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[fieldbox=Yuki|Ame-Genin|Team 12|Kuni Exam, #d91e0d, solid]
Yuki wandered through the stalls looking to sell their wares during the busy Chuunin exams. One peaked his interest, it was a mask vendor. One intrigued the boy, it was a bit different from the rest. Deciding to treat himself a bit he picked it up and bought it. Putting it on he made his way to Yoshikuni's match. Her match was before his so he thought it would be nice to watch his teammate fight first.

'I just hope shes not too beat up...' Yuki thought with a bit of worry as he approached the stands where spectators were so immersed in the fight that there was barely any sound save for the battle below. Frowning beneath his mask he took a seat in the back row. But to his surprise all he saw was Chinatsu, Kuni's opponent, nearly neck deep in the ground. While a fox, likely the Konoha ninja's, ran around looking for a way in it seemed.

'Pff, and here I was worried..' Yuki smiled, feeling a bit proud that his comrade was already winning. He watched what happened next with the same intensity as the crowd. When Kuni emerged from the ground after slapping a paper bomb on Chinatsu's head, he knew it was a bluff. 'No way would she...' There was words between Kuni and the fox. 'Are they negotiating?' He wondered right before Kuni's hands went together in a sign he was all too familiar with.

'NO!!' Jumping up from his seat, the next minute moved in slow motion for Yuki. The dreadful boom! Echoed around the stage. 'No no...Please dont be dead...' But as the flames cleared and he saw the headless corpse of what was once a young Genin, same as him. 'Why...' There was so much blood splattered on the ground amongst the scorch marks. The blood....Suddenly a image flashed through his mind.

A image of blood soaked snow, of sightless eyes as they gazed into noth- His head began to pound. Grabbing the sides of his head he sank back into his seat. 'What....Whats going on?!?' He thought in panic, he didnt understand what he just saw. 'Was that...A memory...My memory?' But as he tried to recall it a sharp pain threatened to split his skull. Wincing beneath his mask he tried to control his rapid breathing. Yuki found that if he stopped trying to recall the image, the pain lessened. Until finally it subsided. Slowly opening his eyes he saw patrons leaving with either proud, disgusted, or horrified faces.

'What did you you do...Kuni...'[/fieldbox]
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Yogiri Hamura – Team 12
Yogiri sat on the tribune yawning as she watched Kuni's match. It was rather boring for the most part. She was hoping for more punchy-punchy kicky-kicky…instead Kuni was just pulling her opponent underground. There was also a fox darting around like a lost puppy which was sort of cute. Watching as the fox carried the paper bomb; Yogiri wondered what the other girl was up to. As it was exploded Yogiri would quickly shut her eyes and let out a small yelp. Her mind was previously taken off of that event too. After it was over, Yogiri opened her eyes and looked around. Seemed no one had payed her much attention. Yogiri bit her lip continuing to watch the match.

Yogiri noted how stupid it was to set off an explosive that close. It could backfire heavily…just like a certain event. She scoffed. That girl out there and Ryuu should meet sometime. Yogiri grit her teeth, she still needed to chew that bastard out! Her hands clenched and expression was that of anger. The thought of stomping on the little shit's face pleased her. A shiver ran down her body. Having blood sprout from his nose and mouth, hearing as he choked on his own teeth and blood, the sound of his cries…she snapped out of her dark thought. She looked at her shaking hand. "What…is wrong with me?" she mumbled.

Focusing back on the match she wasn't sure how long her mind hadn't drifted away, but at least Kuni was out of the ground now. She grinned as she watched, but further analysis caused that smile to drop as she noticed Kuni with a formed seal, a seal that she recognized from before. Kuni dropped to her knees and Yogiri stood with widened eyes. Before she could call out an explosion went off. Yogiri flinched. She stared forth as the dust cleared. A headless body with charred shoulders was all that was left of the girl. Yogiri couldn't take her eyes off of it. Emotions washed over her and her lips twitched…she felt disgusted at the same sight, but at the same time it…it wasn't that bad-She was cut off from her thoughts as a medical-nin got in her way.

Yogiri shook her head, hand running through her hair as she licked her lips. Looking back onto the field she noticed nin from Amegakure moving Kuni from the field. It angered Yogiri by how forceful they were being, even if she understood why. She walked past a shaken Yuki, trying to leave the tribune wondering if she could catch up with Kuni.
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An eventful day at Konoha!

A collab made between Gero and Sketcher

On a sunny afternoon, a young boy, merely 13, walked alone out on the streets, his bag filled with books. Turning, the boy waved good-bye at the kindly old man at the entrance of the bookstore, making his way down the familiar road with a plastered smile on his lips, trying to enjoy the nice day. The boy walked out of the trafficked path and onto a green opening with several hills all around, covered by trees. His eyes locked on a particular, familiar trunk. His gaze locked on it with a sad expression. He walked up the slope, slowly sliding his bag off his back and sat on his knees at the top, looking at the ground there. His hand drifted forward, straightening something up, an image with four people, three of whom seemed quite enthusiastic while the fourth was rather bored and annoyed. A sad smile crept up the boy's lips as his free hand went up to rub the wetness in his eyes.

"... I'm just supposed to talk, right? I'm not sure..."

The boy looked down at the picture.

"I don't know what I can say...."

"Sometimes it is better to say nothing at all."

Standing a few feet behind Katsu, Koike had his hands pocket as he looked with a calm expression. He had followed his best friend first because he wanted to see if he could pull a prank back after Katsu had revealed that he had been spying on him and Korina. But seeing what Katsu was doing made the young man slightly feel guilty. "Sometimes thoughts count more than words. At least, that is my feel about it."

Katsu remained quiet for a few seconds, not bothering to look back, rubbing his eyes with his finger tips. "What are you doing here, Koike?" he asked solemnly, turning his head with a warm smile. "Trying to sneak up on me?"

Lifting his right hand out of his jacket's pocket Koike revealed a candle. "Perhaps. I noticed however this at the bottom of the slope. Figure that it rolled down or something." Taking a few steps, Koike would kneel next to Katsu. Placing the candle next to the frame, he leaned back. "Sorry for your loss."

"I've always found that phrase rather odd," the boy said, chuckling lightly, turning back ahead. "It's not like you killed 'em. Why'd you be sorry?"

Koike stared at the frame for a few moments. Sighing, he seemed to think about a proper answer. "I didn't no. But it isn't that odd." Leaning on his knee with his right arm, he glanced at Katsu. Slightly his lips curved a bit up. "It is because I care about you. And while it isn't directly my loss, I feel sorry for you. That's why Katsu."

"I don't need pity," the boy said quietly, his head lowering. "It isn't pity." Was the answer given back. Thinking on how to prhase it, Koike stared at the frame. "It is caring for somebody. Not just some formality. At least, not in my case."

Silence settled for a bit, with the only exception of the fluttering leaves and sobbing. Remaining silent as well, Koike half closed his eyes. He wanted to say how he wished he could've helped or been there, but it wouldn't make a difference, nor bring anybody back. Staying silent, he would be there, at Katsu's side.

After about a few good minutes of leaning his head to the ground and soaking the grass beneath it, the boy got up to his feet. Glancing at Katsu, Koike would slowly get up as well. "Wanna go and eat something?" He asked, looking back at the frame for a moment.

Katsu picked up his bag, putting it back on over his shoulder and waist, looking over at his friend with an apologetic smile. "I'm... I'm not really hungry."
Slowly nodding, Koike looked back at Katsu. "Fair enough." Patting Katsu's shoulder, Koike smiled back. "Then you can either drink with me or watch me eat. Come, let's enjoy some peace before we're ought to get on a mission or continue training. Or study."

The boy's head lowered to the side. "I'm sorry," he said, walking back down the hill. "Maybe some other time."
Silently watching Katsu walking away, Koike could only nod as he felt bad. Shoving his hand back into the pocket of his jacket, he glanced back at the frame. Letting out a sigh as he closed his eyes, he decided to walk away as well.
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A visit to the hospital!

A collab made between Sketcher and Lesli

Day 5

Summary: Aiko visits Katsu at the hospital.

With a fast pace, Aiko was walking towards the hospital. She had a semi-calm expression on her face as she had managed to hear the news. Though a bit worried, there was also a bit of pride. And anger. But she was kind of relieved when she had heard the news of Kiyomi being back. Cause that meant Katsu was back. Entering the hospital, Aiko requested the number of the room where she could find her student. Though she was needed to explain several things as she wouldn't be just allowed to walk into the room. Sighing after dealing with the receptionist, Aiko walked towards the wing and floor where she would find the room where Katsu was. Glancing at the small plastic bag she was carrying, Aiko took a corner and glanced at the numbers of the doors she passed.

Finding the number she was looking for, Aiko knocked on the door. Slowly she would place her hand at the door handle and open the door. "Katsu?"

Katsu had woken up that day, feeling much better than the day before. He'd started his morning with his pencil and papers in hand, and by the time Aiko's voice came into the room, there were several sheets of paper on the ground, either crumpled and thrown or simply scratched and let slide to the side of the bed. The boy would've jumped in his spot if he was physicaly able at the time. His eyes shot to the door. After a moment, he flashed a half-nervous smile. "Good morning, sensei."

Entering the room, Aiko closed the door behind her. "Hey, how are you?" She asked with a friendly smile. Noticing the paper laying around, Aiko looked a bit surprised, but then didn't seem to be bothered by it. Walking up to the small chair that was next to the bed, Aiko picked it up and placed it so that she would sit near Katsu. "I brought you some self made eclairs. I know you love them, here." Holding the bag up with a smile, she was happy he seemed to be doing fine.

"I've been better, but the people here are miracle workers," he said, only to feel a sharp pain running down his head.


With a fast movement, the fist of Aiko slammed on top of Katsu's head as Aiko looked with a glare. "You've got some nerve getting wounded and then not telling me!" The calm look had vanished away as Aiko frowned. "You're lucky that you got here, cause if it was up to me, I would've dragged you by your ear all the way back and made you think twice about getting stabbed like that!"


Katsu's head bent forward with the blow, making him rub its back as he looked at her again in terror. His lips shivered as he spoke with a shaking tone. "I'm sorry," he said. "I tried, but--"


Raising her right index finger, Aiko kept frowning as she stared at Katsu. "You got stabbed and that means that either I haven't trained you well enough or that you were sloppy! Good Moon, I swear," Aiko sighed as she lowered her hand, "as soon as you're out of here, we're going to make your trainings more difficult. And work on your chakra control. And your stamina. And your..." She continued for a bit as she summed up on what she would train him in. Only her voice became softer as a smile appeared on Aiko's lips. "But sorry, I'm glad that you're at least alive."

Katsu pouted as he lowered his head, keeping his eyes locked on hers. His hands slithered towards the bag she had, taking one of the eclairs in it and stuffing it into his mouth as she counted the training they'd do. "I am too," he said cheekily with a wide, childish grin.

"You should be." Running a hand through her hair, Aiko let out a sigh. "I've not yet been updated fully, only that you were here. And from the looks of it, I doubt I'll be allowed to know the full details of the mission." Aiko said with her voice being calm and polite, as usual. "Though," a glint started to appear in her eyes as she leaned forward with her elbows on her knees, "what about your fight? You did brush your teeth before the fight, no? And wearing--"

"Yes, yes, of course!" he lied casually, with a reassuring smile. Can't let her know I forgot...

And it seems she didn't see through his lie. "Good! Now, who managed to beat you up like this?" Aiko friendly asked.

"It was this crazy pyromaniac," he grumbled. "She kept blowing stuff up once every few seconds. An extreme explosion enthusiast. Some people..." Shaking his head, Katsu huffed. "Though I don't think she's alive. We stabbed each other at the same time, but I kinda lost consciousness before long..."

Hearing what kind of opponent he had been facing, Aiko found it ironic. But not enough to find it fun that he had been stabbed. "Perhaps you'll watch it now to use explosions!" She said, her lips curving up a bit. "But I'm glad you managed. Was kind of wondering what Kiyomi was up to, but I'll ask her later myself." Leaning back, she sighed as she crossed her legs. "I do suppose I should train you more from now on. Can't have it that you get stabbed, exploded, poisoned or what else and people wondering if I had done a horrible job, can I now?"

"Haha..." The boy chuckled nervously as he stuffed his face. "I guess that's true." Huffing, the boy looked at the bag before slightly pushing it forward. "Um... How has it been here, sensei?"

"As things should have been. I've been training and working." Aiko answered, briefly pausing. "I've been also busy with arranging some matters within my own clan, but nothing really special." Thinking about her own answer, Aiko wondered if that was a good or bad thing. Deciding silently that it wasn't that bad as she rather have it that nobody would get stabbed.

"Peacefully sitting at home, doing dull things can be fun too," Katsu said, almost to himself as if daydreaming. "I mean... It's better for health," he said, chuckling nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Most certainly is." Aiko replied back. "I do wonder actually. If you fought against an enemy that was crazy about explosions," looking curious, she decided to ask what had crossed her mind, "How did you manage to beat her? With more explosions?"

The boy scratched the stuck-on bandage on his right cheek, covering more than a quarter of the right side of his face. "Well... The fight went on with explosions on both sides, but we ended it by stabbing each other. It just happened that she had drawn the shorter straw," he said, remembering that last moment where he'd managed to avoid an instant death, though he had little hope that he'd survive this long.

Staying silent for a moment, Aiko held back a sigh. She was truly happy that he had managed to at least survive that fight. Yet it troubled her that he had been wounded to such an extent. For a reason she felt guilty as she reminded herself of the person who was supposed to teach him better. "I'm sorry." Aiko whispered, her eyes lowering. "I'll try to make this up to you." She further added, trying to think of how she should further apologize herself to him.

The boy gave her a confused look. "Sensei? What are you apologizing for?" he asked, tilting his head, his eyes open widely as he stared at her, curious about the reason of her reaction.

Scratching her neck, Aiko offered an apologetic smile. "For this. You know." Patting the bed he was lying on, Aiko kept up the smile. "If I had trained you better and invested more time in your training then you wouldn't maybe end this hurt." Aiko already guessed that he would refuse to accept that kind of logic, but it was how she felt about it. "It is just that in my opinion that when a student fails that a sensei also has failed. The same goes for ending up this wounded. It isn't just your doing, but mine as well." Growing silent, Aiko sighed as she doubted she had explained her reason well enough.

Huffing, Katsu's face turned a bit red. "That's not really fair," he said. "Everything I do is my responsibility. If I had died, that'd be my fault, and I wouldn't think anyone else-maybe except my assailant- would have any kind of wrong doing in it." The boy shook his head a bit. "I got hurt because my opponent was stronger, but I wouldn't dare think that my teachers and mentors did an insufficient job!"

"That is why the world is unfair." Placing her right hand on top of his head, Aiko smile vanished with her cryptic response. "It is just how I feel about it. You, Koike and all my other students." Gently her fingers ruffled through his hair. "It is my job to make sure that you're prepared. Trained and ready to defend yourself. I don't know if other sensei feel the same as I do and it isn't your fault, but it feels like I could've prevented this." Pulling her hand back, Aiko's smile returned as she winked. "That's why I will train you harder. Together we will thus learn from this and grow stronger. Okay?"

A grin grew on the boy's lips as his hair got messier. "Hehe..." Katsu scratched his cheek. "It feels like I'll be more at ease in this hospital," he joked.

"I suppose you'll be." Aiko patted his leg softly as she got up. "I'll start to prepare a rough training schedule now. From now on I'll make you savour every free minute have! This is going to be so much fun!" Clapping her hands together, the sad and guilty expression made place for the more common cheerful one that Aiko displayed. "Take care, Katsu. And rest now," walking to the door, a grin spread over Aiko's lips as she winked, "while you still can.~"

Katsu stiffened up, a shiver going down his spine as he stared at her with blank, terrified and nervous eyes. "Th-Thank you sensei," he said, stuttering. Maybe I could break an arm...
[BCOLOR=transparent]Hideki Hyuuga[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Next Episode of DBZ[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hideki rolled around in bed, sleepily trying to hold onto Saki, but unless she'd turned intangible, she'd already left. Slightly disappointed, he sat up in bed, leaning his head against a pillow and rubbing the sleep off his eye. Yesterday had been one hell of a rollercoaster ride. The wounds inflicted were still hurting, especially the one in his biceps - where he'd stabbed himself with a glass shard. Luckily, the butterflies swirling around in his belly did much to dissipate the pain. Staying in bed for a while, he thought about what had transpired the night before[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent], a satisfied smile on his lips. He then [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]went over to the bathroom, pulling a t-shirt over his bare chest. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His reflection stared back at him in the mirror, dark circles hovering underneath his eye. He looked ghastly, hollow, remodeled by an indefinite void. Was this really him? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]He turned on the tap and watched the water flow, ripples forming as his fingers prodded the surface. Compared to the warmth from yesterday, he felt only a deep chill, crawling up his skin and colonizing in his bone. Carefully, he tugged at the bandages covering his right eye and forehead, peeling them off with little to no resistance.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The uncovered face that met his in the mirror caused him to stumble back onto the toilet seat, a wave of nausea racking through him. He flipped open the lid and bent over, emptying his stomach, his whole body shuddering. As the retching came to a stop, he washed his mouth, a tinge of dizziness settling in his head. Singed flesh covered half his face, a multitude of blisters swelling there, seemingly ready to pop at any given moment. Like one of those pitiful villains you'd see in the comics he used to read. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Returning his gaze to the mirror, holding a steadfast composure this time around,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] he forced a smile to his lips, testing to see if the nerves on the singed side were still functioning properly. Fortunately, they were, eliciting a sigh of relief. He remained in the bathroom for a few minutes, contemplating the rest of the day. But there was not much to contemplate. He had to visit Zakito and deliver the package. And soon. It'd be rude to keep him waiting. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Rummaging in his backpack, he brought forward fresh bandages, wrapping them sloppily around his forehead and right eye, cringing through the blistering pain. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When he was done, he went down to the kitchen and discovered the note Saki had left him. Smiling through the content, a tiny bit of happiness saturated the already-settled melancholy. He supposed he could always shop a little before heading over to the Jounin commander. And he craved apples. Red ones. Perhaps Saki would like some too.. As he stepped out of the apartment and locked the door, his eye caught a pair of intricately-painted walls, self-made. "This dork.." He silently whispered, a smile spreading on his lips.[/BCOLOR]
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Korina's Training Days Continued!!
Before Konoha, after the Chuunin Exams

(Prior to this, Korina spent about 30 days training with Satoshi and on missions for the Storm Guard.)​

The sound of flesh on flesh rang in her ears as Korina pivoted into a back elbow strike. The attack connected with her opponent's nose and caused a gush of blood to pour from the soft cartilage. Reacting quickly, she activated her hooked attachment and pulled the man off balance by the shoulder as she kicked forward at his ankle. The man flipped over her back and landed on another attacker whom had almost launched and attack at her back. She shifted slightly from side to side when a sword was slashed at her. Coolly, she knocked it away with her pivoted kote knife, blade to blade, then circled again to slice at her opponent's thigh, close to the hamstring. Before the man could even fall, two more took his place with spears. Retracting the blades, Korina knocked away the two spears by the shafts and slid between them to deliver a straight punch to one of the user's jaw. She pulled his spear from his slackened gasp and held it vertically along her back to block the swipe that had been incoming. As if it were a dance, Korina twirled the pole arm over her shoulder so that the butt of it smashed her opponent beneath the chin in a sicker hit, then swung again while she turned her body to strike him across the face while he was dazed. She'd scarcely dropped the spear when a call rang throughout the sparring arena.

"Enough. Time is up!"

Korina smiled thankfully as Amaiya met her on the dusty field with some water. The young Kiyohime had finally had her last growth spurt, and was stood a few inches above the older woman. She'd gained some muscle mass following the move to Konoha and her legs, arms, and torso seemed to lengthen over night. The young woman sipped at the water while the onlookers cheered raucously while the defeated guards were helped off of the field. She was soon met with her heir's back as the woman dragged the younger girl off by her belt loop. Korina's eyebrow raised but there was little to no other cues that could be called emotion on her face.

"I need help moving my furniture. You'll oblige of course, Kiyohime?"

"Of course, My Heir. What needs to be moved?"

"Everything, by yourself, by sundown. So...I hope you're ready for a workout."

"Can I just point out that I have barely begun to ride again?" The teen looked over at her riding partner as they led the scouting party to look for viable farmland within Kiyomi's offered land. Korina held on tightly to the reins of the mare, whom didn't even seem to notice the pressure on her bit. Her black ears flickered as she tossed her gray mane to nicker in reprimand at her rider. "Sorry, sorry." Korina apologized to the powerfully built beast.

Korina's mother had barely seemed to age, the only true signs were the deeper laugh lines and some streaks of gray in her black hair. The woman directed her mount to trot alongside Korina's do that the woman could take her daughter's hand. "Just relax, Kiyohime. The skill will return to you in time."

"Mother! Of all people, I don't want YOU falling me that!" Korina pouted at the older woman.

"Now, now. You are my daughter, that will always be true. Likewise, it is true that you are my general. Just as you afford the same respect to our leader and empress. That was how I raised you. Harvest knows that your father taught you the wonders of stuffing your face." Korina looked away, a little blush coated her olive skin. "Now, let's work our way into a gallop, yes? Remember to tighten your core and ride with the horse under you. Like sex."

"MOM!" Korina yelled in surprise as the spritely woman galloped away on her mount, her laughter trailed behind her much like her hair. Korina spurred her own mount in a gallop, so as not to be left behind by her troupe as they all followed their party leader. By the morning of the following day, they spent nearly 18 hours in the saddle, with Korina only falling once.


Korina meditated quietly beneath a smaller waterfall about a three hour ride away from the village. She reveled in the weight of water as it crashed against her shoulders. Her eyes were closed, and her seal was accepting more and more chakra every day. Currently, the seal was colored a glowing orange as the nature chakra was absorbed from the air, water, and various plant life around her. When she'd finally opened her eyes, she focused her attention inwards. The feeling spread out from her chest into her limbs from where she sat. She felt her chakra swirling and balancing within and slowly but surely the water seemed to move away from her. Sweat began to bead on her brow as she directed more chakra into her shoulders and limbs, until she couldn't really feel the weight of the waterfall as much, but she was starting to feel light headed.

Strong jaws were suddenly pulling her from beneath the waterfall, the sharp teeth were oddly gentle as the wrapped around her neck. In sharp contrast, she was dropped to the ground unceremoniously, Shiko unimpressed gaze was the first thing she saw after the young woman had finished coughing up a lung.

"You're done for the day. You won't be drowning on my watch." The summon grunted. Korina could only nod in acceptance before she passed out.

"Square up, Korina. Few ninjas know how to handle a full assault. They expect flips--" the sound of flesh impacting on soft leather sounded in rapid succession, "--They expect acrobatic kicks--" The practice targets were raised, and a leg swiftly impact in the lower one before shifting into a rapid heel kick going into the opposite direction. "They don't expect raw strength. The strength that can't be deflected so easily. Follow through firmly and with conviction!" The target sailed over ebony hair before an uppercut caught the pad on the underside. This was swiftly followed by a hard straight from the left, then a right handed haymaker that sent the man to the ground.

The older Kusanagi grinned up at his daughter then stood after accepting her help. He shook out his hand after removing it from the gloved pad and then ruffled his daughter's hair. Her hair clung to her forehead, slick with sweat even as her chest heaved for precious air. "Very good, Kiyohime. Again." He put his hand back into the pad and took up a firm base, "Remember, with conviction!"

Korina's head was painfully wrenched from the water bath by her hair and the cotton bag over her head. "Where are you keeping your Empress?!"

"Fuck you--" Her defiant snarl was cut off by her being forced into the cold bath again in mid-sentence. She struggled mightily, despite her arms being held behind her back. A strong hand held her head under the freezing water by the neck as he pushed harder. Her shoulders followed, which put a strain on her stomach and knees, which were being bent painfully over the deep basin. She eventually stopped struggling and the bag was pulled from her face. She coughed hard, water spewed from between her lips as she struggled to expel the water from her lungs.

"Where is the Empress, Korina?"

She could only glare at the male whom had taken her from her sleep. In an act of defiance, she spat at his feet. The masked man pulled her up by the hair and slammed her face into the concrete, dazing her, then shoved her head under the water. She seized at the sudden rush of cold and struggled again before she went still. The man held her down for a few more seconds then pulled her soaking head out. He dropped her unresponsive body on the ground then looked to his second in command. "Solitary. No food, no water, complete darkness."

The days continued on for what seemed like forever to the young woman. She didn't recognize her kidnappers, and she wondered if her clan was out looking for her. She'd spent a lot of time in her cell, mapping out the small square of concrete by crawling her weakened body along the ground. After the third time of doing so, so passed out from exhaustion.

That seemed so long ago...they'd left her there, cold, alone, and now sick. Her body shivered something fierce as she fought against the heaviness in her bones. She wanted to sleep, to heal, but she knew that if she did, they'd awaken her with those bells. Those damned bells that kept her from gathering any sleep. She huddled in a corner to try and keep her body heat close, but she was getting weaker and colder. The walls offered no comfort for they hadn't even given her a cot.

Two men had come for her yesterday, they'd humiliated her and detailed exactly what they'd do to her owner and her heir once they figured out where they were. They laughed at her weak attempt to fight back and merely shoved her on the ground. One of them roughly cut off her hair and clothes, which was what led to her current predicament.

She ignored the voice in the darkness to begged her to just give up the location. The tantalizing smell of roasted meats and veggies wafted through the walls constantly, and Korina felt her stomach growl for sustenance. It did not matter, though, she would rather starve than give away her Heir and her Empress. She'd freeze to death before they raped them and killed them.

They had her clothes and dignity, she had her oath...her ninja way. In the darkness, sick and alone, she meditated, for how long, she was unsure.

Korina stared into the darkness as the whip came across her back again. She didn't utter a word, though her thighs flexed in reflex. They'd stuffed her with water and bread after she refused to eat. They held her down and literally stuffed the food down her throat until her instincts made her swallow. Her suspicions were correct: the food had been drugged.

Even in her altered state, she said nothing, even when they made the first cuts and bruises on her skin, she remained silent. Korina didn't know how long the whipping went on for, but when she came to, she was back on the cold floor.

She didn't know when the tears began to soak the ground beneath her, she only knew that she had to find the Harvest Mother's embrace.

Korina has managed to gather a small amount of nature energy, and had used the modicum of energy to escape. That only lead to her loss of freedom within her own room. Her arms were each chained to a wall, and she was forced to sit with her legs bent beneath her body weight. A collar was strapped around her neck with spikes positioned beneath her chin so she was forced to stare forward despite her body's positioning. Sleep was impossible now, and she was long past the point of delirium. She didn't know when they brought and stuffed food into her gullet, now did she recognize when water was poured over her head. She wasn't knocked out of it until their leader returned to her with news that they had Amaiya.

It took a minute for the words to register before Korina pulled at her bonds weakly; The chains barely moved. The man laughed at her and motioned for a familiar woman to be brought in. She was shoved to the ground in front of the Kiyohime whom stared in disbelief. Amaiya groaned in pain, her face was blackened with bruises and her dress was torn. Korina heard the sound of a buckle being undone and then she just blanked out.

When she came to, her head was in Amaiya's lap as the woman stroked through her hair with her fingers. Their assailants were no longer in the room, but Amaiya smiled gently in the dimmed room.

"You've passed, My Champion. Now rest...you have earned it."

It'd been two days since Amaiya told Korina about the training and test she'd been subjected to for over two weeks. For her part, Korina understood her leader's intentions, and didn't fault the woman for her actions. Korina was a ninja, which meant that she could have faced such atrocities for any length of time. Amaiya commended the young woman for her tenacity and strength of mind and will, and of how she never gave up on her meditations. Amaiya urged that she never forget the lessons she learned in her captivity, and to always cling to her ninja way and meditations. Korina nodded once, though she never got up from her bedrest. Her ordeal had taken a toll on her body, she would be confined to bedrest for at least another week. In her stead, she sent three clones to do what she couldn't: train. Two of them practiced their chakra control while another trained up a new technique under her original's careful watch.

Korina spent much of her time reading up on tactics and rehabilitation of her arms and muscles when she wasn't meditating. The young woman looked up from the medical ninjas that had been overseeing her recovery alongside the clan's seers. She slowly moved through her katas under their watchful gaze then did some light training until they sent her back to her bed and meditations. She still hard three clones out, one practicing chakra control, one meditating and one still working on that new jutsu.

Today was the first day that Korina could summon more than four clones to assist in her training. One meditated in the forests, one spent the day studying tactics and history, one practiced her lightning ball techniques as well as further developing the jutsu, and Korina herself sparred against her clansmen one after another.
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[fieldbox=Matsuri Hyuga, aqua]

Matsuri stood in the stands watching Chinatsu's match, smiling gently. She hadn't told Chinatsu she'd be there, but she felt like Chinatsu was her sister, of course she was going to be their to support her.

At the beginning of the match, she saw the smoke, and wondered what Chinatsu would do. She opened her sharingan to watch carefully. Perhaps she could help out Chinatsu by recording this.

Matsuri's curiosity was turned to concern as Chinatsu was buried, and to worry as the explosive tag was slapped on.

She wouldn't? Would she? It's just the chunnin exams. A show of skills. She's won already, call the match ref.

An explosion rocked Matsuri's world.

"Miss Chinatsu!? CHINATSU!"

Matsuri felt wind across her body as she sailed through the air, only stopped as she hit the barrier seperating her from the genin below, bouncing off it, and pressing herself against it. Horror filled her as she saw Chi.... She couldn't look.


Matsuri's eyes focused on the one genin below. Her entire focus was on her. Memorizing every single detail. Matsuri felt something strange go through her. She'd felt rage before. She'd been betray, she'd had friends die, but she'd never been hurt like this. To see her friend, her best friend, die before her very eyes.... and for what? A stupid exam when she was already beat! Ushio had died living his beliefs to the end. Ryo and Tsubasa died for the village. What did Chinatsu die for?

"....Yoshikuni Sadako..."

Matsuri's left eye bled tears as she focused continued to watch Kuni.

  • Nice Execution!
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Another Island - Another Journey

It had been a week since his last mission. Things were moving smoothly for him at the moment. The Chūnin Exams held by the Akinian Empire was also on its way. Sitting on his bed with a sheet of paper in his hand, his dark brown eyes were squinted, his expression serious. It was a letter from his father, which held some important information regarding the family, or more specifically about him. Throwing the piece of paper on the table next to the bed, Nadaki shifted his attention towards the floor. His hands clasped together, his elbows resting on his tighs. 'What does he want now?...'

The relationship between him and his father was somewhat rocky, but both his siblings did not know about it. If anyone, perhaps Neji, his younger brother would. It reminded him about how clingy he was and always wanted to follow in his big brothers footsteps. A small smirk came across his lips, reminding him about the younger Uchiha sibling. He was glad he decided to choose his own path in the end, and not turning into an ANBU like Nadaki. It was enough with one sibling constantly being away from Konohagakure and the family. 'I'm glad you're following your own path, Neji.." He reminisced.

Tilting his head to the side, he noticed the sun shining bright outside, the sun rays passing through his window, giving light to his room. Nadaki was wearing nothing but something casual, and had prepared the neccessary equipment for his mission, which included his ANBU outfit amongst other things. Standing up, he walked outside, exiting his apartment. It was on the second floor. With a nice view over the village. Looking towards the path that lead to the main entrance into the village, he tilted his head upwards, looking at the sky, in a certain direction. "So... Will they move?" He curiously whispered to himself, before making his way to the entrance. His demeanor was normal, his emotions unfazed, at least for the moment.

The trip would take him some time, to get to his designated destination. He had already made his route, and left the village. Once in the open road, he made his way towards the Keishi village. A neccessary carriage was needed in order for him to get to where he wanted, the Degarashi Port, in the Tea Country. "This will take some time..." He pondered at the situation. It was nothing unexpected, but he wondered what kind of people he would meet this time around.​
After the Exam
An Unscheduled meeting between a former teacher and student

Aiko Cho and Yoshikuni Sadako

While Kuni feels confused about the recent exam, someone she knows comes to visit (And complain about how annoying it was to get to her). It ends with Kuni feeling less worried and calmer, and with a few unexpected sovuneirs.​

Sitting on the ground next to the campfire, Kuni was facing the ground while the jounin that was watching over her appeared to be rather upset "You have no idea what you might've just done. This little action of yours, besides attracting unwanted attention, could make all of Amegakure look bad. That we do not know how to properly train our students, to ensure they understand where is the limit when inside such events. And who knows, perhaps the Hon clan might suddenly decide they wanted you to answer for killing one of their own without any proper reason! Seriously, this could end up badly in several ways..."

While the jounin moved to lean on a tree across from her and continue to rant on the possible outcomes, Kuni was hearing his words, but she wasn't listening. Her mind was somewhere else. In her mind, she kept hearing over and over the sound of the explosion from earlier and the feeling of the wind and dust against her skin. She knew the feeling well from her past experience with Eiji, and usually she could easily just get past it, but this time it was different. Because while two entered the field, only one left. That thought sent shivers across her spine and she moved her head against her knees, wondering what would Eiji think about what she has done.

After a moment she raised her head and looked at her hands. While she had no blood on them, unlike the previous deaths she had encountered, she knew that she might as well have just grabbed her opponent's head and twisted it quickly enough to snap- What was she thinking? She couldn't ever do that to anyone! Kuni shook her head a bit and raised her sight to see that the jounin was merely looking at the campfire now, not speaking a word. She moved her sight back to her legs and placed her head against her knees. She needed to talk to someone about this. But it would be at least a few days before she could. She knew Yuki and Yogiri wouldn't be allowed to see her, and Eiji remained in Ame. She closed her eyes and let out a small sigh, not knowing what she should do with herself right now.

"Thank you, I can take care of myself."

Shooting an annoyed glance at the few guards that are stationed around the campfire, Aiko would stand still and stare at the jounin that stood close and held guard near Kuni. For a moment the two adults kept locking their gaze. Raising her eyebrows slightly, the man looked away as he would take his distance. Sighing, Aiko decided it was the best should get. After going through the trouble of getting to meet up with Kuni, requesting it and arranging it, the woman remained silent. Staring at the back of the girl, her stern gaze was replaced by one of pity and guilt.

"Hey... Kuni."

Slowly walking to sit next to the girl, Aiko glanced sideways at Kuni. Remaining silent for a moment, Aiko stared at the fire. "I was trying to bring in a cupcake for you. To cheer you a bit up. But was only allowed to spend a bit of time with you. Troublesome to arrange it." She started, deciding to rant a bit. "First had to contact the leader of the guards that are still lurking about. ANBU, you know? Then I had to fill in a request and state why I wanted to see you to some more 'superior's'." Slowly Aiko's left hand went into her jacket as she would pull out a small wrapped present. "Here. It is a bit late, but I'd not forgotten about it."

Hearing a voice talking to the jounin made Kuni wonder who was it that suddenly arrived. No one was permitted to see her, after all. Unless she was back at the Rain province. Then she was as free as a bird. Kind of. She listened carefully to try and figure out who the person was, but the woman took a moment of silence as she apparently approached her side. Upon hearing her say her name, Kuni's eyes widened. Just like when she saw her in the beginning of the exam. Aiko then procceeded to complain about how tough it was to get here to see her, and the young girl just remained as she is, not being sure if she fell asleep and was now dreaming. After a moment she raised her head and looked at Aiko, taking a moment before realising she was handing her something. She accepted the small present and placed it in her pocket. The feeling of the small item felt very much real. She then sniffed once before smiling to her "Its great seeing you Aiko." She said.

"Technically you shouldn't." Winking at the girl, Aiko wrapped an arm around Kuni's shoulder. "I'm after a high standing member of the Hon clan and all. Though," Sqeeuzing softly in Kuni's shoulder, Aiko's tone became less joking. "Don't worry about today. Nobody can blame you. You gave a fair warning. More noble than most. I know it." Smiling a bit, Aiko continued. "But enough about that. C'mon, open it. I missed your birthday and not planning on going before I see your reaction."

Shaking her head slightly, she lowered her sight to the ground "Thats not..." She started to speak softly before hearing Aiko asking her to open the small package. Kuni took it out and looked at it for a moment before looking back at Aiko "Did you recieve my letter? I know Leaf did, he sent a letter back. When I didn't get a letter from you, I was starting to be worried that you might've not recieved it. And if you didn't reiceve it, then I should tell you what it said before opening this." She said.

Snickering Aiko shook her head a bit. "That isn't needed. I received your letter, but hoped to see you and speak to you. I find it else a bit dull to write a letter while I can be here." Lowering her head a bit, she raised her hand to ruffle through Kuni's hair. "With you. Zakito send a letter probably cause he couldn't be here. But now, come." Placing her hand on Kuni's shoulder, Aiko kept smiling. "I had let it made specially for you. The problem was that if I would send it that I couldn't see you reaction. And it was a busy time, so I couldn't come to Amegakure. Do you like it?"

Smiling as she heard that the letter was recieved made the young girl feel happier than before. At least she knew that she was capable of contacting Aiko and Leaf without any issues. She then moved her sight to the small package and carefully opened it. Taking out its contents made Kuni's eyes widen a bit and then she looked at Aiko "It's beautiful Aiko." She said and then hugged her Except I dislike jewellery... She thought to herself as she hugged Aiko tightly.

"Heh," hugging Kuni back she was happy that the girl was a bit cheered up, "you're welcome. Now, let's talk. Cause it is going to be worse if you don't have somebody to vent about." Gently breaking up the hug, Aiko glanced at the silver symbole for a moment. "And I won't judge you. A lot aren't even allowed to judge. We all killed somebody, so don't feel bad because somebody is judging you while they have done it more times than they can even count." Hoping that her words were a bit of help to kickstart the talk, Aiko looked a bit worried.

After Aiko broke up the hug and begun talking to her about the certain thing that occured during the match, She took a deep breathe "I don't care if people judge me. I don't care what they will say or think about me. Many already look at me with a crooked eye back at Ame because of my Jinch status." She said and then sighed "I mainly have an issue with myself. You saw how I was back at the oppression. How I came back to the house during the uprising all because I was pushed against an injured soldier and caused him to die. And now..." She lowered her eyes a bit.

"I'm afriad I might lose myself while getting over this...fear, this block, whatever."

Hearing Kuni out, Aiko placed her free elbow against her knee. Supporting her head with her hand, she gained a more blank expression as she remained silent. Remembering the event clearly, Aiko's nostrils widened as she took a deep breath in and sighed. "My first kills was when I was just nine. Nothing big or able to brag about it. I even dare say that I soiled my pants a second later." A sad smile found its way to Aiko's lips. "I stabbed a Suna nin into the back as I was trying to get away from the place where I grew up. I didn't know how, but it was a reflex. After that I was scared and not sure if it was just my instinct or something else." Raising the arm that she had placed around Kuni's shoulder, Aiko's hand would push some strands away from Kuni's face. "I can relate a bit. Truly. The thing is that you need to ask yourself,

are you afraid of losing yourself or others? What is more scarier to you?"

Hearing Aiko out, the young girl merely nodded very softly along with the words. When she asked her what was scarier to her, she already knew the answer by heart "Losing others. The ones I care for." Kuni said with a soft voice "Its been two and a half years since I lost my mom, and since then I know that what hurts me the most is losing someone close to me. I... I am being a bit selfish by saying that I need them. I need to know that I will always have someone close to me. Someone who I could talk to about everything. Someone who will always be there to support me."

Nodding, Aiko's smile grew a bit. "That is selfish Kuni. But that's okay. It is good to be a bit selfish." Thinking about it briefly on how to explain it, Aiko then spoke up again. "I need others too. After knowing how it is to be alone, I don't want to feel that again. But," Aiko gently and softly poked Kuni's shoulder. "That is why we got each other. And others. So that we don't need to be alone. It doesn't justify killing, not all." Pausing, she offered the girl an apologetic smile. "But, don't be too hard on yourself. Not because you're a kunoichi. Not because you're a jinchuriki. But because you care about others Kuni, you will end up hurting those who form a threat for those you care about. It is what it means to be a kunoichi, in my view at least. That," the tone of Aiko shifted to a more joking one as she snickered briefly, "and life is unfair. I would have love it if we could now talk about a boy you fancied. Or somebody who fancied you. You've ... grown after all."

She nodded along with what Aiko said. It made sense, especially about the part where life is unfair. She already knew that well, otherwise her mom and Samaki wouldn't have been dead. Then suddenly Aiko changed the topic into asking if there was anyone she fancied. She blinked twice and wondered what Aiko meant by that "Fancied someone? Uhm..." She moved her right hand and scratched her cheek a bit "I have no idea." Kuni said, being completely honest and with a large hint of naivity that line.

Snorting Aiko raised her hand as she made a short waving gesture. "That's okay. Perhaps you should ask Eiji later about it. He can probably explain it better." Gaining a bit of pleasure with shoving the task of that specific talk on Eiji, Aiko wished that she could be there to enjoy how it would go. "Anyways, to end that talk. Know that I'm there for you. I'll make sure that the Hon clan won't make a fuss about it, though I wonder if they even will. And if somebody starts acting tough," Aiko winked as she pointed at herself, straighten her back a bit, "then tell them that I got your back. Not ... sure who will drop. But else send me a letter with a list. I can make... things happen.~"

Kuni couldn't help but laugh a bit at how Aiko presented it "Will do, Aiko! I'll make sure to present you as the one person that no one will ever want to encounter." She said as she then moved and hugged the older woman once more "Thanks for doing this. I deeply appreciate it." She then added in a softer voice before letting go and giving Aiko a wide smile.

"That's fine." Hugging Kuni back, she was glad that she could be of some help for the girl. She had anticipated that it would go less fine, but was quite happy with how the talk had went so far. "And I'm sure that one day you'll end up doing the same for somebody else. Just remember the wise lessons and don't be too hard on yourself. You got others who can do that, okay?"

Nodding once more, Kuni kept the smile on her face "Okay. Give my best regards to Leaf and the twins!" She said, wondering how big the two had gotten since the last time she had seen them. It seemed like forever ago. "I will, but here. I got you two more things." Unzipping her jacket, Aiko would pull out two envelops. "You can open this one. It is made by the twins.... They .... were kind of competitive with the drawing." Aiko said, holding back her laughter. "And this one is for when you get home."

Taking the two envelops, Kuni looked at them for a brief moment before pocketing both of them "I'll open both together. Don't want to accidently lose the drawing on the way back." She said and laughed a bit at the thought of the two drawing on each others faces to keep each other from drawing on the paper. She then smiled and raised her hand with the necklace "Thanks once again. I'll be sure to cherish it." She said, moving the silver rose shaped necklace into the palm of her hand and then closing her fist around it.

Shortly afterwards, Aiko left the camp and the Ame jounin went back to his spot leaning on the tree, clearly displeased with the unscheduled visit. But Kuni didn't care about that. She was laying on the ground, holding out the necklace that Aiko had given her. She felt like most of her worries were gone now. She closed her hand around the necklace, placed it in her pocket and the closed her eyes, intending to get some proper rest before they take off in the following morning.
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When One Uchiha Sees Another

A Fight between Timv9 and Fieryfly


Sho is looking for an opponent at the Sea Keep arena's and finds a certain Uchiha boy that he challanges. Spoilers: Neji doesn't die.

Sho wasn't really supposed to be at the Sea Keep. He was a Chuunin already so he had nothing to do at the Chuunin Exams. Or so he had thought. But then he had figured out something very interesting. They had other fights as well. You were allowed, as a shinobi of one of the countries joining, to challange others to battles. And that was just what he needed. Now that he had managed to acquire some new skills he needed to practice. Training by himself was nice and dandy, but he needed living opponents. Opponents that hit him back when he hit them. It was the way he had always learned things and the way he would always learn things.

So he was stalking around the arena looking for some opponents, wanting to kick some poor sods head in really badly. Supposedly there was a sgn-up place where you could meet some people that were looking for a fight. So that was exactly what he did.

Neji had come to the Chuunin exams at the sea keep with Hiron Sensei. Not for Neji to take the Chuunin exams but for Neji to come and get some more training with Hiron and to watch the Chuunin exams and see how people at his age and skill leavel did in the chunin exams. It was really for Neji to learn what the chuunin exams were like so he could take them soon. Neji had wandered off away from Hiron to go and explore the sea keep a little bit. There were shinobi of all ranks from a lot of different villages. Neji wandered into a place where there were a lot of people. It seemed like some were challenging each other to spars.

There were so many people around. How the fuck could he ever chose from all of these. Sho halted before the signing table and placed his hands on his hips. In the background some asshole was screaming his lungs of for a challange. Sho rolled his eyes. "Okay..." he muttered. His eyes scanned the crowd. They all looked like boring people. That was until his eyes caught the crest on the back of a shirt of one of the kids. Sho's eyes narrowed as he stalked fowards. "You!" he called out to the boy as he appeared before him. "I challange you."

Neji contiuned to walk around this crowded room as he saw people signing up and people yelling for them to be challanaged. There was one asshole who was screaming bloody murder to try and get someone to challenge him to a spar. Neji had decided to not spar against anyone and he was about to leave the building when he heard someone speak to him. Neji turned around as he saw a kid who was a little bigger and probably a little older speak to him. And he challenged him to a spar. Neji looked at the kid, his headband was from the hidden rain village which is part of the empire with the hidden leaf village. "Me? Why do you want to challange me?"

Sho examined the kid. He didn't look like much, but... He was an Uchiha. No other bastard would wear that symbol on his back unless he belong to the oh so prestigious and famous Uchiha clan from Konoha. The clan that his father belonged to. He wanted to punch the kid in the face already just for reminding him of his father. "'Cause you are an Uchiha, am I right?" It was not really a question. "The last Uchiha I fought broke his nose. I want to see if I can do better this time." He smirked at the boy. "Or are you scared?"

Neji didn't understand what the deal was with this kid. He listened to what the kid said about the last Uchiha he fought he broke his nose and wants to do it better this time. Neji looked at the kid trying to decide what to do and then this kid asked if he was scared? Neji looked down at the ground and then looked back up at the kid. This time his eyes had changed to the red of his sharingan as he looked at him. " fine if it's a fight you want then its a fight youre going to get.

There it was. The proof. The red eyes. Sho snorted. Supposedly the Sharingan was the best thing they had. Well he didn't have it, and he was doing just fine without. He didn't need some stupid eye to match his hair color. "Great, let's get it started then." He didn't even bother waiting for the boy and just immediately went up to the table to set them up. After some boring talk about the rules - who cared about rules, they were shinobi, they didn't do rules - they were allowed into a ring. Casually Sho walked to the far end of the sandy space before turning around. He removed his scarf from around his neck and dumped it on the ground. "Come at me."

Neji stepped into the arena. The ground was pretty sandy, Neji looked around as people started to gather to watch these two fight. Neji streched a little bit as he heard this kid tell neji to come at him. Well if that's what he wanted then that's what he was going to get. Neji made hand signs. " temporally paralysis jutsu." with this jutsu his oppenet shouldnt be able to move for a short time. Neji then ran at him getting ready to strike.

Sho watched the boy weave seals and followed him suit. Though he had some more to go through than the Uchiha before him. But he had practiced quite well. Yet when he was about to finish the last seal his body froze, his hands still partly up in the air. As his body was unable to move he watched the boy run up to him. He hadn't even bothered to ask the dude's name he realized now. So this was his thing? Stopping his movements and come in. Sho would have scoffed if he had been able to move. Let him come.

Neji had seen as the kid was also making hand signs at the same time Neji was. Neji finished first though so his opponet couldnt finish his jutsu. Neji ran at the kid as he was still frozen as Neji approched him got ready to punch the kid in his nose. Showing him who would be breaking who's nose.

Coming for his nose, how interesting. As the boy came in Sho twitched his nose as the control of the jutsu started to weaken after a couple of seconds. Not enough to have him dodge the punch entirely, but enough for Sho to inch his head to the side ever so slightly so that the punch would not connect with his nose, but with this collarbone. His head flew backwards because of it and his body was about to follow, but Sho was ready as he finished the seal. Before he was even fully sprawled backwards he send the water whip he had been preparing Neji's way to wrap around any part of Neji's body that he could get a hold to, most likely his arm.

Neji struck Sho but it wasn't his nose, but his collarbone that he struck. The jutsu wore off before Neji could strike him in his nose, but sho wasn't able to dodge the punch entirely Neji was able to strike him in the collarbone which seat him flying back. Neji smirked but it didn't last long as Nejis sharingan picked something up. Sho had gotten his jutsu off as a whip of water came at neji. Neji dodged but he didnt completelt get out of the way. Neji was wrapped around the ankle by the whip.

Sho flipped backwards and managed to land on his feet. The left side of his face hurt more than he wanted to admit. That had been an okay punch. But the Water Whip had found a target. Immediately Sho reeled the thing n with his one hand, aiming to distable to boy's footing while with the other hand he formed one single seal. Lightning seal. Immediately lightning sprang along the water whip and started to race towards the kid.

Neji was in a bad spot as he was caught by the water whip. He was getting dragged towers Sho as he was losing his balance. He saw that Sho made a hand sign with his free hand as lighting started to race towards Neji. As the lighting struck Neji or so everyone thought, there was a burst of smoke as a log was in place of Neji. Neji had used the subistution jutsu. He was now running in behind the smoke as he made hand signs. He shot off a giant fireball jutsu at Sho.

The boy poofed away and Sho's water whip disappeared with him. The water fell to the ground and was soaked up by the sand. Now there was just smoke everywhere. Sho started walking to the side until he was suddenly met with a fire ball. A big one. Quickly Sho placed his hand at his mouth and spew a Wild Water Wave at it. The two forces collided and a massive cloud of steam errupted between the two. Something that Sho didn't like at all. So he ran sideways to get out of the cloud, circle around as he would try to find his opponent again.

Neji saw as his Fire ball was met by a huge wave of water. The two jutsu clashed against each other as they both fizzled out Into a large cloud of steam. Neji ran around the steam as his sharingan searched for his opponet. Eventually Neji found him as he made more hand signs. Neji grabbed a kunai from his bag as it got coated in fire chakra as he threw it at sho.

Well at least the Uchiha wasn't bound on hiding either. The boy came at him right away, or well a kunai came at him. But what was one kunai going to do. Sho shot to the side, ducked low to let the kunai pass him. The soaring heath the thing let of made him realize that he had probably made the right choice. He didn't stop his charge though. He ran straight up to the kid aiming to punch him low in his stomach. As he ran he already formed some seals.

Neji watched as he kunai he threw, his opponet dodged. Neji contiuned to run at him as he saw his opponet was aiming to punch him. As Neji got near him he was able to block his opponets punch. It hurt his hand as it was a good punch but now they were in a stalemate as to try and see who was stronger and Neji had a hold of his opponent first.

The boy caught his punch, as Sho expected. The boy's fingers closed around his hand and Sho skidded to a halt. He smirked. Though it was pretty impressive that the boy could catch his hand like that. He would feel that later. If he would feel anything at all. Within a second Sho's technique that he had been preparing as he ran started to form around the Uchiha. The Water Prison Jutsu would start to form around to boy who would only have a couple of second to try and get out before he would be completely incased.

Neji caught his opponets hand as they both came skidding to a halt. Nejis sharingan moved in rapid fashion as he could see what his opponet was doing. Neji let go of his hand as he rapidly tried to back away from the water prison jutsu. If he was caught in it then he would be done for. Neji made hand signs as he used the subistution jutsu again. A puff of smoke apperesed as Neji was gone a log got trapped into the water prishon jutsu. Neji fell to a knee trying to catch his breath. That was a close call he thought to himself. Neji picked himself up and started to run at his opponet. He threw down smoke bombs to try and have his opponent lose his sight. He made hand signs as he spit a mist into the smoke whIch was coming towards his opponet.

Again?! Sho cursed. This was getting annoying. For a moment Sho considered keeping the water prison up and he formed a seal. Some of the water of the ball started to deformed as Sho created a clone that ran away from the ball of water, right into the cloud that Neji created. As he did the real Sho dropped the technique and ran sideways. He was not going to get caught in a smokescreen where he couldn't see. He was not a sensor. He just had to find the boy if he would ever run out of the smoke.

Neji finished his hand sign as he he finished spitting the combustable mist into the smoke screen. Neji then pushed Fire chakra into the mist whIch made the mist and the smoke combust into a giant fireball.

The clone that was searching the smoke erupted into a burst of water when the smoke blew up. Sho realized that yes, sending the clone had been smart, otherwise he would now lie there. He breathed in as he stood a bit away from the smoke and once again spit out a large wave of water. This time he aimed to bring the smoke down, dowse any fires that might be present and find the boy.
Neji looked around as he didn't see his oppnet anywhere that's when he saw through his sharinban a huge wall of water coming at him. The water dispersed the smoke downed the fire and was now coming at him. Neji jumped to try and get out of the way of the water. He contiuned running and jumping to try and get away.

"Not happening." Sho mumbled as the water of the wave transformed and reformed into the whip from before. The thing flew after Neji in an attempt to grab the boy once again. Sho tried to will the thing to hit. This match had taken way too long already.

Again he was using the water whip jutsu. Neji tried dodging, this time instead of getting his leg caught. He got his arm caught, now he couldnt weave hand signs.

Quickly now before the boy could disappear again! Sho shot forward, realing the whip in as he want to keep the Uchiha boy caught. As he came closer he deformed the whip with a couple of seals and reformed the Water Prison Jutsu around the boy. And this time it would work. And this time Sho would smirk as he would watch the boy float around in the water. "Drowning an Uchiha, that could up my record," he said. "Or frying him. A little bit of lightning goes a long way. What do you think?"

Neji couldn't go anywhere there was nothing he could do he was caught. Neji was then roped in closer to his opponet and was then caught Into a water prison jutsu. Neji held his breath as his sharingan eyes just stared daggers at his opponet. He would take whatever this kid threw his way.

"No reply? And you were so much fucking talk before. Just one weak punch at my freaking face, that was all you did." Sho's other hand clenched into a fist as his anger started to boil up. "You are pathetic. The Uchiha name is pathetic. It is worth nothing and only belongs to stupid bastards who ruin other people's lives." He ranted on a bit and it was clear that Sho was not longer just talking to Neji in any way. Again the frustration, the hate, the anger he felt towards his father came boiling up. Lightning started to flicker around his hand and he was about to release it when...

The referee appeared next to Sho and forced him to pull his hand back, breaking the jutsu and letting Neji fall back on the ground, who was most likely almost choking at that point. As the referee declared Sho the winner the red haired boy just scoffed. He wanted to turn around but suddenly shot back and kicked the boy full in his stomach. Something the referee definitely didn't like as he send the boy away immediately.

Neji wasn't going to say anything to him he was just going to take whatever he got and try and get back up after. He saw ligniting flicker from the boys hand as he was about to strike the water prison jutsu with lighting. At this point Neji was starting to choke a little as he had no air to breathe. Then the ref came in and stopped the fight. Neji fell to the ground as he laid there trying to catch his breath as he also thought about all the words his opponet had said. Everything he said was right. Neji was pathetic. Neji was expected to be great like the rest of his family but he hadn't been able to do anything right since he got out of the acadmey. As he contiuned to try and catch his breath and think about everything that his opponet said, he then got kicked in the gut. Neji grunted as he fell back to the ground wincing in pain.

Sho would argue with the referee. It was his match. He had the right to kick his opponent's ass as much as he wanted, but the man just wouldn't budge. With a lot of curses erupting from his mouth Sho gave up, turned around and stalked out of the arena. He would catch his breath and maybe, maybe he could find someone else who he could use as a punching bag. This had been a good try to see if his lightning worked, which it did. But the tournament was big, he had only one large painful cheek and the day was still young.

He could fight some more.

After laying there for a moment Neji got up soundly defeated. Even though as he gotmoutnof the ring he had people say he put up a good fight Neji just didn't believe that all. He was soundly defeated by his opponet who for some reason hated Uchiha. Neji walked out of the building as he bruisses on a few different parts of his body. He found a bench to sit on as he thought back to his opponents words and his opponent was right.

Neji was pathetic.
Reporting back in,

A collab between Icy (Hideki) and Gerontis (Zakito).

Summary :
Hideki reporting back to Zakito about his mission.

"And that's all." Hideki finished his report, hands clasped behind his back. The package lay displayed on Zakito's desk, ominously waiting for someone to reveal its content. Despite all the troubles it'd been through, Hideki had been careful to not allow any damage to vitiate it. Even the explosion which had caused Hideki his injures had been administrated to not graze the package. "My apologizes for taking so long, sir." He made a slight bow, wrinkling his eyebrows in pardon.

Hearing Hideki's report, Zakito glanced at the back and back at the young man that stood in a slight bow. "I'm glad that you're still alive. More valuable than the content of this package is a loyal member of the organization." Zakito friendly replied as he would nod. "I'm sorry for your wounds. If there is anything I could do in return then I would like to hear so. I'll do my best." The man said with a genuine tone that expressed his guilt. If he had known that the mission would've gone like this he would've added more help. Then again, he had only acted on what he had known before hand.

Hideki returned to his past stance, a frown creasing between his eyebrows. "Thank you, sir, but it's really nothing. I live to serve the village; my appearance has no significance in this whatsoever." His statement was only half-true, of course. He'd not yet surrendered his humanity, and especially not now; when he'd finally been able to grow close to people. A barely visible image of Saki flashed before his eye.

The answer surprised Zakito for a second. The young man had indeed taken quite a hit. Though there was a way to restore his appearance, it wouldn't be the same. Figuring that he thus couldn't offer that nor would Hideki likely take that dreadful offer, Zakito nodded. "And the state is grateful for your admirable attitude. I'll make sure that you'll be seeing a fit reward for your loyalty and effort." There was already something he had in mind, but he would need to figure out how to arrange without somebody suspecting something fishy. "Is there anything else I can help you with at the moment?"

Lowering his gaze for a moment, Hideki thought about Zakito's offer. Was there anything else? He'd been contemplating his situation for days, yet been unable to reach any conclusion whatsoever. His future was a blank space, a vacant house yet to be furnished. It scared him, to be honest. But there was nothing to be done about it. "There's nothing, sir. I've already recieved the proper medication to assist in my recovery." He replied, feeling his stomach sink.

"Good. If there is some pain coming up or troubling you, then please make sure that you'll seek medical attention." Glad that Hideki seemed to be okay other than the grave wounds he had sustained, Zakito thought of something else. "I don't dare to judge your clan. So I hope you won't get me wrong. But I know that some might not look kindly that you lost an eye." Pausing, the man brought each word with with caution. "I rather stay my hand out of what isn't my business, but if you wish for my aid, then just let me know."

Hideki smiled, averting his eye. "Yeah.. I'll handle that too, on my own. The clan's already been through a lot. I think additional foreign intervention will only serve to rekindle the flames. Sadly." He told Zakito, putting emphasis on the last word.

"I suppose that is true. Very well," nodding Zakito would continue, "thanks once more Hideki. I bid you a good day and rest out. And take care."
  • Like
Reactions: Icy
Fat, Old and Lazy

Hiron and Shikaroku

A collab between ChromeHound and Gerontis

Hiron and Shikaroku relax on a hill away from all the fighting. Some bonding occurs along with... A wager?

Dressed as a regular jounin, Hiron wasn't being pestered into a spar or duel. And why should he? He was laying on his back, his hands underneath his hand as he was watching clouds pass. Though the hill he was on wasn't that great as the hill on Field 9, it was decent. Half closing his eyes, he was wondering what the others were doing. Neji had wandered off and Hiron had searched for a bit. Masami was a chuunin, she could handle herself.

"Nice weather, huh?"

Remaining silent for a moment, Shikaroku looked out over the hill. The view was indeed quite lovely. Smiling, he glanced over at his sensei."It's peaceful here. One could almost forget people are busy fighting each other not far away..." Grinning, Shikaroku was trying not to think of the exams, they brought back
unpleasant memories.

"Heh," Hiron reacted briefly. His eyes moved to glance at his student. "I am still surprised that you didn't want to be sign up. Then again," glancing back at the clouds, he thought he saw something in a cloud that moved over them, "I don't mind it. You have your reasons." It was finally time that Hiron stopped to torment and challenge the boy to face his demons. Luckily he hadn't been bothered by any Kumo nin, but to be safe he had kept Shikaroku close at all times.

Shrugging as best he could while lying down, Shikaroku had expected the comment but he still felt a twinge of embarrassment. "There is no sense in me participating if I'm not ready. You and I both know full well that I do not deserve a Chuunin rank." A part of him hoped he hadn't disappointed Hiron, but Shikaroku knew he wouldn't be capable of receiving a promotion until he had found a way to deal with his problems. And even then...

"I disagree." Hiron simply replied, staying silent for a long moment after his words. "You know your limits. Have done some missions that most genin would fill their underwear for. And yet you hold yourself back." A chuckle escaped Hiron.

"What must people think? A genin who should be ready, not wanting to go. Guess that is why I like you, Shika. You know your limits well enough. Oh... That cloud looks like a... what is it called again?" He frowned, trying to figure out the animal that the cloud, that moved in the sky over them, resembled.

Allowing himself to chuckle as well, Shikaroku stared up at the cloud that Hiron was looking at. "Looks like a rabbit." He remarked, glancing back down again.

"You're right about one thing though, I do know my limits, and as I've said before, not everyone is meant to be a Chuunin or a Jounin. Besides, wouldn't want to put you out of a job. You'd get too fat and lazy." Chuckling again, he looked back up at the sky.

"Yeah. A rabbit. Makes me hungry, you know?" He replied back, the frown moving away from his brow.

Hearing Shikaroku, Hiron slowly nodded. "Indeed. And I like to follow my goal. to become fat and lazy. Former students protecting and of course treating me on lunches. All the time." He replied back, quite amused by the mere idea. Smirking, he did become a bit more serious. "But yeah, not everybody is fit to become some super jounin. Or tactical genius that knows the rank where he can slack the most at."

Laughing warmly, Shikaroku shook his head. "I swear your appetite is bigger than an Akimichi sometimes. If I had to pay for your meals I'd be broke before lunch!"

As he heard Hiron's tone grow serious, Shikaroku let out a small sigh. "I've always found ambition to be a deadly motivator. Half the problems you see are the result of some poor sap being unhappy with their place and trying to force their way up the proverbial ladder. They don't care about all the others whose heads they have to step on to get there."

Looking away, Shikaroku sighed again. "Count me out thank you very much. This world could do with some more acceptance and lack of ambition. Maybe see less useless wars and rebellions... Guess that would put us all out of a job though huh? Then we'd be right back at square one with me having to take care of fat, old, lazy you." Another sigh, "What's a guy gonna do?"

"Think about settling down. Pesky women enough. Or other men." Hiron calmly answered as he had thought about Shikaroku's answer. He was right. Acceptance in one's fate could bring them farther than pushing it all the time. Not everybody could become a leader. And that was fine. There wouldn't be any leaders if there were now followers. Besides, equality wasn't that great in Hiron's opinion. If everybody was the same, where would the adventure be of meeting other people? Of people having other talents to help or compete with each other? No, he agreed with his student, closing his eyes slowly.

"Well, other than that what is the problem of taking care of a fat old wolf like me? I don't see any danger in that. Except for your wallet."

Grinning wolfishly, Shikaroku felt almost tempted to poke more fun at his sensei, but decided against it. It was never wise to poke a bear too much. Especially when that 'bear' could choose to make him run laps or perform some other exhausting training.

Realizing what Hiron had said about settling down, Shikaroku frowned. "I don't want to think about settling down, not as long as I can help it. Besides, I can barely stand myself, how am I supposed to expect someone else do the same?" Smiling ruefully, he couldn't resist one last dig. "And unless I discover that I am somehow made out of gold, then I think we'd have a problem. Between your voracious appetite and a females love of shopping, how am I supposed to afford any of it, hmm?"

Hiron chuckled briefly and erupted in laugher. "You'll learn. It takes time and it is trail and error. Besides, I'm not that old and fat yet. I suppose I could keep mentoring you." He replied back. "And good question. I do believe we will need to figure out how to combat the love of females in general to shop. You see, most like it. Some don't!" Hiron paused. "We could try to figure out a genjutsu to halt their love of shopping. Instead of buying fifteen pairs of shoes, they could focus on what is needed. Hmmmm."

Pretending to ponder for a long moment, Shikaroku rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "If only it could work like that... I fear this problem may be beyond even our collective wits." Letting out a low chuckle, Shikaroku was happy for moments like this. Moments where he didn't have to think, to worry. He could just spend time with Hiron-sensei rambling on about the most harmless things in the world.

"Perhaps it's better that way too. I hear the wrath of a woman scorned is a sight more fearsome than any tailed beast."

"Know what is more scarier? The prospect of a woman scorned who has a tailed beast. Now that would make me piss my pants full!" Hiron said, slightly shivering as he thought about a particular person.

"And perhaps it is one of those problems we will never solve. Shame though. Now not only my hope that common sense becomes common is crushed, but also that we can't stop women from shopping too much?" Sighing, Hiron half opened his eyes again. "At least we have moments like these."

Finding himself caught in a bout of uncontrollable laughter, Shikaroku took a long moment to settle. Wiping the tears from his eyes he shook his head, smiling. "Indeed. Don't know what I'd do without these... Moments." Resting his head on his hands, Shikaroku looked up at the sky. "Thank you..." He said quietly after a long moment.

"You're welcome. You can return the favor by supporting me when I'm as fat as an Akimichi, as lazy as the laziest Nara and as blind as .... a mole." Grinning he became silent for a long moment as well. Gazing at the passing clouds, he took a deep breath in, "Well, I like these moments too, kid. More fun than we will need to spar and where I need to bash your head in. I kinda dislike doing that these days. Only if I see some good reason in it. But with you? Not really."

"I should count myself lucky then. Cause honestly I don't feel much like getting my head smashed in either." Grinning, Shikaroku was thankful that his sensei wasn't the type to only demand spars or other training exercises. Hiron could be a challenging sensei for sure, but Shikaroku couldn't help but look up to the man for all he'd done.

He would never be able to admit it, but Shikaroku wanted to make Hiron proud. It wasn't just him trying to do well in front of his sensei either... Furrowing his brows slightly, he couldn't explain it. ""What do you think the others are up to?

The question made Hiron sigh as he looked a bit annoyed. "Neji wandered off. No clue where Masami is, but she can handle herself." Knowing that he should probably search where his student was, Hiron didn't feel that obligated to do so. It wasn't his fault that his other students didn't keep walking in the same relaxed pace. Or got distracted. "I know for one thing that I'm not going back there. Am not interested in somebody challenging me. Not today."

"You and me both," Shikaroku said with a light smile. "Though... if it was an eating competition, I'm sure you'd win it hands down."

His thoughts briefly traveled to his teammates, and Shikaroku wondered if they would get time to actually bond together. He was comfortable around Masami, and he trusted her, but that wasn't the same as being true friends. While he wasn't necessarily sure whether or no he'd ever be true friends with his teammates, the idea appealed to him. It was better to fight alongside people you could trust, and people who you cared for. Though... on the other hand, Shikaroku knew it could also be a weakness. In a squad where you had your closest friends, you ran the risk of putting that friendship over duty, a concept he still struggled to fully understand.

"Of course. I'm the best trainer in training in... common sense." Hiron scoffed, though it was clear he wasn't too overly serious. "Though I hope they will just stay out of trouble. I was fine with moving to this event for you lot to learn something, not to get me work more than I need to." His tone became slight irritated as the thought alone made him already feel less joyful than he felt with relaxing. For some reason he did expect that it wouldn't stay like this. Probably somebody was going to amuse him with a challenge or one of his students would get challenged and then he would need to watch or advise them.

"Well, either way I can pretty much guarantee that my goals for this time are gonna be to relax as much as I can, try not to get a sun burn, and genuinely do my best to stay away from anyone itching for a fight. Tedious I tell you..." Leaning back, Shikaroku stretched out his back a bit.

"Say... you wouldn't care for a wager would you?" Shikaroku asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Scoffing, Hiron frowned. "Tedious is the correct term I would use." He replied at first. Hearing the question about the wager, Hiron glanced sideways at Shikaroku. Staying silent for a moment, the eyebrows of the man went a bit up. "A wager? Go on." Though sounding cautious, Hiron was curious what the boy had in mind for a wager.

Grinning, Shikaroku slowly propped himself up on an elbow. "Well, seeing as we are both doing our best to avoid any form of confrontation, I thought a fun little wager might be interesting." Pretending to think for a moment, Shikaroku chewed his bottom lip."I wager that before the end of the day, someone in our team is gonna end up getting in a challenge and having to fight. Now, that may not seem like a hugely fair bet, buuuut, neither you or I are anywhere near the events, so that pretty much knocks the chances in half right there. So, what do you think?"

Listening to the suggestio of Shikaroku, Hiron chuckled. "Ah aaa. Sounds interesting indeed, my wise student!" Hiron thought about it. If they stayed here then likely nobody would find and challenge them. If however Neji, an Uchiha and thus likely - as Hiron thought so - prone to be challenge to his pride then he would have lost the bet. "What happens if I lose? Just, what if?"

Scratching the back of his neck, Shikaroku tried to think of a good prize. "Well, if you lose... I think you should have to buy me lunch for a week! Seeing as you're so inclined to grow fat and lazy, I figure I should join you, and!" Furrowing his brow as he tried to think of something good to add, Shikaroku suddenly snapped his fingers. "Aaaand, you have to make me something... something cool, but you can't just buy something, else you'll owe me lunch for a month instead." Nodding his head, satisfied, Shikaroku looked to Hiron to see what he thought.

Glancing at his student for a long time, Hiron sighed out loud. "Great Wolf, you're a drag with your wagers." Thinking about it, he grinned. "Fair enough, I'll accept those terms on the term that you'll clean my house for three days if I win. If you even do it right then it will just be two days. Just because I'm not yet fat and too lazy." Hiron moved a hand from underneath his head and held it up towards Shikaroku.

Smiling as Hiron accepted the wager, Shikaroku then hesitated as he heard the jounins terms. Cleaning was never fun, and he knew Hiron would take full advantage of it if the situation arose. Chewing his lip thoughtfully, Shikaroku finally nodded. Reaching out he took Hiron's hand and shook it. He had faith that he knew his teammates, and if he was right he should hopefully not have to get stuck cleaning...


"I hope you like cleaning, kid. Aimi can make a lot of mess if she worked up." Hiron chuckled as he would move his hand back underneath his head. All that would need to happen was that nobody of his team would get in a fight. And who would be interesting challenging another genin? Masami wasn't much of a fighter he assumed, so he was okay with that. And hopefully Neji wouldn't get into trouble either. Though...

Laying back down, Shikaroku gazed happily up at the sky. It was the simple moments~
[fieldbox=Riku Orochi, purple]

Riku quietly returned to the camp, nothing new appearantly on him.

"Well, there goes the quietness of the forest. Maybe I should've stayed longer... not like I have anything better to do."

The same revolutionary who had ordered him about came up curious about his lack of supplies.

"I know you're blind, but you said you were getting food. Where's the foodstuffs? Come on, you can't be that useless. Couldn't at least get some berries or leaves or somethin'? If your useless, go home."

Riku grabbed his sealing scroll by his side, and opened it.

"Snakes eat meat."

In a poof, a pile of animal carcasses fell onto the man. Riku kept walking like nothing happened. Only one way really was to make him mad, and that was to underestimate him. He was handicapable. He sniffed the air lightly, and walked towards a familiar smell, though it was among several others. Riku waited til he was somewhat alone, then walked up behind Sōha.

"So... figured anything out about what's going on yet? I've got nothing. Are all your missions as a ninja so interesting? This is my first one, and it's not quite how I imagined it being from the acadamy."

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Pyralithia
[fieldbox="Momo Hana, #ff85c1"]

Is that all a child knows how to do?
I don't understand it...
Sadness won't change anything.

"Momo, aren't you going to do something?"

Sitting on the floor in her bedroom in the dark, Momo was staring at Ayama as she was lying on her back, crying loudly while kicking her feet at the air. Her expression was blank and her blue eyes seemed distant, as if she weren't really looking at her baby sister. Lee, her family's ninneko friend, was looking at her with an odd look. "Momo?" he called her again. "Do something, she's suffering just screaming like that."

"She's suffering? What reason does she have to be crying like this...? She doesn't know what suffering is..." Momo said, her voice was void of her usual cheer and sounded uncaring. Rubbing her eyes, she knew there were dark circles under them. The skin above her cheeks there burned from being rubbed constantly. Lee tilted his head and looked back and forth between Ayama and Momo. "You're supposed to find what is making her cry. She doesn't deserve to ever know suffering." he said, nudging her thigh with his head. He knew something was wrong with her, and Momo just ignored him.

"I don't care anymore... I want to sleep." she said, leaning her head back onto the wall and staring at the ceiling. Lee tapped her thigh with his paw, and Momo swatted him away, causing him to bit her hand gently. "Juss pik herr up." he mumbled as he bit her harder. Sighing, Momo ignored him again and after a few moments, he released her hand, turning away from her.

"If you won't help her, then I'm leaving." he said, hopping up onto Momo's bed and jumping out of the open window. Ayama continued to wail, coughing between them now as if her throat was running dry of baby drool. Momo sat there for a few more moments before leaning forward and reaching for her baby sister. She picked up the girl and leaned back against the wall, using it as leverage for her to stand on her weak legs. She swayed a little when she stood, a sudden pounding errupting in her head as the blood suddenly rushed around her body. Ignoring the pain, she started to gently bounce Ayama in her hands and walk around while humming softly.

Leaving her bedroom, she would continue to rock the baby, though she didn't cease in the crying. Wiping away the girl's tears, she continued to roam through the house, her humming drowned out by the sound of screaming. When she reached the kitchen, Momo grabbed the bottle of formula that Ayama had refused to eat earlier. She brought it to the lips of the girl, but there was no change in the wailing. Sighing, Momo started to walk around more, her eyes half closed as she was about ready to collapse. At the edge of the living room, her legs started to wobble and using the wall for support, she managed to reach the couch and lay down on it. Curling up around the screaming baby, Momo laid on the very edge of the couch, protecting the baby from falling with her body.

Closing her eyes, she would start to hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ignoring the pounding in her head from the constant noise. Ayama carried on crying. And crying. And crying. Eventually Momo opened her eyes and looked at her sister, moving her head to smell the bottom of the girl, thinking she was filled with poop or something. Not smelling anything, her blue eyes would focus back to Ayama.

I dont understand...
Stop already.
Please... stop crying...

A wave of sadness hit Momo like a hurricane, and she whimpered. She didn't know why she couldn't make the girl happy. Why wasn't she enough? "I'm sorry Ayama... i'm not mom. I dont know what you want from me. Why...?"

Tears started to form in her eyes and spill over. Shoulders shaking, she lowered her head, no longer being able to hold it up anymore. She was just... worn out. "Please stop... I'm so sorry..." she whimpered, no energy left to fight the tears she hated were rolling down her cheeks. Pulling Ayama close to her, she started to beg the girl, not knowing what else to do. "Please stop crying. Please... stop crying..."

Closing her eyes, Momo couldn't force them open anymore. Reaching up, she rubbed the hair of Ayama, causing the girl to momentarily pause in her crying. As she started to whimper and start crying again, Momo did it again and started to hum. Momo layed there and hummed until Ayama stopped her screaming... and soon after, she was asleep.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lesli
Hibiki Hojo
Hidden Cloud Border-
Sealing the border.

After having secured the harbor, Hibiki fell back to guarding the pass, making sure none passed towards Kumo through that pass, sealing that particular border, as per orders. Sitting attop the top of a cilff, he overlooked the pass.

Hibiki looked back at the note from last week and signed heavily, before letting go of it, and letting the wind take it. He ruffled through his pockets for more notes, looking through each one, tossing note after note to the wind.

Mrs. Mochizuki needs her lawn cut
Lil' Shiro had puppies XD
Old Man Jenkins needs some milk
Lil Mitsuhide's birthday, turns 5​

Looking at the dates at some of them, he started counting on his fingers, finally stopping at 20 and hanging his head with a deeper sigh.

Shaking himself out of it, he scanned the pass again, only to see a man walking through the pass below. Scarred and carrying a thug, he wasn't a cheery sort of character. Hibiki flicked himself in the head for having almost missed him, and started down the side of the cliff, his ANBU robes fluttering out as he made the landing infront of the man.

Hibiki didn't say anything, but held his finger up infront if his face, and waggled it side to side.

"Hey, what do you think your doing, bub?"

Hibiki pointed back down the pass, then made a shooing motion with his hand.

"Tch, I got business with the boys up ahead, get out my way, ya mute bastard."

Hibiki responded with a quick kick to the man's chest, sending him tumbling back. As the man recovered, Hibiki had his finger in hte man's face, pointing back down the pass.

"That's it."

The thug grabbed his club and swung it at the ANBU, who elegantly ducked under it, and kicked the man again in the chest, sending him tumbling backwards again. As the thug got back up, the shadow shooed him away again.

"Kick me again see what happens!"

He rushed the shadow one more time. In a blur, the shadow moved, lines of black suddenly around him. Before he could finish his swing, the shade had two fingers at his throat, and a killing intent emitting from his body. The man froze midswing, unable to finish it out of fear. Hibiki relaxed, and wagged his finger one last time warningly, before turning and walking back up the pass.

The bandit took several minutes before he unfroze, and turned the other direction as well, heading back down the pass.
A storm coming,

When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.

A collab between medic Expllo Walnut, privateer Sketching Shady, and admiral Aliceee Black Hat

Summary :
The major force of the Revolution under leadership of Mika has been seen on the horizon, sailing with dark grey and black flags towards the city itself...


It was silent. Ignoring the sounds of the galleys and other ships moving over the waves towards their goal, the breeze of the wind in their back and people grunting and cursing. There was some silence lingering about as men and women didn't talk, cheer or sing. No one said more than they had to as they were approaching their goal.

Below the deck where men and women were armed, armored and waiting for the time to be ordered to come out and fight for the Revolution were silent as well. Though hardy sea folk and some quite known with battles that were grim, either fought on sea or land, had trouble. Walking past the rows with her hands on her back, Mika came to a halt. Behind her, a man leaned forward as his hands shot to the edge of a barrel. Puking into the barrel, Mika simply stared at it for a second. Turning around to climb the lader that would lead to the deck, she glanced around once more. The sky was slowly turning darker, heralding the night and the terrors that it could bring.

With officers beginning to shout orders, it was able to see Kirigakure up ahead. Calmly walking past the people that ran over the deck to attend to their duties, Mika placed her hands at the railing as she stared at the distance. Several details could already be seen, such as lights being lighted, smoke coming out chimneys from homes and of course the dark silhouette of the large Mizukage Office. Towering above all the other buildings, it was as if defied the revolution and all it stood for.

After each passing second, tension started to rise. Wood cracked as the siege weaponry on the ships were prepared. The howling of the wind seemed to increase and it even seemed to have scared off the seagulls. Closing in the distance, the silence and tension started to rise. The preparations were nearly done as the fleet would slowly come to halt. A long moment of silence passed, only disturbed by the sound of the ocean and wind.

This was it then.

Months had passed,
Countless lives lost,
Families ripped apart,
Homes lost.​

Glancing over her shoulder, Mika glanced up. The sky was slowly shifting from the pale blue into a darker version. In the far horizon, one could already see the moon, no clouds to hide behind.

It remained 'silent'.

Feeling the stares of not only the people on the large galley she was on, but also on those who were nearby. Sighing, Mika turned her head. Climbing on the railing, she would grab a rope with her left hand to remain standing on the railing. Letting her gaze move over the ships, crew and revolutionaries, she remained silent for some time.

"I'm going to be honest."

A silence followed the words.

"We, yes we've come this far. Fought this hard and paid a great price for it. Brothers and sisters died. Mother wailed and mourned. Fathers swore revenge and fell! But here we are. Here we stand!" Pausing again, Mika's eyes narrowed as she waited for another few seconds. "I've so far stood beside you. Fought with you and suffered as much as you. But, where are the leaders we once followed? Where are they? Hiding, I tell you! Hiding behind those who have stood against us, against progression!"

Her voice had gained some anger, but it shifted as Mika continued. "Never the less, decent men and women. Who like us stood for what they believed in! Hear me, I don't ask you to spit on their names! I don't want you to curse them for doing what they considered right! I want to honor our fallen country men! Loyalist, Revolutionary and those who have suffered for being in between! Look up to these fallen men and women for they also stood in fear. Hoped for an end to this. Wanted nothing more than to return home," while Mika's voice remained steady, it started to become more emotional, "missing their family. And friends. But that is why we stand here today! We'll end it!"

Raising her right hand, she pointed at the direction of Kirigakure.

"We'll see to it that tomorrow there will be a new dawn! A new time, promised several times ago. But this time! This time we shall deliver it!"

The silence and tension came back. But this time the wind and ocean were dwarfed by the volume of the shouts that came from the throats of those present. Soon enough even those near the harbor in Kirgakure would hear the ominous sound. Many mistaken it for the wind, only to realize that the wind didn't sound like a bloodthirsty animal. A creature that was coming for them.

Stepping off the railing, orders were shouted. With the ships slowly starting to move again, Mika half closed her eyes as she glanced around. "Hiroshi! Arima!" calling out the names, she would walk to the helm, her left hand resting on the hilt of her blade.

Leaning against a railing, Hiroshi was silent as Mika gave her speech. After she finished, he remained silent even as people began shouting and cheering. Hiroshi let out a breath, staring down at the floor. His lips tugged a bit but didn't form a smile. She was right, after all. People fell, hurt, and loss on both sides all because of what they believed in. What both sides believed in was mutual; their village. That's what both sides were fighting for, so he couldn't hate them because of that nor did he think he could brand them as enemies...at least, not after the whole thing was over. The sound of his name being called snapped him from his thoughts. He looked around before spotting Hayashi who he would soon walk over to.

"Yes, Hayashi?" Although he was a bit anxious, there was no hinting of nervousness in his voice. No sign of that previous meek kid that once was. It seemed to have gotten deeper, and his tone was more stern. It was different now. He was different now.

I wonder.... A young man looked around upon hearing his name called with a good few seconds of delay. He walked up to the deck, looking to Mika, his hands behind him, standing beside Hiroshi.

Briefly staring at the direction of the city, Mika's gaze moved to the two young men. "I hope you both are rested and ready." A smile started to cross over the woman's lips. "Right now a ship has been send to demand the surrender of the city. I doubt that it will likely come back with a positive answer." Staying quite calm, Mika paused. "If it comes to blow, I want you like previous times near me. We might not have Miss Complaining with us, but that doesn't change the fact that we're a team. Understood?"

Haruhi. Hiroshi scratched the side of his head with a finger. He hadn't thought about her in a while. He wondered if she was alright. He wished she was. Hiroshi nodded. "Understood." He hadn't spent much time around Arima, but he wouldn't choose another team if he could. Haruhi, despite being annoying, was his first friend. Hayashi he had grown to respect and somewhat admire after being a bit scared of her. He hoped that after it was all over, given they would survive this, that he and Arima could spend a bit more time with one another.

"Understood," Arima repeated after his teammate. His eyes gazed to the side at Hiroshi before locking back on Mika.

"Good. Now... we wait."

The silence came back. Every pair of eyes fixated on the ship that was sailing back to the spreading out fleet. Slowly the white flag at the mast was taken down. It was a matter of minutes, but it seemed an hour before the white cloth was removed. If it would be replaced by a red flag, it meant that their demand hadn't been accepted. If replaced by a black flag, it meant that their demands had been accepted.

Due the night sky dark, it was hard to see what the replaced would be. Some softly mumbled a curse for the choice of the black flag as signal. But nobody started to make more sound than a loud cough. Then people started to cheer. Barely visible, a black flag was risen as the earlier tension seemed to flow away. Slowly as a slumbering beast that had just awaken, the fleet started to move in groups towards the harbor. The morale was high, but there were still a lot that were wary for an ambush or trap as soon as they embarked in/on the port.

Though no resistance so far was encountered as the marine of the revolutionary stared to pour into the port, everybody seemed to grow tense again. Sensors set to predict a possible ambush. Barriers were set up to secure keypoints in the port district and already patrols were set out.

The cracking sound of the wooden gangway seemed to be louder than the cheering as it was followed by boots marching down the gangway. Following the first group, Mika threw a glance to the sides. It seemed that the city hadn't changed, yet.

Over the next following hours, the forces of the revolution would spread out. Taking control over the bastion of the Loyalist.

It was over.
The Revolution had delivered its promise,

The promise of a new dawn...
Saki Yamanaka,
Konohagakure Chuunin of Team 7

Fire Province of the Akinian Empire.
On the way.... back to 'home'.

Everything was going fine. But she looked bored. Her elbow leaning on a crate, her hand supported her hand as it was moved under her chin, Saki gazed off at the horizon. The caravan wasn't going that fast, but she wasn't much in a hurry. And besides, running all the way to her destination wasn't ideal. She would likely sooner wind up dead than covering the distance to the border.

Her thoughts were 'surprisingly' focused on Hideki at the moment. She had pondered on her choice on letting a key behind. But how else would she be able to move away without making sure that her home was locked? Not that she expected anybody to think that she had any valuables back at home. Scoffing, she wished she had. Then at least she had something nice to show off, instead drooling over the images her imagination could produce. Sighing, Saki decided to focus on the whole objective.

Relatively simple, it was information up north. Not Kumogakure, but in the Earth country. Iwagakure.

Though not even being out of the Fire province, Saki had a weird feeling with the mission. She felt honored and proud that she could still serve as an ex-member of the Zero Teams, her skill and experience being appreciated, doing what she was best in.

Gathering information.​

Raising the brown scarf to hide the lower features of her face, Saki threw a look where they had came from. Perhaps she should've requested a mount. But that could attract attention as making it harder to fill her role. What could have a poor huntress done to earn a steed? Horses weren't cheap after all. That and would Hideki like them? The thought made her lips move into a smirk behind the brown fabric of the scarf.

Her thoughts moved however back to her destination. It had been some time since she had been in Iwagakure. Her mission quite simple actually. It was to visit 'points' and gather up the information. Problem? She was only given one location. From there it would be a sort of treasure hunt. And due being an ex member, it was even 'harder' for her. With less details she was send to figure out the rest. But that wasn't worrying Saki, at all. She had played that game of hide and seek for a long time. She knew the rules and she was good in it, if she had to say so herself.

What caused to leave Konohgakure with pain in her heart was that she hadn't been able to threaten Hideki that she didn't want Noru in her house.

Her pillows were innocent after all....​
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It's always a good idea to look where you're running...
If you didn't know that already.

Momo looks back on the time when she met someone she considers to be a good friend. Because she can!

A collaboration between Momonster and Saki-patati

With her hands at the back of her head, Saki walked down the street. She was wondering briefly what she should do today. Training with her team wasn't a preference as she rather trained by herself. Meeting up with Kaori or Hajime was an option, but then again both were likely busy. Considering to bother Hideki wasn't something she favored as well. Spending all her time with him wouldn't be ideal and give him likely the idea that she hadn't got anything better to do. Letting out a sigh, the blondine considered to think of taking a class at the War Academy. But as most teenagers had that problem, she decided to postpone it. Tomorrow was another day, no?

Not too far away, a certain blue eyed shrimp was running at full speed along the road, weaving between people and jumping over children. Though one would assume her to be having some kind of fun as she flew by, the idea would be squashed by the sight of a snarling black cat chasing after her, also running at top speed. The unlucky target of its agreession? None other than Momo Hana.

As she was about to round a corner, she looked over her shoulder to see the angry ninneko gaining on her. Oh, I am so dead! she thought to herself as she squeezed through a tight alleyway and onto another road. Never in her life, in all the years of knowing Lee, had she seen the cat so incredibly angry at her. Hearing an angry meow behind her, Momo would glance over her shoulder again.

"Momo you are so dead!!" the cat yelled as he continued his chase.

"I'm soooorryyyy!" she wailed, dodging an elderly man who was observing a stand that sold... something she didn't get a chance to look at. Looking around for a way to escape, she took a sharp turn and ended up on a busier street, not taking three steps before running into something, or someone, with enough force to make her fall back onto her bottom.

Hearing the sounds behind her, Saki lowered her hands as she was about to turn. Her eyes widened as she was just in time to see something or somebody crash against her. Her eyes shot close as she smacked on her back. Laying still, Saki grunted as she would rub the back of her head while sitting up. "What..." Blinking four times with her eyes, she glanced at what had bumped into her. "Huh?" Looking rather surprised, Saki would get up. "You okay?" Dusting her own clothes off, the blondine tilted her head at the other person.

Wincing as she stood and rubbed her bottom, Momo was too late to help up the person she'd crashed into. Giving an apologetic look to the blonde girl, she was about to say something when she heard a growl behind her. Wheeling around, she saw Lee glaring at her. Quickly stepping to the side and around to stand behind the taller girl, she said, "I was running from him." pointing to Lee, fully intending to use the stranger as a meat shield.

"A cat?" Saki asked with a skeptical tone. Glancing over her shoulder at the other girl, she wondered what she had gotten into. Looking back at the feline, Saki didn't feel incline to do a lot. Though she tolerated and even liked Noru, she wasn't fan of other cats or much other critters. Perhaps fishes, but they did barely anything to bite or annoy her.

"Not just any cat. He's the devil's--"

"I can hear you! Don't try to get a stranger involved in this."

Momo let out a nervous laugh and linked an arm with the girl. "Ha! Stranger? This is my friend!" she bluffed.


"Nuh uh!" she said, pouting.

"What's her name then?" he asked skeptically.

A bead of sweat dropped down her face and Momo looked to the girl with big eyes. "Go on, introduce yourself, buddy."

Throwing a skeptical look at the other girl, Saki blew her hair a bit up. It would fall in front of her eye again, but it was the annoyed gesture that counted. Turning her gaze back to the cat, she felt half inclined to just say that she wasn't involved into this little game. "Saki, hai." She replied, feeling already a sting of doubt as she replied back to the cat. Then again what else did she have to do today than to be pestered by unknown people and... cats?

Lee stared at the two for a moment before licking his paw. "Nice to meet you Saki. I'm Lee." he said. Stretching, he seemed to have calmed down. "Well, since you two are buddies, I suppose that means at least Momo won't be around to harass me... or step on my tail." he said, throwing a glare. "I said I was sorryyy." she whined afterwards. Growling once, Lee turned his back to them and started to walk off.

"Don't be surprised if you're clothes are shredded when you get home."

Eyes widening, Momo took a step forward to stop him, then reconsidered. Sighing, she turned to the other girl named Saki. "So sorry I got you in'ta that mess. And sorry for running in'ta ya. I'm Momo." she said, holding out a hand.

"Mmm?" Glancing at the girl, Saki eyed the other for a moment. Grabbing her hand, she nodded politely. "Have been into worse. Way worse." Remembering the first mission of Team 7, her mood almost plummeted. Pocketing her left hand, she threw a look where the cat had gone off to. "Lovely pet you got there. Happens often that you two... get along like that?"

Momo's eyes widened and she turned around quickly to see if Lee was within earshot, a scared look on her face. When she looked back at Saki, she made a gesture for the taller girl to lend an ear, resulting in Saki doing so. Whispering after Saki leaned doen, she said "Don't call him a pet, he hates that and will immediately try to claw your face off. I know... it's happened a lot of times." Leaning away after that, she looked again, seeing the black tail vanish around a corner and she relaxed. "He is a lot like a big brother to me, if that makes any sense at all." she said, adding, "He mostly deals with me because he's friends with my parents."

Nodding slowly, Saki wasn´t sure what she had gotten herself into. "Like a big brother, that cat...." She repeated, wondering how that would work out. Not that she was quite judgmental, but she wondered if she would call him onii-san or something that at home. Rubbing her temple, she wondered what to say now. It wasn't really a situation she got into. "Heh, got it."

Nodding, Momo grinned. "Yup. He helps take care of my little sister and keep me in line." Looking around, she wondered if the girl was busy. "So, uh, were you going somewhere? Cause I'm bored and might decide 'ta follow you around... just a heads up." Having an idea suddenly, she linked her arms with Saki again. "You're not busy, are you?"

Half turning around, Saki was surprised as the other girl linked their arms again. Flashing a smile back Saki decided to hold up a mask of politeness. "Not really no." She answered, honestly back. Though she wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let Momo just tag along. Saki wasn't even sure what she was going to do today. Then again, it was probably better than mopping around by herself. "I was about to grab some lunch and sit at the busy town plaza."

"Alrighty~" she said. "New buddies should have lunch together. It's natural." Turning and leading the taller girl by the arm, Momo started to walk a few steps, then she paused. She wasn't sure if Saki had wanted to go to a specific place to pick up lunch. "Is there a certain place you wanted 'ta go? I'll buy for ya if you don't mind. 'Ta make up for bugging you."

Walking to the small stand that was 'always' there, selling sandwiches, Saki threw a look at the girl. "So you'll treat me?" Saki asked, her eyebrows perking a bit up as the girl stated she would. For a moment, Saki wondered if she should or shouldn't exploit this. It was a thought that she considered to be fun, but decided to not pull one on the stranger. "You sure?" Momo nodded afterwards, looking at the person who was making and selling the sandwhiches. The sight made her hungry, and her stomach growled and turned for effect. Unlinking her arm with the girl, Momo said to the stand owner, "I'll take one of whatever she's having. It'll be on me."

Shoving her left hand into the pocket of her pants, Saki glanced sideways at Momo. It was her party. "I would like the usual." The man behind the stand nodded as Saki wasn't a stranger to the place. He would start to prepare a long bread, putting all kind of crop, cold meat and egg on it. Finishing it with ketchup, the man would request a not too shabby price for it. Again the blue eyes of the Yamanaka moved the girl's gaze to Momo, waiting to see if she could pay it.

As the man prepared the sandwich, Momo's eyes widened and sparkled at the abundance of goodness he was placing on the bread. Waiting until he told her the price, she would reach into her back pocket with her right hand and pull out her small money wallet. Counting out what she needed to pay as he prepared to wrap it up, Momo was thankful that she had enough money to keep up her offer. Placing the money into the hand of the man, she turned to Saki. "Know a place we can get some drinks?"

"Over there." Raising her thumb, she pointed at a small wall. The hour was nearing that there would be a lot of people about on the plaza. Interesting and boring. Small and big. All kind of folks that she could observe in her 'training' to keep a few reading skills of her sharp. And to kill some time as boredom, it was a nice excuss to do it in her own time. Walking to her 'spot', Saki would just drop on her bottom. Unwrapping some of her bread, the blue eyes already scanned the passing people for a victim.

Momo nodded and went over to the place Saki had pointed to, skipping around people as she did so. After a few moments of deciding what kind of drinks to get, she chose on some cold tea, thinking it would be refreshing. When she looked around again, she saw Saki sitting on her bottom and casually looking around. Jogging over to her, Momo would plop down as well and hand her the bottled drink. "Here ya go." she said, smiling and starting to dig into her sandwhich. The first bite was magical, and she made a mumble of approval before biting into it again.

Having her legs stretched out in front of her had caused a few passing people to grumble as they stepped over them or almost tripped. Not wanting to be a hazard to society, she pulled her knees into her chest before nudging Saki with her elbow.

"So, you wan'ta talk or are you a silent eater?"

Looking up to Momo, Saki nodded silently as she was chewing on a bit. Putting the drink next to her, she would eye the public again. Her eyes slightly closing as she tried to pick out a target. One that would prove some challenge and wasn't easy to read. "Depends. I often come here to... read people. Handy skill that works well in scouting." Saki replied back. Nodding towards a man that passed them, Saki began her 'analyse'. "See his expression? Looks quite panicked, yet he doesn't run. Isn't wearing anything fancy, no? Know what that means?" Glancing at Momo, Saki remained silent for a second. "He needs to shit." This caused Momo to laugh lightly, raising the back of her hand to cover her mouth.

Staying silent for another moment, she wouldn't start to explain it was visible due to how the man was also clenching his butt. Taking a bite of her sandwich, the blue eyes started to seek for another prey. "And what do you do for a living?" Momo thought of the question for a moment, finishing what she was chewing on before answering. "I'm a kunoichi. Self proclaimed ninja tool and weapons expert. Big sister. Basically everyting a girl could dream of." she said, adding a hint of sarcasm in her tone at the end. Momo's eyes scanned the crowd for a few moments before she glanced back at Saki. "You couldn't tell that by 'analyzing' me?" she asked, smirking.

"Totally could. You're too open." Saki replied back, still scanning the public. Her statement made Momo raise her brow.

"You called that cat a 'big brother'. A single child wouldn't just refer to an animal most of the time as a sibling." Taking another bite, she then frowned. Noticing a small kid looking around, Saki's eyebrows perked up again. Clearing her throat she continued. "You also come over a tad insecure about yourself. Hiding behind me when the situation isn't to your liking. Treating me on lunch, though I suppose that is now still half guessing. But that is part of the game. Guessing." Frowning at Momo, the blondine remained silent for another second. "I'm half tempted to say that you also 'like-like' me." Blinking, Momo's face turned red and she looked away from the girl. She rose a hand, bringing the back of it to wipe at her mouth and she was quiet. It was crazy how Saki could come up with those things in just the short time she'd been with her. Looking back at the girl, she forced a smile. "Hell, you're spot on about everything. Guess I might as well be an open book." she said, laughing and rubbing the back of her neck. "You're pretty amazing, huh?"

"And seeing somebody." Saki replied amused after clearing her mouth. "Though the last one was more a joke. Though I'm flattered that you... look at me like that." She didn't have a problem with it, hoping that it was clear she wasn't into some messing around. Snorting, she took another bite of her sandwich. Still seeing the young boy looking around, Saki frowned again. "And don't worry. There are signs to read people. Once you know the rules of the game, it is pretty simple."

"Mind giving me some pointers?" Momo asked, taking a bite of her sandwhich. She started to talk again and then half choked, raising a finger, she chewed and then swallowed before laughing. "Also, I wasn't thinking of flirting with you or anything. You probably already think I'm weird." she said, rushing the words and wanting to move past it by clarifying. Scratching her cheek, she looked away, smiling to herself.

Chewing on her bite, Saki shrugged. "I've seen weirder. Way weirder." Thinking back to how once somebody had stated something that had really shocked her, Saki decded to not indulge on that. Thinking about a few facts that would help Momo out to understand a bit about it, Saki turned her head as she would start to explain. "First you need to understand that it can be heavily subjective. The 'rules' are in general the same. But while it means in general that a person closes him or herself emotionally from a conversation when their arms as legs are crossed, it can also mean frustration and anger. It is thus also important to hear the person talk and not go full on the judge on their body language."

Nodding, Momo understood that much. Reaching for her bottle of tea, she brought the top to her lips and took a long drink. When she was done, she spoke. "I wonder though... how much can you tell then by just looking at people? Or do you talk to them sometimes as they walk by?"

"Quite a lot." Saki calmly answered. "I just watch and seeing people almost never spot me, they don't get nervous or adjust their stance and body. There is thus little to no 'corruption'. The only problem is that isn't fully accurate. I don't know them personally nor any way on how to confirm my guesses. But that is the beauty of the game." She replied back, taking another bite of her sandwich.

"I can see how that can be fun. Though I think I would want 'ta confirm my ideas and approach the person afterwards. That seem weird? I wouldn't put myself through the stress of wanting to know if i was right or wrong." she said, smiling. Looking out and toward the crowd of people that weaved and walked past eachother, she wondered if she should try to do something like try to analyze body language and such. Shrugging, she looked back at Saki, about to say something, then paused, re wording it into a less creepy way. "Mind if I try it on you?" She shook her head after that. "N-nevermind. I'd totally mess up and embarass myself." she said with a nervous laugh.

Hearing Momo, Saki snorted. She shrugged. "That is the beauty of the game. Of never knowing. Besides if you approach them, you'll become a factor. You'll influence them and that will cause 'corruption', you see?" Saki replied back at first. "It is a delicate game. If your tone is a bit different then the second person can give a whole different message than the first one did. Even if the words are the same. But sure, go ahead." she replied back, taking bite of her sandwich again.

Momo furiously shook her head. "Nope, I'm fine."

"Shame." Saki replied, not hiding her amusement, holding her left hand in front of her mouth to not reveal the content in her mouth. Clearing her mouth, she glanced at the public again. "See that kid over there?" The child still seemed lost, looking with a growing panic in his eyes around. "He seems lost, no? But if you watch carefully, he isn't asking anybody the way. This can mean a few things. He doesn't want to ask a stranger. He isn't lost or factors that make him not able to step up. The problem is," glancing at Momo, Saki raised her eyebrows, "how much can you know? Perhaps he isn't lost or all of these things. It is just a guess and you could embarrass yourself for even trying to confirm your guess."

"I guess that makes sense." Momo said, placing the sandwhich on her lap and looking at the boy. "He could be looking for his pet cat." she said. "Or perhaps he needs to shit too?" Crossing her arms, Momo decided she wanted to try it, her blue eyes scanning around the area.

"Hehehe," she snickered for a second as she shook her head, "I doubt it. Look at his stance. If he wasn't lost his stance would be different. When people try to look more or are more confident, their legs are spread a bit more. This ...." She wondered if she should name it as it was. "Crotch display..." Looking back at the child, Saki sighed. Deciding not to explain it that it was used to stand more firmly to place the focus on the genitals and masculinity forward, Saki took another bite of her sandwich.

Glancing at Saki once and giggling at her choice of words, Momo would go back to looking at the crowd. Her eyes fell onto an older woman who was being tugged by the wrist by a small child. Tilting her head, Momo took a bite of her sandwhich and studied the woman. She was carrying a lot of things in her arms while also trying to keep her balance using a cane. Her expression was one that looked friendly, not really irritated, but perhaps some of her patience was waining with the child. Momo nudged Saki with her elbow and nodded towards the two. "What about that old lady with the kid? I'm wondering what her relationsip with that kid is. Maybe she's a grandmother. I think if she was a babysitter or something, that kid would be trying to run away from her rather than pull her along. She also seems kinda tired. Maybe the kid's parents are away or... out of the picture. She might have 'ta spend time with him a lot." When she was done, Momo looked to Saki and waited for a response.

"What about your younger sibling?"

Asking the question calmly, Saki took another bite while Momo stared at her with wide eyes and a surprised expression. Remaining silent for a few seconds as she would chew and clear her mouth, she kept her eyes on the older woman and the child. "You basically ran to the option that they are related. The fact that you also did a quick turn to 'babysister' and new in this game means you're trying to get some good guesses," glancing at Momo who looked away, Saki seemed rather calm about it, "out of your personal experience. Knowing now that you're a family kind of person, I could indulge further. You conclude that she looks tired, no?" Nodding back to the woman, Saki would continue with her analyze.

"There are five general expressions that a person have. Anger. Disgust. Happyness. Surprise and sadness." Staying silent to let the words sink in, Saki glanced back at her sandwich again. "Guessing by the whole guesses you made I estimate that the child is younger than five years old, no? Together with the fact that you're being relied on to babysit your sibling, your parents must have either a busy occupation or are... hindered in some way."

Blinking a few times, Momo was yet again, surprised by the accuracy of Saki's analysis. Rubbing her forehead, Momo shook her head. "Heh. Right again..." No longer hungry, Momo closed her sandwhich into its wrapping and placed it next to her, hugging her knees afterwards. With her chin resting on her knees, she pouted as she turned her head to look at Saki. "She's five months old... My little sister, Ayama. My mother... passed away giving birth to her and my dad works too often or is out of the house too often to watch her properly. The task is usually dumped on my shoulders unless I'm lucky for some free time like this." Pausing, she was totally amazed how the blonde girl managed to gather information from her while she was trying to do that with someone else. She was really good at that.

Listening to the reply back, Saki kept staring at the public. "Sorry to hear that." She softly said, taking another bite of her sandwich. Silently chewing the bite, she remained for a long moment still watching the crowd that passed by. It started to become bussier and so far nobody had bothered to throw a look at them. "I often wished I had a sibling. Am only child."

Looking thoughtful, Momo gave a half smile. "Honestly, even though it sucks some times, I wouldn't change a thing. I mean... it is hard sometimes because I'm still learning what she needs and stuff, but other times, I am just happy making so many memories with her." she straightened her legs out and crossed her arms. "When she is old enough to understand, I'll be able to blackmail her into doing things for me." she said, grinning at the thought. Though she wouldn't lie, Momo missed some things about life before Ayama. Her mother, getting all the attention, her mother... but none of it was worth giving up the baby for.

"To be honest, you'll kind of fail in blackmailing." Saki said with a friendly tone. She had just finished her sandwich and leaned with her back against the wall. "You're too open and.... hmmm, don't get me wrong, Momo, but you're slight gullible." Gullible. Way better than naive. Both weren't negative things however. Better than a bitter or pessimistic wench, Saki thought with a sigh. "I'm sorry, but I have never been that much with children. Let alone babies. Must be kinda hard if I hear like this, no?"

Momo pouted as Saki called her gullible, but it was probably true. Shrugging, Momo thought about her question. "Mhm, it's hard. It is like one day you're suddenly become a mother or something, without having time to properly prepare."

"Is anybody ever prepared for it? You're a kunoichi, yes?" Saki paused as she picked up her drink. "Were you prepared to kill? To use information against people? You were perhaps trained to use a weapon, but were you prepared to take a life as well?" She asked back, a polite smile crossing her lips.

"I was trained to do what is necessairy. That means following orders or making tough calls. I think that kinda includes killing and stuff." she said, rubbing the back of her neck and smiling back. "But you're right. Dont think anyone is prepared for everything, especially babies."

"I don't think you got what I was aiming at." Saki's smile grew for a moment. "How was your first kill?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink as she would move her gaze back to the people passing them.

"I don't remember it." she lied, her hands moving into fists as she looked away.

"Oh?" She calmly stated. "I could.... help you remember." Taking another sip, after her ominous hint, Saki giggled. "I think it is fair to conclude that due to me being a Yamanaka, that isn't too weird for me to snoop around in people's minds, no?"

"Snoop a- I dont need help." Momo said with a pout. "Why does it even matter?"

"Cause you just said that it is hard. To become a mother suddenly one day. But as a kunoichi you also end up suddenly killing somebody one day. You don't plan that. At least," Throwing a skeptical look at Momo, Saki slightly closed her eyes as she seemed to consider something, "not normally..."

Momo sighed internally as she was upset the conversation had suddenly become about her. "What are you trying 'ta get at?" she asked.

Sighing, Saki pondered on how to make it more clear to the other girl. "You said that becoming suddenly a mother is hard, no? But how about being suddenly a killer, how did you cope with that?" She asked back, hoping that it was starting to dawn on the other.

"I told you... I was prepared for it." Momo said. "I'm not saying it wasn't hard... I just, knew what to expect. When I was suddenly tasked with becoming like a mother for my sister, I wasn't prepared for it. I assumed that the task would be that for someone else."

"Oh? Fine then." Saki paused for a second. "Kill me."

Momo blinked and stared at Saki. "Wh-why would I do that?"

"Cause why would you accept the request of taking care of your baby sister?" Saki asked back, frowning. "Because she is family... because I have no choice." she paused after she said that, wondering why the hell that had come out of her mouth. "I mean... I wanted to. She's my..." Trailing off, a small pout formed on Momo's face.

"And if I held a knife at your throat, I doubt you wouldn't hesistate to strike me down. Different situations and things, yet both are hard. If you manage to cope how it is to become suddenly a killer, I'm sure that you can cope how it is to become suddenly.... caring for a baby." Saki said, her tone growing friendlier as she continued. Pausing for a moment, her gaze moved back as she noticed that the child from before seemed to cheer up and running towards the old woman that they had observed before. "The two may contradict, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure a way out. Else, just ask around. Don't think it is that strange you don't know how to take completely care of a child, no?"

Momo let out a light laugh as she finally understood what Saki was getting at, after pretty much having the girl explain it. It was really nice of her to try and reassure her that she could do it, and remember that perhaps it is not as hard as she thinks it to be. Pushing the shoulder of Saki with her hand playfully, Momo grinned. "If my analysis of you is correct..." she started, linking her arm with Saki's, "I would say you are practically begging to help me babysit."

Chuckling briefly, Saki shook her head. "I think it is better if I make the analysis on people. I'm after all not that great with babies or small children." She replied back. "Thus babysitting would... be not a thing for me, sorry."

Momo nodded and reached for her drink, downing the last few sips before standing up. Moving in front of Saki, she would kneel, grab the girls wrist, and heft her up onto her feet as well. "Saki Yamanaka, you've just been Momo-napped." she said, giggling and reaching down to pick up her garbage. "I won't make you babysit, buuuut... I wan't you 'ta meet her. I mean, have you ever tried to analyze a baby?" she asked, raising her brow, hoping the girl was curious enough to fall for the poorly placed bait.

Frowning as the other girl made her rise up to her feet, Saki's eyes widened a bit more as she was shocked. Raising her hands up in a half defensive manner, she shook her head. "No, no no need to. Beside the point," she quickly replied, "babies aren't full grown! I can't analyze a baby! I'm bad with them!"

"All the more reason for you to come along.~" Momo said, singing the words. Stepping over to a trash can, she dumped her garbage into it before going behind Saki and starting to gently push her back. "Come on, I dont live far from here."

Thinking of an excuse, Saki tried to push her weight back into hold the girl back from pushing her to her place. "I don't have that much time!" She exclaimed, not really eager to spend her time with an infant. Let alone her free time! Momo snickered evily even though it became harder to push the girl. "Come on come on, we've not finished bonding yet.~"

"I'm not going to become a sibling figure..." Saki said with a warning tone as she looked over her shoulder, feeling already disturbed by the mere thought. "Hell, you even ran me over and were willing to use me as a shield against a cat."

"I bought you food, don't complain 'ta me about that. From this moment on, that didn't happen." Momo continued pushing her, the two now starting to draw some attention from the people walking by. Truthfully, Momo didn't want to harass the girl like this, but it had been so long since she had a friend over her house, well she wasn't above using force if it meant feeling like a normal girl.

"Brought me food, after you bumped me down against the street!" Saki protested. Using the push of Momo, Saki narrowed her eyes. In a quick movement, she would step to the right and start running. Momo stumbled when she did, hopping on one foot to catch her balance.

"I don't like babies!" Saki called back, not intending to get stick with an infant that could do little else than poo, barf and whine. Momo pouted at the retreating back of the girl. "Next time then!" she called, waving goodbye and grinning. Turning around, Momo started to run in the opposite direction, towards her home. Hopefully Lee had calmed down a bit and was willing to talk. Momo wanted to brag all about the pretty new friend she had ran into.

An odd Introduction.
A certain energetic chuunin meets with Hayate to discuss joining the Konoha Guardians.

A collaboration between Shadowy and Chrome

Sitting behind the large wooden desk, Hayate stared down at the papers in front of him with a look of weary apprehension. He still didn't feel fully comfortable here, and wondered for a moment if he ever truly would. Kiyomi had been the true leader, far more gifted in these sorts of affairs than he would ever be.

Letting out a sigh, Hayate's eyes shifted over to the small note he had scribbled for himself earlier. He had a meeting arranged, another hopeful recruit that he would need to test. Hayate always dreaded these tests. He felt awful every time that he had to turn away an eager young soul that hoped the Guardians would be their ticket to fame and status. It wasn't about that though, and it never had been. Letting out another sigh, he reflected that Kiyomi had been much better at this than him too... She had always been good at reading people, at seeing the truths hidden behind their eyes. Hayate always used to fear that he would slip up, that he would let someone into the organization that would bring harm to it. As a result, he often found that he was harsher on the potential recruits than necessary. He didn't want to let Kiyomi down though. The Guardians had been her pride and joy, and they still were in many ways.

Shuffling the mass of paperwork into one great pile, he tucked as much of it as he could into one of the desk's filing drawers. With practiced care, he lifted up the folder in front of him and opened it to read the contents. It was a full profile for the hopeful new recruit. As he thumbed through the report for the third time that day, Hayate awaited the chuunin's arrival.

Approaching the building that served as the location of the Guardians, Momo was feeling excited and nervous with each step. The large scroll attached around her waist, via a belt, was snagging the ends of her hair and annoying the girl, resulting in her hefting her hair up into a ponytail. She was wearing her usual clothes she normally did on missions and such. A normal pink shirt paired with grey pants and a black vest was her normal attire. She was unsure what to bring or wear to such a meeting as this, eventually deciding to come dressed as she normally did.

When she opened the main entrance to the building, she looked around, asking someone where she needed to go for a meeting. After being directed to a certain office, Momo stood at the door, wiping her sweaty hands on her thighs before reaching out to knock a few times. She caught herself before she yelled and announced herself, thinking that was seriously unprofessional. Instead, she waited nervously for a response.

Glancing up as he heard the knock, Hayate set the folder down. The girl was supposedly older than him, and it always felt strange sitting in judgement of an elder. If he had to be honest with himself, Hayate felt uncomfortable sitting in judgement of anyone. It just wasn't a task he found himself enjoying.

"Come in please." He called out, resisting the urge to get up and open the door himself. There was a certain way he was supposed to hold himself now, and Hayate vowed he would grow used to it in time.

Hesitating only a moment longer, Momo turned the handle of the door and pushed it open. She stepped inside by one foot and paused, her hand extended and still on the handle. Blinking, she stared at the guy sitting behind the desk. "Eh?" she tilted her head to the side and turned, looking out the door and up and down the hall. Returning her head to face the guy, she blushed. "Uh, I'm sorry. I must have been led 'ta the wrong room." Momo said. "I'm supposed to be at a meeting... I'm a new... recruit." she said, her voice sounding unsure as she wondered if she was in the right place.

Recognizing the girl from her photo, Hayate had been about to greet her when she had responded with confusion. Cocking his head to the side, Hayate leaned back in his chair. "And what, may I ask, makes you think this isn't the right place?" he asked, an amused smile on his face.

Still standing awkwardly with one foot in and out the door, Momo was growing wary. Her eyes narrowed at the guy sitting at the desk and her mind was firing mixed signals as she tried to make sense of where she was. "Well uh, cause you're... ya know..." she trailed off.

Raising a single curious eyebrow in response, Hayate was amused. So far this had started differently than he expected, and it was almost nice for a change. "So young?" he finished for her, still smiling. "Rest assured, you have come to the right place. My name is Hayate. You can have a seat if you'd like?"

A beas of sweat dropped down her face. "Actually, I was going 'ta say..." she hesitated then hung her head. "Yeah I was gonna say that."

Stepping fully into the room and closing the door with her foot, Momo quickly made her way to a chair across from the desk. She sat down then immediately stood back up and stretched out a hand. "Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself." she said, quickly bringing her hand back, wiping it on her thigh and then extending it again. "Momo Hana. Nice 'ta meet you Mr. Hayate."

Letting out a soft chuckle, Hayate leaned across the desk and shook her hand. Sitting back in his chair, Hayate smiled again. "Thank you for coming Momo. And don't worry, I get that more than you might think." Folding his arms across his chest, Hayate grew serious. "So, what makes you want to join the Guardians?"

Sitting down again at the edge of the seat, Momo's head tilted to the left at the question. "I wan'ta join because..." she paused. "Well because I think I would be a good fit here. The Guardians may need someone like me... and so with that thought, I decided to apply."

Cocking his head to the side once again, Hayate stared at the girl for a long moment without saying anything. "I see..." he finally said. "What exactly is it that you think the Guardians do?" Hayate watched her closely, waiting to gauge her response.

Momo thought for a moment, wondering if that was some kind of trick question. "I..." she paused as she wanted to start over already. "The Guardians work towards peace. They fight to protect the village, working a little harder... or perhaps doing a little more than everyone else." she stopped speaking then, thinking that was a good enough answer.

Sighing, Hayate closed his eyes for a moment. "That is partially correct. But that is not our only role." Opening his eyes, Hayate glanced at Momo. "How did you hear about the Guardians?"

"My mother originally spoke to me about it. She worked at the academy, which it is my understanding that there is some kind of joint thing going on there, right?" Shifting in her seat, Momo didn't want to bring up her mother, but she had to, even if it tugged on the wound a bit. "Maybe it was simply her telling me to join, because she was trying to be an encouraging parent... but I never thought myself good enough. So... I didnt."

Sitting up straighter, Momo would look at Hayate. "A few months ago she passed away birthing my sister, and I didn't submit my request then since I was tasked with watching her while my father worked at the Academy. Recently he urged me to submit an application..." Blushing, she raised her hand and rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh gosh, I'm rambling arent I?"

Offering an encouraging smile, Hayate shook his head lightly. "You are not rambling, I've always found that the more full an answer, the more you can learn from it." Pausing, for a moment he did not say anything. It had been an odd start, to say the least, but Hayate had yet to make up his mind one way or the other.

"What do you think of the new Union?" He asked finally, leaning forwards slightly. Momo resisted the urge to shrug at the question, and instead, started with asking her own. "My opinion of it matters? Well... If that is the case, then I say, it is a good thing to have. I hear that it has helped in holding some bonds with other countries. I suppose I support anything really that has a positive affect on the village."

"A noble sentiment, though... Some people have very different ideas as to what is good for the village. How would you choose between those ideas? Say, for example, that there were competing ideas on how best to keep the village safe, and to help it prosper. Who would you support, and how would you know to make that decision?" The questions weren't exactly the most fair of questions, but Hayate needed to know where the girl's loyalty lay, and it was always interesting to see how someone reacted in the face of such a question.

Momo took a few seconds to gather her thoughts, a finger rose and tapped her chin as she did so. "Well... I suppose that is a hard question, though I suppose when it comes down 'ta it, the decision for me would be easy." she crossed her arms and smiled. "I think of the village as my home, obviously, and here, I have family and friends and other people who could be family that I just havent met yet. That said, I want to think of what kind of idea would insure the saftey of them. If one person has an idea, that safety is always in fighting, or a show of strength, I cannot be sure that one is in the best interest of the village. If one person's idea is in trying to resolve a conflict first with reason, then I think that they also think the same as me. They would be thinking of the village as their family, and not want to risk something that could potentially jepordize their safety."

Blinking, Momo caught herself rambling again. "Uh... did I explain that okay?" she asked, hoping he understood what she was getting at.

Nodding his head slowly, Hayate understood what she was saying. Steepling his fingers together, Hayate peered over them at the older girl. "And what if that goes against the orders of your leader?" He finally asked quietly. "What if your leader says to fight, but you hear another calling for peace? What then?"

"My leader is leader for a reason. He or she would know more than myself... and I would put my faith in them. If and when it is my turn to lead, then I will have that right to make my own call." Momo said simply. And it was the truth of how she felt about it. Loyalty was a big thing for Momo. She knew that wavering loyalty was a sign of weakness. It was a weakness she refused to have.

Narrowing his brows slightly, Hayate chewed on his lower lip briefly. Her last answer satisfied him more than the first, but Hayate realized that was the problem with asking loaded questions. Sometimes the answers would come out the same way. Smiling, he lowered his hands and leaned back in the chair. "Tell me about yourself Momo. What are your hobbies, your passions? What drives you?"

Momo's eyes lit up when she was asked about herself. Leaning forward, she unclipped one of the hooks on her belt so she could remove the scroll at her back. Grabbing it with one hand, she placed the large thing at her feet, leaning it against the chair. Sighing, she could now scoot back in the chair and lean against the support. Crossing her arms, she wondered where to start. "Hmmm... My hobbies..." she paused. "I haven't had time recently to keep up with some of them since I have more important things to do... But I recently have taken a liking to cooking. I'm not very good at it, but, a girl's gotta eat." she said laughing lightly. Tilting her head, she thought for a moment. "Before I was tasked with 'mommy duty' I was eager to learn about different kinds of weapons and how to use them. I still am, though like I said, not as much time on my hands." Scratching her thigh first, Momo would suddenly bring a hand over her mouth as she had a mischevious idea and giggled at the thought of it.

"Umm... Passion? I have a passion for... collecting weapons. I love them so much. All tools, they are just so cool. I keep em in here and use them when I fight." she said, leaning forward and placing her hand on the giant scroll. Then thinking about what drives her, Momo's excitement simmered down a little. It was a bit more personal. "What drives me is... my duty as a kunoichi and as a daughter and as a big sister. I have 'ta do my best and that is what keeps me excited to work hard. I used to think that I was useless because, well, I thought that relying on tools and such made me less of a shinobi. But now, I see them as an extension of myself and I know that it takes someone totally awesome like me to know how to use so many and all that. " Grinning as she tooted her own horn, Momo blushed and clapped her hands together. "Umm, I think that is about it. Oh, and I love all things pink! As you can probably see."

Smirking, Hayate let the older girl speak. It was clear that she was confident in herself, confidence that bordered on pride, but so far there wasn't any harm with that. When she mentioned her interest in tools and weapons, Hayate nodded ever so slightly."And what would you say is your biggest flaw?"

"I..." Momo was surprised at the question. Leaning back in her seat, she thought about it. She had a lot of flaws... but her biggest? "I am so honest with everyone but myself." she said, leaning her head back, she looked up towards the ceiling of the room they were in. "I will never admit to myself that I am sad... it makes me feel I am not worthy of some things." she lowered her head and gave a half smile at Hayate. "Does that affect anything? I don't want you thinking im unstable or something." she said, scratching her cheek nervously.

Leaning back, Hayate's face remained expressionless. "That doesn't sound like the sign of an unstable person so much as it does give the impression that you prefer to be in control of your emotions." Pondering for a moment, Hayate steepled his fingers once again. "You said before that you thought you'd be a good fit here, that your skills would help us... so why you versus someone else?"

Momo shook her head, still giving a friendly smile. "Is that not something you would rather find out?"

Raising an eyebrow yet again, Hayate stared at the girl. "And how, pray tell, do you propose I am to do that if you don't tell me? "

"How about instead of telling you... I show you?" Momo said, leaning back and shoving her hands into her pants pockets. She bit her bottom lip as she thought about something, thinking it was a horrible idea considering the last time she did it...

All the more reason 'ta do it. she thought to herself.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Hayate fought back a sigh. He was quite hoping that she wouldn't now ask for a spar. It seemed to be more and more common with some of the recruits. Opening his eyes again, he managed to keep a polite smile on his face. "And how would you like to show me? " he asked. Momo leaned forward in her seat before standing and taking the few steps to the desk. She gestured for him to lean forward, as her short stature didn't allow for her to easily reach him. Placing both hands on his desk, she would wait for him to lean towards her. Frowning slightly, Hayate wondered what the older girl had in store. Unconsciously, his right hand traveled slowly to the pouch that contained his metal, drawing a little from it as he leaned forwards.

Looking nervous for only a second, Momo extended her hand slowly, thinking it better not to make sudden movements or such. Eventually her fingertips would touch his cheek. "I have this trick up my sleeve..." she said, grinning. Moving her hand up, her fingers brushed his ear and went into his hair for a second before he would no longer feel her touch. He would hear a sound near his ear, and when she returned her hand into his view, she was spinning a shuriken around her index finger.

"Magic~" she said, giggling softly, thinking it was silly of her to be so serious and pull such a trick. Hopefully he wouldn't get upset at her. Leaning away from him then, she crossed her arms. "And there's more where that came from." she said.

It took a great amount of willpower for Hayate not to reach up and pull her hand away when she touched his face. His curiosity as to what she had planned helped him to hold back and he so he waited. He could feel his clan's alloy covering his hand, the cold metal a comfort against the confusion.

As her hand moved up past his face and into his hair, Hayate felt himself tense up. When she pulled out the shuriken and twirled it in front of him, he stood there in silence. Slowly, Hayate allowed the metal that covered his hand to recede, putting it back in the pouch. Folding his his arms across his chest, he cocked his head to the side.

"Oh gosh... that was bad, wasn't it?" Momo said, looking horrified. Facepalming herself, she turned away from him and proceeded to curse at herself internally.

Staring at the girl for a long moment in silence, Hayate remained entirely expressionless. Finally, the ghost of a smile touched his lips. "A magician huh?" He said, the amusement clear in his voice. "So what else can you make appear hmm?" Having heard his response and his tone not having an angry edge to it, Momo turned back and looked at him. Raising both arms and placing them behind her head, she grinned and leaned back on her heels. "Hey, I can't reveal all my secrets and tricks. Don't you know that's the first rule of a magician?" Backpedaling a few steps, Momo would take a seat back in her chair. "So, I think I've officially broken the ice. Is there anything else you'd like 'ta know about me?"

Raising a single eyebrow, Hayate shook his head, chuckling. "Well I'll know who to call if I need an extra shuriken." Sitting back behind his desk, Hayate wondered what to do with the girl in front of him. She was clearly quite confident in herself, and her report showed that she was indeed skilled. Hayate still didn't know with 100% certainty where her loyalties where at, but he had been impressed with her answers so far. She hadn't appeared to hide anything back, and Hayate could double check with Koike to determine how the girl performed in a squad.

"Well, I don't think I have anything else to ask you at the moment, but I appreciate you coming in." Nodding, Momo said "I appreciate you taking the time to meet me."

Pausing, Hayate decided to say one last thing. "I suppose it's only fair to allow you to ask a question question now. So is there anything would like to know?"Tilting her head, Momo thought for a moment, and suddenly her stomach growled loudly. Turning red, she laughed. "Okay, just one." she said.

"Wan'ta grab a bite?"

Surprise filled his face as Momo asked him her question. His eyes widening, Hayate stammered for a second, trying to regain his composure.

Out of everything she could have asked... shaking his head, Hayate chuckled again."There is a lounge in the main building where they serve a good meal. I suppose I could join you for a brief time..." Truth be told, he could do with a break. He'd been cooped up in the office all day and he saw no problem having a friendly lunch with a potential new recruit.

"I'm afraid I can't join you for too long though as I have a few other appointments to take care of this afternoon."

"Great. Lead the way." she said in a friendly tone, standing and picking up her scroll to reattach it to her belt. Momo would pocket the shuriken and her hands in her pants then after stretching. Nodding and smiling to herself as she turned and started walking to the door, she wondered if her first impression was one that was enough to get her a chance.

[fieldbox= S Ō H A - G E N I N, #269952]
Still working on the almost finished up tent among the many others on the beach, Sōha heard a familiar voice behind him. It was none other than Naname. "Uh.. Hey.. Naname.. Looks like you're coping up with all this revolutionary issue, hmm?" He asked, with a soft laugh escaping his lips. Glancing over her shoulders, more ships were ankering by the beach. The place was just getting more packed than ever before. "And sure.. I guess this tent can use some more help to finish the process much faster.."

Once Naname ended up helping out, he glanced over at her, wondering how she was feeling about this entire ordeal. "So.. Where you also handed a task in order to help do something here on the beach? Perhaps set up another tent?.. Like this one?.." There wree more questions lingering around in his mind. One was especially about their senpai, Daiki. Sōha was wondering what he was upto, but if he was someone with an higher status amongst the revolutionaries, despite his young age, Sōha wouldn't be surprised.

"More and more revolutionaries are ending up here.." Something he spurted out in the open air. He did not, however, ask Naname what side she chose, but judging by her still being here, not that there was an option to just go and join the other side, he assumed she was either undecisive, or had chosen the path of the revolutionaries. Keeping quiet for the moment, another familiar voice was heard from behind.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned around, looking at Riku. He was wondering how the blind Genin in their team was able to find him amongst the many others on the beach. It was frightening. "I'm surprised you were able to find me amongst all these people here.. Riku... But yeah.. Believe it or not.. That escort mission a week ago.. Was also our very first mission.." Sōha was referring to Naname and himself. "And now we're here.."

"I also have no idea about what's really going on.. But since we're preparing tents and amongst other things around the beach.. With more ships like that.." He nodded towards the sea, but it was not as if Riku would notice, but perhaps with a short break between his lines, he would be able to understand. "... Approaching the beach.. I'd say something.. Will happen.."[/fieldbox]