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[fieldbox='Reyna Azuma, Aqua']
Kumo Genin, Team 13

After she managed to regain control over herself, Reyna slowly stopped the technique, unable to make eye contact with her teammates. She had gotten them into trouble, and she alone had failed the training. Wishing she could be anywhere but where she was, Reyna finally gathered the courage to look up.

As she did so, she heard Midori call an end to the training. Relief flooded through her but it was cut short as Reyna heard the rest of what Midori was saying. She wants me to... spar with the new guy...? Glancing over at Akio with uncertainty in her eyes, Reyna took a deep breath. Moving off to the side so that they would be out of the way, as Midori clearly wanted to discuss something with Kaya, Reyna pondered what to do.

Akio's voice startled her out of her thoughts as he asked what she thought they should do, and Reyna bit her lower lip. "Umm... well Midori-sama asked us to spar, so... I guess we could... test each other out?" Her face turning all shades of red, Reyna quickly stammered out, "I mean by fighting! We could test each other's... fighting abilities..."

Stupid, stupid, stupid Reyna, she thought to herself, why did I have to say it like that? Wondering if it were possible to die of embarrassment, Reyna thought, not for the first time that day, that she might just find out.
Koike Hon,
Konohagakure Spt. Jounin | Team 6

With his hands pocket, Koike had caught wind of which field he would be needed to be as referee. A bothersome task, but he didn't mind it that much. Walking past several fields, he wasn't that much interested in others trying to beat ach other up. For what? Glory? Renown? In his opinion trivial matters. Loyalty, duty and discipline. Those should be the virtues that a true shinobi or any true person should strive for. Noticing a few people starting to make bets on a match, Koike halted for a second.

Glancing at the fight, he saw two genin. Exhausted, the fight seemed to be on par as people shouted, cheered and cursed out loud. Half closing his eyes, he wondered if this was truly necessary. Did it truly make one a better person for beating another in a direct confrontation? In his experience, situations like those weren't that common. More frequent were situations where the enemy would try to go for an ambush or trying to attack with more numbers or in some formation. Rarely had he had fights that could be compared to the chuunin matches. Feeling repulsed by the idea, Koike's calm expression shifted to a disgusted for a second. Sighing, he decided to continue his walk.

Further on his walk he passed a stand that was selling merchandise that brought luck. Though not that genuinely interested, Koike halted. Glancing at the stand as the owner was 'promoting' his wares, Koike thought about it. Looking at the various omamori (charms and talimans) Koike wondered how it worked. Would wearing them just give one blunt out luck? Shaking his head, he decided to head to the field where he was needed. Hopefully he would be over viewing a fight that wouldn't result in some damned headbutting genin. All he knew was that he was going to see a Cho fight against some Kumo genin. Which was going to be interesting as he wondered how much Aiko's fighting style was representing that of her clan.
Kiyomi's Fight!

4 days after the start of the timeskip.
Operation : Zodiacs
Part II

Part I


A moment of silence passed as the two opponents locked their gazes on each other. Flexing slowly the fingers of her right hand, Kiyomi narrowed her eyes slightly. Same as Kiyomi, the right hand of Selia moved to the handle of her blade. As the fingers of their hands wrapped slowly around the handle, Kiyomi's sharp eyes noticed a shift in Selia's stance.

Rushing forward as the steel of the blades briefly caused the familiar rasping sound to move through the air, the two started to close in the distance. Raising her own blade, the point moving forwards, Kiyomi narrowed her eyes. Trying to mimic Kensuke's fighting style, she managed to read the first strike. Slashing diagonally from below, Selia's hack was parried.

The swords sang as they clinged. With an almost rhytmic pace the weapons kept exchanging blows. Feeling cold sweatdrops rolling over her skin, Kiyomi tried to give it her all. She had already several cuts and felt her heart pumping in her throat. Neither of them had managed to get an upper hand so far. Parrying a slash, Kiyomi let her own weapon slide over the blade of Selia's as she attempted to go in with a jab.

Leaning away to avoid the jab, Selia twisted her blade as she tried to cut Kiyomi. Barely able to stop her attack and push the sharp edge of Selia's sword away, Kiyomi made a skid backwards. Licking her lips, she felt worried. They had been going on and she had lost the time. And due worrying about the others, she had been sloppy. Already she could hear Kensuke grumbling on how he would kick her ass if she would survive this.

"What you smirking about?"

"Just the fact that.."

Raising her blade, she felt a heavy pressure with the blade of Selia's sword slamming down on hers. The blades locked, a bit of lightning flickered around the steel. Trying to hold her balance, Kiyomi breathed softly in as she then made her move. As fast as she could, she lowered her blade while stepping aside. "I'm going to cut," She muttered, her blade sliding against Selia's as she tried to move to Selia's left side. "Too slow!"

Surprised, Kiyomi stared at Selia as the blade flashed up. "You down!" Surprised, Selia could hear the voice from her right side while she stared at the afterimage that she had tried to cut. Holding the handle of her blade with her other hand, Kiyomi lashed out. Feeling some blood splashing against her face, Kiyomi didn't stop with a slash. Grabbing Selia by her shoulder, she moved the sword back and about to plunge into the shoulder of Selia. Only to see her poof away. Quickly turning around, Kiyomi readied herself as she felt the ground trembling.

A big creature slithered out of the shadows of the higher and shadow covered part of the hall. Quickly leaping to the side, Kiyomi raised her free arm to protect her from the debris that flew around as she saw what tried to crash into her. An earth dragon? While she was about to land on her feet, Kiyomi yelped. Instead of landing on her feet, her back was the first part of her body that 'landed' on the ground. Skidding, she felt a warm sensation running through her arm.

Glancing at her trembling left arm, she saw a cut. With the dust being whipped into the air, Kiyomi cursed softly.

Staring at the direction of where Kiyomi had went, crashing against the ground, Selia rested her sword against her shoulder. Glancing in the direction of the bandaged sword, she had expected that the sentient blade would try something funny. But it seemed that the bandaged blade stayed put, which was only better. Turning her attention back at the direction where she had seen Kiyomi as last, the dust was starting to settle down.

Steadily some sound was heard. Flickering through the settling dust, lightning started to shine brighter. Focusing on her technique, Kiyomi took a deep breath in as she kept the disc of rapid moving lightning above her. "Heh, bring it punk." Readying herself, lightning coursed briefly over Selia's blade.

Throwing the disc, Kiyomi breathed out. The collective mass of lightning chakra started to create a menacing sound as it was moving low over the ground towards Selia. The latter readied her blade as she would quickly attempt to slide through it.

Gritting her teeth, Selia placed both hands at the handle as the mass of lightning collided against her blade. Trying to give the lightning another course didn't seem to work as it kept violently spinning against the only defense of Selia. Lowering her head a bit, the older girl attempted to stall the dangerous mass.

In a rapid movement, the older girl pushed with the blade, only to lean backwards. With the lightning coursing over her, Selia gained a smirk. "Stupid and too obvio---" "Punksayswhat?!"

Forming the dog handsignal, Kiyomi was leaning forward. Right after Selia wanted to straighten her back, the lightning disc discharged. Imploding, the explosion of lightning would slam against the older girl's back. Dropping on a knee, Kiyomi panted. "Heh..."

With the lightning fading, she could see Selia also dropped. On both knees the other was trembling. Noticing that she hadn't suffered that much, Kiyomi figured that she had used her own lightning to shield some of the damage off. Getting up, Kiyomi's right feet moved underneath her blade. Kicking her blade up, Kiyomi caught it as Selia started to move up as well.

Breathing and out, Kiyomi pulled out three shuriken. Throwing the projectiles towards Selia, she noticed that her foe made a roll to the right. Running forward, Kiyomi kept the blade lowered as Selia moved up. The steel of the sword shot forward, impaling Kiyomi's stomach. Grinning, Selia was about to twist her blade. Only to be kicked against the side of her head. Staggering from the blow, Kiyomi attempted to move in with a jab of her blade. The sound of steel sliding over steel rang. Pressing their weight behind their sword, locking them, they stared into each other's eyes. Quickly moving backwards, Selia managed to cause Kiyomi to lean and stumbled forwards. The hilt of Selia's blade shot towards Kiyomi's face, phasing through it as Kiyomi made another after-image. Letting out a grunt, Kiyomi placed her hands against the ground as she had let herself fall forward. Kicking her feet off the ground, she moved with her hands as her legs swept Selia off the ground.


As Selia was dazed and trying to recover from the smack on the ground, she would feel a sharp pain at the side of her head as Kiyomi kicked her head. The blow making Selia moan as she felt how her world started to tremble.


Dropping on Selia, Kiyomi clenched her fists. "Gentle Fist!" Starting to slam her fists on the other, the first few hits resulted in blows to Selia's head. Anger and rage started to build up as the two started to try to land punches. Already sustaining several mean punches to her side, Kiyomi's left hand grabbed Selia's right. Raising her right fist, wanting to slam into Selia's face, she would feel something splashing against her face. Blinded by the saliva mixed with blood, Kiyomi felt how she was thrown off.

Trying to get up, Kiyomi raised her left hand to sweep the blood and saliva from her face. Only to feel her head getting slammed and pressed against the ground. Yelping, she barely noticed how her head was lifted up again. "Die!" Slamming the younger girl's head against the ground again, Kiyomi let out another muffled scream of pain. Moving her right arm to the ground as Selia lifted her head again. As the older girl attempted in her rage to slam Kiyomi's head against the ground, she would feel a punch to her face. Holding her body slightly up, thanks to her right arm, Kiyomi pulled her left fist a bit back. Punching again, she felt how the weight shifted off her.

Panting and with teary eyes, Kiyomi instinctively tried to crawl a bit away. Muttering a curse, she placed both hands at the ground. Pushing herself up, she noticed how some blood dripped on the ground. Turning around slowly, she saw that Selia was also trying to recover from their struggle. The jade colored eyes turned darker as Kiyomi scoffed. Feeling a cold rage building up in her stomach, she decided on something.

Though the pain was still sharp, Kiyomi ran towards the other. Surprised, Selia raised her hands, but was thrown backwards. Tackling the other and not caring anymore, Kiyomi shifted herself quickly on Selia. It wasn't over...
blue Kazuo's introduction: A trip to the brothel. Non-smutty smut.

Kazuo released a breath as he made his way inside another brothel. It was the sixth time that week, making it the twentieth time in two weeks since the incident. No one knew, and by no one it meant his family. The others were gone. It was doubtful he'd be here if they were. As usual, the smell of perfume and alcohol swarmed his nose. It would have wrinkled if not for him being used to it. Soon would a woman approach Kazuo. Short and sturdy, her brown hair in a ponytail was graying hinting at her age.

"My favorite customer of recent weeks." That didn't make Kazuo feel good. She stuck her hand out. "You know the drill." Kazuo reached into his pockets pulling out some ryo that he placed into the woman's hand. She counted before looking up. "This is…more than needed, ale or an extra hour?" Her facial expression expressed curiosity but certainly nothing that disapproved of the extra money.

"Was hoping you wouldn't point that out…but an extra hour," replied Kazuo. He would buy alcohol another time, maybe for a special occasion or when he needed a different form of relief. The short and sturdy woman nodded. Turning, she began walking further into the brothel. Kazuo didn't hesitate to follow. "Wait here," spoke the woman before making her way into the back. Kazuo stood there with hands in his pockets. Looking around he spotted a bar where multiple men sat flirting with the female barkeeper. Continuing his gaze around, all the women around was scantily clad aside from the few customers of the same gender. There were a few male workers as well, though only shirtless. Kazuo let out a breath before looking forward again.

The short and sturdy woman returned with a much taller woman, one of his height. She wore a single orange kimono with purple outlining. While the sleeves gently fell over her arms the kimono caressed her body well giving a good taste of her slim figure. Her main attributes – for the job at least – is where she placed most focus in her appearance. Her hair was in a bun held up by hair pins while a single bang fell over her right eye. Certainly beautiful, but behind that beauty he could make out disinterest, like she was only doing it because money was rough. Like most workers here. They put on fake expressions for the job, faking their all for the job and nothing more.

It was convincing when he first began coming, and now he wasn't sure about it all. If the faking was getting worse and worse each time he came or if it was just more noticeable to him. Noticeable to him because he placed that fake expression on as well, and faked giving it his all here. Kazuo smiled holding out his hand. "Kazuo Kei."

The woman took his hand, the hand he kissed. "Kazuo Kei smells like dirt."

"Apologizes," replied Kazuo. He probably would have been embarrassed if not for people saying that to him all the time. "It's fine, I've endured worse. At least you're cute. At least you aren't sweaty and two hundred pounds of fat." Kazuo's cheeks lit up a bit. Although he had been in bed with people performing deviant acts, being complimented wasn't something he was used to. "Names aren't important. I'm here for your money; you're here for my money maker. Let's keep personal feelings, introductions, and sob-stories out of it."

After nodding she would lead him into a room. After locking the door and going through the tedious process of stripping he was pushed onto the single bed that covered most of the room. It was rather comfortable, certainly better than what he had at home. If it wasn't an up and out sort of place then he could have slept easily on the bed. Letting a breath escape his open mouth, Kazuo closed his eyes soon after. He allowed himself to be swallowed in bliss, allowing his mind to wander off. It ran further and further from the pain, the memories, losing sight of what was and focusing on what was now. Kazuo let out another breath. Hands moving up, they placed onto the waist of the worker. As he opened his eyes he would find himself staring into the light green eyes of his former lover. The worker that once was had faded. Now he was looking into the eyes of someone he was trying to escape from. Emotions built up but they were held back by a chain. His body moved in unison with the Mai's. They were in synch almost as if they had trained in it beforehand. Closing his eyes once more he allowed his mind to wander again. Away from the pain until all his anger, sadness, and frustrations escaped him.

Walking outside the brothel, Kazuo rubbed his head before looking up into the night sky. He'd be late home. His parents knew of his loss and were probably worried of him being out so late. He frowned. Guilt closed in on him. The thought of him worrying his parents saddened him. The thought of Mia scolding him for making his parents worried saddened him even more. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and sighing he would make his way home.

Upon walking into his home immediately was he hugged by his mother. He placed his arms around her, holding her tightly. "I thought something happened!"

Kazuo chuckled. "Sorry for making you worry." His father soon walked into the room. His mother backed away placing her hands on the side of his face. "You look beat. Are you okay?" Kazuo smiled.

"I'm fine. Just went to go do some stamina training is all, lost track of time." Kazuo looked up at his father. "New team and all…want to make sure I'm not lacking before I meet them." He rubbed the back of his head before stepping away from his mother. "But I am beat, so I'm going to bed. Love ya' two!"

Before he gave the two a chance to reply he shut his door and fell back into bed. With a hand on his head he sighed. I miss you guys…
A collab between Lesli and Icy.

Tutorial since Iwaku hates me:
1. Open spoiler 1
2. Read spoiler 1
3. Read spoiler 2
4. Sorry for dildo spoilers
Saki and Hideki
The Reunion

Hideki strolled down the cobblestone-laid walkway of the park, his mind occupied with thoughts of his future. His recent moodswing had come to an abrupt end and after patching himself up, he'd decided to go for a nightly walk; to clear his head of things and hopefully recover some of his sanity. A crescent moon hung in the sky above, split in half yet as brilliant as ever. In a few days, he'd return to his clan and face their wrath, for wrath there would certainly be. Especially from his father; his mother's reaction was still a mystery to him; she was far too unsystematic to predict. Sighing, he exhaled deeply, closing his eye for a moment and enjoying the gentle breeze.
Walking down the street, Saki had a smile plastered over her lips. With a small bag, she was humming a cheerful tone as she had a pretty good day. In the morning she had worked on her condition and some other training that were actually instructed to the genin of Team 7. Yet Saki had considered that it was a good way to kill the time. As usual when she had nothing important to do, she had taken lunch at one of the town plaza's. Sitting down and just watching people, which was something she quite enjoyed. Figuring and pondering what they were up to while she wouldn't even be noticed by most. Not very surprising as most were having some in mind, not just hanging around like her. In a slow pace going home from spending time at her parent's home, she kept humming the cheerful song that started to get stuck in her head as she thought about somebody.

Entering the streets, Hideki considered heading over to the convenience store to buy some refreshments. While it certainly wouldn't help him as a whole, it'd probably improve his mood. Something he definitely needed at the moment. Thus, he decided to do so. For a long while, he walked in silence, barely breathing audibly. He'd forced himself to stop thinking about Saki, but as the night crept closer, he found himself unable to. Throughout his life, he'd always believed that those enveloped in solitude were the strongest ones; independent and liberated, unconcious of the opinions of others. Yet he'd been wrong. Solitude now terrified him. He needed someone in his life to rely on, someone that accepted his vulnerable side. It'd all turned into one big mess. Nearing the convenience store, Hideki walked past a familiar someone; he was unable to identify which someone, but their posture and gait betrayed no lies. He turned round, his gaze flickering upwards to determine the person.

The song ended as her smile grew a bit. Sunken away in thoughts, the blond Yamanaka was thinking about the future. The past was scary and she wanted to go away from it. Pain, sorrow and loss. She didn't want it anymore, but she wouldn't have it anymore. Walking past somebody, she didn't even see it. Far sunken away, she was safe in her mind. Hidden away, comfortable in the blissfull thoughts about the future that promised love, comfort and company of somebody that would be with her. Frowning, Saki came to a halt. Her eyes widen a bit as something managed to pierce through her thoughts, causing her to turn around.

".... Hid-Hideki?"

Hideki met her eyes in silence, surprise spiralling through him like adrenaline. For several moments, he found himself unable to speak, demons resurfacing from within. All those thoughts he'd accumulated since his return came back flooding in a torrent of sadness, pity, and spite. The breeze stilled around them, a few leaves fluttering to the ground. Hideki felt like tearing up but retained a blank expression. "Saki.."

Staring at the other, she heard the voice. Which caused her to take a step back. Shaking her head lightly, her eyes widened as she felt her heart skipping beats. The previous thoughts and hopes of the future started to crack as she couldn't look away. Her left hand went to her mouth, covering the silent scream of despair as she noticed him. Her shoulders trembled once as she kept staring at him, not wanting to believe what she saw. Slowly closing her mouth, her pale blue eyes started to get teary.

Noticing her reaction, Hideki directed his gaze to the ground, a frown creasing between his eyebrows. It seemed the world refused to follow the order he'd tried to establish; nothing worked in his favour anymore. He ought to have realized it all earlier. It was too late now. He'd not intended to speak, preferring to remain silent until she spoke, but his lips moved unconciously. "I.. I'm sorry. This is all my fault.."

It was him. Hearing him speak, the bag dropped. The cracks of her hopes became bigger, almost breaking as the sound of the bottle of sake that had been in the bag. Placing both her hands at her mouth, a few tears rolled down her right cheek. Simply staring at Hideki, she didn't want to believe it. This wasn't him and yet, she caught herself wanting it to be him. Closing her eyes for a moment, she moved. Running as fast she could, she couldn't care. Didn't want to care. There was something soothing in it as she couldn't fight the tears back.

Hugging him, she burried her face in his neck. Speecheless, she didn't care. He was back home. That was all that mattered.

Momentarily shocked, Hideki stood frozen, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to think. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hug her tightly, but was he worth it? All his problems stemmed from a single, solitary source; himself. He'd been the cause of everything that had occured in his life. If he was unable to protect even himself, how could he possibly protect the ones he loved? These thoughts raged inside of his head, spilling non-existent blood. In the end, his body moved out of its own accord and he found himself hugging her back, his eyes watering.

Tighten her hug, she kept her eyes closed. A few moments passed until she moved her head back. Licking her lips, she stared into his eye. Slowly raising her left hand, she seemed to waver. The hesitation was quite clear as her hand was trembling. Moving it closely to the bandage. Curious to what had happened to him, she didn't care. With as gentle as she could, her fingers moved over the bandage. Taking a breath in, Saki closed her eyes as she moved her lips closer to his.

Hideki felt her lips touch against his, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. In that single moment, all those unlit thoughts were grinded into dust, the immaterial warfare occuring within his head shattering into fragments. Unconciously, he felt his fingers coarsing through her hair. As the kiss came to an end, Hideki kept his gaze distant, unable to properly formulate a sentence.

Blinking, trying to look through her tears, a smile cracked on her lips. Briefly as she breathed out, her eyes moved to his lips. As they went back up, her gaze locked on his eye. "I missed you." It was nothing more than a soft whisper, as the cold breeze that moved through the street. Tilting her head, she moved her hand to gently touch the bandage again.

Flinching slightly as she touched his bandages, Hideki finally looked upon her, a film of water obscuring her pale blue eyes. "I missed you too." He replied, his voice as soft as hers, barely audible through the gentle wind. There was so much he wanted to tell her, so many excuses, explanations, and apologizes. How he'd become like this. What he'd done to himself. How he'd been nursed back at the Temple of Heaven and Earth. And most importantly, why he'd been gone in the first place. Yet he was unable to do anything but utter the worth of a single sentence. Once again, he found himself apologizing. "I'm so sorry.."


Her smile grew as she became silent. Her lips moved against each other as she stood silent, close to him. Though still curious, she was happy. Perhaps he didn't look as the person who she had met at the sushi restaurant, but it was the same person. And that was all that mattered for her. She didn't need more. Slowly, she moved her hands to his. "Come..."

He clutched onto her hand, his fingers entwining with hers. Despite the nightly chill, the warmth was unmistakable, heating him up from within, momentarily melting away all of his worries. He allowed himself to be pulled away by her, a relieved expression settling on his face. A single tear rolled down his left eye.


It felt good. Slowly taking steps back, she opened her lips a bit as she shushed him as she noticed him shedding a tear. Unlike before, her fear was replaced with joy. And judging by the slowly squeeze of her hands, it was clear that she didn't want to let go, her source of joy and relief.

Hideki dried the tear with his free hand, scowling at Saki in a childish manner. "Allergy." He muttered softly, unable to keep his lips from curving slightly.

"That's fine." She said, licking her lips after her reply. Instead of locked in a smile, they were slight open as if she wanted to say something but unable to find the words that could possibly describe her emotions. A certain glance moved over her pupils as her lips promised a sweet promise that wouldn't need words to describe it.

The ghost of a smile appeared on Hideki's lips and he allowed himself to be swept away by the night. He could always worry tomorrow. "Ayy Lmao"

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An Awkward Reunion
A collab between Gero-Frenchie and Estrella-Sleepyhead

Day 2 of the Timeskip

Summary: Tsukiakari visits a forgetful Koike. Among many awkward moments and teasing they make a plan to go out that night.
Koike rubbed his eyes for a moment. He had another rather dreadful night rest. Lowering his right hand, he opened a few of the curtains. With the water warming up, he would later start to make some coffee. Yawning, Koike started to walk towards his crafting room. Inspecting what goods and requirements he would soon need to buy, Koike wasn't really fond of the idea to go outside unless it was really needed. Deciding to see if he could already fill a mug with warm coffee, Koike closed and locked the door of his craft room.

Scratching his neck, he would grumble as he noticed that there wasn't not yet coffee to fill half a mug. Pondering on the question if he should take a shower. Only dressed in a black short, Koike would head to the bathroom. For a moment he felt wary for looking into the mirror, afraid that he would see 'her' again. But he only saw himself. Leaning towards the glass, he narrowed his eyes as his right hand moved to the large diagonal scar.

Tsukiakari stopped in front of Koike's door. After asking a few people the blonde had learned Koike didn't reside at the Hon compound and instead lived in the apt right in front of her. 'I wonder why he doesn't live around his relatives...Maybe a sense of independence?' She could understand that. But if it were her, she would live at the compound and cherish every moment with them. An image of her little brother's face flashed through her mind causing her to flinch. 'Stop...This isnt the time to think about Sora!' She chided herself.

Lifting her hand she hesitates 'What if he doesn't remember me? Its been so long...Stop worrying Tsu and just do it!' Taking a deep breath she lightly knocked on the door twice. Hopefully Koike was home and this trip wasn't a complete waste.​

Hearing somebody knock on the door, Koike instantly got wary of who it could be. He hadn't hear a lot from either Aiko or Katsu. Walking out of the bathroom, he briefly glanced at the corner of the living room - part - as he walked towards the door. The black fur didn't seem to be eager about getting up to check out who it was. Remembering the wolves weren't fond of the unknown, Koike briefly chuckled. Another similarity between him and Akumu?

As his right hand moved forwards, his fingers wrapping around the door handle, Koike only realized it too late. As he opened the door and had a relatively calm facial expression as composure, he realized something.

He stood in nothing but his black shorts, that went to his knees.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" He managed to ask in a polite manner, simply disregarding the fact. What did it even matter anyways?

When the door opened to reveal not the young boy Tsuki remembered, but instead a half naked man. Her crystal blues went wide and a light blush rose to her cheeks as she averted her gaze. "Um, hello. I uh...You don't remember me do you?" Her tone was hesitant and a tiny bit disappointed. 'I knew it...Its been too long...Maybe this was a bad idea...' She was beginning to doubt her choice in possibly accepting the arranged marriage.

Nervously running her fingers through golden locks Tsu started to turn away.
"Nevermind...This was a bad idea..."

Don't remember her? Koike eyed the young woman in front of him as he tried to figure out what she meant. There was an air of familiarity, but if he had any guesses it was either due working before with her or because meeting with her at some event? Flashing an apologetic smile, Koike grew a bit curious. "Might be because I'm not awake yet." He replied politely. "But-- Ah!"

He stopped his sentence as he had a guess, though it was nothing more than an actual guess. "The academy, no?" He asked back as he would step aside. "And if I can help you, please enter. I'll... put on something proper then."

Tsuki blinked in surprise before suddenly giggling. "I see your memory is the same, Koike-san." She responded in a light teasing tone before taking his invitation and stepping inside his home. The first thing that caught her attention was the black wolf lounging about. Her face instantly lit up. "What a gorgeous wolf!" She complimented, she'd always been a animal lover.

Even at the academy she would often be caught and scolded for feeding strays. It didn't stop her in the least though. Looking back to Koike she smiled.
"Can I pet him?"

Closing the door behind her, he found it slightly awkward that he couldn't remember a name. He wasn't good with those, true, but it was slightly irritating him that he couldn't come up with her possible name. "He isn't fond of.. strangers, but he won't bite." He said, hoping he was right. The creature seemed rather shy, trying to remain alone in the corner, which was probably not going to make her want to pet him less. For a moment, Koike found it even amusing to see a large predator shy'ing away like that. "I'll be right back." He informed her.

Walking quickly to his own room, the frown was back on his face. Where and what? How and why? He tried to remember if he had an appointment made for today, but he hadn't. Opening his closet, he would pull out a shirt and put quickly on. Walking into the bathroom, he sighed as he would then quickly brush his teeth, remembering that it would likely a neat plan. That and if Akumu would be able to 'distract' the young woman, he had time to do so.

Walking back into the living room, he decided with a rather usual question : "Want something to drink?"

The wolf's shyness didnt faze Tsuki, she was use to the wariness of animals, she found it endearing. Nodding as Koike went to dress she slowly approached Akumu. Stopping about 2ft from the black canine she squatted down with a gentle smile and held her hand out for him to sniff if he wished. She would let him come to her if he wished, she wouldnt invade his personal space just for her enjoyment. If he would approach her she would slowly pet his hand and rub behind his ears. "Your a sweet boy huh?" She spoke in a soothing voice.

Her eyes wandered around the apt, it didnt hold anything fancy which was a bit comforting, she wasnt into fame and glamour. As Koike returned she stood and tucked a blonde strand behind her ear. To his question she giggled slightly. "Sure, whatever is fine." She responded lightly. She noticed some books strewn about that peaked her interest but she decided to save the less vital questions for later. "So have you remembered my name yet, Koike-kun?~" She playfully taunted, tilting her head to the side slightly as he gazed at him expectantly, a smile playing on her lips.

The wolf kept staring back, the lip at the right corner slightly being lifted as the blonde came near. He didn't seem to be eager to close in further the distance. With hearing her answer, Koike frowned as he looked in his fridge. He had forgotten - again- about the groceries. Most of it was alcohol and he doubted that he could serve that right now. "Hm? Oh." He mentally cringed as he thought about her question.

"Well, one sec." Deciding to be 'traditional', he would just fill two glasses with cold water. "To be honest, no." He would tell her as he would walk over and offer the glass, gesturing to the couch for her to take a seat. Waiting politely for her to take a seat first, he would sit on the other couch, taking a sip of his water. "I'm honestly bad with names, so I'll need to apologize for that." He said, trying his best at an apologetic smile. Which he felt like he was failing at.

Tsuki only smiled at the pup, not offended by his reaction. Shaking her head with a light smile she takes the glass from Koike. "I kind of figured, thank you." She replied, not offended, it had been several years. Taking a seat she sipped the water before placing the glass on his coffee table. "No need, I understand, we didnt interact all that much to begin with. I'm Tsukiakari Ichinose, or Tsuki for short." She finally explained, not wanting to torture the dark haired boy anymore. "I'm going to assume you know of the....ummm...Arrangement my father made before his death...?" She asked, a bit hesitant with the subject.

Glad with that he was given the name, Koike took a sip of his glass as he would lean back in the seat. Hearing what the purpose was didn't make him drop the calm expression. He was aware of the arrangements and frankly personally didn't care that much. What would it entitle? Just sharing his space, right? Not like he had to be very close with her, right?

"I do," He replied, "I hope I won't offend you with it, though I understand it is for the better of the clan and state." Taking another sip of his water, he wondered briefly about her parents. They were dead? That was a shame, but in this harsh and cold world not hardly surprising.

A smal twitch started on Tsuki's brow. 'Hes taking this....Way too lightly...' She wasn't sure if he was just duty blind or if he really didn't care if he had a wife or not. Either way though, it rubbed her the wrong way. Raising her chin slightly she folds her arms.

"Actually I have yet to make up my mind on the matter. Which is why I came here today." Her tone was a bit colder this time. If Koike paid attention he would notice the change of mood, she was irked.

Noticing the change in tone again, Koike wondered if she had been ticked off, while he had made some sort of apology. Scratching his right cheek, he thought about a fitting reply back. "I see. Well," trying to flash a polite smile he wasn't sure if it would actually work, "I suppose you have your questions or such?" For a moment he felt lost, wondering if he should try to be more friendly? Though he wasn't sure how he could be friendly without making it fake, which would likely upset her.

Tsuki flashed a skeptical eye at Koike. Sighing softly she places her hands on her knees. "First I need to know. Are you really interested in marriage or is this a duty bound acceptance?" Her tone was calm and serious. 'Depending on his answer...I'll pursue this or not.' She thought with resolve.

He thought about her answer and looked away for a moment. "To be honest, I accepted it because I value my duty quite high." Looking back, he made a gesture. "I do have to say that I'm not... very familiar with it. I've grown up without married parents, but if it is just sharing my place then I wouldn't mind it." He replied back. "All I know is that it helps others in some way. Though," Cold sweat started to break out as he wasn't sure if it was the correct time. Raising his right hand, he scratched the back of his head. "You've a nice smile..?"

Tsuki blinked once before she had to stifle a giggle. Honestly she couldn't quite put her finger on Koike, but one thing for sure was, he had no social skills when it came to women. 'Just sharing space? Oh boy...' Its not like she had any real experience either but she at least knew what marriage entailed.

Suddenly she smiles at Koike. "Um, thank you. I have an idea. Why don't we go out? Are you free tonight?" She asked a bit shyly, not use to asking anyone out. Hell it had been years since she last went out with anyone besides Usui or Zakito. 'Man that's pathetic...' She thought, a bit disheartened.

He blinked several times, not expected that. For a few moments he was left speechless. "Eehhh," He was considering what else he had to do. Practically nothing else but studying and trying to develop his current project. "I think I would be available." Koike reacted, still half wondering what he should say or do now. "Any ideas on where and how late?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation going on instead of letting an awkward pause come up.

Tsuki couldn't help but find his nervous reactions cute. Looking up at the ceiling she debated on what would be a good activity. Really the only thing she had been doing is studying, training, and going on missions. Only recently, after adopting Usui, did she start leaving her house for things other than the food.

"Hmm...." Suddenly an idea came to mind and she smiled, looking back at Koike. "I have an idea but its a surprise, aftward we can have dinner. Do you like Barbecue? As for how late...Well it all depends how it goes."

"Sounds good with me." He replied back, nodding once. Though he was wondering what she meant with the last comment, Koike leaned back in his seat once more. "Do you already know a place by any chance?" He asked, growing slightly more nervous as he wasn't sure what was now expected of him.

Tsuki nodded before standing up. "Yup, but it'll be a surprise." She spoke with a playful grin. Walking to the door she turned with her hands clasped behind her back. "How does 6 sound?" Though her attitude showed confidence, this was totally new for the blonde. Inside she felt like a jumbled ball of butterflies waiting to explode.

Rising up, he would walk to the door as well. "It is okay with me." He friendly replied back. "Any place where we meet up?" Koike asked.

"Hmm...How bout outside the Hokage office building?" She suggested before opening the door and stepping out. With his agreement she would smile. "Alright I'll see you tonight Koike-kun." And with that Tsu waved goodbye as she left to make...Arrangements.
[fieldbox= S Ō H A - G E N I N, #269952]

Being with the revolutionaries for a week since the "made-to-fail" escort mission, Sōha was in between places, not really knowing what side to defend or be offensive against. His teammates were also on the same ship as him, along with plenty of people supporting the revolutionaries. He reluctantly decided to be a part of whatever that was to happen. He heard whispers in the ship, not like he was prying to become a part of any conversation. He kept to himself mainly, standing by the ships edge, looking at the sea. Thoughts ran through his mind. He was unsure how his parents would take this news, that he was "with" the Revolution, especially his father.

He hadn't been to his home in a week, but his mother knew he was on a mission, though she probably had no idea it would take this "long" to finish. He was however a Genin, a Shinobi still. Sōha had some idea about how to survive, but the situation at hand was not something he expected at all. The whispers on the ship between the revolutionaries was about some sort of a siege, a probable attack against the loyalists and the Mizukage. 'I definetly did not anticipate this... And it was even on the very first mission." It did not take long before the ship ankered. They were before the main island, where Kirigakure was, and people were running about, carrying tools and equipment to set up a camp for the moment.

He was able to notice both Naname and obviously Riku helping out. Sōha on the other hand was still hesitant. He had nothing against helping. Heck, when one of the revolutionaries beckoned him to get off the ship and help out, he only showed a light smile in response and grabbed something before a light jog towards the main island. Once he was off the ship, he used some of the equipment to at least help the revolutionaries. Despite him being away from his own home, they did take good care of both him and the team he was a part of.

While he was setting up camp with one of the other few revolutionaries, he kept his mouth shut. There was no point in striking a conversation. It just wasn't something he wanted to do. He felt out of place. If he was on the loyalists side, he would've felt the same way there. "So.. You just recently joined the revolutionaries, huh? Daiki-san must've been convincing..." A random guy who was setting up the same big tent as him spoke up. Sōha was unsure if it was directed at him. Glancing from between the tent and the man, he eventually responded.

"Uh... Yeah.. He sure was..." Another smile was plastered on the young Genin's mind, he just couldn't share exactly how he ended up with the revolutionaries. The man just laughed and patted him again, though much stronger. Almost pushing him into the tent, and repeatedly. "You look like you can hold your own, young boy.. Glad to have you onboard.. We'll show those loyalists in due time.. Just you wait.. You'll join us for the siege right?.." The man asked, brimming with confidence.

Sōha on the other hand scratched the back of his head, and laughed in return, though hesitantly, with his eyes closed. "Yup.. That's why I'm here.. Right?.." Feeling somewhat embarassed as to why the man even is striked a conversation with him. "Haha.. That's what I want to hear.. Good to know you're with us.. Boy.."He just had no way to react back but to comply with words he assumed would suit the situation. They eventually went back to working on one of the many tents that were being set up in the area. He was able to even eye out at least Riku. 'Seems like the guy has settled in..' He thought to himself. [/fieldbox]
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Akio Ogasawara
It seemed that his teammate was not only almost unbearably awkward, but also a little hard of hearing. "Yes, I heard what she said." He began, trying not to draw attention to Reyna's choice of words. He could tell from her face she was embarrassed enough without anyone driving it home. "I was thinking more along the lines of how, not what. Our comrades are right over there, after all..." He didn't know how long Midori and Kaya would spend talking amongst themselves, but he had a feeling that it would only make it harder if they had to talk over the sound of two people sparring. "...perhaps we should move somewhere further away? I wouldn't want to make their...conversation more difficult."
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The Chuunin Match on field 1

Rain of blood....

Collabed between Aeronfarron and Lesli.

Summary :
Korina faces off her opponent at her match.
It was a blast....

There was a small crowd starting to gather at the field at the beach. The barrier nin, around four, started to take their place and ready themselves to craft up the barrier. Due the nice weather there were several parasol set up in order to create some shade for the interested crowd to see the match of the two genin.

With a confident composure, a dark haired boy, dressed in beige shorts and wearing a dark brown jacket, walked towards the field. From the smug he was radiating a certain arrogance as he walked past the public into the field. The barriers weren't set up and the referee stood in the shade. Placing his fists on the side, the boy nodded towards the referee. Waiting for his opponent, the arrogant smug grew on the boy's face. Glancing towards the sea, there was no worry on the boy's face.

Looking out over the water, Korina stood with her arms crossed and eyes closed. She inhaled deeply and reveled in the scent of the ocean. How fitting for her as a Kusanagi, as the ocean was where her clan were born. The beach was the symbolic beginning of almost everything that dealt with her clan...so it was only right that the beginning to her tale be right along the edge of the water.

She stood in her sleeveless vest, her headband was tied around her neck and her Storm Guard band was plainly visible on her right bicep that faced the boy. She dug her feet into the sand a little more to get a good feel of how loose or packed it was, which wasn't too bad. It seemed as though she would be able to turn, but running or pivoting would be a bit difficult...the tide had yet to come in, so the sand was pretty dry.

She adjusted then pulled her feet from the sand to face her opponent. His arrogance hurt her eyes, aside from that though, he seemed...decent enough. "Good luck." She said to him before given a slight nod.

"Yeah, as if I need it." Was the comment back. The tone gave away that the boy valued himself higher than the girl. Which wasn't that rare with the age he probably had. Letting his hands hang to his side, the referee would step out of the shade. Clearly not too interested into any small talk, the referee glanced at both. Raising his right hand, signalling that they should ready and form the Seal of Confrontation, the boy frowned as he did so.

The girl's eye twitched at his tone but she made no further comment. When the referee gave his signal she made the Seal of Confrontation as well. A moment passed as the two genin made the seal. Lowering his hand to signal that they could start, the referee quickly moved back to give the two space. Lowering his arm, the free hand of the boy went to his pouch as he was about to grab a few shuriken.

Korina looked back out at the ocean once the referee gave his permission to start. The sound of the waves calmed her immensely and brought a smile to her face. "The ocean is nice this time of the year. Did you know that? With winter and spring over, the water will begin to warm up again." She said with a sigh. She was content to let him have the opening move, Mother knows the boy was probably as hasty as a rutting rabbit. But she wondered as to a few things, and resigned to being on the defensive for now.

Frowning and freezing for a moment the boy wondered if it was some sort of trick - her talking. His fingers picked up three shuriken. With a quick fling, the boy threw them towards Korina.

That moment was what she was looking for, that hesitance. In the seconds that it took for the boy to hesitate then throw his shuriken, a clone Korina was already running towards him, while the original stayed where she was. The shuriken passed right through the clone, and began to throw a punch. Seamlessly, she used a hand signless replacement technique to switch herself with the clone when the clone wound up that punch. Behind her, the ruse continued as the clone started to make hand signs.

Narrowing his eyes as the shuriken phased through the clone, thus an academy clone, the boy's right hand traveled quickly to his kunai pouch. Only to stumble backwards as the punch connected to his face. Blinking several times, the boy managed to keep standing and holding his balance. Sweeping his left hand across his mouth, his right hand pulled out a kunai.

Korina dispelled the academy clone and brought her hands up, her metal kote were facing outwards to protect her face and torso.

Keeping her balance, she threw a hard but quick at his side with her right hand then, then attempted to catch him off guard with a straight left to the jaw.
Evading the first strike, the boy barely managed in time to fend off the following up attack. Feeling how he was pushed a bit backwards in the sand, Korina's opponent attempted to counter attack with trying to sweep her off balace with his right foot. Korina suddenly loosened as the young man went in for a sweep. Her leg buckled beneath her at the sweep. Before she could hit the ground, she stuck her left hand out to stabilize her body and interrupt her fall. She brought her left hand up to protect her torso, then planted her left foot to kick out at the boy's left knee with her right foot.

Grunting the boy sank as he fell how her foot kicked his left knee, causing him to fall on his other knee. Raising the kunai, the murderous intent glanced over the eyes of the boy as he aimed to strike at Korina in retaliation. Korina back pedaled away when the boy fell to give herself some air. She punched out again, but this time, she fed some chakra into her kote and triggered the rope dart that aimed to impale itself into the boy's thigh.

Leaning away to let the punch miss, the boy tried to move forwards with his kunai - wanting to stab Korina. Only a panicked yelp escaping his lips as the steel of the dart pierced through his clothing and impaled his thigh. Grunting, the boy threw the kunai towards the girl, biting on his lower lip. Korina grunted when the boy threw the kunai. She managed to dodge it, but the sound of metal on metal was loud in her ears as it scraped against the metal mesh at her side. She vowed to always were a mesh on her torso, that blade could have been poisoned and it was only her outfit that would have kept it from entering her body.

"Do you surrender?" She asked the boy.

Having used the moment to pull out the dart, his face turned pale. Blood started to seep out of the wound at a worried pace. "Ugh," grunting, the boy glared up to Korina. Managing to get up, the boy stood in a shaking manner. His left hand placed at the wound as his right hand traveled to his pouch. "Wha-What if I don't?"
"We continue on. We fight until that referee calls the match, until you pass out from blood loss, or until I kill you." Her tone was calm and matter of fact. She looked like she could care less about the boy, but she continued to watch his movements.
His fingers slowly grabbed around the objects he wanted to use next. Feeling slowly light in the head, the boy narrowed his eyes. Evidently clear that it was a lost fight, the referee took one step forwards. Pulling his right hand out of his pouch the boy hissed as he then ran forward in attempt to close in the distance with Korina.

Korina's eyes had shifted towards the referee when he stepped forward and she missed whatever it was that the boy had pulled from his pouch. When he got too close for her comfort, she tried to back pedal away. Grunting, the boy tried to keep up. Only due to the sand and starting to feel light in the head was making it hard for the boy to keep up his speed. One of the tags fell out of his hands, alarming the referee. Korina saw the tag and bit off a curse as she stumbled back onto her butt. She stared at the tag in disbelief.

The jackass tried to kamikaze her and kill her! It was a TEST! She felt an unholy rage take her over and she panicked when she realized that she was without an owner for the second time in her life. Her left eye shifted colors into an amethyst orange as she fought to keep the blood thirst down.

He made an attempt on her life! She would have her retribution!

Not before a huge diplomatic opportunity!

My code demands it. no questions, no hesitance.

She finally gave in, and let the hatred and thirst consume her. Korina stood slowly and carefully wiped off the sand and dirt from her hands and bottom. "You tried to kill me." Panting the boy was starting to get exhausted as she fell on her but. The referee demanded the boy to stand down. "Heh....Wrong." A wicked grin spread on the boy's lips as he would throw the tags up, his free hand forming a sign. "I... am going to--"

Korina was moving when the boy had begun to talk. Lightning gathered and swirled in her hand until it became a drill, which she thrust at his stomach when the boy began to monologue. A silence dawned on the field as the crowd was silent ever since it was clear what the boy was plotting. The referee stood silent as well, staring with a neutral expression at the two genin. Coughing up blood, the eyes of the boy moved down as a burning scent would make it clear that the tags were starting ignited by the boy's previous sign.

With her free hand, she made another clone and sent it towards the boy. Her jutsu powered down, showing that it was a shadow clone, and it lept forward to cover the boy from the brunt of the explosions. To ensure her safety, Korina slammed her drill into the sand and kicked up a sandstorm as she dug a hasty trench.

The ground trembled soon enough after Korina moved into action. Sand and dust were blown up as the referee was forced to pedal quickly backwards to not get caught in the blast. Looking around, it was hard to see any signs of the participants. Distinguishing a half charred and ragged body, the referee glanced around to see a sign of the girl.

Korina barely managed to throw herself into her little ditch when the explosion rocked the ground. She felt her clone disperse then poked her head up over the ground. She blew out a breath and went over to check the body after she pulled herself out of the tiny hole.

Surprised, the referee waited for a few seconds. Proclaiming Korina as the victor, the barrier nin would dissipate the barrier. After a second the barrier was done, two medical nin rushed over as quick as they could to check the boy and see if there was anything they could do.

Korina's hands shook in a vicious rage. Even with her being announced as the winner, the coward had robbed her of her righteous revenge. She shoved one of the medic nins out of the way, to see if he was still breathing. Only to witness that the other medical nin shook his head. The woman that had been shoved aside mumbled a curse as she would kneel next to the charred corpse. "You can go." It seemed more of an instruction than a request of the referee who looked with some disappointed look at the corpse.

Korina growled in anger but stomped off the field. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to say. Her revenge was gone, and left her with a feeling of emptiness...

She needed to set it right...

She would find his name. She would take it out on his family until her rage was satisfied.

[fieldbox='Reyna Azuma, Aqua']
Kumo Genin, Team 13

Biting her lower lip, Reyna nodded emphatically. "Oh, right! That's, er... that's a good idea." Throwing a look behind her, Reyna glanced at Midori and Kaya. From the looks of things, they were having a heated argument of their own, and it would probably be best to be as far away from it as possible.

Turning back to face Akio, Reyna hoped that she'd have a chance to redeem herself a little in front of her new teammates. "Let's go to another field, just in case... Midori-sama and Kaya-san can join us after I guess."

Staring at the other boy for another moment, Reyna decided to take the lead. Turning on her heel, she began making her way towards one of the adjacent fields which appeared to be entirely empty. When she arrived, Reyna performed a few quick stretches, hoping to loosen herself up after the shock she had received earlier. Her Lightning Aura could help her muscles recuperate, but Reyna had suppressed it after she failed Midori's control exercise.

Finishing her stretches, Reyna folded her arms across her chest and turned to see if Akio had followed her.

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Saki Yamanaka
Konohagakure Chuunin of Team 7

Slowly opening her eyes half, Saki moved a bit to the right. She felt a warm against her back, breath softly and warm against her neck. Laying still, she thought of what had transpired last night. A smile formed on her lips as she would move slowly and silently away from the pleasant and comfortable warmth. Moving from the bed, Saki would tip toe walk towards her closet to pick out some clothes. After grabbing a few clothes, she quickly glanced to Hideki - who seemed to be still asleep - before she would head to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, Saki stared into the mirror as she inspected her face. It was perhaps an odd ritual and she knew it was a bit silly as she paid careful attention to not gain any zips or other spots that would ruin her skin, but it also served a deeper meaning. Blinking several times, she would conclude her silent ritual inspection with a nod. Slowly opening the bathroom door, she would glance into her room to see if Hideki was still asleep. Smiling as she decided to let him rest out, she went downstairs. Stretching out, raising her hands up high, as she walked down the stairs Saki thought briefly of the whole event. It caused a light blush on her face as it was a whole new experience, but she put her mind to the present.

Heading into the kitchen, the Yamanaka started to grab two frying pans. Together with some salt and four eggs, she started to make breakfast. A breakfast that would be containing out of scrambled eggs, bacon, warm soft bread that she would warm a bit up with one frying pan and then set some coffee. Softly humming a rather cheerful song, the same that had been stuck in her head when she had encountered Hideki last night, she thought of what she had on her agenda. If she remembered it correctly, Kensuke had requested her, Shisen and Ezuri for some training. Still humming the song, she wasn't honestly looking forward to it. If she had the choice, Saki would rather stay home. Slowly her smile became bigger.

With Hideki of course.​

But he had likely his own duties today. As she continued to prepare breakfast, the temptation was big to check if he was still sleeping or already out of bed. Softly she started to sing a different song that slowly crept into her head.

"But I gotta let it goooo,
Yeah, I gotta let it gooo."

Putting two plates on the dining table, the blondine would snap with the fingers of her right hand as she then would place the bacon, eggs and bread on separate plates.

"Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta let it go,
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta let it go
Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta let it go."

Just ready with the breakfast, Saki heard some knocking on the door. Frowning as she wasn't expecting somebody, she would head to the front door. But as she opened the door, there was nobody there. "Kids... Great--" She mumbled irritated, only catching sight of a closed envelop laying on her doormat. Leaning forward to pick up the envelop, the pale blue eyes quickly looked around. Raising her left hand to brush some strands hair away behind her ear, Saki took a few steps backwards. Slowly closing the door, still not wanting to wake up Hideki, Saki stared at the red seal that was present on the envelop. It was the symbol of a sun. Knowing enough, the young woman would break the red wax seal and read what the letter detailed. Slowly her eyes closed a bit as she read what was requested of her.

The result was a soft sigh escaping her lips as she lowered the letter, she would head back to the kitchen. Calmly she would set the paper on fire, using her stove. Waiting till the letter was burning halfway, she would then dump it into the empty sink, letting the fire consume the letter. Filling a mug with warm fresh coffee, Saki felt a bit disappointed. A training would just take what? A few hours max. A mission like the one she was being send on, alone, would take more than just two days. There was the matter of traveling and then performing the mission. And then traveling back. Taking sips of her coffee, Saki would head to a small closet that had a firm looking lock. Placing the mug down, she sought her pocket for a small key. Using it to unlock the locked door, Saki would start to lay out her kunoichi gear on the coffee table in the living room.

Once done with that small task, she would simply close the closet and locking it again. Preparing her gear in a bag, Saki wondered how Hideki would react. Deciding to eat quickly two sandwiches, with bacon and egg, she would scribble down a note for him. Checking quickly if everything was clean and 'okay', she would holster up the backpack with her gear. The only equipment that wasn't able to fit in the backpack - her bow and arrows within the quiver- were visible.

Heading towards the door, Saki halted. Biting her lower lip, she wondered if she should try to steal a kiss before going. But if he was still asleep, she didn't want to wake him. Silently heading out, she thought back to what she had written down for him. A playful smile finding its way to her lips as she closed the door behind her.

(Long) Note for Hideki.~
"Mornin Hiki~,

I hope by the time that you wake up that breakfast is still warm,
Thanks for last night, was great,
Need to... head out.

Meet you in a few days,

Love from,

Please don't bring Noru over. I left a spare key. Mind to lock everything behind you?

Yes, this is a thing now.... If you want.. keep the key.

Don't question this.... Love you.

P.S.S.--- Fuck it,
Would you mind to do some groceries later for me? I'm running out of milk, eggs, cheese and rice. And chocolate? Please? Pretty Please?

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Aiko Cho-Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin of Team 8

Instead of like some other jounin, Aiko was dressed in a more casual garb. It was to serve the purpose to not get any attention, like people trying to challenge her to some duel or spar. No, she had came to the event due Sayuri was going to participate. But as the match ups were being announced, Aiko had caught the name of another name. Kuni was also here and for a moment Aiko wondered if she would later encounter the girl. She had after all a small letter for the girl, wanting to give it personally instead of sending it over the mail.

Blowing a few red strands of hair out of her face, Aiko wasn't that interested in other matches. Sending a clone to watch Sayuri match and another to watch the match of Kuni, the real Aiko would just walk a bit around. If she remembered it correctly, Katsu and Koike were around. The latter on the duty to referee a match, even the match of Sayrui but she wondered where Katsu would be. Deciding to just walk a bit around, Aiko thought she saw something interesting. A glance came over her green eyes as she approached a stand. Cotton candy.

A great temptation came up, but Aiko decided that it would be nicer if she would be able to treat either Katsu or Sayuri on some cotton candy later, the woman turned around. Whistling a cheerful tune, she would just stroll around. Perhaps there would be one interesting match that would pick her interest.
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[fieldbox=Naname|Kiri-Genin|Team 12|Helping Out, blue, solid]
Naname had spent most of the trip either helping out wherever she could on the ship. Which she soon found out anything to do with heavy lifting was not her forte, as her bruised foot would contest to after she dropped a heavy crate on it her first day. Or debating whether it was truly the right choice to go with Daiki and her team.

Nana wasn't on either side of the war, both were at fault in her mind, but if she absolutely had to decide, the Revolutionaries were likely best. It didn't matter now, she'd already made her choice, even if she could go back, the Loyalists would sooner see her dead than trust her again.

Naname was leaning against the railing of their ship, gazing down at the lapping waters that splashed up the sides as they cut through the sea. When the call came out that they were almost to their destination. Lifting her head, sapphire eyes make out the shoreline not too far ahead. 'Finally...I was beginning to think we were travelling to the Fire Country.' She thought as she watched some Shinobi jump out and run on the water.

"Hmm...." A little impatient the bluenette decided to follow after the Shinobi. Hopping over the side she focused her chakra into her feet before she hit the water. Instead of diving in, her feet laid on the water. 'Okay...Have to fluctuate my chakra to match the water...' She mentally recited as she hesitantly took a step. To her relief her chakra held. A big grin spread across her face before she started running across the water toward shore.

Naname was so excited to get to land that about 2 meters from the beach she lost control and splash! The young genin fell into the sea. 'Dang it!' Swimming back to the surface than to the beach, she was now scowling. Dripping wet she was completely soaked. 'Such a baka...' Sighing Nana unzipped her jacket and slipped it off so she was in a royal blue tank. Wringing the water out of the jacket she watched as Riku ran off to hunt and Soha helped set up camp. 'This is embarrassing...'

Approaching Soha she tied her jacket around her waist and gave her teammate a nervous smile.
"Hey, need any help?" She asked tentatively, her blue hair still dripping wet. [/fieldbox]
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Daiki Shun,
Kirigakure Chuunin/Squad leader | 12

Grim thoughts....
Wiping the sweat of his brow, Daiki noticed that there were already some tents starting to get up. It was difficult to put up a good camp on the beach, but it was something that the Kirigakure revolutionaries were no stranger to it. With most of the force starting to set up the camp, Daiki was however called for a short meeting. Not that he had a significant rank or important role, but some chuunin were required to meet to the plans of the current commander of the detachment to know what they had to bring over to the troops. The plan was to wait for the Ina clan and the other reinforcements. Then their detachment would aid the siege on land, ensuring that the Loyalist wouldn't get any supplies or reinforcements.

Listening to the briefing, Daiki remained silent. He knew better than to protest or argue. It was going to be likely that the rooks and greenhorns - thus inexperienced and low ranked - would be send in first to bleed and exhaust the defenders if they would try to assault the city defenses. Though he had no emotional attachment to his 'team', Daiki felt a bit bad that they could end up as nothing more than cannon fodder. With him likely with them, but he wasn't expecting that they would try to assault the walls as long as they weren't breached. Not to mention that they were still needing to wait for the other reinforcements that should be close by.

After the group at the commander's tent had received their orders, the young chuunin had a grim expression on his face. If his team already were troubled with the fact on how things had gone, then they would likely be shivering by the thought of what would be expected of them. Not having a low view of them, he doubted that they would make it in an assault. Riku would likely to be blinded by the overwhelming sounds and need to have some guidance, while it was more likely that everybody on their side that would be ordered to assault had to watch out for arrows and other projectiles. But Naname and Sõha wouldn't likely be in any better shape as he hadn't been able to train them in anything, thus doubting they had the stomach for a grim scenario that they could experience. Hell, he would likely die if it came to that, he thought with a frown growing on his brow. Deciding to see where the three would be, Daiki could see Sõha and Naname helping with setting up tents. Standing at some distance, he tried to see where Riku was. Noticing that he wasn't clearly around the two, the chuunin glanced at his two 'pupils'. Probably they wouldn't be trilled with speaking to him and thus he decided he would help with setting some of the wooden stakes up around the perimeter of the camp.
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Angry Student,
Cotton candy can do a lot,

A collab between Aeronfarron and Gerontis.

Summary :
Satoshi and Korina meet up after her match, where the latter is quite riled up.

As Korina stomped off the field, a loud whistle would rang through the air. Lowering his right hand as he had used his fingers to let out a hard whistle, the Kumo jounin quickly jogged to catch up with his student. "Hey, you okay?" Satoshi asked, clearly worried as he had noticed the stance and way how she had reacted at the end. While he was glad that she didn't seem hurt and that she had managed to survive, Satoshi was wondering what had caught her to be so pissed off.

The girl whirled around, her eyes glowed brightly like that day on their first mission. "He tried to kill me! Then took his own life! He wants to be a coward, then fine...his loved ones will pay his price."

Frowning back at Korina, Satoshi frowned as he sighed. "Well, it is true that he tried to suicide charge you," he stated with a neutral tone, "but what does has his family has to do with it? I didn't hear anybody dare or order him to do so. Did you?"

"He owes me his life! He owes me for the insult of thinking I'd be taken out so easily!" She growls at him. "Just like the owners of the bodies in the mountains. You try and take my life...I take yours. He robbed me of that. So I'll rob him by proxy."

The expression of Satoshi became one of disappointment and grim. "And that is your way?" He asked, his voice slowly getting lower. "So the innocent have to bleed for you because you were not able to end his life? Have you forgotten what that kanji stands for?" The man glanced at the shoulder pad that she had gotten as member of the Storm Guards.

The girl glared at Satoshi before she looked away. Deep down, she knew that he was right, but she was so lost without her owner. She didn't know what was right, but... "I need Amaiya. I can't tell you why, I don't know why. But I need Amaiya...please...where is she?"

Slightly confused as he wasn't expecting that, Satoshi was silent for a moment. "I wouldn't know. But let's first calm down." He instructed her, sounding more worried but still stern. "If you let anger take control that easy then you'll be father from home than we already are." He glanced around, hoping to catch a sight of a member of her clan or somebody who he could ask around.

"I CAN'T." She struggled to convey to him what she wanted to but she had no words. She just couldn't physically calm herself, her rage was still burning. Luckily for them both, a clan member had been watching the fight and had brought Amaiya to them. The young woman looked the girl over silently then cupped her chin to meet her eyes.

"I revoke the fourth." Amaiya said softly. Almost instantly, Korina calmed down almost as if a switch had been flipped. She stroked her fingers through Korina's hair then smiled at Satoshi. "Thank you, Jun-sama. This...could have gotten more bloody had you not been here."

It pained him to see his student struggling like this, wanting to react back. Not sure for a moment what to reply back, he was cut off as somebody else approached them. Though wanting to tell the newcomer to mind her own affairs, he noticed a change in Korina. Hearing the words, the man looked with some distrust visible towards Amaiya. "Glad.. that worked out, but what was that?" He asked, still worried for his student's well being.

"Ah, I apologize." She smiled at Satoshi, her bold blue eyes held a protective warmth in them as she met the man's gaze. "My name is Amaiya Kusanagi. I am the heir of the clan, elder adoptive sister and owner of Korina." She smiled down at Korina whom looked much calmed. "What you have witnessed is an S-class secret. I cannot tell you anything about it, but know that I care for Korina greatly. She is fine."

Feeling uneasy, Satoshi remained silent for a moment. Knowing well enough that he didn't have the social authority to step against a heir of a clan, he wasn't happy with the choice of words of Amaiya. Slowly nodding, he wouldn't start to argue or cause a discussion in public, though they stood away from where people walked. "Good," he said a bit slowly, wondering about how he should react as questions rose up in his mind, "I'm glad to hear that." Asking himself silently if he could request his student, Satoshi doubted that he would be allowed to ask Korina all the questions that raced through his mind. "I suppose I'll see her later then?"

"Nonsense. She is calm now. Will you be OK, Kiyohime?" The older woman looked down a bit at the taller girl and she settled in closer to her petting hand. "Yes, my heir. I am OK. Thank you." Korina smiled goofily as the woman nodded. Amaiya flicked her blonde bangs behind her ear then kissed Korina's head gently. "Good. I will tend to the clan in the meantime. Congrats on your win, you've made us very proud. Rest well, we have a long road to travel."

Growing a bit easier that Korina wasn't going to be tugged away, Satoshi made another polite nod towards Amaiya. "Thank you," his words genuine as he was glad that his pupil was calm. While not sure to either to agree to let this continue on, wondering what caused Korina to be suddenly calm, Satoshi wouldn't complain. She was calm and okay. After a match where her opponent had tried to blow himself and her up.

The heir nodded to them both then turned on her heel to leave. Her guard followed close on her heel so Korina could finish talking to Satoshi. The girl smiled sheepishly at the man, then shoved her hands into her pockets. "so...that was a thing."

"One way to put it," Satsohi answered, throwing an uneasy look at the heir of he Kusanagi clan, "you're okay?" He asked, his worries coming back. His eyes scanned if he could track any signs if there had been some use of calming ninjutsu or such. But Korina's sister hadn't made any handsignal or injected something into Korina.

"I'm fine, I promise." The girl said honestly. She looked at him and frowned a little bit. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Satoshi friendly replied. Deciding that it was good that she was calm and in one piece, he let out a sigh. "Was considering to either treat you on some ice-cream or cotton candy due to your win. I noticed two stands who sell one or another, but didn't want to eat some sweets alone."

"Ooh, cotton candy? I haven't had that since I was a kid! Let's go!!" , The girl grabbed her sensei's arm to try and drag him to the cotton candy stand. As she started to drag him away by the arm, Satoshi started to protest. Stating that they could take it easy and while sounding a tad irritated, he had an amused expression on his face.
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Good Night Rika


A collab between Lesli and Fieryfly



Nami comes to the office of the Spymaster of Kirigakure to deliver a package on the orders of Father. What follows however deals with betrayal and ends in death. The death of a Kage.


The paper wrapping around the box she was holding felt coarse against her skin as she walked through the halls of the building of the Kage. Somewhere in this building Rika Suzu resided, the woman who had once threatened to cut of her leg. The woman who had once made sure that she had choked in her own breath. The woman who had once told her that she was a terrible liar.

Nami held the package close to her chest, her arms wrapped around it. But she wasn't going to the Mizukage's office. She was delivering this to the Spymaster. Such were her orders and so that was what she would do.

The shinobi in the halls let her walk on without questioning her so she suspected that they were expecting her. She took a deep breath and her hads tightened slightly. Despite the fact that she wanted to tell Father that she wasn't afraid of the Mizukage, that she wasn't afraid at all, she couldn't. That time with the Mizukage, it had scared her more than she wanted to admit. But she could overcome that. Of this she was sure. As she neared a door she raised her hand and knocked twice on the hard wood before lowering the hand again so that it was again holding the box.


Sitting behind her desk, Kimi wasn't like usual reading a report, letter or anything else that had to do with her occupation. Reading a roman about a shinobi that had met a female doctor on a scarce populated island, she had a little smile adoring her lips. As the door would open, Kimi would briefly look up to see who it was. "Oh oh! My p- Oh it isn't really mine. Please, come further in." Closing the roman, Kimi eyed the girl who entered her office with a most curious look. "Want something to drink? Perhaps a snack?"

Carefully Nami walked inside, the box still pressed against her chest. She walked until she was right before the woman's desk and than made a low bow as she had been instructed to do. Show respect. She kept her head low as the Spymaster asked her a question. She had expected a question about the package, or one about the orders, or something relating to the mission. But this was just such a simple question that Nami, for a second, could only stare to the ground before her.

"Eh.. No ma'am. Thank you very much." She wondered if she could raise her head again. "I have strict orders to bring this package to you immediately without any delays." She held the thing up and placed it very carefully on the Spymaster's desk.

Glancing at the package, Kimi didn't make a movement towards it. There was a particular sweet scent to it, but she knew better than to touch it. "Well, thank you. I'm glad that you brought it on a short notice to me." The woman friendly replied back to Nami. Placing her hands on the desk, Kimi would rise up from her seat. "I suppose you know what it is, no?" The woman asked, placing her hands behind her back.

Slowly Nami raised her head and straightened her back. She had a slightly difficult time keeping her eyes away from the package. "Yes... Yes ma'am," she said slowly. "I was informed of the content." Her eyes went up to the woman's face for a second, but then she wavered and looked down again. Father said that it wasn't polite to look a higher-up into the eyes. She should keep herself humble.

Walking to the side of her desk, Kimi glanced at the package for a second. "Good. Then you're going to help me deliver it." Clapping her hands softly, the smile grew as it became also playful. "I think that Father would love to hear that you brought the Mizukage personally such a great gift!" Gesturing to the package, Kimi already was heading towards the door. "Can't keep her waiting. I'm sure she is...." A pause followed the last word.

"Dying to have it.."

Nami froze for a second. Father had said that she had to deliver it to the Spymaster, not that she would hav to visit the Mizukage herself. Her jaw tightened as she willed herself to move. She could do this. She could. Her hand would be steady, her breath would be even, she would not be scared. Trying to think as little as possible Nami grabbed the box again and hurried after the Spymaster who had already passed the door and was on her way to the Mizukage right now. "Y-yes ma'am," she stammered a bit late as she followed the woman through the halls.

Walking with Nami through the hall, Kimi did stop several times. Talking briefly on a polite tone with a few people, they would continue to head towards what was the meeting room. Three menacing looking ANBU guards stood guard, but would step aside to allow the two to enter the long hall towards the door. The door that would lead to the meeting hall where at the very moment a group would be present. "Now do remember carefully," Kimi said on a soft and calm tone, "You make three bows. One for entering the room, one half way towards the Mizukage and one before you leave. I'll need to talk with her, but once I leave the room." Slowly the smile shifted into a more wicked one. Making a gesture, Kimi it was clear to Nami what she meant.

Nami's hands started to hurt. She kept her fingers so tightly wrapped around the box that her knuckles turned white. She nodded along with all of Kimi's words even though hearing had become difficult because of the deafening roar of blood that was racing through her ears. With great effort she forced her breath to remain steady. Focus on the mission. Focus on the details. Three bows. She had to make three bows. She nodded once again. "Yes, ma'am."

Her first step seemed stiff, but she remembered Father's words and remembered who disappointed he would be if she failed. With slight effort she knocked, opened the door and made a deep bow. As if on autopilot her raised her head again and walked a couple of more steps. It pained her to notice that she had difficulties keeping her eyes on the Mizukage. For a woman that small she could create great fear. And the Mizukage was watching her now. She had no clue who the other people in the room were.

Another bow as she came to the half way point in the room. The package began to feel more and more heavy in her arms, but she kept moving. If she would waver, if she would stop, she would fail.

"Package for you, ma'am," she said quietly as she placed the thing before the Mizukage on the table before immediately stepping back again wanting to leave as quickly as possible.

The small woman narrowed her eyes at the package. The whole room was silent as the men and women at the long table patiently were waiting until the small disturbance would be over. "Thank you." The calm and singing tone wasn't present in the voice of Rika. If it wasn't clear due how the hair of the woman looked as if she hadn't taken days care of it, then it was the cold look and tone that made it clear that the woman had changed. Slowly the fingers of Rika's hand went to the top of the package.


Making a gracious and deep bow, Kimi had her playful smile on her lips. The hand of Rika fell as she frowned at her spymaster. A talk started between the two, where Rika started to ask Kimi several questions. Calmly answering back, Kimi made a very subtle gesture.

Immediately Nami shot backwards. Not that obvious of course, but to her it seemed like she was nearly running. Her steps got bigger and bigger as she walked on and if she hadn't calmed herself she would really have started to run. But at the door she had to halt again. And once again she was tested. A test she passed. She turned around, bowed low once more like the Spymaster had told her and proceeded to leave the room.

As the door closed behind Nami, some laughter followed. For a minute or two the Spymaster stayed at the other side of the door. Slowly the door handle would lower as Kimi then opened the door. Making a bow, Kimi spoke one last time to the Mizukage. "Please... the pleasure is mine." Closing the door, Kimi glanced to Nami. Only followed up by a loud scream at the other side of the room. "You're cue dear.~"

This time Nami's expression was firm. She raised her hand and formed a seal. For a moment she could only stare at the wood behind Kimi. The scream behind it signified that the Mizukage had not taken a liking to her delivery. She braced herself.


She mumbled the word barely audible as she used her chakra to release the tags that had been in the box together with... something else.

Silently waiting, the noise would dim for a second, only followed by some more muffled screams and yelps. "Dear, I do dislike it when they let me wait so long for this." Kimi mumbled as the sounds slowly started to shift into a silence. Gesturing to the door, Kimi snickered. "I suppose it is fair for you to see the result first. After all, I think you'll need to inform Father of what transpired here, no?~"

For some reason the only thing Nami could think of at the moment was that she was surprised that the explosion had been so contained. The door hadn't even moved. Had it been an explosion at all?

"Yes ma'am," she said again as if it was the only thing she could say. Without hesitation she pushed the door back open. The first thing that hit her was the smell. It was the smell that she had encountered once before when she and Father and the rest of her siblings had set of some fireworks. it made her nose itch then. Now it just made her sick. The smell was mixed with that of burning flesh and smoldering hair.

The sight was not making her stomach less upset. Around the table lay several dead people. It was not the explosion however that had killed them. Blades had pierced their chests and their necks, and blood was now running over the floor like it was a river. At the far end sat the Mizukage, still on the same spot, but she was no longer the same. Her whole face was covered in shards and splinters. Her hair was partly burned away along with other parts of her face. Somehow Nami couldn't look away from the horrid mess that the flesh had become. Was she still alive?

"Nasty, nasty mess." Looking over the shoulder of Nami, Kimi sounded sad. "I mean, look at it. See those few shards in her right eye? Your surprise launched those straight into her brain. She was probably dead before she could even recover from your little gift. Tsk tsk. What a mess.~" Placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, the Spymaster whispered something. "You know who did this? I am sure these fine people in the room would like to have a name Nami. Or was it you who killed Rika Suzu, the Fifth Mizukage?"

Now that Kimi had pointed it out Nami's eyes couldn't move away from the penatrated eye. Blood was seeping from the eye over her face onto her clothes. Was it blood from her eye or blood from her brain? It was a question Nami really didn't want an answer on. She gulped, but somehow she was no longer scared. A calmness fell over her even though her heart was still racing. The Mizukage was dead. The image horrified her, but the woman was dead. "I..." As the Spymaster asked her the question the faer suddenly returned. She killed the Mizukage. She killed the woman that ruled this city. This was not how it was supposed to be. She just had to deliver the package was what Father had said. Deliver the package and listen to everything the Spymaster said. Had he known that Kimi would ask such a thing from her? Probably, was her onlly answer to that.

She killed the Mizukage. It was probably what Father wanted. But taking the blame for that. It would mean death. You couldn't just kill a leader and walk away with it.

"I don't know who did this, ma'am. I was outside the room when it happened..." she mumbled, her eyes still on the dead kage before her.

Kimi patted Nami's shoulder. "Good girl.~" Turning around the others were still waiting. Silent and bloodied, waiting for the signal. "I suppose I shall reveal the name then. Would be a damn shame if the person who did this would get away with it." Gesturing to the dead Mizukage, Kimi tilted her head a bit. "I mean, how tragic is her death? How many good night kisses had she given her sweet little child before being returned the favor in such a cruel way?" Turning around, Kimi glanced one last time at the dead Suzu. Ironic, it took a dead Suzu to kill a living one.

"Tora Hatake."

The living others in the room repeated the name, muttering the first and surname. "Go. Make sure that the 'others' are warned. Let the signals go and end those who are still alive and on our list." Bowing slightly, the men and women who had remained alive would head out of the door. Staying silent for a moment, Kimi glanced sideways towards Nami. Sighing, she shook her head lightly. "Tsk tsk. I suppose you might be in a bit of a danger, Nami. I don't think that Tora will like it if she ever fnd out." Pausing, Kimi placed her hands on her knees as she would lower herself to the same eyeheight as the girl. "Do you have the symbol?"

Tora Hatake. Nami frowned as the Spymaster named her supposed mentor as the killer of the Mizukage. A carefully crafted plan no doubt. She couldn't say she was surprised. While Tora had told her never to talk about the mark or the DL, Nami had a higher rule to abide to. The rule of Father which stated that everything that happened to her should be reported immediately. The danger was part of it. But now it suddenly had become very real. Tora would indeed not tolerate any of this, especially not her.. betrayal. But it wasn't a real betrayal. Nami had never completely lied.

"Yes ma'am," she nodded slowly as Kimi asked about the symbol. She pointed to her foot. "Do you want to see it?"

"Oh no no dear." Straightening her back, Kimi gestured to Rika. "I hunt some of those people. If I spot you having that mark, you might end like our beloved lady." Lowering her arm, Kimi beckoned Nami to follow her. "Though soon I suppose this conflict will come to a cease. This was our last blow. A marvelous one. You'll play a little important part in it, but for now you should head back to Father." Pausing as she walked to the door, Kimi flashed a friendly smile. "And be safe dear. I hear that it is going to storm very soon.~"

Nami resisted the urge to hide her foot behind her other foot. Of course. What the Spymaster said made sense. If anyone of them found out she would be murdered. Probably in a horrible way. She followed the woman in silence. The last blow. The Mizukage had formed possibly one of the last lines of defense that they had needed to breach. Even though the grand schemes of things had never been revealed to Nami - and why would it really, she was just a pawn - she realized that now things would change. And no one could ever find out she had done it. Though who would ever believe her if she told him or her that she had killed a kage. No one would buy that.

She bowed to Kimi. A deep bow. "I will, ma'am. And thank you. I'll do my best to be as safe as possible." With that she left the woman behind and started to make her way out of the building. A building that was quiet for now but that would soon be overrun with people. A building that stood in a city that would soon see change. As she rushed through the strees her adrenaline died and suddenly her legs felt like jelly. Her hands shook. Finding refugee at a nearby wall she shot into an ally and sank down on the ground. It was then that the hard truth once again drilled itself in her head.

She just killed the Mizukage.

Chunnin Exams!
Chinatsu Hon vs Yoshikuni Sadako!

Another Chuunin Exams in the list. Wanna know more? Spoili down below.​

Walking slowly besides an Ame jounin, Kuni was staring at the ground. For all she knew, no one had come to cheer on for her. No one that cared for her came to watch. It was saddening, but she kept thinking about the moment she will return to Amegakure and be capable of telling everyone about her match and, hopefully tell them how she got the rank. Seeing how it was her second time made her think slightly more about the exam. All the trainings she had gone through, and the only thing she ends up doing here is fight against someone who is supposed to be of her level. Is that a proper reason to give someone a rank over? Shouldn't they be tested through a proper mission instead?

Suddenly she noticed the jounin had stopped and motioned to her to continue forward. Simply nodding back, Kuni kept going, walking past the referee who stood in what was meant to be the middle of the field. She moved to stand in her spot before looking around a bit. She spotted the crowd, sitting on opposite sides of the caves, and moved her sights between them. Perhaps Yogiri would be there, watching her. Instead, her eyes widened when she saw someone wave to her. Aiko was watching her. Knowing this, her spirit rose and she was a lot more determined to not lose, wanting to ensure she makes Aiko proud.

Chinatsu glanced around a bit as she took her walk up to the field, noticing everything as she went. Chinatsu noticed the murmuring of the crowd, the field in which her match was on and her opponent. Torriku had decided it would be better not to walk with her and Chinatsu found that she missed his witty words. Focusing back on her opponent, she noticed the head band and her eyes sparkled with curiosity.Her opponent was from Amegakure, quite a fun match this would be.

Striding past the referee to her position on the earthern field and studying her opponent. Was she good at ninjutsu? Taijutsu or perhaps genjutsu? How did she fight? Close range or long distance? There were so many unanswered questions to which she wished she knew the answers to. Taking a deep breath, she nodded at the girl. A silent promise to give her a good fight.

Looking at her opponent who moved to stand in front of her, Kuni returned a nod before seeing the barrier-nin do their role and put up the barrier around them, the limitation to their field, with only them and the referee inside. She looked at the referee, waiting for her to give her final instructions. She was itching to get started already and let Aiko see how much she improved since the last time she had seen her.

The barrier nin team, 4 people in total, would craft up the required barrier to protect the curious public on the make shift tribune from being in danger. The referee glanced at both to see if they were ready for the match.

Chinatsu stayed silent as the barrier went up and the referee made sure they were ready. She was ready, or at least she hoped she was. Her nerves were in a frenzy as she stared at her opponent before taking a deep breath.

Kuni kept her eyes on Chinatsu as the Referee looked at both of them to see if they were ready. She formed the seal of confrontation to show that she was ready. She lowered her hands a couple of moments later.

Seeing Kuni perform the seal of confrontation, Chinatsu did the same with a lofty grin on her face. Holding it for a second, she then lowered and looked at the Referee before gazing back at Kuni. It was time to play.

With both genin at the ready, the referee lifted up her hand. Readying herself, she would lower and signal the start of the match as she would quickly move backwards to not get caught in the first opening strike.

With her eyes still fixed on her opponent, Kuni quickly took out a small ball from her pouch and dropped it to the ground. A moment later it would start producing smoke all around her, while Kuni formed a few handseals, which would apparently did nothing to anyone that was capable of seeing what she just did.

As the girl dropped the ball to the ground, she stood there silently as it started to produce some smoke and covered her opponent. Interesting, she thought, concealing her movements from the beginning. Chinatsu took out her scroll. A puff of smoke formed around it and clek this time to take advantage of the smoke keeping both participants from seeing the other. Removing her summoning scroll, she bit her thumb and fluently opened her scroll. A puff of smoke formed around it and cleared a second later to reveal a fox darting into the smoke without a sound.

As the smoke would blow away from the quick movements of the Fox, it would reveal there was nothing in the smoke other than a crumbling earth statue that was once a temporary clone of Kuni. In the time it took Chinatsu to perform the summoning technique using the scroll, Kuni had been undeground and moved to underneath Chinatsu's spot. Both her hands would come out and attempt to grab Chinatsu's feet and instantly begin dragging her into the ground, intending to do it as quickly as she could.

The fox lifted its face into the air, trying to catch the scent of the girl that was no longer there but it was gone and it realized a bit late of what their opponent had done. Chinatsu had immediately began weaving a few handseals and as the ground beneath reveal two hands so would a string of thin lightning aimed at them as she tried to leap away from the hands. Her hands clumsily going to her bow as she hurriedly readied an arrow. Her summon was darting over with a worried expression on its otherwise blank face.

As the thin lightning hit her right hand, Kuni slightly hissed underground but didn't let go, gripping even harder on her opponent's legs and pulling them deeper into the ground, with her hands quickly disappearing from sight as she kept pulling Chinatsu into the ground. She was like a very determined mole who is after a carrot that is stuck harder than expected.

Chinatsu struggled as she was dragged underground and then she had an idea. Gathering her chakra and quickly directing it at her feet, much like walking on water but instead of not over doing it this time the full intent was to destroy the ground beneath her. She was not sure how much that would be but she kept sending it down as the ground began to crumble around her a little to give her feet some space. Kicking frantically as her summon went to digging in hopes of it helping.

As the ground around Chinatsu's legs begun crumbling a bit and cracking, it wouldn't be enough to fully expose her legs as she kept being pulled into the ground by the mole that was named Kuni. She kept pulling with all her strength, figuring that if she was capable of doing anything to properly release herself, she would've done so by now.

She stopped as soon as she realized that it was not working like she had hoped it would and combed through everything she had learned up to this point. At this point she could do much about this, even as her summon exposed more of her legs by its digging and the chakra had not done much either. It would be smarter to stop using energy and perserve as much chakra as she could. "Torriku, stop," Chinatsu told the red fox. Confused, he did and looked like she was about to say something back but the look on the young girls face said otherwise. Using her hands, she placed a paper bomb on the ground and gazed at the fox, she hoped this time it would work as she sunk deeper as the fox took the paper bomb.

Kuni kept pulling, with her job becoming easier and faster the moment her opponent decided on stopping with her forced counter measure to being brought into the ground. By how much she had brought her in, Kuni assumed that pretty soon Chinatsu's arms would join and then all that will be left outside would be her neck and her head, as she planned. She was already aware there was something else above the ground due to the vibrations she felt from the digging and and now it felt lessened. She didn't mind it as she kept pulling Chinatsu deeper.

Torriku had gotten her idea and was quite pleased by it as he darted off a few feet away with the paper bomb in mouth. Dropping the paper bomb and then darting away from as Chinatsu sent an arrow covered in lightning chakra at it directly before her hands would be consumed by the ground a second after the paper bomb would go off. The ground would shake violently as the explosion took place and since the bomb had enough power behind it to take away some of the ground around them, she hoped that it would be enough.

Kuni felt the occuring explosion send vibrations throughout the ground, making her slow down and wonder if Ryuu was around. She then kept pulling with full force, and would now be bringing Chinatsu's arms into the ground. After this, she moved away from Chinatsu's now buried body, making the ground around her solidify and then close her eyes and focus on the vibrations to track down the small vibrations she had felt earlier. She could barely feel them move around and Kuni remained still, figuring the summon would most likely go towards it owner soon enough.

Torriku who was now the target watched in utter shock as Chinatsu was drug underground and her head was left. "Do not come here," Chinatsu instructed as she went back to sending chakra to her arms that would hopefully slowly weaken the ground as she tried to move to help loosen the ground some, she hoped. Her summon did not stop moving around and darting back towards its owner it dug some her head before darting away again.

Due to the constant movements of the small animal making it irritating to pinpoint and be capable of dragging it down, Kuni decided on a different method. She noticed how the animal kept moving back and forth in on direction, which made her to behind Chinatsu while still underground, take out an explosive tag and then pop her hand out of the ground and place it against the back of her head. She then moved further back and came out of the ground completely, with both her hands very close to each other "Any further move means the death of your owner." She said, and kept her hands very close, seemingly ready to perform the action, while she had no intention of actually doing it, and aimed to make it clear who was incharge.

"You would have the blood of a young girl on your hands? Are you so blood thirsty as to blow up an innocent girl to win a match? Hmm?" Torriku asked the girl. "Care to make a deal? You free her and give her a chance to really fight, if you trap her again then it is done. Deal?" he asked the girl. Chinatsu was shocked, the fox was making a deal. What was with the fox and deals?

The fox appeared to be determined to make the fight continue. Kuni, in the meanwhile, was slightly shocked. The situation felt very familiar suddenly. It felt very much like one of the situations Eiji had previously presented to her. The one where Ryuu had failed to return, and the one where she failed due to her fear from.... But it couldn't have been the only option. She looked a the fox and the tag.

"So you are hitting him to immobilize him. Why are you not killing him?"

Eiji's voice echoed in her mind. What was holding her back? She could do it now. But then she would have more blood on her hands, much like how the fox said it.

"Then you fail."

That sentence snapped something in her mind. What if she was stuck in a mission and the only way for her to finish it was to kill in order to ensure someone elses safety? What if Eiji, Aiko, Leaf, Sachi, or any of her teammates were caught and she had to kill to ensure their survival? She closed her eyes as her hands were brought together, forming the seal without noticing and falling to her knees as tears also brought to her closed eyes "This is...My role..." She said and forced chakra into the formed seal and activated the explosive tag on the back of her head.

The explosion would occur soon after, making the earth all around Chinatsu vanish in huge bursts of flames and small chunks of the earth shattered and pebbles, along with dust, flew all around. Kuni felt the impact of the wind against her, the dust covering all of her as she kept tearing up. As she opened her eyes, she saw a hole and then her eyes widened as she saw what was the result of her action. A body without a head and a neck was in the center of where the explosion occured, with its shoulders now showing but being severly burned and bruised. She swallowed as she then cleaned her eyes from the tears and looked around, with everyone in the crowd appearing to be in shock.

The fox, who was also in a state of shock as to what had just occured, only had moments before it poofed away to the unknown. Slightly shaken, Kuni saw as the barrier was taken down to allow the medical nin to come and tend to the now headless body while the Amegakure nin came, grabbed her by the shoulder and begun moving her by force, clearly displeased by how much attention Kuni had brought to herself with this action. Kuni moved once more with her head facing the ground, with only one thought that kept repeating itself.

I did it Eiji. I went past my fear.

blue Kazuo smoothiemcsmoothpants the punmaster works towards making Kazuo x Harumi canon. Whoosh whoosh!

Walking down towards the small market, she wasn't dressed in the ANBU garb. In a more casual fit that wouldn't make her stand out from the others that walked the street, Harumi raised her left hand to brush the black strands away from her right eye behind her ear. The market was on a plaza that wasn't really that big nor that busy visited as most others. Which was just what she loved about it. Visiting some stands, the dark eyes of the woman looked around for the fruit and vegetable stand.

Finally spotting a man that sported blue hair, which made him stand out from - well, almost everybody. Walking in a steady pace to the stand, a smile appeared on Harumi's face. Eyeing what he had, Harumi made her order. "Could I have 2 watermelons and..." pausing she eyed more around what he had for sale, "two dozen of apples. Don't matter which color or type."

Kazuo yawned as he watched people pace back and forth. Another slow day, it seemed people weren't too interested in healthy foods at the moment. It was fine though, he still had plenty of time before he'd have to switch out for fresher products. He just hoped these ones didn't go to waste. Continuing to look out, a woman with black hair and green eyes had caught his attention. He blinked before looking away. Within another moment would she walk up and begin ordering. He smiled back before standing properly. "Of course, all of that coming right up." Kazuo grabbed a bag before beginning to place the ordered items inside. "Funny that you mention apples. Not too long ago before walking up to my little stand were you the apple of my eye." Kazuo continued placing her items into the bag though at a noticeable slower pace.

"I hope what I'm about to say isn't too corny but I sure am grape-ful that you decided to stop by my stand." Kazuo halted to look up at her for a second. He began going back to placing her items in the bag. "May I ask if you grew up on a farm? Because you look quite a-maize-ing."

Staring at the blue haired young man, Harumi blinked several times. Tilting her head slightly, she seemed a bit confused. "Is this your thing?" She asked him, wondering if he was just trying to make fun of his wares or really trying. "Or do I get a discount with those compliments?" Harumi friendly asked back, slight amused.

"Discounts, sadly, depends on much spice you buy. The marketing here is quite weird, I know. Sadly I don't think you'd even get discounts here." Kazuo shook the bag of fruit before handing it to Harumi. "But only because you don't strike me as the kind of woman to buy spices. I mean, you're already smoking hot. That must count for something, yeah?" Kazuo gave her a wink. "My name is Kazuo Kei. May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?"

Taking the bag of fruit, she seemed to bit amused by Kazuo. Reaching her other hand out, Harumi replied back. "Harumi Uchiha." She said to introduce herself. "And am I the only who gets this treatment or is it your way to sell your wares better?" She asked, deciding that she had a bit of time to linger around. What else could she do? Sit at home and mope that Katsu wasn't there anymore?

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Kazuo let out a chuckle. "And no, if everyone were to get this treatment then I'd find it a bit tiring. You just reminded me of home is all. Like the chickens there, you're quite impeccable."

"Thank you." She politely replied back. Snorting about his last one, she raised her left eyebrow. "Have you been practicing this or what?" Harumi asked in a curious tone.

Kazuo shrugged, holding his smile. "Usually off the top of my head, most are at least. On slow days like these I may come up with a few, gotta do somethin' to keep my mind busy. Though, now I think I see why people relate me to an Owl and say I'm quite the hoot." Kazuo shrugged again, not trying to yank his own chain or anything. "But you could probably relate more. I'm sure many guys think about you...owl night long."

Another snort escaped Harumi, making her raise her left hand to cover her mouth for a moment. "I'm sorry, but you would be disappointed likely if I tell the opposite... is the case." She briefly thought about her mission in Sunagakure. Okay, maybe that was one. But more? No. She didn't know about anybody else who found her attractive. "But don't you have a girlfriend? Such a smooth talker should surely caught ..." Glancing at an apple, a smile grew on her lips. "A pretty apple that fell from the tree?"

Kazuo's cheeks lit up as she called him a smooth talker, even more so when she had mentioned a girlfriend. His mind wandered off to Mai but he would quickly push her to the back of his mind as he didn't want those feelings dawning upon him. Kazuo let out another chuckle. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well you certainly made me red as a beet. But no, I don't." Kazuo looked away for a second before his eyes fell back upon Harumi. "Though if I were bold enough I'd certainly ask if you wanted to go on a picnic or somethin' with me. I mean, Alpaca lunch and everything." His tone made it difficult to determine if he was serious or not, that with continuing of puns and everything.

"I think that... you're a bit too young for me. But I feel flattered, thanks." She replied. Feeling slightly awkward due the request. Even more as she wasn't used to this nor able to figure out if he was even serious about it. "That and a picnic isn't really my thing. Nice try though!" Harumi added, hoping that it wouldn't disappoint Kazuo.

Kazuo's smile widened. "Makes sense, though such a shame. I thought we'd make quite the pear." Kazuo rubbed the back of his neck again, cheeks lighting up a bit more. "But maybe I did get a bit too ahead of myself. Just that...you're pretty un-baaaaa-lievable." Kazuo let out one last chuckle before reaching for something. "But I think I've held you here long enough, I'm sure your busy. But take this?"

"I'm not giving you this so you can see it's beauty. I'm giving it to you so it can see yours." Kazuo would then hand her a rose, winking.

Taking the rose, Harumi looked a bit surprised. Raising it to her nose, she sniffed as her eyebrows rose again. "Thanks Kazuo, very kind of you." Carefully placing the rose at her right ear, she made sure that it would stay as the flower she usually had in her hair. "I wish I had something to give you back, but perhaps I can return the favor of your compliments as gesture with one of my own."

"You're being sweeter than sugar, but don't worry about giving me anything in return nor worry about, well, buttering me up." There he went with the puns again. "Just try and have a nice day for me, alright?"

Making a polite nod, Harumi flashed a friendly smile as she would grab for her wallet. Pulling out the required money, she spoke back to him. "I'll try. And perhaps till next time Kazuo." Raising her free hand to wave at him, the woman would turn around and walk away. Memorizing the stand, she figured that she found herself a place where she would from now on buy her fruit and vegetables.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Gerontis
Akio Ogasawara
Akio joined Reyna on the field she went to. He began to do some stretches of his own, and contemplated what was about to happen. He really wasn't sure if this would be a no holds barred fight or just a light bit of sparring. He would have to see how Reyna interpreted it. If they were to use everything in their arsenal, then Akio already knew a few things about what Reyna would bring to the table; she clearly had an affinity for lightning, and that lightning aura thingy she had accidentally used earlier had to be something she could use in a fight. He figured it was for the best that he didn't engage her in close combat if she could use it defensively. But no matter how much he had already learned, he still new very little about her abilities.

Finished with his preparations, he told her, "Whenever you're ready." He was hoping that Reyna would make the first move. It would make it far easier for him to gauge the nature of this fight if she took point. Hopefully she wasn't expecting him to start things.
[fieldbox='Hayate Hyuzu, Silver']
Konoha Chuunin, Team 2

Day 4 of the Timeskip

Zodiac Operation

Hayate's Battle

As the group split off into several directions, Hayate took one last look back at Kiyomi. A part of him wanted to stay and fight with her, but he knew she could take care of herself. Clenching his fists, Hayate disappeared below the earth, making his way towards his own target.

He could sense his opponent standing alone in the distance. From what Hayate could tell, his opponent was making no attempt to hide himself. That meant he was either very confident, or Hayate could be heading into a trap. Proceeding with caution, he made his way towards the solitary figure.
Stopping a short distance away, Hayate rose from the earth, a kunai already in each hand. Surprise hit him as his opponent finally came into view. "K...Kenta? Why...?

"Hello Hayate-san." Kenta said, his powerful voice making the words clear, despite how tenderly the man spoke. "It is a pity that you were the one who wound up here. I'd rather not have had to kill you." Kenta's words came out oddly sincere, and the man made no move to approach.

"You... so this is what happened to you after you went missing. You turned traitor." Anger filled Hayate as he realized his old comrade had switched sides. "What could possibly have made you fight for that... that bitch!?"

Shaking his head, the large man smiled sadly. "Simple. She can help me bring them back." Letting out a loud sigh, Kenta took his first step towards Hayate, still not appearing hostile.

"What the hell are you talking about? Bring who back?" Raising his kunai slightly, Hayate didn't move back, not yet.

"She showed me... the girl, the girl with the black eyes. She can bring them back." Kenta sounded hollow, unsure... "She told me... I just have to help her."


"You shouldn't have come Hayate. It didn't have to be like this."

"Shaking his head furiously, Hayate began shouting. "It still doesn't! You can still come back with us Kenta!" Throwing his kunai into the ground at his feet, Hayate stood to his full height. "We don't have to fight."

Shaking his head sadly, Kenta continued moving closer. "If she can bring them back then I have to try Hayate. Wouldn't you do the same?"

His eyes narrowing, Hayate tried to push aside the thoughts that flashed through his mind. "If it's going to be a fight, then let's make this a real fight. No weapons, no ninjutsu. Just you and me."
Slowly pulling off his jacket, Hayate let it drop to the ground.

Kenta stopped briefly, staring at the boy for a long moment. Finally, a warm smile came to his face. "Ahh, a challenge of honour. I'm afraid you may be a little outmatched in that field, Hayate-san, but I like your spirit! I would be happy to grant you a warrior's death." Kenta stood still, forming the seal of confrontation and waiting for Hayate to do the same.

Nodding his head, a little relieved, Hayate took off his tool pouch and placed it on the ground beside his jacket. As he removed the last of his tools, Hayate also took off his Guardian Flak Vest, needing as much maneuverability as he could get. Kenta had him beat in every aspect when it came to pure strength and endurance, but Hayate knew he was faster. Perhaps that would give him enough of an edge. Hopefully...

Forming the seal of confrontation as well, Hayate shifted into a readied stance. Here goes.

Lowering both of their seals, Hayate and Kenta began to circle each other, neither making a move. Hayate could feel a bead of sweat gathering at his temple as he kept his eyes locked on his opponent. He was going to need to use everything that he had been taught about taijutsu if he were to have a hope against a beast like Kenta. Hayate only hoped he hadn't just signed his own death warrant.

As the two of them circled, a silence seemed to gather around the field. The calm before the storm, Hayate thought. Keeping his hands at his sides, he didn't want to make any sudden movements, in case it set the other man off. The grim smile never left Kenta's face and it was clear that he was looking forward to the fight.

Despite the immediate threat of what lay ahead, Hayate found his thoughts racing back to his teammates. He trusted that they could take care of themselves, but there was no way of knowing what kind of enemies they were going to face. They were all people he could trust, people he could very well call friends. If he were to lose them here...

A single thought stuck in his mind as he realized that he had once again let Kiyomi go alone to face her sister. Clenching his fists, Hayate stopped moving, seeing Kenta follow suit. The last time Kiyomi and Selia had clashed, he had almost lost her. He wouldn't let that happen again.

The two opponents locked eyes across the field, the intensity all but tangible in the air. He was going to have to finish this quickly...

The silence that gathered between them was broken all at once as Kenta leapt forwards, closing the distance between them in three massive strides. Shifting to the side, Hayate spun out of the way as Kenta brought his heel down in a vicious arc that left a small crater in the earth where he had just been standing.

Cursing inwardly, Hayate used his momentum to launch a kick towards the back of Kenta's knee, hoping to use the weakpoint to cause the larger man to stumble. The blow succeeded in causing Kenta to drop slightly, but the man recovered quickly. Whipping his hand around, Kenta caught Hayate with a vicious backhand that sent the boy flying.

Getting to his feet quickly, Hayate wiped a hand across his mouth. Seeing the blood on his hand from where he had bit his lip, Hayate's mouth twisted in a humourless grin.

Kenta charged again and this time Hayate leapt high into the air. Twisting himself as he narrowly avoided Kenta's tackle, Hayate kicked downwards, catching the man at the back of his neck and sending him sprawling to the dirt.
Kenta sprung up with a swiftness that belied his size, and turned back to Hayate. His smile had somehow grown even larger and he nodded. "Not bad boy."

This time it was Hayate's turn to charge. The surprise was evident on Kenta's face, but the large man redied himself for the incoming assault. Feinting a leap, Hayate dropped quickly and slid between Kenta's legs as the man went to block an attack from above.

Swiveling, Hayate launched two swift kicks towards the inside of Kenta's knees, hoping once again to force the behemoth off balance. His kicks connected and Hayate leapt to his feet, not giving Kenta time to recuperate this time. As the man stumbled forwards, Hayate brought his knee around in a vicious arc, aiming for Kenta's kidneys.
As his knee dug into Kenta's side, Hayate pushed himself off the ground with his other leg, raising his arm and bringing his elbow smashing down towards the back of Kenta's head.

Howling in rage and pain as the knee connected with his side, Kenta pushed himself backwards with tremendous force, catching Hayate by surprise. The boy fell backwards, managing to land on his feet.Just as he landed however, Hayate felt himself being lifted off his feet as Kenta's brutal kick connected with his chest.

Flipping over backwards, Hayate landed on his feet once again, but stumbled as he felt a spasming pain in his chest. Wincing, Hayate barely had time to react as he saw a massive fist swinging towards his head. Ducking and rolling under the punch, Hayate launched a flurry of his own punches towards Kenta's side, hoping to strike his kidneys again and disorient the man. The blows only served to anger Kenta and he fired an elbow backwards, catching Hayate on the shoulder and sending the boy reeling.

Recovering, Hayate had to once again go on the defensive as Kenta launched a series of his kicks and punches. Dodging what he could and parrying the rest, Hayate saw a brief opening and ducked inside Kenta's guard. Aiming his blows for weak points, Hayate used his elbows to cause as much damage as possible.

Kenta took a few shaky steps backwards as the boy managed to land his hits. Using the opening, Hayate landed an elbow against Kenta's sternum and then his diaphragm, causing the man to double over coughing. Grabbing the back of Kenta's head, Hayate leapt upwards and slammed his knee into the large man's nose. As Kenta reeled backwards, swinging his arms wildly, he managed to make contact and pushed Hayate back.

Regaining his footing, Hayate paused for a single moment to catch his breath. Kenta raised his head, his nose clearly broken. Spitting out a mixture of blood and what appeared to be chunks of broken teeth, Kenta smiled widely. Yep, definitely broken teeth...

Kenta showed no sign of feeling any sort of debilitating pain, and Hayate cursed again. He could feel his own injuries screaming at him, but he couldn't give in, not now.

Sprinting forwards again, Hayate made a move to feint to the side but was caught by a vicious kick. Kenta had moved far faster than expected and Hayate was sent spinning. As he pushed himself up to his knees, Hayate saw a shadow come over him and looked up just in time to see Kenta looming over him.

Hayate felt himself being lifted off the ground and Kenta turned, preparing to throw the boy. Twisting his body, Hayate managed to force Kenta's grip to loosen. He launched a quick kick towards Kenta's elbow forcing the larger man to drop him. As he landed, Hayate leapt back up, throwing a punch towards Kenta's already broken nose. Hearing the pained grunt, Hayate continued his offensive, sending an elbow that connected with Kenta's temple, and launching another punch towards the man's throat.

He felt a his left hand stop inches away from its target as Kenta wrapped his own massive hand around it. Trying to pull free, Hayate attempted to spin away, but Kenta shifted his bulk into the way, blocking Hayate's movement. In one gut wrenching moment, Kenta brought his other hand around and slammed it into Hayate's outstretched arm, breaking it instantly. Howling in pain, Hayate fell to his knees. Rolling forwards, he managed to move away from Kenta, forcing himself backwards.

Clutching his arm to his chest, Hayate had just regained his footing when he saw the foot coming towards his face. He dove to the side, catching the blow on his shoulder instead. Using the momentum of the spin, Hayate brought one leg around, launching a swift kick towards the side of Kenta's knee. Putting everything he had into the blow, his effort was met with a satisfying 'Crack,' as he returned the favour to Kenta.

Falling on one knee, Kenta grunted and grabbed Hayate's leg. With a massive swing, Kenta pivoted and launched Hayate into the air, sending him flying towards a thin wall of rubble. Lifting his good arm to protect his head, Hayate felt the air being sucked out of him as he went crashing through the wall. A large cloud of dust and debris was kicked up as the boy landed in a heap.

Groaning, Kenta stood to his feet, his broken leg buckling under his weight. Cursing, he made his way towards where he had launched the boy. As he made his way past the now collapsed wall, Kenta could see Hayate laying on the ground, struggling to get up.

Picking up a large piece of rubble that had broken off when Hayate crashed through the wall, Kenta carried it over to the boy. Seeing the shadow looming over him, Hayate turned slowly to face Kenta. Coughing up a fresh spurt of blood, Hayate attempted to push himself backwards. The arm that Kenta had broken gave up on him and he fell to his back.
Standing above Hayate, Kenta raised the large chunk of rubble above his head. "You were a worthy opponent Hayate-san. I will make sure that you get a warrior's burial." Coughing again, Hayate raised his good arm above his head in a weak attempt to block the inevitable.

"Do you have any last words Hayate?"

Another cough, followed by an indecipherable mumble. Straining to hear, Kenta leaned forwards. "What did you say?"


Confusion filled Kenta's face and he raised an eyebrow. "Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"For cheating." The voice came from behind Kenta, and before the large man had a chance to turn, he felt both of his arms being split open. Howling as the pain became too much, Kenta's grip on the large chunk of rubble weakened and he felt it slip from his grasp.

The last thing Kenta saw before the rubble smashed into his head and knocked him into the sweet embrace of unconsciousness was Hayate disappearing in a puff of smoke in front of him.

Retracting his blades from Kenta's arms, the real Hayate collapsed to one knee. He had his broken arm encased in a metal cast, keeping it from growing worse. Taking a long moment to catch his breath, Hayate withdrew a little metal from his pouch and used it to secure Kenta to the ground.

Summoning the effort to stand, Hayate retreived his tools and his jacket. Glancing off into the distance, he thought he could hear the sound of explosions. Kiyomi!

Without hesitating, Hayate sunk below the earth, speeding towards where he had left her.
