• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Original poster

Info Thread | OOC | Character Index

This rp is based around the world of Fairy Tail but, will contain none of the original plot and characters.

Life as a wizard in Fiore is a dream. As a wizard, you find it your duty to learn and gain more magical knowledge, while helping those around you with task a human might find difficult to complete themselves.

Up until this moment, you were a guildless wizard, one without a home or emblem. As the guilds in the great land of Fiore began to grow with popularity, you decided as a guildless wizard it was time to become one with a guild and learn from it's master and fellow wizards, bettering yourself and gaining abilities beyond your wildest knowledge. To learn what it means to have a 'family'.

You learned that not all guilds are in it for the smiles on peoples faces, and the feeling of warmth that fills your heart when you tend to help someone who is in need. Other guilds are in the race for power, money, and status - some even holding sway over the magical council themselves!

These guilds are known as the 'Dark Guilds' and serve as the main antagonists throughout Fiore. The good guilds, or protagonists are pitted against such evil guilds, and attempt to restore balance to Fiore otherwise undone by the dark guilds.

You as a wizard have the option on which side to join...

Do you turn bad? Gain money, power, fame and fear?
Do you help those around you? Gaining love, loyalty, friendship, and knowledge?

It's up to you to decide. The Guilds welcome you.


I don't like is when people disappear without warning(despite having done it myself) and as such I will be holding a roll call at the beginning of every month. Those who don't respond to my messages in 5 days will be booted out of the rp.

It is crucial in all rps to have communication in and out of the rp. I would like each person to stay active or semi active in the ooc chat. Please be sure to interact with as many people as possible in the rp, tho it goes without saying that you can't talk to people who are across the continent without being face-to-face of having a communication lacrima.

Plot Points
Throughout the rp I will post plot points or arcs to further the plot so no one is sitting around the guilds doing nothing. There will be job options but, these arcs will be the overall plot of that specific time.

Trigger Warnings
Please be courteous of other players and put a warning on your post if there is something that might possibly trigger another player.

Here are a few examples:

  • Asylums/Abuse of Mental Health Patients
  • Blood
  • Domestic Violence
  • Eating Disorders
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Gore
  • Parent Suicide
  • Parent Depression
  • Pedophilia
  • Rape
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Suicide
  • Sexual Assault

OOC Interactions

OOC Drama
'IC drama is encouraged and OOC drama is prohibited, you've all heard it before and in here it will be taken very seriously. If I see any drama unneeded drama they will be banned from the rp.

Issues with other members
Not everyone is expected to get along with everyone else. We all have drastically different personalities, therefore, sometimes we clash as human beings. As a roleplayer, and a member of iwaku, you are expected to be the bigger person and push the drama to the side. Should you have a specific issue with a certain individual, please PM me with the situation and your side of the story, I will get to the bottom of the issue and take action from that point on.


General Rules

  • All content posted or to be posted within this OOC & Sign-Up's thread must abide by Iwaku's terms and rules. Should you be unfamiliar with these, please follow this link and do a little reading Iwaku's Terms & Rules
  • Please refrain from causing any un-needed drama within the OOC thread. This thread is for chatting with the fellow members of this RP, as well as to create some excellent plot and have fun with our characters. Should any drama be spotted, I will personally remove you from this RP without a second though.
  • Though Iwaku implements a 'stopper' of sorts when it comes to spamming in any thread, it is still possible, especially when no one else is online or active. Please do not spam messages within this thread. It is annoying for those who have to scroll through message after message, especially when you can easily condense multiple points into a singular post.
  • I am an incredibly helpful people! If you have an issue and cannot find an answer please come to me and I'll help you out

Activity and Posting

  • Every single member must post at least once every two weeks(sun-sat)
  • If you expect to be away for longer than a week, let me know so we don't assume you've abandoned this roleplay.
  • Do not think that posting multiple times a day is annoying! So long as they are concise, interesting, and detailed posts, you may post as many times a day as you like!
  • Collaboration posts are more than welcome within this RP. My personal suggestion for a collaboration site, would be google docs - it's easy to use, and has multiple settings to allow one to view, edit, or do both! All you need is a gmail.
  • All posts must be written in third person.
  • When it comes to posting, please at least try to make it look pretty... even text color
  • IC posts must be a minimum of one paragraph (5-8 sentences). We have no maximum; the more you wish to write, the better.
  • If you have not posted in the IC for two weeks without proper reasoning, or letting the GM know, you will be removed from the RP.
  • There will be absolutely NO Metagaming allowed. If you are unfamiliar with what Metagaming is, here follows a definition: Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
  • Please refrain from using black or white text
  • Under no circumstances will W.I.P posts be allowed in the IC. If you even think about it, I will personally strangle you.
  • A bi-weekly activity check will be done every two weeks to ensure people are active in this RP, if you do not respond to the tag/PM, you will be kicked.
  • When making a collab post, you and your partners have 1-3 days to create this post. I (as well as the rest of the people in this RP) will not wait 2-3 weeks for a collab post to show it's face due to time differences. If this doesn't work for you, don't collab.

Character Creation

  • All characters must follow the laid out character sheet and all rules regarding said sheet when creating your character.
  • The minimum age for ANY character is 14 years old, no exceptions
  • When choosing an image for your CS, please only use REALISTIC FANTASY or ANIME images - real images will not be allowed/accepted
  • Once your character sheet has been fully finished, please post it in the character sheet storage thread.
  • The character limit for this roleplay is two (2).
  • There is absolutely NO USE of cannon characters, within this RP. This includes canon character FC's and names. Fan-Art is welcome, however it must slightly resemble someone else, rather than the character in full.
  • Please do not create a Mary-Stu, Gary-Stu, or a Special Snowflake. Everybody has flaws, even wizards
  • When creating a character, you MUST put them in a guild - no characters are allowed to be guildless for longer than one month (in character time).
  • Please ensure you are aware of what guilds are open to character application before selecting a guild. Some have been closed due to increased levels of application and ignorance of other guilds.
  • If you wish to have a A, B, or S class character, PM me for permission
  • Should you want to create a character with a specialized 'lost/ancient' magic, please PM me to ensure that A) it hasn't already been taken and B) it's an acceptable and not-to-OP magic
  • Spell limits have been made for each tier level, please follow these limits when creating your character
  • Your character must be complete in one week after it's posted a WIP

Sexualization, Gore, and Profanity

  • During fight scenes, it is expected that gore will rear it's descriptive head, should you wish to use gore within your posts, please tag it and place the scene itself within a spoiler to ensure others know what to expect.
  • Profanity and vulgar language are constant themes both in the OOC and IC - should you be unable to handle this type of language, please refrain from joining the RP.
  • Slight sexual themes may be present within the IC. While I'm fine with his if it goes past PG-13 please take it to pm's. Remember stay with your respective age group.
  • I will not allow anyone under the age of 14 into this RP, due to the possible themes including but not limited to: gore, sexual acts, profanity, violence/gore, torture, and murder.


  • All jobs must follow this format upon creation:

  • In order to accept a job, your character must speak with the guild master of your respective guild and make them aware of your acceptance.
  • Jobs are often made to be branched out on, therefore, when going to complete a job, wing it and add some plot!
  • There are two locations a wizard may accept jobs from their guild's job board, and Magnolia City Center's job board.
  • Often times, the preferred tiers for a job are just that... preferred, should your character wish to embark upon a higher level quest, simply get the guild masters approval and enjoy your funeral
  • As with the anime and manga, most fairy tail jobs don't always go as planned, this is your chance as a roleplay to branch off from the set description
  • Occasional jobs are "one-time-only" jobs, meaning that only one person/group can complete this job and then it is gone forever!
  • Job acceptance must be roleplayed in character, you must also attain your guild masters approval before accepting a job.
  • Magnolia city center jobs are 10x as difficult as guild jobs, be careful while accepting those!
  • Your character must follow all laid out rules and explorative prompts in a job - there is no instant transportation to a location!
  • Any rank is allowed to complete any job they wish, unless specifically denied by a guild master or a posting, but be wary accepting jobs 2-3 times higher than your respective ranking!
  • Ensure you are always rolling to determine your job success rate.The first roll is a must - sometimes jobs will have second rolls, follow instructions for those!
  • If in a group, it is your leader's responsibility to roll the dice for the group (unless otherwise stated)

Dice/Voting System

This RP uses a 5 sided dice to determine the odds/outcomes of jobs.

When sending your character on a job, the role of the dice determines the level of difficulty, NOT THE CHANCE OF WINNING OR LOSING. If you roll a one, you may still succeed (should you so wish) however, it will be a difficult road to the finish line.


Roll 1 =High chance of winning a fight/easy quest
Roll 2 = Medium-high chance of winning a fight/semi-easy quest
Roll 3 = Medium chance at winning a fight/quest can go either way
Roll 4 = Semi-low chance at winning a fight/semi-difficult quest
Roll 5 = Low chance at winning a fight/difficult quest

--> Each roll constitutes a "probability" outcome for the jobs/quests
--> Rolling a 'low' number generally means your quest will go swimmingly/be easy (numbers 1,2,3)
--> Rolling a 'high' number generally means your quest will go sour/be difficult (numbers 3,4,5)

•Rolling a "three" (unless otherwise stated) is a 'wild card' when it comes to quests/jobs. Should you roll a three, it is automatically up to you/your group leader, how the quest will go.


when questing.....

• Jobs which REQUIRE dice must always be rolled. This can be done in the OOC thread on any of your newest posts that are, of course, your choosing.

--> If you are questing with a group, the group leader (or the person who has been designated as 'roller') is the ONLY one who may roll the dice. (There are no multiple roles by different people during group jobs, so pick your leaders people!)

• There are a few jobs which do not require dice-rolls, please ensure you do not roll for these jobs.
• Some job will have 'roll lists' that entail what each roll will do - more specifically, what each dice face will do. These must be followed, no exceptions.

when fighting NPC's....

• Your original dice roll for whichever job your character/characters are partaking in determines your success against any and all NPC's, unless stated otherwise.

--> Even if you roll low, your characters still have a (if a very) slim chance at defeating all monsters and completing the job at hand successfully. However, you and your group must respect the dice roll and make the job either very difficult/easy - depending on the original dice roll.

• Occasional jobs have "bosses" or quest completion points that require a dice to be rolled in order to determine your groups/your own, fate

--> If there is no statement that an objective needs a secondary role, proceed as planned.

when fighting a higher/lower tier player....

•No dice need to be rolled
• There are no maximum turn posts
• If you come to a draw (upon agreeance) you may roll a dice.


When looking to send your character on a job, you must get your guild masters approval or a GM's approval in the OOC. Once that has happened, fill out the following form and post it in the OOC so that I can organize who is where and doing what, as well as update your status.

*Delete all information in brackets (aside from the 's's)*

Character Name(s): (Your character's name, as well as any others who are accompanying you.)
Tier(s): (What tier your character or characters are in, this is very important!)
Tag(s): (This is not for hashtags, though that was pretty funny. Make sure you're tagging your partners if you have any, here.)
Job Name: (Take the name directly from the job board, please)
Team Leader: (Delete this line if not applicable)
Other: (Things you may be bringing along that have been gathered from previous missions/prerequisites)


Each character will be given "5 re-roll" opportunities from the start of their interaction in the IC.

You do not need to worry about keeping track of your re-rolls, as I will be doing that.

Should your character wish to re-roll a dice that did not come out with a favourable outcome, you may do so, but it counts towards your 5 re-rolls. If you make it down to 0, there will be no more re-roll's allowed, so please ensure you're using these re-rolls towards jobs that have meaning to you.


This roleplay will be using a 'voting' system to determine who will win a same tier .vs. same tier fight. Each fight will be read and monitored by me.

There will be no favoritism. Each player's moves will be judged based on style, tactics, and quality of post.

when fighting someone of the same tier...

• There is a 10 post maximum for these fights, if and when the fight comes to a close, make the judges alert (if the close comes before 10 posts) and we shall' pick a winner.
• Fight with your all (unless, of course, you're purposely trying to lose).
• Do not try and sway the judges votes by pointing out your tactics, ethics, characters-awesomeness, ect... we will vote based on our criteria.

Character Creation

Those using real, human face claims are no longer allowed. Please stick to using realistic fantasy or anime face claims.

When creating a character or characters, please ensure you do not exceed the maximum character limit of 'two' (2). This is to ensure we don't have an overwhelming amount of players and characters, therefore overpopulating the roleplay and causing it to die. This limit will not be lifted.

As you may have noticed on the character skeleton, there are a few lines that begin with "(OP)". What this means is that that specific line in the character skeleton is optional to fill out - you do not need to fill that out.

Seeing as it's quite difficult to find the perfect faceclaim, the availability has been opened to realistic fantasy and anime images. Whatever sparks your inspiration, you may use - be sure to be courteous with face claims, as we don't wish to find a bunch of pictures up in the OOC with hentai chicks taking it from behind.

There are quite a few places out there to find faceclaims, I personally prefer using deviantart to find my face claims, however, so long as it adheres to the realistic fantasy/anime rule, you may use whatever you wish.

When choosing an ability, be sure it is of Fairy Tail origin. Should you have an idea in mind that better suits your view of your OC, you may contact either GM and ask about creating your own ability.

  • Devil-Slayer Magic
  • Angel-Slayer Magic
  • God-Slayer Magic
  • Memory-Make Magic
  • Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
  • 2nd and 3rd Generation Dragon Slayer Magic
  • Lightning DS (Dragon-Slayer), Blood DS, Phoenix DS, Shadow DS, Ice DS, ect ect...
  • Fairy Law
  • Zeref's Spells
  • Mind Control
  • Ability Takeover

  • Guild Master - 50+ Spells
  • S Class - 40 Spells
  • A Class - 30 Spells
  • B Class - 20 Spells
  • C Class - 10 Spells

    • Human: The main race in Earth Land.
    • Dragon: A rare, large and immensely powerful reptilian creature. They are known to be very intelligent, and, in some cases, to appreciate humans, sometimes taking them under their protection and teaching them Dragon Slayer Magic.
    • Exceed: Anthropomorphous talking cats capable of sprouting wings and flying through the use of the Magic Aera. They hail from Edolas, a dimension parallel to Earth Land, and they were all transported to the latter by interdimensional Anima portals.
    • Vulcan: Large creatures reminiscent of gorillas with a massive horn topping their heads; they are capable of understanding human language and speaking a rudimentary form of it. They employ Take Over Magic to take the form of humans. They are known to reside on Mt. Hakobe, in the Kingdom of Fiore.
    • Hane-Sakana: A rare species of fish gifted with wings for flight that is capable of breathing air.
    • Wyvern: Somewhat reminiscent of Dragons, these winged reptiles are much smaller and more beastly in nature.
    • Blizzardverns are a subspecies that inhabit places with cold climate like mountains unlike Wyverns, which appear to live in the forest.
    • Goblins: Humorous little creatures reminiscent of otherworldly rodents, which are capable of wielding makeshift weapons.
    • Gods: A race of immensely powerful deities, usually large in size, with various types of destructive Magic Power.
    • Giants: A race of, as the name implies, exponentially large human-like beings. They are known to reside in the Sun Village.
    • Demons: A race of humanoid beings with demonic features. Some of them are known to reside on Galuna Island.
    • Celestial Spirits: Magical beings that herald from their own separate universe: the Celestial Spirit World.
    • Angels: A race of white-winged creatures that can be summoned using Angel Magic.
    • Bakshi: Small, reptilian creatures highly reminiscent of chameleons that reside on Tenrou Island.
    • Clipper: A species of bird residing on Tenrou Island known for their brutality and pack mentality.
    • Curily: Small rodent-like creatures distinct to Tenrou Island.
    • Doscadon: Enormous, carnivorous dinosaur-like creatures covered in scales that reside on Tenrou Island.
    • Hodras: A very common species of animal, reminiscent of pigs, that reside in Fiore.
    • Machias: A machine-like species that are all capable of using and retaining Magic.
    • Cubina Gamal: Large and bizarre herbivorous creatures with short, thin limbs and human-like hands; distinct to Tenrou Island.
    • Lizardmen: Humanoid lizard-like creatures; they are able to be manufactured artificially.
    • Rollidillo: Massive, strong, quadrupedal reptilian creatures that reside on Tenrou Island.
    • Spirit-Luminescent Bug: Bugs whose bodies glow; they reside in the caves of Tenrou Island, lighting the area around them.
    • Tenrou Squirrel: Small rodent-like creatures, highly reminiscent of squirrels, who live only on Tenrou Island.
    • Weretiger: Humanoid feline beasts known for their immense speed.

In the spoiler below is the official FT:NA character skeleton. Please use this skeleton to make your character and be sure to follow all rules stated above - beneath the skeleton are available add-on's should you want to give your CS more depth.

(Realistic-Fantasy or Anime Image)
(OP mean Optional)


Zodiac Sign:
Guild Tier:




Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Guild Mark Color and Location:
Detailed Appearance: (2 paragraphs at the least)




Significant Other:


(OP)Theme Song:

Seeing as character skeletons are very in-depth looks into your character's personality, some people (like me) enjoy adding tons of depth to their character skeletons. You are free to add whatever you wish to your biography that is not already provided in order to create the best character you can.

Four basic-element dragon slayers will be allowed throughout this RP. EARTH, AIR, FIRE, AND WATER - DRAGON SLAYER(s). Please do not ask to have a sub-elemental dragon slayer, as we will not allow it. The current dragon slayers are:


Demons come from myth - though are very real. Created by a 'puppet-master', the demons found in FT:NA are limited in numbers, but interesting creatures of their own. They respond to the call of their creator, yet are fiercely loyal to their current counterparts. Demons are limited in number, and in this RP, we will allow three (3).


Do not post here
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Guild master | --
Location | --

Tritan was founded by Gabriella Mentin. She was young and wished to have a place to call her own where anyone was welcome. Through the years she looked over her guild, showing them that there isn't just evil in the world. The place became a refuge for those with nothing left. When Gabriella passed the guild mourned but, none were sadder than her daughter. Her daughter Vilana took over as guild master and continued passing down her mother's teachings and philosophies through the years.

Tritan members tend to be very protective of each other seeing each member their family. The members can sometimes be over protective and brash when another member is hurt. Currently the guild master is still passing down the wisdom and principles the founder had. Gabriella teaching reflected herself. She wants all her guild members to be kind and love each other as family does. In fights she always looked down upon cheating and playing dirty.

"Not everyone deserves kindness but, those who do are those who have worked hard and expect nothing in return. I want my guild to be like that. To look at people with kindness and love, never using violence when it's not needed." - Gabriella Mentin


  • campillolq_by_hedrick_cs-da2fc11.jpg

  • 2a2b6dd7efe2a8874699abf24a7d6dac.jpg

    In the main hall sits the bar and request board. Most all members can be found here, drinking and chatting with each other. On a daily bases the job board is updated so it's a good idea to check every day for a new job.

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    Here the higher ranking members come and meet the guild master to discuss further plans for the guild or even plan events. The only members aloud on this floor are A and S class.

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    The elegant and vintage like office holds all the guild records and is the guild masters personal hideaway. Most times when the guild master is in there office it's for paperwork, usually from the council. The only times anyone other than the guild mater enters this office is S class member or anyone that has been called upon.

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    Deep in the bowls, underneath Tritan's guild hall, sits a library chalk full of books; steaming from anything like ancient hieroglyphics to lost cities, and even the paranormal. This area is a book-hoarders haven, circling in and around itself multiple times for different levels of the library entirely. In the center on the lower floor, accessible by ladders, is a small seating area with a few comfy chairs and some lighting. On a couple of the levels there are small mahogany desks sitting alone with candlelight illuminating the smaller areas. This library is filled to the brim, and the best place to relax.




Guild Master | Open
Location | --





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