• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Rotten and Delicious
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Magical Girl, Supernatural, Victorian Goth, Steam Punk
Elite! Magical Girl Academy

Sign ups|In Character


  • Welcome to Elite Magical Girl Academy!

    In this RP, your Magical Girl will be attending a prestigious academy for magical girl trainees, though it is more like a training school that specializes in Youma hunting. Everyone's character will be either fourteen or fifteen, and just beginning their third year at the Academy, which means they will be taken out onto the field to hunt Youma with their new class to prepare them for the real world of being a Magical Girl.

    The first two years at the Academy are focused on studying Magical Girl History and test courses to prepare for encounters with Youma out in the real world, as well as becoming acquainted with their powers and combat. It is possible your character may know another character from the previous year, but it is not guaranteed they will be in the same class when they are promoted to Rookie status.

    Elite Magical Girls are considered to be the highest ranking magical Girls, but due to the nature of the work, it is not a lot of girls' first choice. It is not uncommon for a magical girl to be aspiring to join the military police, which protects civilians from petty crimes, or joining the ranks of the royal knights - a faction of magical girls that are sworn to protect the Queen and her family. A magical girl can also go on to become personal bodyguard, or join The Elite, a guild of magical girls sworn to protect humans from Youma - even if it costs them their life.

    Magical Girl teams will receive a mission from their supervisor and be sent off into any part of Getsu to investigate any Youma attacks or sightings. Missions are obligatory. After a Youma is defeated the team will report back to the supervisor with the calcified heartstone as evidence of their victory. During their mission there is no way to report back to their supervisor, though after a reasonable amount of time the school will investigate. Since the Youma that girls are sent after are perceived as weak, Elite! believes the Youma pose very little risk up against a full team, but that it is just enough of a challenge for the Rookie girls. Seeking out Youma without the supervisors permission is generally frowned upon, but they rarely punish those who successfully slay Youma.

    The girls are expected to live on campus in single dorm rooms while they complete their stay at the academy, and are allowed to visit their families during the weekend. It is optional, but not necessary. Rooms are fully customizable, but any luxuries and extra furnishings will not be provided by the school. There will be no more than a hundred students on campus at any given time, which means it's student body is pretty small. Bathrooms are shared, but there are more than enough to go around in the estate, as well as plenty of places to socialize and meet.

    While romance and lesbian themes will be present between characters, it is not mandatory for your character to start dating another. But interactions off of the battle field are encouraged, as there will be equal amount of socializing and battling.


    Pants and a longer skirt are available.

  • Magical Girl Lore


    Magical Girls

    All Magical Girls inherited their power from someone in the family. It is highly unlikely a girl with no Magical Girl lineage will ever become one. The transformation is triggered by a magical girl when they are on the extreme spectrum of any emotion, which creates a heart stone, a magical gem born from the magical girl's heart. No one heart stone looks alike. The heart stone will grant the girls their transformation, their Mastery, and may also present itself as a weapon, gem, or any other item that is representative of the magical girl. When a Magical Girl undergoes her transformation, she is unrecognizable, unless you have personally seen her transform. Elite Magical Girl Academy does prefer the girls keep their identity secret, at least while they are enrolled at the academy.

    In this roleplay, Magical Girls and Youma are known in human society. Unfortunately, there is somewhat of a stigma against them because of where the Youma come from. The public has an odd fascination with them, but reactions to the girls can range from disgust to adoration.

    Magical Girl's magic can only be used when they are transformed, but they all have the ability to sense other Magical Girl and Youma even in their normal state.


    When a magical girl transforms they gain a mastery from their heartstone, which is control over an element or sub-element. The possibilities for which mastery a magical girl will gain from their heartstone are endless, anything from the stars in the skies, to the water in the ocean. Their attacks and utilities will be themed around their mastery.



    Beast Mastery

    Utilities/Minor Mastery

    The bread and butter of every magical girl. Rookies will most often use minor masteries due to their low energy cost. These are a great way to slowly chip away at the Youma's health, in preparation for a much stronger attack.

    Medium Mastery

    Medium masteries have the potential to be deadly at whoever their aimed at, but most Youma will not be one shotted by these attacks. It could deal as much as third of their health, but usually takes more than one of these attacks to defeat them. Unfortunately, the energy cost of these is somewhat high, and after using more than two of these a Rookie will be exhausted, with not much energy left but to continue using her lowest tier attacks to recharge, or fleeing.

    Major Mastery

    Most Magical Girls will have at least one Major Mastery in their arsenal, but due to their high energy cost and it's potentially harmful side effects it should be saved only for life and death situations; when nothing you've done during battle has worked. Generally after using one top tier attack, a rookie magical girl will be locked into only using her minor abilities, and some utilities, but that is for the most resilient magical girl with a strong will to survive. A lot of magical girls' transformations reverse after using such an attack, or can not even stand after it. Sadly, for such a high energy cost it isn't guaranteed to finish off a Youma or to have much of an effect, and so should only be used against those that have already been weakened.

    Youma and Heartstones

    A Youma is a semi-sentient magical girl whose heartstone has become tainted by extreme hate or evil, and their sole purpose is to feed on the souls of humans. They are a much larger, much more powerful version of the magical girl they once were, and bear very little resemblance to who they used to be. They are vicious and ruthless, and are usually very difficult to defeat. Some Youma have the ability to shape-shift and blend in with their environment, but it doesn't take long before they are drawn out by human souls. When a Youma doesn't devour enough human souls she'll be sent on a random path of destruction and finds it more difficult to retain her somewhat 'normal' appearance when she is starving. Underneath that beautiful appearance, however, is a monstrous being.

    Only magical girls and their various abilities have proven effective against them. When a Youma is defeated, it will drop a calcified heartstone fragment, and it can be purified later and used for a chance for a reward. e.g. more power, energy, a new ability, armor. When a Magical Girl is killed by a Youma, her heartstone will also transform into a Youma, but there are 12 hours to purify it before this happens.

    Youma retain their magical girl masteries when they die, which means their attacks are likely to be variations of their previous abilities.

    Military Police
    The military police were one of the first ever factions created by Magical Girls. They started off as a group of police women who happened to be magical girls, but realizing they would be more effective against criminals as magical girls, they created their own group catered specifically to fighting crime. Of course, in comparison to fighting Youma and protecting Royalty, their jobs are a piece of cake. But they still serve a very important purpose in keeping the city safe.

    Royal Knights
    In the eyes of society, The Royal Knights have the most important job of all three factions. They were established shortly after the Military Police when the reining Queen at the time nearly lost her life to a servant who had turned into a Youma over night. The first soul she had sought to devour was the Queen's, but thanks to a few rogue magical girl, and the military police, the Youma was quickly defeated. This event shook the palace, however, and the Queen formed the Royal Knight's herself with hopes that it would never happen again. She hand picks the magical girls she trusts with her life, and in return, they are taken care of themselves. Some people even see the Royal Knights as royalty themselves.

    The Elite
    The Elite are perhaps the newest magical girl faction of all three. Their beginnings are with a group of rogue magical girls that neither wanted to protect the Queen, or waste away their powerful abilities fighting humans when there were a number of Youma to be slain. The rogue magical girls banded together and dedicated their time to fighting Youma, not necessarily with the goal in mind of protecting humans. It was just an added benefit.

    One day an ancient Youma attacked the city, and the Royal Knights nor the Military Police were equipped to deal with such a force. The rogue magical girls were the only ones with enough skill and experience to take down the Youma, though they sustained some causalities during the attack. Somehow, they came to be known as the Elite Magical Girls. Some of the founding members grew to be called The Elite Circle, with their children and their children's children inheriting that responsibility and pressure.

    Years and years later, one of the founding members started a school on her estate for hopeful magical girls with hopes of refining their abilities and getting them out into the world of fighting Youma. As it stands, the ones who join the Elite are far and few between.

  • tumblr_nizrtmjIcl1rercezo1_500.gif

    Getsu City/Bishoujo City, Getsu

    Getsu City, also known as Bishoujo city, is a large city on Getsu Island. It is one of the largest islands in the world. Being that it is in the North Pacific Ocean, the dominant culture on this island is Japanese, with a slight American influence in the fashion sense and food culture, and a higher population of foreigners than Japan. On first glance it looks like a calmer version of Tokyo and New York City, but it's much more spacious. It is also the home of the Elite Magical Girl Academy, which is hidden away on the outskirts of Getsu City.

    The farther you go out from Getsu City, the more green you'll begin to see. There are plenty of farms, villages, and beautiful beaches once you leave Getsu City. Unfortunately, the countryside can be even more dangerous than the city, with Youma hiding in the surrounding forests and often attacking small villages freely. It is where ancient, rare Youma are said to hide.

    On Campus Locations
    Note: Try not to have too many character's congregrating in the same area! :) These spots are mostly for character socialization, but may become key points in the rp at some point.

    House A - Living quarters for some of the students.
    House B - Also a living quarters for some of the students.
    Main Building - Where the classrooms and faculty dorms are located.
    Library - A large library where girls can find books on just about anything magical girl related or not.
    Gym - The school gym for indoor sports and such.
    Rooftop - The rooftop of the main building.
    Stables and barn - Place where horses and other animals are kept.
    Dining Hall - Place to eat.
    Banquet Room - Where celebrations and events are held.
    In door swimming pool - A small swimming pool located near the dorm buildings.
    Courtyard - For outside celebrations, eating, lollygagging. Has a large fountain.
    Orchards - Apple orchards not too far from the main buildings, with a scenic trail.
    Studio - Equipped with a ballet barre, a piano, and a sound proof room in the back for practicing musicians.
    Volleyball net - A volleyball net off to the side of the pool with sand.
    Tennis Court - Near the courtyard, behind a gate with bleachers for onlookers.
    Greenhouse - A decent sized greenhouse for those with a green thumb.
    Bath House - For baths. Also has showers.

    Training Room - Magical Girl Simulation room. ( Max: 2-4 Players at one time.)

    Off Campus
    Wacdonalds - American fast food.
    Bishoujo Bistro - Cute cafe place themed around magical girls.
    Getsu's Comic Store - Three tier store that sells Video Games, Comics and Manga, Board games, and also card games. Plus other niche stuff that would fall in the geeky category.
    Magical Girl Museum - A small museum full of magical girl and Youma artifacts. Mainly calcified heartstones and magical girl weapons.

    Getsu Lake - Getsu's largest lake. Out in the country.
    Getsu Temple - A large temple nestled in the city. Open for blessings and prayers. Also home to a lot of festivals.
    Spiral Heart - A giant ferris wheel in the heart of the city. Arguable the largest ferris wheel in the world.

    Royal Palace - A tourist destination. Very rarely will you see the Queen and the family as their living area is off limits.
    North Lake - Not a lake, but a mall. Has an indoor ice skating rink.
    Getsu Planetarium - Has a large telescope open to the public for stargazing, and massive replica of the solar system.
    Minika High - Another High School near the Academy.
    Pizza Shed - Pizza delivery place. Accepts order from Elite Magical Girl Academy.

  • Cast List

    Group 1 = Purple Group 2 = Pink Group 3 = Green Grey = Past Players

    House B(3D) - Hirose Jun - Damascus

    House B(2C) - Aozora Miyuki - Papyra

    House A(1D) - Momoji Rose Crimson - Shockwave

    House A(3B) - (Samantha Edinburgh - Princess of The People's Heart, Cordiculya

    House B(2E) - Kokuyo Kano - Nightingale

    House A(2C) - Charee Moreau - La Voisin

    House B(3H) - Ava Rose Leferve - Lady Winter

    House A(2B) - Mina Strand - Crimson Moon

  • Updates
    Update: IC thread is projected to go up October 5th - October 7th.
    Update: Started Mission One
    Update: Added Combat Rules
    Mission One: Complete

    Ice Queen

    Plain Joe
    Bratty Commisar

  • Post your CS in the OOC and then the Sign-Ups thread after being accepted! Thank you!

    Character Sheet


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Physical Appearance: [In-depth character description, or an anime style picture.][/BCOLOR]




    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sexual Orientation:[/BCOLOR]



    [BCOLOR=transparent]Hair Color:[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Eye Color:[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Fashion Style:[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personality: [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][At least three sentences.][/BCOLOR]





    [BCOLOR=transparent]Magical Girl Appearance:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][In-depth description of outfit, and/or anime picture.][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Magical Girl Alias:[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent](Brief description of what it is and what it looks like.)[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent][Any element from my list, or your own custom mastery with GM approval].][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Utility Spells:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][Five max. Purely Utility that have no offensive use. ][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Minor Masteries:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][At least 2, and no more than 5. Small projectiles, beams, darts. Basic attacks with low energy cost][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Medium Masteries:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][Max 3. Small aoes, hard hitters.][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Major Masteries:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][Max 1. Large scale AoEs. the potential to one shot weakened Youma.][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Character Bio:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][At least Five Sentences. A brief description of what they were doing before joining the academy.][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sample Post: [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent][As your character. Can be anything.][/BCOLOR]

  • General Rules


    1. Understand that my word is law, though I will always try to be accommodating of each and every character.
    2. If you have an issue with a player or anything in the roleplay, come to me first via PM.
    3. Keep the drama between your characters, any Player drama should be taken to PM and left out of my roleplay.
    4. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or have plans to drop please say something! Don't leave me in the dark.
    5. Post at least twice a week. If there have been no new posts from you in over a week and a half, unless otherwise stated, your character will be removed from the roleplay.
    6. All Iwaku Rules apply here. While romance is accepted and possibly encouraged by your lesbian loving GM, any sex scenes must fade to black.
    7.Post your character sheet in the Sign-Ups!
    8. You must post at least a paragraph(5-7 sentences) on average, but if things are particularly slow three sentences is acceptable. Intermediate writing standards or better are expected.
    10. No godmodding, metagaming, etc.
    11. If you drop from my roleplay or become inactive for over a week and a half, and we haven't seen you on at all, I will personally move the scene along and decide the fate of your character. Basically, I'll take control of your character and keep things going, until I can find a suitable way to write them out.
    12. Have fun, please. :D

    Combat Rules
    1. No Auto-hitting or taking control of a Youma. This is mainly for plot purposes. If you were to take control of one of the enemies this may be interrupt plots or ideas we have in mind. Also to keep the fights balanced and to make sure everyone gets their fair share of butt-kicking from the Youma. You are welcome to direct a hit at a Youma, but do not say the attack has landed, until the person controlling the Youma acknowledges it as fact. Youma Players reserve the right to say a Youma's attack has landed on a character, to kidnap players, or anything else that enemy characters may do. This is, again, for plot purposes. Rest assured we won't ever inflict fatal wounds on your character without your consent, and if we plan to
    kidnap or do anything similar to your character we may inform you first depending.

    2. Be reasonable. If your character has already used a couple of attacks that require a decent amount of power or more advanced utility skills it will show. Their energy is not infinite. I'm going to give people freedom to pick their skills and attempt to dodge/evade/attack, but ultimately whether something affects the Youma is up to the Youma player to keep things fun, fresh, and fair.

    3. The first time you use one of your character's spells, please provide a description of what it does in your post, or include it in a spoiler tag. This will make things easier on everyone, especially the Youma players.

Last edited:
Does anyone on Mint Team feel like they need more input from Miss Shirakawa, or is it more discussion among yourselves by now?
Ah - sorry about the burden of the NPC since Mint Team is moving so slowly. Are you working on your character's post? X'D I think Mint Team is moving into group discussion so Shirakawa may not need to be there. (Hopefully). Correct me if I'm wrong though, the team is being airlifted to the site of the incident right? So are they leaving as soon as possible, or do they have the time to really talk a lot? Perhaps if you really wish to cut further interactions or release Shirakawa-duties from your post, you can have Shirakawa cut in and load them elsewhere - then there isn't that fear of always checking up on the [slow as molasses] group. ; - ;
Does anyone on Mint Team feel like they need more input from Miss Shirakawa, or is it more discussion among yourselves by now?
Ah - sorry about the burden of the NPC since Mint Team is moving so slowly. Are you working on your character's post? X'D I think Mint Team is moving into group discussion so Shirakawa may not need to be there. (Hopefully). Correct me if I'm wrong though, the team is being airlifted to the site of the incident right? So are they leaving as soon as possible, or do they have the time to really talk a lot? Perhaps if you really wish to cut further interactions or release Shirakawa-duties from your post, you can have Shirakawa cut in and load them elsewhere - then there isn't that fear of always checking up on the [slow as molasses] group. ; - ;

They're not being airlifted there. The girls are supposed to get there on their own. Whether a magical girl can fly or not they're much faster and stronger transformed so even if they hopped there they'd get there in a decent amount of time. They have to do it all by themselves. They could always take the bus or some public transportation too lol
They're not being airlifted there. The girls are supposed to get there on their own. Whether a magical girl can fly or not they're much faster and stronger transformed so even if they hopped there they'd get there in a decent amount of time. They have to do it all by themselves. They could always take the bus or some public transportation too lol
Ah ... would it be possible to get some clarification on this part then, from the second Shirakawa post I believe,
We have arranged for transportation to the mission area.
That was the reason I assumed so in the first place . _. but the public transport sounds a lot funner lol.
Ah ... would it be possible to get some clarification on this part then, from the second Shirakawa post I believe,

That was the reason I assumed so in the first place . _. but the public transport sounds a lot funner lol.

Ooh. I didn't see that. Hm. Maybe you guys can get transportation there then and r9 has that part planned? o.o
Also, since r-9's character isn't in the Mint team someone will have to take things into their hands and get things going. If you're doubtful about something feel free to ask questions, but he gave the important parts. The girls just need to get there. >.>
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Ah - sorry about the burden of the NPC since Mint Team is moving so slowly. Are you working on your character's post? X'D I think Mint Team is moving into group discussion so Shirakawa may not need to be there. (Hopefully). Correct me if I'm wrong though, the team is being airlifted to the site of the incident right? So are they leaving as soon as possible, or do they have the time to really talk a lot? Perhaps if you really wish to cut further interactions or release Shirakawa-duties from your post, you can have Shirakawa cut in and load them elsewhere - then there isn't that fear of always checking up on the [slow as molasses] group. ; - ;
It's mostly just a question of whether or not there's actually more for Shirakawa to say. I already did a post with Mina ,but can always do another for the NPC side of things. And she certainly can butt in with her own thoughts on the things you've discussed. And as far as her (thin) characterization goes, she's probably happy to have a group who want to think and plan before they act, but eventually she'd point out that no plan survives contact with the enemy and hurry you all along just so she can escape the greenhouse.

It's probably not a nice helicopter ride or similar you've got waiting for you so much as a car. ...Which might actually be Shirakawa's, come to think of it. But yeah, other than some means of getting there being available, it is generally up to the team to decide "we get there."
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Irie can fly so regardless of whether or not there's transport she's good to go o7
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Purple team, I will be moving forward tomorrow regardless of who has posted or not. Just a heads up unless you can give me a valid reason not to.

@Mahou-Shoujo @Baddamobs @Wolfsbane706
Purple team hasn't done much posting, myself included. I'm working on one, though.
I gave mission details and it's been open for people to post, and since there's no God modding I can't do much to move forward with posting.
If a team can agree to just cut to them arriving at their location that's fine. It's a pretty common thing to cut out the middle man and get down to business. The pink team is really the only one that seems to be in unison so far, lol. But you don't absolutely have to role play out them taking a taxi or anything, and it wouldn't do much for progression to read people's post of them hailing s taxi or catching a bus and then waiting several turns for them to arrive. A remedy may be to do a collab post while they're traveling there if they are traveling together.

Anyways, post is finally gonna be up tomorrow. I had some stuff to do but now I'm mostly free. :)
  • Useful
Reactions: Wolfsbane706
Samantha has stepped up to the plate. Note that the only person who considers her a master of ANYTHING is herself.
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Samantha has stepped up to the plate. Note that the only person who considers her a master of ANYTHING is herself.

That was very anime esque lol. I loved it.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Baddamobs