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Right as Colt was about to say something to Kamui after grinding the arrow whizzed by him and planted itself into the ground. Instinctively whipping his head to his left to see the two players emerge from beyond the camp. The fighter fully turns towards them and listens to the one who calls himself Arcaues while also getting a quick look at their visual equipment.

"We know you two are the last surviving members of Team Wolf. So we have a proposition for you. Join our Team, Team Bloodhound. Or we Attack. Simple as that". Sounded simple enough.

"My name is Arcaues. Us smaller teams need to stick together if we have any hopes of surviving. So if you join our team, with its seven remaining members, then all of us will have a higher chance of winning this Event. What say you? Will you guys make this easy for us, or make it more difficult than it needs to be?"

Colt casual began to smile and walk towards the two individuals as he spoke with no weapons draw with only his shield adorned upon his arm, his armor clearly in shatters and a presence that lacked any form of hostility as his smile and happy expression was genuine. "Nice to meet you guys. The names Blade and that's Kamui over there." As Colt gestures with a thumb to his teammate before continuing to casual talk and continue to walk towards them, all of the way within a few feet if possible unless they ask him to stop getting closer seemingly oblivious to his own safety from some people's point of views. "I'd enjoy the chance to have more teammates again like we use to as we've found out that being a two man team is kinda hard ya know. Though I will say that a seven player team isn't very small considering that the teams started off in groups of ten. Also admittedly Arcadia has kinda been helping us out...like alot in just the past few hours. Colt scratched the back of his head and laughed a little bit before leaning towards the duo a little bit with his index finger extended upwards near his face. "So, we are kinda like the home team favorite right now so you guys should join in on this by joining our team. It is just a name after all and you can message the rest of your guys and gals about the offer too along with the details and see if they want to join too. I really don't wanna make it harder than it has to be for Kamui, you guys or me. I wanna stay around so I can keep having awesome fights ya know."

Colt would continue to hold his honest and enthusiastic nature true as he waited for the two to respond.
The two just listen to Bladesong make his spiel about how instead they should join their team. To some it was indeed just a name. Just a way for people to play a different part of the game. For Teams like Team Wolf, it had been just a name. After all, despite their ferocious name, Team Wolf had been one of the Teams that were just in that specific Team for how cool it was.

Unfortunately it didn't seem like these two thought the same way.

"If its just a name to you, then join our team instead so that our Team can get the credit for winning this round or at least surviving until the next one. Besides, I bet Arcadia's only helping you guys because you're in last. That's how these kinds of things work. Admins are always trying to balance things so the underdogs can win or to at least provide a bit of entertainment. If we all joined your Team, we would no longer receive whatever sort of pity favors you may or may not be getting".

Now Arcaeus raises his spear a bit, shield held close, the Archer's arrow being pulled back a little.

"And I am tired of negotiating. Truth is, with that Team Justice Camp nearby and their Elite, you guys have no chance of surviving even if you do run away. So just join us already and make this easier. Its either that, or we kill you for EXP and your Camp".

It didn't seem like a jovial attitude was going to win them this situation. They didn't seem like they were in the mood for words at all, and unlike Team Justice; these two players didn't have any Bluffs to call either.
The sudden camp remodel was a pleasantly unexpected surprise, no doubt from a certain dear teacher. A quick look at the messages confirmed that, and also answered some of Xenon's idle inquiries. Well, we share tastes in hairstyles. Sadly, no response to the pun... maybe he's not a pun guy?

Once gathered at the chest with everyone else, the red haired teen gave the purchase list a good look. "I don't have any stats near any thresholds," Xenon reported as he looked at his menu. Looking at the numbers again, the red haired teen was reminded that wearing armor did take the tip off of his agility stat. It doesn't feel particularly heavy to wear, but I guess it does slow me down some.

"I don't know how you manage to wear heavier armor all the time, Tian Gui... ge," Xenon added the last bit a bit belatedly. The red haired teen still didn't feel quite right addressing the older Chinese youth by name alone. He'd grown up around pretty much every nationality besides his own, so by nature he found himself erring more towards the polite side with other Chinese people.

"The minor magic power ring does seem pretty useful, especially if we run into more of those spirits we fought earlier," Xenon addressed Shouko's question.

"As for the baits, I vote for continuing with minor ones. I think it's hard enough to defeat non-physical enemies right now as it is since none of us really have any concrete magic. Plus, if we end up having to rely on the guardian, we'll be down on exp," the red haired teen spoke his thoughts.

Some tension trickled out when the notion of fighting people was once again brought up by Shouko. Xenon bit his lip lightly. "I don't believe he was quite saying that we should hunt down people," he spoke carefully, deliberately choosing his words. "And even if he was, we all more or less agree that killing people is not acceptable. But like you said, we can't really prevent that if it happens," he noted, looking at Shouko. "Which is why we're doing what we can right now by getting stronger. Then, if we can better control ourselves, maybe we can start looking outwards."

Though, even as Xenon said that, a glance at Tian Gui showed that he was ready to bulldoze right through the entire campus and rack up all the gold in circulation. Polar opposite seems like the right phrase to use here...
For a moment, Tian-Gui's expression changed into the slightest frown as Shouko spoke up. Wasn't it just yesterday that they had fought Rei, and that she had shot arrows into his bloodless body without any hesitation? So it was fine for her to shoot as long as there was a guarantee that they weren't truly going to die? As long as they weren't visibly human?

It left a bad taste in his mouth, but on the other hand…it was understandable.

After all, he had been the only one among them to train specifically so he wouldn't have to deal with the problem of accidentally killing someone. Why hadn't they done that, Tian-Gui wondered. Xenon spoke up, attempting to pacify them, assuring that everything would be fine if they got stronger right now, but…

"Being stronger means nothing," Tian-Gui said, eyes gazing into Xenon's, "If you wield a weapon, being stronger just means that you will be able to kill more easily. There is a difference between strength and control. The more power you have, the easier it is to break what you should be preserving, after all."

He turned to Shouko once more, before managing a smile. "And if you won't fight, don't worry about it. I'll carry that burden for you, Shouko. Because you're right. This is something that I can do. So if you can take care of the monsters, I'll take care of our human enemies. Sounds fine, right?"

"That being said…I hope you realize that it was a rhetorical question. Anyways, minor monster bait it is. I'll buy two, crack them both open, and let's get some grinding done!"

With that, Tian-Gui made the transaction, broke the two baits, and prepared for the oncoming onslaught.
Satisfied with Shouko's response, and a tad taken back, he had to think for a while. I'm I that different then? If we both are simply looking for a method to control our futures?

As he was pondering what had been said, the changes to the camp to place, a change of guardian, a few upgrades, all seemingly coming from out of the blue. Most likely our fearless leader took out a base...What are the chances he just took out the group we negotiated a peace treaty with? haha, not likely I suppose.

When the talk about an ability bangle came up, Alex was a little less than interested in it, "I am leaning against the idea of that item. I'm not close enough yet to a thresh point, and if I was, I'd just push us towards grinding. Odds are you guys would likely not be far from one either if I was." Then came the talk about what bait to buy, and which monsters to fight, "I'm fine with either. One offers more xp, the other more skill grinding." Alex shrugged, "Training is training."

At the talk and misunderstanding again of fighting people, Alex didn't say a word. I am done with this conversation, you all should know where I stand. I won't go looking for a fight, but I wont just stand and be killed.

When Xenon mentioned none of them having concrete magic, Alex's ear twitched, "Actually, about that magic thing." Alex smiled, "I'm not too far off from that, a few more levels. So would anyone mind if I bought a magic book or two? It would only be about four to eight coins."
Kamui did the one thing that came to mind, he laughed. Laughed at the two of these guys who started threatening them, he had a playful smile on his face "Guys, guys, it's alright, we see your point." He chuckles and winks towards Blade, Kamui moving so that he could get a better shot of the archer, his staff having never left his hands. He loooks back t the two from bloodhound "I gotta say though are you two sure you've got what it takes? I mean two physical guys...versus us, hmm let's see how'd that go for literally anybody you've and I faced Blade...not well I believe. But I digress you guys are getting tired of negotiating and I can understand that, I can also see where you think that we're only getting handouts cause we're "in last"" He puts his hands up and air quotes. "But really you guys look like a couple of smart people, if we are in last, quitting your team and joining ours would let you reap from the underdog benefits too. And you'd have better teammates than the ones you have now...no offense, I mean there's a reason why we're the ones here and not anyone else from Team Wolf. We took our name seriously." Kamui's pleasant, playful smile turned into a wolfish grin, he was trying to act like they were bigger than they were, trying to get out of this fight, but he started grasping his staff more firmly and looked at Blade, his eyes moving towards the archer, granted the pack didn't know how strong these hounds were, but if they didn't just outright kill us they must be scared of a fight breaking out anyway. And if the archer went down the more immediate threat to Kamui would be taken care of and he'd be able to shield Blade without the worry of an arrow sticking out of his head, chest or wherever. Kamui then instinctively knows this will get them nowhere and points his staff towards the archer he then nods to the man "Mana missile" And launches the pale blue projectile towards him.
Mana Missile
79 - 13 (Natural Accuracy) - 25 Distance Bonus = 41

They had been expecting a fight, the pair of Bloodhounds. As such, there isn't much for catching these two off guard when suddenly the Dabbler points his staff right towards the Archer, a blue swirling bolt of Mana heading right towards the Archer right from the tip of his Mana Rod. Of course, the distance between the two, which had gotten closer when Blade and Kamui walked forward a bit, helped to make the ranged projectile harder to dodge.

As such, the Archer grimaces as he takes a very solid blow to the shoulder. Unfortunately though he manages to keep a grip on his bow and the arrow he has knocked and suddenly lets loose his readied arrow, the swift arrow heading right for the Dabbler, finding its mark right in the Dabbler's side. Fortunately the extra HP he's received from leveling up has really been a benefit, as the arrow only brings him down by a little over a fourth of his health, right down to 73 HP. The Defensive bonus of the Domain really helped.

Still, that meant if the Dabbler took a few more of those arrows, things could get bad.

Blade could either go after the Archer, to try and assist Kamui in that regard, or Blade could go clash with the Archer.

Blade honestly wasn't all that surprised to see the negotiations go south pretty quick but he wanted to give it a shot as he enjoyed having more people to talk to. Though he certainly had no complaints at Kamui blasting the enemy player archer with some magic do to the bloodhounds calling the help Arcadia has been helping team wolf with pity favors. Blade knew it and he hated the thought. But once the battle kicked off and he brought his longsword to bare alongside his shield, the young fighter sprouted a wolf like grin that would match Kamui's as he stepped in between the spear man and archer while keeping in front of them. Blade's eyes were immediately fixed upon the archer like a wolf eying a wounded deer; unleashing a full attack of two slashes against the archer at point blank range. His plan to get close to the archer was a success as Blade knew that if the archer wanted to shoot at Kamui or flee from himself that he'd be left open for another swing. The archer had to be taken down first and then they would focus down the spear man after they damaged focused the enemies range damage. Blade had a hunch that those spear blows are gonna hurt as he hopes the shield he just got will help out with his lack of proper armor at the moment though the thoughts of cursing himself about were the last things on his mind currently.
Things go... somewhat well for the New Gamers after Tian-Gui pulls a Rei by shattering two Tiny Baits without discussing it with the rest of the Team. This action seemed to not only cause more Gremlins to appear whenever they did, but they appeared at smaller intervals as well. Instead of coming around about every 15 Minutes, they came around every 10 Minutes, and with how harder the battles were the time between them was a bit more devoted to resting and recovering rather than grinding.

Of course, Rei did send a rather nice PM at some point as the laptop seemed to disappear after the first battle.
From: Rei Amagi
Subject: Armor Repair
If you have any Armor that needs to be repaired, send it now. I am working on getting something new and thus I need to grind a bit. I have found a good way to hunker down for an hour in this Camp.​

In fact, the fourth battle with them was just too much for the New Gamers, the enemies here having proven more than a match for the New Gamers considering the fact that Tian-Gui's disruption really only worked on one enemy at a time. The Guardian and Flagpole had to resolve that one after only two Gremlins had been slain thanks to Alexander and Xenon. With a few Lightning Bolts and sword slashes from the Guardian and some Magic Arrows from the flag pole, the battle had been ended rather quickly.

The rest of the battles... went not terribly. Overall of the 34 Gremlins and 4 Spirits that appeared, the Gamers got to take care of 24 Gremlins and 3 Spirits. They still did damage to the few from other battles, but nonetheless the Guardian and Flag Pole did have to deal a few hits of damage here and there. Overall the position on the hilltop really did help though, as it made dealing with the Archers a small bit easier as long as the New Gamers retained the sloped high ground.

Being able to send the Light Armors to be repaired by Rei also helped them take on more Gremlins, since he seemed to be able to repair them and get them back to the New Gamers within a couple of minutes, and with repaired armor they could take more hits. This of course also included Tian-Gui's Chain Shirt if he chose to send that as well.

The New Gamers were also 24 Gold Coins, 30 Iron Barbed Arrows for Shouko, 5 Swords, 5 Bows (which, along with the swords, seemed to vanish not too long after they were put into the chest), 3 of each kind of Shard from the Spirits, and 4 Health and Mana Potions richer. In addition a total of 192,600 Yen. Of course, this wealth is only the icing on the cake when compared to the SP and EXP progress that the New Gamers had made.

Thanks to the 10% EXP Bonus, it seemed like Skills also progressed faster as well. And even though the bonus was a meager 10%, 10% still adds up rather quickly, especially with the hour of intense, tiring grinding that the New Gamers did.

Overall, things were going very well for the New Gamers. All of them were Level 13, had reached Max Level in a few Skills, a couple of them being ready to Advance, and everyone was near Level 14. In fact, they all needed maybe to defeat a few more enemies to reach that Level 14 threshold, and if it hadn't been for needing to rely on the Guardian and the Flag Pole at a few points then they would all definitely be Level 14. Still, a definite amount of progress had been made.

And of course, with progress always came trouble.

As suddenly the Guardian puts a hand on its sword, eyes narrowing, as it stares towards the southern part of the hill, where a man wielding what appears to be a rapier on his hip approaches. His approach had been sudden, but not stealthy, as he suddenly just appeared on the Minimap, along with two others.

Team Peacock Rogue
Suzaku Level 19

"Greetings Team Justice!" spoke the elegant looking man, who wore what appeared to be some sort of french overcoat, a shirt of chain mail beneath said overcoat. Overall, with his feathered hat, blue breeches with gold trim, and coat of the same descriptor he definitely appeared to be the elegant 'fencer' type.

"I have come to seek rendezvous with you. Would you lend me just a moment of your time?" He didn't seem to be on guard or anything. He had a very casual, but graceful, air about him as he has his hand casually placed on the pommel of his rapier.

"As I have a proposition that would benefit the two of us. An allegiance between our Teams, to allow us to become even stronger and thus have an easier time taking out the others. After all, it would only befit the Finals of this Round if two such elegantly named Teams were the ones in the finals".

His proposition was very straightforward, but very well spoken. His intentions were very clear as well. They join up and go about fighting other Teams with combined strength, which would then allow them to actually have an easier time in the rest of the Games since it would mean they wouldn't have to worry too much about other teams.

The two players down the hill also looked rather elegant in their attire.

Team Peacock Samurai
Momotaro Level 18

He wore a kimono, his hand idly fiddling with the pommel of the rather very nice Katana that he wore upon his hip.

Team Peacock Aqua Mage
Miyuki Level 18

She wore a pair of blue robes to match her cerulean hair, a metal staff with a glowing blue gem imbued in the top present in her hands. Her hair is neatly done back in a ponytail, and despite the scholarly appearance of her robes they too look like a kimono.

"What say you?" Suzaku speaks once more, to now allow the Gamers to speak their intentions.
Full Attack (1st Strike)
90 - 10 Accuracy = 80

Full Attack (2nd)
8 - 10 Accuracy + 20 Second Strike = 13

While the Archer is pretty easily able to dodge the first slash as Colt quickly moves towards the pair to begin an attack, the second of the two slashes is much more properly executed, easily getting him before he can dodge backwards again as the sword strikes deep in his side, a loud cry of pain escaping the archer as another very, very solid hit is dealt to him, blood on the tip of Blade's sword now after the quick, fierce slash.

The Archer appeared somewhat wounded, but otherwise wasn't too perturbed, still seeming plenty ready to fight. Of course, the Spear Wielder decides to attack in an attempt to get Blade off of the Archer as he thrusts forward, his spear glowing in the process. The spear hits, but rather be extremely painful as it makes its solid hit, it still deals damage but instead does something else. It shoves Colt a few yards in the direction of the Spear's thrust. Luckily Blade is able to keep his ground, now at 110 HP as the Spear Attack did only 44 Damage, but it seemed like it was more intended to shove Blade away from the Archer, who proceeds to take another pot shot for Archer to take at the Dabbler, his arrow now glowing with energy as he takes the shot.

This shot was a much more solid hit than the last one, dealing a total of 43 Damage as it puts him now at a mere 30 HP. This meant that Team Wolf is in trouble at the moment unless they can quickly turn things around and take out the Archer in their next onslaught.

Opening the chest to take out the coins to purchase the book of his desire, Alex spotted some items which he would shortly be able to take advantage of. A grin krept across his face, We have items for a flame based mage? Perfect. Removing those from the inventory as well. Alex wouldn't be able to use them right away, but he imagined no one would notice or mind if he could put them to good use.

Upon making his transaction, a strange glitch took place in the air, and with some static a like roulette appeared. All colorful and flashy and the like, it even had a coin slot.

Alex shook his head and let out a sigh. "Of course he would have something like this happen." Why not? Plopping four more coins in, he waited for his item to appear. When it did, He placed it in his inventory. Just a few more levels till I hit that required intellegence for real magic.


Doing his part during the grinding as per usual, Alex eagerly put in his stats every time he leveled. When the final one came, he was ready for it. "Magic Time~" He chimed cheerfully like a child beating a level in a game.

Stepping aside for a moment, Alex took the book out to use it. Taking it out like he had with his skill books in the past, and with the requirments all met, He selected to use it. The rush from using this book seemed greater than his previous books though. He felt like he knew a bit more with it, though he was comparing a book on pyro magic to a cook book.

When it was gone, Alex plopped himself down and started to act as his new knowledge led him to make a contract with Flame.

And as you make a contract with Flame to learn this Spell, performing the incantations as needed, you would suddenly feel the world around you change. The world around you is blue, and shifts and shapes with images of reddish static that move around the area like fire.
Before you can react though, the static suddenly changes, a small, comet shaped projectile of fire shooting right into your chest, the static changing and 'glitching' almost to form this fiery projectile. It slams into your chest, and you feel an immense heat spread through your body as it feels like the bolt is going to pierce right through you.
Before it can go through, you reawaken, with words in your mind and knowledge of a new Spell.

"That was intense." Eyes wide open, Alex slowly picked himself up. "If anyone else can, I highly recommend it."

Noticing the guardian getting tense, Alex walked over and listened to the man whom had appeared. Noting the other two travelling with the rogue.

"Justice Peacock, Peacock Justice. Both don't sound too shabby." Alex commented back, But you are a Rogue, and likely to not be trusted. Alex looked at the three, trying to get a good idea from how they acted on whether they truly came with peace in mind, or something else. "And I do enjoy when my allies know how to dress well." Alex continued, trying to flatter the three. "I truly appreciate the matching of your hair colour to your equipment Madame."
Breathe in, breathe out.

The flame within him flickered once more, his energy intensifying. Strength filled his limbs, a golden aura seeping from within. But this…he needed more than this. Furrowing his brows, Tian-Gui focused on the image of a forge instead. Of a forge that grew stronger and stronger as he blew more oxygen into it. He stoked the flames violently, attempting to push more into it so that the flames got hotter and hotter. Beneath his skin, the man could feel that glass ceiling once more, that insurmountable wall that he couldn't truly surpass.

He opened his eyes. He couldn't surpass that wall, not yet, not with all the abilities he lacked, but for now, he could at least work up to that level. A new window emerged before him, congratulating him on the Skill Modification of Intensify Energy. It lasted longer now, as long as he was willing to pay the price for it. Good enough for the time being, and it looked like his new Title benefited from it as well.

Inventive, huh?

"Well, necessity is the mother of invention," Tian-Gui remarked, before stretching out his legs.

The past hour had definitely been more intense than previous grinding sessions. Combined with greater numbers and lower intervals, the Gamers were all but overwhelmed. Defensively, with Tian-Gui on the frontline, they were pretty much fine, but the higher numbers there were, the less effective his own disruption capabilities were. There had to be another way to temporary disable his foes, but how? Could he stun them with a strike? Could he modify Takedown so that only they were knocked prone? No, considering how Shouko, Xenon, and Alex were all more geared towards magic and ranged attacks, knocking archers prone didn't benefit them at all. It was definitely a problem, wasn't it?

Nevertheless, their efforts were handily rewarded with more level ups, more loot, and more Gold Coins. Sitting on quite a tidy sum for both now, Tian-Gui could finally not feel guilty about purchasing that book on Ki. It was a bit ridiculous, how they had made more yen in an hour than five of his paychecks, honestly, and, once that UFO descended from nowhere to hand over the book, the large man nodded in satisfaction. He didn't have the requirements necessary for it yet, but that was fine. The book will serve as a 'direction', and reading the book would be a nice break from constantly running up and down that hill regardless.

Before he could properly go through it, however, the minimap revealed the appearance of three new players, elegantly dressed individuals, all who belonged to Team Peacock. Another bird name, was it? And they were all relatively high-leveled as well. As Alex stood up once more, this time merely complimenting them rather than threatening them, Tian-Gui took a quick glance at their expressions and gait. As far as he could tell, none of them looked to be hiding anything, nor were they in any position to go into battle immediately. And as to why they would want to team up with Team Justice? Well, that was obvious: because they wanted the strongest player in the Arcadia Games on their side.

Must be nice, being popular.

Standing up beside Alexander, Tian-Gui said quietly, "Doesn't look like they're planning to attack after we let our guards down, for what it's worth."

Then, taking in a deep breath, he called out, "Hey there, Peacocks! I'm Tian-Gui Jian, and this is Alex of the Ethereal Threads! Let's be honest here, you want to team up because of Ama-Rei, right? Before we can consider anything then, I have questions."

"One! What is Team Sparrow? One of our members were attacked by them recently, but managed to escape."

"Two! Do you die if you are killed? Is this a 'game' or is this 'reality'?"

"Three! What even is the reward for getting through all this, and why doesn't everyone just team up with everyone else and win a diplomatic victory?"

"Cause really, we were sorta dragged into this game randomly while walking around, so please share information with us before we can consider the pros and cons of this alliance."

The man known as Suzaku and the other two Peacocks both listen to what the two more vocal members of Team JUSTICE! have to say. Of course, the flattery is indeed very appreciated, and the three of them all listen to each of Tian-Gui's questions.

"An elegant tongue with eyes that know good taste, even if it is flattery, and a man who earnestly speaks his desires. Both indeed are quite admirable. I knew that coming here was the correct choice".

The man known as Suzaku lets out an earnest laugh, stepping forward now so that he is standing across from Tian-Gui and Alex on the hill. The Flag Pole does not attack, as if reading the man's intentions perhaps. Of course, out of courtesy, Suzaku still stands just on the edge of the Domain.

Even if it was flattery, the three seem genuinely pleased by Alex's complements. Plus Cyan hair really did look good on Miyuki.

"Team Sparrow are merely in this to fight, regardless if they win, and thus are barbarians who desire nothing but to mow down any opponent that comes at them, so it does not surprise me that they outright attacked you". It seems like Suzaku did not like the members of Team Sparrow.

"And the reward is the Team that wins the Arcadia Games will acquire a vast amount of wealth and power for making their Team more successful in the Game. So naturally people want their respective Teams to win, since joining another Team will take your Team out of the running if that ends your Team and give you fewer rewards. I thought you might have known this already, but I guess you all must be new to being in Teams, which is understandable. After all, I have never heard of Team Justice until now".

Suzaku, having finished his earnest answering of Tian's questions, now looks to the Grappler. "And yes. You are correct. With that powerful player, you all are the strongest team even if your levels aren't as high as ours. Which is why we seek an alliance, so that we may do battle with the other teams together so that we may settle Round 1 with just us involved, a Duel of great Elegance between our Teams". The man tips his hat with a flourish, before placing it back on his head. He certainly has the flair for the dramatic, but given his rather graceful appearance its not a totally bad look for him.

"So what say you Team Justice? Will you join us in our battles against The Sparrows, Snakes, and all of the others so that the two of us may secure our positions as the top two Teams of Round 1?"​
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"And if you won't fight, don't worry about it. I'll carry that burden for you, Shouko. Because you're right. This is something that I can do. So if you can take care of the monsters, I'll take care of our human enemies. Sounds fine, right?" Tian-Gui said. Shouko frowned. That wasn't what she meant. I won't be a burden. If there's a fight, I can kill.

With unanimous agreement from the rest of the group, Tian-Gui went ahead to use two Tiny Baits. A daunting assault of monsters soon followed, even threatening to overwhelm them a few times, but they managed to stay alive.

With the glut of coins they had now, Shouko decided to purchase the magic book Alex recommended. It was the Novice Magic for Dummies item within the Chest. She bought it.

Without warning, something buzzed into existence before her. It was a 3D image of a roulette, except Shouko knew that this was real. There was a slot to insert coins. Sure is a magic book if I'm not even sure what I'll get.

Shouko fed it coins. Before she could stop herself, seven coins had already disappeared down the chute.

"Oops. I hope the rest won't mind," she muttered. Soon after she stopped, the image of the roulette fizzled out, turning into a thick book that dropped into her hands. It was titled 'Earth Magic for Dummies', with the exact cover layout of the book series. Touching the book also prompted Shouko to learn Earth Magic.

As soon as she accepted it, the world around her suddenly changed, becoming a blue landscape. She was then assaulted by earth that crept up on her body, threatening to cover her face and suffocate her, before the illusion disappeared.

A window appears before Shouko, displaying the new Magic she had contracted with.

Stone Guard (Rank 10)
Spell DL (Novice): 65
Casting Time: 5 Seconds (1 Action)
Chant: Stone become my (shield or armor)! Stone Guard!
Duration: 10 + SR Seconds or until Dismissed
Cost: 50 MP
This Spell allows you to tap into the element of Stone and use it on a target Shield or Armor. When used on a target Shield, the Shield Defense of that Shield increases by 1 + 25% SR. When used on a suit of Armor, it gains a Mystic AR equal to 3 + 40% SR. Regardless of which you use it on though, this Spell will make the target item heavier like stone. It will gain an Armor Penalty = 5 - 10% SR.

"Stone Guard," Shouko read out loud. To anyone nearby who might be within earshot, she explained the effects of her new spell. "Looks like it would come in handy."

Shouko also purchased the book of Alchemy, and another bomb-making kit, which she proceeded to use to make more explosives. She was stockpiling an impressive arsenal of bombs now.

The camp's moment of peace was finally broken by the appearance of more players. Two people from Team Peacock. Both of them were very well dressed, unlike their group who mostly wore casual attire with mismatched equipment. Shouko wondered how they had the time to assemble such outfits. They proposed an alliance.

"You didn't answer the question," Shouko raised her voice to address Suzaku. "Can you die in this game? How did you even come to join it?"

An alliance was good, but they were asking for their help with eliminating the other teams. Everything would be so much simpler if they couldn't die from this.
As Shouko went to ask her question, no one seemed to react to it. In fact, while it is clear that she said something, none of them seemed to really notice it, as if her words fell on deaf ears. A window would appear in now in front of each of the New Gamers, but its appearance seemed to be like that of the roulette. Rather than a smooth, instant pinging of a window this one seems to glitch itself into existence, with the present of blue static and everything.

g12`@$ A neDw purOchNasT optASioK has apTpeaHred awerr2t the Purchase Chest....-1@!

Rather than all of the other windows... this one seemed corrupted. Its text was rather strange, as if this window was created by something other than Gaia or whatever system governed these Arcadia Games.

The window did say something about the purchase chest though at least. That part was legible at least, and not all glitched up with corrupted text.

Colt braced as the spear thrust struck him sending him back a few yards with his feet sliding against the ground before coming to a stop. The bloodied fiery fighter throws his arms out to his sides as he makes up the short distance once again while shouting at the two individuals with wide eyes filled with an intense expression. "Compared to the orc's blows that was nothing!" Putting himself within melee distance of the archer once again as he came to a split second decision. He knew Kamui has been hurt by that bow quite a bit and probably couldn't take another arrow. Funny being that arrows seem to be Kamui's bane of existence. But an archer is nothing without his or her bow. With that Colt let loose a regular swing of his blade towards not the archer himself but instead targeting his bow. At the very least he aimed to knock the ranged weapon from his grasp and away or with luck if Colt struck well enough his blade may disable the weapon in some fashion like cutting the string of the bow or damaging the wood itself.
Kamui gasped in pain as an arrow made it's home within him yet again. getting real tired of your shit bowmen, like seriously. He growls in frustration and points his rod at the bowman again and let's loose another mana missile. His thoughts drifting to his other spells...he had an idea but he'll only use it when the bowman has been taken care of. "Eat another mana missile buddy." Kamui was glad they weren't facing any magic players, then their small advantage would be null and void. Also cause most other mages were no doubt better than him at this point too. Archer's really need to learn to be as bad as their NPC counterparts and attack the nearest people first like seriously, granted these were actual players but damn do they seem too calm for this shit.
The first strike that Blade made was an attempt to attack the Archer's bow. Unfortunately the Archer was easily able to pull backwards to dodge the attack to his weapon. It was a wise move, just poorly executed. Fortunately utilizing the lightness of his sword and his own grace, Blade is able to quickly step forward and followup with a second, sudden strike. This second attack had a much easier time landing, and thus hit the man full on, creating yet another gash across his chest as he grits his teeth and flares his eyes in pain.

And the attacking did not let up there. The Dabbler, not being too far away from the pair, launched his Mana Missile towards the Archer. It didn't hit on fully, blasting him in the shoulder, but given the battering he has received so far and the fact that Archer's aren't too known for their Defense or Health, even if they properly advance in that direction, the blast makes him spin backwards as he falls to the ground with a thud as he cries out, falling unconscious for now, not dead yet since he didn't disappear.

The Spearman grits his teeth as he firmly clutches his spear, Arcaeus charging forward now with a "Dash!" towards the Dabbler. "Power Thrust!" His spear glows green for a moment before he thrusts it forward towards the Dabbler. The spear seems to barely miss the Dabbler enough to where Kamui can dodge away from the Fighter, but it is quite clear to see that this man is attempting to kill Kamui now.

Fortunately, because the Spearman stepped into the Domain, a blast comes from the Flag Pole, heading straight for the Spearman. The blast hits him dead on right in the chest after he thrusts, meaning he had no time to brace for the impact of the arcane arrow as it strikes his heart, his eyes widening as he lets out a loud cry of pain, a bit of blood coming from his mouth right after the immensely powerful strike.

Arcaeus is still standing though. Definitely still in this fight and aiming to finish this regardless of the outcome. Meaning this fight is not over yet, and if Kamui does indeed take one of those Spear thrusts it would be Game Over for him.​
After the archer was dealt with Colt could see and hear the spear user causing himself to spin around as the last conscious enemy had dashed past him and used a combination of the two skills that Colten has used the most. Witnessed what must have seemed like a really close call as from the looks of it that blow would have put Kamui out of commission; though he was of course still in danger. The wolf fighter instinctively shouts his own "Dash!!!" to quickly meet with the back of the last remaining opponent in this bout speaking out. "Don't turn your back away from an opponent!!! Fight me dammit!!!" As doing so is considered a pretty disrespectful move. Colt takes his swing at the fighter's back at the end of his dash though he wasn't agile enough to pull off a subsequent power strike as well.
Dash Attack
18 + 25 Distance Penalty - 10 Flanking - 10 Accuracy = 23

Arcaeus doesn't have any time to turn around at all, crying out loudly in pain as suddenly the sword slashes him right across the back, leaving a gash there. His armor is definitely also taking damage with every attack, which means that they were weakening him in more ways than one with every strike. Plus, after this guy is defeated, Colt could take his Armor to give him some actual proper armor since his own Armor was broken by all of the Grinding that they did.

Regardless Arcaeus seems like he's in bad shape, but judging by the expression on his face he seems like he is eager to keep going, battle lust in his eyes as he is breathing heavily, adrenaline pumping through him as he is willing to keep going.​
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