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At that point, shouldn't her Shapeshifting be like a Noble Phantasm? Considering how the only other Berserker with that sort of shit was Lancelot, from his Knight's Honor thingy.

Man, weird shit.
Hassans all look the same though. I'd agree if it were anyone else, but I guess it depends how this Grail works.
Or rather, shapeshift into a monkey form more fitting of an assassin. Taking on the appearance of a Hassan itself is a bit iffy. If she wants to adopt a similar getup that's fine.
Posted. Attacks made upon the creature will be met with the same results as Harry had found; it'll be largely unperturbed and regenerate. The twins are not, however, able to regenerate, but they also aren't as keen to be slashed at or shot at. Treat them as NPC's to control, though don't kill them just yet this round. They've got the agility of a Servant, but lack the strength though their knives seem to be harmful to Servants regardless, should Agamede or Gawain be stabbed. They possess no other exceptional characteristics.
@Razilin I'm down to go along with the monkey business.

@Jakers So Golden Breeze is healing Harry, right? Would it be redundant for Sylvia to do white mage stuff in this situation, or do you think the relatively slow rate of healing would make it understandable to stack heals?
@Jakers So Golden Breeze is healing Harry, right? Would it be redundant for Sylvia to do white mage stuff in this situation, or do you think the relatively slow rate of healing would make it understandable to stack heals?

Yeah; the regeneration it provides is very slow at the base form, so it certainly wouldn't be redundant to heal him if he's injured. Golden Breeze is pretty much only cleaning him up at the moment.

Gawain has higher speed, so I'll wait for Rode's post before doing Mede's.

The remaining twin kipped up to his feet
The enforcer coldly shot him in each leg

What feet? From my understanding, Saber cut the legs off one of the twins. I had Lancer obliterate the other twin in my post, so there should only be the legless twin and the fleshy monster Saber is taking on remaining(?)
Jakers, recall that Asu didn't want any of the twins to be ded this round. XD
Oh, right, my bad. Edited in that case; they're both still alive at the end of my post now; one is badly stabbed and the other is lacking in the leg department.
Regardless, I was referring to the second twin, who I believe still had legs
Yeah, seeing as both are alive now, that makes sense
I'm curious what we as a group can come up with for sylvia and tristan to add to the battle?

I left comments about interrogation of the twins and finding/rescuing civilians because those are things harry and other masters could do that are still heroic and critically important in a fight of this magnitude, though I doubt those are the only things....


y'know, with the twins defeated and the familiar on the run, those pesky do-gooder Lancer/Saber teams are awfully exposed....

...such as, to say, a wild Berserker randomly attacking ;)

attacking in such a way, of course, that Berserker's master isn't incriminated =)

oh, and @Asuras , where'd you get your avatar img? its cute!
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