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Already ranted at the waifu :P
Was a very stressful work day, but I powered through it because I'm a champion.
Squee is the championnnnnn!!!!!!!!! *releases the cheerleaders and tons of screaming fans who hoist their champion into their shoulders and begin chanting his name* SQUEE! SQUEE! SQUEE! SQUEE!
Oh yeah... I had one of those yesterday, I literally sobbed for half an hour twice. Blegh.

Sorry for your troubles 3':
Heyo :) How's all?
I'm alright :D Gonna be going to sleep in an hour or so lol.
Hmm I actually moved overseas sooo it's 11:30 pm here XD
Oh! Ok! Timezones! PX Where exactly did you move to? If you don't mind my asking that is.
Timezones suck!! T.T I hardly get to chat with my friends sigh. I moved in the general South Asia location.
Timelines do indeed suck. ;-; And South Asia could be kind of cool I suppose. Depending on the South Asia area you're in. :P But hey, I hope you like the new place! And I hope the move went smoothly!
Lol it's alright... It's a third world country so stuff that I took for granted, like hot water, is not readily available o.o Even the actual tap water you can't drink lol. Gotta buy clean water to drink.

Hm... I suppose it's not too bad though.
Well that whole water thing sounds like it kinda sucks. At least you've still got Internet though! XP
It really sucks o.o Washing dishes is a pain in the hands o.o

Yeah thank goodness, or I'd go mad @.@
Well, no going mad for you! You might not have water, but you've got internet! XP Which doesn't really sound like a good thing when you put it like that....
Hahah XD I know right?
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