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Thou shalt not use my name in vain
Some things just cannot be helped!!!

I have to send these to my friend. Either she'll love them or she'll be scarred for life. Either way, a win win situation XD

Did you happen to catch the last episode btw? :3
Yeah, it was ok...Not one I cared too much for to be honest.
Really? I kinda liked it although I wish it was a longer episode, it seemed really fast to me o.o
It wasn't that it was bad, it was just unnecessary, it felt more like fan service than it did progression of a story, and we already had a fan service episode from episode 100...
I like the idea that they're branching out to the other BG characters and such. Although I get what you mean. I feel less emphasis is being put on the mane six this season. I'm actually missing Rarity and AppleJack.
Rainbow Dash for world leader.

@Greenie Lonn and Kela can find a safe place together, if they do it might lead to some interesting events when the wall gets breached. (Also sorry I haven't posted in our 1x1 in so long...I have some free time tomorrow!)

@girlabot Var is going to stick with Svana for now, as of now you're in charge of what direction the pair takes.

@Naberius Belyavor has invited Fenrasa to come with him, but whether or not you do is, of course, your choice, but if you choose not to it might get a bit boring.

@Cresion Breezes Remember, Belyavors maps are for the public to see, knowing this, Lensue could easily use this knowledge to guide herself and Ashfa to safety...Safe until the monsters get inside!

@Zarrock ... COJACK SMASH!
Alrighty, time to read! *salutes and head off to IC topic*
I been on a cruise for a few days now, I'll be getting home the day after tomorrow so I'll probably have a post sometimes around that.
So should everyone be headed toward the monsters for whatever reason, since we're going to be having a big fight party?
So should everyone be headed toward the monsters for whatever reason, since we're going to be having a big fight party?
Yes and no. As I mentioned a bit ago, the wall will be breached so those that don't go to the fight will have the fight brought to them.
It is o.o I was kind of waiting for anyone else to post first. I reckon I'll simply post with Kela today and take care of Ash later.
Sorry for the inactivity, everyone! I've hit an unexpected bout of business lately. But, I'll have Cojack up and smashing through walls either tonight or tomorrow!
Hey Zarrock! :D

I'll probably post tonight. Warning I'm going to be busy, moving on the twenty fifth to my parents for a month o.o and then onward again. God I hate moving.
Moving on the 31st, and I'm sort of waiting for others to post too...seems like that everyone was doing that.
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