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Curiosity kills the cat. >:D Just read it before it becomes rotten.
And Alice ends up in Wonderland thanks to curiosity. But, I swear, if I find out spoilers from here...
I can't say I do read Fairy Tail. I've watched a bit of the anime :/ I don't think it'd be able to keep my interest without the badass music and animated fighting scenes :P
I can't say I do read Fairy Tail. I've watched a bit of the anime :/ I don't think it'd be able to keep my interest without the badass music and animated fighting scenes :P
I've only watched it as well, but mentioning something about the manga will still spoil the anime.
I've always been mildly interested in Fairy Tail, but having your youngest sister subject you to parts of it and experience major spoilers kinda.. takes the want to read slash watch it right out.
My main problem with it is that there's too many damn Vegeta's; can't an antagonist just be an antagonist? Why do they have to in the end be all love and huggles and friendship? I mean, some of the antagonists are forgivable but others it's just like... come on.
Got home from school. I shall start working on things again later on. Along with reading Mirai's screwed-up past that makes others' pasts look tame in comparison. xD

On an off-related topic, any of you read Fairy Tail manga's latest chapter? Quite the wham.
Wait you haven't read it yet? o.o
On an off-related topic, any of you read Fairy Tail manga's latest chapter? Quite the wham.
If what happened in that has no changes I'll be highly surprised is All I'll say. Well that and I'm unsure if one thing happened or is something that was wanted to happen but meh
Hows the sign up thread and/or IC coming along?
My alerts broke q.q
Catching up on everything and working on my character sheet now!
Reserving Julis Alexia Van Riessfeld from The Asterisk War as FC. I don't believe she's taken yet?


"I'm trapped in a family of monsters...and I'm becoming more like them every day."
General Information


"If you truly wish to challenge me, please, be my guest."

Full Name:
Yakuza Aiko

Princess, due to her birthright and snobbish/uptight attitude. She has accepted this nickname, and uses the intimidation factor it provides to the best of her ability.



October 25th (Scorpio)

Ethic Background:

Character Speech/Colour Code:
Physical Appearance


"I am not a lascivious picture to be so disrespectfully ogled!"

Aiko is a fierce, petite young woman, standing at 5'6" without heels. She has a lean, muscular build thanks to daily workouts, and it puts her at a strong 115 lbs. Her long hair is dyed a light pink, although it is naturally blonde.
When appearing in public Aiko is always immaculately put together from head to toe, recognizable by all she comes across (and feared by most). While she is rarely seen without heels, as they assist her otherwise tiny stature, they do not impede her movement. Since she was a young girl she has been put through a rigorous physical training program that included martial arts and exercising in heels, for one never knows when they'll have to escape a deadly situation.

Aside from the heels, she is also never seen without her white headset, which allows her to constantly be in contact with whoever she is dealing with at the current time. Other than that her wardrobe consists mainly of tight dresses and jackets, slacks, blouses, and other professional clothing.

When spending long hours reading or at a computer Aiko wears a pair of slim black glasses, but they are simply preventative, and her cyan eyes are otherwise unimpaired. She dislikes nail polish and heavy makeup, usually electing to go with an extremely quick, light look to improve upon her natural features.

Since she was old enough to walk Aiko's father has ensured she's undergone a rigorous combat program that leaves her with a good amount of proficiency in martial arts, firearm operation, and knife combat.


"My father is a tyrant, and he has taught me well."

Aiko was born into the wealthy, powerful, and corrupt Yakuza family as the only child of the "King", the leader of the syndicate, Akuma Yakuza. While she lacked no material possessions growing up, from the moment of her birth she became a pawn in the crime family's game. Her mother, a young woman unhappily married into the Yakuzas, fell into a deep depression shortly after Aiko was born. Before the baby reached her first birthday her mother was gone, having escaped the only way she could have thought to do so. Her funeral was a magnificent affair, but the husband she left behind did not seem terribly torn apart, and took on a slew of lovers shortly afterwards. Be it luck or his domineering hand that controls the life of every person around him, none of these lovers became pregnant with his child, leaving Aiko alone with her nurses and governesses growing up.

The first attempt made against Aiko happened the night of her sixth birthday. She had been allowed to invite a few of the children she met on the property--children of staff, cousins, and the like--to an elaborate party. In the stir and bustle a stranger had managed to slip in unnoticed. He crept to the young girl's room, and when she entered he grabbed her, intending to carry her off and hold her for ransom, or make her a bargaining chip against her father. However, the girl had been in combat training for two years already, and even though she was young and weak she had sharp little teeth and knew how to use them, sinking them into the hand clamped over her mouth. As soon as she was able she screamed for help, bringing a swarm of black-suited, heavily armed guards down on the unlucky prospective kidnapper. She never found out exactly what happened to him, but faint screams echoed from the basement for days after.​

Until she reached ten years old, Aiko didn't see much of her father, and knew only a little about him. When he was home in their massive, imposing mansion he was always locked away in his office or bedroom, and the short times she tried to catch him in the halls he was surrounded by a retinue of bodyguards, secretaries, advisers, and the like. Indeed, it seemed to young Aiko that her father truly was a king.

Each year on her birthday Aiko was allowed to eat dinner with her father in a private dining room. It was the one time a year she knew she had his attention, at least a little, and could talk to him without being interrupted. Preparing to enter the room, the little girl squared her shoulders and clenched her tiny fists, for she had a mission she was determined to accomplish. The guards shared a smile over her head as they pulled open the doors and she marched in. Her father didn't even look up from his phone until she cleared her throat.

"Daddy, I'm ten years old now. That's double digits and it means I'm a big girl." The child had a hard frown on, looking extremely stern for her age. When she spoke her father looked up, thumb poised over the screen of his phone as he looked at his daughter as if surprised she could talk.
"I want to help you with your work. I'm a big girl and I can run errands and make phone calls and yell at people for you."
Reaching the end of her little speech she fell silent, shifting a little unsure. Her father began to chuckle, which soon became a full laugh. He looked his child up and down and nodded, blue eyes dancing with mirth and hard face relaxed into a grin.
"I suppose you are a big girl now aren't you? Alright, it's time for your training to begin I suppose."

From then on Aiko was swept away into a world she hadn't even known existed. Like a whirlpool, as she learned more and took on more responsibility it dragged her down into the darkness. Her goal as a child was to spend more time with her father and it was achieved; they spent long nights at his desk together, bent over letters and spreadsheets, calculating finances and distributing manpower.

Akuma soon realized the valuable resource he had in his determined, loyal daughter, and at 15 she was put in command of her own division of "talented individuals". Her father assigned her missions slowly growing in size and importance as he tested her. At 17 she replaced his right hand man, causing extreme dissensions within the higher ranks of the Yakuza. Threats to Aiko started to come not only from the outside, but within the organization too. However, the young "Princess" had her elite force, and over the years she gained their utter loyalty. The men and women she commanded were her only friends, and they protected her night and day, sometimes without her knowledge.

Now 18 years old, Aiko works for her father, having graduated high school early thanks to private tutoring. The longer she stays in the mansion, though, the more trapped she feels. She is cut off from the world in a large way, viewing it only through heavily tinted bulletproof windows when driving from place to place. The mansion is prison as much as home, and she's beginning to go stir crazy, little tastes of life outside driving her mad. The games and danger hold no allure to her, and even though she is her father's right hand man he is a stranger to her.


"Do not pretend you would have had an easier time of life if our positions were reversed. All the money and power in the world will never make up for the fact that I've never experienced a family's love or had a true friend."

Aiko grew up in a family of crime and murder, with very few good people around her. Until she was older her access to the outside world was extremely limited.


"What do you wish to gain from me?"



"My world is one of a minnow in a school of sharks, I do not have the luxury to love."


All very much a WIP! Feedback still appreciated, I'm not sure what is expected of the Princess ;A;
EDIT 1: added quotes yay
EDIT 2: added history/backstory yay
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Now that my break is over (and by break I mean going to school everyday for these past few days, WHILE SUPPOSEDLY BEING ON VACATION), I shall stop being lazy and start creating the OOC/Signups thread. C: Apologies for being late and thank you for being patient.
Now that my break is over (and by break I mean going to school everyday for these past few days, WHILE SUPPOSEDLY BEING ON VACATION), I shall stop being lazy and start creating the OOC/Signups thread. C: Apologies for being late and thank you for being patient.
What a strange world we live in... I want to burn it, but no one has given me the keys.
We're sitting here eager to mug someone, Senpai.
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I updated Natsume though she isn't completely done. I'm still waiting on some information and such that Shounen and I are still working on. But, her history gives you a bit of how the gang started up if any of you are interested.
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Nice. God I can't wait until these sheets get linked for easy finding later.
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