rested on either side of her shoulders, the back a little longer than the front. She'd ditched her normal gear in favor of a more traditional form of dress for her clan.

Her top was a dark violet blue with orange gold trim. The straps that held up the halter top style shirt were interconnected with the choker, and left her shoulders and upper arms bared. The straps made a sort of tasteful diamond shaped accent at her cleavage, which was tantalizingly hidden with the white, looping shawl-like binding that wrapped around her body and arms at the upper bicep. The rest of the shirt was form fitting and snug, leaving no loose fold of cloth below her bust. Over this, she wore a ruby red and white colored skirt-like covering that tied at her left hip. Her legs laid bare, which allowed the skirt to feature a cut along her left leg to almost upper thigh. Her shoes were purple with gold and white trim, open toed with a slight heel. She applied a little eye makeup and a bit of red lip covering to highlight her eyes and compliment the outfit. When she finally deemed herself ready, she met her heir with a wide smile.

Amaiya had elected to remain in the compound to sit as the leadership in her absence. The two kissed cheeks before Korina bowed her head and left the gates. A solitary man met her at the gates, whom was her bodyguard for the night.

The two arrived shortly after Team 6 made their appearance. Korina mingled about quietly and spoke in low tones to her kinsman, the two laughed every now and then. The young woman kept an eye out for her Empress though, and then motioned for the man to follow when she spotted the powerful kunoichi. "Thank you for the lovely party, My Empress." She greeted with a respectful bow at an equally respectful distance.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Kuro Miyazaki[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Kuro landed on a gigantic conduit, rain sprinkling against his drawn-up hood. Skyscrapers laced with pipes spanned far and wide before him, the industrial nightmare of Amegakure in its full bloom. A single wire screen flickered on and off to his left, jolts of electricity sputtering from the seemingly broken frame. Nothing out of the ordinary. Rummaging in his pouch, he produced a map, unfolded it. His newly-assigned team leader had told them to gather in a pub at the outskirts of the village, away from all the daily commotion. He liked her choice; crowds of people had a tendency to make him feel nervous, and especially now that he was meeting up with new folks. Not that he particularly cared what they thought of him. He'd never been a prince charming.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Jumping off the conduit, he dashed across buildings, steadily making his way toward the pub. Being without his shurikens - left behind at home - he felt nearly naked. He usually carried them everywhere he went, whether it was for buying groceries or attending a class in the academy. As a matter of fact, he carried them around so much they'd almost become a [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]part of him, like an adhered extension of his body. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]One stupid, contradicting mutation if that was the case. The only reason he'd left them behind today was because of the meeting place. A pub. Would've caused quite the reaction if he entered with two large iron-projectiles slung across his back. Amusing, though.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Thirty minutes in, as he neared the pub, Kuro descended onto the streets by flipping off a pipe. He hit the ground with a dull thud, water splashing beneath his feet. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]The pub was located a few hundred meters away, the area almost desolated compared to the inner districts of the village. Yet, judging by the rain-filled sky, he'd barely left home. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]This shitty country held no surprises as far as name went. Something he'd change upon his ascension to Amekage. Dismissing those thoughts temporarily, he[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] began to make his way toward the pub on foot, his brow furrowed. He'd never felt much excitement over the prospect of joining a team. He worked much better alone, without the unnecessary and often annoying opinions of others. There was a reason why God had restricted the ability to conjoin minds; humans operated peerlessly in solitude, indulging in their own genius.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Fear, however, had a tendency to erode this theory. Some people were simply too scared to rely on their own efforts. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Which was subsequently the reason why certain individuals rose above others. As the situation with his twin-brother. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Sighing, he pushed open the door to the pub; a small, one-story building of typical Amegakure fashion. Now to find her.. Sango Aoi.. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]The search for his sensei proved uncomplicated, as by merely following the glances of other customers, he could locate her. She sat alone, three other drinks untouched, reserved for the vacant spots around the table. Kuro swallowed once, balling his fists. Certainly held an imposing aura, although beauty was not a word he'd use to describe her - but such views were subjective. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ignoring hesitation, he walked up to her table, drawing the unwanted attention of the pub customers. Before introducing himself, he slid onto his seat at the end of the table, opposite to Sango. The drink before him issued a pleasant aroma, stirring his appetite. Now that he thought about it, he'd forgotten to eat lunch today. His stomach grumbled quietly. C'mon.. [/BCOLOR]Raising his head, he met Sango's gaze. "I'm Kuro." He bowed his head just slightly, out of civility, white strands of hair falling across his forehead.
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Takeru Destrushia
Fifth Raikage

Sitting in his office, reading some reports, Takeru started to lean back a bit. He was overall content with the deployment of the police and guard corps, who would be aided by the regular force in order to keep the calm and peace of the festival. Silently wondering who was next on the list of being attacked, Takeru had considered that it would be Nariko or Midori. Nariko was the current jounin commander and thus as Waki, a prominent member of the higher ups. Midori? Neither a higher up or vastly important factor to the ruling body of the nation.

But she was a renowned jinchuriki, which would likely put her at risk too. No matter if it was Iwagakure or any other faction behind all these attacks, he rather didn't take too much risks.

With the doors being opened, Takeru looked up to the ANBU that entered his office. Behind the ANBU, the doors would be closed again by his door guards. Putting the report he was reading down, Takeru would lean a bit forward to accept the report that the ANBU came to bring. Opening the scroll, Takeru started to read it in silence. After a few minutes, he only nodded. Closing the scroll again, he turned his gaze to the ANBU. "Send the Commander my regards. Make sure that you bring those regards as soon as possible." With that order given, he nodded as he assumed that the ANBU would need to return to the Sky country. Picking up the report of before again, Takeru briefly wondered how much trouble it would be for an ANBU messenger. Traveling over a vast distance, even a sea, to only bring a message and then to be send all the way back. As Takeru focused back on his report, the doors of the office opened up again and would close behind the ANBU's back.
Hiron Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin | Team 9

Watching the young Uchiha, Hiron had a blank expression on his face. Simply waiting till the boy was back with his answer, Hiron's eyes moved as his gaze went back to the place where Neji's shadow clone had vanished. There was a soft sigh prior to the reply of Hiron. "And wasting half of your chakra." Turning his gaze back at Neji, Hiron slightly frowned. "You're aware that when a shadow clone, that splits half of your chakra, is being destroyed that the chakra is gone as well?"

Deciding to not linger too long on the question, he would need to adjust his training as he doubted Neji would be able to bring up the required chakra with his reserve at half. "And half correct. The sharingan can copy movement, jutsu and predict movements. There is a trapdoor to each of these abilities however," Hiron said, raising his right hand as he paused, "because if your body can't mimic the movements, you can't copy them. If you lack the knowledge of how to use a specific nature, then you can't copy the jutsu. And while it can predict movements, you'll need to be able to see them." With each 'point' he rose up a finger, pausing afterwards.

Lowering his hand again, Hiron nodded towards the place of where Neji's shadow clone had vanished. "It is important to know the theory and basics behind a technique, tactic and everything else before you use it. If you didn't know the fact that you split half of your chakra and won't get it back because your clone is violently destroyed, then you'll be less efficient with it than you would've known." Hoping that Neji was able to make the link between the example and how to use his sharingan more efficient, Hiron would wait for a reply back.

Putting it to an end.

Staring up at the apartment up ahead, the person narrow its eyes. Standing in the shadow of an alley, the hooded person moved its gaze to the street. It was relatively quiet and why would it be busy? With the festival and ball at the center of the city, most wouldn't linger around home with such an event. Most, the hooded person thought as its gaze moved back to a particular apartment.

Moving out of the alley in a relatively calm pace, the hooded person lowered its head a bit. Today would be a day where many would be having a great time. Spending time with family, friends and loved ones at the festival or perhaps wishing them fun while they would need to work. Only two people in the city wouldn't find any joy in today.

Knocking on the door, the person calmly pulled the hood down. Waiting till the door opened, the young blondine looked a bit surprised. Before the young woman, that went by the name of Tsukiakari Ichinose, could say anything her eyes widened.

In a rapid movement, using the surprise of the visit, the unknown person struck. One hand around her mouth while the other plunged a long blade into her abdomen. Twisting the blade, its victim trembled and tried to struggle free. Tightening its grip, the unknown person made it hard for her to do so. Pressing the woman against the wall, the murder watch as life slowly started to ebb away from the clear crystal blue eyes.

With the struggle slowly stopping, the person pulled the blade out. Slowly crouching as the young woman couldn't support her own weight as more blood started to flow out of her wound, the unknown attacker placed the tip of the blade against her chest, removing the gloved hand from her mouth. As the lips of the young woman curved down, the point of the blade was pressed and pushed to penetrate her heart.

Yanking the blade out of the young woman's chest, the free gloved hand of the murder went to its hood. Pulling the hood up, the person glanced down at the hall. Silently closing the door, the person tightened its grip on the handle of its weapon. Blood dripped from the point of the blade as the person would walk further into the apartment.

"Hm? T--"

The boy looked up as the door of his room was opened. There was a moment of silence as the hooded person and the young boy stared at each other. Then it all went down in a fast speed. Usui wanted to move away as the hooded person shot forward. In a fast movement, the blade lashed out, coloring the walls red. The young boy gasped for air, but wasn't given much room to do anything else as the blade would be plunged into the neck of the boy.

Grunting, the person pressed free gloved hand on the lips of the young boy. Though he tried to resist, the fists of the young boy didn't seem to cause much frustration or pain at his attacker. Twisting the blade, the hooded person would kick the boy. Landing on its back, the young boy's mouth opened. But no sound came out. Trying to crawl away, the blade founds its way into the back of the boy.

Looking around, there was a small trail of blood leading from the hallway, where the corpse of Tsukiakari was, to the bedroom of Usui. The line of the Jinryu clan and family was now really over. Glancing over his shoulder, seeing just the arm of the young boy in view, the hooded person would walk towards the kitchen.

While calmly cleaning the blood of its garb, the hooded person thought briefly about what just had transpired. But what was done was done.​
Harumi Uchiha,
Konohagakure ANBU.

The green eyes of the woman wandered over the street. There was a soft and subtle cracking sound as the leather gloves clenched into fists. Her mind briefly wandered to the festival, but she focused again. Her duties weren't done and she could perhaps see to it that she could try to visit the festival and ball. If the mission would end well.

It was somehow very satisfying, sneaking around in the compound. Knowing where everything was and where most people would be made up for the lack of the infamous sharingan of the Uchiha. Then again, Harumi was more than confident that she could bring the mission to a good end with the sharingan. She had made it this far without a pair of sharingan, meaning she could certainly end this mission without any flaw.

Silently walking further down the street, her hood concealing most of her face, Harumi had taken further measures to use the transformation technique. Applying it only on her face, it would be still hard for any sharingan user to see through it. Mainly cause her face was half concealed away and with the cloak it would be harder to guess her build.

Spotting the home she was going to pay a 'visit', Harumi softly scoffed. The last one of today, hopefully, she thought with a grim thought. Slowly breathing in and out, Harumi would slowly approach the side of the house. Nobody had seen her, as she kept paying watch on her surroundings. Pressing a hand against the wall, she would slowly start to 'dissolve' into small sheets of paper.

The sheets of paper moved over the ground towards the backdoor. Without much trouble or sound the sheets would flow underneath the door, invading the household. The sheets of paper would then form up again, forming into Harumi. Crouched, Harumi threw a few quick glances around. Sneaking further into the household, she paid close watch of any hints that there would be anybody at home. Though the chance for that were quite small. She had been send to do her duties on this time, because there wouldn't be anybody home.

Nadaki was on a mission,
His parents were assigned to guard duty,
His sister sibling was assigned with her squad to a mission as well,
His younger brother was going to train today with Hiron.

All with all, this meant that there couldn't be anybody present in the house. It took Harumi around five minutes of sneaking around before she found the room she had been looking for. Not interested in the content of the room of her 'cousin', if she was correct with that, Harumi would walk to the cabinet. Her left hand went into the cloak, producing a few letters and other material that would lead to a certain outcome. Opening the cabinet, Harumi would place them away that they wouldn't be quickly noticed on first sight. Closing the cabinet, Harumi let out a silent sigh. Everything was done now....
Neji Uchiha
Konohagakure genin| team nine
Neji listened to Hiron as he talked about how Nejis Shawdow clone when destroyed took half his chakra away which Neji was well aware of. "Yeah Sensei I already know that about shawdow clones." Neji watched as Hiron raised his hand and started talking about some of the key parts of using the sharingan.

You're saying that if I don't know what one of my Jutsu does and what affects it can have on my enemy and on my self then I can't be competent while in battle."
Kiyomi Homura
Akinian Empress.

Letting her gaze wander of the people, Kiyomi got a bit bored. So far nobody that she counted really among friends or close to her. Pressing her hands at her back, the eyes of the young woman slightly closed. When she was about to take a seat, she was alerted by two person who approached her and her own guard. "Glad you could come, Korina." Kiyomi friendly replied back after the former had straighten her back from her bow. Making a small graceful bow in return, Kiyomi flashed a smile.

"I hope you'll enjoy yourself. Bound to be some people that would like to have a talk with a Kusanagi." Nodding to the people, that were enjoying themselves with dancing, talking and such, Kiyomi noticed two familiar faces. Pausing, she stared at the distance, first unsure but then quite sure. "I suppose that you'll want to.. spend time with some people." Letting out a soft giggle, Kiyomi turned her gaze back to Korina. "If you're need of me, I'll be most likely here."
Korina smiled gently at her Empress before she looked around at the party as she spoke. She gave a small snort of amusement at some of the party goers then replied to her owner, "Thank you for throwing this for us, Empress. I know some would like to speak and probe and interrogate, but..." Her eyes slid over the crowd slyly. "I think you may have caused a little stir by bowing back."

Looking out of the corner of her eye, she spoke again, "Would you like a drink? My guard has taken your welcome as permission to stuff his face with the exotic food." She motions to the man as he stares at the sizzling meats with a tone of amusement. She didn't mind since she had already given him permission to leave her side. "The others can wait...I am talking with my owner, right now."
Masami Hyuuga
The Raising Star of Konohagakure!

New Training Method!
The Water Dance!

Masami was sweating. She did not remember sweating this much during any of her training sessions before. Gritting her teeth to maintain focus, Masami continued in her new training method. Instead of practising only the Gentle Fist Style in itself, she decided to bring something new into her training sessions. Thus, she decided that from now on, all of her training sessions will take place on water. And another decision came with her new training regime - the determination to create her very own fighting style. A style tailored perfectly for her - a style that used the Gentle Fist, together with Water Release and lots of acrobatic moves. And some of them will originate from the book of dirty tricks.

There were several reasons behind her decision. She wanted to create something she can call her own, something she will be able to pass down to anyone interested in learning it. Masami also believed that by creating something on her own, her skillset and abilities will further increase. And there was her secret motivation - a strong desire to break away from the traiditions of the Hyuuga Clan that have limited her for so long. She was feeling like a bird that slowly learned how to open its cage. Only she was not opening any cages.

She was learning and creating the art of
Water Dancing.
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A fated meeting! Or somethign...

A collab made between Sketcher and Aliceee

Summary: Katsu and Harumi meet each other at the festival.

It had took a while, but she was ready. Fixing her hair, Harumi carefully brushed with her hands over her dress. She wasn't planning to dance or do much. Just a small visit and hoping to come across her sibling. It would be fun to just see him, perhaps even watching him dance with some girl. A smile slowly crossed over Harumi's lips as she thought about it. Her little baby brother the romancer. Now that would be quite amusing, she thought as she briefly closed her eyes.

Making sure that she was looking proper, Harumi would head out. It felt good to just leave home for something that didn't involve killing, framing or anything shady that ANBU were supposed to do. Walking out of the Uchiha compound, Harumi couldn't stop wondering how Katsu was doing. All she had recently knew was that he was still alive. Other than that? Nothing. Wondering briefly if he was still a genin, staying somewhere safe and being happy, Harumi felt bad. What kind of sibling was she that she didn't know of such things? Only half hoping to meet her younger sibling, Harumi wondered if it was a good idea to look him up at the festival. Questions as if he wanted to even see her started to trouble her mind.

It took her some time before she arrived at the festival, for a few moment marveled by the atmosphere and decorations. Only to then focus on getting around and catching a glimpse of Katsu. That was all she wanted, cause she didn't feel she should be here. Growing more nervous, Harumi threw looks around, only to not find Katsu. Perhaps he was gone on a mission? Biting her lower lip, Harumi considered that she could check on the square where the ball was held. If he wasn't there, then she would go home.

Heading to the square, she threw more looks around. Growing half relieves as disappointed, Harumi decided to turn around. Perhaps it was better to head home after all...


Katsu pushed someone to the side and rushed towards his sister, wrapping his arms around her.

Looking quickly up, Harumi was just in time to spread her arm as she hugged Katsu back. Closing her eyes, a warm genuine smile moved over her lips. "Hey." She said, on a soft tone. Hugging him back, she opened her eyes again and wanted to ruffle his hair. "You look quite good. Broke some hearts already?" Harumi decided to ask, teasing him bit.

After letting her go, he gave her a half confused, childish grin. "Hehe... I got a nice suit and all," Katsu said, chuckling. He grabbed his scarf and his cheeks flared just a little bit. "I got a scarf too."

"You look stunning, truly." She replied. A small thought came up what their parents would say, but she wasn't them. "How have you been?" She asked, also gesturing him to follow her so that they wouldn't stand in the way of other people. Spotting an empty stand-table up ahead, Harumi decided it was a good place to just stand and talk a bit with Katsu.

"Euhm..." He thought about the question for a bit. "I suppose I've been quite well," he said, grinning. "I think I grew a bit since last time." He looked at her shoulder. "Quite a bit! And you?"

"I noticed!" She exclaimed, though it wasn't really the truth. She had only noticed it after he had told her that he had grown. "And I've been fine. Just on missions and attending to my tasks. Did....?" Harumi halted her question, noticing that he did sport some scars at the side of his face. Silently, she frowned as she would move a hand to the side of his face, running gently her thumb over the scars.

The boy's face grew a bit redder. "Hehe... " He gathered his hands behind himself. "Same as... always, huh?"
"Do watch out, okay?" Softly squeezing his cheek, she let out a soft laugh. "Genin aren't supposed to risk themselves that much." She advised him, though Harumi was wondering if it didn't sound as a lecture. Pulling her hand back, she leaned a bit on the table. "But where have you been staying at? Not on the street, no?"
"A house on a street," he said, snickering. "I was staying with my friend but then I found a place to stay alone. Well, not completely alone..."

Happy that he had been safe and with somebody, she was growing more worried when he stated that he was living alone now. In her opinion, it wasn't right. He was so young and without anybody looking over him, who teach him all kind of things on how to take care of a householding, only to forget that he had done all those kind of chores before. "Hm? What do you mean?" She asked, wondering what he meant with that last sentence.

"I have a friend. I suppose he's... Well, he is a friend," he said, scratching his chin. "His name's Tanpo. He's reaaaaally messy, though... Of course, he always backs me up when I run into trouble and he's very loyal."

Growing only more confused, Harumi wondered if that was perhaps just Katsu's 'preference'. "Oh? Is he around?" She asked friendly, already throwing a look over her left shoulder.

"Haha! Thank god no! He'd go and bite people if I'd brought him..."

Realizing now what he meant, Harumi could only look a tad surprised. "Oooh, you have a pet now?"

"Oh! He's not really my pet," he said, shaking his head. "Again, more of a friend than anything else."

"Could you try to explain it then?" She asked, growing ever more curious to what wasn't a pet, but a friend, but would bite people.

"Well, he's a direwolf," he said. "He's really immature but he--"
"Hang on," Harumi frowned as she grew more confused, "how did you get a direwolf? If I'm correct that is a breed of wolves that the Hon clan have... Not something you can find in the wild, yes?"

"No, no... I'd done some sort of test to kill a wolf and take its tooth," he said. "And it turned out that was something you had to do in the Hon clan to be paired with a direwolf and then... stuff happened."

She blinked a few times, wondering how it came to be that he managed to get that close with the Hon clan. From what she understood was that it wasn't just something any outsider could do. Then again, she wasn't part of that clan. Wondering if Katsu had received some help of the clan, she couldn't help but feel some sympathy towards the Hon's. "And his name is Tanpo? Doesn't sound that fearsome for a direwolf, does it now?~"

"Well, he wasn't that fearsome when I first met him," Katsu responded, huffing. "He mostly preys on cloth anyway."
She placed a hand in front of her mouth as she snorted back a laughter. It did her more good than she had anticipated to hear that he was faring well. "But where do you live now?" Harumi finally asked, after a pause of silence between them.

"The Cho compound," he said, scratching the side of his neck as he glanced the side. Again she was taken by surprise. First the Hon and then the Cho's? Remembering however that his sensei was the leader of the Cho's and married with the leader of the Hon clan, Harumi wondered if she had any play in the fact that Katsu was clearly so well received. "Good. I..." Wanting to say that she missed him at home, that it was silent without him, she changed the question. "Hope that you're doing okay. At the Cho Compound."

"Quite well," he said. "I kinda wish you'd be around more often..." The following was a lot more quiet and regretted immediately.

Becoming silent as well, Harumi's eyes moved a bit down. She felt the guilt boiling up again. "You got something over here..." Placing her thumb on his forehead, Harumi would move to stand next to him. "Okay, it is a spot, don't move now." Rubbing her thumb gently against his forehead, she would place a kiss on the spot and smile. "I'm sorry Kat."

A rather sad smile formed on Katsu's lips. Lightly, he rubbed his forehead. "Th... Thanks." His smile growing happier, he looked over at her. "Well... At least you're here now."

"Yes, though I won't stay for long. This... isn't really my kind of fun." She said, glancing at the ball. Gaining an idea, she chuckled. "Though how about we share one dance? I've to warn you, I'm pretty bad with it, so maybe if we do something easy that I can keep up with?"

Katsu smiled widely, holding up his hands. Placing her hands into his, she smiled back.

Taking the first step to the side, the boy's smile grew a bit stupid and childish as he overflowed with joy. While Harumi was also happy, she was a bit nervous as she followed with a step to the side as well.

"I'm glad... um..." He tilted his head a bit as he moved his foot again. "Y-you know."
Focusing more on making sure that she wouldn't step on his toes, Harumi moved her eyes up again to try to meet his. "Yes?"
"I'm glad we can... spend time together..." He gave her a grin before looking to the side again.
She remained silence for a moment, carefully watching her steps to match his. "I'm glad... we can too."
Icy, Lesli, and Maruki collab

Festival Arrival
Hideki had said nothing for several minutes as he and Saki made their way to the festival, dimly-lit lanterns hovering in the sky above them, light spilling across their path. A clearly uncomfortable expression was plastered on Hideki's face, his eyebrows wrinkled in regret. The suit was already alien enough - the fabric softer than what he usually wore - and now he had to go enjoy himself amongst hundreds of foreign people, all while rocking the apperance of a mummy. "Do I really look alright in this? Maybe it's too tight?" Hideki grumbled, more to himself than to Saki.

"You look dandy." Dandy, whoever had thought of that word was a hero in Saki's opinion as she giggled briefly. "Really, you should wear such formal clothes more often. Makes a real drastic difference. A good one." She assured him further, her words quite genuine as she felt victorious for the fact she had managed to 'convince' him to go with her to the festival. Maybe she could get him really to enjoy it even. As they would walk towards the perimeter of the city center, she could already hear some of the street bands that were playing. "Sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

Ezuri was standing at the gotei gate that seperated the city center and thus the festival grounds from the rest of the city. Ezuri really wanted to go inside, he loved to go around the festival and especially the bal, he loved dancing. Ezuri looked around, not sure what to do. He wore his finest clothes, a really nice suit of a soft fabric, trousers with a fold a bow tie and some shiny cuff buttons to top it off. He walked back and forth in front of the gate fiddling with the buttons of his jacket as he noticed a couple nearing. He lifted his head to see if he would recognice them. His jaw dropped as he saw Hideki nearing with Saki at his side.

Gazing ahead, Hideki caught the eye of his cousin. For a split-second, a piercing chill ran through him and his heart nearly turned to ice. Since his return to the village, he'd secluded himself completely from the clan, a result of both the permanent wounds he'd suffered and the eye that'd been lost during the ordeal. Worst of all, the mission had not been documented in the official registry, for obvious reasons, and could thus not be viewed nor used as an alibi. But surely, through all the years he'd known Ezuri, a cousin he'd always kept close at hands, a slight ounce of trust and secrecy ought to have arisen between them. But there was no room for hesistation now. Putting on a casual face, masking the doubt and fear making waves inside of his head, Hideki smiled and waved to Ezuri. "Hey, Cousin! Long time no see!"

For a moment Saki was just confused. Saki hadn't given any thought that her team member and Hideki knew each other. It made her wonder if it was thus true that the Hyuuga tried to keep the genes within their own clan. A few thought run through Saki's mind as she remained silent while Hideki waved at Ezuri. Simply pulling up a polite smile on her face, Saki wasn't completely sure if she should now suspect every Hyuuga to be cousins from each other.

Ezuri smiled as Hideki greeted him. "Hey Hideki, it has been ages! where have you been?" He turned to Saki and greeted her formally when he noticed something was off about Hideki "Good day Yamana-senpai... Hideki, I... what happened to your eye?" Ezuri was confused about more than a few things right now. He wondered if Hideki's eye was the reason they hadnt seen eachother in a long time. Suddenly realizing he might have caused any unintended pain by bringing up the subject he quickly changed it. "So, you two are going to the festival like... 'together'?" he asked.

Hideki felt a tinge of relief suffuse him from within as Ezuri swiftly changed subject, noting his cousin's abnormal behavior despite the mask he'd put on. "Some.. complications arouse. Nothing to worry about. But-" He stopped mid-sentence, deciding it for the better not to indulge further in the subject. "And yeah, we're going together.." He was hesitant to say more, feeling embarrassed over the whole situation. He'd not yet told anyone he was seeing Saki. Not that there were many to tell; he'd always been one to keep to solitude, despite his often cheerful nature. And not always by choice.

Though she wouldn't let it be noticed, Saki mentally flinched at the question about Hideki's eyes. It was bound to be asked, but a bit of tact was something she had hoped for. Eyeing a glance at Hideki, she was glad that he didn't seem to lock down by the question. But what surprised her more was that he was open about their relationship, which she hadn't really expected. Staying silence, she lightly titled her head as she looked away for a moment.

Ezuri rose his eyebrows as Hideki mentions complications and made a mental note to talk with him about it if he catches him alone after the festival sometime. Seeing them coming together he figured they were also going together but it still surprised him a bit. He knew Hideki for a long time now and had done some missions woth Saki recently and he wanst able to figure out the connection they had together.

Ezuri started to fiddle with his cuffs. His eyebrow tick happened again as he stared at the ground and silently said "well, have fun... don't let me hold you up any longer..."

Hideki joined him in staring at the ground, feeling his embarrassment double at his cousin's reaction. "C'mon, dude.. You're not coming? It'd be weird to just leave you here.. And you seem to know Saki.. so?" He looked up briefly at Saki, gauging her reaction, afraid he might've disappointed her by inviting Ezuri. However it turned out, though, there would always be time for the two of them later.

Turning her gaze back at Hideki, she kept up the polite mask. Hiding her own feeling on that it was rather awkward on going to the festival with Ezuri - as she kept seeing him as a team member - Saki decided it was perhaps good for Hideki. At least he could get some social contact and who knew? Perhaps she could leave the two at some point when she would meet up with Momo or Hajime? Nodding back to Hideki, she remained politely silent.

Ezuri cheered up a little as Hideki invited him to go with them but quickly returned to the state he was in when he met them "I'd love to but... I don't you know..." his voice got softer, barely audible as he added; "...a date...". he felt a blush creeping up his cheeks and looked up at the two, flicking his gaze between Hideki and Saki. He halfly expected them to burst into laughter but he hoped they wouldn't "Is it really okay for me to come with the two of you?" he asked, his question directed more to Saki then it was to Hideki, at whom he was still looking.

Heat rushed to Hideki's face as Ezuri continued to hesistate and blush. His embarrassment was seemingly contagious. The bastard, and here I was already feeling awkward by merely attending this damn festival, Hideki thought, making a face of mild distaste. "Me? C'mon, Ezuri. Do I look like the type of guy who goes on dates? That's way above me. Y'know that." He elbowed Saki softly in the ribs, whispering to her in private: "Did you bite your tongue or something? Say something please!" He plead. If this continued, he might die of the awkwardness. Neither he nor Ezuri were used to seeing each other like this.

Feeling the elbow in her side, Saki's eyes shot to Hideki as they would then move her gaze back to Ezuri. If it wasn't for Hideki being clearly feeling out of his comfort, she would've rather remained silent as she couldn't conclude anything useful to aid to the conversation between the two cousins. "I'm fine with it." She cheerfully produced. Shifting her weight from one to another leg, Saki lowered her head and brought her right hand up to her mouth. Whispering back : "I did, I did..."

Ezuri looked at Hideki as he alked if he looked like the guy who goes on dates. He rose just one eybrow and let his eyes glide to Saki and then back at Hideki, Hideki should be able to see it in his eyes. Riiiiiiight thought Ezuri but decided to shrug it off. "Let us go then." he looked at both of them and added a thanks to his sentence.

Noting Ezuri's reaction, Hideki transferred a mental message by furrowing his brow, flaring his nosetrils, and widening his eyes. Dude, just because I'm seeing her doesn't mean I go on dates. How could I possibly afford that stuff? He then allowed his facial muscles to relax, smiling brightly instead. A bit too brightly. "Yup, yup! Let's go." Turning his attention to Saki, he maintained that almost comical smile, unable to mask, however, a faint trace of nervosity. Damn it all. Ezuri knew him too well. Saki might be his girlfriend, but she couldn't know everything about him. Not yet.

Moving her head up again, Saki brushed a few strands of her blonde hair behind her ear with her right hand. Nodding simply, she wondered who were already around at the festival or ball. Perhaps Kazuo, Koike and Momo? Or Korina? Saki wondered if she could even see and talk to Kiyomi. Her thoughts went to also on to drag Hideki on the dance floor with her.

Walking onto the festival grounds Ezuri looked around him. Noticing several Stands with Games and Food at either side on the street all the way to and around the dance floor, where the ball is being held. there were also several street artsits and bands performing and overall the festival had a nice air to it. Ezuri was most excited about the ball, but then again he needed someone to dance with. He looked at his companions "Where shall we go first?"

"Uuh. I don't know. Anything that excites you?" Hideki already felt like running away, his demons resurfacing in the midsts of such large crowds. A barely-noticable sting in the socket where his right eye ought to have been caused him to nearly flinch. The suit seemingly tripled in weight, all its elasticity gone in the blink of an eye, whilst the flickering lights that surrounded them turned into blazing pits of fire in his mind's eye. A light dizziness enveloped him. Keep yourself together, damn it.

Slowly Saki moved a hand towards one of Hideki's. She had seen some signs and had grown worried. For once she was very happy with her ability to read some body language, but it was also some worry that she was dragging him to an event that wouldn't do him any good. "Perhaps first to the ball. I think we can then look further what is best to visit next." She suggested back. Sqeeuzing softly in Hideki's hands, she would throw a sideways smile to him.

Ezuri did not Notice anything about Hideki as he walked a little in front of the couple. Saki suggested going to the ball first and Ezuri was happy to oblige. The ball was his main focus on the event. he had spent countless hours preparing for it. Now if he could only find someone to dance with. he decided to just go there and see if there were some girls around there who also didnt had someone to dance with and ask them. If he had trouble with it maybe Saki could hook him up with someone.

Hideki snapped out of a large portion of his dizziness at Saki's touch, not quite due to the physical component as the spiritual. It felt good, with someone there to support him if he'd ever fall, both figuratively and literally, although the latter was highly unlikely unless he tripped a cat or something. "Well, lead the way. I'm not one for directions either way."

Noticing that Ezuri seemed quite eager for the ball and being in front of them, made Saki throw another glance to check on how Hideki was doing. "We can always visit the festival later." Noticing a stand that was about throwing horse shoes at rings. Perhaps she could even win Hideki something later, she thought amused.

Ezuri stood at the edge of the dancefloor and looked around if eh could spot a girl who was also waiting at the edge to be asked to the dance. He looked to Hideki and Saki also standing at the edge. Ezuri carefully elbowed Hideki and whispered; "I might be a little Naive sometimes but im not Blind, ask Saki to dance with you man!"

Hideki snorted in annoyance, subsequently arching an eyebrow. "I will, I will! We just arrived.. There's a time and place for everything. And if you spend too much time dallying around us, you'll be without a dance until the end of the festival!"
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Riku Orochi
Hidden Mist

Riku noticed Daiki was as stoic as ever, made him little fun. Oh well, he was afterall, the ninja he had known the longest. The other two started banter, it was obvious they knew eachother. From the sounds of things the 'beauty' had great hair, and eyes, and build. That was great to know Riku wished he could see it. Maybe one day. His goal in life was to see a beautiful girl. All anyone did in his clan was complain about their kekkei genkei, The Eyes of the Gorgon, a dojutsu so wild it no one could control it, making them all blind. Riku didn't like complaining, he'd rather make do with the cards he'd been dealt. First step was to be a ninja, a good one at that.

Hearing footsteps, Riku heard them leave.

"I guess I'm third wheel. Oh well, never was a jogger."

Riku dropped to the ground for his warmup, beginning pushups. He was an archer, he needed strength more than anything. He was a bit embarrassed to admit his shooting range had gone down since the revolution. After several push ups, he changed to frog leaps, to suicide dashes, back to pushups.

In the middle of a pushup, he stopped to ask their leader a question.

"By the way, Daiki, what did the revolution want with Mr. The Archaeology? Never did learn his name. I kinda got lost, first mission and all."

Upon finishing, he went back to his warmups, starting more pushups
Yoshikuni Sadako

Out of the Comfort Zone

After her new friend left her side, it didn't take her long to arrive at the ball. Her eyes widened at how impressive the whole thing was. Kuni walked and moved to stand next to one of the walls and observed a bit while listening to the music that was playing. The music there was interesting to her, as she wasn't used to hearing such music.

Looking around, Kuni had easily spotted Kiyomi, but only due to knowing what she was wearing. It appeared that she was talking to someone else, so Kuni figured she could try and see if there was anyone else she knew in there. She wondered briefly if she had made the right choice, going there without being certain she will have someone else to talk to, and then leaned on the wall behind her.

For a few moments she merely observed those who mingled and danced, as she understood that her usual approach to meeting new people won't be any good here, or be considered rude. As she thought about how the people in the place appeared to mainly approach each other in a very calm and respectful manner towards each other, she spotted Katsu dancing with someone else. She smiled upon thinking he looked silly with how the dance involved taking a step each time individually.

She then lowered her sight to her shoe and wondered if it would even be possible for her to dance in those shoes. As Kuni pondered on that, she slowly came to think about the fact she isnt achieving what she intended to do. She wasn't meeting new people and it was all because she was out of her comfort zone.
Hiron Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin | Team 9

With Neji answering he already knew that, Hiron wondered for a second why he had done that. But he would answer the question of Neji instead. "You're saying that if I don't know what one of my Jutsu does and what affects it can have on my enemy and on my self then I can't be competent while in battle." The boy asked, making Hiron cross his arms out front of his chest,

"I'm saying that it is unwise to copy cat something you're not proficient with," Hiron answered, "let's assume you copy cat a fire technique of your opponent. Sounds great, but if your opponent was hoping for you to do so, only to use a strong gust to blow the fire back or make it somehow backfire, then your sharingan led to your own demise." Concluding his answer with an example, he hoped it was a bit more clear why he had instructed the boy to not rely too much on his sharingan. Though he doubted he could really make that statement clear. It was probably due to the pride the Uchiha placed in their dojutsu, though that most likely Hiron pessimistic train of thoughts about the particular clan.

Gesturing to the field, Hiron decided to start the boy's training. "I want you to use your sharingan eyes and look around you. Then say what you saw. Simply state it.... trees, grass and such." The man then simply nodded and took a step backwards, a clear signal that Neji could start.
Daiki Shun,
Kirigakure Chuunin | Team 12

Content that they were starting to do their warming up, Daiki would stay on the background. He wasn't really considering to join them as this training he would simply serve as an instructor. Not more and nothing less. Crossing his arms out front of his chest, Daiki would lean against a tree and patiently wait.

Briefly he wondered if he should keep Hiroshi and Haruhi together. Personally, Daiki didn't care for their bond. As long as they could work together, would listen and perhaps keep Haruhi in an emotional stable state then he would be in favor of keeping them together. But he wondered if the two were perhaps a bit too close and with one being a jinchuriki and the other the son of the current jounin commander, Daiki was wondering if he shouldn't play it more safe.

His train of thoughts were disturbed however as Riku asked him a question. Throwing a glance at the other, Daiki remained silent. He briefly raised his right eyebrows. "Nothing to concern yourself with." He calmly answered back. "The mission was a success. That is all that mattered." Daiki said, wondering if Riku knew that it wasn't too bright to questions missions in the open. Even with the Revolution over and done, Daiki wasn't sure if he could consider the Council to go any time soon easy. Remembering the time that people vanished when they doubted or openly questioned something made Daiki only more sure that he shouldn't disclose such information with another out in the open, certainly not with just a genin.

"If you're all done, gather up." Daiki would say after giving them ten minutes to do their warming up. Pausing until everybody had gathered up, Daiki started to explain the training. "I'm going to start with a theory training. Today we're going to work on tactics and the basic skills. Which are considered fundamental for a good reason." Briefly pausing as he shot each of them a glance, Daiki continued. "This is going to be the first situation. Haruhi is captured and hold prison in a building. You two," Daiki glanced at Riku and Hiroshi,"are the only ones nearby to act in time before Haruhi is written off. There are five guards, but there could be potentially more. What would be a plan of approach you two would come with? As for you," Daiku turned his attention to Haruhi, "what would you do while being held captured? You don't know if help is on the way. Though trying to break or sneak out could potentially make it more risky for your comrades..."

Though the situation was about to see how they would react, try to analyze how good they were with theory on how to tackle a situation as this, it was also to see how serious they would be. Though the odds weren't that big that this would happen, Daiki was certain that with Haruhi being a jinchuriki that the odds were bigger than they had been if the girl had been Naname, as example.
Riku Orochi
Hidden Mist

Riku listened carefully, noting the tone of voice. The answer told him what he needed about Daiki Shun. It wasn't like he cared about really why the revolutionaries wanted the Archaeologist. He did want to know the name though, it was a small thing that was bugging the crap out of him.

He listened to the question carefully. Saving the girl of the group? Sounded cliche. Oh well. Riku his skills so far were a bit limited, Taijutsu was hard, he had few ninjutsu, and no genjutsu, but his tools he had certainly had their use.

"Question, Heika. Is there a window to where she is that my friend could see, and point me to? If so, this would have to be my answer."

Riku grabbed his bow and arrow, running the arrow infront of his face as he did. The arrow was blunted.

"Smells like ink."

With a click, and a notch, he let the arrow fly.

Enclosing Arrow

As the arrow hit, the rock disappeared. Grabbing his scroll and opening it, the rock fell out.

"If there isn't a window, well, the arrow would help, but.... Hiroshi, what do you say?"

Riku was a novice, tactics were a bit tricky, he'd never really been in a dangerous situation, unless being kidnapped by Heika counted. Hopefully Hiroshi would have something more.
[fieldbox="Eiji Emiya, sandybrown"]
Team 11 Jounin | Trainingsfield E

Ryuu was the first one to arrive. With apologies in hand did he halt before Eiji. That and that panther of him that seemed to follow the boy around everywhere he went. It was good to hear the boy excuse himself, but it wasn't enough. Still with a half smile Eiji nodded to the boy. "Please sit down." He pointed to a chair behind him, one that stood left from the table. And with that his words with Ryuu were done.

Luckily it didn't take Yogiri very long to arrive. No apologies from her. Instead Eiji was met with anger. that was understandable. It was what he had expected. It was why he had set up this meeting instead of joining the others at the tournament. He didn't feel like they were at all ready for anything that had to do with fighting at the moment. that frustration had to leave the team first. Or at least they should get to some form of understanding. "Good morning Yogiri," he said. "If you could sit down as well." He pointed to the chair that was standing opposite of the one he had told Ryuu to sit in. He himself took the only chair left. The one at the head of the table.

"Well then," he said as they all sat. "I want to discuss our previous mission. What went wrong, why did it go wrong, what results did that get us and how could we have done better? Things like that. Who starts?" He gave his two Genin an expectant look.


[fieldbox="Sho Deshuga, lightblue"]
Team 19 Chuunin | Amegakure Pub

Ryoku ditched him. It was the first thought that had gone through Sho's mind when he had received the note that he had been transferred to another team. Ryoku, the fucking Amekage with his fancy words of promise and peace, had ditched him just like anyone else did. What a freaking surprise. Luckily he had by now already proved that he didn't need the man. Ryoku hadn't helped him achieve lightning release. He had done that himself (with a bit of help from that one red haired guy, but that didn't count). Ryoku hadn't watched him fight that Uchiha brat and win. Ryoku hardly worried about him. Ryoku didn't matter.

And while he was upset that the Amekage ditched him he was even more annoyed that he now had to meet a whole new team again. This was the fourth time that happened. Couldn't the people who ran this whole place make up their minds? Couldn't Genin just stop dying left and right? With these thoughts in mind he stomped through the mud that covered the dirty back streets of this city as he made his way to the new meeting point.

He didn't want to go. But not going was not really an option. He needed to have a team to function in this society. Alone no one would give him missions, no one would even look at him. And that was not an option. He had still to grow. He had goals to reach. Going to a pub was not one of them though and yet he arrived before the shabby looking building that didn't look that impressive to be honest. Why were they meeting in a pub anyway? What kind of tests could a sensei think of that involved being in a pub? Was she going to let them drink themselves to death?

With annoyance written on his face Sho pushed open the door. For a moment he remained standing in the dooropening, observing the room inside. Too dark to his liking, he decided before stepping over the doorstep. The door slammed close behind him. Several customers looked up, but Sho didn't pay them any attention. He had already observed the lonesome woman with the young boy before her and two untouched drinks. An invitation if he ever saw one. Shoving his hands in his pockets he strode over to her. Sango Aoi. Her name must be the only blue thing in this city. The rest was all grey and brown.

He arrived before the table, looked first at her and then at the other boy. "I'm presuming you are my new sensei?" he asked her. "Why are we meeting in a pub?"

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