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As the three of you would lumber through the dark cavern, your body growing only weaker and weaker as time went on, it felt like your bodies would fall apart if you weren't careful. So much for "superior puppet bodies," Touko Aozaki. Soon, you'd just about be unable to use any weapons that you might have on you.

Eventually, you would eventually stop to hear a peculiar sound. It sounded like... groaning? Through the darkness that you traversed through, you would eventually come across something horrible leaning against the wall.

A person. Or what was left of them anyway. It was evident that they were still alive, though it was very easy to tell that they would be better off dead in that kind of condition. You couldn't really ascertain how they got like it, but something told you that you were better off not knowing. Kotomine often did mention orphans, likely as some sort of bad joke... but this was no laughing matter.


The more your eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness, the more of them you saw. There had to be at least fifteen people in the same exact condition as the first you saw. What the hell was going on here? What was this place? Who were these people?

And to the side.

The unconscious bodies of Rin Tohsaka, Ciel, and Erika Furudo lay next, strange misty lines appearing and leaving their mouths. Somehow, you could just tell. That dark mist...

It had to be something like their life energy leaving their body. Even now, their bodies looked weak. Skinnier and paler. Who knows how long they had been here?

Well, Erika looked a little more healthy, if only because she had been with you all since just now, but who knew how long it'd be until she'd end up the same as them, and for that matter, who knew how long it'd be until the same would happen to all of you?

At that moment, even, the misty line would appear at your own mouths as well, what was presumably your life energy leaving you as well. This place was a dangerous place. Whatever business you had here, you'd have to go about it quickly.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician
Why was Ciel here, in this place? She didn't belong here in this place of meaningless death. She deserved to be free of this place, not to be trapped to die with everyone, to die with him. She was better than that. When didn't deserve to die before someone as worthless as him.

"I won't... let you die alone... here, Ciel," The near-mute declaration escaped Minato as useless self-motivation, meant to push him on in trying to lift the nun up and carry her away.
The detective was lying on the ground, her head staring off into what she perceived as blurred darkness. Every part of her body went numb, wanting to give out and crumble apart later on... That was bound to become of her soon... it felt familiar to her... the feeling of becoming nothing.

The others would only see the blankness in her wide open eyes, breathing in a rhythm that made it look like she was fighting to stay alive... but she knew this feeling, and she wasn't going to succeed in the end. That was what a piece like her thought...

"L... Lady Bern... kastel. I wasn't... a great detective... a proper... Witch of Truth... in the end... It's disappointing... Don't... you... think?"

Due to her failing senses and perception of the things around her, Erika hopelessly hallucinated that she was talking to her master, the Witch of Miracles. She gave no sign of acknowledgement to the others, especially Robin. She was slowly losing her grip on reality.

"Maybe... your words were true... Lady... Bernkastel... I never... deserved this title... I never deserved... this life... I'm only... a mere piece... living a lie... I see the... Truth... of my... proper place... to rot away... into nothing... in the depths... of oblivion..."

Her little depressive rant of her uselessness was halted for a moment... letting the horrid coughing fit give her a moment to think about this last line. The supposed final words of the detective...

"I'm not even sure... if I deserve... to be in love... with Robin... He would be... disgusted to know... what I did... in the past... Just let me... rot away... my master... By the existence... of my fall... this level of... failure is... possible for... Erika Furudo... what do you think... everyone?"

As she went on and on... her voice become quieter and quieter, like weakening whispers. Her eyes were starting to close up, as if she were admitting defeat... but yet... a steady stream of tears rolled down her face and onto the putrid ground.

Erika Furudo was admitting defeat, and maybe then... she'll rest at last.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician
Robin was on the verge of tears as he listened to Erika shatter apart and wish not to struggle against the darkness again. How could when say those things about herself being worthless? Didn't when she know how precious she truly was to him at least?

The tactician couldn't let the detective die here. He needed to help her see how magnificent she truly was, how beautiful she was when she was on the attack, how cute she was when she played with her chopsticks. How absolutely perfect she is, Bern and her past be damned....

He couldn't do that if she died here, believing herself to be a failure. If anyone was the failure, it would be him.

Without a word to the others, Robin carefully cradled Erika in his arms as though she was finally the bride on their wedding day.

@BarrenThin @Verite
Chapter Update

Continued from here.

The Story So Far
Being sent to Russia to investigate what Tsuchimikado described as an unusual energy anomaly, the Survivors would all spread out throughout the barren wasteland of the Russian icelands in search of the anomaly, in hopes that this was the source of Fiamma of the Right's power, and that putting an end to it would put an end to the bloody Murder Game as well.

Those who would traverse to the Hideout would infiltrate a small perimeter closely guarded by a number of soldiers, likely the forces of Fiamma of the Right. After disposing of the enemy and coming into a shack in the perimeter, they would come across a young nun named Index, who had been captured some time ago by Fiamma of the Right, it appeared. Waking up, she would insist to see Touma, before going with them to the Clearing where he had last been seen.

Those who would travel to the Settlement would come across an intense firefight between a civilian militia and a band of soldiers. While a select few stayed on the front lines and handled the soldiers alongside a friend of Kinuhata's called Shiage Hamazura, the others snuck past and made their way into the Settlement itself, where they would break into a cabin consisting of several natives, a girl that resembled Misaka named Last Order, and Hamazura's girlfriend, Rikou Takitsubo. Before long, the soldiers would all surrender, overwhelmed by the power that was displayed before them, before Hamazura would point them all towards the Clearing, believing that if they were here to look for something, they may find it there.

And at the Clearing itself, the Survivors would come across a powerful Esper named Accelerator beating down another girl that resembled Misaka physically, named Misaka Worst. Seemingly disillusioned with the notion of becoming a hero, claiming that a villain like him could never be a hero, he would have some sense talked into him after a brief skirmish, and would calm down once Last Order would be delivered to him, coming back to his senses and becoming more certain in himself, and then on, the path that he would decide to choose for his and Last Order's future.

As you all would gradually make your way towards the Clearing, several clues seeming to point that as the origin and source of the energy anomaly that Tsuchimikado had indicated earlier, you would all reunite with each other over time now that your objective was certain to be gathered in one spot. Some of you for the first time would spot what appeared to be a young nun in white robes following Robin, Erika, Ethel, Mari, and Pyro. Whoever she was, she seemed friendly enough, so you needn't concern yourself with her.

Until she'd come into contact with Touma Kamijou.

"Touuuummmaaaaa!" The girl would suddenly exclaim, suddenly leaping towards him and biting at his spiky hair like some sort of dog, "What took you so long, you jerk?! I thought I was a goner under Fiamma of the Right's clutches! Did it really have to take you this long?!"


"... Hi to you too, Index."

It seemed that this boy was used to this sort of treatment. How sad.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the ground would suddenly begin to rumble violently, as though an earthquake had appeared. It was almost to the point where some of you would be unable to keep your balance upright, but before long, another set of strange events would happen. First was the magical field.


A vast, blue field of magic energy would surround the entire air, almost seeming to trap you in a ginormous web. The lights were so vibrant, so beautiful... so powerful, that there was almost no room for doubt. This had to be the work of Fiamma of the Right.

But where was he?

The ground continued to shake violently, until steadily, something seemed to be coming out from underneath. Thump thump among the rumbling could be felt, before one looked like a harsh stone would poke out from underground, until the "stone" would grow larger and larger as it continued to dig itself up. Before long, it would become very obvious that it was no stone, but something far greater.

It was a ship.

A giant vessel.


The giant altar called the Star of Bethlehem rose from the ground, and soared into the surface, presenting itself to you like some sort of strange craft. The back opened up what appeared to be a hatch to you all, as though inviting you all in. No doubt that this was some sort of trap, but you had no choice.

"What the... What is this thing?" Touma questioned, before you would all make your way into the "ship." What else would be there to do?

The inside of the Star of Bethlehem was a strange place, to say the least. Its environment was initially some sort of extravagant crystal palace, crystals and whatnot adorning the entire place. If you weren't careful, you could even cut yourself or get impaled on one of them, as they stuck out from the ground and the walls. However, it would all suddenly shift to a darker, more sinister place right away. The air went from a light, mystical blue to a dark, evil purple.

Something else was definitely here.

And then you saw him.


Standing in front of you was a tall priest, around 6'3. You would all find him familiar, identifying him as the man who had offered you sanctuary back in Fuyuki City in his Church. A few more of you might identify him as an acquaintance, more than likely a negative one at that, and for good reason, give that the man's position did not resemble that of a hostage or anything like that at all.

No, he stood more like an instigator. A mastermind.

Because that was exactly what he was.

The true mastermind of the Murder Game, Kirei Kotomine, stood before you all.

"I'm impressed that you made it this far, though it is a little disappointing to see that quite a lot of you have perished since the last time I've seen you," Kotomine spoke calmly, observing you all closely, "This wasn't how it was supposed to transpire, but I suppose it is only natural that even I would slip up. After all, not even I could expect that Fiamma of the Right would decide to betray me and attack me in my own Church and attempt to keep the power of the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon all to himself."

The strange device that was used to corrupt Saber. The device that enabled the magician to destroy everything in his wake and merge the two worlds together.

"But then, I was careless even with that. After all, when you inherit the power of the Arch Demon Akibahara through his right hand, you're bound to suffer from his evil influence sooner or later. Wouldn't you all agree? Hmm?" He asked, folding his arms behind his back.

"However, I'm afraid this charade ends now. Even though I've been forced to recalculate my plans due to Fiamma of the Right's untimely betrayal, I am still able to carry out what I intend to in his very own facility, and he would be none the wiser, not even realizing my presence," the priest spoke as the room you all stood in seemed to steadily build up with what seemed to be a strange black mud, "When I absorb all of your life energy, I will be able to summon the Avenger again in all his glory. I will destroy this world, destroy the other world, and destroy, like a textbook villain shall."


"What the hell are you talking about? What do you have to do with Fiamma of the Right?! How'd you even meet him?! Answer m--Gaaaugh!" Touma exclaimed, attempting to run towards him, only to be deterred when his entire body would be overtaken by the black mud, engulfing him easily.

"It is a long story, but I can condense it," Kotomine calmly answered, "All that you need to know is that I... came across him when traveling through different worlds in search of other villains to do my deeds. I met and manipulated others to test out my new power, like those filthy demons Aku and Ghirahim, but neither of them were quite like Fiamma of the Right. He was far more ambitious. And that made him the perfect target. So I bestowed upon him the power that he sought to save the world. Ironic, isn't it? He was given power to save the world, yet he and I will destroy it all."

"In any case, enough talk. Now that a chance has arrived to set my plan back into motion, I shan't waste this opportunity. Time is of the essence, and it is all I need."


"... Fall."


Suddenly, the same black mud that engulfed Touma would suddenly appear and overtake you all, your bodies quickly becoming frozen and unable to move through the thick mud. It burned your skin, and yet, it didn't even come close to affecting your clothes. It was hardly lava. More like a curse that afflicted the human body. The curse of All the Evil in the World.

You all began to succumb to the evils, unable to resist its temptations and power.

Unable to fight against it.


Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die.

Eventually, your whole vision became black.

Black would soon become all you could see in no time.

And with that, your consciousness faded, and your bodies were left to be engulfed in the darkness.

The Dead
@Verite as Illyasviel von Einzbern - DIED! INNOCENT! DEFEATED!
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN!
@The Tactician as Robin Tact and Minato Arisato - MURDERED! INNOCENT! BURNED TO A CRISP!
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle - MURDERED! INNOCENT! SKEWERED!
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED!
@Archwar as Jason - DIED! INNOCENT! LEFT BEHIND!
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa - DIED! INNOCENT! BLASTED AWAY!
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh - MURDERD! INNOCENT! PUMMELED!
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole - MURDERED! AGENT! STABBED!
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra - DIED! INNOCENT! ENGULFED!
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro - DIED! TRAITOR! OVERTAKEN!
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa and Mister Negative - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" - DIED! TRAITOR! OVERTAKEN!
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve and Ilona - DIED! TRAITOR! OVERTAKEN!
@york as Cinder Fall - DIED! TRAITOR! OVERTAKEN!
@Bomb as Ethel and Karin - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny - DIED! AGENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Mari as Mari Kurihara - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin - DIED! UNKNOWN! OVERTAKEN!
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips and Raiden - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka and Sans the Skeleton - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan - DIED! INNOCENT! OVERTAKEN!
When Kotomine finished his monologue, but before the mud would appear Gilgamesh's response seemed to be one of pure entertainment.


"Haha! Oh boy this is Classic!", then after giving a rather genuine slow clap he continued "You see? This is why I chose you as my Master in the Grail War! So much more going on in that brain of yours than meets the eye! So Grand, Mysterious and Destructive!". Then opening up a Gate of Babylon preparing to attack "Though now Kotomine, our goals now collide, so I must say goodbye" he finished with a grin. But before he could fire a single weapon the mud completely overtook him.

Well... Gilgamesh was certainly on track about having to say goodbye at least.

Well at least that what he would have said, if the mud hadn't been so quick.

Totally not because I only read RP Discussion after the post.

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Final Chapter
"All the Good in This Life"

Continued from here.

Rude awakenings were always less than ceremonious. That's why they were called "rude" in the first place after all, right?

When Battler, Misaka, Papyrus, Sans, Silk, Ethel, Karin, Kinuhata, Gunha, Ryuuko, Satsuki, Cinder, Dark Swan, Kirby, Celty, Max, Barbossa, Mister Negative, Daredevil, Elektra, and Kizaru would wake up, they would find themselves in an entirely new place.


The ground was... stone, yet mushy. The "sky" was purple, as the strange dark energy that surrounded the entire place that you were in. It was endless. It went on forever and forever. You could almost get lost in the darkness. Again. After all, you did just get back from being swallowed up by what seemed to be a physical manifestation of that darkness.

But in any case, there was little point in dilly-dallying.

As you would all make your way through the strange location, in the distance, you would see an individual sitting atop what looked like a makeshift throne out of stone.

Fiamma of the Right was waiting for you all.


"Well... would you look at that? How convenient that you would all show up here, and how inconvenient at the same time," the magician spoke, standing up, "All this time I spent chasing you all down, and all I simply had to do was wait for you to come to me, hmm? All that effort for nothing... But at least I got a lovely Servant out of it for free," he said, stepping down from his throne and raising his right hand, surging with red energy.

"Though before we begin... I have to ask. How did you infiltrate the inner layers of the Star of Bethlehem? This place was supposed to be sealed up. You may all be more clever than I thought, but you may as well die without keeping any secrets from me, no?"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @coralprime @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian

- - -


When Frank, Minato, and Robin would awaken, they would find themselves in what seemed like a dark, damp dungeon or cavern. The ground and walls were wet with some strange substance, but that was the least of your worries right now, as everything seemed... different.

Your body felt weaker, more fragile than before. It was difficult to ascertain just by how much were you weaker, but perhaps it would be best if you didn't test that right now. It was harder to walk and breathe, let alone seethe at the revelation before you all. Your vision was red, and it wasn't just because of how angry you were, Frank. It was genuinely as though something was wrong with your eyes. And another thing; Erika seemed to be missing. For some odd reason, you felt like she was not with Battler at the moment, either.

Like your bodies were malfunctioning somehow, likely a result of the cursed mud that Kotomine threw at you, though little would you realize that only you were suffering from these symptoms.

Either way, regardless, you all felt a sense of dread as you woke up, as though the evil curse around the place managed to afflict your emotions. The only place to go was forward, but who knows what waited for you beyond the abyss?

@BarrenThin @The Tactician

- - -

I'll note again from the RP Discussion thread that those that I didn't tag will be paired with @TheSpringwoodSlasher for the boss fight, so you'll have to wait for him to post before being able to move again.

@Bomb as Ethel and Karin (Fairy Fencer F)
@Gibbons as Gunha Sogiita (Raildex)
@C.T. as Ryuuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
@The Silver Paladin as Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
@The Tactician as Robin Tact (Fire Emblem) and Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mighty Roman as Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Mister Negative (Marvel Comics)
@Hospes as Reece "Annabel" Duchannes and Ryan Duchannes (Caster Chronicles)
@TheSpringwoodSlasher as Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without A Pulse)
@DapperDogman as Ryner Lute (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Kori Ni)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu and Donny (Fire Emblem)
@Krieg as Maxine Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Cole (Dragon Age)
@Kaykay as Saiai Kinuhata (Raildex)
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai as Gilgamesh (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Borsalino "Kizaru" (One Piece)
@Archwar as Jason (OC)
@Wedge Antilles as Pyro (Marvel Comics)
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Daredevil and Elektra (Marvel Comics)
@Mari as Mari Kurihara (Prison School)
@Nater Taters as Kirby (Kirby)
@El Tigre! as Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Eve (Black Cat) and Ilona (OC)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Sean Grant and Edispu (OC)
@york as Cinder Fall (RWBY)
@Shattered♦Secrets™ as Ermac (Mortal Kombat)
@Josh M as Silk (Marvel Comics)
@Thuro The Assassin Potato as Cameron Phillips (Terminator) and Raiden (Metal Gear)
@Saint Guillotine as Furiosa (Mad Max)
@Atomyk as Mikoto Misaka (Raildex) and Sans the Skeleton (Undertale)
@coralprime as Papyrus the Skeleton (Undertale)
@OrlandoBloomers as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Dark Swan (Once Upon A Time)​

Huh...guess he was dead for a moment...that was a bit of a bummer.

When he woke up he'd lazily get off from the ground and took a look at the new landscape in front of them. "Well wasn't this something..."

With Fiamma's arrival Kizaru would casually raise his fingers in a pistol like motion and fired a laser beam towards their foe. It missed him by mere inches however and would instead fly past him into his throne that would be destroyed in a gigantic explosion. "A little more to the left it seems..."

The young girl's eyes flashed with concern as Touma stirred below her. She pointedly ignored the others talking nearby, though her curiosity over the being calling herself Misaka Worst was threatening to break her calm. She was different than the others, that much was clear, but seemed to care little that the original was here. Whatever reason for that, Misaka knew it was best for her not to interfere-- she was an anomaly within this timeline, and intruding on it was not something she wanted to risk. Certainly everyone here was an anomaly as well, but for her to be so closely related to this timeline... Misaka felt it was an unspoken rule that she be the most careful.

When Touma's eyes finally opened, Misaka's thoughts were brought back to him. She was about to speak when he shot up from the ground and hugged her, turning her words into a strangled gasp. For just a small moment, she didn't think she minded this at all. It was just a moment, though. "What the hell...?!" she cried, her voice raised slightly and sounding hysterical. She pushed the boy away just in time for an apparent friend of his to arrive and take a bite out of his head. The electromaster could only stare, a part of her feeling annoyed at what she was seeing. "A-And who is..."

But then the ground began to heave violently, the girl throwing out her hands to grasp at the snow around her. What she felt underneath that cold layer was not hard dirt like she expected, but stone. She could feel it rising and pushing against her hands, parting the snow across the clearing to reveal what lie underneath. It shone a brilliant orange as it broke from the ground completely, propelling everyone into the air with it.


As the large surface of rock held suspended in the air, Misaka could do little more than sit frozen in place. She breathed heavily, exhaustion overcoming her, reminding her that sleep had been fleeting on their various plane rides across the world. She knew now was not the time to slow down. Hands rising slowly off the hard stone, Misaka balled them into fists. She stood resolutely to her feet, eyes squinting in the face of the stone's shining surface. Her feet moved almost without conscious effort on her part, following Touma and the others into the mysterious cavern below.

There, Misaka Mikoto learned that they had been deceived.

Perhaps she should have seen this coming. She'd gotten nothing but bad vibes from the priest the moment she saw him. He had been the one to identify Fiamma of the Right as their main foe, after all. Perhaps if she'd been more savvy, she would have realized it, but even then... would it have mattered? The true villain was revealed now, and all that remained was to--

"H-Hey, don't be so hasty--" Misaka began, her hand reaching out to Touma as he boldly stepped forward. The boy was engulfed before he could even finish speaking, Misaka letting out a small gasp at the sight despite herself. There she stood transfixed, unable to move as the mud began to drown herself and the others next. She had the foresight to at least look around for her "partner", but as per usual, Sans was nowhere to be seen. The young electromaster, with her last remaining strength, lifted a hand toward Kotomine hoping to shoot off a blast of electricity.


She couldn't do it. Her mind and ability simply would not function. Misaka heard die repeat in her head, over and over... until it happened. Misaka was dead.


Or, not for long, in any case. Misaka found herself in a daze as she and others awoke in someplace new and strange, only to be soon confronted by the man they had once thought to be behind everything. He seemed confused why they were there, which might have convinced Misaka they should use their words before their fists if she wasn't so goddamn incensed right now. What the hell was wrong with these people? All this pain and suffering just so they could be stronger... Misaka was so tired of people who just wanted to be stronger!


"Who cares. You're about to die."

And so the young girl fired off a bolt of electricity to add to the attacks already occurring.

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @coralprime @Verite @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: BarrenThin
@DapperDogman @Gen.Gwazi Senpai @Crimson Spartan @Mari @Wedge Antilles @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @Hospes


As everything seemed to fade away for Stubbs, he let out an aggervated groan just before everything went to black. Was this the sensation of death yet again? He'd already gone through this once and that was quite enough! Spending twenty long years stuck six feet under with dirt and wood covering you. With barely any room to move and maggots crawling through you like some kinda macbre jungle gym and it seemed like he was going through the motions yet again. But the zombie would not be alone and slowly his vision returned to him once more. Quickly leaning forward to plant some very grateful kisses upon the ground, he paused as he noticed he wasn't alone and while he was still very much undead, he wasn't dead.

"Brains..?"(..Wonder if I'd have been better off dyin.)


When Stubbs had died the first time around, everything was black. Almost as if he had fallen into a deep sleep that it seemed like he'd never wake up from. But this place blended in an unwelcome mix of darkness and the kind of place some nasty monster might have called home. Glancing around at the others who had ended up with him, Stubbs blinked and looked around. Where had his hat ended up?

"Looking for your hat, creature? I might have an idea of where it ended up." Stubbs was taken aback by the voice and perhaps it might have had a similar effect on the others. The reverberation in the voice helped to distort it somewhat but it was still clear to those familar with the voice who it belonged to. Within the seemingly expansive darkness, a dark blue light shined through it and a figure stepped through the darkness with Stubb's hat firmly in hand.

"BRAINS!"(You! I thought you were gone!)The zombie cried out and as the light illuminated the figure, it became clear that it was none other than Saber! As far as the group knew, she'd been fighting Fiamma to allow the group to flee in safety. Now, she stood before them with what appeared to be a twisted version of Excalibur at her side and Stubbs's hat in the other.

"Gone? I suppose I'm gone in the sense that past self of me that was corrupted with those feelings of friendship/honor/ and the like. But that's neither here nor there, creature. I've been given a task by Fiamma and it won't be done through idle chatter. Apologies in advance." She mocked before tossing the hat up and in a flurry of movements that Stubbs couldn't even begin to keep up with, his hat was reduced to nothing more than a few shreds that fluttered to the ground. The zombie stared in disbelief and horror, the very same hat that had stuck with him throughout his death, return to the land of the living, and this whole twisted game and now it was nothing more than tatters in the wind.

"Now, you'll share the same fate.."


Before Stubbs knew what hit him, blood that had been rendered green by the fertilizer used to resurrect him blasted out of the wound Saber had left on his torso. While it was true that Stubbs could not feel pain in the same way that a living person could due to his nerves being shot, his body still had it's limits and his knees buckled and his arms dangled uselessley at his sides while he looked up at Saber. The last time Stubbs had been in a predicament, it was his own fault for provoking the knight. But here Saber's good nature had been crushed under the heel of Fiamma's influence and now she'd massacre everyone who got in her way. Taking out Stubbs first might have just been the influence playing up Saber's dislike of the zombie to a degree such as this.

"Don't bother getting up lest you fall to pieces." Saber called back just as casually as she walked past Stubbs and towards the rest of the group. The words barely registered with Stubbs but shooting a brief glance to his arms and legs, he noticed that there were indeed cuts on them that would have only been aggravated if the zombie tried to rise back up to his feet. So here he was left to stay on his knees like some kind of peasant kneeling before their superior ruler.

Man, he really wished he'd just died again. Would have at least had his hat again.

Having dealt with Stubbs in a manner she felt was sadistic enough, Saber turned towards the remaining survivors and raised Excalibur. "Feel free to come at me separately or all at once. The latter will help speed things along if you're in a hurry to meet your demise."

@DapperDogman @Gen.Gwazi Senpai @Crimson Spartan @Mari @Wedge Antilles @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @Hospes


As everything seemed to fade away for Stubbs, he let out an aggervated groan just before everything went to black. Was this the sensation of death yet again? He'd already gone through this once and that was quite enough! Spending twenty long years stuck six feet under with dirt and wood covering you. With barely any room to move and maggots crawling through you like some kinda macbre jungle gym and it seemed like he was going through the motions yet again. But the zombie would not be alone and slowly his vision returned to him once more. Quickly leaning forward to plant some very grateful kisses upon the ground, he paused as he noticed he wasn't alone and while he was still very much undead, he wasn't dead.

"Brains..?"(..Wonder if I'd have been better off dyin.)


When Stubbs had died the first time around, everything was black. Almost as if he had fallen into a deep sleep that it seemed like he'd never wake up from. But this place blended in an unwelcome mix of darkness and the kind of place some nasty monster might have called home. Glancing around at the others who had ended up with him, Stubbs blinked and looked around. Where had his hat ended up?

"Looking for your hat, creature? I might have an idea of where it ended up." Stubbs was taken aback by the voice and perhaps it might have had a similar effect on the others. The reverberation in the voice helped to distort it somewhat but it was still clear to those familar with the voice who it belonged to. Within the seemingly expansive darkness, a dark blue light shined through it and a figure stepped through the darkness with Stubb's hat firmly in hand.

"BRAINS!"(You! I thought you were gone!)The zombie cried out and as the light illuminated the figure, it became clear that it was none other than Saber! As far as the group knew, she'd been fighting Fiamma to allow the group to flee in safety. Now, she stood before them with what appeared to be a twisted version of Excalibur at her side and Stubbs's hat in the other.

"Gone? I suppose I'm gone in the sense that past self of me that was corrupted with those feelings of friendship/honor/ and the like. But that's neither here nor there, creature. I've been given a task by Fiamma and it won't be done through idle chatter. Apologies in advance." She mocked before tossing the hat up and in a flurry of movements that Stubbs couldn't even begin to keep up with, his hat was reduced to nothing more than a few shreds that fluttered to the ground. The zombie stared in disbelief and horror, the very same hat that had stuck with him throughout his death, return to the land of the living, and this whole twisted game and now it was nothing more than tatters in the wind.

"Now, you'll share the same fate.."


Before Stubbs knew what hit him, blood that had been rendered green by the fertilizer used to resurrect Stubbs blasted out of the wound Saber had left on his torso. While it was true that Stubbs could not feel pain in the same way that a living person could due to his nerves being shot, his body still had it's limits and his knees buckled and his arms dangled uselessley at his sides while he looked up at Saber. The last time Stubbs had been in a predicament, it was his own fault for provoking the knight. But here Saber's good nature had been crushed under the heel of Fiamma's influence and now she'd massacre everyone who got in her way. Taking out Stubbs first might have just been the influence playing up Saber's dislike of the zombie to a degree such as this.

"Don't bother getting up lest you fall to pieces." Saber called back just as casually as she walked past Stubbs and towards the rest of the group. The words barely registered with Stubbs but shooting a brief glance to his arms and legs, he noticed that there were indeed cuts on them that would have only been aggravated if the zombie tried to rise back up to his feet. So here he was left to stay on his knees like some kind of peasant kneeling before their superior ruler.

Man, he really wished he'd just died again. Would have at least had his hat again.

Having dealt with Stubbs in a manner she felt was sadistic enough, Saber turned towards the remaining survivors and raised Excalibur. "Feel free to come at me separately or all at once. The latter will help speed things along if you're in a hurry to meet your demise."

"Oh please, spare me the monologue" Ryner murmurs, his hand moving up and closing tightly, as he used the same spell Fiamma had used to enslave her in the first place "C'mon, Saber, why don't you listen to your old pal Ryner for a little bit? I think we'd have a lot more fun"

"I say you come with me, and help me kill that fool Fiamma, and then...after that, you'll help me kill Kirei Kotomine,'re gonna live a happy life with that fool Lon'Qu, y'hear me? That's what I command you to do, dammit"


He just hoped this would be quick, because if it took too long, she'd cut his damn head off

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Crimson Spartan @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Mari @Wedge Antilles
@DapperDogman @Gen.Gwazi Senpai @Crimson Spartan @Mari @Wedge Antilles @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @Hospes


As everything seemed to fade away for Stubbs, he let out an aggervated groan just before everything went to black. Was this the sensation of death yet again? He'd already gone through this once and that was quite enough! Spending twenty long years stuck six feet under with dirt and wood covering you. With barely any room to move and maggots crawling through you like some kinda macbre jungle gym and it seemed like he was going through the motions yet again. But the zombie would not be alone and slowly his vision returned to him once more. Quickly leaning forward to plant some very grateful kisses upon the ground, he paused as he noticed he wasn't alone and while he was still very much undead, he wasn't dead.

"Brains..?"(..Wonder if I'd have been better off dyin.)


When Stubbs had died the first time around, everything was black. Almost as if he had fallen into a deep sleep that it seemed like he'd never wake up from. But this place blended in an unwelcome mix of darkness and the kind of place some nasty monster might have called home. Glancing around at the others who had ended up with him, Stubbs blinked and looked around. Where had his hat ended up?

"Looking for your hat, creature? I might have an idea of where it ended up." Stubbs was taken aback by the voice and perhaps it might have had a similar effect on the others. The reverberation in the voice helped to distort it somewhat but it was still clear to those familar with the voice who it belonged to. Within the seemingly expansive darkness, a dark blue light shined through it and a figure stepped through the darkness with Stubb's hat firmly in hand.

"BRAINS!"(You! I thought you were gone!)The zombie cried out and as the light illuminated the figure, it became clear that it was none other than Saber! As far as the group knew, she'd been fighting Fiamma to allow the group to flee in safety. Now, she stood before them with what appeared to be a twisted version of Excalibur at her side and Stubbs's hat in the other.

"Gone? I suppose I'm gone in the sense that past self of me that was corrupted with those feelings of friendship/honor/ and the like. But that's neither here nor there, creature. I've been given a task by Fiamma and it won't be done through idle chatter. Apologies in advance." She mocked before tossing the hat up and in a flurry of movements that Stubbs couldn't even begin to keep up with, his hat was reduced to nothing more than a few shreds that fluttered to the ground. The zombie stared in disbelief and horror, the very same hat that had stuck with him throughout his death, return to the land of the living, and this whole twisted game and now it was nothing more than tatters in the wind.

"Now, you'll share the same fate.."


Before Stubbs knew what hit him, blood that had been rendered green by the fertilizer used to resurrect him blasted out of the wound Saber had left on his torso. While it was true that Stubbs could not feel pain in the same way that a living person could due to his nerves being shot, his body still had it's limits and his knees buckled and his arms dangled uselessley at his sides while he looked up at Saber. The last time Stubbs had been in a predicament, it was his own fault for provoking the knight. But here Saber's good nature had been crushed under the heel of Fiamma's influence and now she'd massacre everyone who got in her way. Taking out Stubbs first might have just been the influence playing up Saber's dislike of the zombie to a degree such as this.

"Don't bother getting up lest you fall to pieces." Saber called back just as casually as she walked past Stubbs and towards the rest of the group. The words barely registered with Stubbs but shooting a brief glance to his arms and legs, he noticed that there were indeed cuts on them that would have only been aggravated if the zombie tried to rise back up to his feet. So here he was left to stay on his knees like some kind of peasant kneeling before their superior ruler.

Man, he really wished he'd just died again. Would have at least had his hat again.

Having dealt with Stubbs in a manner she felt was sadistic enough, Saber turned towards the remaining survivors and raised Excalibur. "Feel free to come at me separately or all at once. The latter will help speed things along if you're in a hurry to meet your demise."




"So this is how it ends...." Lon'qu merely commented as all of this happened he was staring at Saber this entire time.
"Oh please, spare me the monologue" Ryner murmurs, his hand moving up and closing tightly, as he used the same spell Fiamma had used to enslave her in the first place "C'mon, Saber, why don't you listen to your old pal Ryner for a little bit? I think we'd have a lot more fun"

"I say you come with me, and help me kill that fool Fiamma, and then...after that, you'll help me kill Kirei Kotomine,'re gonna live a happy life with that fool Lon'Qu, y'hear me? That's what I command you to do, dammit"


He just hoped this would be quick, because if it took too long, she'd cut his damn head off

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Crimson Spartan @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @Mari @Wedge Antilles
"....I'll handle this Ryner...."


Lon'qu had spoken as he took the field staring at Saber still with no emotion in his eyes.

"Shut up and prepare to be stabbed.."

With that he made his move seeming even faster than before. Has he truly reverted back to a merciless killer or did he have something more planned. Either way with his sword ready he moved to engage her in combat with a simple sword swing.


Meanwhile Donny was in the background completely speechless at what was going on.

@DapperDogman @Gen. Gwazi Senpai @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Mari @Wedge Antilles @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @Hospes
@DapperDogman @Gen.Gwazi Senpai @Crimson Spartan @Mari @Wedge Antilles @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Silver Paladin @Hospes


As everything seemed to fade away for Stubbs, he let out an aggervated groan just before everything went to black. Was this the sensation of death yet again? He'd already gone through this once and that was quite enough! Spending twenty long years stuck six feet under with dirt and wood covering you. With barely any room to move and maggots crawling through you like some kinda macbre jungle gym and it seemed like he was going through the motions yet again. But the zombie would not be alone and slowly his vision returned to him once more. Quickly leaning forward to plant some very grateful kisses upon the ground, he paused as he noticed he wasn't alone and while he was still very much undead, he wasn't dead.

"Brains..?"(..Wonder if I'd have been better off dyin.)


When Stubbs had died the first time around, everything was black. Almost as if he had fallen into a deep sleep that it seemed like he'd never wake up from. But this place blended in an unwelcome mix of darkness and the kind of place some nasty monster might have called home. Glancing around at the others who had ended up with him, Stubbs blinked and looked around. Where had his hat ended up?

"Looking for your hat, creature? I might have an idea of where it ended up." Stubbs was taken aback by the voice and perhaps it might have had a similar effect on the others. The reverberation in the voice helped to distort it somewhat but it was still clear to those familar with the voice who it belonged to. Within the seemingly expansive darkness, a dark blue light shined through it and a figure stepped through the darkness with Stubb's hat firmly in hand.

"BRAINS!"(You! I thought you were gone!)The zombie cried out and as the light illuminated the figure, it became clear that it was none other than Saber! As far as the group knew, she'd been fighting Fiamma to allow the group to flee in safety. Now, she stood before them with what appeared to be a twisted version of Excalibur at her side and Stubbs's hat in the other.

"Gone? I suppose I'm gone in the sense that past self of me that was corrupted with those feelings of friendship/honor/ and the like. But that's neither here nor there, creature. I've been given a task by Fiamma and it won't be done through idle chatter. Apologies in advance." She mocked before tossing the hat up and in a flurry of movements that Stubbs couldn't even begin to keep up with, his hat was reduced to nothing more than a few shreds that fluttered to the ground. The zombie stared in disbelief and horror, the very same hat that had stuck with him throughout his death, return to the land of the living, and this whole twisted game and now it was nothing more than tatters in the wind.

"Now, you'll share the same fate.."


Before Stubbs knew what hit him, blood that had been rendered green by the fertilizer used to resurrect him blasted out of the wound Saber had left on his torso. While it was true that Stubbs could not feel pain in the same way that a living person could due to his nerves being shot, his body still had it's limits and his knees buckled and his arms dangled uselessley at his sides while he looked up at Saber. The last time Stubbs had been in a predicament, it was his own fault for provoking the knight. But here Saber's good nature had been crushed under the heel of Fiamma's influence and now she'd massacre everyone who got in her way. Taking out Stubbs first might have just been the influence playing up Saber's dislike of the zombie to a degree such as this.

"Don't bother getting up lest you fall to pieces." Saber called back just as casually as she walked past Stubbs and towards the rest of the group. The words barely registered with Stubbs but shooting a brief glance to his arms and legs, he noticed that there were indeed cuts on them that would have only been aggravated if the zombie tried to rise back up to his feet. So here he was left to stay on his knees like some kind of peasant kneeling before their superior ruler.

Man, he really wished he'd just died again. Would have at least had his hat again.

Having dealt with Stubbs in a manner she felt was sadistic enough, Saber turned towards the remaining survivors and raised Excalibur. "Feel free to come at me separately or all at once. The latter will help speed things along if you're in a hurry to meet your demise."

Percy drew Riptide. "As I told that other man, I am a son of Poseidon. I do not fear you! I have fought Time itself, I have bent prophecies, and have defeated the Earth!" He stepped forward, but not enough for her to get him, just enough to prove a point. "I can control the seas. I am Perseus Jackson, the son of Poseidon, the hero of prophecy!" He backed up. "And I am not ready to die yet."

Annabeth looked at him. "That was So close to being amazing, Seaweed Brain."

"Like hell that we would know... How about you go ahead and... fuck off."

Battler wasn't really in the greatest of moods at the moment, and certainly this wasn't the perfect timing for the Fiamma of the Right to be around. Both from the fact that Battler was losing his patience with this and that he couldn't exactly call upon his magic as the Endless Sorcerer due to his overusage of that magic beforehand.

Then came the realization that Erika wasn't present, which also brought anger in him.

Dammit... Erika, you better be safe...

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @Bomb @coralprime @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian















He was a little too lost in his thoughts to notice that he was actually in control of himself again, for whatever good it would do.



... Sort of.

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian
Kinuhata wasted no time indulging this Fiamma guy in his chit-chat and ran up to him as fast as she could to sock him in the face.

Even if her powers weren't working, even if she couldn't move, she'd at least try with all her might. This kind of guy that wanted to rant on and on was always a pain in the ass, and she'd shut him up or die trying.

@coralprime @Jeremi @Verite @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite
"Ethel doesn't know..." was all Ethel said, before realizing that Fiamma is probably going to put up a fight.

Cue readying weapon against Fiamma.

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @coralprime @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian
Cinder Fall
@Verite @Others


Cinder looked well... Irritated to say the least; she practically started bullets into the one called "Kotomine", realizing she could have ended all of this alot sooner than she had... Hearing his plans, she practically shook with anger... Someone had not only had a similar idea to her, but... Had managed to carry this all out so quickly! What the hell?! How could this happen?! SHE was supposed to be the one behind these things... Or at least that's how it was in Vale, here she was about to become a casualty... Judging from the wave of what felt like pure evil coming at her... But she wasn't going to die so easily...
Cinder tried to move... But she couldnt...
Cinder tried to summon her dust blades... But nothing happened.
Cinder tried to lash out in anger... But she couldn't...

As much as Cinder tried to resist this evil surrounding her, unable to accept losing control of even her own body... It was inevitable that she was overtaken, despite her best efforts to fight it; she simply couldn't, no-one she could possibly imagine, even herself really had the power to... As much as she tried to deny it...
Everything went black, well, probably because Cinder had shut her eyes, trying to shut out the fact that she had literally lost control of more or less everything... Once, she had powers that no-one she knew could even fathom, she was feared, respected, and her plans had never once completely failed... But here she was, with all this power, but yet powerless against this geater power that Kotomine had acquired, possibly with some help from another, from an entirely different dimension... She had been beaten with her own tactic... Which turned out not to be as original as she had thought...

A while passed, and Cinder began to feel something... Mushy underneath her... How odd; she had expected not to be feeling anything by now, but, here she was... Sitting somewhere... Had she fallen down? Was she under some sort of mental influence? Was she dead yet? Or just some sort of zombie now? Eventually, she dared to crack open her eyes to discover that her surroundings had entirely changed. With a quick motion she stood up, looking around, and even pinching herself to make sure this wasn't some weird dream, seeing the strangely familiar woman sitting upon the throne, clearly hostile to their arrival, Cinder suddenly spoke up, hearing her words and realizing the severity of the situation. "I'll be honest... We all got overtaken by something, blanked out, and woke up here... Hell, if anything, you should ask the oh so gracious "Kotomine" why we're here!" She said... Gee, what a mouthfull, not to mention a little out of character for her... But, then again, it looks like the entire ordeal didn't exactly sit very well with Cinder either...​
Huh...guess he was dead for a moment...that was a bit of a bummer.

When he woke up he'd lazily get off from the ground and took a look at the new landscape in front of them. "Well wasn't this something..."

With Fiamma's arrival Kizaru would casually raise his fingers in a pistol like motion and fired a laser beam towards their foe. It missed him by mere inches however and would instead fly past him into his throne that would be destroyed in a gigantic explosion. "A little more to the left it seems..."

The young girl's eyes flashed with concern as Touma stirred below her. She pointedly ignored the others talking nearby, though her curiosity over the being calling herself Misaka Worst was threatening to break her calm. She was different than the others, that much was clear, but seemed to care little that the original was here. Whatever reason for that, Misaka knew it was best for her not to interfere-- she was an anomaly within this timeline, and intruding on it was not something she wanted to risk. Certainly everyone here was an anomaly as well, but for her to be so closely related to this timeline... Misaka felt it was an unspoken rule that she be the most careful.

When Touma's eyes finally opened, Misaka's thoughts were brought back to him. She was about to speak when he shot up from the ground and hugged her, turning her words into a strangled gasp. For just a small moment, she didn't think she minded this at all. It was just a moment, though. "What the hell...?!" she cried, her voice raised slightly and sounding hysterical. She pushed the boy away just in time for an apparent friend of his to arrive and take a bite out of his head. The electromaster could only stare, a part of her feeling annoyed at what she was seeing. "A-And who is..."

But then the ground began to heave violently, the girl throwing out her hands to grasp at the snow around her. What she felt underneath that cold layer was not hard dirt like she expected, but stone. She could feel it rising and pushing against her hands, parting the snow across the clearing to reveal what lie underneath. It shone a brilliant orange as it broke from the ground completely, propelling everyone into the air with it.


As the large surface of rock held suspended in the air, Misaka could do little more than sit frozen in place. She breathed heavily, exhaustion overcoming her, reminding her that sleep had been fleeting on their various plane rides across the world. She knew now was not the time to slow down. Hands rising slowly off the hard stone, Misaka balled them into fists. She stood resolutely to her feet, eyes squinting in the face of the stone's shining surface. Her feet moved almost without conscious effort on her part, following Touma and the others into the mysterious cavern below.

There, Misaka Mikoto learned that they had been deceived.

Perhaps she should have seen this coming. She'd gotten nothing but bad vibes from the priest the moment she saw him. He had been the one to identify Fiamma of the Right as their main foe, after all. Perhaps if she'd been more savvy, she would have realized it, but even then... would it have mattered? The true villain was revealed now, and all that remained was to--

"H-Hey, don't be so hasty--" Misaka began, her hand reaching out to Touma as he boldly stepped forward. The boy was engulfed before he could even finish speaking, Misaka letting out a small gasp at the sight despite herself. There she stood transfixed, unable to move as the mud began to drown herself and the others next. She had the foresight to at least look around for her "partner", but as per usual, Sans was nowhere to be seen. The young electromaster, with her last remaining strength, lifted a hand toward Kotomine hoping to shoot off a blast of electricity.


She couldn't do it. Her mind and ability simply would not function. Misaka heard die repeat in her head, over and over... until it happened. Misaka was dead.


Or, not for long, in any case. Misaka found herself in a daze as she and others awoke in someplace new and strange, only to be soon confronted by the man they had once thought to be behind everything. He seemed confused why they were there, which might have convinced Misaka they should use their words before their fists if she wasn't so goddamn incensed right now. What the hell was wrong with these people? All this pain and suffering just so they could be stronger... Misaka was so tired of people who just wanted to be stronger!


"Who cares. You're about to die."

And so the young girl fired off a bolt of electricity to add to the attacks already occurring.

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @coralprime @Verite @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian
"My, my. How heated you all are," Fiamma of the Right simply replied to those who would speak to him, not even flinching when Kizaru would fire his laser right by him and destroy the throne, focusing on Cinder at the moment, seemingly more surprised at the woman's words, as he would raise an eyebrow in response, "The priest is still alive? Tch, and what's more, he's residing in the Star of Bethlehem right now? That wretch... Once I'm through with all of you, it looks like I'll have some loose ends to tie, and then finally, I..." He spoke, giving a deathly serious look all of a sudden.

"I will destroy this world and create it anew with this power," the magician spoke firmly, raising his Right Hand of the Crimson Moon. The right hand of the Arch Demon that had passed some time ago.

Before long, his face would shift back to the deceivingly benign smile. The smile that bore no ill will, yet an expression that conveyed an evil that possibly did not realize the magnitude of his evil, extending his right arm to all of you as it would glow with red light as more attacks would come his way.


"The Strike That Ends Everything It Touches."

With his power, Misaka's electricity, as well as any other attack that would come his way, would suddenly dissipate, and all of your bodies would be blown away by what would feel like an immensely powerful force hitting you all, knocking you back several feet. As the name implied, it seemed that Fiamma of the Right had the intention of ending the fight before it could even become a fight.

But things didn't go his way there.

Despite what the name would imply, whether by some stroke of luck or a miracle, you were all still alive. More than alive, despite the lingering pain that remained, like an annoying bodyache, it was as though not much had happened. Underwhelming for an attack that's name claimed to be able to fell everything in one hit. This would come as a surprise to Fiamma himself, his face growing pale and his expression turning somewhat panicked as he stepped back, looking at his right hand.

"What...!? How did you all survive that?! No... Not now! Not... Aaaagh!" He would exclaim, before suddenly groaning in pain and clutching his hand. If you looked closely enough, some of you might even be able to see his veins sticking out, surging with the red energy, as though the evil was beginning to overcome and infect him. This power of the Arch Demon that had been given to him was now working against him.

"Not... now! Was this all a part of that damned priest's plan?! Or did you all find some way to exploit the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon?!" He asked in an accusing manner, gritting his teeth in anger and pain as he would point his finger, specifically at the final Agent that stood alongside you, "WAS THIS YOUR DOING, SATSUKI KIRYUUIN?!"

"Tch... it won't matter. I'll destroy you all, even if my powers are weakened here! Sulfur Rain Will Scorch the Earth!" He exclaimed, casting another spell before what looked like arrows, fifty of them to be exact, would suddenly materialize behind Fiamma of the Right, and then fire straight at all of you. The arrows seemed to have a heavily caustic nature, as observed when every arrow that would land into the ground would seem to bleed through the ground, as though it were acidic.

@coralprime @Jeremi [USER=15286]@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay[/USER]​
A new sense of horror at all of this gripped Frank, especially upon seeing Rin. He considered dragging her, but, seeing now fragile everything was becoming... That didn't seem like the best idea. For the first time since waking up, he spoke, his voice weak but still carrying that same quivering anger. "N-No..." Ordinarily, lifting any one of the girls would be effortless for him, but, now...

Frank put all of his might into trying to lift Rin. Given that he could barely stand, he didn't expect to succeed, but he tried anyways.

"We have to... we have to get them out. Now. Doesn't matter what happens to me... we just need to... get them out." He shook his head. No way would he lose Rin. Not like this.

@The Tactician
The detective was lying on the ground, her head staring off into what she perceived as blurred darkness. Every part of her body went numb, wanting to give out and crumble apart later on... That was bound to become of her soon... it felt familiar to her... the feeling of becoming nothing.

The others would only see the blankness in her wide open eyes, breathing in a rhythm that made it look like she was fighting to stay alive... but she knew this feeling, and she wasn't going to succeed in the end. That was what a piece like her thought...

"L... Lady Bern... kastel. I wasn't... a great detective... a proper... Witch of Truth... in the end... It's disappointing... Don't... you... think?"

Due to her failing senses and perception of the things around her, Erika hopelessly hallucinated that she was talking to her master, the Witch of Miracles. She gave no sign of acknowledgement to the others, especially Robin. She was slowly losing her grip on reality.

"Maybe... your words were true... Lady... Bernkastel... I never... deserved this title... I never deserved... this life... I'm only... a mere piece... living a lie... I see the... Truth... of my... proper place... to rot away... into nothing... in the depths... of oblivion..."

Her little depressive rant of her uselessness was halted for a moment... letting the horrid coughing fit give her a moment to think about this last line. The supposed final words of the detective...

"I'm not even sure... if I deserve... to be in love... with Robin... He would be... disgusted to know... what I did... in the past... Just let me... rot away... my master... By the existence... of my fall... this level of... failure is... possible for... Erika Furudo... what do you think... everyone?"

As she went on and on... her voice become quieter and quieter, like weakening whispers. Her eyes were starting to close up, as if she were admitting defeat... but yet... a steady stream of tears rolled down her face and onto the putrid ground.

Erika Furudo was admitting defeat, and maybe then... she'll rest at last.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician
Why was Ciel here, in this place? She didn't belong here in this place of meaningless death. She deserved to be free of this place, not to be trapped to die with everyone, to die with him. She was better than that. When didn't deserve to die before someone as worthless as him.

"I won't... let you die alone... here, Ciel," The near-mute declaration escaped Minato as useless self-motivation, meant to push him on in trying to lift the nun up and carry her away.

Robin was on the verge of tears as he listened to Erika shatter apart and wish not to struggle against the darkness again. How could when say those things about herself being worthless? Didn't when she know how precious she truly was to him at least?

The tactician couldn't let the detective die here. He needed to help her see how magnificent she truly was, how beautiful she was when she was on the attack, how cute she was when she played with her chopsticks. How absolutely perfect she is, Bern and her past be damned....

He couldn't do that if she died here, believing herself to be a failure. If anyone was the failure, it would be him.

Without a word to the others, Robin carefully cradled Erika in his arms as though she was finally the bride on their wedding day.

@BarrenThin @Verite
I'll give you one. Frank will be able to lift up Rin. He wasn't that weak just yet. Emphasis on yet.

To the touch, the girls' bodies were cold to the touch, as though their body temperature was being sucked up by whatever was absorbing all of the life energy as well, though they were definitely still breathing. At first, Rin and Ciel were unresponsive, but before long, ever so slowly and weakly, they'd come to.

"F-Frank... You came..." The girl murmured softly, her eyes barely able to open, "You need... you need to stop Kirei before he... he..." Rin would speak, before suddenly making a small choking gesture, as though she suddenly experienced breathing difficulties, though thankfully, she'd be able to recover quickly, though not without the occasional sharp gasp, like a fish out of water, "... Kirei intends to destroy the world. That's... that's his wish to the Holy Grail. Frank, you need to... stop... him..." She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper by the end.

On the other hand, Ciel seemed to be out cold completely, though Minato would be able to hear soft whispers in his ear.

"Sorry... Minato... Tohno-kun... I couldn't stop him..." She only said unconsciously. Simple as that.

The deeper you would venture into the dark cavern, the heavier the bodies would get as your bodies progressively got weaker and weaker, to the point where weapons were useless and you would not be able to make use of your special abilities.

In essence, the only things you had left were your wits and your body, or what was left of it anyway.


A small fragment of Minato's thumb came off as easily as a piece of a Pocky stick being broken off, though oddly enough, while the blue-haired young man would be able to feel the sensation of something leaving his body, no pain could be felt. But still, this was bad. Your bodies were, quite literally, rotting away. But even so, you had to keep going and press forward. There was nowhere else for you to go, after all.

And then, you saw it.


At the end of the tunnel was a light. A light made out of darkness.

The Holy Grail had risen. The mystical object that Kotomine had sought after for so long was here.

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
  • Love
Reactions: BarrenThin
I'll give you one. Frank will be able to lift up Rin. He wasn't that weak just yet. Emphasis on yet.

To the touch, the girls' bodies were cold to the touch, as though their body temperature was being sucked up by whatever was absorbing all of the life energy as well, though they were definitely still breathing. At first, Rin and Ciel were unresponsive, but before long, ever so slowly and weakly, they'd come to.

"F-Frank... You came..." The girl murmured softly, her eyes barely able to open, "You need... you need to stop Kirei before he... he..." Rin would speak, before suddenly making a small choking gesture, as though she suddenly experienced breathing difficulties, though thankfully, she'd be able to recover quickly, though not without the occasional sharp gasp, like a fish out of water, "... Kirei intends to destroy the world. That's... that's his wish to the Holy Grail. Frank, you need to... stop... him..." She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper by the end.

On the other hand, Ciel seemed to be out cold completely, though Minato would be able to hear soft whispers in his ear.

"Sorry... Minato... Tohno-kun... I couldn't stop him..." She only said unconsciously. Simple as that.

The deeper you would venture into the dark cavern, the heavier the bodies would get as your bodies progressively got weaker and weaker, to the point where weapons were useless and you would not be able to make use of your special abilities.

In essence, the only things you had left were your wits and your body, or what was left of it anyway.


A small fragment of Minato's thumb came off as easily as a piece of a Pocky stick being broken off, though oddly enough, while the blue-haired young man would be able to feel the sensation of something leaving his body, no pain could be felt. But still, this was bad. Your bodies were, quite literally, rotting away. But even so, you had to keep going and press forward. There was nowhere else for you to go, after all.

And then, you saw it.


At the end of the tunnel was a light. A light made out of darkness.

The Holy Grail had risen. The mystical object that Kotomine had sought after for so long was here.

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician
A painful cloud swept across Minato's face, though not because of the bit of thumb that had broken away from its owner. "Ciel, it's okay... Just stay alive for now..." He knew she couldn't hear him, making him a further fool as he tightened his hold on the nun. However, it did give him some amount of comfort as he stared up at the Grail.

"... Illya's here. I can already feel it..."

"Agreed... though I doubt she'll be the only person we'll run into..." Robin muttered, already suspicious of the place they were in. No one would simply leave a vital position such as this undefended, and he had a feeling it would be either Fiamma or... If that priest is here... his head will be on a pike by the end of the night...

@Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin @Verite
I'll give you one. Frank will be able to lift up Rin. He wasn't that weak just yet. Emphasis on yet.

To the touch, the girls' bodies were cold to the touch, as though their body temperature was being sucked up by whatever was absorbing all of the life energy as well, though they were definitely still breathing. At first, Rin and Ciel were unresponsive, but before long, ever so slowly and weakly, they'd come to.

"F-Frank... You came..." The girl murmured softly, her eyes barely able to open, "You need... you need to stop Kirei before he... he..." Rin would speak, before suddenly making a small choking gesture, as though she suddenly experienced breathing difficulties, though thankfully, she'd be able to recover quickly, though not without the occasional sharp gasp, like a fish out of water, "... Kirei intends to destroy the world. That's... that's his wish to the Holy Grail. Frank, you need to... stop... him..." She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper by the end.

On the other hand, Ciel seemed to be out cold completely, though Minato would be able to hear soft whispers in his ear.

"Sorry... Minato... Tohno-kun... I couldn't stop him..." She only said unconsciously. Simple as that.

The deeper you would venture into the dark cavern, the heavier the bodies would get as your bodies progressively got weaker and weaker, to the point where weapons were useless and you would not be able to make use of your special abilities.

In essence, the only things you had left were your wits and your body, or what was left of it anyway.


A small fragment of Minato's thumb came off as easily as a piece of a Pocky stick being broken off, though oddly enough, while the blue-haired young man would be able to feel the sensation of something leaving his body, no pain could be felt. But still, this was bad. Your bodies were, quite literally, rotting away. But even so, you had to keep going and press forward. There was nowhere else for you to go, after all.

And then, you saw it.


At the end of the tunnel was a light. A light made out of darkness.

The Holy Grail had risen. The mystical object that Kotomine had sought after for so long was here.

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician

Frank looked down at Rin, smiling faintly. "Of course I did. How could I not?" The old man's smile faded as he lost her to what he hoped was just unconsciousness. He pressed on, knowing she was right. Knowing he had to stop Kirei. Her body that would usually weigh nothing to the old man became harder and harder to lift, until he was using every ounce of strength he had to keep going.

There it was. At the end of the tunnel. A way out? Could they escape?
A painful cloud swept across Minato's face, though not because of the bit of thumb that had broken away from its owner. "Ciel, it's okay... Just stay alive for now..." He knew she couldn't hear him, making him a further fool as he tightened his hold on the nun. However, it did give him some amount of comfort as he stared up at the Grail.

"... Illya's here. I can already feel it..."

"Agreed... though I doubt she'll be the only person we'll run into..." Robin muttered, already suspicious of the place they were in. No one would simply leave a vital position such as this undefended, and he had a feeling it would be either Fiamma or... If that priest is here... his head will be on a pike by the end of the night...

@Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin @Verite

Frank grunted before speaking to the others. "Pray they aren't here. I don't think we could fight a normal human off, let alone one of them." The old man considered touching the Grail, but doing so would require putting Rin down, and he was scared he might not be able to lift her again. "What is this thing?" He'd never seen the Grail before, of course.

@The Tactician
Frank looked down at Rin, smiling faintly. "Of course I did. How could I not?" The old man's smile faded as he lost her to what he hoped was just unconsciousness. He pressed on, knowing she was right. Knowing he had to stop Kirei. Her body that would usually weigh nothing to the old man became harder and harder to lift, until he was using every ounce of strength he had to keep going.

There it was. At the end of the tunnel. A way out? Could they escape?

Frank grunted before speaking to the others. "Pray they aren't here. I don't think we could fight a normal human off, let alone one of them." The old man considered touching the Grail, but doing so would require putting Rin down, and he was scared he might not be able to lift her again. "What is this thing?" He'd never seen the Grail before, of course.

@The Tactician
"The Grail... The thing that created this whole Naga-forsaken war... The way for the priest to revive Avenger..."

"Meaning what we need to destroy, though we need Illya and her Dress for that..." Minato grimaced as he realized that they were trapped in an uncomfortable spot without Illya here.

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
"The Grail... The thing that created this whole Naga-forsaken war... The way for the priest to revive Avenger..."

"Meaning what we need to destroy, though we need Illya and her Dress for that..." Minato grimaced as he realized that they were trapped in an uncomfortable spot without Illya here.

@Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Verite

Frank looked up, then frowned. He'd heard of the Grail, for sure. "... Then we can't use it ourselves. Should we press on to find Illya?"

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
A painful cloud swept across Minato's face, though not because of the bit of thumb that had broken away from its owner. "Ciel, it's okay... Just stay alive for now..." He knew she couldn't hear him, making him a further fool as he tightened his hold on the nun. However, it did give him some amount of comfort as he stared up at the Grail.

"... Illya's here. I can already feel it..."

"Agreed... though I doubt she'll be the only person we'll run into..." Robin muttered, already suspicious of the place they were in. No one would simply leave a vital position such as this undefended, and he had a feeling it would be either Fiamma or... If that priest is here... his head will be on a pike by the end of the night...

@Gummi Bunnies @BarrenThin @Verite
Frank looked down at Rin, smiling faintly. "Of course I did. How could I not?" The old man's smile faded as he lost her to what he hoped was just unconsciousness. He pressed on, knowing she was right. Knowing he had to stop Kirei. Her body that would usually weigh nothing to the old man became harder and harder to lift, until he was using every ounce of strength he had to keep going.

There it was. At the end of the tunnel. A way out? Could they escape?

Frank grunted before speaking to the others. "Pray they aren't here. I don't think we could fight a normal human off, let alone one of them." The old man considered touching the Grail, but doing so would require putting Rin down, and he was scared he might not be able to lift her again. "What is this thing?" He'd never seen the Grail before, of course.

@The Tactician

The giant structure in the distance towered above most buildings made. There was no telling how you, or even Illya for that matter, would be able to destroy it, wherever the girl was right now. But for now, you had to get closer. Only then would you be able to meet him and end the evil ambition at once.

A small portion of Frank's little toe fell off. This was bad.

But perhaps what was even worse was what you would see when you would get closer towards the Holy Grail.


Though he seemed to be missing his signature robes, as though he had somehow lost them during the exchange, there was no mistake about it. Kirei Kotomine stood before you all, guarding the Holy Grail. His body surged with the curse of All the World's Evil, as like the others, a wave of his life energy would be seen, being fed into the Grail to appease it, where the rest of your energy was also going as well.

So that he could make his wish.

With an unreadable face, Kotomine spoke.

"A certain scripture mentions that humans are superior to angels. Do you know why? People know of evil, but do not become evil. It's different from angels, who know only of good since birth. Humans have evil, but can live as good, so they are superior to angels, who know only good. But do you ever wonder what about the humans who know of evil, and become the evil, even before they can even learn how to walk and talk?" The priest asked simply, before continuing anyway.

"I wonder how many worlds I've traveled to. How many other villains I've bestowed upon the power of the Arch Demon... There was never just a few, handful of villains. I visited far more than that demon, Aku. I visited far more than that ghoul, Ghirahim. I visited far more than that magician, Fiamma of the Right. I've visited countless worlds, and given countless villains the power to create their own Murder Games," Kotomine gloated, revealing the full extent of his plan, "Just as yin cannot exist without yang, good cannot exist without an evil for it to combat. That evil is the Murder Games. Tell me... Do either of you remember the central theme of the Monokuma Incident? The bear ranted on about despair, despair, despair... But only from despair can one achieve hope. And that is my reasoning for doing this."

"It is an archaic story told for many millennium. An evil rises, and a force of good rises to vanquish it. It is a cycle of reality and life that cannot be broken, no matter what. But there are those who would dare to try so. And it is up to an even greater evil to rise and challenge the good. So now, it comes down to me. I will be the catalyst to further this strain of evil," the priest spoke, clenching his fist, "I am merely following the will of causality. You cannot stop me."

"Nothing will ever be the same again."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies
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The giant structure in the distance towered above most buildings made. There was no telling how you, or even Illya for that matter, would be able to destroy it, wherever the girl was right now. But for now, you had to get closer. Only then would you be able to meet him and end the evil ambition at once.

A small portion of Frank's little toe fell off. This was bad.

But perhaps what was even worse was what you would see when you would get closer towards the Holy Grail.


Though he seemed to be missing his signature robes, as though he had somehow lost them during the exchange, there was no mistake about it. Kirei Kotomine stood before you all, guarding the Holy Grail. His body surged with the curse of All the World's Evil, as like the others, a wave of his life energy would be seen, being fed into the Grail to appease it, where the rest of your energy was also going as well.

So that he could make his wish.

With an unreadable face, Kotomine spoke.

"A certain scripture mentions that humans are superior to angels. Do you know why? People know of evil, but do not become evil. It's different from angels, who know only of good since birth. Humans have evil, but can live as good, so they are superior to angels, who know only good. But do you ever wonder what about the humans who know of evil, and become the evil, even before they can even learn how to walk and talk?" The priest asked simply, before continuing anyway.

"I wonder how many worlds I've traveled to. How many other villains I've bestowed upon the power of the Arch Demon... There was never just a few, handful of villains. I visited far more than that demon, Aku. I visited far more than that ghoul, Ghirahim. I visited far more than that magician, Fiamma of the Right. I've visited countless worlds, and given countless villains the power to create their own Murder Games," Kotomine gloated, revealing the full extent of his plan, "Just as yin cannot exist without yang, good cannot exist without an evil for it to combat. That evil is the Murder Games. Tell me... Do either of you remember the central theme of the Monokuma Incident? The bear ranted on about despair, despair, despair... But only from despair can one achieve hope. And that is my reasoning for doing this."

"It is an archaic story told for many millennium. An evil rises, and a force of good rises to vanquish it. It is a cycle of reality and life that cannot be broken, no matter what. But there are those who would dare to try so. And it is up to an even greater evil to rise and challenge the good. So now, it comes down to me. I will be the catalyst to further this strain of evil," the priest spoke, clenching his fist, "I am merely following the will of causality. You cannot stop me."

"Nothing will ever be the same again."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies


Frank gently sat Rin down as they drew close. Couldn't die fighting with her in his hands, after all. He kept marching forwards, grasping his pistol.

"You're a real piece of shit. This 'good needs evil' bull is something I've heard from thirty mouths. Meant just as little to me from you." He watched Kirei quietly, waiting for the end, more or less. "I'm sick of my prey monologuing, like they think they have some sort of intellectual equality with me. Like they can try to rationalize what they do to me. You can't, Kirei, because, when it comes down to it, you aren't my equal. You're an animal that needs to be put down. I don't care why you're doing this."

"All I know is that I'm going to kill you here or die trying." He scowled at Kirei, trying his best to raise his pistol in a threat.

@The Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies

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The giant structure in the distance towered above most buildings made. There was no telling how you, or even Illya for that matter, would be able to destroy it, wherever the girl was right now. But for now, you had to get closer. Only then would you be able to meet him and end the evil ambition at once.

A small portion of Frank's little toe fell off. This was bad.

But perhaps what was even worse was what you would see when you would get closer towards the Holy Grail.


Though he seemed to be missing his signature robes, as though he had somehow lost them during the exchange, there was no mistake about it. Kirei Kotomine stood before you all, guarding the Holy Grail. His body surged with the curse of All the World's Evil, as like the others, a wave of his life energy would be seen, being fed into the Grail to appease it, where the rest of your energy was also going as well.

So that he could make his wish.

With an unreadable face, Kotomine spoke.

"A certain scripture mentions that humans are superior to angels. Do you know why? People know of evil, but do not become evil. It's different from angels, who know only of good since birth. Humans have evil, but can live as good, so they are superior to angels, who know only good. But do you ever wonder what about the humans who know of evil, and become the evil, even before they can even learn how to walk and talk?" The priest asked simply, before continuing anyway.

"I wonder how many worlds I've traveled to. How many other villains I've bestowed upon the power of the Arch Demon... There was never just a few, handful of villains. I visited far more than that demon, Aku. I visited far more than that ghoul, Ghirahim. I visited far more than that magician, Fiamma of the Right. I've visited countless worlds, and given countless villains the power to create their own Murder Games," Kotomine gloated, revealing the full extent of his plan, "Just as yin cannot exist without yang, good cannot exist without an evil for it to combat. That evil is the Murder Games. Tell me... Do either of you remember the central theme of the Monokuma Incident? The bear ranted on about despair, despair, despair... But only from despair can one achieve hope. And that is my reasoning for doing this."

"It is an archaic story told for many millennium. An evil rises, and a force of good rises to vanquish it. It is a cycle of reality and life that cannot be broken, no matter what. But there are those who would dare to try so. And it is up to an even greater evil to rise and challenge the good. So now, it comes down to me. I will be the catalyst to further this strain of evil," the priest spoke, clenching his fist, "I am merely following the will of causality. You cannot stop me."

"Nothing will ever be the same again."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies
"All of this, Kotomine... All of this in the name of a needless cycle of righteous and evil? All in the name of despair being defeated by hope, only for despair to build once again...? What kind of monster would think that such a reality is a preferable existence..." Robin's eyes narrowed as he spoke the truth, "Of course you would, Kotomine. You always enjoyed the pain of others during the Monokuma Incident, and you would have never changed after that, not even after facing Akibahara."

"You're not human like us, priest. It's ironic given your profession, but if anything, you are the third species... You're not an angel nor a human, but a demon... You revel in pain and only do good in the name of later doing greater evil..."

"Fate... Fate can broken, fool. There's always a hope of denying the basest of desires victory, of avoiding the desire for death... But by surrendering to it, you've made yourself a puppet..." A quiet sadness was evident in Minato's eyes as he sighed, "However, if you truly believe that such a cycle is impossible to break... Then you're wrong. Everything will be the same, and always will be. You further the cause of evil..."

"And we'll further the cause of righteousness. How shall we settle this, you fool?"

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
"My, my. How heated you all are," Fiamma of the Right simply replied to those who would speak to him, not even flinching when Kizaru would fire his laser right by him and destroy the throne, focusing on Cinder at the moment, seemingly more surprised at the woman's words, as he would raise an eyebrow in response, "The priest is still alive? Tch, and what's more, he's residing in the Star of Bethlehem right now? That wretch... Once I'm through with all of you, it looks like I'll have some loose ends to tie, and then finally, I..." He spoke, giving a deathly serious look all of a sudden.

"I will destroy this world and create it anew with this power," the magician spoke firmly, raising his Right Hand of the Crimson Moon. The right hand of the Arch Demon that had passed some time ago.

Before long, his face would shift back to the deceivingly benign smile. The smile that bore no ill will, yet an expression that conveyed an evil that possibly did not realize the magnitude of his evil, extending his right arm to all of you as it would glow with red light as more attacks would come his way.


"The Strike That Ends Everything It Touches."

With his power, Misaka's electricity, as well as any other attack that would come his way, would suddenly dissipate, and all of your bodies would be blown away by what would feel like an immensely powerful force hitting you all, knocking you back several feet. As the name implied, it seemed that Fiamma of the Right had the intention of ending the fight before it could even become a fight.

But things didn't go his way there.

Despite what the name would imply, whether by some stroke of luck or a miracle, you were all still alive. More than alive, despite the lingering pain that remained, like an annoying bodyache, it was as though not much had happened. Underwhelming for an attack that's name claimed to be able to fell everything in one hit. This would come as a surprise to Fiamma himself, his face growing pale and his expression turning somewhat panicked as he stepped back, looking at his right hand.

"What...!? How did you all survive that?! No... Not now! Not... Aaaagh!" He would exclaim, before suddenly groaning in pain and clutching his hand. If you looked closely enough, some of you might even be able to see his veins sticking out, surging with the red energy, as though the evil was beginning to overcome and infect him. This power of the Arch Demon that had been given to him was now working against him.

"Not... now! Was this all a part of that damned priest's plan?! Or did you all find some way to exploit the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon?!" He asked in an accusing manner, gritting his teeth in anger and pain as he would point his finger, specifically at the final Agent that stood alongside you, "WAS THIS YOUR DOING, SATSUKI KIRYUUIN?!"

"Tch... it won't matter. I'll destroy you all, even if my powers are weakened here! Sulfur Rain Will Scorch the Earth!" He exclaimed, casting another spell before what looked like arrows, fifty of them to be exact, would suddenly materialize behind Fiamma of the Right, and then fire straight at all of you. The arrows seemed to have a heavily caustic nature, as observed when every arrow that would land into the ground would seem to bleed through the ground, as though it were acidic.

@coralprime @Jeremi [USER=15286]@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay[/USER]​

"Tch... !!" Battler didn't care if he felt a single arrow cast by Fiamma of the Right happened to pelt into his left shoulder... the man still treading forwards... slowly towards the very enemy in front of them. Despite how weak Battler was without his Endless Magic... it seemed like his own determination fueled by pure anger... was forming into his signature Endless Nine once more.

With every step, he practically forced his anti-magic toxin to take form around him, formulating into a red barrier encircling the male completely. All arrows that came towards his direction just... disappeared... negated by Battler's sheer willpower.


"... You're... going to... die... here... and now... FIAMMA OF THE RIGHT!!!"

As Battler pushed and forced himself to advance towards the magician, a spear crafted by Battler's Blue Truth rushed its way towards the intended target. As he continued to press forward, the Endless Nine around himself was becoming immense, and it wouldn't be easy to force some magic towards the Endless Sorcerer's way.

@coralprime @Jeremi [USER=15286]@Bomb @Verite @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay[/USER]​

The giant structure in the distance towered above most buildings made. There was no telling how you, or even Illya for that matter, would be able to destroy it, wherever the girl was right now. But for now, you had to get closer. Only then would you be able to meet him and end the evil ambition at once.

A small portion of Frank's little toe fell off. This was bad.

But perhaps what was even worse was what you would see when you would get closer towards the Holy Grail.


Though he seemed to be missing his signature robes, as though he had somehow lost them during the exchange, there was no mistake about it. Kirei Kotomine stood before you all, guarding the Holy Grail. His body surged with the curse of All the World's Evil, as like the others, a wave of his life energy would be seen, being fed into the Grail to appease it, where the rest of your energy was also going as well.

So that he could make his wish.

With an unreadable face, Kotomine spoke.

"A certain scripture mentions that humans are superior to angels. Do you know why? People know of evil, but do not become evil. It's different from angels, who know only of good since birth. Humans have evil, but can live as good, so they are superior to angels, who know only good. But do you ever wonder what about the humans who know of evil, and become the evil, even before they can even learn how to walk and talk?" The priest asked simply, before continuing anyway.

"I wonder how many worlds I've traveled to. How many other villains I've bestowed upon the power of the Arch Demon... There was never just a few, handful of villains. I visited far more than that demon, Aku. I visited far more than that ghoul, Ghirahim. I visited far more than that magician, Fiamma of the Right. I've visited countless worlds, and given countless villains the power to create their own Murder Games," Kotomine gloated, revealing the full extent of his plan, "Just as yin cannot exist without yang, good cannot exist without an evil for it to combat. That evil is the Murder Games. Tell me... Do either of you remember the central theme of the Monokuma Incident? The bear ranted on about despair, despair, despair... But only from despair can one achieve hope. And that is my reasoning for doing this."

"It is an archaic story told for many millennium. An evil rises, and a force of good rises to vanquish it. It is a cycle of reality and life that cannot be broken, no matter what. But there are those who would dare to try so. And it is up to an even greater evil to rise and challenge the good. So now, it comes down to me. I will be the catalyst to further this strain of evil," the priest spoke, clenching his fist, "I am merely following the will of causality. You cannot stop me."

"Nothing will ever be the same again."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies
"... that's not true."

It was unclear to tell by how weak and ill the detective looked, but it seemed that she wasn't exactly giving away yet... a part of her sensations and perceptions being forced to appear clear for this...

"The... only truth... I see here... is your idiotic plan... is doing... more harm... than help..."

@The Tactician @BarrenThin @Verite
"My, my. How heated you all are," Fiamma of the Right simply replied to those who would speak to him, not even flinching when Kizaru would fire his laser right by him and destroy the throne, focusing on Cinder at the moment, seemingly more surprised at the woman's words, as he would raise an eyebrow in response, "The priest is still alive? Tch, and what's more, he's residing in the Star of Bethlehem right now? That wretch... Once I'm through with all of you, it looks like I'll have some loose ends to tie, and then finally, I..." He spoke, giving a deathly serious look all of a sudden.

"I will destroy this world and create it anew with this power," the magician spoke firmly, raising his Right Hand of the Crimson Moon. The right hand of the Arch Demon that had passed some time ago.

Before long, his face would shift back to the deceivingly benign smile. The smile that bore no ill will, yet an expression that conveyed an evil that possibly did not realize the magnitude of his evil, extending his right arm to all of you as it would glow with red light as more attacks would come his way.


"The Strike That Ends Everything It Touches."

With his power, Misaka's electricity, as well as any other attack that would come his way, would suddenly dissipate, and all of your bodies would be blown away by what would feel like an immensely powerful force hitting you all, knocking you back several feet. As the name implied, it seemed that Fiamma of the Right had the intention of ending the fight before it could even become a fight.

But things didn't go his way there.

Despite what the name would imply, whether by some stroke of luck or a miracle, you were all still alive. More than alive, despite the lingering pain that remained, like an annoying bodyache, it was as though not much had happened. Underwhelming for an attack that's name claimed to be able to fell everything in one hit. This would come as a surprise to Fiamma himself, his face growing pale and his expression turning somewhat panicked as he stepped back, looking at his right hand.

"What...!? How did you all survive that?! No... Not now! Not... Aaaagh!" He would exclaim, before suddenly groaning in pain and clutching his hand. If you looked closely enough, some of you might even be able to see his veins sticking out, surging with the red energy, as though the evil was beginning to overcome and infect him. This power of the Arch Demon that had been given to him was now working against him.

"Not... now! Was this all a part of that damned priest's plan?! Or did you all find some way to exploit the Right Hand of the Crimson Moon?!" He asked in an accusing manner, gritting his teeth in anger and pain as he would point his finger, specifically at the final Agent that stood alongside you, "WAS THIS YOUR DOING, SATSUKI KIRYUUIN?!"

"Tch... it won't matter. I'll destroy you all, even if my powers are weakened here! Sulfur Rain Will Scorch the Earth!" He exclaimed, casting another spell before what looked like arrows, fifty of them to be exact, would suddenly materialize behind Fiamma of the Right, and then fire straight at all of you. The arrows seemed to have a heavily caustic nature, as observed when every arrow that would land into the ground would seem to bleed through the ground, as though it were acidic.

@coralprime @Jeremi [USER=15286]@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay[/USER]​
That was interestingly anti-climactic. Didn't seem to end much. But whatever, she'd rather he be too weak than too strong.

And then arrows. This kind of opponent, who sat back and fired, was the most super annoying kind. She couldn't very well punch someone who was far away. Kinuhata attempted to weave past the arrows, sticking somewhat close to Battler as he seemed to be able to deflect the arrows somehow, and make it close to Fiamma.

@coralprime @Jeremi @Verite @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Josh M @Gibbons @El Tigre! @C.T. @york @TheColourlessRainbow @Mighty Roman @OrlandoBloomers @Krieg @Nater Taters @Cromartie Sarkissian @Verite
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