• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster

Info Thread | OOC | Character Index


Here will be all chatter regarding the rp or just to get to know each other. Remember to abide by all the rules set in the Info Thread and have fun chatting.
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So are we able to claim the roles now?
I'm going to see if my love wants to join. We're both fans of the anime... I just have to find out if we have the time for this RP.
Wellp, I've got my characters planned out now.

Just have to decide which one to go with...

Decisions decisions.
I would really like to do a Female Water Dragon slayer if possible.^^
I would really like to do a Female Water Dragon slayer if possible.^^
Of course!!

I wont be on much the next few days my moms being induced today so my little brother will be here soon. ^-^
I'm gonna go and claim a Lightning Dragon Slayer~
I'm going to see if my love wants to join. We're both fans of the anime... I just have to find out if we have the time for this RP.

Every time I see this post, the color makes me think that a message failed to send on Discord.
Hello everyone I am fully back on Iwaku as of today, I apologize for my absence. My little brother was born 2 weeks ago so I've been helping out. Today I will be getting the character index up as well as finishing up the information on Scorge.

Please read the info page fully before making your character. There are 4 dragon slayer spots open (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth). As well as 3 demons. It's first come first serve so get them while you can.

The spot for Scorge's guild master is still open.
Character Index is now up! I'm sorry that took so long my family's going through some troubles.

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